VOL. X\^r. NO. 280-5 CENTS.' TWIN FAJiLS, IDAHO, SATURDAY. MAUfll U, ' CIrciiUllnn. OFI-’IUIAL COUNTY NKWSPAl’lilt - i IWIONBIJlGr PUSH FOR EARLY MJJM-iySE- .'Moving Toward Test of ___ ______ BtrcLgth...-'. .......... NEW; CTORENOY WANTED! L .. Patqinn Bill Bolioved .Cortainl Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '•P fince-lG dH ed D tw Bjr Administration -------Currency-JnflftUcm-prop<»4l!»-wh(cb; wouW put » .000.600.000 of now ------moDoy-lnto - cl/culfttlon throujhl fann -mortgage . rcflcaDclns and' • noUllcM'' bonufl puymcnt were ilrivca towarti early bouie. action i_ toUay - _____ _ Tbe rlM of the in^allon bloca toj Ui.* irtrcnrtb IcaUaK point comcj rrri^O^AiRir^Hsriotrcbafnitttcmat ' -inra-TJo-soldiero-bonufl-Iofrlolollon; nod decision to try to forcc a. liotiso vote on the $3,000.000.000{ Frazlef'I^mke farm old I’lU-. Bonus. Pauaga Sure Ibo house'noxf wceT<.-3la'paaBaKC Is (uiaureil. Icodera ndmlt. Soveral prcdlctcd after checlwi Uint the PMY'wn J2|015.000,000 inflation bonuii' bill would M approved In- flteaU of the-nntMnflnllon Amer- ican L>e(;lon bill. .. i As for the FnuLlcr-Lemke bill,I wlth-lnflaUon poMlblUUca.ranKlDB from 52.500.006,000 to 50.000,000.- 000, proponenta plan to file a pell- • tion Monday which • If-algncd by 217 members would force houae . ocllott within a month. ____ Speaker. Joseph..W..Byrn9-Jndl-, fltartcd to find out v._- ...... ......... .. ticnt-Boo»ovolt-ha*-a,.comproi^ ... ----- BomiH-paymcnt-suffKCsMonr-Tho- pltin la. to have the ways aaU‘ moanfl committee concludo hear- ings WedDcsday on-bonua Icpala- tlon anil throw the'losue lnto<ttbe --------- HouSTpoaalbiyty-Thursdai’ ------- Favor .Patman Bill ......r bOQua payment. Of. the 14 r.a: majority;; profe»-tlie>^lnflaUoa .WTtrt pmWhlW le^ou ■ ouur«<t th'o'i^tn^'^loc '• " thB iHflaMon-mcnaure-CBn- be-off- —I—cred-«ui‘a-subatllute.--thufl-forcing •• 'Iho nnnatlon Issue dircctly *- - vote.; IN ilM H iPRlSDItBS -UftJiey=f«f-C<jWor a ' now cliapter In tbo ntory of “Prince" Mike jRomanotf, ono- *«m pasta prcMer, was written when M n, \VllW wealtby manufacturer hiuband, Edward Oould. could ano lor di- vorce. Mm. Oould and “Prlnco" Mlko are picturrd above im they appeared In t>>e^e>v York court.where ahe U aulns for 9^00,000 M A IiT IA L :L A W jiR I)E R E D A S j g r e e c e s t r u g g l e s T O C O M B A T R E B E L L IO N 'Government Aircraft ■—BRVEriLY- HILLS, Calif.— ’d w r r b r nQWaV'-ICliiK: Ot. Slam abdicates.- -Ho - olv^ya seemed, Ww ^ pretty nl<^-lltua. -^c~ 8 imir'vullcy^wa*^lrfally-=- »l>''i^t'lTr^;iv'tw.'>irvnhihlv renort- -turned boclt -to ■Cetmany; . t w : ________ _______ Germany: I -to voto on whather-ttvey-virluilnl. -lo~ffo-back. -too,--Tou- kaow- ' that's. alwaya'..boon-a-.sort .of., ri touchy point with Ibeae big allied noUona-. Tbey don’t like 1-tho j»kelctoa-la.U»elr. cloflcl that _ Utcy are not so proud of. You can set-you-tt baby bondi-or a pound, of baby beef: they bom -coat tUe snmb. Youre._________' Police;“ Onardfl Ti^p 51-• Men Oo Jail'Roof to Provent . •~~~ WhnlcBnlfl-EBCTOQ--------- •r-NEWARI{. .N^.r-March-ZUUm: .. .-A3CJtEN-S,-JtUrch-S-flU!)— Martial law was proclaimed to- ____. ■ ny-ANTHONY' KJEDIlAa n s s a s s M K r A f^rsovttmaenroC-Fi^fntttmt liigati r TaiMartt>-b^ttiedr«b«U wltb-botnblnr,ftlrpIonc»,-war8hIni aniT ttrtlllay-.twlay •ln'-ii'.’'riKbt to twcaanoTirotci— -------------- - tho-pwplc;''— .. Rebel-fdreesT nttcmptlnff . to-ro* tum-Tormop-Promlor-Eloutbsrioi Voolzoloa.lo power in Cceece. were bloated fhim the. olr and pursued by government warehlpai -Thclr main.force-fled across the hlntorlc Aegean sea bword Crete, Where Vcnlzeloa resides. .• . .• .......... ' ......... Ship!TBorabardc<l~;‘ ' — A„ ficrco tMmbardmcnt .of tUo' rebel.'ships, between. Melos and Croto WM roportcd'bytho'.ROV —vO— T i J n f * '" -"‘*^‘- * * ” ‘' 1 '***-“'"'*-'"-'*'" y f '^ ^ ^ ,^ 5,^^M vy but theBbvcmmenirs flm tas. ' *\ O / t r a p p e d four InJiurRcnt wor- '-nipa at I'lraeufl,^Port of A^ens- tlie houac of <J__ , ____; .pei.on‘-lEe prJi^inlOMfltpdny-aTidl^:! ..:,oven»wercd. by ib'.pollccinen'and ' '• piards armed wlOi teor gas bombs --••■ond'-rlot-eunB.-------------- ------------- The.prtaoncra badjuraed-.the up. per floor of tho prison Into a fort- • leas holding It nucceMfully for ■ :S 't h a n tVo hoursrTxvo prlaon pimrtia were nibderprlsoners.-One • was sovcroly beaten. • The 5\ men ' surrendered , and wcro herded back to' the^r. dorml- ^tuty.-JSIevcn ^ rtoK-leadera,:;Wcro '-‘’ "X ,x,nn' to*thit-VllloKO .Street prWhn., X re dM ^e prl«n«-rt~aK>| ’‘T’rUon officials said only nboutl a down of.the. 61 men were direct-! ly Involved In the attempted brealc. : ' Ouord b%-crpower^ . Guard Charles Ootcli entered the third floor dormitory, where 31 men wcM -Sleeping, early'today for routine Inspection. Ho was ---^dverpowflred ' by • five men and b o ^ ^ with bedahcctfl. His keys , opened the dormlloiy barred door, Imt would not open the door lead- ing do«Ti8tolr8,.or tha door to the «r*.- finding a : revolver. Others started to boBt down tto door, to the roof. Matron Carolba McMU- ^'Un. gtiahllngiao' womea..on.:tbe •ecoDd floor, colled 0 “ ^ . .-* ^ 3 .Sullivan; rto wont, to the third floor.- throwing bio keysjbapk through' a transom, ■stckltag ^-.wercoma tho revntt slni ‘ •Ha was bound nnd beal— ' Supcrintmdent JobB-It Burgess ' turned In a.riot call to police. - j All tho'prisoners were awaiting .jury trial for varlOM- offenses. Minidolta Receive* $66,000 Beet Ca»h ' “ ■RUPERT.'-Karch'^'iSpecloJ)- ' check*'for the .first payment of ' ' be5»^»nal«r. tbs''eJlotment plan ------- -S^,bwnrcceJved-*t-lhe-«lflcoof * . ■ tho" W jiat^egw t for^distribution •' -.■ .. . 7^e->amouot- coming Into Mini' ,ddk» county ta which . be.dUtributed.Asiong 762 growen There, will.bo wjother. paymeiA, In . Juao.-U‘UanBo(uc»d. - • _____ Carrlkin. ofncluln'twlJ." Casualtie.1 ^ere reported high. p-There-wna-no-definlle-lndlcatlonl if thf^ Htfltua of Venltfloa exceotl 3ouniy ‘jl '■ Bar -Group -Se-olbct# President;- Favors- Move ■' Por.-Now'-JudgS ''' J. H . . Blatidfori, assbclato' of 'ronlc-L. Stephnar-was re-elee^d ^Msldont ot!tbo.'r??iif.5aiis C?tex^ DOT- ojobctatUnr in-.annnsl- moetug It thir-Porlc hotel ,ihii no«n. -' ~ Named vice', •preal<tot was'E< A-nrd BabcocJt..proBccuUng, attor-l ley.- and. chosen .flccrclnry-troBJiur* r was'Paiil S.'Boyd, Bulirattor- oy.' Tha body y ing a fifth, judge for'.thS'.nlnth clrr eul^< United States court of ap- rwuls'at Son Francisco', and on mo*| tlon: of: JobQ' W,-:Grahiim,' named 1c-i>.-8tephan;- Orr- Chupi w d WUIam A. BabcoclTaS a ___ fSHleoTOTfamo ff’reioiutiwi'.to'be forwnnled -to Idaho's congressional delegation;- ■Thdro was nearly a Hcoro of.attornbys kt tbs.meeting, which foUowcd^oi luifcb'ebhr*"' Army P l^ ea Tuiied l^r-SoOtherh-iHbp .WASHINQTO!^. .MarcJi 2 tttEl— Eleven arm y; planes wero being tuned'today «-iaagley-field,-Va.- for a hop Sunday to Miami,.Fla:, and the Canal Zone.’ ' ■' , The plant*.aro to take off.at 7 lEHf-M NVADES iR lZON l araii Nomadic Fo|;m_'Workora Bring| on<l#J oiSWxtD* ALIEN BATTLE PENDINGi Washington. Toklo Keep Eycsl On Bills. Airood Against "'japan^sa-'— r— By- JIJLIAK-A.-BEAMAN'— ~(Coj)j7lKliin^)3-VCnncflTfi'»g)— PHOi:NIX,_Arlt,.lIar.el' ?Th6 T ahguarJof on Itlhcranl army of farm field workera moved Into tho fcrlUo Salt River volley today. Into aniomlnoiui atmonphcre )d an ominoun-aituatlon, FrcRh from \ nlrlfe-lora Jmpi IcftLtwo-of-thelr-number deod, loHue#-plcI{cr«-'nad-trlmmcro,~and| the men who'work In tho packlngl ajid- shipping abed^, marched IntOi a state already spilt la a fierce! agricultural war. r.iAri«nft-f«flM=ar.«rUlii-liv^lts; fleJd IndUAtrles, arising out of the proposed enactment of dnuillc! alien land legislation, which Is being watched _Clo;iely In WjiaU-j (nffrnn nnrt Tntfln •' and fl...rj----- Gov. Benjamin D. Moour told the United Press ho was prepared to-haadlo-ltoy-contlngcBcy.'’ . - ‘'I’ll preserve law and order, and :o and .ptT>nerty, as long aa I am r«tyen»r,'t-ha-®ftid,-"rm-a'protly ------- flinRKn’hanOM'Bcropponny* Lerrorlst_.acllviU«, .bombing, and (Continued.on'Pngo;2,;Coluran-;l}^ Balanced Budget Demand Injected In-Relief Battle OAHO ’SfiTE- LlilS-DEBAIE JfEEDJORK ilOAHOEERACASH Effort at Financing Provision- Gets- ------------ fcJnderwsry ------------ . -IJy II. 0.-TJIO.M1VSO.V-'- ■Certain of Adjournment By Next Tliursday IMPORTANT BILLS PASSED aARttMi —AturauRi~ihcnv7jrid-ira-T' U re >1g i l t him_$3,000,000 in boniiii^. ^^iigeiip U. Omce, Bethlehem Btrel chief, hoIdH w ar imiii^ceaiiar}’ mid would Ixi gliul to quit innking itn ix]ulp- .mcnt,-ho declared when hn np- |Kared-|^roro the 'irt-movinc m-Rotliitl.mii-Kcpklnc —comprjiiiiaii .ou. Uic.-Work-rclluC __________ - l.lll now loilKiHl in u ncniile com- mlltoo. Fund Ordered Withheld- TetDpomrily to Enforce U. S. Demand .1^830.000.000- . By_MAX_ C._.FlJNKE-_ WASHINGTON. March 2 itll;) The FERA today allotted 556.. 576,574 to feed and hou»e the .natlon'»-il^O.OOO_need>f^ii ........ c 011imlttcc~<lui l*llD«ri«~1 15 •hbov^rucC 0 iu.«»cU_xfli£Ue:^A,;ta‘« , 7,Ge^rFa^~ldrho^ mpnt rule of Indiwlrj- tii-war. | Mlnneiola.- New Mexico, lirrfin. wcro roiuly ' for - «ubmfa«lon‘- DOISK. March i: U I-i-Moii;».cr:» whl'n debatL- on the hill i« rraumcd I*’' 1<-K"Inlure «crvr,l in the ncnate. Ju.il when Ihut willinoUce today Ibnl tla-y would «iop bo Sim wiui Indoflnlto today. I IkvcU In Cummlltw I The hill pnB(ic<l iho hou«o Jumc- - Uurn a ni2 nthj^o._WM_broufiht m iator.i. I..^nn.;|_.r..l,-.,______ ;,M nolbliig which would fnclhtntn iflnl.ihln); u|> thn. 2!lnl ijcii^ilon un - e appointed ditlc, March 7 Wliilo rcpi-i;:'i: T m n iii slaiedt M {House Mnit Ohoeae Between; Trro Rdvenuo Measures How on Books New York, North Dakota, Okla- homa, Oreoon, Vermont. W.iflh- InQton and Hawaii allotments -wcre.hsid.up. ________ _________ i/iu-o in co:«,mttoo nncracter a ,«ch ..pcnUcr o......... .. ... ConihliRMl wlth tliu .wofk of the commlttcc by mlmini.itratlon ..flKUnR ccimmlttce." which will lcmlcr.1. ^^report out'ihone hiliii whicli rcquiro Jli, ”^-ncllon,Jhl‘_upppr_hoiine_i'XpcctH_tii__ , . --------- .thOT-fmanclng-Bcncdmo-. gatncrcdr „jf.,Vork nhm-oTtler. WAqHiNGTON March 2 (LM’i__ support from both DcmocraUi and, . . ’ . , ..................... “atlon-'s 21.000.000 needy by tcm-lrcady to be offered. One would pro-, AU of |i,r^.,,ew hUln^ l^^^^ pornrlly withholding unemploy-ipoiie tho mon.'.ure be amended to Litui and Soutli Dakota—wcro glvcnniuli the .icnnto with a lUt of po*. w n nSnravM bv enough cash to care for their rc-!«iblo now taxon that ml«ht bo In-, C ! nL n faurt-? •- :l[cf.rolIn;pnljir^unUI^M«rc to provide tho work.rcyef;^^^|!^;j'"^-,,,^‘| “^^^ , BOISE, March 2 CP.i—Revenue WDCpmiW^OOtcdTipQnMn-^thc, ■,houa« of.reprcseotaUvea .Tuesday,, :S‘flSi^en'}^aid"taxattSS'Mm^ cxpectcd today from li^r' bill carding, tho Mc&i^ran' Ilhe.s 80, 000,000..tmnjiferred to the,pr„vnning wnRo amendment, con- li'Cffar-. Tliero arc tiow two revenue plans. hlch require It refers half of the month depended on ftc-i Confrcn With Otlefn 'm prt“ of “fillip fccV'for'^candidAtcii- tion-nf ,UicliLJecl.Haturcs_ln_aE4.-j»rcaklenLRooaevclu.wbo,waa.rc--;?"‘^."^ of_filing fcen ror candiw i^ ....v...iniin^_nioro-fuiuis...-------------- lpr«eonted-byS<ia^Cartcr-ClMa.-D.,; relief Rranta to oth«|Va.. an cortolo to veto a work-ro-j” by the senate. It had beenjjaMcd_ hy'ihb senate'early in the session iNumcrous conferences during thelt,u(- governl defects were dlscov* - !-iS hours since tho Prc-ildcnt re-lcred which required th e ‘omen^-' _plan and .tha yoln(in)natncsr1n-1hc-ittttcr-The|^55ay-^nir-itfaivmaaI-Tcmmnunl-rl":t7t°5"i5~rr^n^'^^^ jRevolutibiiary 'Ooneral Strikbj Loomji os lA bof Federation • OrdcrrVftlKout '-Oy-t-AWRENCe-8."HAA3 ----- •HAVANA,.March '2 .(OCi-Ziro hour for a decisive test of the gov- emment'n -strength drcw.-.aeop. to- >ll-for-membera-ef-the ...A-blU.a.nlso-ln-..thcJiousfi.prOi!,n-jj,is7,000,2C2in-tho21.mQaUui «;os!9.S,-w°rK. Trojects] vldlng for. tho transfer of.gaa,taxiu“ has been in opcraUon. where labor could no.t bo ottmcted .... .... ....................... .. -j.jpp,5jn3 .,,ao ifuiloted that Min- from private entcrprwc*. nesota ralno 510,000,000 a year, - M cC ar^ Bloc Finn d-.p. 5300,000 a month, and Idaho 5100,- dUcuss tho proposat-- •; . On tho other hand, on offer by PROBE4SKEO - Warns.Vcnlirlos * - ■ , !.T*al^laris•^notIflo^I-tho.,.former Ipromlar. that. ho>liolds. him (Venl- jzelos) -responsible In event ho joins -------------- Indicating^ that-the not yet convinced responsible. Tho'premier, also-said. the ; emment wolild battle the. rebel ‘tho lost ditch; - • ' ;-Exlkrd Gen. Nicholas'-Plastlraff, allfgftl LatMriCoafcdemtloa; to be- ready ■ •. a general strllte. . _____ , . .Inicrurbon • frtlgHtrttEffrenj^aWw^**, nounced a atriko at.mldnlghtnfler' Uiclr rejeclton . of .a government camprDmlao.oa.dmandJfor..KUcr. Tho '^IroaU .brotherhood of the United Rallwaya issued a manlfefl- s “reaily.to act." i_EQrcei_ .. .— •nald-bn-rcllable authority that tha'ABC rovoluUonan' party and*Tlamoh’ 'CrMi 'Snij 'Mftrtln’ii “Aullientlc'tlepublldin” party, blt- ,tet enemies, had. (tgrecd^tocojopr eroic In on. effort to reap ndvan- tnge from a possible strlkb. I .These, parties .fcor that a gcn-J enl-strike’would be .not only revo^l lutionory but Communistic. Tliercl also Is. the pro/ipcct that one.ofi them, or^h'e-tvi-o together, mlpht| IO ?B R E A K S O y l |dcnt Mcndleta.' replaced, .has .. nounced mipporfof-the students. Col. Pulgcnclo BatLitn, army chief of'Btafr. was the roar central figure. Ho putCrau San Martin In. offlcoby.n'coup,'and then .deposed him when ho. seemed to bo losing prestige... r-.Tlicro hai been'no sign IhatBa. ilIsU Is not wholly behind Men- ,dicta. _ . . . . .. . . SANJTRANCISCO, March 2 O l; ^Docking.,,nf thC-Gennna^lnnvy: longohorcmcni'"d'li'alMmr ]o&k4 £d protest Nazi tactics, and-a.flsl' fight between civilians ond''1o^- shorom en.^ ,i . ■- . ..'CnSwaing'tbe buikhead"betweet, tho.plors as.tho cruiser nosed ttsi way toward tho dock wer« 40 long-1 shoremen.:.booing' loudly,.and l&Ol elvlUaas—mdsU--------- -- --------- German colony-------. ------------------- , two' dvlllotuf were knocked.'doffn.' Thein assailant was upturccL jFugitiye Convict*' Kidnap Physician fwo dtjn srrf^IUMfrdide,-OUtf. r " ALBION’ C H O iC ^ .WA8HINOTON. Hatch 2 (Bpe- lal>—0 .-W orth :ciark. ......... .......... ' . ARAPAHO,.OWa., M archa taci Thtee' Granite .leformatory tug1> _____ _______ _ . lives w lsedJJr^J^-LM rtsiljtets tbere briefly, and thm fly MUth to and lila.ftutomobUo at Leedey tb- mamU'r^Tbe pU ^w creL flown east day. and Xtod-witliJilm uisJiostege. icrfreO-peace;,officera- mui-t^eve<t to'lnclude kUloy - *T>2d7 - rKlykendaU.. ' Dale StnopWU and W. L. Baker,.jr.; H)e;fugilives IdenUflcd In the rob- bery of a |wnk jit'SeUlnx Wednes- _____ ' ....Aclion..or Relief. A dm lnlH ^tor;jy^j^(^^_^ jj^ ^ ^ ^ lo.4Iyde.„tnt.-It-pro^e«-that-ao employ-. r«T!^ «o5f?worevenuenlanflli*”^ ^ > - broughf offers -ofjir must pay to the state Industrial-. ifundn for octtlcment from both sides, but noW cldcnt board Uic sum of 51.000 In •privllego’i t ,'Tho-. aamlnUtmtlon'.* plao-.n *hleh -no olalm.ls..matla .within.& . Approve <iTdlTr“ A third meajture, HB 123 • as nmfmtivi, ~rn.ingd after somc :op- poslUott. wan. beaten. dow nllirprcM,,. vldes for. state audit of. municipal : books biennially. .The voto was 2i , ;to :l8,''srt>lch-8comed .to' b e 'fln a t --------"t I as no indicated action for reeoo*- slderatlon-was m ade. ................ Tho three states havo comblricd;McCa“rrftn to' add", anolher poni Tlie bill would' set up-a-slat*- - isii-oris- .jpiit-n»onthb-janilnga.of.nny:i»er:!“ji^.-u;::^ji^.t^:3-i..to:j2..:<rbo by ■tho President in advance o r . c j ' j b y t rpipilated by the President at (my| _ ® voto of 30 to 4.' - -. —N77<;.T-ilarth-SrMrfl.— ; U'ni-:-Death-of .Mrs.^-.H._Dra_dicy| Qf Qounty jProgram, Gives Davldaan;jr.^tatlcc.hotcl.h^lre5fl; -wajflurhjuflaed-"by'vcry-im8 ptct- .oua.clrcumatances,”- Bollcltor_Ro; land Pructt.siUd-today In.annouac- ,lng he.would,IrisVit upon, ........... =T7 p'Po 5 ltion' \ .bride ------ , Mrs. Bula C. Malone, ,-Twh. - thor- Fajifl director of women’s ..lERAj --------- iwork-In-Twin FjjIIs-county.-thUl ot‘ two.afternoon annouiiccil her res imontha.-wos found- dead In her|t :autum6bllo W ^csday mbmlng, | apparent victim' 6f."carbon' mon- j axlcfe polsoalag..T2i« solicitor hosir halted a coroncrt inquest bow>ipo8ltlons wlth'persons.already < ,ever.:nnd wlll-nuestloa. relotlvcs,)rcllcf. and also tscnmnta.aad frlcnds.TOeMay.---i--tfoeiwojnontbB a" , could, bo employed .afprevoU-i ing wagea but employcd only for e irafflelent-tlmn to-bring tbelr-<iam- Inga to.whatcvcr total the admln- iatffttlon fclt..was.neccs*ary..aa - irellef measure. The prcviilllng wage omendment was.odoptcd In thb'oehato on-Feb. Treasury-Heads-Wot Alamed — B7 Dip Offering.^cat to” '' American Price* -. .. iiconaldereil tho bill and congresalon- • mitlcd.nulclda,'' Pruett nald. “Cer-ilgnatlon to Mrs. Uela Cly, Boise, Istrutlon before taking up the bll tain other polnbi'elimlnate' the' nc- director of tho women'n.work, hav-jngaln. cldent-theory. There aro v«ry sus- Ing occupied the position of on as-! piclous circumstances In conn’ec-statant to'tho state'director. She tlon with her death; i ... . .: said: she ..was.-.ln .sympalhj- with • ■tho Ideal of tho governor In chang- iOR tho odi&inlstratlOQ nenonael to. t^ose on relief. not trying to pin murden on hny one, but there are so many I puKllng things about .this case' that l am going to Insist upon - thorough .Investigation." ^Gran^mQfher-^ries--Holdup-to.— i Feed 3. TofsrzyicttnTiR^^iits: inoyancei. ' . . , . Receives Pralto -Mr#.---mio RAW TlTirn f t - V i i r r h 1 ptPI— X.^y-holred oM ^rnan,*wlU- lisg'to rob.rftUjcr 'IKaa'scc'hW' grondcfilldrea go.hM gry,- to-.'; ip a grocery.-■ . Mr«.T;Loui»o Knappa, .<50, ----------------- T.'B.'-PcrWai-gn): •.from the stats';«llh th'afood^d ;.the baiijr;under hof-ano."" .' ' t*: P8rWniV.cUle<t E oll*.. 'wb.o, 'after abort to ______lig ,”. She , told officer*. , Jler. daugbler, the.'chlltl«n's-<' -mother, is dead, and the father. Pearl. Harbor,. Havmll.'... Hla monthly remlttanefo check- had notnj^ved this week, she sold. -S v thfr-baby and-two older-ehll> dreif wint- hungry. ■ * ‘.'TalM what, yoa ..want. and. pay me-later,!but don't scare mo'to .death again." said Per; klns.>wbb accompanied {mUcq .to.tba.hnBir-. ... -. -------tL- , 'Laterthegioeer,.with tbe aid , surod her agaln-'she .coujd get ■w^at'khe-seeded'tor- tho ^chU'T- dfeti from him.' _ ■ .T . 'i.' v'XioUeo Mid that Perldni asked •Lbem. to -forget-theyrbad-beeB - eslledtflndleatbu;.be would.jiot’ reportedly n London. 8pecuIat-.‘;-{T7s withdrew lar^ sums ■ vice: lonsiblllty as when she was 1. and In^addltlon had many lERA- -'women's director for the papl ycar;-anin>eia'tli0'Baifl0-p0W-- ,iloa-under the CV^A, but .without pay In' the latter position. 8ho land her associates In the work Iheive-recriTOd^hlgh-commendatlor [for tbelr efforts during tbe ti^icm- n^-eniergeney. . ludlng her-letter o£ resjg* ,r_ or..— , ■My work lor you for the past year h u been' pleasant.„You. have made'a-rcal conlribuUoa to the welfare of the women of .'.Idaho and-1 am glad ta.haye bad a part: Will yeu-^eaae rel!e\-e------ * ----- Siam’s King Drafts “ ■^Ab'diwitibintett^r -LONDON,- Match 2 -nLE)-^K(ng wiod5^itjarifcii«tt«-“ ........ - 0 drsftlnr hi>' letUr. of la> rulsr wf - 81 aia;^oaKL ______ Ho - haa r bM»^tbreateniarr<or EOM» and 200 men from Rhodeslatvnfll' *Tavs tc-'^py sr*!*gh* i T **'^y wife o f. Governor Sir Hubert Voung, who bits' been' ihlsstng slneo 8 a. m. Thursday after ledv- Uvlngstone by airplane.. .wo ..hundred, soldiers -.u... ready to assist' In tbe search of tha wild country. : , Ladv Voung, a well known avia- tOi r w tf.T »n5treg^tbc:pUiine; W r <or6 .her marriage -she. wns'M>> gnret'Rosa'.tieynolds of, Dorches- ter,-'Ep^yad. . 1 . ~ . . .. NO ELbPEMENTi : SAYS ACTRESS aOI.t.TWOOD,. Q a;'M irch a- mei..:iKBy .Fzanels,' <hriea' mar>.' :Xl“motiCTcliw'sTir7l«iy- ■denied riunors'ah« and Maurice ^ O i ^ le r , -Freoch-actten'-actatr , WASHINCTON,.March 2 tlUiir- Government fiscal aiithbrlUcFicUQ* Ined without comment today'cables Ifrom Europe tellbg of .new dis-. ,-,turbances-in tho. world, financial Tmark'cW.toUched-ormyxtJarpUS^ ^tcllno In tlie.British pound sterling., Pursuing-thelr-usual, policy-of, silence regarding- movements' ia world money marl<ew, treasury of- ficials were non*commlthlr as to London^d-Parisrflnaaclal devet- opments. ------- Msrllit'UrS.-Prieoi— :— - Last- imlhiiter foreign exchange IquotatloDs were'riuhed ^'tnuury^ '"aW--ttfT>«TiJIW—'r'«ttere wlH-bsao^Yama a nents far .taeiT the a et^ said. , •Xboperi-wlU atala^be-tharrted. -wUIe l ain In platurca.'rBut who- i'. w 'teur-',-— cavalier wa>aUent. '.-"N-.i,;. expr^rU In' order that the United \ States-mlght map » program to deal-iirith the.„'rapldly, decIlB ^:/! wund.- The. decline , may. have .a,;„ leflatlonaiy "effect ■•oa'>Amerir— ^Tbi^aew aeclins In tta jbuad liJK-iF day.J >:tbai Deafs. depreclatlpa of tUs '-in dollar- , Treasuiy=twtflcltl« J alarm ant; the' ne«r:JS veldpments.;They'p-' __ world riniwfJsi:aurk 8»-p

IWIONBIJlGr lEHf-M Balanced Budget OAHO’SfiTE- …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '• P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w Bjr Administration-----Currency-JnflftUcm-prop

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Page 1: IWIONBIJlGr lEHf-M Balanced Budget OAHO’SfiTE- …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '• P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w Bjr Administration-----Currency-JnflftUcm-prop

V O L. X \^ r . N O. 2 8 0 - 5 C EN TS.' TW IN FAJiLS, IDAHO, SATURDAY. M A U fll U, ' CIrciiUllnn.OFI-’IU IA L COUNTY N K W S P A l’l i l t - i


MJJM-iySE-.'M oving T ow ard Test o f

___ ______ B tr cL g th ...- ' ...........


L . . P a tq in n B ill B olioved .C ortain l O f PaBsago D espU e F ig h t

' • P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w

Bjr Administration

-------Currency-JnflftUcm-prop<»4l!»-wh(cb;wouW p u t » . 000.600.000 of now

------m oD oy-ln to - cl/culfttlon th ro u jh lfann -mortgage . rcflcaDclns and'

• noUllcM'' bonufl puymcnt were ilrivca towarti early bouie. action

i_ toUay - _____ _Tbe rlM of the in^allon bloca toj

Ui.* irtrcnrtb IcaUaK point comcj r r r i^ O ^ A iR i r^ H s r io trc b a f n i t t tc m a t' -inra-TJo-soldiero-bonufl-Iofrlolollon;

nod decision to try to forcc a. liotiso vote on the $3,000.000.000{ Frazlef'I^mke farm old I’lU-.

Bonus. Pauaga Sure

— Ibo h o u se 'n o x f wceT<.-3la'paaBaKCIs (uiaureil. Icodera ndmlt. Soveral prcdlctcd a fte r checlwi Uint the PMY'wn J2|015.000,000 inflation bonuii' bill w ould M approved In- flteaU of the-nntM nflnllon A m er­ican L>e(;lon bill. .. i

As fo r the FnuLlcr-Lemke bill,I — w lth-lnflaU on poMlblUUca.ranKlDB

from 52.500.006,000 to 50.000,000.- 000, proponenta plan to file a pell-

• tion Monday which • If-algncd by 217 m em bers would force houae

. ocllott w ithin a m onth.____ S p eaker. Joseph..W ..B yrn9-Jndl-,

fltartcd to find ou t v ._ -...... ...........— ticnt-Boo»ovolt-ha*-a,.com proi^ ...

----- Bom iH -paym cnt-suffK CsM onr-Tho-pltin la . to have the w ays aaU‘ moanfl committee concludo hear­ings WedDcsday on-bonua Icpala- tlon anil throw the 'losue lnto<ttbe

--------- HouSTpoaalbiyty-Thursdai’-------Favor .Patm an Bill

......r bOQua payment. Of. the 14r.a: majority;; profe»-tlie>^lnflaUoa

.WTtrt pmWhlW

— le ^ o u ■ ouur«<t th 'o 'i^ tn ^ '^ lo c'• " thB iHflaMon-mcnaure-CBn- be -off- —I—cred-«ui‘ a-subatllute.--thufl-forcing • • 'Iho nnn a tlo n Issue dircctly *- -

v o te .;



a ' now cliap ter In tbo ntory of “Prince" M ike jRomanotf, ono- “ *«m p a s ta prcM er, w as w ritten w hen M n , \V llW

w ealtby m anufacturer h iuband, Edw ard Oould. could ano lo r d i­vorce. Mm. Oould and “Prlnco" Mlko are p ic tu rrd above im they appeared In t>>e^e>v Y ork court.w here ahe U au lns fo r 9^00,000

M A I i T I A L : L A W j i R I ) E R E D

A S j g r e e c e s t r u g g l e s


'Government Aircraft

■ —BRVEriLY - H ILLS, C alif.— ’d w r rb r nQWaV'-ICliiK: Ot.

