4 THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7 1900 4 5r r r 1t t BRECKEKRIDGE NEWS JM D fc T 0 Bibbige Edlton sad Ficcrlitti CARDS OP TUAKKS TcrlT lIiu charged Ira the rated 10 eeata per Hie 6U1TDAKIE3 tkarjtd fir at tile rue of II reap frlli MOSEY IS ADVANCE GOEBELS DEATH Goobala life as a politician has claim ¬ ed thu attention of the peoolo in this state and others for many months and his death with its incalculable results will fill many pages of Kentucky history Erery law abiding citizen of the state be he Republics or Democrat deplores the untimely end of this trader of men and denounces the work of the cowardly assassin who struck hint down It ia customary to scatter TOMB ou the graves of the dead and to laud to the skive the virtues of the depurtea wheth ¬ er deserved or not Vfv however do not mean to follow in the footatojw of these postmortem flatterers when we say that unwise as we contider his poli ¬ cy to have been and corrupting ae were his political method we can but admire his ambitious spirit his tenacity of pur ¬ pose and his invincible courage lie was a born l 11luler and well did he marshal his forces He made his plans and worked up to them never swerving and never faltering and never was the Irony of fate more pathetically expressed than in the death of title grim and fearless man when as he thought his ambition was gratified and he was declared Gov ¬ ernor of Kentucky Never havo the conditions In politics been so confused as now We are living under the rulo of two parties we are growing accustomad to the thought of martial law and the minds of passionate people are wrought upon to such an extent that men in high places are not safe from the bullets of frenzied regulators And now the universal cry Is How will It all end No Unite mind can an ¬ swer but may we not prophecy that as things eeem td have reached a climax the reaction will take place and the streams of peace that have been turbid and unsettled so long will again become clear and smooth and flow happily on to the ultimate uplifting of the moral status of our commonwealth aud tho betterment of our people CONGRESSMAN Dave Smith of the Fourth district has Introduced a bill in Congress appropriating 75000 for the purpose of putting a public building at Elzabethtown We are aware that the above city is the county seat of Hardin county and the birth place of Congressman Smith However there are a number of towns much larger in population than the above one men ¬ tioned Would not it be a capital idea to distribute this amount among the other towns where public buildings are just as badly needed EVERY reader of the Youths Compan ¬ ion is familiar with the name Perry Ma ¬ son Co but few even of the best post ¬ ed people had ever heard until his death of the real founder and owner of that world famous periodical Daniel 8 Ford For forty years Mr Ford devoted his en ¬ tire time and thought to the publication of the Youths Companion which today stands as a worthy monument to his memory During his life he amassed a fortune of 2500000 most of which goes to the religious and charitable objects to which he was devoted throughout his life TUB Good loads movement is making slow but steady progress The govern ¬ ment is certainly doing its part in send ¬ ing out road builders and establishing a bureau for its benefit Now let others take an Interest and help this good work up Good country roads next to rail roads will benefit a community more than any other one enterprise WK have a card from the Wilmor At ¬ kinson Co of Philadelphia the pub ¬ ushers of the Farm Journal saying that they will send to our subscribers sample copies of this valuable paper free for in ¬ spection Read these copies carefully pay up for the NEWS one year and get the Farm Journal four years free of charge Mns G A FOOTE of Irvington has written an article on Black Langahan fowls which deserves to be read by every one It was written for the Farmers Home Journal In a prize contest and was awarded the prize and published In that paper A MAN worships a hero for what he has done a woman worships a hero for what she believes he may do TUB Lawton Fund up to date is 07 302 A NOTICE To the Temperance People of Breck enridge County There will be a meeting at Hardina burg Monday Feby 12th of the com ¬ mittee appointed by the Oloverport W 0 T U to consider the question of tak ¬ ing a vote on Local Option in the county All the people interested in this movement are earnestly requested to meet with the committee Thia meeting will be held at the Baptist church and the ladies are especially requested to be present HARDINSBURG Circuit Court begins next Monday J A Witt and 0 L Pate are etll1 quite ill Mr Goebels battle with death was the only battle he ever lost Mrs Owen Cunningham spent a few days last week in Louisville Irwin Payne of flamed has returned from an extended trip to Texas P M Beard went to Louisville lost Thursday and returned Friday evening There Is a light docket for Circuit Court which begins hero next Monday- L 0 Payne has just returned from a thriid weeks trip to San Antonio Texas The death of William Goebel was unlverslaljy deplored by the Democrats here Mr Biker of the Green Flag store announces that he will leave here on the 20th The infant child of George Johneon which died in Louisville last week was buried here In the Catholic cemetery last Sunday John It Norton who lives near West View lost his dwelling house ono day last week by five Parties attending court next week can find a WK lunch always ready at the Eclipse