8/14/2019 James Redfield - The Tenth Insight.pdf http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/james-redfield-the-tenth-insightpdf 1/144 The Tenth Insight by James Redfield ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My heatfelt than!s t" e#ey"ne $h" had a %at in this b""!& %ati'(laly J"ann Da#is at Wane )""!s f" he "ng"ing g(idan'e and Albet Ga(lden f" his sage '"(nsel* And 'etainly& M+ fiends in the )l(e Ridge M"(ntains& $h" !ee% the fies "f a safe ha#en b(ning* A,T-OR.S NOTE Li!e The Celestine /"%he'y& this se0(el is an ad#ent(e %aable& an attem%t t" ill(state the "ng"ing s%iit(al tansf"mati"n that is "''(ing in "( time* My h"%e $ith b"th b""!s has been t" '"mm(ni'ate $hat I $"(ld 'all a '"nsens(s %i't(e& a li#ed %"tait& "f the ne$ %e'e%ti"ns& feelings& and %hen"mena that ae '"ming t" define life as $e ente the thid millenni(m* O( geatest mista!e& in my "%ini"n& is t" thin! that h(man s%iit(ality is s"meh"$ aleady (ndest""d and established* If hist"y tells (s anything& it is that h(man '(lt(e and !n"$ledge ae '"nstantly e#"l#ing* Only indi#id(al "%ini"ns ae fi1ed and d"gmati'* T(th is m"e dynami' than that& and the geat 2"y "f life is in letting g"& in finding "( "$n s%e'ial t(th that is "(s t" tell& and then $at'hing the syn'h"nisti' $ay this t(th e#"l#es and ta!es a 'leae f"m& 2(st $hen it.s needed t" im%a't s"me"ne.s life* T"gethe $e ae g"ing s"me$hee& ea'h geneati"n b(ilding (%"n the a''"m%lishments "f the %e#i"(s "ne& destined f" an end $e 'an "nly dimly emembe* We.e all in the %"'ess "f a$a!ening and "%ening (% t" $h" $e eally ae& and $hat $e 'ame hee t" d"& $hi'h is "ften a #ey diffi'(lt tas!* +et I fimly belie#e that if $e al$ays integate the best "f the taditi"ns $e find bef"e (s and !ee% the %"'ess in mind& ea'h 'hallenge al"ng the $ay& ea'h inte%es"nal iitati"n 'an be "#e'"me $ith a sense "f destiny and mia'le* I d"n.t mean t" minimi3e the f"midable %"blems still fa'ing h(manity& "nly t" s(ggest that ea'h "f (s in "( "$n $ay is in#"l#ed in the s"l(ti"n* If $e stay a$ae and a'!n"$ledge the geat mystey that is this life& $e $ill see that $e ha#e been %efe'tly %la'ed& in e1a'tly the ight %"siti"n * * * t" ma!e all the diffeen'e in the $"ld* JR S%ing& 4556 I l""!ed& and beh"ld& a d"" $as "%ened in hea#en7 and the fist #"i'e $hi'h I head $as as *** a t(m%et tal!ing $ith me8 $hi'h said& C"me (% hithe& and I $ill sh"$ y"( the things $hi'h m(st be heeafte* And immediately I $as in the s%iit7 and& beh"ld& a th"ne $as set in hea#en**** and thee $as a ainb"$ "(nd ab"(t the th"ne& in sight li!e (nt" an emeald* And "(nd ab"(t the th"ne $ee f"( and t$enty seats7 and (%"n the seats I sa$ f"( and t$enty eldes sitting& 'l"thed in $hite aiment**** And I sa$ a ne$ hea#en and a ne$ eath7 f" the fist hea#en and the fist eath $ee %assed a$ay**** RE9ELATION CONTENTS

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The Tenth InsightbyJames Redfield


My heatfelt than!s t" e#ey"ne $h" had a %at in this b""!&

%ati'(laly J"ann Da#is at Wane )""!s f" he "ng"ing g(idan'e andAlbet Ga(lden f" his sage '"(nsel* And 'etainly& M+ fiends in the)l(e Ridge M"(ntains& $h" !ee% the fies "f a safe ha#en b(ning*


Li!e The Celestine /"%he'y& this se0(el is an ad#ent(e %aable& anattem%t t" ill(state the "ng"ing s%iit(al tansf"mati"n that is"''(ing in "( time* My h"%e $ith b"th b""!s has been t" '"mm(ni'ate$hat I $"(ld 'all a '"nsens(s %i't(e& a li#ed %"tait& "f the ne$%e'e%ti"ns& feelings& and %hen"mena that ae '"ming t" define life as$e ente the thid millenni(m*

O( geatest mista!e& in my "%ini"n& is t" thin! that h(man s%iit(alityis s"meh"$ aleady (ndest""d and established* If hist"y tells (sanything& it is that h(man '(lt(e and !n"$ledge ae '"nstantlye#"l#ing* Only indi#id(al "%ini"ns ae fi1ed and d"gmati'* T(th ism"e dynami' than that& and the geat 2"y "f life is in letting g"& infinding "( "$n s%e'ial t(th that is "(s t" tell& and then $at'hingthe syn'h"nisti' $ay this t(th e#"l#es and ta!es a 'leae f"m& 2(st$hen it.s needed t" im%a't s"me"ne.s life*

T"gethe $e ae g"ing s"me$hee& ea'h geneati"n b(ilding (%"n thea''"m%lishments "f the %e#i"(s "ne& destined f" an end $e 'an "nlydimly emembe* We.e all in the %"'ess "f a$a!ening and "%ening (% t"$h" $e eally ae& and $hat $e 'ame hee t" d"& $hi'h is "ften a #ey

diffi'(lt tas!* +et I fimly belie#e that if $e al$ays integate thebest "f the taditi"ns $e find bef"e (s and !ee% the %"'ess in mind&ea'h 'hallenge al"ng the $ay& ea'h inte%es"nal iitati"n 'an be"#e'"me $ith a sense "f destiny and mia'le*

I d"n.t mean t" minimi3e the f"midable %"blems still fa'ing h(manity&"nly t" s(ggest that ea'h "f (s in "( "$n $ay is in#"l#ed in thes"l(ti"n* If $e stay a$ae and a'!n"$ledge the geat mystey that isthis life& $e $ill see that $e ha#e been %efe'tly %la'ed& in e1a'tlythe ight %"siti"n * * * t" ma!e all the diffeen'e in the $"ld*


S%ing& 4556

I l""!ed& and beh"ld& a d"" $as "%ened in hea#en7 and the fist #"i'e$hi'h I head $as as *** a t(m%et tal!ing $ith me8 $hi'h said& C"me (%hithe& and I $ill sh"$ y"( the things $hi'h m(st be heeafte* Andimmediately I $as in the s%iit7 and& beh"ld& a th"ne $as set inhea#en**** and thee $as a ainb"$ "(nd ab"(t the th"ne& in sight li!e(nt" an emeald* And "(nd ab"(t the th"ne $ee f"( and t$enty seats7and (%"n the seats I sa$ f"( and t$enty eldes sitting& 'l"thed in$hite aiment**** And I sa$ a ne$ hea#en and a ne$ eath7 f" the fisthea#en and the fist eath $ee %assed a$ay****



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T-E /AT-

I $al!ed "(t t" the edge "f the ganite "#ehang and l""!ed n"th$ad atthe s'ene bel"$* Stet'hing a'"ss my #ie$ $as a lage A%%ala'hian#alley "f sti!ing bea(ty& %eha%s si1 " se#en miles l"ng and fi#emiles $ide* Al"ng the length "f the #alley an a $inding steam that'"(sed th"(gh stet'hes "f "%en mead"$land and thi'!& '"l"f(lf"ests;;;"ld f"ests& $ith tees standing h(ndeds "f feet high*

I glan'ed d"$n at the '(de ma% in my hand* E#eything in the #alley'"in'ided $ith the da$ing e1a'tly7 the stee% idge "n $hi'h I $as

standing& the "ad leading d"$n& the des'i%ti"n "f the lands'a%e andthe steam& the "lling f""thills bey"nd* This had t" be the %la'eChalene had s!et'hed "n the n"te f"(nd in he "ffi'e* Why had she d"nethat< And $hy had she disa%%eaed<

O#e a m"nth had n"$ %assed sin'e Chalene had last '"nta'ted heass"'iates at the esea'h fim $hee she $"!ed& and by the time :an!Sims& he "ffi'emate& had th"(ght t" 'all me& he had be'"me 'lealyalamed*

=She "ften g"es "ff "n he "$n tangents&= he had said* =)(t she.s ne#edisa%%eaed f" this l"ng bef"e& and ne#e $hen she had meetingsaleady set $ith l"ng;tem 'lients* S"mething.s n"t ight*=

=-"$ did y"( !n"$ t" 'all me<= I as!ed*

-e es%"nded by des'ibing %at "f a lette& f"(nd in Chalene.s "ffi'e&that I had $itten t" he m"nths ealie 'h"ni'ling my e1%eien'es in/e(* With it& he t"ld me& $as a s'ibbled n"te that '"ntained my nameand tele%h"ne n(mbe*

=I.m 'alling e#ey"ne I !n"$ $h" is ass"'iated $ith he&= he added* =S"fa& n" "ne seems t" !n"$ a thing* 2(dging f"m the lette& y"(.e afiend "f Chalene.s* I $as h"%ing y"( had head f"m he*=

=S"y&= I t"ld him* =I ha#en.t tal!ed t" he in f"( m"nths*=

E#en as I had said the $"ds& I '"(ldn.t belie#e it had been that l"ng*S""n afte e'ei#ing my lette& Chalene had tele%h"ned and left a l"ng

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message "n my ans$eing ma'hine& #"i'ing he e1'itement ab"(t theInsights and '"mmenting "n the s%eed $ith $hi'h !n"$ledge "f them seemedt" be s%eading* I emembeed listening t" Chalene.s message se#ealtimes& b(t I had %(t "ff 'alling he ba'!;telling myself that I $"(ld'all late& maybe t"m""$ " the day afte& $hen I felt eady t" tal!*

I !ne$ at the time that s%ea!ing $ith he $"(ld %(t me in the %"siti"n

"f ha#ing t" e'all and e1%lain the details "f the Man(s'i%t& and It"ld myself I needed m"e time t" thin!& t" digest $hat had "''(ed*

The t(th& "f '"(se& $as that %ats "f the %"%he'y still el(ded me*Cetainly I had etained the ability t" '"nne't $ith a s%iit(al enegy$ithin& a geat '"mf"t t" me '"nsideing that e#eything had fallenth"(gh $ith Ma2"ie& and I $as n"$ s%ending lage am"(nts "f timeal"ne* And I $as m"e a$ae than e#e "f int(iti#e th"(ghts and deamsand the l(min"sity "f a ""m " lands'a%e* +et& at the same time& thes%"adi' nat(e "f the '"in'iden'es had be'"me a %"blem*

I $"(ld fill (% $ith enegy& f" instan'e& dis'ening the 0(esti"nf"em"st in my life& and $"(ld (s(ally %e'ei#e a 'lea h(n'h ab"(t $hat

t" d" " $hee t" g" t" %(s(e the ans$e yet& afte a'ting a''"dingly&t"" "ften n"thing "f im%"tan'e * $"(ld "''(* I $"(ld find n"message& n" '"in'iden'e*

This $as es%e'ially t(e $hen the int(iti"n $as t" see! "(t s"me"ne Ialeady !ne$ t" s"me e1tent& an "ld a'0(aintan'e %eha%s& " s"me"ne$ith $h"m I $"!ed "(tinely* O''asi"nally this %es"n and I $"(ld finds"me ne$ %"int "f inteest& b(t 2(st as fe0(ently& my initiati#e& ins%ite "f my best eff"ts t" send enegy& $"(ld be '"m%letely eb(!ed& "$"se& $"(ld begin $ith e1'itement "nly t" $a% "(t "f '"nt"l andfinally die in a fl(y "f (ne1%e'ted iitati"ns and em"ti"ns*

S('h fail(e had n"t s"(ed me "n the %"'ess& b(t I had eali3ed

s"mething $as missing $hen it 'ame t" li#ing the Insights l"ng;tem* In/e(& I had been %"'eeding "n m"ment(m& "ften a'ting s%"ntane"(sly $itha !ind "f faith b"n "(t "f des%eati"n* When I ai#ed ba'! h"me&th"(gh& dealing again $ith my n"mal en#i"nment& "ften s("(nded by"(tight s!e%ti's& I seemed t" l"se the !een e1%e'tati"n& " fimbelief& that my h(n'hes $ee eally g"ing t" lead s"me$hee* A%%aentlythee $as s"me #ital %at "f the !n"$ledge I had f"g"tten * * * "%eha%s n"t yet dis'"#eed*

I.m 2(st n"t s(e $hat t" d" ne1t&= Chalene.s ass"'iate had %essed*=She has a siste& I thin!& s"me$hee in Ne$ +"!* +"(

d"n.t !n"$ h"$ t" '"nta't he& d" y"(< O any"ne else $h" might !n"$

$hee she is<=

=I.m s"y&= I said& =I d"n.t* Chalene and I ae a't(ally e!indlingan "ld fiendshi%* I d"n.t emembe any elati#es and I d"n.t !n"$ $h"he fiends ae n"$*=

=Well& I thin! I.m g"ing t" file a %"li'e e%"t& (nless y"( ha#e abette idea*=

=N"& I thin! that $"(ld be $ise* Ae thee any "the leads<=

=Only a da$ing "f s"me !ind '"(ld be the des'i%ti"n "f a %la'e* It.shad t" tell*=

Late he had fa1ed me the entie n"te he had f"(nd in Chalene.s "ffi'e&in'l(ding the '(de s!et'h "f intese'ting lines and n(mbes $ith #ag(e

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ma!s in the magins* And as I had sat in my st(dy& '"m%aing theda$ing t" the "ad n(mbes in an

Atlas "f the S"(th& I had f"(nd $hat I s(s%e'ted t" be the a't(al


l"'ati"n* Afte$ad I had e1%eien'ed a #i#id image "f Chalene in mymind& the same image I had %e'ei#ed in /e( $hen t"ld "f the e1isten'e"f a Tenth Insight* Was he disa%%eaan'e s"meh"$ '"nne'ted t" theMan(s'i%t<

A $is% "f $ind t"('hed my fa'e and I again st(died the #ie$ bel"$* :at" the left& at the $esten edge "f the #alley& I '"(ld ma!e "(t a "$"f ""ft"%s* That had t" be the t"$n Chalene had indi'ated "n the ma%*St(ffing the %a%e int" my #est %"'!et& I made my $ay ba'! t" the "adand 'limbed int" the /athfinde*

The t"$n itself $as small;%"%(lati"n t$" th"(sand& a''"ding t" the signbeside the fist and "nly st"%light* M"st "f the '"mme'ial b(ildings

lined 2(st "ne steet (nning al"ng the edge "f the steam* I d"#eth"(gh the light& s%"tted a m"tel nea the

entan'e t" the Nati"nal :"est& and %(lled int" a %a!ing s%a'e fa'ingan ad2a'ent esta(ant and %(b* Se#eal %e"%le $ee enteing theesta(ant& in'l(ding a tall man $ith a da! '"m%le1i"n and 2et;bla'!hai& 'aying a lage %a'!* -e glan'ed ba'! at me and $e m"mentailymade eye '"nta't*

I g"t "(t and l"'!ed the 'a& then de'ided& "n a h(n'h& t" $al! th"(ghthe esta(ant bef"e 'he'!ing int" the m"tel* Inside& the tables $eenea em%ty;2(st a fe$ hi!es at the ba and s"me "f the %e"%le $h" hadenteed ahead "f me* M"st $ee "bli#i"(s t" my ga3e& b(t as I '"ntin(ed

t" s(#ey the ""m& I again met eyes $ith the tall man I had seenbef"e8 he $as $al!ing t"$ad the ea "f the ""m* -e smiled faintly&held the eye '"nta't an"the se'"nd& then $al!ed "(t a ba'! e1it*

I f"ll"$ed him th"(gh the e1it* -e $as standing t$enty feet a$ay&bending "#e his %a'!* -e $as dessed in 2eans& a $esten

J shit and b""ts& and a%%eaed t" be ab"(t fifty yeas "ld* )ehindhim& the late aften""n s(n 'ast l"ng shad"$s am"ng the tall tees andgass& and& fifty yads a$ay& the steam fl"$ed by& beginning its2"(ney int" the #alley*

-e smiled halfheatedly and l""!ed (% at me* =An"the %ilgim<= he


=I.m l""!ing f" a fiend&= I said* =I had a h(n'h that y"( '"(ld hel%me*=

-e n"dded& st(dying the "(tlines "f my b"dy #ey 'aef(lly*

Wal!ing 'l"se& he int"d('ed himself as Da#id L"ne Eagle& e1%laining&as th"(gh it $as s"mething I might need t" !n"$& that he $as a die'tdes'endant "f the Nati#e Amei'ans $h" "iginally inhabited this #alley*I n"ti'ed f" the fist time a thin s'a "n his fa'e that an f"m theedge "f his left eyeb"$ all the $ay t" his 'hin& 2(st missing his eye*

=+"( $ant s"me '"ffee<= he as!ed* =They.e g""d at /eie in thesal""n thee& b(t l"(sy at '"ffee*= -e n"dded t"$ad an aea nea thesteam $hee a small tent st""d am"ng thee lage %"%las* D"3ens "f

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%e"%le $ee $al!ing in the aea& s"me "f them al"ng a %ath that '"sseda bidge and led int" the Nati"nal :"est* E#eything a%%eaed safe*

=S(e&= I e%lied* =That $"(ld be g""d*=

At the 'am%site he lit a small b(tane 'am% st"#e& then filled a b"ile$ith $ate and set it "n the b(ne*

=What.s y"( fiend.s name<= he finally as!ed*

=Chalene )il>ings*=

-e %a(sed and l""!ed at me& and as $e ga3ed at ea'h "the& I sa$ a 'leaimage in my mind.s eye "f him in an"the time* -e $as y"(nge anddessed in b('!s!ins& sitting in f"nt "f a lage fie* Stea!s "f Wa%aint ad"ned his fa'e* A"(nd him $as a 'i'le "f %e"%le& m"stlyNati#e Amei'ans& b(t in'l(ding t$" $hites& a $"man and a #ey lageman* The dis'(ssi"n $as heated* S"me in the g"(% $anted $a8 "thesdesied e'"n'iliati"n* -e b"!e in& idi'(ling the "nes '"nsideing%ea'e* -"$ '"(ld they be s" nai#e& he t"ld them& afte s" m('h


The $hite $"man seemed t" (ndestand b(t %leaded $ith him t" hea he'(t* Wa '"(ld be a#"ided& she maintained& and the #alley %"te'tedfaily& if the s%iit(al medi'ine $as geat en"(gh* -e eb(!ed heag(ment t"tally& then& 'hiding the g"(%& he m"(nted his h"se and "dea$ay* M"st "f the "thes f"ll"$ed*

=+"( instin'ts ae g""d&= Da#id said& sna%%ing me f"m my #isi"n* -e$as S%eading a h"mes%(n blan!et bet$een (s& "ffeing me a seat* =I?!n"$ "f he*= -e l""!ed at me 0(esti"ningly*

=I.m '"n'ened= I said* =N" "ne has head f"m he and I 2(st $ant t"

ma!e s(e she.s "!ay And $e need t" tal!*=

=Ab"(t the TEnth Insight<= he as!ed& smiling*

=-"$ did y"( !n"$ that<=

=J(st a g(ess* Many "f the %e"%le '"ming t" this #alley aen.t 2(sthee be'a(se "f the bea(ty "f the Nati"nal :"est* They.e hee t" tal!ab"(t the Insights* They thin! the Tenth is s"me$hee "(t thee* A fe$e#en 'laim t" !n"$ $hat it says*=

-e t(ned a$ay and %(t a tea ball filled $ith '"ffee int" the steAming$ate* S"mething ab"(t his t"ne "f #"i'e made me thin! he $as testing

me& tying t" 'he'! "(t $hethe I $as $h" I 'laimed*

=Whee is Chalene<= I as!ed*

-e %"inted a finge t"$ad the east* =In the :"est* I.#e ne#e meety"( fiend& b(t I "#ehead he being int"d('ed in the esta(ant "nem

and I.#e seen he a fe$ times sin'e* Se#eal days ag" I sa$ he again8she $as hi!ing int" the #alley al"ne& an> 2(dging f"m the $ay she $as%a'!ed& I.d say she.s %"bably still "(t thee*=

I l""!ed in that die'ti"n* :"m this %es%e'ti#e& the #alley $asen"m"(s& stet'hing f"e#e int" the distan'e*

=Whee d" y"( thin! she $as g"ing<= I as!ed*

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-e staed at me f" a m"ment* =/"bably t"$ad the Si%sey Cany"n*That.s $hee "ne "f the "%enings is f"(nd*= -e $as st(dying my ea'ti"n*

=The "%enings<=

-e smiled 'y%ti'ally* =That.s ight& the dimensi"nal "%enings*=

I leaned "#e t"$ad him& emembeing my e1%eien'e at the CelestineR(ins* =Wh" !n"$s ab"(t all this<=

=9ey fe$ %e"%le* S" fa it.s all (m"& bits and %ie'es "finf"mati"n& int(iti"n* N"t a s"(l has seen a man(s'i%t* M"st "f the%e"%le $h" '"me hee l""!ing f" the Tenth feel they.e beingsynegisti'ally led& and they.e gen(inely tying t" li#e the

Nine Insights& e#en th"(gh they '"m%lain that the '"in'iden'es g(idethem al"ng f" a $hile and then 2(st st"%*= -e 'h('!led lightly* =)(tthat.s $hee $e all ae& ight< The Tenth Insight is ab"(t(ndestanding this $h"le a$aeness;the %e'e%ti"n "f mystei"(s

'"in'iden'es& the g"$ing s%iit(al '"ns'i"(sness "n Eath& the NinthInsight disa%%eaan'es;all f"m the highe %es%e'ti#e "f the "thedimensi"n& s" that $e 'an (ndestand $hy this tansf"mati"n isha%%ening and %ati'i%ate m"e f(lly=

=-"$ d" y"( !n"$ that<= I as!ed*

-e l""!ed at me $ith %ie'ing eyes& s(ddenly angy* =I !n"$@=

:" an"the m"ment his fa'e emained sei"(s& then his e1%essi"n $amedagain* -e ea'hed "#e and %"(ed the '"ffee int" t$" '(%s and handed"ne t" me*

=My an'est"s ha#e li#ed nea this #alley f" th"(sands "f yeas&= he'"ntin(ed* =They belie#ed this f"est $as a sa'ed site mid$ay bet$eenthe (%%e $"ld and the middle $"ld hee "n Eath* My %e"%le $"(ldfast and ente the #alley "n thei #isi"n 0(ests& l""!ing f" theis%e'ifi' gifts& thei medi'ine& the %ath they sh"(ld $al! in this life*

=My gandfathe t"ld me ab"(t a shaman $h" 'ame f"m a faa$ay tibe andta(ght "( %e"%le t" sea'h f" $hat he 'alled a state "f %(ifi'ati"n*The shaman ta(ght them t" lea#e f"m this #ey s%"t& beaing "nly a!nife& and t" $al! (ntil the animals %"#ided a sign& and then t" f"ll"$(ntil they ea'hed $hat they 'alled the sa'ed "%ening int" the (%%e$"ld* If they $ee $"thy& if they had 'leaed the l"$e em"ti"ns& het"ld them& they might e#en be all"$ed t" ente the "%ening& and t" meet

die'tly $ith the an'est"s& $hee they '"(ld emembe n"t 2(st thei"$n #isi"n b(t the #isi"n "f the $h"le $"ld*

=Of '"(se& all that ended $hen the $hite man 'ame* My

gandfathe '"(ldn.t emembe h"$ t" d" it& and neithe 'an 4*

We.e ha#ing t" fig(e it "(t& li!e e#ey"ne else*=

=+"(.e hee l""!ing f" the Tenth& aen.t y"(<= I as!ed*

=Of '"(se *** "f '"(se@ )(t all I seem t" be d"ing is this %enan'e"f f"gi#eness*= -is #"i'e be'ame sha% again& and he s(ddenly seemed t"be tal!ing m"e t" himself than t" me*

=E#ey time I ty t" m"#e f"$ad& a %at "f me 'an.t get %ast the

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esentment& the age& at $hat ha%%ened t" my %e"%le* And it.s n"tgetting any bette* -"$ '"(ld it ha%%en that "( land $as st"len& "($ay "f life "#e(n& dest"yed< Why $"(ld that be all"$ed<=

=I $ish it hadn.t ha%%ened&= I said*

-e l""!ed at the g"(nd and 'h('!led l"$ly again* =I belie#e that* )(t

still& thee is a age that '"mes $hen I thin! "f this #alley beingmis(sed*

=+"( see this s'a&= he added& %"inting t" his fa'e* =I '"(ld ha#ea#"ided the fight $hee this ha%%ened* Te1as '"$b"ys $ith t"" m('h t"din!* I '"(ld ha#e $al!ed a$ay b(t f" this ange b(ning $ithin me*=

=Isn.t m"st "f this #alley n"$ %"te'ted in the Nati"nal :"est<= Ias!ed*

=Only ab"(t half "f it& n"th "f the steam& b(t the %"liti'ians al$aystheaten t" sell it " all"$ de#el"%ment*=

=What ab"(t the "the half< Wh" "$ns that<=

=:" a l"ng time& this aea $as "$ned m"stly by indi#id(als& b(t n"$thee.s a f"eign;egisteed '"%"ati"n tying t" b(y it (%* We d"n.t!n"$ $h" is behind it& b(t s"me "f the "$nes ha#e been "ffeed h(geam"(nts t" sell*=

-e l""!ed a$ay m"mentaily& then said& =My %"blem is that I $ant the%ast thee 'ent(ies t" ha#e ha%%ened diffeently* I esent the fa'tthat E("%eans began t" settle "n this '"ntinent

$ith n" egad f" the %e"%le $h" $ee aleady hee* It $as 'iminal* I$ant it t" ha#e ha%%ened diffeently& as th"(gh I '"(ld s"meh"$ 'hange

the %ast* O( $ay "f life $as im%"tant* We $ee leaning the #al(e "femembeing* This $as the geat message the E("%eans '"(ld ha#ee'ei#ed f"m my %e"%le if they had st"%%ed t" listen*=

As he tal!ed& my mind difted int" an"the daydeam* T$" %e"%le;an"theNati#e Amei'an and the same $hite $"man $ee tal!ing "n the ban!s "f asmall steam* )ehind them $as a thi'! f"est* Afte a $hile& "theNati#e Amei'ans '"$ded a"(nd t" hea thei '"n#esati"n*

=We 'an heal this@= the $"man $as saying*

=I.m afaid $e d"n.t !n"$ en"(gh yet&= the Nati#e Amei'an e%lied& hisfa'e e1%essing geat egad f" the $"man* =M"st "f the "the 'hiefs

ha#e aleady left*=

=Why n"t< Thin! "f the dis'(ssi"ns $e.#e had* +"( y"(self said ifthee $as en"(gh faith& $e '"(ld heal this*=

=+es&= he e%lied* =)(t faith is a 'etainty that '"mes f"m !n"$ingh"$ things sh"(ld be* The an'est"s !n"$& b(t n"t en"(gh "f (s heeha#e ea'hed that !n"$ing*=

=)(t maybe $e 'an ea'h this !n"$ledge n"$&= the $"man %leaded* =Weha#e t" ty@=

My th"(ghts $ee inte(%ted by the sight "f se#eal y"(ng :"estSe#i'e "ffi'es& $h" $ee a%%"a'hing an "lde man "n the bidge* -ehad neatly '(t gay hai and $"e dess sla'!s and a sta'hed shit* Ashe m"#ed& he seemed t" lim% slightly*

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=D" y"( see the man $ith the "ffi'es<= Da#id as!ed*

=+eah&= I e%lied* =What ab"(t him<=

=I.#e seen him a"(nd hee f" the %ast t$" $ee!s* -is fist name is:eyman& I thin!* I d"n.t !n"$ his last name*= Da#id leaned t"$ad me&

s"(nding f" the fist time as if he t(sted me

'"m%letely =Listen& s"mething #ey stange is g"ing "n* :" se#eal$ee!s the :"est Se#i'e seems t" ha#e been '"(nting the hi!es $h" g"int" the f"est* They.#e ne#e d"ne that bef"e& and yesteday s"me"net"ld me they ha#e '"m%letely 'l"sed "ff the fa easten end "f the$ildeness* Thee ae %la'es in that aea that ae ten miles f"m theneaest high$ay* D" y"( !n"$ h"$ fe$ %e"%le e#e #ent(e "(t that fa<S"me "f (s ha#e beg(n t" hea stange n"ises in that die'ti"n*=

=What !ind "f n"ises<=

=A diss"nan'e "f s"me !ind* M"st %e"%le 'an.t hea it*=

S(ddenly he $as (% "n his feet& 0(i'!ly ta!ing d"$n his tent*

=What ae y"( d"ing<= I as!ed*

=I 'an.t stay hee&= he e%lied* =I.#e g"t t" get int" the #alley*=

Afte a m"ment he inte(%ted his $"! and l""!ed at me again* =Listen&=he said* =Thee.s s"mething y"( ha#e t" !n"$*

That man :eyman* I sa$ y"( fiend $ith him se#eal times*=

=What $ee they d"ing<=

=J(st tal!ing& b(t I.m telling y"( thee.s s"mething $"ng hee*= -ebegan %a'!ing again*

I $at'hed him in silen'e f" a m"ment* I had n" idea $hat t" thin!ab"(t this sit(ati"n& b(t I sensed that he $as ight ab"(t Chalenebeing s"me$hee "(t in the #alley* =Let me get my e0(i%ment&= I said*=I.d li!e t" g" $ith y"(*=

=N"&= he said 0(i'!ly* =Ea'h %es"n m(st e1%eien'e the #alley al"ne* I'an.t hel% y"( n"$* It.s my "$n #isi"n I m(st find*=

-is fa'e l""!ed %ained*

=Can y"( tell me e1a'tly $hee this 'any"n is<=

=J(st f"ll"$ the steam f" ab"(t t$" miles* +"(.ll '"me t" an"thesmall 'ee! that entes the steam f"m the n"th* :"ll"$ this 'ee!f" an"the mile* It $ill lead y"( ight th"(gh the m"(th "f theSi%sey Cany"n*=

I n"dded and t(ned t" $al! a$ay& b(t he gabbed my am*

=L""!&= he said* =+"( 'an find y"( fiend if y"( aise y"( enegy t"an"the le#el* Thee ae s%e'ifi' l"'ati"ns in the #alley that 'an hel%y"(*=

=The dimensi"nal "%enings<= I as!ed*

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=+es* Thee y"( 'an dis'"#e the %es%e'ti#e "f the Tenth Insight& b(tt" find these %la'es y"( m(st (ndestand the t(e nat(e "f y"(int(iti"ns& and h"$ t" maintain these mental images* Als" $at'h theanimals and y"(.ll begin t" emembe $hat y"( ae d"ing hee in this#alley *** $hy $e.e all hee t"gethe*

)(t be #ey 'aef(l* D"n.t let them see y"( ente the f"est*= -e

th"(ght f" a m"ment* =Thee.s s"me"ne else "(t thee& a fiend "fmine& C(tis Webbe* If y"( see C(tis& tell him that y"(.#e tal!ed t"me and that I $ill find him*=

-e smiled faintly and et(ned t" f"lding his tent*

I $anted t" as! $hat he meant ab"(t int(iti"n and $at'hing the animals&b(t he a#"ided eye '"nta't and stayed f"'(sed "n his $"!*

=Than!s&= I said*

-e $a#ed slightly $ith "ne hand*

0(ietly sh(t the m"tel d"" and eased "(t int" the m""nlight*

The '""l ai and the tensi"n sent a shi#e th"(gh my b"dy* Why& Ith"(ght& $as I d"ing this< Thee $as n" %""f that Chalene $as still"(t in this #alley " that Da#id.s s(s%i'i"ns $ee '"e't*

+et my g(t t"ld me that indeed s"mething $as $"ng* :" se#eal h"(s Ihad m(lled "#e 'alling the l"'al sheiff* )(t $hat $"(ld I ha#e said<That my fiend $as missing and she had been seen enteing the f"est "fhe "$n fee $ill& b(t $as %eha%s in t"(ble& all based "n a #ag(e n"tef"(nd h(ndeds "f miles a$ay<

Sea'hing this $ildeness $"(ld ta!e h(ndeds "f %e"%le& and I !ne$ they

$"(ld ne#e m"(nt s('h an eff"t $ith"(t s"mething m"e s(bstantial*

I %a(sed and l""!ed at the thee;0(ates m""n ising ab"#e the tees*My %lan $as t" '"ss the steam $ell east "f the anges. stati"n andthen t" %"'eed al"ng the main %ath int" the #alley I $as '"(nting "nthe m""n t" light my $ay& b(t n"t t" be this bight* 9isibility $as atleast a h(nded yads*

I made my $ay %ast the edge "f the %(b t" the aea $hee Da#id had'am%ed* The site $as '"m%letely 'lean* -e had e#en s%ead lea#es and%ine sta$ t" em"#e any sign "f his %esen'e*

T" '"ss $hee I had %lanned& I $"(ld ha#e t" $al! ab"(t f"ty yads in

%lain sight "f the anges. stati"n& $hi'h I '"(ld n"$ see 'lealy*Th"(gh the stati"n.s side $ind"$& t$" "ffi'es $ee b(sy in'"n#esati"n* "ne "se f"m his seat and %i'!ed (% a tele%h"ne*

C"('hing l"$& I %(lled my %a'! (% "n my sh"(ldes and $al!ed "(t "nt"the sandy fl""d $ash that b"deed the steam& and finally int" the$ate itself& sl"shing th"(gh m"(nds "f sm""th i#e st"ne and ste%%ing"#e se#eal de'ayed l"gs* A sym%h"ny "f tee f"g;;& and 'i'!etse(%ted a"(nd me* I glan'ed at the anges again7 b"th $ee stilltal!ing& "bli#i"(s t" my stealth* At its dee%est %"int& the m"deatelys$ift $ate ea'hed my (%%e thigh& b(t in se'"nds I had m"#ed a'"ssthe thity feet "f '(ent and int" a stand "f small %ines&

I 'aef(lly m"#ed f"$ad (ntil I f"(nd the hi!ing %ath leading int" the#alley* T"$ad the east& the %ath disa%%eaed int" the da!ness& and asI staed in that die'ti"n& m"e d"(bts enteed my mind* What $as this

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mystei"(s n"ise that s" $"ied Da#id< What might I st(mble (%"n inthe da!ness "(t thee<

I sh""! "ff the fea* I !ne$ I had t" g" "n& b(t as a '"m%"mise& I$al!ed "nly a half mile int" the f"est bef"e ma!ing my $ay $ell "ffthe %ath int" a hea#ily $""ded aea t" aise the tent and s%end the est"f the night& glad t" ta!e "ff my $et b""ts and let them dy* It $"(ld

be smate t" %"'eed in the daylight*

The ne1t m"ning I a$"!e at da$n thin!ing ab"(t Da#id.s 'y%ti' ema!ab"(t maintaining my int(iti"ns& and as I lay in my slee%ing bag& Ie#ie$ed my "$n (ndestanding "f the Se#enth Insight& %ati'(laly thea$aeness that the e1%eien'e "f syn'h"ni'ity f"ll"$s a 'etainst('t(e* A''"ding t" this Insight& ea'h "f (s& "n'e $e $"! t" 'lea"( %ast damas& 'an identify 'etain 0(esti"ns that define "(%ati'(la life sit(ati"n& 0(esti"ns elated t" "( 'aees&elati"nshi%s& $hee $e sh"(ld li#e& h"$ $e sh"(ld %"'eed "n "( %ath*Then& if $e emain a$ae& g(t feelings& h(n'hes& and int(iti"ns $ill%"#ide im%essi"ns "f $hee t" g"& $hat t" d"& $ith $h"m $e sh"(lds%ea!& in "de t" %(s(e an ans$e*

Afte that& "f '"(se& a '"in'iden'e $as s(%%"sed t" "''(& e#ealingthe eas"n $e $ee (ged t" f"ll"$ s('h a '"(se and %"#iding ne$inf"mati"n that %etained in s"me $ay t" "( 0(esti"n& leading (sf"$ad in "( li#es* -"$ $"(ld maintaining the int(iti"n hel%<

Easing "(t "f my slee%ing bag& I %(lled the tent fla%s a%at and 'he'!ed"(tside* Sensing n"thing (n(s(al& I 'limbed "(t int" the 'is% fall aiand $al!ed ba'! t" the steam& $hee I $ashed my fa'e in the '""l $ate*Afte$ad I %a'!ed (% and headed east again& nibbling "n a gan"la baand !ee%ing myself hidden as m('h as %"ssible in the tall tees thatb"deed the steam* Afte ta#eling %eha%s thee miles& a %e'e%tible$a#e "f fea and ne#"(sness %assed th"(gh my b"dy and I immediately

felt fatig(ed& s" I sat d"$n and leaned against a tee& attem%ting t"f"'(s "n my s("(ndings and gain inne enegy* The s!y $as

'l"(dless and the m"ning s(n dan'ed th"(gh the tees and al"ng theg"(nd a"(nd me* I n"ti'ed a small geen %lant $ith yell"$ bl"ss"msab"(t ten feet a$ay and f"'(sed "n its bea(ty*

Aleady da%ed in f(ll s(nlight& it seemed bighte s(ddenly& its lea#esa i'he geen* A (sh "f fagan'e ea'hed my a$aeness& al"ng $iththe m(sty smell "f lea#es and bla'! s"il*

Sim(ltane"(sly& f"m the tees fa t"$ad the n"th& I head the 'all "fse#eal '"$s* The i'hness "f the s"(nd ama3ed me& b(t s(%isingly I

'"(ldn.t disting(ish thei e1a't l"'ati"n* As I '"n'entated "nlistening& I be'ame f(lly a$ae "f d"3ens "f indi#id(al s"(nds that made(% the m"ning 'h"(s7 s"ngbids in the tees ab"#e me& a b(mblebeeam"ng the $ild daisies at the edge "f the steam& the $ate g(glinga"(nd the "'!s and fallen ban'hes *** and then s"mething else&baely %e'e%tible& a l"$& diss"nant h(m* I st""d (% and l""!ed a"(nd*What $as this n"ise<

I %i'!ed (% my %a'! and %"'eeded east* )e'a(se "f the '(n'hing s"(nd'eated by my f""tste%s "n the fallen lea#es& I had t" st"% and listen#ey intensely t" still hea the h(m* )(t it $as thee* Ahead the$""ds ended& and I enteed a lage mead"$& '"l"f(l $ith $ildfl"$es andthi'!& t$";f""t;tall sage gass that seemed t" g" "n f" half a mile*The bee3e b(shed the t"%s "f the sage in '(ents* When I had alm"stea'hed the edge "f the mead"$& I n"ti'ed a %at'h "f bla'!bey bamblesg"$ing beside a fallen tee* The b(shes st('! me as e1'eedingly

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bea(tif(l& and I $al!ed "#e t" l""! at them m"e 'l"sely& imaginingthat they $ee f(ll "f beies*

As I did this& I e1%eien'ed an a'(te feeling "f d2 #(* Thes("(ndings s(ddenly seemed #ey familia& as th"(gh I had been hee inthis #alley bef"e& eaten beies bef"e* -"$ $as that %"ssible< I satd"$n "n the t(n! "f the fallen tee* /esently&

A '"$ 'i'led ab"#e the tee* At the same m"ment& I '"(ld hea thei'a$ing again& alth"(gh& as bef"e& the l"(dness "f thei 'ies didn.tmat'h the distan'e8 they s"(nded m('h 'l"se*

S%lashing $ate and hissing steam %(lled my attenti"n ba'! t" the 'am%st"#e* )"iling ste$ $as "#efl"$ing "nt" the flame*

I gabbed the %an $ith a t"$el& t(ning "ff the gas $ith the "the hand*When the b"iling s(bsided& I et(ned the %an t" the b(ne and l""!edba'! at the tee in the distan'e* The '"$s $ee g"ne*

I h(iedly ate the ste$& 'leaned (%& and %a'!ed the gea& then headed

int" the 'any"n* As s""n as I %assed the bl(ffs& I n"ti'ed the '"l"shad am%lified* The sage seemed ama3ingly g"lden& and I n"ti'ed& f" thefist time& that it $as %e%%eed $ith h(ndeds "f $ildfl"$es;$hite andyell"$ and "ange* :"m the 'liffs t" the east& the bee3e 'aied thes'ent "f 'eda and %ine*

Alth"(gh I '"ntin(ed t" f"ll"$ the 'ee! (nning n"th& I !e%t my eye "nthe tall tee t" my left $hee the '"$s had 'i'led* When it $asdie'tly $est "f me& I n"ti'ed the 'ee! $as s(ddenly $idening* I mademy $ay th"(gh s"me $ill"$s and 'attails and eali3ed I had '"me t" asmall %""l that fed n"t "nly the 'ee! I $as f"ll"$ing b(t a se'"nd'ee! angling "ff fathe t" the s"(theast* At fist I th"(ght this%""l $as the "ne I had seen in my mind& b(t thee $ee n" $atefalls*

Ahead $as an"the s(%ise7 t" the n"th "f the %""l& the 'ee! had'"m%letely disa%%eaed* Whee $as the $ate '"ming f"m< Then itda$ned "n me that the %""l and the 'ee! I had been f"ll"$ing $ee allfed f"m an en"m"(s (ndeg"(nd s%ing s(fa'ing at this l"'ati"n*

T" my left& fifty feet a$ay& I n"ti'ed a mild ise "n $hi'h ge$ theesy'am"e tees& ea'h m"e than t$" feet in diamete;a

%efe't %la'e t" thin! f" a m"ment* I $al!ed "#e and sn(ggled inam"ng them& sitting d"$n and leaning against the t(n! "f "ne "f thetees* :"m this %es%e'ti#e& the t$" emaining tees $ee si1 " se#enfeet t" my f"nt& and I '"(ld l""! b"th t" the left t" see the '"$ tee

and t" the ight t" "bse#e the s%ing*

The 0(esti"n n"$ $as $hee t" g" f"m hee* I '"(ld $ande f" days$ith"(t seeing any sign "f Chalene* And $hat ab"(t these images<

I 'l"sed my eyes and attem%ted t" bing ba'! the ealie %i't(e "f the%""l and $atefalls& b(t as m('h as I st(ggled& I '"(ldn.t emembe thee1a't details* :inally I ga#e (% and ga3ed "(t again at the gass and$ildfl"$es and then at the t$" sy'am"es ight in f"nt "f me* Theit(n!s $ee a s'aly '"llage "f da! gay and $hite ba!& stea!ed $ithb(sh st"!es "f tan and m(lti%le shades "f ambe* As I f"'(sed "n thebea(ty "f the s'ene& these '"l"s seemed t" intensify and g"$ m"eiides'ent*

I t""! an"the dee% beath and l""!ed "(t again at the mead"$ andfl"$es* The '"$ tee seemed %ati'(laly ill(minated*

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I %i'!ed (% my %a'! and $al!ed t"$ad the tee* Immediately the image"f the %""l and $atefalls flashed a'"ss my mind* This time I tied t"emembe the entie %i't(e* The %""l I sa$ $as lage& alm"st an a'e&and the $ate fl"$ing int" it 'ame in f"m the ea& 'as'ading d"$n aseies "f stee% tea'es*

T$" smalle falls d"%%ed "nly ab"(t fifteen feet& b(t the last d"%%ed"#e a l"ng& thity;f""t bl(ff int" the $ate bel"$*

Again& in the image that 'ame t" mind& I seemed t" be $al!ing (% t" thes'ene& meeting s"me"ne*

The s"(nd "f a #ehi'le t" my left st"%%ed me fimly in my ta'!s* I!neeled d"$n behind se#eal small b(shes* :"m the f"est "n the left agay 2ee% m"#ed a'"ss the mead"$ heading s"(theast* I !ne$ that :"estSe#i'e %"li'y %"hibited %i#ate

#ehi'les this fa int" the $ildeness& s" I e1%e'ted t" see a :"estSe#i'e insignia "n the 2ee%.s d""* T" my s(%ise it $as (nma!ed*

When it $as die'tly in f"nt "f me& fifty yads a$ay& the #ehi'lest"%%ed* Th"(gh the f"liage I '"(ld ma!e "(t a l"ne fig(e inside8 he$as s(#eying the aea $ith field glasses& s" I lay flat and hid myself'"m%letely* Wh" $as he<

The #ehi'le stated (% again and 0(i'!ly #anished "(t "f sight in thetees* I t(ned and sat d"$n& listening again f" the h(m* Stilln"thing* I th"(ght ab"(t et(ning t" t"$n& "f finding an"the $ay t"sea'h f" Chalene* )(t dee% inside I !ne$ thee $as n" altenati#e* Ish(t my eyes& and th"(ght again "f Da#id.s inst('ti"n t" maintain myint(iti"ns& and finally etie#ed the f(ll image "f the %""l and fallsin my mind.s eye* As I g"t t" my feet and headed again t"$ad the '"$tee& I tied t" !ee% the details "f the s'ene in the ba'! "f my mind*

S(ddenly I head the shill 'y "f an"the bid& this time a ha$!* T"my left& fa %ast the tee& I '"(ld baely ma!e "(t he sha%e8 she $asstea!ing had t"$ad the n"th* I in'eased my %a'e& tying t" !ee%the bid in sight f" as l"ng as %"ssible*

The bid.s a%%eaan'e seemed t" in'ease my enegy& and e#en afte shehad disa%%eaed "#e the h"i3"n& I !e%t m"#ing in the die'ti"n she hadbeen flying& $al!ing f" an"the mile and a half "#e a seies "f "'!yf""thills* At the t"% "f the thid hill& I f"3e again& heaing an"thes"(nd in the distan'e& a s"(nd m('h li!e $ate (nning* N"& it $as$atefalling*

Caef(lly I $al!ed d"$n the sl"%e and th"(gh a dee% g"ge that e#"!edan"the e1%eien'e "f de2a #(* I 'limbed the ne1t hill and thee&bey"nd the 'est& $ee the %""l and falls& e1a'tly as I had %i't(edthem;e1'e%t that the aea $as m('h lage and m"e bea(tif(l than I had%i't(ed* The %""l itself $as alm"st t$" a'es& nestled in a 'adle "fen"m"(s b"(ldes and "(t'"%%ings& its 'ystal;'lea $ate a s%a!lingbl(e (nde the aften""n s!y* T" the left and ight "f the %""l $eese#eal lage "a! tees& themsel#es s("(nded by a m(lti'"l"ed aay"f smalle ma%les and s$eet g(ms and $ill"$s*

The fa edge "f the %""l $as an e1%l"si"n "f $hite s%ay and mist& thef"am a''ent(ated by the 'h(ning a'ti"n "f the t$" smalle falls highe(% the idge* I eali3ed thee $as n" (n"ff f"m the %""l* The $ate$ent (ndeg"(nd f"m hee& ta#eling silently t" emege as the s"('e"f the lage s%ing nea the '"$ tee*

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As I s(#eyed the bea(ty "f this sight& the sense "f 2 #( in'eased*The s"(nds& the '"l"s& the s'ene f"m the hill;it all l""!ed e1temelyfamilia* I had been at this l"'ati"n t""* )(t $hen<

I m"#ed d"$n t" the %""l and then $al!ed a"(nd the entie aea& t" theedge t" taste the $ate& (% the 'as'ades t" feel the s%ay f"m ea'h "fthe falls& "#e at"% the lage b"(ldes& $hee I '"(ld t"('h the tees*

I $anted t" immese myself in the %la'e*

:inally I stet'hed "(t "n "ne "f the flatte "'!s t$enty feet ab"#ethe %""l and l""!ed t"$ad the aften""n s(n $ith my eyes 'l"sed&feeling its ays against my fa'e* In that m"ment an"the familiasensati"n s$e%t a'"ss my b"dy;a %ati'(la $amth and egad I hadn.tsensed in m"nths* In fa't& (ntil this instant& I had f"g"tten itse1a't feeling and 'haa'te& alth"(gh it $as %efe'tly e'"gni3able n"$*I "%ened my eyes and t(ned a"(nd 0(i'!ly& 'etain "f $h"m I $as ab"(tt" see*




On a "'! ab"#e my head& half "bs'(ed by an "#ehanging ledge& st""dWil& his hands "n his hi%s& smiling b"adly* -e a%%eaed slightly "(t"f f"'(s& s" I blin!ed had and '"n'entated& and his fa'e 'leaeds"me$hat*

=I !ne$ y"( $"(ld be hee&= he said& nimbly 'limbing "ff the ledge and2(m%ing t" the "'! beside me* =I.#e been $aiting*=

I l""!ed at him in a$e& and he %(lled me int" an emba'e8 his fa'e and

hands l""!ed slightly l(mines'ent b(t "the$ise seemed n"mal*

=I 'an.t belie#e y"(.e hee&= I stammeed* =What ha%%ened $hen y"(disa%%eaed in /e(< Whee ha#e y"( been<=

-e gest(ed f" me t" sit fa'ing him "n a neaby shelf*

=I.ll tell y"( e#eything&= he said& =b(t fist I ha#e t" !n"$ ab"(ty"(* What 'i'(mstan'es b"(ght y"( t" this #alley<=

In detail I t"ld him ab"(t Chalene.s disa%%eaan'e& the ma% "f the#alley& and meeting Da#id* Wil $anted t" !n"$ m"e "f

$hat Da#id had said& s" I t"ld him e#eything I '"(ld emembe ab"(t the'"n#esati"n*

Wil leaned t"$ad me* =-e t"ld y"( the Tenth $as ab"(t (ndestandingthe s%iit(al enaissan'e "n Eath in light "f the "the dimensi"n< Andleaning the t(e nat(e "f y"( int(iti"ns<=

=+es&= I said* =Is that ight<=

-e seemed t" thin! f" a m"ment& then as!ed& =What has been y"(e1%eien'e sin'e enteing the #alley<=

=I immediately stated t" see images&= I said* =S"me $ee "f "thehist"i'al times& b(t then I began t" see e%eated #isi"ns "f this %""l*I sa$ e#eything7 the "'!s& the falls& e#en that s"me"ne $as $aitinghee& alth"(gh I didn.t !n"$ it $as y"(*=

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=Whee $ee y"( in the s'ene<=

=It $as as if I $as $al!ing (% and seeing it*=

=S" it $as a s'ene "f a %"tential f(t(e f" y"(*=

I s0(inted at him* =I.m n"t s(e I f"ll"$*=

=The fist %at "f the Tenth& as Da#id said& is ab"(t (ndestanding "(int(iti"ns m"e f(lly* In the fist nine Insights& "ne e1%eien'esint(iti"ns as fleeting g(t feelings " #ag(e h(n'hes*

)(t as $e gain familiaity $ith this %hen"men"n& $e 'an n"$ gas% thenat(e "f these int(iti"ns m"e 'lealy Thin! ba'! t" /e(* Didn.tint(iti"ns '"me t" y"( as %i't(es "f $hat $as g"ing t" ha%%en& images"f y"(self and "thes at a s%e'ifi' l"'ati"n& d"ing 'etain things&leading y"( t" g" thee< Wasn.t that h"$ y"( !ne$ $hen t" g" t" theCelestine R(ins<

=-ee in the #alley the same thing has been ha%%ening* +"( e'ei#ed amental image "f a %"tential e#ent;finding the falls and meetings"me"ne;and y"( $ee able t" li#e it "(t& binging "n the '"in'iden'e "fa't(ally dis'"#eing the l"'ati"n and en'"(nteing me* if y"( hadsh(gged "ff the image& " l"st faith in l""!ing f" the falls& y"($"(ld ha#e missed the syn'h"ni'ity& and y"( life $"(ld ha#e stayedflat* )(t y"( t""! the image sei"(sly8 y"( !e%t it in y"( mind*=

=Da#id said s"mething ab"(t leaning t" .maintain. the int(iti"n&= Isaid*

Wil n"dded*

=What ab"(t the "the images&= I as!ed& =the s'enes "f an ealie time<And $hat ab"(t these animals< D"es the Tenth Insight tal! ab"(t allthis< -a#e y"( seen the Man(s'i%t<=

With a gest(e "f his hand& Wil $a#ed "ff my 0(esti"ns*

=:ist& let me tell y"( ab"(t my e1%eien'e in the "the dimensi"n& $hatI 'all the Aftelife dimensi"n* When I $as able t" maintain my enegyle#el in /e(& e#en $hen the est "f y"( ge$ feaf(l and l"st y"(#ibati"n& I f"(nd myself in an in'edible $"ld "f bea(ty and 'leaf"m* I $as ight thee in the same %la'e& b(t e#eything $asdiffeent* The $"ld $as l(min"(s and a$ing in a $ay I still 'an.tdes'ibe* :" a l"ng time I 2(st $al!ed a"(nd in this in'edible

$"ld& #ibating e#en highe& and then I dis'"#eed s"mething 0(iteama3ing* I '"(ld $ill myself any$hee "n the %lanet& 2(st by imaging adestinati"n in my mind* I ta#eled e#ey$hee I '"(ld thin! "f& l""!ingf" y"( and J(lia and the "thes& b(t I '"(ldn.t find any "f y"(*

=:inally I began t" dete't an"the ability* )y imaging 2(st a blan!field in my mind& I '"(ld ta#el "ff the %lanet& int" a %la'e "f %(eideas* Thee I '"(ld 'eate anything I $anted 2(st by imaging it* Imade "'eans and m"(ntains and s'eni' #istas& images "f %e"%le $h"beha#ed 2(st as I $anted& all !inds "f things*

And e#ey bit "f it seemed 2(st as eal as anything "n Eath*

=+et in the end& I eali3ed that s('h a '"nst('ted $"ld $as n"t af(lfilling %la'e* J(st 'eating abitaily ga#e me n" inne

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satisfa'ti"n* Afte a $hile& I $ent h"me and th"(ght ab"(t $hat I$anted t" d"* At that time I '"(ld still be'"me dense en"(gh " that I'"(ld tal! $ith m"st %e"%le "f a highe a$aeness* I '"(ld eat andslee%& alth"(gh I didn.t ha#e t"* :inally I eali3ed that I hadf"g"tten ab"(t the thill "f e#"l#ing and e1%eien'ing '"in'iden'es*)e'a(se I $as aleady s" b("yant& I had mista!enly th"(ght that I $asmaintaining my inne '"nne'ti"n& b(t in fa't& I had be'"me t""

'"nt"lling and had l"st my %ath* It is #ey easy t" l"se "ne.s $ay atthis le#el "f #ibati"n& be'a(se it is s" easy and instantane"(s t"'eate $ith "ne.s $ill*=

=What ha%%ened then<= I as!ed*

=I f"'(sed $ithin& l""!ing f" a highe '"nne'ti"n $ith di#ine enegy&2(st the $ay $e.#e al$ays d"ne it* That.s all it t""!8 my #ibati"n"se e#en highe and I began t" e'ei#e int(iti"ns again* I sa$ animage "f y"(*=

=What $as I d"ing<=

=I '"(ldn.t tell8 the image $as ha3y* )(t $hen I th"(ght ab"(t theint(iti"n and maintained it in my mind& I began t" m"#e int" a ne$ aea"f the Aftelife $hee I '"(ld a't(ally see "the s"(ls& g"(%s "f s"(lseally& and $hile I '"(ldn.t e1a'tly s%ea! t" them& I '"(ld #ag(ely %i'!(% "n thei th"(ghts and !n"$ledge*=

=Wee they able t" sh"$ y"( the Tenth Insight<= I as!ed*

-e s$all"$ed had and l""!ed at me as th"(gh he $as ab"(t t" land ab"mbshell* =N"& the Tenth Insight has ne#e been $itten d"$n*=

=What< It.s n"t %at "f the "iginal Man(s'i%t<=


=D"es it e#en e1ist<=

=Oh yes& it e1ists* )(t n"t in the Eathly dimensi"n* This Insighthasn.t made it t" the %hysi'al %lane yet* This !n"$ledge e1ists "nly inthe Aftelife* Only $hen en"(gh %e"%le "n Eath

sense this inf"mati"n& int(iti#ely& 'an it be'"me eal en"(gh ine#ey"ne.s '"ns'i"(sness f" s"me"ne t" $ite it d"$n* That.s $hatha%%ened $ith the fist nine Insights* In fa't& that.s $hat hasha%%ened $ith all s%iit(al te1ts& e#en "( m"st sa'ed s'i%t(es*Al$ays it is inf"mati"n that fist e1ists in the Aftelife& and is

finally %i'!ed (% 'lealy en"(gh in the %hysi'al dimensi"n t" bemanifested by s"me"ne $h" is s(%%"sed t" $ite it d"$n*

That.s $hy these $itings ae 'alled di#inely ins%ied*=

=S" $hy has it ta!en s" l"ng f" s"me"ne t" gas% the Tenth<=

Wil l""!ed %e%le1ed* =I d"n.t !n"$* The s"(l g"(% I $as'"mm(ni'ating $ith seemed t" !n"$& b(t I '"(ldn.t 0(ite (ndestand* Myenegy le#el $as n"t high en"(gh* It has s"mething t" d" $ith the :eathat aises in a '(lt(e that is m"#ing f"m a mateial eality t" atansf"med& s%iit(al $"ld#ie$*=

=Then y"( thin! the Tenth is eady t" '"me in<=

=+es& the s"(l g"(%s sa$ the Tenth '"ming in n"$& bit b

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y bit& all "#e the $"ld& as $e gain a highe %es%e'ti#e that '"mesf"m a !n"$ledge "f the Aftelife* )(t it has t" be gas%ed ins(ffi'ient n(mbes& 2(st as $ith the fist nine& in "de t" "#e'"methe :ea*=

=D" y"( !n"$ $hat the est "f the Tenth is ab"(t<=

=+es& a%%aently 2(st !n"$ing the fist nine isn.t en"(gh* We ha#e t"(ndestand h"$ $e $ill im%lement this destiny* S('h !n"$ledge '"mesf"m gas%ing the s%e'ial elati"nshi% bet$een the %hysi'al dimensi"nand the Aftelife* We ha#e t" (ndestand the bith %"'ess& $hee $e'"me f"m& the lage %i't(e "f $hat h(man hist"y is tying t"a''"m%lish*=

A th"(ght s(ddenly 'ame t" me* =Wait a min(te* Ween.t y"( able t" seea '"%y "f the Ninth Insight< What did it say ab"(t the Tenth<=

Wil leaned t"$ad me* =It said that the fist nine Insights

ha#e des'ibed the eality "f s%iit(al e#"l(ti"n& b"th %es"nally and'"lle'ti#ely& b(t a't(ally im%lementing these Insights& li#ing them& andf(lfilling this destiny e0(ies a f(lle (ndestanding "f the %"'ess&a Tenth Insight* This Insight $"(ld sh"$ (s the eality "f Eath.ss%iit(al tansf"mati"n n"t 2(st f"m the %es%e'ti#e "f the Eathlydimensi"n b(t f"m the %es%e'ti#e "f the Aftelife dimensi"n as $ell*It said $e $"(ld (ndestand m"e f(lly $hy $e $ee (niting thedimensi"ns& $hy h(mans m(st f(lfill this hist"i'al %(%"se& and it$"(ld be this (ndestanding& "n'e integated int" '(lt(e& that $"(ldens(e this e#ent(al "(t'"me* It als" menti"ned the :ea& saying thatat the same time a ne$ s%iit(al a$aeness $as emeging& a ea'ti#e%"lai3ati"n $"(ld als" ise (% in feaf(l "%%"siti"n& see!ing t"$illf(lly '"nt"l the f(t(e $ith #ai"(s ne$ te'hn"l"gies;te'hn"l"gies

e#en m"e dange"(s than the n('lea mena'e;that ae aleady beingdis'"#eed* The Tenth Insight es"l#es this %"lai3ati"n*=

