The Wor ENTHUSIASM REIiNS AS MARKET CLOSES New York List Strong. New Higher Records Appearing. i 1y the Internatiomal News Service. New York, Sept. 11.-Another session o new higher records with Steel leading at tracted more and more of the public ti the market today. Starting strong, the market grew more active and mvee higher as the end if the day approtahed Last pri es were nade in the midst o great enthusiasm. Late in the afternoon Wall Street bank ers claimed to have reliable Informatiol that the Rep-lblicans had carried Maine hy a substantial majority. Many of them began buying stocks im mediately in the expectation that the McKinley year would be repeated, botl in politics and in the market. Earnings reported were of a splendid character. For instance. the Norther1 Pacific showed a gain of $1. 00600 for July Earnings of sixty-seven roads for Jul: were S16,000.009 greater in gross than fo July of last year and the net Sb,.e0Si greater. All the little Steel stocks became ex ited. Republic and Sless-Sheffield moved up sharply to new records. and before the day closed had attracted a large public following. Midvale Steel Wa. timilatively strong and closed at th. top price. Nidvale was talked of as tig ruing In a new merger. So was Railway Sping. 'aper stocks of al ileseriptions w-n sitil higher, I It in some of them protit tlring made its appearance, as it did als< in the tire stoks. Kelly-Springfield Tire had attra ted .-o much of a following tha was necessary to spread the report o oide s !ling t keep the publi,' out of it flethlehem Steel began to look familia w nen It crossed b but General Motor -1 at m and thereby established atoth hi.:h re,od. The hih-prIced stok. neemed n h-'t.: diniI than the chn] Ine, whl ,h Indicat-l that the ver: ,tron.Zet in tns were putting the mar bet up The Texas 'I is being bough a th ri .h t i The rise in Glrcat Northern (ire wa -u- t re . t th '.ny of stie shars eneml. flr the company i s-hn.er to the stee: tortporation jus eoame as wen it was under lease. A an I technical change has takei p ),.*u n, actual one in relation t thos. two companies The law canno - tgeome' agr-ment to tarr: .I a ntarat. That is why the govern mt nt litigatin agaist the steel corpor atlion Is ,oing to :all een if it snould iuc t; the omr tr, International Nitkel. which has broker nnPer I omle tini ago as preliminar: to a bl. metment ti new high prices has finally u-gun to show the influeni. .f th, good l'u ing tatI: has persisted1 in a.1 the wat. lolwn. lIluustrial Alcoho and T'i't .lers are riming again after th gr-at acumulative cam;>a;gn that shool th pulOi' out of its Aharts. In the Marnes. ntw high records wer made by InmrnaItioriaal preferred. in At ,ntic uif and West Illdies and a ne% top for the movement by Giastn. William and Wgmor Int-rnational Mercantll ir: stockholders ill! have a meet n,co- ember 21 to adjust the fi n . that omTan% Som- banker 'a, tat the common stock will be get tn a dividenlI within a few months a; the result of a deal now beieg worket oit itailroadt we- r ui and sone of the ail-oad president. were in the street bu iuld find r.nobo willing to listen to Ter trouble- A rng sAle of wage; Investments The questien a to which seclrt- ties among the cantry's ioreseost industrials, railroads, coppers ad oils affer the aximuin come y"ed. ombinoed with stability of principal nod marketability. i - urrently covered I. our fortnightly puiblicatn.. "lnestmost Opportiui Anyone who is interested in in- creasing the sarning powr of ais fundshould receive this valuable Publication regularly. it will be eont free of rharge. beginning with the present issue. Ask for 27.W. which will be accompaned by boslet elplaiing "The Twenty Payment Plan" ~SATTF4Refr@ bot-/imt ~Actritk/%r ; (Established 1909) 40 Exchange Place New York The Safest Investments ' nd . o a ne sp Lar ni ta F .9. f tI i r i t nd. y-rg n- er fhim r'"1 . a oni ilm.m0 t f., k- C Ier .nn tn sOd .C'ers c t tf trOI~I J- Swartzel, Rheem & Hensey Co., 727 Fifteenth Street Northwest. CAPITAL THE1l\ The~ young man who will be none the better MARGIN above necessar It is not what is earni makes wealth. If your position is suc cial progress, then by all GIN in a growing Accour 2% On Cheel The Washington Corner Ninth1 JOin / 7-MM RraLU . Id of Finar for railroad. employ"s Is being discussed. Fundamentals of the ma~rket are sound and 'the campaign leaders feel that theyE are .just getting the big bull campaign well started. % NEW YORK STOCK XARXW1'. Feruished by W. I. 11111Hie & Co. New York. Sept. 1t. gal-s Hishi. Low. Claws 1.4W A Laka Gold M ............. 14 13% 13.a L-. I Allini'hal.mr.............. -_6% Mi 24% Ul0 Ameran Agrri., (hem.....0 79% WA 400 Amer. Agri. 4Chem. DIfd. !01% 101% llv1 01% 2.900 American Reet sugar..... IC 20 9 se FLi01 American Can.......... 64%4 43% 41 et 3.American ir& d..63 GE 63 to a46 Amerian (bat Prod. ..... 1f6le 151 151 Mo 2 900 .merican Hide & Il..... 1: %l 10%i I1 bli 54W Am~ Hide & L'. pfd .... 5W% -% 5 t 1.900 American lee Securities.. 30 20/% 0 a 5.1 M Amerca I.nseed.......... 23% 12% 23% t 1.10 AmeriAn LinIer4 Jfd .... 51% 3 1 i 7.'"% America Loemtive ..... 71 710% 78% 7 19.5" American Smnelting....... 10W 19M% 05 a1 30Amner. Smelting JId. (A). % 96 9% 11 1.%American Ateel P'dry ..... 6711. 57 57'-% 400 American Sngar. ........... IM9 101% IsWb "0 American 'Wi. & Tele.. !3% 1-2% M1 It0" Amstra n 'Tobaceo.... .22 63W American WoolenI ... ... W1% 46%J 40,%1 18 w( Americn W. P. pfd. .... 3 33,% 3s5%T 5"'1 American zinc., ........ 11 40 40% R .-0Amran 2ine rid.... 7, 711 78I% bi 42 M0 Anaoda ......... .. 10%y IW4 103% 8.1) At". G.A W. L...... 85 81% at 600@ A. . & W. T, r.... Ei 06% "6 1300 lwin LocomotUile... .. 144 112% 93 2.9[o Balt-mor & Ohi.... . % .. % E4 Ft 154 Ratojwlis NIiin. ...... .... 1 1% 1% inI ".W Rethlehm Stee . .. . 5W3 *1 500 B 4,1M Butte & M4uperior..... -0% W/% 70% at -n Ne t'a1fornia Petroleum .!1 W%4. 21% ur I 0 W 'alifornia PetroleLn pId. 40 40 0 f "30 'andia Pacne. . . 17'75% 1"% bc 9."0 Unral Leaither .... 62% (40% 62% !00 I'earae hi . wk.6 61% kif 6. 3_ Chi.. M it.,& St. Pan]l.... 9SA 9l1% 9: I :.00 'h It a. .A .1 16% 16% hi l''9 :':!e (-p". .~ .... !0%4 M 3% to 7 r0 t'ino 7vi ope.....% %A% % 4 et %.1to o L Pue. N & Iron.. .. 2 51 5M% 29.9W Crcile, Ster -. ... .II.I. m 0%8% 3.10 ub C -n u~gar.. ...... 58 57% It% 5M Iu 'an Sngar pfd.. .. Y,, 115%1 % 47 Denver & Rio> Grand~e pfd. 3V* 34 "r C( 5.400 Dist. Securitiea..... ....... ?-M 49 46%- fr Drg' Ord ....... 88 Wl 98 ........ 3,1 I 4M 1Er :,r pill ......... 52Z 'I% "Z 3 5M F At.k pfd ... .. -An3, 4-% 20 i ra! etre .1-2 .71 172 L etN Thern r-fd 1 16 7 ''.9 a Nrh Ore. &ubt 4:el%42 43.70 Int. Ar-i . ..J .. . 14 ' 4% 566 Irn'. A-ricuT fd. . 1 1e 49 tZ 32 0 Int. Paper .... . 0% .:1.. W 3%4 9tA Irt. Paper pfd ..91% 861i 91 4 fl n od . 44 425 44 ,7rI Kenn W4. Z4%A5 3-.900 Lackawnn teel. . 84% P1% 83 A 2M A-v1 Moto 7o .j 4-1 41% A< n 10 \M V-i- Petroleum .r IT.0 A0%H 4'.0 A~m Coppe 2 . " 7 I. ANJ,. Kanisms &,Texas 41 4'4. I NJ -io'r Pa if ... 4 4 4 1 00 27 uri Pawfc.et1 NaM a Lead W1 6 .3y) _'vad c ,u CaPer V' 227 1.%Nw York Air Brake . ~ 3" ''0 Nw York central. .. 04% 1,A :%I N- ew York, N. H. & if 5.1 3d 9 rf, k & Wearn :9' 13% 1'.9 230 N,rthern Pacific. . 100 105 110o 0 P_, M Ma-it !7, :74 N 21 P'. nnylvania Rai d 56 55 55,%1Il 730 rewe Stel Cr. S11% 5618, '1 Il-a Palace Car. .. 1651i 1 165 P1 -40 Railwa 1ee1 Sprirge 0 491 511%, i1 5 ier.mg :4 10 1 IQ% 46 2M0 Repubhe Iron & Steel.. W 640 M 4 2 3V Re" iblic Iron & 'Itee[ rfd 114% 113%l 114%1 St1 MO q00 attack A.,. . ........ 304 MW- Jme iRt - z:effi - d .& 1, 58 -4. 58 iS 2.0 othen PAci!i ... 9r 7% 9%.g 0 chrn Ralw 24 2V4 234 St 4 IM 11udebak- 13 1=% 24 't T_ 40 Tnese CopT- .5 3v. .2 9% T"aa C, ., 0 199a, 2W% St i 9o Tobacc Preoi'iet "4% 9D o I I nnR & Paper . e 9 . 10i I w- no Bag Paper PrJ 58. 5 T" U0 non Pacine 140% 13% 140 .00 1 nie Frmt 1" I 64' 16 -Z 4.01 . q. C. I.P PF .1241V s 9 "n0 V. 'I . Ind. Alco hol . .. 1 114% ]1-- 400 1'. -. Rea, tv & Imp.. ... 7 :! ?7 I01 S. Rudr. .56t,% 5 A3 1 4 . A9tiin & Ref .... 71 "n 7 - 1, ptet ... 10% 10 174% 000 ~ ~ Tl~rp 96 th'tpe. .. F4? \ aa'r. 'h mial. '. Al "I% 4t .... JIhM.... ......10 IN fl, BALTIMORE LIVE STOCK. ' k e" Ild n"' tndla% were 5 -' heaId. again"t " W: head !at week. R"e Vt., IN carloads for e market fer thle week: ; 53 rarloatds f r market todal. e '[ -ra vhangd: 'ther 25 cents I_"r n 'er45&h o I~8.90. gloodmbutcher, 8.W8.55; 3r ram. 7.6=0 enmmon, $.*&0 9. Hetfers,319, ch-", 715aC5:fair to good, f.15..; common to m-i-m 5, "6.11). Bulls, choice. 6.15&6.66; fa ir Iut t" good. 165ai15. como t. medium. 5.4065.9)ne C.-, . " 6, 0:f- fairto go ,5 5 ;c n- t mn- t, m-ham.' 3%a. K~IT AND> .AMtBS Receipt fr the week 17 edd 4 oon today, wer 54 hA ead, against I.31 en hea 1-t -Ik L'ight upv; marke higher o Moh: N ehep tead'. Rhe-P, 3 17.25 Zb, W-', Recepta for th~e wk ended norm today d( , r .- n, 1-1. agai-t 11.31 head Last ek ,1.01.5 Hgi og, :'%!L5. pigs. 95 10.3; rougs.8.0 l P to J1 4_ I- reilts f-r the wreek ended nn today d were 4' head ag MS3 head I-at -ek. Light . suppl,; market strong. ('ales. G.,'3 cent.. dr BALTIMORE GRAT. it Baaiore S 1.1, -WHEAT-Closaed Mae. No. -1 r -d " and September, 1.56%. No 2 red Wet 3 ern, vrot and 3etmbr01% ice and( XTENSIVE DEM ON LOCAL EXCHANIiE kpital Traction and Railway Common Are Active. A rather extensive demand, principally the odd-lot type, marked yesterday's a0ion of the Washington Stock 1Z- ange. Capital Traction sold at 843-4 841-4 and closed with 84 bid. Railway! mmon sold at 81 and closed with b07-8 d and 85 asked. Raltway prf'erred sold S1 and 81 1-4. The latter price was bet- r than the final bid of last week. Wash- gton Gas was disposed of at 701-2 and 3-4. At close 703-4 was bid, with 711-8 ked. Twenty share. of National Savings and rust were transferred at 270 and five ares of American National Bank went 156. Potomac Consolidated 5s sold at )1-2. a decline of a quarter of a point; raction 5s sold at 106 1-2, and Riggs Aalty ;4 of the long maturity type ,ought 102. New Bond Sale Plan. A project for the purchase of bonds or ock on the Installment plan has been augurated by the Federal National ank. John Poole, president of the in- itution. being the author. It is possible ider the plan. which now is In effect, r any one to purchase a hundred-dollar md. or a share of stock, by the payment 32W down and the arranging of a loan r the balance of the cost, the bank to >Id the security as collateral for the an. and the bank also making the pur- iase and advising the investment. Opinions on Market. The following stock optnions were re- ived yesterday by W. B. Hibbs & Co. om financiers of prominence: T. L. Watson & Co.-"The elevating >wer of the cumulative force of immense >Id supplies is beginning to be felt in ie Industrial section of the market to degree seldom witnessed in this coun- N. I- Carpenter & Co--Judging from -ery angle and weighing the good and id points in the ituation, as we can e them, we do not hesitate to say that e good far outweighs the bad and that higher and very actkve market is likely be seen from now on until election." OIL SECURITIES. Furnished by W. B. Hibbs & ce. Bid. Asked. ,glo-AnWrican 0.1 0-. new ... . 14 , i., lantic Refining .. .. 0 O III iekere Pip- L Co l ... .ebrough Mf01. (.... . . f" nial )it OD ( ... ..0 n tineital il Co. ....410 rescent Pipe Lnie Co. ..... ff inherland Pip Line . .. . A nr'ka Pipe tn .. , 'N 15 iIena ignal (t C. common. alea Signal il ( prferteed . IN 141 ti l ipe line Co.70 0 dana I'ipe Li,". Co... .I ti nal Tr Co.. ... 14 1 York rrm. (u ... rthern ee tine .0. ............ 