Invoice Upload Guide Version 1.0 Taulia Inc. 100 Pine Street, Suite 1750 San Francisco, CA 94111 Phone +1 (415) 376 8280 Fax +1 (415) 639 6439 [email protected] Taulia GmbH Bundesallee 171 10715 Berlin, Germany Phone +49 (30) 5770 918 www.taulia.com

Invoice Upload Guide v1.0 - Amazon Web Servicesstatic.taulia.com.s3.amazonaws.com/portal/Documentation/Invoice... · Uploading!invoice!files!with!credit!notes!(memos)!is!not!availableat!this!time.!!If!you

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Invoice  Upload  Guide  Version  1.0  



Taulia  Inc.  

100  Pine  Street,  Suite  1750  

San  Francisco,  CA  94111  

Phone   +1  (415)  376  8280  

Fax   +1  (415)  639  6439  

[email protected]  

Taulia  GmbH  

Bundesallee  171  

10715  Berlin,  Germany  

Phone   +49  (30)  5770  9189  


Invoice Upload Guide  

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Copyright  2012  Taulia  Inc.  

This  documentation  may  only  be  used  in  conjunction  with  the  Taulia  Invoicement  Suite  software  and  in  accordance  with  the  Terms  and  Conditions  of  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.    Any  other  use,  including  but  not  limited  to  modification,  publication  and/or  public  dissemination  is  forbidden.    

Taulia  is  a  trademark  and  Invoicement  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Taulia  Inc.  

Invoice Upload Guide  

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Table  of  Contents  

About  This  Guide  ..................................................................................................................................................  4  

Conventions  .........................................................................................................................................................  4  

Contacting  Taulia  .................................................................................................................................................  4  

Introduction  .........................................................................................................................................................  5  

Exporting  Invoice  Information  from  your  Billing  System  .....................................................................................  5  Acceptable  File  Upload  Formats  ..........................................................................................................................  5  Invoice  Upload  Options  ........................................................................................................................................  5  Required  Invoice  Fields  ........................................................................................................................................  6  Credit  Notes  .........................................................................................................................................................  6  Invoice  Header  Information  .................................................................................................................................  6  

Quick  Start  Guide  .................................................................................................................................................  8  

Using  a  Predefined  .CSV  Template  to  Upload  Invoices  ..........................................................................................  9  

Downloading  a  Predefined  Template  ...................................................................................................................  9  Formatting  Your  Export  File  .................................................................................................................................  9  Uploading  Invoices  .............................................................................................................................................  10  Making  Corrections  ............................................................................................................................................  11  

Self-­‐Mapping  Options  ........................................................................................................................................  13  

Uploading  Non-­‐PO  Invoices  Using  the  Self-­‐Mapping  feature  .................................................................................  13  Required  Fields  for  Non-­‐PO  Invoices  ..................................................................................................................  13  Column  Labels  ....................................................................................................................................................  14  Invoice  Header  Information  ...............................................................................................................................  15  Making  Corrections  ............................................................................................................................................  17  

Uploading  PO  based  Invoices  Using  the  Self-­‐Mapping  feature  ..............................................................................  19  Required  Fields  for  PO  based  Invoices  ...............................................................................................................  19  

Using  a  Saved  Custom  Mapping  .............................................................................................................................  19  

How  Early  Payments  Work  .................................................................................................................................  20  

Appendix  A:    Taulia  CSV  Template  -­‐  Invoice  Fields  ..............................................................................................  21  

Appendix  B:    Simplified  CSV  Template  -­‐  Invoice  Fields  ........................................................................................  24  


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About  This  Guide  This  guide  provides  detailed  instructions  for  uploading  invoices  using  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal  from  an  end  user’s  perspective.    No  prior  knowledge  of  the  product  is  required  to  begin  using  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal,  however,  this  guide  assumes  you  understand  accounts  receivable  basics,  including  purchase  orders,  credit  memos  and  invoicing.    


Conventions    To  help  locate  and  interpret  information  easily,  this  guide  uses  consistent  visual  cues,  as  outlined  in  the  table  below:  

This     Represents  

Bold   Menu  items,  button  text,  toolbar  commands,  mouse  clicks,  and  icon  descriptors  appear  in  bold.    

Italic   Specific  screen  names  appear  in  italic.  

