At an election held recently at. the Torrintrton High School audi- wrium, Torrington, Conn., A. Tfesley Smith, a teacher in the forrington High School , was elected president of the Torrington Teachers ' Association for 1932-33, and also a delegate to the state convention. Mr. S.uith has . b^* * secretary of the association -. for two years, and is serving his fifth vear as instructor at that school; He has trained much popularity in the school by his keen interests m the school activities . At present he is coach of the high school ten- nis team and a member of the Torrinjrton faculty team, and di- rector of the new 22-pi/>ce high school orchestra which has just been organized through his efforts. Among the pieces in . their popular repertoire are included two of Mr. Smith's own composition , "Won 't You , " a waltz song hit of the past season, and his new foxtrot , "On My Isle of Dreams." He is the son of Mr. and Mrs . C. Wesley Smith , of Shelter Island Heights. The activities of the winter sea- son are beginning among the Daughters of America with a series of events scheduled for the remainder of the month. , At the regular meeting of the council held at the Mechanics' Hall on Monday evening, October 10 , Miss Irene Salminen was initiated. The Shel- ter Island council has been invited to attend a meeting of the Pilgrim Council of Greenport on Tuesday evening, October 18 , and on Satur- day evening, October 22, the State Councilor, Elizabeth Arnold , and her staff of officers will visit the Shelter Island chapter. A special meeting will be held for the occa- sion and every member is request- ed to make a special effort to at- tend. The Senior Christian Endeavor Society will serve a supper at the chapel on Tuesday evening, October 25. Mrs. Alva Goodwin, of Douglas- ton , is spending a week with Mrs. George M. Burrell. Mrs. L. K. Thome has returned to the Island from an extended visit with her sister , Mrs. H. M. Tift at her home in Quogue. Miss Isabel Smith and Mrs. M. Brandhorst , of Glen Cove, and Miss Marie Brandhorst, of Free- port , were week-end guests of Miss Smith's cousin , Mrs . Ella Eowditch . Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wrenn and daughters , the Misses Carolyn , Louise and Barbara Wrenn, of Brooklyn, spent the week-end at their home in West Neck. With the closing of the Cheouit Inn in the early part of last week, the Bellecrest Cottage on North Ferry road has been opened for business. Mrs. E. Kin g and son, Cornelius , and daughter, Betty, are guests at the Bowditch Inn.. Mrs . Ella Bowditch entertained several friends at bridge last Thursday evening. Prize winners were Mrs. Agnes Clark, first; Miss Frances Dawson, second , and other guests were Mrs. H. Whitney, Mrs . F. W. Dickerson , Mrs. R. H. Conk- lin. Mrs. Donald Clark and Mrs. C. J. Moss. Miss Ellen Stein, of the Post Graduate Hospital , of New York City, is spending a short time at her cottage at Shelter Island Heights . H. Monroe Whitney, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Whitney, returned last week to resume his post grad- uate studies at Columbia Univer- sity. Mr. Whitney, who holds his master ' s degree, is working for a Ph.D. degree in Latin and Greek . During the winter months he will do substitute .teaching in the uni- versity. Walter R. Havens has returned from a short trip to New York. Dr. Maddren Dawson spent last week-end at Shelter Island Heights with his mother, Mrs. Walter Dawson . He had as hie guest , Dr. D. Rhane , house surgeon at the Kings County Hospital , where Dr. Dawson is an interne. Miss Annabell Burrell . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bur- rell, has returned to Devereux Tutoring School to continue her studies. : Mr. and Mrs. David Clark , of New Rochelle, who recently pur- chased the Canoun residence on Menantic road , are making exten- sive alterations in the interior of the house. Mrs. Gardiner Dickerson is visit- ing her brother . George Lewis and family, of the Bronx. OUR LADY OF THE ISLE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. W. W. Kroupa Sunday " morning mass, 9. Weekday mass, 8 a. in , Rosary devotion every Sunday during October at 4 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOTES Rev. George Kilgus Church service, 10:30 a. m. Sunday School . 12 m. Jr. C. E. Society. 3 p. m. Intermediate Christian Endeavor, 4:15 p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor , 7:30 pi m. On Monday afternoon, October 10, Mrs. Charles Burns , Mrs. Ern- est Lucas and Mrs. George Kilgus attended a coaching conference on missions, held at Mattituck. A tri-county conference for ali Christian Endeavor Society officers will take place at Hempstead next Saturday and Sunday, October 15 and 16. Miss Leah Chapman and Miss Elizabeth Burns, of the local Senior Christian Endeavor Society, are planning to attend . The election of church elders and renewal of the minister ' s contract , which was announced for Sunday, October 9, will instead be held im- mediately following church serv- ices on Sunday, October 16. ¦ Sunday afternoon at 3 o' clock the Jr. C. E. Society members .will discuss the subject , "How Mission- aries Helped to Change China." Edith Sherman will be the leader. "The Truth About Alcohol", is the topic wbich-> the Intermediate C. E. Society members will study nex t Sunday afternoon. On Sunday evening the Senior C. E. Society will discuss the sub- ject , "What Does Alcohol Do to People and to Society?" The pas- tor will serve as leader. Lamont—Otis Jfews has been received on the Island of the recent marriage of Miss Helen Otis , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Otis , of Co- lumbia Heights, Brookl yn, and Shelter Island Heights , to John G. Lamont , of New York City. SHELTER IS. HEIGHTS TERMITES WHITE ANTS . WOOD BORING ANTS JLYING ANTS , ETC. During, the past few years tlie Eastern End of Long Island has hecome seriously infested With these wood destroy ing pests. . Wc guarantee to exterminate these wood destroy- ers and prevent re-infestation. Inspection and estimates free. Sanders Exterminator Corp. 981 SENECA AVE. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Phone Evergreen 2-4472 1 TTTTVTTVTVVTVTTV T ? v T -»- -r- -r- ( i , r - r—— \ I When you plan your next i ? . ' * ? . Advertising Campai gn .; r ' . < ? J I Don ' t overlook < ? T HE C OUNTY R EVIEW ] r < ? < ¦ I y < ? Your most likely Prospects J ? are Our Readers ? l . < [l —' ' : Tr " r" 1 . _ ' ¦¦ . k _ _ _. - _. ._. _i __. - v/ _. -. -, _, -. ¦ * '¦ > -. _ _. ¦ > _. _. _¦ _ GOODYEAR TRUCK TIRES M alR A DOUt "Fifteen months on the rims , and look . 'it wy* a I ^\ A * >»* ^ that even trea d wear. We'd have had our \u * \A V^ V* money ' s worth if they 'd quit three months / tnOUght thOSe Old ago ... for that truck ' s tough on tires. But Kj OOayearS WOUld honestl y, it just seemed to me that -these never Wear OUt % % Goodyeurs were going to last forever. " 'Wh y Buy Second Choice. Trut h rit es When First Choice Costs No More? " _________________t Truck and Bus ________¦ __¦ Casings and Tubes ^____9______ GOODYEAR HEAVY DUTY Sizo.s ' Casings Tub™ PATHFINDER <i.««-2fl $20.r.r» $:i.3s , , ¦ ¦¦ ( r ()-2() 2( 10 J 70 Truck and Bus Casings anil Tunes 7.00-20 :iJ.70 i.20 Sizes Casings Titties 7.50.21) 39.85 6 ,25 ^M-Vt $12.95 $2.08 „„. „„ „,„ H « 6-50-20 17.25 2.51 8-2-"2<1 S5'M °5 7.00-20 22.75 2.51 9.00-20 09.15 9.60 ;. 5u.20 29.:!5 4.50 9.75-20 : 90.30 * 10.35 8.25-20 41.35 5.75 . .10x5 23.55 3.30 WIO-20 SI.CS o-«« IM 26 05 3 70 9-7S'2" 6,!-4' < ' 7-12 " , ,; ¦ ;•' 30N 5 lfr.95 2.30 •>2*f> S'J-15 5.20 :!:ls r , )B9r> ,r )() 36x6 42.95 5.60 32x6 29.45 3.65 34x7 55,15 7.25 W«6 32-45 3.H5 38x7 60.20 7.90 ? ' M iUA " T ' m **. : «. : . gs j™ «? 40x8 31.(0 . 