JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER HIGH SCHOOL COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE | FREEDOM, CHOICE & RESPONSIBILITY | HOME OF THE CHIEFS! address |6620–4 th Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2K 1C2 phone| 403-274-2240 fax | 403-777-7669 email | [email protected] website | http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b860 Newsletter | Summer 2016 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome students and parents to another exciting school year at John G. Diefenbaker High School. It is a privilege to serve as your principal and to be part of a school that has a legacy of outstanding educational traditions and provides numerous learning opportunities for students. The staff here is exceptional and eager to serve both our new and returning students for the 2016-2017 school year. At the Home of the Chiefs, we encourage all of our students to create a positive school culture that supports excellence in academics, citizenship and the pursuit of personal goals. In order to accomplish this we invite the student body to get actively involved in all constructive aspects of school life. Students who actively participate in their academics, school activities, clubs, the arts and/or athletics throughout the year will gain a benefit from their high school experience that will help them throughout their life. Excellence in school begins with a commitment to attending all classes, being active participants in learning and developing effective study habits. It is important for you to understand how you learn and to develop an amazing work ethic in all you do at school. At the start of the school year, our staff will be providing various orientation experiences and school wide events to help build school community and support students transition into school life. A key contact for students will be your teacher advisor and guidance counsellor who work to advocate on your behalf and to support your program planning as part of the Circle of Success at Diefenbaker. We want you to get connected and be successful. In order to have a successful start to the school year, it is important that you set aside 1 to 2 hours a day for homework, study, review and/or planning. Teachers will be handing out and reviewing course outlines that contain curriculum topics, assessment procedures and academic expectations that will be important to review. Students please familiarize yourself with your course outcomes and feel free to communicate with teachers if you have questions. If you experience difficulty in a class, work closely with your teacher. A diligent attitude and hard work will dramatically improve your achievement. We invite parents and students to familiarize themselves with the JGD student handbook that is found on line at www.cbe.ab.ca/b860 which contains more general information, school expectations and resources available for students and parents. Student Programming High School years pass quickly and there is much to be accomplished in a short time. It has been our experience that successful students carry appropriate course loads each year and set smart goals. This helps make sure you: work toward long term goals and life-long learning; ensure that you are carrying enough credits (Gr 10 – 40 credits, Gr 11 – 39 credits, Gr 12 – 36 credits); and ensure that you are on track to complete the Alberta High School Diploma in six semesters. You will need 100+ credits of the right type courses. Timetable Information Enclosed is your 2016-2017 timetable. In more than 95% of cases students received their course requests. However, there are some situations in which two courses requested by a student were in conflict. This occurs primarily when the conflicting courses are only offered

JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER HIGH SCHOOL - CBEschools.cbe.ab.ca/b860/pdfs/newsletters/2016 Summer Newsletter.pdf · John G. Diefenbaker High School. It is a privilege to serve as your It is

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Page 1: JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER HIGH SCHOOL - CBEschools.cbe.ab.ca/b860/pdfs/newsletters/2016 Summer Newsletter.pdf · John G. Diefenbaker High School. It is a privilege to serve as your It is

JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER HIGH SCHOOL COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE | FREEDOM, CHOICE & RESPONSIBILITY | HOME OF THE CHIEFS! address |6620–4th Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2K 1C2 phone| 403-274-2240 fax | 403-777-7669 email | [email protected] website | http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b860

Newsletter | Summer 2016 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome students and parents to another exciting school year at John G. Diefenbaker High School. It is a privilege to serve as your principal and to be part of a school that has a legacy of outstanding educational traditions and provides numerous learning opportunities for students. The staff here is exceptional and eager to serve both our new and returning students for the 2016-2017 school year.

At the Home of the Chiefs, we encourage all of our students to create a positive school culture that supports excellence in academics, citizenship and the pursuit of personal goals. In order to accomplish this we invite the student body to get actively involved in all constructive aspects of school life. Students who actively participate in their academics, school activities, clubs, the arts and/or athletics throughout the year will gain a benefit from their high school experience that will help them throughout their life.

Excellence in school begins with a commitment to attending all classes, being active participants in learning and developing effective study habits. It is important for you to understand how you learn and to develop an amazing work ethic in all you do at school.

At the start of the school year, our staff will be providing various orientation experiences and school wide events to help build school community and support students transition into school life. A key contact for students will be your teacher advisor and guidance counsellor who work to advocate on your behalf and to support your program planning as part of the Circle of Success at Diefenbaker. We want you to get connected and be successful.

In order to have a successful start to the school year, it is important that you set aside 1 to 2 hours a day for homework, study, review and/or planning. Teachers will be handing out and reviewing course outlines that contain curriculum topics, assessment procedures and academic expectations that will be important to review. Students please familiarize yourself with your course outcomes and feel free to communicate with teachers if you have questions. If you experience difficulty in a class, work closely with your teacher. A diligent attitude and hard work will dramatically improve your achievement. We invite parents and students to familiarize themselves with the JGD student handbook that is found on line at www.cbe.ab.ca/b860 which contains more general information, school expectations and resources available for students and parents.