Grocery Rev Jackson Brent will preach at the Antioch church the third Sunday In the month at lla m Mrs Emiline Board one of the aged ladles of tho town Is quite ill at Mr Coleman Ilaawella residence Prof Maple Miss Ella Robertson and Miss Moorman of Cloverport wero here last Saturday Last Tuesday was a typical ground- hog day indicating six more weeks ol unsettled weather Jesse Whitworth the railroad agent here reports that his office did more business for the month of January than It has for sometime past Samuel Bland who has been ill for some time died at his home near Kirk last Saturday evening Ho was burled here in the Catholic cemetery last Sun ¬ dayThe Clovorport women are expected up again next week when the election contest is called Several distinguished attorneys aro expected to take a hand in the debate Sheriff Burton has been quite ill at his room at the Hardlnebure hotel for the past week He came home from Frankfort ill and has not been able to get out since Parties who desire to renew their sub- scription will find the NEWS man on hand during Circuit Court Remember that for 25 cehts extra you can get the semi weekly CourierJournal- Charles B Miller sold his farm near this place last week to W H Foreman of Ohio county for 1200 Mr Miller has since bought his fathers old place on the Stephensport road Hook Miller < Companys big flour ¬ ing mill was shut down several days last week on account of a defect in some of the machinery They will be able to fill all orders in a few days New canned goods just received at the Eclipse Grocery canned pumpkin raspberries cherries gooeoberritsblack berries asparagus tips strawberries California cling peaches and fresh prunesMr Irwin the General Passenger Agent of the Henderson route was here one day last week getting acquainted with our business men and looking after the interest of his road He was visit- Ing a number of stations on the branch Representative John P Haswell Jr was hers last Friday from Frankfort He only remained a short time return ¬ ing on the early morning train Mr Uaswell expressed deep regret at the assassination of Mr Goebel and said he hoped tho trouble over the governor- ship ¬ would soon reach a peaceful solu- tion When naked if ho would follow Gov Taylor to London Ky he said he would if the other Republican mem ¬ hers did so Hows This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY < CO Props Toledo 0 Wethe undersigned have known FJ Cheney for the last fifteen years and be- lIeve ¬ him perfectly honorable in all bus ¬ inns transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firmWest < Truax Wholesale Druggist Tole ¬ do 0 j Walding Kinnan < Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Ohio Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal ¬ ly acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price 76c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free halls Family Pills are the best Located at Lewlsport Mr Mat Coomba and family former residents of Cannelton are now located at Lewisport Mr Coomba takes the management of a large chair factory be- ing ¬ established there When pain or irritation exists on any part of the body the application of BAL LARDS SNOW LINIMENT will give prompt relief Price 25 and 60 cents BRANDENBURG Henry Nevitt has been quite sick but is much better So many have colds lagrlppe and who plngcou h but no serious sickness Mr J > Babbnge the popular and well known editor of the News was in town labt Saturday lOAn old Kentucky Barbecue Is the latest twostep and the btst ragtime I ever heard Get it Misses Baker Ilcaton and Hook of Hardinsburg spent last Sunday with Mr Ben Hook at Mrs Mcutiren Last Sunday was very unpleasantna to weather Brother Litchfield preached but I did not get outou account of a se ¬ yore col- dBornto the wife of our clever post ¬ master Chas E Bryant Feb 3rd a daughter MuydeoPueey Bryant Con gratulatioug Miss Mary Taylor has the music clasa at Kentucky College Pewee Valley Mary is to be congratulated on securing to flue a posittou Society has taken a fresh impetus and the young ladies will meet with Miss Maydee Pussy this week to form u club for games to meet every Tuesday alttr noon as the reading club meets Iliure day Miss Susie Elder has closed her school at Sandy Hill where she taught very successfully Miss Nauuie Couley rec- eived first prize for making the great ¬ est improvomemt in writing We are all glad to haye Susie back asa pupil in our town Miss L ydla Clarkson of Big Spring in- to be maid of honor at the Banard Bardwell wedding I had the pleasure of meeting Miss Binard two years ago at Mrs Ben Clarksons She is an un ¬ usually pretty and attractive young woman to whom congratulations are ex ¬ tended Miss Susie Elders Echool at Sandy Hill has closed She speaks in a glowing manner of her pupils and patrons Nan ¬ nie Cowley received the medal for uiak lug the gientttt improvement writing Maggie Cowley ranked second John Young third Ed It Burch MIss Mina Price and I were the judges Nine pupils wore successful in the ex ¬ amination of common school branches held here January 2520 The examina ¬ tion Mr Aahcrafttella me waaunusual ly hard Miss Bovie Cain won the prlza Websters International Dictionary Miss Ada Bandy came next in general average 85 per cent Miss Cain 85 MO Commencement in March Mr Aahcraft pays quite a compliment to young ladles in requesting them to sing or play at the Teachers Association and I must say that our young ladles and girls are unusually obliging So all of you get ready for the coming March