-e st"%%ed ab(%tly and n"dded t"$ad the east* =D" y"( hea that<=

I listened b(t '"(ld hea "nly the falls*

=What<= I as!ed*

=That h(m*=

=I head it ealie* What is it<=

=I.m n"t s(e& e1a'tly* )(t it 'an be head in the "the dimensi"n as$ell* The s"(ls I sa$ seemed #ey dist(bed ab"(t it*=

As Wil s%"!e& I 'lealy sa$ Chalene.s fa'e in the ba'! "f my mind*

=D" y"( thin! the h(m is elated t" this ne$ te'hn"l"gy<= I as!ed&%atially dista'ted*

Wil didn.t ans$e* I n"ti'ed he had an absent l""! "n his fa'e*

=The fiend that y"(.e l""!ing

bl"nd hai< And lage eyes *


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=I 2(st sa$ an image "f he fa'e I staed at him* =S" did I*=

-e t(ned and l""!ed at the falls f" a m"ment& and f"land s%ay f"medma2esti'ly bel"$ his ga3e* The $hite f"am I '"(ld feel the enegyin'easing ba'!g"(nd t" "( '"n#esati"n*

yet&= he said* =)(t be'a(se =+"( d"n.t ha#e en"(gh enegy if I hel%&

and $e b"th f"'(s this %la'e is s" %"$ef(l& I thin! that

f(lly int" the s%iit(al dimensi"n "f y"( fiend.s fa'e& $e 'an m"#es""n and maybe find "(t $hee sle is and $hat.s ha%%ening in

this #alley*= id* =Maybe y"( 'an g" and

=Ae y"( s(e I 'an d" that<= I said I 'an $ait hee f" y"(*= -is fa'e$as fading "(t "f f"'(s*

Wil t"('hed my l"$e ba'!& gi&&ing me enegy& smiling again*

=D"n.t y"( see h"$ %(%"sef(l it IS that $e ae hee< -(man I the

Aftelife and gas% the '(lt(e is beginning t" (ndestand

t" e1%l"e the "the demensi"n* I thin! $e ha#e the "%%"t(nityt"gethe* +"( !n"$ this fels destined*=

ise "f the h(m in the ba'!At that m"ment I n"ti'ed the i" falls* Infa't& I '"(ld feel it in g"(nd& e#en "#e the s"(nd "f tN

my s"la %le1(s*


=The h(m.s getting l"(de&= 9l said* =We ha#e t" g" n Chalene '"(ld be

in t"(ble@=

=What d" $e d"<= I as!ed*

still t"('hing my ba'!* =We ha#e

Wil m"#ed slightly 'l"se& t" e;'eate the image $e e'ei#ed "f y"(fiend*=

=Maintain it<=

=+es* As I said& $e ae leamin.; t" e'"gni3e and belie#e in


"( int(iti"ns at a highe le#el* We all $ant the '"in'iden'es t" '"mem"e '"nsistently& b(t f" m"st "f (s& this a$aeness is ne$ and $e.es("(nded by a '(lt(e that still "%eates t"" m('h in the "lds!e%ti'ism& s" $e l"se the e1%e'tati"n& the faith* +et $hat $e aebeginning t" eali3e is that $hen $e f(lly %ay attenti"n& ins%e'ting thedetails "f the %"tential f(t(e $e.e sh"$n& %(%"sely !ee%ing the imagein the ba'! "f "( minds& intenti"nally belie#ing;$hen $e d" this;then$hate#e $e ae imaging tends t" ha%%en m"e eadily*=

=Then $e .$ill. it t" ha%%en<=

=N"* Remembe my e1%eien'e in the Aftelife* Thee y"( 'an ma!eanything ha%%en 2(st by $ishing it s"& b(t s('h 'eati"n isn.tf(lfilling* The same is t(e "f this dimensi"n& "nly e#eything m"#es

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at a sl"$e ate* On Eath& $e 'an $ill and 'eate alm"st anything $e$ish& b(t eal f(lfillment '"mes "nly $hen $e fist t(ne int" "( innedie'ti"n and di#ine g(idan'e* Only then d" $e (se "( $ill t" m"#et"$ad the %"tential f(t(es $e e'ei#ed* In this sense& $e be'"me'"'eat"s $ith the di#ine s"('e* D" y"( see h"$ this !n"$ledge beginsthe Tenth Insight<

We ae leaning t" (se "( #is(ali3ati"n in the same $ay it is (sed inthe Aftelife& and $hen $e d"& $e fall int" alignment $ith thatdimensi"n& and that hel%s (nite -ea#en and Eath*=

I n"dded& (ndestanding '"m%letely Afte ta!ing se#eal dee% beaths&Wil e1eted m"e %ess(e "n my ba'! and inst('ted me t" e;'eate thedetails "f Chalene.s fa'e* :" a m"ment n"thing ha%%ened& and thens(ddenly I felt a (sh "f enegy& t$isting me f"$ad and %(shing meint" a $ild a''eleati"n*

I $as stea!ing at fantasti' s%eeds th"(gh a m(lti'"l"ed t(nnel "f s"me!ind* :(lly '"ns'i"(s& I $"ndeed $hy I had n" fea& f" $hat I eallyfelt $as a sense "f e'"gniti"n and '"ntentment

and %ea'e& as th"(gh I had been hee bef"e* When the m"#ement st"%%ed&I f"(nd myself in an en#i"nment "f $am& $hite light* I l""!ed f" Wiland eali3ed he $as standing t" my left and slightly behind me*

=Thee y"( ae&= he said& smiling* -is li%s $een.t m"#ing& b(t I '"(ld'lealy hea his #"i'e* I then n"ti'ed the a%%eaan'e "f his b"dy* -el""!ed e1a'tly the same& e1'e%t he seemed t" be '"m%letely ill(minatedf"m $ithin*

I ea'hed "#e t" t"('h his hand and n"ti'ed that my b"dy a%%eaed thesame $ay* When I t"('hed him& $hat I felt $as a field se#eal in'hes"(tside the am I '"(ld see* /(shing hade& I eali3ed I '"(ldn.t

%enetate this enegy8 I "nly m"#ed his b"dy a$ay f"m me*

Wil $as nea b(sting $ith mith* in fa't& his e1%essi"n $as s"h(m""(s that I la(ghed myself*

=Ama3ing& isn.t it<= he as!ed*

=This is a highe #ibati"n than at the Celestine R(ins&= I e%lied* =D"y"( !n"$ $hee $e ae<=

Wil $as silent& ga3ing "(t at "( s("(ndings* We seemed t" be in anen#i"nment that $as s%atial& and $e had a sense "f (% and d"$n& b(t $e$ee s(s%ended m"ti"nless in midai and thee $ee n" h"i3"ns* The

$hite light $as a '"nstant h(e in all die'ti"ns*

:inally Wil said& =This is an "bse#ati"n %"int8 I 'ame hee biefly&$hen I fist imaged y"( fa'e* M"e s"(ls $ee hee*=

=What $ee they d"ing<=

=Obse#ing the %e"%le $h" had '"me "#e afte death*=

=What< +"( mean this is $hee %e"%le '"me ight afte they ha#e died<=


=Why ae $e hee< -as s"mething ha%%ened t" Chalene<=

-e t(ned m"e die'tly t"$ad me* =N"& I d"n.t thin! s"*

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Remembe $hat ha%%ened t" me $hen I began t" image y"(* I m"#ed t" manyl"'ati"ns bef"e $e finally met at the falls*

Thee.s %"bably s"mething $e need t" see hee bef"e $e 'an findChalene* Let.s $ait and see $hat ha%%ens $ith these s"(ls*=

-e n"dded t" "( left& $hee se#eal h(manli!e entities $eemateiali3ing die'tly in f"nt "f (s& at a distan'e "f $hat a%%eaed t"be ab"(t thity feet*

My fist ea'ti"n $as t" be 'a(ti"(s* =Wil& h"$ d" $e !n"$ theiintenti"ns ae fiendly< What if they ty t" %"ssess (s " s"mething<=

-e ga#e me a sei"(s e1%essi"n* =-"$ d" y"( !n"$ if s"me"ne "n Eathis tying t" '"nt"l y"(<=

=I $"(ld %i'! (% "n it* I '"(ld tell that the %es"n $as beingmani%(lati#e*=

=What else<=

=I g(ess they $"(ld be ta!ing enegy a$ay f"m me* I $"(ld feel ade'ease in my sense "f $isd"m& self;die'ti"n*=

=E1a'tly* They $"(ldn.t be f"ll"$ing the Insights* All these%in'i%les $"! the same $ay in b"th dimensi"ns*=

As the entities f"med '"m%letely& I emained 'a(ti"(s* )(t e#ent(allyI felt a l"#ing and s(%%"ti#e enegy emanating f"m thei b"dies& $hi'hseemed t" be '"m%ised "f a $hitish;ambe light that dan'ed andshimmeed in and "(t "f f"'(s* Thei fa'es had h(man 'haa'teisti'sb(t '"(ld n"t be l""!ed at die'tly* I '"(ldn.t e#en tell h"$ many

s"(ls $ee thee* At "ne m"ment& thee " f"( seemed t" be fa'ing (s&then I $"(ld blin! and thee $"(ld be si1& then thee again& all dan'ingin and "(t "f #ie$* O#eall& they l""!ed li!e a fli'!eing& animated'l"(d "f ambe& against the ba'!g"(nd '"l" "f $hite*

Afte se#eal min(tes& an"the f"m began t" mateiali3e be

side the "thes& "nly this fig(e $as m"e 'lealy in f"'(s and a%%eaedin a l(min"(s b"dy simila t" Wil and myself* We '"(ld see that it $asa middle;aged man8 he l""!ed a"(nd $ildly& then sa$ the g"(% "f s"(lsand began t" ela1*

T" my s(%ise& $hen I f"'(sed 'l"sely "n him& I '"(ld %i'! (% "n $hat

he $as feeling and thin!ing* I glan'ed at Wil& $h" n"dded that he $asals" sensing the %es"n.s ea'ti"n*

I f"'(sed again and "bse#ed that& in s%ite "f a 'etain deta'hment andsense "f l"#e and s(%%"t& he $as in a state "f sh"'! at ha#ingdis'"#eed he had died* Only min(tes bef"e& he had been "(tinely2"gging& and $hile attem%ting t" (n (% a l"ng hill& had s(ffeed amassi#e heat atta'!* The %ain had lasted "nly a fe$ se'"nds& and thenhe $as h"#eing "(tside his b"dy& $at'hing a steam "f bystandes (sh(% t" hel% him* S""n a team "f %aamedi's ai#ed and $"!ed fe#eishlyt" bing him ba'!*

As he sat b side his b"dy in the amb(lan'e& he had listened in h"" asthe team leade had %"n"(n'ed him dead* :anti'ally he had attem%tedt" '"mm(ni'ate& b(t n" "ne '"(ld hea*

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At the h"s%ital a d"'t" '"nfimed t" the 'e$ that his heat hadliteally e1%l"ded8 that n" "ne '"(ld ha#e d"ne anything t" sa#e hislife*

/at "f him tied t" a''e%t the fa't8 an"the esisted* -"$ '"(ld he bedead< -e had 'alled "(t f" hel% and had instantly f"(nd himself in at(nnel "f '"l"s that had b"(ght him t" $hee he n"$ st""d* As $e

$at'hed& he seemed t" be'"me m"e a$ae "f the s"(ls and m"#ed t"$adthem& shifting "(t "f f"'(s t" (s& a%%eaing m"e li!e them*

Then ab(%tly he %(lled ba'! t"$ad (s and $as 0(i'!ly s("(nded by an"ffi'e "f s"me !ind& filled $ith '"m%(tes and $all 'hats and %e"%le$"!ing* E#eything l""!ed %efe'tly eal&

e1'e%t the $alls $ee semitans%aent& s" that $e '"(ld see $hat $asha%%ening inside& and the s!y ab"#e the "ffi'e $as n"t bl(e& b(t astange "li#e '"l"*

=-e.s del(ding himself&= Wil said* =-e.s e;'eating the "ffi'e $heehe $"!ed "n Eath& tying t" %etend he hasn.t died*=

The s"(ls m"#ed 'l"se and "thes 'ame (ntil thee $ee d"3ens "f them&all fli'!eing in and "(t "f f"'(s in the ambe light* They seemed t"be sending the man l"#e and s"me !ind "f inf"mati"n I '"(ldn.t(ndestand* Gad(ally the '"nst('ted "ffi'e began t" fade ande#ent(ally disa%%eaed '"m%letely*

The man $as left $ith an e1%essi"n "f esignati"n "n his fa'e& and heagain m"#ed int" f"'(s $ith the s"(ls*

=Let.s g" $ith them&= I head Wil say* At the same m"ment& I felt hisam& " athe& the enegy "f his am& %(shing against my ba'!*

As s""n as I in$adly ageed& thee $as the slight sensati"n "fm"#ement& and the s"(ls and the man all 'ame int" 'leae f"'(s* Thes"(ls n"$ had gl"$ing fa'es m('h as Wil and I did& b(t thei hands andfeet& instead "f being 'lealy f"med& $ee mee adiati"ns "f light* I'"(ld n"$ f"'(s "n the entities f" as l"ng as f"( " fi#e se'"ndsbef"e l"sing them and ha#ing t" blin! t" find them again*

I be'ame a$ae that the g"(% "f s"(ls& as $ell as the de'easedindi#id(al& $as $at'hing an intense %"int "f bight light m"#ing t"$ad(s* It e#ent(ally s$elled int" a massi#e beam that '"#eed e#eything*,nable t" l""! die'tly at the light& I t(ned s" I '"(ld 2(st see thesilh"(ette "f the man& $h" $as staing f(lly at the beam $ith"(ta%%aent diffi'(lty*

Again I '"(ld %i'! (% "n his th"(ghts and em"ti"ns* The light $asfilling him $ith an (nimaginable sense "f l"#e and 'alm %es%e'ti#e* Asthis sensati"n s$e%t "#e him& his #ie$%"int and

!n"$ledge e1%anded (ntil he '"(ld 'lealy see the life he had 2(st li#edf"m a b"ad and ama3ingly detailed %es%e'ti#e*

immediately he '"(ld see the 'i'(mstan'es "f his bith and ealy familylife* -e $as b"n J"hn D"nald Williams t" a fathe $h" $as sl"$intelle't(ally and t" a m"the $h" $as e1temely deta'hed an d absentbe'a(se "f he in#"l#ement in #ai"(s s"'ial e#ents* -e himself hadg"$n (% angy and defiant& an inte"gat" eage t" %"#e t" the $"ldthat he $as a billiant a'hie#e $h" '"(ld maste s'ien'e andmathemati's* -e eaned a d"'t"ate in %hysi's at MIT at aget$enty;thee and ta(ght at f"( %estigi"(s (ni#esities bef"e m"#ing

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"n t" the Defense De%atment and then late t" . a %i#ate enegy'"%"ati"n*

Clealy he had th"$n himself int" this latte %"siti"n $ith t"talaband"n and disegad f" his health* Afte yeas "f fast f""d and n"e1e'ise he $as diagn"sed $ith a 'h"ni' heat '"nditi"n*

An e1e'ise "(tine %(s(ed t"" aggessi#ely had %"#ed fatal*

-e had died in his %ime at age fifty;eight*

At this %"int Williams. a$aeness shifted and he began t" ha#e %"f"(ndeets and se#ee em"ti"nal %ain '"n'ening the $ay he had led hs life*-e eali3ed that his 'hildh""d and ealy family had been set (%%efe'tly t" e1%"se $hat $as aleady his s"(l.s tenden'y t" (se defian'eand elitism t" feel m"e im%"tant* -is main t""l had been idi'(le&%(tting d"$n "thes by 'iti'i3ing thei abilities and $"! ethi' and%es"nality* +et n"$ he '"(ld see that all the tea'hes had been in%la'e t" hel% him "#e'"me this inse'(ity* All "f them had ai#ed at2(st the ight time t" sh"$ him an"the $ay* b(t he had ign"ed them

'"n %letely*

Instead he had 2(st %(s(ed his t(nnel #isi"n t" the end* All the signshad been thee t" 'h""se his $"! m"e 'aef(lly& t" sl"$ d"$n* Thee*$ee a m(ltit(de "f im%li'ati"ns and danges

inheent in his esea'h "f ne$ te'hn"l"gies that he had failed t"'"nside* -e had all"$ed his em%l"yes t" feed him ne$ the"ies& ande#en (nfamilia %hysi'al %in'i%les& $ith"(t e#en 0(esLi"ning thei"igin* The se %"'ed(es $"!ed& and that $as all he 'aed ab"(t&be'a(se they led t" s(''ess& gatit(de& e'"gniti"n* -e had s(''(mbedt" his need f" e'"gniti"n *** again* My G"d& he th"(ght& I.#e failed2(st as I did bef"e*

-is mind ab(%tly shifted t" a ne$ s'ene& an ealie e1isten'e* -e $asin the s"( them A%%ala'hians& nineteenth 'ent(y& a militay "(t%"st* Ina lage tent se#eal men leaned "#e a ma%*

Lantens fli'!eed thei light against the $alls* A '"nsens(s had beenea'hed am"ng all the field "ffi'es %esent7 thee $as n" h"%e f"%ea'e n"$* Wa $as ine#itable& and s"(nd militay %in'i%les di'tatedan atta'!& 0(i'!ly*

As "ne "f the '"mmanding geneal.s t"% t$" aides& Williams had beenf"'ed t" '"n'( $ith the "thes* N" "the 'h"i'e e1isted& he had'"n'l(ded8 disageement $"(ld ha#e ended his 'aee* )esides& he

'"(ldn.t ha#e diss(aded the "thes e#en if he had $anted t"* The"ffensi#e $"(ld ha#e t" be 'aied "(t& li!ely the last ma2" battle inthe easten $a against the Nati#es*

A senty inte(%ted $ith a '"mm(ni'ati"n f" the geneal*

A settle $anted t" see the '"mmande immediately* L""!ing

th"(gh the "%en tent fla%& Williams had seen the fail $hite $"man&%eha%s thity& des%eati"n in he eyes* -e f"(nd "(t late that she$as the da(ghte "f a missi"nay& binging $"d "f a %"ssible ne$ Nati#eAmei'an initiati#e f" %ea'e& an a%%eal that she %es"nally hadneg"tiated at geat is!*

)(t the geneal had ef(sed t" see he& emaining in the tent as shesh"(ted at him& finally "deing he f"m his 'am% at g(n%"int& n"t

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!n"$ing the '"ntent "f he message& n"t $anting t" !n"$* Again Williams!e%t 0(iet* -e !ne$ his '"mmande $as

(nde geat %ess(e& ha#ing aleady %"mised that the egi"n $"(ld be"%ened (% f" e'"n"mi' e1%ansi"n* A $a $as ne'essay if the #isi"n "fthe %"$e b"!es and thei %"liti'al allies $as t" be a't(ali3ed* It$as n"t en"(gh t" let the settles and the Indians 'eate thei "$n

f"ntie '(lt(e* N"& in thei #ie$& the f(t(e had t" be sha%ed andmani%(lated and '"nt"lled f" the best inteests "f th"se $h" made the$"ld se'(e and ab(ndant* It $"(ld be fa t"" fightening andalt"gethe ies%"nsible t" let the little %e"%le de'ide*

Williams !ne$ that a $a $"(ld geatly %lease the ail"ad and '"alty'""ns and the ne$ly emeging "il inteests& and $"(ld& "f '"(se&ens(e his "$n f(t(e as $ell* All he had t" d" $as !ee% his m"(th sh(tand %lay al"ng* And he $"(ld& (nde silent %"test;(nli!e the geneal.s"the %imay aide* -e emembeed l""!ing a'"ss the ""m at his'"lleag(e& a small man $h" lim%ed slightly* N" "ne !ne$ $hy he lim%ed*N"thing $as $"ng $ith his leg* -ee $as the (ltimate yes;man* -e !ne$$hat the se'et 'atels $ee (% t" and he l"#ed it& admied it& $anted

t" be'"me a %at "f it* And thee $as s"mething m"e*

This man& li!e the geneal and the "the '"nt"lles& feaed the Nati#eAmei'ans and $anted them em"#ed n"t 2(st be'a(se "f the Nati#es.alienati"n f"m the e1%anding ind(stial e'"n"my that $as %"ised t""#e(n thei lands* They feaed these %e"%le be'a(se "f s"methingdee%e& s"me teifying and tansf"mati#e idea& !n"$n in its entiety"nly by a fe$ "f the eldes& b(t $hi'h b(bbled (% th"(gh"(t thei'(lt(e and 'alled "(t f" the '"nt"lles8 t" 'hange& t" emembean"the #isi"n "f the f(t(e*

Williams had f"(nd "(t that the missi"nay.s da(ghte had aanged f"the geat medi'ine 'hiefs t" '"me t"gethe in "ne last attem%t t" agee

"n this !n"$ledge& t" find the $"ds t" shae it;"ne last bid t" e1%lainthemsel#es& t" establish thei

#al(e t" a $"ld 0(i'!ly t(ning against them* Williams had !n"$n& dee%$ithin& that the $"man sh"(ld ha#e been head& b(t in the end he hademained silent& and $ith "ne 0(i'! n"d the geneal had %(shed a$ay the%"ssibility "f e'"n'iliati"n and had "deed the battle t" begin*

As $e $at'hed& Williams. e'"lle'ti"n shifted t" a g"ge in the dee%$""ds& site "f the '"ming battle* Ca#aly %"(ed "#e a idge in as(%ise "ffensi#e* The Nati#e Amei'ans "se t" the defense& atta'!ingthe 'a#aly f"m the bl(ffs "n eithe side* A sh"t distan'e a$ay& alage man and a $"man h(ddled am"ng the "'!s* The man $as a y"(ng

a'ademi'& a '"ngessi"nal aide& thee "nly t" "bse#e& teified he $asthis 'l"se t" the battle* It $as $"ng& all $"ng* -is inteest $ase'"n"mi's8 he !ne$ n"thing "f #i"len'e* -e had '"me thee '"n#in'edthat the $hite man and the Indian need n"t be in '"nfli't& that theg"$ing e'"n"mi' s(ge th"(gh the egi"n might be ada%ted& e#"l#ed&integated t" in'l(de b"th '(lt(es*

)eside him in the "'!s $as the y"(ng $"man seen at the militay tentealie* At this m"ment she felt aband"ned& betayed* -e eff"t '"(ldha#e $"!ed& she !ne$& if th"se $ith the %"$e had listened t" $hat $as%"ssible* )(t she $"(ld n"t gi#e (%& she had t"ld heself& n"t (ntilthe #i"len'e st"%%ed* She !e%t saying& =It 'an be healed@ It 'an behealed*=

S(ddenly "n the d"$nsl"%e behind them& t$" 'a#alymen "de had t"$ad asingle Nati#e* I stained t" see $h" it $as& finally e'"gni3ing the

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man as the angy 'hief I had seen in my mind $hen tal!ing t" Da#id& the'hief $h" had been s" #"'al against the $hite $"man.s ideas* As I$at'hed& he t(ned 0(i'!ly and sh"t an a"$ int" the 'hest "f "ne "fhis %(s(es* The "the s"ldie lea%ed f"m his h"se and fell (%"n theNati#e Amei'an*

)"th st(ggled f(i"(sly& the s"ldie.s !nife finally %l(nging dee%

int" the th"at "f the da!e man* )l""d g(shed a'"ss the t"n g"(nd*

Wat'hing the e#ents& the %ani'!ed e'"n"mist %leaded $ith the $"man t"flee $ith him& b(t she m"ti"ned f" him t" stay. t" be 'alm* :" thefist time Williams '"(ld see an "ld medi'ine man beside a tee ne1t t"them& his f"m fli'!eing in and "(t "f f"'(s* At that instant an"thet""% "f 'a#aly 'ested the ise and $as "n t"% "f them& fiingindis'iminately* )(llets t"e th"(gh b"th the man and the $"man* Witha smile the Indian defiantly st""d and $as li!e$ise dest"yed*

At this %"int Williams. f"'(s difted t" a hill that "#el""!ed theentie s'ene* An"the indi#id(al $as l""!ing d"$n "n the battle* -e

$as dessed in b('!s!ins and led a %a'! m(le& a m"(ntain man* -e t(nedf"m the battle and $al!ed d"$n the hill in the "%%"site die'ti"n& %astthe %""l and falls& and then "(t "f sight* I $as ast"(nded7 the battlehad ta!en %la'e ight hee in the #alley& 2(st s"(th "f the falls*

When my attenti"n et(ned t" Williams& he $as eli#ing the h"" "fthe bl""dshed and the hated* -e !ne$ his fail(e t" a't d(ing theNati#e Amei'an $as had set (% the '"nditi"ns and h"%es "f his m"ste'ent life& b(t 2(st as bef"e& he had failed t" a$a!en* -e had beent"gethe again $ith the '"ngessi"nal aide $h" had been !illed $ith the$"man& and still he had failed t" emembe thei missi"n* Williamsintended t" meet the y"(nge man "n a hillt"%& am"ng a 'i'le "f lagetees& and thee his fiend $as s(%%"sed t" a$a!en and g" "n t" find si1

"thes in the #alley& f"ming a g"(% "f se#en* T"gethe the g"(% $ast" hel% es"l#e the :ea*

The idea seemed t" th(st him int" a dee%e e'"lle'ti"n*

:ea had been the geat enemy th"(gh"(t h(manity.s l"ng and t"t("(shist"y& and he seemed t" !n"$ that %esent h(man

'(lt(e $as %"lai3ing& gi#ing the '"nt"lles in this hist"i'al time"ne last "%%"t(nity t" sei3e %"$e& t" e1%l"it the ne$ te'hn"l"gies f"thei "$n %(%"se*

-e seemed t" 'inge in ag"ny* -e !ne$ that it $as temend"(sly

im%"tant f" the g"(% "f se#en t" '"me t"gethe* -ist"y $as %"isedf" s('h g"(%s& and "nly if en"(gh "f them f"med& and "nly if en"(gh"f them (ndest""d the :ea& '"(ld the %"lai3ati"n be dis%elled and thee1%eiments in the #alley ended*

9ey sl"$ly I be'ame a$ae that I $as again in the %la'e "f s"ft& $hitelight* Williams. #isi"ns had ended& and b"th he and the "the entitieshad 0(i'!ly #anished* Afte$ad I had e1%eien'ed a 0(i'! m"#ementba'!$ad that had left me di33y and dista'ted*

I n"ti'ed Wil beside me t" the ight*

=What ha%%ened<= I as!ed* =Whee did he g"<=

=I.m n"t s(e&= he e%lied*

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=What $as ha%%ening t" him<=

=-e $as e1%eien'ing a Life Re#ie$*=


=Ae y"( a$ae "f $hat that is<= he as!ed*

=+eah&= I said* =I !n"$ that %e"%le $h" ha#e had nea;death e1%eien'es"ften e%"t that thei $h"le li#es flash bef"e them*

Is that $hat y"( mean<=

Wil l""!ed th"(ghtf(l* =+es& b(t the in'eased a$aeness "f this e#ie$%"'ess is ha#ing geat im%a't "n h(man '(lt(e* It.s an"the %at "fthe highe %es%e'ti#e %"#ided by a !n"$ledge "f the Aftelife*Th"(sands "f %e"%le ha#e had nea;death e1%eien'es& and as theist"ies ae shaed and tal!ed ab"(t& the eality

"f the Life Re#ie$ is be'"ming %at "f "( e#eyday (ndestanding* We

!n"$ that afte death& $e ha#e t" l""! at "( li#es again8 and $e.eg"ing t" ag"ni3e "#e e#ey missed "%%"t(nity& "#e e#ey 'ase in $hi'h$e failed t" a't* This !n"$ledge is '"ntib(ting t" "( deteminati"nt" %(s(e e#ey int(iti#e image that '"mes t" mind& and !ee% it fimlyin a$aeness* We.e li#ing life in a m"e delibeate $ay* We d"n.t$ant t" miss a single im%"tant e#ent* We d"n.t $ant the %ain "fl""!ing ba'! late and eali3ing that $e ble$ it& that $e failed t" ma!ethe ight de'isi"ns*=

S(ddenly Wil %a(sed& '"'!ing his head as th"(gh heaing s"mething*Immediately I felt an"the 2"lt in my s"la %le1(s and head thediss"nant h(m again* M"ments late the s"(nd faded*

Wil $as l""!ing a"(nd* The s"lid $hite en#i"nment $a&;G shimmeing$ith intennittent stea!s "f d(ll gay*

=Whate#e is g"ing "n is affe'ting this dimensi"n t""@= he& said* =Id"n.t !n"$ if $e 'an maintain "( #ibati"n*=

As $e $aited& the d(ll stea!s gad(ally diminished and the s"lid $hiteba'!g"(nd et(ned*

=Remembe the $aning ab"(t ne$ te'hn"l"gy in the Nintit Insight&= Wiladded& =and Williams.'"mment ab"(t th"se in :ea tying t" '"nt"l thiste'hn"l"gy*=

=What ab"(t this g"(% "f se#en '"ming ba'!<= I as!ed* =Aid th"se#isi"ns that Williams $as ha#ing "f this #alley in the nineteenth'ent(y< Wil& I.#e seen them t""* What d" y"( thin! the& #isi"nsmean<=

Wil.s e1%essi"n ge$ m"e sei"(s* =I thin! all this is $hat $e.es(%%"sed t" be seeing* And I thin! y"( ae %at "f the g"(%*=

S(ddenly the h(m began t" in'ease again*

=Williams said $e fist had t" (ndestand this :ea&= Wi

stessed& =in "de t" hel% es"l#e it* That.s $hat $e ha#e t" d" ne1t8$e ha#e t" find a $ay t" (ndestand this :ea*=

Wil had baely finished his th"(ght $hen an ea;shatteing s"(nd t"e

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th"(gh my b"dy& %(shing me ba'!$ad* Wil ea'hed "(t f" me& his fa'edist"ted and "(t "f f"'(s* I tied t" gab his am& b(t he $ass(ddenly g"ne& and I $as falling d"$n$ad& "(t "f '"nt"l& amid a%an"ama "f '"l"s*




Sha!ing "ff the #etig"& I be'ame a$ae that I $as ba'! at the falls*A'"ss f"m me& (nde a "'!y "#ehang& $as my %a'!& lying e1a'tly $heeI had %la'ed it ealie* I l""!ed a"(nd7 n" sign "f Wil* What hadha%%ened< Whee did he g"<

A''"ding t" my $at'h& less than an h"( had %assed sin'e Wil and I hadenteed the "the dimensi"n& and as I th"(ght ab"(t the e1%eien'e& I$as st('! $ith h"$ m('h l"#e and 'alm I had felt& and h"$ littlean1iety;(ntil n"$* N"$ e#eything a"(nd me seemed d(ll and m(ted*

Weaily I $al!ed "#e and %i'!ed (% my %a'!& fea $elling (% in myst"ma'h* Sensing t"" m('h e1%"s(e in the "%enness "f the "'!s& Ide'ided t" $al! ba'! int" the hills t" the s"(th (ntil I '"(ld de'ide$hat t" d"* When I had 'ested the fist hill and stated d"$n thesl"%e& I s%"tted a small man& %eha%s fifty yeas "ld& $al!ing (% t" myleft* -e had ed hai and a thin g"atee and $"e hi!ing 'l"thes* )ef"eI '"(ld hide& he s%"tted me and headed staight my $ay*

When he ea'hed me& he smiled 'a(ti"(sly and said& =I.m afaid I.mt(ned a"(nd a bit* C"(ld y"( die't me ba'! t" t"$n<=

I ga#e him die'ti"ns s"(th t" the s%ing and then "n t" the main

steam& $hi'h he '"(ld f"ll"$ $est t" the anges. stati"n*

-e a%%eaed elie#ed* =I an int" s"me"ne east "f hee& ealie& $h"t"ld me h"$ t" get ba'!& b(t I m(st ha#e made a $"ng t(n* Ae y"(als" heading t"$ad t"$n<=

L""!ing 'l"sely at the e1%essi"n "n his fa'e& I seemed t" %i'! (% asadness and ange in his %es"nality*

=I d"n.t thin! s"&= I said* =I.m l""!ing f" a fiend $h" is "(t hees"me$hee* What did the %es"n y"( met l""! li!e<=

=It $as a $"man $ith bl"nd hai and bight eyes&= he e%lied*

=She tal!ed a%idly I didn.t 'at'h he name* Wh" ae y"( l""!ing f"<=

=Chalene )illings* Is thee anything else ab"(t the $"man y"( sa$ thaty"( 'an emembe<=

=She said s"mething ab"(t the Nati"nal :"est that made me thin! shemight be "ne "f th"se sea'he ty%es that hang "(t a"(nd hee* )(t I'"(ldn.t tell* She $aned me t" lea#e the #alley She t"ld me she had t"get he gea and then she $as lea#ing als"* She seemed t" thin!s"mething $as $"ng "(t hee& that e#ey"ne $as in dange* She $asa't(ally #ey se'eti#e* :an!ly I didn.t !n"$ $hat she $as tal!ingab"(t*= -is t"ne s(ggested he $as a''(st"med t" s%ea!ing $ithdie'tness*

As fiendly as %"ssible I said& =It s"(nds as if the %es"n y"( met

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'"(ld ha#e been my fiend* Whee did y"( see he e1a'tly<=

-e %"inted t"$ad the s"(th& and t"ld me he had (n int" he ab"(t halfa mile ba'!* She had been $al!ing al"ne and had headed s"(theast f"mthee*

=I.ll $al! $ith y"( as fa as the s%ing&= I said*

I %i'!ed (% my %a'!& and as $e $al!ed d"$n the hill& he as!ed& =If that$as y"( fiend& $hee d" y"( thin! she $as g"ing<=

=I d"n.t !n"$*=

=Int" s"me mysti'al s%a'e& %eha%s< L""!ing f" (t"%ia*= -e $as smiling'yni'ally*

I eali3ed he $as baiting me* =Maybe&= I said* =D"n.t y"( be; , lie#ein the %"ssibility "f (t"%ia<=

=N"& "f '"(se n"t* It.s ne"lithi' thin!ing* Nai#e*=

I glan'ed at him& fatig(e beginning t" "#e$helm me& tying t" end the'"n#esati"n* =J(st a diffeen'e "f "%ini"n& I g(ess*=

-e la(ghed* =N"& it.s fa't* Thee.s n" (t"%ia '"ming* E#eything isgetting $"se "(t thee& n"t bette* E'"n"mi'ally things ae s$inging"(t "f '"nt"l& and e#ent(ally it $ill e1%l"de*=

=Why d" y"( say that<=

=It.s sim%le dem"ga%hi's* :" m"st "f this 'ent(y thee has been alage middle 'lass in the Westen '"(nties& a 'lass $h" ha#e %"m"ted"de and eas"n and 'aied a geneal faith that the e'"n"mi' system

'"(ld $"! f" e#ey"ne*

=)(t this faith is beginning t" '"lla%se n"$* +"( 'an see ite#ey$hee* :e$e %e"%le e#ey day n"$ belie#e in the system& " %layby the (les* And it.s all be'a(se the middle 'lass is shin!ing*Te'hn"l"gi'al de#el"%ment is ma!ing lab" #al(eless and s%litting h(man'(lt(e int" t$" g"(%s7 the ha#es and the ha#e;n"ts& th"se $h" ha#ein#estments and "$neshi% in the $"ld e'"n"my and th"se $h" aeesti'ted t" menial& se#i'e 2"bs* C"(%le this $ith the fail(e "fed('ati"n and y"( 'an see the s'"%e "f the %"blem*=

=That s"(nds a$f(lly 'yni'al&= I said*

=It.s ealisti'* It.s the t(th* :" m"st %e"%le it ta!es m"e andm"e eff"t 2(st t" s(#i#e "(t thee* -a#e y"( seen the s(#eys

"n stess< Tensi"n is "ff the s'ale* N"b"dy feels se'(e& and the$"st hasn.t e#en beg(n yet* /"%(lati"n is e1%l"ding& and as te'hn"l"gye1%ands e#en m"e& the distan'e $ill g"$ bet$een the ed('ated and the(ned('ated& and the ha#es $ill '"nt"l m"e and m"e "f the gl"bale'"n"my& $hile d(gs and 'ime $ill '"ntin(e t" s"a $ith the ha#e;n"ts*

=And $hat d" y"( thin!&= he '"ntin(ed& =$ill ha%%en in the(ndede#el"%ed '"(nties< Aleady m('h "f the Middle East and A 'a isin the hands "f eligi"(s f(ndamentalists $h"se aim is t" dest"y"gani3ed 'i#ili3ati"n& $hi'h they thin! is a satani' em%ie& ande%la'e it $ith s"me !ind "f %e#eted the"'a'y& $hee eligi"(sleades ae in 'hage "f e#eything and they ha#e the san'ti"ned %"$et" '"ndemn t" death th"se they '"nside heeti's& any$hee in the $"ld*

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=What !ind "f %e"%le $"(ld agee $ith this !ind "f b(t'hey in the name"f s%iit(ality< +et they ae in'easing e#ey day*

China still %a'ti'es female infanti'ide& f" e1am%le* D" y"( belie#ethat<

=I.m telling y"(7 la$ and "de and es%e't f" h(man life ae "n thei$ay "(t* The $"ld is degeneating int" a m"b mentality& (led by en#yand e#enge and led by she$d 'halatans& and it.s %"bably t"" late t"st"% it* )(t d" y"( !n"$ $hat< N"b"dy eally 'aes* N"b"dy@ The%"liti'ians $"n.t d" anything* All they 'ae ab"(t is thei %es"nalfiefd"ms& and h"$ t" etain them*

The $"ld is 'hanging t"" fast* N" "ne 'an 'at'h (%& and that ma!es (s2(st l""! "(t f" n(mbe "ne and get $hate#e $e 'an as fast as $e 'an&bef"e it.s t"" late* This sentiment %emeates the $h"le "f'i#ili3ati"n and e#ey "''(%ati"nal g"(%*=

-e t""! a beath and l""!ed at me* I had st"%%ed "n the 'est "f "ne "f

the hills t" #ie$ the im%ending s(nset& and "( eyes met* -e seemed t"eali3e he had g"tten 'aied a$ay $ith

his tiade& and in that m"ment he began t" l""! dee%ly familia t" me* It"ld him my name and he es%"nded $ith his& J"el Li%s'"mb* We l""!ed atea'h "the f" an"the l"ng m"ment& b(t he "ffeed n" indi'ati"n that he!ne$ me* Why had $e met in this #alley<

As s""n as I had f"m(lated that last 0(esti"n in my mind& I !ne$ theans$e* -e $as #"i'ing the #isi"n "f :ea that Williams had menti"ned*A 'hill an th"(gh me* This $as s(%%"sed t" ha%%en*

I l""!ed at him $ith a ne$ sei"(sness* =D" y"( eally thin! things ae

that bad<=

=+es& abs"l(tely&= he e%lied* =I.m a 2"(nalists and y"( 'an see thisattit(de %laying "(t in "( %"fessi"n* In the %ast $e at leastattem%ted t" d" "( 2"b $ith 'etain standads "f integity*

)(t n" l"nge* It.s all hy%e and sensati"nalism* N" "ne.s l""!ing f"the t(th anym"e " tying t" %esent it in the m"st a''(ate $ay*2"(nalists ae l""!ing f" the s'""%& the m"st "(tage"(s%es%e'ti#e;e#ey bit "f dit they 'an dig (%*

=E#en if %ati'(la a''(sati"ns ha#e a l"gi'al e1%lanati"n& they aee%"ted any$ay& f" thei im%a't "n atings and 'i'(lati"n* in a

$"ld $hee the %e"%le ae n(mbed and dista'ted& the "nly thing thatsells is the (nbelie#able* And the %ity is that this !ind "f 2"(nalismis self;%e%et(ating* A y"(ng 2"(nalist l""!s at this sit(ati"n andthin!s that t" s(#i#e in the b(siness he has t" %lay the game* If hed"esn.t& he thin!s he.ll be left behind& (ined& $hi'h is $hat leads t"s";'alled in#estigati#e e%"ts being intenti"nally fa!ed* It ha%%ensall the time*=

We had %"'eeded s"(th and $ee ma!ing "( $ay d"$n the "'!y teain*

=Othe "''(%ati"nal g"(%s s(ffe f"m the same '"nditi"n&= J"el $ent"n* =G"d& l""! at att"neys* /eha%s thee $as a time

$hen being an "ffi'e "f the '"(t meant s"mething& $hen the%ati'i%ants in the %"'ess shaed a '"mm"n es%e't f" the t(th& f"2(sti'e* )(t n" l"nge* Thin! ab"(t the e'ent 'elebity tials

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'"#eed by tele#isi"n* La$yes n"$ d" e#eything they 'an t" s(b#et2(sti'e& intenti"nally& tying t" '"n#in'e 2("s t" belie#e thehy%"theti'al $hen thee is n" e#iden'e;hy%"theti'als that the att"neys!n"$ ae lies;2(st t" get s"me"ne "ff* And "the att"neys '"mment "nthe %"'eedings as th"(gh these ta'ti's ae '"mm"n %a'ti'e andabs"l(tely 2(stified (nde "( system "f la$& $hi'h is n"t t(e*

=,nde "( system& e#ey"ne is entitled t" a fai tial* )(t thela$yes ae beh"lden t" ens(e fainess and '"e'tness& n"t t" dist"tthe t(th and (ndemine 2(sti'e sim%ly t" get thei 'lient "ff at all'"sts* )e'a(se "f tele#isi"n& at least $e.#e been able t" see these'"(%t %a'ti'es f" $hat they e%esent7 sim%le e1%edien'y "n the %at"f tial la$yes t" enhan'e thei e%(tati"ns in " e t" '"mmand highefees* The eas"n they.e s" blatant is that they thin! n" "ne 'aes&and "b#i"(sly n" "ne d"es* E#ey"ne else is d"ing the same thing*

=We.e '(tting '"nes& ma1imi3ing sh"t;tem %"fits instead "f%lanning l"ng;tem& be'a(se inside& '"ns'i"(sly " (n'"ns'i"(sly& $ed"n.t thin! "( s(''ess 'an last* And $e.e d"ing this e#en if $e ha#et" bea! the s%iit "f t(st $e ha#e $ith "thes and ad#an'e "( "$n

inteests at the e1%ense "f s"me"ne else*

=/etty s""n all the s(btle ass(m%ti"ns and ageements that h"ld'i#ili3ati"n t"gethe $ill be t"tally s(b#eted* Thin! $hat $ill ha%%en"n'e (nem%l"yment gets t" a 'etain le#el in the inne 'ities* Cime is"(t "f '"nt"l n"$* /"li'e "ffi'es aen.t g"ing t" !ee% is!ing theili#es f" a %(bli' that d"esn.t n"ti'e any$ay* Why find y"(self "n thestand t$i'e a $ee! getting

gilled by s"me att"ney $h".s n"t inteested in the t(th any$ay& "$"se& $ithing in %ain $hile y"( lifebl""d (ns "(t "n the g"(nd ins"me da! alley s"me$hee& $hen n" "ne 'aes< )ette

t" l""! the "the $ay and d" y"( t$enty yeas as 0(ietly as f

%"ssible& maybe e#en ta!e a fe$ bibes "n the side* And it g"es "n and"n* What.s g"ing t" st"% it<=

-e %a(sed and I glan'ed ba'! at him as $e $al!ed*

=I g(ess y"( thin! s"me s%iit(al enaissan'e is g"ing LO 'hange allthis<= he as!ed*

=I s(e h"%e s"*=

-e st(ggled "#e a fallen tee t" 'at'h (% $ith me* =Listen&= he

'"ntin(ed& =I b"(ght int" this s%iit(ality st(ff f" a $hile& this idea"f %(%"se and destiny and Insights* I '"(ld e#en see s"me inteesting'"in'iden'es ha%%ening in my "$n life* )(t I de'ided it $as all 'a3y*The h(man mind 'an imagine all s"ts "f silly things8 $e d"n.t e#eneali3e $e.e d"ing it* When y"( get ight d"$n t" it& all this tal! "fs%iit(ality is 2(st $eid het"i'*=

I stated t" '"(nte his ag(ment b(t 'hanged my mind* My int(iti"n $ast" hea him "(t fist*

=+eah&= I said* =I g(ess it s"metimes s"(nds that $ay*=

=Ta!e f" instan'e the tal! I.#e head ab"(t this #alley&= he $ent "n*=That.s the !ind "f n"nsense I (sed t" listen t"* This is 2(st a #alleyf(ll "f tees and b(shes li!e a th"(sand "thes*= -e %(t his hand "n alage tee as $e %assed* =+"( thin! this Nati"nal :"est is g"ing t"

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s(#i#e< :"get it* With the $ay h(mans ae %"ll(ting the "'eans& andsat(ating the e'"system $ith manmade 'a'in"geni's& and '"ns(ming %a%eand "the $""d %"d('ts& this %la'e $ill be'"me a gabage bin& li!ee#ey$hee else*

In fa't& n" "ne 'aes ab"(t tees n"$* -"$ d" y"( thin! the g"#enmentgets a$ay $ith b(ilding "ads in hee at ta1%aye e1%ense and then

selling the timbe at bel"$;ma!et #al(e< O

s$a%%ing the best& m"st bea(tif(l aeas f" (ined land s"me$hee else&2(st t" ma!e the de#el"%es ha%%y<

=+"( %"bably thin! s"mething mysti'al is ha%%ening hee in this #alley*And $hy n"t< E#ey"ne $"(ld l"#e f" thee t" be s"mething mysti'alg"ing "n& es%e'ially '"nsideing the diminishing 0(ality "f life* )(tthe fa't is& thee.s n"thing es"tei' ha%%ening* We.e 2(st animals&'eat(es smat en"(gh and (nl('!y en"(gh t" ha#e fig(ed "(t $e.eali#e& and $e.e g"ing t" die $ith"(t e#e !n"$ing any %(%"se* We 'an%etend all $e $ant and $e 'an $ish all $e $ant& b(t that basi'e1istential fa't emains;$e 'an.t !n"$*=

I l""!ed ba'! at him again* =D"n.t y"( belie#e in any !ind "fs%iit(ality<=

-e la(ghed* =If a G"d e1ists& he m(st be an e1'eedingly '(el m"nste"f a G"d* Thee '"(ldn.t be a s%iit(al eality "%eating hee@ -"$'"(ld thee be< L""! at the $"ld* What !ind "f G"d $"(ld design s('ha de#astating %la'e $hee 'hilden die h"ibly by eath0(a!es andsenseless 'imes and sta#ati"n& $hen esta(ants t"ss "(t t"ns "f f""de#ey day<

=Alth"(gh&= he added& =%eha%s that.s the $ay it.s s(%%"sed t" be*/eha%s that.s G"d.s %lan* Maybe the .end times. s'h"las ae '"e't*

They thin! life and hist"y ae all 2(st a test "f faith t" see $h" $ill$in sal#ati"n and $h" $"n.t& a di#ine %lan t" dest"y 'i#ili3ati"n in"de t" se%aate the belie#es f"m the $i'!ed*= -e attem%ted a smile&b(t it 0(i'!ly faded as he difted int" his "$n th"(ghts*

:inally he 0(i'!ened his %a'e t" $al! (% e#en $ith me* We $ee enteingthe sage mead"$ again& and I '"(ld see the '"$ tee a 0(ate "f a milea$ay*

=D" y"( !n"$ $hat these end;times %e"%le eally belie#e is

ha%%ening<= he as!ed* =I did a st(dy "f them se#eal yeas ag"8 they.efas'inating*=

=N"t eally&= I said& n"dding f" him t" g" "n*

=They st(dy the %"%he'ies hidden in the )ible& es%e'ially in the b""!"f Re#elati"n* They belie#e that $e li#e in $hat they 'all the lastdays& the time $hen all the %"%he'ies $ill '"me t(e*

Essentially $hat they thin! is this7 -ist"y is n"$ set (% f" theet(n "f the Chist and the 'eati"n "f the hea#enly !ingd"m "n Eath*)(t bef"e this 'an "''( the Eath has t" s(ffe a seies "f $as&nat(al disastes& and "the a%"'aly%ti' e#ents %edi'ted in theS'i%t(es* And they !n"$ e#ey "ne "f these %edi'ti"ns& s" they s%endthei time $at'hing $"ld e#ents #ey 'l"sely& $aiting f" the ne1te#ent "n the timetable*=

=What.s the ne1t e#ent<= I as!ed*

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=A %ea'e teaty in the Middle East that $ill all"$ the eb(ilding "f theTem%le in Je(salem* S"metime afte that& a''"ding t" them& a massi#ea%t(e $ill begin am"ng t(e belie#es& $h"e#e they ae& and they $illbe snat'hed "ff the fa'e "f the Eath and lifted int" -ea#en*=

I st"%%ed and l""!ed at him* =They thin! these %e"%le $ill begin t"


=+eah& that.s in the )ible* Then '"mes the tib(lati"n& $hi'h is ase#en;yea %ei"d $hen all hell bea!s l""se f" $h"e#e is left "nEath* A%%aently e#eything is e1%e'ted t" fall a%at7 gianteath0(a!es dest"y the e'"n"my8 "'ean le#els dest"y many 'ities8 %l(si"ting and 'ime and the est "f it* And then a %"liti'ian emeges&%"bably in E("%e& $h" "ffes a %lan t" %(ll things ba'! t"gethe& if&"f '"(se& he.s set (% $ith s(%eme %"$e* This in'l(des a 'entali3edele't"ni' e'"n"my $hi'h '""dinates '"mme'e in m"st %ats "f the$"ld* T" %ati'i%ate in this e'"n"my& h"$e#e& and ta!e ad#antage "fthe a(t"mati"n&

"ne has t" s$ea allegian'e t" this leade and ha#e a 'hi% im%lanted in"ne.s hand& th"(gh $hi'h all e'"n"mi' intea'ti"ns ae d"'(mented*

=This Anti'hist at fist %"te'ts Isael and fa'ilitates a %ea'eteaty& then atta'!s late& stating a $"ld $a that (ltimatelyin#"l#es the Islami' nati"ns& R(ssia& and finally China* A''"ding t"the %"%he'ies& 2(st as Isael is ab"(t t" fall& the angels "f G"d S$""%d"$n and $in the $a& installing a s%iit(al (t"%ia that lasts ath"(sand yeas*=

-e 'leaed his th"at and l""!ed at me* =Wal! th"(gh a eligi"(sb""!st"e s"metime and l""! a"(nd8 thee ae '"mmentaies and n"#elsab"(t these %"%he'ies e#ey$hee& and m"e '"ming "(t all the time*=

=D" y"( thin! these end;times s'h"las ae '"e't<=

-e sh""! his head& =I d"n.t thin! s"* The "nly %"%he'y that.s being%layed "(t in this $"ld is man.s geed and '"(%ti"n* S"me di'tat"might ise (% and ta!e "#e& b(t it $ill be be'a(se he sa$ a $ay t" ta!ead#antage "f the 'ha"s;=

=D" y"( thin! this $ill ha%%en<=

=I d"n.t !n"$& b(t I.ll tell y"( "ne thing* If the '"lla%se "f themiddle 'lass '"ntin(es& and the %"" get %""e and the inne 'ities getm"e 'ime;infested and s%ead int" the s(b(bs& and then "n t"% "f that

$e e1%eien'e& say& a seies "f big nat(al disastes and the $h"lee'"n"my 'ashes f" a $hile& $e.ll ha#e bands "f h(ngy maa(des%eying "n the masses and t"tal %ani' e#ey$hee* In the fa'e "f this!ind "f #i"len'e& if s"me"ne '"mes al"ng and %"%"ses a $ay t" sa#e (s&t" staighten things "(t& as!ing "nly that $e s(ende s"me 'i#illibeties& I ha#e n" d"(bt that $e.ll d" it*=

We st"%%ed and dan! s"me $ate f"m my 'anteen* :ifty yads ahead $asthe '"$ tee*

I %e!ed (%8 fa in the ba'!g"(nd I '"(ld dete't the faint diss"nan'e"f the h(m*

J"el.s eyes s0(inted in '"n'entati"n& $at'hing me 'l"sely =What ae y"(heaing<=

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I t(ned a"(nd and fa'ed him* =It.s a stange n"ise& a h(m $e #e been%e'ei#ing* I thin! it may be s"me !ind "f e1%eiment g"ing "n in the#alley*=

=What !ind "f e1%eiment< Wh".s '"nd('ting it< Why 'an.t I hea it<=

I $as ab"(t t" tell him m"e $hen $e $ee inte(%ted by an"the s"(nd*

We listened 'aef(lly*

=That.s a #ehi'le&= I said*

T$" m"e gay Jee%s $ee a%%"a'hing f"m the $est and heading t"$ad(s* We an behind a %at'h "f tall bies and hid& and they %assed$ithin a h(nded yads $ith"(t st"%%ing& heading s"(theast al"ng thesame %ath the ealie 2ee% had f"ll"$ed*

=I d"n.t li!e this&= J"el said* =Wh" $as that<=

=Well& it.s n"t the :"est Se#i'e& and n" "ne else is s(%%"sed t" bedi#ing in hee* I thin! it m(st be the %e"%le in#"l#ed $ith the


-e l""!ed h"ified*

=If y"( $ant&= I said& =y"( 'an ta!e a m"e die't "(te ba'! t" t"$n*2(st head s"(th$est t"$ad that idge in the distan'e*

+"(.ll (n int" the steam afte ab"(t thee;0(ates "f a mile and y"('an f"ll"$ it $est int" t"$n f"m thee* I thin! y"( 'an ai#e bef"eit gets t"" da!*=

=+"(.e n"t '"ming<=

=N"t n"$* I.m g"ing die'tly s"(th t" the steam and $ait a$hile f" myfiend*=

-e tensed his f"ehead* =These %e"%le '"(ldn.t be '"nd('ting ane1%eiment $ith"(t s"me"ne in the :"est Se#i'e !n"$ing ab"(t it*=

=I !n"$*=

=+"( d"n.t thin! y"( 'an d" anything ab"(t this& d" y"(<

This is s"mething big*=

I didn.t es%"nd8 a %ang "f an1iety (shed th"(gh me*

-e listened f" a m"ment and then m"#ed %ast me int" the #alley& $al!ing0(i'!ly* -e l""!ed ba'! "n'e and sh""! his head*

I $at'hed him (ntil he '"ssed the mead"$ and disa%%eaed int" thef"est "n the "the side& then I h(iedly $al!ed t"$ad the s"(th&thin!ing again "f Chalene* What had she been d"ing "(t hee< Whee$as she g"ing< I had n" ans$es*

/(shing had& I ea'hed the steam in ab"(t thity min(tes& The s(n $asn"$ '"m%letely hidden by the band "f 'l"(ds at the $esten h"i3"n& andthe t$ilight 'ast the $""ds in "min"(s gay t"nes* I $as tied anddity& and I !ne$ that listening t" J"el and seeing the Jee%s hadaffe'ted my m""d se#eely* /eha%s I had en"(gh e#iden'e n"$ t" g" t"the a(th"ities8 %eha%s that $as the $ay I '"(ld hel% Chalene m"st*Se#eal "%ti"ns dan'ed th"(gh my head& all ati"nali3ing my et(n t"

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)e'a(se the $""ds "n b"th sides "f the steam $ee thin& I de'ided t"$ade a'"ss and ma!e my $ay int" the thi'!e f"est "n the "the side&alth"(gh I !ne$ that aea $as %i#ate %"%ety*

On'e a'"ss& I st"%%ed ab(%tly& heaing an"the 2ee%& then b"!e int" a

(n* :ifty feet ahead the land "se 0(i'!ly int" a !n"b "f b"(ldes and"(t'"%%ings& t$enty feet high* Climbing 0(i'!ly& I ea'hed the t"% anda''eleated my %a'e& then lea%ed (%"n a %ile "f lage "'!s& intendingt" 2(m% them 0(i'!ly t" the "the side* When my f""t hit the t"%m"st"'!& the h(ge st"ne "lled f"$ad& th"$ing my feet "(t f"m (nde meand stating the $h"le %ile m"#ing* I b"(n'ed "n'e "n my hi% and landedin

a small g(lly& the %ile still t(mbling my $ay* Se#eal "f the "'!s&ea'h t$" " thee feet in diamete& $ee 'aeening d"$n& '"ming s0(aelyf" my 'hest* I had time t" "ll "nt" my left side and aise my ams&b(t I !ne$ I '"(ldn.t get "(t "f the $ay*

Then& "(t "f the '"ne "f my eye& I sa$ a $is%y $hite f"m m"#ing inf"nt "f my b"dy* Sim(ltane"(sly an (n(s(al !n"$ing 'ame "#e me thatthe h(ge "'!s $"(ld s"meh"$ miss* I 'l"sed my eyes and head them'ash "n b"th sides* Sl"$ly I "%ened my eyes and %eeed "(t th"(gh thed(st& $i%ing the dit and "'! 'hi%s f"m my fa'e* The "'!s $ee lyingneatly beside me*

-"$ had that ha%%ened< What $as that $hite f"m<

:" a m"ment I l""!ed a"(nd the s'ene& and then behind "ne "f the "'!sI sa$ a slight m"#ement* A small b"b'at '(b eased a"(nd and l""!eddie'tly int" my eyes* I !ne$ it $as big en"(gh t" ha#e (n a$ay& b(tit $as lingeing& l""!ing at me*

The ising s"(nd "f the a%%"a'hing #ehi'le finally sent the b"b'ats'am%eing int" the $""ds* I 2(m%ed t" my feet and an se#eal m"este%s bef"e landing a$!$adly "n an"the "'!* A b"lt "f th"bbing%ain a'ed th"(gh my $h"le leg as my left f""t ga#e $ay I fell t" theg"(nd and 'a$led the last t$" yads int" the tees* I "lled a"(ndbehind a h(ge "a! as the #ehi'le %(lled (% t" the steam& sl"$ed f" afe$ min(tes& then a'ed a$ay& again t"$ad the s"(theast*

My heat %"(nding& I sat (% and %(lled "ff my b""t t" ins%e't the an!le*It $as aleady beginning t" s$ell* Why this< I th"(ght*

As I slid a"(nd t" stet'h "(t my leg& I "bse#ed a $"man staing at me

f"m ab"(t thity feet a$ay* I f"3e as she $al!ed

t"$ad me*

=Ae y"( all ight<= she as!ed& he #"i'e '"n'ened b(t $ay*

She $as a tall bla'! $"man& %eha%s f"ty& dessed in l""se fittings$eat 'l"thes and tennis sh"es* Stands "f da! hai had

%(lled "(t "f he %"nytail and dangled in the bee3e ab"#e he tem%les*In he hand $as a small geen !na%sa'!*

=I $as sitting "#e thee and sa$ y"( fall&= she said* =I.m a d"'t"*D" y"( $ant me t" ta!e a l""!<=

=I.d a%%e'iate that&= I said di33ily& n"t belie#ing the '"in'iden'e*

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She !nelt d"$n beside me and m"#ed the f""t gently& at the same times(#eying the aea t"$ad the 'ee!* =Ae y"( "(t hee al"ne<=

I t"ld he biefly ab"(t l""!ing f" Chalene& b(t left "(t e#eythingelse* She said she had seen n" "ne "f that des'i%ti"n* As she tal!ed&finally int"d('ing heself as Maya /"nde& I be'ame '"n#in'ed that she

$as '"m%letely t(st$"thy* I t"ld he my name and $hee I li#ed*

When I finished& she said& =I.m f"m Ashe#ille& alth"(gh I ha#e a health'ente& $ith a %atne& a fe$ miles s"(th "f hee*