Student Programming High School years pass quickly and there is much to be accomplished in a short time. It has been our experience that successful students carry appropriate course loads each year and set smart goals. This helps make sure you:

• work toward long term goals and life-long learning; • ensure that you are carrying enough credits (Gr 10 – 40 credits, Gr 11 – 39 credits,

Gr 12 – 36 credits); and • ensure that you are on track to complete the Alberta High School Diploma in six

semesters. You will need 100+ credits of the right type courses. Timetable Information Enclosed is your 2016-2017 timetable. In more than 95% of cases students received their course requests. However, there are some situations in which two courses requested by a student were in conflict. This occurs primarily when the conflicting courses are only offered

Page 2: JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER HIGH SCHOOL - CBEschools.cbe.ab.ca/b860/pdfs/newsletters/2016 Summer Newsletter.pdf · John G. Diefenbaker High School. It is a privilege to serve as your It is

John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

once in a semester during the same time period, or if students are requesting courses from more than one grade level. As in the past, our school has made every attempt to enroll students in classes based on their requests. All members of the Diefenbaker community value the Program Planning process in early March. Student Identification Again this year all staff and students will be required to possess picture identification at all times, which will be supplied by the school. As our population increases our need for security and safety also increases. Students must be able to produce their identification when asked or they will be directed to the main office. If the photo identification is lost you will need to replace it at the main office for a cost of $5.00. This policy is for all students and staff and is consistent with many high schools in our system. STAFF NEWS Some familiar faces will be missing this fall and we want to thank them for their contributions to Diefenbaker. Mr. Jean Larouche (Assistant Principal) has accepted a promotion to work with Alberta Education in curriculum design. Ms. Jody Charney and Mrs. Chris Daniels will be retiring from the Calgary Board of Education after distinguished careers. Also Mr. Jason Swanton and Ms. Rebecca Stang will be moving to new opportunities. At this time we would like to welcome Mr. Joel Leavitt (Assistant Principal) and Susan Sowinski (Secretary/Office Assistant) to the Diefenbaker family.

On behalf of Assistant Principals Ms. Hannay, Ms. Adams, Mr. Leavitt and myself, thank you for choosing Diefenbaker for your educational experience. We are looking forward to another exceptional year with the students, parents and staff. Go Chiefs Go!

Michael J. Bester


Introduction of Joel Leavitt - (Assistant Principal) - Joel Leavitt has been serving as an Assistant Principal at Sir Wilfred Laurier School in the TLC program for the past two years. His passion for public education, commitment to continuous improvement and work ethic on behalf of students, staff and school community have been very visible throughout his career. Joel is a leader who believes in the importance of modelling and co-creating. His strong academic background, understanding of the processes for learning and ability to speak multiple languages fluently (Chinese) makes him a great fit for the Diefenbaker community of learners.

Mr. Leavitt started his teaching career working with elementary-aged children while living in China. He spent a few years living in Asia, studying the Chinese language while teaching English as a second language. In Calgary, Joel moved on to teaching adult education to newcomers to Canada. After a few years of teaching adult Education, Joel began working in schools such as Forest Lawn and James Fowler as a teaching assistant and later as a student teacher. Joel spent a number of years at Crescent Heights High School (CHHS) teaching Social Studies and Mandarin. Eventually, Joel took on the role of the TLC Learning Leader at CHHS.

Mr. Leavitt enjoys working with youth and currently volunteers as a scout leader for a local troop in Calgary. Joel loves studying languages and cultures, cheering on local sports teams, listening to classic rock and collecting WWII / Cold War era trinkets. Above all, Joel loves spending time with his wife and two children.

Welcome to the Home of the Chiefs Mr. Leavitt!

Mr. Leavitt on the left.

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

Welcome to John G. Diefenbaker

SCHOOL OPENING INFORMATION FOR AUGUST 2016 Considerable work has gone into the creation of the 2016-2017 timetables for all of our students. At this point in the process, the school’s priority is to ensure that students are registered in the correct courses and that sections are balanced in order to provide equal access to instruction. With the complex nature of the timetable and in striving to meet student request there is little room to make changes to timetables. There are exceptions that will need to be looked at based on a priority list. Students requesting a particular course in a specific semester will not be considered as a priority. Students with any of the following issues will be given first priority for timetable adjustments:

• no courses • courses missing • missing the prerequisite course to a scheduled course (i.e. did not complete

Social Studies 20 and is scheduled for Social Studies 30) • courses in wrong order, e.g. Science 30 1st semester, Science 20 2nd semester • students took and passed prerequisite course at Summer School • student has “See Counsellor” on timetable

Students who require a course change appointment may begin calling at 9:00 am on August 24th at 403-274-2240 extension 2407 to book an appointment with a counsellor. To book an appointment with the IB Coordinator (Mr. Sandblom) call 403-274-2240 extension 0.

