Tafc*y* of IWo lPft- ; ' S^ttfst Wi»8 Latfgfj Audiemte * ~ K On W*daa«isj »¦ ; ¦ » >*%f th Mr i* the M. fi etesaVaarlo raj aaupasdsMM^ saamfeas, a* aj* <W ¦ SuelesBy. - ' - ana 4 * BOBB * aad; cQsfkws CJak gav* B sketch eatitled ^lsSZ iPuaalUla ' a atoSBSj, Puai *' j^T*mar»asi ^wato.aBS' aatoBBSBaff a rsawBBaa *^ias| •aaato wa ^ l rt ia l aa.i , . iaa B r) i s f|BSrsTf»*M UaB.Beraenl ^aia*. SaaasjjK iMK Cora Wott), «2k m « mWsm- *pW&tiereB^Miar *fps*i ; 5^^ alaBi'a*B»'S -lsaal , <BS *(V ISSB RIB* IB I fla»af*^ aaT ^atearn ' RflamBsfBI Hsa fctyi .tMTB, aTRswasa ' Sm ^^^mm ^O ^kf ^ ^ki m ^Sm ^ Om^mtmmVti 1 i lsl 'USB M S W^ BB WB*| S ^ rJftaab ^sJh^'JM^^ am^k^ jffa' tau BBBBBBBSBB aBBasBBBBraK] j jJ^WsSRw jaj^sKiS iSQSs*«^ffi^O*|^M M9^sswe^sMmwon*> im u njgA WM&i£zri$* fly^wgjjj fS^LS WW^y J •-W? ' ^j-^-W rs Wjff al^^r ^^ ^B ^ ^y ffWa jfts r " 1 P~J ^^ r^ ^ C^^Sn^SBT^^BBj^iBBBai. SBRBMsrSBW-f^t^B^BBBB^ SBMmSJfB ( w* *Vfc'aiar^*. -* 'fB sUBaT- : aaispeyi( bew^ Us bead to toe **ep*7e* thaw BBaasatf Jee tbaa aaassm tnal ^^^m?la*aa*BaBas ^to^ iW, p»^^arPF W'~<rf B W^S S URI ISIS *n*n iSPa^ wi^ f^to* 0 ^"^^ ^ inaada a salaBdM vfctm ,,Iesig * *** * died espacrs aa a*xo|Aonaa>*evaa to * topper boiler,- a* avtr«BJB»a* aad ' am py^sd' fnaasls aaasM taa Uumpeto, Th**a4~ eaeeSBstoad its effjrevaf k g . flajr fces rjfr TyI SB e s watch wait.gjv*B eask.s*jiiB»ai\.; R waa aa> a Bw aiagcf^etsvef tarn " smeVaaf AM Society waMa B>;fa%- Rchr tana* th* Bern* asat C^twaa <a * t * ^jLgy * ** >**f* H***" 1 *' ¦ . v-BTaBTiwaaaBeata BBS * taos SBBriejfl Bewatotke diaiaa ^rasBi ByBeDa*' ^ s ds t aa of, a**V W»*»"al** eeaern ^^^rjs^ tT« - .rJ ^>- . - J! , a.TZa£«la. - ' * T. 4B ** S-- -- -SaBaBaBaBB -ra -aBBBB^^ aim w^p* . jji M. IL CHURCH ¦ _v J V s " A'r*-f^''«'rTfreaBBawaawaaBste»aB»i'- —j -, «- -r " ^BrSsBBBBBBaBBBT- wFaBBBBBBlgaBBBa " ¦ XaVVpsB^^BsrVa ^sBBBBBl * - ?-* ,J *^ t ft 1 ,— WWr * ' fA-isrtll of epeciai Rem* e# " i*>i Z ti H %3 £Z J >* *t the mis rsag ef F . . . piMs^Sdei ws B ^ hsid-e^aaa; fWJJjrawiiiliig, March SO. OBzmi ^Ijaalar snUmai with PraaV * ^B&RS7. Levy in the chair , Mass* „_ mmmmh.wn» aaeMved asf«-jg-ff ' '5uanr mlfi < dam«tBa^*BB^tBma* gf Beach. Aecf^£«feiwi«{ nrtlejm , whica waaVsiSBBWd^aB^a wassj r a ay liiifi nj ^jsaai s aj^ of ' ' 'SBV-ef OaawaBrck hBB "* Ble*«13re ^ <* aeaaefivewtH^ci vsc tasBsaw*sMsii *Hs*Rti amBBawam ^ maS^Vak iBBBBBB^ wasa^a^ w^assasss^ssswa asstsBy asa y asw^ " ^^ ife ^*"""** ^ / ' QW* I IW >, 1 I *^*I - ajaaar^siBr IJikV eaRSBBMBa>toaBpr*y BBBB^aSBsaBBB^aTto .BBBBfaBBsVJSBBM ^Essss^SSM ^ BSBB BBBBBTB I^ BB UBBB S 1 BBBBBB TL ~ VsBBBBB^^BsRalBBBBBsY ' SBB-t ttoii^-A "3» ; ys5Sgaa^rg B * BS »QB * BI aaaVa* jarraiir to Ma . raassamsBMsAiSBBr to, aa* Saffelk k CsB>miaBaBB *f Saa*rris«ra " '4tBBt' I ftem fs mrtshJto*Bs>iwi»^ I boa4 iasae mx>i>oaed^ at , *otato? r u ?j Sntsm ^f r ^at , ed^toi " tato aasetto«T «s»^ liati Bw namilMi ' ia * nsmaaiiB <e * sb* MorJeba* a^f^-sBvIeaWto bC eJtoaB at tls) ffi 4 j * lia - U ffi - ^J~ Sagj^ 8?f t ftBry ¦ gM*y »"WW *>SB* Mnmsa^ajaasm saasBsjsjwea>*a*' ^ boarjef dimeter*) liBBaWiaB a*> kef ia Mai aaed' .*t a?' dli a a Viu a l eaaw ha. SaaTesaT(^aaty aa^- ttat Center l | nrieb jsa , te wa<a ir aa*Mea ffe . laqstoa aw a*y iBsii JB^ajrett ^ Oeaaty Jar taa Istatfia a* aa» aV k v>io**i ^ c«Ve. The niisir ef Z& . Cs *^BVfcaWB# CI JsM)Qals*#.BBaaBO •^ W gg ^of t he dmirmaa of & & \^ J BrafcoV < etpaSiea4et , a**r*t*nr of Westhe mat ua Amocj- Btionw Mr. Biahep esslained ae«T < tides worl»daa4told l>ow *h*^ ShrsN BBceek Cenal tocks bad" failed 1 to a* of asaeh as* natil about four SEa^X^^n*^ let we* an act of God AlarighRr aatwaaaaftKitrMB srWn^B f Sal Ifca inlet- lava.» namt iawat ; r Sak JSwee* Fire Island aad I fientassmptim , tolm aarintan*eit*TBd £ sl«c**be mana«« -by some intellU f .s^s* BsS*i. MK Bisbep called i msWaVrgf . la^piBrions.or ganiiat tton* c* Satord*>evaning at Westo ¦ aaasfton , for the purpose of agi- tatias; a%sV vSnawB*B of atoeina- BB*rQra or ' blinkers in ^bay. 1 -t- sa^BsttMo^cnea ^ vah^ srflaBseastio * <*&*«&* U S BB ISIBSB I th* inlat. ^uaUek S aWjVBr. rf i^ Marlekesi iT^-aaauABmion favoring sam* ^aaS^rbetter fawang which TwilFwrJB* 0& Lto^orhssfii who la naming e. sightseeing f erra •croaa tba b*y daily. *aid there ia i" I SB W enane* ef toe imet *t*y- ins aow «lMaaiiyJiaw. -mt f AS lfST ' tgrnt mn -1 -L. ^-^-r -i—.—.. I ' ' State SIrbw» Ultie tailed ; esjM: : iJ. 9. Dit»daJiii« AeJSBBBB " ** }^ I .0 , ' ' «L T J—=*rtr -7 , t, ' ; OtijsoalMea to- sa^ .aad < gravel dredglnr pro - sets m Xong Jsjaad ; weaBoTflaar th* sherer Haa ef Na*- I aa«v .a**7tlasTaB; . Counties . waa ! aneaasHmsl-r voiced by the Nerto iSKor* CiSalllil of the Long, to> t i aad. CttoBBBW ef . Cesaaaeree at- j a Jer^or^C^rJ^toe ' ¦ TewTia' art niaj MI, . i Pr e»a *av aii j ' assaM^igcsB«p^tor Bay ware; a* astonsBa Bajea awjsssJumoaaly ss> 1 aa»Jrt' tast'easB t '*»Sea, i ^ ' Jjy i -' -fist es*BBBBBB»,rfeajwa*ta 'lamjS f H. PouaeaV*rtois*at of rhnlig l^rSto-err^raminlld ^ft I ar*dg*a?*r*rs^ l^a&s ^slr *^ ^ Tcflunfito aad mtoer egectiye »j *|***^' : ^^rags||^g i ¦ iaffs >sHms Umsief> tfalWifeaaeia ' c ^ f ^ J^ J ^**ff l ^•^ I aa*^aBB^^^j S' r ^l '* i '¥iM I B B BBT :MBW^aaf ' %***$} ^Sm jm ¦ 5*mma^mWmm-Wmm&-9 **&ksm 1 fS3B. <^ES* * f M t - 1 g* t *r*g*aa r "liajii ja i. isf- i ¦ -• " "t ; S jwJ#s** eftlto War De- [ Gj^s^aaja ^ BaB^ ^ I 'f etryay - .Tf ^ Bw* •tfea sai ,jM gs r <BBaraB*r*BaaaBB, sMs**Oat5B a*BT BBBaaB*aW /" sjsBasraT ¦ \sJa~ *T tfaai in fe»ls -a»^aaattor»'- eagato wfssre H aa5aBn» - l sw* raw ysd wife S Bt» l B B^M Fa*»bn| raa* gat iSaflas9s^^^VsjiBar ^*^ sV^^'^''^a waV^HBf " a * */ niaaplip^fi aasarnMis ir sja^-ias- ^srJ ^S .