It.s ne$* We als" "$n f"ty a'es "f the #alley ight hee that 2"insthe Nati"nal :"est*= She %"inted t" the aea $hee $e $ee sitting*=And an"the f"ty a'es (% the idge t" the s"(th*=

I (n3i%%ed a %"'!et "n my hi!ing %a'! and %(lled "(t my 'anteen&

=W"(ld y"( li!e s"me $ate<= I as!ed*

=N" than!s& I ha#e s"me*= She ea'hed inside he "$n %a'!& etie#ed a'anteen& and "%ened the t"%* )(t instead "f din!ing& she s"a!ed asmall t"$el and $a%%ed my f""t& an a'ti"n that made me gima'e in %ain*

T(ning and l""!ing int" my eyes& she said& =+"(.#e definitely s%ainedthis an!le*=

=-"$ badly<= I as!ed*

She hesitated* =What d" y"( thin!<=

=I d"n.t !n"$* Let me ty t" $al! "n it*=

I attem%ted t" stand& b(t she st"%%ed me* =Wait a min(te&= she said*=)ef"e y"( ty t" $al!& analy3e y"( attit(de* -"$ badly d" y"( thin!y"(.e h(t<=

=What d" y"( mean<=

=I mean that #ey "ften y"( e'(%eati"n time de%ends "n $hat y"(thin!& n"t me*=

I l""!ed d"$n at the an!le* =I thin! it '"(ld be %etty bad* If it is&I.ll ha#e t" get ba'! t" t"$n s"meh"$*=

=What then<=

=I d"n.t !n"$* If I 'an.t $al!& I may ha#e t" g" find s"me"ne else t"l""! f" Chalene*=

=D" y"( ha#e any idea $hy this a''ident ha%%ened n"$<=

=N"t eally* Why d"es that matte<=

=)e'a(se& again& #ey "ften y"( attit(de ab"(t $hy an a''ident "illness has ha%%ened has an effe't "n y"( e'(%eati"n*=

I l""!ed at he 'l"sely& $ell a$ae that I $as esisting* /at "f mefelt as th"(gh I didn.t ha#e time f" this dis'(ssi"n ight n"$*

It seemed t"" self;in#"l#ed f" the sit(ati"n* Alth"(gh the h(m had'eased& I had t" ass(me that the e1%eiment $as '"ntin(ing*

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E#eything felt t"" dange"(s and it $as alm"st da! * * * andChalene '"(ld be in teible t"(ble f" all I !ne$*

I $as als" a$ae "f a dee% sense "f g(ilt t"$ad Maya* Why $"(ld I feelg(ilty< I tied t" sha!e "ff the em"ti"n*

=What !ind "f d"'t" ae y"(<= I as!ed& si%%ing s"me $ate*

She smiled& and f" the fist time I sa$ he enegy lift* She hadde'ided t" t(st me t""*

=/emit me t" tell y"( ab"(t the !ind "f medi'ine I %a'ti'e&= she said*=Medi'ine is 'hanging& and 'hanging a%idly* We d"n.t thin! "f the b"dyas a ma'hine anym"e& $ith %ats that e#ent(ally $ea "(t and ha#e t" befi1ed " e%la'ed* We.e beginning t" (ndestand that the health "f theb"dy is detemined t" a geat

degee by "( mental %"'esses7 $hat $e thin! "f life and es%e'ially "f"(sel#es& at b"th the '"ns'i"(s and the (n'"ns'i"(s le#els*

=This e%esents a f(ndamental shift* ,nde the "ld meth"d the d"'t"$as the e1%et and heale& and the %atient the %assi#e e'i%ient& h"%ingthe d"'t" $"(ld ha#e all the ans$es* )(t $e !n"$ n"$ that the inneattit(de "f the %atient is '('ial* A !ey fa't" is fea and stess andthe $ay $e handle it* S"metimes the fea is '"ns'i"(s& b(t #ey "ften$e e%ess it entiely*

=This is the ba#e& ma'h" attit(de7 deny the %"blem& %(sh it a$ay&'"n2(e (% "( he"i' agenda* If $e ta!e this attit(de& then the fea'"ntin(es t" eat at (s (n'"ns'i"(sly* Ad"%ting a %"siti#e "(tl""! is#ey im%"tant in staying healthy& b(t $e ha#e t" engage in thisattit(de in f(ll a$aeness& (sing l"#e& n"t ma'h"& f" this attit(de t"

be '"m%letely effe'ti#e* What I belie#e is that "( (ns%"!en feas'eate bl"'!s " 'im%s in the b"dy.s enegy fl"$& and it.s these bl"'!sthat (ltimately es(lt in %"blems* The feas !ee% manifesting ine#e;geate degees (ntil $e deal $ith them*

/hysi'al %"blems ae the last ste%* Ideally these bl"'!s $"(ld bedealt $ith ealy& in a %e#enti#e $ay& bef"e illness de#el"%s*=

=S" y"( thin! all illness 'an (ltimately be %e#ented " '(ed<=

=+es& I.m s(e $e $ill ha#e l"nge " sh"te life s%ans8 that.s%"bably (% t" the Ceat"& b(t $e d"n.t ha#e t" be si'!& and $e d"n.tha#e t" be the #i'tim "f s" many a''idents*=

=S" y"( thin! this a%%lies t" an a''ident& li!e my s%ain& as $ell as t"illnesses<=

She smiled* =+es& in many 'ases*=

I $as '"nf(sed* =L""!& I d"n.t ha#e time f" this ight n"$*

I.m eally $"ied ab"(t my fiend* I.#e g"t t" d" s"mething@=

=I !n"$& b(t I ha#e a h(n'h this '"n#esati"n $"n.t ta!e

l"ng* If y"( (sh by and disegad $hat I.m saying& y"( may miss themeaning "f $hat is "b#i"(sly 0(ite a '"in'iden'e hee*= She l""!ed at me

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t" see $hethe I had %i'!ed (% "n he efeen'e t" the Man(s'i%t*

=+"(.e a$ae "f the Insights<= I as!ed*

She n"dded*

=What e1a'tly d" y"( s(ggest I d"<=

=Well& the te'hni0(e I.#e had geat s(''ess $ith is this7 fist& $e tyt" emembe the nat(e "f y"( th"(ghts 2(st %i" t" the health%"blem;in y"( 'ase& the s%ain* What $ee y"( thin!ing< What is thefea this %"blem is e#ealing t" y"(<=

I th"(ght f" a m"ment& then said& =I felt afaid& ambi#alent*

The sit(ati"n hee in this #alley seemed m('h m"e siniste than Ith"(ght* I didn.t feel as th"(gh I '"(ld handle it* On the "the hand&I !ne$ Chalene might need hel%* I $as '"nf(sed and t"n "#e $hat t"d"*=

=S" y"( s%ained y"( an!le<=

I leaned t"$ad he* =Ae y"( saying that I sab"taged myself s" I$"(ldn.t ha#e t" ta!e a'ti"n< Isn.t that t"" sim%le<=

=That.s f" y"( t" say& n"t me* )(t #ey "ften it is sim%le*

)esides& the m"st im%"tant thing is n"t t" s%end time defending "%"#ing* J(st %lay $ith it* Ty t" emembe e#eything y"( 'an ab"(t$hee the health %"blem 'ame f"m* E1%l"e f" y"(self*=

=-"$ d" I d" that<=

=+"( ha#e t" 'alm y"( mind and e'ei#e this inf"mati"n*=


=Int(iti#ely& %ayef(lly& h"$e#e y"( '"n'ei#e the %"'ess*=

I esisted again& n"t s(e $hethe I '"(ld ela1 and 'lea my mind*:inally I 'l"sed my eyes& and f" a m"ment my th"(ghts 'eased& b(t thena s(''essi"n "f mem"ies "f Wil and the day.s

e#ents int(ded* I let them g" by and 'leaed my mind again*

immediately I sa$ a s'ene "f myself at age ten& lim%ing a$ay f"m a

t"('h f""tball game& $ell a$ae that I $as fa!ing the in2(y* That.sight@ I th"(ght* I (sed t" fa!e s%ains t" a#"id ha#ing t" %ef"m(nde %ess(e* I had f"g"tten all ab"(t this@

I eali3ed that late I began t" a't(ally h(t the an!le fe0(ently& inall !inds "f sit(ati"ns* As I %"ndeed the mem"y& an"the flash "fe'"lle'ti"n enteed my mind& a 'l"(dy s'ene "f myself in an"the time&feeling '"'!y& '"nfident& im%(lsi#e& then as I $"!ed in a da!&'andlelit ""m& the d"" 'ashed in and I $as dagged a$ay in te"*

I "%ened my eyes and l""!ed at Maya* =Maybe I ha#e s"mething*=

I shaed the '"ntent "f my 'hildh""d mem"y& b(t the "the #isi"n feltt"" #ag(e t" be des'ibed& s" I didn.t menti"n it*

Afte$ad& Maya as!ed& =What d" y"( thin!<=

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=I d"n.t !n"$8 the s%ain seemed the es(lt "f %(e 'han'e*

It.s had t" imagine that the a''ident 'ame f"m this need t" a#"id thesit(ati"n* )esides& I.#e been in $"se sit(ati"ns than this many timesand I didn.t s%ain an an!le* Why did it ha%%en n"$<=

She l""!ed th"(ghtf(l* =Wh" !n"$s< /eha%s n"$ is the time t" seeth"(gh the habit* A''idents& illness& healing& they.e all m"emystei"(s than any "f (s e#e imagined* I belie#e that e ha#e an(ndis'"#eed ability t" infl(en'e $hat ha%%ens t" (s

$ in the f(t(e& in'l(ding $hethe $e ae healthy;alth"(gh& again& the%"$e has t" emain $ith the indi#id(al %atient*

=Thee $as a eas"n that I didn.t "ffe an "%ini"n '"n'ening h"$ badlyy"( $ee h(t* We in the medi'al establishment ha#e leaned thatmedi'al "%ini"ns ha#e t" be "ffeed #ey 'aef(lly*

O#e the yeas the %(bli' has de#el"%ed alm"st a $"shi% "f

d"'t"s& and $hen a %hysi'ian says s"mething& %atients ha#e tended t"ta!e these "%ini"ns t"tally t" heat* The '"(nty d"'t"s "f a h(ndedyeas ag" !ne$ this& and $"(ld (se this %ind%le t" a't(ally %aint an"#ely "%timisti' %i't(e "f any health sit(ati"n* If the d"'t" saidthat the %atient $"(ld get bette& #ey "ften the %atient $"(ldintenali3e this idea in his " he mind and a't(ally defy all "dds t"e'"#e* In late yeas& h"$e#e& ethi'al '"nsideati"ns ha#e %e#enteds('h dist"ti"ns& and the establishment has felt that the %atient isentitled t" a '"ld s'ientifi' assessment "f his " he sit(ati"n*

=,nf"t(nately $hen this $as gi#en& s"metimes %atients d"%%ed deadight bef"e "( eyes& 2(st be'a(se they $ee t"ld thei '"nditi"n $as

teminal* We !n"$ n"$ that $e ha#e t" be #ey 'aef(l $ith theseassessments& be'a(se "f the %"$e "f "( minds* We $ant t" f"'(s this%"$e in a %"siti#e die'ti"n* The b"dy is 'a%able "f mia'(l"(segeneati"n* )"dy %ats th"(ght "f in the %ast as s"lid f"ms aea't(ally enegy systems that 'an tansf"m "#enight* -a#e y"( ead thelatest esea'h "n %aye<

The sim%le fa't that this !ind "f s%iit(al #is(ali3ati"n is beings'ientifi'ally %"#en t" $"! t"tally (ndemines "( "ld %hysi'al m"del"f healing* We.e ha#ing t" $"! "(t a ne$ m"del*=

She %a(sed and %"(ed m"e $ate "n the t"$el a"(nd my an!le& then'"ntin(ed& =I belie#e the fist ste% in the %"'ess is t" identify the

fea $ith $hi'h the medi'al %"blem seems t" be '"nne'ted8 this "%ens (%the enegy bl"'! in y"( b"dy t" '"ns'i"(s healing* The ne1t ste% is t"%(ll in as m('h enegy as %"ssible and f"'(s it at the e1a't l"'ati"n "fthe bl"'!*=

I $as ab"(t t" as! h"$ this $as d"ne& b(t she st"%%ed me*

=G" ahead and aise y"( enegy le#el as m('h as y"( 'an*=

A''e%ting he g(idan'e& I began t" "bse#e the bea(ty a"(nd me and t"'"n'entate "n a s%iit(al '"nne'ti"n $ithin&

e#"!ing a heightened sensati"n "f l"#e* Gad(ally the '"l"s be'amem"e #i#id and e#eything in my a$aeness in'eased in %esen'e* I'"(ld tell that she $as aising he "$n enegy at the same time*

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When I felt as th"(gh my #ibati"n had in'eased as m('h as %"ssible& Il""!ed at he*

She smiled ba'! at me* =O!ay& n"$ y"( 'an f"'(s the enegy "n thebl"'!*=

=-"$ d" I d" that<= I as!ed*

=+"( (se the %ain* That.s $hy it.s thee& t" hel% y"( f"'(s*=

=What< Isn.t the idea t" get id "f %ain<=

=,nf"t(nately that.s $hat $e.#e al$ays th"(ght& b(t %ain is eally abea'"n*=

=A bea'"n<=

=+es&= she said& %essing se#eal l"'ati"ns "n my f""t* =-"$ badly d"esit h(t ight n"$<=

=It.s a th"bbing a'he& b(t n"t t"" bad*=

She (n$a%%ed the t"$el* =:"'(s y"( attenti"n "n the %ain and ty t"feel it as m('h as %"ssible* Detemine its e1a't l"'ati"n*=

=I !n"$ $hee it is* It.s in the an!le*=

=+es& b(t the an!le is a lage aea* Whee e1a'tly<=

I st(died the th"bbing* She $as '"e't* I had been geneali3ing the%ain t" the $h"le an!le* )(t as my leg $as stet'hed "(t $ith the t"es"f my f""t %"inted (%$ad& the %ain $as m"e %e'isely 'enteed in thet"% left %"ti"n "f this 2"int and ab"(t an in'h in$ad*

=O!ay&= I said* =I.#e g"t that*=

=N"$ %la'e all y"( attenti"n "n that s%e'ifi' aea* )e thee $ith all"f y"( being*=

:" a fe$ min(tes I said n"thing* With t"tal '"n'entati"n I

felt this l"'ati"n in my an!le '"m%letely* I n"ti'ed that all the "the%e'e%ti"ns "f my b"dy;beathing& the l"'ati"n "f my hands and ams&sti'!y s$eat "n the ba'! "f my ne'!;faded fa int" the ba'!g"(nd*

=:eel the %ain t"tally&= she eminded*

=O!ay&= I said* =I.m thee*=

=What.s ha%%ening $ith the %ain<= she as!ed*

=I still feel it& b(t it has 'hanged in 'haa'te " s"mething*

It.s be'"ming $ame& less b"thes"me& m"e li!e a tingling*= As

I tal!ed& the %ain began t" ta!e "n its n"mal sensati"n again*

=What ha%%ened<= I as!ed*

=I belie#e that %ain se#es an"the f(n'ti"n bey"nd 2(st telling (s thats"mething is $"ng* /eha%s it als" %"ints "(t e1a'tly $hee thediffi'(lty is& s" that $e 'an f"ll"$ it int" "( b"dies li!e a bea'"n

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and %la'e "( attenti"n and enegy in e1a'tly the ight s%"t* It.salm"st as if b"th the %ain and "( '"n'entated attenti"n 'an.t "''(%ythe same s%a'e* Of '"(se& in 'ases "f se#ee %ain& $hee '"n'entati"nis im%"ssible& $e 'an (se anestheti's t" ease the intensity& alth"(gh Ithin! it.s best t" lea#e s"me %ain s" that the bea'"n effe't 'an be(tili3ed*=


She %a(sed and l""!ed at me*

=What.s ne1t<= I as!ed*

=Ne1t&= she e%lied& =is t" '"ns'i"(sly send highe di#ine enegy int"the e1a't s%"t identified by the %ain& intending that the l"#e $illtansf"m the 'ells thee int" a state "f %efe't f(n'ti"ning*=

I 2(st staed*

=G" ahead&= she said* =Get '"m%letely '"nne'ted again* I.ll g(ide y"(

th"(gh it*=

I n"dded $hen I $as eady*

=:eel the %ain $ith all y"( being&= she began& =and n"$

image y"( l"#e enegy g"ing ight int" the heat "f the %ain& liftingthat e1a't %"int "f y"( b"dy& the at"ms themsel#es& int" a highe#ibati"n* See the %ati'les ta!e a 0(ant(m 2(m% int" the %(e enegy%atten that is thei "%tim(m state* Liteally feel a tinglingsensati"n in that s%"t as the #ibati"n a''eleates*=

Afte %a(sing f" a f(ll min(te& she '"ntin(ed* =N"$& $ith"(t 'hanging

y"( f"'(s "n the %"int "f the %ain& begin t" feel y"( enegy& thetingle& m"#ing (% b"th legs * * * th"(gh y"( hi%s l int" y"(abd"men and 'hest *** and finally int" y"( ne'! and head* :eel y"($h"le b"dy tingling $ith the highe #ibati"n* See e#ey "gan"%eating at "%timal effi'ien'y*=

I f"ll"$ed he inst('ti"ns e1a'tly& and afte a fe$ m"ments my $h"leb"dy felt lighte& m"e enegi3ed* I held that state f" ab"(t tenmin(tes& then "%ened my eyes and l""!ed at Maya*

,sing a flashlight in the da!ness& Maya $as %(tting (% my tent "n aflat aea bet$een t$" %ines* Glan'ing "#e at me& she s aid& =:eelbette<=

I n"dded*

=D" y"( (ndestand the %"'ess s" fa<=

=I thin! s"* I sent enegy int" the %ain*=

=+es& b(t $hat $e did ealie $as 2(st as im%"tant* +"( begin byl""!ing at the meaning "f the in2(y " illness& $hat its "''(en'e is%"inting "(t ab"(t s"me fea in y"( life that is h"lding y"( ba'!&manifesting in y"( b"dy* This is $hat "%ens the fea bl"'! s" that the#is(ali3ati"n 'an %enetate*

=Afte the bl"'! is "%en& then y"( 'an (se %ain as a bea'"n& aising the#ibati"n in that aea and then in y"( entie b"dy*

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)(t finding the "igin "f the fea is #itally im%"tant* When the"igin "f the illness " a''ident is #ey dee%& it "ften e0(ieshy%n"sis " intensi#e '"(nseling*=

I t"ld he ab"(t the medie#al image I had seen "f the d"" being !i'!edin and "f myself being dagged a$ay*

She l""!ed th"(ghtf(l* =S"metimes the ""t "f the bl"'! g"es ba'! a#ey l"ng $ay* )(t as y"( e1%l"e it f(the& and begin t" $"! th"(ghthe fea that is h"lding y"( ba'!& y"( $ill (s(ally dis'"#e a f(lle(ndestanding "f $h" y"( ae& "f $hat y"( '(ent life "n Eath is allab"(t* And this sets the stage f" the last;and& I fimly belie#e& them"st im%"tant;ste% in the healing %"'ess* M"st im%"tant "f all is t"l""! dee%ly en"(gh t" emembe $hat y"( $ant t" d" $ith y"( life* Realhealing ta!es %la'e $hen $e 'an en#isi"n a ne$ !ind "f f(t(e f""(sel#es that e1'ites (s* Ins%iati"n is $hat !ee%s (s $ell* /e"%leaen.t healed t" $at'h m"e T9*=

I l""!ed at he f" a m"ment& then said& =+"( menti"ned that %aye$"!s* -"$ is the best $ay t" %ay f" s"me"ne $h" is n"t $ell<=

=We.e still tying t" fig(e that "(t* It has s"mething t" d" $ith theEighth Insight %"'ess "f sending the enegy and l"#e that fl"$ th"(gh(s f"m the di#ine s"('e t" the %es"n& and at the same time#is(ali3ing that the indi#id(al $ill emembe $hat they eally $ant t"d" $ith thei life* Of '"(se& s"metimes $hat the %es"n emembes isthat it.s time t" ma!e a tansiti"n int" the "the dimensi"n* Whenthat.s the 'ase& $e ha#e t" a''e%t it*=

Maya $as finishing $ith the tent and added& =Als" !ee% in mind that the%"'ed(es I.#e e'"mmended sh"(ld be d"ne in '"n2(n'ti"n $ith the #eybest in taditi"nal medi'ine* If $e $ee nea my 'lini'& I $"(ld ta!ey"( in f" a f(ll e1aminati"n& b(t in this 'ase& (nless y"( disagee& I

s(ggest y"( stay hee t"night* It.s bette if y"( d"n.t m"#e m('h*=

As I $at'hed& she set (% my st"#e& t(ned it "n& and %la'ed a

b"ile '"ntaining fee3e;died s"(% "n the flame* =I.m g"ing ba'! int"t"$n* I need t" get a s%lint f" y"( an!le and s"me "the s(%%lies&2(st in 'ase $e need them& then I.ll hi!e ba'! "(t and 'he'! "n y"(*I.ll bing a adi" t""& in 'ase $e ha#e t" send f" hel%*=

I n"dded*

She %"(ed he 'anteen.s $ate int" mine and l""!ed "#e at me* )ehindhe& the last stea! "f light $as #anishing t"$ad the $est*

=Did y"( say y"( 'lini' $as nea hee<= I as!ed*

=A't(ally it.s "nly ab"(t f"( miles t" the s"(th&= she said& ="#e theidge& b(t thee.s n" $ay t" '"me int" the #alley f"m that die'ti"n*The "nly %ass is the main "ad that '"mes in s"(th "f t"$n*=

=-"$ did y"( ha%%en t" be hee<=

She smiled and l""!ed slightly embaassed* =It.s f(nny* I had a deamlast night ab"(t hi!ing int" the #alley again& and this m"ning Ide'ided I $"(ld d" 2(st that* I.#e been $"!ing had and I g(ess Ineeded s"me time t" efle't "n $hat I.m d"ing at the 'lini'* My %atneand I ha#e a geat deal "f e1%eien'e $ith altenati#e a%%"a'hes&Chinese medi'ine& hebs& yet at the same time& $e ha#e the es"('es "fthe $"ld.s best in taditi"nal medi'ine at "( fingeti%s th"(gh

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'"m%(te* I.d deamed ab"(t this !ind "f 'lini' f" yeas*=

She %a(sed f" a m"ment& then said& =)ef"e y"( sh"$ed (% I $as sittingight "#e thee& and my enegy 2(st sh"t th"(gh the ""f* It seemedas th"(gh I '"(ld see the $h"le st"y "f my life& e#ey e1%eien'e I.#ehad& f"m my ealy 'hildh""d all the $ay (% (ntil this m"ment& stet'hed"(t bef"e me in %lain #ie$*

It $as the 'leaest Si1th Insight e1%eien'e I.#e e#e had*

=All th"se e#ents $ee a %e%aati"n&= she '"ntin(ed* =I ge$

(% in a family $hee my m"the st(ggled $ith 'h"ni' disease all helife& b(t $"(ld ne#e %ati'i%ate in he "$n healing* At the time& thed"'t"s !ne$ n" bette& b(t th"(gh"(t my 'hildh""d& he ef(sal t"e1%l"e he "$n feas iitated me& and I n"ti'ed e#ey bit "f ne$inf"mati"n ab"(t diet& #itamins& stess le#els& meditati"n& and thei"le in health& tying t" '"n#in'e he t" be'"me in#"l#ed* D(ing myad"les'en'e I $as t"n bet$een 2"ining the 'legy and be'"ming a d"'t"*I d"n.t !n"$8 it $as as if I $as di#en t" fig(e "(t h"$ $e (se

insight& faith& t" 'hange the f(t(e& t" heal*

=And my fathe&= she '"ntin(ed* =-e $as s"mething else* -e $"!ed inthe bi"l"gi'al s'ien'es& b(t he ne#e $"(ld e1%lain any "f his es(ltse1'e%t in his a'ademi' %a%es* ./(e esea'h&. he 'alled it* -isass"'iates teated him li!e a g"d* -e $as (na%%"a'hable& the (ltimatea(th"ity* I $as g"$n& and he had died "f 'an'e& bef"e I (ndest""dhis eal inteest;the imm(ne system& and s%e'ifi'ally h"$ '"mmitment ande1'itement $ith life enhan'e the imm(ne system*

=-e $as the fist "ne t" see this elati"nshi%& and that.s $hat all the'(ent esea'h sh"$s n"$* +et I ne#e g"t t" tal! $ith him ab"(t it*At fist I $"ndeed $hy I $"(ld be b"n t" a fathe $h" beha#ed li!e

that* )(t I finally a''e%ted the fa't that my %aents had the e1a't'"mbinati"n "f taits and inteests t" ins%ie my "$n e#"l(ti"n* That.s$hy I $anted t" be $ith them in my ealy life* L""!ing at my m"the& I!ne$ that ea'h "f (s m(st ta!e es%"nsibility f" "( "$n healing* We'an.t 2(st t(n it "#e t" "thes* -ealing in its essen'e is ab"(tbea!ing th"(gh the feas ass"'iated $ith life;feas that $e d"n.t $antt" fa'e;and finding "( "$n s%e'ial ins%iati"n& a #isi"n "f the f(t(e&that $e !n"$ $e.e hee t" hel% 'eate*

=:"m my fathe& I sa$ 'lealy that medi'ine m(st be m"e

es%"nsi#e& m(st a'!n"$ledge the int(iti"n and #isi"n "f the %e"%le $eteat* We ha#e t" '"me d"$n f"m "( i#"y t"$e*

The '"mbinati"n "f the t$" set me (% t" l""! f" a ne$ %aadigm inmedi'ine7 "ne based "n the %atient.s ability t" ta!e '"n"l "f his "he life and t" get ba'! "n the ight %ath* That.s my message& I g(ess&the idea that in$adly $e !n"$ h"$ t" %ati'i%ate in "( "$n healing&%hysi'ally and em"ti"nally* We 'an be'"me ins%ied t" sha%e a highe&m"e ideal f(t(e& and $hen $e d"& mia'les ha%%en*=

Standing (%& she glan'ed at my an!le& then at me* =I.m lea#ing n"$&=she said* =Ty n"t t" %(t any $eight "n y"( f""t* What y"( need is'"m%lete est* I.ll be ba'! in the m"ning*=

I thin! I m(st ha#e l""!ed an1i"(s& be'a(se she !nelt d"$n again and %(tb"th hands "n the an!le* =D"n.t $"y&= she said*

=With en"(gh enegy thee.s n"thing that 'an.t be healedhated *** $a*

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It.s 2(st a matte "f '"ming t"gethe $ith the ight #isi"n*= She %attedmy f""t gently* =We 'an heal this@ We 'an heal this@=

She smiled "n'e& then t(ned and $al!ed a$ay*

I s(ddenly $anted t" 'all "(t and tell he e#eything I had e1%eien'edin the "the dimensi"n and $hat I !ne$ ab"(t the :ea and ab"(t the

g"(% '"ming ba'!& b(t instead I emained 0(iet& fatig(e "#e$helmingme& '"ntent t" $at'h he disa%%ea int" the tees* T"m""$ $"(ld bes""n en"(gh& I th"(ght ***

! be'a(se I !ne$ e1a'tly $h" she $as*


The ne1t m"ning I 2e!ed a$a!e& the shill 'y "f a ha$!& high"#ehead& %(lling me int" a$aeness* :" a fe$ m"ments I listened'aef(lly& imagining he l"fty "lls* She 'ied "ne m"e time thenst"%%ed* I sat (% 0(i'!ly and l""!ed th"(gh the tent fla%8 the day $as'l"(dy b(t $am& and a light bee3e s$ayed the teet"%s*

Ta!ing an A'e bandage f"m my %a'!& I 'aef(lly $a%%ed the an!le&$"!ing the 2"int 'aef(lly and feeling #ey little %ain& then 'a$led"(t "f the tent and st""d (%* Afte a fe$ m"ments I %(t $eight "n myf""t and t""! a tentati#e ste%* The an!le felt $ea!& b(t if I lim%edslightly& it seemed t" s(%%"t me* I $"ndeed7 had Maya.s %"'ed(ehel%ed& " had the an!le n"t been h(t that badly< Thee $as n" $ay t"!n"$*

Digging int" my %a'! again& I etie#ed a 'hange "f 'l"thes& thengabbed the dity dishes f"m the night bef"e* Ca(ti"(sly& alet f"any "dd s"(nd " m"#ement& I made my $ay ba'! t" the steam* When Il"'ated a %la'e $hee I $as shielded f"m

#ie$& I sli%%ed "ff my 'l"thes and enteed the $ate& finding it '"ldand efeshing* I lay thee $ith"(t thin!ing& tying t" f"get thean1iety ising in my g(t& ga3ing "(t at the '"l"s "f the lea#es ab"#emy head*

S(ddenly I began t" e'all a deam f"m the night bef"e* I $as sitting"n a "'! *** s"mething $as ha%%ening *** Wil $as thee *** and"thes* I #ag(ely emembeed a field "f bl(e and ambe* I st(ggled am"ment l"nge b(t '"(ld e'all n"thing m"e*

As I "%ened a b"ttle "f s"a%& I n"ti'ed that the tees and b(shes a"(ndme $ee am%lified in a%%eaan'e* S"meh"$ the a't "f emembeing my

deam had in'eased my enegy* :eeling lighte& I hastily bathed and$ashed "ff the dishes& n"ti'ing as I finished that a lage "'! t" myight l""!ed #ey simila t" the "ne "n $hi'h I $as sitting in my deam*I st"%%ed and ins%e'ted the b"(lde m"e 'l"sely* :lat and ab"(t tenfeet in diamete& its sha%e and '"l" mat'hed e1a'tly*

In a fe$ min(tes I had ta!en d"$n the tent& %a'!ed& and hidden my gea(nde s"me fallen limbs* Then& et(ning t" the "'!& I sat d"$n andtied t" e'all the bl(e field and the e1a't %"siti"n Wil had "''(%iedin the deam* -e had been t" my left and slightly behind me* At thatm"ment a 'lea image "f his fa'e 'ame t" my mind& as in a 'l"se;(%%h"t"* St(ggling t" maintain the e1a't detail& I e;'eated his imageand s("(nded it $ith the bl(e field*

Se'"nds late I felt a %(lling sensati"n in my s"la %le1(s& and then I$as again stea!ing th"(gh the '"l"s* When I st"%%ed& the en#i"nment

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$as %ale bl(e and l(min"(s& and Wil $as beside me*

=Than! G"d y"(.e ba'!@= he said& m"#ing in 'l"se* =+"( be'ame s"dense I '"(ldn.t find y"(*=

=What ha%%ened bef"e<= I as!ed* =Why did the h(m get s" l"(d<=

=I d"n.t !n"$*=

=Whee ae $e n"$<=

=It.s a %ati'(la le#el $hee deams seem t" ta!e %la'e*=

I l""!ed "(t int" the bl(e* N"thing $as m"#ing* =+"(.#e been hee<=

=+es& I 'ame hee bef"e I f"(nd y"( at the falls& alth"(gh at the timeI didn.t !n"$ $hy*=

:" a m"ment $e b"th s(#eyed the en#i"nment again& then Wil as!ed&=What ha%%ened t" y"( $hen y"( $ent ba'!<=

With e1'itement I began t" des'ibe e#eything that had "''(ed&f"'(sing fist "n J"el.s f"e'ast "f en#i"nmental and 'i#il '"lla%se*Wil listened intently& digesting e#ey as%e't "f J"el.s "(tl""!*

=-e $as #"i'ing the :ea&= Wil '"mmented*

I n"dded* =That.s $hat I thin!* D" y"( s(%%"se all "f $hat he said iseally "''(ing<= I as!ed*

=I thin! the dange is that a l"t "f %e"%le ae beginning t" belie#eit.s ha%%ening* Remembe $hat the Ninth Insight said7 as the s%iit(alenaissan'e %"gesses& it m(st "#e'"me a %"lai3ati"n "f :ea*=

I 'a(ght Wil.s eye* =I met s"me"ne else& a $"man*=

Wil listened as I des'ibed my e1%eien'e $ith Maya& %ati'(laly thein2(y t" my an!le and he healing %"'ed(es*

When I finished& he ga3ed int" the distan'e& thin!ing*

=I thin! Maya is the $"man in Williams. #isi"n&= I added*

=The $"man $h" $as tying t" st"% the $a $ith the Nati#e Amei'ans*=

=/eha%s he idea "f healing h"lds the !ey t" dealing $ith the :ea&=

Wil e%lied*

I n"dded f" him t" '"ntin(e*

=This all ma!es sense&= he said* =L""! at $hat has aleady "''(ed*+"( 'ame hee sea'hing f" Chalene and met Da#id& $h" said the Tenth$as a geate (ndestanding "f the s%iit(al enaissan'e ha%%ening "nthis %lanet& an (ndestanding attained by gas%ing "( elati"nshi% t"the Aftelife dimensi"n* -e said the Insight has s"mething t" d" $ith'laifying the nat(e "f int(iti"ns& "f maintaining them in "( minds&"f seeing "( syn'h"nisti' %ath in a f(lle $ay*

=Late& y"( fig(ed "(t h"$ t" maintain y"( int(iti"ns in this $ay andf"(nd me at the falls& and I '"nfimed that maintaining the int(iti"ns&the mental images "f "(sel#es& $as the "%eati#e m"de in the Aftelifeas $ell& and that h(mans ae m"#ing int" alignment $ith this "the

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dimensi"n* S""n afte& $e f"(nd "(sel#es $at'hing Williams. LifeRe#ie$& $at'hing him ag"ni3e "#e n"t emembeing s"mething he had$anted t" d"& $hi'h $as t" '"me t"gethe $ith a g"(% "f %e"%le t" hel%deal $ith this :ea that theatens "( s%iit(al a$a!ening*

=-e says $e ha#e t" (ndestand this :ea in "de t" d" s"mething ab"(tit& and then $e get se%aated and y"( (n int" a 2"(nalist& J"el& $h"

ta!es a l"ng time t" en(n'iate $hat< A feaf(l #isi"n "f the f(t(e* Infa't& a fea "f the '"m%lete dest('ti"n "f 'i#ili3ati"n*

=Then& "f '"(se& y"( ne1t (n int" a $"man $h"se life is all ab"(thealing& and the $ay she fa'ilitates healing is t" hel% %e"%le $"!th"(gh fea bl"'!s by %"dding thei mem"y& hel%ing them t" dis'en$hy they.e "n the %lanet* This emembeing has t" be the !ey*=

A s(dden m"#ement de$ "( attenti"n* An"the g"(% "f s"(ls seemed t"be f"ming ab"(t a h(nded feet a$ay

=They ae %"bably hee t" hel% s"me"ne $ith thei deaming&= Wil said*

I l""!ed had at him* =They hel% (s deam<=

=+es& in a $ay* S"me "the s"(ls $ee hee $hen y"( deamed lastnight*=

=-"$ did y"( !n"$ ab"(t my deam<=

=When y"( $ee 2"lted ba'! int" the %hysi'al& I tied t" find y"( b(t I'"(ldn.t* Then& $hen I $aited& I began t" see y"( fa'e& and m"#edhee* The last time I 'ame t" this %la'e& I '"(ldn.t 0(ite gas% $hat$as "''(ing& b(t n"$ I thin! I (ndestand $hat ha%%ens $hen $e deam*=

I sh""! my head& n"t '"m%ehending*

-e gest(ed "(t t"$ad the s"(ls* =It a%%aently all ha%%enssyn'h"nisti'ally* These beings y"( see %"bably f"(nd themsel#es hee2(st as I did ealie& by '"in'iden'e& and n"$ they.e %"bably $aitingt" see $h" '"mes by in thei deam b"dy*=

The ba'!g"(nd h(m ge$ l"(de and I '"(ldn.t es%"nd* I felt '"nf(sed&di33y* Wil 'ame 'l"se t" me& t"('hing my ba'! again* =Stay $ith me@=he said* =Thee.s s"me eas"n $e need t" a see this*=

I st(ggled t" 'lea my head& then n"ti'ed an"the f"m manifesting inthe s%a'e beside the s"(ls* At fist I th"(ght "the s"(ls $eea%%eaing& b(t then I eali3ed the f"mati"n $as m('h lage than

anything I.d seen bef"e7 a $h"le s'ene $as being %"2e'ted in f"nt "f(s& li!e a h"l"gam& '"m%lete $ith 'haa'tes& setting& and dial"g(e* Asingle indi#id(al seemed t" be at the 'ente "f the a'ti"n& a man#ag(ely familia* Afte a m"ment "f '"n'entati"n I eali3ed that the%es"n bef"e (s $as J"el*

As $e $at'hed& the s'ene began t" (nf"ld& li!e the %l"t "f a m"#ie* Istained t" f"ll"$ al"ng& b(t my head $as still f"ggy8 I '"(ldn.t 0(ite(ndestand $hat $as ha%%ening* As the e%is"de

%"gessed and the dial"g(e be'ame m"e intense& b"th the s"(ls and the2"(nalist m"#ed 'l"se t"gethe* Afte se#eal min(tes the damaseemed t" end& and e#ey"ne disa%%eaed*

=What $as ha%%ening<= I as!ed*

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=The indi#id(al in the 'ente "f the s'ene $as deaming&= Wil said*

=That $as J"el& the man I t"ld y"( ab"(t&= I e%lied*

Wil t(ned t" me in ast"nishment* =Ae y"( s(e<=


=Did y"( (ndestand the deam he 2(st had<=

=N"& I '"(ldn.t 0(ite get it* What ha%%ened<=

=The deam $as ab"(t a $a "f s"me !ind* -e $as fleeing a b"mb;a#aged'ity $ith shells e1%l"ding all a"(nd him& (nning f" his life&thin!ing "f n"thing b(t safety and s(#i#al* When he s(''essf(llye#aded the h"" and 'limbed a m"(ntain t" l""! ba'! at the 'ity& heemembeed that his "des had been t" meet an"the g"(% "f s"ldiesand s(%%ly a se'et %at t" a ne$ de#i'e that $"(ld ma!e the enemy$ea%"ns ina'ti#e* T" his h"" he n"$ eali3ed that be'a(se he hadfailed t" sh"$ (%& the s"ldies and the 'ity $ee being systemati'ally

dest"yed bef"e his eyes*=

=A nightmae&= I '"mmented*

=+es& b(t it has meaning* When $e deam& $e (n'"ns'i"(sly ta#el ba'!t" this slee% le#el& and "the s"(ls '"me and hel% (s*

D"n.t f"get $hat deams d"7 they 'laify h"$ t" handle '(entsit(ati"ns in "( li#es* The Se#enth Insight says t" inte%et deamsby s(%eim%"sing the %l"t "f the deam against the eal sit(ati"n fa'ing(s in life*=

I t(ned and l""!ed at Wil* =)(t $hat "le d" the s"(ls %lay<=

As s""n as I had as!ed that 0(esti"n& $e began t" m"#e again* Wil !e%this hand against my ba'!* When $e st"%%ed& the light $as shifting t" ai'h geen& b(t I '"(ld "bse#e bea(tif(l

$a#es "f ambe 'i'(lating a"(nd (s* When I f"'(sed intently& theambe stea!s be'ame indi#id(al s"(ls*

I glan'ed at Wil& $h" $as smiling b"adly* This l"'ati"n seemed t"'ay an in'eased m""d "f 'elebati"n and 2"y* As I $at'hed the s"(ls&se#eal m"#ed die'tly in f"nt "f (s and 'l"sed t"gethe int" a g"(%*Thei fa'es $ee b"ad and smiling& alth"(gh still had t" f"'(s "n f"any length "f time*

=They.e s" f(ll "f l"#e&= I said*

=See if y"( 'an %i'! (% "n thei !n"$ledge&= Wil ad#ised*

When I f"'(sed "n them $ith this intent& I eali3ed that these s"(ls$ee ass"'iated $ith Maya* In fa't& they $ee e'stati' ab"(t he e'entself;e#elati"ns& es%e'ially he (ndestanding "f the life %e%aati"nhe m"the and fathe had %"#ided* They seemed t" !n"$ that Maya hade1%eien'ed a f(ll Si1th Insight e#ie$ and $as "n the #ege "femembeing $hy she had been b"n*

I t(ned t" fa'e Wil& $h" a'!n"$ledged that he& t""& $as seeing theimages*

At this m"ment I '"(ld hea the h(m again8 my st"ma'h tensed* Wil held

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my sh"(ldes and ba'! tightly* When the s"(nd had 'eased& my #ibati"nfell damati'ally& and I l""!ed "(t at the g"(% "f s"(ls& attem%ting t""%en (% and '"nne't $ith thei enegy in an attem%t t" b""st my "$n* T"my ama3ement they s(ddenly shifted "(t "f f"'(s and m"#ed a$ay f"m met" a ne$ %"siti"n t$i'e as fa a$ay*

=What ha%%ened<= I as!ed*

=+"( tied t" '"nne't $ith them t" in'ease y"( enegy&= Wil e%lied&=instead "f g"ing $ithin and '"nne'ting die'tly t" G"d.s enegy inside*I did this myself "n'e* These s"(ls $"n.t all"$ y"( t" mista!e them f"the di#ine s"('e* They !n"$ s('h an identifi'ati"n $"(ld n"t hel% y"(g"$th*=

I '"n'entated $ithin and my enegy et(ned* =-"$ d" $e get themba'!<= I as!ed*

As s""n as I s%"!e& they et(ned t" thei "iginal %"siti"n*

Wil and I glan'ed at ea'h "the& then he began t" stae intensely at the

g"(%& a l""! "f s(%ise "n his fa'e*

=What ae y"( seeing<= I as!ed*

-e n"dded t"$ad them $ith"(t bea!ing his ga3e& and I f"'(sed "n thes"(l g"(% as $ell& tying t" %i'! (% "n thei !n"$ledge again* Aftese#eal m"ments I began t" see Maya* She $as immesed in the geenen#i"nment* -e feat(es seemed slightly diffeent and $ee gl"$ingbightly& b(t I $as abs"l(tely 'etain it $as he* As I f"'(sed "n hefa'e& a h"l"ga%hi' image a%%eaed in f"nt "f (s;an image "f Maya againin the time "f the nineteenth;'ent(y $a& standing in a l"g 'abin $ithse#eal "the %e"%le& e1'ited ab"(t st"%%ing the '"nfli't*

She seemed t" sense that a''"m%lishing s('h a feat $as 2(st a matte "femembeing h"$ t" attain the enegy* It '"(ld be d"ne "nly if theight %e"%le 'ame t"gethe $ith a '"mm"n intenti"n& she th"(ght* M"stattenti#e $as a y"(ng man $h" $as i'hly dessed* I e'"gni3ed him t"be the lage man $h" $as late !illed $ith he* Ra'ing f"$ad& the#isi"n m"#ed t" he failed attem%t t" s%ea! $ith the amy leades andthen t" the $ildeness& $hee she and the y"(ng man $ee !illed*

As $e $at'hed& she a$a!ened afte he death in the Aftelife ande#ie$ed he lifetime& a%%alled at h"$ single;mindedly& e#en nai#ely&she had %(s(ed he g"al "f st"%%ing the $a* She !ne$ many "f the"thes had been '"e't7 the time $asn.t ight* We had n"t emembeeden"(gh "f the Aftelife !n"$ledge t" a''"m%lish s('h a feat* N"t yet*

Afte the e#ie$& $e sa$ he m"#e int" the geen en#i"nment& s("(ndedby the same g"(% "f s"(ls that $as in f"nt

"f (s n"$* Ama3ingly thee seemed t" be a '"mm"n '"e e1%essi"n in thefa'es th"(gh"(t the g"(%* At a 'etain le#el& beneath thei feat(es&the s"(ls all esembled Maya*

I glan'ed 0(esti"ningly at Wil*

=This is Maya.s s"(l g"(%&= he said*

=What d" y"( mean<= I as!ed*

=It.s a g"(% "f s"(ls $ith $h"m she es"nates 'l"sely&= he said $ithe1'itement* =This ma!es %efe't sense* One "f the 2"(neys I t""!&

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bef"e I f"(nd y"(& $as t" an"the g"(% $h"& in a $ay& l""!ed li!e y"(*I thin! it $as y"( s"(l g"(%*=

)ef"e I '"(ld say anything& thee $as m"#ement in the s"( g"(% inf"nt "f (s* Again& an image "f Maya $as emeging* Still s("(nded byhe g"(% in the geen en#i"nment& she seemed t" be standing 0(ietly inf"nt "f an intense $hite light& simila t" the "ne $e had seen at

Williams. Life Re#ie$* She $as a$ae that s"mething #ey %"f"(nd $asha%%ening* -e ability t" m"#e a"(nd in the Aftelife had diminished&and he attenti"n $as shifting t"$ad Eath again* She '"(ld see he%"s%e'ti#e m"the& ne$ly maied& sitting "n a %"'h& $"ndeing if hehealth $"(ld h"ld (% $ell en"(gh t" ha#e a 'hild*

Maya $as beginning t" eali3e the geat %"gess that '"(ld be a'hie#edif she $ee t" be b"n t" this m"the* The $"man had dee% feas ab"(the "$n health and s" $"(ld geneate an a$aeness "f health iss(es #ey0(i'!ly in the mind "f a 'hild* it $"(ld be the %efe't %la'e t"de#el"% an inteest in medi'ine and healing& and it $"(ldn.t be a!n"$ledge '"ntem%lated "n meely intelle't(al tems& $hee the eg" '"mes(% $ith s"me fan'y the"y and ne#e tests it against the 'hallenges "f

eal life& n"t if she $as g"$ing (% $ith the %sy'h"l"gy "f this $"man*Maya !ne$ that she heself had the tenden'y t" be (nealisti' andfan'if(l& and she had aleady %aid dealy f" s('h bashness* That

$"(ldn.t ha%%en again& n"t $ith the (n'"ns'i"(s mem"y "f $hat had"''(ed in the nineteenth 'ent(y eminding he t" be #ey 'a(ti"(s*N"& she $"(ld g" sl"$& be m"e is"lated& and the en#i"nment establishedby this $"man $"(ld be %efe't*

Wil 'a(ght my eye* =We.e seeing $hat "''(ed $hen she began t"'"ntem%late he '(ent life&= he said*

Maya n"$ en#isi"ned h"$ he elati"nshi% $ith he m"the '"(ld (nf"ld*

She $"(ld g"$ (% e1%"sed t" he m"the.s negati#ity& he feas& hetenden'y t" blame the d"'t"s& $hi'h $"(ld ins%ie he inteest in themindBb"dy '"nne'ti"n and the %atient.s es%"nsibility in healing& andshe $"(ld bing this inf"mati"n ba'! t" he m"the& $h" '"(ld thenbe'"me in#"l#ed in he "$n e'"#ey* -e m"the $"(ld be'"me he fist%atient& and then a !ey s(%%"te& a %ime e1am%le "f the benefits "fthe ne$ medi'ine*

Maya.s f"'(s m"#ed t" the %"s%e'ti#e fathe& sitting ne1t t" the $"man"n the s$ing* O''asi"nally the $"man $"(ld as! a 0(esti"n and he $"(ld(tte a "ne;line ans$e* Mainly he $anted 2(st t" sit and '"ntem%late&n"t t" tal!* -is mind $as #it(ally e1%l"ding $ith esea'h%"ssibilities and e1"ti' bi"l"gi'al 0(esti"ns he !ne$ had ne#e been

%"sed bef"e;m"st %ati'(laly the elati"nshi% bet$een ins%iati"n andthe imm(ne system*

Maya sa$ the ad#antages "f this al""fness* With him& she $"(ld be ablet" $"! th"(gh he "$n tenden'y t" del(de heself8 she $"(ld ha#e t"thin! f" heself and be'"me ealisti'& ight f"m the beginning*E#ent(ally she and he fathe $"(ld be able t" '"mm(ni'ate "n as'ientifi' basis& and he $"(ld "%en (% and %"#ide he $ith a i'hte'hni'al ba'!g"(nd $ith $hi'h t" g"(nd he ne$ meth"ds*

She sa$ 'lealy that he bith t" these %aents '"(ld be e0(allyad#antage"(s f" them* At the same time he %aents

$ee stim(lating an ealy inteest in healing& she $"(ld be stet'hingthem in a destined die'ti"n as $ell7 the m"the t"$ad an a''e%tan'e "fhe %es"nal "le in a#"iding illness& the fathe t"$ad "#e'"ming his

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tenden'y t" hide f"m "thes and t" li#e "nly in his head*

As $e $at'hed& he #isi"n %"'eeded %ast he anti'i%ated bith and int"$hat might ha%%en in 'hildh""d* She sa$ a m(ltit(de "f s%e'ifi' %e"%leai#ing in he life at 2(st the ight m"ment t" stim(late leaning ande1%eien'e* In medi'al s'h""l& 2(st the ight %atients and d"'t"s$"(ld '"ss he %ath t" stim(late an altenati#e "ientati"n in he


-e #isi"n m"#ed t" the meeting "f he 'lini' %atne and theestablishment "f a ne$ m"del "f healing* And then he #isi"n e#ealeds"mething else7 she $"(ld be in#"l#ed in a m"e gl"bal a$a!ening* )ef"e(s& $e sa$ he dis'"#ey "f the insights and then he e(ni"n $ith a%ati'(la g"(%& "ne "f many inde%endent g"(%s that $"(ld begin t"ga#itate t"gethe all "#e the $"ld* These g"(%s $"(ld emembe $h"they $ee at a highe le#el and be inst(mental in "#e'"ming the%"lai3ati"n "f :ea*

She s(ddenly sa$ heself engaged in im%"tant '"n#esati"ns $ith "ne%ati'(la man* -e $as lage& athleti'& 'a%able& and dessed in amy

fatig(es* T" my ama3ement I eali3ed that she !ne$ he $as the man $ith$h"m she had been !illed d(ing the nineteenth 'ent(y* I f"'(sed "nhim intently and e'ei#ed an"the sh"'!* This $as the same man I hadseen in Williams. Life Re#ie$& the $"! '"lleag(e he had failed t" hel%a$a!en*

With this& he #isi"n seemed t" am%lify t" a le#el bey"nd my ability t"'"m%ehend& he b"dy (niting $ith the blinding light behind it* All I'"(ld e'ei#e $as that he %es"nal #isi"n "f $hat she might a''"m%lish$ith this bith $as being en#el"%ed $ithin a lage #isi"n thaten'"m%assed the $h"le hist"y and f(t(e "f

h(man!ind* She seemed t" see he %"ssible lifetime in (ltimate

%es%e'ti#e& sit(ated 'lealy $ithin the f(ll e1%anse "f $hee h(manityhad been and $hee it $as g"ing* I '"(ld sense all this b(t '"(ld n"t0(ite see the images themsel#es*

:inally Maya.s #isi"n seemed t" be "#e& and $e '"(ld see he again inthe geen en#i"nment& still s("(nded by he g"(%* N"$ they $ee$at'hing a s'ene "n Eath* A%%aently he %"s%e'ti#e %aents hadindeed de'ided t" '"n'ei#e a 'hild and $ee '"ming t"gethe in the #eya't "f l"#e that $"(ld ens(e he '"n'e%ti"n*

Maya.s s"(l g"(% had intensified in enegy and n"$ a%%eaed as a lage$hitish s$il "f m"#ing ambe& da$ing its intensity f"m the bightlight in the ba'!g"(nd* I '"(ld sense the enegy myself as a dee%ly

felt& alm"st "gasmi' le#el "f l"#e and #ibati"n* D"$n bel"$& the'"(%le emba'ed& and at the m"ment "f "gasm& a $hitish;geen enegyseemed t" fl"$ f"m the light& %assing th"(gh Maya and he s"(l g"(%&and ente int" the '"(%le* With an "gasmi' (sh& the enegy 'ameth"(gh thei b"dies t"$ad ea'h "the& %(shing the s%em and egg t"$adthei fated (ni"n*

As $e $at'hed& $e '"(ld see the m"ment "f '"n'e%ti"n and the mia'(l"(s2"ining "f the t$" 'ells int" "ne* Sl"$ly at fist& and then m"ea%idly& the 'ells began t" di#ide and diffeentiate& finally f"mingthe sha%e "f a h(man being* When I l""!ed at Maya& I eali3ed that $ithe#ey 'ell di#isi"n& she be'ame m"e ha3y and "(t "f f"'(s* :inally& asthe fet(s mat(ed& she disa%%eaed f"m #ie$ '"m%letely* -e s"(l g"(%emained*

M"e !n"$ledge seemed t" be a#ailable "n $hat $e had 2(st $itnessed& b(t

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I l"st '"n'entati"n and missed it* Then s(ddenly the s"(l g"(% itself$as g"ne and Wil and I $ee left staing at ea'h "the* -e seemedteibly e1'ited*

=What $ee $e $at'hing<= I as!ed*

=it $as the $h"le %"'ess "f Maya.s bith int" he '(ent lifetime&=

Wil e%lied& =held in the mem"y "f he s"(l g"(%*

We g"t t" see it all7 he a$aeness "f %"s%e'ti#e %aents& $hat shefelt might be a''"m%lished& and then the a't(al $ay she $as da$n int"the %hysi'al dimensi"n at '"n'e%ti"n*=

I n"dded f" Wil t" '"ntin(e*

=The a't "f l"#ema!ing itself "%ens (% a %"tal f"m the Aftelife int"the Eathly dimensi"n* The s"(l g"(%s seem t" e1ist in a state "fe1teme l"#e e#en bey"nd $hat y"( and I 'an e1%en en'e& e1teme t" the%"int that it feels "gasmi' in nat(e* Se1(al '(lminati"n 'eates an"%ening int" the Aftelife& and $hat $e e1%eien'e as "gasm is 2(st a

glim%se "f the Aftelife le#el "f l"#e and #ibati"n as the %"tal is"%ened and the enegy (shes th"(gh& %"tentially binging in a ne$s"(l* We $at'hed that ha%%en* Se1(al (ni"n is a h"ly m"ment in $hi'h a%at "f -ea#en fl"$s int" the Eath*=

I n"dded& thin!ing ab"(t the im%li'ati"ns "f $hat $e had seen& thensaid& =Maya seemed t" !n"$ h"$ he life '"(ld t(n "(t if she $as b"nt" these %ati'(la %aents*=

=+es& a%%aently& bef"e $e ae b"n& ea'h "f (s e1%eien'es a #isi"n "f$hat "( life 'an be& '"m%lete $ith efle'ti"ns "n "( %aents and "n"( tenden'ies t" engage in %ati'(la '"nt"l damas& e#en h"$ $e might$"! th"(gh these damas $ith these %aents and g" "n t" be %e%aed

f" $hat $e $ant t" a''"m%lish*=

=I sa$ m"st "f that&= I said& =b(t it seemed stange* )ased "n $hat shet"ld me ab"(t he eal life& he %e;life #isi"n $as m"e ideal than$hat eally ha%%ened;f" instan'e& he elati"nshi% t" he family* Itdidn.t e1a'tly t(n "(t the $ay she $anted* -e m"the ne#e (ndest""dMaya& " fa'ed he "$n illness& and he


fathe $as s" al""f she ne#e !ne$ $hat he $as esea'hing (ntil aftehis death*=

=)(t that ma!es sense&= Wil said* =The #isi"n a%%aently is an idealg(ide f" $hat "( highest self intends t" ha%%en in life& the best;'ases'enai"& s" t" s%ea!& if all "f (s $ee f"ll"$ing "( int(iti"ns%efe'tly* What a't(ally "''(s is an a%%"1imati"n "f this #isi"n& thebest e#ey"ne 'an d" (nde the a't(al 'i'(mstan'es* )(t all this ism"e Tenth Insight inf"mati"n ab"(t the Aftelife that 'laifies "(s%iit(al e1%eien'e "n Eath& %ati'(laly the %e'e%ti"n "f'"in'iden'es& and h"$ syn'h"ni'ity eally "%eates*

=When $e ha#e an int(iti"n " a deam t" %(s(e a %ati'(la '"(se in"( li#es and $e f"ll"$ this g(idan'e& 'etain e#ents tans%ie thatfeel li!e magi' '"in'iden'es* We feel m"e ali#e and e1'ited* Thee#ents seem destined& as th"(gh they $ee s(%%"sed t" ha%%en*

=What $e 2(st sa$ %(ts all this int" a highe %es%e'ti#e*

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When $e ha#e an int(iti"n& a mental image "f a %"ssible f(t(e& $e.ea't(ally getting flashes "f mem"y "f "( )ith 9isi"n& $hat $e $antedt" be d"ing $ith "( li#es at that %ati'(la %"int "n "( 2"(ney* Itmay n"t be e1a't& be'a(se %e"%le ha#e fee $ill& b(t $hen s"methingha%%ens that is 'l"se t" "( "iginal #isi"n& $e feel ins%ied be'a(se$e e'"gni3e that $e ae "n a %ath "f destiny that $e intended allal"ng*=

=)(t h"$ d"es "( s"(l g"(% fit in<=

=We.e '"nne'ted $ith them* They !n"$ (s* They shae "( )ith9isi"ns& f"ll"$ (s th"(gh life& and afte$ad stay $ith (s

;i $hile $e e#ie$ $hat ha%%ened* They a't as a ese#"i f" "(

mem"ies& maintaining the !n"$ledge "f $h" $e ae as $e


-e %a(sed m"mentaily& l""!ing staight int" my eyes* =And

a%%aently& $hen $e.e in the Aftelife& and "ne "f them is b"n int"the %hysi'al dimensi"n& $e a't in the same 'a%a'ity t"$ad them* Webe'"me %at "f the s"(l g"(% that s(%%"ts them&=

=S" $hile $e ae "n Eath&= I '"mmented& ="( s"(l g"(%s gi#e (s "(int(iti"n and die'ti"n<=

=N"& n"t at all* 2(dging f"m $hat I '"(ld %i'! (% f"m the s"(l g"(%sI.#e seen& the int(iti"ns and deams ae "( "$n& '"ming f"m a highe'"nne'ti"n $ith the di#ine* The s"(l g"(%s 2(st send (s e1ta enegyand (%lift (s in a %ati'(la manne;a manne that I ha#en.t been ablet" %in%"int* )y (%lifting (s in this $ay& they hel% (s t" m"e eadily

emembe $hat $e aleady !ne$*=

I $as fas'inated* =S" that e1%lains $hat $as ha%%ening $ith my deamand J"el.s*=

&&+es* When $e deam& $e e(nite $ith "( s"(l g"(%& and that 2"gs "(mem"y "f $hat $e eally $anted t" d" in "( '(ent life sit(ati"n* Weget glim%ses "f "( "iginal intenti"n

Then $hen $e et(n t" the %hysi'al& $e etain that mem"y& alth"(gh itis s"metimes e1%essed in a'hety%al symb"ls* In the 'ase "f y"(deam& be'a(se y"( ae m"e "%en t" s%iit(al meaning& y"( '"(ldemembe the deam inf"mati"n in #ey liteal tems* +"( e'alled that

in y"( "iginal intenti"n& y"( sa$ (s finding ea'h "the again $hen y"(imaged my fa'e& and s" y"( deamed alm"st e1a'tly that*

=J"el& "n the "the hand& $as less "%en8 his deam 'ame th"(gh in am"e gabled& symb"li' fashi"n* -is mem"y $as f(33y& and his '"ns'i"(smind fashi"ned the message in the symb"lism "f a $a& '"n#eying t" him"nly the geneal message that in his )ith 9isi"n he intended t" stayand hel% $ith the '(ent %"blem in the #alley& ma!ing it 'lea that ifhe an a$ay he $"(ld eget it*=

=S" the s"(l g"(%s ae al$ays sending (s enegy&= I said& and h"%ing $e$ill emembe "( )ith 9isi"ns<=

=That.s ight*=

=And that.s $hy Maya.s g"(% $as s" ha%%y<=

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=N"& y"( $een.t8 I.#e been l""!ing d"$n thee*= She staed at me f" am"ment& then glan'ed at my f""t* =-"$.s that an!le<=