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016


Wednesday, Aug. 24 Course Change by appointment 9:00 – 12:00

1:30 – 3:30 Thursday, Aug. 25 New Registrations by appointment 9:00 – 12:00

Course Changes by appointment 1:30 – 3:30 Friday, Aug. 26 New Registrations by appointment 9:00 – 12:00

Course Changes by appointment 1:30 – 3:00 Monday, Aug. 29 New Registrations by appointment 9:00 – 12:00

Course Changes by appointment 1:30 – 3:30 International Student Orientation 9:00 – 2:00 Tuesday, Aug. 30 New Registrations by appointment 9:00 – 12:00 Wednesday, Aug. 31 New Registrations by appointment 9:00 – 12:00 1:30 – 3:30 Thursday, Sept. 1 New Registrations by appointment 9:00 – 12:00 Course Changes by appointment 1:30 – 3:30 Friday, Sept. 2 New Registrations by appointment 9:00 – 12:00 Course Changes by appointment 1:00 – 2:00 Monday, Sept. 5 Labour Day School Closed Tuesday, Sept. 6 Grade Ten Welcome and Orientation Day Grade Ten Assembly (Gym) 9:00 – 9:40 TA 9:45 – 10:15 Period 1 10:20 – 11:05 Period 2 11:10 – 11:55 BBQ 12:00 – 12:50 Period 3 12:55 – 1:40 Period 4 1:45 – 2:30 Wednesday, Sept. 7 Classes for all grades TA 9:00 – 9:20 Period 2 9:20 – 10:50 Period 1 10:55 – 12:15 Lunch 12:15 – 12:54 Period 4 12:55 – 2:15 Period 3 2:20 – 3:40

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

Circle of Success As a school staff and community at John G. Diefenbaker it is our goal to accomplish the mission of the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) for each of our students. The mission states that:

Each student, in keeping with his or her individual abilities and gifts, will complete high school with a foundation of learning necessary to thrive in life, work and continued learning.

The Circle of Success is a series of visible and available interventions at JGD that are intended to proactively support the CBE mission, foster student achievement and enhance academic success. The Circle of Success endeavors to build responsible citizens, grow a student’s individual gifts, talents and interested and cultivates strong moral character.

Teacher Advisor Program

Required Course Loads

Extensive Extracurricular


Career Planning Home Logic

Attendance Policy

No Zero Policy

Literacy Support Tutorials

Student Learning Centre

Friday School

Report Card Follow–up

Diploma Review

Program Planning

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016


It is our philosophy at John G. Diefenbaker High School that all students are responsible for the completion of all assignments and all assessments. We believe that failure is not an option and will intervene to ensure that student learning is not compromised.

Procedures Students who do not complete their work on schedule will be referred to tutorial, Flex or Friday School. Assignments will be completed during this time. Missed tests, assignments or class work, due to absences, will also be made up with one or more of the interventions in the Circle of Success. Once a student is referred to an intervention, their attendance is mandatory.

1. Teacher – Student – Parent or guardian | A first missed assignment will be made up in tutorial supervised by the teacher. The teacher will call the parent or guardian to inform them that an assignment has been missed and that the tutorial will serve as a makeup “demand” class. Students who skip the “demand” class will be referred to administration.

2. Teacher – Student – Assistant Principal – Parent or Guardian | The teacher will refer a student to the appropriate administrator on the 3rd assignment missed, or earlier if a student is non–compliant. A student will be assigned to Friday School until assignments are completed. The Assistant Principal will contact parent or guardians to inform them that this is now a behaviour issue as well as a work issue.

ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance is, according to the Alberta School Act and CBE regulations, the responsibility of both parents and students. Under the School Act, there are very few acceptable reasons for students to be absent from school. The Act states that “a student is excused from attending school on a day on which the school is open if:

(a) the student is unable to attend by reason of sickness or other unavoidable cause; (b) the day is recognized as a religious holiday by the religious denomination to which the

student belongs; (c) the principal of the school has suspended the student from school and the suspension

is still in effect; or (d) the student has been expelled from school and has not been given permission to enrol

in another school.” Full year school calendars are posted a year in advance on the Calgary Board of Education website: http://www.cbe.ab.ca/calendars/default.asp It is difficult, if not impossible, for students who are absent for extended periods of time to be successful. When students are continually absent, for whatever reason and are unable to regularly attend, the school may refer them to an alternative program such as CBe-learn, Alberta Distance Learning, or Discovering Choices. These programs provide viable and attractive alternatives for students for whom regular attendance is a challenge. In cases of prolonged absence from school due to medical or emergent situations, parents/guardians are requested to inform the school at their earliest convenience. Teachers will be notified through the office and, if possible, efforts will be made to assist students in keeping up with their work.

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

Attendance Requirements To maintain registration at JGD, daily, punctual attendance is required. The school reports student absences to parents/guardians with a daily automated call-out system. The attendance policy at JGD is designed to identify students who develop a pattern of non- attendance and/or tardiness with a series of timely and effective interventions. Attendance correlates directly to achievement. Students who attend graduate! Attendance Interventions Stage 1: At 4 absences in any class, including TA, teachers make contact with parents/guardians by sending an email or phoning home and recording the contact in the Student Information and Records System (SIRS) - Activity Tracker. Stage 2: At 8 absences, a referral shall be sent to the appropriate Assistant Principal. Teachers include any pertinent information on student achievement, behaviour, etc. At this point, a number of administrative initiatives will be explored with families to get the student’s attendance back on track. Conferences with parents or guardians, attendance contracts, course withdrawal, and/or referral to an alternative program are all possible options. In cases where students have a continued pattern of truancy they will be placed on probation. Depending on the circumstances, students who continue to be absent while may be:

• required to provide a doctor’s note for missed assessments; • recommended to withdraw from the course and develop a credit recovery plan; • referred to CBe-learn, an on-line learning program; • referred to Discovering Choices, an outreach program; or • referred to Alberta Distance Learning.