10..W 40x8 6J. 00 7.34 REICH BROTHERS Goodyear Tiro Dept. : 360 E. Main St., PATCHOGUE, L. I. Phone Patchogue 1-117 TUNE IN WEAF WEDNESDAY 8 P. M. GOODYEAR RADIO PROGRAM fa e&f i"^^^^ i mm That' s why feeders are finding tt rives flfflwBfflfflll 8 to 10% better fertility. __lro_i* __K_ You can 't make an ideal Breeders Mash J _ S __ a_!sP _ i out of a Laying Mash any more than ^ ¦ 'iii r. n "rJ» ^ jrou can convert a draft horse into a race ^ ^ . horse. No dual purpose horse is good v_ _ _y enough for a racer! £ _______ a _ V A Laying Mash is for MORE EGGS. f __EB__BB_H l A Breeders Mash is for HIGHER FER- lll __ff_ FaRIII . TILITY , VITALITY OF GERM, HATCH- IllfilBlln ABILITY, LIVEABILITY OF CHICKS , |||_HS__ S__III etc. Each needs a SPECIAL feed. !IIK_B____ II I Beacon makes "Special Feeds for Special ll_J_____f_il Purposes " —Complete Starting Ration , I ____ M___iB_| | | Broiler Feed, Growing Mash , Egg Masb, llfff&-Bi_ fl lt Breeders Mash, etc. Each is the BEST | ___||_|___ l|| tor its special purpose. Test them and seel / [BTmWJBHfnnBl I iswum mum co. f «avu&v n. v., *-^^S___Ss_fe=> ^_ _ _ _ * i FOR SALE AT SUFFOLK MILLS. JiVC .... . ' . ¦ Eastport , L. L, N. Y. SUFFO LK MILLS, INC. Riverhead, L. 1 , N. Y. KAKLIN'S GRAIN & COAL CO. - . Greenport , L. L, N. Y. LOUIS VOGEL ... ; . ' .. i Yapbank , L. I. N. Y. I Weilty C. Bowers—Southampton , , , f <J-irth- -Sehinamnn—Pnti-lioiruc .... Packard Sedan Jnra Irene Yost—Brentwood ' . •^; DeS'it'; S"lan JiMsJie C. Briwn—Brentwood Chevrolet Coune Kva Busso—Huntington CheVHilet Couch fie-irge W. Prankard-Bay Shore ' . .Chevrolet Coach MunlaKUe Hulbrook-Babylon : ' ... Buek Sedan Kred Sehfvwea—Belljwrt ' . Chev rolet Sedan Vir Kinia Clark Ruth Ackerly-Riverheiu ' ' . ' . ' . ':: ' '^"2 |S n Samuel T. Hart--KinKs 1' ark »w STiIS Sho, eham Water Corr. -Shoreham ..... " . ' idflS Kenneth M. Weekfi-^Amllyville ivSS Austin M. Ixiekerjian-Kinw Park ... "' Ford^r Cuune Albert Bert-surf— Babylon -~ V. V '' , , \ . J. Mortime. . H. Cobb-Westhumpton leich ^" t&fSSSSZ John Kuleaa-Calverto n £S Geo.ee f. Baker-Stony Brook ' i^Virtoria Charle. A. Wol. ' -Babylon .. pStd vSK William H. Wilfaon-quoitue fid Tudor Kre.1 N. Terrell-Gr . eem.ort n^ Mr Tof, Z Albert Harer-PatcfeoKu ' e ;;;. ' ;;;; - ; • • Chr »> _% ^ Julia Jappen~Cold |pri„ B HaH,nr \V.V.V.\V.V.V.\V.\\\VcheCrol/t Cab ' rloM GcorRe W. Weeks—Stony Brook Vnr _ t cnun» ST* - R c , '*S;^i , ' tc^,,^ ¦¦ ::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::&£3«. _ S_ William G. Robinson—Greenport Wi ii ,, c„„D,. Florence K. Keefe-Shelter Wand . . .. Nash SedM Bernard Raff-East , N. oith|,ort For «f j_ Ea rie B; G/Un-Baj- Snore .... .. ' __ Cou„ Arthur H. Schweider-Iiabylon . ' .. ' Graham S«ta^ { ¦ ; mea _ Hwt phiiHpa^Bciii.ort ' . ' . ' .:' . ' .:' .:' . ' . ' . ' .::' . ' . ' .:::::: ror d catrioiet Alex Zdunko—Riverhead Fc.i.ral Truck Charles . H. JUcktoid-Southol,! .. ....... V.V.V. V.V.V. ' .^V. ' ..\\V-V.V. V.V. ' .?flrd CoS Wwm C. Young-Riverhead Pli-m„t»l ' Coach Edna K . Kuwards— Sal! Harbor Chevrolet Coach An _' m S- Mollenhauer—May Shore Pierce-Arrow Sedan John W Durose-PatchoKue Plymouth Stdan John fc. lanlon—Babylon Ford Tudor Horace Havemeyer—Islip ' . ' . ' .V. ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' .V. ' . ' . ' .V. ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' chrysler Coupe Harry Nichols— Kings Park Cherrdet Coach James C. Parr.sh—Southampton . . Ford Sedan Alex Cameron , Jr. ~Southami.(on \ ..Ford Cabriolet Alfred J. Vooihic. i—PatcbOKiia ' . ' . " . ' . ' '" . ' . " . Ford Coupe New Car Owners I Miss Evelyn Blivon , ot Wester- ly, R. I is visiting at the home of her grandmother , Mrs . Walton Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Beecher K«tcham, V of Eastport , are spending a time at their summer home. ' . . - Professor Harold P. French , who ?¦ ' is a district superintendent '* schools of the third district of Al- §. ' Lany Cour.tv. has so far recovered i from the operation performed for L- - appendicitis at the Eastern L. 1. f . Hospital to again take up his work r in Rreatei- force. fc ^^ At the monthly business meet- y^Ting ^.of the Fire Company, it was voted to join the North Fork Fire- men' s Association , which includes the companies from Riverhead :to Orient. i Miss Marie Edwards , whom the y. ' East Marion friends hear of with ' _ special interest because, hei } mother, Mrs . Herbert N. Edwards , -\ ot Amag:mseit , was with us until ;V ¦ her marriage , has won ior herself " \ special mention in that she has v been elected .treasurer of the sophomore class of Cedar Crest Cbllege. Allentown, Pa. She is *•. - also a member, :of the debating ,-- , team, which will . ' meet the team of ' , - . Haverford College in their annual Rebate in October. Miss Edwards | is quite an athlete and is winning LL. -- honors right along: in that line. W f J'The word comes from some of l^ t lie city boys that - prospects are f " brighter alone business lWes; Some hoys are back on full time , with a rse since being cut , which makes them feal like pushing alone:, and ' cHmbing over the rocks in the road With a new vision. , Mfiome of the finest fruit that i Wi would care to look upon was - . ^_T exhibition at the cou nt y fair (on which first, premiums were sent in by Martin Beck, of thwind , " on the bay. We wish uention this even if a little ss Ruth Arnold , of Southamp- who has been busy caring * « sick, is enjoying a vacation her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. i ..v-rreu Arnold. Miss Arnold accom- «- ' panied by her sister , Miss Gertrude ' Arnold , enjoyed the week-end visit- ing and shopping in New York. , * The Baptist Social Society had \ '• their first meeting of the fall for i, th* annual business and election on ' ¦ Thursday. A cordial invitation f -iid been extended to the public to ' wStake of the supper and enjoy ?*tm» program of the evening, mak- Iit a real ' success, financially socially. . The report of the iy elected officers will be given exfc issue, rs. Bert Udell, who has been ing at the ' home of her son, rt Udell , at- Patchogue , visited ids here recently. Mrs . Udell rented her apartment to Pnn- [ and Mrs. George H. Morton. fine time was spent at the e of Mrs. Ernest . L. Vail on avenue, when the Triangle s of the Greenport Presby- >n church -was entertained on evening of October . 4 at a rerty social/' It was carried to the letter , in costume and J . i\. Wells, of Greenport , car- home the prize for being the - most appropriately dressed. De- licious refreshments were served. __ Fhe borne with . the beautiful dec- * T»rations of dahlias, the gift of t^Mrs. W. Halsey Wiggins, made the lievening even . more enjoyable. SiFlowers do indeed give cheer. m Mrs. Clarence R. Ankers has ®>3en visitiner ner daughter , Mrs. H. Halsey Brown , who returned Kith her for SL. wisit in Rockville Senter, «TJie folk who had the privilege «ti«ttending the revival meetings Sit buve been held in the Grecn- 'BtiTabernacle. have greatly en- ¦ IfiiSliem and , been blessed by ________ [ They wilt come to an end __________ Uober 14. _______________ Harry Kctcham attended j ^^^^^Kial meeting "ml luncheon ^^^^^Hficers of the Home Bureau ^^^^^Vitiverhead. ^^^^^ ¦ ecr Otto Van TuyJ is stiik- ^^^^Ht additional lots at Sunset ^^^BFr ' and Mrs. Clarence I . Vail _W^____f ~f a:en i-ninyin- - ' life , on their 9^_____f ser . "Malingei- ," this week. i J^Btv had as irue.sts Mr. and Mrs. kj^Huis Vail and Mrs. Ear!, of Scran- H^Ei. Pa. Miss Mat v Anna Vail , j^^B p is a student at Mount Holyoke ^^¦ Nege , was a recent guest of her j^^Bents, accompanied by friends. i ______ m- Gertrude Wj ll ;, is attending §j^_____ ?Triomh Academy at Locust ^ ___bv- ^¦ h Jessie Hedges is camping ^^^Vflliinnntic, Conn ., with Miss ^^B Moore, of Greenport , and 'I^^HQIarenKe Tuthill. of Orient. ^^^HEand Mrs. Charles Powell, of l^^^Hjort. and Mr. and Mrs. J^^^Kjiiitark , of Waterbury, ' ¦ r: l^m%%%%W>*Te recent guests of Mr. and Mrs . Henry Rackett. Louis Stoeltzing, of Cleveland , Ohio , was with his sister, Mrs. C. A. Stoeltzing, M.D., for the week- end. Daniel F. Brown is making one more improvement to his residence by the addition of another room. The fall run of blueliah off Sun- set Shores in the -Sound is thinning out . The run has lasted about a month and some very fine catches have been made " . Miss Charlotte Quarty. grand- daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. Howard Clark , has entered the Alice Chapin Adoption Nursery in New York City as a student nurse. The Craft Club starts its meet- ings in earnest for charitable work with the following commit- tees and officers: Work committee , Mrs. Charles Rackett and Miss Gertrude Arnold; sick committee , Mrs. John Muir and Mrs. Chester Ketcham; president , Mrs. Ray- mond Rackett; vice, president , Mrs. Albert Edgar; secre tary. Doris Baker; treasurer , Mrs. Wayland Brown. Now that the rush of tho sum- mer work is over the pastor. Rev . F. K. Shepherd, cordially invites you to the services of the Baptist church. His sermons were inspir- ing last .Sunday- Mrs. John Jet- 'fer and Mrs. C. T. Brooks , with Mrs. Ralph S. Eldredge at the piano, repdered a duet and Mrs. John Jetter a solo. The trap-fishermen do not report tbe catch of fish much larger , as tne fair fishing, it was hoped , would be. Some of the traps are already taken out. . - Mr. and Mrs. Leland Tuthill, ot Richmond Hill , enjoyed a week-end visit at the Thieringer home with her parents and family. The Gardiner' s Bay Estates col- ony came cut in full numbers. Mr. and Mrs . Harry Allison , of Rock- ville Center , closed their place fo* the season. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Darbee and son, of Brooklyn, had a pleas- ant week-end at their beautiful home. Mr. Darbee. since leaving a few weeks ago, has been under hospital treatment. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Lewis and daughter, Miss Alice, of West Hempstead, came out and closed for the season. Superintendent and Mrs. S. Tay- lor Johnson, of Oceanside, Miss Marguerite Johnson and Miss Stan- lick, of Glen Cove, were at "Hal- cyon Lodge." The home of Rev. A. F. Johnson and family, which they have named "Tanniwita, " was opened for a happy week-end. Mrs. J. H. Hurst son and daugh- ter , of Elmhurst, did not miss the week-end as usual . ¦ Mr. and -Mrs. Henry Wright , of Lynbrook. otiened their home, as did also Mr. and Mrs. George Muel- ler, ot Port Washington. Mr., and Mrs . Charles Richmond and daughters, of Rockville Cen- ter, were at their pleasant ho . me. Mr. and Mrs. James H. H '* re at St. Albans for a time. \ , * . The ' beautiful weather ke* ,v the bathing and out-of-town sfc \ on the Estates, which are so bei. . ficial . The King ' s Daughters' Circle will meet with Mrs. Everett H. Vail on October 20 and take up the sewing for the Christmas box for the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. EAST MARION *—¦ —-^——— ¦ ¦ - r I T I Miss Winifred Billaid , of Sca- ford , spent the week-end with her parents , M _ and Mrs. Clayton Bil- lard. Miss Madeline Tyler , of Pat- chogue, was a weekrend guest of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Tyler. , Mrs. William Kolimer very pleasantly enterta ined the No Name Bridge Club on Friday eve- ning of last week. Mrs. Melcene Mulford spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. G. P. Rackett , in Sag Harbor. Mrs. Susanna Curran and Se!- wyn Hatfield were dinner gu ests of Mr. and Mrs . Alan Grathwoh l on Thursday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Braun and niece , Lillian Goetschius, spent two days last Week in Brooklyn , William C. Grathwohl spent the first part of this week in New- York and Valley Stream. Let me have your lawn mower for the winter. Sharpened, over- hauled and cleaned, $2 per mower. C. Bucholz , tel. 2412 Riverhead.Advt. . BtAc Mrs. Linnaeus Allen entertained at luncheon on Wednesday. Miss Marion Robinson, of East Hampton , spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Robinson. Miss Charts Hutchinson , of Flushing, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Case. Miss Constance Kendricks enter- tained at bridge on Saturday eve- ning last. Miss Ottilia Drach. who hag just recovered from an accident in spraining her ankle , spent the week-end with Mrs. Lillian Grath- wohl. Mr . and Mrs. Ralph W. Sterling and Mr. arid Mrs. Ernest Morrell left here on Monday for a motor trip through the New England States. They will visit the home of Louisa M. Alcott in Concord , Mass., and will also visit points of interest in Maine and the White Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Grathwohl Gurran, Mr. and Mrs. Merriman, of New York , and Mr. and Mrs. Snow, of Flushing, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Susanna Curran. We are very sorry to learn of the illness of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C4in Glover and hope soon to hear, of her recovery. Mf. and Mrs. Ellis Billard and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton spent Monda. r of this week in New York and iBro ;klyn. Irwin Beebe spent the week-end in Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. George Young are enjoying a motor trip. Miss Sallie Tuthill. of Speonk , spent the wee)t~end with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tuthill. Miss Eunice Conklin and C. T. Case, of Patchogue , were dinnei .guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sterling. On Wednesday of last week the Aid Society held the annual dinnei in the M. E. church parlors. There was a large attendance and such a dinner as one . seldom sees. After the dinner was served' the roll was called of all members and friends who had sunshine bags and they responded by passing in their bags. A fine sum ' of money was added to the treasury. All of those who could not attend are asked to send their bags either to the president , Mrs. W. C. Grath- wohl , or the treasurer, Mrs. Annie Beebe, as they will be discontinued another year. Preston Mears, of New York , was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson over the week- end. Miss Ruth . Grathwohl , of Brook- lyn, was a guest <m Sunday of her parents , Mr. and Mrs . George Grathwohl. Mrs. George Fleet and her sis- ter, Mrs. Brown, of Brooklyn , are guests of Miss Kathryn Fleet at her beautiful home at the bay; Mrs. Edward Garvey, of Genoa , N. Y.. is spending several weeks with relatives and friends in this place. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Bwva from our com- munity. Mr. Brown is one of our fine barbers. He will carry on his business in Mattituck. Rev. E. C. Fowler has a large class of Juniors that meet with him in the Sunday school audi- torium every Friday after school for Bible study. Mrs. Delia Heffron is spending the winter in Hampton Bays. CUTCHOGUE ¦ ¦ " ¦ >— _;- _¦ ¦ ¦ i i ¦ _ ,..; ¦ z nijss ^s^^iSmmu^mK^fu '-u^'um . ¦ ¦ ¦ , , , Br ."ii i . __ _=_ __¦ i _ -_._. __ ,. ; , m- ¦ , ¦ ¦ i,- —-- -i r ¦¦ ¦ -_ _ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ __ = _! ; ¦ _H i ¦ '- -~ -'r ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ '-"¦ -¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - " ¦ ¦ " ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ '" NE W CA R O WNER S , EAS T MARION , CUTCHOGUE, SHELTER ISLA ND , NOR THVILLE The Misses Isabel Smith , May Brandhorst , of Glen Cove, and Marie Brandhorst , of Freeport , were week-end guests of Mrs. J. L. Bowditch. Mrs. Charles Thorne has return- ed from a three weeks ' stay withr her sister , Mrs. Tift , in Quogue. Mr. and Mrs. Southwood, of West Hempstead , were guests at Bowditch Inn for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cartwright, of East Hampton , visited relatives here last week. Mr . and Mrs. Frank McCumbcr and Mrs. William Cullum, of