I managed a smile* =It.s fine* Listen& I.#e g"t t" tal! t" y"( ab"(ts"mething*=

=I ha#e t" s%ea! $ith y"( t""* Thee.s s"mething #ey stangeha%%ening* One "f the :"est Se#i'e agents sa$ me $al!ing int" t"$nlast night& and I t"ld him ab"(t y"( sit(ati"n* -e seemed t" $ant t"!ee% it 0(iet& and he insisted "n sending a t('! t" get y"( thism"ning* I t"ld him y"( geneal l"'ati"n& and he made me %"mise t"ide "(t hee $ith him this m"ning* S"mething ab"(t the $ay he $astal!ing felt s" "dd& I de'ided t" hi!e (% ahead "f him instead& b(the.ll %"bably be hee any min(te*=

=Then $e need t" g"&= I said& s'ambling t" %a'!*

=Wait a min(te@ Tell me $hat is ha%%ening*= She l""!ed %ani'!ed*

I st"%%ed and fa'ed he* =S"me"ne;I d"n.t !n"$ $h" it is;is d"ing s"me!ind "f e1%eiment " s"mething li!e that hee in the #alley* I thin!my fiend Chalene is in#"l#ed s"meh"$& " may be in dange* S"me"ne inthe :"est Se#i'e m(st ha#e se'etly a%%"#ed this*=

She staed& tying t" ta!e it all in*

I %i'!ed (% my %a'! and t""! he hand* =Wal! $ith me f" a $hile*/lease* Thee.s m"e I need t" tell y"(*=

She n"dded and gabbed he %a'!& and as $e $al!ed east

al"ng the edge "f the steam& I t"ld he the $h"le st"y& f"m meeting

Da#id and Wil t" seeing Williams. Life Re#ie$ and hstening t" J"el* WhenI 'ame t" the %at ab"(t he )ith 9isi"n& I m"#ed "#e t" s"me "'!sand sat d"$n* She leaned against a tee t" my ight*

=+"(.e in#"l#ed in this t""&= I said* =Ob#i"(sly y"( aleady !n"$ thaty"( life is s(%%"sed t" be ab"(t int"d('ing altenati#e te'hni0(es "fhealing& b(t thee.s m"e that y"( intended t" d"* +"(.e s(%%"sed t"be %at "f this g"(% that Williams sa$ '"ming t"gethe*=

=-"$ d" y"( !n"$ all that<=

=Wil and I sa$ y"( )ith 9isi"n*=

She sh""! he head and 'l"sed he eyes*

=Maya& ea'h "f (s '"mes hee $ith a #isi"n "f h"$ "( li#es 'an be& $hat$e $ant t" d"* The int(iti"ns $e ha#e& the deams and '"in'iden'es&they.e all designed t" !ee% (s "n the ight %ath& t" bing ba'! "(mem"y "f h"$ $e $anted "( li#es t" (nf"ld*=

=And $hat else did I $ant t" d"<=

=I d"n.t !n"$ e1a'tly8 I '"(ldn.t get it* )(t it had s"mething L" d"$ith this '"lle'ti#e :ea that is ising in h(man '"ns'i"(sness* Thee1%eiment is a es(lt "f this :ea *** Maya& y"( intended t" (se $haty"(.#e leaned ab"(t %hysi'al healing t" hel% es"l#e $hat.s ha%%eningin this #alley* +"( m(st emembe@=

She st""d and l""!ed a$ay* =Oh n"& y"( 'an.t %(t that !ind "f

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es%"nsibility "n me@ I d"n.t emembe any "f this* I.m d"ing e1a'tly$hat I.m s(%%"sed t" be d"ing as a d"'t"* I hate this !ind "fintig(e@ ,ndestand< I hate it@ I finally ha#e the 'lini' set (%2(st as I $ant* +"( 'an.t e1%e't me t" get in#"l#ed in all this* +"(.#eg"t the $"ng %es"n@=

I l""!ed at he& tying t" thin! "f s"mething else t" say* D(ing the

silen'e& I head the h(m again*

=Can y"( hea that s"(nd& Maya& a diss"nan'e in the ai& a h(m< That.sthe e1%eiment* It.s ha%%ening ight n"$* Ty t" hea it@=

She listened f" a m"ment& then said& =I d"n.t hea anything*=

I gabbed he am* =Ty t" aise y"( enegy@=

She %(lled a$ay* =I d"n.t hea a h(m@=

I t""! a beath* =O!ay& I.m s"y* I d"n.t !n"$& maybe I.m $"ng*Maybe it.s n"t s(%%"sed t" ha%%en this $ay*=

She l""!ed at me f" a m"ment* =I !n"$ s"me"ne $ith the Sheiff.sDe%atment* I.ll ty t" get in t"('h $ith him f" y"(*

That.s all I 'an d"*=

=I d"n.t !n"$ if that $ill hel%&= I said* =A%%aently n"t e#ey"ne 'anhea this s"(nd*=

=D" y"( $ant me t" 'all him<=

=+es& b(t tell him t" in#estigate inde%endently* I.m n"t s(e he 'ant(st e#ey"ne in the :"est Se#i'e*= I %i'!ed (% my %a'! again*

=I h"%e y"( (ndestand&= she said* =I 2(st 'an.t be in#"l#ed in this* Ifeel as th"(gh s"mething h"ible $"(ld ha%%en*=

=)(t that.s 2(st be'a(se "f $hat ha%%ened $hen y"( tied this f bef"e&in the nineteenth 'ent(y& hee in this #alley* Can y"(

emembe any "f that<=

She 'l"sed he eyes again& n"t $anting t" listen*

I s(ddenly sa$ a 'lea image "f myself in b('!s!ins& (nning (% a hill&%(lling a %a'!h"se* It $as the same image I had seen bef"e* The

m"(ntain man $as me@ As the #isi"n '"ntin(ed& I made my $ay t" the t"%"f the hill and then %a(sed t" glan'e ba'! t" my ea* :"m thee I'"(ld see the falls and the g"ge "n the "the side* Thee $as Maya andthe Indian and the y"(ng

'"ngessi"nal aide* As bef"e& the battle $as 2(st beginnin An1ietys$e%t "#e me& and I %(lled at the h"se and $al!ed "n& (nable t" hel%them a#"id thei fate*

I sh""! "ff the images* =It.s "!ay&= I said& gi#ing (%* =I !n"$ h"$y"( feel*=

Maya $al!ed 'l"se* =-ee.s s"me e1ta $ate and f""d I b"(ght* Whatae y"( %lanning t" d"<=

=I.m g"ing t" head t"$ad the east *** f" at least a $hile* I !n"$

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Chalene $as g"ing in that die'ti"n*=

She l""!ed at my f""t* =Ae y"( s(e y"( an!le $ill h"ld (%<=

I m"#ed 'l"se and said& =I ha#en.t eally than!ed y"( f" $hat y"( did*My an!le $ill be fine& I thin!& 2(st a little s"e* I g(ess I.ll ne#e!n"$ h"$ bad it might ha#e been*=

=When it ha%%ens this $ay& n" "ne e#e d"es*=

I n"dded& then %i'!ed (% my %a'! and headed east& glan'ing ba'! "n'e atMaya* She l""!ed g(ilty f" an instant& than an e1%essi"n "f eliefs$e%t a'"ss he fa'e*

$al!ed t"$ad the s"(nd "f the h(m& !ee%ing the steam in sight t" myleft& %a(sing "nly t" est my f""t* Ab"(t n""n the s"(nd 'eased& s" Ist"%%ed t" eat l(n'h and assess the sit(ati"n*

My an!le $as s$elling slightly and I ested f" an h"( and a halfbef"e es(ming my 2"(ney* Afte '"#eing "nly an"the mile& fatig(e

"#e$helmed me& and I ested again* )y midaften""n I $as l""!ing f" a%la'e t" 'am%*

I had been $al!ing th"(gh thi'! $""ds that ge$ ight t" the edge "fthe steam& b(t ahead the lands'a%e "%ened (% in a seies "f gently"lling f""thills '"#eed $ith "ld;g"$th f"estthee; andf"(;h(nded;yea;"ld tees* Th"(gh a bea! in the

limbs& I '"(ld see a lage idge ising t"$ad the s"(theast& %eha%san"the mile a$ay*

I s%"tted a small gassy !n"ll nea the t"% "f the fist hill& $hi'hl""!ed li!e a %efe't %la'e t" s%end the night* As I a%%"a'hed&

m"#ement in the tees 'a(ght my eye* I sli%%ed behind a lage"(t'"%%ing and l""!ed* What $as that< A dee< A %es"n< I $aitedf" se#eal min(tes& then 'aef(lly m"#ed a$ay t"$ad the n"th* As Iin'hed al"ng& I sa$ a lage man a h(nded yads t" the s"(th "f the!n"ll I had seen bef"e& a%%aently setting (% a 'am% himself* Staying#ey l"$ t" the g"(nd and m"#ing $ith s!ill& he deftly aised a smalltent and 'am"(flaged it $ith ban'hes* :" an instant I th"(ght itmight be Da#id& b(t his m"#ements $ee diffeent& and he $as t"" big*Then I l"st sight "f him*

Afte $aiting f" se#eal m"e min(tes I de'ided t" m"#e fathe t" then"th (ntil I $as '"m%letely "(t "f sight* I.d been m"#ing n" m"e thanfi#e min(tes $hen the man s(ddenly ste%%ed "(t in f"nt "f me*

=Wh" ae y"(<= he as!ed* I t"ld him my name and de'ided t" be "%en*=I.m tying t" find a fiend*=

=It.s dange"(s "(t hee&= he said* =I $"(ld e'"mmend that y"( g"ba'!* This is all %i#ate %"%ety*=

=Why ae y"( "(t hee<= I as!ed*

-e $as silent& staing*

Then I emembeed $hat Da#id had t"ld me* =Ae y"( C(tis Webbe<= Iin0(ied*

-e l""!ed at me f" a m"ment l"nge& then ab(%tly smiled*

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=+"( !n"$ Da#id L"ne Eagle@=

=I "nly tal!ed t" him biefly& b(t he t"ld me y"( $ee "(t hee& and t"tell y"( he $as '"ming int" the #alley and that he $"(ld find y"(*=

C(tis n"dded and l""!ed t"$ad his 'am%* =It.s getting late& and $eneed t" get "(t "f sight* Let.s g" (% t" my tent* +"( 'an s%end the

night (% thee*=

I f"ll"$ed him d"$n a sl"%e and (% int" the dee% '"#e "f the lagetees* While I %it'hed my tent& he fied (% his 'am% st"#e f" '"ffeeand "%ened a 'an "f t(na* I '"ntib(ted a %a'!age "f bead Maya hadgi#en me*

=+"( menti"ned that y"( $ee l""!ing f" s"me"ne&= C(tis said* =Wh"<=

)iefly I t"ld him ab"(t Chalene.s disa%%eaan'e and that Da#id hadseen he hi!ing int" the #alley8 als" that I th"(ght she had been seen'"ming in this die'ti"n* I didn.t tal! ab"(t $hat had "''(ed in the"the dimensi"n& b(t I did menti"n heaing the h(m and seeing the


=The h(m&= he es%"nded& ='"mes f"m an enegy;geneating de#i'e8s"me"ne.s e1%eimenting $ith it hee f" s"me eas"n* I 'an '"nfimthat m('h* )(t I d"n.t !n"$ $hethe the e1%eiment is being '"nd('tedby s"me se'et g"#enment agen'y " a %i#ate g"(%* M"st "f the :"estSe#i'e agents seem t" be (na$ae that it.s ha%%ening8 b(t I d"n.t !n"$ab"(t the administat"s*=

=-a#e y"( g"ne t" the media&= I as!ed& =" t" the l"'al a(th"itiesab"(t this<=

=N"t yet* The fa't that n"t e#ey"ne heas the h(m is a eal %"blem*=

-e l""!ed "(t at the #alley* =If I 2(st !ne$ $hee they $ee* C"(ntingthe %i#ate land and the Nati"nal :"est& thee ae tens "f th"(sands "fa'es $hee they might be* I thin! they $ant t" '"nd('t the e1%eimentand get "(t bef"e any"ne !n"$s $hat ha%%ened* That is& if they 'ana#"id a tagedy*=

=What d" y"( mean<=

=They '"(ld t"tally (in this %la'e& ma!e it int" a t$ilight 3"ne&an"the )em(da Tiangle $hee the la$s "f %hysi's ae in

(n%edi'table fl(1*= -e l""!ed die'tly at me* =The things they !n"$h"$ t" d" ae in'edible* M"st %e"%le ha#e n" idea "f the '"m%le1ity "f

ele't"magneti' %hen"mena* In the latest s(%esting the"ies& f"instan'e& "ne has t" ass(me this adiati"n emanates a'"ss ninedimensi"ns 2(st t" ma!e the math $"!* This de#i'e has the %"tential t"dis(%t these dimensi"ns* It '"(ld tigge massi#e eath0(a!es " e#en'"m%lete %hysi'al disintegati"n "f 'etain aeas*=

=-"$ d" y"( !n"$ all this<= I as!ed*

-is fa'e fell* =)e'a(se in the de'ade "f the eighties I hel%ed de#el"%s"me "f this te'hn"l"gy* I $as em%l"yed $ith a m(ltinati"nal'"%"ati"n I th"(ght $as named Delte'h& alth"(gh late& afte I $asfied& I f"(nd "(t that Delte'h $as a fi'titi"(s name*

+"(.#e head "f Ni!"la Tesla< Well& $e e1%anded many "f his the"iesand tied s"me "f his dis'"#eies t" "the te'hn"l"gies that the '"m%anys(%%lied* The f(nny thing is that this te'hn"l"gy is '"m%"sed "f

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se#eal dissimila %ats& b(t basi'ally it $"!s this $ay* Imagine thatthe ele't"magneti' field "f the Eath is a giant battey that 'an%"#ide %lenty "f ele'ti'al enegy if y"( 'an tie int" it in the'"e't $ay* :" that y"( '"mbine a ""m tem%eat(e& s(%e'"nd('ti#egeneat" system $ith a #ey '"m%li'ated ele't"ni' feedba'! inhibit"&$hi'h mathemati'ally enhan'es 'etain stati' "(t%(t es"nan'es* Theny"( tie se#eal "f these in a seies& am%lifying and geneating the

'hage& and $hen y"( get the 'alibati"ns e1a't& %est"& y"( ha#e#it(ally fee enegy ight "(t "f the immediate s%a'e* +"( need asmall am"(nt "f %"$e t" stat& %eha%s a single %h"t"'ell " a battey&b(t then it.s self;%e%et(ating* A de#i'e the si3e "f a heat %(m% '"(ld%"$e se#eal h"(ses& e#en a small fa't"y*

=-"$e#e& thee ae t$" %"blems* :ist& 'alibating theseminigeneat"s is (nbelie#ably '"m%li'ated* We had a''ess t"

s"me "f the lagest '"m%(tes in e1isten'e and '"(ldn.t d" it*

Se'"nd& $e dis'"#eed that $hen $e tied t" in'ease the t"tal "(t%(tbey"nd this elati#ely small si3e by enlaging the mass dis%la'ement&

the s%a'e a"(nd the geneat" be'ame #ey (nstable and began t" $a%*We didn.t !n"$ it then& b(t $e $ee ta%%ing int" the enegy "f an"thedimensi"n& and stange things began t" ha%%en* On'e& $e made the $h"legeneat" disa%%ea& e1a'tly li!e $hat ha%%ened in the /hiladel%hiaE1%eiment*=

=D" y"( thin! they eally made a shi% disa%%ea and sh"$ (% again in ane$ l"'ati"n& in 45>

=Of '"(se they did@ Thee.s a l"t "f se'et te'hn"l"gy a"(nd& andthey.e smat* In "( 'ase& they $ee able t" sh(t "( team d"$n inless than a m"nth and fie all "f (s $ith"(t a bea'h "f se'(itybe'a(se ea'h team $as $"!ing "n an is"lated %at "f the te'hn"l"gy* N"t

that I $"ndeed m('h ab"(t it then*

I m"stly b"(ght the idea that the "bsta'les $ee 2(st t"" geat t"%"'eed& s" I th"(ght it $as dead;end esea'h;alth"(gh I did hea thatse#eal "f the "ld em%l"yees $ee hied again by an"the '"m%any*=

-e l""!ed th"(ghtf(l f" a m"ment& then '"ntin(ed* =I !ne$ I $anted t"d" s"mething else any$ay* I.m a '"ns(ltant n"$& $"!ing $ith smallte'hn"l"gy fims& %"#iding ad#i'e f" im%"#ing thei esea'heffi'ien'y and (se "f es"('es and dis%"sal "f $astes& that s"t "fthing* And the m"e I $"! $ith them& the m"e I.m '"n#in'ed theinsights ae ha#ing an effe't "n the e'"n"my* The $ay $e d" b(siness isshifting* )(t I fig(ed $e had t" $"! $ith taditi"nal %"$e s"('es

f" a l"ng time* I hadn.t th"(ght ab"(t the enegy e1%eiments in yeas(ntil I m"#ed int" this aea* +"( 'an imagine h"$ sh"'!ed I $as t" $al!int" this #alley and hea the same s"(nd;this 'haa'teisti' h(m;that Ihead e#ey day f" yeas $hen $e $ee $"!ing "n the %"2e't*

=S"me"ne has '"ntin(ed the esea'h& and 2(dging f"m the

"nan'es& they.e m('h f(the al"ng than $e $ee* Afte$a

es I tied t" '"nta't the t$" % %e"%le $h" '"(ld #eify the s"(nd andmaybe g" t" the E/A " a '"ngessi"nal '"mmittee $ith me& b(t I f"(nd"(t "ne had been de'eased f" ten yeas and the "the& my best fiend$hen I $as at the '"%"ati"n& $as als" dead* -e had a heat atta'!2(st yesteday*= -is #"i'e tailed "ff*

=Sin'e then&= he $ent "n& =I.#e been "(t hee listening& tying t"

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fig(e "(t $hy they.e in this #alley* Odinaily "ne $"(ld e1%e't this!ind "f e1%eiment t" be d"ne in a lab"at"y s"me$hee* I mean& $hyn"t< Its enegy s"('e is s%a'e itself& and that.s e#ey$hee* )(tthen it da$ned "n me* They m(st thin! they ae #ey 'l"se t" %efe'tingthe 'alibati"ns& $hi'h means they.e $"!ing "n the am%lifi'ati"n%"blem* I thin! they.e tying t" tie int" the enegy #"te1es in this#alley in an attem%t t" stabili3e the %"'ess*=

A $a#e "f ange '"ssed his fa'e* =Whi'h is 'a3y and t"tally(nne'essay* If they eally 'an find the 'alibati"ns& then thee.s n"eas"n n"t t" (tili3e the te'hn"l"gy in small (nits* In fa't& that.sthe %efe't $ay "f (sing it* What they.e tying n"$ is ine* I !n"$en"(gh t" see the danges* I.m telling y"(& they san '"(ld t"tally$e'! this #alley& " $"se* if they f"'(s this thing "n theintedimensi"nal %ath$ays& $h" !n"$s $hat might ha%%en<=

-e st"%%ed s(ddenly* =D" y"( !n"$ $hat I.m tal!ing ab"(t<

-a#e y"( head "f the Insights<=

I staed f" a m"ment& then said& =C(tis& I ha#e t" tell y"( $hat I.#ebeen e1%eien'ing in this #alley* +"( may find it (nbelie#able*=

-e n"dded and then listened %atiently as I des'ibed meeting Wil ande1%l"ing %ats "f the "the dimensi"n* When I 'ame t" the Life Re#ie$&I as!ed& =This fiend "f y"(s $h" e'ently died<

Was he named Williams<=

=That.s ight* D* Williams* -"$ did y"( !n"$ that<=

=We sa$ him ea'h the "the dimensi"n afte his death* We $at'hed as hee1%eien'ed a Life Re#ie$*=

-e a%%eaed sha!en* =That.s had f" me t" belie#e* I !n"$ theInsights& at least intelle't(ally& and I belie#e in the %"bablee1isten'e "f "the dimensi"ns& b(t as a s'ientist& the Ninth Insightst(ff is m('h hade t" ta!e liteally& the idea "f being able t"'"mm(ni'ate $ith %e"%le afte death*

+"(.e saying that D* Williams is still ali#e in the seise that his%es"nality is inta't<=

.+es& and he $as thin!ing ab"(t y"(*=

-e l""!ed at me intently as I '"ntin(ed t" tell him ab"(t

Williams.eali3ati"n that C(tis and he $ee s(%%"sed t" be in#"l#ed ines"l#ing the :ea *** and st"%%ing this e1%eiment*

=I d"n.t (ndestand&= he said* =What did he mean $hen he tal!ed ab"(t ag"$ing :ea<=

=I d"n.t !n"$ e1a'tly* It has t" d" $ith a 'etain %e'entage "f the%"%(lati"n ef(sing t" belie#e that a ne$ s%iit(al a$aeness isemeging* Instead& they thin! h(man 'i#ili3ati"n is degeneating* Thisis 'eating a %"lai3ati"n "f "%ini"n and belief*

-(man '(lt(e 'an.t '"ntin(e t" e#"l#e (ntil the %"lai3ati"n is ended*I $as h"%ing that y"( n;light emembe s"mething ab"(t it*=

-e l""!ed at me blan!ly* =I d"n.t !n"$ anything ab"(t a %"lai3ati"n&b(t I am g"ing t" st"% this e1%eiment*= -is fa'e ge$ angy again and

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he l""!ed a$ay*

=Williams seemed t" (ndestand the %"'ess f" st"%%ing it&= I said*

=Well& $e.ll ne#e !n"$ n"$& $ill $e<=

As he said that& I fleetingly sa$ again the image "f C(tis and Williams

tal!ing "n the gassy hillt"%& s("(nded by se#eal lage tees*

C(tis se#ed "( f""d& still a%%eaing (%set& and $e finished eating insilen'e* Late as I stet'hed "(t and leaned against a small hi'!"y& Iglan'ed (% the hill at the gassy !n"ll ab"#e (s*

:"( " fi#e h(ge "a!s made alm"st a %efe't semi'i'le "n its 'est*

=Why didn.t y"( 'am% (% "n the hill<= I as!ed C(tis& %"inting*

=I d"n.t !n"$&= he said* =The idea 'ame t" me& b(t I g(ess I th"(ght it$as t"" e1%"sed& " maybe t"" %"$ef(l* It.s 'alled C"dde.s Kn"ll* D"y"( $ant t" $al! (% thee<=

I n"dded and "se t" my feet* A gay t$ilight $as des'ending a'"ss thef"est* C"mmenting "n the bea(ty "f the tees and sh(bs as $e $al!ed&C(tis led the $ay (% the sl"%e* At the t"%& in s%ite "f the fadinglight& $e '"(ld see alm"st a 0(ate "f a mile t"$ad the n"th andeast* In the latte die'ti"n a nea f(ll m""n $as ising ab"#e thetee line*

=)ette sit d"$n&= C(tis ad#ised* =We d"n.t $ant t" be seen*=

:" a l"ng $hile $e sat in silen'e& admiing the #ie$ and feeling theenegy* C(tis t""! a flashlight "(t "f his %"'!et and laid it "n theg"(nd beside him* I $as mesmei3ed by the '"l"s "f the fall f"liage*

/esently C(tis l""!ed "#e at me and as!ed& =D" y"( smell s"mething&sm"!e<=

I immediately l""!ed "(t at the $""ds& s(s%e'ting a f"est fie& andsniffed the ai* =N"& I d"n.t thin! s"*= S"mething ab"(t C(tis.demean" $as shifting the m""d& int"d('ing a feeling "f sadness "n"stalgia* =What !ind "f sm"!e d" y"( mean<=

=Ciga sm"!e*=

In the g"$ing m""nlight I '"(ld tell he $as smiling efle'ti#ely&thin!ing ab"(t s"mething* Then s(ddenly I began t" smell the sm"!e*

=What is that<= I as!ed& l""!ing a"(nd again*

-e 'a(ght my eye& =D* Williams sm"!ed 'igas that smelled 2(st li!ethat* I 'an.t belie#e he.s g"ne*=

As $e tal!ed& the smell s(bsided and I dismissed the $h"le e1%eien'e&'"ntent t" stae "(t at the sage and the lage "a!s beside (s* In thatm"ment I eali3ed that this $as the #ey s%"t $hee Williams sa$ himselfmeeting $ith C(tis* it $as t" ta!e %la'e ight hee@

Se'"nds late I "bse#ed a fig(e f"ming 2(st bey"nd the tees*

=D" y"( see anything "(t thee<= I 0(ietly as!ed C(tis& %"inting inthat die'ti"n*

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As s""n as I s%"!e& the f"m disa%%eaed*

C(tis $as staining t" see* =What< I d"n.t see anything*=

I didn.t es%"nd* S"meh"$ I had beg(n t" int(iti#ely e'ei#e !n"$ledge&e1a'tly as I had e'ei#ed it f"m the s"(l g"(%s& e1'e%t the '"nne'ti"n$as m"e distant and gabled* I '"(ld sense s"mething ab"(;* the

enegy e1%eiment& a '"nfimati"n "f C(tis. s(s%i'i"ns8 thee1%eimentes $ee indeed attem%ting t" f"'(s in "n the dimensi"nal#"te1es*

=I 2(st emembeed= C(tis said ab(%tly* =One "f the de#i'es D*Williams $as $"!ing "n yeas ag" $as a em"te f"'(s& a dish %"2e'ti"nsystem* I bet that.s $hat they.e (sing t" f"'(s "n the "%enings* )(th"$ d" they !n"$ $hee the "%enings ae<=

Immediately I %e'ei#ed an ans$e* S"me"ne "f a highe a$aeness%"inted them "(t (ntil they leaned the s%atial #aian'es as they sh"$ed(% "n the em"te f"'(s '"m%(te* I had n" idea $hat that meant*

=Thee.s "nly "ne $ay&= C(tis said* =They $"(ld ha#e t" find s"me"net" %"int them "(t;s"me"ne $h" '"(ld sense these highe enegy l"'ati"ns*Then they '"(ld ma% "(t an enegy %"file "f the site and f"'(s%e'isely by s'anning $ith a f"'(s beam*

/"bably the indi#id(al $"(ldn.t e#en !n"$ $hat they $ee d"ing*= -esh""! his head* =These %e"%le ae #i'i"(s* Thee.s n" d"(bt ab"(t it*-"$ '"(ld they d" this<=

As if in es%"nse& I sensed "the !n"$ledge that $as t"" #ag(e t"(ndestand '"m%letely& b(t seemed t" maintain that thee $as& in fa't& aeas"n* )(t $e had t" fist (ndestand the :ea and h"$ t" "#e'"me it*

When I l""!ed at C(tis& he seemed t" be dee% in th"(ght*

:inally he l""!ed at me and said& =I $ish I !ne$ $hy this

:ea is '"ming (% n"$*=

=D(ing a tansiti"n in '(lt(e&= I said& ="ld 'etainties and #ie$sbegin t" bea! d"$n and e#"l#e int" ne$ taditi"ns& 'a(sing an1iety inthe sh"t (n* At the same time that s"me %e"%le ae $a!ing (% ands(staining an inne '"nne'ti"n "f l"#e that s(stains them and all"$sthem t" e#"l#e m"e a%idly& "thes feel as th"(gh e#eything is'hanging t"" fast and that $e.e l"sing "( $ay* They be'"me m"efeaf(l and m"e '"nt"lling t" ty t" aise thei enegy* This

%"lai3ati"n "f fea 'an be #ey dange"(s be'a(se feaf(l %e"%le 'anati"nali3e e1teme meas(es*=

As I $as saying all "f this& I felt as th"(gh I $as e1%anding "n $hat Ihad ealie head Wil say& and Williams& b(t I als" had the distin'tsensati"n that it $as s"mething I !ne$ all al"ng b(t didn.t eali3e I!ne$ (ntil this #ey m"ment*

=I (ndestand that&= C(tis said $ith 'etainty* =That.s $hy these%e"%le ae s" $illing t" $aste this #alley* They ati"nali3e

that 'i#ili3ati"n $ill fall a%at in the f(t(e& and they $"n.t be safe(nless they sei3e m"e '"nt"l* Well& I.m n"t g"ing t" all"$ it t"ha%%en* I.ll bl"$ the $h"le thing s!y;high*=

I l""!ed had at him* =What d" y"( mean<=

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=J(st that* I (sed t" be a dem"liti"ns e1%et* I !n"$ h"$*=

I m(st ha#e l""!ed alamed be'a(se he said& =D"n.t $"y& I.ll fig(e"(t a $ay t" d" it $hee n" "ne gets h(t* I $"(ldn.t $ant that "n my'"ns'ien'e*=

A $a#e "f !n"$ledge filled me* =Any !ind "f #i"len'e&= I said& =2(stma!es it $"se& d"n.t y"( see<=

=What "the $ay is thee<=

O(t "f the '"ne "f my eye I glim%sed the f"m again f" an instant&and then it disa%%eaed* =I d"n.t !n"$ e1a'tly&= I said& =)(t if $efight them $ith ange& hate& they 2(st see an enemy* It ma!es them m"eenten'hed* They be'"me m"e feaf(l* S"meh"$ this g"(% that Williams$as tal!ing ab"(t is s(%%"sed t" d" s"mething else* We.e s(%%"sed t"f(lly emembe "( )ith 9isi"ns *** and then $e 'an emembe s"methingm"e& a W"ld 9isi"n*

S"meh"$ I !ne$ the tem& b(t I '"(ldn.t emembe $hee I had head itbef"e*

=A W"ld 9isi"n& * * = C(tis %"ndeed& dee% in th"(ght again*

=I thin! Da#id L"ne Eagle menti"ned that*=

=+es&= I said* =That.s ight*=

=What d" y"( thin! a W"ld 9isi"n is<=

I $as ab"(t t" say I didn.t !n"$ $hen a th"(ght 'ame t" me*

=It.s an (ndestanding;n"& a mem"y;"f h"$ $e $ill f(lfill h(man%(%"se* it bings in an"the le#el "f l"#e& an enegy& that 'an bidgethe %"lai3ati"n& end this e1%eiment*=

=I d"n.t see h"$ that.s %"ssible&= C(tis said*

=It in#"l#es the enegy le#el a"(nd %e"%le $h" ae in :ea&= I said&s"meh"$ !n"$ing* =They $"(ld be t"('hed& a$a!ened f"m thei%e"''(%ati"n* They $"(ld 'h""se t" st"%*=

:" se#eal m"ments $e $ee silent& then C(nis said& =Maybe& b(t h"$ d"$e bing in this enegy<=

N"thing m"e 'ame t" mind*

=I $ish I !ne$ h"$ fa they.e %e%aed t" g" $ith ths e1%eiment&= headded*

=What 'a(ses the h(m<= I as!ed*

=The h(m is a lin!ing diss"nan'e bet$een the small geneat"s* It meansthat they.e still tying t" 'alibate the deNi'e* The m"e gating anddisham"ni"(s it is& the m"e it.s "(t "& %hase*=

-e th"(ght f" an"the m"ment* =I 2(st $"nde $hi'h enegy

#"te1 they.e g"ing t" f"'(s "n*=

I s(ddenly sensed a %ati'(la ne#"(sness& n"t $ithin myself& b(t

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"(t$adly& as if I $as a"(nd s"me"ne else $h" $as an1i"(s* I l""!ed atC(tis& $h" seemed elati#ely 'alm )ey"nd the tees I again sa$ the#ag(e "(tlines "f a f"m* it m'#ed as if agitated " fightened*

=I $"(ld imagine&= C(tis said absently& =that if Cne $ee 'l"se t" thetaget l"'ati"n& "ne $"(ld hea the h(m gnd then feel a !ind "f stati'ele'ti'ity in the ai*=

We l""!ed at ea'h "the& and in the silen'e I '"(ld hea a faint s"(nd&meely a #ibati"n*

=D" y"( hea that<= C(tis as!ed& n"$ alamed*

As I l""!ed at him& I felt the hai ise "n the ba'! "f my ne'!

and f"eams* =What is this<=

:" an instant C(tis "bse#ed his "$n ams& then l""!ed at me inh""* galbing his

=We.#e g"t t" get "(t "f hee@= he s'eamed& flashlight& lea%ing t" hisfeet& and half dagging me "ff the 'est "f the sl"%e*

S(ddenly the same ea;shatteing "a I had head $ith Wil des'endedagain and 'aied $ith it a sh"'! $a#e that !n"'!ed b"th "f (s t" theg"(nd* Sim(ltane"(sly the eath beneath (s sh""! #i"lently and amassi#e fiss(e "%ened t$enty feet a$ay& 'eating an e1%l"si"n "f d(stand debis*

)ehind (s "ne "f the t"$eing "a!s& (ndemined by the shifting eath&leaned and then fell t" the g"(nd in a th(nde"(s "a& adding t" then"ise* Se'"nds late an"the& lage fiss(e t"e "%en ight beside (sand the g"(nd tilted* C(tis& (nable t" h"ld "n& slid t"$ad the

$idening abyss* I held "nt" a small b(sh and ea'hed "(t f" C(tis.hand* :" a m"ment $e held tight& then "( gi% sli%%ed& and I $at'hedhel%lessly as he slid "#e the edge* The fiss(e m"#ed and $idened&s%e$ed an"the %l(me "f d(st and "'!& sh""! "n'e m"e& and then $asstill* A limb (nde the fallen tee 'a'!ed l"(dly& and then the ni ht$as again silent*

As the d(st 'leaed& I let g" "f the b(sh and 'a$led t"$ad the edge "fthe massi#e h"le* When I '"(ld see& I eali3ed that C(tis $as lying%"ne at the edge& e#en th"(gh I $as s(e I had seen him fall in* -e"lled t"$ad me and 2(m%ed t" his feet*

=Let.s g"@= he yelled* =It '"(ld stat again@=

With"(t s%ea!ing $e an d"$n the hill t"$ad the 'am%site& C(tis ahead&me lim%ing behind* When C(tis ea'hed the site& he sei3ed b"th tentsand i%%ed them f"m the g"(nd& sta!es dangling& and st(ffed them int"the %a'!s* I %(shed in the "the gea& and $e '"ntin(ed t"$ad thes"(th$est (ntil the g"(nd flattened int" thi'! (ndeb(sh* Aftean"the half mile& e1ha(sti"n and my $ea!ening an!le f"'ed me t" st"%*

C(tis s(#eyed the teain* =Maybe $e.ll be safe hee&= he said& =b(tlet.s m"#e dee%e int" the thi'!et*= I f"ll"$ed as he led (s fifty feetfathe int" the dense $""ds*

=This $ill d" ight hee&= he '"mmented* =Let.s %(t (% the tents*=

Within a '"(%le "f min(tes b"th tents $ee (% and '"#eed $ith limbs and$e $ee l""!ing at ea'h "the beathlessly& sitting "n his tent.s lage

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entan'e fla%*

=What d" y"( thin! ha%%ened<= I as!ed*

C(tis. fa'e l""!ed ga(nt as he d(g int" his %a'! f" $ate*

=They.e d"ing e1a'tly $hat $e th"(ght&= he said* =They.e tying t"

f"'(s the geneat" "n a em"te s%a'e*= -e t""! a l"ng din! f"m his'anteen* =They.e g"ing t" (in this #alley8 these %e"%le ha#e t" best"%%ed*=

=What ab"(t the sm"!e $e smelled<=

=I d"n.t !n"$ $hat t" thin!&= C(tis said* =It $as as th"(gh D*Williams $as thee* I '"(ld alm"st hea his infle'ti"n& his t"ne "f#"i'e& $hat he $"(ld ha#e said in that sit(ati"n*=

I 'a(ght C(tis. eye* I thin! he $as thee*=

C(tis handed me the 'anteen* =-"$ is that %"ssible<=

=I d"n.t !n"$&= I said* =)(t I thin! he 'ame t" '"n#ey a message& amessage t" y"(* When $e sa$ him d(ing his Life Re#ie$& he $asag"ni3ing be'a(se he had failed t" $a!e (%& t" emembe $hy he had beenb"n* -e $as '"n#in'ed that y"( $ee s(%%"sed t" be a %at "f thisg"(% he menti"ned* Can.t y"( emembe anything ab"(t that< I thin! he$anted y"( t" !n"$ that #i"len'e $"n.t st"% these %e"%le* We ha#e t" d"it an"the $ay& $ith this W"ld 9isi"n that Da#id tal!ed ab"(t*=

-e ga#e me a blan! l""!*

=What ab"(t $hen the eath m"#ement stated&= I as!ed& and that fiss(e"%ened< I !n"$ I sa$ y"( "ll in& yet y"( $ee lying at the edge $hen I

g"t thee*=

-e l""!ed t"tally %e%le1ed* =I.m n"t s(e eally* I '"(ldn.t h"ld "nand $as sli%%ing int" the h"le* As I d"%%ed d"$n& this


in'edibly %ea'ef(l feeling 'ame O#e me& and I $as '(shi"ned& li!efalling "nt" a s"ft mattess* All I '"(ld see $as a $hite bl( a"(ndme* The ne1t thing I !ne$ I $as lying at the side "f the fiss(e againand y"( $ee thee* D" y"( thin! D* Williams '"(ld ha#e d"ne that<=

=I d"n.t thin! s"&= I said* =I had a simila e1%eien'e yesteday* I

$as alm"st '(shed by st"ies and I sa$ the same $hite f"m* S"methingelse is ha%%ening*=

C(tis staed at me f" a m"ment and then said s"mething else& b(t Ididn.t es%"nd* I $as difting int" slee%*

=Let.s t(n in&= he said*

C(tis $as aleady (% $hen I 'limbed "(t "f my tent* The m"ning $as'lea& b(t a g"(nd f"g '"#eed the f"est fl""*

Instantly I !ne$ he $as angy*

=I 'an.t st"% thin!ing ab"(t $hat they.e d"ing&= he said*

=And they aen.t g"ing t" gi#e (%*= -e t""! a beath* =)y n"$ they.#e

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fig(ed "(t $hat a mess they made "n the hill* They.ll s%end s"me timee'alibating& b(t n"t f" l"ng& and then they.ll ty again* I 'an st"%them b(t $e ha#e t" find "(t $hee they ae*=

=C(tis& #i"len'e 2(st ma!es it $"se* Didn.t y"( (ndestand theinf"mati"n '"ming f"m D* Williams< We ha#e t" dis'"#e h"$ t" (sethe 9isi"n*=

=N"@= he sh"(ted $ith dee% em"ti"n* =I.#e tied that bef"e@=

I l""!ed at him* =When<=

-is e1%essi"n 'hanged t" '"nf(si"n* =I d"n.t !n"$*=

=Well&= I stessed& =I thin! I d"*=

-e $a#ed me "ff $ith his hand* =I d"n.t $ant t" hea it* This is t""'a3y* E#eything that.s ha%%ening is my fa(lt* if I hadn.t

$"!ed "n this te'hn"l"gy& they might n"t be d"ing this* I.m g"ing t"

handle it my $ay*= -e $al!ed "#e and began %a'!ing*

I hesitated& then stated ta!ing d"$n my "$n tent& tying t" thin!*Afte a m"ment I said& =I.#e aleady sent f" s"me hel%* A $"man I met&Maya& thin!s she 'an %es(ade the Sheiff.s De%atment t" in#estigatethis* I $ant y"( t" %"mise me y"(.ll gi#e me s"me time*=

-e $as !neeling beside his ba'!%a'!& 'he'!ing a b(lging side %"'!et* =I'an.t d" that* I may ha#e t" a't $hen I 'an*=

=+"( ha#e e1%l"si#es in y"( %a'!<=

-e $al!ed t"$ad me* =I t"ld y"( bef"e I.m n"t g"ing t"

h(t any"ne*=

=I $ant s"me time&= I e%eated* =If I 'an ea'h Wil again& I thin! I'an find "(t ab"(t this W"ld 9isi"n*=

=O!ay&= he said* =I.ll gi#e y"( as l"ng as I 'an& b(t if they state1%eimenting again& and I thin! I.m "(t "f time& I.ll ha#e t" d"


As he s%"!e& I sa$ Wil.s fa'e again in my mind.s eye& s("(nded by ai'h emeald '"l"* =Is thee an"the high;enegy l"'ati"n nea hee<=

I as!ed*

-e %"inted s"(th* =S"me$hee (% the big idge& thee.s a "'! "#ehangI.#e head ab"(t* )(t that.s %i#ate land that $as e'ently s"ld* Id"n.t !n"$ $h" "$ns it n"$*=

=I.m g"ing t" l""! f" it* if I 'an find the ight %la'e& then maybe I'an l"'ate Wil again*=

C(tis finished %a'!ing and hel%ed me tie (% my "$n gea and s%eadlea#es and ban'hes $hee the tents had been*

T"$ad the n"th$est $e '"(ld hea the faint s"(nd "f #ehi'les*

=I.m heading east&= he said*

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I n"dded as he $al!ed a$ay& then %(lled my %a'! "nt" my sh"(ldes andstated (% the "'!y sl"%e t" the s"(th* I ta#eled

"#e se#eal small hills and then ta'!led the stee% in'line "f the mainidge* Ab"(t half$ay (% I began t" l""! th"(gh the dense f"est f" an"#ehang b(t f"(nd n" sign "f an "%ening*

Afte 'limbing se#eal h(nded m"e yads I st"%%ed again*

Still n" "(t'"%%ing& and I '"(ld see n"ne at the 'est "f the idgeab"#e* I $as '"nf(sed ab"(t $hi'h $ay t" g" and de'ided t" sit d"$n andattem%t t" aise my enegy* Afte a fe$ min(tes I felt bette& and $aslistening t" the s"(nds "f bids and tee f"gs in the thi'! limbs "#emy head& $hen a lage g"lden eagle fl(tteed f"m its nest and fle$ eastal"ng the t"% "f the idge*

I !ne$ the %esen'e "f the bid had meaning& s"& as $ith the ha$!bef"e& I de'ided t" f"ll"$* Gad(ally the sl"%e be'ame m"e "'!y* I'"ssed a small s%ing fl"$ing f"m the "'!s and efilled my 'anteenand $ashed my fa'e* :inally& a half mile fathe& I %(shed my $ay

th"(gh a g"#e "f small fi tees& and thee bef"e me lay the ma2esti'"#ehang* Alm"st half an a'e "f the sl"%e $as '"#eed $ith h(getea'es "f thi'! limest"ne& and at the fathem"st edge& at$enty;f""t;$ide shelf 2(tted "(t at least f"ty feet f"m the idge&%"#iding a s%e'ta'(la #ie$ "f the #alley bel"$* :" an instant Idete'ted a da! emeald highlight a"(nd the l"$e shelf*

I t""! "ff my %a'! and %(shed it "(t "f sight (nde a %ile "f lea#es andthen $al!ed "(t and sat "n the ledge* As I 'enteed myself& the image"f Wil 'ame easily t" mind* I t""! "ne m"e dee% beath and began t"m"#e*




When I "%ened my eyes& I $as in an aea "f i'h bl(e light& feeling then"$;familia sense "f $ell;being and %ea'e*

I '"(ld dete't Wil.s %esen'e t" my left*

As bef"e& he l""!ed en"m"(sly elie#ed and ha%%y that I had et(ned*-e m"#ed 'l"se and $his%eed& =+"( ae g"ing t" l"#e it hee*=

. =Whee ae $e<= I as!ed*

=L""! m"e 'l"sely;&&

I sh""! my head* =I ha#e t" tal! t" y"( fist* It.s im%eati#e that $efind this e1%eiment and st"% them* They.#e dest"yed a hillt"%* G"d!n"$s $hat they.e ab"(t t" d" ne1t*=

=What $ill $e d" if $e find them<= Wil in0(ied*

=I d"n.t !n"$*=

=Well& neithe d" 4* Tell me $hat ha%%ened*=

I 'l"sed my eyes and tied t" 'ente& then des'ibed the e1%eien'e "fseeing Maya again& %ati'(laly he esistan'e t" my s(ggesti"n that she

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$as %at "f the g"(%*

Wil n"dded $ith"(t '"mment*

I $ent "n t" des'ibe meeting C(tis& '"mm(ni'ating $ith Williams& ands(#i#ing the effe'ts "f the e1%eiment*

=Williams s%"!e t" y"(<= Wil as!ed*

=N"t eally* The '"mm(ni'ati"n $asn.t mental& as $ith y"( and me* -eseemed t" be infl(en'ing the ideas that $ee '"ming t" (s in s"me $ay*It felt li!e inf"mati"n I aleady !ne$ at s"me le#el8 yet b"th "f (sseemed t" be saying $hat he $as tying t" '"mm(ni'ate* It $as "dd& b(tI !n"$ he $as thee*=

=What $as his message<=

=-e '"nfimed $hat y"( and I sa$ $ith Maya8 he said $e '"(ld emembebey"nd "( indi#id(al bith intenti"ns t" a b"ade !n"$ledge "f h(man%(%"se and h"$ $e '"(ld '"m%lete this %(%"se* A%%aently& emembeing

this !n"$ledge bings in an e1%anded enegy that 'an end the :ea ***and this e1%eiment* -e 'alled it a W"ld 9isi"n*=

Wil $as silent*

=What d" y"( thin!<= I as!ed*


thin! all this is 2(st m"e "f the Tenth Insight !n"$ledge*

/lease (ndestand7 I shae y"( sense "f (gen'y* )(t the "nly $ay $e'an hel% is t" '"ntin(e e1%l"ing the Aftelife (ntil $e find "(t ab"(t

this lage 9isi"n that Williams $as tying t" '"mm(ni'ate* Thee m(stbe an e1a't %"'ess f" emembeing $hat it is*=

In the distan'e a m"#ement 'a(ght my eye* Eight " ten #ey distin'tbeings& "nly %atially "(t "f f"'(s& m"#ed t" $ithin fifty feet* )ehindthem $ee d"3ens m"e& blended t"gethe in the (s(al ambe;'"l"ed bl(*All "f them e1(ded a %ati'(la feeling "f sentiment and n"stalgia that$as distin'tly familia*

=D" y"( !n"$ $h" these s"(ls ae<= Wil as!ed& smiling b"adly*

I l""!ed "(t at the g"(%& sensing !inshi%* I did !n"$& b(t I didn.t*As I l""!ed (%"n the s"(l g"(%& the em"ti"nal '"nne'ti"n '"ntin(ed t"

g"$ m"e intense& bey"nd anything I '"(ld emembe e#e e1%eien'ing*+et& at the same time& the 'l"seness $as e'"gni3able8 I had been heebef"e*

The g"(% m"#ed $ithin t$enty feet "f me& in'easing the e(%h"ia anda''e%tan'e e#en m"e* I gladly let g"& t(ning myself "#e t" thefeeling& $ishing "nly t" bas! in it;;'"ntent%eha%s f" the fist timein my life* Wa#es "f a'!n"$ledgment and a%%e'iati"n filled my mind*

=-a#e y"( fig(ed it "(t<= Wil as!ed again*

I t(ned and l""!ed at him* =This is my s"(l g"(%& isn.t it<=

With that th"(ght 'ame a fl""d "f mem"ies* Thiteenth'ent(y :an'e& am"nastey and '"(tyad* All a"(nd me a g"(% "f m"n!s& la(ghte&'l"seness& then $al!ing al"ne "n a $""ded "ad* T$" agged men&

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as'eti's& as!ing f" hel%& s"mething ab"(t %ese#ing s"me se'et!n"$ledge*

I sh""! "ff the #isi"n and l""!ed at Wil& gi%%ed by a %e#ese fea*What $as I ab"(t t" see< I attem%ted t" 'ente& and my s"(l g"(% edgedf"( feet 'l"se*

=What is ha%%ening<= Wil as!ed* =I '"(ldn.t 0(ite (ndestand*=

I des'ibed $hat I had "bse#ed*

=/"be f(the&= Wil s(ggested*

Immediately I sa$ the as'eti's again& and s"meh"$ !ne$ they $ee membes"f a se'et "de "f :an'is'an =S%iit(als= $h" had e'ently beene1'"mm(ni'ated& afte /"%e Celestine 9 had esigned*

/"%e Celestine< I glan'ed at Wil* =Did y"( get that< I ne#e !ne$thee $ee %"%es by that name*=

=Celestine 9 $as late thiteenth 'ent(y&= Wil '"nfimed*

=The (ins in /e(& $hee the Ninth Insight $as (ltimately f"(nd& $eenamed afte him $hen fist dis'"#eed in the 46FFs*=

=Wh" $ee the S%iit(als<=

=They $ee a g"(% "f m"n!s $h" belie#ed that a highe a$aeness '"(ldbe a'hie#ed by e1ta'ting themsel#es f"m h(man '(lt(e and et(ning t"a '"ntem%lati#e life in nat(e*

/"%e Celestine s(%%"ted this idea and& in fa't& li#ed in a 'a#e himselff" a $hile* -e $as de%"sed& "f '"(se& and late& m"st se'ts "f the

S%iit(als $ee '"ndemned as Gn"sti's and e1'"mm(ni'ated*=

M"e mem"ies s(fa'ed* The t$" as'eti's had a%%"a'hed me as!ing f"hel%& and I had el('tantly met $ith them dee% in the f"est* I had hadn" 'h"i'e& s" entan'ing $ee thei eyes and the fealessness "f theidemean"* Old d"'(ments $ee in geat dange "f being l"st f"e#e&they t"ld me* Late I had sm(ggled them ba'! t" the abbey and had eadthem by 'andlelight in my 'hambes& the d""s 'l"sed and l"'!edse'(ely*

These d"'(ments $ee "ld Latin '"%ies "f the Nine Insights& and I had'"nsented t" '"%y them bef"e it $as t"" late& $"!ing e#ey m"ment "fmy s%ae time t" %ainsta!ingly e%"d('e d"3ens "f the man(s'i%ts* At

"ne %"int I $as s" enthalled by the Insights that I s"(ght t" %es(adethe as'eti's t" ma!e them %(bli'*

They adamantly ef(sed& e1%laining that they had held the d"'(ments f"many 'ent(ies& $aiting f" the '"e't (ndestanding t" emege $ithinthe 'h('h* When I 0(esti"ned the meaning "f this latte %hase& theye1%lained that the Insights $"(ld n"t be a''e%ted (ntil the 'h('he'"n'iled $hat they efeed t" as the Gn"sti' dilemma*

The Gn"sti's& I s"meh"$ emembeed& $ee ealy Chistians

$h" belie#ed that f"ll"$es "f the "ne G"d sh"(ld n"t meely e#eeChist b(t sti#e t" em(late him in the s%iit "f /ente'"st*

They s"(ght t" des'ibe this em(lati"n in %hil"s"%hi'al tems& as ameth"d "f %a'ti'e* As the ealy 'h('h f"m(lated its 'an"ns& the

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Gn"sti's $ee e#ent(ally '"nsideed $illf(l heeti's& "%%"sed t" t(ningthei li#es "#e t" G"d as a matte "f faith* T" be'"me a t(ebelie#e& the ealy 'h('h leades '"n'l(ded& "ne had t" f"g"(ndestanding and analysis and be '"ntent t" li#e life th"(gh di#inee#elati"n& adheing t" G"d.s $ill m"ment by m"ment& b(t '"ntent t"emain ign"ant "f his "#eall %lan*

A''(sing the 'h('h hiea'hy "f tyanny& the Gn"sti's ag(ed that thei(ndestandings and meth"ds $ee intended t" a't(ally fa'ilitate this a't"f =letting g" t" G"d.s $ill= that the 'h('h $as e0(iing& athe thangi#ing mee li% se#i'e t" the idea& as the 'h('hmen $ee d"ing*

In the end the Gn"sti's l"st& and $ee banished f"m all 'h('hf(n'ti"ns and te1ts& thei beliefs disa%%eaing (ndeg"(nd am"ng the#ai"(s se'et se'ts and "des* +et the dig lemma $as 'lea* As l"ngas the 'h('h held "(t the #isi"n "f a tansf"mati#e s%iit(al'"nne'ti"n $ith the di#ine& yet %ese'(ted any"ne $h" tal!ed "%enlyab"(t the s%e'ifi's "f the e1%eien'e;h"$ "ne might a't(ally attain s('han a$aeness& $hat it felt li!e;then the =!ingd"m $ithin= $"(ld emainmeely an intelle't(ali3ed '"n'e%t $ithin 'h('h d"'tine& and the

Insights $"(ld be '(shed anytime they s(fa'ed*

At the m"ment& I listened $ith '"n'en t" the as'eti's and said n"thing&b(t in$adly I disageed* I $as s(e the )enedi'tine Ode "f $hi'h I$as a %at $"(ld be inteested in these $itings& es%e'ially at thele#el "f the indi#id(al m"n!* Late& $ith"(t telling the S%iit(als& Ishaed a '"%y $ith a fiend $h" $as the 'l"sest ad#ise t" CadinalNi'h"las in my disti't* Rea'ti"n 'ame

s$iftly W"d ai#ed that the 'adinal $as "(t "f the '"(nty& b(t I $asas!ed t" 'ease any dis'(ssi"n "f the s(b2e't and t" de%at at "n'e f"Na%les t" e%"t my findings t" the 'adinal.s s(%ei"s* I %ani'!edand immediately dis%ensed the man(s'i%ts as $idely as %"ssible

th"(gh"(t the "de& h"%ing that I might gane s(%%"t f"m "theinteested b"thes*

In "de t" %"st%"ne my s(mm"ns& I fa!ed a se#ee an!le in2(y and $"tea seies "f lettes e1%laining my disability& delaying the ti% f"m"nths $hile I '"%ied as many man(s'i%ts as I '"(ld in my is"lati"n*:inally& "n the night "f a ne$ m""n& my d"" $as !i'!ed d"$n by s"ldiesand I $as beaten se#eely and ta!en blindf"lded t" the 'astle "f thel"'al n"ble& $hee I late lang(ished at the st"'! f" days bef"e beingde'a%itated*

The sh"'! "f emembeing my death 'ast me int" fea again and 'eated a%"$ef(l tingling in my in2(ed an!le* The s"(l g"(% '"ntin(ed t" m"#e

se#eal feet 'l"se (ntil I managed t" 'ente myself* Still& I $as left$ith a degee "f '"nf(si"n* A n"d f"m Wil t"ld me he had seen theentie st"y*

=This $as the beginning "f my an!le* %"blem& $asn.t it<= I as!ed*

.+es&= Wil e%lied*

I 'a(ght his eye* =What ab"(t all the "the mem"ies< Did y"((ndestand the Gn"sti' dilemma<=

-e n"dded and s0(aed (% t" fa'e me die'tly*

=Why $"(ld the 'h('h 'eate s('h a dilemma<= I as!ed*

=)e'a(se the ealy 'h('h $as afaid t" '"me "(t and say that Chist

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m"deled a $ay "f life that ea'h "f (s '"(ld as%ie t"& alth"(gh that is$hat is 'lealy said in the S'i%t(es* They feaed that this %"siti"n$"(ld gi#e t"" m('h %"$e t" indi#id(als& s" they %e%etated the'"ntadi'ti"n* On the "ne hand the 'h('hmen (ged the belie#e t" see!the mysti'al !ingd"m "f G"d


$ithin& t" int(it G"d.s $ill& and t" be filled $ith the -"ly S%iit*

)(t "n the "the hand they '"ndemned as blas%hem"(s any dis'(ssi"n "fh"$ "ne might g" ab"(t a'hie#ing these states& "ften es"ting t""(tight m(de t" %"te't thei %"$e*=

=S" I $as a f""l f" tying t" 'i'(late the Insights*=

=I $"(ldn.t say a f""l&= Wil m(sed& =m"e li!e (ndi%l"mati'*

+"( $ee !illed be'a(se y"( tied t" f"'e an (ndestanding int" '(lt(ebef"e its time*=

I l""!ed int" Wil.s eyes f" an"the m"ment& then difted ba'! int" the!n"$ledge "f the g"(%& finding myself at the s'ene "f thenineteenth;'ent(y $as again* I $as ba'! at the meeting "f 'hiefs inthe #alley& h"lding the same %a'!h"se& a%%aently 2(st bef"ede%ating* A m"(ntain man and ta%%e& I $as fiends $ith b"th theNati#e Amei'ans and the settles* Alm"st all the Indians $anted t"fight& b(t Maya had $"n the heats "f s"me $ith he sea'h f" %ea'e*Remaining silent& I listened t" b"th sides& then $at'hed as m"st "f the'hiefs had left*

At "ne %"int Maya $al!ed (% t" me* =I s(%%"se y"(.e lea#ing t""*=

I n"dded affimati#ely& e1%laining that if these Nati#e medi'ine 'hiefsdidn.t (ndestand $hat she $as d"ing& I s(ely didn.t*

She l""!ed at me as th"(gh I m(st be !idding& then& t(ning& shedie'ted he attenti"n t" an"the %es"n* Chalene@ I s(ddenlye'alled that she had been thee8 she $as an Indian $"man "f geat%"$e& b(t "ften ign"ed by the en#i"(s male 'hiefs be'a(se "f hegende* She seemed t" !n"$ s"mething im%"tant ab"(t the "le "f thean'est"s& b(t he #"i'e $as falling "n deaf eas*

I sa$ myself $anting t" stay& $anting t" s(%%"t Maya& $anting t" e#ealmy feelings f" Chalene& yet in the end I $al!ed a$ay8 the (n'"ns'i"(smem"y "f my mista!e in the thiteenth

'ent(y $as t"" 'l"se t" the s(fa'e* I $anted "nly t" (n a$ay& a#"idany es%"nsibility* My life %atten $as set7 I ta%%ed f" f(s& I g"tal"ng& and I didn.t sti'! my ne'! "(t f" any"ne* /eha%s I $"(ld d"bette ne1t time*

Ne1t time< My mind a'ed f"$ad& and I sa$ myself l""!ing "(t$adt"$ad the Eath& '"ntem%lating my %esent in'anati"n* I $as $at'hingmy "$n )ith 9isi"n& seeing the f(ll %"ssibility "f es"l#ing myel('tan'e t" a't " t" ta!e a stand* I en#isi"ned h"$ I might (tili3emy ealy family t" its geatest %"tential& leaning s%iit(alsensiti#ity f"m my m"the& integity and f(n f"m my fathe* Agandfathe $"(ld %"#ide a '"nne'ti"n $ith the $ildeness& an (n'le anda(nt $"(ld %"#ide a m"del f" tithing and dis'i%line*

And being %la'ed $ith s('h st"ng indi#id(als $"(ld bing my tenden'y t"

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be al""f 0(i'!ly int" '"ns'i"(sness* )e'a(se "f thei eg" and st"nge1%e'tati"n& I $"(ld at fist eteat f"m thei messages& and ty t"hide& b(t then I $"(ld $"! th"(gh this fea and see the %"siti#e%e%aati"n they $ee gi#ing me& 'leaing this tenden'y s" that I '"(ldf(lly f"ll"$ my life %ath*

It $"(ld be a %efe't %e%aati"n& and I $"(ld lea#e that (%binging

l""!ing f" the details "f s%iit(ality I had seen in the Insights'ent(ies bef"e* I $"(ld e1%l"e the %sy'h"l"gi'al des'i%ti"ns "f the-(man /"tential M"#ement& the $isd"m "f Easten e1%eien'e& the mysti's"f the West& and then e#ent(ally I $"(ld (n int" the a't(al Insightsagain& 2(st at the time they $ee s(fa'ing t" be b"(ght finally int"mass a$aeness* All this %e%aati"n and 'leaing $"(ld then all"$ met" f(the e1%l"e h"$ these Insights $ee 'hanging h(man '(lt(e and t"be a %at "f Williams. g"(%*

