January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · TINLEY PARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST. GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith-filled community of St. George, nourished by God’s Word and His Sacraments and renewed by the Holy Spirit, accept the call to continue the mission of Christ by living in, sharing and transforming our world. MASS TIMES 2015 Daily: 7:30 am: Monday thru Friday 8:45 am: Tuesday & Wednesday Saturday: 8:00 am Vigil of Sunday: 4 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am & 6 pm Holy Days: to be announced. Confessions (Reconciliation) After the 4:00 pm Mass on Saturday and after the 7:30 and 9:30 am Masses on Sunday. CATHOLICS COME HOME Your Light Has Come We celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord today. The visit of the Magi, three kings, offers us an insight to the significance of today’s celebration. However, salvation history is not the same as history which celebrates or records the past - even then with a prejudice from the writer’s point of view. Salvation history not only relates past history, but invites us to enter into the story and make it our own history. That is what religion is all about--a call to action. If our only action is to perform institutional prayers, personal devotions, ceremonial rubrics and wear religious symbols, then our faith is shallow and lifeless. As we will hear in the gospel of Luke this liturgical cycle C, Jesus brought healing and mercy to others through his words and actions, his witness and ministry. It was not contained to a specific church or synagogue; he was as an itinerant preacher. He had no place to call his home base. As we begin a new year, many make resolutions related to better habits for better health. We realize that this will only extend our lives by a few years, perhaps a decade if we give up particularly damaging habits of overindulgences. Do we give equal weight to resolutions that will have a far longer reach and effect - our spiritual health? At St. George, since our new Mass schedule went into effect two years ago we have offered Reconciliation three times - after the 4:00 pm Saturday Mass, and after the 7:30 and 9:30 am Sunday Masses. We have made information available at the entrances of church for how to make a good confession. To my delight many who have been away from the church for decades took time to celebrate Reconciliation. This was the best Christmas gift ever. God used me. Do you realize that if you, like Jesus, open your heart to ask Our Father, “What would you have me do?” God will use you as well? I don’t think God is looking for burnt offerings or sacrifice, rather, God wants us to put our faith into action. Let your light shine! This next Saturday, January 9, at 6:30 am - 8:00 am, in O’Connell Hall, the school basement, 30 plus men from our parish and a few other parishes will gather to begin the second phase of That Man Is You. I hope all the men of the parish will consider taking the time for at least one visit to experience the love of God in a way that will move your heart and change your life (spiritual life too) for the better. INSANITY is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Make 2016 the best year yet! The magi brought treasures respective of their position in life. That’s all that God asks of each of us. Use your skills and talents, first to enrich your family, secondly to enrich your family of faith by your presence each week, thirdly to reach out to others through ministry and volunteering. New and rich experiences await you as well as new connections in and through St. George. Open your hands and heart to the Lord and your light will shine. Fr. Ken Fleck

January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

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Page 1: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

January 3, 2016

6707 West 175TH STREET · TINLEY PARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org


The Epiphany of the Lord


We, the faith-filled

community of St. George,

nourished by God’s Word

and His Sacraments and

renewed by the Holy Spirit,

accept the call to continue

the mission of Christ by

living in, sharing and

transforming our world.


Daily: 7:30 am: Monday thru Friday

8:45 am: Tuesday & Wednesday

Saturday: 8:00 am

Vigil of Sunday: 4 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am,

11:30 am & 6 pm

Holy Days: to be announced.

Confessions (Reconciliation) After the 4:00 pm Mass on

Saturday and after the 7:30 and

9:30 am Masses on Sunday.


Your Light Has Come

We celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord

today. The visit of the Magi, three kings,

offers us an insight to the significance of today’s celebration. However, salvation

history is not the same as history which

celebrates or records the past - even then with a prejudice from the writer’s point of

view. Salvation history not only relates

past history, but invites us to enter into the story and make it our own history. That is

what religion is all about--a call to action.

If our only action is to perform institutional

prayers, personal devotions, ceremonial

rubrics and wear religious symbols, then our faith is shallow and lifeless. As we

will hear in the gospel of Luke this

liturgical cycle C, Jesus brought healing and mercy to others through his words and

actions, his witness and ministry. It was

not contained to a specific church or synagogue; he was as an itinerant preacher.

He had no place to call his home base.

As we begin a new year, many make

resolutions related to better habits for better

health. We realize that this will only extend our lives by a few years, perhaps a

decade if we give up particularly damaging

habits of overindulgences. Do we give equal weight to resolutions that will have a

far longer reach and effect - our spiritual

health? At St. George, since our new Mass schedule went into effect two years ago we

have offered Reconciliation three times -

after the 4:00 pm Saturday Mass, and after the 7:30 and 9:30 am Sunday Masses. We

have made information available at the entrances of church for how to make a

good confession. To my delight many who

have been away from the church for decades took time to celebrate

Reconciliation. This was the best

Christmas gift ever. God used me.