Slam abdicates.- -H o - o lv^ya seemed, Ww ^ p re tty n l< ^ -lltu a .

- ^ c ~ 8imir'vullcy^wa*^lrfally-=- »l>''i^t'lTr^;iv'tw.'>irvnhihlv re nort- -tu rn ed boclt -to ■Cetmany; . t w :

________ _______ Germany:I - to voto on whather-ttvey-virluilnl. - lo ~ ffo -b a ck . - to o ,- -T o u - kaow- ' th a t 's . a lw aya '..boon -a-.so rt .o f.,

ri touchy po in t w ith Ibeae big allied noUona-. T bey don’t like

1-tho j»kelctoa-la.U»elr. cloflcl th a t _ Utcy a re no t so proud of. You can s e t-y o u -tt baby bondi-or a pound, o f baby beef: they bom

-coat tUe snmb. Youre._________ '

Police;“ Onardfl T i^ p 51-• M en O o J a il'R o o f to P rovent .

•~~~ WhnlcBnlfl-EBCTOQ---------

• r-NEWARI{. .N^.r-March-ZUUm:

. . .-A3CJtEN -S,-JtU rch-S-flU !)— M artial law was proclaimed to-

____■ • .

■ ■ ny-ANTHONY' KJEDIlAa n

• s s a s s M K r Af ^ r s o v t tm a e n r o C - F i^ f n t t tm t liig a ti r T aiM artt> -b^ ttied r«b«U

w ltb-botnblnr,ftlrpIonc»,-w ar8hIni aniT ttrtlllay-.tw lay •ln'-ii'.’'riKbt to tw c a a n o T i ro tci— — -------------- -th o - p w p lc ; ' '—.. Rebel-fdreesT nttcm ptlnff . to-ro* tum -T orm op-P rom lor-E lou tbsrio i Voolzoloa.lo power in Cceece. were bloated fh im the. o lr and pursued by governm ent warehlpai -Thclr m ain.force-fled across the hlntorlc Aegean sea bw o rd Crete, WhereVcnlzeloa resides. .• . .• ..........

■'......... Ship!TBorabardc<l~;‘ ' —A„ ficrco tM m bardmcnt .o f tUo'

reb e l. 'sh ip s , betw een. Melos and Croto WM roportcd'bytho'.ROV

— vO— T iJ n f * '" -"‘*^‘-**” ‘' 1'***-“'"'*-'"-'* '"■ y f ' ^ ^ ^ , ^ 5,^ ^ M v y bu t theBbvcm m enirs f lm ta s . ' • * \ O / t r a p p e d four InJiurRcnt wor-

'-nipa a t I'lraeufl,^Port o f A ^ ens-

tlie houac of <J__ ,____; .p e i.o n ‘-lEe prJi^inlO M fltpdny-aTidl^:!

. . : ,o v e n » w e rc d . by ib '.po llccinen 'and ' '•p ia rd s arm ed wlOi teor g as bombs

- - ••■ond'-rlot-eunB.-------------- -------------The.prtaoncra bad juraed-.the up.

per floor of tho prison Into a fort-• le a s holding It nucceMfully for

■ : S ' t h a n tV o hoursrTxvo prlaon■ ■ pimrtia w ere nibderprlsoners.-O ne

• was sovcroly beaten. ■ ■ ■• The 5 \ m en ' surrendered , andwcro herded back to ' the^r. dorml-

^ tu ty .- J S Ie v c n ^ rtoK-leadera,:;Wcro'-‘’ "X ,x,nn' to*thit-VllloKO .S treet prWhn.,

X r e d M ^ e prl«n«-rt~aK>|

’‘T’rUon officials said only nboutl a dow n o f .th e .61 men w ere direct-! ly Involved In th e a ttem pted brealc.

: ' Ouord b%-crpower^ .G uard Charles Ootcli entered the

th ird floor dorm itory, w here 31 • men wcM -Sleeping, e a r ly 'to d a y

fo r routine Inspection. H o was - --^dverpow flred ' by • five m en and

b o ^ ^ w ith bedahcctfl. H is keys , opened the dorm llo iy barred door,

• Imt would n o t open the door lead­ing do«Ti8tolr8,.or th a door to the

«r*.- finding a : revolver. O thers s ta r ted to boBt down t to door, to the roof. M atron C aro lba McMU-

^ 'U n . g tia h lln g iao ' w om ea..on.:tbe •ecoDd floor, colled 0 “ ^ . .- * ^ 3

.Sullivan; r to w on t, to th e third floor.- th row ing bio k e y s jb a p k th rough ' a transom , ■ stckltag

^-.wercoma tho revntt slni ‘•Ha w as bound nnd beal—

' S up crin tm d en t JobB -It Burgess ' turned In a . r io t call to police. - j

A ll tho 'p risoners were aw aiting .ju ry tr ia l fo r varlOM- offenses.

■ Minidolta Receive* $66,000 Beet Ca»h

' “ ■ R U P E R T .'-K arc h '^ 'iS p ec lo J)- ' c h e c k * 'fo r th e .f i r s t paym en t of

' ' be5»^»na l« r. tb s ''e J lo tm en t plan------- - S ^ ,b w n r c c e J v e d - * t- lh e - « lf lc o o f* . ■ tho" W jia t ^ e g w t fo r^distribution

•' -.■ .. .7^e->amouot- coming Into Mini' ,ddk» county ta which

. be.dUtributed.Asiong 762 grow en There, will.bo wjother. paymeiA, In . Juao .-U ‘U anB o(uc»d . - •

_____ C arrlk in . ofncluln ' twlJ."Casualtie.1 ^ e re reported high.

p -T here-w na-no-definlle-lndlcatlonl if thf Htfltua of V enltfloa exceotl

3ouniy ‘jl '■ B ar -Group - Se-olbct# P resid en t;- F avors- M ove

■' Por.-N ow '-JudgS ' ' '

J . H .. B latid fori, assbclato ' of 'ronlc-L . Stephnar-w as re-elee^d ^Msldont ot!tbo.'r??iif.5aiis C?tex^ DOT- ojobctatUnr in-.annnsl- m o e tu g I t thir-Porlc hotel ,ih ii no«n. -' ~

N am ed vice', •preal<tot w as'E < A-nrd BabcocJt..proBccuUng, attor-l ley.- and. chosen .flccrclnry-troBJiur* r w as 'P a iil S .'B oyd , B u lira tto r- oy.'Tha body y

ing a fifth, judge for'.thS'.nlnth clrr eul^< U nited S ta te s c o u rt of ap- rwuls'a t Son Francisco', and on mo*| tlon: of: JobQ ' W,-:Grahiim,' named “ 1c-i>.-8tephan;- O rr- Chupiw d W U Iam A . BabcoclTaS a ___fSHleoTOTfamo ff’re io iu tiw i'.to 'be forw nnled -to Idaho 's congressional delegation;- ■ Thdro w as nearly a Hcoro of.a tto rnbys k t tbs.m eeting , w hich foUowcd^oi luifcb'ebhr*"'

Army P l^ ea Tuiied l ^ r - S o O t h e r h - i H b p

.WASHINQTO!^. .MarcJi 2 tttEl— Eleven a rm y ; planes w ero being tuned 'today « -iaa g le y -fie ld ,-V a .- fo r a hop Sunday to M iam i,.F la:, and the Canal Zone.’ ' ■ ' ,

The p la n t* .a ro to take o f f .a t 7

lE H f-MNVADESiRlZONla r a i i

N om adic Fo|;m_'Workora B ring|

on<l#J oiSWxtD*


W ashington. T ok lo K eep EycslOn B ills. Airood A ga in st

" 'j a p an^sa- ' — r —

By- JIJLIA K -A.-BEA M A N '— ~(Coj)j7lKliin^)3-VCnncflTfi'»g)—

P H O i:N IX ,_A rlt,.lIa r .e l'?Th6 T a h g u a r J o f on Itlhcranl

arm y o f farm field w orkera moved Into tho fcrlUo S alt R iver volley today. Into aniomlnoiui atmonphcre

)d an om inoun-aituatlon,FrcRh from \ n lrlfe-lo ra Jm pi

I c f tL tw o -o f- th e lr -n u m b e r deod, loHue#-plcI{cr«-'nad-trlmmcro,~and| the men w ho 'w ork In tho packlngl ajid- shipping abed^, m arched IntOi a s ta te a lready sp ilt la a fierce! agricu ltu ral w ar.r.iAri«nft-f«flM=ar.«rUlii-liv^lts; fleJd IndUAtrles, a ris ing o u t of the proposed enactm ent o f dnuillc! alien land legislation, which Is being watched _Clo;iely In WjiaU-j(nffrnn nnrt Tntfln • '

and fl...rj-----Gov. Benjamin D. Moour told

the United Press ho w as prepared to-haad lo-ltoy-contlngcB cy.'’ . -

‘'I ’ll preserve law and order, and :o and .ptT>nerty, as long aa I am

r« tyen» r,'t-ha -® ftid ,-"rm -a 'p ro tly -------flinRKn’hanOM'Bcropponny*

Lerrorlst_.acllviU«, .bom bing , and (Continued.on'Pngo;2,;Coluran-;l}^

Balanced B udget Demand Injected

In -R elie f B attle



Provision- Gets- ------------ f c J n d e r w s r y ------------

. -IJy II. 0.-TJIO.M1VSO.V-'-

■ C ertain o f A djournm ent B y N ex t T liursday


a A R t t M i— A turauRi~ihcnv7jrid-ira-T ' U r e >1 g i l t him_$3,000,000 in boniiii^. ^^iigeiip U. Omce, Bethlehem B trel chief, hoIdH w ar imiii^ceaiiar}’ mid would Ixi gliul to quit innking itn ix]ulp-

.m cnt,-ho declared when hn np- |K ared-|^ roro the

'irt-m ovinc m-Rotliitl.mii-Kcpklnc —comprjiiiiaii .ou. Uic.-Work-rclluC

__________ - l.lll now loilKiHl in u ncniile com-mlltoo.

Fund Ordered W ithheld-TetD pom rily to En force

U . S . D em and

.1^830.000.000-. By_MAX_ C._.FlJNKE-_

WASHINGTON. March 2 itll;) The FERA today allotted 556.. 576,574 to feed and hou»e the

.natlon'»-il^O.OOO_need>f^ii........ c 011imlttcc~<lui l*llD«ri«~1 15• h b o v ^ r u c C 0iu .«»cU _xfli£U e:^A ,;ta‘« , 7,Ge^rFa^~ldrho^mpnt ru le of Indiwlrj- tii-w ar. | Mlnneiola.- New Mexico,

lirrfin. wcro roiuly ' fo r - «ubmfa«lon‘- DOISK. March i: U I-i-Moii;».cr:» whl'n debatL- on the hill i« rraum cd I*’' 1<-K "Inlure «crvr,lin the ncnate. Ju .il when Ihu t willinoUce today Ibnl tla-y would «iop bo Sim wiui Indoflnlto today.

I IkvcU In C um m lltwI The hill pnB(ic<l iho hou«o Jum c- - Uurn a ni2 nthj^o._W M _broufiht

m iator.i. I..^nn.;|_.r..l,-.,______

;,M nolbliig which would fnclhtntn iflnl.ihln); u|> thn. 2!lnl ijcii ilon un

- e appointed ditlc, March 7 Wliilo rcpi-i;:'i:

T m n iiislaiedtM

{House M n it Ohoeae B etw een; Trro Rdvenuo M easures

H ow on Book s

New York, N orth D akota, O kla­homa, Oreoon, V erm ont. W.iflh- InQton and Hawaii allotm ents

-w cre.hsid .up .________ _________

i/iu-o in co:«,mttoo nncracte r a ,«ch ..pcnUcr o .......... . . . . ConihliRMl wlth tliu .wofk ofthe commlttcc by m lm ini.itratlon ..flKUnR ccimmlttce." which will

lcmlcr.1. ^ ^ r e p o r t out'ihone hiliii whicli rcquiroJ li , ” ^ -nc llon ,Jh l‘_upppr_hoiine_i'XpcctH_tii__

, . --------- .thOT-fmanclng-Bcncdmo-. ga tncrcdr „jf.,Vork nhm-oTtler.W AqHiNGTON M arch 2 (LM’i__ suppo rt from both DcmocraUi and, . . ’ . , .....................

“atlon-'s 21.000.000 needy by tcm -lrcady to be offered. One would pro-, AU of |i,r^.,,ew hUln^ l ^ ^pornrlly w ithholding unemploy-ipoiie tho mon.'.ure be amended to

Litui and Soutli D akota—wcro g lvcnniu li the .icnnto w ith a lU t of po*. w n nSnravM bvenough cash to care fo r th e ir rc-!«iblo now taxon th a t m l«ht bo In-, C ! n L n f a u r t - ? •- :l[cf.rolIn;pnljir^unUI^M«rc to provide tho w ork.rcyef;^^^|!^;j'"^-,,,^‘| “^^

, BOISE, M arch 2 CP.i—Revenue WDCpmiW^OOtcdTipQnMn-^thc,■,houa« of.reprcseotaU vea .Tuesday,,: S ‘ f lS i^ e n '} ^ a id " ta x a t tS S 'M m ^ cxpectcd today f ro m li^ r ' bill c a r d in g , tho M c&i^ran'

I lh e .s 80,000,000..tm njiferred to the ,pr„vnning wnRo am endm ent, con-

l i 'C f f a r - .Tliero a rc tiow tw o revenue plans.

hlch require I t refers

h alf of the m onth depended on ftc-i Confrcn W ith O tlefn 'm prt“ of “f illip fccV'for'^candidAtcii-tio n -n f ,U icliLJecl.H aturcs_ln_aE4.-j»rcaklenLRooaevclu.w bo,waa.rc--;?"‘ ." of_filing fcen ro r c a n d iw i^....v...iniin^_nioro-fuiuis...--------------lpr«eonted-byS<ia^Cartcr-C lM a.-D .,;

relief Rranta to o th « |V a .. an cortolo to veto a w ork-ro-j”

by th e senate. I t had b e e n jja M c d _ h y 'ih b senate 'early in the session

iNumcrous conferences during thelt,u(- governl defects w ere dlscov* - !-iS hours since tho Prc-ildcnt re-lcred which required t h e ‘om en^-'

_plan a n d .tha

y o ln (in )natncsr1n-1hc-ittttcr-T he |^55ay-^nir-itfa ivm aaI-T cm m nunl-rl":t7 t°5"i5~ rr^n^ '^^^

jR evolutibiiary 'O oneral Strikbj Loomji os lA b o f F ederation

• O rd c r rV f t lK o u t

'-O y -t-A W R E N C e-8 ."H A A 3 -----•H A V A N A ,.M arch '2 .(OCi-Ziro

hour for a decisive te s t of the gov- em m ent'n -strength drcw.-.aeop. to-


...A -b lU .a .n lso-ln-..thcJiousfi.p rO i!,n -jj,is7 ,000 ,2C 2in-tho21 .m Q aU ui «;os!9.S,-w°rK. Trojects]vldlng fo r. tho tran s fe r o f .g a a , ta x iu “ has been in opcraUon. w here la b o r could no.t bo o ttm c te d

. . . . . . . . ......................... -j.jpp,5jn3 .,,ao ifuiloted th a t Min- from private entcrprwc*.neso ta ralno 510,000,000 a year, - M c C a r ^ Bloc F in n

d -.p .

5300,000 a m onth, and Idaho 5100,- dUcuss tho p roposat-- • ; . ‘ On tho other hand, on offe r byPROBE4SKEO-

W arns.V cn lirlo s * - ■, !.T*al^laris•^notIflo^I-tho.,.form er Ipromlar. th a t. ho>liolds. him (Venl- jzelos) -responsible In even t ho joins-------------- Indicating^ th a t- th e

n o t y e t convincedresponsible.

Tho'prem ier, a lso -sa id . th e ; em m ent wolild ba ttle the. rebel

‘tho lost ditch; - • ';-Exlkrd Gen. Nicholas'-Plastlraff, allfgftl

L atM riCoafcdem tloa; to be- ready ■ •. a general s trllte. . _____ , .

.Inicrurbon • frtlgHtrttEffrenj^aW w^**, nounced a atriko a t.m ld n lg h tn fle r ' Uiclr rejeclton . of .a government cam prD m lao.oa.dm andJfor..K U cr.

Tho '^ Iro aU .brotherhood of the United Rallwaya issued a manlfefl-

s “reaily .to act."i_EQ rcei_

. . .— •nald-bn-rcllable authority th a t tha'A BC rovoluUonan' pa rty and*Tlam oh’ 'CrMi 'Snij 'M ftrtln’ii “A ullien tlc 'tlepub lld in” party, blt- , t e t enemies, h a d . (tgrecd^tocojopr e ro ic In on. e ffo rt to reap ndvan- tnge from a possible strlkb.I .T h ese , parties .fcor th a t a gcn-J e n l-s trik e ’would be .not only revo^l lutionory but Communistic. Tliercl also Is. th e pro/ipcct th a t one.ofi them , or^h'e-tvi-o together, m lpht|

I O ? B R E A K S O y l

|dcn t M cndleta.' replaced, .has .. nounced m ipporfo f-the students.

Col. Pulgcnclo BatLitn, a rm y chief of'Btafr. w as th e ro a r central figure. Ho p u tC ra u San M artin In. o fflcoby .n 'coup ,'and then .deposed him when ho. seemed to bo losing p res t ig e ...r-.Tlicro ha i been 'no sign Ih a tB a . ilIsU Is not wholly behind Men- ,dicta. _ . . . . „ . . . .

SANJTRANCISCO, M arch 2 O l ; ^ D ocking.,,nf thC -G ennna^lnnvy:

longohorcm cni'"d 'li'alM m r ]o&k4 £d protest N azi tactics, a n d -a .fls l' figh t between civilians o n d ''1o ^ - s h o r o m e n . ^ ,i . ■ - • ...'CnSw aing'tbe buikhead"betw eet, tho .p lors a s .th o c ruiser nosed ttsi way tow ard tho dock wer« 40 long-1 shoremen.:.booing' lou d ly ,.an d l&OlelvlUaas—mdsU--------- -----------German co lony-------.------------------- ,tw o' dvlllotuf w ere knocked.'doffn.' Thein a ssailan t w as up turccL

jFugitiye Convict*' Kidnap Physician

fwo d tjn srrf^IU M frdide,-O U tf.

r " ALBION’ C H O iC ^ .W A8H INO TO N . H a tc h 2 (Bpe- lal>—0 .-W orth :c iark .......... .......... '

. ARAPAHO,.OW a., M a rc h a taci T h tee ' G ran ite .le fo rm ato ry tug1>

_____ _______ _ . lives w l s e d J J r ^ J ^ - L M r t s i l j t e t stbere briefly, a n d th m f ly M Uth to and lila.ftutomobUo a t Leedey tb- mamU'r^Tbe p U ^ w c re L flow n e a s t day. and X tod-witliJilm u isJiostege.


m u i-t^ ev e < t to 'lnclude kU loy - *T>2d7 - rKlykendaU.. ' Dale StnopWU a n d W . L . B a k er ,.jr .; H)e;fugilives IdenUflcd In th e rob­bery of a |w nk jit'SeU lnx W ednes-

_____ ' ....A c lio n ..o r Relief. A d m ln lH ^ to r ; j y ^ j^ ( ^ ^ _ ^ j j ^ ^ ^ ^ lo .4 I y d e .„ tn t . - I t -p r o ^ e « - th a t-a o employ-.r« T !^ «o5f?w orevenuenlanflli*” ^ ^ > - b ro u g h f offers -o f j i r m ust pay to th e s ta te Industrial-.

ifundn fo r octtlcm ent from both sides, b u t n oW cldcn t board Uic su m of 51.000 In

•privllego’i t

,'Tho-. aam lnU tm tlon'.* plao-.n *hleh -no ola lm .ls ..m atla .within.&

. A pprove <iTdlTr“A th ird meajture, H B 123 • as

nmfmtivi, ~rn.ingd a fte r somc :op- poslUott. wan. beaten . d o w n llirp rcM ,,. v ldes for. s ta te a u d it of. municipal : books biennially. .The voto w as 2 i ,;to :l8,''srt>lch-8com ed .to ' b e ' f l n a t --------"t Ias no indicated ac tion fo r reeoo*- slderatlon-w as m a d e .................

Tho th ree s ta te s havo comblricd;McCa“rrftn to ' add", ano lher poni T lie b ill would' se t u p - a - s l a t * - -i s i i - o r i s -

.jpiit-n»onthb-janilnga.of.nny:i»er:!“ji^ .-u;::^ ji^ .t^ :3-i..to :j2 ..:< rboby ■ tho President in advance o r . c j ' j b y t rpipilated by the P resident a t (my| _ ®

voto of 30 to 4 . '

- -. —N77<;.T-ilarth-SrMrfl.— ;U 'n i-:-D ea th -o f .Mrs.^-.H._Dra_dicy| Q f Q o u n ty jP rog ram , G ivesDavldaan;jr.^tatlcc.hotcl.h^lre5fl;-wajflurhjuflaed-"by'vcry-im8ptct- .oua.clrcum atances,”- Bollcltor_Ro; land Pructt.siU d-today In.annouac- ,lng he.would,IrisVit u p o n ,...........

=T7p 'P o 5ltion'

\ .bride

------ , M rs. Bula C. Malone, ,-Twh.- th o r- Fajifl d irec to r of w omen’s ..lERAj--------- iw ork -In -T w in F jjIIs-county .-thU lo t‘ tw o.afternoon annouiiccil h e r res

im ontha.-w os found- dead In h e r | t :autum6bllo W ^ c s d a y m bm lng, | ap paren t vic tim ' 6f."carbon ' m on- j axlcfe polsoalag..T2i« so licito r h o s ir ha lted a co ro n c rt inquest bow>ipo8ltlons w lth 'p e rso n s .a lre a d y <

,ev er.:nnd w lll-nuestloa. relotlvcs,)rcllcf. and also tscnm nta .aad frlcnds.T O eM ay.---i--tfoeiw ojnontbB a"

, could, bo employed .afprevoU -i ing w agea b u t employcd only fo r e irafflelent-tlmn to -bring tbelr-<iam- Inga to .w ha tcvc r to ta l the admln- iatffttlon fc lt..w as.neccs*ary ..aa - irellef measure.■ The prcviilllng w age omendment w as.odoptcd In thb 'oehato on-Feb.

Treasury-H eads-W ot A la m e d — B7 Dip O f f e r in g .^ c a t to ” ' '

American Price* -. ..

iiconaldereil tho bill and congresalon- •

mitlcd.nulclda,'' P ru e tt nald. “C er-ilgnatlon to M rs. U e la Cly, Boise, Istrutlon before tak ing up the bll tain o th e r polnbi'elim lnate ' the' nc- d irec tor o f th o w om en'n .w ork, hav-jngaln. cldent-theory. There a ro v«ry su s- Ing occupied the position of on as-! piclous circumstances In conn’e c - s ta ta n t to 'th o s ta te 'd ir e c to r . She tlon w ith her death; i ... . .: said: she ..was.-.ln .sym pa lh j- w ith

• ■ tho Ideal o f tho governor In chang- iOR tho odi&inlstratlOQ nen onael to . t^ose on relief.

not try ing to p in m urden on hny one, bu t there a re so m any I puK llng things about .this case ' th a t l a m going to Insist upon - thorough .Investigation."

^ G r a n ^ m Q f h e r - ^ r i e s - - H o l d u p - t o .— i F e e d 3 . T o f s r z y i c t t n T i R ^ ^ i i t s :

inoyancei.' . . , . Receives P ralto


RAW TlTirn f t- V i ir r h 1 ptPI—X .^ y - h o l r e d oM ^rnan ,*w lU - lisg 'to rob.rftU jcr 'IK aa 'scc 'hW ' grondcfilldrea g o .h M g ry ,- to-.';

ip a g r o c e r y . - ■. M r« .T ;L o u i» o Knappa, .<50,----------------- T .'B .'-PcrW ai-gn):

•.from the stats';«llh th 'afood^d ;.the baiijr;under hof-ano."" .' ' t*: P8rWniV.cUle<t E oll* .. 'wb.o, 'a f te r abort t o

______l i g , ”. She , to ld officer*. ,J l e r . daugbler, the .'ch lltl«n 's-< '

-mother, is dead, and th e father.

P e a r l . H arb o r,. Havm ll.'... H la m onthly remlttanefo check- h a d n o tn j^ v e d th is week, she sold.

- S v thfr-baby and-tw o older-ehll> dreif w in t- hungry. ■ ■ *

‘.'TalM w h a t, y o a ..w ant. and. pay m e -la te r ,!b u t d o n 't scare m o 'to .death again." sa id P e r ; klns.>w bb accom panied {mUcq

.to .tba .hnB ir-. .. . - . -------tL-, 'L a te r th e g io e e r , .w ith tbe a id ,

surod her agaln-'she .coujd get ■w^at'khe-seeded'tor- tho chU'T- dfeti from him .' _ ■ .T . 'i.' v'XioUeo Mid that Perldni asked •Lbem. to -forget-theyrbad-beeB - eslledtflndleatbu;.be would.jiot’

reportedly n London.

8pecuIat-.‘;-{ T 7 sw ithdrew l a r ^ sum s ■


lonsiblllty a s w hen she was 1. and In^addltlon had m any

lE RA- -'women 's direc tor fo r the papl ycar;-an in> e ia 'tli0'Baifl0-p 0W--

,iloa -under th e CV^A, b u t .w ithout p a y In' th e la tte r position. 8ho

land h e r associates In th e w ork Iheive-recriTOd^hlgh-commendatlor [for tb e lr e ffo rts du ring tb e ti^icm-

n^-eniergeney. . ludlng h e r- le t te r o£ resjg*,r_ or..—,

■My work lor you for the past year h u been' pleasant.„You. have m ade'a-rcal conlribuUoa to the welfare of the women of .'.Idaho and-1 am glad ta.haye bad a part: Will yeu-^eaae rel!e\-e------* -----

Siam’s King Drafts “ ■^Ab'diwitibintett^r-LONDON,- Match 2 -nLE)-^K(ngw io d 5 ^ i t j a r i f c i i « t t « - “ ........ -0 d rsftln r hi>' letUr. of

la> rulsr wf -81a ia ;^ o a K L ______

Ho - haa r bM »^tbreateniarr<or

E O M »and 200 m en from Rhodesla tvnfll' *Tavs tc-'^py sr*!*gh*i T **' y wife o f . G overnor S ir H ubert Voung, who b i ts ' been ' ihlsstng slneo 8 a . m . T hu rsday a f te r ledv-

U vlngstone by a irp lan e ...w o ..h u n d red , soldiers - . u . . .

ready to a ss is t' In tb e search of th a w ild country . :, Ladv Voung, a w ell know n avia- tOi r w tf .T »n5 tre g ^ tb c :pUiine; W r <or6 .he r m arriage -she. w n s 'M > > g n re t'R o sa '.tiey n o ld s of, Dorches- te r,- 'E p ^ y a d . . 1. ~ . . ..


aOI.t.TW OOD,. Q a ; 'M ir c h a- mei..:iKBy .F zanels,' <hriea' mar>.'

: X l “m o t i C T c l i w 's T i r 7 l « i y - ■denied riunors'ah« and M aurice ^ O i ^ l e r , -F reoch -actten '-ac ta tr

, W ASH IN CTO N ,.M arch 2 tlU iir- G overnment fiscal aiithbrlUcFicUQ* Ined w ithout com m ent today 'cab les Ifrom Europe te l lb g of .n e w d is-.

,-,tu rbances-in tho . w orld, financialTmark'cW.toUched-ormyxtJarpUS^ ^tcllno In tlie .B ritish pound sterling.,

P u rsu in g - th e lr -u su a l, po licy-of, silence regarding- m ovem ents' ia w orld money marl<ew, treasury of­ficials w ere non*commlthlr a s to L o n d o n ^ d -P a r is r fln a a c la l d e v e t- opments.—------- M sr lli t 'U rS .-P r ie o i— :— -

Last- im lhiiter fo re ign exchange IquotatloDs w ere 'riuhed ^ 'tn u u ry^

'"aW--ttfT>«TiJIW——'r '« t te re wlH -bsao^Yama anen ts far .taeiT the a e t ^ said.

, •Xboperi-wlU atala^be-tharrted. -wUIe l ain In platurca.'rBut who-i'. w ' t e u r - ' , - —

cava lie r wa>aUent. '.-"N-.i,;.

expr^rU In' order that the U nited \ S ta te s -m lg h t m ap » program to deal-iir ith the.„'rapldly, d e c I lB ^ : / ! wund.- The. decline , may. have .a ,;„ leflatlonaiy "effect ■•oa'>Amerir— •

^Tbi^aew aeclins In t t a jbuad liJK-iFd ay .J >:tbaiDeafs. depreclatlpa of tUs '- in dollar-, Treasuiy=twtflcltl« J alarm ant; the' ne«r:JS veldpments.;They'p-'

__world riniwfJsi: au rk 8» - p

Page 2: IWIONBIJlGr lEHf-M Balanced Budget OAHO’SfiTE- …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '• P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w Bjr Administration-----Currency-JnflftUcm-prop

r r

- I D A J g Q - E V E N I N G T T M F S , T W n > J F A T .T .S . m A T T O ■ -S n tn rd fly . :vrnrch 2 . 1!).15

-IIERMIABORN om tidic F arm W ork ers B ring

N ew C risis to Om inous S a it R iver A rea

_„tConlinued From Pneo One)' vftiKlaJlnm, illroclod n t Japtmci

nniJ llUiiUi fnrm cra <lurlnf; Uie liu nU m on th ', th a t have left the popwlncc • In no moo»I to tolerate ru rth c r clLnturbnnces.

. IhHiJy for Conflict DUI ihc Icltucfl w orkcra nr«

m ore prtrneil for_confljct t h ^ cv^ e r before. T h-y nrc liiovinK unHer the baiiner o f th e Ajnerlcnn I-'eil- r r nti.m <if L abor In fl'^clrcilit Of

Lodge, Will M eet NelRlibom of W ooJcm ft IdiiRe

will m eet Monday n t 8 p. m. o t the Oda Fellow s' hatl.

IT to U o lio . ■■ ■■M rs. N ora'D iUilfltrom . anil l lro .

Opal M nrtln" nnd chllctren will npcnil Ihc wceli-cnd In Qoine.

Guanllmifl AiuwclaUon of CumpIre will m eet Mom............................

thq.W nnhin[;ton nchi

violenco th iit /lU irted 'la /ii Inll" In3 iiuimau-v

U In IX nln inge country for - f ile t—«no of .110 rlchcat fiirmlnj; —reg tonfi ln-the-worlil,-13,000-ncroH

o f fertile laniJ fctl. ..v thn larroflt fo rm Irrigation ny-itvni In cxLit'

ia tem n l otrlfe th a t Juin be- ne t the S a lt H ver.vo lley U ever

' morb nJirniflcImt Ihiin tRFealfl' of Jdbor conflict nrLninp o u t of the ncaaonal Immlffrotlon, I t eoncemif

llvtnp.T « o Allen BHIi.

T here n rc tw o bllla before the Icfiialaturc. O ne,' In

' *hip. the rlR ht to do nnylhlni;.— jn o i« -U » n U vo^ln_:A rlrom i^____--------- ja ia-blll-to-ln 'O om m iltoe,-ro<nly

for-'rcadlnfr and haa been rtcom - ' niojiaed fo r paMogc.

; I n IhB houflo Another menaure— HK^elcd o fto r th e CaUfomla alien

____ inw —U -bcforo-tiw -judlciary-CQ in-m lR eV The pubJlc-nmdfl-commit*

e reported i t o u t w ithout recom­m endation.


_______S b o u U .a th e r- hiU-bccomo.law. Uwill mean BCorc« o t Jnpancae fnm- Uiea wiU be fo rc ed ‘ to leave p\e. valley*

Thcnd nieiumrefl 'o r a 'a n out-' . CTOwth of a oeriea of bomblnCT.