East Hampton , came to the Island Sun- day to attend the funeral of their old neigh bor, Mrs. William Rogers. Clarence Cartwright , Jr., of New York , spent the week-end here. Mrs. William Burns has been visiting her sister , Mrs. Lee Por- ter, in Brockton , Mass. . Mr . and Mrs . Lewis Southwick have reopened Southwick cottage after a two weeks' absence. Miss Helen Capon has been spending a week , with her sister , Mrs . Henry Morken , in East Hampton. Russell Sherman, of Bellairc, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. C. H. Lucas. Mrs. John L. Bowtlitch enter- tained a few friends for bridge last Friday evening. In the party were Mrs. Charlotte Moss, Miss Frances Dawson, Mrs. F. N. Dickerson, Mrs. Herbert Whitney, Mrs. Don- ald Clark, Mrs. Agnes Clark , Mrs. Bowditch. Prizes were won by Mrs. Agnes Clark and Miss Daw- son. Mr. and Mrs Howard Canoune spent a few days last week at the Burns cottage. R, G. Du - 11 and Marvin Shieb- ler attended several sessions of the New York Sta te Historical Society at Southampton last week. Demands for R. G. Duvall' s "His- tory of Shelter Island" have car- run the limited edition first pub- lished and Mr . Duvall is now ar- ranging for another edition , it is renerted. Mrs. Violet Calabrese was a re- cent week-end guest of her uncle and . aur.t , Mr. and Mrs. Fioyd Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter King are away on a vacation trip. A new storage building for boats is being added to Tuthill' s shipyard at Menantic Creek, Sachem Council , D. of A., will entertain visiting state officers at their lodge room October 22. Oliver Wells , Sr.. attended the funeral of his brother , Wheeler Wells , at Baiting Hollow Monday, October 10. Mrs . Matt Havens , of Riverhead , has been spending some time on the Island. SHELTER ISLAND The Sound Avenue Church will be closed on Sunday owing to the absence of the pastor. Regular services will be resumed oh Sunday , October 23. The Christian Endeavor. Society voted to send Miss Rachel Wells as its representative to the Inter- County Christian 'Endeavor Officers Convention at Hempstead on Sat- urday and Sunday of this week. It also voted , in dispensing with next Sunday ' s meeting to extend the schedule of programs on Alcohol and Prohibition one week into November. Let me have your iawn mower for the winter. Sharpened , over- hauled and cleaned, $2 per mower. C. Bucholz , tel. 2112 Riverhead.Advt. 5t4c Mrs . M. J. Fishburn who h-is been spending the summer with her daughter , Mrs. John R. Reeve , left this week for . an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Edgerton , of Richmond Hid. Rev. Edward L. 'Nolting, of Madura , India , who spoke at the morning phurch service was the over Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Hallock. , Miss Marion Bennett , of Walden. N. Y., was the recent guest of friends in this place! Miss Edna Wild , of Providence , R. I., who has been spending a week at the parsonage left for her home on Monday. ~ Rev. and Mrs. Wells H. Fitch are enjoying a motor trip to points of interest up-State. ' The Sound Avenue Grange will celebrate "its 20th Anniversary on Tuesday evening, Oct. 18th . .. At 6:00 p. m. a one dish supper will be served., Each family is request- ed to bring one hot dish or a salad. The committe e will provide meat , rolls , coffee and dessert and a charge of ( twent y cents per person will be made to cover, these items. During the lecturer ' s hour a short program appropriate to the occa- sion will be presented. A large famil y picnic was held at Reuben Wells ' bungalow on Sun- day afternoon. Those present were Arthur Tyte and family, Har- rison Tyte and family and Stephen Tyte and family. As guests of the above there were also present rela- tives . from the South Side and Reuben and Miss Mathilda Wells. Howard Wells and family spent the week-end at the bungalow of Horace J. Wells. \ Mr. Miller and . family, of Oueens Village , were down at their bungalow for the week-end and on leaving closed it f or the season. A number , of the Home Bureau members from ' .his place attended Mrs. Tobey' s clothing- demonstra- tion in Riverhead on Monday. On Sunday morning in the Greenport Hospital a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Birdsey A. Youngs. It reported that mother and child are doing nicely. Mrs. O. A. Randall of Orlando , Florida , is expected to arrive in New York this coming Saturday on a two weeks' excursion trip. She will then visit her daughter , Mrs. Kenneth L. Wells , of this place. The interment of Wheeler Wells , of Baiting Holfow, on Monday af- ternoon was in the family plot in the Sound Avenue . Cemetery. He was a former resident and mem- ber of this parish. NORTHVILLE Miss Justena Meese is spending some time with her sister . Mrs . D. J . McDonald , in Detroit , Mich. Mrs . Stanley Cox spent several days in the city last week. Leland E. Fanning, of New Yprk , has been spending his vaca- tion at his home tet'e. Robert nnd Carl Slelzev , with some friends i'rr.m Mattituck , at- tended a world series game in New York on Heplo-mbei- 30. The Misses Anita. Helen and Mildred Mt-Nulty. of Brooklyn , spent the week-end with their par- ents , Mr. and .Mrs. V . ,1. McNulty. Mrs . Josephine Fanning return- ed Sunday from n visit with her friend , Mrs . Clara lino , in Elm- hurst. Mr . anil Mrs. Ernest Drost and chiidw-n spcr.t Sunday with rela- tives at Stony Brook. . Miss Mary Estelle Truskolaski entertained a small group of Wends at her home Sunday eve- ning-. After a pleasant same of Michigan , refresh merits were fcrvcd. The prize was won by John C. VVowak. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Warner , of East Moriches; Jesse Ball and daughter . Miss Lois Ball , of Smith- town , and Mrs. Edward Saunders, :(.f Lake Grove , were guests at the Fanning home last Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Young entertained a group of young ladies at her home recently at bridge. Mr. and Mrs . John Cogan , of Southold . spent Sunday with her sister . Miss Sara Donovan , and brother , P. Donovan. Mrs. John Fleischman visited her son and wife , Mr. and 'Mrs. Wil- liam Fleischman , in Jamesport one day last week. Mrs . Helen Bouteher , of. South- old, spent several days last week with "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bouteher. Mrs. James Fahy, of New York , spent last Monday night" with Miss Sadie Mahoney. Sunday Miss Ma- honey had as her Ruests the Misses Sara and Mary McDermott and Mary Shalvy, of .Mattituck. : LAUREL ¦ » » ¦ II II II i . . . Centralization of all police ati- tfiority in th" . person of tlie Sheriff , the reorganization of tow l and vil- lage law enforcement agencies and the installation of a teletypewriter system would accomplish far more iii the way of controlling crime in Suffolk Count y than the establish- ment of a county police force , .Mar- vin Shiebler , president of the Suf- folk County Taxpayers ' .Associa- tion , maintains in a letter .to Su- pervisors Nelson C. Osbor-ne and Henry S. Johnson , members of the committee named to investi gate the feasibility of creating a county- wide department. Mr. Shiebler finds that Suffolk officers have proved their mettle in the recent crime wave by appre- hending the principals in several ' killings and holdups, lie sees no need for a count y force hut believes that the Sheriff should be made the police head of the county and that all officers , county, town and vil- lage , should be under his orders. He would have each town and vil- lage reorganize its police system by creating a bureau to receive and record the reports of all crimes. . -Head quarters of the proposed teletypewriter system, which would be connected with the Nassau and State Police systems , should prop- erly be located at Huntington , he declares. Shiebler Opposes Countv Police Plan

