0O ice Detective Constable Steve Edwards New Scotland Yard ~ Directorate of Intelligence 1 __

Open Source Intelligence (OSS 21 PRIMER Essential … · gelet foa rs dee. n~lte hem ett oho 77%The WorId Fatbook ean on Cmnad. Secbon Economv Fonner ... Wht Ar Trame Wusuha, Conslar

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Detective Constable Steve EdwardsNew Scotland Yard ~ Directorate of Intelligence



06/05/00 16:25 N0.044 D0:

tKi uaituAL OamosL0 OUTInby Il I ruak tad Rd RosnthalTyped by B. 0oa0on

| cUtmIbu corn Oort -Person S.nd Rak Aierc AoOrowvr Mclbodsf ofculdving outdoorbJtaww.meisteacBsowewSar..hfMe .B. doMno , ta tinis. o

evfto 159%2 Gt nm buid hemo Ieeds -y owi nsna ac l home Cm

NOWE. Fodanote hu bon plend hi doubl. brockel (0 NuPmbr Ihuhoulsi rofr* to bjlogv pae book ons ommA hemp at home

br nedhrn hor"pher only Commnnlo ao pdcture ae hi rel uy brackel 0 Please dlldebul t~, 9Hu 1n

4 October I1S 316% Crtabrmbu mion DraeOn eorY -Coaarba otIngooDi

Copying thi book was meglnhion lth took sboul 3 weeks In the Sbeptembr of l 83 . E-r) sec ed do Lo4 ento Web Rm8 gNoU Ple ybe Legshromrron of this Gdo i omadable Mlp)mw. inl. nrd ibn-bonGulde Ban Daown LpA r. ip loberelinet nt.auS

Juwry 1999 % onabi« seedl. worA wide deroath -onkna tCabo set

ppbsrldol ddleoed oughoul the c fr rr olt ed. w frl7panLk war added tIhuglhoul the docuinet arrasf pauulglos. Aso Ih tatot f nre fm not dLirndk sis ens



C--a-b onr AnclnrL KinCOtyCImnIle and Lerean HitsocyCambdl d; ; Speleos or Vreiettes

Cauhbino el i Ihe Aotiye mInredients oft MrtelCaCeuanblnoids sod the HighReosi *na RIesin Gla-dsPcedue.ora of Ceonnblnoldi by CurnabiCannabis CheMotyep

Bettor CuLtsvUtDn Bog.WiNChoosing 3ee6Caeaibr Lite CyclePhooperCod Od n FeoernIgIannceso Venrltions In Pocency




ehot oowl Try our CGme C

31% cnMul and hamo cds -cnnba mid bah p *cetd

gS.A0 r L f !am.d acu.-.- ta Ui. . .

IP% The Freedom Book Coanrs -Th Freedom Boo Cook

,,avJOh f dir m soa daLst it. M a

79% canmbil con: CAnebis Relatcd Lmu -Welcome to to Cbhu are welcomed Please reporl td Osppropte li to t IrapeAr to niew a IhSk you just added ineCded.strpJlw.c rmsbis.lM Abi ,trhoe.,sttlteirh tra noe dfssu.eb IAhS nni

7a% Another SureSiLt reen ma's rasr -conoabm seadbdathlbtpJWor.tenl ms .es nc liatnsegelet rs foa dee. n~lte hem ett oho

77%The WorId Fatbook ean on Cmnad. Secbon Economv

Fonner SoAIe Union s PIlygound for Orgaized Clnmo

A Gangster's Paradise

"Whutwehave Is anImmenee


controlled byorgannhed


Efmo VPrA,


By Barara DSlrrABCNSWScWcoWASH IN 67 0 i. Spt 14-Indn ad ton to llRuiea's poliicd end econanic trouble, theblcaguered counry ao suffern from a cnaeproblem thc FBI ssy went ut of control long ago.

nunbur ofRumnsornited cnne groupshas reached 12.000 -newly triple wW it wu in1992--nh no sipe of

The FBIi reprt en'an ana irenad wlcihigsga a growiag kvel of

A - SaM h aMU d orlMsU-tc s 1* ridfinc i

metIteWdl nsmabn Rua nedie rhdep o*rs siaaoion fra8ud m anUdm (AP Pears b~~henoasoss moeIYI