In extreme circumstances, students may be withdrawn from JGD for the remainder of the semester and invited back for the next instructional session. Lateness Students should be in class when the class change music stops. Students arriving late to class lose valuable learning time and interfere with the learning of others. We wish to promote optimal learning and teaching conditions and to foster habits that well prepare students for the world of work. Thus, we expect that all students will be in class and prepared to work at the beginning of the class. Legitimate exceptions will occur only rarely for any student. Students who are habitually late for class are held accountable in a variety of ways, including: the student accounting to the subject teacher; the subject teacher contacting parents; the student being referred to administration. Extended Absences High School course content is extensive, rigorous and fast paced. Vacations during the school year are strongly discouraged; however, should parents/guardians wish to remove students from class for vacation, students are required to complete an Extended Absence Form (available in the main office). A minimum of 3 weeks’ notice in advance of the absence is required and such absences are “unexcused”. Extended leaves of absence should not be planned during the final examination period.

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

SCHEDULED EVALUATIONS If a student is absent excused on the date of an examination, assessment or assignment it is their responsibility to meet with the teacher and schedule a time to complete the assessment (normally in the Test Centre). Students who do not take the opportunity to do so will end up with an incomplete on the assessment until such time as the work has been completed and submitted. When possible, students must contact the teacher PRIOR to the exam, quiz etc. being written. An absence is excused by the parent or guardian by calling the Attendance Line (403-274-2240, ext 1). Deferred Exam Policy

Final Examinations are scheduled at the end of each semester in January and June. These diploma and non-diploma exams comprise an essential component of the assessment for all academic courses at Diefenbaker. Diploma Exams: Alberta Education stipulates that in order for a student to receive a final course mark, they must write the diploma exam. Under exceptional circumstances the exam may be waived for medical and emergency reasons and only when the school and families provide the required documentation to Alberta Education for review. Non-diploma Examinations include Grade 10 and 11 academic courses with a scheduled final exam. If your student will be missing a scheduled final exam(s) for non-emergency reasons (for example, a family holiday) it is necessary for you to inform the school in advance by completing the Extended Absence Form. In the case of non-diploma exams, school administration works with students and teachers to find a solution and the student’s mark remains incomplete until such time as the exam has been completed—in some cases, students may be required to write their exam in August. Please note:

1. When an exam is deferred to a later date, the final course credits are withheld until such time as the final exam is written and a combined school mark and final exam mark result in a passing final mark for the course.

2. If a student defers a 20-level examination in January, for example, and is registered in a 30-level course in the second semester, the student will not be able to take the 30-level course, as the pre-requisite 20-level will not have been completed.

In cases of prolonged absences from school due to medical problems or emergent situations, parent or guardians are requested to phone the school. Teachers will be notified through the office and efforts will be made to assist students in keeping up with their work wherever possible. Marks Reporting

JGD distributes one paper copy report card per semester. Marks can be checked regularly through HomeLogic. (see next page for information on HomeLogic)

The dates are as follows:

Semester 1 | January 31 – end of first semester report card Semester 2 | June 29 - end of second semester report card

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

HOMELOGIC To ensure parents are informed and have the opportunity to consistently check progress, John G. Diefenbaker High School has introduced a parent portal called HomeLogic. This online environment allows parents/guardians to check their child’s progress throughout the school year. The following information can be viewed about your child:

1. Attendance – This information will be available for each school day. You will be able to access the class, date, and reason for the absence. Attendance information can also be printed from your home.

2. Schedule – This feature allows you to see your child’s class schedule on any given day for the semester/school year. The display also includes class times and the teacher’s name.

3. Transcript and Report Cards – Parents and students will be able to review his/her past class’s final marks. The midterm report card will be available via Homelogic. You will be able to view your child’s mark-to-date and teacher comments. Both the transcript and report card can be printed from home, and you can contact the school for a printed copy.

4. Demographics – Although the information cannot be edited in HomeLogic, you will be able to see the current information we have about your child/ren at the school.

5. Grades – Parents can check tasks and grades regularly to support their students at home in studying and completing homework.

The link for HomeLogic, in addition to “Frequently Asked Questions” and “Walkthrough of Self-Registration” may be accessed via our school website. Parents experiencing difficulty with registration can contact the main office at JGD.

IRIS Iris is a software platform designed by CBE teachers to support the personalization of learning. Iris provides a space for students to reflect upon and share who they are as learners, for teachers to gather and document insights into each learner, and for professional collaboration. The information documented in Iris can inform instructional decisions and foster communication about individual students and their learning within and between contexts.

JGD staff will be implementing different components of Iris over the next two years and more information will be available in coming months and communicated to parents/guardians through our school newsletter and parent letters.