z nijss^s^^iSmmu^mK^fu '-u^'um . - m- - — H OWNER S, EAST ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1932-10... · Mrs. Gardiner Dickerson is visit-ing her brother. George Lewis

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Page 1: z nijss^s^^iSmmu^mK^fu '-u^'um . - m- - — H OWNER S, EAST ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1932-10... · Mrs. Gardiner Dickerson is visit-ing her brother. George Lewis

At an election held recently at.the Torrintrton High School audi-wrium, Torrington, Conn., A.Tfesley Smith, a teacher in theforrington High School, waselected president of the TorringtonTeachers' Association for 1932-33,and also a delegate to the stateconvention. Mr. S.uith has .b^**secretary of the association -. fortwo years, and is serving his fifthvear as instructor at that school;He has trained much popularity inthe school by his keen interests m

the school activities. At presenthe is coach of the high school ten-nis team and a member of theTorrinjrton faculty team, and di-rector of the new 22-pi/>ce highschool orchestra which has justbeen organized through his efforts.Among the pieces in . their popularrepertoire are included two of Mr.Smith's own composition , "Won'tYou ," a waltz song hit of the pastseason, and his new foxtrot , "OnMy Isle of Dreams." He is theson of Mr. and Mrs. C. WesleySmith , of Shelter Island Heights.

The activities of the winter sea-son are beginning among theDaughters of America with aseries of events scheduled for theremainder of the month., At theregular meeting of the council heldat the Mechanics' Hall on Mondayevening, October 10, Miss IreneSalminen was initiated. The Shel-ter Island council has been invitedto attend a meeting of the PilgrimCouncil of Greenport on Tuesdayevening, October 18, and on Satur-day evening, October 22, the StateCouncilor, Elizabeth Arnold, andher staff of officers will visit theShelter Island chapter. A specialmeeting will be held for the occa-sion and every member is request-ed to make a special effort to at-tend.

The Senior Christian EndeavorSociety will serve a supper atthe chapel on Tuesday evening,October 25.

Mrs. Alva Goodwin, of Douglas-ton, is spending a week with Mrs.George M. Burrell.

Mrs. L. K. Thome has returnedto the Island from an extendedvisit with her sister, Mrs. H. M.Tift at her home in Quogue.

Miss Isabel Smith and Mrs. M.Brandhorst, of Glen Cove, andMiss Marie Brandhorst, of Free-port , were week-end guests ofMiss Smith's cousin, Mrs. EllaEowditch.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wrenn anddaughters, the Misses Carolyn ,Louise and Barbara Wrenn, ofBrooklyn, spent the week-end attheir home in West Neck.

With the closing of the CheouitInn in the early part of last week,the Bellecrest Cottage on NorthFerry road has been opened forbusiness.

Mrs. E. Kin g and son, Cornelius,and daughter, Betty, are guests atthe Bowditch Inn..

Mrs. Ella Bowditch entertainedseveral friends at bridge lastThursday evening. Prize winnerswere Mrs. Agnes Clark, first; MissFrances Dawson, second, and otherguests were Mrs. H. Whitney, Mrs .F. W. Dickerson, Mrs. R. H. Conk-lin. Mrs. Donald Clark and Mrs. C.J. Moss.

Miss Ellen Stein, of the PostGraduate Hospital , of New YorkCity, is spending a short time ather cottage at Shelter IslandHeights.

H. Monroe Whitney, son of Mr.and Mrs. H. Whitney, returnedlast week to resume his post grad-uate studies at Columbia Univer-sity. Mr. Whitney, who holds hismaster's degree, is working for aPh.D. degree in Latin and Greek .During the winter months he willdo substitute .teaching in the uni-versity.

Walter R. Havens has returnedfrom a short trip to New York.

Dr. Maddren Dawson spent lastweek-end at Shelter I s l a n dHeights with his mother, Mrs.Walter Dawson. He had as hieguest, Dr. D. Rhane, house surgeonat the Kings County Hospital,where Dr. Dawson is an interne.

Miss Annabell Burrell. daughterof Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bur-rell, has returned to DevereuxTutoring School to continue herstudies. :

Mr. and Mrs. David Clark , ofNew Rochelle, who recently pur-chased the Canoun residence onMenantic road, are making exten-sive alterations in the interior ofthe house.

Mrs. Gardiner Dickerson is visit-ing her brother. George Lewis andfamily, of the Bronx.


Rev. W. W. KroupaSunday" morning mass, 9.Weekday mass, 8 a. in ,Rosary devotion every Sunday

during October at 4 p. m.


Rev. George KilgusChurch service, 10:30 a. m.Sunday School. 12 m.Jr. C. E. Society. 3 p. m.Intermediate Christian Endeavor,

4:15 p. m.Senior Christian Endeavor, 7:30

pi m.

On Monday afternoon, October10, Mrs. Charles Burns, Mrs. Ern-est Lucas and Mrs. George Kilgusattended a coaching conference onmissions, held at Mattituck.

A tri-county conference for aliChristian Endeavor Society officerswill take place at Hempstead nextSaturday and Sunday, October 15and 16. Miss Leah Chapman andMiss Elizabeth Burns, of the localSenior Christian Endeavor Society,are planning to attend .

The election of church elders andrenewal of the minister 's contract,which was announced for Sunday,October 9, will instead be held im-mediately following church serv-ices on Sunday, October 16. ¦

Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clockthe Jr. C. E. Society members .willdiscuss the subject, "How Mission-aries Helped to Change China."Edith Sherman will be the leader.

"The Truth About Alcohol", isthe topic wbich-> the IntermediateC. E. Society members will studynex t Sunday afternoon.

On Sunday evening the SeniorC. E. Society will discuss the sub-ject , "What Does Alcohol Do toPeople and to Society?" The pas-tor will serve as leader.

Lamont—OtisJfews has been received on the

Island of the recent marriage ofMiss Helen Otis, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Charles H. Otis, of Co-lumbia Heights, Brooklyn, andShelter Island Heights, to John G.Lamont, of New York City.




During, the past few years tlie Eastern End ofLong Island has hecome seriously infested With thesewood destroying pests. .

Wc guarantee to exterminate these wood destroy-ers and prevent re-infestation.

Inspection and estimates free.

Sanders Exterminator Corp.981 SENECA AVE. BROOKLYN, N. Y.

Phone Evergreen 2-4472

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that even tread wear. We'd have had our\u* \A V^ V* money's worth if they'd quit three months

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Truck and Bus ________¦__¦Casings and Tubes ____9______

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REICH BROTHERSGoodyear Tiro Dept. : 360 E. Main St., PATCHOGUE, L. I. Phone Patchogue 1-117


f ae&f i" ^^ immThat's why feeders are finding tt rives flfflwBfflfflll8 to 10% better fertility. __lro_i*__K_You can't make an ideal Breeders Mash J_S__a_!sP_iout of a Laying Mash any more than ¦'iii r. n"rJ»^jrou can convert a draft horse into a race .horse. No dual purpose horse is good v_ _ _yenough for a racer! £_______a_VA Laying Mash is for MORE EGGS. f__EB__BB_HlA Breeders Mash is for HIGHER FER- lll__ ff_FaRIII .TILITY, VITALITY OF GERM, HATCH- IllfilBllnABILITY, LIVEABILITY OF CHICKS, |||_HS__S__IIIetc. Each needs a SPECIAL feed. !IIK_B____II IBeacon makes "Special Feeds for Special ll_J_____f_ilPurposes"—Complete Starting Ration, I ____M___iB_|||Broiler Feed, Growing Mash, Egg Masb, llfff&-Bi_flltBreeders Mash, etc. Each is the BEST |___||_|___ l||tor its special purpose. Test them and seel / [BTmWJBHfnnBl I

iswum mum co.f «avu&v n. v., *-^ S___Ss_fe=>____ *


¦ Eastport , L. L, N. Y.