Do you realize that if you, like Jesus, open

your heart to ask Our Father, “What would you have me do?” God will use you as

well? I don’t think God is looking for

burnt offerings or sacrifice, rather, God wants us to put our faith into action. Let

your light shine!

This next Saturday, January 9, at 6:30 am -

8:00 am, in O’Connell Hall, the school

basement, 30 plus men from our parish and a few other parishes will gather to begin

the second phase of That Man Is You. I

hope all the men of the parish will consider taking the time for at least one visit to

experience the love of God in a way that will move your heart and change your life

(spiritual life too) for the better.

INSANITY is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different

results. Make 2016 the best year yet!

The magi brought treasures respective of

their position in life. That’s all that God

asks of each of us. Use your skills and talents, first to enrich your family, secondly

to enrich your family of faith by your

presence each week, thirdly to reach out to others through ministry and volunteering. New and rich experiences await you as well as new connections in and through St. George. Open your hands and heart to

the Lord and your light will shine.

Fr. Ken Fleck

Page 2: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

2 Welcome to St. George Catholic Church • Tinley Park, IL 60477

Page 3: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

January 3, 2016 • The Epiphany of the Lord 3

MONDAY, January 4

2:00 pm Girl Scouts-Meeting Rm. 1

7:00 pm High School Study-Teen Rm.

7:30 pm Choral & Guitar Group Rehearsal-Church

TUESDAY, January 5

4:30 pm Girl Scouts-Meeting Rm. 1

7:00 pm Girl Scouts-Meeting Rm. 1

7:00 pm SPRED II-School Classroom

WEDNESDAY, January 6

2:20 pm SGS Fitness Fun Exercise Club-Meeting Rms. 2 & 3

6:00 pm Religious Education Grades 1-8-School Classrooms,

Cahill Center, O’Connell Hall, Georgian Rm., Gym

7:00 pm High School Sacrament Preparation-Teen Rm.

7:00 pm SPRED I-School Classroom

8:00 pm Al-Anon-O’Connell Hall

THURSDAY, January 7

9:30 am Catholic Women Sharing Faith-Quiet Rm.

12:00 pm Band Lessons-Meeting Rms. 1 & 2

5:30 pm Girl Scouts-Meeting Rm. 1

6:00 pm Cub Scout Pack 365-Tiger Den-Georgian Rm.

6:30 pm Lay Carmelites-Meeting Rm. 3

6:30 pm Parish Vocation Committee-Board Rm.

7:00 pm Teen Choir-Church

8:00 pm Knights of Columbus-O’Connell Hall

FRIDAY, January 8

1:40 pm SGS Music Practice-Church

4:00 pm Scouts-Gym

7:00 pm Bingo-O’Connell Hall, Georgian Rm.

7:00 pm Pro-Life Holy Hour-Church

8:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous-School Classroom

SATURDAY, January 9

Fair Trade Before and After Masses-Bride’s Rm.

6:30 am Men’s Spirituality/That Man is You-O’Connell Hall

8:45 am Missionary Prayer Group-Meeting Rm. 1

9:00 am Catholic Women Sharing Faith Christmas Party-

Nicholas Crosby Rm., Georgian Rm.

5:00 pm Reconciliation-Church

7:00 pm Adult Volleyball-Gym

SUNDAY, January 10

Fair Trade Before and After Masses-Bride’s Rm. Reconciliation after the 7:30 and 9:30 am Masses

8:30 am PART-Bride’s Rm.

9:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word-Rectory Meeting Rm.

9:30 am Choir-Church

10:00 am Bread and Word-Meeting Rm. 4

11:30 am Choral & Guitar Group-Church 1:00 pm Acts of Faith Movie Afternoon-Meeting Rms. 1 & 2

4:00 pm Adult Volleyball-Gym

6:00 pm Teen Choir-Church

7:00 pm High School Teen Night-Teen Rm., Board Rm.,

Meeting Rm. 4, Gym

Today, we will take up the Collection for the Church in

Latin America. Your gifts to the collection will fund

catechesis, pastoral programs, marriage and family life

projects, seminarian education and many other necessary

programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. By

funding these programs, the support you give today will

provide seeds to grow the faith for years to come. Please

support the Church in Latin America and be generous in

today’s collection.

Christmas Cards for Prisoners

Catholic Women Sharing Faith offers sincere gratitude for

the outpouring of generosity this year for our Christmas

Cards for Prisoners project! We received more stamps,

more donations, and more cards than ever before, and we

feel richly blessed to minister in a community that takes

Jesus’ message to heart in a variety of ways. Kolbe House,

the prison ministry of the Archdiocese of Chicago, is very

appreciative of the ways in which St. George Parish

remembers them at Christmas time each year.

When the Son of Man comes in his glory,

and all the angels with him, he will sit

upon his glorious throne, and all the

nations will be assembled before him. And

he will separate them one from another, as

a shepherd separates sheep from the goats.

He will place the sheep on his right and

the goats on his left. Then the king will

say to those on his right, “Come, you who

are blessed by my Father. Inherit the

kingdom, prepared for you from the

foundation of the world. For I was hungry

and you gave me food. I was thirsty and

you gave me drink, a stranger and you

welcomed me, naked and you clothed me,

ill and you cared for me, in prison and you

visited me”. Matthew 25:31 – 36.