commencement and April association Mr Aahcraft has ask me to arrange the musical programs Mrs Mollie D Carrico of Mayfield Is here for her usual between seasons holi ¬ day She Is with her sisters Mrs Thos Hamilton and Miss Barbara Shacklett Mrs Carrico Is a remarkably bright in ¬ telligent woman She Is elegantly po- lite without being on a pinnacle of good manners for any particular occasion To her I am indebted forseveral good books as she is a book lover herself Mr Burton and Mr W D Ashcraft aro Democrats but opposed to the Cblnn Book law Good for Democrats who dont have to wear a yokel Mr Bur ¬ ton put It as a resolution before the As- sociation ¬ last Saturday that as a body it was opposed to the hill Yes Legisla ¬ tors quoting Mr Burton tear to pieces awe and give us substitutes as good Yes the Meade county children want as rood books as any children in the worldSorrow and its Solace from the pen of Chas R Anderson of Guston in last issue touched a responsive chord in the heart of any parent who has given up a fondly loved child To find the little shoe to see the toys the little garments to miss his prattle his love and affection and to know we are to go through life deprived of such clinging atTection seems as much as the human heart can boar And yet there can come deeper and more bitter trials but only those who have waded the darker waters know and realize that there is a deeper sorrow Mr W D Ashcraft our Meade county School Superintendent for the last six years has announced himself as a can ¬ didate for county clerk for the unexpired term The name of W D Aahcraft makes the public Identify him with Democracy morality intelligence and educational interests He has done more than any Superintendent Meade county ever had to elevate her schools and cause the teachers to be more aspir ¬ ing and zealous in the cause as the Meade Messenger quoted Mr Aehcraft has no dark spota in his social or politi ¬ cal life Should the people see fit to confer nponhim the office for which he asks we can tafely predict that he will fill it with honor to himself and county as he has all other trusts imposed upon himThe Reading Club met with me last Thursday and the following program waa arranged for Thursday afternoon Feb 8th when Misses Lula and Minnie Bland will entertain the clnb Life of George Eliot and the effect of her writings on literature by Mfsa Mary Lewis Haw G00H If tt- l 1 Blood j 1 Your heart beats over one hun- dred ¬ thousand times each day One hundred thousand supplies of good or bad blood to your brain Which is It If bad Impure blood then your brain aches You are troubled with drowsiness yet cannot sleep You are as tired In the morning as at night You hnvo no nerve power Your food does you but little good Stimulants tonics headache powders cannot cure you but will It makes the liver kidneys skin and bowels perform their proper work It removes all im ¬ purities from the blood And It makes the blood rich in its life giving properties To Hasten Rooovsry You will be more rapidly cured If you will take a laxative dose of Ayers pills each night They arouse the sluggish liver and thus cure biliousness Writ to our Dvelof We lure the xeluilre icrrleei of leme of tho most eminent phjilclaai In the United Butei Writ Jigctly ftU the ptitlaaUit In your cut AdditK DB J 0 ATEIl- Lowtll MJU3 thornes Life His most salient features and the most interesting details in con densed form by Miss Maydee Pnsey Mozart as musical and man by Mies Ma ¬ bel Hardin Vocal duet Misses Lula and Minnie Bland Literary features that appeal to various enthusiasts by Miss Bess Lewis What Woman has done in the literary field lu the last quarter of this century by Miss Frances Phillips Instrumental Solo by Miss Lena Nevltt The club elected me off its President The roll will be called when half of the young ladies will respond in quotations from English authors and the others with quotations from American authors Hours from 230to 430 Refreshments limited to three kinds served Immediate- ly after the program is concluded New memberswill be cordially welcomed I was nearly dead with dyspepsia tried doctors visited mineral springs and grew worse I need Kodol Dyspep ¬ ala Cure That cured me It digests what you eat Cures indigestion sour stomach heartburn and all forms of dy ¬ spepsia A R Fisher BALLTOWN lilies Ida Frank returned Saturday from Holt where she bas been spending a week with Miss Pearl Fella Messrs Owen Whitehouse and Bene- dict Beavin intend to m West in the near future Larkin Gibson Cloverport was out Saturday branding ties which have been made on the tract of timber they pur ¬ chased from James Keenan The musical entertainment given by Miss Nola Furrow Saturday night was largely attended and enjoyed by all presentRev Richards pastor of tho Pisgah church requests that each and every member of that church be present atthe next regular church meeting Saturday Feb 10th at 10 oclock am The busi- ness Is important The Beechfork Telephone company met Saturday at this place and trans- acted ¬ some business Resolutions have been adopted taking effect January Ctlt 1000 to charge 15o for every message sent over the wire by those not holding a talking right 5c of this goes to the company and lOc to the box holders There was intense excitement here over the shooting and death of Senator Goebel Anxious listeners crowded around the telephone boxes a great many doubting the report It is yet a mystery unsolved why the people and politicana of Kentucky will endorse ouch degradations aa trays been in exist ¬ ence