10 ill (i '.... ............. "ra Oil Cro.. .... Sirie Oil & (aS i .....405 411 -ire Pipe Usne Co ...40 51 tar Rettaing .. ... othern Pite Line Co .. uthern Penastiania Oil Co. mtheten, Pen.sylsania Pipe Line.110 andard Oil of California. "ird Cl of Iniatts..........1In andard 0.1 of Kansa . ..4 41) andard 0i1 f Kntuk .y. .. V andard (il f Nebraka............C 5 -_ .ndard "Il of New Jerse,. .. andard (.1 of New York.. andlardl ii of Ohio. ..S iV rann & ahe Pit ('. . n. ank Lie .... 0 4 m il o .............. ashington hi)o in ,3rl iar Sl,1can Fluel . ..... 5645 NEW YORK PRODUCE. raory 'higher -oriing 3.3',s frat'. 3,~. K- i or eonipl.1:0 a frr,i, gatlero. vi f-v. ,;extra firSt.. 343; itt,. .'.rz. roatr nry htes, finle tW fanc-, 45&a4. nerby hntry t.IVE POT1'LrRY- Finm; n ripe. settled: dressd no. chickens. MaZl: fowl&. 17a23: turke". 1536. PHIL-ADELPHIA PRODUCE. sr-Ia :od pres trelined to under more Iis t ffetiog.~ Quotations: Western weiid tsekt -1 ~c. a"n -'ciala. Per lb.. 35: -t, 's4 i.. firsts. 33a0TZ' tirst,, 3101t,,; sevond. 3W,;1 arby rss farn. ,15. a'erae evn.a .4.36: tta ,33: Aeros'is. 3WI31 jobting sales of fa.y prints. VIC S-Klrinp nm-Iaird eggs . ee are and fom ,der a good derrand. 441.12otnt: in free easse, wby els., twit d'.o. 36: nearby i5r0. 910 M .ndard ca,-; nearby carrent receipts, 9.61: West- a entorA. 36 tor dr'n;: Wltte5'i extia firsts. 9,0 r rame: do liat,. 9 30-9-40 tar case: N~am orlectedI edid I tel e. se.. 1"MwJobbing st A6.1 L~IVt VOI 1TIty -Foss. 1: t" quality. IYai asters. 14&15; aprig ,ii~ee Z.ada ta- r. agling 1%&2 euAnds and oser spie2. 31 d.. sma lier sums. 19&21; whute leboramact. ,tding to quality, 15a21; ducks, as to usand sLlity, 154t7: pigeons. old. M.t rsir, aM. d. ong. . 18235 IkOEfiSF PtOULTRY-Fosh-killed dry pacid -IA. 12 t,, b-. dr,-psked. fartey lected, z15r -,. cjgbiog 40W5 Pounds apiece, 23: dor. 4 pouada4 ,tc* 23: tin.. 3%, Psounds apiece. 22; do.. 3 pounds Aeis: 2a. VOWIL~ In barrels. ice-parked. fancy, y paced -Northern, Indisina and Illinoi. wseea S4.5 pounds apiece, 22; Southern Indiana and lis. weighing 4.5 Pounds apiece M; inaner, "s. 18.21l. Old roosteris, dryi-packed. A&Proilingi ilkens. ltl1iim large. BsM; do., Indiana, large, .Xt. Brtilers other nearby. weighang 11.52 pmsua. 79r.3a6 i'iernab,501e sie. 6Z 10k.3coosrig 1. ss 10rd"en SLRPLS SI% 100 ennSO ea-M s'ca Pexpr.. c a6 d .Nwfork.h sope a1ndHT'R sasactrcyp chareaer; of riggs' ervice.re"' -Accounhighe cofrindvidals, firs ac ond corpatin nvtd 1'r-eiFa; r hee , L' aetfrsh gaheed trrSei .' uetr fireig3u3 Dirfts.3nab HrL Y hie.1 Ce tLoVfacy P5as5neablenrr 3dnrL 3Ai'".EkViedn WIVE POULTY- iZrm; no alies ente:dtse mhckens. 23aY1; ow. iatrkn .a25. hOladT. . lsept~. A-BUT~ft- et re cerv.V. a 0ecial. per 3b, 35;haa ; omplete I WAsHIGTON TO=K EZIXOAGE Faurishe by W. 3. Rtbbe * CA. UALmNS Po-a Electri Consoliated Is. 81.0 at I0%, I 11.011 at 1W%. $1.40 at 10%. RWP Realty IGon) at IS. Capital Taction. 3 at 10 at 86%. f Waalanto Railway common. 11 at f. : at . Waahint Railway Pmeferred. I at 8. I at . I Washington Gas Light. 3 at %%, 10 at 70%, 11 l at 70%. Amsrian National 8ak. I at lN. National Savins and Trust 0o-apany. 3 at IM v After call. Capital action Ga. 00 at )WI. M at 1W%. I GOVEMEWUNT BONDS. Bid. Ask*&. United StAlft tells "d In ............ 114% ... United Ktatea cosaae, ft............... W% United States regiatered f........... 1% ..... United statea coupon in.................. IN ..... United States reistered 41@............... IN0% ..... United States couplon 4s .................. 100%A ..... District of Columtia 3.40............. 1M% ..... GAS BOND. feorgetown Gas cart. Ind. ............ 140% Georgtown us 5................. 10% ..... Waitington Gas ........................ 1064% 0 Columbia Gas & Electric be............. 06 ..... Columbia Gas & Electric Deb. Is...... 73 ..... RAILROAD BONDS. CapItal Traction s ............105 lr6 Anacotila & Potomac G ......... 93 ..... Anastia & Potomac 56................. .. (i'ty & Huburban 5a...................... 101% ..... Metropolitan 5s......... . ........... 10*; * Washington Railway & D ie....... 81% MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Potomac Electric (nn". 55............... 100% 100% Potomac Electric i ht b5................. 105 Chesapeake & Potomac Teleplhnue 5s... 104% 105% American Telephone & Telegraph a&... 100 ..... American Telrphone & Ttlepavp fs.. 1 .. Amerilan GriapbopTone 1st 4m.......... 100% 16 Walhington Starket 5w. 19V.............. 96 .. Washlogton Market s. 1947.............. 96 .. Washington Market Cold Storage 5e.... 96 Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Me.... 10b l106 United States iealty e .. ..... ... 104 ..... Rigg. Realti (long. 5a................... TOP 102 Rig Realty 5' (short)... ......... 101 ..... PUBLIC UTILITIES. Capital Traction ......................9 8 O 85 Washington Railway & Xlectric com.. m. Walsehionote Railway & Electric pd ... 1 82 ' Norfolk & Washington Steamboat...... 14S 110 W aahington f;a............. .............. 70% 71% Gorgetown Gs-.. ............... . 100 Columbia Gas & Electric .............. 20% American Telephone & Telegraph ....... 130 ... TYPE MACHINE STOCK. Mergenthaler Lintpe . ... ..........157% 60 Lanston Monotype...... ................. 80 93 3 MINING STIOKS. (reene-Cananes.....................4 NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. Am erican ............... .2 160 Capata .....................................3 Columbia ................... ......... 24" 2'0 (ner cia ..... ........ ....... 14 District.. ........... ............140 150 Farmers & Mechanics..................... 2's ld I'%dral . .....1..... 0 Lincoln ................... 160 M etropolitan .............................. T; 105 Rims .... ....C5 GOD Second ............. 144 National Bank of Wa-hington........... ' to TBUST ('1lPANT STOCKS. American Security & Trut....... 25 55 National Savings & Trust................ 1) Union T r't .. ............. 1. 3 asi.ngt.n L an & Trust-... .......... = Contin ntal Trust ..... ... ............ *1 130 "AVING8 BANK STOCKS. Home. .......... 414 Bank o Commerce & Sarings ...... 12 Fast Wa-hingto. . .... . . 12 ,curity Saings and Commlre al ..:12 FIE INSURANCE STOCKS. Arlngt-n . .. . Fremen', ...... . ...... . ..... 1 German-American .. .... ............. 27 National union . . .... TITLE iNSOltANCE STOOKS. lHeal Estate . . ............ * . lntod State, Rtealt, ...... IISCEF.LANFtU4 STOCKS Dietrict of Columbia PaprN Sig. C.. 1 ..... Am.'eIen Graphophone comm .r.... ...16"C, ... Amentean -i-.hone eferred ..... Ass .. Mlerchant' Transfer & Storage.. ..... 110 Security Sto o ........ .................... IN .... Washington Market .................. 17% .. 'Ex-dividenid.I NEW YORK CURB MARKET. Ne York, Sep. Bad Asked le. nt. C.. : .... .. % rim T . . .. ... ... .... lZ 3 i lionen C-odened Ilk . ... . 11 3 . rden Conden..ed Milk pfd ... jo HItt- & New York .2 aand Copper.I 'a '. Car & I'd I. .. 0'a. '' & F. I*(c d ram S. 1., pIorr F,. .. ......... .M .a..nl.hr To'ae. ....4 Ei..nlohr T .obe.. pd. ... FEneon Phonograph.. ...a9% First NAtional Copper H.a--- Tor..>............3. l H avona Tobacco pfd..' 40 Ho. t.tero.. Ilr l..... . ot. A. & F. pd .. Int Sot, ...... It. Petr..en.. ....a 104 Kreigv S. r.. lak. T' rpo B .... Lehigh '. .le..... Midw'st Retning .....64 66 Monitor Ser ...... New Yerk T .a ......4 1i Nor. .c. . ....105 115 Otis I..te.r..... R. & H. . .......4k Roil Rnng Powder ....14o 1.u Il", It.ko~ g'~~o pfd.........1I5r) I1 Ip. letining ......9% .I Ke. & Co. .... S. I. Kr,,e & V.- pd ....100 Singer 'Mfg-. 2 4 rring B9t.v4 Tringlei Film. ...... '. 1% U7nit. West.. ..... 1 '1 Wahash P. T.. wt .... 19 21 World Flm ....... 1'. Yukon Gold. .......2 BONDS. CanadIarn Paciflt 6 ..... 01% Cen'To .'aco 6 .....111l 113 rocif t--s, & El-tn, 5 ........ M~ 17 ACTIFJ UB ~ 35TOIC 6 Hight %r.One B,,te ('l~e & Znc. . 5 10% 10% ibrooltMotr. . . 110 11% 12% i~ca1cn ... ..17 t7t 144 Itort I! ~arS, . . . 05 1415' lolroai~>,IA. F p9. 1 94. lak Tn.!.. . . . 60 5 S~a~na (~ l.... It 014 4. Stidrle $1.1... .6% 0 2% titahoa Ie~nng. .. 174 7%~ rliroa~r 0'. . . . ~ 1% 101%~ SirolnrOMotr. . . 4 113 413 Paiic Gas &El'tr..5... gr. 0% 4% Ata Sloiet.. ..S 12 5% Amieia Ve aEtoal orp. % W;; 56 Amneia WriingPapr......... 6% % Butte loppernt.in........ 4'. Condoo de PCo. .o........... 3164 t'hedrlet Aotr..............9' 193 49 Roo a i l Go Gni ...................113% Noat. Wo. & W. ..................trade iNok. 2 r 1.r, N. ............ . . 38% 151 o 2nternainter A &4 F. of........ t aaon, athio n175, r oe Ifd........... :t '. Enotr redla n t ler. ... ac .. ....... 1 COaRn- tionr N ... e...,.. 5raes~l~.t r 04etrop.litan. KPwek-m............1 OAidvaleaktee trade......... Itadi. 1% aonto S iter...............--...... a 24 ele Nrtom twta.rg iador. ......... 43oo oo 9. 'nte Ver lExStean.....42 ,egal and I New Xuork. Sept. IL-After showing hearInese ere wan a sharp rally in the ctton market today. I a the keii trading. ahis prices were down 7 to I points, there was heavy selling by Liverpool of Ictober and by New Orleans of other optims. In the fnal hour the market was actve and I n heavy sbort reering and apport from tur nel of the old bull leaders. Offoering from the outhern, disappeared almoet entirely an the rim. de dding to the alarm of shorts. A obarp covert 50rement w also under way in the New Orleans market during the later afternoon. The local Co lose was quiet. 24. l)tr*Aches from New Orleans said that pro- Jol hminary returnus to the National Ginners' Aassci tot ion Indicated that the condition of the crop ad deteriorated about 3 per cent -for the frst pr alf of the mouth. Spot at Liverpool was in sood demand at a de- line of :3 points on the basis of 9.Zd for mid-' Pland. Ifoture. In the Digtish market closed ed 'Diet at a net decline of TaS points. Spot here te 'as quiet at a decline of 2 points on the bade ne I ILD eents; there were no sale.) The spot article at New Orleans was steady and cal I points lower at 1.0 coats for middling; the ION ples were 1,110 ale,. Port recripts for the day were 3:70 bales. gainst 20,11 bal, last week and 5,2 bales last gir ear. New York wareouse aock are 41,131 bales, del omupared with 1M.70 bales a year ago. Exprta I or the day were 27.761 blee. includins 7.716 balme 191 D Gret Britain. 16,5 balm to the Continsat and .0012 balos to Jamn and Chin&. Clearances for he saon aggregate 544.414 bales. cuotrasted with .4U baleb for the corresponding period st eason. ref AT, 1"urnishlied be N. L. Carpenter & Co. Liverr"et dil, Previous ] Ope. 2 p. m. Close. elose. au anari'tFebruary..... 9.0 9.04 9.c4 9!' larch.Aprl........... 9.4 92 00 907 fay-June.............. 9.0 9.W Bi945 uly Augr st........... 8.3 1. .90 . Itrober-Nov ber.... t $ ...... 9.06 914% Middling. 95; yesterday, 9.3 Sales. I,1 hales. r ex New York. to Prerrons to0 Ope. High Low. Close close. anuary .... 15.10 15.39 115V 1.3 IS.! farch............. 13.5 15.37 111 15.5r ISA lay.............. 1.0 1170 15.43 11.70 16 uly ......... 15.64 15. 1506 15.0 1.21 Pctoler.......... 14.3 '5.12 14. 15.10 14.3 lecmaber. 14.3 530 1t1 1530 15.1 New Orleans. Open. High Lio '. r lose In, amUre.. 14.8! 111 1U.0 :111 (5 a .... ... 52 1.2 1.26I 52 is1 ets .ber....... ... -45 1171 i 45 47n 6 ' 14emrr 14 4.97 1478O )4.4 a 4It.I~ to Quotal.oris giver belo -re I, v 1arge -L, of boil miarketabtle -1, Jobbers' pries -y I M I ghier. 1-werl erd..ye be s-ld l'w lr'w.l'arnei oo. eanmoPre highou ps, r401Co se. per dlo. s RDl7ALl-11--st prtnt.. n-, j-r IL, Id, do.. tub, 4%o: tencaa. itsir tire-ieIted. 2iN. LAI)Tt pore. perlb 1h '. do , ooaspeorod. w lb.. cal o"--iee il, Ic can. !75,. . o" . I ., 1rbI . 15; . 1.i lwiLo domI. 3D. d, i 1n5.. 5. 7 I lV0 17N)U.TRY-Hit. ier lb. 1%2111. roosteir. . .r lb. "'. doc~k-. P-T I, 11. 5.7 lb.. I kerys, p5r lb. 31. (; I EtlN Gir,-hle 1' baset. 