Our parish offers many opportunities to serve others.

Please make your New Year’s resolution to get involved!

We show our love for the Lord through our love and our

service of his people. Jesus has told us, “Whatever you do

for one of the least brothers of mine, you do for me”

Matthew 25:40.

May God bless you in this New Year by opening your eyes

to see him more fully, opening your ears to hear his voice,

and opening your heart so that your love for him will be

everything to you.

Page 4: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

4 Welcome to St. George Catholic Church • Tinley Park, IL 60477

A Book for Everyone...Best Seller!

The Boys in the Boat:

Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at

the 1936 Berlin Olympics

By Daniel James Brown

Book Discussion Friday, January 22, 2016

New York Times bestseller

(Nonfiction, 2013–2014)

American Booksellers Association's

Adult Nonfiction Book of the Year (2014)

American Library Association's

Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Non-Fiction Selection (2014)

New books are available at the Rectory for $9. Purchase your book before they are gone and join the discussion on Friday, January 22, 2016! There are also abridged books for younger readers available at the rectory for $9.

"For readers of Unbroken, out of the depths of the Depression comes an irresistible story about beating the odds and finding hope in the most desperate of times - the improbable, intimate account of how nine working-class boys from the American West showed the world at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin what true grit really meant.

Drawing on the boy's own journals and vivid memories of a once-in-a-lifetime shared dream, Brown has created an unforgettable portrait of an era, a celebration of a remarkable achievement and chronicle of one extraordinary young man's personal quest."

For information call Angie Brady at (708) 532-3644.



▪Anointing of the Sick/Reconciliation can be

arranged by contacting the Rectory to have a priest celebrate the sacraments with the person who is seriously ill or homebound.

▪Baptisms will take place on the first and third

Sunday of every month at 1 pm. The family must be registered. A baptismal preparation program is obligatory in ADVANCE; call the Rectory to register.

▪Christian Initiation of Adults is a program for

anyone inquiring and seeking information about entering the Catholic faith. Contact the Rectory.

▪Holy Hour with Benediction takes place on the

First Friday of the month at 7 pm in the church.

▪Hospital Visits can be made by our priests or

deacons, if notified by family members or friends. Although sacramental needs of patients are administered by the hospital chaplain or by a local priest, in an emergency, St. George clergy will respond to sacramental needs.

▪Ministry of Care Eucharistic Ministers are avail-

able to visit, pray with, and bring Holy Communion to those who are sick and unable to attend Mass. Notify the Rectory when this service is needed.

▪Perpetual Adoration takes place in the Holy

Family Chapel located southwest of the church.

▪Registration We welcome new members with open

arms. We set the table to welcome you after the 9:30 am Mass on the third Sunday of the month in the Cahill Center or by appointment with one of the priests in the rectory.

▪Stewardship involves your time, talent and

treasure. Contact the Rectory for assistance in getting started in any of the Parish’s ministries and organizations. Please remember St. George Parish when planning your estate or preparing your will.

▪Wedding arrangements must be made four months

in advance of the wedding date. You must be a registered parishioner for six months prior to making arrangements. Please schedule your church date before reserving your hall.

▪Bulletin information provides updates on parish

and Archdiocesan events. Please submit articles or recommendations to [email protected] by Monday noon before publication date. Because of space limitations, articles will be limited to St. George activities and information, as well as Archdiocesan events and news. All articles are subject to editing and will be published at the discretion of the Pastor. No guarantees can be made as to size or placement of the articles.

A Response to the Gospel of Mercy

All Catholics in the Archdiocese of

Chicago are invited to participate

during the month of January in

migration awareness “through

prayer and action to try and ease

the struggles of immigrants and to

reflect on the Church’s obligation

to welcome the stranger.”

~ Archbishop Cupich, January 2016

ACTION: Visit www.CatholicsandImmigrants.org and click

on National Migration Week to send a letter urging Congress

to extend support to Syrian Refugees.

Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education 3525 S. Lake Park Ave., Chicago, IL 60653

Elena Segura (312) 534-5333, [email protected]

Page 5: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

January 3, 2016 • The Epiphany of the Lord 5

Schedule also available online at: www.stgeorge60477.org and is subject to change.