I %(lled ba'! and l""!ed at Wil*

=What.s $"ng<= he as!ed*

=It hasn.t e1a'tly g"ne the ideal $ay f" me eithe* I feel as if I.#e$asted the %e%aati"n* I ha#en.t e#en 'leaed myself "f the al""fness*Thee $ee s" many b""!s I didn.t ead& s" many %e"%le that '"(ld ha#egi#en me messages that I ign"ed* When I l""! ba'! n"$& it seems asth"(gh I missed e#eything*=

Wil alm"st la(ghed* =N"ne "f (s 'an f"ll"$ "( )ith 9isi"ns e1a'tly*=-e %a(sed and staed* =D" y"( eali3e $hat y"(.e d"ing at this m"ment<+"( 2(st emembeed the ideal $ay y"( $anted y"( life t" g"& the $aythat $"(ld ha#e gi#en y"( the m"st satisfa'ti"n& and $hen y"( l""! ath"$ y"( a't(ally li#ed& y"( ae filled $ith egets& 2(st the $ayWilliams felt afte he died and sa$ all the "%%"t(nities he had missed*Instead "f ha#ing t" $ait (ntil afte death& y"(.e e1%eien'ing a Life

Re#ie$ n"$*=

I '"(ldn.t 0(ite (ndestand*

=D"n.t y"( see< This has t" be a !ey %at "f the Tenth* N"t "nly ae$e dis'"#eing that "( int(iti"ns and "( sense "f destiny in "( li#esae ememban'es "f "( )ith 9isi"ns* As $e (ndestand the Si1thInsight m"e f(lly& $e.e analy3ing $hee $e ha#e been "ff ta'! "failed t" ta!e ad#antage "f "%%"t(nities& s" that $e 'an immediatelyget ba'! "n a %ath m"e in line $ith $hy $e 'ame* In "the $"ds& $e.ebinging m"e "f the %"'ess int" '"ns'i"(sness "n a day;t";day basis*In the %ast $e had t" die t" engage in a e#ie$ "f "( li#es& b(t n"$ $e'an $a!e (% ealie and e#ent(ally ma!e death "bs"lete& as the Ninth

Insight %edi'ts*=

I finally (ndest""d* =S" this is $hat h(mans 'ame t" the Eath t" d"&t" systemati'ally emembe& t" gad(ally a$a!en*=

=That.s ight* We.e finally be'"ming a$ae "f a %"'ess that has been(n'"ns'i"(s sin'e h(man e1%eien'e began* :"m the stat& h(mans ha#e%e'ei#ed a )ith 9isi"n& and then afte bith ha#e g"ne (n'"ns'i"(s&a$ae "f "nly the #ag(est "f int(iti"ns*

At fist& in the ealy days "f h(man hist"y& the distan'e bet$een $hat$e intended and $hat $e a't(ally a''"m%lished $as #ey geat& and then&"#e time& the distan'e has 'l"sed* N"$ $e.e "n the #ege "femembeing e#eything*=

At that m"ment I $as da$n ba'! int" the !n"$ledge "f the s"(l g"(%* In

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an instant my a$aeness seemed t" in'ease an"the le#el& and all thatWil had said $as '"nfimed* N"$& finally& $e '"(ld l""! at hist"y n"tas the bl""dy st(ggle "f the h(man animal& $h" selfishly leaned t"d"minate nat(e and t" s(#i#e in geate style& %(lling himself f"mlife in the 2(ngle t" 'eate a #ast and '"m%le1 'i#ili3ati"n* Rathe&$e '"(ld l""! at h(man hist"y as a s%iit(al %"'ess& as the dee%e&systemati' eff"t "f s"(ls& geneati"n afte geneati"n& life afte

life& st(ggling th"(gh the millennia t"$ad "ne s"litay g"al7 t"emembe $hat $e aleady !ne$ in the Aftelife and t" ma!e this!n"$ledge '"ns'i"(s "n Eath*

As f"m a geat height& a lage h"l"ga%hi' image "%ened (% a"(nd meand I '"(ld s"meh"$ see& in "ne glan'e& the l"ng saga "f h(man hist"y*With"(t $aning I $as da$n int" the image& and I felt myself beings$e%t f"$ad int" the st"y& eli#ing it s"meh"$ in fast;f"$ad& as ifI had eally been thee& e1%eien'ing it m"ment by m"ment*

S(ddenly I $as $itnessing the da$n "f '"ns'i"(sness* )ef"e me $as al"ng& $inds$e%t %lain& s"me$hee in Afi'a* M"#ement 'a(ght my eye8 asmall g"(% "f h(mans& (n'l"thed& $as f"aging "n a field "f beies* As

I $at'hed& I seemed t" %i'! (% "n the '"ns'i"(sness "f the %ei"d*Intimately '"nne'ted t" the hythms and signals "f the nat(al $"ld& $eh(mans li#ed and es%"nded instin'ti#ely* The "(tines "f daily life$ee "iented

t"$ad the 'hallenges "f the sea'h f" f""d and t"$ad membeshi%$ithin "( indi#id(al band* Le#els "f %"$e fl"$ed d"$n$ad f"m "ne%hysi'ally st"nge& att(ned indi#id(al& and $ithin this hiea'hy $ea''e%ted "( %la'e in the same $ay $e a''e%ted the '"nstant tagediesand diffi'(lties "f e1isten'e7 $ith"(t efle'ti"n*

As I $at'hed& th"(sands "f yeas %assed by and '"(ntless geneati"nsli#ed and %eished* Then& sl"$ly& 'etain indi#id(als began t" g"$

estless $ith the "(tines they sa$ bef"e them*

When a 'hild died in thei ams& thei '"ns'i"(sness e1%anded and theybegan t" as! $hy* And t" $"nde h"$ it might be a#"ided in the f(t(e*These indi#id(als $ee beginning t" gain se9;a$aeness;beginning t"eali3e that they $ee hee& n"$& ali#e* They $ee able t" ste% ba'!f"m thei a(t"mati' es%"nses and glim%se the f(ll s'"%e "f e1isten'e*Life& they !ne$& end(ed th"(gh the 'y'les "f the s(n and m""n andseas"ns& b(t as the dead a"(nd them attested& it als" had an end* What$as the %(%"se<

L""!ing 'l"sely at these efle'ti#e indi#id(als& I eali3ed I '"(ld%e'ei#e thei )ith 9isi"ns8 they had '"me int" the Eathly dimensi"n

$ith the s%e'ifi' %(%"se "f initiating h(manity.s fist e1istentiala$a!ening* And& e#en th"(gh I '"(ldn.t see its f(ll s'"%e& I !ne$ thatin the ba'! "f thei minds $as held the lage ins%iati"n "f the W"ld9isi"n* )ef"e thei bith& they $ee a$ae that h(manity $as emba!ing"n a l"ng 2"(ney that they '"(ld aleady see* )(t they als" !ne$ that%"gess al"ng this 2"(ney $"(ld ha#e t" be eaned& geneati"n bygeneati"n;f" as $e a$a!ened t" %(s(e a highe destiny& $e als" l"stthe 'alm %ea'e "f (n'"ns'i"(sness* Al"ng $ith the e1hilaati"n andfeed"m "f !n"$ing $e $ee ali#e 'ame the fea and (n'etainty "f beingali#e $ith"(t !n"$ing $hy*

I '"(ld see that h(manity.s l"ng hist"y $"(ld be m"#ed by these t$"'"nfli'ting (ges* On the "ne hand& $e $"(ld be m"#ed %ast "( feas bythe stength "f "( int(iti"ns& by "( mental images that life $as ab"(ta''"m%lishing s"me %ati'(la g"al& "f m"#ing '(lt(e f"$ad in a%"siti#e die'ti"n that "nly $e& as indi#id(als& a'ting $ith '"(age and

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$isd"m& '"(ld ins%ie* :"m the stength "f these feelings $e $"(ld beeminded that& as inse'(e as life a%%eaed& $e $ee& in fa't& n"tal"ne& that thee $as %(%"se and meaning (ndelying the mystey "fe1isten'e*

+et& "n the "the hand& $e $"(ld "ften fall %ey t" the "%%"site (ge&the (ge t" %"te't "(sel#es f"m the :ea& at times l"sing sight "f

the %(%"se& falling int" the angst "f se%aati"n and aband"nment* This:ea $"(ld lead (s int" a fightened self%"te'ti"n& fighting t" etain"( %"siti"ns "f %"$e& stealing enegy f"m ea'h "the& and al$aysesisting 'hange and e#"l(ti"n& egadless "f $hat ne$& betteinf"mati"n might be a#ailable*

As the a$a!ening '"ntin(ed& millennia %assed& and I $at'hed as h(mansgad(ally began t" '"ales'e int" e#e;lage g"(%s& f"ll"$ing a nat(aldi#e t" identify $ith m"e %e"%le& t" m"#e int" m"e '"m%le1 s"'ial"gani3ati"ns* I '"(ld see that this di#e 'ame f"m the #ag(eint(iti"n& !n"$n f(lly in the Aftelife& that h(man destiny "n Eath $ast" e#"l#e t"$ad (nifi'ati"n*

:"ll"$ing this int(iti"n& $e eali3ed that $e '"(ld e#"l#e bey"nd then"madi' life "f gatheing and h(nting and begin t" '(lti#ate the Eath.s%lants and ha#est them "n a eg(la basis* Similaly $e '"(ldd"mesti'ate and beed many "f the animals a"(nd (s& ens(ing a '"nstant%esen'e "f %"tein and elated %"d('ts*

With the images "f the W"ld 9isi"n dee% $ithin "( (n'"ns'i"(s& di#ing(s a'hety%i'ally& $e began t" en#isi"n a shift that $"(ld be "ne "f them"st damati' tansf"mati"ns in h(man


hist"y7 the lea% f"m n"madi' $andeing t" the establishment "f lage

faming #illages*

As these faming '"mm(nities ge$ m"e '"m%le1& s(%l(ses "f f""d%"m%ted tade and all"$ed h(manity t" di#ide int" the fist"''(%ati"nal g"(%s;she%heds and b(ildes and $ea#es& then me'hantsand metal$"!es and s"ldies* (i'!ly 'ame the in#enti"n "f $itingand tab(lati"n* )(t the $hims "f nat(e and the 'hallenges "f lifestill %ie'ed the a$aeness "f ealy h(manity& and the (ns%"!en 0(esti"nstill l""med7 $hy $ee $e ali#e< As bef"e& I $at'hed the )ith 9isi"ns"f th"se indi#id(als $h" s"(ght t" (ndestand s%iit(al eality at ahighe le#el* They 'ame int" the Eath dimensi"n t" s%e'ifi'ally e1%andh(man a$aeness "f the di#ine s"('e& b(t thei fist int(iti"ns "f thedi#ine emained dim and in'"m%lete& ta!ing %"lytheisti' f"m*

-(manity began t" a'!n"$ledge $hat $e s(%%"sed $as a m(ltit(de "f '(eland demanding deities& g"ds that e1isted "(tside "f "(sel#es and (ledthe $eathe& the seas"ns& and the stages "f the ha#est* In "(inse'(ity $e th"(ght that $e m(st a%%ease these g"ds $ith ites andit(als and sa'ifi'e*

O#e th"(sands "f yeas the m(ltit(de "f faming '"mm(nities '"ales'edf(the int" lage 'i#ili3ati"ns in Mes"%"tamia& Egy%t& the Ind(s9alley& Cete& and n"then China& ea'h in#enting its "$n #esi"n "f thenat(e and animal g"ds* )(t s('h deities '"(ld n"t l"ng f"estall thean1iety* I $at'hed geneati"ns "f s"(s '"me int" t e Eat y imensi"ninten ing t" ing a message that h(manity $as destined t" %"gess byshaing and '"m%aing !n"$ledge* +et& "n'e hee& these indi#id(alss(''(mbed t" the :ea and dist"ted this int(iti"n int" an (n'"ns'i"(sneed t" '"n0(e and d"minate and im%"se thei $ay "f life "n "thes by

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S" began the geat ea "f the em%ies and tyants& as "ne geat

leade "se (% afte an"the& (niting the stength "f his %e"%le&'"n0(eing as m('h land as %"ssible& '"n#in'ed that the #ie$s "f his'(lt(e sh"(ld be ad"%ted by all* +et& th"(gh"(t this ea& these many

tyants $ee al$ays& in t(n& '"n0(eed themsel#es and %essed (nde they"!e "f a lage& st"nge '(lt(al #ie$*

:" th"(sands "f yeas diffeent em%ies b(bbled (% t" the t"% "fh(manity.s '"ns'i"(sness& disseminating thei ideas& ising f" a time$ith a m"e effe'ti#e eality& e'"n"mi' %lan& and $a te'hn"l"gy& "nlyt" be late de%"sed by a st"nge and m"e "gani3ed #isi"n* E#e s"sl"$ly& th"(gh this meth"d "ld& "(tdated ideas $ee e%la'ed*

I '"(ld see that& as sl"$ and bl""dy as this %"'ess $as& !ey t(ths$ee gad(ally ma!ing thei $ay f"m the Aftelife int" the %hysi'aldimensi"n* One "f the m"st im%"tant "f these t(ths;a ne$ ethi' "fintea'ti"n;began t" s(fa'e in #ai"(s %la'es a"(nd the gl"be& b(t

(ltimately f"(nd 'lea e1%essi"n in the %hil"s"%hy "f the an'ientGee!s* Instantly I '"(ld see the )ith 9isi"ns "f h(ndeds "findi#id(als b"n int" the Gee! '(lt(e& ea'h h"%ing t" emembe thistimely insight*

:" geneati"ns they had seen the $aste and in2(sti'e "f man!ind.s(nending #i"len'e (%"n itself& and !ne$ that h(mans '"(ld tans'end thehabit "f fighting and '"n0(eing "thes and im%lement a ne$ system f"the e1'hange and '"m%ais"n "f ideas& a system that %"te'ted thes"#eeign ight "f e#ey indi#id(al t" h"ld his (ni0(e #ie$& egadless"f %hysi'al stengths system that $as aleady !n"$n and f"ll"$ed in theAftelife* As I $at'hed& this ne$ $ay "f intea'ti"n began t" emegeand ta!e f"m "n Eath& finally be'"ming !n"$n as dem"'a'y*

in this meth"d "f e1'hanging ideas& '"mm(ni'ati"n bet$een h(mans still"ften degeneated int" an inse'(e %"$e st(ggle& b(t at least n"$& f"the fist time e#e& the %"'ess $as in %la'e

t" %(s(e the e#"l(ti"n "f h(man eality at the #ebal athe than the%hysi'al le#el*

At the same time& an"the $ateshed idea& "ne destined t" '"m%letelytansf"m the h(man (ndestanding "f s%iit(al eality& $as s(fa'ing inthe $itten hist"ies "f a small tibe in the Middle East* Similaly I'"(ld als" see the )ith 9isi"ns "f many "f the %"%"nents "f this ideaas $ell* These indi#id(als& b"n int" the J(dai' '(lt(e& !ne$ bef"e

bith that $hile $e $ee '"e't t" int(it a di#ine s"('e& "(des'i%ti"n "f this s"('e $as fla$ed and dist"ted* O( '"n'e%t "fmany g"ds $as meely a fagmented %i't(e "f a lage $h"le* In t(th&they eali3ed& thee $as "nly "ne G"d& a G"d& in thei #ie$& that $asstill demanding and theatening and %atia'hal;and still e1isting"(tside "f "(sel#es;b(t f" the fist time& %es"nal and es%"nsi#e&and the s"le 'eat" "f all h(mans*

As I '"ntin(ed t" $at'h& I sa$ this int(iti"n "f "ne di#ine s"('eemeging and being 'laified in '(lt(es all "#e the $"ld* In Chinaand India& l"ng the leades in te'hn"l"gy& tade& and s"'ialde#el"%ment& -ind(ism and )(ddhism& al"ng $ith "the Easten eligi"ns&m"#ed the East t"$ad a m"e '"ntem%lati#e f"'(s*

Th"se $h" 'eated these eligi"ns int(ited that G"d $as m"e than a%es"nage* G"d $as a f"'e& a '"ns'i"(sness& that '"(ld "nly be

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'"m%letely f"(nd by attaining $hat they des'ibed as an enlightenmente1%eien'e* Rathe than 2(st %leasing G"d by "beying 'etain la$s "it(als& the Easten eligi"ns s"(ght '"nne'ti"n $ith G"d "n the inside&as a shift in a$aeness& an "%ening (% "f "ne.s '"ns'i"(sness t" aham"ny and se'(ity that $as '"nstantly a#ailable*

(i'!ly my #ie$ shifted t" the Sea "f Galilee& and I '"(ld see that the

idea "f "ne G"d that $"(ld (ltimately tansf"m Westen '(lt(es $ase#"ling f"m the n"ti"n "f a deity "(tside "f (s& %atia'hi'al and2(dging& t"$ad the %"siti"n held in the East& t"$ad the idea

A an inne G"d& a G"d $h"se !ingd"m lay $ithin* I $at'hed as Sne %es"n'ame int" the Eath dimensi"n emembeing alm"st 44 "f his )ith 9isi"n*

-e !ne$ he $as ee t" bing a ne$ enegy int" the $"ld& a ne$ '(lt(ebased 'in l"#e* -is message $as this7 the "ne G"d $as a h"ly s%iit& ad

#ine enegy& $h"se e1isten'e '"(ld be felt and %"#en e1%eientially*C"ming int" s%iit(al a$aeness meant m"e than it;L als and sa'ifi'es

and %(bli' %aye* It in#"l#ed a e%entan'e f a dee%e !ind8 ae%entan'e that $as an inne %sy'h"l"gi'al shift based "n the s(s%ensi"n"f the eg".s addi'ti"ns& and a tas'endent =letting g"&= $hi'h $"(ldens(e the t(e f(its "f the s%iit(al life*

As this message b gan t" s%ead& I $at'hed as "ne "f the m"stinfl(ential "f all em%ies& the R"man& emba'ed the ne$ eligi"n

and s%ead the idea f the "ne& inne G"d th"(gh"(t m('h "f E("%e*Late& $hen

the babaians st('! f"m the n"th& dismembeing the em%ie& the ideas(#i#ed in the fe(dal "gani3ati"n "f Chistend"m i hat f"ll"$ed*

At this %"int I sa4# again the a%%eals "f the Gn"sti's& (ging the'h('h t" f"'(s i"e f(lly "n the inne& tansf"mati#e e1%eien'e&(sing Chist.s life as an e1am%le "f $hat ea'h "f (s might a'hie#e* Isa$ the 'h('h la%se int" the :ea& its leades sensing a l"ss "f'"nt"l& b(iding d"'tine a"(nd the %"$ef(l hiea'hy "f the'h('hme& $h" made themsel#es mediat"s& dis%enses "f the s%iit t"tlie %"%(la'e* E#ent(ally all te1ts elated t" Gn"sti'ism $ee deemedblas%hem"(s and e1'l(ded f"m the )ible*

E#en th"(gh may indi#id(als 'ame f"m the Aftelife dimensi"n intendingt" b"aden and dem"'ati3e the ne$ eligi"n&

it $as a time "f geat fea& and eff"ts t" ea'h "(t t" "the '(lt(es$ee dist"ted again int" the need t" d"minate and '"nt"l*

-ee I sa$ the se'et se'ts "f the :an'is'ans again& $h" s"(ght t"in'l(de a e#een'e f" nat(e and a et(n t" the inne e1%eien'e "fthe di#ine* These indi#id(als had '"me int" the Eath dimensi"nint(iting that the Gn"sti' '"ntadi'ti"n $"(ld e#ent(ally be es"l#ed&and $ee detemined t" %ese#e the "ld te1ts and man(s'i%ts (ntil thattime* Again I sa$ my ill;fated attem%t t" ma!e the inf"mati"n %(bli't"" s""n& and my (ntimely de%at(e*

+et I '"(ld see 'lealy that a ne$ ea $as (nf"lding in the West* The%"$e "f the 'h('h $as being 'hallenged by an"the s"'ial (nit7 thenati"n;state* As m"e "f the Eath.s %e"%les $ee be'"ming '"ns'i"(s "fea'h "the& the ea "f the geat em%ies $as '"ming t" a 'l"se* Ne$geneati"ns ai#ed able t" int(it "( destiny "f (nifi'ati"n& $"!ing

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t" %"m"te a '"ns'i"(sness "f nati"nal "igin based "n '"mm"n lang(agesand tied m"e 'l"sely t" "ne s"#eeign aea "f land* These states $eestill d"minated by a(t"'ati' leades& "ften th"(ght "f as (ling bydi#ine ight& b(t a ne$ h(man 'i#ili3ati"n $as (nf"lding& "ne $ithe'"gni3ed b"des and established '(en'ies and tade "(tes*

:inally& in E("%e& as $ealth and litea'y s%ead& a $ide enaissan'e

began* As I $at'hed& the )ith 9isi"ns "f many "f the %ati'i%ants 'ameint" my #ie$* They !ne$ that h(man destiny $as t" de#el"% an em%"$eeddem"'a'y& and they 'ame h"%ing t" bing it int" being* The $itings "fthe Gee!s and R"mans $ee dis'"#eed& stim(lating thei mem"ies* Thefist dem"'ati' %aliaments $ee established& and 'alls $ee iss(ed f"an end t" the di#ine ight "f !ings and the bl""dy eign "f the 'h('h"#e s%iit(al and s"'ial eality* S""n 'ame the /"testantRef"mati"n& $hi'h held the %"mise that indi#id(als '"(ld g"

die'tly t" im%"tant S'i%t(es and '"n'ei#e a die't '"nne'ti"n t" thedi#ine*

At the same time& indi#id(als see!ing geate em%"$ement and feed"m

$ee e1%l"ing the Amei'an '"ntinent& a landmass symb"li'ally lyingbet$een the '(lt(es "f the East and the West*

As I $at'hed the )ith 9isi"ns "f the E("%eans m"st ins%ied t" entethis ne$ $"ld& I '"(ld see that they 'ame !n"$ing that this land $asaleady inhabited& a$ae that '"mm(ni'ati"n and immigati"n sh"(ld be(ndeta!en "nly by in#itati"n* Dee% inside& they !ne$ that theAmei'ans $ee t" be the g"(nding& the "ad ba'!& f" a E("%e 0(i'!lyl"sing its sense "f sa'ed intima'y $ith the nat(al en#i"nment andm"#ing t"$ad a dange"(s se'(laism* The Nati#e Amei'an '(lt(es&$hile n"t %efe't& %"#ided a m"del f"m $hi'h the E("%ean mentality'"(ld egain its ""ts*

+et& again be'a(se "f the :ea& these indi#id(als $ee able t" int(it"nly the di#e t" m"#e t" this land& sensing a ne$ feed"m and libety"f s%iit& b(t binging $ith them the need t" d"minate and '"n0(e& andt" %(s(e thei "$n se'(ity* The im%"tant t(ths "f the Nati#e'(lt(es $ee l"st in the (sh t" e1%l"it the egi"n.s #ast nat(ales"('es*

Mean$hile& in E("%e& the Renaissan'e '"ntin(ed& and I began t" see thef(ll s'"%e "f the Se'"nd Insight* The %"$e "f the 'h('h t" defineeality $as diminishing& and E("%eans $ee feeling as th"(gh they $eea$a!ening t" l""! at life ane$*

Th"(gh the '"(age "f '"(ntless indi#id(als& all ins%ied by thei

int(iti#e mem"ies& the s'ientifi' meth"d $as emba'ed as a dem"'ati'%"'ess "f e1%l"ing and '"ming t" (ndestand the $"ld n $hi'h h(mansf"(nd themsel#es* This meth"de1%l"ing s"me as%e't "f the nat(al$"ld& da$ing '"n'l(si"ns& then "ffeing this #ie$ t" "thes;$asth"(ght "f as the

'"nsens(s;b(ilding %"'ess th"(gh $hi'h $e $"(ld be able& finally& t"(ndestand man!ind.s eal sit(ati"n "n this %lanet& in'l(ding "(s%iit(al nat(e*

)(t th"se in the 'h('h& enten'hed in :ea& s"(ght t" s0(el'h this ne$s'ien'e* As %"liti'al f"'es lined (% "n b"th sides& a '"m%"mise $asea'hed* S'ien'e $"(ld be fee t" e1%l"e the "(te& mateial $"ld&b(t m(st lea#e s%iit(al %hen"mena t" the di'tates "f thestill;infl(ential 'h('hmen* The entie inne $"ld "f e1%eien'e;"(highe %e'e%t(al states "f bea(ty and l"#e& int(iti"ns& '"in'iden'es&

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inte%es"nal %hen"mena& e#en deams;all $ee& at fist& "ff limits t"the ne$ s'ien'e*

Des%ite these esti'ti"ns& s'ien'e began t" ma% "(t and des'ibe the"%eati"n "f the %hysi'al $"ld& %"#iding inf"mati"n i'h in $ays t"in'ease tade and (tili3e nat(al es"('es*

-(man e'"n"mi' se'(ity in'eased& and sl"$ly $e began t" l"se "( sense"f mystey and "( heatfelt 0(esti"ns ab"(t the %(%"se "f life* Wede'ided it $as %(%"sef(l en"(gh 2(st t" s(#i#e and b(ild a bette&m"e se'(e $"ld f" "(sel#es and "( 'hilden* Gad(ally $e enteedthe '"nsens(s tan'e that denied the eality "f death and 'eated theill(si"n that the $"ld $as e1%lained and "dinay and de#"id "fmystey*

In s%ite "f "( het"i'& "( "n'e;st"ng int(iti"n "f a s%iit(als"('e $as being %(shed fathe int" the ba'!g"(nd* In this g"$ingmateialism& G"d '"(ld "nly be #ie$ed as a distant Deist.s G"d& a G"d$h" meely %(shed the (ni#ese int" being and then st""d ba'! t" let it(n in a me'hani'al sense& li!e a %edi'table ma'hine& $ith e#ey effe't

ha#ing a 'a(se& and (n'"nne'ted e#ents ha%%ening "nly at and"m& by'han'e al"ne*

+et hee I '"(ld see the bith intent "f many "f the indi#id(als "f thistime %ei"d* They 'ame !n"$ing that the de#el"%ment "f te'hn"l"gy and%"d('ti"n $as im%"tant be'a(se it '"(ld

e#ent(ally be made n"n%"ll(ting and s(stainable and '"(ld libeateh(man!ind bey"nd all imaginati"n* )(t in the beginning& b"n int" themilie( "f the time& all they '"(ld emembe $as the geneal int(iti"n t"b(ild and %"d('e and $"!& h"lding Lightly t" the dem"'ati' ideal*

The #isi"n shifted& and I '"(ld see that n"$hee $as this int(iti"n

st"nge than in the 'eati"n "f the ,nited States& $ith its dem"'ati'C"nstit(ti"n and its system "f 'he'!s and balan'es* As a gande1%eiment& Amei'a $as set (% f" the a%id e1'hange "f ideas that $ast" 'haa'tei3e the f(t(e* +et bel"$ the s(fa'e& the messages "f theNati#e Amei'ans& and the Nati#e Afi'ans& and "the %e"%les "n $h"seba'! the Amei'an e1%eiment $as initiated& all 'ied "(t t" be head&t" be integated int" the E("%ean mentality*

)y the nineteenth 'ent(y $e $ee "n the #ege "f a se'"nd geattansf"mati"n "f h(man '(lt(e& a tansf"mati"n that $"(ld be b(ilt "nthe ne$ enegy s"('es "f "il and steam and finally ele'ti'ity* Theh(man e'"n"my had de#el"%ed int" a #ast and '"m%li'ated field "fendea#" that s(%%lied m"e %"d('ts than e#e bef"e th"(gh an

e1%l"si"n "f ne$ te'hni0(es* In geat n(mbes %e"%le $ee m"#ing f"m(al '"mm(nities t" geat (ban 'entes "f %"d('ti"n& shifting f"mlife "n the fam t" in#"l#ement in the ne$& s%e'iali3ed ind(stiale#"l(ti"n*

At the time& m"st belie#ed that a dem"'ati'ally f"(nded 'a%italism&(nfetteed by g"#enment eg(lati"n& $as the desied meth"d "f h(man'"mme'e* +et& again& as I %i'!ed (% "n indi#id(al )ith 9isi"ns& I'"(ld see that m"st %e"%le b"n int" this %ei"d had '"me h"%ing t"e#"l#e 'a%italism t"$ad a m"e %efe't f"m* ,nf"t(nately the le#el"f :ea $as s('h that all they managed t" int(it $as a desie t" b(ildindi#id(al se'(ity& t" e1%l"it "the $"!es& and t" ma1imi3e %"fitsat e#ey t(n&

"ften enteing int" '"ll(si#e ageements $ith '"m%etit"s and $ithg"#enments* This $as the geat ea "f the "bbe ba"ns and "f se'et

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ban!ing and ind(stial 'atels*

-"$e#e& by the ealy t$entieth 'ent(y& be'a(se "f the ab(ses "f thisfee$heeling 'a%italism& t$" "the e'"n"mi' systems $ee set t" be"ffeed as altenati#es* Ealie& in England& t$" men had %"sed analtenati#e =manifest"= $hi'h 'alled f" a ne$ system& (n by $"!es&that $"(ld e#ent(ally 'eate an e'"n"mi' (t"%ia& $hee the es"('es "f

the $h"le "f h(manity $"(ld be made a#ailable t" ea'h %es"n a''"dingt" his needs& $ith"(t geed " '"m%etiti"n*

In the h"ible $"!ing '"nditi"ns "f the day& the idea atta'ted manys(%%"tes* )(t I 0(i'!ly sa$ that this mateialisti' $"!es.=manifest"= had been a '"(%ti"n "f the "iginal intenti"n* When the)ith 9isi"ns "f the t$" men 'ame int" #ie$& I eali3ed that $hat they$ee int(iting $as that h(man destiny $as e#ent(ally t" a'hie#e s('h a(t"%ia* ,nf"t(nately they failed t" emembe that this (t"%ia '"(ld"nly be a''"m%lished th"(gh dem"'ati' %ati'i%ati"n& b"n "f fee $illand sl"$ly e#"l#ed*

C"nse0(ently the initiat"s "f this '"mm(nist system& f"m the fist

e#"l(ti"n in R(ssia& e"ne"(sly th"(ght that this system '"(ld be'eated th"(gh f"'e and di'tat"shi%& an a%%"a'h that failedmiseably and '"st milli"ns "f li#es* In thei im%atien'e theindi#id(als in#"l#ed had en#isi"ned a (t"%ia b(t had 'eated '"mm(nismand de'ades "f tagedy*

The s'ene shifted t" the "the altenati#e t" a dem"'ati' 'a%italism7the e#il "f fas'ism* This system $as designed t" enhan'e the %"fitsand '"nt"l "f a (ling elite& $h" th"(ght "f themsel#es as %i#ilegedleades "f h(man s"'iety* They belie#ed that "nly th"(gh theaband"nment "f dem"'a'y& and the (ni"n "f

g"#enment $ith the neW ind(stial leadeshi%& '"(ld a nati"n ea'h its

geatest %"tential and %"siti"n in the $"ld*

I sa$ 'lealy that in Ceating s('h a system& the %ati'i%ants $eealm"st t"tally (n'"ns'i"(s "f thei )ith 9isi"ns* They had '"me hee$ishing "nly t" %"m"te the idea that 'i#ili3ati"n $as e#"l#ing t"$ad%efe'tibility and that a nati"n "f %e"%le& t"tally (nified in %(%"seand $ill& sti#ing t" attain thei f(llest %"tential& '"(ld ea'h geatheights "f enegy and effe'ti#eness* What $as 'eated $as a feafiAl&self;se#ing #isi"n $"ngly 'laiming the s(%ei"ity "f 'etain a'esand nati"ns& and the %"ssibility "f de#el"%ing a s(%enati"& $h"sedestiny $as t" (le the $"ld*

Again the int(iti"n that all h(mans $ee e#"l#ing t"$ad %efe'ti"n $as

dist"ted by $ea!& feaf(l men int" the m(de"(s eign "f the ThidRei'h*

I $at'hed as "thes;$h" had li!e$ise en#isi"ned the %efe'tibility "fman!ind& bi(t $h" $ee in geate t"('h $ith the im%"tan'e "f anem%"$eed dem"'a'y;int(ited that they m(st stand (% against b"thaltenati#es t" a feely e1%essed e'"n"my* The fist stand es(lted ina bl""dy $"ld $a against the fas'ist dist"ti"n& $hen finally ate1teme '"st* The se'"nd es(lted in a l"ng and bitte '"ld $a againstthe '"mm(nist bl"'*

I s(ddenly f"(nd myself f"'(sing "n the ,nited States d(ing the ealyyeas "f this '"ld $a& the de'ade "f the fifties* At this time&Amei'a st""d s(''essf(lly at the a%e1 "f $hat had been af"(;h(nded;yea %e"''(%ati"n $ith se'(la mateialism* Affl(en'e andse'(ity had s%ead t" in'l(de a lage and g"$ing middle 'lass& and

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int" this mateial s(''ess $as b"n an en"m"(s ne$ geneati"n& a/eneati"n $h"se int(iti"ns $"(ld hel% lead h(manity t"$ad a t4hidgeat tansf"mati"n*

This geneati"n ge$ (% '"nstantly eminded that they li#ed

in the geatest '"(nty in the $"ld& the land "f the fee& $ith libety

and 2(sti'e f" all its 'iti3ens* +et& as they mat(ed& membes "f thisgeneati"n f"(nd a dist(bing dis%aity bet$een this %"%(la Amei'anself;image and a't(al eality* They f"(nd that many %e"%le in thisland;$"men and 'etain a'ial min"ities;$ee& by la$ and '(st"m&definitely n"tfee* )y the si1ties the ne$ geneati"n $as ins%e'ting'l"sely& and many $ee finding "the dist(bing as%e'ts "f the ,nitedStates. self;image;f" instan'e& a blind %ati"tism that e1%e'ted y"(ng%e"%le t" g" int" a f"eign land t" fight a %"liti'al $a that had n"'lealy e1%essed %(%"se and n" %"s%e't "f #i't"y*

2(st as dist(bing $as the '(lt(e.s s%iit(al %a'ti'e* Themateialism "f the %e#i"(s f"( h(nded yeas had %(shed the mystey "flife& and death& fa int" the ba'!g"(nd* Many f"(nd the 'h('hes and

synag"g(es f(ll "f %"m%"(s and meaningless it(al* Attendan'e seemedm"e s"'ial than s%iit(al& and the membes t"" esti'ted by a sense "fh"$ they might be %e'ei#ed and 2(dged by thei "nl""!ing %ees*

As the #isi"n %"gessed& I '"(ld tell that the ne$ geneati"n.stenden'y t" analy3e and 2(dge a"se f"m a dee%;seated int(iti"n thatthee $as m"e t" life than the "ld mateial eality t""! int" a''"(nt*The ne$ geneati"n sensed ne$ s%iit(al meaning 2(st bey"nd the h"i3"n&and they began t" e1%l"e "the& lesse !n"$n eligi"ns and s%iit(al%"ints "f #ie$* :" the fist time the Easten eligi"ns $ee(ndest""d in geat n(mbes& se#ing t" #alidate the mass int(iti"n thats%iit(al %e'e%ti"n $as an inne e1%eien'e& a shift in a$aeness that'hanged f"e#e "ne.s sense "f identity and %(%"se* Similaly the

Je$ish Cabalist $itings and the Westen Chistian mysti's& s('h asMeiste E'!ehat and Teilhad de Chadin& %"#ided "the intig(ingdes'i%ti"ns "f a dee%e s%iit(ality*

At the same time& inf"mati"n $as s(fa'ing f"m the h(mans'ien'es;s"'i"l"gy& %sy'hiaty& %sy'h"l"gy& and anth"%"l"gy;as $ell asf"m m"den %hysi's& that 'ast ne$ light "n the nat(e "f h(man'"ns'i"(sness and 'eati#ity* This '(m(lati"n "f th"(ght& t"gethe $iththe %es%e'ti#e %"#ided by the East& gad(ally began t" 'ystalli3eint" $hat $as late 'alled the -(man /"tential M"#ement& the emegingbelief that h(man beings $ee %esently a't(ali3ing "nly a small %"ti"n"f thei #ast %hysi'al& %sy'h"l"gi'al& and s%iit(al %"tential*

I $at'hed as& "#e the '"(se "f se#eal de'ades& this inf"mati"n andthe s%iit(al e1%eien'e it s%a$ned ge$ int" a 'iti'al mass "fa$aeness& a lea% in '"ns'i"(sness f"m $hi'h $e began t" f"m(late ane$ #ie$ "f $hat li#ing a h(man life $as all ab"(t& in'l(ding&(ltimately& an a't(al ememban'e "f the Nine insights*

+et& e#en as this ne$ #ie$ $as 'ystalli3ing& s(ging th"(gh the h(man$"ld as a '"ntagi"n "f '"ns'i"(sness& many "thes in the ne$ geneati"nbegan t" %(ll ba'!& s(ddenly alamed at the g"$ing instability in'(lt(e $hi'h seemed t" '"es%"nd t" the ai#al "f the ne$ %aadigm*:" h(ndeds "f yeas the s"lid ageements "f the "ld $"ld#ie$ hadmaintained a $ell;defined& e#en igid& "de f" h(man life* All "les$ee 'lealy defined& and e#ey"ne !ne$ his %la'e7 f" instan'e& men at$"!& $"men and 'hilden at h"me& n('lea and geneti' families inta't& a(bi0(it"(s $"! ethi'* Citi3ens $ee e1%e'ted t" dis'"#e a %la'e inthe e'"n"my& t" find meaning in family and 'hilden& and t" !n"$ that

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the %(%"se "f life $as t" li#e $ell and 'eate a m"e mateially se'(e$"ld f" the s(''eeding geneati"n*

Then 'ame the si1ties $a#e "f 0(esti"ning and analysis and 'iti'ism&and the (n$a#eing (les began t" '(mble* N" l"nge $as beha#i"effe'ti#ely g"#ened by %"$ef(l ageements*

E#ey"ne n"$ seemed em%"$eed& libeated& fee t"H 'hat his " he "$n'"(se in life& t" ea'h "(t f" this neb(l"(s idea "f %"tential* Inthis 'limate $hat "thes th"(ght 'eased t" be the


eal deteminant "f "( a'ti"n and '"nd('t8 in'easingly "( beha#i"$as being detemined by h"$ $e felt inside& by "( "$n

inne ethi's*

:" th"se $h" had t(ly ad"%ted a m"e li#ed& s%iit(al %"int "f #ie$&'haa'tei3ed by h"nesty and l"#e t"$ad "%thes& ethi'al beha#i" $as

n"t a %"blem* )(t "f '"n'en $ee thi"se $h" had l"st the "(teg(idelines f" li#ing& $ith"(t yet f"ming a st"ng inne '"de* Theyseemed t" be falling int" a '(lt(al n";man.sland& $hee n"$ anythingseemed t" be %emissiblle7 'ime and d(gs and addi'ti#e im%(lses "f all!inds& n"t t" mienti"n a l"ss "f the $"! ethi'* T" ma!e mattes $"se&many sseemed t" be (sing the ne$ findings "f the -(man /"tentialW"#ement t" im%ly that 'iminals and de#iates $een.t eally e#eines%"nsible f" thei "$n a'ti"ns& b(t $ee& instead& #i'tims "f 'an"%%essi#e '(lt(e that shamelessly all"$ed the s"'ial '"nditi"ns that

sha%ed this beha#i"*

As I '"ntin(ed t" $at'h& I (ndest""d $hat I $as seeing7 a %"lai3ati"n

"f #ie$%"int $as 0(i'!ly f"ming a"(ind the %lanet& as th"se $h" $ee(nde'ided n"$ ea'ted against a '(lt(al #ie$%"int they sa$ leading t"(na$ay 'ha"s an'd (n'etainty& /eha%s e#en t" the t"tal disintegati"n"f thei &A#a+ "f life* In the ,nited States es%e'ially& a g"$ingn(mbe "ff %e"%le $ee be'"ming '"n#in'ed they $ee n"$ fa'ing $hatam"(nted t" a life;and;death st(ggle against the %emissi#eness )"ndlibealism "f the %ast t$enty;fi#e yeas;a '(lt(e $a& as thtey 'alledit$ith n"thing sh"t "f the s(#i#al "f Westen 'i#ili3ati"n at sta!e*

I '"(ld see that many "f them e#en '"nsideed the 'a(se aleady neal"st& and th(s ad#"'ated e1teme a'ti"n*

In the fa'e "f this ba'!lash& I '"(ld see the ad#"'ates "f -(man

/"tential m"#ing int" fea and defensi#eness themsel#es& sensing thatmany had;eaned #i't"ies f" indi#id(al ights and s"'ial '"m%assi"n$ee n"$ in dange "f being s$e%t a$ay by a tide "f '"nse#atism* Many'"nsideed this ea'ti"n against libeati"n an atta'! by the embattledf"'es "f geed and e1%l"itati"n& $h" $ee %(shing f"th in "ne lastattem%t t" d"minate the $ea!e membes "f s"'iety*

-ee I '"(ld 'lealy see $hat $as intensifying the %"lai3ati"n7 ea'hside $as thin!ing the "the t" be a '"ns%ia'y "f e#il*

The ad#"'ates "f the "ld $"ld#ie$ $ee n" l"nge '"nsideing the -(man/"tentialists as misg(ided " nai#e& b(t $ee& in fa't& '"nsideing themt" be %at "f a lage '"ns%ia'y "f big g"#enment s"'ialists& h"ld"(tadheents "f the '"mm(nist s"l(ti"n& $h" $ee see!ing t" a''"m%lishe1a'tly $hat $as "''(ing7 the e"si"n "f '(lt(al life t" the %"int$hee an all%"$ef(l g"#enment '"(ld '"me in and staighten e#eything

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"(t* in thei #ie$ this '"ns%ia'y $as (sing fea "f in'easing 'imeas an e1'(se t" egiste g(ns and systemati'ally disam the %(bli'&gi#ing e#e;geate '"nt"l t" a 'entali3ed b(ea('a'y that $"(ldfinally m"nit" the m"#ement "f 'ash and 'edit 'ads th"(gh (%lin!sint" the Intenet& ati"nali3ing the g"$ing '"nt"l "f the ele't"ni'e'"n"my as 'ime %e#enti"n& " as a ne'essity t" '"lle't ta1es "%e#ent sab"tage* :inally& %eha%s (nde the %l"y "f an im%ending

nat(al disaste& big b"the $"(ld ste% f"$ad and '"nfis'ate $ealthand de'lae matial la$*

:" the ad#"'ates "f libeati"n and 'hange& 2(st the "%%"site s'enai"seemed m"e li!ely* In the fa'e "f the '"nse#ati#es.%"hti'al gains&all that they had $"!ed f" seemed t" be 'ashing bef"e thei eyes*They& t""& "bse#ed the in'easing #i"lent 'ime and the

degeneating family st('t(es& "nly f" them the 'a(se $as n"t t"" m('hg"#enment inte#enti"n& b(t t"" little& t"" late*

In e#ey nati"n 'a%italism had failed a $h"le 'lass "f %e"%le& and theeas"n $as 'lea7 f" %"" %e"%le thee e1isted n" "%%"t(nity t"

%ati'i%ate in the system* Effe'ti#e ed('ati"n $asn.t thee* The 2"bs$een.t thee* And instead "f hel%ing& the g"#enment seemed eady t"ba'! a$ay& th"$ing "(t the anti%"#ety %"gams $ith all the "thehad;$"n s"'ial gains "f the last t$enty;fi#e yeas*

I '"(ld see 'lealy that& in thei g"$ing disill(si"nment& theef"mes $ee beginning t" belie#e the $"st7 that the ight$ad s$ingin h(man s"'iety '"(ld "nly be the es(lt "f in'eased mani%(lati"n and'"nt"l by the m"neyed& '"%"ate inteests in the $"ld* Theseinteests seemed t" be b(ying g"#enments&

b(ying the media& and (ltimately& as in Na3i Gemany& they

$"(ld sl"$ly di#ide the $"ld int" the ha#es and the ha#e;n"ts& $ith thelagest& i'hest '"%"ati"ns (nning the small ente%ene(s "(t "fb(siness and '"nt"lling m"e and m"e "f the $ealth* S(e thee $"(ldbe i"ts& b(t that $"(ld 2(st %lay int" the hands "f the elite as theystengthened thei %"li'e '"nt"l*

My a$aeness s(ddenly 2(m%ed t" a highe le#el and I finally (ndest""dthe %"lai3ati"n "f :ea '"m%letely7 geat n(mbes "f %e"%le seemed t"be ga#itating t" "ne %es%e'ti#e " the "the& $ith b"th sides aisingthe sta!es t" that "f $a& "f g""d #s* e#il& and b"th #is(ali3ing the"the as the %e%etat"s "f a gand '"ns%ia'y*

And in the ba'!g"(nd I n"$ (ndest""d the g"$ing infl(en'e "f th"se

%e"%le $h" 'laimed t" be able t" e1%lain this emegent e#il* These $eethe end;times analysts t" $h"m J"el had

I efeed ealie* In the g"$ing t(m"il "f the tansiti"n& these


inte%etes $ee beginning t" in'ease thei %"$e* In thei #ie$

the )ible.s %"%he'ies $ee t" be (ndest""d liteally& and $hat theysa$ in the (n'etainty "f "( time $as the l"ng;a$aited a%"'aly%se%e%aing t" des'end* S""n $"(ld '"me the "(tight h"ly $a in $hi'hh(mans $"(ld be di#ided bet$een the f"'es "f da!ness and amies "flight* They en#isi"ned this $a as a eal %hysi'al '"nfli't& fast andbl""dy& and f" th"se $h" !ne$ it $as '"ming& "nly "ne de'isi"n $asim%"tant7 be "n the '"e't side $hen the fighting began*

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+et sim(ltane"(sly& 2(st as $ith the "the landma! t(ns in h(manhist"y& I '"(ld see bey"nd the :ea and eten'hment t" the a't(al)ith 9isi"ns "f th"se in#"l#ed* Clealy e#ey"ne "n b"th sides "f the%"lai3ati"n had '"me int" the %hysi'al dimensi"n intending that this%"lai3ati"n n"t be s" intense* We $anted a sm""th tansiti"n f"m the"ld mateialisti' $"ld#ie$ t" the ne$ s%iit(al "ne& and $e $anted a

tansf"mati"n in $hi'h the best "f the "lde taditi"ns $"(ld bee'"gni3ed and integated int" the ne$ $"ld that $as emeging*

I '"(ld 'lealy see that this g"$ing belligeen'e $as an abeati"n&'"ming n"t f"m intenti"n& b(t f"m the :ea* O( "iginal #isi"n $asthat the ethi's "f h(man s"'iety $"(ld be maintained at the same timethat ea'h %es"n '"(ld be f(lly libeated and the en#i"nment %"te'ted8and that e'"n"mi' 'eati#ity $"(ld be at "n'e '"nse#ed and tansf"medby int"d('ing an "#eiding s%iit(al %(%"se* And f(the& that thiss%iit(al %(%"se '"(ld des'end f(lly int" the $"ld and initiate a(t"%ia in a $ay that symb"li'ally f(lfilled the end;times S'i%t(es*

$at'hed Maya.s )ith 9isi"n& I '"(ld alm"st glim%se this highe My

a$aeness am%lified e#en f(the& and 2(st as $hen I had

s%iit(al (ndestanding& the f(ll %i't(e "f $hee h(man hist"y $asintended t" g" f"m hee& h"$ $e '"(ld a'hie#e this e'"n'iliati"n "f#ie$s and g" "n t" f(lfill "( h(man destiny* Then&

as bef"e& my head began t" s%in& and I l"st '"n'entati"n8 I '"(ldn.tea'h the le#el "f enegy needed t" gas% it*

The #isi"n began t" disa%%ea& and I stained t" h"ld "n& seeing the'(ent sit(ati"n "ne last time* Clealy& $ith"(t the mediatinginfl(en'e "f the W"ld 9isi"n& the %"lai3ati"n "f :ea $"(ld '"ntin(et" a''eleate* I '"(ld see the t$" sides hadening& thei feelings

intensifying& as b"th began t" thin! the "the t" be n"t 2(st $"ng& b(thide"(s& #enal *** in leag(e $ith the de#il himself*

Afte a m"ment "f di33iness and a sense "f a%id m"#ement& I l""!eda"(nd and sa$ Wil beside me* -e glan'ed my $ay& then ga3ed "(t at theda! gay en#i"nment& a '"n'ened e1%essi"n

n his fa'e* We had ta#eled t" a ne$ l"'ati"n*

Wee y"( able t" see my #isi"n "f hist"y<= I as!ed*

-e l""!ed at me again and n"dded* =What $e 2(st sa$ $as a ne$ s%iit(alinte%etati"n "f hist"y& s"me$hat s%e'ifi' t" y"( '(lt(al #ie$& b(t

ama3ingly e#ealing* I.#e ne#e seen anything i!e that bef"e* Thishas t" be %at "f the Tenth;a 'lea #ie$ "f the h(man 0(est as seen inthe Aftelife* We.e (ndestanding that e#ey"ne is b"n $ith a%"siti#e intenti"n& tying t" bing m"e "f the !n"$ledge '"ntained inthe Aftelife int" the %hysi'al* All "f (s@ -ist"y has been a l"ng%"'ess "f a$a!ening*

e %hysi'al& "f '"(se& $e (n int" this When $e ae b"n int" th %"blem"f g"ing (n'"ns'i"(s and ha#ing t" be s"'iali3ed and tained in the'(lt(al eality "f the day* Afte that& all $e 'an emembe ae theseg(t feelings& these int(iti"ns& t" d" 'etain things* )(t $e '"nstantlyha#e t" fight the :ea* Often the :ea is s" geat $e fail t" f"ll"$th"(gh $ith $hat $e intended& " $e dist"t it s"meh"$* )(t e#ey"ne&and I mean e#ey"ne& '"mes in $ith the best "f intenti"ns*=

=S" y"( thin! a seial !ille& f" instan'e& eally 'ame hee t" d"

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s"mething g""d<=

=+es& "iginally All !illing is a age and lashing "(t that is a $ay "f"#e'"ming an inne sense "f :ea and hel%lessness*=

=I d"n.t !n"$&= I said* =Aen.t s"me %e"%le 2(st inheently bad<=

=N"& they 2(st g" 'a3y in the :ea and ma!e h"ible mista!es* And&(ltimately& they m(st bea the f(ll es%"nsibility "f these mista!es*)(t $hat has t" be (ndest""d is that h"ible a'ts ae 'a(sed& in %at&by "( #ey tenden'y t" ass(me that s"me %e"%le ae nat(ally e#il*That.s the mista!en #ie$ that f(els the %"lai3ati"n* )"th sides 'an.tbelie#e h(mans 'an a't the $ay they d" $ith"(t being intinsi'ally n"g""d& and s" they in'easingly deh(mani3e and alienate ea'h "the& $hi'hin'eases the :ea and bings "(t the $"st in e#ey"ne*= -e seemeddista'ted again& l""!ing a$ay*

=Ea'h side thin!s the "the is in#"l#ed in a '"ns%ia'y "f the geatests"t&= he added& =the emb"diment "f all that.s negati#e*=

I n"ti'ed he $as l""!ing "(t t"$ad the distan'e again& and $hen If"ll"$ed his eyes& and als" f"'(sed "n the en#i"nment& I began t" %i'!(% an "min"(s sense "f da!ness and f"eb"ding*

=I thin!&&& he '"ntin(ed& =that $e 'an.t bing in the W"ld 9isi"n& "es"l#e the %"lai3ati"n& (ntil $e (ndestand the eal nat(e "f e#iland the a't(al eality "f -ell*=

=Why d" y"( say that<= I as!ed*

-e glan'ed at me "ne m"e time& then ga3ed "(t again int" the d(ll gay*=)e'a(se -ell is e1a'tly $hee $e ae*=




A'hill s(ged th"(gh my b"dy as I l""!ed "(t "n the gay en#i"nment*The "min"(s feeling I %e'ei#ed ealie $as t(ning int" a 'lea sense"f alienati"n and des%ai*

=-a#e y"( been hee bef"e<= I as!ed Wil*

=Only t" the edge&= he e%lied* =Ne#e "(t hee in the middle*

D" y"( feel h"$ '"ld it is<=

I n"dded as a m"#ement 'a(ght my eye* =What is that<=

Wil sh""! his head* =I.m n"t s(e*=

A s$iling mass "f enegy seemed t" be m"#ing in "( die' IM


=it m(st be an"the s"(l g"(%&= I said*

N As they 'ame 'l"se& I tied t" f"'(s "n thei th"(ghts& feeling sense "f alienati"n& e#en ange* I tied t" sh(g it an e#en geate

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"ff& "%en (% m"e*

=Wait&= I #ag(ely head Wil say* =+"(.e n"t st"ng en"(gh*=

)(t it $as t"" late* I $as s(ddenly %(lled int" an intense bla'!nessand then bey"nd it int" a lage t"$n "f s"me !ind* In te"


I l""!ed a"(nd& st(ggling t" !ee% my $its& and eali3ed that thea'hite't(e indi'ated the nineteenth 'ent(y* I $as standing "n asteet '"ne f(ll "f %e"%le $al!ing by& and in the distan'e $as theaised d"me "f a 'a%it"l b(ilding* At fist I th"(ght I $as a't(ally inthe nineteenth 'ent(y& b(t se#eal as%'ts "f the eality $ee $"ng7the h"i3"n faded "(t t" a stange gay '"l"& and the s!y $as "li#egeen& simila t" the s!y ab"#e the "ffi'e '"nst('ti"n that Williamshad 'eated $hen he $as a#"iding the eali3ati"n that he had died*

Then I be'ame a$ae "f f"( men $at'hing e f"m the "%%"site steet'"ne* An i'y;'"ld feeling s$e%t my b"dy* All $ee $ell dessed and

"ne '"'!ed his head and t""! a %(ff f"m a lage 'iga* An"the 'he'!eda $at'h and et(ned it t" his #est %"'!et* Thei l""! $ass"%histi'ated b(t mena'iN*

=Any"ne $h" has aised thei ie is a fiend J mine&= a l"$ #"i'e s%"!ef"m behind me*

I t(ned t" see a lage& bael;sha%ed man& als" $ell dessed and$eaing a $ide;bimmed felt hat& $al!ing t"$ad me* -is fa'e seemedfamilia8 I had seen him bef"e* )(t $hee<

=D"n.t mind them&= he added* =They.e n"t s" had t" "(tsmat*=

I staed at his tall& st""%ed %"st(e and shifitng eyes& then emembeed$h" he $as* -e had been the '"mmande "f the fedeal t""%s I had seenin the #isi"ns "f the nineteenth;'ent(y $a& the "ne $h" had ef(sed t"see Maya and had "deed the battle against the Nati#e %e"%le t" begin*This t"&&#n $as a '"nst('ti"n& I th"(ght* -e m(st ha#e e;'eated hislate life sit(ati"n in "de t" a#"id eali3ing he $as dead*

=This is n"t eal&= I bl(ted* =+"(.e *** (h *** de'eased*=

-e seemed t" ign"e my statement* =S" $hat ha#e y"( d"ne t" %iss "ffthat b(n'h "f 2a'!als<=

=I ha#en.t d"ne anything*=

=Oh yes& y"(.#e d"ne s"mething* I !n"$ that l""! they.e gi#ing y"(*They thin! they (n this t"$n& y"( !n"$* In fa't& they thin! they 'an(n the $h"le $"ld*= -e sh""! his head*

=These %e"%le ne#e t(st fate* They thin! they.e es%"nsible f"seeing that the f(t(e t(ns "(t e1a'tly as they %lan* E#eything*

E'"n"mi' de#el"%ment& g"#enments& the fl"$ "f m"ney& e#en the elati#e#al(e "f $"ld '(en'ies* All "f $hi'h is n"t a bad idea& eally* G"d!n"$s the $"ld is f(ll "f %e"ns and idi"ts& $h" $ill (in e#eything ifleft t" thei "$n de#i'es* The %e"%le ha#e t" be heded and '"nt"lledas m('h as %"ssible& and if "ne 'an ma!e a little m"ney al"ng the $ay&$hy n"t<

=)(t these n(ts tied t" (n me* Of '"(se& I.m t"" smat f" them*

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I.#e al$ays been t"" smat f" them* S" $hat did y"( d"<=

=Listen&= I said* =Ty t" (ndestand* N"ne "f this is eal*=

=-ey&= he e%lied& =I $"(ld s(ggest that y"( ta!e me int" y"('"nfiden'e* If they.e against y"(* I.m the "nly fiend y"( ha#e*=

I l""!ed a$ay& b(t I '"(ld tell he $as still eyeing me s(s%iCi"(sly*

=They.e tea'he"(s %e"%le&= he $ent "n* =They.ll ne#e f"gi#e y"(*Ta!e my sit(ati"n& f" e1am%le* All they $anted $as t" (se my militaye1%eien'e t" 0(ash the Indians and "%en (% thei lands* )(t I $as "nt"them* I !ne$ they '"(ldn.t be t(sted& that I $"(ld ha#e t" l""! "(tf" myself*= -e ga#e me a $y l""!*

=It.s hade f" them t" (se y"( and th"$ y"( a$ay if y"(.e a $ahe"& ight< Afte the $a I s"ld myself t" the %(bli'* That $ay&these 'haa'tes had t" %lay ball $ith me* )(t let me tell y"(7 ne#e(ndeestimate these %e"%le* They ae 'a%able "f anything@=

-e ba'!ed a$ay f"m me a m"ment& as if %"ndeing my a%%eaan'e*

=In fa't&= he added& =they may ha#e sent y"( as a s%y*=

At a l"ss as t" $hat t" d"& I stated t" $al! a$ay*

=+"( bastad@= he yelled* =I $as ight*=

I sa$ him ea'h int" a %"'!et and %(ll a sh"t !nife* /etified& If"'ed my b"dy t" m"#e& (nning d"$n the steet and int" an alley$ay&his f""tste%s hea#y behind me* On the ight $as a d""& %atially "%en*I an th"(gh it and slid the b"lt int" the l"'!ed %"siti"n* My ne1tbeath de$ in the hea#y "d" "f "%i(m*

A"(nd me $ee d"3ens "f %e"%le& thei fa'es staing absently (% at me*Wee they eal& I $"ndeed& " %at "f the '"nst('ted ill(si"n< M"st0(i'!ly t(ned ba'! t" thei m(ted '"n#esati"n and h""!ah %i%es& s" Istated t" $al! th"(gh the dity mattesses and s"fas t" an"the d""*

=I !n"$ y"(&= a $"man sl(ed* She $as leaning against the $all by thed""& he head hanging f"$ad as if t"" hea#y f" he ne'!* =I $ent t"y"( s'h""l*=

I l""!ed at he in '"nf(si"n f" a m"ment& then emembeed the y"(nggil in my high s'h""l $h" had s(ffeed f"m e%eated e%is"des "fde%essi"n and d(g (se* Resisting all inte#enti"n& she had finally

"#ed"sed and died*

=Sha"n& is that y"(<=

She managed a smile& and I glan'ed ba'! at the d""& '"n'ened that the!nife;beaing '"mmande might ha#e f"(nd a $ay inside*

=It.s "!ay&= she said* =+"( 'an stay hee $ith (s* +"(.ll be safe inthis ""m* N"thing 'an h(t y"(*=

I $al!ed a ste% 'l"se and as gently as %"ssible said& =I d"n.t $ant t"stay* All this is an ill(si"n*=

As I said that& thee " f"( %e"%le t(ned and l""!ed at me angily*

=/lease& Sha"n&= I $his%eed* =J(st '"me $ith me*=

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T$" "f the 'l"sest st""d (% and $al!ed "#e beside Sha"n*