____ relKna of . te rro r nml. vandnijnm. dl-rectcil a t Jnpajieno nad Hindu fnrm cra the pnat a lx m cntha. Dur-

lU isa :tiona l n itu ttlon betw een tho Unlt-

______ ^ - S tn te a K ovcm m ont-nnd-Jnpaa-•Arlionn wnn criU clied - i n ' Jiipaaeao houoc of pceru. •

______; ___ :lA uU iotm oi.U m vorrlr}l_ :___j-------- -ln-npJtc-of-lhc<io-U >r«aU ^IU icr,

Arlsonn nor M aricopa 'coun ty ou-. thoritlea nro worried. Aa f a r aa the

■ Btnte povem or doeani_ dO -iV llhj^fprM ;

mt-ni of tho law untU renutfliei Uie flheriff.” Governor M oeur t nddinc: "T hat'a a ll I lu(vc to fx ro n t th n t we 're n o t ROinR to hol-

. .]crM ;^tll we’v n g a i m m T— ■ ■■ S h e riff. M Cradtlen ia a quiet

--------- spo ltcnrtyj-lc«l-w catem -M aco;^of*flee r who w ea rs -a Urn Knllon hat. chcwa a alub o f d s a r nnd rcfuaca

-------- to becomo .-cx c lte d - o v e r- la b o r■ troublca 'of;- aiiy:1rtnd.-:Hc- wlwced

hlfl 218 pound* in hla chair, niul amllcd when naked how he 1« plan-

— - „ in p - to - w e lc o m « - m lU ta n t^ l » i into the SaH river valley.

w m r ro to c t r ro p e r ty■' I f the"«ilpperB w a n t _ ... . -

tho .leltuce crop thU le ttuce crop w ill move." ho "Wo d o n 't w o rry a 'w u t la w r

„ ’X. >u»m iuid_tt»lfl de* • iTaxtment ne v er taJcea afdea laTmcJi

diaputca. “ ■ tlie 'p i

' u i S ^ ' t w a n i 'to w ork they cim - g o -b a c k to-Caltfom ia.'.’A— -— -

Uon, feela the Bftmo way. n o t f o r e s t any -Uprlslntr- pu lea llUe thooc th a t m arked the im p eria l vaUey barveat.

------j nilooclAtlon•a id th e Japanese 1

. w ould no t .•bccomo.._ln; Inbor trouble*.

A ritona, ipulfttk>n lived In


‘~ - r - - ( t n i—H d ff a r c o m p a ^ - lw t ^ I K ^ ------- n ircM crrno to—to p — tc h e ro -^ tU w ,/ - >. --- bullc'.'JJJSa-to-4W »;. llsbt*liL'hU »»

• {-to J 0 2 5 : w eek'a high *0.70: local ’ t c i f truelc-ina J8.23 to S8.76, few

J8.83 packing aowa 50.70 to »7.00.C a ttle: com pared Jo a t. F riday;

s teady to a trong . Load 072 lb. In- termounUUn ateera, 50-05 top ; Rood lonp fed* abaeat. under 1030 lb. quoted 50.75 o r above: load P78 lb. a h o rt fed ateera 50.30. few 50.23; abou t 180 hettd roed. 800 to -1000 Iba. 50.00; th ree loada nnd aeveml

• • lota med. 58.30 to 58.73, com. 55 60 to 57.23; odd med. hcifcra 57.00; rood young sange cown qustabli; 57.00; med. ranRc-cowa 55.30.50,30; cood bulls 53.75. cutter-m ed. 53.23, 10 55.00. Today: nclive, Dbarply hlgl ' ...........................long-fed I d a h o ' s t e e r a 510.60 s tr a ig h t; low -cuttcr-m ed. cowa 53to 56.00. ...........

Calvca; com pared la a t .FriaayL fu lly :s tea d y to strong ; odd good 230 to 289 Iba. 57.00. com.-med. 53

-.-to-»6;W !-good-oboica «ntlrr,.200_lb.. veaicro eliRlble 50.00, few plain

mn0-55.C0.TT0dayr35rlcw-veal'era 58.30; calvca 55,30.

Sbeep: com pared laat Friaay: iam ba dull, b e tte r g rad ta very acarce, 25c lower; com.-me<l. un­evenly 50 to 75c lower: mnlure cloitaes olao low er; meU.-good 74 to 84 lb. fed woble^t lam ba 57.23 to 57.75, la tter--taitT cm e- top -late; com.-m ed. 5 0 J 5 , to 50-30, aorted; good 130 lb. wooled - ewes _5U 5,

- c o ^ 53J30;.:-; -

— ■'AltlibUfib” 8everal'bU ndrcd-i f/irth «> unnth th an Rio do Janeiro, ValparaUo, Chile, la cloaer to N —- Y ork than l a th e fo rm er city.

KewEL in Briefll«a<l«rn ot tti* RvtnlnR TImok

«r« Irivlled to eenlrlbut* br- ' n«w« llEma to Ihii <ltp*r1minl tliA by Itifphon^ Th* bu Gie-SENTEiE

M oderate P cn iilty tn p o s c d on T en Persona Ooi^vloted

Of O onspiracy

Would M ovo.ltiilldlng - P erm it to move n H x lS jlru ctn rc

ihnn been iiiijilW -fo r SI Uiu clly;

OKLAHOMA CITY, M areh Judge Bdgn r 6. Vnu g h t of

federal d la trict court today aent- cnccd 10diUoufl conaplmcy,” commenting th n t the re wnn concerted .'action .lhroui;liout the country to capital

c-<m humnn. dlatfcaa.Tho ten wcro convicted In con'

nectlon w ith an n ttem pl to slorm hr-K BR A ■ ' ■

.•uiiier atrect, Soulh I’ark .

WUia Leld Schcriipp iiml Robert Miller, Twin Falla w.-ro niiirrlo-i by Jiiilgc CluyT. Swope yeatenlny nf' temoon.

A lthouKh.the Judge rcfuncd pew [tFimjirTt<nmpcni;(l~m[«Smto"8njt^ Ivnrcn ami nominal flnea, compared

... uim ixlm um -provided-l^the

Ceorgu Wiacman, Scuttle, la n t thc-hoiiiQ (if.bla-puruntJi.-M r. un<I Mrfl, Charlea Wijicman, lliinngn, for

Inilefinlte vinit.

On clinrxrn' of drunkcnncM , re- aiming on officer nnd- flghlln}', Woodrow Ilichnrdflon, 20 Caatle- ford. ploaxled guUly before Ju.itlce n . M. Holler hero yealeirlay and

acntcnccd . to , acrvo. 00 days Ue-county^atlH?om jil«lnt-wnn Ti lo by Sheriff E. F. Prnlcr.

M ra.' l la r th n ISvcrett hoa been grtuitod a,(iccr<’e of divorce from H erbert E verett, following hear­ing before Judge Alam 11. B ar­ela y.la.dlalricl-^urt.-J*ialiillfX.. won rcprcicnted b y ' Uiu 'lu w 'f lrm ’of ttaybom & Ilaybom .

A t Tho U oiplta i ■•A. D. Nye, Tvvln Fnlla, nnd Mian

A lm a Bxoter, Twin Falln, were ud- tiiUted to tho honpllnl to undergo opemUono. Mra. Fred H uft, Twin jra ]u ,-w a a a d m ltte d -fo r -modical treatm ent. Carl Durfee, Carey, wnn dismlMcd n fte r receiving mcdlcal tren tm en t and Mra.- S. C. Vi Uurcn, Tft-in Fnlla. .following i operation.

imt. V Inti im.l fltii-given itontcncen of one year nnd ..

i>l flnciI.JlOO. T w oycar.acat- nnd flnca of 510,000

po-K,‘ilble.Thomaa Pleriton. form er Minne-

ijiw i^’niHiIstoc-'.wIioi-K-ad-iuuorfE thono conylctcd. w aa pnrolcd.


H . B. -NO..40—Amending Uie Ida- ho codo in-TPti!t!on to paying of bondn nnd coupons.

II. B. No. OU^Lowerlng am ountomni:utanc(rn:ounty:^iiutii(it=Tlr6in.uirtOico companlei] m ust linvo"in force In order to aprend into add!' tlonnl coimticn,• H. B. No. 73—Providing U iat Iht iinnunl county tnx levy fo r 'w a r ­ra n t redem ption purpoaea ahall be u.ieil to redeem w nrrnnla laaiied

iprlor to tho second -Jnnunry o t the lyen'r ln which tho levy bi made.. IT. D. No. 81 — Moving four Llocltn of land outaido Uio city Ilm iU of iloL-ic.

n . « . No. 04—]

J)crfl_cf_Uic_.Radlo_Spcccli_clniui next weelft The f irs t w ill bo “L lt- lie Ifcn " to oo over ulatlon KECA Monday .n t 6:15 p. m„ MST. The otbor.'-utliL..bo'~broadcaat_ovcr_atii- U on-lCNX-W cdncaday-'at-fl-p—nwl MST. I t ia titled "My I-ndy of Uic' Chimney Comcy."

Jtim bcrlyiO Io1d»zJln1rn!rzrrr^Tho revival mcelingn conducted

a t tlio Kimberly church ,o f -the le by Rev. nnd Mra. I lap -’ ‘, W ichita Fnlla,. Tex., i

lD"th6"BpeClal mU/il'c~prOvI(Ied . Rev. nnd Mra. H art. T he aervlcea nre condiicUd every evening, n t 7:4p nnd will continue throughout the week. Servicca tom orrow will bo held a t 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m . Rev. Theodoro M artin, pnator^ in- ■vltca-tbo-TmWlc-to-nttend;------------

of nuUiorizlng nn<l_pnying. fo r provemcnta In drainage dlntricta., H . B. No. 05 — Perm itting any

cnuaty_o£fic«rft-t<v-<lcponlt-fundfl-in hln tr u s t In banltu or trust

^ f i:^ r N o r io a = F iin n { fn i^ ^im om dyn '“ foea"fo r acrvlces per­form ed in probating cfilntcu.

II. B. No.^ 309—Including notca and bond.i rela ting to the nationnl

S e a l E sta te T ransfers "

Inform ation Pum lsbed by X ntem onntoltt.Title Q u artm ty -

D ced: A- J^ P?avey to T. Hoa- kins, 51i-lot 8 block 00 Twin Fnita. —D eed; ‘ El—F.—Prater,—alnrlff—1<> Oregon U utunl Life Ina. Co.., 51,- 241.13, W«4SW 20 10 17.“ Deeds A . Rce>-ea, truatc« ta O e m SU it«-O il-C0..-53.600._l0ta.27. 28 block 8« Twin Folia.

I> e^ : h. A. Reeves to Gem S ta te O irco :,, 510, lota 27, 48, block 84 Tw in Falla.

Deed: D. L. Rccvea to Gem S tate Oil Co.. 510, lola 27, 28, block 84 Tw in Falls, ■

Deed:, J . L. Rccvea to Gem S tate Oil Co.. 510, loU 27, 28, block 84 TR'ln Falla.3 D e c d :i^ .v E .-f t.- :H a rd y to Gem 3tBlcJ3il.Co., 5l0.JQta 27..2a,.b)ock' 84.-Twla Falla. ' ------

Leaae: W. Schcnek to The T exas Co., loU 1. 2, block 101 Tw.-in Falla.

Deed: R . W. Scott lo T w in Falla Cem etery Anan., 51. lo t 8, block 44 Twin Falla Cemetcrx.

Deed: J . F . K rai' to W . G raham , 51. N W N E 30 0 15.

Deed: D. A. Stan ley lo N . E . Sm ith, 53.420, SE S E 3 11 18.

Deed: E. Brmvn to P . Wllllnma, 51, lo t 10 block 40 Tw in Fnlla. .

Deed: E . L. Patrielc, cxecutor to F . Williama, 51,315, lot 10 block 40 Tw ia Folia.


IDAHO FALLS, M arch 2 (U S D A )—JFridayquolntlona; Idaho up- jw r valley, too few salea reported to quote. Tvrln Falla-Burley aec« tlon Ruaaets growers aalca bulk

cw U ^ T Ive ia“waW iroW o-ars; . J 's . 43 to 30 cents. U. S.-No. 2 'a 17i{i to 20 centa.

a ilC A G O 1'OTATOE.S CHIQAGO, M arch 2 (UJ:)-Pota-

toea: a rriva ls 60,. on tracks 240; icnts 080.-^

___alock: aupply m oderate; de^m a n d -tra d ln g -m o d era te ;- m nrliet steady; Wlsconain Round W hitea inte aalea F riday 76 centa. no aalca reported today; .-.uneUiahlfled^ W c en ts; - Id ah o -R u a se ta - 51.40' to $1.47M ;-few.-*1.00,‘one -c« r IB-lbr sacks 51.05 p e r hundredw eight.

N ew jitock: suppIy m odem le; de­mand an d . trad ing llgh tj m a rk e t

■ • • :ra Florida TVlumpha


nniccd ^y 'tK tM :^cuir Staten, to bo uncd aa accurity for public tlc-ponltfl.

TT P Mn 91'>--rtvtngnunl-»o lioo l-m eetinp~ ln -cm tm on n n d - lo ln t common dlatrlcta to be hold on tlio third S a turday In M arch Inalcnd of tho third Satur- ^ li» A pril.------------

crcatlo riT2TI=-FrbvldIH(



H o g a n W ill B cauino A ttac l- _ M 6 n d a y on O o vem m on t

T(lz d b o rg ea

F re d M acM urray nnd Claudette Colbert In a scene from the K ny-rom antlc-com e^,-“T he OlWed U ly,"-w hlcb-op*ns au engjig^-' m en t a t th e Orpbeum Uieater tomorrow. ToBlgbt fo r tho-lnat timed th o fMnoua SInger'n Midget bw id U being pn-M nted 'on th e Orpho-

_utn_fltitgo Inztho .W orld's a ''a lr.M idK ct. nvU Q .nnd . o n - tb c .a c re c n - -K I«» rdo -O orter-nnd-V lrg ln l(»-nruco-nr«-fe« tur«< ‘« n -"S h ^ o w -

D oubt,”


P IT X aB tm C H .. M arch 12 nini-_ Counael fo r tho federal goven m ent and fo r Andrew W. Meilc took advantage today of a wecl- cnd receae to a tre n g tie n thel- claim s ngninat each o ther lavolv Ing-M ollen'a-aoSi-tacomo t o j i e a — , Tho governm ent w anbi Mellon t ' »ay it- 53,000,000 including pena.’ U u , In addlUoa to tba more tha-l« K r ,o o c n n n u rc a a 5n ia a - p a i a ~ o rhla 1031 Incomc. Mellon, on th ' otbor-biui<J,-olalhia;ho-«vorpald hli- •ue fo r th a t w a r , and ia »eekin£

-5130,000 tx:And.--------------------•inrd.-xway:

..cu icu u reo u y uiM Ateiion re- ■ ^ueed-hls*personal- w calth from :--'.bouf 5200.W)0,000 oa'Dec."iri03l '

'.0 507,000,000 within tho next 2(T laya b^ow cioaing hla hookaIncOTc^^n? savo about 580,000^00't6~tlw Co: nleaccd company, ovraed -by hla two children, over which tb — cmracnt.iaaintaIn8_McllQn. rt

F ra n k X H o g u . Mcllbn's coun- "®'.-WM_^«P«ctcd to rcaumo Mon­day ro-dlrcct exam ination of How ard M. Johnaoo, Uie banker'a confidential a e c re ta ^ . Tho gov- e m m ea t finished cross-oxainlnlng h lm -yeatcn lay -a fter;six daya^dor* ingh w hlc l»-ho 'to ld Tuony of the focta-tho-M cUon.romlly4ia#. g u a rd . cd fo r-y r— , -

Ing n t tho govem rocn fj cliargen. Ho pointed ou t th a t Mellbanlc cor- pom du ii — u. M elloirholding-cdm rpnny w hich coatrola 10 Plttaburgh dlntrict banka— haa never paid dividends. T lia t w as to counteraol the govem m cnt's. Intimation from ito disclosures th a t Meiibank in­creased Ita holdingn In thdao ban lu during the depreaalon.. .H e olao Dhowcd— to re fu te ,th e governm ent's clmrgc th a t Mcllon'n ta x loaa c laim s-w ere illegal—th a t his ta x o ttom cya wcro careful no ' to claim loasen on Niagam-Hud-!

Bon and United corporation atfrek jialca, nlthough they wcro. conaidemble, because .ho bought m ore atock .,in cncli concern ■a-lthlnJlO -dnys.._______________

— Vlclor1tToore-Bnd-Allco-Whlte;:ln-“G ift-«rf;^ol>A iu*U tw o.of-tb^- a tnni u p ^ r l n g In the picturo In whicli SO s to n of radio, s c m n und ntage nre featured u t Joc-K 's Itoxy th e a te r tom orrow . John Wuyno in "T bo B tar I'ucUer" closes tonight.

SC IEN fKH S TRrilling^ale atIdaho Tomorrow

John PreaUm aa M orton of Tlie ‘MmiiJt«d~ifi— "CDiirngff—o p -m ic

l7NorlIi;"*Ii"birriS“M10ttm-rer-tli(rtnat (/w!/iv. w ith "nviinm ltc," Oie


pltart)onr<!Bto supervlso c lly o r-c o u n ty hon- pltalu.; H . B. No.- 2T) ~ C reating the a tn te eilucatlonnl convention fund.

jr . B . 'No; 280—Fixing tho mcU«- od of determ ining high cchool tu|. tlon fOT* Tinn-ri.>ililpnt

jr . B . No. 00-i-rcrm itU ng judg- m en t n ^ i n a t th e w pam to prop^

F i t o S tars Sponsor F eatu re E v e n t a t San ta A n ito ’o

"M ovie D a y ”

tcro- In to 'c o n tru c ta for he r own be n efit

H . B . No. 280—Providing,for de- posit In IhOoihrtTika of fiindo In hands of the boa rd of con t tho B ^oo ' projec t o r a lm lln r 't

H . B. N o.-222—Providing

Irr lg a U o a jU a t r lc ta . . .^ _______11. B. No. 203—Amending law

re la tin g " to -B pprop ria tlo n ~ o f th epnblic~tvntm *or*tliiril4irc!

H . B. No. 287—Requiring Irri- gaUon dU tricta lo pby full am ount o r aellh iiU eh ftaxca -be fo re w ith ­d raw ing ,wat«r rlffbts-X rom-land,

H ; B. N o. - 200 — PermitUnK school diatricta to loaue bonda with a 40-j'car' ^ la lu rity .

(Copyright, 1035; U nited TrcM) ^H O L bY W O O D ,-M nrch-2-il'j;)— An ^ixodos from Hollywood irtart-e4_lodttX-aaJUm-BlaniJlmv.clcd_lo. S a n ta . A fllla .fo r."jnovlo :day :.',-a t tho raco trtick.

jVlUtougli motion picture actoro h a v o .p a t r r a i ie d th o t r to l i gcner-

y lliiuuj^xioesaiff^^efiaon, a t- anco today \\’ns heavier than

T he , f i lm . apoaoora . w ere ICay Fm nclo,‘ 'B o tto “ -Davla, Jo o ' E.- B tw n .,. Jo a n 3JondcU,- Dorr>-l Zonuck, A1 Jolaon, Cblco Marx,' Oharlca Butterw orlh, N orlne Grif­f ith ,.E dw ard G. Robinson, ArJine Judge. H ugb -H erbert and Lupc Volea.

A ll w ere prepared to back their nago flnanciolly aa woU ,n» vocally.

jtimcs Uxlay, w ith wonder homci nnd . king of dog^. Added th rills nnd fun=nro ''"R u »uerB .O f R ed-D og," No.- 2,- -a.-cnrlm >n,- novelly—und •'M ovlcloae," news w ith a person' ullty. ■ , ,

Tomorrow tho Idaho theatcr'.wlU present F re d M acM urray ' (Clau- dctto.Colbcrl'fl.flW cclheart In "The Gilded L ily") In "C ar 00." w ith Ann- Sheridan, S ir Guy -Stonding a n a -w n i iiim T r a w J c y r ^ f t ln o s t th riltingpic turo of th e selison, "Cor W 'i-brlng»-tho-whole.piilalng a tory of Uie-atato-pollce.-tho sw om -eae- mies of th o Dillinsera, Barrow a and "Baby-Faced'* Nelsona. - -

Added ccntertainm cnt o.n.Jomor* row'a program , a m'uaical "M uilc O v c rJ fa n h a tta n / ' a novelty "Coo Coo Newa,” and Mbyletohe ne^'a .

“Dividend Voted

aiW—A quarte rly dividend of 53.00 per abaro on common-atoUc pay* able' o n 'A ^ l 1 to stockholders, of record M arch 12, 1030, woa voted toflsy by d lpectorB-of = the 'C oco - Cola ■


N ichols Is Uic sla ter of W. I. Me- Fnrtnnd, Mra. M artha Turner,-Mrs., a D . Itequa, nuaaeil M c F a r* ........ -land, nil o f Twin Fnlla, nnd Mrw. Helena P.Mr.-SUJWell,-Bluckfoot. a f t S ^ -- -• realdent of.T w in Falla. She.la also survived by a brother, F rank Mc­Farland , . Plttabargh..vJ»a.,:-and - a daugbU r, E sthe r Lee.Nlchola.-.M r*. N ichols has violted in Twin Foils o ften and leavea many friends_hcrc._

shall rcccivc 55 a. day while p e r­form ing official duUea.

H. B. No. -303-----A uthorizing ; _ _ _ _ ^boards o f commiaalonera in draip- BILLS KILLEDago dlatrlcta to cancel, compromise ' • — ------------- , •■ “ !-7. extend. Umo Xor, p a w a ca to t.d e -

N et p ro fi t, of 512.312427.00,' »p- pilcftblo to common stock , w aa ro- ported aa 1034 earalnga. N e t ean ir ings in 1933 w ere 59,610,759.8(1.

D.- No.- 274—M oklng-mof th e Idaho na tlo so l gw K l eligi­ble to w orkm en's compenaatlo: su raace .

IN T lfE SEN A TE S. l3. No. 170—H equirlng

filing of a certifica te showing flow o f atrenmn for five yeara foro perm lU ore grnnted fo r Corey n e t projecta.

S . B. No. 160—P e rm itting direc- to ra o f drainage diatricta to cancel o r reduce delinquent asseaam ents w hen bonda have-been refunded by th e -U .- 8 .~ggvcT7iment ■ ' '

S . B. No. 100—ncqulring atnte, c ounty and m tm lcipal.offlccra to pny_lncom e.tax.

3 . B. No. 68 = ^ r tv !(3 1 n g '" fo r coded o f fa ir com petition—a ataUN RA a c t.- - ................

S . B. No. 1 6 0 — Providing for codes o f fa ir Competition In agri- c u ltu ra l proccasing Industrlea— en- tlUcd the Idaho ag ricu ltu ral ad-JasUtiViHra'cC--------------------------------

jr.- B. ts'o. 122-^C rantlng atrvlce disabled vetcrana of the World

M .-.ljy''w hich-counticB-mny w ith­draw from fa ir diatricta of two or

lOro countiea. Defeated, 1^ to .31. H . B. No. 148—Kegulatlng oper-

atlona o f-f re ig h t a ad passenger c arriers using the public high­w ays. I>efeated, 17 to 40.

H . B. No. 20&—Liccnaiag plumb­ers and pu tting them under tho ju risd ic tion ,o f tho departm ent at public welfare. Defeated, 13 to-33.-

II. B. No. 200—PrevcnUng m u­tu a l benefit oasoclaUons 'from twialirig policlea. Laid on the table. J l l L J L J t o - 145—Amending Ja w a rela ting to operation, maintenance im d.eaUblUhraenl of atorcs. WlUi- drauT).

8 . B. No. fil—A uthorising tbo votera of a certain portion of Bing­ham county to vote on nnhexalion lo Pow er county. Tabled.


r a 51000 exemption from t ,atlon.

W holesale value of cosmetics' lanufnctured In thla country In'

1020 approxim ated 5200,000,000; I Ihelr-retall-vftlue ii-na fixed otn«p»:

'p rcxlm alely 5376,000.000. _

B n y Tbo B « l 8 « d » l '‘LonchnrsVs'-IropnrvedT

llE U CLOVBIl HEED Jlest'y ield ,-beot color, bm l.need

^VUIutd L. L engbnrst . -, Bhelley, Idaho

Orlg1nalor-<3 rower


Oontral T o m s P a n n o n F ind H onoy In du stry F a cin g

■------------- 1 0 3 B B a it t - .

‘' T nM PL E .'T rac (UR>—Deekeepeni I fc e n t ra l Texan; who -havfc be- M>mo fam ous fo r Ibo h igh quality Of honey they have produced, nre facing ru in a s a reault- of the drouth. t. Tho sto ry of George. Grcaham,G old-Umer of thla aection, la lyplca' 'tt o thers. L aa t May Grcabara hm 108 aworma of been, w hich ho val-fl ued-nfJlO -tt Bwron ti.-He-hnd-eo of tho sw arm a for many yeara,

,|—T h w -w h s a - tlu » -d ro u th - tc t- la ■Grtnham'n. troubles V g o n . One b- lono tho aworm a began to leave n

T th j^ q ^ m n o n - M c i r 'm ura apnrae.

L ttclcofW orU I t w nan 't hunger, bu t ra th e r lack

oL .w ork:.lbflt:.w on.:.trou6llncl:tlifi been,' Greahnm said. They hm § jplenly of fo<^ because ho <1I<1 n '

Ti'ade With Canada- " Boom^ X>urinsr *34

OTTAWA^ Ont. (UE)-I-'Canada's tr a d a -^ th - th e -U a ltc d -S ta to a - ta -creaaed-by-approxim atcly-5130,--000,000 during 1034. .

Canadlon Imports from tho n i^ ~ ~ 8 ta tc a w w T 'v r --

488,316 over 1033, and e x m rls 'to th a U . S . am'ounted to 5222,644,003, a a in c tx aa e ..o f ;^ ,0 2 2 4 3 3 ..

On California T r ip —- - - .1 L . A . Snyder baa gone to l^ a

A ngeles to visit hla daughter, Mlsa M ortha Snyder and o the r wlaUves. Ho in tends going to Fhocaiir, A rik , to vlale o the r relatives,- before tu rn ing , borne. - ........

t Ilia_ C.l;OI gUO.-UJUA- ....- rig b tli-o t'tlie conaum er-ncalnat''

geugera is Mnk Em ily Newell U lalr, alkive, long a Democnitlo leader, ^vho niicceeds th e la te

advisory board.' Throogli thla -board,- th o eo iuam er .U kep t In- • fo n sed on fa ir pricee, food qualltlM , etc.

“ News ofHecord ■.M orriago' L lc o n M 6 ~ - -

Some of the swarms, too, s c n lc d ^ aelrW vcrbcfffnncitvw g-ron iaT unknown.- Grcnham bought 20 new queeni

and thought maybe they

afte r a ahort gettl^sg-ncquninlcd?^ pcricd.-the new queens nnd-oll-buM^ "lur of tho awarm a departed. ^

A nother farm er living In Belli county, reported th a t fo r gcnerav, tlo(iajh^{roJ)avc S e cn jw ^ b cojreen in his pan tu ro ..L ast sum m er ' "" theae nworma sudduily leftl ''

F o r a wWle ap iaria u had 1:

M nrchJoe H. Van Z uyer and J leala R.

Davis, botli of Jerom e.

M i r c h S - * ..................B ill Child and Luella L igh t, botb

of T w ia Fails.

............. ...... ............ - N ot............... ’tBcy - HavB-Pe^rmb-rceonydied to the f a c t th a t they will n


J0 E -K .8 A Y S :r , ,., _________W h a tja generally .IboughLof.

the wlfo who pleads the cxcubc th a t her husband w on 't le t her? E h w hatl D on't le t n n y b ^ y a top you iro m g e ttin g -y o u r share o f tho Good Tim es a t-^

-UNOLK JOE-K'S— -, II snare or '-■ir^

son xyas bo ra lo 'M r. nnd Mra. Law rcnce L H enry today a t tho M ontooth m atern ity home..

. N O W !-TO D A V-O NLY !-

D iatriot Court-..

Schm idt L ithographing Co,, .. Callfomlar;CorporaUoD,--va..,-Xbc; Hialop Orchardu. Inc., aceklng; Judgm ent fo r 5715.80. F . C, Sheno-' bcrger, n ttonicy. fo r tho plaintiff.

T o m p c rd ttirca

N ew Y orlC _______PocnUllo- .,„-_;.;:30 - Porlliuid

. A L SO -C arto im a n d ;Ife \» j-

sxA R T D ia . TO M onhow t

* ^ a ts -z 2 8 — TO — ; ■ ------- r . lS “ '44------W illlstbh'

,Ycllowatono ~ _ 2 0 42 .

...A n embargo pkiced again st Idai-

ho-balod-hayr-byrs?T «ral-m W aio: w estern •Btate»-hnaBotTK<n ■lifted; I t w aa indicated lodsy In tele- -jraphlo^-w onl_;^m Commiaaloner ?L '^JC ohnae.n ,_cfItlio .:idabd .dOtJ

tho various a tatea from 1 '•ai'. and th a t ohopned-alfalfa will « adm itted Up to Mari’ ' '

Johnaon-oent th la -w o rd _____tor A .-B. H opkla from Omaha. He haa been in attenaance a t 'a s ta to quarantlno conference a f Urbona;


•S w lth " EDM UND LO W S

RUTH m i N G G lo r ia S t u o r l '

P h i l B a k e r- P a u l Lulta*.,-.:___a i i tc rM o r r i i ' Blnnit B am ti '

KaHoB r ..Graham M cN an t*

____ A ! l c * .W h R # . ._Victor M oort'

Page 3: IWIONBIJlGr lEHf-M Balanced Budget OAHO’SfiTE- …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '• P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w Bjr Administration-----Currency-JnflftUcm-prop

gstiirdny. arnrclt 'J, Vxn 'iiiviiia.Jiivv.mALLS,^A±Lu_ Pago Thrw



- . 'W l i n l i)rqm ii4 !s .lo4 )e-fl“TPrt;iVI'i rftu'TlieyoTinKuF I

l ln i i i i tonniiiM iont hull to be K ivfii •totiiKlit li t llu ' Ivlks’ liiiil fu lliiw iiig tlic tli:<lrict Imskol

. liiill lou riK 'v . T lie llr ii iii clul) i> HpimsorliiK tlie iiifiFir to raise f in u h f o r t!ic orgiin iz iilid ii.

Toil ( ■ .........................................Hii> « rrn n t;em o m s iiiid is

1-y.l liy AV.iyni' ]l»<vli‘y : . . (Heti D ales iiu d l ib o n 'lu - 'im

M IN STllR L SHOW------ '.I-K.VTUKEO A 1 n c N i c ; .

------ A irim llicntlc hilnsircl nlmw. ’ . u lascd ycslcrOny, ftflcmoou.

n irn ir fltiil nr

CalendarCountry Womon'ti cliil> wUL^

mcia \V e<lne.r«y*jrr7rm Trt[T '■ ■ tlio.honic u{’Mm.-D.\vl(] Ciiltiru. ;

W aysldp clul) will m eet a t tfie; Iiome of s i™, C. a . Bnlttr Tucs- il.iy afternoon.

* Twin J3«IIs Council of Par- ■onu nna Tcacliors wlU m e e t.a t Mni. J. R, Nlelflan’o.liomc. 503 S ix th ' non li. Montlny. a t 7:45

Tliu rcRulur m o n llil/ luncli- ^oon-of-tlio -T w cuU cU i-C cdtiiiy—;—

club will • l« hclU TueiKlny. Maccli .‘i. n t the New Ibgeraon

„ inusiNtiss \v6'mV:n\s „ ..ru u l w-inYcr pTcnic.arid ANNOUXCt.S MEETING. of Llie 'KUr-----------------------------------

^-C^d^^-F<1^0W9-hBnr-Xh(^-nXKipular'Ni'BTO "plrltualB. "Dixie. "Old Biuclc Joe” and "KcntucUy Home." wcru nuiig. • • H a r le m

- -lloon."._;iA zy. Boncn';. and ,1'Dnrk— T tnvn-SlrullerB--B oir^w oro-4iJ#o.

prciCQteO.RcaJInRR w tre presented by the

Sunshine Circle club oriU lbo Good -Will club and the Country Womens' club. ’ The aonp! were rtveti by

- rwm bora of .the Unity, Kimberly - - - • • e-C lrolo.-Good-W m

.-•Sulur montJily mcctlnR of tUi Qu-nlnenn and Profciuilonal . Wo- men'a club M bnJay evening a t th;. liomc of MliiH ile r lo Nevvlon.>-Tli.- moetfiiK.wllCJ>cg(n'nr^qyrnck. T hr regular M arch dinner h.-ui been pofltponcd duo to activities occur- rln;;.during' the m onth. The annual public relatlonA dinner. In colobra* lion of BuiilneM W om cn'u'weelt,' will be held Mnrch-18. The dlntrlct megtln'g and luncheon liemlnn will be held hern Sunday,- ita reh aTTTlic^l jiiiicd.wm .ba-M nounccd la te r , ..


IVlclhodisl Ciiurch P iclccd ‘for Bite or Lccture by So'ciiir'

P roblem s Expert

—CliaaKu-»r-luoullon^foi^n-lvct • be Kivon Iiori'-Sum lay a t '3 p.

by Hoy Hurt. CIi1c»bo, wan an- nouiici-il today by Uei-. Louis Uul- •Mia. Jerom .', wlui mild that- Uurt

’111 n[H-al( n t tin: l-'lr.Ht Metbodlat cluirclLlti Uilu city imiti:ad iiT a ilKli nvUool Kuillturlimi, iin orlK-

inounccd. . will

I imld. HuIjJrci:

70 Bllilpfl,

MctbOdhif boiird ..r vauc>itiun.” ui In ilcclafcd to b<‘ a labor iiiul nod problem:! leacler.. At.O p. in. Suiidav hu will. I

honor p iirn t-n t the Park-hotrlr I l-'recdlii'im In ivri-lvlnj; icw rv

;Honii for Iblii affair.