Liturgical Ministers

January 9 & 10 4:00 pm 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 6:00 pm

Celebrants Fr. R. Mercado Fr. R. Mercado Fr. K. Fleck Fr. R. Mercado Fr. K. Fleck

Deacons J. Panek G. Bartos P. Manning

L. O’Brien G. Hendzell J. Souta B. Beckman J. Ford

Lectors P. O’Brien M. Foss N. Opyd F. Fancsali L. Manta

D. Dolan A. Graff M. Cavalieri J. Denton D. Kavanaugh

D. Laveck P. Hendzell D. Karasek T. Hughes P. Manta

L. Vaicik J. Newtoff R. Karasek J. Schutzius M. McLaughlin

E. Weglarz T. Rycyzyn J. Smith E. Susnis M. Bonnamy

Eucharistic T. Weglarz B. Topping D. Budny K. Banasiak B. Finley

Ministers P. Bohacik M. Becker J. Morgan E. Buczkiewicz P. Galassini

J. Boyce T. German R. Morgan T. Doyle

N. Gayeski K. Kiner S. Yock C. Kampe

R. Strugala Sr. M. Musto J. Yock M. Olson

J. Yock, Sr. P. Windish A. Yock T. Schutzius

E. Zielinski B. Windish

A. Fortson A. Gaydos P. Cavaleri N. Miller G. Ringhofer

Altar Servers L. Saunders J. Roth A. Yock N. Susnis C. Shapkauski

V. Weglarz M. Wilson A. Yock J. Tucker E. Tuohy Guoqing

Cantors M. Thornton D. Wallace Choir Choral &

Guitar Group

Teen Choir

Sacristans L. O’Brien

L. Vaicik

P. Quatrini D. Budny

The Catholic High School Placement Tests will be given Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 8:00 am. Students do not need to register for the test. Simply go to the Catholic High School where the student wishes to enroll. There is a $25 test fee (either cash or check). Students should bring two No. 2 pencils. To find a Catholic High School where you would like to take the test, visit http://schools.archchicago.org.

Please Mark Your Offertory Envelopes

We are asking everyone to clearly mark

their donations on their offertory envelopes.

Please also be aware that children’s

envelopes are to be used only for donations

from the children. They are not to be used

for adult contributions. Checks in the

children’s envelopes will not be posted to

the parent’s account. Your help with this is

greatly appreciated!

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6 Welcome to St. George Catholic Church • Tinley Park, IL 60477


Please plan to join a prayer vigil to be held at Orland Park Planned Parenthood. We will gather along the public right-of-way extending from 14470 LaGrange Road in Orland Park. This vigil will take place from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Friday, January 8, 2016. Parking is available in the Orland Chateau lot (14500 S. LaGrange Road), but please park in the back.


You are invited to a Pro-Life Holy Hour on Friday, January 8 at 7:00 pm in church. We will pray before the Blessed Sacrament for true respect for all human life from conception to natural death. Please come to pray that our nation will be converted to a culture of life. Begin 2016 in prayer for increased respect for life.


Archbishop Blasé Cupich will celebrate the annual Mass for Life on Saturday, January 9, 2016, at 5:00 pm. You are invited to St. Cletus Church (600 W. 55th St., LaGrange, IL) to join this solemn remembrance of the tragic Roe v. Wade decision. For more information, call (312) 534-5355


If you cannot attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C., you still have the opportunity to attend the Chicago March for Life to be held on Sunday, January 17, 2015 from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Assemble at Federal Plaza (200 S Dearborn St, Chicago, 60604), march north to the State of Illinois Building, and then march back to Federal Plaza. The route is about 1.2 miles long. Speakers will include Melissa Ohden, an abortion survivor, Archbishop Blasé Cupich, Bishop Paul of Chicago from the Orthodox Church of America and Pastor Wilfredo De Jesus from New Life Covenant Church in Chicago. Mark your calendar now.

SPEAK OUT ILLINOIS 2016 The 2016 Speak Out Illinois conference, “Illinois Lives Matter,” will be held on Saturday, January 30, 2016, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. This year's featured speaker is Dr. Anthony Levatino, an outspoken advocate for life, along with four informative breakout sessions. Concurrently, TeenSpeak “Pro-Life Knowledge is Power” will be held for teenagers. The conference will be held at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook at 1401 W. 22nd Street, Oak Brook, IL 60523. For more information and reservations, call Pro-Life Action League at (773) 777-2900 or check SpeakOutIllinois.org. Discounted pricing ends January 22.



Visit our Website Check it out at: www.stgeorge60477.org.

Catholic Women Sharing Faith A ministry of prayer, communication and education!

May God bless you richly in this new year!

Please consider joining our group -

here are many ways to participate:

Prayer Shawl Ministry meets each Thursday morning to knit and

crochet, enjoy fellowship and share prayer requests. All ladies are

welcome - no need to know how to knit or crochet. You can

learn, or you can participate in other ways - we celebrate

birthdays each month, too! Participate in pilgrimages, and day

trips - see upcoming bulletins for these opportunities. Share

prayer shawls with relatives, friends and neighbors who are in

need of a "Hug from God!" Call Maureen at (708) 253-5592 for

more information.

Thursday Mornings in January:

9:30 - 11:30 am in the Quiet Room

1/7/2016 1st Thursday Meeting of 2016 - St. Rita Novena

1/14/2016 Prayer Shawl Ministry -

followed by Ladies' Lunch (on your own)

1/21/2016 Prayer Shawl Ministry

1/28/2016 Prayer Shawl Ministry

Mark your calendar for our Christmas Party on

Saturday, January 9, 2016!