DRESS CODE At JGD, students are free to dress and present themselves in a manner that reflects their gender identity, gender expression, personal taste and comfort. Students are expected to adhere to reasonable standards in dress and grooming which reflect the school's purpose as a place of learning and a place of work. The following guidelines should help students in their selection of appropriate dress for school:

• Respectful Attire Appropriate for a Place of Learning and Work - Clothing must not display inappropriate or offensive language, slogans or messages including gang or drug related connotations. Indiscreet, extreme or threatening attire will not be tolerated. The Calgary Board of Education has stated that the school has the authority to require any student with unsuitable attire to return home to change before being admitted to class.

• Safety and Health - Footwear must be worn at all times; outdoor clothing should not be worn in class; special dress (coveralls, goggles, aprons, gym strip) must be worn as required in shop, laboratory or physical education programs.

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

STUCO/STUDENT LEADERSHIP STUCO is John G. Diefenbaker High School’s version of student leadership. Students are given many wonderful opportunities to participate in and self-initiate ventures that make a difference within our school and community. The degree to which students take the opportunity to develop their skills and the skills of others in the class will determine what they gain from the program and their success within it. STUCO leaders represent themselves, the school, and the CBE within and outside of the school community. The class is made up of grade 10, 11 and 12 students and is configured in such a way that the students in senior grades can mentor new students. The students are each other’s resources in brainstorming, planning, and implementing their ideas and inspirations. This is an approach, to be a risk taker and to make this school and our community even greater. These leadership opportunities require a unique classroom setting. Here, students work on a variety of committees including: Charities, Advertising and Promotion, Hosting and Appreciation, Leagues and Tournaments and Special Events. Students are responsible for organizing and communicating events through committee meetings and meetings with the STUCO teacher-liaison and administration. All students are required to attend class Monday mornings at 7:45 am. Also, they must attend the additional committee meetings and work sessions during the week—each committee, with member input, determines these meeting. For many students, STUCO is one of the highlights of their high school experience. The role they play within our school and community fosters and nurtures their individuality and personal growth while making lifelong connections with friends, committee members and other groups that they work with. ATHLETICS - FALL Athletics is an important part of the JGD school culture for athletes and fans. We encourage all of our students to be involved in healthy activities both in and outside of school. Success in school increases the more students are involved in school clubs or athletics. There are opportunities for students to participate as minor officials, tournament / game event organizers, trainers or Jr. coaches for teams. Diefenbaker Chiefs…Come on out and Participate!

The start of our fall athletic season begins on Wednesday, August 31st. Try-out dates are as follows:

Football Senior team: Wednesday, August 31st Junior team: Tuesday, September 6th Volleyball Senior team: Tuesday, September 6th Junior team: Wednesday, September 7th Cross Country Information Meeting – Wednesday, September 7th First Practice – Thursday, September 8th Girls’ Soccer Wednesday, September 7th

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

SCHOOL COUNCIL All parents/guardians are members of the School Council and are invited to attend our monthly meetings, which are held the first Tuesday of each month (except September, January and June) at 6:30 PM in the school library. Food is provided.

School Council Executive:

Chair: Laurette Langereis Vice-Chair Anita Gee Secretary & Casino Chair: Amanda Trudel Treasurer: Michael Sandercock Key Communicator: Nancy Barkley


On the fee sheet attached to the back of this newsletter is a place to donate $20.00 to the Parent Association (PAC). This money allows us to support activities that Casino funds cannot cover like juices for bbqs, term awards, Christmas food hampers, etc. MUSIC PROGRAM / MUSIC PARENTS ASSOCIATION Important for all parents of music (band/choir) students:

John G. Diefenbaker Music Parents Association AGM (annual general meeting) will be held immediately following Meet the Teacher (8:15pm) on Wednesday, September 16th in the main gym. This is a mandatory meeting for parent/guardian(s) of music students as required by CBE for the off-site music camps. We have consolidated these meetings so parents can avoid having to come in again at another time - parent attendance signatures will be required. We appreciate your time.

On September 9th, Wednesday 6:30pm in the music room, we will also be holding an organizational meeting. New and returning music parents are welcome to join us. This is a good time to find out more about how you can participate and information about Diefenbaker's Music Parents' Association.

Bottle Drive: Get Rid of your Summer Empties AND Help the JGD Music Students! John G. Diefenbaker Music Parent’s Association is holding a fundraising bottle drive on September 21 during the Meet the Teacher event. Monies raised will go toward:

• student Choir and Band camp bursaries (to help cover the cost of band/choir camps for those with financial need)

• new Choir and Band uniforms • new Band instruments • Music Student Scholarships for summer music programs

For your convenience, a bottle truck will be parked outside the front doors during the Meet the Teacher event on September 21, and will be accepting all refundable bottles, milk jugs and beverage cans.

Thank-you in advance for your support!