for the past three months Great opportunity offered to good re ¬ liable men Salary of 15 per week and expenses for man with rig to introduce our Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroy er in the country Send stamp Ameri ¬ can Mfg Co Terre Haute Ind Elder Seaton The engagement of Mr Felix A Elder and Miss Alice Beaton both of this place was announced at this St Rose Catholic church several days ago The date of the marriage has not Ijeen announced as yet ROCK LICK Weather is Very cold at present James Wheatley went to Kirk Tues ¬ day Hon lJ R Murray was hone last week I W L Wheatley went to Glendeane SaturdayMrs L Bowman is very ill with pneumoniaJohn ia thinking of going to Henderson soon John Aekiu killed five hogs that weighed 1300 Ibs John Beavin went to Hardincburg Sat ¬ urday on business J A Wheatley attended church at Hnrdlnsburg Sunday Wm Morton is Buffering very much from a dislocated shoulder Tho Moorman sold a fiiio lot of hugs to J T F Owen lost week Isaac Lewis of Long Lick spent Sun- day ¬ with Miss Gertrude Jarboe Mien Maggie Beavlu was tho Ruest of Miss Frankie Wncatley Friday night Eli Beaviu was the guest of Henry Wheatley Saturday night and Sunday Miss Maggie Benvln spent last week with friends and relatives in Cloverport Several of our young folks spent Sun ¬ day evening with Misses Mary and Clara Beayiu e The music party at Mr John Aeklnb WilD well attended by the young people of this vicinity Misses Gertrude Jarboe and Mary Beavin spent a pleasant evening with Miss Annie Beavin Friday Miss Fi ankle Wheatloy and brother Ivo visited their aunt Mrs Fannie Mat tingly of Long Lick last Wednesday and Thursday The school at this place closed last Friday with a large attendance The teacher Miss Arrle Robertson has given general satisfaction There is prdbably no disease or con ¬ dillon of tho human system that causes more suffering and distress than pllee TABLERS BUOKEYE PILE OINT ¬ MENT cures them quickly without pain or detention from business Price CO cents in bottles Tubes 75 cents NORTONS VALLEY Miss Lucy Haynes ia visiting Mrs Pates Haynes Mrs Ida Knott and daughter were the guests of her mother last week Miss Nellie Robbins spent Saturday night with Miss Minnie Haynes Messrs Charles and Berry Norton Dan and Preston Haynes were the guests of Miss Gertrude Brown last week Miss Annie E Gunning Tyre Mich says 101 suffered a long time with dye spepsia j lost flesh and became very weak Kodol Dyspepsia Cure complete ¬ ly cured mo It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach troubles It never fails to give immediate relief in the worse causeA R Fishe- rBATTLETOWN Success to the NEWS Miss Lillie Bogard is quite indisposed at this writing Mrs Alex Pipes ia just recovering from a severe attack of Pneumonia Misses Belle Haynes and Mattie Ben net spent Thursday night with the Miss es Blake Rev J B Haynea and family spent Wednesday night with Chas Bennett and family Miss Effie Haynes spent last week with her brother Mr Edward Haynes at PaynesvilleJ who for some time has suffered from bronchial trouble Is some- what improved at the present writing School closed at Cold Spring last Fri ¬ day Mr Aehcraft having taught a very successful term A large crowd attend ed Rev J B Haynes and family have moved to the vicinity near Paynesville We consider their absence a great loss to society here Mrs Minnie Stites one of onr charm ¬ ing widows was married last Tuesday to Mr Swink of Breckenridge county Rev J B Haynes officiating We ex ¬ tend congratulations Rey J B Haynes seriously cut his foot a few days ago while tasking ties but is able to walk about again Mr Thos Haynes a brother of the former met with the same accident a day or SO laterThe death of Gabe Board one of Mil ana most accomplished young men was very sad It la Gods will that the dear ¬ eat of friends must sometime part but tis sad and heartbreaking to give up who ia Just in the pnme of life lone readers of the NEWS Mr and Mrs Samuel Bennett of this place beg leave to deny the report that has pone to their many friends and relatives in Breckenridge county that they have separated I can also testify that it la false UM Dr Bills Cough Syrup at once tot broochiUi and ftlf p It bu stood the tut and II poeltylr a reUable remedy Lila la too ahor- tUllIperlmut with sew socalled tare carer Balls Strop coiU but tj ants > > NO Idle Talk when claim to sell JACKETS AND CAPES IBELOWCOST t andg p El e THE FAIR I ONE PRIGE PHONE 10 STOREI J4 1 P l1frl n Ih1 m1h1W l1nnW1 III lI t1w tili lIW tW iII v I Seeing is r Believing I IH fl i SEWING MACHINES FURNITURE FOLDING BEDS IRON BEDS i INDIAN STOOLS i iAnd other novelties are worth coming to see at Vests old 4 4- Y stand M HAMMAN SON g MVk McLOTHLAN s GGr j r Irvington Ky Sewingd Machines r x Poultry Netting makes the best and cheapest Chicken Fence in the world We keep It In all heights tW 1 r I f 1 f Tt Heavy smooth Fencing Wire rJbrG 4J f j 1 Barbed Wire H < fli J Itt Little Giant Seed Sower saves time r iti 1 i money and seed the best on the market j 7 Paintsfull line of mixed paints Also J > 1 i Oils and Lead in the raw j Anew line of ANTIRUST TIN i 1 WARE Guaranteed never rust V This is our hobby 1 k j i F- 1The J F < r goods are all righty Library Books Any member of ther Lawrence Library who has in his possession more one book ia requested to bring them to Moorman Owens drag store we G F to than New Quarter J t The A O U W lodge Puieaed + the seeoad floor over W H BewWKV store They are makiBg bssmtlfci 1eipe tr J room qawtera of it- Aa s c J