We will begin our celebration with 8 am Mass at St. George. You

are welcome to come right over to O'Connell Hall following Mass for party preparation! Our Christmas Lunch and January

birthday celebration will begin at 11 am in O'Connell Hall.

Please feel free to invite a friend - we especially welcome CWSF

members who cannot join us on Thursday mornings. Please come

to the party so more of us can get to know each other!

"Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the

renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of

God, what is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2

Page 7: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

January 3, 2016 • The Epiphany of the Lord 7

us on Facebook

at St. George

Life Teen!

At StGeorgeLifeTeen! LifeNights continue….. High school teens are invited to join us each Sunday night after the 6:00 pm Mass as we share faith and fun at LifeNights. Mark your calendars to come to the Cahill Center at 7:00 pm on the following nights: Saturday, January 23 - High School Lock-In Friday, January 29 - Winter Jam Concert

Do you like to sing or play an instrument?

The Teen Choir leads the congregation at one 6:00 pm Mass each month. What a great way to kick off your LifeNight - praising God with music! We are always looking for new members. We practice on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm in Church. If you can't make practices, but would like to join us, CD's can be supplied for you to learn the music. Come sing and play with us! Fran Fancsali, [email protected], (708) 429-3979.

Bread and Word: Interested in getting more out of the Sunday readings? Teens (with or without other family members) are invited to join us on Sunday mornings, Meeting Room 4 of the Cahill Center, at 10:00 am for a light breakfast (bread and other goodies) as we all explore as a group what the week's readings (the Word) mean for us in our lives in 2015. No need to register. Come as you are when you can!

Join us for Coffee and Hot Chocolate - Sunday, January 3 - 8:30 - 1:00 pm

Although the weather outside might not be quite so frightful, please join us for

some refreshments after all the Sunday morning Masses on Sunday, January 3 in

the Parish Life Center. At our World Youth Day celebration, so many people

commented on how nice it was to gather for a few minutes and enjoy a "cup of" with fellow

parishioners, that Adult Faith Formation and Youth Ministry are hoping to make this a regular happening at

St. George. This month, we will have a coffee and hot chocolate bar, with toppings, juice (for the

warm blooded) and some continental breakfast items for all to enjoy. So just "let it snow" out in

the real world, and stop by for a few warming minutes Sunday morning. Donations of finger

goodies are welcome to help stock our refreshment table. Here is a great way to get rid of all

those extra calories you have laying around the house after the holidays! Drop them

off Saturday afternoon in the rectory office or drop them off in the Cahill center on your way to

Mass Sunday morning. Hope to see you there!

Year End Contributions

Due to IRS Regulations, all contributions received through Thursday, December 31 are recorded

as a 2015 contribution. Contributions made at Masses on Friday, January 1, 2016 are required

by law to be recorded as a 2016 contribution regardless of the type of envelope used or the date

written on the check. If a contribution dated in December is mailed to the parish office and

postmarked on or before December 31, it is recorded as a 2015 contribution. However, all

contributions delivered to the parish office in person or postmarked on or after January 1 must be

recorded as a 2016 contribution. Therefore, even if a check is dated in December, 2015, but is

mailed or delivered to the parish office in January, that contribution must be recorded as a 2016

contribution. We are grateful for all your donations and want to thank you for your generosity.

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8 Welcome to St. George Catholic Church • Tinley Park, IL 60477

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Starting with

Mass at 11:30 am

Come and see what we are all about. Ask questions,

tour the school and see first hand how our students

are achieving both academically and spiritually.

We might be small, but we are mighty!

Come and grow with us.

St. George School’s

Open House

2016 Barnes and Noble St. George School Fundraising Night

Thank you to everyone that came out to our Barnes and Noble Fundraising event or purchased through the Barnes and Noble

website. The event was a huge success, attended by many St. George families. Our families were treated to Christmas carols

sung by our St. George School students, stories read by Fr. Ken, Mrs. Pratl and Mrs. Whitaker, face painting and cupcake

decorating. What a great way to buy books and enjoy some family time!

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January 3, 2016 • The Epiphany of the Lord 9

Will You Spend an Hour?

Would you be willing to spend an hour with Jesus each week

in Holy Family Chapel? Please select any hour that fits your

schedule. Please return this form in the collection basket

or to St George Rectory, or call Bill Beckman at

(708) 429-2762.

If possible, consider one of the open hours listed below. If one

of these hours fits your schedule, circle that hour:


Tuesday 1 AM – 2 AM

Tuesday 6 PM – 7 PM

Thursday 9 AM – 10 AM

Friday 10 AM – 11 AM

Friday 7 PM – 8 PM

Saturday Noon – 1 PM

Saturday 6 PM – 7 PM

Enter your name and phone number below (and specify a day

and hour if you did not circle one above). If you would rather

be a substitute, indicate “sub” along with possible days and


Name phone day / hour



Hourly Coordinators Needed for: Midnight-1am, 2-3am,

3-4am, 6-7am, 10-11am, 11am-Noon, Noon-1pm, 1-2pm,

2-3pm, 5-6pm. 7-8pm, & 10-11pm -- if you would consider

one of these positions, please call Bill Beckman at

(708) 429-2762.