Ieb caThea B bnppet reo de - ltoMa fal B m idae .3UM I economy ib g&aint p ault nien from Baa lnsd SanL

Wtul dd Worldwide Crime NetworksB aAh TWbhatwe hoa is en mee county pri*A co DyOed

by orgepnd amoe,.' ys E ao Vio, ptolisor ofCnirmnolo a Ameican Unmniro mad an eat on Bluima


4, ' - . [D MU[- 'h~EjM M ,M"ii,[MM

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N0.044 D04

UIM Mhla i , l nflwllttxlwml0n1_C| 2:1!S 1 S"x l

lenloch oad_.i FI .28.NW3 4bN 11T

Lucifet SatanL.'I

iS- :fi^

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LiJlp. , I ',: -

j rutney Hoedi 140,B20 3QT[1D]

EIlvi A PresleySMETHWICK., eiUands. 866ij FoReshose e

i B s66 1LLRl \E MisA Presley |

BLACKBS(RN. Lancashire. 8 4E Grafto

, 2,BB2 4AS [1FElvisA Presley

BRADFORD, WestYotkshire. BDBd Cunmfe Villas

Flt 6, 2. BD8 7AN 12NI


,/05/00 16:25

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N0.044 D05


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06/05/00 16:25 NO.044 D01



:s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h {, -:::)~~l~!.~i~si~------~John K Dates

Mihad House- 477 Baker Sire .London.Wl 1ASr zrT


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'8 1ft} * lv r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8

;U s tram. 7 riD 0117 G

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N0.044 D07


/05/00 16:25


l bl-Eo I El, F1l sklt I $ bden 1

Pmldby OVALAC&M on Sptmb17199et I8 at 11,22 RoA DRAG I

wBrfw-o.rK-A ,srM, on S+da l' Top Tlpa forPAwirids whihwl Mh 'WAwImr If Wreklclno Roadbuildinend uarixpd ip.r = iBur buebl WVb c*rwhib h vtl dwmu olumu-bom. ieo duhodry wgr wi wcA O WIN tu ps os r: . Who

I.is lOMsltto Pms, WO w. ywayreO bdenbo wonmu td hlod behid the ict otother DaUol We must eoomr i urt ofise'r to edi'a'. tWke d'a mtlcy nm putin a'Vms Tut Fiud' r ml dell bt orlad by fde tiao m di d fr thAoe hrt ireot mims i Ama-icnl Els orte *OO LAV

0f I le fminomiu osbrlTb1 Poke doprassi. Fs. depmaBes udAnaJ d Smailes on ¶IA lMt* becscm ofSau'w BEos tatais Ouvam biin Lade.. w,prr so ooe BgU klod or WaiU s ajl ydut fesbucm Ito .rems m li "lsdkScip~mbcr errwut Mlt n la N YoiL' Cy.

eC 4:..le mb -u..h m rm l _F n.._

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.O ezJ N0.044 DB

i U$ 'Ag1fcD4.TP- - lEN1. w*arch mr.4,v f .tebrelk .,

> Mo 1b.o >.. 5

ftavde Wonrap & Cnulawr Waraadt Sbeaet

Wht Ar Trame Wusuha, Conslar IrfarnSonahu aSm& APok nrm

TIWub rt m u I.dwubt Conmaede e Be -a _ l"tU frti .u tl .muyy f1h~ SId Dmu~nl dd.4M bored td. ty bdW mu.-b ubltMuMie wu lldla-4lfb UA.aa dnzdvmiidotnu to E.Maq erCmumle bh ib .mj*eun-yauBuliyiinucaidtb rAaiuuU edu pii.blh l llhcm. d nwbm l eCo di wOI. ummktn lao su 4taiamrUoly.Caou.b nanaya id ehlruyad*imn. Cd.e led uamatyklfrkUnlq iretm. ldeM) ~a#raml li SFapmdum.Wem ,tln u ro_'lh

- -Cd *4 Q o«aomyihdi

r.roluBdu dU h nTa*el mm .ur~ite vri iDTwMJW & ·du 4B iGilto, ,hin6-ba b- -bawt nwW .*^W« M>(*a.M CMnd V mamdUma« Iq t.hdhad undm a. ndmd ..iUmt n o iuadnfba SdSi.aeod 'Ae b S ltMbl.' hiOtaS dmsen o wr ilin o * at