«% ;M*ad*w aad •j r adji i g 5 River. 'B**lssvcs**>taad e ataB dln g uader -3fe te flt> l, v , - | v *T a dsstonee ^ TtfSe-tW wea ned by I sa^yasa "j^^saJW t Potter, ' ^ s^*aBBBi S^BBB l -*As*jB aB*B ~~ BW( ( r(a^BTaBTrV aaBTSa "" la* ~** BBia**a< lama " Beard WBK V tontrolS laad L "aadar wator- la Long bland Saaad |to 4sjs^ Csaa *s >i s Bt^ iss»d.toaisa m sBaaaftaalBB- L iaaT BBBBBSV BaBBaTaraBBBaTr, ^ *>T* g* > T!*^**y * 1 *^J* ' * t '*'** f ¦ » * awWy w B?w * a "ei *Ar *r w i. .OBBCBBSS praa aut atthe ,aMaa1aa; : were: r - *a»rvlaer Dennis BoaasBt Bv«a ^ kUirvto *r Chartos T. B^^ , jBas*wte'8i»erviaor Rich' sr*r.w%.BB|Ms«.sf eBrtinsjtonj te- i l ei i fsB's f * ¦ aarMaatn *** OowiUng, Drator Ray. sumlniii of the eom- aa)s ^ g iiia«r-W*re; beds H. fsBBdrWraaaTsirri: T Tr F. P. dea SswasaaW^ vra^aiaa Park; Hewitt r«iJu, Pwav JaaT«*atm: - Charles P^^^^fel^ S^^SSK SSBi eiatf^ 'i^L "Sf aawav CrBr ^' nsti; J.'J. Beawan. Mt, •SSj^orer f^M-fyster B*#} SB ViWchardssav Serthport; Louis £f <3eisder^ ferb Ralenga, aai •^^ j fia^rsa* ;^ Iter* *? Leng Jssaad; one beia* p<hedg«r^era<tori. drr*etod « sa*scK>n]iiMSdMi , thesTayjel>aBJs* if the headlaaeV tcgether with th* uader-wator draagfeaj ia the hayaj covee-and ialeter J** aseoad b*mg toe prtpaiee * dredging ef lacsf «v :fe J W*tor ' - hv '£aar > Istoad avaaaV ON feet eaTshere . by seagohig, sM-ec^BBoaed dredging ships. Taa ls»*sr samblem waa givea considers ¦ tieB dasto taa smjalfcatien by sad U WUKJD. iSmito , ef Chicago , fo« sasmasblOOB* sBnlotrsaere, wet ween 'Se*&"i , &lSlt'Snd OrienVPcint; now L |^Ba^.awrew ; ^ aa»br RngirP W|f-$ V B T^ WsaW Ds^PBaTiaBBMaw * f "' f J l^ftoaka ^B*at* ' ! * ! ¦ * I I' - " lllC Pl ffl ffal rlaTB ' , JotWHal Callii ft Meet , _Ie«fje«taa» . E- t -ev U f jo[ Stske. " _ " . " , Deiiiand by rural distefctsjhta- oa» the Stotofor betltoriUelk aie- toetipn aad faciaties, to ap^sasto New Tort, as jsrovMeA , ia *N Wicka-Huichinson bUl wrar befera the Legislator* , is rafawtos ia aa < ^rl ^^JZtt blR aad potato ewt thai rto'^ro-f . vision* can be jgrr led oat wttjoa* It wWbrtal^e^ couitoeastriS the lamlth adwintages of the d**4 - TliaTthetdeereasiug awmbsjrAS cotmtoy payakiaae is bringfaat home to country people ewry yaar^ aartiealarly io the , wintor -thsev the wbeohrto necessity for awrtor haattC protection and sarviea ,.aad that organised coueJto health untta auek aa th* W iciw ^Hutobinsoe> bill prbiames/wltt go * loat way to- ward foraiahing this pretortion, ia stressed by the editorial. * _ M Tbe-e**ise*etory eperatieB of ssih depaitstoate In. four erratic* , wMeh have already estabbahed zxf &sxas ^ ih* edltoiaake* *«-<*dic*t»«ar of fl» aisaiUts aa Hli ^f 4lai.pra*Basd o r^r^t ^ a *S^^ ef »alnplBBaaiea> and eserrbappaagi wWd, will be prevented if the *e- gsswr chengto are om^ied krto t^kM-S^*^^*^ HEALTH Lffli WINS BACKING r « ».. t 0 i" - - is * * " »i .esamdjaatSB t. ef j ktoi^da*B * *iarj wetogBBaaa- ' JsaspWiieAjto -VweetH CtedonmU , *m of Mr . aad Mrs. An* toea^adMsskfe of tte«taold. N6, Sa haa aa^FaWretf. saW^Bawilng , BBBBTr*BlaaBr- -T -*-> * 5 -* J t-Jiif^ - f T? - :fi ? ^smmm*ma»B-^ ? -j^- ; ; ¦ ¦ >- W f ^wsBBeVi r 1 lliaTi i ¦ ¦ * ¦ ¦ ' » <, * _ Z, I BIWAOBBlENT AifCK6«NCMlT J Bei**» « l a*e AK L»rfo»« a L ^ T SwrnT T * ft ¦ . * T - S - T r. ~ , % j.. - aBamava BBS. M useSBBr WSwa 1 ' " ar^ firryTarS^rrlT ^' ¦ * - Miaj fa aa i j * * asV.aW<jV4'| i i^ aapPa^BaSlMiJ oto rfw BtoB&Tsar^g & i[aGaBQB(Q» H IJB. ' raTa ^Pfe'aa^R* amaaa asaaBBi <HP ¦ JfH.l w ^ffi*asl*^"^3a *S*B***L rg %J*g^lg , gB^B!-l lg SsSSa SsSSsiBE' S^at^SS aB^^i SRSi^SlSjd^E^IW*. JIL ~~ Jt ~ L ~~~~~ i ~ l£! j^g«y ij« ^ ISBBK' aBB* MBBBBBBBBWBBV ST^^Br*ff55y ^BBrr TiT jr5^^^Tm iit mSIr B afafeazjilg, ? x *sBagBmmBjgsaBS<SBBBK VmMn^i^kmisMmm^gv •SP>«ffl»k'^^W ¦ B*BalB«7ta -r**** er^a^^ farasslalMtrrTra arttaa, Ito BBBBB M ^asawaaa5?BP .^^ssalaaaw l^ g*w-** B t**^2g 1 jjg* v m£sWuimM fu !* \^ oWStiMtTmnnV&lmW&ism^ J rottB ^ Raaa^J^T assaeBB^egtBRa are real ,. BrtssBa * !**^. ' , i . ;».»•{ r<> iS^ *lt ry r * <l ^? t ; < xC 8 ^ ' *<?. ..^ ! ** "^fF| i " FJ{ " _ "^s5?r "?~5" g " a: i ^ si » j ns^-feSsy* JSSS& 1 S J^LT " " «.* "» ^^ B R^M^ ^LT]IZS~faaB * mwaBisi ^ msMBaBk^saB7Ba^*a ijJg*^ SK% 9^^S3Sg ^jW^H^-ffffiH ^^S r^aal ' oeal^P trWal ^t^S^ss^ ' etraae^BBMeaaaaaest^^ g3^p»^i^ig JBBBBF^BBBntoeWJalBBBaB^BBalBBaaa Sal*a«» ^a*»^a»BB ^a« e T^tb^^^i ^ BBia aisaB?la a*»^ taa^ortfi ef ftie s^serieaB Legion ftBBknarJnaBT Jmasz . \ * . ^^ ¦ "Z l T^t-'F-Tl -jfr ' -t— » » ' , ¦ JffMftstigCfB Hage^to' '* JaaagFag rsaattag that Jto s**Ja*V~A*r •/ A«r fasT. . , ' *'r ' . -* •! ' ¦ * ¦ *• ' - <-At Oat , fa* Jaa sl s V-wkta* ealg ' *** BW jfaiew e/ *m*r really ciaaaS ¦ > to jatt Rssal R*N|sa>» -. ..u y " ~ i ~ * ' ..« " ?' " " ' *" " ," ' B i ^T 1 "* - '^ - . . .. - . »^ ' - .. ¦ sansAwaaa ¦ 7aBv aeaaaaBKaBmssa> l^ul tU^rfH ^to ^^ ^^-^BSKaAiAM* m*a taB^a atreas BBTiar ajB^ ara fUBBa ^*^ "sB**jaBa Maor* Bm>a*y^ Ba sTflraraji ' ¦ ^S nttStSSSBBaaBsSSMr IBSISSKBBfciBiaSMkAeB samfayr ^iBte aal ^ -yen eanaW' L a*sfss>' lss» »aasra ^ ^•££%& ^^tt dtei%rfi BaH «t-?:SO. Cctoeen. yon gay*; wad 4" «»Bafe« *r - * > '/ * - .,. • -• , - * . " •„ e. , \> - l . - afa -Hr.