J CARDS OP TUAKKS Ira 6U1TDAKIE3 II J Bloodnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3gzg2j/data/0050.pdf · CARDS OP TUAKKS TcrlT lIiu charged Ira the rated 10 eeata per Hie 6U1TDAKIE3 tkarjtd fir

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Page 1: J CARDS OP TUAKKS Ira 6U1TDAKIE3 II J Bloodnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3gzg2j/data/0050.pdf · CARDS OP TUAKKS TcrlT lIiu charged Ira the rated 10 eeata per Hie 6U1TDAKIE3 tkarjtd fir








JM D fc T 0 Bibbige Edlton sad Ficcrlitti

CARDS OP TUAKKS TcrlT lIiu charged Irathe rated 10 eeata per Hie

6U1TDAKIE3 tkarjtd fir at tile rue of II reap


GOEBELS DEATHGoobala life as a politician has claim ¬

ed thu attention of the peoolo in thisstate and others for many months andhis death with its incalculable resultswill fill many pages of Kentucky historyErery law abiding citizen of the state behe Republics or Democrat deploresthe untimely end of this trader of menand denounces the work of the cowardly

assassin who struck hint down

It ia customary to scatter TOMB ou thegraves of the dead and to laud to theskive the virtues of the depurtea wheth ¬

er deserved or not Vfv however donot mean to follow in the footatojw of

these postmortem flatterers when we

say that unwise as we contider his poli¬

cy to have been and corrupting ae werehis political method we can but admirehis ambitious spirit his tenacity of pur ¬

pose and his invincible courage lie was

a born l11luler and well did he marshalhis forces He made his plans andworked up to them never swerving andnever faltering and never was the Ironyof fate more pathetically expressed thanin the death of title grim and fearlessman when as he thought his ambitionwas gratified and he was declared Gov ¬

ernor of Kentucky Never havo theconditions In politics been so confusedas now We are living under the rulo of

two parties we are growing accustomadto the thought of martial law and theminds of passionate people are wroughtupon to such an extent that men in highplaces are not safe from the bullets offrenzied regulators

And now the universal cry Is Howwill It all end No Unite mind can an¬

swer but may we not prophecy that asthings eeem td have reached a climaxthe reaction will take place and thestreams of peace that have been turbidand unsettled so long will again becomeclear and smooth and flow happily on tothe ultimate uplifting of the moralstatus of our commonwealth aud thobetterment of our people

CONGRESSMAN Dave Smith of theFourth district has Introduced a bill inCongress appropriating 75000 for thepurpose of putting a public building atElzabethtown We are aware thatthe above city is the county seat ofHardin county and the birth place ofCongressman Smith However thereare a number of towns much larger inpopulation than the above one men ¬

tioned Would not it be a capital ideato distribute this amount among theother towns where public buildings arejust as badly needed

EVERY reader of the Youths Compan ¬

ion is familiar with the name Perry Ma ¬

son Co but few even of the best post ¬

ed people had ever heard until his deathof the real founder and owner of thatworld famous periodical Daniel 8 FordFor forty years Mr Ford devoted his en ¬

tire time and thought to the publicationof the Youths Companion which todaystands as a worthy monument to hismemory During his life he amassed afortune of 2500000 most of which goesto the religious and charitable objects towhich he was devoted throughout hislife

TUB Good loads movement is makingslow but steady progress The govern ¬

ment is certainly doing its part in send ¬

ing out road builders and establishing abureau for its benefit Now let otherstake an Interest and help this good workup Good country roads next to railroads will benefit a community morethan any other one enterprise

WK have a card from the Wilmor At ¬

kinson Co of Philadelphia the pub ¬

ushers of the Farm Journal saying thatthey will send to our subscribers samplecopies of this valuable paper free for in ¬

spection Read these copies carefullypay up for the NEWS one year and getthe Farm Journal four years free ofcharge

Mns G A FOOTE of Irvington haswritten an article on Black Langahanfowls which deserves to be read by everyone It was written for the FarmersHome Journal In a prize contest and wasawarded the prize and published In thatpaper

A MAN worships a hero for what hehas done a woman worships a hero forwhat she believes he may do

TUB Lawton Fund up to date is 07



To the Temperance People of Breckenridge County

There will be a meeting at Hardinaburg Monday Feby 12th of the com ¬

mittee appointed by the Oloverport W0 T U to consider the question of tak ¬

ing a vote on Local Option in thecounty All the people interested inthis movement are earnestly requestedto meet with the committee Thiameeting will be held at the Baptistchurch and the ladies are especiallyrequested to be present


Circuit Court begins next Monday

J A Witt and 0 L Pate are etll1quite ill

Mr Goebels battle with death was

the only battle he ever lostMrs Owen Cunningham spent a few

days last week in Louisville

Irwin Payne of flamed has returnedfrom an extended trip to Texas

P M Beard went to Louisville lostThursday and returned Friday evening

There Is a light docket for CircuitCourt which begins hero next Monday-

L 0 Payne has just returned from athriid weeks trip to San Antonio Texas

The death of William Goebel wasunlverslaljy deplored by the Democratshere

Mr Biker of the Green Flag storeannounces that he will leave here on

the 20thThe infant child of George Johneon

which died in Louisville last week was

buried here In the Catholic cemeterylast Sunday

John It Norton who lives near WestView lost his dwelling house ono daylast week by five

Parties attending court next week canfind a WK lunch always ready at theEclipse Grocery

Rev Jackson Brent will preach at theAntioch church the third Sunday In themonth at lla m

Mrs Emiline Board one of the aged

ladles of tho town Is quite ill at MrColeman Ilaawella residence

Prof Maple Miss Ella Robertson andMiss Moorman of Cloverport wero herelast Saturday

Last Tuesday was a typical ground-hog day indicating six more weeks olunsettled weather