*.wpn Bi U. Ibtwy *bias dmPn 0 ead ml q1oy..TPdH .mmMrn. mImmn i adnC, t C dMa-uh e b ihfM5ion rU t*ipalrdY M° altua .mrss.u .I«IIozI|axii ·Tn pnnl*a ftigtCoahru ulnan *b-i*Til , ciu't ar timmu d llae p ~

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sa a sa~te~ e d a m e m~ en~iaalyazy r sits. d ;i dr r t sldb bit z d .M I .m * ir .abablda idhv umE.odeal

ombr ,ii r ,Fmtin ,

e.S saeU^Is s * skthrb1 bt c .y t- -wMch 'd i

Chechnya - The Country

> . dmi a» MmdmaI.'dr.It.i m Cdm. 'lsdin m Ps dtfM Il.u s i5 ipUMl iM .ImkW et im tm

.sibdm ' · s

r ym b , dbt aq di .ssad-ar .. b. r b 3.. _= _ .=.n .a t» bi dai da B *daU «w r s g ll. «_ihi .»n.u fc .. t,,t d it-e ejd >t »««»m t.h sa<DWJb.ytWOdW b*.it s lsa t a& ridanb, mb_*r*·

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It:D/LODZ. J3V. . A

BILLY'S MoNEY li:L OiO .2XINFORMATION &w 'ifT.c':i. ' 1 4

p ~pe .ida«r I 1h.Pr Mamy LMund«l»undzrl BnoM I trl PoIbllm? II tmA va

L 1 ..sd n, A Bnm, I rntl alnm Pia THow I CLgn1 I ammI l-a"

Billy's Money Laundering Home Pageby Bllyv Steel

Contonts,Centot. ~ Welcome to Billy's Money Laundering Information

WebsiteA Bllef Htono WbsiteHere is a dig inlo theorigins oMoney This Website is about Money Laundering.Laundering and how itcame about. Money Laundering is a crime,

What is Moe 'Money Laundering Is also the world's third largestLundadMlusi industry by value'.Definiions of the phrase'money laundering' I became interested in this area of legislation

while on a job placement at a Stockbrokers whilst. - .... . . . ........ . . . I


N0.044 D09

Undercover witness in majorfederal case paid $2 million

U.S. busts Mexican bankers Dsonsiisiasamrmntmisronducfor laundering drug moneyIn Wde rty.

. *02e0CAn CX«blancab

. Anequ made mItheUred Slrais

* MuBcaBcmm2rioisthe dar

2" amW*,.mbi. tab

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U S. effial aid Monday aeyhad'crippleted Jh E and Cda dait rtaeb by smt )ip MmaCbank offiale and eitfB ma ofs ordoibn om amoneyIamideriz mchcn dat crosed de U.S.-Miecan brdcr.

'ha Theany Deparmat. in * vfatm-, caled tf'le cnmitiofrc larpst, mott coampsbenmr dra monr-y-landeri cas inte thiory oft.S. haw emforcnme

Today is a vy bad day for du dnleras ib du h a.'Aontay Oenerd m nt Rmo aid.

'Opratdon Cuablam*'

The mdercover opernon, dictosed n inicdic U mealedMonday a U.S. Di i Cou n Lot Angdle, wa led by de


Vuworwtmun o ratos

b4gtitugauiKadengwmp'dm ron.tont -k pTpsenoO.rcM"d 10Wiai0l.

Ie bhaif .idaed Ik tc t pqam ry as CW-1. mu Wfnd aOpaCubL Abot 40 mtmcn dVertaweb mEsml.bhid uiBdd nr ertwdnrcbm we mcdtnwM a iMqdwo-yUear.S. CuOs emw opuaet sp mud

Diq ,A plWriiiq r e dC U.S *ritJo4s LeurdtesB

nIeoni e" u t m lo (Oft

Ne parnym proeided'pumim eal fve dit dorl bo lnafizu'hX cn m

· 3 ._ , M -11 --* ., ...p, l 0i~.rl

Investigative eJOURNALSubscribers Page


Cmk &lm*S.b, r /". i:',

t*b0. _ iai rad ,

1embWe1.;lh .~Jmd ...

flddMaW 01*e-rab t, ,:.

mm* m -I|lbin lh

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UnOivi TO 3O0_CU bsMJ- JAL

tfaimd SFcuntProUem in WCa. otGClbabrt' WhaJlm and DPtenaByDr.CUmtfnb

Byrnirl& -a

oao. IM TIh hin a ldS. . dMpll. BfTh* irt >ailb *rub d u li tLh0iq0iY M

*nd~.,tq·>yNB«rwm,.tata4 [mllIH-. ' ' '.

