JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely typed language 1

JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

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Page 1: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

JavaScript (Introduction)

• Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive

• It’s not Java

• Embedded inside HTML

• Browser dependent

• Interpreted language

• Loosely typed language


Page 2: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Basic JavaScript Code

<script> your javascript code is here </script>


Page 3: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Embedding JavaScript code inside HTML document

<html> <head> <title>js01</title> </head> <body> <script> alert("Hello, I'm from JavaScript") </script> </body> </html>


Page 4: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Load the JavaScript code from external source file

External source file name: myscript.js

External source file content:alert("Hello, I'm from JavaScript - external")

HTML file content:<html> <head> <title>js01</title> </head> <body> <script src="myscript.js"> </script> </body> </html>


Page 5: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

JavaScript Code Execution • Automatically when the page is loaded (previous


• Write JavaScript code as function and execute via event handler

<html> <head> <title>js02</title> <script> function hello() {     alert("Hello, I'm JavaScript function") } </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>


Page 6: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

JavaScript Code Execution

Execute JavaScript function using onload event:

<html> <head> <title>js02</title> . . . </head> <body onload="hello();"> </body> </html>


How to create and run JavaScript function from an external source…?

Page 7: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

JavaScript Code ExecutionExecute JavaScript function via user actions:

<html> <head> <title>js02</title> . . . </head> <body> <a href="javascript:hello();"> Clik me (hypertext link) </a> <form onsubmit=“hello();”> <input type="submit" value="Click me” onclick="hello();"> </form> </body> </html>


Page 8: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Event HandlerEvents:

• Auto triggered by the system - when the browser loading a new page (onload event)

• User action - when the user click a button (onclick event)


Page 9: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Event HandlerTable of events and objects:  Event

Object onClick onSubmit OnChange onFocus onBlur onLoad onUnload onMouseOver onSelect

button X                

reset X                

submit X                

radio X                

checkbox X                

Link X             X  

Form   X              

Text     X X X       X

textarea     X X X       X

select     X X X        

window           X X    


Page 10: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Debugging JavaScript Code

• Firefox: Tools > Web Developer > Web Console(Ctrl + Shift + K)

• Chrome:Tools > JavaScript Console(Ctrl + Shift + I)


Page 11: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

JavaScript Keywords

if else while  for break

continue true false null return

int var in with this

function new      


Page 12: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely


var myName = "Pi";myValue = 3.14159;


myName = 3.14159plus2pi = myName + myValue;



Dynamic, no specific data type definition. String and number are interchangeable.

Page 13: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely


var firstName = "Hang";var lastName = "Jee Fatt";var fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;



String Operations:


Page 14: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely


var fullName = "Hang Jee Fatt";

var length = fullName.length;var abbr = fullName[0] + fullName[5] + fullName[9];

alert(fullName + "\nLength: " + length + "\nAbbreviative: " + abbr);


String Operations:

String properties and methods

Page 15: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely



Numeric Operations:

Mostly are the same as implemented in C/C++, Java, PHP, etc.

Page 16: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

JavaScript Function

function plus2num(num1, num2) { var result = num1 + num2; return result;}


How to apply this function in HTML document with a form…?

Page 17: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Document Object Model (DOM)

• programming interface for HTML and XML documents

• In the beginning, JavaScript and the DOM were tightly intertwined, but eventually they evolved into separate entities

• JavaScript acting as a tools/language to communicate with the interface

• DOM designed to be independent of any particular programming language

• It’s possible to communicate with DOM using other languages such as VBScript, Python, Perl, etc.


Page 18: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

HTML DOM Elements

• element• window• document• event• style• range• selection


Page 19: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

HTML DOM Modelwindow




























Page 20: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Accessing HTML Object Elements

object_ref.object_property object_ref.object_method


Page 21: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Accessing HTML Object Elements (Methods/Properties)

for (property in object_ref) { alert(property + " = " + object_ref[property]);}


Page 22: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Accessing HTML Object Elements (Methods/Properties)

<form name="my_form" method="POST"><span id= "caption">Input Data</span> <input type="text" name="ic" id="ic" size=15></form>

To access the value of the “IC” input field, use either one of the statements below:



Page 23: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Accessing HTML Object Elements (Methods/Properties)

<form name="my_form" method="POST"><span id= "caption">Input Data</span> <input type="text" name="ic" id="ic" size=15></form>

The CSS and inner content of HTML tag.

var caption = document.getElementById('caption');

caption.style.fontWeight = "bold";caption.innerHTML = 'Name';


Page 24: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Manipulating HTML Object Elements (document & window)

Write content into HTML document:

document.open();document.write("<pre>\n");document.write("Hello World\n");document.writeln("How are You?");document.write("World: I'm fine\n");document.write("<pre>");document.close() ;


Page 25: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Manipulating HTML Object Elements (document & window)

Open and write/set content into new browser window:

newWin = window.open("URL", "windowName",

["windowAttributes"]) ;


Page 26: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Manipulating HTML Object Elements (document & window)

Open and write/set content into new browser Window (example):

newWin = window.open("", "myWindwow", "width=400,height=300");

newWin.document.open() ;newWin.document.write("Hello I’m new window");newWin.document.close() ;


Page 27: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Manipulating HTML Object Elements (document & window)