106133 P .rto p-c ,110. 3.W: cshhaeee per bi 2.)ZOI ie ri.!o~oo. r Minr, -.WM , rirnts. Itr bousn I a3; crieri. Nrw Turk. I er cten 4 OW4 '--re. I.' rPO -r.. 15.Z0: I.cjre., pernkct. 1-5N1W44 r'yrr, nu dings. pccer e, 9I 44 eegalr pe 1ev e. c-lo-a T ale. itoe bbt., 75l.0l lettutse. 7,.. York, per has. et, .2.4.niion,. ir heg. Zsosz2.5 p-e: r. er crate X.-0 IOt~ t-te Pt' . in. spiniach. ter I b].., -..50. 01); t"'at"e'. Icr boo. 40CS tuw- W Ire, per 1--bh. 4. ad PHui ll AlItrev. per bNd 1.44.444 daconx per $ , litislel baket. 58063. gcoiefr-ii. per boiz. 6 11a ,50, grape., 1-r tr;:t. :.0(a 75. lenn, Peer br. p 3 -.0 .a"g. pe , -t,. $0.6.00 peahes. Pet -r 1.. 50a1.30: rqnai48.le. rir erne. t.W&.[.t: Dl.30 ra o r r lb ha qT .3, ebris. prV.I L.IVE Wtln~- s cale. riren per lt,.. ~a;Il,. I I) c mbedre pe. 9;%&14 sp..ng l4'4. fa per ter Ifttin CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. in bro I ood th markaabl goo nl Jber' prcsoaeM grer gir'r! attest to esdmer' ehe panc -f that arorn j't A Ppl tNor Sloev th- PO1 raile believe th"t IC, D~eo :elle, will -oo t- r tr- one ro omm ercal -p- d wial hi. dea ; Bvmin tn. th ntk Ce prie in th. (Iico I ti . po1 pr,3n ire-racker. 2ome of Ie r>er b.d5 a5e .-ari wheat and obro sr err bI lls ; ate. There r net guns w i. dmenti. :s d t a .r sc.l of "' to 2% LIVE Prt'I-enm r. : t erY 'b, of duac i -1. ackn I 1. r-nd lit of lcdi., .7-to at ,vft tr-rale I Zen'; 11lr pe b.teidY ! aetre stll he-c rdl-o held r.ccard t mslr GR f roand -Beofs.le haet. It .9 in antZlbls r, ao 5a; lt !-- at.,po bunce if the in ewlitY to-r ce0 . 1Snor sal- weres mde in a 1d .50o'i t , aelyg nI dings per l cre clid. ense 2ct. 50a for th i alie, i75 pserchdI rat2aere perbsg. 2-5an.75dhe;pr ran Kly te .rid I r .a loWe. ani-a >c eriIl., .:M he'. r bo bo5u- rr r11(1 .1 11, formrr and '500 of the atter for hspont. in ofe u the -1rinig , ltock acd l-lwa erro on ti lples. and bb IIe. de4liss dacking ptert $ rh~eold mccl of fihe oftinn csi fidbuintic helpl stealy lb. entire slt-,tiu, Frabushed by W. b. Hkbbs & Co. .0 t: 5HEAT pipra H5; lemo . rbo- p tepteane pe c.... 5. 0 peae. 1p3 Iat. 5mbell. .......:.pa.p1 1. 1. 7. ..5 4 Mlav. .......... ......1 54 : 11 1.52 154 'o ItN -A a er ?-h................ R b pe qt seplerher.-V . 4 pnp 44 1 lIeinr p.er. i 4 a 4t p N.f0 .1.............. 91) 51 ~lK - -eTember ................ 77 g =1 2 = 8 irtober ........... 1 1 0 . 51 26.50 " 8 C ICAOG'- 1 MARK T I S'-gbe.e.. : e...1412 14.11 14.we 14 1.3 .rtober n .rr....t....t 14.ept -4.3- h 3.m r 14 1 r-ember .h.thD.... a. 14.3ael1 w 4 14 't 10 etor m....mercial..p.na13.nd W 1i0 41 Neo ork.t they attac he tain the da Oicaoiu tIr rt in~e a rst pronb..nI er mann. SomI er cftet liregerv ter areo biartef whea land hate au-tt fr Nglrmtd elm iae Thei mier noeteams .0 f 1 St ot 1o cnts tdayr:Wih' ar irot ofr 4% t a lhts fr 5m t cl-w t iefn, roreb :l.ra, e oct forits 11comI 5 'on I rrehnt fore thanri 0tel .1 ime~rir Irses ofio a f ta-i et -higheerab Iroun lle of aaat thea ttlme fahe 1 toita iip cn for r iot.o !o ca endt ltrs dam- fd te iblt t seecurie. swl car n1wiitrfr SI cib..t .asenly f81 d. . .mad4rm.hrt at. %s .a ierewere 435[ do he.c.n..r..4 buOis rtc. ditmald. ....hef .me .ad 5.7 .f th It Itt ,e orka eheort. . . .i t Siauimarof th c mgn f . rkand.a.twa en rle. ren ana te.dc.n.. p. kig.terres 'rinitbyin hcrepedstue. . ..te 1ntrestucur CSeptemi.. is ... .. O~ It mtle r.a en515 )ATS--C-M RKTS t berS of. .. 4.c1.o Ier.. lC2sptemb er oe .852:wtce7fa 3 no.n.ibbs a Co..SI .1Ophen 94.17:cirr'. High.144 Low. 6'la. CATLI-trcilrr. 111 84 bes55 1.ok 1.tion lee!catle, .brl.2: eteioo so foder, O~s1!: inc an befon, 5b 154 a 'a~ 3.i1i. s 55 SIEE-Rnip..1.833had sedy Wlino.I keal Estal COURT PROCEEDINGS s preme Court, District of Columbia Eguity Dmylu.. Justice stidess. Punnington vs. Dunnington: rule re- 'nable September 15: plaintiff's attor- J 's. D. T. Wright and T. M. Wamipler; 'endant's attorneys. Hawken & Haveil. iorthwqt Washington Improvement mpany vs. Gordon; decree of August 1916. moditied; plaintiff''s attorney. in Ridout; defendant's attorneys. Rals- i & Richardson. Iillyard vs. Hillyand; leave granted to >secute without pirepayment of costs: intifrf' attorney, C. W. Fowler. assidy vs. Wiesser; trustee discharg- and bond cancelled: plaintiff's attor- V, FA. Fenning; defendant's attor- y. John Ridout. Colipinski vs. Digges; order of publi- Ion; plaintiff's attorneys. W. H. Mar- r, J. N. Saunders and J. I'. Gardiner. lurrell %s. Burrell: absolute divorce tnted; plaintiff's attorney. L. M. King, 'endant's attorney, A. W. Scott. later vs. Healey; decree of Jul' ;. vacated; plaintiff's attorney. George Gertmax; defendant's attorneys, J. '. rdiner and M. J. McNamara. fill vs. Benedek; sale authorized and orance to audlto[; plaintiff's attorney. a ,xander Wolf. n re luna-y of Iva J. Bliss. r-ceiver charged. t n re |una y of Frank Jfeaiey. order thorizing loan. Cireuit Divislem. Justice Siddeus. 'a.1r .s. Th. High Tent of Inlr'i nd-' (Ord'r of Ricahites; time to answer end'd to S 2temb'r , plaintiff's at-,r n'Y. E. W. R Ewing. defendant's at- t -ney. 11. 1 Quinn. Probmr. Tivirte. Justice Siddena, :state Paul SAterhenson; ordiiappoint- guardian ad litem. state Luclla Hendrickis pet tion for ,ointment of administrator filed nt-I ney. (. Percy McGlue state All-#ri A. Wilson: order to nsfr vtotk. attorney, Edmund Brady.; 'state Charles M. Hollingsworth, or-1 appointin guardian ad litem. :state Mary K. Reinhart. order ap- nting guardian ad litem. 7state Paul Sterphenson; order admit- g will to 'robate and grant:ng letters tam'ntar:. to Mavry L. Stephensor; id "-: attorney. Ht. W. Van Dyke :state Mary A Pettit wil dated reh 9. 1916. ied. n r. Charles N Bltoster to -ition foe ,-anoe filed. attorneys. Arch- & th. n r. Reginald 1tmos petition f.- aRp- ntim-nt of guardl.an filed attorney. 1I Lewis. Jr. sxtate Annie R Toung. withdrawal of, veat attorneys. G W. Kries and A. Newmyer state John H. Yea;:er. petition for ap- lntment of administrator filed .attar- e y. 1. 9 flBiny state Harry Wills; petition for ap- Intoont cf administrator filed: attor- V, J A. 0'Shen. n re Wanda Trudrung order for al-' vance. :state John Arnold: order admitting 11 to probate and granting letters of; ministration to John B. Larner: bond Wm; attorney. J. B. IArner. .state Lue:la Hendricks. order ap- nting Arthur J Hendricks admints- tor: bond $100. attorney, G Percy Mc- ue. n r. Charles K. Balster rder for al- rance; attorneys. Archer & Smith stat Catherine Curtain. order ex- iding time for aCout.t. attorne S. rr & Peyser. ,state Edward Partell: order appoin!- Lloyd A. Douglas administrato. nd $90). attorneys. Brandenburg & andenb;:r;. -tate Samuel 0 Haslup o-der p- mting Jaffa F McGiffert adintl- ttor. bond $4.000: attorney. W. E Leimh 'state 11trtha E. Cole. order ad!-l g will to probate and granting lett- -tamentary to Ailie E Cole. or.d $3- orneyas. W. T. Browne and J A r! lstale Redwood Vandegrifi; order ad- tting will to rohate antd emartlne l-t- -s ttamen'ary to Harr, 1. Rust;2 nd S60.m. attorneys. Rerry & '\tmor. -fstate Philip Caffrev' A:11 da- Janu. Y F' 1909. filed Bankruptcy Dyivles Justice Siddes. n re Max Berman refernP to Fc!. trd S. MeCalmont. as Frr-sal ma-t-- District Dlivisim, .luatice iddoes. ii re ., rieminatini of AM r. i \ t ia R crTmzin fund or r o reistr Lawsuits. 954 -John Taplett vs. i>war F D,, na- 0: judgment frem 'I:n ial Court "7l. intiff'e altorn-\. Gerge C rtnian. X1-4--William Conradi. onpany. tn, Robert M1. Clendening trading as tie ne-lcan Auto Top Trimming Company. rti.irari; defendant', att'iirne y. S. illis. A2-Carence . Hight v, Joih i w.n; certiorari: defindant's attorne-. 13 Dicke,. Fquity Suits. 491-Fula Hillard Art'u, V H:- 1; divorce s mensa (-t thorn. plaintiff s torney. Chapman W. Fowler. 49*-Charles R. Talbert vs Mfiriam NI lhtert; absolute divorce. plaintiffs at- rnev. J. IWililian Shea. Mechanics' Lien. Q~---Washington Gcas Light ompn~ty Oscar R. Daonahoo; lotii 4o to 3. snuare 10; $1'l7.99: attorney, Frederick .' Fen- tiS---Washington Gras tight ("ompanyi .Osc-ar Rt. D'onahoo; lo 42 to 47 sqwa : 3140.li: attortne,. Frni-ieri, Ik A. Fen- REAL ENITATEl Titu41%FEng. -thiast-irlres M. S'nr,, to 2 8. aed tieja 1 O. t 6. s.ar $:ti't . s$" Pers ,-nrlitea~t- hari,, I i'Orr. t 3 ', S. pli Ir W Mtier, iot i- iare, i(. SIC. Ir itrt, h-t.n n Twemti foat ani. "Puenit me-.r.. Pet, northest ArtV-r Ihatt-rner eiti Stu,. isto.o V C.i iiockerasn .t yu., Sit t. '0 F C ekershauen n, s am pet-t Arthur sid Minntie A latternr.' lIt. in~e. 1tree Road nothwat.--Albert F. Woas 1.01rt a ; t, Rtert Misa . art gil W. dihenied. $1i. on'hetw'eeni 'fr-ad ni F- r andi s hair Str3 A ltiihafie nrt -'iginal lot 6 .,g ', li'tetda asi. seorth. an Henr C Fapey, st Gerge W. antd na "iater, Iti 1, lortht t . htua H. ght. Fiog-r'., Ctopienh-ater us. Getrudte H to, Atnhur i' Mosses, it SI ,ret riteat an'd -ut . C'arles Ren. hmi.u' It N-nntn. I -u l2 aluare- a9 uari lt 12. Fracu. arul Mountt M4rt . lei s-td ,-st la't itt 7. iowardt iilorritu .iNtch S., lB ' rt,:th street tersae. Lteh..Ibu~rg ii'esment 6. t 0 i.' Mi ar' & n'7 .l 't .ml ita 46, S u east 1art l, t . rit i t~l andi QJ .tre-ts '.hest h4 ibs, T. in, tr Anhi a A ip,,. to 'r-ft IIiild. p-..... ,.l t 2il1 squar K:nd 5i. r-ti 53 h M e s akra Mi to William It Wetr. rt of Whu' -an at di Ailiane. 5,. "rt i0e'.. en Tfirte'iiuth alt 1' .le-'r..i ae. nethosfl' 'haries M4 l'arvn to Arthur I'. dl M ir I. "Yet i. iiit 16l. quare 02' SK:. ..slan- nHsmao N. -r..ja. . 1Mb ., to tRecord wmar of. $11. temat mum. Fairtafw--maaw W. Kiammrn at ms -omw IF.. to Horato ". aid I"*l T. <Mobs. bft M I and X. senarem o rs. PtWorth-Benjmat r G aeet G. LN U-t, oGm-re T and Agnes v. withema. n 4. bbsak, 13. square 3|ms ov; tret ILg 2 Sixthi stret northeaW--yrem E. Gnip .4tiia Ube L., t. Pram A, Johnson. piet Wot 1. opmas 10, 010. Fran A. Jon esmee same weptv o Julia 1. Gr@. SOL. Map)e Glime Farm- Befie K UScy t. PhMetng Aand Eganf M. Mullmn. kit 64tz gar". In2 "a=oal Terrce-ational captal RSmIty Osm.* ay to 4"*e1a Th-One bot C. squar UK SLW. Padoworth-Harr E. Abrae at u. maw&d, to. diethoel P., anod mary C. Kirby. SW0 trost, SLIL 21i5 Noarth rasitol 9~ee bort eness 1. A g ahler tn Howard E. and Ann P. HeNL ke a lobin Addition. block 3L. II10. trimot SLI 30Cambridge place nmtrest. John ff. and 14.e1 G. Hale" aNd M~aris A. Haley t. Sallie Haller . i. 64. omwar 12r $10 halbe %. 1-u1 onev maaI ep rrty to rlornc G fmfatt, 20: trufft. VA,84. DEEDS OF TRtiolT. late W. lot 16-eith Valim " u.m. Deli.. to t R Her-.-em and FredW IR.m-. to se-ms MgUar R. Richardene SAN, montth remmnta 4 Suaft 21. lot W"ohn J Willr eI -. 38d%. .t' H. R. Ho- ser and Vd Vk Re-e to ,-ut Edgar R. Rih-adso $7, WT Mnhl, ray. Mount leasat ro 13--i me tad -.Fredenck A. hmadt e .. Ann AK .d Agnes K. Shoemker Ir rG-v !If nerai nd fouias It Mackalt t, -eur Maadnfrew hi 'r Ceri Pertaanet Bullemg Awi..'''ltio E.M0 Enos . Rays Ett me"Ade ue maat er n ..t T and alir eeti.thn ad o .If a-r ta Fra--i R %4,:t t, Andr J. li ti e r A 'hamber RA, 51 MD Jui, 0, 94o otber III M91 6 Per ce! Kors'r V In-.- Nb: -mirM J -nd i iA n \1,0-r. A!.'* H -."man 1 nd M'ha 'dafe tr --. 7.1 e lbr 00 - I,,, I' . "._r9 erce SQ. 103' ran .4 Amn o .- I l e I,- ngo~r - L't -r 1 $7str Boid Het H Ii. -ene e~a Hldo M d m- ra nRa HI Hn ir -T - IT ra er,1 e -rdE in HH.-.ese. n raRRo 1, 06tr F gaP lF-adr -- rrth a nILi I. - U, :.s Mre-, r .e 36 lo i elG og t r A nsI,- Zai 1" Ja W m rvan d H- M A s ft - VW, mr arri IH Gr- er t h -, .- p : NrhL Rt-ra 3 re X dm"4 A903 *- -,e i., Ii iffr -L 44a -' 1ja ell Her. H!: ifr. 1 V%-ar Al -f " Irrm A e r V.--e nar - Ar.rA F ,.,. 1 g s Ire T" .I 4 n s N eg k e d P" 11 Ir as '1,cn1. = r e r Meare 3i' At' 1,ea Ple r BATMamOKtWhmRE PhRte ane. Pa