ACafbAndPrtam rB'i a a:Mer

A t PGIA Hllifndb a lglbd debJada UMe the lgUS. mdoodl aaetbbilNh .belbeUtl <ld uPin. C bambc dihuliad. , eyb mirNwln* U Wh .IbMa PK ll. qit yuId . . n|l

ddfa,1 mA rewd bUdo. vma nc tm b. .nlt" esirn oSM dri boY' eheadM« i Owm ' "d «

ThetriMd ,dlbW Mga ,NAPTAU iwa dll rtdait.j. . .tddgit.a I.dJ u ' S'lltirsbdar

BT Dr.C-- ALgWmuhnoeunrd ca«wdf f llbalo _ Jw tA e.1mr1eOe1'Y011 Wadinl d m*n l i .r 'its

nae:d pmFatot* mme ddinbtds «JMIr .euuti a». e. r o. a n spohu olr eOa sed Iat .t scPs anogm u. Td s oilbd&A sM 1be le. .Oinul *Is 4ta ;aMo.I'caualpMnU hin dmvhnalmu a JMdmu ebw maoalawbaArndI~dwdpu. ·a e.tPlaadt maPad' bep md 'untg Prblemefib

Wa p UI.It~..laBt qd rt Aara flP r T >li Aee iS~t tea. .dDTIh.€.Bfi l m41»»I a Gipahoblic~<

Ulla e ar teszbm *M»»««III An* Iu» a M* llira »a h **«y»>»t-*htiufLi(>

'05/00 16:25

U.S. NEWSIT 1 r * II






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E@WS K HBMW l I |V m| Bi6 -? lana W -|M5le UC KN IGMWMO i ,.U f

F. - NOitii

Tlhuda. Jnurl.aq. 100 Publbl*d »1 17-" MTY

UKPolice use Web to net

SeMAld Yjftds Webarta s Imntrlat ta FrBah10 *t WOllM~

Scotland Yard Is planning to launch the tra Briishpolice version of Anerica's famous '10 Most WantedFugttvee' list.

The dedicated Webeite will feature London's mostnotorious murders, rapes, armed robberies and ganglandcriminals appealing flr information from around theglobe.

Relevant StorisoJa W I UK

HuBband remanded onmurder chauras

Intmert LinksMetmnpolan PoliceFBI'a 10 Most WantedFuaitmve -

Thl BBC MI not mrolbll tltan rNltd ft m. Iedema l.mit

In this section-r.m U P tl-i

Mintlsera deny roleLawrmnee blunder

Yemen BRion' lawyergihaee 1a20=q abuse'

Canctr cuffsanr eabandontobacco CBaB

Israel honours formottnBritieh spv



Fronm PaaeWoldd

UKUK Politics



SmEntertainmentTalking Point

Oil Al,fbfppdbjd

i I.. ME'N1a111tla a i amiffliiBMaB oMue pie


.- ..<-- ul.- :--..-.» i. .1. ir;Ca1 ... ~.i.. i-_: -«l


-05/00 16:25


British National Party Home Page

'Fighting anti-white racism'

Tathsjf2npp. o/,i-dS,#e 4sch

V,.* 6t. CP..;in Ai- Cofti.o _Thaitp o n-mtn Butw n

TheBritdbN tloMal Party Home oe P uds New Yoar' reedmxp to .d It. rfsadnr Wim · spsdcl thought f to all bhos, t

theworld, and of wihowever pUlMal pcarro tln, X ho re bdn perneasc or bIpribed, for OrwMaun 'tbouatemrfe',stiuIge for freedom of Meec.


weI Ads- nlVJ ;ra, . n.o. ;4 :1. "..Hv .~ .in T ww gm Ir4.« - >,*n *te aMt nml lm. n« 'rrln'f :ni

N0.044 Dll

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06/05/00 16:25

~l g ~~ I A h. n k. r ;" c, a: I. .-- A I+ vor ns.6 -'

Bigh qnnlyinported crmabl ctads fid bhd p uei. lgh yild acnnabls seed

* Air iP desftch world Vide for all Ceanttbie tds· ".% · tfw ·pckag

* * -. '. .44 . ."