=Get "(t "f hee&= "ne t"ld me* =Lea#e he al"ne*=

=D"n.t listen t" him&= the "the said t" Sha"n* =-e.s 'a3yWe needea'h "the*=

I st""%ed slightly s" I '"(ld l""! die'tly int" Sha"n.s eyes*

=Sha"n& n"ne "f this is eal* +"(.e dead* We ha#e t" find a $ay "(t"f hee*=

=Sh(t (%@= an"the %es"n s'eamed* :"( " fi#e m"e %e"%le $al!edt"$ad me& hate in thei eyes* =Lea#e (s al"ne*=

I began t" ba'! t"$ad the d""8 the '"$d m"#ed t"$ad me* Th"(gh theb"dies I '"(ld see Sha"n t(ning ba'! t" he h""!ah h"se* I t(ned andan th"(gh the d""& "nly t" eali3e that I $asn.t "(tside* I $as inan "ffi'e "f s"me !ind& s("(nded by '"m%(tes& filing 'abinets& a

'"nfeen'e table;m"den& t$entieth;'ent(y f(nit(e and e0(i%ment*

=-ey& y"(.e n"t s(%%"sed t" be in hee&= s"me"ne said* I t(ned a"(ndt" see a middle;aged man l""!ing at me "#e his eading glasses*=Whee.s my se'etay< I d"n.t ha#e time f" this*

What d" y"( $ant<=

=S"me"ne.s 'hasing me* I $as tying t" hide*=

=G""d G"d& man@ Then d"n.t '"me in hee* I said I d"n.t ha#e time f"this* +"( ha#en.t the slightest idea $hat I ha#e t" d" t"day* L""! atthese 'ase files* Wh" d" y"( thin! $ill %"'ess them if I d"n.t<= I

th"(ght I sa$ a l""! "f te" "n his fa'e*

I sh""! my head and l""!ed f" an"the d""* =D"n.t y"( !n"$ y"(.edead<= I as!ed* =This is all imagined*=

-e %a(sed& the l""! "f te" shifting t" ange& then as!ed& =-"$ didy"( get in hee< Ae y"( a 'iminal<=

I f"(nd a d"" that led "(tside and an "(t* The steets $ee n"$'"m%letely em%ty e1'e%t f" "ne 'aiage* It %(lled (% t" the h"tela'"ss f"m me& and a bea(tif(l $"man& dessed in

e#ening attie& g"t "(t and glan'ed "#e t"$ad me& then smiled*

Thee $as s"mething $am and 'aing ab"(t he demean"* I dashed a'"ssthe steet t"$ad he& and she %a(sed t" $at'h me a%%"a'h& he smile'"y and in#iting*

=+"(.e al"ne&= she said* =Why d"n.t y"( 2"in me<=

=Whee ae y"( g"ing<= I as!ed tentati#ely*

=T" a %aty*=

=Wh".s g"ing t" be thee<=

=I ha#e n" idea*=

She "%ened the d"" t" the h"tel and m"ti"ned f" me t" '"me $ith he* I

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f"ll"$ed aimlessly& tying t" thin! "f $hat t" d"* We $al!ed int" theele#at" and she %(shed the b(tt"n f" the f"(th fl""* As $e "de (%&the sensati"n "f $amth and 'aing in'eased $ith ea'h fl""* O(t "fthe '"ne "f my eye I sa$ he staing at my hands* When I l""!ed& shesmiled again and %etended t" ha#e been 'a(ght*

The ele#at" "%ened and she led me d"$n the hall t" a %ati'(la d""

and !n"'!ed t$i'e* Afte a m"ment the d"" $as (nl"'!ed and a man"%ened it* -is fa'e lit (% at the sight "f the $"man*

=C"me in@= he said* =C"me in@=

She in#ited me t" ente ahead "f he& and as I $al!ed in& a y"(ng $"manea'hed "#e and t""! my am* She $as dessed in a sta%less g"$n and$as baef""ted*

=Oh& y"(.e l"st&= she said* =/"" thing* +"(.ll be safe in hee $ith(s*=

/ast the d"" I '"(ld see a man $ith"(t a shit* =L""! at th"se

thighs&= he '"mmented& staing at me*

=-e has %efe't hands&= an"the said*

In a state "f sh"'! I eali3ed the ""m $as '"$ded $ith %e"%le in#ai"(s stages "f n(dity and l"#ema!ing*

=N"& $ait&= I said* =I 'an.t stay*=

The $"man "n my am said& =+"( $"(ld g" ba'! "(t thee<

it ta!es f"e#e t" find a g"(% li!e this* :eel the enegy in hee*

N"t li!e the fea "f being al"ne& h(h<= She m"#ed he hand a'"ss my'hest*

S(ddenly thee $as the s"(nd "f a s'(ffle "n the "the side "f the ""m*

=N"& lea#e me al"ne@= s"me"ne sh"(ted* =I d"n.t $ant t" be hee*=

A y"(ng man n" "lde than eighteen %(shed se#eal %e"%le a$ay and an"(t the d""* I (sed t e ista'ti"n t" (n "(t behind him* N"t $aitingf" the ele#at"& he b"(nded d"$n the ad2a'ent stais and I f"ll"$ed*When I ea'hed the steet& he $as aleady "n the "the side*

I $as ab"(t t" sh"(t f" him t" st"% $hen I sa$ him fee3e in te"*

Ahead "n the side$al! $as the '"mmande& still h"lding the !nife& b(tthis time fa'ing the g"(% "f men $h" had $at'hed me ealie* They $eeall tal!ing at the same time& %"st(ing angily Ab(%tly "ne "f theg"(% %(lled a g(n& and the '"mmande (shed t"$ad him $ith the !nife*Sh"ts ang "(t& and the '"mmande.s hat and !nife fle$ ba'!$ad as theb(llet %ie'ed his f"ehead* -e d"%%ed t" the g"(nd $ith a th(d& andas he did& the "the men st"%%ed in midm"ti"n and began t" fade a$ay(ntil they disa%%eaed '"m%letely* J(st as 0(i'!ly the man "n theg"(nd als" disa%%eaed*

A'"ss f"m me& the y"(ng man sat $eaily d"$n "n the '(b and %(t hishead in his hands* I (shed (% t" him& my !nees sha!ing*

=It.s "!ay&= I said* =They.e g"ne*=

=N"& they.e n"t&= he said in f(stati"n* =L""! "#e thee*=

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=M"st "f it* When I f"'(sed "n the s"(ls neaby& I '"(ld %i'! (% "nthei #ie$ "f $hat $as ha%%ening t" y"(* This ing "f s"(ls is'"nstantly beaming enegy int" the ill(si"ns& h"%ing s"me"ne $illes%"nd*=

=Did y"( see the teenage b"y< -e $as able t" $a!e (%* )(t the "thes

didn.t seem t" %ay attenti"n t" anything*=

Wil t(ned t" fa'e me* =D" y"( emembe $hat $e sa$ d(ing Williams.Life Re#ie$< At fist he '"(ldn.t a''e%t $hat $as ha%%ening& and hebegan t" e%ess his death t" the e1tent that he 'eated a mental'"nst('ti"n "f his "ffi'e*=

=+es& I th"(ght "f that $hen I $as d"$n thee*=

=Well& that.s h"$ it $"!s f" e#ey"ne* If $e die and $e ha#e been s"immesed in "( '"nt"l dama and "(tine as a $ay t" e%ess themystey and inse'(ity "f life& t" s('h a degee that $e 'an.t e#en $a!e(% afte death& then $e 'eate these ill(si"ns " tan'es s" $e 'an

'"ntin(e the same $ay "f feeling safe& e#en afte $e ente theAftelife* If Williams. s"(l g"(% had n"t ea'hed him& he $"(ld ha#eenteed "ne "f the hellish %la'es $hee y"( $ee* It.s all a ea'ti"nt" :ea* The %e"%le thee

$"(ld be %aaly3ed $ith :ea if they didn.t find s"me $ay t" $ad it"ff& t" e%ess it bel"$ '"ns'i"(sness* What they.e d"ing is e%eatingthe same damas& the same '"%ing de#i'es& they %a'ti'ed in life& andthey 'an.t st"%*=

=S" these ill(si"nal ealities ae 2(st se#ee '"nt"l damas<=

=+es& they all fall $ithin the geneal styles "f the '"nt"l damas&

e1'e%t that they ae m"e intense and n"nefle'ti#e* :" e1am%le& theman $ith the !nife& the '"mmande& $as n" d"(bt an intimidat" in the$ay he st"le enegy f"m "thes* And he ati"nali3ed this beha#i" byass(ming that the $"ld $as "(t t" get him& and "f '"(se& in his life"n Eath these e1%e'tati"ns de$ 2(st th"se !inds "f %e"%le int" hislife& s" his mental #isi"n $as f(lfilled* -ee he 2(st 'eatedimaginay %e"%le t" be afte him s" he '"(ld e%"d('e the samesit(ati"n*

=If he $ee t" (n "(t "f %e"%le t" intimidate and his enegy $ee t"fall& an1iety $"(ld begin t" see% int" '"ns'i"(sness again* S" he hast" !ee% (% the intimidat" "le '"nstantly* -e has t" !ee% this%ati'(la !ind "f a'ti"n g"ing& the a'ti"n he leaned l"ng ag"& the

"nly a'ti"n he !n"$s that $ill %e"''(%y his mind s(ffi'iently t" !illthe :ea* It is the a'ti"n itself;the '"m%(lsi#e& damati'&high;adenaline nat(e "f the a'ti"n;that %(shes the an1iety s" fa int"the ba'!g"(nd that he 'an f"get ab"(t it& e%ess it& and feel half atease in his e1isten'e& at least f" a little $hile*=

=What ab"(t the d(g (ses<= I as!ed*

=in this 'ase& they $ee ta!ing %assi#ity& the .%"" me&. t" the e1teme"f %"2e'ting n"thing b(t des%ai and '(elty "n the entie $"ld&ati"nali3ing a need t" es'a%e* Obsessi#ely %(s(ing d(gs still se#esthe f(n'ti"n "f %e"''(%ying the mind and e%essing an1iety& e#en inthe Aftelife*

=In the %hysi'al dimensi"n d(gs "ften %"d('e a e(%h"ia

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0(ite li!e the e(%h"ia that '"mes f"m l"#e* The %"blem $ith thisfalse e(%h"ia& h"$e#e& is that the b"dy esists the 'hemi'als and'"(ntea'ts them& $hi'h means that& as the d(g is e%eatedly (sed& itta!es an in'easingly lage d"se t" ea'h the same effe't& $hi'he#ent(ally dest"ys the b"dy*=

I th"(ght "f the '"mmande again* =S"mething eally stange ha%%ened

d"$n thee* The man $h" $as 'hasing me $as !illed& and then he seemedt" '"me ba'! t" life and stat the dama all

"#e again*=

=That.s h"$ it $"!s in this self;im%"sed -ell* All these ill(si"nsal$ays %lay "(t and bl"$ (% in the end* If y"( had been $ith s"me"ne$h" had e%essed the mystey "f life by eating geat am"(nts "f fat& aheat atta'! might ha#e ended it* The d(g (ses e#ent(ally dest"ythei "$n b"dies& the '"mmande dies "#e and "#e& and s" "n*

=And it $"!s the same $ay in the %hysi'al dimensi"n7 a '"m%(lsi#e'"nt"l dama al$ays fails& s""ne " late* ,s(ally it ha%%ens d(ing

the tials and 'hallenges "f life8 "(tines bea! d"$n and the an1iety(shes in* It is $hat.s 'alled hitting b"tt"m*

This is the time t" $a!e (% and handle the :ea in an"the $ay8 b(t if a%es"n 'an.t& then he " she g"es ight ba'! int" the tan'e* And if"ne d"esn.t $a!e (% in the %hysi'al dimensi"n& "ne might ha#e diffi'(lty$a!ing (% in the "the as $ell*

=These '"m%(lsi#e tan'es a''"(nt f" all h"ible beha#i" in the%hysi'al dimensi"n* This is the %sy'h"l"gy "f all t(ly e#il a'ts& them"ti#ati"n behind the in'"n'ei#able beha#i" "f 'hild m"lestes&sadists& and seial m"nstes "f all !inds* They.e sim%ly e%eating the"nly beha#i" they !n"$ that $ill n(mb the mind and !ee% a$ay the

an1iety that '"mes f"m the l"stiess

they feel*=

=S" y"(.e saying&= I inte2e'ted& =that thee is n" "gani3ed&

'"ns%iat"ial e#il in the $"ld& n" satani' %l"t t" $hi'h $e fall%ey<=

=N"ne* Thee is "nly h(man fea and the bi3ae $ays that h(mans ty t"$ad it "ff*=

=What ab"(t the many efeen'es in sa'ed te1ts and s'i%t(es t"


=This idea is a meta%h"& a symb"li' $ay "f $aning %e"%le t" l""! t"the di#ine f" se'(ity& n"t t" thei s"metimes tagi' eg" (ges andhabits* )laming an "(tside f"'e f" e#eything bad $as %eha%sim%"tant at a 'etain stage in h(man de#el"%ment*

)(t n"$ it "bs'(es the t(th& be'a(se blaming "( beha#i" "n f"'es"(tside "(sel#es is a $ay "f a#"iding es%"nsibility* And $e tend t"(se the idea "f Satan t" %"2e't that s"me %e"%le ae inheently e#il s"$e 'an deh(mani3e the "nes $e disagee $ith and $ite them "ff* It istime n"$ t" (ndestand the t(e nat(e "f h(man e#il in a m"es"%histi'ated $ay and then t" deal $ith iC&

=If thee is n" satani' %l"t&= I said& =then .%"ssessi"n. d"esn.te1ist*=

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=That.s n"t s"&= Wil said em%hati'ally* =/sy'h"l"gi'al.%"ssessi"n. d"ese1ist* )(t it is n"t the es(lt "f a '"ns%ia'y "f e#il8 it is 2(stenegy dynami's* :eaf(l %e"%le $ant t" '"nt"l "thes*

That.s $hy 'etain g"(%s ty t" %(ll y"( in and '"n#in'e y"( t" f"ll"$them& and as! y"( t" s(bmit t" thei a(th"ity& " fight y"( if y"( ty

t" lea#e*=

=When I $as fist da$n int" that ill(s"y t"$n& I th"(ght I had been%"ssessed by s"me dem"ni' f"'e*=

=N"& y"( $ee da$n in be'a(se y"( made the same mista!e y"( madeealie7 y"( didn.t 2(st "%en (% and listen t" th"se s"(ls8 y"( ga#ey"(self "#e t" them& as if they a(t"mati'ally had all the ans$es&$ith"(t 'he'!ing t" see if they $ee '"nne'ted and m"ti#ated by l"#e*And (nli!e the s"(ls $h" ae di#inely '"nne'ted& they didn.t ba'! a$ayf"m y"(* They 2(st %(lled y"( int" thei $"ld& the same $ay s"me'a3y g"(% " '(lt might d" in the %hysi'al dimensi"n if y"( d"n.tdis'iminate*

Wil %a(sed as if in th"(ght& then '"ntin(ed* =All this is m"e "f theTenth insight8 that.s $hy $e.e seeing it* As '"mm(ni'ati"n bet$een thet$" dimensi"ns in'eases& $e.ll begin t" ha#e m"e en'"(ntes $ith s"(lsin the Aftelife* This %at "f the insight is that $e m(st dis'enbet$een th"se s"(ls $h" ae a$a!e and '"nne'ted $ith the s%iit "f l"#eand th"se $h" ae feaf(l and st('! in an "bsessi#e tan'e "f s"me !ind*)(t $e m(st d" s" $ith"(t in#alidating and deh(mani3ing th"se 'a(ght ins('h fea damas by thin!ing they ae dem"ns " de#ils* They ae s"(lsin a g"$th %"'ess& 2(st li!e (s* In fa't& in the Eath dimensi"nth"se $h" ae n"$ 'a(ght (% in damas f"m $hi'h they 'an.t es'a%e ae"ften the #ey s"(ls $h" $ee the m"st "%timisti' in thei )ith9isi"ns*=

I sh""! my head& n"t f"ll"$ing his meaning*

=That is $hy&= he '"ntin(ed& =they 'h"se t" be b"n int" s('h dasti'&feaf(l sit(ati"ns that ne'essitate s('h intense& 'a3y '"%ing de#i'es*=

=+"(.e tal!ing ab"(t '"ming int" ab(si#e and dysf(n'ti"nal families&that s"t "f sit(ati"n<=

=+es* Intense '"nt"l damas "f all !inds& $hethe they ae #i"lent "2(st %e#ese and stange addi'ti"ns& '"me f"m en#i"nments $hee lifeis s" ab(si#e and dysf(n'ti"nal and '"nsti'ti#e& and the le#el "f :eais s" geat& that they s%a$n this same age and ange " %e#esi"n "#e

and "#e& geneati"n afte geneati"n* The indi#id(als $h" ae b"nint" these sit(ati"ns 'h""se t" d" s" "n %(%"se& $ith 'laity*=

The idea seemed %e%"ste"(s t" me* $y $"(ld any"ne $ant t" be b"nint" a %la'e li!e that<=

=)e'a(se they $ee s(e they had en"(gh 8tength t" bea! "(t& t" endthe 'y'le& t" heal the family system in $hi'h they $"(ld be b"n* They$ee '"nfident that they '"(ld a$a!en and $"! th"(gh the esentmentand ange at finding themsel#es in these de%i#ed 'i'(mstan'es& and seeit all as a%e%aati"n f" a missi"n;(s(ally "ne "f hel%ing "thes "(t"f dmila sit(ati"ns*

E#en if they ae #i"lent& $e ha#e t" see them as ia#ing the %"tential t"bea! fee "f the dama*=

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When $e st"%%ed& Wil and I $ee fa'ing ea'h "the* A"(nd (s $as m"egay* An"the l"(d& disham"ni"(s s"(nd shatteed the silen'e& andWil.s fa'e began t" l"se f"'(s* -e '"ntin(ed t" h"ld "nt" me& and aftese#eal m"ments the s"(nd ended*

=These s"(nd b(sts ae '"ming m"e fe0(ently n"$&= Wil said* =We may

n"t ha#e m('h time left*=

I n"dded& fighting the di33iness*

=Let.s l""! a"(nd&= Wil said*

As s""n as $e f"'(sed "n "( s("(ndings& $e sa$ $hat a%%eaed t" be amass "f enegy se#eal h(nded yads a$ay*

Immediately it 'l"sed t" $ithin f"ty " fifty feet*

=)e 'aef(l&= Wil 'a(ti"ned* =D"n.t identify '"m%letely $ith them* 2(stlisten and find "(t $h" they ae*=

I f"'(sed $aily& and immediately sa$ s"(ls in m"ti"n and an image "fthe t"$n f"m $hi'h I had es'a%ed*

I e'"iled in fea& $hi'h a't(ally made them '"me 'l"se t"


=Stay 'enteed in l"#e&= Wil inst('ted* =They 'an.t %(ll (s in (nless$e a't as th"(gh $e $ant them t" sa#e (s* Ty t" send them l"#e andenegy* It.ll eithe hel% them " ma!e them (n a$ay

Reali3ing the s"(ls $ee m"e afaid than I $as& I f"(nd my 'ente and

beamed them l"#e enegy* Immediately they m"#ed a%idly a$ay f"m (s t"thei "iginal %"siti"n*

=Why 'an.t they a''e%t the l"#e and $a!e (%<= I as!ed Wil*

=)e'a(se $hen they feel the enegy and it aises thei '"ns'i"(sness adegee& thei %e"''(%ati"n lifts s"me$hat and

d"esn.t fend "ff the an1iety "f thei al"neness* C"ming int" a$aenessand bea!ing fee "f a '"nt"l dama al$ays feels an1i"(s at fist&be'a(se the '"m%(lsi"n has t" lift bef"e the in$ad s"l(ti"n t" thel"stness 'an be f"(nd* That.s $hy a .da! night "f the s"(l. s"metimes%e'edes in'eased a$aeness and s%iit(al e(%h"ia*=

A m"#ement t" the ight 'a(ght "( attenti"n* When I f"'(sed& Ieali3ed that "the s"(ls $ee in the aea8 they 'ame 'l"se and the"thes m"#ed a$ay* I stained t" %i'! (% "n $hat the g"(% $as d"ing*

=Why d" y"( thin! this g"(% is hee<= I as!ed Wil*

-e sh(gged* =They ha#e s"mething t" d" $ith this g(y :eyman*=

In the s%a'e a"(nd the g"(% I began t" see a m"#ing image& a s'ene "fs"me !ind* When I b"(ght it 'lealy int" f"'(s& I eali3ed it $as theimage "f an e1%ansi#e ind(stial %lant s"me$hee "n Eath& $ith lagemetal b(ildings and "$s "f $hat l""!ed li!e tansf"mes and %i%es andmiles "f intelin!ing $ie*

At the 'ente "f the '"m%le1& at"% "ne "f the lagest b(ildings& $as a

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'"mmand 'ente "f %(e glass* Inside I '"(ld see "$s "f '"m%(tes andga(ges "f all des'i%ti"ns* I glan'ed at Wil*

=I see it&= he said*

As $e '"ntin(ed t" s(#ey the '"m%le1& "( %es%e'ti#e e1%anded s" that$e '"(ld n"$ #ie$ the %lant f"m ab"#e* :"m hee $e '"(ld see miles "f

$ie lea#ing the %lant in all die'ti"ns& feeding h(ge t"$es '"ntainings"me s"t "f lase beams sh""ting enegy "(t t" "the l"'al stati"ns*

=D" y"( !n"$ $hat all this is<= I as!ed Wil*

-e n"dded* =It.s a 'entali3ed enegy;geneating %lant*=

M"#ement at "ne end "f the '"m%le1 atta'ted "( attenti"n*

Emegen'y #ans and fie t('!s $ee ai#ing at "ne "f the lage

b(ildings* An "min"(s gl"$ adiated f"m the thid;fl"" $ind"$s* At"ne %"int the gl"$ bightened and then the g"(nd a an e1%l"si"n "f

(nde the entie b(ilding seemed t" 'a'! * I

then sl"$ly '"ld(st and debis the b(ilding sh(ddeed and

la%sed* T" the ight an"the b(ilding b(st inO flames*

The s'ene m"#ed t" the '"mmand 'ente& N#hee inside& te'hni'ians m"#edfanti'ally* :"m the ight a d" "%ened and a man enteed $ith an amf(ll "f 'hats and Il(e%ints* -e laid them "(t "n a table and $"!ed$ith $hat a%f eaed t" be detemined '"nfiden'e* Wal!ing $ith a lim% t""n side "f the ""m&

he began t" ad2(st s$it'hes and dials* Ga(ally the g"(nd mde

'"nt"l* -e st"%%ed sha!ing and the fies $ee b"(ght '"ntin(ed t"$"! hastily and t" inst('t the &the te'hni'ians*

I l""!ed at the indi#id(al n"$ in 'hage m"e 'l"sely and

then t(ned t" Wil* =That.s :eyman@=

)ef"e Wil '"(ld es%"nd& the s'ene shifte' int" fast;f"$ad*

)ef"e "( eyes the %lant $as sa#ed& then& 0(i'dy& $"!es began t"dismantle it& b(ilding by b(ilding* At the s;&me time& "n a site

neaby& a ne$& smalle fa'ility $as being '"nst('ted that $"(ld m"st "f

the '"nman(fa't(e m"e '"m%a't geneat"s* :inallH %le1 had beenet(ned t" its nat(al& $""ded state& and the ne$ fa'ility $as t(ning"(t small (nits that $e '"2d see behind ea'h h"(se and b(sinessth"(gh"(t the '"(ntyside

Ab(%tly "( %es%e'ti#e ba'!ed a$ay 0(i'!* $e '"(ld see a singleindi#id(al in the f"eg"(nd $at'hing he same s'ene $e $ee* When $e'"(ld see his %"file& I eali3ed that it $as :eyman& bef"e his '(entbith& '"ntem%latig $hat he '"(ld

a'hie#e in life*

Wil and I l""!ed at ea'h "the* =This is %it "f his )ith 9isi"n&isn.t it<= I as!ed*

Wil n"dded* =This m(st be his s"(l g"(%* Let.s see h"$ m('h m"e $e

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'an find "(t ab"(t him*=

We b"th f"'(sed "n the g"(%& and an"the image f"med in f"nt "f (s*It $as the nineteenth;'ent(y $a 'am%8 the head0(ates tent again* We'"(ld see :eyman t"gethe $ith the '"mmande& the man I had seen againin the ill(si"nal t"$n* :eyman $as the "the aide $h" had been thee$ith Williams* -e $as the "ne $h" lim%ed*

As $e $at'hed thei intea'ti"n& $e began t" %i'! (% "n the st"y "fthei ass"'iati"n* A bight ta'ti'ian& :eyman $as in 'hage "f stategyand te'hn"l"gi'al de#el"%ments* In ad#an'e "f the atta'! the '"mmandehad "deed small%"1;laden blan!ets '"#etly taded t" the Nati#eAmei'ans& a ta'ti' :eyman adamantly "%%"sed& n"t s" m('h be'a(se "f itseffe't "n the indigen"(s %e"%le as be'a(se he felt that it $as%"liti'ally indefensible*

Afte$ad& e#en as the s(''ess "f the battle $as being hailed inWashingt"n& the %ess f"(nd "(t ab"(t the (se "f small%"1& and anin#estigati"n $as la(n'hed* The '"mmande and his '"nies in Washingt"nset :eyman (% as the s'a%eg"at and his 'aee $as (ined* Late the

'"mmande set f"th "n a gl"i"(s %"liti'al 'aee and nati"nal stat(e&bef"e he $as als" tea'he"(sly d"(ble;'"ssed by the same Washingt"ninsides*

:eyman& f" his %at& ne#e e'"#eed8 his "$n %"liti'al ambiti"ns hadbeen t"tally dest"yed* O#e the yeas he be'ame in'easingly m"eembitteed and esentf(l& tying des%eately t" mashal %(bli' "%ini"nt" 'hallenge his '"mmande.s a''"(nt "f the battle* :" a $hile se#eal2"(nalists %(s(ed the st"y& b(t s""n %(bli' inteest faded '"m%letelyand :eyman emained in a state "f disga'e* Late& t"$ad the end "fhis life& he lang(ished in the eali3ati"n that his %"liti'al g"als$"(ld ne#e be ea'hed& and& blaming his "ld '"mmande f" hish(miliati"n& he at

tem%ted t"& assassinate the e1;%"liti'ian at a state dinne and $as sh"tdead by b"dyg(ads*

)e'a(se :eyman had '(t himself "ff f"m his inne se'(ity and l"#e& the'"(ld n"t f(lly a$a!en afte death* :" yeas he belie#ed he hades'a%ed his ill;fated attem%t t" !ill his "ld '"mmande& and had li#edin ill(si"nal '"nst('ti"ns& h"lding "n t" his hate anA d""med t" thee%eated h"" "f %lanning and attem%ting an"the assassinati"n& "nlyt" be sh"t& "#e and "#e*

As I $at'hed& I eali3ed that :eyman '"(ld ha#e been ta%%ed in theill(sii"ns f" a m('h l"nge %ei"d "f time had it n"t been f" the

detemined eff"ts "f an"the man $h" had been at the militayen'am%ment $ith :eyman* I '"(ld see an image "f his fa'e& and Ie'"gni3ed his e1%essi"n&

=That.s2"el again& the 2"(nalist I met&= I said t" Wil $ith"(t l"singmy :"'(s "n the image*

Wil n"'dded in es%"nse*

Afte death& J"el had be'"me a membe "f the "(te s"(l ing and be'amet"tally dedi'ated t" $a!ing (% :eyman* -is intenti"n d(ing thelifetime $ith :eyman had been t" e1%"se any '(elty " tea'hey "n the%at "f the militay t"$ad the Nati#e Amei'ans& b(t e#en th"(gh he had!n"$n ab"(t the small%"1 '"ntaminati"n& he had been %es(aded t" !ee%0(iet by a '"mbinati"n "f biibes and theats* Afte death he had beende#astated by his Life Re#ie$& b(t had emained '"ns'i"(s& and had #"$ed

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t" hel% :eyman& $h" he felt had been (ined be'a(se "f his fail(e t"inte#ene*

Afte a l"ng %ei"d "f time& :eynan finally es%"nded and (nde$ent al"ng and %ainf(l Life Re#ie$ himself* -e had "iginally intended in thenineteenth;'ent(y life t" be'"me a 'i#il enginee& ii#"l#ed in the%ea'ef(l de#el"%ment "f te'hn"l"gy*

)(t he had been beg(iled by the %"s%e't "f be'"ming a $a

he"& li!e the '"mmande& and "f de#el"%ing ne$ $a stategies andde#i'es*

in the yeas bet$een li#es& he had been in#"l#ed in hel%ing "thes "nEath $ith the %"%e (se "f te'hn"l"gy& $hen he sl"$ly began t" e'ei#ea #isi"n "f an"the life a%%"a'hing*

Sl"$ly at fist and then $ith geat '"n#i'ti"n& he eali3ed that s""nmass;enegy de#i'es $"(ld be dis'"#eed that had the %"tential "flibeating h(man!ind* b(t these de#i'es $"(ld be e1temely dange"(s*

As he felt himself being b"n& he !ne$ that he $"(ld '"me t" $"! $iththis te'hn"l"gy& and he $as $ell a$ae that in "de t" s(''eed& he$"(ld ha#e t" again fa'e his tenden'y t" 'a#e %"$e and e'"gniti"n andstat(s* +et he sa$ that he $"(ld ha#e hel%8 thee $"(ld be si1 "the%e"%le* -e #is(ali3ed the #alley& $"!ing t"gethe s"me$hee in theda!& the falls in the ba'!g"(nd& (tili3ing a %"'ess t" bing in theW"ld 9isi"n*

As he began t" fade f"m #ie$& I '"(ld ma!e "(t as%e'ts "f the %"'esshe $as seeing* :ist the g"(% "f se#en $"(ld begin t" emembe %aste1%eien'es $ith ea'h "the and t" $"! th"(gh the esid(al feelings*Then the g"(% $"(ld '"ns'i"(sly am%lify its enegy& (sing the Eighth

Insight te'hni0(es& and ea'h $"(ld e1%ess his " he %ati'(la )ith9isi"n& and finally the #ibati"n $"(ld a''eleate& (nifying the s"(lg"(%s "f the se#en indi#id(als* O(t "f the !n"$ledge gained $"(ld '"methe f(ll mem"y "f "( intended f(t(e& the W"ld 9isi"n& the #ie$ "f$hee $e.e g"ing and $hat $e ha#e t" d" t" ea'h "( destiny*

S(ddenly the $h"le s'ene disa%%eaed& al"ng $ith :eyman.s g"(%* Wiland I $ee left thee al"ne*

Wills eyes $ee animated* =D" y"( see $hat $as ha%%ening<= he as!ed*=This means that :eyman.s "iginal intenti"n $as a't(ally t" %efe't andde'entali3e the te'hn"l"gy he.s $"!ing "n*

If he eali3es this fa't& he $ill st"% the e1%eiment*=

=We.#e g"t t" find him&= I said*

=N"&= Wil e%lied& %a(sing t" thin!* =That $"n.t hel%& n"t yet* We.#eg"t t" find the est "f this g"(% "f se#en8 it m(st ta!e the %""ledenegy "f a g"(% t" bing in the mem"y "f the W"ld 9isi"n& a g"(%that 'an $"! th"(gh the %"'ess "f emembeing and enegi3ethemsel#es*=

=I d"n.t (ndestand this %at ab"(t 'leaing esid(al feelings*=

Wil m"#ed 'l"se* =Remembe the "the mental images y"(.#e been ha#in <The mem"ies "f "the %la'es& "the times<=


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=The g"(% that is f"ming t" deal $ith this e1%eiment has beent"gethe bef"e* Thee $ill be esid(al feelings that m(st be $"!edth"(gh@ E#ey"ne $ill ha#e t" deal $ith them*=

Wil l""!ed a$ay f" a m"ment& then said& =This is m"e "f the Tenthinsight* N"t 2(st "ne g"(% is '"ming in8 thee ae many "thes* We.ll

all ha#e t" lean t" 'lea these esentments*=

As he s%"!e& I th"(ght ab"(t the many g"(% sit(ati"ns I.d e1%eien'ed&$hee s"me membes "f the g"(% li!ed ea'h "the immediately& $hile"thes seemed t" fall int" instant dis'"d& f" n" a%%aent eas"n* I$"ndeed7 $as h(man '(lt(e n"$ eady t" %e'ei#e the distant s"('e "fthese (n'"ns'i"(s ea'ti"ns<

Then& $ith"(t $aning& an"the shill s"(nd e#ebeated th"(gh myb"dy* Wil gabbed me and %(lled me 'l"se& "( fa'es alm"st t"('hing*=If y"( fall again& I d"n.t !n"$ if y"( 'an get ba'! $hile thee1%eiment is "%eating at this le#el&= he sh"(ted* =+"(.ll ha#e t"find the "thes@=

A se'"nd blast i%%ed (s a%at& and I felt myself elease int" thefamilia s$iling '"l"s& !n"$ing that I $as heading ba'!& as bef"e&int" the Eath dimensi"n* +et this time& instead "f t(n

bling 0(i'!ly int" the %hysi'al& I seemed t" linge m"mentaily8s"mething $as %(lling at my s"la %le1(s& m"#ing me lateally*

As I stained t" f"'(s& the s(ging en#i"nment 'almed& and I began t"sense the %esen'e "f an"the %es"n& $ith"(t a't(ally seeing theindi#id(al.s f"m* I '"(ld alm"st emembe the 'haa'te A the feeling*Wh" ma!es me feel this $ay<

At last I began t" dis'en a bl(y fig(e thity " f"ty feet a$ay&$hi'h m"#ed 'l"se& gad(ally& (ntil I e'"gni3ed $h" it $as* Chalene@As she 'l"sed t" $ithin ten feet& I sensed a shift in my b"dy& as th"(ghI $as s(ddenly ela1ing m"e '"m%letely*

Sim(ltane"(sly I n"ti'ed a %in!isb;ed enegy field that en'i'ledChalene* Se'"nds late& t" my ama3ement& I n"ti'ed an identi'al fielda"(nd myself* When $e $ee ab"(t fi#e feet f"m ea'h "the& theela1ati"n in my b"dy ge$ int" an in'eased sens(alness and finallyint" a $a#e "f "gasmi' l"#e* I s(ddenly '"(ldn.t thin!* What $asha%%ening<

2(st as "( fields $ee ab"(t t" t"('h& the shill diss"nan'e eL,med

and I $as 2"lted ba'!$ad again& t$isting "(t "f '"nt"l*


As my head 'leaed& I gad(ally be'me a$ae "f s"mething '"ld and $etagainst my ight 'hee!* Sl"$ly I "%ened my eyes& the est "f my b"dyf"3en in %la'e* :" a

m"ment the half;g"$n $"lf l""!ed at me and sniffed had& his tailbistling&

then he dashed int" the $""ds as I 2e!ed ba'! and sat (%&

In a tied st(%" I etie#ed my %a'! in the fading light and $al!edint" the thi'! tees and aised my tent& afte$ad #it(ally '"lla%singint" the slee%ing bag* I st(ggled t" stay a$a!e& intig(ed by my

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stange meeting $ith Chalene* Why had she been in the "the dimensi"n<What had da$n (s t"gethe<

The ne1t m"ning I a$"!e ealy and made "atmeal& $"lfing it d"$n& andthen made my $ay 'aef(lly ba'! t" the small 'ee! I had %assed "n my$ay (% the idge t" $ash my fa'e and fill my 'anteen* I still felttied& b(t I $as als" an1i"(s t" fi.

S(ddenly I $as 2"lted t" my feet by the s"(nd "f he C(tis*

an e1%l"si"n t"$ad the east* That had t" be C(tis& I th"(ght& a I ant" the


tent* A $a#e "f fea %assed th"(gh me as I 0(i'!ly %a'!ed and headedt"$ad the s"(nd "f the blast*

Afte ab"(t a half mile the $""ds ended ab(%tly at $hat a%%eaed t" bean aband"ned %ast(e* Se#eal stands "f (sty babed $ie h(ng l""sely

bet$een the tees in my %ath* I s(#eyed the "%en field and the line "ftees and dense b(sh a h(nded yads bey"nd* At that m"ment the b(shes%ated and C(tis b(st th"(gh and headed in a dead (n staight t"$adme* I $a#ed& and he immediately e'"gni3ed $h" I $as and sl"$ed t" afast $al!* When he ea'hed me& he 'aef(lly 'limbed th"(gh the babed$ie and '"lla%sed against a tee& beathing a%idly*

=What ha%%ened<= I as!ed* =What did y"( bl"$ (%<=

-e sh""! his head* =I '"(ldn.t d" m('h* They.e (nning the e1%eiment(ndeg"(nd* I didn.t ha#e en"(gh e1%l"si#es& and I *** I didn.t $antt" h(t the %e"%le inside* All I '"(ld d" $as bl"$ (% an "(tside dishantenna& $hi'h h"%ef(lly $ill delay


=-"$ did y"( get 'l"se en"(gh t" d" that<=

=I set the 'hages last night afte da!* They m(st n"t e1%e't any"net" be (% hee& be'a(se they ha#e #ey fe$ g(ads "(t side*=

-e %a(sed f" a m"ment as $e head the s"(nd "f t('!s in the distan'e*=We.ll ha#e t" get "(t "f this #alley&= he '"ntin(ed&

=and find s"me hel%* We d"n.t ha#e any 'h"i'e n"$* They.ll be


=Wait a min(te&= I said* =I thin! $e ha#e a 'han'e t" st"%

them& b(t $e.#e g"t t" find Maya and Chalene*=

-is eyes $idened* =Ae y"( tal!ing ab"(t Chalene )illings<=

=That.s ight*=

=I !n"$ She (sed t" d" s"me '"nta't esea'h f" the

'"%"ati"n* I hadn.t seen he f" yeas& b(t I sa$ he last nightg"ing int" the (ndeg"(nd b(n!e* She $as $al!ing $ith se#eal men&all "f them hea#ily amed*=

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=Wee they h"lding he against he $ill<=

=I '"(ldn.t tell&= C(tis said dista'tedly& his eas t(ned t" thet('!s& $hi'h n"$ seemed t" be heading in "( die'ti"n* =We.#e g"t t"get "(t "f hee* I !n"$ a %la'e $hee $e 'an hide (ntil da!& b(t $e.llha#e t" h(y*= -e l""!ed ba'! t"$ad the east* a?@

I set a false tail& b(t it $"n.t sideta'! them f" l"ng*=

=I.#e g"t t" tell y"( $hat ha%%ened&= I said* =I f"(nd Wil again*=

=Right& tell me "n the $ay&= he said& $al!ing 0(i'!ly* =We.#e g"t t"m"#e*=

l""!ed "(t "f the m"(th "f the 'a#e and a'"ss the dee% g"ge t" the"%%"site hillside* N" m"#ement* I listened 'aef(lly b(t '"(ld hean"thing* We had $al!ed in a n"theastely die'ti"n f" ab"(t a mile&and as 0(i'!ly as I '"(ld& I had t"ld C(tis $hat I had e1%eien'ed inthe "the dimensi"n& stessing my belief that Williams had been '"e't*We '"(ld st"% this e1%eiment if $e '"(ld find the est "f the g"(% and

emembe the lage 9isi"n*

I '"(ld tell that C(tis $as esisting* -e had listened f" a $hile&b(t then began ambling ab"(t his %ast ass"'iati"n $ith Chalene* I $asf(stated that he !ne$ n"thing that might e1%lain $hat she had t" d"$ith this e1%eiment* -e als" t"ld me h"$ he had '"me t" !n"$ Da#id*They had be'"me fiends& he e1%lained& afte a 'han'e meeting hade#ealed many '"mm"n e1%eien'es in the militay*

I t"ld him it $as signifi'ant that he and I b"th had an ass"'iati"n $ithDa#id and that $e !ne$ Chalene*

&I d"n.t !n"$ $hat it means&= he had said dista'tedly& and I had

d"%%ed it& b(t I !ne$ it $as f(the %""f that $e had all '"me t" this#alley f" a eas"n* Afte$ad $e had $al!ed in silen'e as C(tisiea'hed f" the 'a#e* When $e had f"(nd it& he ba'!ta'!ed afid eased"( ta'!s $ith dead %ine ban'hes and then had lingeed "(tside (ntilhe $as '"n#in'ed $e hadn.t been seen*

=This s"(% is eady&= C(tis said f"m behind me* I had (sed my 'am%st"#e and $ate t" '""! the last "f my fee3e;died f""d* Wal!ing "#e&I made (s b"th a b"$l and then sat d"$n again at the m"(th "f the 'a#e&l""!ing "(t*

&s" h"$ d" y"( thin! this g"(% 'an b(ild en"(gh enegy t" ha#e aneffe't "n these %e"%le<= he as!ed*

=I.m n"t s(e e1a'tly&= I e%lied* &We.ll ha#e t" fig(e it "(t*=

-e sh""! his head* =I d"n.t thin! anything li!e that is %"ssible*/"bably all I did $ith my little bit "f e1%l"si#es $as t" iitate themand /(t them m"e "n g(ad* They.ll bing m"e %e"%le in& b(t I d"n.tthin! they $ill st"%* They $"(ld ha#e had a e%la'ement antenna 'l"seby* Maybe I sh"(ld ha#e ta!en "(t the d""* G"d !n"$s I '"(ld ha#e*)(t I 2(st '"(ldn.t bing my If t" d" that* Chalene $as inside and $h"!n"$s h"$ many se "thes* I $"(ld ha#e had t" sh"ten the time& s"they $"(ld ha#e g"tten me * ; * b(t maybe it $"(ld ha#e been $"thit*=

=N"& I d"n.t thin! s"&= I said* =We.e g"ing t" find the "the $ay*


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=It.ll '"me t" (s*=

We head the& faint s"(nd "f the #ehi'les again& and sim(ltane"(sly In"ti'ed a m"#ement "n the d"$nsl"%e bel"$ (s*

=S"me"ne.s "(t thee&= I said*

We '"('hed d"$n and l""!ed 'l"sely The fig(e m"#ed again& %atially"bs'(ed by the (ndeb(sh*

=That.s Maya&= I said& disbelie#ing*

C(tis and I staed at ea'h "the f" a l"ng m"ment& then I m"#ed t" get(%* =I.ll g" get he&= I said*

-e gabbed my am* =Stay l"$& and if the #ehi'les 'l"se in& lea#e heand '"me ba'! hee* D"n.t is! being seen*=

I n"dded and an 'aef(lly d"$n the hill* When I $as 'l"se en"(gh& I

st"%%ed and listened* The t('!s $ee still m"#ing 'l"se* I 'alled"(t t" he in a l"$ #"i'e* She f"3e f" an instant& then e'"gni3ed meand 'limbed (% a "'!y sl"%e t" $hee I st""d*

=I 'an.t belie#e I f"(nd y"(@= she said& h(gging my ne'!*

I led the $ay ba'! t" the 'a#e and hel%ed he th"(gh the "%ening in the"'!* She a%%eaed e1ha(sted and he ams $ee '"#eed $ith s'at'hes&s"me "f them still bleeding*

=What ha%%ened<= she as!ed* =I head an e1%l"si"n& and then th"set('!s $ee e#ey$hee*=

=Did any"ne see y"( '"me this $ay<= C(tis as!ed $ith iitati"n* -e$as (% and l""!ing "(tside*

=I d"n.t thin! s"&= she said* =I $as able t" hide*=

I 0(i'!ly int"d('ed them* C(tis n"dded and said& =I thin! I.ll ta!e al""!*= -e sli%%ed "(t th"(gh the "%ening and disa%%eaed*

I "%ened my %a'! and t""! "(t a fist;aid !it* =Wee y"( able t" findy"( fiend $ith the Sheiff.s De%atment<=

=N"& I '"(ldn.t e#en get ba'! t" t"$n* Thee $ee :"est Se#i'e agentsal"ng all the %aths ba'!* I sa$ a $"man I !ne$ and ga#e he a n"te t"

ta!e t" him* That.s all I '"(ld d"*=

I a%%lied s"me antise%ti' t" a l"ng gash a'"ss Maya.s !nee*

=S" $hy didn.t y"( lea#e $ith the $"man y"( sa$< Why did y"( 'hangey"( mind and '"me ba'! "(t hee<=

She t""! the antise%ti' and silently began a%%lying it heself*

:inally she s%"!e7 =I d"n.t !n"$ $hy I 'ame ba'!* Maybe be'a(se I !e%tha#ing these mem"ies*= She l""!ed (% at me*

$ant t" (ndestand $hat.s ha%%ening hee*=

I sat d"$n fa'ing he and ga#e he a s!et'hy s(mmay "f e#eything thathad ha%%ened sin'e $e %ated& %ati'(laly the inf"mati"n Wil and I had

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e'ei#ed ab"(t the g"(% %"'ess "f m"#ing %ast the esentment t" findthe W"ld 9isi"n*

She l""!ed "#e$helmed b(t seemed t" a''e%t he "le* =I n"ti'ed y"(an!le n" l"nge seems t" be b"theing y"(*=

=+eah& I g(ess it 'leaed (% $hen I emembeed $hee the %"blem 'ame


She staed at me f" a m"ment& then said& =Thee ae "nly thee "f (s*+"( said Williams and :eyman had b"th seen se#en*=

=I d"n.t !n"$&= I e%lied& =I.m 2(st glad y"(.e hee* +"(.e the "ne$h" !n"$s ab"(t faith and #is(ali3ati"n*=

A l""! "f te" '"ssed he fa'e*

A fe$ m"ments late C(tis 'ame ba'! th"(gh the "%ening and t"ld (s hehad seen n"thing "(t "f the "dinay& then sat d"$n a$ay f"m (s t"finish his meal* I ea'hed "#e and se#ed an"the %late and ga#e it t"


C(tis leaned ba'! and handed he a 'anteen* =+"( !n"$&= he said& =y"(t""! a hell "f a is! $al!ing a"(nd in the "%en li!e that* +"( '"(ldha#e led them ight t" (s*=

Maya glan'ed at me and then said defensi#ely& =I $as tying t" get a$ay@I didn.t !n"$ y"( $ee (% hee* I $"(ldn.t e#en ha#e '"me this $ay ifthe bids hadn.t;=

=Well& y"(.#e g"t t" (ndestand h"$ m('h t"(ble $e.e in@=

C(tis inte(%ted* =We still ha#en.t st"%%ed this e1%eiment*=

-e g"t (% and ste%%ed "(tside again and sat behind a lage "'! nea the"%ening*

=Why is he s" mad at me<= Maya as!ed*

=+"( said y"( $ee ha#ing mem"ies& Maya* What !ind<=

=I d"n.t !n"$ *** "f an"the time& I g(ess& "f tying t" st"% s"me"the #i"len'e* That.s $hy all this is s" eeie t" me*=

=D"es C(tis seem familia t" y"(<=

She st(ggled t" thin!* =Maybe* I d"n.t !n"$* Why<=

=D" y"( emembe $hen I t"ld y"( ab"(t seeing a #isi"n "f all "f (s inthe %ast& d(ing the Nati#e Amei'an $as< Well& y"( $ee !illed& ands"me"ne else $as $ith y"( $h" seemed t" be f"ll"$ing y"( lead& and he$as !illed t""* I thin! it $as C(tis*=

=-e blames me< Oh G"d& n" $"nde he.s s" mad*=

=Maya& 'an y"( emembe anything ab"(t $hat y"( t$" $ee d"ing<=

She 'l"sed he eyes and tied t" thin!*

S(ddenly she l""!ed at me* =Was a Nati#e Amei'an als" thee< Ashaman<=

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=+es&= I said* =-e $as !illed t""*=

=We $ee thin!ing ab"(t s"mething * She l""!ed me in the eye* =N"& $e$ee #is(ali3ing* We th"(ght $e '"(ld st"% the $a *** That.s all I'an get*=

=+"(.#e g"t t" tal! t" C(tis and hel% him $"! th"(gh his ange* It.s

%at "f the %"'ess "f emembeing*=

=Ae y"( !idding< With him this angy<=

=I.ll g" s%ea! $ith him fist&= I said& standing (%*

She n"dded slightly and l""!ed a$ay* I m"#ed t" the 'a#e.s "%ening&'a$led "(t& and sat d"$n beside C(tis*

=What d" y"( thin!<= I as!ed*

-e l""!ed at me& slightly embaassed* =I thin! thee.s s"mething ab"(ty"( fiend that ma!es me mad*=

=What ae y"( feeling& e1a'tly<=

=I d"n.t !n"$* I felt angy as s""n as I sa$ he "(t thee* I g"t thesense she might %(ll s"me bl(nde and e1%"se (s& " get (s 'a%t(ed*=

=Maybe !illed<=

=+eah& maybe !illed@= The f"'e in his #"i'e s(%ised b"th "f (s& andhe t""! a beath and sh(gged*

=Remembe $hen I t"ld y"( ab"(t the #isi"ns I sa$& "f a time d(ing thenineteenth;'ent(y Nati#e Amei'an $as<=

=9ag(ely&= he m(tteed*

$ell& I didn.t tell y"( then& b(t I thin! I sa$ y"( and Maya t"gethe*C(tis& y"( $ee b"th !illed by s"ldies*=

-e l""!ed at the 'eiling "f the 'a#e* =And y"( thin! that.s $hy I.mangy at he<=

I smiled*

At that m"ment a light diss"nan'e filled the ai and $e b"th head theh(m*

=Damn&= he said* =They.e fiing it (% again*=

I gabbed his am* =C(tis& $e.#e g"t t" fig(e "(t $hat y"( and Maya$ee tying t" d" ba'! then& $hy y"( failed& and $hat y"( intended t"ha%%en diffeently this time*=

-e sh""! his head* =I d"n.t !n"$ h"$ m('h "f all this I e#en belie#e8 I$"(ldn.t !n"$ $hee t" begin*=

=I thin! if y"( 2(st tal! $ith he& s"mething $ill '"me (%*=

-e 2(st l""!ed at me*

=Will y"( ty<=

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:inally he n"dded and $e 'a$led ba'! int" the 'a#e* Maya smileda$!$adly*

=I.m s"y I.#e been s" angy&= C(tis "ffeed* =It seems maybe I.m madab"(t s"mething that "''(ed a l"ng time ag"*=

=:"get it&= she said* =I 2(st $ish $e '"(ld emembe $hat $e $ee

tying t" d"*=

C(tis l""!ed had at Maya* =I seem t" emembe y"(.e int" healing "fs"me !ind*= -e glan'ed at me* =Did y"( tell me that<=

=I d"n.t thin! s"&= I e%lied& =b(t it.s t(e*=

=I.m a %hysi'ian&= Maya said* =I (se %"siti#e imaging and faith in my$"!*=

=:aith< +"( mean y"( teat %e"%le f"m a eligi"(s %es%e'ti#e<=

=Well& "nly in a geneal sense* When I said faith& I meant the enegy

f"'e that '"mes f"m h(man e1%e'tati"n* I $"! at a 'lini' $hee $e.etying t" (ndestand faith as an a't(al mental %"'ess& as the $ay $ehel% 'eate the f(t(e*=

=And h"$ l"ng ha#e y"( been int" all this<= C(tis as!ed*

=My $h"le life has %e%aed me t" e1%l"e healing*= She $ent "n t" tellC(tis the same st"y "f he life that she had t"ld me ealie&in'l(ding he m"the.s tenden'y t" $"y that she $"(ld get 'an'e* AsMaya dis'(ssed all that had ha%%ened t" he& b"th C(tis and I as!ed0(esti"ns* As $e listened and ga#e he enegy& the fatig(e that hadsh"$n "n he fa'e began t" ease& he eyes bightened& and she began t"sit (% staight*

C(tis as!ed& =+"( belie#e y"( m"the.s $"y and negati#e #isi"n "fhe f(t(e affe'ted he health<=

=+es* -(mans seem t" hel% da$ int" thei li#es t$" %ati'(la !inds "fe#ents7 $hat $e ha#e faith in and $hat $e fea* )(t $e.e d"ing it(n'"ns'i"(sly* As a %hysi'ian& I belie#e m('h 'an be gained by %(llingthe %"'ess f(lly int" '"ns'i"(sness*=

C(tis n"dded& =)(t h"$ is that d"ne<=

Maya didn.t ans$e* She st""d (% and staed staight ahead& a %ani'!edl""! "n he fa'e*

=What.s $"ng<= I as!ed*

=I $as 2(st *** I *** see $hat ha%%ened d(ing the $as*=

=What $as it<= C(tis as!ed*

She l""!ed at him* =I emembe $e $ee thee in the $""ds*

I 'an see it all7 the s"ldies& sm"!e f"m the g(n%"$de*=

C(tis seemed t" be %(lled int" dee% th"(ght& "b#i"(sly %i'!ing (% "nthe mem"y* =I $as thee&= he m(mbled* =Why $as I thee<= -e l""!ed atMaya* =+"( b"(ght me t" that %la'e@

I !ne$ n"thing8 I $as 2(st a '"ngessi"nal "bse#e* +"( t"ld me $e

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'"(ld st"% the fighting@=

She t(ned a$ay& "b#i"(sly st(ggling t" (ndestand* =I th"(ght $e'"(ld * * * Thee.s a $ay * * * Wait a min(te& $e $een.t al"ne*=She t(ned and staed at me& an angy e1%essi"n a%%eaing "n he fa'e*=+"( $ee thee& t""& b(t y"( aband"ned (s* Why did y"( lea#e (s<=

-e statement stied the mem"y I had b"(ght ba'! ealie and t"ldthem b"th $hat I had seen& des'ibing the "thes $h" $ee als" thee7the eldes "f se#eal tibes& myself& Chalene* I e1%lained that "neelde #"i'ed st"ng s(%%"t "f Maya.s eff"ts& b(t belie#ed the time $asn"t ight& ag(ing that the tibes had n"t yet f"(nd thei '"e't#isi"n* I t"ld them an"the 'hief had e1%l"ded $ith age at theat"'ities %e%etated by the $hite s"ldies*

=I '"(ldn.t stay&= I t"ld them& des'ibing my mem"y "f the e1%eien'e$ith the :an'is'ans* =I '"(ldn.t sha!e the need t" (n* I had t" sa#emyself* I.m s"y*=

Maya seemed l"st in th"(ght& s" I t"('hed he am and said& =The eldes

!ne$ it '"(ldn.t $"!8 and Chalene '"nfimed that $e hadn.t yetemembeed the an'est"s.$isd"m*=

=Then $hy did "ne "f the 'hiefs stay $ith (s<= she as!ed*

=)e'a(se he didn.t $ant the t$" "f y"( t" die al"ne*=

=I didn.t $ant t" die at all@= C(tis sna%%ed& l""!ing at Maya*

=+"( misled me*=

&&I.m s"y= she said* =I 'an.t emembe $hat $ent $"ng*=

=I !n"$ $hat $ent $"ng&= he said* =+"( th"(ght y"( '"(ld st"% a $a2(st be'a(se y"( $anted t"*=

She ga3ed at him f" a l"ng m"ment& then l""!ed at me*

=-e.s ight* We $ee #is(ali3ing that the s"ldies m(st st"% theiaggessi"n& O(t $e had n" 'lea %i't(e "f h"$ that '"(ld ha%%en* Itdidn.t $"! be'a(se $e didn.t ha#e all the inf"mati"n*

E#ey"ne $as #is(ali3ing f"m fea& n"t faith* It $"!s 2(st li!e the%"'ess "f healing "( b"dies* When $e emembe $hat $e.e eallys(%%"sed t" d" in life& it 'an est"e "( health*

When $e.e able t" emembe $hat all "f h(manity is s(%%"sed t" d"&stating ight n"$& f"m this m"ment& $e 'an heal the $"ld*=

=A%%aeiltly&= I said& ="( )ith 9isi"n '"ntains n"t "nly $hat $eindi#id(ally intended t" d" in the %hysi'al dimensi"n b(t als" a lage#isi"n "f $hat h(mans ha#e been tying t" d" th"(gh"(t ist"y& and thedetails "f $hee $e ae g"ing f"m hee and h"$ t" get thee* We 2(stha#e t" am%lify "( enegy and shae "( bith intenti"ns& and then $e'an emembe*=

)ef"e slie '"(ld es%"nd& C(tis 2(m%ed t" his feet and m"#ed t" the'a#e.s "%ening* =I head s"mething&= he said*

=S"me"ne.s (t thee*=

Maya and I '"('hed beside him& staining t" see* N"thing m"#ed8 then I

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th"(ght I dete'ted the (stling s"(nd "f s"me"ne $al!ing*

=I.m g"ing t" 'he'! this "(t&= C(tis said& m"#ing th"(gh the "%ening*

I glan'ed at Maya* =I had bette g" $ith him*=

=I.m '"ming t""&= she said*

We f"ll"$ed C(tis d"$n the sl"%e t" an "(t'"%%ing $hee $e '"(ld l""!staight d'#n at the g"ge bet$een the t$" hills*

A man and a $"man& %atally "bs'(ed by the (ndeb(sh& $ee '"ssingthe "'!s bel"$ ;is& heading t"$ad the $est*

=That $"man.s in t"(ble@= Maya said*

=-"$ d" y"( !n"$ dat<= I as!ed*

=I 2(st !n"$* She l""lis familia*=

The $"man t(ned 'i'e and the man %(shed he mena'ingly& e1%"sing a%ist"l hEld in his ight hand*

Maya leaned f"$ad l""!ing at b"th "f (s* =Did y"( see that< We.#eg"t t" d" s"mething*=

I l""!ed 'l"sely* The $"man had light hai and $as dessed in as$eatshit and geen.atig(es $ith leg %"'!ets* As I $at'hed& she t(nedand said s"mething t" he 'a%t"& then glan'ed t"$ad (s& gi#ing me a'lea l""! at he fa'e*

=That.s Chalene&= I gid* =Whee d" y"( thin! he.s ta!ing he<=

=Wh" !n"$s<= C(tiE e%lied* =L""!& I thin! I 'an hel% he b(t I ha#et" g" al"ne* I eed b"th "f y"( t" stay hee*=

I /"tested b(t C(is $"(ld ha#e it n" "the $ay* We $at'hed him as he$al!ed ba'! t" the left and d"$n the sl"%e th"(gh a se'ti"n "f $""ls*:"m thee& he 'e%t 0(ietly t" an"the "(t'"%%ing "f "' 2(st ten feetab"#e the b"tt"m "f the g"ge*

=They.ll ha#e t" %ass Jight by him&= I t"ld Maya*

We "bse#ed an1i"(s as they m"#ed 'l"se t" the "'!s* At the %e'isem"ment theyhad %assed& C(tis b"(nded d"$n the hill and lea%ed (%"n theman& !n"'!ing him t" the g"(nd and h"lding his th"at in a %e'(lia

fashi"n (ntil he st"%%ed m"#ing*

Chalene 2(m%ed ba'! inalam* and gatheed heself t" (n*

=Chalene& $ait@= C(is 'alled* She st"%%ed and t""! a 'a(l!

ti"(s ste% f"$ad* =It.s C(tis Webbe* We $"!ed t"gethe atDelte'h& emembe< I.m hee t" hel% y"(*=

She "b#i"(sly e'"gni3ed him and m"#ed 'l"se* Maya and I made "( $ay'aef(lly d"$n the hill* When Chalene sa$ me& she f"3e and then ant"$ad my emba'e* C(tis (shed (% and %(shed (s t" the g"(nd*

=Kee% d"$n&= he said* =We '"(ld be seen hee*=

I hel%ed C(tis tie (% Chalene.s g(ad $ith a "ll "f ta%e $e f"(nd in

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#"te1 ele't"ni'ally*=

I glan'ed at C(tis and he n"dded !n"$ingly*

Teas filled Chalene.s eyes* =-e had me '"m%letely f""led*

-e said that he $as $"!ing "n a #ey ine1%ensi#e s"('e "f enegy that

$ill libeate e#ey"ne* -e sent me t" em"te aeas "f t

he f"est d(ing m('h "f the e1%eimentati"n* Only late& afte I'"nf"nted him& did he admit the danges "f $hat he $as d"ing*=