Jesse Whitworth the railroad agenthere reports that his office did morebusiness for the month of January thanIt has for sometime past

Samuel Bland who has been ill forsome time died at his home near Kirklast Saturday evening Ho was burledhere in the Catholic cemetery last Sun ¬

dayTheClovorport women are expected

up again next week when the electioncontest is called Several distinguishedattorneys aro expected to take a hand inthe debate

Sheriff Burton has been quite ill athis room at the Hardlnebure hotel forthe past week He came home fromFrankfort ill and has not been able toget out since

Parties who desire to renew their sub-scription will find the NEWS man on handduring Circuit Court Remember thatfor 25 cehts extra you can get the semiweekly CourierJournal-

Charles B Miller sold his farm nearthis place last week to W H Foremanof Ohio county for 1200 Mr Millerhas since bought his fathers old placeon the Stephensport road

Hook Miller < Companys big flour ¬

ing mill was shut down several dayslast week on account of a defect in someof the machinery They will be able tofill all orders in a few days

New canned goods just received at theEclipse Grocery canned pumpkinraspberries cherries gooeoberritsblackberries asparagus tips strawberriesCalifornia cling peaches and fresh

prunesMrIrwin the General Passenger

Agent of the Henderson route was hereone day last week getting acquaintedwith our business men and looking afterthe interest of his road He was visit-Ing a number of stations on the branch

Representative John P Haswell Jrwas hers last Friday from FrankfortHe only remained a short time return ¬

ing on the early morning train MrUaswell expressed deep regret at theassassination of Mr Goebel and said hehoped tho trouble over the governor-ship


would soon reach a peaceful solu-

tion When naked if ho would followGov Taylor to London Ky he said hewould if the other Republican mem ¬

hers did so

Hows This I

We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewardfor any case of Catarrh that can not becured by Halls Catarrh CureF J CHENEY < CO Props Toledo 0

Wethe undersigned have known FJCheney for the last fifteen years and be-


him perfectly honorable in all bus¬

inns transactions and financially able tocarry out any obligations made by theirfirmWest < Truax Wholesale Druggist Tole ¬

do 0 j Walding Kinnan < MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo Ohio

Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal ¬

ly acting directly upon the blood andmucous surfaces of the system Price76c per bottle Sold by all DruggistsTestimonials free

halls Family Pills are the best

Located at LewlsportMr Mat Coomba and family former

residents of Cannelton are now locatedat Lewisport Mr Coomba takes themanagement of a large chair factory be-


established there

When pain or irritation exists on anypart of the body the application of BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT will giveprompt relief Price 25 and 60 cents


Henry Nevitt has been quite sick butis much better

So many have colds lagrlppe andwho plngcou h but no serious sickness

Mr J > Babbnge the popular andwell known editor of the News was intown labt Saturday

lOAn old Kentucky Barbecue Is thelatest twostep and the btst ragtime Iever heard Get it

Misses Baker Ilcaton and Hook ofHardinsburg spent last Sunday with MrBen Hook at Mrs Mcutiren

Last Sunday was very unpleasantna toweather Brother Litchfield preachedbut I did not get outou account of a se ¬

yore col-

dBornto the wife of our clever post¬

master Chas E Bryant Feb 3rd adaughter MuydeoPueey Bryant Congratulatioug

Miss Mary Taylor has the music clasaat Kentucky College Pewee ValleyMary is to be congratulated on securingto flue a posittou

Society has taken a fresh impetus andthe young ladies will meet with MissMaydee Pussy this week to form u clubfor games to meet every Tuesday alttrnoon as the reading club meets Iliureday

Miss Susie Elder has closed her schoolat Sandy Hill where she taught verysuccessfully Miss Nauuie Couley rec-

eived first prize for making the great ¬

est improvomemt in writing We areall glad to haye Susie back asa pupil inour town

Miss L ydla Clarkson of Big Spring in-

to be maid of honor at the BanardBardwell wedding I had the pleasureof meeting Miss Binard two years agoat Mrs Ben Clarksons She is an un¬

usually pretty and attractive youngwoman to whom congratulations are ex¬


Miss Susie Elders Echool at Sandy Hillhas closed She speaks in a glowingmanner of her pupils and patrons Nan ¬

nie Cowley received the medal for uiaklug the gientttt improvement writingMaggie Cowley ranked second JohnYoung third Ed It Burch MIss MinaPrice and I were the judges

Nine pupils wore successful in the ex¬

amination of common school branchesheld here January 2520 The examina ¬

tion Mr Aahcrafttella me waaunusually hard Miss Bovie Cain won the prlza

Websters International DictionaryMiss Ada Bandy came next in generalaverage 85 per cent Miss Cain 85 MOCommencement in March

Mr Aahcraft pays quite a complimentto young ladles in requesting them tosing or play at the Teachers Associationand I must say that our young ladlesand girls are unusually obliging So allof you get ready for the coming Marchcommencement and April associationMr Aahcraft has ask me to arrange themusical programs

Mrs Mollie D Carrico of Mayfield Ishere for her usual between seasons holi ¬

day She Is with her sisters Mrs ThosHamilton and Miss Barbara ShacklettMrs Carrico Is a remarkably bright in ¬

telligent woman She Is elegantly po-lite without being on a pinnacle of goodmanners for any particular occasion Toher I am indebted forseveral good booksas she is a book lover herself