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r* ? te e . lws1t ilr 5 ii tW*1i0b I o cw p c4 O cm · wfi c>c.. cd at u ·e 'l h c·re ordh.,

. .i. '. C iais ,e at bari ' pric.'' **

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NU. I44 O13^

* Snatdl pn eevacuated in bri alert MCm e a yei do.iat repoirts fA l ldio wetb

iCr bCubug uspecsl tohea cults hwl tt* cokbnbaEqt ird in Bebpade dSco banbl

I Fk pwomebomb paoted sernlm bto plw pl*Fe humt b AbAbrn baib bldest

Firne welancer Idtnre pW m hmed Mr Pasto bambnGlsek pao plobe bomb m outlder cw r ehoorbkl

Gumnm, k13 in PaluitwbHm Henadia bonb eslv wo snVr'aMpI

I* bom .


PItUpon o

mail tihrtmed an "

eurnder Oal tNI

Pf rlam mvn loeignes asMpcled of tewatMlt.0

* elisatid

JS muteod lor bohn po#asden I TOPaLPISaoade= UI 3 Pdeagiauns at wadedhM

EMIBnS easaBtfisf{ pgolgfioi h : , e -. k....


Amoerir, .urdilb ]nereon Ntworm'k (AKI.)Fbnuqr 17, 999

Tellwhoas: (0) 483-6444

Dea Friends of he Kurdt.

A numbna of rdsr raioras based i North America wil be oldfajont demonriiroa to support ·peaceul nroluron to lb Rurdi&hCoo icn Ibe di ddle E

Ibe Rurd and ther Amenar ficdr wi mat in 9oda of tbe WhieHoome - tlh Pemrlnasa Aaue side -- tomorow t'nrsday. lebtuay18. 1999) b1etren 4.00pm nd 7 00 pm.

You re encourrged to btg your rnsn or cry oue.

We hope to see you t the demonraio dke.

Fror u moe ormbom penae contlat eier Ram Xidam - 202 Z70.9008orDr NUjKam - 2024840140

Note: The Kur& ad thei fieads wl eseo be damonlnrtug in f ont oftbe Ugited Natsns bldem as New York ciy oo Fndy. FobreuM 19.1999, eam between 4'00 pm and'7-'0 po.

AoencaC Kurdb Infmutin chNetwor (AKIN)--..,..,,,,,,, ,,,..,,, l aE._S._...Am-..TL SE Wa -....


OR MASnu edlU







,ssay-M fiI -'Mfi

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N0.044 D1

1 - ll 1

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Piracy-he Cont.uing P e '_ .... „ ,. L:.:. . ' , I , „ > " . .' ·

Piracy--icluding boardi, t pteadg, ad.,'t acd . :robberies at po rtg ^ 5areas of the world. 'Estinift# Qlf;tlie 4otpfhigh as 16 billion apyeri, tea. ', 'a't.a record 175 incifdntf wdfW p!q

actual count is evqenl W, p. i Vrld Reportrepor . --enca jj cnj w

Mode itin the NMt- rD ItSlare n, Naval Research Laboratory isone Information Technology Division tley'hijac . -.-.--. -resOlu RTsourcea sh4 . nD ,iJ.j 9

o l«*f«nf »rd ~1 ~& Mwm~s~ tdrxe~nkn Ji~iW·it nuimri** e Ras_".~prr~c~Pe IUWaWt

lrates7 Whnt plrates?

. f.4& -b B wb*4 #w hIiw1 y OW Ir .<|c .e

BYSTtm.WpsB. )0nu

Aea 4,~ ,w, MS h v Pirdbk. f -mm *stw rlu S,4'umi -. h~ adam» .ai64.e i>a iaemlw wmem.-sI i ed, M yrida

Sia b Rind hbd btM a d blu rend c be d ettw ee. aCJ S Maboamed c o eto2.<6 I61 _tr M N dufi lFd. c orb dl'm*oedmn. Md * badMd ams6ladd, b.drepis .4 bad bard dmbip pMt ,inhuu *ut .(Slgbpt. A S inbnogt u , be ud cr ew l6 lhw,

bcr. med b prae hrd di man 314 wcale i* le r odr Ar for tee tm drrebo rn .~inu oM~

Emy yrw, xodm-dpy bcsmmd pwdwcrbe am.,e etbetd *tocenwpre msaInsm udl Thtrboeew cnbsjn be mIalcawerm ef *a en md pd, Umtraeds n eh cm wmdcmr,. eeMr ibpa t.Ina Lut yewr G3W<r4 EeCador. C.