Itny n u r t, Ch’raKo, will npraU h r r r tflmorrow n» »hr Klr^l —nii-lbudUt cliiirrli im ‘-T!ir ClvH U » r In

_ o f _ U v a J £ ta te r ly ,n ^ ^

Blnclns of “Good N igh t Ladle*'’ b ^ ‘''K E^CO N V ESTll>« the choruB provided tbe finale of Royal N eishbora mut In reRular tbe prOfiTam. JoUea by various ■‘lesalon la s t evening In the 1. 0.

• • — peraed.Uirouchout O .J'.Jiall.jrhe.ornclc,:M r/i,_Y clm n.-------------- ------- i:.Uie;chatc.-.ii:inal:

c fo r- th e............J appropriately .decorated w ith

yellow and sreen nprlnfr flowera.• In charge of the decorations were Mrs. R. H. Sehuater, Ntoa. O. B.

-.W clJon-.and-ilm .. lU ndahl.. Mra.• W alter Stivers. Mrs. P . C. Bcmne

' and M ra."Ray T readw cirw ere 'tlie com m ittee In charRe of the scrv- laif' o f the dinner. • • ‘ ’

Gueala w ere aeated a t six long -------tnfc '

cvpllnir 'to the b irth m onth of eachm ember. T he'hbsp ltaU ty tom niU ;tc c w aa compoacd of Mrs. W. R.

-C ba8erM r9 .-G aie-B evercom b-anJ

:ld March . . .................................. rcrjuestcd 'bythe offlccra to call MU-i M yrtle A ndem on 'oa m on as possible to malie banquet rcaervatlona___

P A S T M A T H O N S - ............ ...... -IlEV ICW CUKRENT EVENTS

V ery unusual curren t cventa ere tbe fea tu re of the meetlnfr of — ----- -- -c lu tf-H w r

- mondson. p res id en t. of -Uio Rural FcderaUon. M rs. W. A. Pope, pro-

.p ram chairm an, wan Introduced by _ tlic -p rea ldcaL Jita i, Eo<L.W'‘?L“a ] « :

ed la arranBlDR tbo prOKram -by U rii. W illiam ■Fclbuflh."Mrs. W lli

VlUm H ulbert and M rs................H «,el«r. .-

"h r-s* “ '

— — =■ , ■ . ^----------------*— Cburoh-*oli»<.U0;43-a--m_GcorKC« mi w u /< I. ''WarbcrK', nuperintendent, O no-Tim o w o r l d - C a p lU l - o f : Womhlp il:0 0 a . -m . Subject,

Inc . o t .tho .liom c.of.,M ra.,_! fodRes.'The news Item s w ere fur- nlahed’tbo IS.m em bera present by M r3.~3up"'L cecc,~T rcsl!Jen tr'and

“ VIENNA- ItJ.l!!—••Guy"%'Icnn reaaxcrtinf;'Itself.—-ThO! brilliance, levity and ganco for which A uatrU 'n a i . c ity w a.n-w orld-fam cd- before the World w ar again la comlngr intiIts 'ow n...................................

Encourngcd by the SchunnlcR* S tarhem bers-R o v c -rn m-o n t.- th « w ealthier A uatrians arc "pending: the ir m^onoy freely on hlgh-society;

yF :G - M E M i e e

qulred for such occasions.Carnl>-al SeaMit

Two of hundreds of these balls, w hleh-are the-outfltandfnfr-featuro

so-callod - C arnival - ucason herv, were under the d irec t pa t­ronage of the ROvemmcnt- Thesejvo».llio_Oi>craJ}ttlLnnd.tt»o‘.Il4Ml»i


Member# of - th e -Tidellly claasl ..o f the M ethodist Kplscbpal c hu rch^ .

^^ -w «vT «U rta lncd-B t-tb o -b om e of L arger - Quarters W ill . O ffer=iJaal}n=nb-n

newspapers e m p h a s i z e d the am ount of money spent, w hich In- dlrecUy bcifefited the majwes.

■ p lh o ch le 'p a rty Thursday evening. • 'A oslaton t hoslB w er? Mr. and Mrs. _ ‘W . R , Chaao and Mr. imd H.

^ “ -^ '•H .--C rrow .~8iw en-t«b lea--w cre-a t■play; n ig h score aw arda w ere re-

-- ----- vcclvoa '.ty -M n. Roy. H avcriand aad;ja m e s Tomlin. Roy H av a rlan d -----

. A t-'the clofto of the evening re-

~ofU iT n»veai:T >Jaco- cards; tollies _ttnd_napkln8 -.wetc'^lTULS£e«h_.“^

.headquarter* -for the- Twin Folia Chamber, of Com merca.have been established a t ISO m ala ave­nue north, in the. Koto building. Tlie“ qu!irMrB '.will"Contlnuo~t- -

■ D h \D G E D tK N R R

-------_ jrw elv i> Intlm ntc-frlenilaj?;. >fr?-• . J . U H odgln T?ero enterta ined last

'ev en ing by Mrs.-R.-'a ; Read a t-an Informal- bridge-'d inner* iftt her

------ -TimriercutBts-w ero-TOited-Bt-tlinwnm airtaT jles-^hlC liTm Tnttenteredwlth.bouque.tfl o f pInH and yellow jo sc .bud8 . -Following the'- dinner

• -' c o h tra c t 'b r id g o 'w fts pla'ycdrThl*... attm cU ve a n iilr ;;W“ .one - ?

oerlcs of. parties arranged to com- , _ pl]ment:Mr».- flodgin who Is Icav- ...........lug aooiw td-m olie .hcr^.howo^-.'"

_____ i i- * n iE a CHOICE ■ • •F E A T m iE S DAKCE

......: '.L*dIca ' cboJce • 'tbrougbout theevenlnc fum iahed gala amuaement a t the Odds and-S nda club dance

L -.^ lM t-n igh t-A rihn rJunedcap .-X -tg lP n ‘-^ llrD ancteB rbegan-a t-iH -o^olocIc

';r;*:'%TiwiUi-:ta»:.^onccc.vorche#^a .iu rr - n ish ln g 'th e -m u sic . T be. reception . com m itU e coosiated of - M r.-a n d

- M rs.-Lea SmiUi and Don S tA iurd.- .A t . -m idnight a . luncheon,, was

oerved. Mrs. H arry Beer, Mr*. Sm ith and Mre. George Fuller w ere in charge of general arrange-

—O n^coouo t o f the large building, the .Cham ber of Commerce willH avo-naded~fttc liitJeB -ta-prov iae c lu b .ro « a £ t^ ^ jM in a r .o t the place.

■■ ootw” W)«*WiVlng small din-■lt_ls_s_tiitecl_by_Harold_R,

Tiorvey, secretary. -^o r-T h i3* i»asrtJ irM “ m O ntnrtn fl

headquartera have been

Rm plrw' PiirpniirHnn Prpvlniia to OrfUl BCCne. th a t tim e the offlcos fo r'years were lnthe-.W ood«-buU dlo5-on-S«5ona - '

_ I n to . th e . old Chamber o f Cot., m erce offices have -tnoved -A.-O. Stadlaad; Insurance dealer, who .will sbaro the -quarters w ith C. K .-Tat- lo c IC a ls o 'u i) insurance company representative.

fr e a t c st a r t u p:TO OLD TRICKS

MT.- W ILSON, Calif., M arch ' 3 ,tEn»---=.“ N = ^-H 6rculU ." t:i» -rreaK S tar ;-U -a fl t-a g a In .- ,-— :—

»uich-.ha».jriyatlflcd---------------------— .— im , ^


The bome o f ' M r. and Mra - - i.th B K C o e-o l-Alphlo DeAUey w as .th# K coe

—Srt'Tftttntcttva.-Thalla-'Cluh-dta ■ la s t ovcalng.'M em lxra of tha.elub

w ere s e a te d 'a t five q u a rte t Ublea cen te red -w ith bouquets o f sweet

• p«aa. T h a p o t luck dinner w m

dinner plaochla .waa played. P ^ s. - ^ ■■wero w on by M r. and-Mra. WUliam

B ru le /. Mr. ta d M n . P . .^ -C a r- ■ gia aod Mr. and Mr*. D. P . CrovM.

Travcllnir p rla i. w as. awarded to •1 M n . J . E . TomllB;

aT K tt .PATyry U ON<^lS .

' • 'F o rre a t ■ .MacMullen celebrated . . tU elevenUi birthday Uds aftcr- ■ Boon w ith a th a a te r p a rty fo r 11

• ^rtento. ■F ollow toff^ a^n gO ^ tb e

la thtf- Brosaeau aparlm enls. , X color-■cheA o-Bf;,gn!ea aad white

.wa«.,caiTied.Q]|{:.Ja:..decoraUoiLi> ia v o rs and refreahm eqts.:T ha hot-

• te a . w aa-aaa ls led th . aerviaff by

Gueata w ere:W ayna Fuller. 8u*r ' ' t e r Goode.' iAllee H arral, I r ta e

‘Coode. JuUa McBride, .BUly^ Price, _ Billy Steveaa, U o y d .-a ad Floyd

• FlnJc. A lvja Jenkins' a n d ' Skippy Pierce.-'- ...-.v .

'. F a c i l i t iu I6rT)bujBrB“ -“ ” . . A ^ O lub B oom s

._T ha—ball—a t-m ia —O ^ o C H ouaa.—8-ff—tn r^ti«<Klft w aa 'lh o 'm d .l b rllllah t cvcnc.vieji-'u<j,|iel T «m pii“Bl n a ba.a w itnessed . since pre-w ar - •days.

Over <.000 guesta were p resent.A tU ndad ' b y ,: P n s id en c Mlkloji

-hnncello r'voa Sehuanlgs'. Prince Starhem berg. m a n y 't l t le d 'a r l i lo t c ra ta arid the diplom atic colony.

from ' thelr-hlding-placcs—Zhe. size, o f Prlnceaa • K lnaky's- pearls and th o - d a r t l ln s ^ t ‘......... .. *’ *-oaeaa Clarice Rothitcblld, _ were the .adm ira tion of a ll eye*. - ly every woman^a' - head.

nately burning b righ t .a n d ' dim. nm,’. apparently-can^t m ake up ila mind w hether to be ho t o r cold.

N ova bad bem claaslfled a s a no-called , -‘-•bot-atar" of trem'^nd* oualy high tem perature un til to­day. w hen Dr. Pau l M errill ^ v«aled th a t he bad taken another look .or. tw o through the 100-lncb teleaoope and diacovered eyanogen -» a o a tbo atar.

Cyasocen, a 'poU onou i gas, la ......................-ataw ref

la iy e lumlooalty . and In comcts, bu t, never In ,;-h o f stars, ,whfy;f tem perature - la ao high .tbu gas would be disintegrated, it w iu ^ ■llevod.- . • '■ ' itty;____ , ____ . . . ____4Vrin KidJust a'bsut decided to clianxa No- va’a lh d e x to th a t o f a "oold- alar, !wbea>be took>oae more look,- aad found.' tbe .gaa goa®’' agnln.-.; ,

T bo acientlsta. c o m ^ e te ly my: atiriedi ba'ra decided to -pu t-N ova


_ .M P T n ilE 'lH ll l_ N «t‘To-P«w , group of Catjip

F ire Giria m e t yesterday .^ tem o on a t th e bome o f Both Ctyder. Colors w ere ohoMO to r tbe flag,, wh'.-jh will ^ v e a brown background and

glr< received )a health chart. The rem a in d er-o f t h e Afternoon -waa apeBl,-workhSff.«n-.haiiaenirWhlrJj the f trU are . wakinB.-Ior-s^ie. -

rc-aaw.C ftrraafl-dirigible.L Z - m comblaea the g rea te r lif t­ing p o w e r ^ o f b y d r o g e a -m -w ltb th e ,a a fe ty .o f h e liu m .'C e lia .ls jh e ceo ta r a re Inflated m tl i h ^ ro g e n . b u t th e y 'a re completely-aurrouDd'

‘ by.fioa-cxploslve .b^lfam. ^

ii.-:!:’U-ooU'N crm vnupi-rurrly turned ou t 111 Hurli frntive apleniior a id Riilety a* did (lid rhlldren of the mom nnte« 'o rth> 'film limii- »i:inrN, u t th e birthday p a rty of 2-yenr-old We*ley Itliggleii, J r . , non or tbo fumiiun <Urpi-lur uni] ilio foriDPr A tilno .ludgc. RcpreiH'iitullvn Ilf lli« pnRenniry and fun on thn Ituggirn la»m in Ltw-Angelea ort> iho pIcCurm of llin th rro lllllo gi>e«ti «bown here . All reciill g rrn t iinmwi on th« a c r t ^ nnd Ixthlnd th e aeencn. I.e(t to rlK ht.-they nr« Irvlnic TItallKTg, .Jr., non t>f the fnmoui* d lrc r to r .an d Normii Khpurrri Siuuiii Anu Gilbert, d aughter of Johu Gilbert nnd V irginia Urucc, nnd Carol A n n -iW ry , dnughl<-r of Mr. and Mm. Wi>llar<t IWory.

e G i i Y

DmffSUMiNS“ C iv r w iie iW illiam H . K elley, 87, D ies

In O klaliom a A fte r Lonf;

- — E don-ReBldonoo:7:rr— r

U A m S T -■RrP:DouRlaM ,-.pastor.-:

P leasure F in d s R eturn o f F ree Spondtnff

••My Church."Young Pisjple's service 0:1(S p. ...

{ ' Intcrmedi.Ma Young People 0:30

..... MiMlon » tu i> T c ^ .0 ;3 0 .p .-m — Wornhln 7 :3 0 -p . m. Subject,

I ;-G‘>d a Wonderful I’rovinlon."■ ‘‘‘• ''V '' meeting W ednesday eve- ning 7:30 p, m. "nio public Is In-

’ ‘^'.vlted.

........ Sunday School. Claeseafo r nil ages. 'A ll children In the

jn im m ily j it tJ U k fijn c J L K ^ L •lit, atipertntcndent.

11:30 a. m - ,^ o m ln g worship.. . friendly serviee of w orship and praise. Sermon by the pastor. -2 :30 -p .-m rB ethel-T em ple-brcant-over K T F l.--------------------

0 p. m. Young People's mee A-pleaimnt and friendly serylc ;w hkh-all-young-poopls-aro-lnv ll- Icd. W alter Oltleberry, leader.' - • " ' .SflFViC*.

adomel by a luira , a l iciuit sup-po rted—a n —au tc tflo -o f—alive r - o r(lowers. •

Tho'. bright, uniforms of the • ' - • led -to-thp col

w agon - loads-- of -exotic—flower* brought from V the- C oa tl# . of nbrunn, fo rm er out-of-tow n

residence ,'Ot IW IE m pero ra^ Enorr

tamps ahed a ,lu strous beautjr.T he fro n t of th e ' fo rm er Im-

perla l'box, occupied-by tho P ra s l d c n t-a o d -o ff ir ta i i -o f-^ ta te r-b o d been taken aw ay and a wldtf car> petcd atalrW ay built-up to It. . :

' U uge Dano« M oor A dance floor w aa erected above

tho row #~ of:re fl ' p lU sli 'a cn W 'to form one cbntlhiiotxa floor w ith the' g l ^ U c ^ { a ^ : 7 wblcti:UB.twlc<i th a alze of the audltprlum . .

Caboreta '. a ad a '• ••Heurlger" wine-garden .In ’ the - old' F ranz Schubert, atyle, "ao dear- to th e Vi* ennest. w ere-arranged in the aide saloons, ju s t off. th e m agnificent m arble -sUlrcaae. '

Cay-hearted Cleans, ao eage r to make the m oat o f its ni{;ht of. love and laughter, w aa n o t w ith o u t Ita amuaing sequel in -the early hduiTi of tho dawn. W hen Uie aervants

coats.v e atUl.'haDt^in tbe w ardrobe. W h a t to dol Tbe commlasalni decided to- m ake aearch through the building. In ^ g e aound aaleep_were Baroneaa L . o nd 'an 'an ach e 'lro m a f d r e l ^ lega* lion. • ,

Ambitious BurglarsW INSTED. Conn. .tURi—Reuben

T ^ U tx t t ^ 'a f r a i d Iwr ^ l a ^ would

IlFm iF.f. TRM l’IJ5_B ..M ..D avld^paator.-

VNITED nR E T IIR nN_M ra..B orlha iJ..Gloyer.. p a a to r ....

10 a. m. Sunday scliool. Mrs. C hero \ Clark superintendent. ------- dTTitirsobclarvIcK-------------

}laaa:-Young peoplb-and chlldroi 7:30. p. »h. P ra ise aervlcc..-Ser-

-----U jrtBe'

a Woman^a M issionary Asso- D ia tlo ji'M /lin n M r'a r th a -h o m e-o f W. p . Graham, Thuraday evening ror election of officers. . •

8:46 a .-m .- T he-Sunday-acbool w H h-a-h t»rt:;H . C. Oivena.- super­intendent.- ^ r . a , .m .~M orolng,.w onhlp -on aerinon. J . W .'T)eBoard w lll a in g '

Y :30-p.-m;-Evening worahlp.-W e will 'p re san t ' a 'lio'me mlaalonary program In place of the preaching service. ., .. . •

M. C. Fitzgerald, pastor.10 a. m; Sunday acbool, - -11 a . m. .Worship.0:45 p; 'm .'Crusado meeting.7:45 p. ni.. Mrs. F rench of tho

Aiuiembllea of God, will preach. Sbe is -b sistitr of J . C. Kellogg, fahfed cowboy evaogellst.

Mid-week services, Tuesday and Friday. ~

Chlldreh'a 'ehurcb, each Saturday at.2 ;S0 p.

FIRST.PR ESBV TERIA N '- - . J a . m. Church school fo r all

age groups, E. V. Larson, superin­tendent. '

by R oberta.' Miaa -EdiUl'Moore will sing ITcach'-Me to Pray.'-’.by Jew ­ett. aerthoD', ••Crowth;^^ by Gerald W afiace.’ ■' ' ;• " '

-0 :30 'p .-m . Young People’s hour. Gerald W»jlj»ce. c o ^ a l y . ^ p t t ^

ibe ca rried I t hom e a fter cloalng b U vnim f?k O « r T 5 T ic -1 6 r rT 3 5 7 3 n r ia u ,e |M lu .^ r b a r * Y ^ .

r i * m s c o p A iCom er Shoshone and Fourth .

'W linam'Basll.Young..-ralalBtei. , 0 :45 .a .,m . Church,^«hooi; T . F.

Wlllms,'. «upcristendent...Clacae* for all-agea.—P a K nta -tnv lted-to-brlog th c k chlldreii.

't1 ’n m'-Piih1li» .HUhnpT itus .Lbwo..EortJand.-'Orc.i wU} be, tae-spc8:ter. '.The choir will alng: ■

....... ..............................— i-rvlee

CHHI.iTIAN KCIKNCK - 'Clirifll- JoBU«"-wlll-l>e Ihe -siib-

ec t of thi; Lcniioi :nurcli

I R [ m i l i S Eif CliHsf, Scientist. Gold-, . • , . Ti'iililcnco w iih

T c.\t Is ir()ni.Culoaiila2i8.2:U..O: C e n tr a l . A rc a _ O L .B t iL tc . .^ U -_ l iU death n ve hnvi^ lhprefor« ri.eplvci'

r vetcrunn of tlila soctloii, WII- n H. Kelly. 87, died recently >LSimrUi«.,.Ohlu....where he..' Drcem bcr followlnK- 13 >

l-lllli: Rlri pu.^lilnK 11 cnrl la wlitcU w;ifi a chun'Kj' baby wh'> IooKP'I'be.ivlfr tlu n tns girl h.TB.'^ir.'-.'-. .■ClrlJi appoarlnt: Jn" lou-n In u lU ir iin-l rl>Uni; piinli

. of brlKbl-culoredtbucs of urance.blue. I d and t;reon____Mldj:i.'Li

J m m — " ' • •

ye ha’vp^ therefore received Clirint Jenus tlio Lord, so walk ye o h im :'K or lii him dwellcth nil tbo

fullnesa of the Godhead bodily.

C i lR I S T I A N 'c H u n c ir Shoahona and* Sixth atreets

W. K. Andcraon. minister.. 0:-15 a. m . Bible' achool. . F . W.

Stuck, suporl'ntondent.-10:411 a. I'u. Lord'fl Supper-and

"nrmon. Subject: ••Tho Fellowship^ S a^ lflce ," Jun io r church: atu-

P lg h t D rou th by Giant Campaign

nASTrNGS. -NrbrFebrss South .cenli'itl Ncbranka land own-

I a rk m eeting lHi:' ch'illengc ol . It year’a drouth by mulclng .plan! for tlic’groftteat tree planting pro- !gmm In the hintory of tbo region. ; Fo r every" tri-e tha t died ftist ^summer in bliaterlng drouth heat,

- , ,— — ::-;dozhns -wllUbo-plttntcd tbla-aprlng.3:30 p. I

aicn ........ Ffll),-17.-aml fu-

.n^cral, acrvlccs ,wcre conducted at ClinmlliT. -Okla., Feb. IP, Durlal ;waa In Oak Park ccmcli-ry t h r - Pall bearera. m ilitary e»cort i flrinir.aquud w cnvfrom tli.< rni...„ of A rthur J . Matlieny pont of the American Legion.

Mr. lic lly was welMtnown here, having been. unlt«a.w ltli-the Twin I-.alla Grand Army of lliK Hepublic. and appeared hura fie 'iuen tly -on patriotic occanlona.

.•as bom Nov. 4. in Buffnln.and liiTVn--rij^-b3ylI35a- '

r-TlU p. ni. ' tho air. Ser farcal.-'

7:30 p, n

flilpanJ cunder the -feder

Wodncailay. DevoUnna >r -tba-U isuio-'tllood-A ■— t -In - -Sacrlflcc." Tboli

■tho tree program will be withoi [precedent -in th is region, t -M ore than 10,000 tree.i already

been onlered for tb^s county

n Illinola, lie m nrrled Ire Gladden nml thrv Wer.. nnrpnt^ntfiTcIiridrcnrT rw K ^nil^^Ing, They are Herman. Roy and Curl Kelly, all of Eden, and Mr*. Bertha Maaten. Mm. Ceorgo Arch-

A . W . B arbeia t. paator..a. m . Sunday achool. To

'•FnlSflhDod and »^TOcrl»y I

thin tim e lant year. - More than' ]40,000 acodllnga were act out here lln 1034.I—T h tr-nnm bcr-T jrtrccin jracred -in iNebraska u p to Fob. 10



Morning.'worship. The Pacific norUiwest still clinga to paator being absent.-M rs. M. E. pioneer plum bing la farm houaes. Calllcotto wiill bring Uie mesaage. s ta ted 'inyestiE a to r W. J . Gilmore,

' ii; Young People'* meeting.'jfederrtt houainp Investigator. Only p. m. Evening service, one-lhlrd of th e ru ra l houaes in

P ra lae .- t« tim o n y . - Sen u o n -b y -C . Oregon,. _ W aab ing ton-.aud , Idaho E. Grieaer, Filer. ■ , v’ {have bathtuba, and only half have

7:30 p. .m . Wedneaday. Prayer{l(ltchen sinks, Gllmore-n survey '' *'“* '"tsbi>wcd........ . .■civittf. .ikcv. ■Slrlnc7 "OU *nrptt*tori‘»

if-tbo MBC ehurih,-Piler,-w lll havcl -choJ'jre’ orthM-MFvIce:------- >. — I—Y ou-aro-lnvUed to-w brshlp-w lth - .8T._EpWARp^S_^CA-n

_.Father_H . E . Heltm an, paator. Sunday m u s e s a t S and 10 a. n W eek day maases a t S a. m.-

, Commuolo'n Sundays: '—KlrBlr-Sunday-ofrthe-m em th-ft

Holy c ^ m u n b i ^ a t m. Imen. ____ ___________n iT o rn rr it prayet- and aefmon a flr 'S econd Sunday 'forw om en.11 a- m.. excepting*, tho firs t Sun-1 T hird Sunday for V«>ung people, day-of tbe m onth. ' | F ou rth Sunday fo r children.

■ The' Firsf Meth'odis ^ ;- Invites ou to —_ B i s h p p J C itu s L o w e_ ■

. 0^ P ortland, O regon

- - S U N D A Y ^ l l A ; M ; 5 W d 3 r 3 b l V l v i ;

JIN X rU IlSU K S PAMIIA*—0 9 D 0 R N E rK a n n u r» = n i> n n r

— are having a Umo of it. r im 't G ,,Kif b>-. hridga..<tfiglnaar,-w*»

. . . . down by a truck nnd serious­ly lnJured..Tben Roy Kirby, bridge employe, w as burned w ith n blow ..........zhibL—— - - ------------------

.daug-lUcr,. Colleen, were next victim*. Tiielr 'automobile turned over.

Plano Tuning. Logan Musis Co.

ii«‘t (UUdCUi)j:_pia)|iIeo-- Inlei'cst*........cit a tten tion un T;vin Kalla' bust*

■ ,. Tiisn a iy JT -X irj 'r rr llt^M l .\Icccii fur Ifie high school athlcteii of tlia entlr.! n»uth c<.*n- tra l Idaho area, daring tho l«.i-kolball .loum ci-.j........Scca.T o--------•lay reader. wl.io reminds ua Uiat

itm tin i t lo n 'tg -tl iL’t i t n iBinrniai:?-------imbllclty on .M nho . jwtalooii, • carrii-d on twr> '»epanit<i pii)- g ram .1 -last week. A lexander Wtmllcott. famed commentator. - un Sunday lant. gave th is s ta ta ' uddltlunnl nuUci!, when ho re-l>')rtiVTthflC S e n a to r 'a i r a ir i ia d ------I'vvoaled thd 'deta lla of a -llttlo known monument In' the Idahohllla til an nld-tlmo doctor._" I____k e q i » rccord;‘’~Wbo'llcdti said,•'of tho place* I w an t to visit.Tho-ncw ciit e n try 'o n t l i a f l l a f ' la the resting place, of a pliy-i.l..lnw t/l».wl V.ti.over a m ountain grade. On hla m em orial a re tho words: Shop-

"liPiil'Bt th e iiilla. attea tlug tu ills------good deeds.^'

PAIR WEDS HEREJoe -Van-Kiiyen-and-M lST-Reata—

Dnvbi w pro-m arried by 'Judgo C uy— T. Swopo' a l the Swopo resldcnc# F rid ay aftam oon. Guest* wuru Ray . K indred ;-M l»i-Elva-SW e».-M mitstl— Mr*. Roa* Slmerly, Mias Fnutcc*

- Atra. Von Zuyen g raduated from ;he Jerom a high sohool w ith tha :lasa .of '20 and l*-tho daughter of

Von Zuyen is the son of P c ta . . V an Zuyen of New P lym outh , A f­te r a sh o r t weddtog tr ip to Boise arid N ew Plym outh they wlU bb- a f

• a t the Orville -Oavla farm


The” g w a t ■ •c o a» ^ r - b filt'aysteo i, rtm pving excavated m a teria l from.•Ite-of the •W.OOO.OOO-OraDd-Cou- lee ColumbU i i w d a a j . lia*. boost­ed Its capacity to 37,000 - cubic y itd a - ln -JC g lih n u r^ tto y .- A t- lh a t rate it will ta k e .300 d r y a - to r j - , . . move.lbe-»,000,000.cuwc yardsurp- Lowe. C T jichprua .wUl sbifr. mainiag. - ' . ' ' I B:30 p. m: Epw ortb IcaKue.. Tbs

.-{w piisr-rdivouonal'iarvlce to which We clean and tr e a t Krais.. Clobbjall -youag people, nef- a ttea d lo s sed and F eed C o .i-.\d v . 'clecv.-he'rc, "are Invlled.'

D I 8 T M 0 T M A N A G ER S:

H A R E Y N E L S O N • T w in F fills

WhyTake Chance?-

Anyone of 20,000,000 users o f the —h f ^ w a y — m ay—c laim — damages-*

' ' affalast you. A .Sxchssge

- cure you agtdnst lo ss .and Insure you for you r owa

^u rlea j> r_4ea th ^Ttkc ' ^ c h a n g e ' provides e x -'

cellent- c la lr a . aervlee- evetywhere a l tho low est cost:

F A R M E & 8’ A U T O U O B IL E J i * “‘r ; |N S U B A N O T .*

Jerom e

. A Q E N T S : ,.

- L O tT 'H E L L E R . > T w h i F td ls ■

D .'ir ;'E N G L E B E 1 0 H T •. FUer

• H .O .B Y B A K .H aeelton

• " E . L ^ ly n ijh ' ' ',r..

B . - M c d o W E N ^. 'V

~£riZrii^aik '


•r^*?’Ki^®TTnrdon ,-ii.s- for iinviii^; -'iicgrp cfoa!in .~

npiioiiili’d Hi» l in clcnti nnd i n chrcfn l order for you •hihI y o u r m ollicr. a n y tln ie you ar? i Kvory d ay nome one r iixU it luoro than

-VL'mr iu ; a im tis i t!vi-rv n iiy Bniiin nni» nr_ils compnirt.coMipU'icMoss nnd i(y d a in ty cnuipr.

-:-\Yliite lilo and :bluiiiu(? iiit}kcl,'idtt£fodilrycl—, low walU nbniit tbo color pC tlic rililiqii VoSt on

-your-carrinKc robe. F iil llc iiK lb .m irr b r sjo r .j ’ou-.. n n d ;y n u r jn o th o r • frfsb l.V irb noil lli ieu .loivclii' n iid -p lo n ly -o f-th em ; y o iir -c lio ico -o f--p W d er fl- nnil nmny sorts o f p ins, i f y o u iic fd tliem ; n w d lcs nndjici-tsun; nnd thrradM; rXbboiis and^, lupe.s; cords aiiin ioxc-ss.pcncils an d peiui;-cnrJk.' nnd papers nnd-cnvtlopen, . . . , , ‘

I f yoil nnd your luollicr nre tliir s ly , tliero ore ''cli'nn i1rinlcinr"Rlt'''»(’s--nnd''>-t>ii~»ftayrl)o"Jiiifc,“ -lin b y ,.th n t.n h ^ ! flre ihormi^lilx'^^vjisheti-in'bot'-' ’w nlor’nrte'r encli tisin g .'Y oii are niorfl Ihnu -vvpl-f cotuc: coniu n« often i\k you w ish; it i* notrcuble to u s at a ll, B ab y. ,'............................

- - Y ou n iight-jn st exp la in to yo u r m other, -too, tlm t slic need not w orrj’ n b it about lio;r you nrc goin(; to a c t w hen she brln((s you for your pliolograpli. Leave t lia t .to u.s fo r >ve finU it n o t a w orry M ,n ll but a p lcnsnre. - •• The good tim es lit t le p eop le hnve w bch IhpT

•eom c-lierc to T l lE -S T U D lO OF K SPEC IA Ij -CirA H M -arc-nlm ost-provcrb ial -among-onrT!«(P"

..t.om en ._O p lji-th o .oU ier d Q y .a . l i i i l e - g lr l . t w o . years old cam e to have her p h oto g ra p lu m ade. H er m oth er, w h j had a n errand dow n the litrect, opened our d oor 'n itd -nct the lit t le .girl

"itlarJlST^'vlica w e w en t in to tho reerpTlou-roour rlheviirjt^tW nB th c -t in y in iw -d id - w ns to trare'

lier lianus to tis in a'ioyotia'-iva^vnnd hnpplty. cxcln im : “ N ic c ’ mnn liv e s in lie r e 5-N ice m an l iv e s in l i orel ’-’ |

T hat'ijf vcrjl\t'rup'. Ba.by; very.;truc.-indred.

l)e«u tellinB hofTill nlm ni tire .fun it i s ' f o r l l t t l r • fo lU sa tB isb c e ’s . . . ' ■

Goodbye t i l l latet

S^The Bisbee Studio. . '-Sp eolid izisg tn 'F in e P o t tn iU i : '-r

Page 4: IWIONBIJlGr lEHf-M Balanced Budget OAHO’SfiTE- …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '• P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w Bjr Administration-----Currency-JnflftUcm-prop

-TnAHQ-FAnrmNa-rni\tngr-T-W -TN-FAT,T^.--TDAHO- S n tn rd n y , M nrch 2, 1935


,» jiirlBrticitonUiua nr trill

-TO-E. F,R-VF.-T.0CALJIEL1CS-DismanlliiiK of the-embryo museum established m

conmiction with the. Empire Exposition brings the ___ rem inderjiia t some,day Tw in Falls will_}vant_a per­

m anent and v isibl^x 'cord of. its\Histd^^ ■■Tt- k flifficult foi- a territory as young

~ the T\\-in FalisTmpire to realize ihnl one dayof the early beginnings will be not only valuable but indispensable. And a t a time wlienUbe phrase “we

___piojiecredJicr.o^is_in fam iliar use, i t is h ard to be— liove'that'anothcrtlnT^-wiH-come-when-the-onIy-:‘ca l ,.i:-_rccord’s oL those beginnings w ill' be w ritten and

' photographic, ones and relics tlmt .have been pre­served fo r the jjiost ])art by individuals..