The WorId of Finarice omplete I,egal I Estal...The Wor ENTHUSIASMREIiNS AS MARKET CLOSES New York List Strong. New Higher Records Appearing. i 1y the Internatiomal News Service. New

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Page 1: The WorId of Finarice omplete I,egal I Estal...The Wor ENTHUSIASMREIiNS AS MARKET CLOSES New York List Strong. New Higher Records Appearing. i 1y the Internatiomal News Service. New


AS MARKET CLOSESNew York List Strong. New Higher

Records Appearing.i 1y the Internatiomal News Service.New York, Sept. 11.-Another session o

new higher records with Steel leading attracted more and more of the public ti

the market today. Starting strong, themarket grew more active and mveehigher as the end if the day approtahedLast pri es were nade in the midst o

great enthusiasm.Late in the afternoon Wall Street bank

ers claimed to have reliable Informatiolthat the Rep-lblicans had carried Mainehy a substantial majority.Many of them began buying stocks im

mediately in the expectation that theMcKinley year would be repeated, botlin politics and in the market.Earnings reported were of a splendid

character. For instance. the Norther1Pacific showed a gain of $1. 00600for JulyEarnings of sixty-seven roads for Jul:were S16,000.009 greater in gross than foJuly of last year and the net Sb,.e0Sigreater.