Report on the March on Bucklngham Palace. . ... ·

Sloane To Many Reall IUseless RoyalWhile die eldey die on troUley i ovecrowde hospima, dse Windors boast of50,000+ nagnt iagFOR DETAILS OF OPR PARTY FOR TH HAYPY .COUPLE 00 TO Riotous Time

COMPLETMON._ . ~ - Q-. , u

3lB3 Cowter Installed 14.10.8 -21.27


Forthcoming Attractions

ABer 3a tig of tiing l ucceses, Lndon&MA'M and Solh'Ist Counties grup bave teamed up for an era anti-moarchyevent for Friday 12th of ach in Badld. The tat aboifies, for mecurity reason (uw perhap) are not revealig thedetails of the Queen's isit To begb with we w me retgin8 Basio. by the fndrbt intb Hi b treet t 9iun. For6urther detail4 cotact the hotline pager on 01523 124284.

[ .. fil.._. i



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06/05/00 16:25





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A .t d UHa -d Staitesligl U rdS Americ=

r_, -- eeld Cha-Mu'] A&S{l :

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Steele, Roboil D Id C2kRP 0 ~K(XW nib3po. monument A, Rihrrono, VA2 ak

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FREIHEIT FOR APOIAum d.m l1blU t dr ODXP rambuw mr buml J

gbA iE XKn ad &d Vnl chppmar Von Abda4Fh Val r d ae Taoui luan ScA5dawa.f'rder, d&O pitL d UWO odtr ndeas inWemaonk GOrnsca 3n EinBD munn mnuan

du Leben Octeinu KhOalntum irad) as Wg fGiddm wrde. dwm eas a mdari DidwaMlo. a Lds dar Lwrddc-I ia dr 1Takci. b6naATO. waqdha Unioa, OS .-i wvi puDs um itr de sad SiMi im Kono ami poiche iuAam u rnd.

Wrm pt* a lin a e icrbB Erearmml br dE t sia Jm hoiwlosi Lou dcr'nwd urdaXm a drTi. br dachind matliAndf. dm n eRta Wr wUeGa en

mdi Kaumx: biar Bclieseia Oei4mu ud air sdam ddahlturisaXah Raduli. dti dl.r-udt rad LsJa a.L miek;"=t ,urvf an *a. d']Bundariura Id mir. Nbm an drctmd u 8ad dmud adi Die XKo4-l.ioa ha den NATPO-Pabtr TMallk mth n rimrbagal4poi pa3 ds kdsad Vok u Yotd. jett fr e in .Sipd Mbr a*W PtoWk.

as rou-Og : BBadea reanuS na Bol etsrt,. dna tKuaAn 3 rdm »dteh r.lbtebtnts

· rwdcm:ti nt t d bsreckWos Fordunwa und Intauien d hrdichan Vokaul~sej.mr~ bdap ~ da~t cainnl

Ml'l'ffflBM f' Translation with SYSTRAN* .Aftava Hom#

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Omuef ~a·kKurdhmform ti etwirk


Iu mni Kr** znd hldfappma of AbtihdOwc.,W into Ty e wwoft fer. -' . - ihb DKP nries tt the UNh o theor ofr iratmnsei comes. nAt wusle Oh uae now to protect rt 'iIe A Oeahn


Duber outdde amt ba find a war. du e ta daimAn. for the , odi ordb. Rwhdb problem, anakey. coameUN. NATO. Eweopem uion. OS.. everytr wd.4 in order to d Fr t he sulioao mthe kRoso

eptdb' pederal meli,&e suk. Why e e b o mpeinbs rommea fee r forloenmry pes I hopeless poe.B td'. Kwdriun!