 When  you  see  this  icon  the  included  text  is  for  informational  purposes  only.  

 When  you  see  this  icon  the  included  text  is  a  non-­‐critical  warning  or  note.  

 When  you  see  this  icon  the  included  text  is  a  critical  warning  or  note.  



Contacting  Taulia  For  technical  support  and/or  product  inquiries,  please  visit  our  knowledgebase  at  http://support.taulia.com/forums  ,  submit  a  support  ticket  at  http://support.taulia.com,  or  call  our  technical  support  hotline  at  866-­‐913-­‐8409.  








Invoice Upload Guide  

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Introduction  The  Taulia  Vendor  Portal  allows  you  to  upload  multiple  invoices  at  once  using  a  structured  file.    Uploading  invoices  in  mass  provides  you  with  a  convenient  method  to  export  invoice  information  out  of  your  billing  system  and  in  turn  import  that  information  into  your  customers’  accounting  system  via  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.    Uploading  invoices  not  only  saves  data  entry  time,  but  it  also  reduces  the  chances  of  human  error.    Furthermore,  submitting  invoices  electronically  can  reduce  invoice  processing  times  and  may  allow  your  invoices  to  be  approved  quicker  so  they  are  available  for  Early  Payments*.  


*  Early  Payments  may  not  be  configured  by  your  customer  and  therefore  may  not  be  available  to  you  in  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.    For  more  information  on  Early  Payments,  please  see  the  section  titled  How  Early  Payments  Work.    


Exporting  Invoice  Information  from  your  Billing  System  Taulia  recognizes  that  there  are  numerous  billing  systems  that  suppliers  use  and  that  the  export  options  may  differ  amongst  them.    Depending  on  the  export  options  your  billing  system  offers,  you  may  or  may  not  be  able  to  use  the  Invoice  Upload  features  in  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.    If  you  are  unable  to  use  one  of  the  two  Invoice  Upload  options  listed  below,  you  can  still  use  the  Invoice  Creation  options  within  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal  to  flip  PO’s  into  invoices  or  create  a  Non-­‐PO  invoice.    For  detailed  instructions  on  using  the  Invoice  Creation  screen  to  electronically  submit  invoices  to  your  customer,  please  reference  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal  User  Guide.    

Acceptable  File  Upload  Formats  The  file  format  accepted  for  the  two  predefined  Taulia  templates  is  Comma  Separated  Value  (CSV).    However,  the  self-­‐mapping  feature  allows  you  to  upload  .CSV  as  well  as  Microsoft  Excel  (XLS.  and  .XLSX)  files.    


The  formatting  of  certain  fields  (i.e.  date  fields)  may  change  when  opening  and  saving  your  .CSV  file  with  Microsoft  Excel.    To  avoid  these  formatting  changes,  we  suggest  editing  your  .CSV  file  with  a  text  editor  instead  of  Microsoft  Excel.    


Invoice  Upload  Options  There  a  two  basic  methods  of  uploading  invoices:  

1. Formatting  your  upload  file  to  match  one  of  the  predefined  invoice  upload  templates  (.CSV  file  formats  only)    

2. Using  the  self-­‐mapping  feature  within  the  Vendor  Portal  to  identify  the  data  elements  in  your  structured  file  (.CSV,  .XLS,  and  .XLSX  file  formats  are  permitted).        

Invoice Upload Guide  

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Required  Invoice  Fields  Regardless  of  the  method  you  select  for  uploading  invoices,  there  are  seven  required  invoice  fields  (nine  if  you  are  invoicing  against  a  PO)  that  must  be  included  in  your  upload  file.    If  an  upload  file  does  not  include  these  required  fields,  you  will  receive  an  error  message  and  will  not  be  able  to  upload  your  invoice  information.    The  table  below  outlines  the  invoice  fields  required  for  upload.    Additionally,  it  identifies  which  fields  are  required  for  PO  Invoices  and  which  fields  may  be  on  a  separate  row.      