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

DIPLOMA EXAMINATIONS SCHEDULE – JANUARY 2017 Mon, January 16 9:00 – 12:00 PM English Language Arts 30-1 - Part A English Language Arts 30-2 - Part A Tues, January 17 9:00 – 12:00 PM Social Studies 30-1 - Part A 9:00 – 11:30 AM Social Studies 30-2 - Part A Mon, January 23 9:00 – 12:00 PM English Language Arts 30-1 – Part B English Language Arts 30-2 – Part B Tues, January 24 9:00 – 11:30 AM Social Studies 30-1 – Part B Social Studies 30-2 – Part B Wed, January 25 9:00 – 12:00 PM Mathematics 30-1 / Mathematics 30-2 Thurs, January 26 9:00 – 12:00 PM Biology 30 Fri, January 27 9:00 – 12:00 PM Chemistry 30 Mon, January 30 9:00 – 12:00 PM Physics 30 Mon, January 30 1:00 – 4:00 PM Science 30

DIPLOMA EXAMINATIONS SCHEDULE – JUNE 2017 Thurs, June 15 9:00 – 12:00 PM English Language Arts 30-1 - Part A English Language Arts 30-2 - Part A Fri, June 16 9:00 – 12:00 PM Social Studies 30-1 - Part A 9:00 – 11:30 AM Social Studies 30-2 - Part A Thurs, June 22 9:00 – 12:00 PM English Language Arts 30-1 – Part B English Language Arts 30-2 – Part B Fri, June 23 9:00 – 11:30 AM Social Studies 30-1 – Part B Social Studies 30-2 – Part B Mon, June 26 9:00 – 12:00 PM Mathematics 30-1/Mathematics 30-2 Tues, June 27 9:00 – 12:00 PM Chemistry 30 Wed, June 28 9:00 – 12:00 PM Biology 30 Thurs, June 29 9:00 – 12:00 PM Physics 30 Thurs, June 29 1:00 – 4:00 PM Science 30

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016

2016 2017 School Year John G. Diefenbaker High School

6620 - 4 Street N.W., Calgary AB T2K 1C2 t | 403-274-2240 e | [email protected]

Grades 10-12

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Time Friday

7:15 8:17 AM

class block

AM class block

AM class block

AM class block

8:00 8:55

Staff PLC Time

8:20 8:55 Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial

9:00 10:22 1 1 2 2


9:55 1

10:23 10:37 TA TA TA TA 10:00



10:42 12:04 2 2 1 1 11:00

11:10 TA

11:15 12:10 Flex Lunch

12:05 – 12:50

12:51 2:13 3 3 4 4


1:10 3

2:18 3:40 4 4 3 3


2:10 4

2:15 3:30

PM class block

3:45 5:30 PM class block PM class block PM class block PM class block

Flex Friday | Throughout the year there will be a scheduled flex block on Fridays.

A Flex block is a portion of time that gives students choice and accountability for how they use their learning time. It extends learning opportunities and creates more choice and flexibility to complete a learning task. A flex block provides students with opportunities to direct their own learning in different ways. The teacher advisor will work closely with students as they plan how to use and be accountable for this learning time.

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John G. Diefenbaker High School Summer 2016


2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR

Sept 5 Labor Day – School Closed Sept 6-9 Photos Sept 6 Grade Ten Welcome and Orientation Day Modified Schedule (TA/1/2/BBQ/3/4) Early Dismissal Sept 7 Classes for all grades TA/2/1/Lunch/4/3 Sept 9 Honors Orientation – East Gym Sept 21 ESL Night – 6:00 PM Parent Night – 7:00 PM Scholarship Presentation – 7:00 PM Sept 22 BBQ & Sidewalk Art Sept 23 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS Sept 26 Post-Secondary Fair ELAA – 9:00 – 11:00 AM Sept 30 Terry Fox Run Oct 4 School Council – 6:30 PM Oct 6 Apply Alberta Presentation (Lunch – Library) Oct 7 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS Oct 10 Thanksgiving Day – SCHOOL CLOSED Oct 12 Scholarship Meeting (Library – Lunch) Oct 14 Dief Speech Tournament Oct 21 Photo Retakes – Lifetouch Oct 27 Early Dismissal Parent Teacher Interviews – 4:30 – 8:30 Nov 1 Term 1 Ends School Council – 6:30 PM Nov 2 Term 2 Begins Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremonies Nov 11 Remembrance Day – SCHOOL CLOSED Nov 16 “Voices” Cultural Literature Fair Nov 17 Awards Assemblies (Gr 10/11) Nov 23 Canadian Senior Math Contest Nov 25 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS Nov 29 Swim Team (City Championships)

Winter Music Concert @ Centre Street Church – 7:00 PM Dec 2 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS Dec 6 Drama Production School Council – 6:30 PM Dec 7 Drama Production Dec 9 Winter Formal (6:30 – 9:30 PM) Dec 13 Gr 12 Honor Roll Presentation (4:30 – 6:00 PM) Dec 16 Last Day of Classes Dec 17- Jan 2 Winter Break Jan 3 Classes Resume Jan 16-30 Final Exams Jan 19 End of Regular Classes (First Semester) Jan 31 Second Semester classes begin