• SUFFOLK MILLS, INC. Riverhead, L. 1, N. Y.KAKLIN'S GRAIN & COAL CO. - . Greenport, L. L, N. Y.LOUIS VOGEL . . . ; . ' . . i Yapbank , L. I. N. Y.

I Weilty C. Bowers—Southampton „ , , „ ,f <J-irth- -Sehinamnn—Pnti-lioiruc . . . . Packard Sedan

Jnra Irene Yost—Brentwood '. • ;DeS'it'; S"lanJiMsJie C. Briwn—Brentwood Chevrolet CouneKva Busso—Huntington CheVHilet Couchfie-irge W. Prankard-Bay Shore '. .Chevrolet CoachMunlaKUe Hulbrook-Babylon :'... Buek SedanKred Sehfvwea—Belljwrt '. Chev rolet SedanVir Kinia Clark Ruth Ackerly-Riverheiu ' '

.' .' .':: ' ' "2 |SnSamuel T. Hart--KinKs 1'ark »w STiISSho, eham Water Corr.-Shoreham .....".' idflSKenneth M. Weekfi-^Amllyville i v S SAustin M. Ixiekerj ian-Kinw Park . . . "' Ford^r CuuneAlbert Bert-surf— Babylon -~ V.V ' ' , , \. J.Mortime.. H. Cobb-Westhumpton leich " t&fS SSSZJohn Kuleaa-Calverton £SGeo.ee f . Baker-Stony Brook 'i^VirtoriaCharle. A. Wol.'-Babylon .. pStd vSKWilliam H. Wilfaon-quoitue fid TudorKre.1 N. Terrell-Gr.eem.ort n^M r Tof, ZAlbert Harer-PatcfeoKu'e ;;;.';;;; - ; • • Chr »>

_% ^Julia Jappen~Cold |pri„ B HaH,nr \V.V.V.\V.V.V.\V.\\\VcheCrol/t Cab'rloMGcorRe W. Weeks—Stony Brook Vnr _ t cnun»ST*- Rc,'*S; i,'tc ,, • ¦• ¦ ::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::&£3«. _S_William G. Robinson—Greenport Wi ii,, c„„D,.Florence K. Keefe-Shelter Wand .... Nash SedMBernard Raff-East ,N.oith|,ort For„ «fj_Ea rie B; G/Un-Baj- Snore .... .. ' __ Cou„Arthur H. Schweider-Iiabylon .' ..' Graham S«ta{¦;mea _Hwt phiiHpa^Bciii.ort '.'.'.:'.'.:'.:'. '.'.'.::'.'.'.::::::rord catrioietAlex Zdunko—Riverhead Fc.i.ral TruckCharles . H. JUcktoid-Southol,! .. .......V.V.V. V.V.V.'. V. '..\\V-V.V. V.V.'.?flrd CoSWwm C. Young-Riverhead Pli-m„t»l 'CoachEdna K. Kuwards— Sal! Harbor Chevrolet CoachAn_'m S- Mollenhauer—May Shore Pierce-Arrow SedanJohn W Durose-PatchoKue Plymouth StdanJohn fc. lanlon—Babylon Ford TudorHorace Havemeyer—Islip '.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.'.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'chrysler CoupeHarry Nichols— Kings Park Cherrdet CoachJames C. Parr.sh—Southampton . . Ford SedanAlex Cameron, Jr. ~Southami.(on \ ..Ford CabrioletAlfred J. Vooihic.i—PatcbOKiia '.'.". '. ' '". '.". Ford Coupe

New Car Owners

I Miss Evelyn Blivon , ot Wester-ly, R. I„ is visiting at the homeof her grandmother, Mrs . WaltonBrooks.

Mr. and Mrs. Beecher K«tcham,V of Eastport , are spending a time• at their summer home.'..- Professor Harold P. French, who? ¦' • is a district superintendent o£'* schools of the third district of Al-§.' Lany Cour.tv. has so far recoveredi from the operation performed forL-- appendicitis at the Eastern L. 1.f . Hospital to again take up his workr in Rreatei- force.fc^ At the monthly business meet-y ^Ting .of the Fire Company, it was

voted to join the North Fork Fire-men's Association , which includesthe companies from Riverhead :to

• Orient.i Miss Marie Edwards, whom the

y . ' East Marion friends hear of with'_ s p e c i a l interest because, hei} mother, Mrs. Herbert N. Edwards,- \ ot Amag:mseit, was with us until;V ¦ her marriage, has won ior herself"\ special mention in that she hasv been elected .treasurer of the

sophomore class of Cedar CrestCbllege. Allentown, Pa. She is

*•.- also a member, :of the debating, -- , team, which will .'meet the team of', -. Haverford College in their annual

Rebate in October. Miss Edwards| is quite an athlete and is winningLL.-- honors right along: in that line.Wf J'The word comes from some ofl ^ tlie city boys that - prospects aref " brighter alone business lWes; Some

hoys are back on full time, with ar„se since being cut, which makesthem feal like pushing alone:, and

' cHmbing over the rocks in the roadWith a new vision. ,Mfiome of the finest fruit that

i Wi would care to look upon was-. _Texhibition at the county fair


which first, premiums weresent in by Martin Beck, of

thwind," on the bay. We wishuention this even if a little

ss Ruth Arnold , of Southamp-who has been busy caring *«sick, is enjoying a vacation

her parents,' Mr. and Mrs.i ..v-rreu Arnold. Miss Arnold accom-

« - 'panied by her sister , Miss Gertrude' Arnold, enjoyed the week-end visit-

ing and shopping in New York., * The Baptist Social Society had\ '• their first meeting of the fall for

i, th* annual business and election on'¦ Thursday. A cordial invitationf -iid been extended to the public to' wStake of the supper and enjoy?*tm» program of the evening, mak-


a real 'success, financiallysocially. . The report of the

iy elected officers will be givenexfc issue,rs. Bert Udell, who has beening at the' home of her son,rt Udell, at- Patchogue, visitedids here recently. Mrs. Udellrented her apartment to Pnn-[ and Mrs. George H. Morton.

fine time was spent at thee of Mrs. Ernest. L. Vail on

avenue, when the Triangles of the Greenport Presby->n church -was entertained onevening of October . 4 at arerty social/' It was carriedto the letter, in costume andJ. i\. Wells, of Greenport , car-home the prize for being the

- most appropriately dressed. De-licious refreshments were served.__Fhe borne with .the beautiful dec-

*T»rations of dahlias, the gift oft^Mrs. W. Halsey Wiggins, made thelievening even . more enjoyable.SiFlowers do indeed give cheer.m Mrs. Clarence R. Ankers has®>3en visitiner ner daughter, Mrs.H. Halsey Brown , who returnedKith her for SL.wisit in RockvilleSenter,«TJie folk who had the privilege«ti«ttending the revival meetingsSit buve been held in the Grecn-'BtiTabernacle. have greatly en-¦IfiiSliem and , been blessed by________ [ They wilt come to an end

__________Uober 14._______________ Harry Kctcham attendedj^^^^^Kial

meeting "ml luncheon

^^^^^Hficers of the Home Bureau^^^^^Vitiverhead.^^^^^ ¦ecr Otto Van TuyJ is stiik-^^^^Ht additional lots at Sunset

^^^BFr'and Mrs. Clarence I. Vail

_W____f ~f a:en i-ninyin--' life, on their9^_____fser. "Malingei- ," this week.i J^Btv had as irue.sts Mr. and Mrs.kj^Huis Vail and Mrs. Ear!, of Scran-H^Ei. Pa. Miss Mat v Anna Vail ,j ^ ^Bp is a student at Mount Holyoke^^¦Nege, was a recent guest of herj ^^Bents, accompanied by friends.i______m- Gertrude Wj ll;, is attending§j _____?Triomh Academy at Locust^___bv-^¦h Jessie Hedges

is camping

^^^Vflliinnntic, Conn ., with Miss^^B Moore, of Greenport , and'I^^HQIarenKe Tuthill. of Orient.^^^HEand

Mrs. Charles Powell, of

l ^^Hjort. and Mr. and Mrs.J^^^Kjiiitark , of Waterbury,

'¦r:l^m%%%%W>*Te recent guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Rackett.Louis Stoeltzing, of Cleveland,

Ohio, was with his sister, Mrs. C.A. Stoeltzing, M.D., for the week-end.