-ti.— arifaWi iia r ^Mf.«M r Mf«, s amamsra>-*Msewj¥ieB/ AtsgamaBw * ^s t^^S^ di 5r*«to*BMa*^*< t *Va*ek'sasa erawar ^lB^sa^ 5ea*MaaJa*a JPeat a> ektoraatoajt* «<-j £^m* ee ' eae a|jffl *W a W- **^ ^^ ¦ y^yjWWsy^^v HBjfc*- sWyfJar *' /arf!^JgPaj|sy ^ai»*e5B^ Br L fyty^i n*^-^^ asSfr* ^ SS HJ . ' ' fer' 3!. - « tofto*. Oaf to teach wft* Camraii Rwdy ^isstt, eiRsVerAeeKi SO*. - - . ¦ - f e " Riverhead Peat was gtod to «a> Haa, th* mercbanto' DoRar . Bay esssBatttoe-«y farniabiag th* ser- vJasaef itok>*»G«art«t>*HriBg ovek to *5Sra*mJ *22etoS ' aaway*. sjaaa ataamh fihajiTs ' daj aetlvaitoraortom ef «awe**rprssa eft.tha r - «afe aaaV tor iMgllwIfis war* glad oTah* eapaataa ^to . sabjT-je tr *jspm toUo a ^ ay ascia- , aPSPSaBBraSBaaBBT B IB B * Ja*B)aBB 4 OQBH*Be**fBmB* m ¦ *! •.- '•! ¦ ¦ " ' ' ¦ ,Om* mnniei i $tot% aeear ike &«X1^sviv , W a ~ aferr*t asea a ss a/ tec* */ space . •met " a later date. We*U *w§Um >U ,-Hmgk , *o «atek /or « , f A * v * (- ^ Cormttento and wi r Uft a tta s* to sks* eotornn* a* well a* . **BBaWis«- BtWasiw^A Boa WlrWwjitwaf, L. k - BB*sajaii ^gsaa]|a^ II- "-I ^- ..r- ' r. W ' 5 ; ., JRurAi " r QalekataraUA BWtw pswer and bettor etooiing are ifeatures ef aw iBU>rOT*d ' Ferdaott' tractor , which , promise to aaik*. it saar* _ *tiSar «haua vrmr Sm SS SSTlcrSrersJ S"** saaa^Baat esSrdiag toH. B. Censoell , local FornlpsB^fcjalsrrt , '"fta engsne iwwarkay sca n iff e*»»**e ItW P-*Jfr^f^'22 ! CampbeU yestorday. - "Thia haa , ¦ ^ ^"^semSw eeaA aal ^ ^S* -S to SO' araka horsepower at 1*0° S^BOB * to «*f * *»y^P b I a aewry developed earwa r etor. A l^«^Si ' SfebBsans ; '^rrEe ' cooIing eystom has been im- " nroved ky taf initollation of a cen- te^ugal juinp. B ia located inside &e connM between the cylinder head and the top of the radiator and operates on the same shaft with the fan. . ^ "The ignition system has been impmed b^lacing the flywheel Xeneto with a high tension mag- Seto ^ipped wR* an impulse fcr wupMng. Tafa taam aaw. 1 Sao make" |t unnecessary to spin r slVenglne for storting( asaolfcient / aaart: w obtoined by aimply turh- Sg over the engine slowly, even in ' the coldest weather. , Th« air cleaner ha* been en- jtotid to give more.aatisfactory , oneration. The water capacity 2£?£Ln ir.«es«ed from aeven to W aSrU, which maltos^efflltog l ^feaB raBm^ ' ^ f " u ^ Ai<^ 1 WKcroM > '^B^BBBBBBll sBBBBBBBBBrT^^BBBBBB^^ ' «9 BBBBB HB *I BBB M JvvvaiBBBBB^^ wX^BraaBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBB *"' ^SaBBBBBVsnnaj *flMfl gP^'f*lB*|^s^^^^^^^ B^^^^^^^^ K | | , ^^SmKnBr [ ^S^ Wm8t^MR^mm3Sm\m\m\m\m\m\ ^ ^TJ fff J ^^^^Bk\\\\\ ^k\\\\\\\\\\\\ y/M ^ Xk vSBwl ^^kak ^k^k^k^k^k^k^k^k^k^k^k^a9k^a\ / if f rf VtVta^ ^^BBBBSsla^BSBBBBBBM ftW// ' VaSftMt. S^B^BtkmPwS^^k^^k^k^k^k^kr '/ f r/rr 1 ! ' Mw"f" tV ^- ¦ ws aaBaBs rTUrAsBBBBBaaBaBaBWn. f f f f tf m j - r \sf TffBBBBBBBBBBaPff iami ' l II II * f^>- -»<- . _L 7. T^1 f 1 lTtaBBBBBa^Sr^BJBaMBBBBB-!l l_ " . vcf " >i if fiaml \i t7^$W^^^^ mmWeu\^i mulk ' * Jl^^tl^m^m^Ss%^^^^^^ ^^ j imBtmWSm! ^^S^i' ' al^' ' rdBBBBBBBBBBk Tw*^BBBB> jB^ 4r*^BBBJBBBRj .V^^I^BBBBBBBBBBB J^aBr^^BK ^^^ ^^^.^^Sfs ^K mw '^S ^ ^S^Be^BEL r 1 ? ^^--5^ TsaBBBBBBBBaWr" ~ -^^BBBBBB BaS p ' 1 , «1 ^ y>! /<* BBBBr BBVSB Y ' *w ' af ^' a^^ak. "^Bh«sisktssa\ " On April 4th if r0** •• c <fW*?* ^*f O *- "' ' ' " HOME BAKED BREAD Whi^ Bye, Whole WBeat and Oatmeal ^ ' ¦ -:¦ _ i '-' 1 -t TsiJ-'- -ifiao ^ * ¦ - . ' - PIES - CAKES - BOLLS . MUFFINS - BISCUITS and COFFEE CAKES / This It a Branch of the Women ' s Exchange at Greenport . I. I. ; * •*" To be located at _ 149 QUITTING AYE., Gcafi Bl«lfc, RIVEBBEAD , --Q **. CM. UAUU U L>H M. JCZ. J. ¦ ¦ i jK aTJ. £\ ^=jj ^j a | mjeBBBtoBBBmw *BBH I ' » \ - 'WA l^TEti * k i I -, v * ¦ * ' - > ' \ Auorney desjiwas of eStal^faiaf < a / **^ Mi^ .a lT«B>tia^^ ^ SB B W sf fb krs awvaa - eatBf 10 ooW- l lBB«BieW!' vlaa*. ^ US. SratkialltUl f*> tBanerans} fsawinea* assurad to U»e f^ht man. ¦ ' * » .. "" :> ' ; ^ " i - ¦ / , - >i :* - VElttTAS rmANCE GGilPOilAtlON ^ *. ,375 News York A*eV t Huntington , L. L, N. Y. I - ' ¦ '/- .-^• , - - ' ' . - . i . - -- , . R^ihBtRMUWfiy^i^^ MaaBBEBBBBaaJaBBBBBBBlBlsa^ Mk ^k M M a^' aSBfsSBBf Sf f' sll slf' ^' - " " - 1j,JMmk\ek\ ^ II /jataBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB ^ ^ !' " Isafl. BC &DT BBBVBBB D , ~ . . " f M^BBBBBBBBKA / / flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVaBBBBBBflf : SBB . ^ IJ nW sCailB^iyei R*^'^**^ ' #ii(|a,,,,K // B M B H - ; V/^J - ^aflflLaalaaBL 1 M .. MB H J S~^i W i W...L1- r _ MS^km\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m\\\\\\\\ ^WS * BBBBBBBB B BBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^ ; -H. ^ ../ X. ^aaaaBBBBBBB^ &-Mm^ i . ear «r V. 3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^ BBBBBBBBBBBB kwa k^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^O^^^eM *M I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^ BBBBBBB B | S_f J^ ( '* # " : *^^BBBBBBB«BBBBBBBBBBWaBBBB ^SW j .tit ~^lMT , SsBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw I B T BBBBBBBBBBBBBB^M B BBBBBBBBBBBBB -J P ^/a^BBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^^ ,# - #^- - '--W^/. •A^ SBB^BBBBBBBS ^BBBBBW •V - w -1 . r _ - P # '/^BBBnBBBHP^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBw */ ^ JaBBBBBBBBBBBSafa-</£^lBBBBBBBWBBBBBBBBBB naBBBBBBBHsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRBS >/ ' ' . - - '^SBBBBBBBBBBBBBkl ^-aflsw V ' ' ^SBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ¦ aBBBBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRiBB ^ dW* ^^^* rS*^^^(^r : ~ :- ' vr : ^^^£^^^^ai^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB a / ' JBBBB B BBIBB B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^^ Jc j kf ' ^^S^^m\\\mL\\\\\\\ ^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB / SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr ^BBBBBw III / BBB I B S BBBBBB I^ BBBBBBBBBBBB ^ aBBBr*BBkBBBBBHulBBBBB> I . I ^Smf m\\\\\\\\\\\\^E^sWmm B > J BBBBFBBBBBBBBBBPBBBa ^BBBBTBBBBB -^> JSV^ ~'^l[7B-\Bj ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ aW ^^ F - '\ \ mbWm\\\\\\\W *Bs * r { ffaBSMLaBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBw ^**V ^ . ^^ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw )\t B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB rw ' ' > BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBNBBBBB >. IV ' 'BBBBBBB^A^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBNA - ^VSBBBBKBBBBBBBBB ^ MTSBBBBBBBBBBBBB M : WU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' m^aaaaa ^BBBnBBBBaBBBnBB ^ ¦ S^ | | JP** ^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB laif l ¦ H ¦ W MaT ^^^^^^ ¦ ¦ B^ II ^^ H I^^^^ BPIP 9 ^ , w^ 11 ri ¦ ri asai ^S BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^ t Ii rA- ' ' ¦ ¦ ' m im ^^^^ 0^*i^ ¦ ' -' , ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ^rt^^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' ' ¦ ... .JJ^-i*- <Vj^-V- : .. .I'^l^iT^ . ' . - . " .' SJ ^S ^t f JatWm ^mm S ^^i- ^S ^y i -j^^BJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB j^^ f' .i .fi^SaBBBBBBBBBBKl^V- ' ' - ' SBBBBBBSBK raz aBBBBBBBBwaBBBBBBBBV^'^mBBBBBBB*^ ^ -^||ggguMpjjpjuHbutf||uj|_«gj||^ ^^^H[|^^^^^HP^^^^K ^ J I^^BL L ^LWmJ§^Lm ^L^tKm^LW^ : ' ¦ , ^^^^^^^^^^P ' SBBBBBBBBBsHsaa ^^aBBBBBBBBBBw BBBBBBBBBBBBf einii&t. -~ -BBBBBB B -aBBBBBBBBr^r^^ BBBBBBBBR. : BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF""''' waBBBBBBBBBBBF : :- .S^BBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB a av: ' - ; ^^^^ B^^^; ' aBBBBBBBy ' ^BBBBBB V SBBBBBBB B P^ ^^ BBBBBBBBB T ' " ^BBBBBB Br BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB : ^^BBBBBBBBBBBBBB T ' - " m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^k^k^k^k^k^ ^ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^i BBBBBBBBkl BBBBBBBBK BBBBBBBBBT ^' SBBBBBBS Bl? B BBBBBB T BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB* ^BBBBBBBBBBBBr SBBB^BBawBBBBBaBB- aBBBBBBBjgj. ¦ .- ,. . . :^ia|aaaaaaaW ^H: V' ;i , '' aallB *|H*^^^ *MBBBBa%^BBBBBBsl > s ^ BBBBBBB T ' ^^k \W tJ ^^^^ m ^m ^m ^^m ^KjS ^^ LW ^K ^^^^ejmju^^^^^Kbi ^^^^^ M ^LWg^LW^LWg^L^LWM SBBBBBB BB V' "^ sBBBBBBBBBBBBBsrl^ ' ^-^-^-^ m ^m ^Br "~ ^^m \ ^ : ' '' ^^BBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^^^^BBBBBBBBBBBBB ^ BBBBBBBV : '^ BBBBBBBBW SBBBBBB BB- ' ' ^j^^^^^^^^^^^ Bkl^v ' i '" ' . Dp i ll.t ,!, Jg^^L3! ^ ;. Vt^Nit/- ' ' . ^ aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt L' ' " ¦ ^B aV^^^^^Saf gm»»»»»»»»»»»: ' ^HlJV ,^ . BBBrffi!^^Baf " "T" I ** B B P?^^BB B ! <#1hrftfJV ¦ ' .- ' -. : 1'^^r . 5- -^ , « aBBBBBBBBBBB» - . «SCQHy .; BS r*|i1f SQC0r*y C^ ia*B*iaaf^« ? «' ^^»^ ^ GASOLINES : >f^ MOTOR OIL: 1] '^SS. v . ^ .l J^ ^^R;-. - ij%^ - < «» . ¦ ¦ '«- -,! t^, . ^ » r " - r » ¦ $&%$£' » ¦ -¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ :K : - ^^^^ m\^nmf ¦ ' tSANI^R . mott popular in thenon- >tCOMPLETELY dewaxed tOOJaJ CJOCOrTV dealers, garages and Ser- J^^MiaaaBaBaBaBaBBBaf X5 premiunr ' .fije -d: Sbcoa^ $p%i4l /i.jwkffine base difthat ffowafrtcty M **» Station s are supplied with. a . ^^BN Mf^^^^V' ^°15* yl #Sf i«S±^-^£ , staff»l-J«a^ tl**kB^ l ft nlS~rS rlfa^elma£ k^S ^sWs ^S ^S ^uW premium ^ffkkf. *Spetfat w ' gjyea^ tmMt ^ lfmf t ,rmm *>^,^JT*, ' f '^L1Ml, ^' provide superior engine and chassis c *'^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' r quickest itartinfi; ' saves nkg»irig:bn teinperatures. KedUccr wear in your luhrfcation. When you next stop in ' ^^ B* a^^^^^p*w > ^ self-starrer, wdw«g w cBbke , gaaoHne " «i^e. <»iive*perfectpis ^ for '^kcai je aeivice . ask to b^tyour .. ^ ' ,;, ^ ^^^mW^WWT^. , : / . ¦ . ia crankcase , eliminates , knocking;. mum power , miliiaium gasolirte affd oil cra^kcaser lntshed with Socony Fhish- . YOU SAVE MONEY. , consumption. YOU SAVE MONEY. ing Oih YOU SAVE MONEY. - V \i STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK ,. - ( '" ¦ " C. " " '; - \ . - ' ^rr , ^ ~ ' ~ . ^¦ >v:- ~ ~ b\* i \\i- ' - -$U- ' ''\V- ' h. - 'xr " jf, ' ^ - y ^-y ¦ ¦ ' SAVE WITH SOCONY THIS SPRING ^y^H^ 1 gig* -q fe^y, y -airiQ ^yJ^3saaTgsJLga*^aA*Bl^ -aa BQI^^^^^^^^^^I^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^Bl HR * M HHH H deJii *es8i;oii-proof , investment —Is there one? The current -teeord of our Guaranteed Firtt Mortt^ge Certifi- j cates pzuves beyo^ai a "donbt that there I -»! liey are depreasioo-proof. /They I are Voiry-proof. , CONSULT YOTJft LOCAL BANKER ;./. .. NW YCWK . . fmH ANM IrlQRTGAGE C OMPANY ' 1 "V * .: - I ¦ * itHiTfi? W(, MAWH/tfTkN COMPANY n' l t t l ¦ ¦ - ' 161-19 Jamaica Ave., Jamaica Mincola »; ' /f' ' , Riterhead : Main Office- . 135 Broadway, Mew York City \ Mf ai +to^^^^ii kA | |a*aSu»aai iasa^ia*n BBsW " BBaBsaaTssaaa - sR ^ v ' ' " _..l .!!" . . . "I!t ^