Merciful Mondays Presentation


St. Francis of Assisi Church

15050 Wolf Rd, Orland Park, IL 60467 January 11, 2016

7:00 pm

The Taize community is an ecumenical

community of Religious, who sought to develop

a style of singing and prayer that would enable

all to participate. Since pilgrims from many

lands come to Taize to worship, many different styles are utilized in

their music. Often the refrains are in Latin, enabling greater

participation. Taize, as it is frequently called, captures the mind and

heart in a meditative style. Refrains are employed which serve as

mantras; they lift the participant in a heightened sense of prayer.

This event is part of a multi parish effort to provide Jubilee Year of

Mercy events.

We welcomed the following into our Parish family recently:

Erik and Nicole Olson and their son Ben

Nicholas and Danielle Miranda

Peter and Penny Upjohn

Jonathan and Amy Grabowy and their children John and Grace

David and Jill Henry

Eileen Wordmaster

Robert Flori

Sonnica Eason

Readings for the Week of January 3, 2016

Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/

Mt 2:1-12

Monday: 1 Jn 3:22--4:6/Ps 2:7-8, 10-12/Mt 4:12-17, 23-25

Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10/Ps 72:1-4, 7-8/Mk 6:34-44

Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18/Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13/Mk 6:45-52

Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19--5:4/Ps 72:1-2, 14-15, 17/Lk 4:14-22a

Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13/Ps 147:12-15, 19-20/Lk 5:12-16

Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21/Ps 149:1-6, 9/Jn 3:22-30

Next Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 104:1b-4,

24-25, 27-30/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7 or Acts 10:34-38/

Lk 3:15-16, 21-2

Page 10: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord


Almighty God, send your blessing upon all who serve in our armed forces. Shield

them from all harm. Let peace be the sentry that stands guard over them. Put an

end to wars all over the earth, and hasten lasting peace. Grant this through our

Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, now and forever. Amen

Monday, January 4

7:30 - Bill Ledbetter †

Julia Groch †

Tuesday, January 5

7:30 - Patricia O’Hagan †

8:45 - Ed Ciz †

Wednesday, January 6

7:30 - Mass for Mothers

Rev. Alfons Gorney †

8:45 - Joseph and Rita Kiely †

Thursday, January 7

7:30 - Dorothy Jean Beilfuss †

Maria Bilban †

Friday, January 8

7:30 - Dr. Boguslaw Herse †

Saturday, January 9

8:00 - Thomas Dujmovich †

Mary Doria †

Anne Balas †

4:00 - Bee and Bob Schmidt †

Charles Quinn, Sr. †

Mary Slaviero †

Sunday, January 10

7:30 - Ann Marie Kot †

Peter Becker †

Tom Adams, Jr. †

9:30 - Edward and Vincent Zaworski †

Ann Cavallone †

Dolores Hinz †

11:30 - Kim Delvaux †

Christian Koeller †

Leta Miller †

6:00 - Mass for Parishioners


PO3 Mary Balkas, Coast Guard

Cpl. Michael Bayer, Marines

Sgt. Jacob Berry, Army

Lt. Timothy Berryhill, Army

LCpl. Phillip Bosco, Marines

LCpl. Mark Bradley, Marines

Sgt. Amanda Brennan, Army

Staff Sgt. Robert Brennan, Army

2Lt., Michael Caddigan, Army

A1C Brad Clemmer, Air Force

SSgt. Heidi Currie, Air Force

LtCol. Kevin Currie, Air Force

Maj. Patrick Currie, Air Force

Pvt. Matthew Daliege, Army

Pvt. Maximilian Daniel, Army

Sgt. James Dewey, Army

Capt. Christopher Doering, Army

PO2 James J. Guerino, Navy

Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Hollendoner, Navy

Spc. Ryan Hollendoner, Army

Randy Hrdlicka, Navy-ABE Aviation E3

LCpl. Jonathan Idrovo, Marines

Lt. Erin Janofski, Navy

Becky Johnston, Air Force

LCpl. Bryan Johnston, Marines

L.Cpl. Ashton Kahne, Marines

L.Cpl. Thomas Kavanaugh, Marines

Spc. Martin McCarthy, Army

Lt. Cmdr. Sean Miner, Navy

Spc. Joshua S. Mitchell, Army

Spc. William Nelson, Army

Alexandra Novak

Lt. Charles W. Novak, Marines

HM3 Elizabeth O’Neill, Navy Corpsman

Lt. Thomas I. Ohl, Marines

AA Tabitha Tikalsky, Navy

Amn. Michael Sarniak, Jr., Coast Guard

Bo Shipman, Marines, LCPI

SSgt. Alison Smallwood, Air Force

SSgt. Chaise Smallwood, Air Force

Lt. David F. Steinberger III, Navy

PFC Ryan Swiecicki, Marines

Col. Donald Tomich, Marines

Spc. Alexander Waters, Army

If there are parishioners currently serving in the United States military, we would like to

know. Please call the Rectory and tell us the name of your dear one and he/she will be remembered in the prayers of our community and the name posted in the bulletin.