------ Kelics o f the early-days brought out:during_Iast' fnir^ .Tiibilce showed tha t already the tra c t has

— accum ulateH ^tT^num ber-thaC^iL-'W iU -bs’-h is to n c a lly - - — ■ •—T 7 v s to b l! f lb T n -e 5 siw £ ro b n W y :f itt lM im c M « )u )^

needed to accommodate them a t the present time, but it is now, when the. empire is getting into the

-- - full sw ing 'of its development, _that.,relics_of the be-

s (hat you

.dlda;riih9:ioo,it_^Qilrui-::^_ T be wordfl broVo oO. A couc1»~

A oninlt Kirl In a b rleb l red Iiat and ra lhe r dondy (ur coat nod a

>.U>> --------------w . - ....... lu ll-yolilh—bad loBt halted Iwforo•ginning—and-nicm entoce-of— ts-progresa- cnn a n a should be preseived. •

I t will pi'obably be many yeare before Twin Falls could afford or would need a real museum. Young and growing cities need m any things before they need a museum-building.-But if-the-city, somc.serv- ice group or some women’s club w ould ai)point a committee to see.that certain documents, relics and keej)sakes were preseived and a small place set aside fo r them ,-they would form the nuc leus.fo r-a worthwhile rccord when the country has grown fp-

©JOSS MEA eEovice.mo.-

, iraeir, trylnR to do eomolblaB lo r nomeono oJac." mnw |

'i3ut I 'm Doll 1 don 't do boltiho th ins# I Bliould”................. ...^«lsh-9au.'dUcUnajlo.tliem-Iar.

(sea iluxliic. brvRks............... - •------ r«»d br

m '- la -(VKRTMUUC. •

I MBd aupM laVIekr lcar«a I

jrOQ."-SlOTO—“Ob. I 'm not koIdb to -say any oro. .1 promla«d I wouldn't and

r n kcop .tb a t pjomlBo. . You said yon-couldn’t marry «oyon« oo«. BdC tliore’a ona tbitiic 1 w ant to u k you. Whon you woro away a t acbool—^rall, you tnuul haro known • itrotTJtbcriloMffwc^Bnhprrwit--

30 %}9o. OoJ«r*“You aa iia —r

'" la th ere anyoBO eTM loT5=wltW--------------

taka Orlaa f ra * h n .MO)V CO W m l TUB STORY

..cuAPTm xxvni .. .rp iiia 'c ro w d ''ih a { f ie d 'o u t ' '6 f“Uio'

Biorio thoajVr. stopplnit to look Itfa aBBOuoBii ,

'show ; slrlfl p««rlnB to catch • Blltnp«o o l thOBBelTO* In tho nar­row m irror P<u](il< a t o llher sldo Of th e entrance.- to powder noses nnd dnb on rouge, ehatterlns and

aauhiiInc;-JQuntjnflnjrJio_irpqlw to deeper tonce, pausing to Ilgbt d s- a re u ..and., ja n i. ^ ts ...o a ._ flrm ly . . stoTQ Moyera iM ked . down .on GdIo iui they Btepped ou t on tbo nldowalk. "W Mn't such a bad pie-turc.-w as J tr '-h e aakod. ------------. *'0 b, 1 Ilkod I t T bat B in who

Oale .wan s]ad sbo d id so t baTo to nioet hts eyes. She knew ex> oetly bow Uiose Uoo eyea looked. Bbo turned away, aurprJsed tha t her-faM Tt-wna-beatlnK 'so rapidly. 8bo wished It wouldn’t. Blero was w alUng for ber to answer ' And

eertaJnly couldn’t count you'd tnot only three or four Unos nnd then purely by accident, oven though he had said. " I like yon. QaJo Ueaiienon. I JJko you a JoL" —Oalo-Bftld,-’TXi®T«'4»-Bi»-ono.«Uo SloTB. Mo ono,”

llo pu t ft band oh h e r aria, drew _ s r cl0fl6. I lls Tolco had an odce of J jiuk lnem T h e n 1 can bo on hoplnR,” bo snid. “Ob. Oalo. Ifyouyou—I"

e n o u g h a w a y f r o n r i f s T ) l T g i f m h T g 5 T o " b c 'i n t e r e s t c d - t h p m A H tt l p t i m n n n d a l i t t l e e f f o r t s p e n t n<fh o n r A lit'tlp tim p nnd a little e f f o r t su e n t n o w

l i ie a iT .th c 's a v in g 'o f 'a -g r e a t-d e a l o f tim e , ef­f o r t a n d expense la ter .

r “STRTOGE-:EyENTO_7 1 0 ” STO^^H e lp in g th e w in te r a lo n g to w a rd -spring, fo lk s

-in -S u d b u ry ^ -O n l,J ia v .e .f .0!imd_an_.apple tre e i n blos- som a t th b la o tto m of a 600-foo t m m e . ^ Ic ahw hilo , c i ty a ijtiib r itie s in UJeveJand^ 0 .7 a h n o u n c e th a t l l r c y

' c a n 't .co llec t th e tax ])ayers’ ashes • b ec au se th e y a rer:tAn--hiTq3rrnnTirivin[T-Knmv--frQni-the'strcet5riand-sim'

ultaneoualy a dust storm h its Kansas.• 0 . li. Mencken invites Commonwealth college to move from Mena, A rk .,,to Baltimore, Md,, to pre-

. serve academ ic.freedom, a freshm an a t Brown uni­versity wins an intercollegiate championship by eat^ inp- 20 doiiffhnuta in 18 minutes and 60 s econds, and

rftn ~Indfana~'Collcge~m structor-isarrcstcd-on-charge3 of kidnaping -hinfself anll-liolding-him self-for-ran*

.'soii^. •......... ......... ^• ■ Senator Bilbo of Mississij)j)i turns up in the sen-

• a te with a black ey^rt?R^*=3fe5^»ing appears with. Ta buiidagcd-fingcr on l^isHefHlan<V^th^9~^^^^»g~^^ -official-denials_that.the..tw .o_nushftp’s_WG.tQ_J.5-..py,

way connected. ' 'The bandmaster of the Kansas sta te pen iten tiary,

him self a conviH, persuades the w arden to send him” to"tD\vn'Tcrget‘some“ne^rTmasie,-and-forgels-to-come^

back, leaving thc'band- musiclcss an d leaderless;

Elevo asked, “WbaL' woro saylDEl". . .

"About tho pIcluroT Oh, I don’t know—it doesn't maUer anyhow. T hat wnn Fhll wllU Ruby GrlOlb.Dld you ueo th e m r - - .......... ............

"Y««.”.They walked in silence for a few

moments. Then Stove natd, " I wlnh you.w ouldn’t worry the way you do.ftbout Phil.’*

”llow cnh 1‘help Ur You e w tlia .aorl-Ql-COinDaiiy.ho.Dp«mD.K>j'r.ofer_ •-Iluby Critnih and her crowd. You know w bat' thoy’ro llko. And bocompn lioma t>t "all~~houm of lITo nlGht and tnomins- It'a oiilr wlih~ In the Innt six RicnibB or so tha t he’d been llko tbls.”

“ lVorfj'in<r lua't fioinggood,' ■'“N o.'I don’fuuiipoiio It will.' But whnl cnn I.do. StoTO?”

'ttitn iro fT itm M n 'ltltlf lU “ilu t ho'B only 15—' ’*TUnt'B no t so youne. I t would

bo a lot better (or I’hll If you'd giro him a chance to Bland on |ifs own feet. You do too much (or him ." '

“Maybe you’re rlisliL**‘0 f courso I oml. You w ant to

do-tjo^m ueb_ior_nTeryone. Oale. You'ro" always forgotUns about

id working a t tho mlll besides." J T a th e r , w hat-In the world putp rli Mnnii'In yn»r hi-nilT**

"Mr own eyes havo dona It—see- In s you look BO_tlrod when night comes and growlnE'thlnner. I can'i he lp worrying abont you. Oalo. You ouBht to bo m arried and eottled In you r own b o as. . -When your molh-

• was your ago—"“But things ara different nowl" •I know. Put th a t doesn’t

o f.tboso days I 'n fo lng ^ be Eone/"

*TnUicr> Icnai>—t" :

■TTS belter to faco th lncs eolm- ly. Qalo—belter to talk about'

th o a t. I ' a no t a fm ld of dying. .inn couldn’t be who ll r cs as 1 do.

.. buhlen to the ones be lores. No.' I ’m not afraJd to die, but I wlsb

bappy -and snre. - I don’t, worry about Phil; he 's .a boy and bo can ta k e caro of h lm solf."

Oaltf had risen from her chair and-nllppod an tm s around his nh'onldcra. - "Don’t, fa lho rl^ -abo boBB(>d.~'Tcau’lTj0i»ri«Tiear70U'

clean bout w as staeed . A n Inter- cated-local su m u k c d p m n li ' to s ta g s tho m atch.

27jYEABSAao, , .L ..

of 90S to th o c b u r ^ society.

M r. nnd M ra. W. W. H um phrey ivo moved into .the ir hew homo

. j th e com er o f FourU i a trcc t and Main. - .

'on ly k n o w s 'o w -l- fe c l-a b o n l

i-promUo>l»— she ■ rflmtnacl:him:--------------------------:------------------ ’“Yos.-J-know.—1 ■promised.".........

Ho began tnlklog about some- thlnB th a t had happened a t tho mtll. FirQ mlnnles Inter they badreached- Gala's .homo................ .........


■Ndt tonlBbt. GolnB to bo homo tomorrow erenlng?"

" I th in k B0.““T hen r i l drop around.’* .

r rn E Y 'K ild Bood'nlgiit nnd Q.ile w ent ineldo the house. Her

(a lber .Wftfl in tho kitchen, fumbling about no open eupbonrJ,

'Hello," ho said. 'T hought I ’d 0 a lltUo samcttilDg .liot (o drink.

In Ihcro nomo tea here somewhere?" .Uiat-Bauaro-box.'l.anlfi_toI(l. " Ilul ult down—n i make 11


sny such thtngol You aren’t going to leavo us—not for a long. Ions tlmo.”;

He nmlled. 'P orhapn n o t Slllt, ro.eom fortablo.to know, e coins .to bo a ll.r ig h t d-rathnt.hopod.lbBt,you.

DurinB tho paot w e e k - T . - J . Woodo nold h la In torcst in tho U b - criil to Colo-C.: WIliionr'vviio"win en ter Joto tho firm nnd cn rjy on bid interest.

_1oUlnB;tbemJlnl»l^^lho_quostlon, . . ‘" •■SioTO’n been an aw fu lly good friend." Gale said. "I'm fond oC him. Blit I don’t w ant to marry anyone, father. N ot tibw. N pt for

'ell. I f 'I I Isn’t to be Store 1 hope It will bo Bomoona an worthy., SloTo's' mado of tht> righ t stuff: Ilo 'a a lino younB man. Oalo."

•I know ih&L Stovo’fl nil you ooy ho Is—nnd more."

Her fnthor covered her hand with hln. prcaaod it ., ••Well, wo won't ta lk about 11 anV more tonight." Iio said. " It 's Into nnyhow.- Tlme to .tx) In bod."

Oalo rinsed, tho cups nnd wlp^d thcin.'-BCt tho • bre.-«d - and bntier away. "IIo th inks I should marry STOV5r«i<oToiaTi5rdflin

_S h o J illc d -lh o Jie ttlf l.jin il. put..lt. >r iho (Ire to bell, got .tfui cups .1 iiniicors and a loaf of. bread. 'W here's S te te r ' her 'fa ther

asked.••no went on.“H ur father wfttebcd cia Gnio cnl

tho bread and placed It on a plate,: ou t butler nnd n bottle of

"Yoii M d Stove haVen't been hav. init'onyTiTgumflntjr, h a v f l- y o in ^ v miked. • •

•’No."—T om '^Jlaughtor'fi

nor. than oho had been. Uo did Bay anylblng more until the was made and Oalo had po)ir«d

ou t'tw o cups and s a t down befors .... of th?m. Then ho said. •'I've been th lnk ln s about.yon th is oro- ling. Gale. I w bh you d idn 't have

w ork IbB way you do.'

U rs .- RedboaJ. Besides. U ie .u em - bero of tho cla«a there w ere Bcverol Invited gucsUi.

0 lo m arry him.**I sobeKfft'ceTI3lie was sober-fftced as sho pul

m flho"luic ii6n llB hr.ond' w tn f to lior bedroom, Bober-tnced as she ntood before he r m irror, brushing Jicr ha ir. ThJa inood eoollnuei) llirouiJhout tho ' following mofnlng.' I t was Sunday.ttna.iho.UcndcrBona ftto dinner a t 1 o'clock. By 20 m lnules .past tw o when Qalo bad flnl9hed-palUos-tho-last-dlBh btvek ............................ .... • •hands a n d 'h u n g nwny her .apron thero woa atlcndck on tho frontdoor.-,::____ _______' ... ,r-CalolnirrlcirttropenntrA^punii; mna wrarJug a brown wJfldl/reaJfor ineket and corduroy trousers stood boforo her, HIb cap was pulled down over his oyos.

"Bocclal dcliTOrr,’' ho said, "fot ,MUs Oalo U snderson...S lcs.-U orc. pleoss." He held a pencil and Tad tow ard her.

—(To-Do - OonUnnea) ------ —

M A L - L O N 'S

— ■------; T ^ H E - N E - W S -A n 12zcIub1vo Evening Tlmen Doily R eport l_

Oy on E xpert In terp re te r and-Comnicaitate

going , to. d rop one .pro- vlBlon o f th e new banklnf? hUI. This

!uOOM; " - All Indiana-nranufactlirev of-bows^ a n d ' n rio w si. W.&IUNOTON.-Ono^tonin™.

says that.tlie: American I n d if fordinarily poor archer, and Andy Mellon s conii- irKui hiu no««. You coidj not drop

- — dential s e c re tly testifies th a t lJr..HeUon.l(^t^neai^l»^^^^^^K’ .$3,000,000 selling stocks .to him self jn..l931 and'Hithout mttins ono or more ■1 9 3 2 ' jycm on tho hcad. The town n

r 7\^cah\\^iile7‘tl^e~citizeh^bf JaTp ^ ^ a7i'em?nnKdi‘thn"NeH1-—.r.Tneeting.-to'disttusstHe..tw^^s.rieedi).f-im:ambiilan$G;j>:"&^

a n d b n e of the inoVing spirits falls down on the w ayj cvm the ju.i'uro d -to the gathering, b rea la an arm, and has to be lug- >irinipiit, ha* charts tho boom in

-ged off to the hospital on a stretcher. . IllTitowV h o l d w o c o m p a n i e sCrime raises its ugly head in Chicago anew. A witi.«,.t naying «nyu.inK, At: ‘.ee^'j'^y

.canaiy bird is kidnaped from HoJy Cross h o s p i t a l , , l a growing and u-detcctive. discoy&rs-tliat erstwhile auto thieves ho *aw ea«-« mounti.ig on;!!)K '? w ' '^ ’'i i ‘'!-

ACCUMULATION ......... ^l>Vhlie the N ItA 'caM » n p re*

se n t tho lArgMt batch , no p h ^ of tb o J4e\v S ea l la belnt; omit- te d ,-o -e n - lUcohol - fax - p r o w u — tlonn. Vou m ay doubt I t If you .wUl,-- b u t - 21,000- a rre»U -hjivo. boen-m ado-tjnaer thlfl-lftW-Blne* repeal nud additional cosm nro

ClIliiK jip n t tho ra te of BevertUundrcd weeWy;—-----------— -,Ono exjiliuiatlon ,Ib th a t the-

d in )- |ii'n»v^)rid -t} u ( thlik-;|4 the*. t^-Atini; flUBe. The icourta f u r- ' fllsh the lcg>U testlnff B 'ound .'

i i a v e t u r n e d t o s t e a l i n g b a b y c a r r i a g e s , f i n d i n g }o*mon^on t S “ bm u ulc................... ' .1 1 ? ___ nn It wnn on the Btoclc mar*

bi the ono perm ttU n^ tbo to term lnato tho board member- 0hip-0£-a-ina«-who-re#lpijj'aira-T0- oerve b ank governor. Govcmora a lw ays have resigned from both offIcea’W ha3evcr~tbey“ fe lt - tju t-o f aym juithy w llh th e odm lnlstm llon. ‘The i>rovlalon U icrcfora m erely p u t polite p raeiJce.ln to ]aw. llow ever, Jt-jtcggcataiA trtA et^pailH nal, flnmit na tion of the board, and therefore th o N ew D ealera-ore gelllnjr retuly to 'd ro p tho provlnlon. • • '

H lS r i^ O E D CONTIDEN'CE . ..- T V A -ers' have -been bm ggin?

th a t thqy a rc n o f w orrying "about U io'iulvcrjio Grubb decI-- alon In Ahihamo, because the mipremo c o u r t - n c tu ;prcccdcnt- Jn the ir favor In on oJd boulder

, dam case..5_T ho_hrn«slnB ,gpt'no.]o'ud re-.

...-coaeirand'Joolied Ihth 'tB em - They learned th a t the Boulder dam cAso probably w as n o t ap­plicable bccauflo tho court np-

.p roved I t on tho pround th a t tho juilo of power wholen.ile, no t re ­tail, wall Incidental to flood con­trol, navigation nnd IrrlKniion. Thio Is en tirely d ifferent from tho ‘'y iirdslleli'’ principle of the

"Tcnnc.iseo viillcy nuthorlly.t a f f i o i n l . o t a u t o s t o o d a n j o r o u s . — v , vo . , k

- T I ic T m c e 'o f WaIe^js^l^o1iM'bn-tl^c-b^^■t-els“ o r i ; " : 1 S ; i ^ ; d S '‘O T ,C A IS :■ -* '™ S L '’;^^^^^V i e n n a - b y - t h e h i g g e s t - c r o w d o f w o m e n S C C m n -O n c X W A ._ C tc .,) .w ere pcnd1..R.nt house of AHsona’n nlato legislatures p o t S i n e = \ h e < l a f f „ £ V i e n n a ’s g r e a t S o d a l i . s t m a s s ---------- . f a a X

.......................... ' ■ ‘ ........o fC ic v o - . . . ,o m ., .„ .u a w n f ld ln r on fccclvo 57,500 ft year. T hoA ri-

bJ)OL SIllCU mu ui kjui-uwuivm e e t i m r . a n d 3 0 0 p e o p l e j a m t h e c o n c o u i - s e o f C l e v o - ^ o l a i i d ’.s t J i ^ o n T e r i n u ^ l o s a y l f e l l o t ( n r a l c “ S i l u t l i . ] n t r T'rciililenl‘"n5o>n-\-clt~ns ihe;IoW»yi»ti nro "aAseniibirnB !

A r i u i l g u i i a u cuuuc- n .ia .iu am c iiw i ................... ................................ . ............... ............................ ......... .o f B tld a iie s t to duels, on th e gl'OUnd th a t th ev in su lts [Mr. CummtnBs‘’n rovftiK fulli)acii;|nhlci».l» planing >vhftt to

■ ' ed his wife by tin-owing h e r out. o£ their cluly w h ' e n <"■ >'■“ th e v c a u c il t h e r ch e a tin g a t ca rd s . 'slnuRlit, s o is qaleUy establlshlnp • Xhe o ther I»-thn a ir ntalLcro'Vd.

& S K ^ ^ ;C ; i l . : t I ; e - a i iB a 3 ^ : r N e S 3 5 r k jy o i i ) ^V - . . r>A»i la .f«r-ing In tho on them' goes to a liosj)ital with a stoiiiachache, atti-ibuting{u,o ncw Deal is -far

i t to something she ate. A doctor operates on h erfcK ^ ^ ^^■ and removes from her stomach 224 pins, i)iecos“ of!tcn-nifl.

congressional d<51egnUon here lA saying nothing about Uiis unus. ua l'fllep , bu t 111 cursing under' its collectlvo, breaUi, '

PW A*er Ickcfl, who to.iscd ou t o f-h is-o ffice -I> rn iocm ttc 'n if ttonai

t,> ^ £ i com m itteerteii anO jilher ItTbbyinUi.

n,™.flf,^rcs,m_ent.__ K »m ju_ tiipy nU njcrecd siiitft^a lthm .Ph hn, cn.mcniinual ln-!tvith Mr. Koosevelt to p u t a ir .

.W ...W .— ________ ______________ ______I - -- , . . Jcontroci* jin d c r» revltollied Inteivbed springs, lin te of,auto tire ,chains, a set of nd,-

pant Six-montlui o f 2,000 criminal! InMRlno th e ir a u c r ln 'whcQ the cnse.f, b u t a sligh t decreoso in clvil^blU to Oo i t vvu* propoaed In coa- COACH.- I t docs no t include e ascs!g rca> « few daj-a-ARo. carrj 'ijic a

b er bands, and bits of broken g la^.'.

• O u r'fay o rite actress 'lio.w is .-F b ren cc Rice..

_ f l £ . p o e i n s - « i n d . n e y c r h a s a t t e m p t e d t o h a v e o n e o f t h e m p u b l i s f i i a r ~ ~ r ' . •

under federal bankruptcy laws.IproTlainn->oUiorltlng th e tw stnuu- wnicirnlwnyirKTCnip«*.flvcr ■iow o]i^i'“ KWeraa io ""c i« s^ aa to iioeiipending n t a tlmi

■ There is a'^pepper crisis^ which is threatening m any-of.the big commercial houses in England.

------ M ayoe w hat they need is a little m ore pep. .. .

tJie tm dcrlylitr iw hyM r. H o o s e v e l t^ d ln hTsT!IlA mess/>go to congrcss th a t some quicker m ethod of handling NRA enforcem ent coMSiShouId be found.A cease and desist procedure Is _____w hat he had in mlnd t i rtpIaccjC DTTIN Q

I Any tlOM and dealgnato p r i o r y natem . B y th is eon*oU(tBMajr andi«ic«iKm,ting-:aevi»-iat-------------. . Farley niay UiImi aw ay . line* from thoM who have a n d givo tbem to those hrho HaVe not.

crlm W h ta no one la looking, the 'N cw S alurday .

I FAIRFIELD ” 1 ♦ —— Mrs. C. D..iI<(rrilI,- wno ts jwW- o u ily ..lU -a t.th 0~C00dlnR-I>0Bpltal, lo reported to be! som ew hat be tter.

A D iesel school will be held F rl- dny, M arch 8, a t the afcH an ha rd - wTalonL AT-E: ■WmcfTBO.tt Lake, will clvo a special lecture, oaslste’d b y ^ d C nilg ahd A . C. Campbell, 'Twin Fall*.

E m e s t^ c H n a la in Portland bujiineas. H e expecls lb re tu rn

H I S T 9-R-Y- Of Twin'. Falls

© County

15 Y B A B B AGO

to Pocatello, and C. 8 . MeKforUn, w ho Ib In OrcRon, Uio alderm anic board couJd tran sac t do bualDv.ia la st «veninjr.

severa l m a tte rs w ero b rought up and discunscd, nllhourh no vole could bo ta k en .' A dSegaUbn of

penalsslon of tho co u n c ir to plhy S uaday htUl here,- whllo a w rcst- l ln r m atch betw een Cliff Lewis of Tn,rm -Trallc:aTid.^-Tnttn- ‘ ’


H A NSEN —Y ounr People 's Bible

stop o n d 'th U 'c o u n try w o u ld -B ^ n be thp home of U)0 free.

Thiu unemployment Insurance p la n .a t . th e . beat, or tho. ncarcat..lo five y e a rs away, and go t up by


You^May”"N‘ot K n o w That=-

F iv e thou sand m ore jicr- -KOiiH -woro- k i l lc d - l iy - a c t i- -

clcnlH in 193-1 thim live .in■ i]i~c en t rfo'iTi.' TlTinro i'i n gB tnlQ .of N.ovatln. I’opiiln-

•lio n o£ tlic Htiite Jk 04 ,000 ;.LucidmlflJuIIiiilJlQ,QCOj.

pcntoim i ti tlic U . .S.

Congress“ Today:

m lllee conllnues h fey « « d bill.

' HOUSE .In .rcceM. •

- DEAD -M A N lA PPE A R S ItE M P H lS . Tenn. lUr.l — Carl

Von Youotr, 64, "dead" cashier of tao..oMraiy;.iJiink;iw4a'IwW(:om back to Memphis a fte r 10 long

arnut at hla relaUyM— tiiul the antui~or lK anow .~ naU Jcrlhan facc cbarcca of embezzling $10,033 from Uso bonlc. V on Young had 's llp ^ d aw ny. -hlw _elnthlnt» ^ aafound on th o banka of the W ssIb- Blppl r iver i t wos belloved ho hod cpmmllted _Bulcide.

P u b lic F orum ^

_ ...lrlbuU ons~truin ../Mners-WcK comaa L.«tt«ra kIiouM dMl with >rnit'r» of ci-ncrnl lnl«r><<i .liould not i.xloncl to m o-■"3l:v."S

inlrtiMVd unl«aa lUnxl.

« (nan~COl

.--..w. ,..-nD R««ni I iubmlt(«a ttirouBh I

L IK ES PENSION Pt^AN E d ito r E\-cnlng' Times.Dear S ir:

lu m ore I see and hear of tho TowMcnd_ old ngc rey jlv in i;.pen ­sion p lan , the bo iler 1 like Ulo Men,------------- 1——_Mr^Ul2r^lo.

tlicro 'ftro-tnouBariilB-olTieopl^Tn

penny 6 f taxes to keeptO hcra ora .tliou- h/>ip_the_gQvcm-

ment o u t Uirough the tobacco tax. ">mo pay-B asollna tax . .A t.p rcii-

it th e re are thousands tlirough* ou t tho sta te th a t IIvo in tenta nnd p a y no tftxea wbntcver. W hen tho w cn ther Rcta -g o o d - th ^ oil h it road . T h ea Uiero nro m aay drttw lnp the ir Hying from tho

And agixln p ro p e i., ......... . .widowfi is '-o f te n ta x free, thia would bo pu t on tho ta x roll. Prop­e rly belonRing to tho, county would bo p u t. baclt on tho ta x list. The girl buying a U p.slick w ould bclp

■ tox;-lho-boy-buying

j jv c r . .T h c accu pcoplc-tw klne.for ' th is o ro only hero on thia carlh a

short tirac a t'U io moat a fte r ge t­ting th o aid. People, both men and w omen, m ake this country by breiOcintr tr a i ls . 'c u ttin g -lo g s, dlg- rtn g Btono, pu-iiung fo rw o rO ra V r Ing hard sh ip s-th en a t Inst to be hum iliated, .and often Insulted by being p u t on th e county.

.U r ...£ d l ta r ...th is county would not havo to borrow one dollar to be returned Inter. E very ono pa p a rt of th is revolving tax .—M r.-JSdilor. m ore Iban . nino____of every 10 th a t saw th e petition

nam'en w ept ia from only J e ­rome county. A ll voteni, about six out of overy hundred w ere past 00. E v e ry - oU ict.-kind ..of . a , . clUzca

)rItinB for th e Bovcrnment geta

wife a n d It Is nothing omall clUicr,

T hese wives do not need thIo, m uch 'na-m iinyof-tho-ngcd-people wlUi ■ th e ir . llfc’o oavlngu gono th rough aomo bank failuro o r mlo- tortune ot tmme Wni3. X Janyofthfl oltlcr fo lk s would, bo Lalicn carc of hy th e ir children If they did no t have mn ‘ much ' os ' Uioy "cou ia liandlc. D r. Townsend's plan would

• lak o any m ore from the richnot lako IKKTTTfiwould b e on tho,move, each m onth. W hat (lifferenco would, a boIcb ta x mnUc If you have th e mooey to

I MURTAUGH IU ra. £U Dean and Mrs. Hazel

Blick .entectaincd_lBjnicmber8.:-Df U it-U cllff„B ociety Ju e sd av nftei^ noon a t the Dean home. Mr?. Fiihy P irlilng Ifn^nn, Ttf f rm h .roeata w ere aCTval hy th e boAcaa.

, W orld >"of' crii'do oilduH ng tho f i r s t six'mosUiB of 1031 amount«4l-to~738,16Z,7{m-bnrrclar AS com pared w ith C80,!18S,07a bar­rels du rin g tbo corresponding pc- riod oC 1033. •


Octavine -— F o r-p en o n s 1ThQ -bellero-that-- hIm)nn dM tlny' l* ipildMl Ijy th o ' pUmnls. th is dolly linrbiicape (■ outlined by n noted ostroloirer.In oddlUon Co InforRUtlon of gnr m l in tem it. It oitUlnea In- ia J E jn a l ^ o f BpecW ln terc«t to

MARCH 4 Today la vory socrollvo. Trouble ’

Is indicated for.pH sons nod plaeca of confinem ent and the occupanta thereof. Be vc^y careful to gua rd n g a ln n t.th a t. I t.m a y be you rp o s- Bcasloui o r you r affcctlonii U iatn '

i- ro o F ’- - — •Ideas m ay cause trouble.

loplo-wilh linpm ctica l---------

Tlicro m ay bo a s tr a n jo so f t of change fo r you this year. Y our of-

T h(j-nnn itli-o f-M arch^ iiow )-jQ n!— A ugust will ueo tho fu ll force of thin infiuence.-'You m ay havoaom e-- niwlBlanco during Ju ly probobly coming th rough your religion, phi- lofKjphy o r-trav ef.- -

n c m le» desiring. addlUpiuJ------- ------------- ; tkr}r______.ttu to oom-

m nnlcato w ith Oetavino la 'c a ro of tills nem paper.' EncloM a 8- cen t stam ped, Mlf-addresBed

OUnJldnges 'PItina“ f 6 r 'B 6 a r d ~ lo A dm in ister Soc ia l

S ec u r ity S ot-ap .

W ASHINGTON. M arch 2 lUri— Houm pliMui fo r ft boatxl o f th ree *• o r five membcra to direc t admin* ' brtralion o f tbo P rcaidcafa oocliu Bccurlly program wero 'cijalJengcd today by Secre tary of L abor I’ranccfl Perldns.

glio_ asked the house wayo and means committee, w hich in 'draft* In g rh n n cr.i . In lho.h U l^ to -« u b m tt- thc lr nropoaalo to P resident Roone- . vcJt beforo reportlngr them for Iwwio ncUon.

iliaa P e rk ln a 'h as been Insistent U iu l'n d m ln lstra tlo ri’o f tho uoclal' -laauranca—provlalona_o£_tio—bill— bo delegated to tho lobor dopnrt-Tntmtr^oimnsjEitinrwoiOTrar'to revision w lilch woujd give otateah wouJd give otati

ti_eotabll3hlnc_otajlmlniatering old ago and unem ­ploym ent inauronco bcncfila.. Chnirroon • Robert L . D oughton

nought' • to *nrrftnee ' a ' eonfercneo' ■' wllh'.Uio Pnw idcnt fo r today. Hi« offieo said, however, th a t i t woiild - probably bo n e x t week before tiio rovisel bill la looked over w ith

U. Farm IncomeW A SH m CTO N , M o rch -a-iU i:)—

—F a rm iocomo roao /rom ' $48S,- . 000,000 i s Docember to |<08,000,- 000 la Ja n u ary , tbo bureau o f ap rl- culturnl oeonom ea:rcportci\ today.I d Jan uary , lOM, I t .w a s ~000.000 — .................— -------- "

Cash -Income from th e oalcs of cropo .and-Jlvcatock ,wa a ^ m ,0 0 0 , .— 000 In J a iju a iy compared to $430,> ' WO;WOTn'Dc«mt-cr"Wa-|425,OW,~ 000_ln Jan ua ry . 1034. A A A r«n tal an<> beacfit paym cnSTaup^M 'aa' - MdHkmal -?08.000,000- In -Ja n u ary * - compared to $47,000,000 la Decem­b er a n d ‘500;000 ,(^ ’ln ;Ja ireaT y a •

Incom e fro m «


Page 5: IWIONBIJlGr lEHf-M Balanced Budget OAHO’SfiTE- …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '• P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w Bjr Administration-----Currency-JnflftUcm-prop

P ntiirdny. M nrcli 2 , 1935 "_ I D A a Q J E y E N T N n T n r e s J g M J A L L S . J D A H Q - ^

(MKLE¥, BUM.EY M EE^^OM Grn' FO R^O U R m Y TFTiEEi^zHomjBts^Edge Buhl

- A s B obcats D efeat — £ i ^ ? a t e s - ^ o f c ^ u p e r t l -

. O ok loy’B H ornots a n d tlio Bobcats o f B u rloy w ill cloah fo r tho 1036 C lass A dlatr iot b asketb all cham pionship boro ton igh t In tho U tn ln r f in a l a t 8 p . ni.

Tho p a ir 'qualified fo r tho cham pionablp gaino by' w inn in g ■clO B O 'battlcrthla-m oroing-from -Bnhl'ttnd’Knpcrt. T h o 'H on io ts ■cdgcil B u h l.-S 0 -Jo_8P ._ im d _B ttr lcy_bad _j^ atrcm ions tim o - in

~~ollm lntttiag~R npcr t l»y a-38-to~ i tho Indiana a n d P irates.