jji M.IL CHURCH J AK P ', L ^T SwrnT T* ft -1-L. P^^^^fel ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1931-03-26/ed-1/seq-7.pdf ·

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Page 1: jji M.IL CHURCH J AK P ', L ^T SwrnT T* ft -1-L. P^^^^fel ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1931-03-26/ed-1/seq-7.pdf ·

Tafc*y* of IWo lPft-; ' S ttfst W i » 8 Latfgfj

Audiemte * ~K

On W*daa«isj »¦¦;¦» >*%f thMr i* the M. fi etesaVaarlorajaaupasdsMM saamfeas, a* aj* <W¦SuelesBy.-'- ana 4 *BOBB* aad; cQsfkwsCJakgav* B sketch eatitled lsSZiPuaalUla'a atoSBSj,Puai*'j T*mar»asiwato.aBS'aatoBBSBaff arsawBBaa* ias|

•aaato wa^


laa.i, .iaaBr)is

f|BSrsTf»*MUaB.Beraenl^aia*. SaaasjjKiMK Cora Wott), «2k m«mWsm-*pW&tiereB^Miar *fps*i;5^ alaBi'a*B»'S-lsaal, <<«BS*(VISSBRIB* IB I fla»af*aaTatearn'RflamBsfBI Hsafctyi.tMTB, aTRswasa

'Sm ^^^mm ^O^kf^kimSm Om mtmmVti 1 ilsl


rJftaabsJh 'JM^am k jffa'tau BBBBBBBSBB aBBasBBBBraK]

jjJ^WsSRwjaj sKiSiSQSs*« ffi O*| MM9 ^sswe ^sMmwon *> im unjgA

WM&i£zri$*fly wgjjjfS LSWW y

J •-W?

'j- -WrsWjff al^ r^ B

^ yffWa jftsr " 1P~J ^ r^

C^ Sn SBT^ BBj iBBBai. SBRBMsrSBW-f t^B^BBBB^ SBMmSJfB(w**Vfc'aiar^*.-*'fB sUBaT-:aaispeyi(bew Us bead to toe **ep*7e*thaw BBaasatf Jee tbaa aaassm tnal^^^m?la*aa*BaBas to^iW, p»^ arPFW'~<rf BW^SSURI



iSPa wi^f to*

0"^ ^inaada a salaBdM vfctm,,Iesig *****died espacrs aa a*xo|Aonaa>*evaa

to * topper boiler,- a* avtr«BJB»a*aad'ampy sd' fnaasls aaasM taaUumpeto, Th**a4~eaeeSBstoad itseffjrevaf kg. flajr fcesrjfrTa»yISBeswatch wait.gjv*B eask.s*jiiB»ai\.; Rwaa aa> aBwaiagcf etsvef tarn"smeVaaf AM Society waMa B>;fa%-Rchr tana* th* Bern* asat C twaa<a™ *t* jLgy***>**f* H***"1*' •¦.v-BTaBTiwaaaBeata BBS* taos SBBriejflBewatotkediaiaarasBiByBeDa *'sdstaa of, a**V W»*»"al** eeaern^ rjs^t T « -.rJ ^ > - .- J! , a.TZa£«la. -' * T.4B**S-----SaBaBaBaBB-ra-aBBBB^^

aimw p*.jji M.IL CHURCH

¦_v J Vs" A'r*-f^''«'rTfreaBBawaawaaBste»aB»i'- —j -, «- -r


?- *,J *^ t ft 1 ,— WWr * 'fA-isrtll of epeciai Rem* e#"i*>i

Z tiH %3£ZJ>* *t the misrsag ef

F.. .piMs^Sdei wsB^h s i d- e ^a a a ;

fWJJjrawiiiliig, March SO. OBzmiIjaalar snUmai with PraaV

* B&RS7.Levy in the chair, Mass*„_ mmmmh.wn» aaeMved asf«-jg-ff

''5uanr mlfi< dam«tBa^*BB tBma*gf Beach. Aecf^£«feiwi«{nrtlejm, whica waaVsiSBBWd^aB^awassjraay liiifinj jsaaisaj of

'' 'SBV-ef OaawaBrck hBB"*Ble*«13re^<* aeaaefivewtH ci vsc tasBsaw*sMsii *Hs*Rti

amBBawammaS Vak iBBBBBB^wasa aw assasss ssswa

asstsBy asay asw^

" ^ife



' SBB-tttoii -A "3»; ys5Sgaa rgB*BS»QB*BI aaaVa* jarraiirto Ma

. raassamsBMsAiSBBr to, aa* Saffelkk CsB>miaBaBB*f Saa*rris«ra"'4tBBt'I ftem fsmrtshJto*Bs>iwi»^I boa4 iasae mx>i>oaedat,*otato?r u ?j Sntsm f r ^at,

ed toi" tato aasetto«T«s»^liati Bw namilMi'ia* nsmaaiiB <e*sb* MorJeba* a f -sBvIeaWtobC eJtoaB at tls)ffi 4j*lia-Uffi