Please indicate branch of service and rank.

10 Welcome to St. George Catholic Church • Tinley Park, IL 60477

Religious Education Upcoming Dates

January 6 Classes Resume

St. George PART

Monday orders resume on

Monday, January 4, 2016.

We would like to apologize for

mistakenly marking the January 2, 4 pm

Mass of Jerry and Nancy Gayeski. We

want to congratulate Jerry and Nancy on

their 25th Wedding Anniversary which

was celebrated at the 4 pm Mass on

January 2, 2016.

Page 11: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

In Need of Your Prayers

Please pray for the following members

of your parish community:

Ronald Auld, Jo Bujan, Sheryl Casey,

Carmella and Loretta Canino, Don

Christie, Betty Duggan, Deacon John

Ficker, Lois Geraghty, Marirose

Grosschadl, Betty Hallahan, Eileen

Hallahan, Elfirede Hays, Dennis Hearne,

Jr., Dennis Hearne, Sr., Florence and

Ray Hodgson, Albert and Evelyn Holup,

Jessica Kirer, Jackie Koppers, Richard

and Joan Kukula, Dawn Leslie, Jeanne

Long, Frank Lesinski, Theresa Lynn,

Christine Madsen, Mark Oboikovitz,

Marguerite Orrico, Baby Marek Rudzki,

Gary Rycyzn, Lisa Schlueter, Mary Lou

Seery, Robert Seery, Justin Souta, Matt

Taylor, Tammy Thomas, Sandra


Called Home to the Lord

Please remember in your prayers those

who have died in the past weeks:

John Anast, James P. Klebba, Frances

O’Reilly, Dorothy Zakrzewski

Welcomed Through Baptism

The following baby was baptized and

welcomed into our parish community

last Sunday:

Aubree Ruth daughter of Brian and

Kathryn (Green) Galleher

Wedding Banns

St. George Paruish wishes to announce

the forthcoming marriage of:

Patrick E. Meinke and

Brianna K. Lynch

January 3, 2016 • The Epiphany of the Lord 11

Saturday Mornings Beginning January 9 – 6:30 to 8:00 am!O’Connell Hall at St. George Parish School in Tinley Park

The St. George That Man Is You! program has become a popular way to start the weekend! More than fifty men representing at least seven different parishes in our local area have joined the group since we kicked off in mid-September.

That Man is You! is a program that includes video presentations and small group discussions focused on the encouragement and support of Catholic men in the modern world. During our Fall semester we examined the type of culture we currently find ourselves in, the consequences of failed male leadership and how all of this relates specifically to the family. As we begin our Spring semester, we will focus on the struggle occurring in the heart of man between those things which would crush and enslave him and those which would allow him to become all that he was created to be. We’ll take an honest look at the temptations confronting modern man to live a life independent of God, and discuss those things which can help expand the human heart: the ability of the mind to touch God, the ability to find God in one’s self and other people and the liberating power of mercy.! !That Man Is You! meets every Saturday morning for breakfast in O’Connell Hall and is open to all adult men, 18 and older. It’s not necessary to attend every Saturday – just come whenever you can!! !Please Join Us & Bring A Friend!! !For more information about this program, please contact Don Budny at

(708) 429-1823; [email protected] or Gary Hendzell at (708) 614-1734;

[email protected].

Next Fair Trade Sale

Next weekend!

January 9 & 10

Fair Trade builds relationships between buyers and sellers that are rooted in the

principles of human dignity and solidarity.

Catholic Social Teaching - Fair Trade: respects human dignity, promotes the com-

mon good, advances economic justice, empowers disadvantaged people, connects us

with the people who create the things we buy and cultivates global solidarity.

Please stop by to shop!

Page 12: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord


December 19 & 20, 2015 Offertory Envelopes…………..$17,482.75

Sharing Parish

St. Gerard Majella………………..$174.00

Children: 84 envelopes………….$111.02

December 26 & 27, 2015

Not available at time of printing.

Thank you for your continued generosity to

St. George Parish!

Our Parish is now using GiveCentral for

online donations. Sign up at:


There are sign up forms at the exits of church. Or

for more information please contact Darlene

Georges at (708) 532-2243.

12 Welcome to St. George Catholic Church • Tinley Park, IL 60477

The Pilgrim Virgin Statue will

be at the home of Darlene

Everson at 6307 Honey Lane,

Tinley Park through Saturday,

January 16. Rosary will be at

7 pm through January 16.

All are invited to come and

participate during this Christmas season. Following

the rosary on January 16, we will have our annual

party--games, food and fun. For further

information, please call (708) 532-1315. If you

have never come for the rosary, please consider

coming this year to honor Jesus and Mary, His

mother. Our country needs many prayers and the

rosary is our Lady’s message to bring peace to this

troubled world.