All the little Steel stocks became ex

ited. Republic and Sless-Sheffieldmoved up sharply to new records. andbefore the day closed had attracted a

large public following. Midvale Steel Wa.

timilatively strong and closed at th.top price. Nidvale was talked of as tigruing In a new merger. So was RailwaySping.

'aper stocks of al ileseriptions w-n

sitil higher, I It in some of them protittlring made its appearance, as it did als<in the tire stoks. Kelly-Springfield Tirehad attra ted .-o much of a following tha

was necessary to spread the report o

oide s !ling t keep the publi,' out of itflethlehem Steel began to look familia

w nen It crossed bbut General Motor-1 at mand thereby established atoth

hi.:h re,od. The hih-prIced stok.neemed n h-'t.: diniI than the chn]Ine, whl,h Indicat-l that the ver:,tron.Zet in tns were putting the mar

bet up The Texas 'I is being bougha th ri .h t iThe rise in Glrcat Northern (ire wa

-u- t re . t th '.ny of stieshars eneml. flr the company is-hn.er to the stee: tortporation jus

eoame as wen it was under lease. Aan I technical change has takeip),.*u n, actual one in relation t

thos. two companies The law canno- tgeome' agr-ment to tarr:

.I a ntarat. That is why the governmt nt litigatin agaist the steel corporatlion Is ,oing to :all een if it snould

iuct; the omr tr,International Nitkel. which has brokernnPerI omle tini ago as preliminar:

to a bl. metment ti new high priceshas finally u-gun to show the influeni..f th, good l'u ing tatI: has persisted1 in

a.1 the wat. lolwn. lIluustrial Alcohoand T'i't .lers are riming again after thgr-at acumulative cam;>a;gn that shoolth pulOi' out of its Aharts.In the Marnes. ntw high records wer

made by InmrnaItioriaal preferred. in At,ntic uif and West Illdies and a ne%top for the movement by Giastn. Williamand Wgmor Int-rnational Mercantllir: stockholders ill! have a meet

n,co-ember 21 to adjust the fin . that omTan% Som- banker

'a, tat the common stock will be gettn a dividenlI within a few months a;

the result of a deal now beieg worketoit

itailroadt we- r ui and sone of theail-oad president. were in the street buiuld find r.nobo willing to listen to

Ter trouble- A rng sAle of wage;

InvestmentsThe questien a to which seclrt-

ties among the cantry's ioreseostindustrials, railroads, coppers adoils affer the aximuin comey"ed. ombinoed with stability ofprincipal nod marketability. i -

urrently covered I. our fortnightlypuiblicatn.. "lnestmost Opportiui

Anyone who is interested in in-creasing the sarning powr of aisfundshould receive this valuablePublication regularly. it will beeont free of rharge. beginning withthe present issue. Ask for 27.W.which will be accompaned byboslet elplaiing"The Twenty Payment Plan"

~SATTF4Refr@bot-/imt ~Actritk/%r ;(Established 1909)

40 Exchange Place New York

The Safest Investments' nd . o ane spLarni ta F .9. f tI ir i t nd. y-rg n-

er fhim r'"1 .a oni ilm.m0t f., k- C Ier.nn tn

sOd .C'ers c t tf trOI~IJ-

Swartzel, Rheem &Hensey Co.,

727 Fifteenth Street Northwest.


THE1l\The~young man who

will be none the betterMARGIN above necessar

It is not what is earnimakes wealth.

If your position is succial progress, then by allGIN in a growing Accour

2% On Cheel

The WashingtonCorner Ninth1


/ 7-MM RraLU.

Id of Finarfor railroad. employ"s Is being discussed.Fundamentals of the ma~rket are sound

and 'the campaign leaders feel that theyEare .just getting the big bull campaignwell started. %

NEW YORK STOCK XARXW1'.Feruished by W. I. 11111Hie & Co.

New York. Sept. 1t.gal-s Hishi. Low. Claws

1.4W A Laka Gold M ............. 14 13% 13.aL-. I Allini'hal.mr.............. -_6% Mi 24%

Ul0 Ameran Agrri., (hem.....0 79% WA400 Amer. Agri. 4Chem. DIfd. !01% 101% llv101%

2.900 American Reet sugar..... IC 20 9 seFLi01 American Can.......... 64%4 43% 41 et

3.American ir& d..63 GE 63 toa46 Amerian (bat Prod. ..... 1f6le 151 151 Mo

2 900 .merican Hide & Il..... 1: %l 10%i I1 bli54W Am~ Hide & L'. pfd .... 5W% -% 5 t

1.900 American lee Securities.. 30 20/% 0a5.1 M Amerca I.nseed.......... 23% 12% 23% t

1.10 AmeriAn LinIer4 Jfd .... 51% 3 1 i

7.'"% America Loemtive ..... 71 710% 78% 7

19.5" American Smnelting....... 10W 19M% 05 a130Amner. Smelting JId. (A). % 96 9% 111.%American Ateel P'dry ..... 6711. 57 57'-%

400 American Sngar. ........... IM9 101% IsWb

"0 American 'Wi. & Tele.. !3% 1-2% M1It0" Amstra n 'Tobaceo.... .2263W American WoolenI ... ... W1% 46%J 40,%1

18 w( Americn W. P. pfd. .... 3 33,% 3s5%T5"'1 American zinc., ........ 11 40 40% R

.-0Amran 2ine rid.... 7, 711 78I% bi42 M0 Anaoda ......... .. 10%y IW4 103%

8.1) At". G.A W. L...... 85 81% at600@ A. . & W. T, r.... Ei 06% "6

1300 lwin LocomotUile... .. 144 112% 932.9[o Balt-mor & Ohi.... . % .. % E4 Ft

154 Ratojwlis NIiin. ...... .... 1 1% 1% inI

".W Rethlehm Stee . .. . 5W3 *1 500 B4,1M Butte & M4uperior..... -0% W/% 70% at-n Ne t'a1fornia Petroleum .!1 W%4. 21% urI 0 W 'alifornia PetroleLn pId. 40 400 f

"30 'andia Pacne. . . 17'75% 1"% bc9."0 Unral Leaither .... 62% (40% 62%

!00 I'earae hi . wk.6 61% kif6. 3_ Chi.. M it.,& St. Pan]l.... 9SA 9l1% 9: I

:.00 'h It a. .A .1 16% 16% hil''9 :':!e (-p". .~ .... !0%4 M 3% to

7 r0 t'ino 7vi ope.....% %A% % 4 et%.1to o L Pue. N & Iron.. .. 2 51 5M%

29.9W Crcile, Ster -. ... .II.I. m 0%8%3.10 ub C -n u~gar.. ...... 58 57% It%

5M Iu 'an Sngar pfd.. .. Y,, 115%1%47 Denver & Rio> Grand~e pfd. 3V* 34 "r C(

5.400 Dist. Securitiea..... ....... ?-M 49 46%- frDrg' Ord ....... 88 Wl 98

........ 3,1

I4M 1Er :,r pill ......... 52Z 'I%"Z

3 5M F At.k pfd ... .. -An3, 4-%20 i ra!etre .1-2 .71 172

L etN Thern r-fd 1 16 7''.9 a Nrh Ore. &ubt 4:el%42

43.70 Int. Ar-i . ..J .. . 14 ' 4%566 Irn'. A-ricuT fd. . 1 1e 49tZ

32 0 Int. Paper .... . 0% .:1.. W 3%49tA Irt. Paper pfd ..91% 861i 914 fl n od . 44 425 44

,7rI Kenn W4. Z4%A53-.900 Lackawnn teel. . 84% P1% 83 A

2M A-v1 Moto 7o .j 4-1 41% A<n 10 \M V-i- Petroleum .r IT.0 A0%H

4'.0 A~m Coppe 2 . " 7 I.ANJ,. Kanisms &,Texas 41 4'4.

I NJ -io'r Pa if ... 4 4 4

1 00 27 uri Pawfc.et1

NaM a Lead W16 .3y) _'vad c ,u CaPer V' 2271.%Nw York Air Brake . ~ 3"''0 Nw York central. .. 04% 1,A :%I

N- ew York, N. H. & if 5.1 3d9 rf, k & Wearn :9' 13% 1'.9

230 N,rthern Pacific. . 100 105 110o0 P_, M Ma-it !7, :74 N21 P'. nnylvania Rai d 56 55 55,%1Il

730 rewe Stel Cr. S11% 5618,

'1 Il-a Palace Car. .. 1651i 1 165 P1-40 Railwa 1ee1 Sprirge 0 491 511%, i1

5 ier.mg :4 10 1 IQ%46 2M0 Repubhe Iron & Steel.. W 640 M 42 3V Re" iblic Iron & 'Itee[ rfd 114% 113%l 114%1 St1

MO q00 attack A.,. . ........ 304 MW- Jme iRt- z:effi - d .& 1, 58 -4. 58 iS

2.0 othen PAci!i ... 9r 7% 9%.g0 chrn Ralw 24 2V4 234 St

4 IM 11udebak- 13 1=% 24 'tT_ 40 Tnese CopT- .5 3v. .2

9% T"aa C, ., 0 199a, 2W% Sti 9o Tobacc Preoi'iet "4% 9D

o I I nnR & Paper . e 9 . 10iI w- no Bag Paper PrJ 58. 5 T"

U0 non Pacine 140% 13% 140

.00 1 nie Frmt 1" I 64' 16 -Z4.01 . q. C. I.P P F .1241Vs

9 "n0 V. 'I . Ind. Alco hol . .. 1 114%]1--400 1'. -. Rea, tv & Imp.. ... 7 :!?7

I01 S. Rudr. .56t,% 5A3 1 4 . A9tiin & Ref .... 71 "n7

- 1, ptet ... 10% 10 174%

000 ~ ~ Tl~rp 96th'tpe... F4?\ aa'r. 'h mial. '. Al "I% 4t

.... JIhM.... ......10 IN fl,


' k e" Ild n"' tndla% were 5 -' heaId. again"t" W: head !at week. R"e Vt., IN carloads for emarket fer thle week: ; 53 rarloatds f r market todal. e'[ -ra vhangd: 'ther 25 cents I_"r n

'er45&h o I~8.90. gloodmbutcher, 8.W8.55; 3rram. 7.6=0 enmmon, $.*&0 9. Hetfers,319,

ch-", 715aC5:fair to good, f.15..; commonto m-i-m 5, "6.11). Bulls, choice. 6.15&6.66; fa ir Iutt" good. 165ai15. como t. medium. 5.4065.9)neC.-, . " 6, 0:f- fairto go ,5 5 ;c n- tmn- t, m-ham.' 3%a.K~IT AND> .AMtBS Receipt fr the week 17

edd 4 oon today, wer 54 hA ead, against I.31 enhea 1-t -Ik L'ight upv; marke higher o

Moh: N ehep tead'. Rhe-P, 3 17.25Zb,

W-', Recepta for th~e wk ended norm today d(

, r .- n, 1-1. agai-t 11.31 head Last ek,1.01.5

Hgi og, :'%!L5. pigs. 95 10.3; rougs.8.0l P


J1 4_ I- reilts f-r the wreek ended nn today dwere 4' head ag MS3 head I-at -ek. Light .suppl,; market strong. ('ales. G.,'3 cent..