~ w i t l c ( ? R W o r r J ■- o n ly - i____ _ t - « U lL iu id c fC R i^ 3 5

- ^ o ^ to n m a m o n t, K en B arro tt’e ■■ B o b c a tB " 'w iU -e n te r - to n ig h t ’s

f in o l a s th e n n d crd og . V ictory fo r B u rloy w i l l th row th e tour,

" i a m o n f o v e r n n t i l 'M o n d a y ht, b u t a w in fo r OaWoy l-c t in c h - OlftflB-A-'

th o H o m cU .TJRbt P l w ,

TIio B u hl-O olclty-clM h t h l t m orning w m a U ght t n y throuRh- out. w iu i Uic Jndlaas glviag thefiivured lIo rncb i R m igh ty ^ lU c ,

. j« a d Io c ltin ^ .ih c m -a L T U ib _ I lW t qunrtcr, ftntJ ta k in g a onc-polnt

------- lin d 'a t" h a lf tlm e .- -O o ttc b —M—OiCrnnncy'a o u tfit noocd Into a 33*

• Z2 m arg in-S I Uia end of tho UilrO Dcrioil. and then annexed vletory

......... acoflnk Tix po laU -to th c -tlBttic

JB-tO-:tbl----------- -w ineffa»-coU ecte(J:a*Jw

Icntl flcorcra on tooth team s, w ith 10, topped Oakley.

UneuiM! Onldey—Oorrlnjf® a nJ E lliott, fonvard#; Lowla, center; ll.il«wund-SlcMurniy^:si«orfawJIuW — Vljrer and AtlclnJi, "Iorwnrd»5 ^Vlnix.tr> ccnterfc Ballou and Top*

- Tle»«U. K u a r d a . Sub»tllutloJUisO t tU io y — »»»rtJndnle. 8 ^ %H ardy . B nhl—«opU ln^ Moi—

Scoro by quartcrji: ^Oaliley ...................10 13 10 6—30Buhl ___________ 10 1* ®

--------- Rupert,- oppoalng-a foo ra te d .micrw holm lBB-iavorito..ta,.w ln

ba ttlo o f th is m om ln^fl Rtinio all th e w a y - to tho. final bell before Budtumblnr.-; 38-30. .^Tho-^PlraU a ^ ^

-to t^> -an -8 -7- lcn<l.ftt Uin I l rn t J ^ y ■w lth-foup-m en-on-llic-floorr-Lacy •— J a g c c i l - l y - n t tno naif. — — _ -------- --------- *i.. .rrv_''

ROpert^BrdeKIerBeiiow.-CoedinB — W ennstrom, Proctor.—Seoro by quartore:Rupert .................... 3 0 0 d - 2 5GooillDff ...... 11 2- 2 0—24

nupert-W endell Fireworl<»—a llc ^ ^ ro w o « U M the oncrooon

■ R u ^ S a V e m llir^ U lc , In ,,wJthe r ip H r j i> o a ft.21'.to:2 0 o . _tim e th riller by olnWnir a lone free tlirow In tho ex tra period.

Wendell took tho lead a t ' the - j i r t , held ic throuRhout tho fln it th rc c _ j> c rlo d j._ o n d _ B ta r t« l_ th c fourth can to lead lnf-by 20>14. A t th a t point R upert mvung Into mi<l* den life, blanked tho . TroJnnA thrauRhout'tliQ first th ree periodii, and Btnrtea tha fourth can to lead­ing by 20-1-1. A t tho t po ia t R upert owuDff into sudden life, blanKod tlio Trojoiso throuRliout the qunr* te r, and climbcd to a_20-20_U e with' one m inute to 'play.

FrantT o 'D dm bardm ehf-N either team made Rood . . .

fran tic bombardm ent of tho baa- k e t la tho overtime, b u t.C ra v en ’n free Uirow oewetl up victory for E d Lttcy’s crew. Botli team n ended

and p u lie d u M o V th T n one point n t 25-20 th ird period ended.

_ W altcm , Burley-’e o p a r k l l n gru a rd ooored 15 pblnU to Icod hlamatea. Craven chalked up 11 -

•:.Ruporfa:blff-CUD.U neupo: nnrley->-^Miflnord find

Cnvner, rorw ard»5 Freni»tiul. ecn- ” tf> ; TV’a ltcm -iM tu- B«ll,-BuarU».

Tiiiivert__McCIoy and Craven,, for*n a S i r V h J . c in t^ r ; W alker and

Burley— A caltu rri, D aven. Brown. Rupert— Ruiih,-Bchow, Brocklc.

------- iiEttta;

Tentcrday'fl gam ea bad p r ^ viouftW o llm lnaud fou r of tho eight tcom a whlcJi a ta rU d tho 1035 play

.. .off..-B lund«:.w h!ch jlroppe(S fro; th o running iU' F r id a /f l l a t t l i wcfo Goodtap, Jerome, K to b e rly

O ak lc^M Ir Burley 27.

--------Qoodlfio^4ir-Kirnbflr^-^^----------R upert 21, W endeli TiC. ^

------1 H on>et*Trln iB ebc*la-WUh 1& Bwlft-paialog offeiulvc

clicking, from th e a tiirt, Oakley handed'^ Burley 's Bobcata thetr InlUal defeat of tho tounuunen t In

batUe w*. ------~ iind' /ourlS~pW gpB. BU fU ig -Hv.-.

neU held the edRo In th e f i r s t and • • lh ird ”irtanza».-'. L « rfa . w ho looma

aa one of th e standou ts of tho tourney, played a b rillian t Ooor

----------------------O ak3ey|»-»coring■ “ v i th 1 3 ' po in ts ." flod effectively

, cheeked Frcm atod. U ll B u r le y ^ - - - ter.

•Wallcm a n d , F rcm stad scorcd----------- jcvcn c ach -fo r th e B obcats.----------

• Lineups: -Oakiey—C errln o t .sn o Elliott, forw ard!}. teW Ii, contorj Hale a n d McMurray, ou«fds. Bur­le y —'M alnord • and C ra n es f6r-

^ .r- -v » a rd » r '-P f« 'n » ta d , cenl«r;..-0 4 \ — -B ntrW aU eft;ijuar«f»."#obttif -

Oakloy— M anlndale, Smltl

Brown.. Score by quarters; Oalcley — U

idale. Sm ith, Har- — Bell, A ^ l ttu r^

Bupert'a Second T hrille r T h riller Of la a tj jI c b l’B menu

R u p e rfa flparkU nj 26. to 24 victory over Gooding.

Second gam e of tho day in w h l^ th e P ira te s c a n e from behind to


[ o u m e j a j a t a ^Gamea won nnd lont In the

-d U tric t Cloju A tournam ent aa play reached tlio cham- plomililp atage;

' " W. U P e tOakiey 0 ‘ 1,000“ ■ .007.

U uport . .3- 2 '.MO'

- O 2 .000 ■

ju ia go t down to four w ith placementa.

Cmvcn, w ith 12 points,' paced Ihe 'R upert n tla ck .' ly ing led 'W en: dell w ltli 11. ■ ,f-HwLlneups:.. R upert— Mc(2loy and Craven, forward*; Uhl, ccnter; W alker and Whltlno, guard*. Wendell — t.ono-and-H aw k», for- ward*; M. Welnbero, cen ter; P a rr and Best, goard t. Subitltu tlons: Rupert— Broekle,: R uth^W endeli-r- “ ■ I'ua, W .' Weinberg, Ariderton. ■

— by quarters;

____ ...S en a to rs Speed UpIn tho second afternoon Ran

Iflm bcrly m anaged' to hold Ing OS fa irly oven t o m s during the first, half, bu t th e Benatora speeded up. in the final perlods-to win b y '« to 2 4 . - ........................

in g ra a d ^

Lineup*: Cobding—W illiams and

Kim- a n d .F ^ t t o n . ..guard*,

r and Mlntun,f o w a r d ju J ’olk, center ; Morrill and Mdrlta, g u a r d * . 6u.:3titutlohs: G o o d i n g - Webb, W ennttrom , Sm ith. K i m b e r l y — Hutchin*, Ooh*e, Hacker.— 8oor« -J>y-quarters:------ ^ ...........- ...... .10 £> 11 11—41

24Indians Get Scare .

n m iT ln -th o 'f in a l a f te r n o o n 'n a i yesterday. the -X tgera.a tarted-oU t by giving tho Indiana a decided flcaro, leading them by 8-7 a t tho flre t-q u a f t* r .-S u ita ln e d . powcr_ln the second and third periods, h o w ever, reversed m a tte rs fo r Buhl, l i a U s c m ' doaJnntcd : tho__lflat

w fncgar Ted B uhl'w lth 12 polatsi Beall scorcd 7 for Jerome.v.,—

Lineups: Buhl — Hopkins and «kjtvi, .for>vard»j-W lnB Bar._«M

' - - ■ m rdi.':jB iJ f ftjtvi, ■ foovardsj-W lnejjai

r o 5 r^ ''^ « " a n d * B c u te , forvSVdsj Kay*, centers Jenkins and Hurie- bau t. guards. Substitution*: Buhl — Piper, Mlntun,- Poppleweli. Jo- ro m e - T h o m p s o n , > Burkhalterj ■ W alker/

Score by quarters:Buhl 7 10 11 5—33

Sportsmen DineBURLEY. M arch 2 (Special) —

M o M .tl^ lO P attended the

shifted to a tig h t b a ttle th a t hou „ . ^ apcrtsnjan,th e Jammed sianda roaring, p u - j • ■ . .tatcwlflo coorferatloD;

held GoodlBg to .tw o fre e throw s lo, th e second period w hile m aking liv e -p o in ts them selves, and pn>-

— ctreded to climb into a 17*18 m ar­gin as th e th ird f ram e cloned. ;;

-------- — H ectlo ' F in a le ---------------- •The. fou rth period .w as a thriller,

w ith R upert cllmblnK lntoia-flvjs*

tn - D i- iu G n i- . no ^ D i-n o t'C H IC AG O =^ck~3o)in#oti;':fO r*

cussed predatory animals, and W / A. Averill. foreat ranger, lectured and presented motion pic tu res of w ild life- , » .

’■ CODNT ON T W O -ftilL E ItSAN F R A N a S C O - ^ b FowfeK

a two-mlier, Is counted’on to win a h i t of polata:fi3c.lhc:univcraity:ef CWlfomla this-year* Tha ju n la t

.W in iaa js . P roc to r 's fouV sh o t-p u ttho S ena tors ahead, •2«-23. W ith

______ th rca .o c c o n d » ;ie f tta rp la y .-l ic a o yBldeaWppcd -im decithe, basket: M d

• sa n k th e . field goal th a t p u t Ru­p e rt o u t to f ro n t . 'H— Ho fouled aftCT

_ ia a ltla ff-th a -tw o .:p Q ln la _ b u t _W1-. ■~Ilaffirm lB«d thB -conrtre lou . -One

1 0 - 7 6 0Lineup*: R u p e r t— McCloy and

Craven, .forwartf*} ;Uh1, e - “ - .W «iker and W hlUng guards. .

•;iiig — W Iillam a' ■ntf-■W abbi-fo^• •wards;-Prine•.^.o•nt#l•;-^*'— '— “ and H utton,


. c h A r l e v ,IBERSIEMS

BOSIOMFMU pstate K cw • Yorlter ..W allops I

Sam m y F u ller to 6Umb N ear T itle Bout


By LAUTON. CAltVl NKW YORK, itm-ch 2 H

:.cw Ajnljcrs, 1cm tli.-ui a year oi '■it tho tail tim ber o f upin-r Ne

r x T O C K o tc r n w a a D m r e o jc ir ia v ictory In the f irs t 10-roiu:

i iMiit o f t ’ .........................

Shosh one, E denM ftve t g F inalp

Dolphin Five Trims Hagerman;. Grizzlies Overpower Belleviie

-SH O SH O N E , M arch .2 (S p c c ia l)— A dvan cin g p a s t H ager- m an and B e llevu e as. f in a l ob stacles here this m orninff, Sho'.

■chanip lonsh lp 'licre-ion igb r— -------------.---------•----------------------------------------S hoabono-A vcagcd . ita.. form or-defcat^ -by-taking-H agorm an—

into_cam p,j43_to_J0.:

I ------- ----------C/AKI/V/VAfr-

i‘N*. Y., spotted Bommy tMller. , •IJoston 'Foy Bull, th o m ort d e v 'a i ta t in g punch In tho llgbtwclglit Mlivlalon plus 10 years experience nSa won ft aecUlo^"Uu,f n igh t Iri D nlom.bnnff bhttlo th a t pulled ilntlloon Square Onrden ou t p f th i '

I___ doldrumfl, . I— - Amlwrfl JiL '.UleU-tlie New York

atnto athletic- coinmlsalon's faith In h im n* No. ehall^nficr by de- IvaUng llic choice of the Illinois commujslon.'

Cnnxoneri Next --A a -n -fln a l-tu n e -u p -fo j-tn c-rirh t- ; w ith R om here cutdwjm" ilurljJK'! the oumnicr, Ahibera ptobubly wUlj m eet Tony Cnnroncrl. . lorm erl cluunplon, I t was unnounccd lo-! <lay. A decision will bo reached]M onday .,,___________________ 1.,.!

B u t on the wonl of FuDrr, who; MtoUJUTtTOfl.'T-ATinjCTrTtJBSirniJvcT"

r-anythtnjr '

£ d e n trou nced Bcflcvuo In th o 'sc c o n d m orning gam e, 41

T he - tw o p ow erfu l leaders' w ill m ee t to n ig h t a t 8 :30 p . m,H a iley an d Shoshone Kiris w ill open tho procram w ith an ox; bib ition gam e a t 7 :30 p. m,

w ill d c f in ite ly -se tt le ' the totir- in om ent t it le . A w in for She- sUono w ill forco tho tournoy over u n til M onday n ich t.

. , .Shoshone hm tg up n narrow luiuMn-Uio-opwniz^r-poriiuliiJtfialuiit

•HnKcrmnn,-.m»linfT-lhe-lmlt-on-lIio tlonc iiKl of n 10 to 10 iicore.- In Hhe final tw o ntnnrjw. however.Coacli l.n r ry Dolplilno’ti wiund .'Jwept Into hljjh g e a r to m

}-orman. Tliomoiion m ade ncvcn ench for .Shoiihone.

Lineup*: Hagerm an — Weedy and B arlogl.-forw artt»: Prewett, - c en te r; R u tter and Grldley, o ua rd j.' S h o s h o n e - C h tt t , Guliasela, for- ward*'; Millard', Center; Them.iSon

H ngerm an’- Wat»on, WootJhcad, Ruddles. Shotlione — Beltia, Had­dock, C ray. . .

In the f irst aftcrnonn parnc. • ICdi’jj wuJlopcd Clcnnn l-'i.rry 45 Ja . 20 under the Icndcr.'ihlp of Ljiucc, speedy—fommrd,—who—scored— —polnLi.----------------------— ---------------- --

Lineup*: ' Eden— L.ince and L a t-' ’ tim er, forward*; Wfllhlte. center;

. .... Bodenhamer and. Johansen, guardj. up the lp lenn* Ferry-rSelm an and M e r-‘ ______lB an,.forw ards; Dergstram.-centcr.;-.


Campbell Ready to Roar For Speed Record Today

-jp t-tho -m m o 'c i'c ion io -nnnc tr” no launched w ltli the f irs t jtong ajwl maintnlried to . tho tlnloh ' ‘ nlpht.

••He;» ft hell..of.n flghtyr,'-

-----l ‘lgylnB-> nr-hcr- f l ti t-toom n-~~mei'it lit Uin U iilted 'S tiitei, Mrs. rh lllp m il of London, RnRlIxh HUtr, won tho Women's Golf


Lineup*: Shoshone — Che>* and G ray,' fo rw ard*: Millard, center; Haddoek and T hom aton, guards.

.W oady_and_Oaclool.

. D A Y tO N A BEA CH ,. Fla., March-. 2 - (UPJ — Sir--M alcolm - Campbell failed to break his

• - :cord of

when ho and the m ighty bird could average only 205.032 m. p. h . In two runs In opposite

- d l r e c t lc n g - p v e r - th r - m ea su re d - “rTino, o n .th e ocean epeedway.


M arob 2 ' (IIW' '- ^ -S ir 'ilu lco lm ':

In h is eyes, la notorious for hWt. u tte r d isregard of porsonat 'sn fc ty-ln hlo m onster pe t, call­ed Bluebird.

T hrough a ll h lfl.career os a -aM ltor-^^hlK tittE-spocda he h as

m anaged lo gnm lsh h is a t ­tem p ts w ith oomo a c t InvolvUig

Tills year, If you..bolkve In -TOclc“ cals, rab b it ' feet, 'h o rse —

ii}iocn’ 'aii'd -no t“ w akIiit{ u nder.' Jaddera nnd fooling w ith num ­ber 13, ho bad two a triltes on him bcforo he le ft-th o bench.—T h la is hlfl 13 th .year beJilnd t i e w heel on-record-ruan . ' • -

S ir M alcolm probably haan 't -R iren-lt-a-tbou glit a a d - I can’t • fbid Wm so w to a sk him about - it .-H o w rfv o r.-b a-l» . a -com plcx ..

inllvidual w«io Is,-am ong o th e r - Ib lngs. ft ^ f o u n d ly auper-

ho Is »(l>oollng -tho wnrlui for SOO nnd w on 't be Bntlsfl«l w ith Jc a r-T h f tt loolts 31ko-a-tough_ combination.

_ (C o p y r lsh t.l0 3 a . U nito lX rcasU -

B epn lses 'S v o n is g Tim es f i n S q u ad b y l U d a g F in a l - . . .T w o Qamcs_____ ’

e titio u s ' falalusl.• " I t do e sn 't jn a tte r w ticrc you- oxt, beOilnd-tlae. w hee l-o r else-

Tbftt seem s to explain aw ay No. 13 a n d c w ry th lng ^ ^ t _ tho reo t o f u s mifiW consM cr before Bolng fo r one of S ir

-jE ico im 'jr iiiism rT tnM r-of-ioy-'

H o t

Y or5«4ilrcrT Sanio W t alwaya* lucky Is sbow n b r tho records.

to a ,crow d and serioualy-ln jurf 'efl a spccla to r.'H b kep t on ru a-'-JSIJXR. ■ - -- -i.,-H aro ' a t —toaytoniv-Boaoh vbo'.< t^ro tho u a c e r ^ }oo3S ooo.

y e a r nnd b ro k e ' hLi sntibbcni. -On anoUicr occasion h ia-jrvnruhlft lever sllppeU o u t and •wrcnchcd his anii.

A few days la te r he ninde272 w ith ono arm. Perhapn, viewing It from i ^ t l i e r angle.

lnc_ th roucto . sliced. Jlpa. "And if Roan has any trouble making 130

lunds. and I Imow he will. Am* m will outgallop him. He stands chance -under niiy conditions. '

should kn<iw; I 'vo' boxed both.". A m bers, w en t in to , the - ring w eighing 134 pounds a n d , Fuller

Just e igh t ounces heavier. Shown Speed

forw ards; Pr^vvett, cen ter; Flutter ...1 M llry of Lrxliipton, Ky., InV 't a n d ' Grldley, guards." Subitltu- lO-hoIo tnntch. M n . Hill nmllvfl iU ont: 'Shoshone—Oeltia, Guls.-vsa. -vleioriuUAly iihove.

fl: -------------------------------


SViOALSTACKLErom luiotlier -Ht<Tnio o

O n tills h is 13th anniversary

n:tho otlff-punchlng BoJitonliui. nliip- ped o r took pot-iihots w ithout Blowing up, .and w as sUll blaa- Ins awny a t the finish, UiouR-h be

lumn-rcoeKc<l~and~evcry"ilTno—he flre«^ Am bers'qulver«l to his heels, bu t came o u t of It punching and roLumcd sln g se r . for btanger, round a fte r round.

I n Uie ICth Fuller made"

. F o r F in a l Hoop Contest Of Season ^

. V lagerm an—Woodhcad, nudd-J B,-W.itson. • ■ jEdtfn'ii GrirJllen. only team /itllli

undefeated In tho lournev, liaill — ---------------little trouble w ith Hfll^vue In wln-j i3ojg,.-_ . aM ;i_Toppllnch lng l.y <1-23. The G rto I c II- 3T. to 2i, no l.v hiijhl.chool '

of n ic noil --------. .■xnd kep t nheaU of «'<-ll^'-'';*-;nouthwe.n a ijtr le t tourm .m cnt eo .. crew con-ilntently In cloning fl'iar-.j^^j.^,ler/i. 1 jroiir ti.amii Imd been eliminated

W ilhite ncoretl tr. for K<len.;|,y thl;i-m orning, three had one Hiihler wns hljih fo r Kellcvuo w ith Oufcnl each, and Dol.ic ntooil nlone nine. lan unbeaten.

Tiirier°Torwrrd'^~vUnite, eentcri ~ n m m e ^ 34,”N otunl!^Bodenhamer and Johansen, guards.

MOSCOW. M arch 2 (Speelnl)— T > sn lgh t-n r'l’ullnMm~ldano'fl"l

Bellevue— Ceneruasa nnd Buhler, fbrw ards; Brown, cen ter; Kibble a nd -C ru tchI«y ,- guarda— SubsUtu- tlon*: Eden — H ogue,. Stetnmetx,

~ - ’'nvlss-.O’Don-

Pay .-tto '-lli Pa rm a 28.M t. Home 31,'nosw ell 20 .'

. n » l« ; 35. N am pa 21. _ E m m c tt .31. Pnyet l f 52.

husky bftc .ctball center, JIarold Klimib, -Olympia, -Wiuih., and Uie

c l ^ - c J i c c l^ g guard, Vic____ ____________ ________ In stiw am er, Bolnc, will c ln sh .fo r the


H ighw ay eap turcd tho final two gam es against Bvenlng Ttm es h u t n lg b t- to - ta k e - tb o - C o m m o rc la ] bowling league m atch. .■

Charley Q rucggcm asn r o l l e d KlBh'lHre5"games w ith. 0l9 :-H ow - a r t .Sm ith Vursed i s 201 fo r bigh

out.In th a t final wlkl burst of fire.

A m bers recelw d his only m ark, o_cut_iu«Jcr_.tho,,lcft eye which shed a fine trieklo o f-blood. A dartiDir -bair'b<»;f...-ialf;ujj«rtut to tho point o f the cltin lifted him to tho tips o f his toes. A pparently b c 'w as 'D e ln ^ ea illc d -fo r-tlio -llir- Ishcr. B u t-bo boxed his way. out,------ bock furiously, and gamely............ru ttin in :ed « in jr ii'ijr7 th c10 rounds.

' Evening Times - .100 177 163- ,-iM ISO 201 . .133--.13S-100 — 423

- 1 4 0 ' 142 120


B ru e g ^ tn a n . 164 170 170N esby ...____ 121' 140 180AloswOrth“ ::.: iS 4 " l« T - 170— McDonald " 1 4 8 '135 l7 0 ' . . B c a j a _ _ ____ J2 0 J .7 L -130 -.-420

ITotals _::=r0T7 702 833 '2304

‘^ C U ^ ^ f ^ l N G H S ^ r A ^ > D S = ^ I E W : R E e O R D =

had th ree years of va rsity -------------------- ----------—; - ,■prOtkm.---rmtl-thn ■rift»tnp -<'^tanLAwO-tlsya of .campaigning.

.u . ____ ____>___ rr 5.I.. ___. . . 'Tk,» nf^,y.ini(';niTof tho hoop conforcnce will w ritr ftals on th e ir collcso athletic careers.

Tho following men will-also r«p- resent Idaho In the iao t sland ..a t PuUmaa, w hich promlsea to 'bc ont* of the hardc rt.Joos-b t. bo tU cs.of the whole oeason:

Lonion WIU I'll —G uards— W nJiy-Oera„ kane, and Meri« Fiohto-.W ash.: c cn te r.— IC enaeth______aaB.-Boiacr:ead-4or«v-ards — jB crt LATSon, T ' i ^ F a lls ; Norm an Iver-

Basketball " ScoTes" ■ ■

■ Dy Vnlted F r n s .C oU ese.oT -ldaho-U . Id a h o .(S .

K nox M, .Coe 88.D rake 40, flrlnoeU 34.

—M arqusU «.30,Jietro .l)az

Columbia 31.. A rk ansaa .41 .________

VUlanoTO 23, Temple _ ..

“ “ 01 th . u . S. ™ .y £ '5 , ‘t ' ' ^

The range-o 'rg iuneiT D irj'e s tc r- day 's card ran nil tho w ay from high-scoring trium phs to narrow ono-polnt v ic tories U)at had spec- ta to rs on edge.

■ Largcst^ncDro~Df~the • day- -wn* Bcllevue’o 02-30 w in over Heybum . TlKhtcat ■^aah w as ^H agerm na' 32-31 v ic to ry ognlnst Shoshone.- T eam s-ollm lnatod-ln J « d a y -tU t*w ere Heybum^ Castleford, M alta nnd Glenns Ferry.- •

.................................... ........ ..... - Sned.aker, T horn ton ; and Ronald -Mar­tin, S t. Marled.

A lLof th e s e 'd „ ._ ...................th tt .suclcus of. R lchJ^ox 's 1030 boA ketW l quinte t, bu t they . v d l l J g ^ M l o Ui t ^ _ meantt o c,. G «ra8t\ty_ ,.a^ _K at^ n i«« ,.d on :G «ra8t\ty_ ,.iu j4_K Sairact«r-----nlng boMbol) w tU ; R obortinn and Larson. ;w lns«d .trac k outfits; and

---------- fo r .^ r lo g .fo o t -

SEAtGOINO DEERc h a t h a m t m o m ; t c E t= s e » m iandr id ya rd s off Capa Ood,-coju t

_ jin lB ■ rescued .»■. fleer.-.froto", the sea. T h e r« -w M -sp e eu to tlq a -^ .to

Y ork 27, Neb. W eslrynn 22. Jam estow n 00, M inot 20.IIL W mleyan.94, Bradley 32.BL LooU 41, Loyola (Chi.) 34. S t. AmbroM 93." Iow a Centra]

G uftn\’iu Adolphus S4, A ogs- b u rg a i.

- 48, O ttotbein aa.(PhU.) 80, DalUmorp

So. California 42. U. C. I - A . 33. O tta«-» U . 44, B aker 37.

LL_JUcaJl.:T5*a».^3’- ^ R ieka 83, Alblou Su.

C olgats 30, fen n Stnts 35. .BlclOason 07, Sivarthmore 23 .' P r a t t 27, Brooklyn Polj' 21. T u tu 44. WlUlams SO.

:W . 81 .,Duke 27 '.

Montana Batller .-j.:;v-~Deci«ion» • Miler- HOLLYWOOD, -March ,3 (UEl—

F ra n k nowscy^ 180. M ontana, de­c is io n ^ Johnny Mller, 187. Albla. - C 1 0 } ;jta n k Carles, 160,-Holly-

< rd ^ > o fR d -D ra 'l^ -R u e , 100,

n e l i , t

E den-Loom s Strong SHOSHONE, ila rc h 2 (Special)

— Four team s were ellmlnnted f ro m -tlic P la in . B , dint r ic l- t o ik ct- hali-toum nm ent-ris a rosu lt-o tii 'rl- dav ’s gam e, whicli le ft /th e Eden ilT K ir^ hb iJi'unbeaten o u tfit n ftcr the . Initial

Eden IS , Glenns F e r ry .28. .— . H sgerm an 32, Shetlione- Bellevue 3S, Malta 32.Shoihone 44, Glenn* Ferry 30.Eden.30..Hagermat}„25.____ .

‘In tho Eden-BeUevuc game elid­ed, fo r 11 a . m . this m orning, th e IcaHIng!_____________ ilW ltH OOwnra.. . „w ere to m aU h speed. Lance, Eden, w as lb f i r s t place w ith 40 points ^before tbd B tart'o f today’s'battlea . Ccnerrusa and Bro'wri, ~"b6lK Of Bellevue, were nex t w ith 30 and 32 each. W ilhite. Eden, nnd Buh­ler,--B ellevue,-- ttin k ed -fif th - :aad sU th w ith 28 and 27 points.

p o lr 'o f fa«t-'B anics.lo;top of£:the day. Shoshone eliminated Glenns: P e r r y '44^30 .-a n d 'E d e a defeatedH agerm nn. 30-23; • -- - ............

No«t O bt Pirate* .Eden'a-G rliallcs. .tied.-.tw, Hafier-;

Man Mountain Dean----•—Throws Kirilenko

' SALT L A K E C m ' , ' M-nrch' 2 ' ' (r.i;)—Man itoAntftln Dean, 317,

t.hrew-Mahoiit-YoUBlfr.-2l2.“ T u H -Chr;

S a lt Lake, threw Leo Psplano, 212, Los Angeles: A1 Boyd. 100, Salt Lakcuia<LBA lph-M orlpy,-l03.-O g— den. drew; H y S lw tT nan .'lM .'S alt ' Lake, threw Ned Taylor, 160,

RigHfniire Defeata .:----Lee-iri-lO-Rounder—

ST . .PAUL. March_2-.lU£J—E v .-------e re t t lUghtmlre. 120, Sioux a ty ,

1 ou tpo in ted 'P au l —apolls, (10); A1 Ettor«. 100, Fhlla-.......................................... 'Syhgar iph& agoi Leonard Dixon. 208, Y ork, s topped-Jim Browner, 214. C hlcaga (Browner broke righ t

Jim Londog Trims______.— GothanrtVresller .I...DErrROIT, M arch 2 '( ttE ) -^ J lm

. Londos, Greece,'defea ted Abe'C dle- m ah;'K cw Y ork; -Jl^M clkQllen, , u r “

' llnols, drew w ith D r. K art SarpoUs; Q evelnnd; Georgs T r a n s , . - ^ t . I^ttia'-'dcfeateiS- T o m i^ ' M 0rv lh .~ O klahoma City, and Olaf Olsen. M ilwaukee,- threw-Eabe-ZahOriJUg.:.S t Louis.- ....... -

Los -Anjeles. (4); Rudy Mendex, IQS, lioa A sscles; declsloned'.3ohn> ny W aJUr*, 108, Lo» Angeles. (4);

-kJoey Ro*enberff.-112, Long Beach, ; ^ | ^ J ^ S E < ^ y J ) r l ^ . l U Aa*

w h e th » 't t« d i e r , 4 120-p0und doe. ■w om -ovet froM^ .N antucket

id .-lO -xoU es-aw ar.-w heni- an L MOBOO pn dOer h a d b e ta de-

streteto o f tn w k W O aa W n v O tem OmMlBi------------------------------------t« M t » .isew 'la«oor w orld r« i« td ter ttte U 004M itcr:t»M ot.V adW ' 1 ■on B c ta re Q a r ^ U 'N e w 'T a r l s H e 's sfaowii abou t to .b r w s t tk e .

u d Geve V entke; > e oitablW ied W n a ^ th e w o r» » f T « ^

1' th* prombUon o f the 'S an ta -» t m k fl*uw

_ . J » mlllionrla ..................« o f the f ir s t kasoA 'a op-


• <By-NEA-Serviee>Rivalry between the G ian ts 'and

1^bdgers - s ia y grow conslderabl keeaer.If A l (iucclnsHo.ma^ces^oo Trith the -N sw Y ork club.

-W ta .* b ro ther o f Toay, Brook- lyn Hfrm il N u fm sn H n t* ‘

A N O E I ^ — O fflcG B rB F h is second a tte

dcnham cr scorcd 10 for Eden; Gridley m ade nine for H agerm an.

Lineup*: Eden—U n c e and Lat- tlm er, forw ards; Wllhlte. center; Bodenham er and Johansen, guards. Hagerm an — Woody and Barlogli forw ards: Prevrett. cen ter: R utter and Gridley. guard*. Sub*tltutiont:i Eden—Hogue, S telnm eti. Watkln*.[ Hagerm an — Wat»on, W oodhead,' Ruggles. !

Shoshone's m argin over Glenns. F e rry piled up a s the gam ereachedj eloslnfp m inutes. G ray collectcd 17j ' for'Larry.'.D olphln’a-sguad.-Oo<)pcr; led the F c n y wltJi eight. |__ U n eu B i:_ a h o a» io n e = S J« ii_ a fllG ray, forw ard*: Millard, center; Haddock and H l e k s , guard*. GUnns Ferry—Shrum and Morgan, forw ard*; B e r g s t r o m , center: CllnMngmeard.and Cooper, guards. Substitution*: Shoshone -r* Beltis,

a3Ll*aso la i_H ick t._aicnns,.E «rri= r Selman. Sum m er, A llen ..

• Bellevue Beats MaltaB ellevue,.. which h a d ^ f laa h ed

g re a t form in tm nbllog i a t tho s ta r t of th e day. ell M alta, 38 to 32,-despite the lat*

' d e s p w t e -^ r t - ln - f 'C cnerrusa led;.BeU c.->._.,.-.

] 2. tlasm usM n and P l e ^ 's en e S U and JO fo r th e iosero .' ;* .