ud Kurd i thea Tri. in ddAon. ; .thr cumie oftd rose We req.urt m bn6aeso nal cfiereseeadr, psuaiPe L MierO. 0LU mod odther demonru. nerca KurddiaeU. whkb dcmiseM PreaM id .o.Lu euIea up. Wm eituare o'e FBederal OoefimBemi due hluns» utd smk lh vuriueoe mnTiCi indl 7he ReNd aemnmethue d NHto p.urA~ hey n eb nu ppruiona poSlc amr(tUahe Ki.'k"sBople mppeoed. ao would be it· rilf or a nrw posy. iftl areai Federd (Oo.ne mkue a ibiibmtioa. so thrt Ruria aKrdKd coa ct lybWe

hie DPrieqmre.itde9 with b e ded diende aid interests oftle RKrcdish peeopo)·rdas b AbdutnahOehl ._- |·~~~~~ ~ ''T--~ --- ·--- r-. ....... '-%. ~..~ ~.... ....

City Map SitesThe Perry-Castafteda Library Map Collection

The Unlverity of Texas at Austin

v#d/ U&N

Ihe followi are links to city maps at other Web sits. except as noted.

C.k en ktf*r v wblwta fty

A. B.C. D. E.y. G.H. J. LK. L. MN. O. P. O. R. T.U. V. W.X. Y Z

· Avis Maps U.S. city treet maps and state highway mapsQCty Net Mas (Excitae)

a Ecite U.S Maps andDriviaDirectiaExpeda World Guide City maps -Select world reaon, then country

· istorcal U.S City Mas Part of the PCL Elctroic Map Coection· MapQue Interactive adas now inckides major internaional cities· Maos onUs Draws maps for any U.S. strect address or city· TexarMaps Includ many city maps. Part of the PCL Electronic Map Collection

USA CityLInkProiect Links toU.S. city ibomation· Whereis Searchable Street Adas for major cities in Atralia· 'Word City MBaB A collection ofmostl olde maps in the public domain. Part of the PCL Map Collection


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Internet and WWW Links

A List of Lists

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nder wMi remnin panrmenty onli*,.

but wil CO¢OUdIRC

YIE-ae m.- . fXr r ft rn Cm ra nd I nRt'AhPLTAS.B1 BHV rJ"B CsRy-me- Aaed.ntRALedrlm fadmrl

C-DMmI_ h RrEnera1 S-t-a t ..a t g r. - .. 1im - ..... e.l.

Cnrm -CJaa-K O,.m -R"edirn Bk__aiSmie rpte. l_iearr-e jmeOria - Reduail»dBfMne f - iBBtmeu eq adlfh

YDU ar welomen to l may t.pmoaal bealaads ftor, J. .r-"s^ - dnba sag {fIa Rd T-dRuh -a a dTnli

for their qouaity. ce .ibhity n4a oaefbH..W. jmv Cmr - Em -Tlnet -ai R1


Thet is, under ao cirrumncesn w rhton mul I b c,.u..- p...an .M srIbmeproper or imnrDper os by other. Ce4nreu - rP' Cenwm

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Rosiu anM Slevic resorces on deo Inhret re mds Cr -RnL... BIU.. _ D- Ecisr

«esentuluy, P list orlitr . It doss nentoat. _ d _.k M -Team i

avarilabl under one roof. Th one major re eptien u , _mh n1- gohR/ icsiwi , Mnt- O-rwm 4Lhb (e et. we

roerk.s eir f online iu HTML nt r am tet Mees Ce= . .- ?. _t.. Rs - ue.Cetse. o. ds t in .WuI. -Rn,.t. MeetU- SIbonCwiln-e .ndr oe e. Ch or -.-. r o r9eawA U, HaCm rr e - NI .rde.. SeMi. Mi

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Kosovo Maps

The Perry-Castafieda Library Map Collection

The Universty of Tesxs at Austin

The following maps were produced by the U.S. Central BItellienc Aa ncy unlcs octhrwise indicatd.