Print out client browser info.:

document.open()document.writeln("<pre>")document.writeln("<b>navigator.appCodeName = </b>" + navigator.appCodeName)document.writeln("<b>navigator.appName = </b>" + navigator.appName)document.writeln("<b>navigator.appVersion = </b>" + navigator.appVersion)document.writeln("<b>navigator.mimeTypes.length = </b>" + navigator.mimeTypes.length)document.writeln("<b>navigator.mimeTypes[0].type = </b>" + navigator.mimeTypes[0].type)document.writeln("<b>navigator.mimeTypes[0].description = </b>" + navigator.mimeTypes[0].description)document.writeln("<b>navigator.mimeTypes[0].suffixes = </b>" + navigator.mimeTypes[0].suffixes)document.writeln("<b>navigator.userAgent = </b>" + navigator.userAgent)document.writeln("</pre>")document.close()


Page 28: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Using Built-In Object Element (Date)

var today = new Date();document.open();

document.write("<p>" + today + "<p>\n");

document.write("<p>Today (dd/mm/yyyy) is: " + today.getDate() + "/" + (today.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + (today.getFullYear()) + "</p>\n");



Page 29: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Using Built-In Object Element (String)

String handling functions (var str = "Hello World"):

Method Description Example

charAt(pos) Return the character at the specified index.

str.charAt(0) return a value of "H"

indexOf(searchText[, startPos])

Return the index of the first occurrence of searchText.

str.indexOf("or") return a value of 7

lastIndexOf(searchText[, startPos])

Return the index of the last occurrence of searchText.

str.lastIndexOf("l") return a value of 9

substring(startPos, endPos) Return the substring of the string starting at startPos and ending at endPos

str.substring(6, 8) return a value of "Wor"


Do refer to www.w3schools.com for more string properties and methods.

Page 30: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Using Built-In Object Element (Math)

Math object properties & functions:E LN10 LOG10E SQRT1_2


abs cos min tan

acos eval pow toString

asin exp random valueOf

atan floor round  

atan2 log sin  

ceil max sqrt  


Example: var result = Math.sqrt(16);

Page 31: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Using Built-In Object Element (Array)

Define array variable using Array object:

var months = new Array()months[0] = "Jan"months[1] = "Feb". . .. . .months[11] = "Dec”;


Page 32: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Using Built-In Object Element (Array)

Define array variable using Array object:

var days = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",

"Thursday", "Friday",



Page 33: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Using Built-In Object Element (Array)

Define array variable using Array object:

var dayOfAug = new Array(31);

for (var i = 0; i < dayOfAug.length; i++) { dateOfAugust[i] = i + 1}


Page 34: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Using Built-In Object Element (Array)

Array object can be used to store almost everything that exist as primitive or object in JavaScript.

var items = new Array;

items.push("string1");items.push(new String("string2"));items.push(Math.PI);items.push(new Date());

var output = "";for (idx in items) { output += items[idx] + "<br />";} 34

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Using Built-In Object Element (Array)

Reference to Array item is not limited by integer index value, but also be possible by unique key string value.

var month2num = new Array;month2num["Jan"] = 1;month2num["Feb"] = 2;month2num["Mar"] = 3;

var output = "";for (key in month2num) { output += key + " = " + month2num[key] + "<br />";} 35

Page 36: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

HTML DOM (Nodes)HTML objects are standard HTML tags used inside the HTML document Each of these objects can have child/sub objects that are referred as nodes in JavaScript It’s possible to dynamically append, navigate, and remove nodes by using JavaScript


Page 37: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

HTML DOM (Nodes)

Append Child Node:

<ul id="ulist"></ul>

<script>var list = document.getElementById("ulist");var item = document.createElement("li");item.id="item_1";item.innerHTML = "Apple";list.appendChild(item);</script>


Page 38: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

HTML DOM (Nodes)

Remove Child Node:

<ul id="ulist"> <li id="item_1">Apple</li> <li id="item_2">Grape</li> <li id="item_3">Orange</li></ul>

<script>var list = document.getElementById("ulist");var item = document.getElementById("item_2");list.removeChild(item); </script>


Page 39: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

HTML DOM (Nodes)Navigate Child Node:

<ul id="ulist"> <li id="item_1">Apple</li> <li id="item_3">Orange</li></ul><pre id="list_data"></pre>

<script>var list = document.getElementById("ulist");var item = list.firstChild;var pre = document.getElementById("list_data");

while (item) { pre.innerHTML += item + "=" + item.innerHTML + "\n"; item = item.nextSibling;}</script>


Page 40: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Creating New ObjectObject literal (JSON):

object_ref = { property_1:value_1, . . ., property_n:value_n };

JavaScript built-in Object() function:

object_ref = new Object();object_ref.property_1 = "value_1";. . .object_ref.property_n = "value_n";


Page 41: JavaScript (Introduction) Like C/C++ and Java, JavaScript is case sensitive It’s not Java Embedded inside HTML Browser dependent Interpreted language Loosely

Creating New ObjectObject constructor:

function object_name (arg_1, . . ., arg_n) { this.property_1 = arg_1; . . . this.property_n = arg_n;

this.method_1 = method_name_1; function method_name_1() { . . . } . . . this.method_n = method_name_n; function method_name_n() { . . . }}


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Querying Object PropertiesJust like array with unique key string index

<script>var mark = { project:45, lab:15, final:20 };

var total = 0;

for (property in mark) { total += parseInt(mark[property]);}</script>