I will not be home on January 7 and January 14

since I have my holy hours from 7 to 8 pm on


National Migration Week is celebrated annually during the first

full week of January. It is a time designated by the U.S. Catholic

Bishops to remember the journey of the Holy Family as they had

to live in the shadows and cross the border into Egypt to escape

death at the hands of King Herod. The Church calls parishes,

Catholic schools and religious communities to a heightened

awareness of the difficult journey of today’s immigrants and to

work as a community so migrants can “step out of the darkness”.

2016 Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees

The theme chosen by Pope Francis for 2016 is

“Migrants and Refugees Challenge Us. The Response of the

Gospel of Mercy.”

“The tragic stories of millions of men and women daily confront

the international community as a result of the outbreak of

unacceptable humanitarian crises in different parts of the world,”

writes Pope Francis. “Indifference and silence lead to complicity

whenever we stand by as people are dying of suffocation,

starvation, violence and shipwreck,” he continues. “Whether

large or small in scale, these are always tragedies, even when a

single human life is lost.”

The Message also states:

“The Church stands at the side of all who work to defend each

person’s right to live with dignity, first and foremost by

exercising the right not to emigrate and to contribute to the

development of one’s country of origin. This process should

include, from the outset, the need to assist the countries which

migrants and refugees leave. This will demonstrate that

solidarity, cooperation, international interdependence and the

equitable distribution of the earth’s goods are essential for more

decisive efforts, especially in areas where migration movements

begin, to eliminate those imbalances which lead people,

individually or collectively, to abandon their own natural and

cultural environment."

Page 13: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

January 3, 2016 • The Epiphany of the Lord 13

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PARISH STAFF Pastor .................................................... Rev. Kenneth Fleck Associate...............................................Rev. Tomy Abraham Associate.......................................Rev. Roberto Mercado, Jr. Deacons .............................. Gregory Bartos, Peter Manning, ........................................... Joe Panek, John Ficker (Retired) Business Manager ...................................... Darlene Georges Music Director.............................................. Robert Mockus Coordinator of Religious Education ........... Angela Kvasnica Principal.......................................................... Charlotte Pratl Director of Youth Ministry…………………………………..


6707 West 175th St., Tinley Park, IL 60477

Monday-Friday: 8 am-noon, 1-8 pm Office closed 12-1 pm Monday-Friday

Saturday: 9 am-6 pm (708) 532-2243 Fax: (708) 532-2055 Parish Website: stgeorge60477.org


6700 West 176th St.

(708) 532-2626 Fax: (708) 532-2025 School Website: stgeorgeschool.org

YOUTH MINISTRY 6700 West 176th St., (In the Fr. Don Cahill Center)

(708) 532-8234


Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Wednesday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm / 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Closed 6670 West 176th St., (In the Fr. Don Cahill Center) (708) 532-8211 Fax: (708) 532-3372 E-mail: [email protected]



6670 West 176th St.


14 Welcome to St. George Catholic Church • Tinley Park, IL 60477

If you have ever known someone who struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, you are no stranger to the long road to recovery ahead of them. In fact, about 17.6 million Americans struggle with alcohol abuse every year, and there are an average of 20 million illegal drug users every month.

The following list of resources is to spread awareness and provide help with this issue:

Recognizing an Addiction Problem http://www.healthline.com/health/addiction/recognizing-addiction#Recognize1 Signs of Addiction and Drug Use https://www.discoveryplace.info/signs-addiction-and-drug-use Helping an Adult Family Member or Friend with a Drug or Alcohol Problem http://www.drugfree.org/want-help-adult-family-member-friend-drug-alcohol-problem-7-suggestions/ What to Do If Your Adult Friend or Loved One Has a Problem with Drugs http://www.drugabuse.gov/related-topics/treatment/what-to-do-if-your-adult-friend-or-loved-one-has-problem-drugs Genetics & Alcoholism: Alcohol Abuse in the Family https://www.lakeviewhealth.com/genetics-alcoholism-family-infographic.php Addictive Personality: How I Made it My Healthiest Trait http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-7812/addictive-personality-how-i-made-it-my-healthiest-trait.html Swim Back to Health: The Guide to Aquatic Therapy for Recovering Addicts http://www.intheswim.com/eGuides/guide-to-aquatic-therapy-recovering-addicts Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief http://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/relaxation-techniques-for-stress-relief.htm The Guide to Keeping Your Home Through Debilitating Disease http://www.mortgagecalculator.org/helpful-advice/keeping-your-home.php

Page 15: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

Contact Jeff Hansen to place an

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For ad info. call Jeff Hansen at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. George, Chicago, IL. B 2C 01-0883

Contact Jeff Hansen to place an ad today!

[email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2683

Page 16: January 3, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord · January 3, 2016 6707 West 175 TH STREET · T INLEY P ARK, ILLINOIS 60477 · stgeorge60477.org ST.GEORGE CHURCH The Epiphany of the Lord

Contact Jeff Hansen to place an ad today!

[email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2683


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For ad info. call Jeff Hansen at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. George, Chicago, IL. A 2C 01-0883

Contact Jeff Hansen to place an

ad today! [email protected]

or (800) 950-9952 x2683