  Invoice  Header     Required   Description   Example  1.   Currency   Y   Currency   USD  2.   invoiceDate   Y   Invoice  Date   03/22/12;  03/22/2012;  22/03/2012  3.   Number   Y   Invoice  Number   INV2341245     Invoice  Line  Items        4.   itemDescription   Y   Description  of  Item   Control  Unit  Rack  5.   pricePerUnit   Y   Unit  Price   99.99  6.   Quantity   Y   Line  Item  Quantity   50  7.   Unit   Y   Unit  of  Measurement   PCE     PO  Line  Items        8.   PONumber   Y   PO  Number   PO23432345  9.   poItemNumber   Y   Item  Number  on  PO   10    

Credit  Notes  

 Uploading  invoice  files  with  credit  notes  (memos)  is  not  available  at  this  time.    If  you  need  to  submit  a  credit  note  to  your  customer,  please  do  so  using  the  Invoice  Creation  options  in  the  Vendor  Portal.    


Invoice  Header  Information  It  is  important  to  know  whether  or  not  your  upload  file  has  invoice  header  information  for  each  invoice  line  item,  or  if  invoice  header  information  is  only  listed  on  the  first  row  of  each  invoice  record.      


If  your  upload  file  has  multiple  line  items  and  the  invoice  header  information  is  on  the  first  row,  then  all  line  item  details  for  that  invoice  must  be  on  subsequent  rows.    Upload  files  with  invoice  header  information  and  line  item  details  on  the  same  row  will  not  upload  correctly  and  will  result  in  an  error.    


Below  is  an  example  of  an  invoice  upload  file  where  the  invoice  header  information  is  only  listed  for  the  first  row  of  each  invoice  that  has  multiple  line  items.    Note  that  in  the  example  below,  invoices  with  multiple  line  items  have  the  line  item  details  on  a  different  row  than  then  the  invoice  header  information.    

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Below  is  an  example  of  an  invoice  upload  file  where  the  invoice  header  information  is  listed  for  each  line  item.    For  each  invoice  line  item,  the  invoice  number,  invoice  date,  and  currency  are  also  included.    




The  predefined  Simplified  CSV  template  requires  invoice  header  information  for  each  line  item  and  will  not  work  with  upload  files  that  only  have  invoice  header  information  on  the  first  row.    















Invoice Upload Guide  

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Quick  Start  Guide    


1. Determine  if  your  billing  system  can  export  invoice  details  into  one  of  the  following  file  formats:  a. Comma  Separated  Value  (.CSV)  b. Microsoft  Excel  (.XLS)  c. Microsoft  Excel  2010  (.XLSX)  

2. If  your  billing  system  can  export  invoice  details  to  a  .CSV  file  and  you  can  format  the  order  of  the  columns  in  your  export  file,  consider  using  one  of  the  default  .CSV  templates  provided:  

a. Taulia  .CSV  b. Simplified  .CSV  

3. If  you  cannot  format  the  order  of  the  columns  in  your  export  file,  but  can  export  invoice  details  in  one  of  the  file  formats  listed  in  step  1,  you  can  use  the  Self  Mapping  feature  to  map  the  fields  in  your  export  file  to  the  available  invoice  fields  in  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.  

4. Export  the  invoice  details  out  of  your  billing  system  and  make  sure  that  the  Required  Invoice  Fields  are  included  in  your  export  file.    

5. After  you  have  exported  and  saved  your  upload  file,  go  the  Invoice  Upload  page  of  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal,  browse  for  your  saved  export  file,  select  the  appropriate  mapping  (i.e.  one  of  the  default  .CSV  templates  or  the  Self  Mapping  Feature),  and  click  the  Upload  Invoices  button.  

6. Review  the  uploaded  invoices,  make  corrections  (if  necessary),  and  click  the  Confirm  and  Save  button  to  send  the  uploaded  invoices  directly  to  your  customers’  accounting  system  for  approval.                        

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Using  a  Predefined  .CSV  Template  to  Upload  Invoices    For  your  convenience,  Taulia  has  provided  two  predefined  templates  for  uploading  invoices  using  a  Comma  Separated  Value  (.CSV)  file.    Using  a  predefined  template  to  upload  invoices  into  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal  makes  the  most  sense  if  your  billing  system  allows  you  to  define  the  layout  and  column  order  of  your  export  file.    If  you  are  unable  to  customize  your  export  file  before  exporting  it,  you  may  want  to  consider  using  the  Self-­‐Mapping  feature  to  upload  invoices  or  the  Invoice  Creation  options,  including  PO  Flip.    