- J~ Sagj 8?ftftBry ¦gM*y»"WW*>SB* Mnmsa ajaasm saasBsjsjwea>*a*'

^ boarjef dimeter*) liBBaWiaB a*>kef ia Mai aaed'.*t a?' dliaaViualeaaw ha. SaaTesaT(^aaty aa - ttatCenter l|nriebjsa,tewa<airaa*Meaffe

. laqstoa aw a*y iBsii JB^ajrett Oeaaty Jar taa Istatfia a* aa» aV

k v>io**ic«Ve. The niisir efZ&. Cs*^BVfcaWB# CI JsM)Qals*#.BBaaBO• Wgg of t

he dmirmaa

of &

& \^J

BrafcoV<etpaSiea4et ,

a**r*t*nr of Westhematua Amocj-Btionw Mr. Biahep esslained ae«T<tides worl»daa4toldl>ow*h*ShrsNBBceek Cenal tocks bad" failed1 toa* of asaeh as* natil about four

SEa X^ n*^let we* an act of God AlarighRraatwaaaaftKitrMB srWn^B

f Sal Ifca inlet- lava.» namt iawat;r Sak JSwee* Fire Island aadI fientassmptim, tolm aarintan*eit*TBd£ sl«c**bemana««- b y someintellUf .s s*BsS*i. MK Bisbep called i

msWaVrgf. la piBrions.organiiattton* c* Satord*>evaning at Westo¦ aaasfton, for the purpose of agi-tatias; a%sVvSnawB*B of atoeina-BB*rQra or'blinkers in bay.

1 -t-sa BsttMo^cneavah^srflaBseastio * <*&*«&*USBBISIBSBI th* inlat. uaUekSaWjVBr. rf i MarlekesiiT^-aaauABmion favoring sam*aaS^rbetter fawang which

TwilFwrJB* 0& Lto^orhssfiiwho la naming e. sightseeing f erra•croaa tba b*y daily. *aid there iai" ISBW enane* ef toe imet *t*y-ins aow «lMaaiiyJiaw.-mt

f ASK»lfST' tgrntmn-1 -L. - -r-i—.—..„ I • ' „ '

State SIrbw» Ultie tailed; esjM:: iJ. 9. Dit»daJiii«

AeJSBBBB"**} I.0 ,''«L TJ—=*rtr-7 , t, '

; OtijsoalMea to- sa .aad < graveldredglnr pro-sets m Xong Jsjaad

; weaBoTflaar th* sherer Haa ef Na*-I aa«v.a**7tlasTaB; .Counties .waa! aneaasHmsl-r voiced by the NertoiSKor* CiSalllil of the Long, to>t

i aad. CttoBBBW ef .Cesaaaeree at-ja

Jer or^C rJ toe'¦ TewTia'art niajMI, . iPre»a*avaiij' assaM igcsB«p^tor

Bay ware;

a* astonsBaBajeaawjsssJumoaaly ss>1 aa»Jrt'tast'easBt'*»Sea, i ^' Jjy i

- ' -fist es*BBBBBB»,rfeajwa*ta 'lamjSf H. PouaeaV*rtois*at of rhnligl rSto-err^raminlld ft

I ar*dg*a?*r*rs^

l a&s slr * ^Tcflunfito aad mtoer egectiye »j*|*** ':^ rags|| gi ¦ iaffs >sHms Umsief>tfalWifeaaeia

' c f J J **ffl •^I aa*^aBB^^ jS'r l'*i'¥iMI BBBBT :MBW aaf '%***$} Smj m¦5*mma^mWmm-Wmm&-9 **&ksm1 f S3B.< ES** f Mt-1g*t*r*g*aa

r "liajii ja i. isf-i ¦-• ""t; SjwJ#s** eftlto War De-

[ Gj s aaja^BaB^^I 'fetryay-.Tf^Bw* •tfeasai,jMgs

r <BBaraB*r*BaaaBB, sMs**Oat5Ba*BTBBBaaB*aW/" sjsBasraT ¦\sJa~*T

tfaai in fe»ls-a» aaattor»'-eagatowfssre H aa5aBn»-lsw*rawysd wifeSBt»lBB^MFa*»bn| raa* gat

iSaflas9s^ VsjiBar * sV ' '' a waV^HBf" a**/

niaaplip fi aasarnMis ir sja -ias-

srJ S.«% ;M*ad*w aad •jradjiig 5 River.'B**lssvcs**>taad eataBdlng uader-3feteflt>l,v,-|v*T adsstonee

TtfSe-tW weaned byI sa yasa"j saJWt Potter,

' ™ s *aBBBiS^BBBl -*As*jBaB*B~~BW(( r(a^BTaBTrV aaBTSa"" la*~**BBia**a<

lama" Beard WBKV tontrolS laadL "aadar wator- la Long bland Saaad|to 4sjs Csaa*s>is


m sBaaaftaalBB-L iaaT BBBBBSV BaBBaTaraBBBaTr,*>T*g*>T!* **y *1* J*'*t'*'**f ¦»*awWywB?w*a"eih» *Ar *rw i..OBBCBBSS praaaut a tthe ,aMaa1aa;: were: r-*a»rvlaer Dennis BoaasBt

Bv«a kUirvto*r Chartos T.B^,jBas*wte'8i»erviaor Rich'sr*r.w%.BB|Ms«.sf eBrtinsjtonjte-ilei ifsB'sf * ¦aarMaatn *** OowiUng,Drator Ray. sumlniii of the eom-aa)s giiia«r-W*re; beds H.fsBBdrWraaaTsirri: T Tr F. P. deaSswasaaWvra aiaa Park; Hewittr«iJu, Pwav JaaT«*atm: - Charles

P ^^ fel^S^ SSKSSBieiatf 'i L "SfaawavCrBr'nsti; J.'J. Beawan. Mt,•SSj orer f^M-fyster B*#}SBViWchardssav Serthport; Louis£f <3eisder^ ferb Ralenga, aai•^ jfia rsa*;Iter**? Leng Jssaad; one beia*p<hedg«r^era<tori.drr*etod«sa*scK>n]iiMSdMi,thesTayjel>aBJs*if the headlaaeVtcgetherwith th*uader-wator draagfeaj ia the hayajcovee-and ialeter J** aseoad b*mgtoe prtpaiee* dredging ef lacsf «v:fe JW*tor'- hv '£aar> Istoad avaaaVON feet eaTshere.by seagohig,sM-ec BBoaed dredging ships. Taals»*sr samblemwaa givea considers¦tieBdasto taasmjalfcatien by sadUWUKJD. iSmito, ef Chicago, fo«sasmasblOOB* sBnlotrsaere, wet ween'Se*&"i,&lSlt'Snd OrienVPcint; now

L| Ba .awrew ;^

aa»br RngirPW|f-$ VBT WsaW Ds^PBaTiaBBMaw*

f "' f J l ftoaka ^B*at*'!*! ¦*I I'-" lllC Plfflffal rlaTB ', JotWHal Callii f t Meet ,•• _Ie«fje«taa».E-t-ev Uf j o [

Stske. "_ " . " ,Deiiiand by rural distefctsjhta-

oa»the Stotofor betltoriUelkaie-toetipn aad faciaties, to ap sastoNew Tort, as jsrovMeA , ia *NWicka-Huichinson bUl wrar beferathe Legislator*, is rafawtos ia aa <

rl^ JZttblR aad potato ewt thai rto' ro-f .vision* can be jgrrled oat wttjoa*It wWbrtal^e^couitoeastriSthe lamlth adwintages of the d**4 -