Kosovo Maps

Koovo (Political) 1998 (323R)* Kosovo: Adrinstrtivv Divisions (Poiical) 1998 (258K)· Kosovo(Shaded Relif oriinal scale 1:670.000 1998 (968K)

Rosovo (Shaded Relief) 1993 (624K)·* Kooo (Shaded Relitf 1992 (332K)

Detailed Ksovo Maps - Istorical

* Kosovo (Cenhral 1959 origi scale 1:250,000 Porton ofAnny Map Service Corps ofEnfgneers NK 34-5 1959(1.2MB)

* osovo (East) 1959 origal scala 1:250.000 Porion of Anny Map Service Corps of Eninaen NK 34-5 1959(1.1MB)

· Kosovo (North) 1959 oriina scale 1-250,000 Portion of Amy Map Service Corps ofEninecrs NR 34.2 1959(1.3MB)

* Kosovo (South) 1959 originl scale 1-250.000 Portion of Army Map Service Corps ofEEnginers NK 34-5 1959


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Awww.OQfficere.om LThe Police oQferl Jnteir.iltmfeotoy. i j'

Memoria~ .-'ae lsv '15 I"ew nk ,enl.. Memorals . l p _S-... BPdp Th e

AeboctlonA M^Bcellaneou, iClubsl, Osaatle. PIII Rlla d BIlbs

Computr Crimes OCtr Prwnl8pedaim.d Ulik. Rlooseu. Blm Help l ywu 11

rulmlnl JuMliel Polce OffIcerL. M....- .. t .. -....... Pg

LEmpUloymnt Police SUIY pplY *ti |"LE"hLs»aeslliinB t Mi'S'l~PoI^le EIIu'F, BM' Oe iirafo new ttheLMl EtS101DMP1 RSMMIting oP1CwIt. 0DM ei'wt d

lateft Group. S QDC eclaI Oae . ~^I - ^ It Mi.R* Aldl ull SWAT . 44. BOmb Sqted. e I

Itnveqtltlons TroInlna Evente MAITA OJA asETOnU,-U Rm"o'b U»p in"i O. wnrtslF« HT SOOT IINOSEEK LYCO9 S

Labor Unions WantedF.O.P. PsA. El-. Mod Wastled lrot Wgelt TI iHER UOHT I YA

Llteervee~L :'~.~. Mamts! .e. CPOL E MeAC


Still Lot If you dont see wht youre looking for In the DRE T lE HE etable on the left. check the BIG I DEX. " , . ...

Plgae vull our ponrsa bThy pay the bills, so that you - WJIgiIe *'iWips>^ fa__r FRE



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a A. it U i AKLM -LB& L A V WA A

Mercenane -- Fuher Readium

* Abkbazia -- A fament of he old USSR, sit' either a part of Gcoria or a new county, dependig on who you askThey started prining their own passports in October. 1998. but ifs unclear how universally they will be recogried.hlc-J/blcn or~/

* Afghanistan -- There i a confiEing variety ofmovemnts. This page nmig help you sort through themnhttonJwAw, afaan-web comlpolitcs

o Afghan Goverment -I a~ssu these two are regitered to what I would eonsider the lagitimatenaion-lgovanmen The whois database ays it's the "Afghan Goveunent. 11209 Vale Road, Oakon VA 22124."Tbey are ffiliatd with the Afhaistn Center (2300 M St NW. DC). which is definitp anti-Taliban

* hattp-h/ww .alan-,oven.uncconV* htto'A/ww afhanibtamncenter.corn

o Taliban -- Providkg medieva l govemonet, today. hbtJ/lww.tdaibancoso Also see the Osams bin Laden secton below.o Afgaattitn Liberatio Organizatan - anti-Taliban Mandst-Leninat organamio

httJ'www.aeocities. cowTokyvoGinra/3231/o Revnlntionary Asociatiaa of the Warena ef Afhanisan -- ht/ .w v rawa oro ShtudlnraGst Afrban F ednm Fihtra -- They say their "founder and aint" is Wolgang hausen Studengraf

(1861-1918), a "peace through wer" thinkr htpJwww.aeocities comTEnchantdForestfle79 6fmdexhtml

* Algeria- Fwsi slemt1qwdsS ltbkt p/cww.ialweuia.orao

* Amanety Intenutional -- Interneaional human-right oranitin critical of many national government, and considereda threat by most of those they eritiia. htp'//www. enme r. orr

* Angolao UNITA-- National Union for the Total Liberation otAngala. Maoist movement led by Jones Savimbi

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/05/00 16:25


Open Source Intelligence

Thank You

Detective Constable Steve Edwards0171 230 (6) 0905

NewScotlandYard@MSN .COM

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