Mr Burton and Mr W D Ashcraftaro Democrats but opposed to the CblnnBook law Good for Democrats whodont have to wear a yokel Mr Bur ¬

ton put It as a resolution before the As-


last Saturday that as a bodyit was opposed to the hill Yes Legisla¬

tors quoting Mr Burton tear to piecesawe and give us substitutes as goodYes the Meade county children wantas rood books as any children in the

worldSorrowand its Solace from the pen

of Chas R Anderson of Guston in lastissue touched a responsive chord in theheart of any parent who has given up afondly loved child To find the littleshoe to see the toys the little garmentsto miss his prattle his love and affectionand to know we are to go through lifedeprived of such clinging atTection seemsas much as the human heart can boarAnd yet there can come deeper andmore bitter trials but only those whohave waded the darker waters know andrealize that there is a deeper sorrow

Mr W D Ashcraft our Meade countySchool Superintendent for the last sixyears has announced himself as a can ¬

didate for county clerk for the unexpiredterm The name of W D Aahcraftmakes the public Identify him withDemocracy morality intelligence andeducational interests He has donemore than any Superintendent Meadecounty ever had to elevate her schoolsand cause the teachers to be more aspir¬

ing and zealous in the cause as theMeade Messenger quoted Mr Aehcrafthas no dark spota in his social or politi ¬

cal life Should the people see fit toconfer nponhim the office for which heasks we can tafely predict that he willfill it with honor to himself and countyas he has all other trusts imposed upon

himTheReading Club met with me last

Thursday and the following program waaarranged for Thursday afternoon Feb8th when Misses Lula and Minnie Blandwill entertain the clnb Life of GeorgeEliot and the effect of her writings onliterature by Mfsa Mary Lewis Haw

G00H Iftt-


Blood j1Your heart beats over one hun-


thousand times each dayOne hundred thousand supplies ofgood or bad blood to your brain

Which is It

If bad Impure blood then yourbrain aches You are troubledwith drowsiness yet cannot sleepYou are as tired In the morningas at night You hnvo no nervepower Your food does you butlittle good

Stimulants tonics headachepowders cannot cure you but

will It makes the liver kidneysskin and bowels perform theirproper work It removes all im ¬

purities from the blood And Itmakes the blood rich in its lifegiving properties

To HastenRooovsry

You will be more rapidly curedIf you will take a laxative dose ofAyers pills each night Theyarouse the sluggish liver and thuscure biliousness

Writ to our DvelofWe lure the xeluilre icrrleei of

leme of tho most eminent phjilclaai Inthe United Butei Writ Jigctly ftU theptitlaaUit In your cut

AdditK DB J 0 ATEIl-Lowtll MJU3

thornes Life His most salient featuresand the most interesting details in condensed form by Miss Maydee PnseyMozart as musical and man by Mies Ma¬

bel Hardin Vocal duet Misses Lulaand Minnie Bland Literary featuresthat appeal to various enthusiasts byMiss Bess Lewis What Woman has donein the literary field lu the last quarter ofthis century by Miss Frances PhillipsInstrumental Solo by Miss Lena NevlttThe club elected me off its PresidentThe roll will be called when half of theyoung ladies will respond in quotationsfrom English authors and the otherswith quotations from American authorsHours from 230to 430 Refreshmentslimited to three kinds served Immediate-ly after the program is concluded Newmemberswill be cordially welcomed

I was nearly dead with dyspepsiatried doctors visited mineral springsand grew worse I need Kodol Dyspep ¬

ala Cure That cured me It digestswhat you eat Cures indigestion sourstomach heartburn and all forms of dy¬

spepsia A R Fisher


lilies Ida Frank returned Saturdayfrom Holt where she bas been spendinga week with Miss Pearl Fella

Messrs Owen Whitehouse and Bene-dict Beavin intend to m West in thenear future

Larkin Gibson Cloverport was outSaturday branding ties which have beenmade on the tract of timber they pur¬

chased from James KeenanThe musical entertainment given by

Miss Nola Furrow Saturday night waslargely attended and enjoyed by all

presentRevRichards pastor of tho Pisgah

church requests that each and everymember of that church be present atthenext regular church meeting SaturdayFeb 10th at 10 oclock am The busi-ness Is important

The Beechfork Telephone companymet Saturday at this place and trans-acted


some business Resolutions havebeen adopted taking effect January Ctlt1000 to charge 15o for every messagesent over the wire by those not holdinga talking right 5c of this goes to thecompany and lOc to the box holders

There was intense excitement hereover the shooting and death of SenatorGoebel Anxious listeners crowdedaround the telephone boxes a greatmany doubting the report It is yet amystery unsolved why the people andpoliticana of Kentucky will endorseouch degradations aa trays been in exist ¬

ence for the past three months

Great opportunity offered to good re ¬

liable men Salary of 15 per week andexpenses for man with rig to introduceour Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroyer in the country Send stamp Ameri ¬

can Mfg Co Terre Haute Ind

Elder SeatonThe engagement of Mr Felix A

Elder and Miss Alice Beaton both ofthis place was announced at this StRose Catholic church several days agoThe date of the marriage has not Ijeenannounced as yet


