Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation

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  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation



    Asynchronous Javascript andXML-implementation under Java-

    By:Mohamed Ennahdi El Idrissi

  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation



    When I heard the first time aboutAJaX technology, my whole attentionwas dedicated to my end of studiesproject, using MicroSoft .NETtechnologies;

    I couldnt discover much about AJaX

    under VisualStudio .NET 2005, sinceyou cant find out whats inside eachcontrol;

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    After successfully presenting my projectthat allowed me to get my BachelorDegree, I decided to focus on Java

    technologies; I dont regret this choice, since there are

    more challenging goals to reach, you haveto rely on yourself to make everything

    work; Java platform doesnt require advanced

    Operation System options to functionnormally.

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    Me & AJaX

    I learnt about many frameworks, butAJaX was still mysterious to me;

    Yes, AJaX decreases resourcesconsumption, but thats a generaldefinition, so the question is: Whatare the absolute needs that caused

    the birth of AJaX?

  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation


    Me & AJaX

    I launched an online research,wondering about how I couldunderstand and implement AJaX;

    Examples and Implementations aremy favorite choice to understandconcepts and theories, I guess.

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    Me & AJaX

    I discovered an interesting linkonline, simple and efficient;

    Unfortunately, its not availableanymore. But I found someonediscussing it in a forum;

    Beside theXML part, I could

    understand AJaX (AsynchronousJavascript, theXML part remainsmysterious.

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    Me & AJaX

    Asynchronous Javascriptmeans youcan call a javascript function toexecute a Server Side code in parallelwith other processes.

    XML, I think, is related to the resultof the operation described above

    I will try to extract a personalizedcase to have a suitable explanation ofAJaX

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    Me & AJaX

    This example, allowed me tounderstand AJaX, the mechanism, theconcept.

    In summary, AJaX allows developersto take advantage of the Server Sidecode to be executed as a Client Side


  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation


    Me & AJaX

    This can be possible, when you gather thenecessary tools: Server Side code (Java, web server)

    Client Side code (Javascript) Web Browser supporting AJaX characteristics.

    You might wonder, wheres the Java inhere, the truth is that AJaX is absolutelyindependent from any server sidetechnology

    Harmony between the client side and theserver side is all what matters with AJaX

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    The Concept

    1. When you load an HTML page, youfill different controls and text zones.

    2. Next, you click on the button, it will

    trigger a Client Side code operation.3. This operation implements a Server

    Side code

    4. The Server Side code is a servlet, forinstance (or a JSP with scriptlet codeonly)

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    The Concept

    1. The servlet is executed in thebackground and returns results;

    2. Results are sent back to the ClientSide code;

    3. The calling HTML page shows theresult rendered by the Client Side


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    The Concept

    You can notice that AJaXs concept isthe most relevant actor in thismanipulation

    AJaX utilities are pretty handy onlywhen its about the Client Side result

    For me, the whole AJaX architecture

    implemented from the request till theresponse is to make its interactionssure and modern

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    HTML Page

    Client Side Code

    Server Side Code

    Client Side Server Side


    1- Filling

    Servlet or (JSP)

    Background Execution



    2- Asynchronous Invocation

    6- Checking response state7- Decoding results

    3- Extracting sent data

    4- Performing operations

    5- Encoding results (XML response)

  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation



    I am going to illustrate an example ofAJaX, inspired from the simple onlineexam I mentioned earlier;

    This example, is a web project whichincludes: a JSP a javascript source file a Servlet

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    The JSP will contain a text box and abutton.

    A button will launch a backgroundserver side script to retrieve arandom integer.

    And the text box will display the

    result of this script

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    The javascript source file regroups the functions required to handle the

    client side process

    the AJaX utilities including thesend/receive interactions

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    When executed, the Servlet: generates a random integer

    formats it inside an XML tag

    sends it back to the caller (jsp page)

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  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation



  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation



  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation


    Examples Anatomy

    When clicking on the button, the firstprocess to be executed is the functionso called generateRandomValue()

    The main actor, as you can notice, isthe global variable object http;

    This object, http, was initialized with

    the XMLHttpRequest object (whenusing Mozilla FireFox, ActiveXObjectwhen using IE);

  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation


    Examples Anatomy

    The http objects method open, as you may see, takes3 parameters: method of the request (Get / Post) target element (a Servlet in our case, but usually JSP)

    true for asynchronous / false for synchronous The http objects property onreadystatechange,

    receives a function (notice that brackets absent whencalling the function)

    Any function affected to the onreadystatechange

    property shouldnt have any parameter defined This function is responsible for handling the server

    side response

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    Examples Anatomy

    The http objects method send, takesa unique parameter: a string thatcontains form values sent when themethod is Post. If so, each value hasto be separated by a &;

    In our example, we used a Get

    method, with no values to be sent;

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    Examples Anatomy

    The http objects property readyState takesfive different values: 0: not initialized 1: connection established 2: request received 3: answer in process 4: finished

    the response, cant be treated by the clientside until the server side script responds,thats when readyState takes the value 4

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  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation


    Examples Anatomy

    The http objects propertyresponseXML carries the valuereturned by the Server Side script;

    To retrieve the sent data, you have toindicates the tag name (casesensitive);

    A strict coordination between theServer Side and the Client Side XMLtag naming is vital.

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    Standard XMLHttpRequestProperties

    Property Description

    onreadystatechange Event handler that fires at every state


    readyState The state of the request as follows:

    0 = uninitialized1 = loading

    2 = loaded

    3 = interactive

    4 = complete

    responseText The response from the server as a string.

    responseXML The response from the server as an XML

    document object.

    status The HTTP status code from the server.

    statusText The textual version of the HTTP status code.

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    Standard XMLHttpRequestMethods

    Method Description

    abort() Aborts the current request.

    getAllResponseHeaders() Returns all the response headers for the HTTP

    request as a string.getResponseHeader(


    Returns the value of the specified header as a


    open(method:string, URL:string, [,

    asyncFlag:Boolean [, userName:string [,


    Opens the connection with the server. The

    method parameter can be either "GET", "POST",

    or "PUT". The URL can be relative or absolute.

    The async parameter indicates whether therequest should be handler asynchronously.

    send(content:string) Dispatches the request to the server, optionally

    with postable string or DOM object data.



    Adds a label/value pair to the HTTP header to be


  • 8/14/2019 Asynchronous Javascript and XML - Java Implementation



    To acquire a simple AJaXunderstanding is a gate toward a newgeneration of the web development;

    This presentation allowed me tovalidate my knowledge about AJaX

    And I hope itd be a consistentcontribution for anyone eager to learnand discover AJaX

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