Feb 3 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS Feb 7 School Council– 6:30 PM Feb 16-17 Teachers Convention – SCHOOL CLOSED Feb 20 Family Day – SCHOOL CLOSED Feb 22 Pink Shirt Day Feb 27 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS Feb 28 Cayley & Fermat Math Contest Mar 2 Program Planning – Gr 10/11 (By appt) (4:30 – 8:30 PM) Mar 3 Program Planning – Gr 10/11 (By appt) Gr. 10-12 Job Fair / Post-Secondary Mar 7 School Council – 6:30 PM Mar 15 CBE Awards Meeting – Lunch Mar 21 Jazz Night Mar 22 Last Day of Classes Parent Teacher Interviews – 4:30 – 8:30 PM Mar 23 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS Mar 24 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS Mar 25- Apr 2 Spring Break Apr 3 Classes Resume Apr 4 School Council – 6:30 PM Apr 6 Euclid Math Contest Grad Parent Evening Apr 10 Term 3 Ends Apr 11 Term 4 Begins Apr 14 Good Friday – SCHOOL CLOSED Apr 17 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS Apr 19 “Windows” Poetry Fair Apr 21 Bike-A-Thon Spring Dance Apr 25 Spring Concert – Centre Street Church – 7:00 PM May 1–19 IB Exams May 2 School Council – 6:30 PM May 9- 11 Provincial Skills Competition May 18 Red Division Track Meet May 19 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS May 22 Victoria Day – SCHOOL CLOSED May 24 Music Awards - 7:00 PM May 25 Pancake Breakfast Grad Rehearsal May 26 Flex (AM) Grad Ceremony (PM) Grad Banquet (Evening) June 1 Spring Awards Art, Fashion, CTS Show June 6 Bike to School Day June 7 Night of the Chiefs – 6:30 PM June 15–29 Final Exams June 19 End of Regular Classes (Second Semester) June 29 Appeals / Report Cards June 30 Non-Instructional Day – NO STUDENTS

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Due to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), you need to subscribe online if you want to continue receiving email or text messages on “commercial” school topics such as picture days, student fees, field trip costs, yearbooks, fun lunches and more. Starting Oct. 1, 2016, if you have not subscribed, you will no longer receive these messages. You will continue to receive messages on non-commercial school topics such as absence and emergency notifications. In addition, if you want to be able to receive any text messages from your school or the Calgary Board of Education, you need to opt-in for texts. To ensure you can receive messages from the Calgary Board of Education

and our schools, please do the following:

1 | To subscribe to receive commercial messages, go to www.cbe.ab.ca/subscribe to enter your email address and click Subscribe. Use the primary email address on file at the school.

2 | To opt-in to receive text messages, text the word YES to the six-digit number 724665.

If your contact information changes, please: Tell the school Subscribe online again, if your email address changes Opt-in for text messages again, if your cell number changes

Please note:

Your subscription and opt-in will apply to any Calgary Board of Education

school that your children attend; however, if you provided different contact information to different schools, you will need to subscribe and opt-in for every email address and cell number.

Your subscription and opt-in will continue indefinitely unless you withdraw your consent.

You can withdraw your consent at any time. To unsubscribe for commercial email and text messages go to www.cbe.ab.ca/unsubscribe. To opt-out of receiving any text messages, text STOP to 724665. Thank you.

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Calgary Board of Education 1221-8 St S.W. Calgary T2R 0L4t | 403-817-4000

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Changes in Fee Collection Procedure at John Diefenbaker High School We are eliminating the Early Bird Fee Payment option at our school this August. Students are encouraged to pay their school fees online starting July 15, 2016. If making payments online is not a convenient option for you, fees can be paid at the school in September. choice | CBE offers flexible fee payment options Pay Online You will be able to pay most school fees online at the CBE Fees website with VISA, MasterCard or Debit card if you bank with Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia, Royal Bank of Canada or TD Canada Trust. To access CBE Fees Central, you will need to use the same email address that the school has on file for you. When you log on, you will be able to see the fees payable for your child(ren). Pay at Your School If you prefer, you can also pay fees at your child’s school by cash, cheques or by using your VISA, MasterCard, or any debit card with the Interac symbol. Information on Fees, Payment Methods & Fee Waivers can be found on: http://cbe.ab.ca/Parents/fees.asp

Page 17: JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER HIGH SCHOOL - CBEschools.cbe.ab.ca/b860/pdfs/newsletters/2016 Summer Newsletter.pdf · John G. Diefenbaker High School. It is a privilege to serve as your It is

What if I can’t afford to pay school fees?

What if I can’t afford to pay school fees? 2016-17

No child is ever denied access to an education in the Calgary Board of Education due to their family’s inability to pay. School fees are due beginning in September and we know for some families, this can cause a financial hardship. We have a number of different options to pay fees. Pay your School Fees by Instalments Parents/Guardians can choose to pay central fees in instalments using My CBE Account. Apply For a Fee Waiver Based on Income Level If you qualify, you may apply for a CBE fee waiver for any or all of the following central fees:

Instructional Supplies and Materials (ISM) Transportation (except for conditional riders)

Noon Supervision Calgary Transit (for qualifying students) Musical Instrument Rental

The CBE will waive fees for parents/guardians if they meet certain income guidelines. Income levels are supported by specific documents. If any of the following situations applies to your family you may apply for a CBE fee waiver:

You receive assistance from Provincial Social Services You receive the Alberta Child Health Benefit You are a Government Sponsored Convention Refugee You do not have the above documents but have a low income and Treaty Status

You will be required to produce photocopies of documents to prove your eligibility for a fee waiver. Income Guidelines The Calgary Board of Education uses the income levels determined by the Provincial Government to qualify families for a fee waiver. The Alberta Child Health Benefit (ACHB) plan is for families with limited incomes. The benefit pays for health services, prescription drugs and dental care for children up to age 18, and up to age 20 if they live at home, and are attending high school up to Grade 12.