BALTIMORE GRAT. itBaaiore S 1.1, -WHEAT-Closaed Mae. No.

-1 r -d " and September, 1.56%. No 2 red Wet 3

ern, vrot and 3etmbr01%


kpital Traction and Railway CommonAre Active.

A rather extensive demand, principallythe odd-lot type, marked yesterday'sa0ion of the Washington Stock 1Z-ange. Capital Traction sold at 843-4841-4 and closed with 84 bid. Railway!mmon sold at 81 and closed with b07-8d and 85 asked. Raltway prf'erred soldS1 and 81 1-4. The latter price was bet-

r than the final bid of last week. Wash-gton Gas was disposed of at 701-2 and3-4. At close 703-4 was bid, with 711-8ked.Twenty share. of National Savings andrust were transferred at 270 and fiveares of American National Bank went156. Potomac Consolidated 5s sold at

)1-2. a decline of a quarter of a point;raction 5s sold at 106 1-2, and RiggsAalty ;4 of the long maturity type,ought 102.

New Bond Sale Plan.A project for the purchase of bonds orock on the Installment plan has beenaugurated by the Federal Nationalank. John Poole, president of the in-itution. being the author. It is possibleider the plan. which now is In effect,r any one to purchase a hundred-dollarmd. or a share of stock, by the payment32W down and the arranging of a loan

r the balance of the cost, the bank to>Id the security as collateral for thean. and the bank also making the pur-iase and advising the investment.

Opinions on Market.The following stock optnions were re-

ived yesterday by W. B. Hibbs & Co.om financiers of prominence:T. L. Watson & Co.-"The elevating>wer of the cumulative force of immense>Id supplies is beginning to be felt inie Industrial section of the market todegree seldom witnessed in this coun-

N. I- Carpenter & Co--Judging from-ery angle and weighing the good andid points in the ituation, as we cane them, we do not hesitate to say thate good far outweighs the bad and thathigher and very actkve market is likelybe seen from now on until election."

OIL SECURITIES.Furnished by W. B. Hibbs & ce.

Bid. Asked.,glo-AnWrican 0.1 0-. new ... . 14 , i.,lantic Refining .. .. 0 O


iekere Pip- L Co l ....ebrough Mf01. (.... . . f"

nial )it OD ( ... ..0 n

tineital il Co. ....410rescent Pipe Lnie Co. ..... ffinherland Pip Line . .. .Anr'ka Pipe tn .. , 'N 15

iIena ignal (t C. common.alea Signal il ( prferteed . IN 141

ti l ipe line Co.70 0dana I'ipe Li,". Co... .I

ti nal Tr Co.. ... 14 1York rrm. (u...

rthern ee tine .0. ............ 10ill (i '.... .............

"ra Oil Cro.. ....

Sirie Oil & (aS i .....405 411-irePipe Usne Co ...4051

tar Rettaing .. ...

othern Pite Line Co ..uthern Penastiania Oil Co.mtheten, Pen.sylsania Pipe Line.110andard Oil of California.

"ird Cl of Iniatts..........1Inandard 0.1 of Kansa . ..4 41)andard 0i1 f Kntuk .y. .. Vandard (il f Nebraka............C 5-_.ndard "Il of New Jerse,. ..andard (.1 of New York..andlardl ii of Ohio. ..S iV

rann & ahe Pit ('. .




m il o..............

ashington hi)oin ,3rl iar Sl,1can Fluel . ..... 5645


raory 'higher -oriing 3.3',s frat'. 3,~.

K- i or eonipl.1:0 a frr,i, gatlero.vi f-v. ,;extra firSt.. 343; itt,. .'.rz. roatrnry htes, finle tW fanc-, 45&a4.nerby hntry

t.IVE POT1'LrRY- Finm; n ripe. settled: dressdno. chickens. MaZl: fowl&. 17a23: turke". 1536.


sr-Ia :od pres trelined to under more Iist ffetiog.~ Quotations: Western weiid tsekt-1 ~c. a"n -'ciala. Per lb.. 35: -t, 's4i.. firsts. 33a0TZ' tirst,, 3101t,,; sevond.3W,;1

arby rss farn. ,15. a'erae evn.a .4.36: tta,33: Aeros'is. 3WI31 jobting sales of fa.y prints.

VIC S-Klrinp nm-Iaird eggs .ee are and fom,der a good derrand. 441.12otnt: in free easse,wby els., twit d'.o. 36: nearby i5r0.910 M.ndard ca,-; nearby carrent receipts, 9.61: West-a entorA. 36 tor dr'n;: Wltte5'i extia firsts. 9,0

r rame: do liat,. 9 30-9-40 tar case: N~am orlectedIedidI tel e. se.. 1"MwJobbing st A6.1

L~IVt VOI 1TIty -Foss. 1: t" quality. IYaiasters. 14&15; aprig ,ii~ee Z.ada ta-r. agling 1%&2 euAnds and oser spie2. 31d.. sma lier sums. 19&21; whute leboramact.

,tding to quality, 15a21; ducks, as to usandsLlity, 154t7: pigeons. old. M.t rsir, aM.d.ong. . 18235IkOEfiSF PtOULTRY-Fosh-killed dry pacid

-IA. 12 t,, b-. dr,-psked. fartey lected, z15r-,. cjgbiog 40W5 Pounds apiece, 23: dor. 4 pouada4,tc* 23: tin.. 3%, Psounds apiece. 22; do.. 3 pounds

Aeis: 2a. VOWIL~ In barrels. ice-parked. fancy,y paced -Northern, Indisina and Illinoi. wseeaS4.5 pounds apiece, 22; Southern Indiana andlis. weighing 4.5 Pounds apiece M; inaner,

"s. 18.21l. Old roosteris, dryi-packed. A&Proilingiilkens. ltl1iim large. BsM; do., Indiana, large,.Xt. Brtilers other nearby. weighang 11.52 pmsua.

79r.3a6 i'iernab,501esie. 6Z10k.3coosrig 1. ss10rd"en


ennSO ea-M s'ca Pexpr.. c a6 d.Nwfork.h sope a1ndHT'R sasactrcypchareaer; of riggs' ervice.re"'

-Accounhighe cofrindvidals, firs ac

ond corpatin nvtd1'r-eiFa; r hee , L' aetfrsh gaheed

trrSei .' uetr fireig3u3 Dirfts.3nab

HrL Y hie.1 Ce tLoVfacy P5as5neablenrr3dnrL 3Ai'".EkViedn

WIVE POULTY- iZrm; no alies ente:dtse

mhckens. 23aY1; ow. iatrkn .a25.

hOladT. . lsept~. A-BUT~ft- et re

cerv.V. a 0ecial. per 3b, 35;haa ;

omplete IWAsHIGTON TO=K EZIXOAGEFaurishe by W. 3. Rtbbe * CA.

UALmNSPo-a Electri Consoliated Is. 81.0 at I0%,I

11.011 at 1W%. $1.40 at 10%.RWP Realty IGon) at IS.

Capital Taction. 3 at 10 at 86%. fWaalanto Railway common. 11 at f. : at .

Waahint Railway Pmeferred. I at 8. I at . IWashington Gas Light. 3 at %%, 10 at 70%, 11 l

at 70%.Amsrian National 8ak. I atlN.National Savins and Trust 0o-apany. 3 at IM vAfter call.Capital action Ga. 00 at )WI. M at 1W%. I


United StAlft tells "d In ............ 114% ...United Ktatea cosaae, ft............... W%United States regiatered f........... 1% .....

United statea coupon in.................. IN .....United States reistered 41@............... IN0% .....United States couplon 4s .................. 100%A .....

District of Columtia 3.40............. 1M% .....

GAS BOND.feorgetown Gas cart. Ind. ............ 140%

Georgtown us 5................. 10% .....

Waitington Gas ........................ 1064% 0

Columbia Gas & Electric be............. 06 .....Columbia Gas & Electric Deb. Is...... 73 .....

RAILROAD BONDS.CapItal Traction s ............105 lr6

Anacotila & Potomac G ......... 93 .....Anastia & Potomac 56................. ..(i'ty & Huburban 5a...................... 101% .....

Metropolitan 5s......... . ........... 10*; *Washington Railway & D ie....... 81%

MISCELLANEOUS BONDS.Potomac Electric (nn". 55............... 100% 100%Potomac Electric i ht b5.................105

Chesapeake & Potomac Teleplhnue 5s... 104% 105%American Telephone & Telegraph a&... 100 .....American Telrphone & Ttlepavp fs.. 1 ..Amerilan GriapbopTone 1st 4m.......... 100%16Walhington Starket 5w. 19V.............. 96 ..

Washlogton Market s. 1947.............. 96 ..

Washington Market Cold Storage 5e.... 96Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Me.... 10b l106United States iealty e .. ..... ... 104 .....Rigg. Realti (long. 5a................... TOP 102

Rig Realty 5'(short)... ......... 101 .....

PUBLIC UTILITIES.Capital Traction ......................9 8 O85Washington Railway & Xlectric com.. m.Walsehionote Railway & Electric pd ... 1 82 'Norfolk & Washington Steamboat...... 14S 110Waahington f;a............. .............. 70% 71%

Gorgetown Gs-.. ............... . 100Columbia Gas & Electric .............. 20%American Telephone & Telegraph ....... 130 ...

TYPE MACHINE STOCK.Mergenthaler Lintpe . .............157% 60Lanston Monotype...... ................. 80 93 3

MINING STIOKS.(reene-Cananes.....................4

NATIONAL BANK STOCKS.American ............... .2 160

Capata .....................................3

Columbia ................... ......... 24"2'0

(ner cia ..... ........ ....... 14

District.. ........... ............140 150Farmers & Mechanics..................... 2's ld

I'%dral . .....1.....0

Lincoln ................... 160

M etropolitan .............................. T; 105

Rims .... ....C5 GODSecond ............. 144

National Bank of Wa-hington........... ' toTBUST ('1lPANT STOCKS.

American Security & Trut....... 25 55National Savings & Trust................ 1)

Union T r't . . ............. 1. 3

asi.ngt.n L an & Trust-.. . ..........=Contin ntal Trust ..... ... ............ *1 130

"AVING8 BANK STOCKS.Home. .......... 414

Bank o Commerce & Sarings ...... 12Fast Wa-hingto. . .... . . 12

,curity Saings and Commlre al ..:12FIE INSURANCE STOCKS.

Arlngt-n . . . .

Fremen', ...... . ...... . .....1

German-American .. .... ............. 27National union . . ....


lHeal Estate . . ............ *.lntod State, Rtealt, ......