C(tis t(ned t" fa'e Chalene* =:eyman Cate $as a 'hief enginee atDelte'h* D" y"( emembe<=

=N"&= she said& =b(t he.s t"tally in '"nt"l "f this %"2e't*

An"the '"%"ati"n is n"$ in#"l#ed8 and they ha#e these amed men*:eyman 'alls them "%eati#es* I finally t"ld him I $as lea#ing& andthat.s $hen he %(t me (nde g(ad* When I t"ld him he $"(ld ne#e get

a$ay $ith this& he 2(st la(ghed* -e bagged ab"(t ha#ing s"me"ne in the:"est Se#i'e $"!ing $ith him*=

=Whee $as he sending y"(<= C(tis as!ed*

Chalene sh""! he head* =I ha#e n" idea*=

=I d"n.t thin! he intended t" let y"( li#e&= C(tis said* =N"t aftetelling y"( all that*=

An an1i"(s silen'e fell "#e the g"(%*

=What I 'an.t (ndestand&= Chalene said& =is $hy he.s hee in this

f"est in the fist %la'e* What d"es he $ant $ith these enegyl"'ati"ns<=

C(tis and I met eyes again& then he said& =-e.s e1%eimenting $ith a$ay "f 'entali3ing this enegy s"('e he.s f"(nd by f"'(sing "n thedimensi"nal %ath$ays in this #alley* That.s $hy it.s s" dange"(s*=

I be'ame a$ae that Chalene $as staing at Maya and smiling* Mayaet(ned the ga3e $ith a $am e1%essi"n*

=When I $as at the falls&= Chalene said& =I m"#ed th"(gh int" the"the dimensi"n& and all these mem"ies (shed in*= She l""!ed at me*=Afte that& I $as able t" g" ba'! se#eal times& e#en $hen I $as (nde

g(ad& yesteday*= She l""!ed at me again* =That.s $hee I sa$ y"( * **

Chalene %a(sed and l""!ed ba'! at the g"(%* =I sa$ that $e.e allhee t" st"% this e1%eiment& if $e 'an emembe e#eything*=

Maya $as $at'hing he 'l"sely* =+"( (ndest""d $hat $e

$anted t" d" d(ing the battle $ith the s"ldies& and s(%%"ted (s&= shesaid* =E#en th"(gh y"( !ne$ it '"(ldn.t $"!*=

Chalene.s smile t"ld me she had emembeed*

=We.#e emembeed m"st "f $hat ha%%ened&= I said* =)(t s" fa $eha#en.t been able t" e'all h"$ $e %lanned t" d" it diffeenty thistime* Can y"( emembe<=

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Chalene sh""! he head* =Only %ats "f it* I !n"$ $e ha#e t" identify"( (n'"ns'i"(s feelings t"$ad "ne an"the bef"e $e 'an g" "n*= Shel""!ed int" my eyes and %a(sed* =This is all %at "f the Tenth Insight*** "nly it hasn.t been $itten d"$n any$hee yet* It.s '"ming inint(iti#ely*=

I n"dded* =We !n"$*=

=/at "f the Tenth is an e1tensi"n "f the Eighth* Only a g"(% that.s"%eating f(lly in the Eighth Insight 'an a''"m%lish this !ind "f highe'leaing*=

=I.m n"t f"ll"$ing y"(&= C(tis said*

=The Eighth is ab"(t !n"$ing h"$ t" (%lift "thes&= she '"ntin(ed&=!n"$ing h"$ t" send enegy by f"'(sing "n an"the.s bea(ty andhighe;self $isd"m* This %"'ess 'an aise the enegy le#el and'eati#ity "f the g"(% e1%"nentially* ,nf"t(nately& many g"(%s ha#et"(ble (%lifting ea'h "the in this manne& e#en th"(gh the indi#id(als

in#"l#ed ae able t" d" it at "the times* This is es%e'ially t(e ifthe g"(% is $"!;"iented& a g"(% "f em%l"yees& f" instan'e& "%e"%le '"ming t"gethe t" 'eate a (ni0(e %"2e't "f s"me !ind& be'a(ses" "ften these %e"%le ha#e been t"gethe bef"e& and "ld& %ast;lifeem"ti"ns '"me (% and get in the $ay*

=We ae th"$n t"gethe $ith s"me"ne $e ha#e t" $"! $ith& and $ea(t"mati'ally disli!e them& $ith"(t eally !n"$ing $hy* O %eha%s $ee1%eien'e it the "the $ay a"(nd7 the %es"n d"esn.t li!e (s& againf" eas"ns $e d"n.t (ndestand* The

em"ti"ns that '"me (% might be 2eal"(sy& iitati"n& en#y& esentment&bitteness& blame;any "f these* What I int(ited #ey 'lealy $as that

n" g"(% '"(ld ea'h its highest %"tential (nless the %ati'i%ants see!t" (ndestand and $"! th"(gh these em"ti"ns*=

Maya leaned f"$ad* =That.s e1a'tly $hat $e.#e been d"ing7 $"!ingth"(gh the em"ti"ns that ha#e '"me (%& the esentments f"m $hen $e$ee t"gethe bef"e*=

=Wee y"( sh"$n y"( )ith 9isi"n<= I as!ed*

=+es&= Chalene e%lied* =)(t I '"(ldn.t get any f(the* I didn.tha#e en"(gh enegy* All I sa$ $as that g"(%s $ee f"ming and that I$as s(%%"sed t" be hee in this #alley& in a g"(% "f se#en*=

/esently the s"(nd "f an"the #ehi'le fa t" the n"th atta'ted "(attenti"n*

=We 'an.t stay hee&= C(tis said* =We.e t"" e1%"sed* Let.s

ba'! t" the 'a#e*=

Chalene finished the last "f the f""d and handed me the %late*

-a#ing n" e1ta $ate& I %la'ed it in my %a'! dity and sat d"$n again*C(tis sli%%ed th"(gh the m"(th "f the 'a#e and sat d"$n a'"ss f"m mebeside Maya& $h" smiled faintly at him*

Chalene sat t" my left* The "%eati#e had been left "(tside the 'a#e&still b"(nd and gagged*

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=Is e#eything "!ay "(tside<= Chalene as!ed C(tis*

C(tis l""!ed ne#"(s* =I thin! s"& b(t I head s"me m"e s"(nds t" then"th* I thin! $e need t" stay in hee (ntil da!*=

:" a m"ment $e all 2(st l""!ed at ea'h "the& ea'h "f (s "b#i"(slytying t" aise "( enegy*

I l""!ed at the "thes and t"ld them ab"(t the %"'ess "f

ea'hing the W"ld 9isi"n I had seen $ith :eyman.s s"(l g"(%*

When I had '"n'l(ded& I l""!ed at Chalene and as!ed& =What

i else did y"( e'ei#e ab"(t this 'leaing %"'ess<=

=All I g"t&= Chalene e%lied& =$as that the %"'ess '"(ldn.t begin(ntil $e '"me t"tally ba'! t" l"#e*=

=That.s easy t" say&= C(tis said* =The %"blem is d"ing it*=

We all l""!ed at ea'h "the again& then sim(ltane"(sly eali3ed theenegy $as m"#ing t" Maya*

=The !ey is t" a'!n"$ledge the em"ti"n& t" be'"me f(lly '"ns'i"(s "f thefeeling& and then t" shae it h"nestly& n" matte h"$ a$!$ad "(attem%ts* This bings the em"ti"n f(lly int" %esent a$aeness and(ltimately all"$s it t" be elegated t" the %ast& $hee it bel"ngs*That.s $hy g"ing th"(gh the s"metimes l"ng %"'ess "f saying it&dis'(ssing it& %(tting it "n the table& 'leas (s& s" that $e.e able t"et(n t" a state "f l"#e& $hi'h is the highest em"ti"n*=

=Wait a min(te&= I said* =What ab"(t Chalene< Thee may be esid(al

em"ti"ns t"$ad he*= I l""!ed at Maya* =I !n"$ y"( felt s"mething*=

=+es&= Maya e%lied* =)(t "nly %"siti#e feelings& a sense "f gatit(de*She stayed and tied t" hel% * * *= Maya %a(sed& st(dying Chalene.sfa'e* =+"( tied t" tell (s s"mething& s"mething ab"(t the an'est"s*)(t $e didn.t listen*=

I leaned t"$ad Chalene* =Wee y"( !illed t""<=

Maya ans$eed f" he* =N"& she $asn.t !illed* She had g"ne t" ty t"a%%eal t" the s"ldies "ne m"e time*=

=That.s ight&= Chalene said* =)(t they $ee g"ne*=

Maya as!ed& =Wh" else feels s"mething t"$ad Chalene<=

=I d"n.t feel anything&= C(tis said*


=What ab"(t y"(& Chalene<= I as!ed* =What d" y"( feel I t"$ad (s<=


-e ga3e s$e%t a'"ss ea'h membe "f the g"(%* =Thee d"n.t seem t" beany esid(al feelings t"$ad C(tis&= she said*

=And e#eything is %"siti#e t"$ad Maya*= -e eyes settled "n mine*=T"$ad y"( I thin! I feel a bit "f esentment*=

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=Why<= I as!ed*

=)e'a(se y"( $ee s" %a'ti'al and deta'hed* +"( $ee this inde%endentman $h" $asn.t ab"(t t" get in#"l#ed if the timing $asn.t %efe't*=

=Chalene&= I said& =I.d aleady sa'ifi'ed myself f" these Insights as

a m"n!* I felt it $"(ld ha#e been (seless*=

My %"tests seemed t" iitate he and she l""!ed a$ay*

Maya ea'hed "#e and t"('hed me* =+"( '"mment $as defensi#e* Wheny"( es%"nd that $ay& the "the %es"n d"esn.t feel head* The em"ti"nshe hab"s then linges in he mind be'a(se she '"ntin(es t" thin! "f$ays t" ma!e y"( (ndestand& t" '"n#in'e y"(* O it g"es (n'"ns'i"(sand then thee.s ill feeling that d(lls the enegy bet$een y"( t$"*Eithe $ay the em"ti"n emains a %"blem& getting in the $ay* I s(ggesty"( a'!n"$ledge h"$ she '"(ld be feeling that*=

I l""!ed at Chalene* =Oh& I d"* I $ish that I had hel%ed& Maybe I

'"(ld ha#e d"ne s"mething& if I had had the '"(age*=

Chalene n"dded and smiled*

=-"$ ab"(t y"(<= Maya as!ed& l""!ing at me* =What d" y"( feel t"$adChalene<=

=I g(ess I feel s"me g(ilt&= I said* =N"t s" m('h g(ilt ab"(t the $a&b(t ab"(t n"$& this sit(ati"n* I had been $ithda$n f" se#eal m"nths*I thin! if I had tal!ed t" y"( immediately afte et(ning f"m /e(&maybe $e '"(ld ha#e st"%%ed the e1%eiment ealie and n"ne "f this$"(ld be ha%%ening*=

N" "ne e%lied*

=Ae thee any "the feelings<= Maya as!ed*

We "nly l""!ed at ea'h "the*

At this %"int& (nde Maya.s die'ti"n& ea'h "f ( f"'(sed "n '"nne'tinginside& $ith b(ilding as m('h enegy as 1e '"(ld* As I f"'(sed "n thebea(ty a"(nd me& a $a#e "f l"#e s#e%t th"(gh my b"dy* The m(ted '"l""f the 'a#e $alls and fl"" began t" bighten and gl"$* Ea'h %es"n.sfa'e began t" a%%ea m"e enegi3ed* A 'hill an (% my s%ine*

=N"$&= Maya said& =$e.e eady t" fig(e "(t $hat $e intended t" d" this

time*= She again a%%eaed t" be in dee% th"(ght* =I *** I !ne$ this$as g"ing t" ha%%en&= sl; said finally*

=This $as %at "f my )ith 9isi"n* I $as t" lead the Lm%lifi'ati"n%"'es* We didn.t !n"$ h"$ t" d" this $hen $e tied t" st"% the $a "nthe Nati#e Amei'ans*=

As she s%"!e& I n"ti'ed a m"#ement behind hE against the 'a#e $all* Atfist I th"(ght it $as a efle'ti"n "f ligit& b(t then I dete'ted a dee%shade "f geen e1a'tly li!e the "n I $itnessed ealie& $hen "bse#ingMaya.s s"(l g"(%* As I st(gled t" f"'(s "n the f""t;s0(ae bl"b "flight& it s$elled int" a f(lly h"l"ga%hi' SCene e'eding int" the $allitself& f(ll "f f(33 h(manli!e f"ms* I glan'ed at the "thes8 n" "neseemed t" e the image e1'e%t me*

This& I !ne$& $as Maya.s s"(l g"(%& and as s"" as I had this

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eali3ati"n& I began t" e'ei#e an infl"$ "f int(iti#e hf"mati"n* I'"(ld see he )ith 9isi"n again& he highe inteni"n "f being b"n t"he %ati'(la family& he m"the.s illness& The es(lting inteest inmedi'ine& %ati'(laly the mindBb"dy '"me'ti"n& and n"$ this gatheing*I 'lealy head that =n" g"(% ;;an ea'h its f(ll 'eati#e %"$e (ntilit '"ns'i"(sly 'leas and tlen am%lifies its enegy*

=Oi'e fee "f the em"ti"ns&= Maya $as n"$ sayng& =a g"(% 'an m"eeasily m"#e %ast %"$e st(ggles and danas and find

its f(ll 'eati#ity* )(t $e ha#e t" d" it '"ns'i"(sly by finding ahighe;self e1%essi"n in e#ey fa'e*=

C(tis. blan! l""! %"#"!ed m"e e1%lanati"n* =As the Eighth Insighte#eals&= Maya '"ntin(ed& =if $e l""! 'l"sely at an"the %es"n.s fa'e&$e 'an '(t th"(gh any fa'ades& " eg" defenses& that may be %esent&and find the indi#id(al.s a(thenti' e1%essi"n& his " he eal self*Odinaily m"st %e"%le d"n.t !n"$ $hat t" f"'(s "n $hen tal!ing t"an"the* Sh"(ld it e t e eyes< It.s had t" f"'(s "n b"th* S" $hi'h"ne< O sh"(ld it be "n the feat(e that m"st stands "(t& s('h as the

n"se " m"(th<

=In t(th& $e ae 'alled (%"n t" f"'(s "n the $h"le "f the fa'e& $hi'h$ith its (ni0(eness "f light and shad"$ and alignment "f feat(es ism('h li!e an in!bl"t* )(t $ithin this '"lle'ti"n "f feat(es& "ne 'anfind an a(thenti' e1%essi"n& the s"(l shining f"th* When $e f"'(s inl"#e& l"#e enegy is sent t" this highe;self as%e't "f the %es"n& andthe %es"n $ill seem t" 'hange bef"e "( eyes as his " he geate'a%abilities shift int" %la'e*

=All geat tea'hes ha#e al$ays sent this !ind "f enegy t"$ad theist(dents* That.s $hy they $ee geat tea'hes* )(t the effe't is e#engeate $ith g"(%s $h" intea't this $ay $ith Jim e#ey membe& be'a(se

as ea'h %es"n sends the "thes enegy&

all "f the membes ise t" a ne$ le#el "f $isd"m $hi'h has m"e enegyat its dis%"sal& and this geate enegy is then sent ba'! t" e#ey"neelse in $hat be'"mes an am%lifi'ati"n effe't*=

I $at'hed Maya& attem%ting t" find he highe e1%essi"n*

N" l"nge did she a%%ea tied& " el('tant in any $ay* Instead& hefeat(es e#ealed a 'etainty and geni(s she had n"t e1%essed bef"e* Iglan'ed t"$ad the "thes and sa$ that they $ee similaly f"'(sed "nMaya* When I l""!ed at he again& I n"ti'ed that she seemed t" beta!ing "n the geen h(e "f he s"(l

g"(%* She $as n"t "nly %i'!ing (% "n thei !n"$ledge8 she seemed t" bem"#ing int" a !ind "f ham"ny $ith them*

Maya had st"%%ed s%ea!ing a!d $as ta!ing a dee% beath* I '"(ld feelthe enegy shifting a$ay f"m he*

=I.#e al$ays !n"$n that g"(%s '"(ld a'0(ie a highe le#el "ff(n'ti"ning&= C(tis said& =es%e'ially in $"! settings* )(t I ha#en.tbeen able t" e1%eien'e this (ntil n"$ *** I !n"$ I 'ame int" t ismensi"n t" e in#"l#ed in tansf"ming b(siness& and shifting "( #ie$ "fb(siness 'eati#ity& s" that $e 'an (ltimately (tili3e the ne$ enegys"('es in the '"e't $ay and im%lement the Ninth Insight a(t"mati"n "f%"d('ti"n*=

-e %a(sed in th"(ght& then said& =I mean& b(siness is t"" "ften labeled

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as the geedy #illain& "(t "f '"nt"l& $ith n" '"ns'ien'e* And I g(essit.s been e1a'tly that in the %ast* )(t I.#e felt as th"(gh b(siness&t""& $as m"#ing int" a s%iit(al a$aeness& and that $e needed a ne$!ind "f b(siness ethi'*=

At that m"ment I sa$ an"the m"#ement "f light& die'tly behind C(tis*I $at'hed f" a fe$ se'"nds& then eali3ed I $as seeing the f"mati"n "f

his s"(l g"(% as $ell* As $ith Maya.s g"(%& $hen I f"'(sed "n theemeging image& I $as again able t" %i'! (% "n thei '"lle'ti#e!n"$ledge* C(tis $as b"n in the %ea! "f the ind(stial e#"l(ti"n"''(ing 2(st afte W"ld Wa II* N('lea %"$e had been the finalti(m%h and sh"'!ing h"" "f the mateialist $"ld#ie$& and he hadenteed $ith a #isi"n that te'hn"l"gi'al ad#an'ement '"(ld n"$ be made'"ns'i"(s and m"#ed& in f(ll a$aeness& t"$ad its destined %(%"se*

=Only n"$&= C(tis said& =ae $e eady t" (ndestand h"$ t" e#"l#eb(siness and the es(lting ne$ te'hn"l"gy in a '"ns'i"(s manne8 all themeas(es ae n"$ in %la'e* It.s n"t an a''ident that "ne "f the m"stim%"tant statisti'al 'ateg"ies in e'"n"mi's is the %"d('ti#ity inde17the e'"d "f h"$ many g""ds and


se#i'es ae %"d('ed by ea'h indi#id(al in "( s"'iety* /"d('ti#ityhas steadily in'eased be'a(se "f te'hn"l"gi'al dis'"#eies and the m"ee1%ansi#e (se "f nat(al es"('es and enegy*

Th"(gh the yeas the indi#id(al has f"(nd e#e;geate $ays t" 'eate*

As he s%"!e& a th"(ght 'ame t" me* At fist I de'ided t" !ee% it t"myself& bit then e#ey"ne l""!ed my $ay* =D"esn.t the en#i"nmentaldaiage that e'"n"mi' g"$th is 'a(sing f"m a nat(al limit t"b(siness< We 'an.t g" "n li!e $e ha#e& be'a(se if $e d"& the

en#i"nment $ill liteally fall a%at* Many "f the fish in the "'eanae aleady s" %"ll(ted $e 'an.t eat them* Can'e ates ae in'easinge1%"nentially* E#en the AMA says that %egnant $"men and 'hildensh"(ld n"t eat '"mme'ial #egetables be'a(se "f the %esti'ide esid(e*If this !ee%s (%& 'an y"( imagine $hat !ind "f $"ld $e.ll be lea#ing"( 'hilden<=

As s""n as I had said this& I e'alled $hat J"el had said ealie ab"(tthe '"lla%se "f the en#i"nment* I '"(ld feel my enegy

2@ falling as I felt the same :ea*

S(ddenly I $as hit $ith a b(st "f enegy& as ea'h "f the "thes staed

in an eff"t t" find my a(thenti' e1%essi"n again* I 0(i'!lyeestablished my inne '"nne'ti"n*

=+"(.e ight&= C(tis said& =b(t "( es%"nse t" this %"blem isaleady "''(ing* We.#e been ad#an'ing te'hn"l"gy $ith a !ind "f(n'"ns'i"(s t(nnel #isi"n& f"getting that $e.e hee "n an "gani'%lanet& an enegy %lanet* )(t "ne "f the m"st 'eati#e aeas "fb(siness is the field "f %"ll(ti"n '"nt"l*

=O( %"blem has been tying t" de%end "n g"#enment t" %"li'e the%"ll(tes* /"ll(ting has been against the la$ f" a l"ng time& b(tthee $ill ne#e be en"(gh g"#enment eg(lati"n t" %e#ent the illegald(m%ing "f $aste 'hemi'als " the midnight #enting "f sm"!esta'!s* This%"ll(ting "f the bi"s%hee $"n.t

'"m%letely st"% (ntil an alamed 'iti3eny %(lls "(t thei #ide"

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e'"des and ta!es it (%"n themsel#es t" 'at'h these %e"%le in the a't*In a sense& b(siness and the em%l"yees "f b(siness m(st eg(latethemsel#es*=

Maya leaned f"$ad* =I see an"the %"blem $ith the $ay the e'"n"my ise#"l#ing* What ab"(t all the dis%la'ed $"!es $h" ae l"sing thei2"bs as m"e "f the e'"n"my is a(t"mated<

-"$ 'an they s(#i#e< We (sed t" ha#e a lage middle 'lass and n"$ itis diminishing a%idly*=

C(tis smiled and his eyes bightened* The image "f his s"(l g"(%s$elled behind him* =These dis%la'ed %e"%le $ill s(#i#e by leaning t"li#e int(iti#ely and syn'h"nisti'ally&= he said* =We all ha#e t"(ndestand7 thee.s n" g"ing ba'!* We.e aleady li#ing in theinf"mati"n age* E#ey"ne $ill ha#e t" ed('ate themsel#es the best they'an& be'"me an e1%et in s"me ni'he& s" that they 'an be in the ight%la'e t" ad#ise s"me"ne else " %ef"m s"me "the se#i'e* The m"ete'hni'al the a(t"mati"n be'"mes& and the m"e 0(i'!ly the $"ld'hanges& the m"e $e need inf"mati"n f"m 2(st the ight %es"n

ai#ing in "( li#es at 2(st the ight time* +"( d"n.t need a f"maled('ati"n t" d" that8 2(st a ni'he y"(.#e 'eated f" y"(self th"(ghself;ed('ati"n*

=+et& f" this fl"$ t" be "%timally established& a'"ss the e'"n"my& thestated %(%"ses "f b(siness m(st shift int" highe a$aeness* O(g(iding int(iti"ns be'"me m"st 'lea $hen $e a%%"a'h b(siness f"m ane#"l(ti"nay %es%e'ti#e* O( 0(esti"ns m(st 'hange* Instead "f as!ing$hat %"d('t " se#i'e I 'an de#el"% t" ma!e the m"st m"ney& $e.ebeginning t" as!& .What 'an I %"d('e that libeates and inf"ms andma!es the $"ld a bette %la'e& yet als" %ese#es a deli'ateen#i"nmental balan'eT

=A ne$ '"de "f ethi's is being added t" the e0(ati"n "f fee

ente%ise* We ha#e t" '"me a$a!e $hee#e $e ae and as!& What ae $e'eating and d"es it '"ns'i"(sly se#e the "#eall %(%"se f" $hi'hte'hn"l"gy $as in#ented in the fist %la'e7 t" ma!e e#eyday s(bsisten'eeasie& s" that the %e#ailing "ientati"n "f life 'an shift f"m mees(#i#al and '"mf"t t" the inte'hange "f %(e s%iit(al inf"mati"n<=Ea'h "f (s has t" see that $e ha#e a %at in the e#"l(ti"n t"$ad l"$eand l"$e s(bsisten'e '"sts& (ntil finally the basi' means "f s(#i#alis #it(ally fee*

=We 'an m"#e t"$ad a t(ly enlightened 'a%italism if& instead "f'haging as m('h as the ma!et $ill bea& $e f"ll"$ a ne$ b(siness ethi'

based "n l"$eing "( %i'es a s%e'ified %e'entage as a '"ns'i"(sstatement "f $hee $e $ant the e'"n"my t" g"* This $"(ld be theb(siness e0(i#alent "f engaging in the Ninth Insight f"'e "f tithing*=

Chalene t(ned t" fa'e him& he fa'e l(min"(s* =I (ndestand $haty"(.e saying* +"( mean& if all b(sinesses ed('e %i'es ten %e'ent&then e#ey"ne.s '"st "f li#ing& in'l(ding the a$ mateials and s(%%liest" the b(sinesses themsel#es& $ill als" g" d"$n*=

=That.s ight& alth"(gh s"me %i'es might g" (% tem%"aily as e#ey"neta!es int" a''"(nt the t(e '"st "f $aste dis%"sal and "theen#i"nmental effe'ts* O#eall& th"(gh& %i'es $ill systemati'allyde'line*=

=D"esn.t this %"'ess aleady ha%%en at times&= I as!ed& =as a es(lt "fma!et f"'es<=

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=Of '"(se&= he e%lied& =b(t it 'an be a''eleated if $e d" it'"ns'i"(sly;alth"(gh as the Ninth Insight %edi'ts& this %"'ess $ill begeatly enhan'ed by the dis'"#ey "f a #ey ine1%ensi#e enegy s"('e*It a%%eas as if :eyman has d"ne that* )(t the

enegy has t" be made a#ailable in the m"st ine1%ensi#e $ay %"ssible if

it is t" ha#e its m"st libeating im%a't*=

As he s%"!e& he seemed t" g"$ m"e ins%ied* T(ning& he l""!edstaight int" my eyes* =This is the e'"n"mi' idea I 'ame hee $antingt" '"ntib(te&= he said* =I.#e ne#e seen it s" 'lealy*

That.s $hy I $anted t" ha#e the life e1%eien'es I.#e had8 I $anted t"be %e%aed f" deli#eing this message*=

=D" y"( eally thin! en"(gh %e"%le $ill ed('e %i'es t" ma!e a di**&en'e<= Maya as!ed* =Es%e'ially i it ta!es m"ney "(t "f thei "$n%"'!ets< That seems t" fly in the fa'e "f h(man nat(e*=

C(tis didn.t ans$e* Instead he l""!ed at me& al"ng $ith the "thes&as if I had the ans$e* :" a m"ment I $as silent& feeling the enegyshift*

=C(tis is ight&= I said finally =We.ll d" it any$ay& e#en th"(gh $emay gi#e (% s"me %es"nal %"fit in the sh"t (n*

N"ne "f this ma!es any sense at all (ntil $e gas% the Ninth and TenthInsights* If "ne belie#es that life is 2(st a matte "f %es"nals(#i#al in an essentially meaningless and (nfiendly $"ld& then itma!es %efe't sense t" f"'(s all "ne.s $its "n li#ing as '"mf"tably as%"ssible and seeing t" it that "ne.s 'hilden ha#e the same"%%"t(nities* )(t if "ne gas%s the fist nine Insights and sees life

as a s%iit(al e#"l(ti"n& $ith s%iit(al es%"nsibilities& then "( #ie$'"m%letely 'hanges*

=And "n'e $e begin t" (ndestand the Tenth& then $e see the bith%"'ess f"m the %es%e'ti#e "f the Aftelife& and $e eali3e that $e.eall hee t" bing the Eath dimensi"n int" alignment $ith the -ea#enlys%hee* )esides& "%%"t(nity and s(''ess ae #ey mystei"(s %"'esses&and if $e "%eate "( e'"n"mi' life in the fl"$ "f the "#eall %lan& $esyn'h"nisti'ally meet all


the "the %e"%le $h" ae d"ing the same thing& and s(ddenly %"s%eity

"%ens (% f" (s*

=We.ll d" it&= I '"ntin(ed& =be'a(se indi#id(ally that.s $hee theint(iti"n and '"in'iden'es $ill ta!e (s* We.ll emembe m"e ab"(t "()ith 9isi"ns and it $ill be'"me 'lea that $e intended t" ma!e a'etain '"ntib(ti"n t" the $"ld* And m"st im%"tant& $e.ll !n"$ thatif $e d"n.t f"ll"$ this int(iti"n& n"t "nly $ill the magi' '"in'iden'esand the sense "f ins%iati"n and ali#eness st"%& b(t e#ent(ally $e mayha#e t" l""! at "( a'ti"ns in an Aftelife Re#ie$* We.ll ha#e t" fa'e"( fail(e*=

halene and Ma#a $ee

I st"%%ed ab(%tly& n"ti'ing that C

b"th staing $ide;eyed at the s%a'e behind me* Refle1i#ely I t(ned

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a"(nd8 thee $as the ha3y "(tline "f my "$n s"(l g"(%& d"3ens "findi#id(als fading int" the distan'e& again as th"(gh the $alls "f the'a#e $een.t thee*

=What ae all "f y"( l""!ing at<= C(tis as!ed*

=It.s his s"(l g"(%&= Chalene said* =I sa$ these g"(%s $hen I $as at

the falls*=

=I.#e seen a g"(% behind b"th Maya and C(tis&= I said*

Maya t$isted a"(nd and l""!ed at the s%a'e behind he* The

f(lly int" f"'(s*

g"(% thee fli'!eed "n'e& then 'ame

=I d"n.t see anything&= C(tis said* =Whee ae they<=

Maya '"ntin(ed t" stae& "b#i"(sly seeing all "f the g"(%s*

=They.e hel%ing (s& aen.t they< They 'an gi#e (s the #isi"n $e.e

l""!ing f"*=

As s""n as she made that '"mment& all "f the g"(%s m"#ed a$ay f"m (sdamati'ally and be'ame less 'lea*

&What ha%%ened<= Maya as!ed*

=It.s y"( e1%e'tati"n&= I said* =If y"( l""! t" them f" y"( enegy&as a e%la'ement f" y"( "$n inne '"nne'ti"n t" di#ine

enegy& they lea#e* They $"n.t all"$ a de%enden'e* The same thingha%%ened t" me*=

Chalene ga#e me a n"d "f ageement* =It ha%%ened t" me t""* They.eli!e family* We.e '"nne'ted t" them in th"(ght& b(t $e ha#e t" s(stain"( "$n '"nne'ti"n $ith the di#ine s"('e bey"nd them bef"e $e 'an lin!t" them and %i'! (% "n $hat they !n"$& $hi'h is eally y"( "$n highemem"y*=

=They h"ld the mem"y f" (s<= Maya as!ed*

=+es Chalene e%lied& l""!ing die'tly at me* She stated t" says"mething else& then st"%%ed heself& a%%eaing t" dift "ff in th"(ght*

Then she said& =I.m beginning t" (ndestand $hat I sa$ in the "thedimensi"n* In the Aftelife ea'h "f (s '"mes f"m a %ati'(la s"(lg"(%& and these g"(%s ea'h ha#e a %ati'(la angle " t(th t" "ffethe est "f h(manity*= She glan'ed at me*

=:" instan'e& y"( '"me f"m a g"(% "f fa'ilitat"s* D" y"( !n"$ that<S"(ls that hel% e#"l#e "( %hil"s"%hi'al (ndestanding "f $hat life isab"(t* E#ey"ne $h" bel"ngs t" this %ati'(la s"(l g"(% is al$aystying t" find the best and m"st '"m%ehensi#e $ay "f des'ibings%iit(al eality* +"( st(ggle $ith '"m%le1 inf"mati"n& and be'a(sey"(.e s" dense& y"( !ee% %(shing and e1%l"ing (ntil y"( find a $ay t"e1%ess it 'lealy*=

I l""!ed at he as!an'e& $hi'h made he b(st "(t la(ghing*

=It.s a gift y"( ha#e&= she said eass(ingly*

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=It.s li!e $ith (s 2"(nalists&= she '"ntin(ed* =Th"(gh"(t hist"y $eha#e been the indi#id(als m"st in0(isiti#e ab"(t $hat "thes in the'(lt(e $ee d"ing* And then a fe$ 'ent(ies ag"& $e be'ame '"ns'i"(sen"(gh "f "(sel#es t" f"m a defined "''(%ati"n* Sin'e then $e.#e beenb(sy b"adening "( (se "f the media& ea'hing m"e and m"e %e"%le $ith"( ne$s'asts& that s"t "f thing* )(t li!e e#ey"ne else& $e s(ffeed

f"m inse'(ity*

We felt that t" get attenti"n and enegy f"m the est "f h(manity $ehad t" 'eate in'easingly m"e sensati"nal st"ies& thin!ing that "nlynegati#ity and #i"len'e sell*

=)(t that.s n"t "( t(e "le* O( s%iit(al "le is t" dee%en ands%iit(ali3e "( %e'e%ti"n "f "the %e"%le* We see and then'"mm(ni'ate $hat the #ai"(s s"(l g"(%s& and indi#id(als $ithin theseg"(%s& ae d"ing& and $hat they stand f"& ma!ing it easie f"e#ey"ne t" lean the t(th "thes %"#ide&

=It.s the same f" e#ey "''(%ati"nal g"(%8 $e.e all a$a!ening t" "(

t(e message and %(%"se* And as this ha%%ens all "#e the %lanet&$e.e then able t" g" f(the* We 'an f"m 'l"se s%iit(al ass"'iati"ns$ith %e"%le "(tside "f "( %ati'(la s"(l

g"(%& 2(st the $ay $e.e d"ing hee* We all shaed "( )ith A 9isi"nsand aised "( #ibati"n t"gethe& and that tansf"ms n"t "nly h(mans"'iety b(t the '(lt(e in the Aftelife as $ell*

=:ist& ea'h "f "( s"(l g"(%s '"mes 'l"se int" #ibati"n $ith (s "nEath and $e $ith them& the t$" dimensi"ns "%ening int" ea'h "the*)e'a(se "f this 'l"s(e& $e 'an begin t" ha#e '"mm(ni'ati"n bet$een thedimensi"ns* We ae able t" see s"(ls in the Aftelife and %i'! (% "nthei !n"$ledge and mem"y m"e eadily* That.s ha%%ening $ith

in'easing fe0(en'y "n the Eath*=

As Chalene $as s%ea!ing& I n"ti'ed the s"(l g"(%s behind ea'h "f (s$idening and s%eading "(t (ntil ea'h t"('hed the "thes& f"ming a'"ntin("(s 'i'le a"(nd (s* The '"n#egen'e seemed t" 2"lt me int" ane#en highe a$aeness*

Chalene seemed t" feel it t""* She t""! a beath and then $ithem%hasis '"ntin(ed* =The "the thing that ha%%ens in the Aftelife isthat the g"(%s themsel#es '"me 'l"se int" es"nan'e $ith ea'h "the*That.s $hy the Eath is the %imay f"'(s "f the s"(ls in -ea#en* They'an.t (nite "n thei "$n* O#e thee& many s"(l g"(%s emainfagmented and "(t "f es"nan'e $ith ea'h "the be'a(se they li#e in an

imaginay $"ld "f ideas that manifests instantly and disa%%eas 2(st as0(i'!ly& s" eality is al$ays abitay* Thee is n" nat(al $"ld& n"at"mi' st('t(e& as $e ha#e hee& that se#es as a stable %latf"m& aba'!g"(nd stage& that is '"mm"n t" all "f (s* We affe't $hat ha%%ens"n this stage& b(t ideas manifest m('h m"e sl"$ly and $e m(st ea'hs"me ageement "n $hat $e $ant t" ha%%en in the f(t(e* It.s thisageement& this '"nsens(s& this (nity "f #isi"n "n the Eath& that als"%(lls the s"(l "(%s t"gethe in the Aftelife dimensi"n*

That.s $hy the Eath dimensi"n is deemed s" im%"tant* The

$hee the t(e (nifi'ati"n "f s"(ls is ta!ing %hysi'al dimensi"n is

ta!ing %la'e@

=And it.s this (nifi'ati"n that Is behind the l"ng hist"i'al 2"(ney

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that h(mans ha#e been ta!ing* The s"(l g"(%s in the Aftelife(ndestand the W"ld 9isi"n& the #isi"n "f h"$ the %hysi'al $"ld 'ane#"l#e and the dimensi"ns 'an 'l"se& b(t this 'an "nly be a''"m%lishedby indi#id(als $h" ae b"n int" the %hysi'al& "ne at a time& h"%ing t"m"#e the '"nsens(s Eath eality in that die'ti"n* The %hysi'al aenais the theate (%"n $hi'h e#"l(ti"n has been %laying "(t f" b"thdimensi"ns& and n"$ .e binging it all int" '(lminati"n as $e emem e


s'i"(sly $hat.s g"ing "n*=

She %"inted t" (s $ith a s$ee%ing m"ti"n "f he finge* =This is thea$aeness that $e.e emembeing t"gethe& ight n"$and it.s thea$aeness that "the g"(%s& 2(st li!e (s& ae emembeing all "#e the%lanet* We all ha#e a %ie'e "f the '"m%lete 9isi"n& a nd $hen $e shae$hat $e !n"$& and (nify "( s"(l the $h"le %i't(e int" '"ng"(%s I then$e.e eady t" bing


S(ddenly Chalene $as inte(%ted by a slight tem" that

an th"(gh the eath (nde the 'a#e* S%e'!s "f d(st fell f"m

the 'eiling* Sim(ltane"(sly $e head the h(m again& b(t this

nan'e had disa%%eaed8 it s"(nded alm"st ham"time the diss"


=Oh G"d&= C(tis said* =They alm"st ha#e the 'alibati"ns ight* Weha#e t" g" ba'! t" the b(n!e*= -e made a m"#ement t" get (%& as theenegy le#el "f the g"(% %l(mmeted*

=Wait&= I said* =What ae $e g"ing t" d" thee< We ageed that $e$"(ld $ait hee (ntil da!8 thee.s still h"(s "f daylight "(t thee* Isay $e stay hee* We a'hie#ed a high le#el "f enegy& b(t $e ha#en.tm"#ed th"(gh the est "f the %"'ess yet* We

see in t" ha#e 'leaed "( esid(al em"ti"ns and am%lifid "( enegy andshaed "( )ith 9isi"ns& 4b(t $e ha#en.t seen the W"ld 9isi"n yet* Ithin! $e 'an d" m"e if $e emain $hee it.s safe& and ty t" g"f(the*= E#en as I s%"!e& I sa$ an imag "f all "f (s ba'! in the #alleyagain& t"gethe in the da!ness*

=It.s t"" late f" that&= C(tis said* =They.e eady t" '"m%lete the

e1%eiment* If anything 'an be d"ae& $e.#e g"t t" g" thee and d" itn"$*=

I l""!ed had at him* =+"( said they $ee %"bably g"ing t" !illChalene* If $e.e 'a(ght& they.ll d" the same t" (s*=

Maya held he head in he hands and C(tis l""!ed a$ay& tying t" sha!e"ff the %ani'*

=Well& I.m g"ing&= C(tis said*

Chalene leaned f"$ad* =I thin! $e sh"(ld stay t"gethe*=

:" an instant I sa$ he in Nati#e Amei'an 'l"thing& again in the#igin $""ds "f the nineteenth 'eit(y* The image 0(i'!ly faded*

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Maya st""d (%* =Chalene is ight&= s4he said* =We ha#e L" stay

t"gethe& and it might hel% if $e 'an see $hat they.e d"ing*=

I l""!ed "(t th"(gh the 'a#e.s entan'e& a l"ng& dee%;seated el('tan'eising in my g(t* =What ae i$e g"ing t" d" $ith this *** "%eati#e*** "(tside<=

=We.ll dag him int" the 'a#e and lea#e him hee&= C(tis said* =We.llsend s"me"ne f" him in the m"ning& if $e 'an*=

I met eyes $ith Chalene& then n"dded ageement*




W !nelt at the t"% "f the hill and l""!ed 'aef(lly d"$n at the base "f

a lage idge* I '"(ld see n"thing "(t "f the "dinay in the fadinglight8 n" m"#ement& n" g(ads* The h(m& $hi'h had %esisted f" m"st "fthe f"ty;min(te $al!& had n"$ '"m%letely disa%%eaed*

=Ae y"( s(e $e.e at the ight %la'e<= I as!ed C(tis*

=+es&= he said* =D" y"( see the f"( lage b"(ldes ab"(t fifty feet (%the sl"%e< The d""$ay is ight beneath them& hidden in the b(shes* T"the ight& y"( 'an 2(st ma!e "(t the t"% "f the %"2e'ti"n dish* itl""!s f(n'ti"nal again*=

=I see it&= Maya said*

=Whee ae the g(ads<= I as!ed C(tis* =Maybe they.#e aband"ned thesite*=

We "bse#ed the d""$ay f" alm"st an h"(& $aiting f" signs "fa'ti#ity& hesitant t" m"#e " tal! m('h (ntil da!ness had fallen a'"ssthe #alley* S(ddenly $e head m"#ement befl""ding (s in light& and f"(hind (s* :lashlights 'li'!ed "n&

amed men (shed in& demanding that $e aise "( hands* Afte s%endingten min(tes g"ing th"(gh "( gea& they sea'hed ea'h "f (s& then m"#edthe g"(% d"$n the hill and (% t" the b(n!e.s entan'e*

The d"" "f the b(n!e s$(ng "%en and :eyman 'haged "(t& l"(d and

angy* =Ae these the "nes $e.#e been l""!ing f"<=

he sh"(ted* =Whee did y"( find them<=

One "f the g(ads e1%lained $hat had ha%%ened as :eyman sh""! his headand staed at (s th"(gh the beams "f light* -e $al!ed 'l"se anddemanded& =What ae y"( d"ing hee<=

=+"(.#e g"t t" st"% $hat y"(.e d"ing@= C(tis et"ted*

:eyman $as st(ggling t" e'"gni3e him* =Wh" ae y"(<= The g(ads.flashlights settled& ill(minating C(tis. fa'e*

=C(tis Webbe *** I.ll be damned&= :eyman said* =+"( ble$ (% "(dish& didn.t y"(<=

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=Listen t" me&= C(tis said* =+"( !n"$ this geneat" is t"" dange"(st" "%eate at these le#els* +"( '"(ld (in this end ie


=+"( $ee al$ays an alamist& Webbe* That.s $hy $e let y"( g" atDelte'h* I.#e been $"!ing "n this %"2e't f" t"" l"ng t" gi#e (% at

this %"int* It.s g"ing t" $"!;e1a'tly as I %lanned*=

=)(t $hy ae y"( ta!ing the 'han'e< C"n'entate "n the smalle&h"(se;si3e (nits* Why ae y"( tying t" in'ease the "(t%(t s" m('h<=

=That.s n"ne "f y"( b(siness* +"( need t" !ee% 0(iet*=

C(tis edged t"$ad him* =+"( $ant t" 'entali3e the geneating %"'esss" y"( 'an '"nt"l it* That.s n"t ight*=

:eyman smiled* =A ne$ enegy system has t" be %hased in*

D" y"( thin! $e 'an g" "#enight f"m enegy being a s(bstantial %at "f

h"(seh"ld and b(siness '"sts t" %a'ti'ally n"thing<

The s(dden dis%"sable in'"me th"(gh"(t the $"ld $"(ld


'a(se hy%einflati"n and then %"bably a massi#e ea'ti"n that $"(ld'ast (s int" a de%essi"n*=

&y"( !n"$ that.s n"t t(e&= C(tis e%lied* =Red('ed enegy '"sts $"(ldin'ease the effi'ien'y "f %"d('ti"n temend"(sly& s(%%lying m"e g""dsat l"$e '"sts* N" inflati"n $"(ld "''(*

+"(.e d"ing this f" y"(self* +"( $ant t" 'entali3e the %"d('ti"ns" y"( 'an '"nt"l its a#ailability and %i'e& des%ite the


-e staed angily at C(tis* =+"(.e s" nai#e* D" y"( thin! theinteests that a't t" '"nt"l enegy %i'es n"$ $"(ld all"$ a s(dden&massi#e shift t" an ine1%ensi#e s"('e< Of '"(se n"t@ It has t" be'entali3ed and %a'!aged t" $"! at all* And I.m g"ing t" be !n"$n f"ha#ing d"ne this@ it.s $hat I $as b"n t" d"@=

=That.s n"t t(e@= I bl(ted* =+"( $ee b"n t" d" s"mething else& t"hel% (s*=

:eyman s$(ng a"(nd t" fa'e me* =Sh(t (%@ D" y"( hea =What ha%%enedt" me< All "f y"(@= -is eyes f"(nd Chalene*

the man I sent $ith y"(<=

Chalene l""!ed a$ay $ith"(t es%"nding*

h"(ting again* =I.d

=I d"n.t ha#e time f" this@= :eyman $as s


s(ggest y"( $"y ab"(t y"( %es"nal safety ight n"$*

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%a(sed t" l""! (s "#e& then sh""! his head and $al!ed t" "ne "f theamed men* =Kee% them hee in a g"(% (ntil this is "#e*

All $e need is an"the h"(* If they ty t" es'a%e& sh""t them*=

The "%eati#e s%"!e biefly t" the "the thee and they f"med a%eimete en'i'ling (s at a distan'e "f ab"(t thity feet*

=Sit d"$n&= "ne "f them said*

We sat fa'ing ea'h "the in the da!ness* O( enegy $as alm"st t"tallydeflated* Thee had been n" sign "f the s"(l g"(%s sin'e $e left the'a#e*

=What d" y"( thin! $e sh"(ld d"<= I as!ed Chalene*

=N"thing.s 'hanged&= she $his%eed* =We.#e g"t t" b(ild "( enegyagain*=.

The da!ness $as n"$ alm"st t"tal& b"!en "nly by the "%eati#e . lights

s$ee%ing ba'! and f"th a'"ss the g"(%* I '"(ld s

baely ma!e "(t the "(tlines "f the "thes. fa'es& e#en th"(gh $e $eesitting in a tight 'i'le& eight feet a%at*

=We ha#e t" ty t" es'a%e&= C(tis $his%eed* =I thin! they $ill !ill,S*&H

Then I emembeed the image I.d seen in :eyman.s )ith 9iSi"n* -een#isi"ned being $ith (s in the $""ds& in the da!* I !eW thee $asals" an"the landma! in the s'ene& b(t I ''Ltldn.t emembe $hat it$as*

=N"&= I said* =I thin! $e need t" ty again hee*=

At that m"ment the ai $as filled $ith a high;%it'hed s"(nd& a stl(ndsimila t" the h(m b(t& again& m"e in ham"ny& alm"st %leasing t" theea* Again a %e'e%tible shimme s$e%t th"(gh nd (nde "( b"dies*

the gO(

=We ha#e t" in'ease "( enegy n"$@= Maya $his%eed*

=I d"n.t !n"$ if I 'an d" it hee&= C(tis es%"nded*

=+"( ha#e t"@= I said*

=:"'(s "n ea'h "the the $ay $e did bef"e&= Maya added*

I tied t" s'een "(t the "min"(s s'ene a"(nd (s and et(n t" in innestate "f l"#e* Ign"ing the shad"$s and the fli'!eing beais "flight& I f"'(sed "n the bea(ty "f the fa'es in the 'i'le*

As t" l"'ate the "thes.highe;self e1%essi"n& I began

t" ;i'e a shift in the light %atten a"(nd (s* Gad(ally I '"(ld.9ey fa'e and e1%essi"n #ey 'lealy& as th"(gh I $as l""!se' in&;;*&en"(gh an infaed #ie$e*

.What d" $e #is(ali3e<= C(tis as!ed in des%eati"n*

=We ha#e t" get ba'! t" "( )ith 9isi"ns&= Maya said* =Remembe $hy $e

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:eyman.s fa'e $as '"#eed $ith d(st* =Thee.s n"thing $"ng that $e'an.t fi1&= he said $ith eeie 'alm* The g(ads $ee "n thei feet&d(sting themsel#es "ff and $al!ing t"$ad (s* :eyman n"ti'ed that Mayaand Chalene $ee missing& b(t bef"e he '"(ld say anything& the n"iseet(ned $ith ea;shatteing #"l(me and the eath (nde (s seemed t"lea% (%$ad se#eal feet& "lling e#ey"ne t" the g"(nd "n'e m"e* Thes%linteing limbs f"m a falling tee sent the g(ads s'(ying t"$ad

the b(n!e*

=N"$@= C(tis said* =Let.s g"@=

I $as f"3en* -e 2e!ed me t" my feet* =We.#e g"t t" m"#e@=

he yelled in my ea*


:inally my legs $"!ed and $e an n"theast in the same die'ti"n thatMaya had fled*

Se#eal m"e tem"s e#ebeated (nde "( feet and then the m"#ementsand s"(nds 'eased* Afte ma!ing "( $ay th"(gh the da! $""ds f"se#eal miles& "( %ath lighted "nly by the ays "f the m""n filteingth"(gh the f"liage& $e st"%%ed and h(ddled in a g"#e "f small %ines*

=D" y"( thin! they.ll f"ll"$ (s<= I as!ed C(tis*

=+es&= he said* =They 'an.t all"$ any "f (s t" get ba'! t"

t"$n* I $"(ld g(ess that they still ha#e %e"%le stati"ned al"ng the%aths ba'!*=

While he $as tal!ing& a 'lea %i't(e "f the falls enteed my mind* It

$as still %istine& (ndist(bed* The falling $ate& I eal43 ed& $asthe landma! in :eyman.s #isi"n that I had been tying t" emembe*

=We ha#e t" g" n"th$est t" the falls&= I said*

C(tis n"dded t"$ad the n"th& and as silently as %"ssible $e headed inthat die'ti"n& '"ssing the steam and 'aef(lly ma!ing "( $ay t"$adthe 'any"n* /ei"di'ally C(tis $"(ld st"% and '"#e "( ta'!s* D(inga est& $e '"(ld hea the l"$ (mbling "f #ehi'les f"m the s"(theast*

Afte an"the mile $e began t" see the m""nlit 'any"n $alls ising (%int" the distan'e* As $e a%%"a'hed the "'!y m"(th& C(tis led the $aya'"ss the 'ee!* S(ddenly he 2(m%ed ba'!$ad in fight as s"me"ne

$al!ed a"(nd a tee f"m the left* The %es"n s'eamed and e'"iled&alm"st l"sing balan'e& teeteing at the edge "f the 'ee! ban!*

=Mayal= I yelled& eali3ing $h" it $as&

C(tis e'"#eed and l(nged f"$ad and %(lled he ba'! as "'!s andga#el slid int" the $ate*

She h(gged him intensely and then ea'hed "(t t" me* =I d"n.t !n"$ $hyI an li!e that* I 2(st %ani'!ed* I '"(ld "nly thin! t" head t"$adthe falls y"( t"ld me ab"(t* I 2(st %ayed that s"me "f y"( $"(ld geta$ay t""*=

Leaning ba'! against a lage tee& she t""! a dee% beath& then as!ed&=What ha%%ened $hen the g(ad fied ba'! thee<

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Maya 'a(ght my eye* She $as l""!ing at me in a state "f '"m%lete"%enness and h"nesty& and as I $at'hed he& it seemed as th"(gh I '"(ldsee he )ith 9isi"n as a s(btle e1%essi"n "n he fa'e* She !ne$ $h"she $as and it beamed "(t$ad f" e#ey"ne t" "bse#e* -e missi"n $as'lea8 he ba'!g"(nd had %e%aed he %efe'tly*

=:eel as if the at"ms in y"( b"dy ae #ibating at a highe le#el&= she


I glan'ed at Chalene8 "n he fa'e $as the same 'laity* Shee%esented the inf"mati"n beaes& identifying and '"mm(ni'ating the#ital t(ths e1%essed by ea'h %es"n " g"(%*

=D" y"( see $hat.s ha%%ening<= Chalene as!ed* =We.e seeing ea'h "theas $e eally ae& at "( highest le#el& $ith"(t the em"ti"nal%"2e'ti"ns "f "ld feas*=

=I 'an see that&= C(tis said& his fa'e again f(ll "f enegy and'etainty*

N" "ne s%"!e f" se#eal min(tes* I 'l"sed my eyes as the enegy'"ntin(ed t" b(ild*

=L""! at that@= Chalene s(ddenly said& %"inting at the s"(l g"(%s alla"(nd (s*

Ea'h s"(l g"(% $as beginning t" blend $ith the "thes& 2(st

as they had d"ne at the 'a#e* I glan'ed at Chalene and then at C(tisand Maya* I '"(ld n"$ see "n thei fa'es an e#en f(lle e1%essi"n "f$h" they $ee as %ati'i%ants in the l"ng m"#ement "f h(man'i#ili3ati"n*

=This is it@= I said* =We.e ea'hing the ne1t ste%8 $e.e seeing t9 am"e '"m%lete #isi"n "f h(man hist"y*=

)ef"e (s& in a h(ge h"l"gam& a%%eaed an image "f hist"y that seemedt" stet'h "(t f"m the #ey beginning t" $hat a%%eaed t" be a distantend* As I stained t" f"'(s& I eali3ed that this $as an image #eysimila t" the "ne I had "bse#ed ealie $hile $ith my s"(lg"(%;e1'e%t that in this instan'e the st"y $as beginning m('h ealie&$ith the bith "f the (ni#ese itself*

We $at'hed as the fist matte e1%l"ded int" being and ga#itated int"stas that li#ed and died and s%e$ed f"th the geat di#esity "felements that (ltimately f"med the Eath* These elements& in t(n&

'"mbined in the ealy teestial en#i"nment int" e#e;m"e;'"m%le1s(bstan'es (ntil they finally lea%ed int" "gani' life;life that thenals" m"#ed f"$ad& int" geate "gani3ati"n and a$aeness& as ifg(ided by an "#eall %lan* M(lti'elled "ganisms be'ame fishes& andfishes %"gessed int" am%hibians& and am%hibians e#"l#ed int" e%tilesand bids and (ltimately int" mammals*

As $e $at'hed& a 'lea %i't(e "f the Aftelife dimensi"n "%ened (% inf"nt "f (s& and I (ndest""d that an as%e't "f ea'h "f the s"(lsthee;in fa't& a %at "f all "f h(manity;had li#ed th"(gh this l"ng&sl"$ %"'ess "f e#"l(ti"n* We had s$(m as fishes& b"ldly 'a$led (%"nthe land as am%hibians& and st(ggled t" s(#i#e as e%tiles& bids& andmammals& fighting e#ey ste% "f the $ay t" finally m"#e int" h(manf"m;all $ith intenti"n*

We !ne$ that th"(gh $a#e afte $a#e "f s(''essi#e geneati"ns& $e $"(ld

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be b"n int" the %hysi'al %lane& and n" matte h"$ l"ng it t""!& $e$"(ld sti#e t" $a!e (%& and (nify& and e#"l#e& and e#ent(ally im%lement"n Eath the same s%iit(al '(lt(e that e1ists in the Aftelife*Cetainly the 2"(ney $"(ld be diffi'(lt& e#en t"t("(s* With thefist int(iti"n t" a$a!en& $e $"(ld sense the :ea "f al"neness andse%aati"n* +et $e $"(ld n"t g" ba'! t" slee%8 $e $"(ld fight th"(ghthe :ea& elying "n the dim int(iti"n that $e $een.t al"ne& that $e

$ee s%iit(al beings $ith a s%iit(al %(%"se "n the %lanet*

And& f"ll"$ing the (ge "f e#"l(ti"n& $e $"(ld ga#itate t"gethe int"lage& m"e '"m%le1 s"'ial g"(%ings& diffeentiating int" m"e di#ese"''(%ati"ns& "#e'"ming a need t" defeat and '"n0(e ea'h "the& ande#ent(ally im%lement a dem"'ati' %"'ess th"(gh $hi'h ne$ ideas '"(ldbe shaed and synthesi3ed and e#"l#ed int" e#e;bette t(ths* Gad(ally"( se'(ity $"(ld '"me f"m inside (s& as $e %"gessed f"m ane1%essi"n "f the di#ine in tems "f nat(e g"ds t" the di#ine as "nefathe G"d "(tside "(sel#es t" a final e1%essi"n as the -"ly S%iit$ithin*

sa'ed te1ts $"(ld be int(ited and $itten& "ffeing heatfelt symb"li'

e1%essi"n "f "( elati"nshi% and f(t(e $ith this "ne deity*9isi"naies f"m b"th East and West $"(ld 'laify that this -"ly S%iit$as al$ays thee& al$ays a''essible& $aiting "nly f" "( ability t"e%ent& t" "%en& t" 'lea the bl"'!s that %e#ent a f(ll '"mm(ni"n*

O#e time& $e !ne$& "( (ge t" (nify and shae $"(ld e1%and (ntil $esensed a s%e'ial '"mm(nity& a dee%e ass"'iati"n $ith "thes $h" shaeda %ati'(la ge"ga%hi'al l"'ati"n "n the lanet& and the h(man $"ld$"(ld began t" s"lidify int" %"liti'al nati"n;states& ea'h h"lding a(ni0(e #ie$%"int* S""n afte $"(ld '"me an e1%l"si"n "f tade and'"mme'e* The s'ientifi'

meth"d $"(ld be instit(ted& and the es(lting dis'"#eies $"(ld initiate

a %ei"d "f e'"n"mi' %e"''(%ati"n and the geat se'(la e1%ansi"n !n"$nas the Ind(stial Re#"l(ti"n*

And "n'e $e de#el"%ed a $eb "f e'"n"mi' elati"nshi%s a"(nd the gl"be&$e $"(ld begin t" f(the a$a!en and t" emembe "( f(ll s%iit(alnat(e* The Insights $"(ld gad(ally %emeate h(man '"ns'i"(sness and$e $"(ld e#"l#e "( e'"n"my int" a f"m '"m%atible $ith the Eath& and&finally& begin t" m"#e bey"nd the last feaf(l %"lai3ati"n "f f"'est"$ad a ne$ s%iit(al $"ld#ie$ "n the %lanet*

-ee I m"mentaily glan'ed at the "thes* Thei fa'es t"ld me that theyhad shaed this #isi"n "f Eath.s hist"y* In "ne bief e#elati"n $ehad gas%ed h"$ h(man '"ns'i"(sness had %"gessed f"m the beginning "f

time ight t" the %esent m"ment*

S(ddenly the h"l"gam f"'(sed "n the %"lai3ati"n in geat detail* Allh(mans "n the Eath $ee migating int" t$" '"nfli'ting %"siti"ns7 "ne%(shing t"$ad a #ag(e b(t e#e;'leae image "f tansf"mati"n& and the"the esisting& sensing that im%"tant #al(es '"ntained in the "ld #ie$$ee being l"st f"e#e*

We '"(ld see that in the Aftelife dimensi"n& it $as !n"$n that this'"nfli't $"(ld be "( geatest 'hallenge t" the s%iit(ali3ati"n "f the%hysi'al dimensi"n;%ati'(laly if the %"lai3ati"n ge$ e1teme* Inthis 'ase& b"th sides $"(ld enten'h int" an iati"nal %"2e'ti"n "fe#il "nt" the "the& " $"se& might belie#e the liteal inte%etes "fthe end;times %"%he'ies and begin t" thin! the '"ming f(t(e $as bey"ndthei infl(en'e and theef"e gi#e (% '"m%letely*

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T" find the W"ld 9isi"n and es"l#e the %"lai3ati"n& $e '"(ld see that"( Aftelife intenti"n $as t" dis'en the dee%e

/ i

if t(ths "f these %"%he'ies* As $ith all the S'i%t(es& the #isi"ns

in Daniel and Re#elati"n $ee di#ine int(iti"ns '"ming f"m the

Aftelife int" the %hysi'al %lane& and s" m(st be (ndest""d as da%edin the symb"lism "f the see.s mind& m('h li!e a deam*

We $"(ld f"'(s "n the symb"li' meaning* The %"%he'ies en#isi"ned ane#ent(al end t" the h(man st"y "n Eath8 b(t an end= that& f"belie#es& $"(ld be 0(ite diffeent f"m the "ne e1%eien'ed byn"nbelie#es*