ACHB income guidelines

Family Type Maximum Qualifying Income (effective July 1, 2015)

Single parent with 1 child $26,023

Single parent with 2 children $31,010

Single parent with 3 children $36,325

Single parent with 4 children $41,957

Couple with 1 child $31,237

Couple with 2 children $36,634

Couple with 3 children $41,594

Couple with 4 children* $46,932

*For each additional child, add $4,973

For information regarding the Alberta Child Health Benefit, please call 1-877-469-5437 (toll free) or visit their website at http://humanservices.alberta.ca/financial-support/2076.html. Please note it can take several weeks to receive coverage. Principal-Approved Waiver If you do not meet the criteria described for a fee waiver, you may declare a financial hardship to your school principal. Your principal will work with you to either come up with a manageable payment schedule, or decide to waive part or all of your fees. We encourage parents to speak to your principal regarding unpaid fees so we can work together to find solutions. Contact

Student Fees Helpline at [email protected] or 403-817-7888

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Student Name: ____________________________________ Grade: __________ ID #: _________________


Instructional Supplies and Materials Fee (ISM) 152.00$ $ __________Security Deposit (Refundable in June 2017) 50.00$ $ __________


Physical Education 20 135.00$ $ __________Physical Education 30 135.00$ $ __________Sports Medicine 15 80.00$ $ __________Sports Medicine 25 120.00$ $ __________Sports medicine 35 110.00$ $ __________Sports Performance 15 50.00$ $ __________Sports Performance 25 50.00$ $ __________Sports Performance 35 50.00$ $ __________Musical Instrument Rental Registration 100.00$ $ __________Music Program Fee (Band/Choir) 95.00$ $ __________Graduation (Grade 12 Only) 50.00$ $ __________Yearbook (Optional Purchase) 35.00$ $ __________


JGD CHIEF PARENTS ASSOCIATIONThe JGD Chiefs Parent Association supports Parent-directed initiatives in the School. Funds raised are used for Studentof the Term Awards, Christmas Hampers, Grad Supports, etc..

Parent Association Fee (Optional) 20.00$ $ __________(You may include this with the total above or as a separate cheque to JGD Chiefs Parents Association.)


I agree to pay the total 2016/2017 fees calculated above to John Diefenbaker High School by ___ cash,____cheque, ____post-dated cheque(s), or ____credit / debit card.

Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print): __________________________________Tel #: ____________________

Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Cheque # Date Amount Balance


For Office Use Only



School Fee Agreement 2016/2017(Please Return this Sheet only if Payment is made in person at the School )

Page 19: JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER HIGH SCHOOL - CBEschools.cbe.ab.ca/b860/pdfs/newsletters/2016 Summer Newsletter.pdf · John G. Diefenbaker High School. It is a privilege to serve as your It is

PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS The school will accept payment by cheque(s), cash, Visa, MasterCard, or any debit card with the Interac symbol. Post-dated cheques should be dated no later than January 31, 2017. For special financial situations, this deadline could be extended to April 30, 2017. A charge of 10.00 will be made for any cheques rendered non-cashable. For Online Payment, please see page on “choice/CBE offers flexible fee payment options” in this summer letter. Also visit link http://www.cbe.ab.ca/parents/fees.asp for more school fee details. EXPLANATION OF FEES Instructional Supplies and Materials Fee The Instructional Supplies and Materials Fee covers the basic cost of instructional supplies and materials for all courses. Security Deposit The Security Deposit guarantees the cost of lost or damaged instructional supplies and materials. If books and other instructional resources loaned to students for use in the school year are returned in satisfactory condition, the Deposit will be refunded in June. Please include this fee in with all other fees; a separate cheque is not required. Activity / Program Fees These user fees are charged to students to cover the cost of off-campus activities or external program components. The fee for Sports Medicine 15, 25 and 35 are used towards workbooks and general medical supplies. These fees also include certifications in CPR-C in SM15, Standard First Aid in SM25 and Health Care Provider & CPR in SM35. The Musical Instrument Registration is a fee charged for band instrument rental. The Music Program fee is used for hiring Clinicians, Music Camp Registration and Concert Hall Rental. Graduation This fee is applicable to all Grade 12 students who are graduating. It covers graduation ceremony hall and gown rental, printing of certificates, invitations and programs. Items Not Covered by School Fees Effective September 2006, schools in Alberta are not allowed to charge a General School Fee. Our school will provide a simplified version of a student handbook, a student ID card and locker rental at no extra cost. Replacements of any of these items will be $5.00 each. Only CBE locks are allowed to be used on school lockers. Any other locks will be cut off. School supplies such as pencils, pens, papers and calculators are responsibilities of the students.