JEFFREY SHAW virtua/ worid voyag-ing- "ANAl-lORPllOSES OF MEMORY" Kunst Over de Vloer. Entrepotdok, Amsterdam, Holland 1987 (purchased by the City of Amsterdam for the collection of the Stedlilk Museum) text written by Dirk Groeneveld This work was specially made for the exhibition "Kunst Over de Vloer", where the invited artists were asked to create works in private homes at the *Entrepotdok* - a new residential development in Amsterdam, I chose to make a work in the sparse bedroom of a student's appartment. This video sculpture makes use of the traditional tromp I'oeil techniques of anamophoses where a deformed image is reflected onto a mirrored cylinder, as a result of which its deformation is corrected. In this work the anamorphoses is created by digital processesing and recorded on video tape. The corrected image is seen on a mirrored cylinder that stands centrally on the surface of a monitor screen. The video anamorphoses is an image of moving lines of text (written by Dirk Groeneveld). As a consequence of the anamorphic deformation the text on the monitor screen is seen to move from the center outwards in concentric cicles around the mirrored cylinder. But when the reflection of this text is read on the surface of the mirrored cylinder, it is seen moving in upward scrolling horizontal lines. This work is constituted by the following elements; - a 60 minute continuous replay video tape - a video monitor (50cm screen) - a mirrored cylinder attached in the center to the surface of the monitor screen - a foam-rubber mattress approx, 170cm x 60cm with two sheets, a pillow and a blanket - a pair of blue slippers In the installation of this work the monitor rests horizontally on the bed which is on the floor of the exhibition space. The bed sheet and blanket are pulled back where the monitor is resting. Beside the bed are the pair of blue slippers. The work is meant to be viewed from a standing position, from which angle the anamorphoses of the text on the monitor screen is clearly reflected and read on the mirrored cylinder. The video image is black and white (i,e, white text on a black background) - only a patch of red in the center of the monitor screen hidden under the mirrored cylinder illuminates the interior of that cylinder with a red glow. (c)1987 Jeffrey Shaw, Javastraat 126, Amsterdam, Holland

JEFFREY SHAW virtua/ worid voyag-ing-...Jul 01, 2017  · The video anamorphoses is an image of moving lines of text (written by Dirk Groeneveld). As a consequence of the anamorphic

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Page 1: JEFFREY SHAW virtua/ worid voyag-ing-...Jul 01, 2017  · The video anamorphoses is an image of moving lines of text (written by Dirk Groeneveld). As a consequence of the anamorphic

J E F F R E Y S H AW v i r t u a / w o r i d v o y a g - i n g -

"ANAl-lORPllOSES OF MEMORY"K u n s t O v e r d e V l o e r . E n t r e p o t d o k , A m s t e r d a m , H o l l a n d 1 9 8 7(purchased by the Ci ty of Amsterdam for the col lect ion of theS t e d l i l k M u s e u m )t e x t w r i t t e n b y D i r k G r o e n e v e l d

This work was specially made for the exhibition "Kunst Over deVloer" , where the inv i ted ar t is ts were asked to c reate worksin private homes at the *Entrepotdok* - a new residentialdevelopment in Amsterdam, I chose to make a work in the sparsebedroom of a student's appartment.

This video sculpture makes use of the traditional tromp I'oeiltechniques of anamophoses where a deformed image is reflectedon to a m i r ro red cy l i nder, as a resu l t o f wh ich i t s de fo rmat ionis corrected. In th is work the anamorphoses is created bydigital processesing and recorded on video tape. The correctedimage is seen on a mirrored cylinder that stands centrally ont h e s u r f a c e o f a m o n i t o r s c r e e n .

The video anamorphoses is an image of moving lines of text(written by Dirk Groeneveld). As a consequence of the anamorphicd e f o r m a t i o n t h e t e x t o n t h e m o n i t o r s c r e e n i s s e e n t o m o v e f r o mt h e c e n t e r o u t w a r d s i n c o n c e n t r i c c i c l e s a r o u n d t h e m i r r o r e dcylinder. But when the reflection of this text is read on thesur face o f the mi r rored cy l inder, i t i s seen moving in upwards c r o l l i n g h o r i z o n t a l l i n e s .

T h i s w o r k i s c o n s t i t u t e d b y t h e f o l l o w i n g e l e m e n t s ;- a 60 m inu te con t i nuous rep lay v i deo t ape- a v ideo moni tor (50cm screen)- a m i r r o red cy l i nde r a t t ached i n t he cen te r t o t he su r f ace o f

t h e m o n i t o r s c r e e n- a foam-rubber mattress approx, 170cm x 60cm with two sheets,

a pi l low and a blanket- a p a i r o f b l u e s l i p p e r s

I n t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f t h i s w o r k t h e m o n i t o r r e s t s h o r i z o n t a l l yon the bed which is on the floor of the exhibi t ion space. The bedsheet and blanket are pul led back where the moni tor is rest ing.Bes ide the bed are the pa i r o f b lue s l ippers .

The work is meant to be viewed from a standing posit ion, fromwhich angle the anamorphoses of the text on the monitor screen isclearly reflected and read on the mirrored cylinder. The videoimage is black and white (i,e, white text on a black background)- only a patch of red in the center of the monitor screen hiddenu n d e r t h e m i r r o r e d c y l i n d e r i l l u m i n a t e s t h e i n t e r i o r o f t h a tcy l i nder w i th a red g low.

(c)1987 Jeffrey Shaw, Javastraat 126, Amsterdam, Hol land

Page 2: JEFFREY SHAW virtua/ worid voyag-ing-...Jul 01, 2017  · The video anamorphoses is an image of moving lines of text (written by Dirk Groeneveld). As a consequence of the anamorphic