Th"se in the latte g"(% $ee seen L" e1%eien'e an end "f hist"y that$"(ld begin $ith geat 'atast"%hes and en#i"nmental disastes and'"lla%sing e'"n"mies* Then& at the height "f the fea and 'ha"s& a

st"ng leade $"(ld emege& the Anti'hist& $h" $"(ld "ffe t" est"e"de& b(t "nly if indi#id(als $"(ld agee t" gi#e (% thei libetiesand 'ay the =ma! "f the beast= (%"n thei b"dies in "de t"%ati'i%ate in the a(t"mated e'"n"my* E#ent(ally this st"ng leade$"(ld de'lae himself a g"d and ta!e by f"'e any '"(nty that esistedhis (le& at fist ma!ing $a "n the f"'es "f Islam& then "n the Je$sand Chistians& (ltimately 'asting the $h"le $"ld int" a fieyAmagedd"n*

:" belie#es& "n the "the hand& the s'i%t(al %"%hets %edi'ted am('h m"e %leasant end t" hist"y* Remaining t(e t" the s%iit& thesebelie#es $"(ld be gi#en s%iit(al b"dies and be a%t(ed int" an"thedimensi"n 'alled the Ne$ Je(salem& b(t $"(ld be able t" g" ba'! and

f"th int" the %hysi'al* E#ent(ally& at a 'etain %"int in the $a& G"d$"(ld f(lly et(n t" end the fighting& est"e the Eath& and im%lementa th"(sand yeas "f %ea'e $hee thee $"(ld be n" si'!ness " death& ande#eything $"(ld be tansf"med& e#en the animals "f the $"ld& $h"$"(ld n" l"nge eat meat* Instead& =The $"lf shall d$ell $ith the lamb*** and the li"n shall eat sta$ li!e the "1*=

Maya and C(tis 'a(ght my eye& and then Chalene l""!ed (%8 $e allseemed t" sense& at "n'e& the '"e meaning "f the %"%he'ies* What theend;times sees $ee e'ei#ing $as an int(iti"n that in "( time& t$"distin'ti#e f(t(es $"(ld be "%ening bef"e (s* We '"(ld 'h""se eithet" lang(ish in the :ea& belie#ing that the $"ld is m"#ing int" a )ig)"the style "f a(t"mati"n and s"'ial de'ay and (ltimate dest('ti"n *

" $e '"(ld f"ll"$ the "the %ath and '"nside "(sel#es the belie#es$h" 'an "#e'"me this nihilism and "%en t" the highe #ibati"ns "fl"#e& $hee $e ae s%aed the a%"'aly%se and 'an ente a ne$ dimensi"nin $hi'h $e in#ite the s%iit& th"(gh (s& t" 'eate


2(st the (t"%ia the s'i%t(al %"%hets en#isi"ned*


N"$ $e '"(ld see $hy th"se in the Aftelife felt that "( inte%etati"n"f these %"%he'ies $as !ey t" es"l#ing the %"lai3ati"n* If $e de'idethat these S'i%t(es mean that the dest('ti"n "f the $"ld isine#itable& $itten (nalteably int" G"d.s %lan& the effe't "f s('h abelief $"(ld be t" 'eate this #ey "(t'"me*

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Clealy $e had t" 'h""se the %ath "f l"#e and belie#ing* As I had seenealie& the %"lai3ati"n $as n"t intended t" be s" se#ee* It $as!n"$n in the Aftelife that ea'h side e%esented a %at "f the t(ththat '"(ld be integated and synthesi3ed int" the ne$& s%iit(al$"ld#ie$* :(the& I sa$ that this synthesis $"(ld be a nat(al"(tg"$th "f the Insights themsel#es& es%e'ially the Tenth Insight& and

"f the s%e'ial g"(%s that $"(ld

begin t" f"m all "#e the $"ld*

S(ddenly the h"l"gam a'ed f"$ad and I felt an"the e1%ansi"n "f'"ns'i"(sness* I !ne$ that $e $ee n"$ m"#ing int" the ne1t ste% "f the%"'ess7 the a't(al ememban'e "f h"$ $e intended t" be'"me belie#esand a''"m%lish this %"%hesied (t"%ian f(t(e* We $ee finallyemembeing the W"ld 9isi"n@

As $e $at'hed& $e fist sa$ the Tenth Insight g"(%s f"ming all "#ethe %lanet& ea'hing a 'iti'al mass "f enegy& and then leaning t"%"2e't this enegy in s('h a $ay that the enten'hed

sides "f the %"lai3ati"n immediately began t" lighten and ease&"#e'"ming the :ea* Es%e'ially affe'ted $"(ld be the te'hn"l"gi'al'"nt"lles& $h" $"(ld emembe themsel#es and gi#e (% thei lasteff"ts t" mani%(late the e'"n"my and sei3e %"$e*

The es(lt "f the %"2e'ted enegy $"(ld be an (n%e'edented $a#e "fa$a!ening and ememban'e and '""%eati"n and %es"nal in#"l#ement& anda #it(al e1%l"si"n "f ne$ly ins%ied indi#id(als& all "f $h"m $"(ldbegin t" f(lly e'all thei )ith 9isi"ns and f"ll"$ thei syn'h"nisti'%ath int" e1a'tly the ight %"siti"ns $ithin thei '(lt(e*

The s'ene shifted t" images "f de'aying inne 'ities and f"g"tten (al

families* -ee $e '"(ld see a ne$ '"nsens(s f"ming "n h"$ t" inte#enein the 'y'le "f %"#ety* N" l"nge $"(ld inte#enti"n be '"n'ei#ed intems "f g"#enment %"gams " meely in tems "f ed('ati"n and 2"bs8the ne$ a%%"a'h $"(ld be dee%ly s%iit(al& f" the st('t(es "fed('ati"n $ee aleady in %la'e8 $hat $as missing $as the ability t"bea! fee f"m the :ea and t" "#e'"me the hellish di#esi"ns set (%t" $ad "ff the an1iety "f %"#ety*

In this egad I sa$ a s(dden s(ge "f %i#ate "(tea'h s("(nding ea'hfamily and ea'h 'hild in need* Wa#es "f indi#id(als began t" f"m%es"nal elati"nshi%s& beginning $ith th"se $h" sa$ the family e#eyday;me'hants& tea'hes& %"li'e "ffi'es "n the beat& ministes* This'"nta't $as then e1%anded by "the #"l(ntees $"!ing as =big

b"thes****** big sistes&= and t(t"s;all g(ided by thei inneint(iti"ns t" hel%& emembeing thei intenti"n t" ma!e a diffeen'e$ith "ne family& "ne 'hild*

And all 'aying the '"ntagi"n "f the Insights and the '('ial messagethat n" matte h"$ t"(gh the sit(ati"n& " h"$ enten'hed theself;defeating habits& ea'h "f (s 'an $a!e (% t" a mem"y "f missi"n and%(%"se*

As this '"ntagi"n '"ntin(ed& in'idents "f #i"lent 'ime beganmystei"(sly t" de'ease a'"ss h(man '(lt(e8 f"& as $e sa$ 'lealy&the ""ts "f #i"len'e ae al$ays f(stati"n and %assi"n and feas'i%ts that deh(mani3e the #i'tim& and a g"$ing intea'ti"n $ith th"se'aying a highe a$aeness $as n"$ beginning t" dis(%t this mind;set*

We sa$ a ne$ '"nsens(s emeging t"$ad 'ime that de$ f"m b"th

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&all the s(%%"t "f gass""ts "gani3ati"ns "ffeing e$ads f" s('h

inf"mati"n& and $h" $"(ld ta!e thei 'ani'"des and e1%"se the 'imethemsel#es*

Similaly $e "bse#ed the en#i"nmental %a'ti'es "f g"#enments

themsel#es being e1%"sed& es%e'ially egading %"li'ies t"$ad %(bli'lands* :" yeas& it $"(ld* be dis'"#eed& g"#enmental agen'ies hads"ld mining and l"g"ng ights "n s"me "f the m"st sa'ed %la'es "nEath& at bel"$;ma!et ates& as %"liti'al fa#"s and %ayba'!s*Ma2esti'& 'athedal f"ests& bel"nging t" the %(bli'& had been(nbelie#ably %illaged and 'lea;'(t in the name "f %"%e f"estmanagement;as th"(gh %lanting "$s "f

%ine tees $"(ld e%la'e the di#esity "f life& and enegies& inheentin a had$""d f"est that had mat(ed f" 'ent(ies*

+et it $"(ld be the emeging s%iit(al a$aeness that $"(ld finallyf"'e an end t" s('h disga'e& We $at'hed a ne$ '"aliti"n f"ming& made

(% "f "ld;#ie$ h(ntes aild n"stalgi' hist"y b(ffs and th"se $h"%e'ei#ed the nat(al sites as sa'ed %"tals* This '"aliti"n $"(ldfinally s"(nd the alam that $"(ld sa#e the fe$ emaining #igin f"estsin E("%e and N"th Amei'a& and begin t" %"te't "n a lage s'ale theessential ain f"ests in the t"%i'al

egi"ns "f the $"ld* It $"(ld be '"mm"nly (ndest""d that e#eyemaining site "f bea(ty m(st be sa#ed f" the benefit "f f(t(egeneati"ns* C(lti#ated %lant fibes $"(ld e%la'e the (se "f tees f"l(mbe and %a%e& and the emainin %(bli' land $"(ld all be %"te'tedf"m e1%l"itati"n and (sed t" s(%%ly the e1%l"ding demand t" #isit s('h(ns%"iled and enegi3ing aeas "f nat(e* At the same time& asint(iti"n and a$aeness and emembeing e1%anded& the de#el"%ed '(lt(es

$"(ld finally t(n t" the nati#e %e"%les "f the $"ld $ith a ne$ es%e'tand a%

%edati"n& eage t" integate a mysti'al edefiniti"n "f the nat(al


The h"l"ga%hi' s'ene m"#ed f"$ad again& and I '"(ld see the $a#e "fs%iit(al '"ntagi"n %emeating e#ey as%e't "f '(lt(e* 2(st asChalene had f"eseen ealie& e#ey "''(%ati"nal g"(% $as beginning'"ns'i"(sly t" shift its '(st"may %a'ti'e t"$ad a m"e int(iti#e andideal le#el "f f(n'ti"ning& finding its s%iit(al "le& its #isi"n "ft(e se#i'e*

Medi'ine& led by indi#id(al %a'titi"nes $h" f"'(sed "n the I genesis"f disease& $as m"#ing f"m the s%iit(alB%sy'h"l"gi'a me'hani'alteatment "f sym%t"ms t"$ad %e#enti"n* We '"(ld

f"m the self;se#ing meth"ds "f see the legal %"fessi"n m"#ing f

'eatin '"nfli't& and "bs'(ing t(th in "de t" $in& int" its

t(e "le "f es"l#ing '"nfli't in the m"st =$in;$in= manne %"ssible*And 2(st as C(tis had seen& e#ey"ne in#"l#ed in b(siness& ind(sty byind(sty& $as shifting int" an enlightened 'a%italism& a 'a%italism"iented n"t 2(st t" %"fits& b(t t" filling the e#"l#ing needs "fs%iit(al beings& and ma!ing these %"d('ts a#ailable at the l"$est%"ssible %i'es* This ne$ b(siness ethi' $"(ld %"d('e a gass""tsdeflati"n& initiating a systemati' e#"l(ti"n $ad an e#ent(al f(ll

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a(t"mati"n;and (ltimately the fee t"

a#ailability;"f the basi' ne'essities "f life& libeating h(mans t"si"ned in the Ninth engage in the s%iit(al =tithe= e'"n"my en#ied


As $e '"ntin(ed t" $at'h& the s'enes a''eleated f"$ad& and $e '"(ldsee indi#id(als emembeing thei s%iit(al missi"ns at in'easinglyy"(nge ages* -ee $e '"(ld see the %e'ise (ndestanding that $"(lds""n emb"dy the ne$ s%iit(al $"ld#ie$* indi#id(als $"(ld '"me "f ageand emembe themsel#es as s"(ls b"n f"m "ne dimensi"n "f e1isten'eint" an"the* Ali"n $"(ld be e1%e'ted& th"(gh mem"y l"ss d(ing thetansit

e'a%t(ing %e; life mem"y $"(ld be'"me an im%"tant ealy g"al "fed('ati"n*

As y"(ths& "( tea'hes $"(ld fist g(ide (s th"(gh the ealye1%eien'e "f syn'h"ni'ity8 (ge (s t" identify "( int(iti"ns t" st(dy

'etain s(b2e'ts& t" #isit %ati'(la %la'es& al$ays l""!ing f" higheans$es as t" $hy $e $ee %(s(ing these %ati'(la

n %aths* As the f(ll mem"y "f the Insights emeged& $e $"(ld find

"(sel#es in#"l#ed $ith 'etain g"(%s& $"!ing "n %ati'(la e'ts&binging in "( f(ll #isi"n "f $hat $e had $anted t

d"* And finally $e $"(ld e'"#e the (ndelying intenti"n behind "(li#es* We $"(ld !n"$ that $e 'ame hee t" aise the #ibat"y le#el "fthis %lanet& t" dis'"#e and %"te't the bea(ty and enegy "f itsnat(al sites& and t" ens(e that all h(mans had a''ess t" these s%e'iall"'ati"ns& s" that $e '"(ld '"ntin(e t" in'ease "( enegy& (ltimately

instit(ting the Aftelife '(lt(e hee in the %hysi'al*

S('h a $"ld#ie$ $"(ld es%e'ially shift the $ay $e l""!ed at "the%e"%le* N" l"nge $"(ld $e see h(man beings meely in the a'ial dess" nati"nal "igin "f "ne %ati'(la lifetime*

Instead& $e $"(ld see "thes as b"the " siste s"(ls& engaged& li!e(s& in a %"'ess "f '"ming a$a!e and "f s%iit(ali3ing the %lanet* It$"(ld be'"me !n"$n that the settling "f 'etain s"(ls int" #ai"(sge"ga%hi'al l"'ati"ns "n the %lanet had "''(ed $ith geat meaning*Ea'h nati"n $as& in fa't& an en'la#e "f s%e'ifi' s%iit(al inf"mati"n&shaed and m"deled by its 'iti3ens& inf"mati"n $aiting t" be leanedand integated*

As I $at'hed the f(t(e (nf"ld& I '"(ld see that a $"ld %"liti'al(nity& en#isi"ned by s" many& $as finally being a'hie#edn"t by f"'ingall nati"ns int" s(bse#ien'e t" "ne %"liti'al b"dy& b(t athe th"(gha gass""ts a'!n"$ledgment "f "( s%iit(al Similaities $hileteas(ing "( l"'al a(t"n"my and '(lt(al diffeen'es* As $ithindi#id(als i itea'ting in a g"(%& ea'h membe "f the family "fnati"ns $as being e'"gni3ed f" this '(lt(e t(th e%esented t" the$"ld at lage* )ef"e (s& $e sa$ Eath.s %"liti'al st(ggles& s" "ften#i"lent& shifting int" a $a "f $"ds*

As the tide "f ememban'e '"ntin(ed t" s$ee% the %lanet& all h(mansbegan t" (ndestand that "( destiny $as t" dis'(ss and '"m%ae the%es%e'ti#es "f "( elati#e eligi"ns and& $hile h"n"ing the best "fthei indi#id(al d"'tines at the %es"nal le#el& (ltimately t" see thatea'h eligi"n s(%%lemented the "thes and t" integate them int" a

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synthesi3ed gl"bal s%iit(ality*

We '"(ld see 'lealy that these dial"g(es $"(ld es(lt in the eb(ilding"f a gand tem%le in Je(salem& 2"intly "''(%ied by all the ma "eligi"ns;Je$ish& Chistian& Islami'& Easten& e#en the

2 de fa't" eligi"n "f se'(la idealism& e%esented by th"se e'"n"mi'

en'la#es in China and E("%e $h" th"(ght %imaily in tems "f a%antheisti' e'"n"mi' (t"%ia* -ee& (ltimate s%iit(al %es%e'ti#e $"(ldbe debated and dis'(ssed* And in this $a "f $"ds and enegy& at fistthe Islami' and the Je$ish %es%e'ti#es $"(ld h"ld 'ente stage& thenthe Chistian %es%e'ti#e $"(ld be '"m%aed and integated& al"ng $iththe inne #isi"n "f the Easten eligi"ns*

We sa$ the a$aeness "f h(manity enteing an"the le#el& $ith the'"lle'ti#e h(man '(lt(e %"gessing f"m %imaily the shaing "fe'"n"mi' inf"mati"n t" the syn'h"nisti' e1'hange "f s%iit(al t(ths*As this "''(ed& 'etain indi#id(als and g"(%s $"(ld begin t" ea'hle#els a%%"a'hing that "f the Aftelife dimensi"n and $"(ld disa%%eat" the lage ma2"ity emaining "n Eath* These sele't g"(%s $"(ld

$al! intenti"nally int" the "the dimensi"n& yet $"(ld lean t" g" ba'!and f"th2(st as the Ninth Insight %edi'ts and the s'i%t(al %"%hetssa$*

+et& afte this Ra%t(e began& th"se left "n Eath $"(ld (nde 4&

stand $hat $as "''(ing and a''e%t thei "le in emaining in the%hysi'al& !n"$ing that they $"(ld s""n f"ll"$*

N"$ it $as time f" the se'(la idealists t" %"'laim thei t(ths "nthe tem%le ste%s* At fist thei enegeti' th(st int" Je(salem $"(ld'"me f"m E("%e $ith its %imaily se'(la #isi"n& $ith "ne st"ngleade %"'laiming the s%iit(al im%"tan'e "f se'(la mattes* This

%es%e'ti#e $"(ld be met st"ngly by the detemined ="the$"ldly=s%iit(alism "f the M(slims and the Chistians* )(t then this '"nfli't"f enegy $"(ld be mediated and late synthesi3ed int" "ne by the innes%iit(al em%hasis "f the Easten %es%e'ti#e* )y then& the lastattem%ts "f the '"nt"lles& $h" had "n'e '"ns%ied t" 'eate atyanni'al s"'iety "f 'hi%s and "b"ts and f"'ed '"m%lian'e& $"(ld ha#ebeen $"n "#e by the '"ntagi"n "f a$a!ening* And this last synthesis$"(ld "%en e#ey"ne t" the final inf(si"n "f the -"ly S%iit* We sa$'lealy that th"(gh this Middle Easten dial"g(e "f enegy integati"n&hist"y had f(lfilled the s'i%t(al %"%he'ies in a symb"li' and #ebalmanne& a#"iding the %hysi'al a%"'aly%se e1%e'ted by the litealists*

S(ddenly "( f"'(s shifted t" the Aftelife dimensi"n& and hee $e '"(ld

see $ith geat 'laity that "( intenti"n all al"ng $as n"t meely t"'eate a Ne$ Eath& b(t a Ne$ -ea#en as $ell* We $at'hed as the effe't"f the W"ld 9isi"n ememban'e tansf"med n"t "nly the %hysi'aldimensi"n b(t als" the Aftelife* D(ing the a%t(es "n Eath& thes"(l g"(%s $"(ld als" ha#e been a%t(ing t"$ad the %hysi'al&'"m%leting the tansfe "f enegy int" the e1%anded %hysi'al dimensi"n*

-ee the f(ll eality "f $hat $as ha%%ening in the hist"i'al %"'essbe'ame a%%aent* :"m the beginning "f time& as "( mem"y "%ened&enegy and !n"$ledge had systemati'ally m"#ed f"m the Aftelifedimensi"n int" the %hysi'al* At fist&

the s"(l g"(%s in the Aftelife had b"ne f(ll es%"nsibility f"maintaining the intenti"n and en#isi"ning the f(t(e& hel%ing (s t"e'all $hat $e $anted t" d"& gi#ing (s enegy*

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Then& as '"ns'i"(sness "n Eath %"gessed and the %"%(lati"n in'eased&the balan'e "f enegy and es%"nsibility had sl"$ly shifted t"$ad the%hysi'al dimensi"n& (ntil& at this %"int in hist"y& $hen en"(gh enegyhad shifted and the W"ld 9isi"n $as being emembeed& the f(ll %"$eand es%"nsibility f" belie#ing and 'eating the intended f(t(e $"(ldbe shifting f"m the Aftelife t" the s"(ls "n Eath& t" the ne$lyf"ming g"(%s& t" (s@

At this %"int& $e ha#e t" 'ay the intent* And that.s $hy it n"$ fellt" (s t" es"l#e the %"lai3ati"n and t" hel% shift the %ati'(laindi#id(als& ight hee in this #alley& $h" $ee still 'a(ght in the:ea and $h" felt 2(stified in mani%(lating the e'"n"my f" thei "$n%(%"ses& 2(stified in sei3ing '"nt"l "f the f(t(e*

At e1a'tly the same time& all f"( "f (s glan'ed at ea'h "the in theda!ness& the h"l"gam still s("(nding (s& the s"(l g"(%s stillmeged in the ba'!g"(nd& gl"$ing bightly* Then I n"ti'ed a h(ge ha$!fly "nt" a limb ten feet ab"#e the g"(% and ga3e d"$n at (s* )eneathit& less than fi#e feet a$ay& a abbit h"%%ed t" $ithin thee feet "f myight elb"$ and st"%%ed& f"ll"$ed se'"nds late by a b"b'at& $h" sat

die'tly beside it* What $as ha%%ening<

Ab(%tly a silent #ibati"n tingled my s"la %le1(s8 the e1%eiment hadbeen ea'ti#ated@

=L""! "#e thee@= C(tis yelled*

:ifty yads a$ay& baely disting(ishable in the m""nlight& $as a na"$fiss(e& sha!ing the b(shes and small tees& e1tending sl"$ly in "(die'ti"n*

I l""!ed at the "thes*

=It.s (% t" (s n"$&= Maya sh"(ted* =We ha#e en"(gh "f the 9isi"n n"$8$e 'an st"% them*=

)ef"e $e '"(ld a't& the eath (nde (s sh""! #i"lently and the fiss(ea''eleated t"$ad (s* Sim(ltane"(sly se#eal #ehi'les %(lled t" a st"%in the (ndeb(sh& thei lights shining th"(gh f(33y silh"(ettes madeby the tees and d(st* ,nafaid& I maintained my enegy and f"'(sedagain "n the h"l"gam*

=The 9isi"n $ill st"% them&= Maya yelled again* =D"n.t let the 9isi"ng"@ -"ld it@=

Emba'ing the image "f the f(t(e bef"e (s& I again felt the g"(%

mashal enegy t"$ad :eyman& as if h"lding "( intenti"n li!e a giant$all against his int(si"n& imaging his g"(% being %(shed ba'! by theenegy& fleeing in te"*

I glan'ed at the 'e#i'e still a'ing t"$ad (s& '"nfident it $"(ld s""nst"%* It a''eleated instead* An"the tee fell* Then an"the* As its%ed int" the g"(%& I l"st my '"n'entati"n and "lled ba'!$ad&'h"!ing "n the d(st*

=It.s still n"t $"!ing@= I head C(tis yell*

I felt as if it $as all ha%%ening again* =,% this $ay&= I sh"(ted&st(ggling t" see in the s(dden da!ness* As I an& I '"(ld baely ma!e"(t the dim "(tlines "f the "thes8 they $ee #eeing a$ay f"m me t"the east*

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I 'limbed (% the st"ny idge that f"med the left $all "f the 'any"n anddidn.t st"% (ntil I $as a h(nded yads a$ay* Kneeling in the "'!s& Il""!ed "(t int" the night* N"thing m"#ed& b(t I '"(ld hea :eyman.s mental!ing at the 'any"n entan'e* (ietly I made my $ay fathe (% thesl"%e& angling n"th$est& still $at'hing 'aef(lly f" any sign "f the"thes* :inally I f"(nd a $ay t" 'limb d"$n t" the 'any"n fl"" again*Still n" m"#ement any$hee*

Then& as I began t" $al! n"th again& s"me"ne s(ddenly gabbed me f"mbehind*

=What;= I yelled*

=Shssssssss&= a #"i'e $his%eed* =)e 0(iet* It.s Da#id*=





t(ned and l""!ed at him in the m""nlight& "bse#ing the l"ng hai& thes'aed fa'e*

=Whee ae the "thes<= he $his%eed*

=We $ee se%aated&= I e%lied* =Did y"( see $hat ha%%ened<=

-e m"#ed his fa'e 'l"se* =+es& I $as $at'hing f"m the hill*

Whee d" y"( thin! they.ll g"<=

I th"(ght f" a m"ment* =They.ll head t"$ad the falls*=

-e m"ti"ned f" me t" f"ll"$ and $e stated in that die'ti"n* Aftese#eal min(tes had %assed& he glan'ed ba'! as he $al!ed and said& =Wheny"( $ee sitting t"gethe at the entan'e ba'! thee& y"( enegy%""led& and then s$elled fa "(t int" the #alley* What $ee y"( d"ing<=

In an attem%t t" e1%lain& I s(mmai3ed the $h"le st"y7 finding Wil andenteing the "the dimensi"n8 seeing Williams and (nnin int" J"el andMaya8 and es%e'ially meeting C(tis and tying t" bing in the W"ld9isi"n t" defeat :eyman*

=C(tis $as ba'! thee $ith y"( at the m"(th "f the 'any"n<=

Da#id as!ed*

=+es& and Maya and Chalene& alth"(gh I thin! thee ae s(%%"sed t" bese#en "f (s * * *=

-e ga#e me an"the 0(i'! glan'e& alm"st 'h('!ling* All "f the tense&%ent;(% ange he had dis%layed in t"$n seemed t" ha#e '"m%letelydisa%%eaed* =S" y"( f"(nd the an'est"s t""& didn.t y"(<=

I h(ied (% t" $al! beside him* =+"( ea'hed the "the dimensi"n<=

=+es& I sa$ my s"(l g"(% and $itnessed my )ith 9isi"n& and 2(st asy"(& I emembeed $hat ha%%ened bef"e& that $e.#e all '"me ba'! t"bing in the W"ld 9isi"n* And then;I d"n.t !n"$ h"$;$hen I $as

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I t"ld him ab"(t the abbit and the fl"'! "f '"$s and the ha$!& $hi'hhad sh"$n (% as I had fist enteed the #alley& and then ab"(t theb"b'at '(b& the eagle& and the y"(ng $"lf that

had a%%eaed late* =S"me "f them e#en sh"$ed (% $hen $e sa$ the W"ld


-e n"dded e1%e'tantly

=I !ne$ s"mething signifi'ant $as ha%%ening&= I said& =b(t I didn.t !n"$e1a'tly $hat t" d" e1'e%t t" f"ll"$ s"me "f them*

Ae y"( saying that all these animals had a message f" me<=

=+es& that.s e1a'tly $hat I.m saying*=

=-"$ d" I !n"$ $hat the message is<=

=It.s easy* +"( !n"$ be'a(se "f the %ati'(la !ind "f animal y"( aeatta'ting at any "ne time* Ea'h s%e'ies that '"sses "( %aths tells(s s"mething ab"(t "( sit(ati"n& $hat %at "f "(sel#es $e m(st 'all(%"n t" handle the 'i'(mstan'es $e fa'e*=

=E#en afte e#eything that.s ha%%ened&= I said& =that.s had t"belie#e* A bi"l"gist $"(ld say animals ae %imaily "b"ts& "%eating"n d(mb instin't*=

=Only be'a(se animals efle't "( "$n le#el "f '"ns'i"(sness ande1%e'tati"n* If "( le#el "f #ibati"n is l"$& the animals $ill meelybe thee $ith (s& %ef"ming thei (s(al e'"l"gi'al f(n'ti"ns* When as!e%ti'al bi"l"gist ed('es animal beha#i" t" mindless instin't& he

sees the esti'ti"n that he himself has %(t (%"n the animal* )(t as"( #ibati"n shifts& the a'ti"ns "f the animals that '"me t" (s be'"mee#e m"e syn'h"nisti'& mystei"(s& and inst('ti"nal*=

I 2(st staed*

S0(inting& he said& =The hae that y"( sa$ $as %"inting "(t a die'ti"nf" y"( b"th %hysi'ally and em"ti"nally* When I tal!ed t" y"( in t"$n&y"( seemed de%essed and feaf(l& as th"(gh y"( $ee l"sing faith in theInsights* If y"( $at'h a $ild abbit f" a l"ng time& y"( 'an %e'ei#ethat it m"dels h"$ t" eally fa'e "( fea& s" that $e 'an late m"#e%ast it int" 'eati#ity and ab(ndan'e* A abbit li#es in 'l"se%"1imity t" animals

that feed "n it& b(t it handles the fea and stays thee and is still#ey fetile and %"d('ti#e and li%beat; When a abbit a%%eas in "(li#es& it is a signal t" find the same attit(de $ithin "(sel#es*

This $as the message t" y"(8 its %esen'e meant y"( had the "%%"t(nityt" emembe the medi'ine "f abbit and t" f(lly l""! at y"( "$n feaand m"#e by"nd* And be'a(se it "''(ed d(ing the beginning "f y"(ti%& it set the t"ne "f y"( $h"le ad#ent(e* -asn.t y"( ti% beeib"th feaf(l and ab(ndant<=

I n"dded*

-e added& =S"metimes it means that the ab(ndan'e 'an be "f a "manti'nat(e t""* -a#e y"( met any"ne<=

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I sh(gged& emembeing the ne$ enegy I had felt $ith Chalene* =Maybe&in a $ay* NAhat ab"(t the '"$s I sa$ and the ha$! that I f"ll"$ed$hen I f"(nd Wil<=

=C"$s ae the h"ldes "f the la$s "f s%iit* S%end time $ith '"$s andthey $ill d" ama3in things that al$ays in'ease "( %e'e%ti"n "fs%iit(al eality* Tei message $as t" "%en (%& t" emembe the

s%iit(al la$s that $ee %esenting themsel#es t" y"( in this #alley*Seeing them sh"(ld ha#e %e%aed y"( f" $hat $as t" '"me*=

=And the ha$!<=

=-a$!s ae alet& and "bse#ant& e#e #igilant f" the ne1t bit "finf"mati"n& the ne1t nessag; Thei %esen'e means that it is im%"tantat that time t" in'ease. "( aletness* Often they signal that amessenge is 'l"se*= -e '''!ed his head*

=+"( mean& it $as f"etelling the %esen'e "f Wil<=


Da#id $ent "n t" e1%lain $hy the "the animals I had seen had been da$nmy $ay* Cats& he t"ld me& im%l"e (s t" emembe "( ability t" int(itand t" elf;heal* The b"b'at '(b.s message& ai#ing as it did& 2(stbef"e meeting Maya& $as t" signal

that an "%%"t(nity t" heal $as nea* Similaly an eagle s"as t" geatheights& and e%esents an "%%"t(nity t" a't(ally #ent(e int" thehighe ealms "f the s%iit $"ld* When I sa$ the eagle "n the idge&Da#id said& I sh"(ld ha#e %e%aed f" seeing my s"(l g"(% and f"(ndestanding m"e "f my "$n destiny* Lastly& he t"ld me& the y"(ng$"lf $as thee t" enegi3e and a$a!en my latent instin't f" '"(age andmy ability t" tea'h& s" that I might find the $"ds t" hel% bing

t"gethe the "the membes "f the g"(%*

=s" the animals e%esent&= I said& =%ats "f "(sel#es $e need t" getin t"('h $ith*=

=+es& as%e'ts "f "(sel#es that $e de#el"%ed $hen $e $ee th"se animalsd(ing the '"(se "f e#"l(ti"n& b(t ha#e l"st*=

I th"(ght "f the #isi"n "f e#"l(ti"n I had $itnessed at the 'any"nentan'e $ith the g"(%* =+"(.e s%ea!ing "f the $ay life %"gessedf"$ad& s%e'ies by s%e'ies<=

=We $ee thee&= Da#id '"ntin(ed* =O( '"ns'i"(sness m"#ed th"(gh ea'h

animal as it e%esented the end %"int "f life.s de#el"%ment and thenlea%ed t" the ne1t* We e1%eien'ed the $ay ea'h s%e'ies #ie$s the$"ld& $hi'h is an im%"tant as%e't "f the '"m%lete s%iit(al'"ns'i"(sness* When a %ati'(la animal '"mes a"(nd& that means $e.eeady t" integate its '"ns'i"(sness int" "( $a!ing a$aeness again*And I.ll tell y"( s"mething7 thee ae s"me s%e'ies that $e aen.t e#en'l"se t" 'at'hing (% $ith* That.s $hy it.s s" im%"tant t" %ese#ee#ey life;f"m "n this Eath* We $ant them t" end(e n"t 2(st be'a(sethey ae a %at "f the balan'ed e'"s%hee& b(t be'a(se they e%esentas%e'ts "f "(sel#es that $e.e still tying t" emembe*=

-e %a(sed f" a m"ment& l""!ing "(t int" the night*

=This is als" t(e "f the i'h di#esity "f h(man th"(ght& e%esentedby the #ai"(s '(lt(es a"(nd the %lanet* N"ne "f (s

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=She said $e sh"(ld #is(ali3e %atients emembeing $hat they intended t"d" $ith thei li#es b(t still hadn.t d"ne* She said that eal healings%ings f"m a ene$ed sense "f $hat "ne $ants t" d" "n'e health isegained* When they emembe& then $e 'an als" 2"in them in h"ldingthis m"e s%e'ifi' %lan*=

=Let.s d" the same n"$&= Da#id said* =-"%ef(lly& he "iginal intenti"n$as t" f"ll"$ the s"(nd "f this bid*=

Da#id 'l"sed his eyes& and I f"ll"$ed his lead& tying t" #is(ali3e animage "f Maya a$a!ening t" $hat she $as s(%%"sed t" d"* Afte a fe$min(tes I "%ened my eyes and Da#id $as stanng at me* The "$l s'eamedagain ight ab"#e "( heads*

=Let.s g"&= he said*

T$enty min(tes late $e $ee standing "n the hill ab"#e the falls* The"$l had f"ll"$ed& 'alling "(t %ei"di'ally& and had stati"ned itselffifty feet t" "( ight* In f"nt "f (s& the %""l glistened in the

m""nlight& m(ted "nly by $is%s "f f"g that difted al"ng its s(fa'e* We$aited f" ten " fifteen min(tes $ith"(t s%ea!ing*

=L""!@ Thee@= Da#id said& %"inting*

Am"ng the "'!s t" the ight "f the %""l I '"(ld ma!e "(t se#ealfig(es* One "f them l""!ed (% and sa$ (s8 it $as Chalene* I $a#edand she e'"gni3ed me* Then Da#id and I made "( $ay d"$n the "'!ysl"%e t" $hee they $ee standing*

C(tis $as e'stati' at seeing Da#id& gabbing his am* =We.ll st"%these %e"%le n"$*= :" a m"ment they l""!ed at ea'h "the in silen'e&then C(tis int"d('ed Maya and Chalene*

I met eyes $ith Maya* =Did y"( ha#e any t"(ble finding y"( $ay hee<=

=At fist& $e $ee '"nf(sed and l"st in the da!ness& b(t then I headthe "$l and I !ne$*=

=The %esen'e "f an "$l&= Da#id said& =means that $e ha#e the"%%"t(nity t" see th"(gh any %"ssible de'e%ti"n by "thes& and if $ea#"id the tenden'y t" ham " lash "(t& $e 'an& li!e the "$l& '(tth"(gh the da!ness t" h"ld a highe t(th*=

Maya $as $at'hing Da#id 'l"sely* &y"( l""! familia&= Maya

said* =Wh" ae y"(<=

=+"( $ee t"ld my name* It.s

-e l""!ed at he 0(esti"ningly*


=N"& I mean $h" ae y"( t" me

She gabbed his hand gently*

t" (s<=

=I $as thee&= he said& =d(ing the $as& b(t I $as s" f(ll "f hatedf" the $hites that I didn.t s(%%"t y"(8 I didn.t e#en

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listen t" y"(*=

=We.e d"ing it diffeently n"$&= I said*

Da#id glaed at me efle1i#ely& then 'a(ght himself and s"ftened& as hehad bef"e* =)a'! in that $a& I had e#en less es%e't f" y"( than the

"thes* +"( $"(ldn.t ta!e a stand* +"( an


=It $as fea&= I e%lied*

&I !n"$*=

:" se#eal m"e min(tes e#ey"ne tal!ed $ith Da#id ab"(t the em"ti"ns$e $ee feeling& dis'(ssing e#eything $e '"(ld emembe ab"(t thetagedy "f the $a "n the Nati#e Amei'ans*

Da#id $ent "n t" e1%lain that his s"(l g"(% $as made (% "f mediat"s

and that he had '"me this time t" $"! th"(gh his ange at the E("%eanmentality& and then t" $"! f" the s%iit(al e'"gniti"n "f allindigen"(s '(lt(es and the in'l(si"n "f

all %e"%le*

=+"(.e the

Chalene glan'ed at me& then t(ned t" Da#id*

fifth membe "f this g"(%& aen.t y"(<=

)ef"e he '"(ld ans$e& $e felt a #ibati"n a'ing th"(gh the g"(nd

(nde "( feet8 it sent ieg(la i%%les a'"ss the s(fa'e $asan"the eeie mel"di"f the %""l* A''"m%anying the tem" "(s $hine thatfilled the f"est* "(t "f the '"ne "f my eye I sa$

feet ab"#e (s*

flashlights m"#ing "n the hill fifty

=They.e hee@= C(tis $his%eed*

I t(ned t" see :eyman at the edge "f an "#ehang die'tly ab"#e "(heads8 he $as ad2(sting a small dish antenna "n $hat l""!ed li!e a%"table '"m%(te*

=They.e g"ing t" f"'(s "n (s and ty t" fine;t(ne the geneat" that$ay&= C(tis said* =We.#e g"t t" get "(t "f hee*=

Maya ea'hed "#e and t"('hed his am* =N"& %lease& C(tis& maybe it$ill $"! this time*=

Da#id m"#ed 'l"se t" C(tis& then said l"$ly& =it 'an $"!*=

C(tis staed at him f" a m"ment& then finally n"dded his ageement&and $e began t" aise "( enegy again* As in the t$" %e#i"(sattem%ts& I began t" see highe;self e1%essi"ns "n e#ey fa'e& and then"( s"(l g"(%s a%%eaed and meged int" a 'i'le a"(nd (s& in'l(dingf" the fist time the membes "f Da#id.s g"(%* As the mem"y "f theW"ld 9isi"n et(ned& $e $ee again %(lled int" the "#eall intent t"tansfe enegy and !n"$ledge and a$aeness int" the %hysi'al dimensi"n*

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Als"& as bef"e& $e sa$ the feaf(l %"lai3ati"n "''(ing in "( time&and the %an"ami' #isi"n "f the %"siti#e f(t(e that $"(ld s(''eed it"n'e the s%e'ial g"(%s f"med and leaned h"$ t" inte'ede& h"$ t" h"ldthe 9isi"n*

S(ddenly an"the tem" sh""! the g"(nd #i"lently*

=Stay $ith the 9isi"n&= Maya sh"(ted* =-"ld the image "f h"$ the f(t(e'an be*=

I head a fiss(e tea th"(gh the g"(nd t" my ight& b(t I !e%t my'"n'entati"n* In my mind I again sa$ the W"ld 9isi"n as a f"'e "fenegy that $as emanating "(t$ad f"m "( g"(% in all die'ti"ns and%(shing :eyman ba'! a$ay f"m (s& defeating the enegy "f his :ea#isi"n* T" my left& a h(ge tee i%%ed f"m its ""ts and 'ashed t"the g"(nd*

=It.s still n"t $"!ing&= C(tis sh"(ted& 2(m%ing t" his feet*

=N"& $ait&= Da#id said* -e had been dee% in th"(ght& and n"$ he ea'hed"(t and gabbed C(tis& %(lling him d"$n bee $hat.s $"ng<@ We.eteating :eyman side him* =D"n.t y"( se and the "thes as if they aeenemies& tying t" %(sh them ba'!*

D"ing that a't(ally stengthens them& be'a(se they ha#e s"mething t"fight against* Rathe than fighting them $ith the 9isi"n& $e ha#e t"in'l(de :eyman and the "%eati#es in $hat $e.e #is(ali3ing* Ineality& thee ae n" enemies8 $e.e all s"(ls in g"$th& $a!ing (%* Weha#e t" %"2e't the W"ld 9isi"n t"$ad them as th"(gh they ae 2(stli!e (s*=

I s(ddenly e'alled seeing :eyman.s )ith 9isi"n* N"$ it all made

%efe't sense7 the #ie$ "f -ell& (ndestanding the "bsessi#e and "fffea& seeing the ing "f tan'e states that h(mans (se t" $ s"(ls asthey tied t" inte#ene* And then "bse#ing :eyman.s "iginalintenti"n*

=-e is "ne "f (s@= I sh"(ted* =I !n"$ $hat he intended t" d"@

ed f" %"$e8 he In a't(ality& he 'ame t" bea! th"(gh his the

$anted t" %e#ent the dest('ti"n that '"(ld be 'a(sed by the and the"the ne$ te'hn"l"gy* -e sa$ himself meetgeneat"s ing $ith (s in theda!ness* -e.s the si1th membe "f this g"(%*=

!s 2(st li!e in the %"'ess "f Maya leaned f"$ad* =This $" healing*We ha#e t" image him emembeing $hat he is eally hee t" d"*= Sheglan'ed at me* =That hel%s bea! the fea bl"'!& the tan'e& at e#eyle#el*=

As $e began t" '"n'entate "n in'l(ding :eynian and his "( enegylea%ed f"$ad* The night be'ame ill(minated men&

'"(ld 'lealy see :eyman and t$" men "n the hill* The and $e '" s"(lg"(%s seemed t" m"#e m"e 'l"sely int" f"'(s& a%%eaing m"e h(manli!e&$hile at the same time $e be'ame m"e l(mines'ent& li!e them* :"m theleft& m"e s"(l g"(%s seemed t" be 2"ining*

=It.s :eyman.s s"(l g"(%@= Chalene said* =And the s"(l g"(%s "f thet$" men $ith him@=

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As the enegy in'eased& the massi#e h"l"gam "f the W"ld 9isi"n againen'i'led (s*

=:"'(s "n :eynian and the "thes the $ay $e f"'(sed "n ea'h "the&= Mayash"(ted* =9is(ali3e that they emembe*=

I t(ned slightly and fa'ed the thee men* :eyman $as still $"!ing

f(i"(sly at his '"m%(te& the "the t$" men l""!ing "n* The h"l"gamen'i'led them as $ell& es%e'ially the image "f ea'h %es"n a$a!ening atthis hist"i'al m"ment t" his " he t(e %(%"se* As $e $at'hed& thef"est $as 'ast in a %e'e%tible field "f s$iling& ambe enegy& $hi'hseemed t" %ass th"(gh :eyman and his ass"'iates* Sim(ltane"(sly I sa$the same $is%s "f $hite light that had %"te'ted C(tis and Maya and meh"#eing "#e the men& and afte$ad the $hite stea!s "f light ge$ insi3e and began t" emanate "(t$ad in all die'ti"ns& disa%%eaingfinally int" the distan'e* Afte a fe$ min(tes the g"(nd tem"s andstange s"(nds st"%%ed* A bee3e ble$ the last "f the d(st t"$ad thes"(th*

One "f the men st"%%ed $at'hing :eyman and eased a$ay f"m (s int" the

tees* :" se#eal se'"nds :eyman '"ntin(ed t" $"! "n his !eyb"ad&then ga#e (% in f(stati"n* -e l""!ed d"$n at (s and %i'!ed (% the'"m%(te& 'adling it gently $ith his left am* With the "the hand& he%(lled "(t a handg(n and began t" $al! "( $ay* The "the man& amed$ith an a(t"mati' $ea%"n& f"ll"$ed*

=D"n.t let g" "f the image&= Maya 'a(ti"ned*

When they $ee t$enty feet a$ay& :eynian set the '"m%(te d"$n and%(n'hed at the !eyb"ad again& !ee%ing the %ist"l eady* Se#eal lage"'!s& l""sened ealie& b"!e fee and 'ashed int" the %""l*

=+"( didn.t '"me hee t" d" this&= Chalene said s"ftly* The est "f (s

f"'(sed "n his fa'e*

The "%eati#e& !ee%ing his $ea%"n aimed at (s& $al!ed 'l"se t" :eymanand said& =We 'an.t d" anything else hee* Let.s g"*=

:eyman $a#ed him "ff& then began t" ty%e angily again*

=N"thing is $"!ing&= :eyman yelled at (s* =What ae y"( d"ing<= -el""!ed at the "%eati#e* =Sh""t them@= he s'eamed*

=Sh""t them@=

tant the man l""!ed at (s '"ldly* Then& sha!ing his

:" an ins

head& he ba'!ed a$ay and disa%%eaed int" the "'!s*

=+"( $ee b"n t" %e#ent this dest('ti"n f"m ha%%ening&= I said*

-e d"%%ed the g(n t" his side and staed at me* :" an instant hisfa'e lightened& a%%eaing e1a'tly as I had seen it d(ing his )ith9isi"n* I '"(ld tell he $as emembeing s"mething*

Se'"nds late a l""! "f fight s$e%t a'"ss his fa'e& t(ning 0(i'!lyint" ange* -e gima'ed and held his st"ma'h& then t(ned and et'hed"nt" the "'!s beside him*

Wi%ing his m"(th& he aised the g(n again* =I d"n.t !n"$ $hat y"(.e

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tying t" d" t" me& b(t it $"n.t $"!*= -e t""! se#eal ste%s f"$ad&then seemed t" l"se enegy* The g(n fell t" the g"(nd* =It d"esn.tmatte& y"( !n"$< Thee ae "the f"ests*

+"( %e"%le 'an.t be at all "f them* I.m g"ing t" ma!e this geneat"$"!* D" y"( (ndestand< +"(.e n"t ta!ing this a$ay f"m me@=

e st(mbled ba'!$ad a fe$ feet& then t(ned and an int"

- the da!ness*

When $e ea'hed the hill ab"#e the b(n!e& a geat $a#e "f elief s$e%tth"(gh the g"(%* Afte :eyman had left& $e had

'a(ti"(sly made "( $ay ba'! t" the site "f the e1%eiment& n"t !n"$ing$hat $e $"(ld find* N"$& as $e l""!ed& the b(n!e aea $as agl"$ $ithd"3ens "f t('! lights* M"st "f the #ehi'les b"e the insignia "f the:"est Se#i'e& alth"(gh the :)I $as e%esented& al"ng $ith the l"'alSheiff.s De%atment*

I 'a$led f"$ad se#eal m"e feet "n the 'est "f the hill and l""!ed'l"sely t" see if any"ne $as being inte"gated " held in any "f the'as* They all l""!ed em%ty* The d"" "f the b(n!e $as "%en and"ffi'es seemed t" be g"ing in and "(t as if in#estigating a 'imes'ene*

=They.#e all left&= C(tis said& leaning f"$ad "n his !nees and ga3ing%ast the t(n! "f a lage tee* =We st"%%ed them*=

Maya t(ned and sat d"$n* =Well& at least $e st"%%ed them hee* They$"n.t ty the e1%eiment again in this #alley*=

=)(t :eyman $as ight&= Da#id said& l""!ing at the est "f (s*

=They 'an g" t" s"me "the %la'e& and n" "ne $ill !n"$*= -e st""d (%*=I.#e g"t t" g" in thee* I.ll tell them the $h"le st"y*=

=Ae y"( 'a3y<= C(tis said& $al!ing (% t" him* =What if theg"#enment is %at "f this<=

=The g"#enment is 2(st %e"%le&= Da#id e%lied* =N"t all "f them aein#"l#ed*=

C(tis ste%%ed (% 'l"se* =Thee has t" be an"the $ay* I.m n"tletting y"( g" in thee*=

=Thee $ill be s"me"ne in "ne "f th"se agen'ies $h" $ill listen t" (s&=Da#id said* =I.m s(e "f it*=

C(tis $as silent*

Chalene $as leaning "n a "'! se#eal feet a$ay& and said& =-e.s ight*S"me"ne '"(ld be in 2(st the ight %"siti"n t" hel%*=

C(tis sh""! his head& ga%%ling $ith his th"(ghts* =That might bet(e& b(t y"(.ll need s"me"ne $ith y"( $h" 'an a''(ately des'ibe thete'hn"l"gy* * *

=That means y"(.ll ha#e t" g" t""&= Da#id said*

C(tis managed t" et(n a smile* =O!ay& I.ll g" $ith y"( b(t "nlybe'a(se $e ha#e an a'e in the h"le*=

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What<= Da#id as!ed*

=A g(y that $e left tied (% ba'! in a 'a#e*=

Da#id %(t a hand "n his sh"(lde* =C"me "n& y"( 'an tell me ab"(t it "nthe $ay* Let.s see $hat ha%%ens*=

Afte an1i"(s g""d;byes t" the est "f (s& they m"#ed a$ay t" the ightt" a%%"a'h the b(n!e site f"m an"the die'ti"n*

S(ddenly Maya $his%eed l"(dly f" them t" $ait*

=I.m g"ing t""&= she said* =I.m a %hysi'ian8 %e"%le !n"$ in e in theaea* +"( might need a thid $itness*=

The thee "f them l""!ed at Chalene and me& "b#i"(sly $"ndeing if $emight 2"in them as $ell*

=N"t me&= Chalene said* =I thin! I.m needed else$hee*=

I als" de'lined and as!ed them n"t t" menti"n (s* They ageed and then$al!ed a$ay t"$ad the lights*

Left al"ne& Chalene and I met eyes* I e'alled the dee% feeling I hade1%eien'ed t"$ad he in the "the dimensi"n* She $as ta!ing a ste%t"$ad me& ab"(t t" s%ea!& $hen b"th "f (s dete'ted a flashlight fiftyyads t" "( ight*

Caef(lly $e m"#ed dee%e int" the tees* The light 'hanged

i"n and headed ight t"$ad (s* We !e%t still and l"$ t

the g"(nd* As the light a%%"a'hed& I began t" hea a l"ne #"i'e&s"me"ne a%%aently tal!ing t" himself* I !ne$ this %es"n8 it $as J"el*

I 'a(ght Chalene.s eye* =I !n"$ $h" it is&= I $his%eed* =I thin! $esh"(ld tal! t" him*=

She n"dded*

When he $as t$enty feet a$ay& I 'alled "(t his name*

-e st"%%ed and shined his light t"$ad (s* Re'"gni3ing me immediately&he $al!ed "#e and '"('hed d"$n $hee $e $ee&

=What ae y"( d"ing "(t hee<= I as!ed*

=Thee.s n"t m('h left ba'! thee&= he e%lied& %"inting El! t"$ad theb(n!e* =Thee.s an (ndeg"(nd lab"at"y "#e thee that has been'"m%letely 'leaned "(t* I th"(ght I $"(ld ty t" g" t" the falls8 b(t$hen I g"t "(t thee in the da! I 'hanged my mind*=

=I th"(ght y"( $ee lea#ing the aea&= I said* =+"( $ee s" s!e%ti'al*

=I !n"$* I $as g"ing t" lea#e& b(t I * $ell& I had a deam thatdist(bed me* I th"(ght I.d bette stay and ty t" hel%* The :"estSe#i'e %e"%le th"(ght I $as 'a3y& b(t then I an int" a de%(ty f"mthe '"(nty Sheiff.s De%atment* S"me"ne had sent him a message& s" $e'ame "(t hee t"gethe* That.s $hen $e f"(nd this lab"at"y*=

Chalene and I l""!ed at ea'h "the& then I biefly t"ld J"el ab"(t the

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'"nf"ntati"n $ith :eyman and the e#ent(al "(t'"me*

=They $ee 'eating that m('h damage<= J"el as!ed* =Was any"ne h(t<=

=I d"n.t thin! s"&= I e%lied* =We $ee l('!y*=

=And h"$ l"ng ag" did y"( fiends g" d"$n thee<=

=J(st a fe$ min(tes ag"*=

-e l""!ed at b"th "f (s* =+"(.e n"t g"ing in y"(sel#es<=

I sh""! my head* =I th"(ght it $"(ld be bette if $e $at'hed h"$ thea(th"ities handle all this& $ith"(t thei !n"$ing*=

Chalene.s e1%essi"n '"nfimed that she felt the same $ay*

=G""d thin!ing&= J"el said& l""!ing ba'! t"$ad the b(n!e site* =Ithin! I had bette get ba'! d"$n thee& th"(gh& 2(st s" they.ll !n"$ the%ess is a$ae "f th"se thee $itnesses* -"$ 'an I get in t"('h $ith


=We.ll 'all y"(&= Chalene said*

-e handed me a 'ad& n"dded t" Chalene& and headed t"$ad the b(n!e*

Chalene 'a(ght my eye* =-e $as the se#enth les"n in the g"(%& $asn.the<=

=+eah& I thin! s"*=

We $ee silent $ith "( th"(ghts f" a m"men& then Chalene said& =C"me"n& let.s ty t" get ba'! t" t"$n*=

We had $al!ed f" alm"st an h"( $hen s(ddelly $e head the s"(nd "fs"ngbids& d"3ens "f them& s"me$heEt" "( ight*

Da$n $as 2(st bea!ing and a '""l mist "se f"m th f"est fl""*

=N"$ $hat<= Chalene as!ed*

=L""! "#e thee&= I said* Th"(gh a bea! in th tees t" then "th $asa h(ge& "ld %"%la& %eha%s eight feet indiamete* In the half;light "fdaybea!& the aea a"(nd the tee a%%eaed bighte s"meh"$& as if thes(n& still bel"$ the h"iDn& had been in %"siti"n t" b(st th"(gh t"adiate d"$n$ad"n that "ne s%l"t*

I e1%eien'ed the sense "f $amth that had g"i" s" familia*

=What is it<= Chalene as!ed*

=It.s Wil@= I said* =Let.s g" "#e thee*=

When $e $ee $ithin ten feet& Wil %ee!ed a"tnd the tee& smilingb"adly* -e had 'hanged8 $hat $as it< As I ;"ntin(ed t" st(dy hisb"dy& I eali3ed that his l(min"sity $as tie same& b(t he $as n"$ m"e'lealy in f"'(s*

-e h(gged (s b"th*

=Wee y"( able t" see $hat ha%%ened<= I as!ed*

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=+es&= he said* =I $as thee $ith the s"(l g"(%s I sa$ e#eything*=

=+"(.e in sha%e f"'(s* What did y"( d"<=

=It $asn.t $hat I did&= he e%lied* =It $as $hat y"( and the g"(% did&es%e'ially Chalene*=

=What d" y"( mean<= Chalene as!ed*

=When the fi#e "f y"( in'eased y"( enegy& and '"ns'i"(sly emembeedm"st "f the W"ld 9isi"n& y"( lifted this $h"le #alley int" a highe#ibat"y %atten* It "se 'l"se t" the #ibat"y le#el "f theAftelife& $hi'h means that I n"$ a%%ea 'leae t" y"(& as y"( a%%ea'leae t" me* E#en the s"(l g"(%s $ill be'"me m"e eadily #isible inthis #alley n"$*=

I l""!ed had at Wil* =E#eything $e.#e seen in this #alley& e#eythingthat has ha%%ened* It.s all the Tenth Insight& isn.t it<=

-e n"dded* =These same e1%eien'es ae "''(ing t" %e"%le all "#e the

%lanet* Afte $e gas% the fist nine Insights& ea'h "f (s is left atthe same %la'e;tying t" li#e this eality day;t"day& in the fa'e "f$hat seems t" be a g"$ing %essimism and di#isi#eness all a"(nd (s* )(tat the same time& $e ae '"ntin(ing t" gain a geate %es%e'ti#e and'laity ab"(t "( s%iit(al sit(ati"n& ab"(t $h" $e eally ae* We !n"$$e ae a$a!ening t" a m('h lage %lan f" %lanet Eath*

=The Tenth is ab"(t maintaining "( "%timism and staying a$a!e* We.eleaning t" bette identify and belie#e in "( "$n int(iti"ns& !n"$ingthat these mental images ae fleeting e'"lle'ti"ns "f "( "iginalintenti"n& "f h"$ $e $anted "( li#es t" e#"l#e* We $anted t" f"ll"$ a'etain %ath in life& s" that $e '"(ld finally emembe the t(th that"( life e1%eien'es ae %e%aing (s t" tell& and bing this !n"$ledge

int" the $"ld*

=We ae n"$ seeing "( li#es f"m the highe %es%e'ti#e "f theAftelife* We !n"$ that "( indi#id(al ad#ent(es ae "''(ing $ithinthe '"nte1t "f the l"ng hist"y "f h(man a$a!ening*

With this mem"y& "( li#es ae g"(nded& %(t int" '"nte1t8 $e

'an see the l"ng %"'ess th"(gh $hi'h $e ha#e been s%iit(ali3ing the%hysi'al dimensi"n& and $hat $e ha#e left t" d"*=

Wil* %a(sed m"mentaily and m"#ed 'l"se t" (s* =N"$ $e $ill see ifen"(gh g"(%s li!e this "ne '"me t"gethe and emembe& if en"(gh %e"%le

a"(nd the $"ld gas% the Tenth* As $e ha#e seen& it is n"$ "(es%"nsibility t" !ee% the intenti"n& t" ens(e the f(t(e*

=The %"lai3ati"n "f :ea is still ising& and if $e ae t" es"l#e itand m"#e "n& ea'h "f (s m(st %ati'i%ate %es"nally* We m(st $at'h "(th"(ghts and e1%e'tati"ns #ey 'aef(lly& and 'at'h "(sel#es e#ey time$e teat an"the h(man being as an enemy*

We 'an defend "(sel#es& and estain 'etain %e"%le& b(t if $edeh(mani3e them& $e add t" the :ea*

=We all ae s"(ls in g"$th8 $e all ha#e an "iginal intenti"n that is%"siti#e8 and $e 'an all emembe* O( es%"nsibility is t" h"ld thatidea f" e#ey"ne $e meet* That.s the t(e Inte%es"nal Ethi'8 that.sh"$ $e (%lift& that.s the '"ntagi"n "f the ne$ a$aeness that isen'i'ling the %lanet* We eithe fea that h(man '(lt(e is falling

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a%at& " $e 'an h"ld the 9isi"n that $e ae a$a!ening* Eithe $ay& "(e1%e'tati"n is a %aye that g"es "(t as a f"'e that tends t" bingab"(t the end $e en#isi"n* Ea'h "f (s m(st '"ns'i"(sly 'h""se bet$eenthese t$" f(t(es*=

Wil seemed t" dift int" th"(ght& and in the ba'!g"(nd& against the faidge t"$ad the s"(th& I 'a(ght sight again "f the stea!s "f $hite


=With all that $as ha%%ening&= I said& =I ne#e as!ed y"( ab"(t thesem"#ements "f $hite light* D" y"( !n"$ $hat they ae<=

Wil smiled& and ea'hed "(t and gently t"('hed b"th "f "( sh"(ldes*=They.e the angels&= he said* =They es%"nd t" "(

faith and #isi"n and ma!e mia'les* They seem t" be a mystey e#en t"th"se in the Aftelife*=

At that m"ment I $as sei3ed by a mental image "f a '"mm(nity& s"me$heein a #alley m('h li!e this "ne* Chalene $as thee& and "thes&

in'l(ding many 'hilden*

=I thin! $e ae s(%%"sed t" (ndestand the angels ne1t&= Wil '"ntin(ed&ga3ing "(t t"$ad the n"th as if seeing an image "f his "$n* =+es& I.ms(e "f it* Ae y"( t$" '"ming<=

I ga3ed at Chalene& $h"se l""! '"nfimed that she had seen the same#isi"n as 4*

=I d"n.t thin! s"&= she said*

=N"t ight n"$&= I added*

With"(t s%ea!ing Wil %(lled (s int" a bief emba'e& then t(ned and$al!ed a$ay* At fist& I $as el('tant t" let him g"& b(t I emainedsilent A %at "f me eali3ed this 2"(ney $as fa f"m "#e S""n I