Dietrict of Columbia PaprN Sig. C.. 1 .....Am.'eIen Graphophone comm .r.... ...16"C, ...Amentean -i-.hone eferred ..... Ass..

Mlerchant' Transfer & Storage.. ..... 110Security Sto o ........ .................... IN ....Washington Market .................. 17% ..



Bad Asked

le. nt. C.. : .... .. %

rim T . . .. ... ... .... lZ 3i

lionen C-odened Ilk . ... . 113

. rden Conden..ed Milk pfd... joHItt- & New York .2aand Copper.I

'a '. Car & I'd I. ..0'a. '' & F. I*(c dram S. 1.,

pIorr F,. .. ......... .M

.a..nl.hr To'ae. ....4Ei..nlohr T .obe..pd. ...

FEneon Phonograph.. ...a 9%First NAtional Copper

H.a--- Tor..>............3. lH avona Tobacco pfd..' 40Ho.t.tero.. Ilrl......ot. A. & F. pd ..

Int Sot, ......

It. Petr..en.. ....a 104

KreigvS. r..lak. T'rpo B ....

Lehigh '. .le.....Midw'st Retning .....64 66

Monitor Ser ......

New Yerk T .a ......4 1iNor. .c. . ....105 115Otis I..te.r.....

R. & H. . .......4kRoil Rnng Powder ....14o 1.u

Il", It.ko~ g'~~o pfd.........1I5r) I1Ip. letining ......9%

.I Ke.& Co. ....

S. I. Kr,,e & V.- pd ....100Singer 'Mfg-. 2 4

rring B9t.v4Tringlei Film. ...... '. 1%

U7nit. West.. ..... 1 '1

Wahash P. T.. w t .... 19 21World Flm ....... 1'.Yukon Gold. .......2

BONDS.CanadIarn Paciflt 6 ..... 01%Cen'To .'aco6 .....111l 113

rocif t--s, & El-tn, 5 ........ M~ 17


Hight %r.One

B,,te ('l~e & Znc. .5 10% 10%

ibrooltMotr. . . 110 11% 12%i~ca1cn... ..17 t7t 144

Itort I!~arS,. . . 051415'lolroai~>,IA.F p9. 1 94.

lak Tn.!.. . . . 60 5S~a~na (~l.... It 014 4.

Stidrle $1.1... .6% 0 2%

titahoa Ie~nng... 174 7%~

rliroa~r 0'. . . . ~ 1% 101%~SirolnrOMotr. . . 4 113 413

Paiic Gas &El'tr..5... gr. 0% 4%

Ata Sloiet.. ..S 12 5%Amieia Ve aEtoal orp. % W;;56

Amneia WriingPapr......... 6% %Butte loppernt.in........ 4'.

Condoo de PCo. .o...........3164t'hedrlet Aotr..............9' 193 49

Rooa i lGo Gni ...................113%

Noat. Wo. & W. ..................trade

iNok. 2 r 1.r, N. ............ . . 38% 151o2nternainter A &4 F. of........ t aaon,athio n175, r oe Ifd........... :t '. Enotr

redla n t ler. ... ac .. .......1

COaRn- tionr N ... e...,.. 5raes~l~.tr

04etrop.litan. KPwek-m............1OAidvaleaktee trade......... Itadi. 1%

aonto S iter...............--...... a 24 ele

Nrtom twta.rg iador. ......... 43oo oo 9.

'nte Ver lExStean.....42

,egal and INew Xuork. Sept. IL-After showing hearInese

ere wan a sharp rally in the ctton market today. I

a the keii trading. ahis prices were down 7 toI points, there was heavy selling by Liverpool ofIctober and by New Orleans of other optims.In the fnal hour the market was actve and I

n heavy sbort reering and apport from turnel of the old bull leaders. Offoering from theouthern, disappeared almoet entirely an the rim. dedding to the alarm of shorts. A obarp covert50rement w also under way in the New Orleansmarket during the later afternoon. The local Colose was quiet. 24.l)tr*Aches from New Orleans said that pro- Jolhminary returnus to the National Ginners' Aassci totion Indicated that the condition of the cropad deteriorated about 3 per cent -for the frst pralf of the mouth.Spot at Liverpool was in sood demand at a de-line of :3 points on the basis of 9.Zd for mid-'Pland. Ifoture. In the Digtish market closed ed'Diet at a net decline of TaS points. Spot here te'as quiet at a decline of 2 points on the bade ne

I ILD eents; there were no sale.)The spot article at New Orleans was steady and calI points lower at 1.0 coats for middling; the IONples were 1,110 ale,.Port recripts for the day were 3:70 bales.gainst 20,11 bal, last week and 5,2 bales last girear. New York wareouse aock are 41,131 bales, delomupared with 1M.70 bales a year ago. Exprta Ior the day were 27.761 blee. includins 7.716 balme 191D Gret Britain. 16,5 balm to the Continsat and.0012 balos to Jamn and Chin&. Clearances for

he saon aggregate 544.414 bales. cuotrasted with.4U baleb for the corresponding period st

eason. ref

AT,1"urnishlied be N. L. Carpenter & Co.

Liverr"et dil,Previous ]

Ope. 2 p. m. Close. elose. auanari'tFebruary..... 9.0 9.04 9.c4 9!'larch.Aprl........... 9.4 92 00 907fay-June.............. 9.0 9.WBi 945

uly Augr st........... 8.3 1..90 .Itrober-Nov ber.... t $ ...... 9.06 914%Middling. 95; yesterday, 9.3 Sales. I,1 hales. r

exNew York. to

Prerrons to0Ope. High Low. Close close.

anuary.... 15.10 15.39 115V 1.3 IS.!farch............. 13.5 15.37 111 15.5rISA

lay.............. 1.0 1170 15.43 11.70 16

uly ......... 15.64 15. 1506 15.0 1.21

Pctoler.......... 14.3 '5.12 14. 15.10 14.3

lecmaber. 14.3 530 1t1 1530 15.1

New Orleans.

Open. High Lio '. r lose In,amUre.. 14.8! 111 1U.0 :111(5

a .... ... 52 1.2 1.26I 52 is1

ets .ber....... ... -45 1171 i 45 47n 6 '

14emrr 14 4.97 1478O )4.4 a4It.I~


Quotal.oris giver belo -re I, v 1arge -L, ofboil miarketabtle -1, Jobbers' pries -y I MI ghier. 1-werl erd..ye be s-ld l'w lr'w.l'arnei

oo. eanmoPre highoups,

r401Co se.per dlo. sRDl7ALl-11--st prtnt.. n-, j-r IL, Id, do.. tub,

4%o: tencaa. itsir tire-ieIted. 2iN.LAI)Tt pore. perlb 1h '. do , ooaspeorod.w lb.. cal o"--iee il, Ic can.!75,.

. o" . I ., 1rbI . 15; .1.i

lwiLodomI.3D. d, i1n5..5.7

I lV0 17N)U.TRY-Hit. ier lb. 1%2111.roosteir. .

.r lb. "'. doc~k-. P-T I, 11. 5.7 lb..I

kerys, p5r lb. 31.(; I EtlN Gir,-hle 1' baset. 106133 P.rto p-c ,110. 3.W: cshhaeee per bi 2.)ZOI ie

ri.!o~oo.r Minr, -.WM, rirnts. Itrbousn I

a3; crieri. Nrw Turk. I er cten 4 OW4 '--re. I.' rPO-r.. 15.Z0: I.cjre., pernkct. 1-5N1W44 r'yrr, nu

dings.pccere, 9I 44 eegalr pe1ev e. c-lo-a T

ale. itoe bbt., 75l.0l lettutse. 7,.. York, per has.et, .2.4.niion,. ir heg. Zsosz2.5 p-e: r.er crate X.-0 IOt~ t-te Pt' . in. spiniach.ter I b].., -..50. 01); t"'at"e'. Icr boo. 40CS tuw- W

Ire, per 1--bh. 4. adPHui ll AlItrev. per bNd 1.44.444 daconx per $

, litislel baket. 58063. gcoiefr-ii. per boiz. 6 11a,50, grape., 1-r tr;:t. :.0(a 75. lenn, Peer br. p

3 -.0 .a"g. pe , -t,. $0.6.00 peahes. Pet-r 1.. 50a1.30: rqnai48.le. rir erne. t.W&.[.t:

Dl.30 ra o r r lb ha qT .3, ebris. prV.I

L.IVE Wtln~- s cale. riren per lt,.. ~a;Il,. II) c mbedre pe. 9;%&14 sp..ng l4'4. fa perter



I ood th markaabl goo nl Jber' prcsoaeMgrer gir'r! attest to esdmer' ehe panc

-f that arorn j't A Ppl tNor Sloev th- PO1raile believe th"t IC, D~eo :elle, will -oo t- r tr-one ro omm ercal -p- d wial hi. dea;

Bvmin tn. th ntk Ce prie in th. (Iico Iti

. po1 pr,3n ire-racker. 2ome of Ie

r>er b.d5 a5e .-ari wheat and obro sr

errbIlls ; ate. There r net gunsw i. dmenti. :s d t a.r sc.l of "' to 2%LIVE Prt'I-enm r. :t

erY 'b, ofduac i -1. ackn I 1.r-nd lit of lcdi., .7-to at ,vft tr-rale I

Zen';11lrpe b.teidY !aetre stll he-c rdl-o held r.ccard t mslrGR f roand -Beofs.le haet. It .9 inantZlbls r, ao 5a; lt !-- at.,pobunceif the in ewlitY to-r ce0 .1Snor sal- weres mde in a 1d .50o'i t , aelyg nI

dings per l cre clid. ense 2ct. 50a for thi

alie, i75 pserchdI

rat2aere perbsg. 2-5an.75dhe;prran Kly te .ridI r .a loWe.ani-a

>ceriIl.,.:M he'. r bo bo5u-rr r11(1 .1 11, formrr and '500 of the

atter for hspont. inofe u the -1rinig , ltock acd l-lwa erroon

ti lples. and bb IIe. de4liss dacking ptert$

rh~eold mccl of fihe oftinn csi

fidbuintic helpl stealy lb. entire slt-,tiu,

Frabushed by W. b. Hkbbs & Co. .0 t:

5HEAT pipra H5; lemo . rbo- ptepteane pe c.... 5. 0 peae. 1p3

Iat. 5mbell........:.pa.p1 1. 1. 7...5 4Mlav. .......... ......1 54 : 11 1.52 154

'o ItN -A

a er ?-h................ R b pe qt

seplerher.-V . 4pnp 44 1lIeinr p.er. i 4 a 4tp

N.f0 .1.............. 91)51~lK -

-eTember ................ 77 g =1 2 =8irtober ........... 1 1 0 . 51 26.50 "8


S'-gbe.e.. : e...1412 14.11 14.we 141.3

.rtober n .rr....t....t 14.ept -4.3- h 3.m r 141

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Neo ork.t they attac he tain the da Oicaoiu tIr

rt in~e a rst pronb..nI er mann. SomI er cftet

liregerv ter areo biartef whea land hate au-tt

fr Nglrmtd elm iae Thei mier noeteams .0 f1

St ot 1o cnts tdayr:Wih'ar irot ofr 4% talhts fr 5m t cl-w t iefn, roreb :l.ra,e

oct forits 11comI 5 'on I rrehnt fore thanri 0tel.1 ime~rir Irses ofio a f ta-i et -higheerab

Iroun lle of aaat thea ttlme fahe1

toita iip cn for r iot.o ! o ca endt ltrs dam-fd te iblt t seecurie. swl car n1wiitrfr



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CSeptemi.. is ... .. O~It mtle r.a en515


t berS of...