TliaTthetdeereasiug awmbsjrAScotmtoy payakiaae is bringfaathome to country people ewry yaar^aartiealarly io the, wintor -thsevthe wbeohrto necessity for awrtorhaattC protection and sarviea,.aadthat organised coueJto health unttaauek aa th* W iciw Hutobinsoe> billprbiames/wltt go * loat way to-ward foraiahing this pretortion, iastressed by the editorial. * _ MTbe-e**ise*etory eperatieB ofssih depaitstoate In. four erratic* ,wMeh have already estabbahedzxf &sxas^ih* edltoiaake* *«-<*dic*t»«ar offl» aisaiUtsaaHli f 4lai.pra*Basdor r ta*S^^ef»alnplBBaaiea> and eserrbappaagiwWd, will be prevented if the *e-gsswr chengto are om ied krto

t kM-S^*^^*^


r « ».. t 0i"- - is * * " »i

.esamdjaatSBt. ef j ktoi^da*B**iarjwetogBBaaa-' JsaspWiieAjto -VweetHCtedonmU, *m of Mr. aad Mrs. An*toea^adMsskfe of tte«taold. N6,Sa haa aa^FaWretf. saW^Bawilng, BBBBTr*BlaaBr--T -*->*5 -*J t-Jiif^ -f T? -

:fi? smmm*ma»B-^?-j -


¦ ¦>- W f ^wsBBeVir 1 lliaTi i ¦¦ *¦¦ '» <,* _ Z, IBIWAOBBlENT AifCK6«NCMlT

J Bei**» «l a*e AK L»rfo»« aL ^T SwrnT T* ft¦ . * T - S-T r.~ , % j ..-

aBamava BBS. M useSBBr WSwa1 '"ar^ firryTarS^rrlT^' ¦*- Miajfaaai j**asV.aW<jV4'|ii^aapPa^BaSlMiJoto rfw BtoB&Tsar g&i[aGaBQB(Q»HIJB.'raTa Pfe'aa R* amaaaasaaBBi<HP ¦JfH.lw ffi*asl*^" 3a*S*B***Lrg%J*g lg,gB B!-llgSsSSaSsSSsiBE' S at SSaB^ iSRSi SlSjd^E IW*. JIL~~Jt~L


j g«y ij« ISBBK' aBB*MBBBBBBBBWBBVST^ Br*ff55y BBrr TiT jr5^^ Tm iit mSIrBafafeazjilg,? x*sBagBmmBjgsaBS<SBBBK

VmMn i kmisMmm gv•SP>«ffl»k' ^W¦B*BalB«7ta-r****er a^^farasslalMtrrTra arttaa, Ito BBBBBM^asawaaa5?BP . ssalaaaw lg*w-**Bt** 2g1jjg*vm£sWuimMf u!*\•oWStiMtTmnnV&lmW&ismJrottB

Raaa J^TassaeBB egtBRa arereal,. BrtssBa*!** . ' , i . ;».»•{

r<> iS *lt ryr* <l ?t;<xC8 ' *<?. ..^

!**" fF|i"FJ{"_" s5?r"?~5"g"a:i si» jns -feSsy* JSSS&1 SJ LT ""«.*"»

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¦JffMftstigCfBHage to''* JaaagFagrsaattag thatJto s**Ja*V~A*r •/ A«r fasT. . ,

' *'r '.-* •!'¦*¦*• ' -

<-At Oat, fa* JaaslsV-wkta* ealg'*** BWjfaiew e/ *m*r really ciaaaS¦> to jatt Rssal R*N|sa>» -. ..u y "

• ~i ~ * '. .« "?'"" ' * " ",• "' B iT1 "* -' - • — . ... - . »^ '- .. ¦ sansAwaaa ¦7aBvaeaaaaBKaBmssa>l ul tU rfH to^ ^ - BSKaAiAM*m*a taB aatreasBBTiar ajB^


* "sB**jaBaMaor*Bm>a*yBa sTflraraji

'¦ SnttStSSSBBaaBsSSMr IBSISSKBBfciBiaSMkAeBsamfayr iBteaal -yen

eanaW'La*sfss>' lss» »aasra^

•££%& ^ ttdtei%rfiBaH «t-?:SO. Cctoeen.yon gay*;wad 4"«»Bafe«*r - * > '/ *

-.,. • -•, -*." •„ e., \> - l. - afa -Hr.-ti. — arifaWi iia r ^Mf.«M

rMf«,s amamsra>-*Msewj¥ieB/ AtsgamaBw *

st^^S^di 5r*«to*BMa* *< t *Va*ek'sasa

erawar lB sa^5ea*MaaJa*a JPeat a> ektoraatoajt*«<-j£^m*ee'eaea|jffl*W aW-**^^ ¦y^yjWWsy^ vHBjfc*- sWyfJar*' /arf! JgPaj|sy

ai»*e5B BrL fyty in* -^ asSfr*

^SSHJ.'' fer'3!. - «

tofto*. Oaf to teach wft* CamraiiRwdy isstt, eiRsVerAeeKi SO*.- - .•¦ - f • • e "

Riverhead Peat was gtod to «a>Haa, th* mercbanto' DoRar . BayesssBatttoe-«y farniabiag th* ser-vJasaef ito€k>*»G«art«t>*HriBgovek

to*5Sra*mJ*22etoS '

aaway*. sjaaa ataamh fihajiTs' dajaetlvaitoraortom ef «awe**rprssaeft.tha r-«afe aaaV tor iMgllwIfiswar* glad oTah* eapaataa to.sabjT-jetr *jspmtoUoa ay ascia-, aPSPSaBBraSBaaBBT BIBB* Ja*B)aBB 4 OQBH*Be**fBmB* m

¦*! •.-'•! ¦• •¦" '

'¦ ,Om* mnnieii $tot% aeear ike&«X1 sviv,Wa~aferr*t aseaass a/ tec**/ space.•met" a later date. We*U *w§Um>U,-Hmgk, *o «atek /or «,f A* v *


^Cormttento and wirUftattas* tosks* eotornn* a* well a*.**BBaWis«-

BtWasiw^ABoa WlrWwjitwaf, L. k •• -BB*sajaii^gsaa]|a^

II- "-I ^- ..r-'r. W '5

; ., JRurAi"

r QalekataraUABWtw pswer andbettor etooiing are ifeatures ef awiBU>rOT*d'Ferdaott' tractor, which

, promise to aaik*. it saar*_*tiSar«haua vrmr Sm SS SSTlcrSrersJ S"**saaa Baat esSrdiagtoH. B.Censoell, local FornlpsB fcjalsrrt ,

'"fta engsne iwwarkay scan iffe*»»**e ItW P-*Jfr f '22 !CampbeU yestorday.- "Thia haa,

¦ " semSw eeaAaal^^S*-Sto SO' araka horsepower at 1*0°

S BOB* to «*f **»y^P bI

a aewry developed earwaretor. A

l « Si'SfebBsans;' rrEe'cooIing eystom has been im-

" nroved ky taf initollation of a cen-te ugaljuinp. B

ia located inside&e connM between the cylinderhead and the top of the radiatorand operates on the same shaftwith the fan. . ^"The ignition system has beenimpmedb lacing the flywheelXeneto with a high tension mag-Seto ipped wR* an impulsefcr wupMng. Tafa taamaaw.