Weather is Very cold at present

James Wheatley went to Kirk Tues ¬

dayHon lJ R Murray was hone last


W L Wheatley went to Glendeane


L Bowman is very ill with

pneumoniaJohnia thinking of going to

Henderson soonJohn Aekiu killed five hogs that

weighed 1300 Ibs

John Beavin went to Hardincburg Sat ¬

urday on businessJ A Wheatley attended church at

Hnrdlnsburg SundayWm Morton is Buffering very much

from a dislocated shoulderTho Moorman sold a fiiio lot of hugs

to J T F Owen lost weekIsaac Lewis of Long Lick spent Sun-


with Miss Gertrude JarboeMien Maggie Beavlu was tho Ruest of

Miss Frankie Wncatley Friday night

Eli Beaviu was the guest of HenryWheatley Saturday night and Sunday

Miss Maggie Benvln spent last weekwith friends and relatives in Cloverport

Several of our young folks spent Sun ¬

day evening with Misses Mary and ClaraBeayiu e

The music party at Mr John Aeklnb

WilD well attended by the young peopleof this vicinity

Misses Gertrude Jarboe and MaryBeavin spent a pleasant evening withMiss Annie Beavin Friday

Miss Fi ankle Wheatloy and brotherIvo visited their aunt Mrs Fannie Mattingly of Long Lick last Wednesdayand Thursday

The school at this place closed lastFriday with a large attendance Theteacher Miss Arrle Robertson has givengeneral satisfaction

There is prdbably no disease or con ¬

dillon of tho human system that causesmore suffering and distress than plleeTABLERS BUOKEYE PILE OINT¬

MENT cures them quickly without painor detention from business Price CO

cents in bottles Tubes 75 cents


Miss Lucy Haynes ia visiting MrsPates Haynes

Mrs Ida Knott and daughter were theguests of her mother last week

Miss Nellie Robbins spent Saturdaynight with Miss Minnie Haynes

Messrs Charles and Berry NortonDan and Preston Haynes were theguests of Miss Gertrude Brown lastweek

Miss Annie E Gunning Tyre Michsays 101 suffered a long time with dyespepsia j lost flesh and became veryweak Kodol Dyspepsia Cure complete ¬

ly cured mo It digests what you eat andcures all forms of stomach troubles Itnever fails to give immediate relief inthe worse causeA R Fishe-


Success to the NEWS

Miss Lillie Bogard is quite indisposedat this writing

Mrs Alex Pipes ia just recovering froma severe attack of Pneumonia

Misses Belle Haynes and Mattie Bennet spent Thursday night with the Misses Blake

Rev J B Haynea and family spentWednesday night with Chas Bennettand family

Miss Effie Haynes spent last weekwith her brother Mr Edward Haynesat PaynesvilleJ

who for some time hassuffered from bronchial trouble Is some-what improved at the present writing

School closed at Cold Spring last Fri ¬

day Mr Aehcraft having taught a verysuccessful term A large crowd attended

Rev J B Haynes and family havemoved to the vicinity near PaynesvilleWe consider their absence a great loss tosociety here

Mrs Minnie Stites one of onr charm ¬

ing widows was married last Tuesday toMr Swink of Breckenridge countyRev J B Haynes officiating We ex ¬

tend congratulations

Rey J B Haynes seriously cut hisfoot a few days ago while tasking tiesbut is able to walk about again MrThos Haynes a brother of the formermet with the same accident a day or SO

laterThedeath of Gabe Board one of Mil

ana most accomplished young men wasvery sad It la Gods will that the dear ¬

eat of friends must sometime part buttis sad and heartbreaking to give up

who ia Just in the pnme of lifelone readers of the NEWS Mr andMrs Samuel Bennett of this place begleave to deny the report that has pone totheir many friends and relatives inBreckenridge county that they haveseparated I can also testify that it lafalse

UM Dr Bills Cough Syrup at oncetot broochiUi and ftlfp It bu stood the tut andII poeltylr a reUable remedy Lila la too ahor-tUllIperlmut with sew socalled tare carerBalls Strop coiU but tj ants

> >

NOIdle Talkwhen claim to sell




El e THE FAIR IONE PRIGEPHONE 10 STOREIJ4 1 P l1frln Ih1 m1h1W l1nnW1

III lI t1w tili lIW tW iIIv

I Seeing isr

BelievingIIH fl




iiAnd other novelties are worthcoming to see at Vests old






s GGrjr

Irvington Ky




Poultry Netting makes the best and

cheapest Chicken Fence in the world

We keep It In all heights tW1


f 1f Tt

Heavy smooth Fencing Wire rJbrG4J fj 1

Barbed Wire H



IttLittle Giant Seed Sower saves time r iti1


money and seed the best on the market j 7

Paintsfull line of mixed paints Also J >1


Oils and Lead in the raw j

Anew line of ANTIRUST TIN i 1WARE Guaranteed never rust V

This is our hobby 1 k







goods are all rightyLibrary Books

Any member of ther Lawrence Librarywho has in his possession moreone book ia requested to bring them toMoorman Owens drag store






New Quarter J t

The A O U W lodge Puieaed +the seeoad floor over W H BewWKVstore They are makiBg bssmtlfci 1eipe tr Jroom qawtera of it-