4.c1.o Ier..

lC2sptemb er oe .852:wtce7fa 3

no.n.ibbsa Co..SI

.1Ophen 94.17:cirr'. High.144 Low. 6'la.CATLI-trcilrr. 111 84 bes55 1.ok 1.tionlee!catle,.brl.2:eteioo so foder, O~s1!:

inc an befon, 5b 154 a 'a~ 3.i1i. s55SIEE-Rnip..1.833had sedy Wlino.I

keal EstalCOURT PROCEEDINGS spreme Court, District of Columbia

Eguity Dmylu..Justice stidess.

Punnington vs. Dunnington: rule re-'nable September 15: plaintiff's attor- J's. D. T. Wright and T. M. Wamipler;'endant's attorneys. Hawken & Haveil.iorthwqt Washington Improvementmpany vs. Gordon; decree of August1916. moditied; plaintiff''s attorney.

in Ridout; defendant's attorneys. Rals-i& Richardson.Iillyard vs. Hillyand; leave granted to>secute without pirepayment of costs:intifrf' attorney, C. W. Fowler.assidy vs. Wiesser; trustee discharg-and bond cancelled: plaintiff's attor-

V,FA. Fenning; defendant's attor-y.John Ridout.Colipinski vs. Digges; order of publi-Ion; plaintiff's attorneys. W. H. Mar-r, J. N. Saunders and J. I'. Gardiner.lurrell %s. Burrell: absolute divorcetnted; plaintiff's attorney. L. M. King,'endant's attorney, A. W. Scott.later vs. Healey; decree of Jul';.vacated; plaintiff's attorney. GeorgeGertmax; defendant's attorneys, J. '.rdiner and M. J. McNamara.fill vs. Benedek; sale authorized andorance to audlto[; plaintiff's attorney. a

,xander Wolf.n re luna-y of Iva J. Bliss. r-ceivercharged. tn re |una y of Frank Jfeaiey. orderthorizing loan.

Cireuit Divislem.Justice Siddeus.

'a.1r .s. Th. High Tent of Inlr'i nd-'(Ord'r of Ricahites; time to answer

end'd to S 2temb'r , plaintiff's at-,rn'Y. E. W. R Ewing. defendant's at- t

-ney. 11. 1 Quinn.

Probmr. Tivirte.Justice Siddena,

:state Paul SAterhenson; ordiiappoint-guardian ad litem.

state Luclla Hendrickis pet tion for,ointment of administrator filed nt-Iney. (. Percy McGluestate All-#ri A. Wilson: order to

nsfr vtotk. attorney, Edmund Brady.;'state Charles M. Hollingsworth, or-1appointin guardian ad litem.

:state Mary K. Reinhart. order ap-nting guardian ad litem.7state Paul Sterphenson; order admit-g will to 'robate and grant:ng letterstam'ntar:. to Mavry L. Stephensor;id "-: attorney. Ht. W. Van Dyke:state Mary A Pettit wil datedreh 9. 1916. ied.n r. Charles N Bltoster to -itionfoe,-anoe filed. attorneys. Arch- &th.

n r. Reginald 1tmos petition f.- aRp-ntim-nt of guardl.an filed attorney.

1I Lewis. Jr.sxtate Annie R Toung. withdrawal of,veat attorneys. G W. Kries and A.Newmyerstate John H. Yea;:er. petition for ap-lntment of administrator filed .attar- e

y. 1. 9 flBinystate Harry Wills; petition for ap-Intoont cf administrator filed: attor-V, J A. 0'Shen.n re Wanda Trudrung order for al-'vance.:state John Arnold: order admitting11 to probate and granting letters of;ministration to John B. Larner: bondWm; attorney. J. B. IArner..state Lue:la Hendricks. order ap-nting Arthur J Hendricks admints-tor: bond $100. attorney, G Percy Mc-ue.n r. Charles K. Balster rder for al-rance; attorneys. Archer & Smithstat Catherine Curtain. order ex-iding time for aCout.t. attorne S.rr & Peyser.,state Edward Partell: order appoin!-

Lloyd A. Douglas administrato.nd $90). attorneys. Brandenburg &andenb;:r;.-tate Samuel 0 Haslup o-der p-mting Jaffa F McGiffert adintl-ttor. bond $4.000: attorney. W. E Leimh'state 11trtha E. Cole. order ad!-lg will to probate and granting lett--tamentary to Ailie E Cole. or.d $3-orneyas. W. T. Browne and J A r!lstale Redwood Vandegrifi; order ad-tting will to rohate antd emartlne l-t-

-s ttamen'arytoHarr, 1. Rust;2nd S60.m. attorneys. Rerry & '\tmor.-fstate Philip Caffrev' A:11 da- Janu.Y F' 1909. filed

Bankruptcy DyivlesJustice Siddes.

n re Max Berman refernP to Fc!.trd S. MeCalmont. as Frr-sal ma-t--

District Dlivisim,.luatice iddoes.

ii re ., rieminatini of AMr. i \t ia R crTmzin fund or ro reistr

Lawsuits.954 -John Taplett vs. i>war FD,, na-0: judgment frem 'I:n ial Court"7l. intiff'e altorn-\. Gerge Crtnian.X1-4--William Conradi. onpany. tn,Robert M1. Clendening trading as tie

ne-lcan Auto Top Trimming Company.rti.irari; defendant', att'iirne y. S.illis.A2-Carence . Hight v, Joih i

w.n; certiorari: defindant's attorne-.13 Dicke,.

Fquity Suits.491-Fula Hillard Art'u, V H:-1; divorce s mensa (-t thorn. plaintiff s

torney. Chapman W. Fowler.49*-Charles R. Talbert vs Mfiriam NIlhtert; absolute divorce. plaintiffs at-rnev. J. IWililian Shea.

Mechanics' Lien.Q~---Washington Gcas Light ompn~tyOscar R. Daonahoo; lotii 4o to 3. snuare

10; $1'l7.99: attorney, Frederick .' Fen-

tiS---Washington Gras tight ("ompanyi.Osc-ar Rt. D'onahoo; lo 42 to 47 sqwa: 3140.li: attortne,. Frni-ieri, Ik A. Fen-


-thiast-irlres M. S'nr,, to 2 8. aed tieja1 O. t6. s.ar $:ti't . s$"Pers ,-nrlitea~t- hari,, I i'Orr. t 3 ', S. pliIr W Mtier, iot i- iare, i(. SIC. Ir

itrt, h-t.n n Twemti foat ani. "Puenit me-.r..Pet, northest ArtV-r Ihatt-rner eiti Stu,.isto.o V C.i iiockerasn .t yu.,Sit t. '0 F C ekershauenn, s am

pet-t Arthur sid Minntie A latternr.' lIt.in~e. 1tree Road nothwat.--Albert F. Woas

1.01rt a ; t, Rtert Misa . art gilW. dihenied. $1i.

on'hetw'eeni 'fr-ad ni F- r andi s hair

Str3 A ltiihafie nrt -'iginal lot 6 .,g ',

li'tetda asi.seorth. an Henr C Fapey,st Gerge W. antd na "iater, Iti 1,

lortht t . htua H. ght. Fiog-r'.,Ctopienh-aterus. Getrudte H to, Atnhur i' Mosses, it

SI ,ret riteat an'd -ut . C'arles Ren.hmi.u' It N-nntn. I -u l2 aluare- a9

uari lt 12. Fracu. arul Mountt M4rt . leis-td ,-st la't itt 7. iowardt iilorritu .iNtch S.,lB' rt,:th street tersae. Lteh..Ibu~rg ii'esment

6. t0 i.'Mi ar'

&n'7.l 't.ml ita 46,S u east 1art l, t .

rit it~l andi QJ .tre-ts '.hest h4 ibs, T.in, tr Anhi a A ip,,. to 'r-ft IIiild.

p-.....,.l t 2il1 squar K:nd 5i.r-ti 53

h M es akra Mi to William It Wetr.

rt of Whu' -an at di Ailiane. 5,.

"rti0e'.. en Tfirte'iiuth alt 1' .le-'r..iae. nethosfl' 'haries M4 l'arvn to Arthur I'.

dl M ir I. "Yet i. iiit 16l. quare 02' SK:...slan- nHsmao N. -r..ja. . 1Mb ., to

tRecordwmar of. $11. temat mum.Fairtafw--maaw W. Kiammrn at ms -omwIF.. to Horato ". aid I"*l T. <Mobs. bft MI and X. senarem o rs.PtWorth-Benjmat r G aeet G. LN U-t,oGm-re T and Agnes v. withema. n 4. bbsak,

13. square 3|ms ov; tret ILg2 Sixthi stret northeaW--yrem E. Gnip .4tiiaUbe L., t. Pram A, Johnson. piet Wot 1. opmas10, 010. Fran A. Jon esmee same weptvo Julia 1. Gr@. SOL.Map)e Glime Farm- Befie K UScy t. PhMetngAand Eganf M. Mullmn. kit 64tz gar". In2

"a=oal Terrce-ational captal RSmIty Osm.*ay to 4"*e1a Th-One bot C. squar UK SLW.Padoworth-Harr E. Abrae at u. maw&d, to.

diethoel P., anod mary C. Kirby. SW0 trost, SLIL21i5 Noarth rasitol 9~ee bort eness 1.A

g ahler tn Howard E. and Ann P. HeNL ke alobin Addition. block 3L. II10. trimot SLI

30Cambridge place nmtrest. John ff. and14.e1 G. Hale" aNd M~aris A. Haley t. Sallie

Haller . i. 64. omwar 12r $10 halbe %.1-u1 onev maaI e p rrty to rlornc G fmfatt,

20: trufft. VA,84.

DEEDS OF TRtiolT.late W. lot 16-eith Valim " u.m. Deli.. to

t R Her-.-em and FredW IR.m-. to se-ms

MgUar R. Richardene SAN, montth remmnta 4

Suaft 21. lot W"ohn J Willr eI -. 38d%..t' H. R. Ho- ser and Vd Vk Re-e to

,-ut Edgar R. Rih-adso $7, WT Mnhl, ray.

Mount leasat ro 13--i metad-.Fredenck A. hmadt e .. Ann AK

.d Agnes K. Shoemker Ir rG-v !If neraind fouias It Mackalt t, -eur Maadnfrew hi'r Ceri Pertaanet Bullemg Awi..'''ltio E.M0

Enos .Rays Ett me"Ade ue maater n ..t T and alir eeti.thn ad o

.If a-r ta Fra--i R %4,:t t, Andr J.li ti e r A 'hamber RA, 51 MD Jui, 0,

94o otber III M91 6 Perce!

Kors'r V In-.- N b : -mirM J-ndi iA n \1,0 -r. A!.'* H -."man 1 nd

M'ha 'dafe tr --. 7.1 e lbr 00-

I,,, I' . "._r9 erce

SQ. 103' ran .4 Amn o .- I l e I,-

ngo~r - L't -r 1 $7str Boid

HetH Ii. -ene e~a HldoM d m- ra nRa HIdt "ty . 8R

Hn i r -T - IT ra er,1e

-rdE inHH.-.ese.n raRRo

1, 06tr F gaP lF-adr--rrth a

nILiI.-U,:.s Mre-, r

.e 36 lo i elG og t r A nsI,-

Zai 1" Ja W m rvan d H- M A s ft-VW, mr arri IH Gr- er t h -, .- p

: NrhL Rt-ra 3 re X dm"4A903 * - -,e i., Ii iffr

-L 44a -' 1 j a ell Her. H!: ifr. 1 1.V%-ar Al -f " Irrm A e r V.--e

nar -Ar.rA F ,.,. 1 g s

Ire T" .I 4 n s N eg k e d

P" 11Ir as '1,cn1. = r e r

Meare 3i' At'1,eaPle r

BATMamOKtWhmRE PhRte ane. Pa