Uneuptt -Believuq— Csnerrusa and Buhler,_fbr>*ard*; Brevrnj ter; Kibble and Ci --------

W i n d Y?

te r . cMoois ana uru isn icy , guanis. Malta—W akq and Saunders, for- wartsV'PTe'^eer.eenttn'ftBsmutssn and Sm ith ; gua rds.'S ubstitu tions BeUaviiB...lvnnnn»M, D sV lssH sm.

been ablpped to NaahvlUe a f te r th s t r a io la r aeason ' last- y e a f . - I t ie 10*' --------------- .3J9 .JJ ••SouS**** *

mend.. Mklta—Povnrs, Hitt,ShliL Shoshooe'a •'flrat. defeat of : the

toumey caine At.the boads 'itf Ba> gertoan.-32-t<>^S17^WKiabr*.-=fiM!------- filled to artcb. the Pl*at«. ...

' was h^sh w ith-U’for BO' tm

i t s ta r ts to blew , ' ttoirn to th e . Tw in o w llas alleys and en*- urself S t th e a ss tfa l sp o rt th a t w ind ' a n # .

_ w -e a lb e c j» « 'c rjn te i le te jtn h .... YonTi r iad th a t I t ' r iv e a .

r o a Ideal, exercise, offers ': ^ t y rf-ebm petiU T O 'splrit,--

— A nd 4oa»t fo rce(^ T S M t t o ' .w ty o u r W ^ t ib s ..:

.in .sh a p e .a n d w a baT d.« .re*-.

Page 6: IWIONBIJlGr lEHf-M Balanced Budget OAHO’SfiTE- …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '• P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w Bjr Administration-----Currency-JnflftUcm-prop

-P«g«-8i x - -IDAHQ-E¥EOTNG-T-IMESr-T-mN-FALI^r-IOAHQ^ S n tn rJ n y , M flrcli 2.

81* day*, per lino per Oay.----- .T lir f f< lay n rp c r« n o -p e rd ay = flcOno day, per line— ------- -— »c

Minimum Two Linen •Ulalmum Charco 20o

Clnaalfled Dlaplay flale# on Re- • quest

In ftccepllns copy for elaail- field odvertliem cnU for publics- 'lion In iho Idaho EvcniDR •nm w . the T lm t# ruhlUihlnc

CLASSIFIED SECTION 1 Today’s Markets and Financial NewsSpring ift just around the - cornei^^;^,

approach will come the-an-

■'Compan’, „' u fa r u poulb le , bu t ly^^flitcsnlT onJoeB tJc

aUvertl»cmen,ti—tho—rti:. sponBlbllUy or lh # .T lm « -I^ l> - ll»hlnc Com pany ceaae# a fte r,0= ................ . ■* —llaer Ooea no t call l u atCcnl to Ihe e rro r -• '~A ll~aiLM incd-'A da--B rc • tr lc tcd to tli f l r .p roper clawl- flcaU ottiund tbo Idaho p e o ln B Ttm ea reaervea the right

Ye^tlaoment U 'b 7 dolnj; - d e a r e r roeanlnt; •

• aoaaU led Ada which carry • le tte r and box num ber Inatend of th e tiamo o ^ #b tU tlJ je a n sw e re d -b y - lo tt« r . F u w doM iofM irror-ius-nnm e0 t“ advcrllacr w hich la nbao- lutply-conlldcnllttt In iftich c w a .

a r r a n g e d a l p h a d e t i c - 1 1 2 *:

nual house>cleaning activities ’. . . an d those activities will uncover the collec­tions of knick-knacks in jcellars and attics'

r. and mairiy'of those knick-knacks willprove of worthwhile.value to many per-

—O olda.^cd ...dom e3U c_nfld_ i;iU portcd-.Dlngcl nncl_SmHh.,Sccd.CO;

.TRY tho Globo Socd and I-’ccd, Co.. before buylnR you r field needs,; Blfalfn, clovcra nnd Branayn, . |- : - O n - a A L E —Onion .Secil-DinK! tetdcr & Uallsh. 203 Olh Ave. So. Plionc 080. : __________

a g e n t s w a n t e dflKHI HAUl.l’Y —_Recleancd Mclted, a t ihc K lmlwrly Eleva.

lor. H . K. Overmiin. • • -

A P A R T ^ ir ra f o r b e n t

Phona 328. 321-7th N orth.i'jioao «»*— • — -----• * Fu lly Fiim lahed Apt.

m ere In n and Oaala Home- 480 MtJ o n rcapeetlvely-


■ wrM it. Fonnera ’ A uto Supply ^ ? J ? ^ t a g t . Phono 22MV.

- W a ie rt Comer.

•buttheyMl'haveto-be-iharketed- luickest and

.easiestjway to_turn .them_into..ca8h.js to. advertise them in the Classified columns •of the Idttho-Evening Times^—------- ‘



propore for power atuliun, wnrlt. through npecliU «par« Umo irainlnK aludy. W rllc Box 150P care Times.HELP-WANTED—FEMALEL adlci, copy ‘nam es, nddrcwea

for M all O rder Firm a. Good pny. E!<p«rlenco unnecennary, no can- vaBslnR. W rll«: atam pcd envelope. U N I T E D A D V E IC riS lN C .-lH * DelCalb Avenue. Brooijlyn, N. Y,

A ddress Knvelopes n t^ 'ho inc , spuretlmo; SO to J15 wefckly. E x­perience unneceasary. Dignified worlc. Send stam p fo r partlculara. HAWKINS, .,D«i>t. _ 2 jn ,_ ^ o x J S , Hammond, Ind.


•20 Fo rd R oadster—W c need the_ ro o m .lt takea, up — .-O ut-lt-C oc»-ioE -SB5.00.

B e lte r H urry!

O’Connor Used Car ICoMpaii:

318 Shoshone S t. W . Ph. 1140

FO R .SA LE — OaU .typew riter dMlt. -Underwo(xI-.typcwrll<rr. In -

■ 'i;frrlne.,Hpte!. ........ ..FO R REN T, No H unting, No

3 re# p a itta p -* lg n » ..........................

'W A N T E D ! - = E r e p g : B = r r s E . D .

CAllS-; W e have buyera for ROtxl c a « - ' • Of any make.

W « buy cara for Caah ur o=.*■ n o m m ^ lo n H avlnjj handled V m o re than 3.000 Cara In flfU en ' r -yeB rt-T P lthau t- one- complolnt,- . wo feci th a t w e can handle b~....................... .

-V JNO.-B. WHITE ■ '" C O M P A N Y : "

^ ' i « - 2nd Fall*.;

- • - BOSRD-’iAND r o o m -----' ROOM A N D' BOARD. 253-Oth Av«s. N orth

DOGS, PETS, ETC.FO R SA L E -T horoushb red Pek-

Ineae puppies, aeven weelta old. Phone 110, Rupert, or call a t 711-

■ oth S t , R upert. Idaho.

FOR RENT—AOREAQEHOUSE, orchard. Korden v..v

.jnlle north , one and half eaat Klm^ - - berly— Phona .IM P J ......................

IM A cres _on ^alm on, 7 mllca - o u tn * a r ly jnual Vo aWe to fInanCD

themaelvea. U. J . D ltter. Phone 02B5-R3. . ______

S A C R M , xood Improvcmentfl. •will re n t houne and one acre aep- « f» te ..M u jt have, good reeommcn-

--< lallons.-O ne mtlc north o f-C ouaty•- r io sp lta l. A uguat Kllb, R. F. D. No,

P A M LANDSYOR SALE10 A CRES, folr Improvementa.

«aify term a,’ near Tw in Falla,’ Phone .* 0203-R2.__ ____ ________

FO R . SA L E —4 i4 . acrea ault fo r am all da iry o r chicken ranch. •«na ll coah payraaat, baloacc eaay

• term *. Call IQgCbl niomtnga. •PARK IMPLEMENTS

1—John. Deere tandom. Dlic. 1—Stab le Diac. -

■tr 1—Sptjd-D Jscer. T-V-. ., 1—C qm igtttor. • •. 2—Wood-whecI Wogon*. ^


M eal Incubator and Mollatte SeparntnrrT niile-tor'Jiayor-w hetttv Phone 0208-R2.

AUTO ^ O R GLASS,— ahlelda and window eiaao.' No charge, for a c ttln s glaaa. Orlng In your Bosh o r drive v o u r .P ro tect your-beu llh .-8ave < fuel bills.- Phone 0, Moon'a.

olcctrio o r gaa caclno type, all- Steel conatructinn,. roller besrlnga th roughou t.-m any new -Improvei m ents on 103< --model*. -IC- OEL-a—F 0 R -8 A L B - W » tc r - J New Falrbonka-M orea ah and c laten '-

__ _____ ____ ____ Bean ' Cutter.C o n u K n to iT -p n ln ts -to -flt—Volley U ound.-Colorado.-orjuiy.Spud.Cul' Uvator—aod-4*oT4 ■ ............ 'Plow Sliarea made like n

OKCHARDISTS ATTENTION Prices have nrvcr been lower i ..

Olt and LImo Sulphur sp rays. Get your's today and tako advantafre of present prlccs. Sec H arry Hell-

F tJR N ITU R E FO R SA LE—New and used rum ltu re o f a ll klnda. Coal mngea.' c lcctrle ranges, coal atovca, circulntora and o the r hou8c> tiold 'furnlshlntni- Modn'a, Phone P. Store No. 1; P ho-e 310, S to -e No.

-OPPO R TU N ITY — -Da-you-w ant, to m ake from 10 to 15 p e r cen t bn your Investm ent? Have fo r aalc

S2.S00.00. one-fourU> cosh, balance eash terma. %Vould no t pa^t with property- b u t .W .w orIc .U kca.m e Away. If you have .the. money and

. . . .FO K .TRA D E... _ ___

IfiO .acrca cooJ . wIm al io n d .. All clenr. N ear C 1 a a b o w , . Montiinn. To eKchanue f o r .

__ nci'caL'i* near T ^ ln Falla.

J, E. ROBERTS-R ealto r-------

i j:iH}9 =-Tw1 n • 11 ifn Tda.^


l ^ R RE N T — D esirable i ......w ith tw in beds and board. 12M th N. P,hon« 501.

FO H -RK N T— R»i)n> unil board. IffTTJavriTCIiirlcrPiroiio 507. VIT Shonhonc N . .



FOR SA L E —Two sows w ith twclve plgs. Also w anted ten tons liay. John Lanting. RoRcraon.


> Bunlne^s FlriuA


m l Income T ax Com ultant.


CHICAGO.— M arch— 2 --(I'-iit — H ogs: S.OOO; nominally atcudy: lo iT ^ trC u .'compared " 'w llU'' JO.'OO

500, cnlvVs 200: - pared Friday laiit w eek: choice atoera and ycarlliiga sleady: kill*

rctuncd to pny SH.OO for choice in: choice to prim e 1.47S Ib. »_.nlecr4_.SX3.U0; ■ b c s t_ llf ;h l Til $13.85; long yearllnga

J13,7!T; light ycnrllnci 513.25: bulk fot-ntw »-Sf>;00-lSflfrt“ b n t-h e a v y lielfcra In load lota Jll.OO; light


T A IL 0 R m 0 _ —_ 0 L E A ^ IN G

_Shccp:_O.DOO;,comparcd_Frlday laiit w eek: bulk slaughter Jambs noc higher: exuom u top quality.•n. — ------ lip; .week’s ex treme

I »u.35; com-paratlvely little above S0,10. how- - .•e r r latc-bullr58,73-0.l0;"cllppcd .mbfi J7.50-7.7C; medium to choice

native cwe;i S4.50-J.23; feeding •mbs SO.23-7.00. - ' ------


.’ice aH a 'S ^van lu ncl Ic/ilcil'lUhiS See; Glen Falrbanlta, Radio Ex. change. 23 t M ala So,. Phone 511W

-DENVJi:R..Colo.. .March-i.ftU!)— Cattle: 325; m arke t steady; beef

■m 58 10 SI2.25;-cows and hclf- Si.75; c-Uvcn »5 t o -510; feeder

nnd utockcra S i to S3.00;'hulls.«

AVEDDINO-JVNNOUNCEMENTS nnd calling corda engraved or p rinted. .lJuny correct stylea to

~-ehoir> . from...<aurittTUia'5r’"- -E a ^ Telephone M.


Hog,i: 700:„m nrkcla-ateady;-top W.30; bulk 53.00; pncklnif iiowa — to $8,50; piRn *<,60 to 55iOO.-

Sheep: 13,500; no early siiles.

----- PORTLANO-LIVE8TOCK—PORTL.VND. Ore,,- Jlnrch 2 IU.1!)

.(USD A)—J i ^ a x Compared week CK"-JjQ&to-.7p(; .liichrtr^grm fl ciioIcc'llgUtwclght load lo u largo- ly 59,50. new high nlnco Jan.. 1031; trucked In lota 170-S25 lbs. laost- ly 50.25; 235-310 lbs, M,50-n,00:

............ .. . iltle.i to_keep pro.per- liuflineiw records, Counlleas thousanils sure buyer*. Sim ilar

In o ther s ta te s swamped w ith onlera—muda fortunes for r«prcsenttttlves who were on Job w ith ■ o u r offlclijlly approved LIBERTY ulmpllfled- tax rccord. PoyT^3:80'cnflh~tm»dvnnec-T>rofU !very sale. If they can do It fl- ;an you. N ever beforB a profit oi w rtun lty like thla. Chance'of life .Imo to m ake 533 to 5il5 a day and more.- W rite-, fur details (luick. COMMONWEALTH CO„ 503 So. Dcorbf»m;-‘Chletgo.-;


w aahlng machines, gasollno or clec- trlc7 'p rlcea‘to sell nt-onco-—- a lloverhnule<l-and-etiaronte»d I-Phoneo r w rite. C. C. Anderson Co. (Gol- don Rule). ..

U acd ,£ lectrlc W ashing Machine and Eli-ctrlo Itongea. la f irs t oloas condition; S e o '- th e m a t Dumas

Tm des'B aby Cblclca and Custom IlatchlhB fo r.g ro in . pou ltry : eggs.

Second-Hand Goods. Phono 73,FO R SA LE—05 — Head of Ewes

practically lambed o u t Price 58,00 heod. W rite Box 155J Coro of

l_Hftvo_ thorbuBhbre<I...Mnmm Bronze T urkeys to be le t out ahares to reliable p a rty . Phone


Bo XT Phone 2<0,DID .YOU KNOW 'th e Uneeda

Lunch a t 230 Moln Ave. So.; serves ureTjlgK C st'20c'i '25c p la le lunches In tho city.? ___________

a ll m akes Com mercial and House* hold RefrlB em tors. Fac to ry Set* vice Co.' Phono 83*W.

E xchango. -O ppositeOffice. Phone 00.

OLDIPLOORS m adBllikt-neW -ttl small c o s t F loor npeclallat eight years - In Tw in Falls . - £ a l la f re e .' Phbne 522. G aoler.

CARBURETORS, C a r b u re to r porta and flen-lce.„F. G ..H .. Motoi Service. '2 30 • Shoshone S t. W. T»-ln'FotI«; / . ___7'

M A T ritE S S M renovated, and recovered. Clean wool carded. 20c Ib. W ashed and carded Spe. F u rn i­tu re upholstering. T w i n , Falls M nttres* Factop-. Phone SI-W.


STANLEY C. PH IL L IP S Tw in F i l ls M ortuary

Phono 31 T w in Falls, Idaho


hanglntr. E . L. Shofrer. I'hone 1203-J.

PERSONALCome ond listen to Jto y B urt

speak on the Civil Revolt la ,A us- y . 11 jKta iiuvc .iMc. iiiuiic; <u>u|trla and . m a tte rs o f-In te rest In the really Interested please phonejpreseht Political and Industrial up-

1005 between 8-0- A. M. nml G-7<heaval; 'M ethodK t church Sunday P. ir .-T h is w eek only. tnight 8:0cr P . M .' Also ■

Invited to m eet B lirt a t lunchi o f P a r l i H o te l'S u n d ay n igh t 0:00 • M. BharprP hiles 'S O c.— SM-TI,

IICTlfl '-S8.50:H.78,-' fe w T lo $0.00;., Blaughter.. pica .58,00-8.25; piicklng nows j0,76-7.25, closed 57,00*7.2S;-amooth-llgntwelBhts to 57J0 ; top fe e ik r pigs .53.00, plain­e r kinds S7.00? -

C a ttle: Com pared v.*cek ago,'en .-.ateers ^>8c to laoaUy 75c

higher, plainer kinds up m ost; she ntoel'c 30c to ' 51 o r more higher, cows-. UBUOlly-76c nnd m oro -up ;buU i-nrnJ'voatoraC O c-trsrh lg irerbeat fed ateera ■ early 58,50 to 50.10; med; m inds 57,00-8,35, late to 58.75 nnd be tter; helfem mostly 55,50-7.00, few 57.25-7.76; low cu t­te r and cu tler cows 52.25 to W.25. mostly above 53, under Improvedr alU yr oom i'to Tned,:cow»,-inoBlly

Iry type 5-1.50-3.73; fa t <lalry type to 50.00,-good beef.eowK 50.00 to 50,50;-bulls 53.7rM.50, f a t Hol- atelns to 51.05, good beef bulls to 55,QO:_ good. vealcra,n5oaUy_iS7.50 i?,.,fH^_vcryJttJ^oica-o£ftn:d. odd head to 59, com.- to med. J3.00 to 57.00. .• Sheep: Com pared wc«lc ngo, Ja t

lam bs a trong to 25c. higher, .aged cla.isus scarce ,' few sales steady; cliolco B7 Ib. woolcd Iambs 57.50,Jew 57^25 do\yn,.mcrcly_gooa 81 lo03Jha.-IfLflOL-rom—tn mi-rt on

Y O I T T . ' . .


Down Payment.

DEXTER-WASHER-'AVo~havo~a-:wnBhi!rrfor“ evcry: nned, electric, gou lloe , a w l l l a ^ power, o r band pojver.

g ladly .cooperate w ith 'oii“lrr‘Bvery“woy"fj)j'Tnnir toa»“ j

v c n ien c c r ------- — ’PRICES:

Electric* 530,03. 540.03,' 550.03 500.50; Baoollne 500-05, .570.05, 580,03.-500.30.' Sea the exclustro. ‘•DOUBLE TUB."

-See.-rJtll ng_wrltw-Mr__lTi«lnnr



WANTED—^V^wat. . B a r l e y - - ^ O ats to clcan and t r e a t Dlngel’ond Sm ith Sekl Co.

ESTIM ATES gladly g iv tn on o|l k lndaW Job Printing a t Office-of Idaho E v e n l^ Tlro_ea.' •

Cash. Joliu Pa tke r, Fit. No. 2, Buhl,

W A N T E D -F um ltu ro repolring, upholstering, window ahade work. Cress it Bruley Furn itu re Co, Phono 553. '


CASH BUYER wbUes to hear from -D w ner- havlng-hou.ae-of to three room .i. for sale. Phone 1300-R. '

FU ItN lT U R E WANTED — W huy used furniture, coal ranges, stoves and ice boxes. W« pay c;iali. Phono 0, Mood's.

'ANTED — L inings on V ac.lht Lots, have buyers, J . E . W hite, 130 Mnin East, , .

B ytTER ,EG G S jPurity , Germination DO........ . . .

Danvers. I 'u rlty OO.Cf-f. G t r m l - - r ; y - ” \ " “ -^ j; j-{ " j-55^-:ag-^^v.^^^ ------- 8 \ N KR.\NCI9CO .0 7 .0 ',. Beat ro m .i,’, F re ed h c im ./o r tlc k e t j ahead o tj SAN FRANCISCO, M arch 2H JJj

L E T us SU PPLY y o u r aeed bean needs. We have w hot you

Call a t B«an Growe>r

FO R S A L E - O ld type Gr.-at N orthern Seed Beahs .r a ia c d .in Hazelton distric t' hy T . J . Po.il and L.- E - Johnston, '54.00 cwL Inquire tJean G ror/ers ' W arehouse. Hascl-

ir Twin, F alls. . '


—Butter: 02 score-33c: 01 score 32 c ; 00 score 32c: SO score 31 ^ 0 , E ggs: large 21<2c; medium lO i^c; small 13«ic:—

TOR S A n s —3 'scrr*i In orshafd. Close ’In. Priced for quick sale. ■ W rtte-P f0-U o.:-C 03. T-.vlniFalla.


• cjircA co--------.CHICAGO. M arch 3 llU;).—E ggsr

s teady: 0-207 cases: ex tra firs ts ----- c ; fresh graded firsts 21c; —-

FO R SA L E O P jaa iA D E , B u tlc r - jv e t tk ;-7,356 tubs; ex tra. 0-lube Elec. Radio; WestlnB* f irs ts 20% -20^c; extra* 30c;.firsts

h'juse Elec. R jnjre ; Sp.xnlsU cuU ar.!20-20i;c; .necond-i 23*28ue; ape- IPhone 1110. ■ ' ' 7clali 30 ii-3 lc ; s tsn Ja rd j 30c.

uv^iiiivu. \..urii uiur-uti -.s CCnllower “ to ' ^ cent iiiKlier. DTO w ere-o ff-A i-to -H 'ce n t-a t-th e final Kong. • . .

W heat opened ntead

when » sha rp riae in the p rice nl London gold nnd n break In aler- liiig aroused'num croun conjectures, am ong ' the • poiuilbillty 'o f fu rther devaluation of the dollar.

___ O Q D E N _L I\X ST O C K -l.- _OGDEN, M arch 2 (M i (USDA)

- i I |o g s ; 'F o r w eek, best butchcra oround 25c h igher: bulk 58.75-50; mbced ligh t and med. w elghtn 58 to-58;00;-unaerwetghts-and huavlcs ranged—down—to -47,50; packing sow s 50-57,50._ C n tU o :.B } t_ w e c le 2 .343;u tron i: to sharply h igher; top steers 510 on 3 loads good and choice Idahoa, .............. 51 off, rccord high since

and h tlfe ra 57-!58,60; c a r good U' m od.'o teersand helfors-55- . . . com- 55 down; nied. and good cows 54.60;55J50; com. cows .53.25-54; low«LBradcs.doR-nJo-52.5D:.lmllii 53-55; bulk good and choice veal* ers 50-57: few up to 57.50; lower

■ Sheep: For.w eek ,.12.000;,steady to altghtly low er: load 00 lb. Idaho Iambs Sunday ■ 57.50; , th ick ed 'ia - • • • 50,10-50,75:- lo t - 72.-Ih,

Weather HmdersChannel Project

NEBRASKA CITY, Neb,, a'-i;!,-r fnccptinn of Missouri river clia'n- ncl developm ent w ork -In th b re­gion probably will bo delayed for se v e ra l weeks,-'rivfjrBien brilovr

J l i o - pn>Jeel8__near.^.l)ccc_ am ong-the largMC-;lB.tha-$15.000,.- 000 developm enr"6f ' a slx-fool channel between K ansas 'C ity and Sioux City, la . A loto breakup of lee in tho s tream is causing the delay .. . .


N O TICE IS H EREBY GIVEN TH AT I, Lyda S oulhard„w ill, a t the liext. regulor meeting Of the Idaho S U le Board of Pardons, to

held-aC the S U te House; B3Ise, Idaho, on the f i r s t AYedDMday.of A prll.-n033.-m ‘ak c-appllcaU oa-for

-Pari -and /o rsentence from thfU certain judg­ment of second degree m urder made and entered In the Court of the E leventh Judicial D istric t of tho S ta te Of Idaho. In and fo r the County O fT w ln 'F a lls . on or Aboutaovember 8; 1021. ' ’ ' .

ite d a t Boise, Idaho , FehrOTty If, 1035.

(Signed) LYDA SOUTHARD;A pplican t


TILVT I, Elmo Hill, will, a t the nex t regu la r m eeting of tho.Idaho S ta to Boanl of. Pardons, to be htid j»t the S ta te H ouse. Idaho, on the f irs t W ednesday of April, 1033, make application- for a Pardon from tlla t certain Judgm ent o f con­viction of Forgery, made ae-J en* le red :ia lho C ourt-bf-Ihe Eleventh Judicial D istrict o f the S ta te of Id aho ,-in . and for the County of Tn-ln T olls, on. o r abouf O ctnlkr 20th. 1SS». “ •

D ated a t Bolse. ldaho, Feb, ilt tC 1033.

(Signed) ELMO n iL L .' A pplican t


CfirCAGO, ■ March 2 (Ij'-lH— Sell­ing In tliu w heat p it was Induced today hy m onetary uncertainties

d. the clo.'u wns *i , to cent lowor. .

New crop m onths wore support. ad-lu-th»-conriv«-gralnn(-biit-vtlien declined. Corn cloneil U ccnt

'XJ.Chryalcr Corp. . Coca Cola..i_uua t-iiiu--------Com mercial.Solvents ................. -Cominonweaitn & aoutiicm . . ' l Contin»taJ.O II ofiJ3claware .. 17% C om Products __ ___ ________ 71^4

Wlieal,M ay BB!i PS’i .07S P7?.l-»i Ju ly 03 03 - l)2 * i- -0 a s-* l -Scpt-D2i r ”D2Tr“ Dl‘'I""0r»iTir

Corii—n rn :- ' ----- ----------- -May H4»; 84»i • 83’i ' 84U-84 ■July' 80 «0\ i 7 0 S '7D i5i" S e p t 7C1i 70»i 70*1 7CVi-S

Oats— new:- M n y -5 0 « i— 50% -flO^ 8 0 ^

Ju ly 43*; 43Ti, 43»; -13% Sopt-4iJ»;-^4ixi—*1^ —4 13 :;-Mny ' 05«; • 03»i . 03 .' . C 3!l • Ju ly C5>1 O J S 'C I '' ; ' 65 S e p t C5>i 0 5 4 U5H 05H

CASH GRvVIN' a n C A G 0 ,'M a rc h '2 (IU!i—W hei

No. 2 hard 51.OG.51.OO1;. 'Com : No. 2 yellow 87^4c; No, .

yellow 85-87c; No. 4 yellow 84 to 85i^c; No. 3 white 01c; No. 4 whileaSi^c: sam ple 05 to .70c .------- O atarN o 2 -w h lto -53H c .~ ’ -

Rye: no aalea.Barley: sale 70c; quotable 70c

to 51,20,Timothy: 510.75 to 517.50.Clover Seed;.515.50 to-5I0.30,

= .= --L 0SiAN0ELE8 ^v,—.. LOS ANGELES, M arch 2 lU E)-

B iitte r: E x tra 33; prim e flrn ts 32; standards -32: undergrade 20>4-

Eggs; Unchanged.

..fiUOARZNEW YORIC, M arch 2 (U.lf) —

S ugar fu tures closed unchanBcd to 2 points higher-. 8 p o L 1 .0 7 ...^ rc h 1,05-.00,' May 2.00-.10.. Ju ly 2.16* .lU, S e p t 2.20-.21. -Dec. 2.20-.27. Jon . 2.18-,20. Sales 2,150 tons.

Deans M arket Inactive.

U. 3 . G. N . No. I 'a ' U ;S .G .N ..’N o.2 -s

Colored roasters,*over.4 lbs. _ i3 o J:olored:broller»,m »3-lba;-_..:.T l8c Leghorn broilers, 1 lbs. up

. Turk^.*Y oung-tom >;"N p.:iYoung hens. No, A ____Old toms, N0.- I _____ ;

Medium toms, young .No.- 2 hens.No. 2 to m s______

-Whites,., medium.................S tanda rds '. ..zV...... :..... \:ff.......Bakers .............. .................... ........Eggs, ungraded, In trade . — ...17c

SeedsCommon a lfa lfa _____JIO.OORed clover __________ ___ -»10.00

U veatock Choice ligh t butchers. 180 to.. 210-poundcra ---------— ...;-.48^5O verw etghr L u tthersrsiO ' to---------

Overwe*ight butchers, 250 to 300 pounders _,.:_.......-_.....*7.B0

1. 125 toICO pounders ______

Packing sows, good 250 100 pounders'_:-J^:__55.s0-$6.00

He‘iS»~Z^Z^i!iZZZZZI$£60.$3iMP o t Cows — ----------J1JJ0-K.MV eal’ . ■L am b s ,.

GARDEN BEAN3' W« Ani'How Writing " ; ; . : ^bonini'i«.u

Shieids & G i^ p n.B aM ■

f Phom LD 600-

I N.Y. STOCKSNEW YORK. March 2 lUD-^-Tlie'

inrket cloned,Irregulor.A laska Junoaxr :..-^........AIUciLCbcmlCBl—.—.,u..Allin CliBjmera ___........iVmerlean Can ............American R a d ia to r .......American S m ellin g .... .A merican ‘Telephone ,...American Tobacco B ....A naconda- Copper .........A rm our ............................. ......... oAtchison, Topeka £ Santa F c 414;• ••- ’l5- R e tln b g .................... -23t4



... 81—

A uburn M otors ..Qhln

Bendix A viation .,BolhlcircTnTSteelTBorden Co.J . I. Cnne Co. .......

NEW YORIC, M arch 2 (t'.ni — * Gold and ultver m ining nliarey wore bid up again on the ntock exchango today Oil gold mounted to a rccord high hi London and allver aho t u p .. In a ll marketn,

Tho precious m etal nharea ncorcd gainj_mnclng-tQ-mor&,than a. poi n t— iireft^lynradlhb^hn-rpriiflt^lnklnff"

Ug'?c’i. i?uU?>?nmt',l.(i'g,rl<ig.!>g--foro the clone.

Tn Ih’o m alnlilocTnisl.m ovcm cnts ' ero narrow . Steeln wero. sligh tly

lower. So w ere the motors. M otor

.. 30 -1781,4

EauUuaa. K o d a k ..

.. Film ... General E lc Ceneral-Poo

.... 20?i 21

.... ao%

General M otors ..............Goodyear Tiro Tntomatlonal Hurvcater Intem atlonM 'TelephoneJohns Manvillo .....Kcnnecott- Copper ..........Ix«w ’s Inc. .................M ontgomery W ard -......■Nftiili-jir6l6rs-...i^..-,;-.-rH’..r.;;.-;:rl4VNattbriarD'nln^foducirTimO'UNntlonal.-DlntiUeni t 27.-New York Central ....... .......... 155iPackard M otors ...................... 4Piiram ouat Pablix .... 3»«

0 Oil .

.. 07iia.

,;.N o Bales

,...No -aales

O '.

...... 13%

Radlo C o rp ' ..........Radio K eith Orphcum Reynolds Tobacco B ..Sofcway Stores ........ ..S ea rs Roebuck .............Shell-UnIonOil-...._..;...Simmons 'Cornrr.r.::::.'.:.Socony V acuum ..... ..Southern P a c if ic .......S tnndanl BrandsStandard Oil of Calif............ . 21HiSU ndard Oil of New Je rsey 38TI> T exas Corp. ...... ....................... 10^4

Union Carbide A Carbon'!!!U nion Pacific ................j...U nited. A ircraft .................U nited ■ C arp ....... .................U .-S . Steel, common - W am cr“B ro9.'.rr.'T nz;•WcstGrn-tTnion •......W eatlnghouse Electric R .\y.;WqolworUj ,Co.

N. V. CUnO EXCHANGEA m erican .Super Power -.___ .ClUes Service, common ... . ... 1E l c c ^ ^ ^ ^ T T i a ^

...... 13%

FFU C , 3 P e t .... ..,5101.875*5i62.00- T — ^MUtftN-nrOTnrTOT- ■ ■ - • •liltn: city O • ^


prcvioun close.' L ittle Intereat w as ai.iplnyciJ.for-lhc,mcrcantUcJflfluc3.. which woro flrm.-Ollii held.yenter* day 's gnln.'j. Communication!^ were-nlxetl In n, nlirrow r a n g e . ..................

Volume t o d a y approxim ated

too sliorea last Saturday.'Dow Jonen prelim inary cloning :

iverages ahowod Industrial 103.23, o ff 0.04, railroad 30,10, off 0.10, utility 15.80, off .0 3 ._ ....................

Markets at, a. Glance. B y United r rc a s . _.______

.Stocks Irregular In narrow range: trad ing q u ie t ... B o n d s.q u id . and ..Irrigu lar; fo r­eign la.iuea steady.

Curb ntoclts dull and Irregular. Chicago- stooka-fiulet (Uid'mUetl.”

—Dollar*8tTTjn(rimterirn'^t'ea‘dy“ In gold currencies,• • •

W heat drops n to cen t; corn


....... . ; ....... .W O O L ...............BOSTON, M arch 2 f(l.r»-A very

good valuo ot.wool w as nold In Bon.' ton during the past week, accohl- Ing to tho repo rt o f tho U. S. a g ri­culture dep artm e n t

The heaviest w elghtn moved were..i_o rlg inaJ ' h a g ' averago_F rench__combing ■<)4n a n d 'f in e r te rrito ry a t 00-03 cents, ncoured basis, ’and sho rt F rcnch combing and clothing a t 58-00 cents. Twelve m onths Texas average to good wooU brought 02-05 cents', scoured bosen.

w c,igh tn_qf:.atrl« ly„com blng_ ■18sro05riI=»IOCHirOhIo“and'n lfiniar‘“ fleeces b rought 23^ -2 5 cen ts In' tho grease. F iner grades of s tr ic t­ly. combing b r ig h t . Ohio fleeces wero sold In m o d e ra te ’Volume a t 27.«2a. c c n ta - io r , 80s,..'ccnls foe c as,^co«-^b low l, and 20— 27 cen u fo r 04s nnd-fln«r, o r fine Ohio.D elaine. ....... - .T : .............