1 Sao make" |t unnecessary to spinr slVenglne for storting(asaolfcient/ aaart: w obtoined by aimply turh-

Sg over the engine slowly, even in' the coldest weather. ,

™Th« air cleaner ha* been en-j t o t idto give more.aatisfactory

, oneration. The water capacity2£?£Ln ir.«es«ed from aeven toW aSrU, which maltos^efflltogl

feaB raBm ' f "

u A i< ^1WKcroM

> ' B BBBBBBllsBBBBBBBBBrT^^BBBBBB^^' «9BBBBBHB*IBBBMJvvvaiBBBBB^wX^BraaBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBB *"' SaBBBBBVsnnaj*flMfl gP 'f*lB*| s ^ ^ ^ B^ ^ ^ ^ K|| , ^ SmKnBr[ S Wm8t MR mm3Sm\m\m\m\m\m\ TJfffJ^ ^ Bk\\\\\ k\\\\\\\\\\\\ y / MXkvSBwl kak k k k k k k k k k k k a9k a\ / if f rf

VtVta^ BBBBSsla BSBBBBBBM f t W / /' VaSftMt. S ^B ^BtkmPwS^^k^^k ^k^k ^k^kr '/f r/rr1 ! ' Mw"f"tV - ¦ wsaaBaBsrTUrAsBBBBBaaBaBaBWn. f f f f tf m

j - r \sf TffBBBBBBBBBBaPff iami'l II I I * f >--»<-. _L 7. T 1f 1 lTtaBBBBBa^Sr BJBaMBBBBB-!l l_ ". vcf" >i if fiaml\i t7^$W^^^mmWeu\ imulk' * Jl^ tl m m Ss%^ ^ ^ ^ j imBtmWSm!^ S i'

' al ''rdBBBBBBBBBBkTw* BBBB>jB 4r* BBBJBBBRj .V^ I^BBBBBBBBBBBJ^aBr^^BK^ ^^ .^ Sfs Kmw ' S^• S Be BELr 1 ? ^ --5^

TsaBBBBBBBBaWr"~ - BBBBBB BaSp ' |« 1, «1 y>! /<*

BBBBr BBVSBY ' *w'af 'a^^ak." Bh«sisktssa\

" On April 4thif r0** ••c<fW*?* *f O*-" ' '' "HOME BAKED BREAD

Whi Bye, Whole WBeat and Oatmeal ' ¦-:¦_ i '-'1-tTsiJ-'-

-ifiao * ¦ - . ' • - •PIES - CAKES - BOLLS . MUFFINS - BISCUITS

and COFFEE CAKES /This It a Branch of the Women's Exchange at Greenport. I. I.

; * •*" To be located at_ 149 QUITTING AYE., Gcafi Bl«lfc, RIVEBBEAD,--Q **. CM. U A U U U L> H M. JCZ. J. ¦¦ i jK aTJ. £\=jj ja|mjeBBBtoBBBmw *BBH

I '» \ -

• 'WA l^TEti* k i


v * ¦ * ' - > '

\ Auorney desjiwas of eStal faiaf < a /

**Mi .a lT«B>tia^^• ^ SBBW sf fb krs awvaa-eatBf 10 ooW-

llBB«BieW!'vlaa*.^ US. SratkialltUl f*>tBanerans} fsawinea* assurad to U»ef ht man.

¦ '*» •.."" : > '; " i - ¦/ , - >i :*-

VElttTAS rmANCE GGilPOilAtlON *. • ,375 News York A*eV

t • Huntington, L. L, N. Y.

I - ' ¦'/-.- ^• ,- -• ' ' . -. i . - - - ,


Mk ^kM M a 'aSBfsSBBf Sf f' sll slf' ^' - " "- 1j,JMmk\ek\ II /jataBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB^ ^! '

" Isafl. BC&DTB B B V B B B D , ~ .. " f M BBBBBBBBKA / / flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVaBBBBBBflf:SBB .^IJnW sCailB iyeiR* '^** ' #ii(|a,,,,K // BMBH- ; V/ J - • aflflLaalaaBL1 M ..MBHJ S~ iWiW...L1- r _ MS ^km\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \m\\\\\ \ \ \ WS *BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^; -H. ../ X. aaaaBBBBBBB^&-Mm i . ear «r V. 3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB kwa k^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^O^^ eM *M I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBB|S_f J^ ('*#










~' l[7B-\Bj ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ aW




BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB laifl ¦ H ¦ W MaT^^^ ¦¦B II^ HI^ ^ BPIP9 , w^ 11 ri ¦ ri asaiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB t Ii rA- ' '¦ ¦ 'mim^ ^ 0 *i ¦'- ', ¦- ¦¦'¦'¦ '

rt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' '¦ ... .JJ -i*- <Vj -V-: .. .I' l iT^ .'. - .".' SJ S tfJatWm mm S ^ i- S y i-j^ BJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj^ f'.i .fi^SaBBBBBBBBBBKl V-' ' - ' SBBBBBBSBKraz aBBBBBBBBwaBBBBBBBBV^'^mBBBBBBB* - ||ggguMpjjpjuHbutf||uj|_«gj||^



> s BBBBBBBT ' ^ k\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W

tJ^^^m^m^m^^m KjS^

LW ^K ^ ^ ejmju^ ^ ^Kbi^ ^ ^ M LWg LW LWg L LWM SBBBBBBBBV ' " sBBBBBBBBBBBBBsrl '

- - -m^m Br "~ ^ m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ : ' '' ^ BBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^ ^ BBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBV: ' BBBBBBBBW SBBBBBBBB- ' ' j^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Bkl v'i '"' .

Dp i

l l . t ,!, Jg^ L3! ;. Vt^Nit/- ' ' . aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt L' ' " ¦ BaV^^^^^Safgm»»»»»»»»»»»:'•^HlJV , . BBBrffi!^ Baf " "T" I • ** BBP?^^BBB! <#1hrftfJV

¦' . - ' - . :1' r . 5- - ,«aBBBBBBBBBBB» - .

«SCQHy.; BSr*|i1fSQC0r*y C ia*B*iaaf «?«' » ^GASOLINES: >f^ MOTOR OIL: 1]

' SS.v . .lJ^^ R;-. -ij%^ - < « » . ¦ ¦ ' « - - , ! t , . » r"-r » ¦$&%$£'»¦-¦¦ ' ¦ ¦:K :- ^ ^

m\ nmf ¦'

tSANI^R.mott popular in thenon- >tCOMPLETELY dewaxed tOOJaJ CJOCOrTV dealers, garages and Ser- J^^MiaaaBaBaBaBaBBBafX5 premiunr'.fije-d: Sbcoa $p%i4l /i.jwkffine basedifthatffowafrtcty M**» Stations are supplied with. a . ^ BNMf^^^^V'°15*

yl#Sf i«S± - £ , staff»l-J«a tl**kB^ l

ftnlS~rSrlfa elma£ k S sWs S S uWpremium ffkkf. *Spetfatw'gjyea tmMt lf mf t ,rmm *> , JT*, ' f ' L1Ml, ' provide superior engine and chassis c*' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'r

quickest itartinfi;'saves nkg»irig:bn teinperatures. KedUccr wear in your luhrfcation. When you next stop in '^ B*a^^^^^p*w>self-starrer, wdw«gwcBbke, gaaoHne" «i e.<»iive*perfectpis^ for' kcaije aeivice.ask tob tyour. . ^ ' ,;,

^ ^^^mW ^WWT ., :/ . ¦ .ia crankcase, eliminates, knocking;. mum power, miliiaiumgasolirteaffd oil cra^kcaserlntshed with Socony Fhish-

. YOU SAVE MONEY. , consumption. YOU SAVE MONEY. ing Oih YOU SAVE MONEY. - V

\i STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK,. - ( '"• ¦ " C." "'; - \ . -' rr,

~ ' ~ . ^ ¦>v:- ~ ~ b\*i \ \i - '- -$U- '''\V- 'h. - 'xr "jf, ' -y ^-y ¦¦ '


y H 1gig* -q fe y, y-airiQ yJ 3saaTgsJLga* aA*Bl

-aaBQI ^ ^ ^ ^ ^I ^ ^ ^ ^H ^ ^ ^ Bl


deJii*es8i;oii-proof ,investment

—Is there one? The current -teeord ofour Guaranteed Firtt Mortt ge Certifi-

j cates pzuves beyo ai a "donbt that thereI -»! liey are depreasioo-proof. /They


are Voiry-proof.


; . / . ..NWYCWK. .f m H ANM IrlQRTGAGE

• COMPANY '1 "V * . : -I ¦

• * itHiTfi? W(, MAWH/tfTkN COMPANY

} « n'lttl ¦ ¦ - '

161-19 Jamaica Ave., JamaicaMincola » ; ' /f' ' , Riterhead

: Main Office-. 135 Broadway, Mew York City

\ Mf a i +to^^^ iikA||a*aSu»aai iasa ia*nBBsW "

BBaBsaaTssaaa-sRv ' ' "_..l .!!".. „ . "I!t ^