Daniel F. Brown is making onemore improvement to his residenceby the addition of another room.

The fall run of blueliah off Sun-set Shores in the -Sound is thinningout. The run has lasted about amonth and some very fine catcheshave been made".

Miss Charlotte Quarty. grand-daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. HowardClark, has entered the AliceChapin Adoption Nursery in NewYork City as a student nurse.

The Craft Club starts its meet-ings in earnest for charitablework with the following commit-tees and officers: Work committee,Mrs. Charles Rackett and MissGertrude Arnold; sick committee,Mrs. John Muir and Mrs. ChesterKetcham; president, Mrs. Ray-mond Rackett; vice, president , Mrs.Albert Edgar; secretary. DorisBaker; treasurer , Mrs. WaylandBrown.

Now that the rush of tho sum-mer work is over the pastor. Rev.F. K. Shepherd, cordially invitesyou to the services of the Baptistchurch. His sermons were inspir-ing last .Sunday- Mrs. John Jet-'fer and Mrs. C. T. Brooks, withMrs. Ralph S. Eldredge at thepiano, repdered a duet and Mrs.John Jetter a solo.

The trap-fishermen do not reporttbe catch of fish much larger, astne fair fishing, it was hoped, wouldbe. Some of the traps are alreadytaken out. „ .- Mr. and Mrs. Leland Tuthill, otRichmond Hill, enjoyed a week-endvisit at the Thieringer home withher parents and family.

The Gardiner's Bay Estates col-ony came cut in full numbers. Mr.and Mrs. Harry Allison, of Rock-ville Center, closed their place fo*the season.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Darbeeand son, of Brooklyn, had a pleas-ant week-end at their beautifulhome. Mr. Darbee. since leaving afew weeks ago, has been underhospital treatment.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Lewis anddaughter, Miss Alice, of WestHempstead, came out and closedfor the season.

Superintendent and Mrs. S. Tay-lor Johnson, of Oceanside, MissMarguerite Johnson and Miss Stan-lick, of Glen Cove, were at "Hal-cyon Lodge."

The home of Rev. A. F. Johnsonand family, which they have named"Tanniwita," was opened for ahappy week-end.

Mrs. J. H. Hurst son and daugh-ter, of Elmhurst, did not miss theweek-end as usual.¦Mr. and -Mrs. Henry Wright, of

Lynbrook. otiened their home, asdid also Mr. and Mrs. George Muel-ler, ot Port Washington.

Mr., and Mrs. Charles Richmondand daughters, of Rockville Cen-ter, were at their pleasant ho.me.

Mr. and Mrs. James H. H • '*reat St. Albans for a time. \ ,*.

The' beautiful weather ke*,vthe bathing and out-of-town sfc \on the Estates, which are so bei. .ficial .

The King's Daughters' Circlewill meet with Mrs. Everett H.Vail on October 20 and take upthe sewing for the Christmas boxfor the New York Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Children.

EAST MARION*— ¦—-^———

¦¦ ¦¦ - r IT II

Miss Winifred Billaid , of Sca-

ford , spent the week-end with herparents, M _ and Mrs. Clayton Bil-lard.

Miss Madeline Tyler , of Pat-chogue, was a weekrend guest ofher parents , Mr. and Mrs. RalphB. Tyler. ,

Mrs. William Kolimer verypleasantly enterta ined the NoName Bridge Club on Friday eve-ning of last week.

Mrs. Melcene Mulford spentThursday with her sister, Mrs. G.P. Rackett, in Sag Harbor.

Mrs. Susanna Curran and Se!-wyn Hatfield were dinner guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Alan Grathwoh lon Thursday evening of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Braun andniece, Lillian Goetschius, spenttwo days last Week in Brooklyn,

William C. Grathwohl spent thefirst part of this week in New-York and Valley Stream.

Let me have your lawn mowerfor the winter. Sharpened, over-hauled and cleaned, $2 per mower.C. Bucholz, tel. 2412 Riverhead.—Advt. . BtAc

Mrs. Linnaeus Allen entertainedat luncheon on Wednesday.

Miss Marion Robinson, of EastHampton, spent the week-end withher parents, Mr, and Mrs. HowardRobinson.

Miss Charts Hutchinson, ofFlushing, was a guest of Mr. andMrs. O. W. Case.

Miss Constance Kendricks enter-tained at bridge on Saturday eve-ning last.

Miss Ottilia Drach. who hag justrecovered from an accident inspraining her ankle, spent theweek-end with Mrs. Lillian Grath-wohl.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Sterlingand Mr. arid Mrs. Ernest Morrellleft here on Monday for a motortrip through the New EnglandStates. They will visit the homeof Louisa M. Alcott in Concord ,Mass., and will also visit pointsof interest in Maine and the WhiteMountains.

Mr. and Mrs. Grathwohl Gurran,Mr. and Mrs. Merriman, of NewYork, and Mr. and Mrs. Snow, ofFlushing, were Sunday guests ofMrs. Susanna Curran.

We are very sorry to learn ofthe illness of the infant daughterof Mr. and Mrs. C4in Glover andhope soon to hear, of her recovery.

Mf. and Mrs. Ellis Billard andMr. and Mrs. Henry Horton spentMonda.r of this week in New Yorkand iBro ;klyn.

Irwin Beebe spent the week-endin Brooklyn.

Mr. and Mrs. George Young areenjoying a motor trip.

Miss Sallie Tuthill. of Speonk ,spent the wee) t~end with her par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tuthill.

Miss Eunice Conklin and C. T.Case, of Patchogue, were dinnei.guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.Ralph Sterling.

On Wednesday of last week theAid Society held the annual dinneiin the M. E. church parlors. Therewas a large attendance and sucha dinner as one .seldom sees. Afterthe dinner was served' the roll wascalled of all members and friendswho had sunshine bags and theyresponded by passing in theirbags. A fine sum 'of money wasadded to the treasury. All ofthose who could not attend areasked to send their bags either tothe president, Mrs. W. C. Grath-wohl, or the treasurer, Mrs. AnnieBeebe, as they will be discontinuedanother year.

Preston Mears, of New York,was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.Howard Robinson over the week-end.

Miss Ruth . Grathwohl, of Brook-lyn, was a guest <m Sunday of herparents, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeGrathwohl.

Mrs. George Fleet and her sis-ter, Mrs. Brown, of Brooklyn, areguests of Miss Kathryn Fleet ather beautiful home at the bay;

Mrs. Edward Garvey, of Genoa,N. Y.. is spending several weekswith relatives and friends in thisplace.

We are sorry to lose Mr. andMrs. Forrest Bwva from our com-munity. Mr. Brown is one of ourfine barbers. He will carry on hisbusiness in Mattituck.

Rev. E. C. Fowler has a largeclass of Juniors that meet withhim in the Sunday school audi-torium every Friday after schoolfor Bible study.

Mrs. Delia Heffron is spendingthe winter in Hampton Bays.


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The Misses Isabel Smith, MayBrandhorst, of Glen Cove, andMarie Brandhorst, of Freeport ,were week-end guests of Mrs. J.L. Bowditch.

Mrs. Charles Thorne has return-ed from a three weeks' stay withrher sister, Mrs. Tift , in Quogue.

