JOY IN OUR WORK Joy is the word that reflects the state of our heart. Joy, on the other hand, is true contentment that comes from internal factor i.e. our faith in our Lord. True joy is everlasting and not dependent upon circumstances. We are discouraged and tempted many a times in our daily work. We cannot enjoy our work in such state. We tend to give up, but our Lord wants us to have a joyful heart in the midst of difficulties and in all such situations. The joy of Christians is not based on agreeable circumstances; instead it is based on the relationship to God. Christians will face trouble in this world, but they should rejoice in trials they face because God is using those situations to improve their character. When I was doing my microbiological research, I had to face many problems. I was so dishearten and could not enjoy my work then realized that through the midst of such unfavorable situation the Lord is teaching me to be patience. In the letter to the Philippians (4:13) we read, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Joy and happiness are often understood to be the same thing, but, in fact, they’re very different. Happiness is an emotion that is aroused in us when we buy a new car or get a promotion at work. It’s dependent on our circumstances occurring in accordance with our desires. Joy is an emotion that occurs within us when we develop an appreciation/thankfulness for the constants of life, such as nature, freedom, relationships with people, or through having faith in something larger than ourselves. Joy comes from our Lord which doesn’t change with our circumstances, but being happy is often temporary as we get discouraged soon when the things around us is not in our favor. There is a saying, “Cheerful and thankful heart is always blessed.” This phrase really encourages me. We may think our work is just a duty to accomplish. We, who are related to health sector, could face trial and temptation at our

Joy in our work

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We are so much focused on being happy than joyful. But happiness is fleeting and temporary.

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JOY IN OUR WORK Joy is the word that reflects the state of our heart. Joy, on the other hand, is true contentment that comes from internal factor i.e. our faith in our Lord. True joy is everlasting and not dependent upon circumstances. We are discouraged and tempted many a times in our daily work. We cannot enjoy our work in such state. We tend to give up, but our Lord wants us to have a joyful heart in the midst of difficulties and in all such situations. The joy of Christians is not based on agreeable circumstances; instead it is based on the relationship to God. Christians will face trouble in this world, but they should rejoice in trials they face because God is using those situations to improve their character. When I was doing my microbiological research, I had to face many problems. I was so dishearten and could not enjoy my work then realized that through the midst of such unfavorable situation the Lord is teaching me to be patience.  In the letter to the Philippians (4:13) we read, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Joy and happiness are often understood to be the same thing, but, in fact, they’re very different. Happiness is an emotion that is aroused in us when we buy a new car or get a promotion at work. It’s dependent on our circumstances occurring in accordance with our desires. Joy is an emotion that occurs within us when we develop an appreciation/thankfulness for the constants of life, such as nature, freedom, relationships with people, or through having faith in something larger than ourselves. Joy comes from our Lord which doesn’t change with our circumstances, but being happy is often temporary as we get discouraged soon when the things around us is not in our favor. There is a saying, “Cheerful and thankful heart is always blessed.”  This phrase really encourages me.  We may think our work is just a duty to accomplish. We, who are related to health sector, could face trial and temptation at our work. But if we learn to enjoy our work, we will overcome any obstacles in our way. The way of doing our work reflects our heart, and our heart is the mirror which shows that we are children of God. As we are created in the image of God, our work should reflect the God’s character.    We may face many trials and temptation during our work but the word of God says, According to the book of James 1:2-4 , trials are outward circumstances-conflicts, sufferings, and troubles-encountered by all believers. Trials are not pleasant and may be extremely grievous, but believers are to take them as opportunities that leads us joy and happiness.