BAR 8II.V 6R N EW YORK, M orch 2 IttBh^Bnr -

Oliver r o s a - i cen t a n ounce'inday to -S7?tf-eent*,-thB -hlghc3tneviirin" tnore- lhanra l*T '«a« .—T hfftdvan co —w a ru n if fi rw iQ rQ iffx o n a iiin k rfe c r^w hich wiw 27 pence, up 13*10 pen ­ny- and 'a -lnew ih lg li-slB M - 1028^ Newly_ mlhe«l. 's liv e r ellglhlo fO r’ ........... ‘ unchanged


------ ---HBINRiaH-BROfl.-McOALL-BLUETAG j j -. A N D FiE sr Y i u a i o W R U s s ^ ^ ^ , ■

^ -H oinrlch BrcsrcarofQ U y.dovelopQ iI-stroiti h a s proven ' ■ ' axco llcn t for th is aectJon. W h y bn y o ther aeed’roportod ■

,..Ju t.a«K ood..^ ;. ............ .... “H. R. LONG

40i'B£bali6iia'W8«t‘ P h o iie 145*"

PUBLIC SALEI 'o m h.-ivi.if a a»le op m y ranch I< » ted 0 mlle« S ou th .and ly , lailw W est e f South f tV k G roeery, on— . ’

~Tuesday,-M avch-5~Sale S la rU Prom ptly Bt 1 p . »t.

STOCK— Black Uam, 12 yrs, old,’wL 1700 lbs.; b lack team, 12

yrs. old, w t 1700 Iba.; 6 milch cows; 2 com ing 2-year'Old heifers';

2 yearU ag helfeVs; h o lfe rc a u ; ' ! •

FARM StAOlhNERV-rrZ. a ^ l - g ra[n bias, 'f»0 bu. capacity,' w ith ,

p la tfp im i; Van B n in t g ra in drli!:_P._0.1>edn <]rlU::John D eere bean cu ltiva to r; john 'D eiire w agon and rac k ; ^ C b rro le k -D e er-

In i h*y lo«iJer:. MeConalen*Dcerlng side d e llv e ^ ralce; Knnpe corrugator; s tw i con;u‘ga to r; M artin d itcher; 3-iectIon wood

harrow rs-iecU onlw ’o ^ h a n flw - 'h o y 'n ik c : 2 lan ^loV eleh^lg iM :

l is t pum p and .'550-gal., tank : 'M ollae 2'-way plow^. lig h t .^ ra f t s p r l i r tooth harrow : orchard .spray pum p; grlfid s tone; Jackron

t be M ttlea -fe r te f o n iMVlng tbe 'prem lscii

IRA HUPFER,:pwnw ^W. J. U b U e a b ^ A uetleneer '

Page 7: IWIONBIJlGr lEHf-M Balanced Budget OAHO’SfiTE- …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '• P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w Bjr Administration-----Currency-JnflftUcm-prop

hoirljj*STBoiUkS9Airtw 'poI»on. •81T oliqa4«r. <»CoaptleoL IF< D ar. .13 FertA);>]ns to BiReelple&t < Note Id leale.-o rhomta*.-' -•wcryofiorrow;: BCttrpM.-' .......

37 MlBCoDducL S< E orthr matter. « Dc«ert wason39 North ApiMJca B6 Ptay ,ott •ord*. train.

'40 Fabulous-bird. 67 Dccty«d tooth. }aenIns o( U * ' 41TbloK. ' S98h# I* «k^cm -. body. - . .

...........................beVofUio -sO od o rth o ek y . JHouM of — . s One that VEBTlCAli hlD den

ICrlmlnaL-' lONatlrB. caM iulcB ).iuU .^ U L ^ - c o m e s -

42 Nbrtneoit. ’43 LUlIo i tr lL ' 4G To innrry.47 Kindled. •......

-4W o-«

■ g g s a a ia is 8 s 3 8 f iP ^ P H P B■I aSSiSpS|S

Page 8: IWIONBIJlGr lEHf-M Balanced Budget OAHO’SfiTE- …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...Of PaBsago DespUe Fight '• P f i n c e - l G d H e d D t w Bjr Administration-----Currency-JnflftUcm-prop

- ID A H O -E V -E N m G -T - tM E S .-T W -T N -^ A L I^ ^ ^ »U irday -r-ftS rc !rT ?.~ l?3^ 'V --7 .ri|

- • J i - B R A D Y - W l l l

- ^ . B E F I L M I H E I

N o te d C h a r a c te r 's O dd Q u irk s . A n d V a r ie d E;(pcrioQCQa <

W ill B o -S c rc c n e d • 1

‘-Look! We Can Sit r Up -Noiv, " Say -QuintupUts

Qy ALEXANDER- K A HN - HOLLYWOOD (1'.!!) — "DlomoivJ'

J im " Bnidy, altnoal n leReinJary flKUrc loilfky. will be brouRlit to; life OQ the flcrcen by n m otion'

. jiicturc company which seen lo hln' .c o lo rfu l cftrccr lu 'ra l l r o i ia cqul|wi

m cnt salc.iman nnil Broailivay bon v lvah t n iicrfcct Idncm a.' _ _

— ::^UiouKl)-Ura«Jv'a>ure-i»-v(miai-ly nytionymoii8 w ith luxurloua InR. clinmonilii and .beautiful v'c ii.' f e;v i ca nzB -t« ttnnrttT uri!lL -......IJcntlflcil w ith iho m odem lsntlon of rallronclfl. lh n \ he almont forced'oxocutlvCT tQiCTnriKriirom-

■—..;:;_Perfecl,.D oub!B_-___ r-,;E Jw aril ArnoUl. a perfec t double I

fo r Brady, him been selected to;---------- p la y the p a r t o f Diamond J im . The

film N..1II bo toBcd on the book liy'

• • . B rady’B racthoilfl In'pcr.-iuadrnB' I ra ilroads to accep t hln new trucUnI ;« r e 'n n Im p o rtan t-p a rt of Uie pic­

tu re . The po rtly D iamond J l i t , IfnRw.how.to-ufto-txBuUfut-womtfn-In nwlnglnR orucre th a t i_ ......... ...mlUlonBj.;hc tn rca teneil oml bluii-! tc red w hen neecM ary; b u t he!never B ola 'an order In w hich th sj „ . _ ___

E cf.'h lo moaey^e' atr^ijfhlTnto ' liio’ cameni.' xvhiin Em dlcy next7n“llne ,'ta ubwrbeU'Vn’iho 'coioria'iMftrW c* th a t >lide' oi I w ard to r w>uitev«r Alio ciiu c r l . - ........................- .......... ............- ......... ............ .................... • ; ---------------------

SltU nj; up ■tnilRht and atronir In th e ir llttio whlt« chnlm, iho upend p a r t of tlielr day In t

■_\TOrUL. ■..■.■■■ Hii'oe A ppetite.

However, U .w oa no t an a nalea__ tn a n th a t Rrntly h it th o _ f m n t: |

------- fhi* #>hfl ■ I-----------■nC- th c ccatu ry— I t -wan,'c a u s o of.hlJi hui;o appetUe. lovoforl ^ lam o n d a and hla fonOneaa fo r o 'anffo 'ju lee ................. ‘ '

— iSM tt-aU lforB la-ftnd .F loriaa-c

« "AlttlnR'Up eicerclsM. A nnette, eztreroe left, looka Iro-on tho c h a ir shelf. Yvonne rcocbM carerl} ' Xor»

M E S M U S ^

l i M l i O S -


-----------.--anBo K row era 'nro now aw are th a t t—; - • I t w aa B rndy w ho Introduced or-f ; a a g e juice to B ro a d w a y .u a bcv-{

i a a l ^ U ccpcrTnever d m n k ^ Ilq u o " 'V o n o ra b lo £ x - j t ia t ic o T erm ed

I . iS&VSuSp't.riV"'''"'! “ ‘“ 'y I”• ‘ W hen ho s a t down beforo the I

;1 _ Rugo m e a ls ,.th e oi?o' o f which!

crn i pitchers of tho c ltn ia bover*i^°'''>'<’r Ju stice Oliver Wendell a c e .brought to hla table. H e wan woa "holdlnfc hln own"accustom ed to drinWnff closo to a 'a s a ln a t nn n ttnck of pneumonia

■ o u a r t betflrtcn each courae, c l a i m - •>'» physicians rcportetl.■■' “ infr’lho o range juleo' to o k 'aw ay n il ' A . ' a ay to n ." ch le f

H o ld ing : Ow n

ta a te o f the earlie r dlahca on be P

a In a critica l c

—boK U ot- tu rtl» -«oup .-inorc oraDBoj

^ U»at he atlUL ong riland . wlioro he ordered hla th e atoadv etreah i of

'fllu r'nT im d a A t.lhO Jlttloi^d-hOUSO.On

•dcnlrtd. • i .p c iix F ra n k fu rte r, of the n o r-' J l l v a n l .lnw .«chooU B naa clwiofrlend

aolmo«. said a fte r a visit lo the yiy*. " “ f S . ‘ ‘*--‘‘ „® ‘“ ilUouae th a t the Jurist was •• asljado

- ^ ‘‘°h>flttfl6Z=HDimciizriiaiaia;=3<iKoa ^ V l t h h is a ttendants. ___

oaerMC. consultation. N o bulleUii hasl>ecn Issued on Holniea' condition.

Saverat oxygen tanks havo been t.aken in to tho hounor—Holmes, It w as explained, la no t eooAtnntly urideroo 'oxygen .ten L . The oxygen n_Ufl:tt_\vli--------- ---------

orahgo Juice, a s teak a^MUt tiircpj'

w o rth mlllioDS. H o bad a complete " net m ade t jp 'o f diamonds, aoo thcr

“ — o fT ira rln rano the r- o f -t in c ra ld s ra r

-By—FR EO eBtCK -C r-O TH M A N - WA3HINOTON, M arch 'J im •

—Cov. Charles U. Sm ith of Ver­m ont m ust find a new name for rum — or utlck.^ iS pancake sw eeting on p u a l ty of aldlnir and abetting iihothcr of crimes peculiar to the New Deni.

Ho brought this predleam cnt

Xn h lnueif when ho 's lgned a authorizing 'c rec tlon of a

dlutillery to m ake rum from the sap of mnple trees. T liat waa a lm ost a crim e la lUclf, bu t If 00 much 03 'one bottle o f maplo rum ayrup iroeB on Bale, It-'wlll be too bad fo r Governor Sm ith. He will find the N ew Deiil

iigaTBiiptag^t&rougtt'innirraigpun: tree country w i th . w arran ts c liarg lng code violation, uofair ' 'competition, violation of tlio_ p u ro .Jo o d ^a n d -d r« g _ . .friDRetaeat of. treanury regula* tiona and infrac tion of federal

..a lcoho l.con tro l, rcatrlctlona..,_ Tlio R ovm ior’fl m aplo tipple, m ay be- a ’-aaluhrious poUon, FACA'a officials held today, b u t It's no t rum . - -

Tbo adm lolstra tlon has a Itiw = w h ld r 3

.. He, I

■governor Invented oomo fanci­fu l name liko "m aple mule."

-say. tlien 'eve ry tlilng would bo okay and. tho governm ent will give hlm-hla d latillery permit.' '

.. uum bcrzof_.othcr- citizens^

w ith the ir Xlhcle Sam.Thoy'ra In Dark.

Consider. Uic Florida-p lneap- pie gin highball dlstlllerfl. They make gin flavored w ith pine­apple juice, and sm ooth Bluff U is, too, b u t Uie government

•«ays-lt‘« -n o t-g ln ;- T hs'-F lor*- lilnDs'ntlll a rc w oltlng to learn exactly w hat tlicy a re dlollll- ing. Tlie FA CA intenda to te ll 'em soon.

Then th e re .Is tlie m an who dbtills buchu H n.- I t Icwks llko - wlilukey, nmella llko a n .a n t l- neptle gargle and tastea llko

government can’t decide w heth­er IfB a beverage or n medicine.

O ptlm lit Fooled • •— SaddoBt-cftw-of-nll-la th a t o f -

Iho optim ist w ho filled .fleveml thouaand. parafflne-lined oak

_l«ij;rQlt|..ot, gin .In .1020 to.w.M t,. .forproW blU on'lo .end. H c.w alt- ed- M years.’ H e ’ opens theso bttrrcls Uie o th e r, d a y . to dlu-

' cover the gin had ea ten through tlio parafflne, ’iiwlahcd against

'■the'Ywxl.’ taken’ o n ir p a lo g raeiT ' co lo r'and aoaumed an uouaual and dellclom flavor. • ' • n t w ^ M flno ihaV he .w a n tc ir"

to ncll -_lt - a ^ a j new__kind of _ w ilsk y i_ iu t_ :U ic Ilk o v cn m iim C

aald DO Blr, It w airg ln .Docs th a t r Ivo you ’an idea.

Governor Sm ith, w h at you and your maple Byrup ru m aro_ui)

'ogftlnJitT .................

o r p ra rm ra n o in e r o r tm c ra ia s ra n - ' ( . " - T r :oU ur of ruK cs. and o ther precious _ ston^ _ _ ,* i«i,.„i,..!tho fo rm er Justice Jind been .lll ,

- t hn Diamond Jim p roportion'i.

ia l= -Issue-ReaelieS To Wide Areas

H u o y L ong Po llow er. B o v o lls l a L c ^ l a t i v o A d d ro is

B a p p iD S ''D ic ta to r ’

BA T O N -nO U aB , l-a., M arch -2 .J ! ) ~ S U lo Sea, S co tt W. Hey-

,wood, h lllierto c o n n i d o r e d a staunclT follower of Sen. H uoy P. Long, political dic tator of Lodlsl- ftiia-^one of TnnnypolitlclanaTvho obey Uie Klngflnh w ithout quea- . . . --------

In the ntato senatCr where overwhelming majority owe their iwlitlcal _fxiBience_to_I/ODC—and jump' wTiea he croclu tlio whl~ Heywood orono last night to «pea Long not on the prena bcnch nnd Heywood-lobked-dlroclly-at-tilat.

• - h a p i Whltni-'"When I :rari-for tho''BonBte, I

Uiought Lon{7 was 100 per cent for

^ : sesslona of'-thla legtslaturo since

whlraa of one man who hoa ---ecived. the idca.tlmt througlLtt'__Jorlty^of ■ tbla-loglslatura-ho-wllt pasa laws of bis own jnaklog which are tntended to put ou t of office

polltlcul opponcnta and oet — hlmatir.o.dlclal ' ' ■

~Lawre}icerHerb~\^ j J'

Hunt Seclusion; i R f i E S S E S

tatorahip."- sed for h

____ I woa of eon.,___ _-L eg is la to rs likewise

^ 0 N S y M E R S »

LONDON. M a rc h - 2 (U!) — Hntli-M, and In civilian _cl<Jlhea. T .aw riiilce 'o r-A rab ln , u W orld w ar hero fit alm ost Icgendari' fam e, bicycled through UoraCt-

-ah lra-today In Itcnrch of scclu».

' tjn*tructor here, claims ownership of tho sm allest cornct In tlio world.

i7>.i inchc.'i h igh and 4 Inehea wide. • I t U ohe-half.lnch nhorter thftn th t [One owned by R. V. Hull. Fond du

— _____________________________ __ ;Lac. w ho. rcecntly elalmcd to ow;n. . . . -■■■ .■-----TT— TTTTJ V - .Iihe .■'Hmalli'iit c o ru i t .'VfirulnB

-r»ploVI,=l>VWgbiPa..i5oj“X\SV,rV.r^^O f B ill S o ttin ff u p A g en c jr jvenlr w hile w ith tho a rm y of oc-

.................. ' cu|M\llo'n In G erm any during tho

' A n eight-year enll.itm ent m "A ircraftsm an T . E . Shaw' ended na l ic 'I e f t- th e royal a ir rorco''dejiot"lit'"B ridIinglon •oiiil bicyclcd aw ay to be nlono, ,

In io n , a^ young ..mnii Ahreo.;______ I p n , a young .mailycara o u t.o f Oxford,' ho v

-K gypt-w ith I s ‘in

-'— F o r F a r m .P ro d iic U

i>ti;.:^-:-u.food:JjlU.j\-m.J>c;S172-JilcbtrcthMl • It w i i two years ago, the Peoplo’a ■ Lobby today urged the adm lnlair.i-

tlnn to c rcato a governm ent niar- ke ling corporation to buy "■ '

por.ition hos been Intrwluced by Sen. Lynn J, F rnsler, R-, N . D.

The People 's L,6bby an organl- z atlan headed b,- Prof. John Dew­ey of Columbia univeraUy. said,Kraeensora 'a n d d istribu to rs of

irm products "have been m aking ungodly profits" nnd the recent p u rg ing of liberals from Uie AAA

M A I C F ^ ' H I S T O R Y ' Thomaa B .-L aw ren«erhc 'm A A V C . a , came to b e k n o w n m iw o n m l-

i—Uiat—th e -c x p lo H ^ g ..a n dpri»flteerlng Intereslsvhave go tten ,

' control of th a t agency auppoaed; —to 'D p f ra te 'to r 'th f l-b e n c o r of-con^]

outnera.” [_..VCnid-Schcroe'' ‘ |

"The AAA Is a cm cl and Im-i p rac tical scheme to compel con-| • tu n e rs to pay tribu te to specula-i to rn In farm ' lands,-'farm producU and farm credlr, through higher

- pribe« fdr fan ri product*,-’ tho lob­by ’s a tatem cnt Bafd^

. VThV doccnl^w ay to Jiclp ogrl- ■ ©ulture U by reducing tho costs of

production. Instead of saddling: Uie neoriy 51,500,000,000 o f ex- ceaJ deb t aerv ice . and loxes ' of fa rm e rs upon consumers;

•The tff lc len t w ay to redupe

.................-British m ussum/ating expedition. Ho en­

tered the a rm y na • a sccond lieu tenan t T liree yearn la ter ho'W iu uhcrowned k ing of A ra­bia, nnd from being officially

..,-------- a lm p ly .n ) i-L a w i.— -- Arabini^— H o—-orgonlzcil— tiio--.

tribviim cn' who aided G reat BrlUiln in w’lnnlnR tho N ear ICasc fo r the allies In tho World

Lionized ln 'l9 IB 'H e wa.i lion ized 'a t the end of

the w ar, Ifc', w u taken to the P .irta pcace conference and be­came adviser on middle onntern a ffa irs to Uie colonial office.

He accuned the governm ent repudia ting promlnea It madO'

(n re tu rn fo r A rab itupport. however, and w ithdrew ' —

___ come his g rea t work,••Revo lt In th e De^uerU^’ _

“N o noooer w as I t finished" th a n he changed lils name to Shaw and enlisted a s a private In tlitf royal a ir forcc, He Bcr\-ed throughout hla eolLitmc2t as an a ircraftsm an ,— ................... .

Ho m anaged. In the a ir force, to Indulfie In his favorite oport, npced twtttlng. H e g o t a speed

’> o n t.n n d m ade It— ho hoped— . bomlj p ro o f.; Then, In the In-

rcar„O an g .. A tte m p t.to .. S tr ik e A t P a ir W ho G avo T ips on

O utlaw ’a A ides

s>vN K R A N ciscorB arcirrnnn—United Stateil m aruhals provided a spcclal.guard today f o r i a per- M ns-charged w ith-consp lris 'g - to hnrbor George -B a b y Face" Nol- no!i during the sla in ouUaw ’s vlalt :to :tiie :w ea ir«uana3 t^ y tdE

Huey Curies Goveri .•“Thla man tells our governor to

lahuL up," HCyw'obu Ijiioiitcd," •‘nntl :I have heard him curse tho.gov- Ifworyrooro'thdn I .ever board"*

I Ncgro-eurocUr-He-Koe»-oul-ovci ^ho’ state w ith his nound trucks and IxHlygunrda bluffing Uio -iBpectlojr’votcra.". '

E v en ” b e fo ro -h e ' liod-'flnlahcd,Long^o followers were oil Uielr feet, demanding recognition. Long hira-self wnvH tlietn oslde^__Ji?' an ----- ------------------------------- -- --T c l^d ' th~e~~ml e r o p l i ^ . B 5 l^ e rTT:^r^rgn~ w ^rfiH

. .Tho auUiorl tloa - fo a rc d • -i -at-

farnullon used 11 otlierii.^-;ryr^r;B—u/lf.l-m cA-xultt'rlu'-jmlgnert:v,-hpn;fhp:ETOlip:i!rirRruKlit W toro Federal Judge A . F .' SL "urc t&day. • .

OUier defendanta Included Hen' ry ”T « ’’ Hall, and F ran k Coch. ran. Reno: Tliomaa C. Wllllama,' Vallejo. C a lif .,'hosp ita l m anager; A rthur P ra tt, • Helena. Mont.; Ralph R lao . William Schivo, An- ihony Moreno, Louis Tambini, Frankie Field, and Vince M arko- tltcli, San Fraaciscans.


Ray Fredericks, N eb raa lu City M r«icr,-la afuinpS<I“ by —a.'l'-’ccnt check. He rccclvcd I t from Otnaha .commission .flrm -as-an Justmvnt on an overcharge. I f }ie csahca It ho will bo charged three ccntfl by his bank, a fixed feo fo r oul-of.town checlui.

terest of national defense, ho Invited aviators to - bon\b him"

•while ho w aa apccdlng. Ho emerged .unscntlicd . from thotoaui', - • ,

FAMILY PROTECTION• $ 1 - 0 0 P er .M onth — Benofjta Up to $1,000.00___

operation th a t m ay m ark a t ^ v o n c e In m an’it fightUso Frazier, government -market-1 - -------r-------- ............, , ■

. lng..oorporatloa, _blll, which -WllU ^ " ^ w r w g ln a^ to ^ ^ ^ - f ta w rr . and:, protcce cooperative: pcrforrnM In a Clcjeland. 0 ,

•marketing o rf^ ls itk io s ." ’ hospital by Dr. ^ u d s B. H «k.,■ _________ __ • above, the first.tlmA'ln blstor)-

. . In most c a « l the heat from the! .U at s u r^ ry b«n ^ a W r^ motor, cause* the flnW r on the! *or reM« of lb« .dftad M«rt *00(1 to be destroyed'before thatl ailment. If thn operation Is fin- 0D the body of the ear. 'The hoodl aDy »i»c««fnt. i r Mil bo oa ;

' can usually bo rcflnbhed a t amalil »lgnlfl«uit as wonld- a cancer- ■ - • x p e o fc . .- : , , ...... , . . ,L ; . . l .c u rc . phJ-»lcUn» sajc------- ;------- 1

frco withou t obllRatlon.^

proachpd t Ironically!; - H e y . .

“T ho senator made a sta tem ent o t, th 'e;c lM c.of his iipeech," Long dm w lcd.—H c Bald lio had no


and Mrs. O r U Rose, M urtaugh, Feb. 28, a t the S*carlngcn te m lty home, Kimberly.

m m mOhanco o f A pp o intm en t Oitcd

a s B e a so s for S h ort Leaso ' on P resent, tfom q

n y IIKNRY X. itU SSELL. LONDON (HI!) . t-T h e possibility

th a t tho Duke of K en t may bo m ade a viceroy In tho com parative-

:a r fu ture Is sa id to be tho rea- ... . tho Duke and-D uchess have liU<en a~ aho rt lense'on '.U ie lr.rcsU doQco-ln Balgravo-Square, Instead

- house of the ir own oa a pci-ma' aen t homo and regard the Bel- grave- Square, residen t ,: which *' aow b elng-decora ted- fo r - t hcm- purely tem porary nccommodat

Tho Bclgrave Square mansion Is a t- t h o mom ent occupied by d e c* oratom w ho-aro-busy t^ ln g - to got the home finished for the young couple by tho tim o (h o y -re tu rn f ro m : thnlr W est Indies cruise early In spring. I t Is u compara. lively small houao' of - which the main fea tures a ro s a id 'to bo the Duchcaa’ bedroom, to be entirely decorated tn antique cream white,

-.touches—Dr~8llver,—a n d -Ite r; bom ...,dccorated_by,_tlio.ifa-..

mous Spanish a r t i s t Sert.T he walla o f th e bed iw m

white, the cu rta ins and blinds . . . . to b o ' In silver m ateria l. Adjoin­in g - Is - a - h u g e , apaeo- lined w ith w ardrobes, - There also Is consld* erable cupboard -space for the

In Iho -rooaater P ica re M and • Development edition of the E v e - . n lng Tlmeo W ednesdayjs being read throughout t h o ^ United S ta te s and- In -a feW ’ foreign countrlcB ,"It'U ' revcolecT la 'tho ' addroaacs- to which hundreds havo ordered papers forwa'rsd.

S ta te s to which early copies have Rono Include K ansas, Ore-

jg o n , N orth Dakota, W ashing­ton, Pentiaylvania; 'C allfo rn lar' -Weot • V irginia. Texas, South Carolina, 5h lo ..Iown. il& y iurl. .......... -U tahr ... ............ ........

Unique B athroom ', Tho bathroom ' Is said to ..

r tm lquo-Ja-Brltnlm '- .T lie n Lrtta t lu ia pa inted a ttrac tive black leayea up­on a silver gnckground on tho wall. A beauUful shallow silver basin—

.iiiuiva, OLUii, M uuuum,—York; Michigan and Mlnneaoto. Iowa predomloateo.

— AIberta;-C ahada,-ls-oa-tho-llstrand - rcsldentJi in many -Idaho towns ' outside Uils territory wlU receive copies, as .will tho :leadlnir-rpape«- la—tho—Inter— mountain coutftry. ' -* Only a few copies remain to u ro for. kLSt-mlnute orders, ac- 'oordlng to tJie-Evening TlmcS-- T W im tierT T i^tm M t' tbaa;

W M i E D :

N J U l - l H O

T w in ' F al b Hnortamon' A ssist a ta te O fficia l in P lacinff


P lan U n p 'o r 100.000 notivo and black-spotted - C utthroats trout'^haa ju st boc'if w n p letcd ln~touth cen­tra l Idaho by L. W . GrlR'gs,. In chnrgo of-;0tate>fl3hrpIantlng,-U was announced here thla afternoon by officers of the Southern Idaho F lah .and Gamo association. . .


don. ------ --------- : -•The'trout, foui' to-nlx-lnehesiln

length.r.WQro-plan ted TaafotkjOTi 120,000- la the-Burley-nupert-dls- trlct; C3,000 In Snake Aver above Shoshono falls.

- S t a r t your baby chlelw on'O lobe A -l ■turler. I f s better. Globe 8«0(1 & Feed Co.—Adv.

YOU SAVEby Borrowing ■ Thi& . Way

YOTT'B'irTErbocawo.you-ffot-a:::: lo a n a t c o st from a n on -profit co''opaTftiivV'as8ocititio‘iror“

• farm ore an d -p a y in terest a t th o - ra te o f 6% a y e a r on ly for tho-. tim e yon h a v e .th o m onoy. Y ob , .

. pay--tho - lo a n -b a c k .w hen th o , - crop or livestock ' financed' ia'.

. sold ., ■ ^

T o ffot in o r o -in fo n n a u o n io n b o w to eavo m o n o y ' on ypn r loan s, Just phone-or stop in a n d sea m tho s o x t tim e y ou 'aro 'in

'.to w n . '

«\-aii -held and quMtloned by autliorltiM there in connectionw ith tho mynlerlous- death of -----

'-K n th leen-R obinson .-W * -sw oU---------hcaH . I'ollco aald tbo m urder

-T pm linked -A lea ld o -^ lth -ifc it----------f rlm p .______ - • • •'

pracUaal purposes thero Is a bkiek' and whito m arble w ash basin, w ith the .u sual h o t ond-cold w ater tapa."A' largo'whito.' batK 'surr«und-' ed . w ith marble - is - In, an - alcove. There Is a gk iss drcasUig-tafalo standing on a pedestal. Tho ta in s are in silver m aterial.

- A ttrac tive D ln ln r Room'Oho" 'o f - tho 'm bs" attnkotlvo

rooms .In the house Is m id to Uo tho_i'

green m arble. Tho D uke himself w ent a ll through th«^houao..wlUi tho 'n rch ltco ta 'on 'd decorators bo? fore he .le ft on -his .cruise,- and peraon'ally Indicated on ..the plans of the rooms cxactly. whero ho o a d -h ls -w Jfe -d es ire d - th e lr - fu m l-tu re ahould'bo p laced .’. ...................

Tho .D uko and ' Duchess each havo.'a com paratively sm all ra tlr- lnK.toom.oi_thcir^war^-Thfr-0uch* es-T iU 'K e rT jo u d o ira H ariH r Duko h is study,. Tho boudoir Is lined w ith-ttu ilt-ln bookcases which. Ittnm doratoud ,“ WUntuuyTv}*TlII6(T w ith .-the -Ducheaa'-own book^ - ofWhlefl H hn-B HtntoH tn~ K4 vVpyfond. Tho two Bmall rooms are r ig h t <<ver ooo ano ther on differ­e n t floors.


comes clogEECi:ed when lt 'J>e«

k e y s t o n e _

Chie-Mes |j Poultry Fence I

Strctches, 1 o ^ and U built like real fcnceTTunii Bmallat.chlcla iuid live-" lieit bantam*; La^ts loastr t haa netting

Fsghts rusi 2 ways IKey(tone-ChIc>Meih;1r'tfoiA^rpror

.. . ..lUhea^Oalvannealed ou fer coating ,an4itiM ircopperbw -Ing in n e r tection ai»ur« added yeut ofrcace.servleeatlow ntcottptfyeftr. * -A- big Talgg- B^rall taeana lee l ’

Mountain State«': Impliement Compw^


s %S O U T H E R N I D A H O f J P R O D t J G T I O N

. ^ c r e d i t A s s o c ^ T i o N . : . : :

■ ■ ‘F ir s t N ational B a n k B n ild ln g , T w in F fills, Id ah o -

. LOCAL IlEPpi^SENTATCVH ...... . .

A. i> . \n U ia m so n , Bocrotary, T w in 7a lU ,'Id a h o '

We can offer BIG

. W o never a llo w a do llar a o r o on a trade-in th an tho car sh ou ld 'b rin ff w h en ro-sold,. ^ e r e f o r e , 'w e n ever -

>-h'avo-to ask -m oro th an a .u so d -M t-'is -w o rth r -B IG H T ; : now , bocduso pr iccs bavd been , slashed , w e h ave tho

f in e st barga in s y o u b avo over scon. ■ •

«i?i!25"Ford"To'^'^B(idan, n ew f in E h ___$ 1 7 S ‘5r--^jfO -jO T (t:Tud«^8edtn i - - - _ 1 . $ 2 4 0 - - -

'30 O hovrolot .O ou fo _ _ . $ 2 5 0 -•■■’32 F ord V -8 T udor Sodan’3 0 F ord S p o rt Qonpo ............ _.J___ __ ____ . . .$ 2 5 0

, , '31 F o rd S tan dard C o u p e ________ ________ $ 2 7 5 '. ’31 F ord T ow n Sodan ;.................. ..........;---------.$ 2 7 5 -

'33 F o rd V .8 Fordor, - T m n k _____________$ 5 5 0 . ,’28 F ord Eoadstor,- ve ry g o o d _______ ......: ..$ 1 3 S - -•30 B u ic k 30-C l Sodan - $ 2 9 0 '

■ ’2 9 . F o rd S ta n d a rd ’ Ooupo. _______ ^^.$125; '’29 F o rd TUdor -Sedan • „ ________________' . . ...$ * 2 5

. '29 F o rd S p ort Ooupo ........... ...I;___________ .$ 1 2 5r .r * a 2 J o r d i7 j i iZ b r d Q r ; f io d a n T .r r .: ; : r j : - -n r .± :$ 3 7 S -^

, '29 E ssex C oupe S p ort M o d e l . ::..$12S-$-Durant-Pordor-B cdan-~=fsr:.— .:;nr™.„"...$75

Jedan .;_;.._...-;..„_..„:;.:..:.:$125

- TRUCKS — TRUCKS",.10-ply, D.W;, body .

, ’3 2 O hovrolot TTOck, D .W .•29 F o rd P lcktip ...»___ _•33 'F b rd V -8 P lo ln jp - ........’29 F o rd .P an e l D eliv ery

. Bny-ono o f ou r used cars,.run it,ft y e a r thoji tu rn I{ iniV r o a a ta e w -o tf i 'T o n n i o r caib'-ydu' will do Tjoltef:

■■ . . Y p u r ^ ^ ^ ^ b u l e r l . . i

t w in f a u ^ ; id a h6: :