Mr. and Mrs. Southwood, ofWest Hempstead, were guests atBowditch Inn for several days lastweek.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cartwright,of East Hampton , visited relativeshere last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCumbcrand Mrs. William Cullum, of EastHampton, came to the Island Sun-day to attend the funeral of theirold neigh bor, Mrs. William Rogers.

Clarence Cartwright, Jr., ofNew York , spent the week-endhere.

Mrs. William Burns has • beenvisiting her sister, Mrs. Lee Por-ter, in Brockton, Mass. .

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Southwickhave reopened Southwick cottageafter a two weeks' absence.

Miss Helen Capon has beenspending a week, with her sister,Mrs. Henry Morken , in EastHampton.

Russell Sherman, of Bellairc,has been visiting his sister, Mrs.C. H. Lucas.

Mrs. John L. Bowtlitch enter-tained a few friends for bridge lastFriday evening. In the party wereMrs. Charlotte Moss, Miss FrancesDawson, Mrs. F. N. Dickerson,Mrs. Herbert Whitney, Mrs. Don-ald Clark, Mrs. Agnes Clark, Mrs.Bowditch. Prizes were won byMrs. Agnes Clark and Miss Daw-son.

Mr. and Mrs Howard Canounespent a few days last week at theBurns cottage.

R, G. Du- 11 and Marvin Shieb-ler attended several sessions of theNew York State Historical Societyat Southampton last week.

Demands for R. G. Duvall's "His-tory of Shelter Island" have car-run the limited edition first pub-lished and Mr. Duvall is now ar-ranging for another edition , it isrenerted.

Mrs. Violet Calabrese was a re-cent week-end guest of her uncleand . aur.t, Mr. and Mrs. FioydSherman.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter King areaway on a vacation trip.

A new storage building forboats is being added to Tuthill'sshipyard at Menantic Creek,

Sachem Council, D. of A., willentertain visiting state officers attheir lodge room October 22.

Oliver Wells, Sr.. attended thefuneral of his brother , WheelerWells, at Baiting Hollow Monday,October 10.

Mrs. Matt Havens, of Riverhead ,has been spending some time onthe Island.


The Sound Avenue Church willbe closed on Sunday owing to theabsence of the pastor. Regularservices will be resumed oh Sunday,October 23.

The Christian Endeavor. Societyvoted to send Miss Rachel Wells as

its representative to the Inter-County Christian 'Endeavor OfficersConvention at Hempstead on Sat-urday and Sunday of this week. Italso voted , in dispensing with nextSunday's meeting to extend theschedule of programs on Alcoholand Prohibition one week intoNovember.

Let me have your iawn mowerfor the winter. Sharpened , over-hauled and cleaned, $2 per mower.C. Bucholz , tel. 2112 Riverhead.—Advt. 5t4c

Mrs. M. J. Fishburn who h-isbeen spending the summer with herdaughter, Mrs. John R. Reeve, leftthis week for .an extended visitwith her daughter, Mrs. WalterEdgerton , of Richmond Hid.

Rev. Edward L. 'Nolting, ofMadura , India , who spoke at themorning phurch service was theover Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs.Henry A. Hallock. ,

Miss Marion Bennett , of Walden.N. Y., was the recent guest offriends in this place!

Miss Edna Wild , of Providence,R. I., who has been spending a weekat the parsonage left for her homeon Monday. ~

Rev. and Mrs. Wells H. Fitchare enjoying a motor trip to pointsof interest up-State.'

The Sound Avenue Grange willcelebrate "its 20th Anniversary onTuesday evening, Oct. 18th. .. At6:00 p. m. a one dish supper willbe served., Each family is request-ed to bring one hot dish or a salad.The committee will provide meat,rolls, coffee and dessert and acharge of ( twenty cents per personwill be made to cover, these items.During the lecturer's hour a shortprogram appropriate to the occa-sion will be presented.

A large family picnic was heldat Reuben Wells ' bungalow on Sun-day afternoon. Those presentwere Arthur Tyte and family, Har-rison Tyte and family and StephenTyte and family. As guests of theabove there were also present rela-tives . from the South Side andReuben and Miss Mathilda Wells.

Howard Wells and family spentthe week-end at the bungalow ofHorace J. Wells. \

Mr. Miller and . family, ofOueens Village, were down attheir bungalow for the week-endand on leaving closed it f o r theseason.

A number , of the Home Bureaumembers from '.his place attendedMrs. Tobey's clothing- demonstra-tion in Riverhead on Monday.

On Sunday morning in theGreenport Hospital a son was bornto Mr. and Mrs. Birdsey A. Youngs.It i§ reported that mother andchild are doing nicely.

Mrs. O. A. Randall of Orlando,Florida, is expected to arrive inNew York this coming Saturdayon a two weeks' excursion trip. Shewill then visit her daughter, Mrs.Kenneth L. Wells, of this place.

The interment of Wheeler Wells ,of Baiting Holfow, on Monday af-ternoon was in the family plot inthe Sound Avenue . Cemetery. Hewas a former resident and mem-ber of this parish.


Miss Justena Meese is spendingsome time with her sister. Mrs. D.J. McDonald , in Detroit , Mich.

Mrs. Stanley Cox spent severaldays in the city last week.

Leland E. Fanning, of NewYprk , has been spending his vaca-

tion at his home tet'e.Robert nnd Carl Slelzev , with

some friends i'rr.m Mattituck , at-tended a world series game in NewYork on Heplo-mbei- 30.

The Misses Anita. Helen andMildred Mt-Nulty. of Brooklyn ,spent the week-end with their par-ents, Mr. and .Mrs. V. ,1. McNulty.

Mrs. Josephine Fanning return-ed Sunday from n visit with herfriend , Mrs . Clara lino, in Elm-hurst.

Mr. anil Mrs. Ernest Drost andchiidw-n spcr.t Sunday with rela-tives at Stony Brook.. Miss Mary Estelle Truskolaskientertained a small group ofWends at her home Sunday eve-ning-. After a pleasant same ofM i c h i g a n , refresh merits werefcrvcd. The prize was won byJohn C. VVowak.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Warner ,of East Moriches ; Jesse Ball anddaughter. Miss Lois Ball , of Smith-town , and Mrs. Edward Saunders,:(.f Lake Grove, were guests at theFanning home last Sunday.

Mrs. Cecil Young entertained agroup of young ladies at her homerecently at bridge.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cogan , ofSouthold . spent Sunday with hersister. Miss Sara Donovan, andbrother , P. Donovan.

Mrs. John Fleischman visited herson and wife , Mr. and 'Mrs. Wil-liam Fleischman , in Jamesport oneday last week.

Mrs. Helen Bouteher, of. South-old, spent several days last weekwith "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bouteher.

Mrs. James Fahy, of New York ,spent last Monday night" with Miss

Sadie Mahoney. Sunday Miss Ma-honey had as her Ruests the MissesSara and Mary McDermott andMary Shalvy, of .Mattituck. :

LAUREL¦ » » ¦ II II II i . . .

Centralization of all police ati-tfiority in th". person of tlie Sheriff ,the reorganization of tow l and vil-lage law enforcement agencies andthe installation of a teletypewritersystem would accomplish far moreiii the way of controlling crime inSuffolk Count y than the establish-ment of a county police force , .Mar-vin Shiebler , president of the Suf-folk County Taxpayers' .Associa-tion , maintains in a letter .to Su-pervisors Nelson C. Osbor-ne andHenry S. Johnson , members of thecommittee named to investi gate thefeasibility of creating a county-wide department.

Mr. Shiebler finds that Suffolkofficers have proved their mettle inthe recent crime wave by appre-hending the principals in several

' killings and holdups, lie sees noneed for a county force hut believesthat the Sheriff should be made thepolice head of the county and thatall officers, county, town and vil-lage, should be under his orders.He would have each town and vil-lage reorganize its police systemby creating a bureau to receive andrecord the reports of all crimes. .

-Headquarters of the proposedteletypewriter system, which wouldbe connected with the Nassau andState Police systems, should prop-erly be located at Huntington , hedeclares.

Shiebler OpposesCountv Police Plan