The  first  predefined  template,  Taulia  CSV,  provides  an  extensive  list  of  fields  for  uploading  invoices  and  mimics  the  file  layout  of  an  invoice  that  is  downloaded  from  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.    The  second  predefined  template,  Simplified  CSV,  is  the  standard  template  for  uploading  invoices  and  provides  the  seven  required  fields  for  uploading  invoices  as  well  as  seven  more  of  the  most  commonly  used  fields.    Depending  on  the  data  that  you  wish  to  include  in  your  invoice  upload  file,  you  can  choose  the  upload  template  that  works  best  for  you.    For  example,  if  you  only  wish  to  upload  the  minimum  required  data  fields,  you  will  most  likely  use  the  Simplified  CSV  template.    However,  if  you  need  to  upload  additional  fields  that  are  not  defined  in  the  Simplified  CSV  template,  then  you  may  want  to  use  the  more  extensive  Taulia  CSV  template.    For  a  list  of  which  fields  are  defined  in  each  of  the  templates,  please  see  Appendix  A  for  the  Taulia  CSV  template  or  Appendix  B  for  the  Simplified  CSV  template.    Furthermore,  each  of  these  templates  can  be  download  directly  from  the  Invoice  Upload  screen  of  the  Vendor  Portal  using  the  instruction  below.  

Downloading  a  Predefined  Template  For  your  reference,  the  two  predefined  .CSV  templates  can  easily  be  downloaded  from  the  Invoice  Upload  screen.    In  order  to  download  one  of  these  templates,  click  on  the  Choose  File  button  and  browse  to  any  saved  .CSV  or  .XLS  file.    Then,  from  the  Mapping  dropdown  list,  select  the  default  mapping  (Simplified  CSV  or  Taulia  CSV)  that  you  would  like  to  download.    Once  you  select  one  of  the  default  mappings,  a  Download  Template  box  will  appear.    Click  on  the  Download  Template  box  and  the  .CSV  template  you  selected  will  be  downloaded.      Now  you  can  use  the  invoice  fields  and  column  order  in  the  downloaded  template  as  a  reference  when  formatting  your  export  file.    


Formatting  Your  Export  File  Before  uploading  invoices  to  the  Vendor  Portal,  you  must  first  export  the  invoice  data  out  of  your  billing  system  into  a  .CSV  file.    If  your  billing  system  allows  you  to  format  the  export  file  prior  to  exporting  it,  

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then  you  most  likely  will  want  to  format  the  column  order  and  fields  according  to  one  of  the  two  predefined  .CSV  templates.    If  your  billing  system  does  not  allow  you  to  format  the  export  file  prior  to  exporting  it,  then  you  will  want  to  change  the  column  order  after  the  file  has  been  exported  and  saved  so  that  it  matches  the  column  order  in  one  of  the  predefined  .CSV  templates.            


The  formatting  of  certain  data  fields  (i.e.  date  fields)  may  change  when  opening  and  saving  your  CSV  file  with  Excel.    To  avoid  these  formatting  changes,  we  suggest  editing  your  CSV  file  with  a  text  editor  instead  of  Excel.    



Uploading  Invoices  Once  your  invoice  data  has  been  exported  and  saved,  and  the  column  order  matches  one  of  the  predefined  templates,  you  can  begin  the  invoice  upload  process  by  following  the  steps  below:  

   1.   From  the  Home  page  of  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal,  click  on  the  Invoices  tab  across  the  top  ribbon  

bar  and  select  Upload  Invoices  from  the  options.    2.   On  the  Upload  Invoices  screen,  click  on  the  Choose  File  button  to  browse  for  your  saved  file.  3.   Once  you  have  selected  your  file  for  upload,  click  on  the  Select  Mapping  dropdown  list.    4.   Choose  either  the  Taulia  CSV  or  Simplified  CSV  template  (depending  on  the  format  you  used  for  

your  saved  export  file).    5.   After  selecting  the  appropriate  mapping,  click  on  the  Upload  Invoices  button.      

Upload  Invoices  screen:  







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After  clicking  the  Upload  Invoices  button,  a  new  screen  will  appear  displaying  which  invoices  have  been  accepted  or  rejected.    For  a  detailed  view  of  an  accepted  invoice,  click  on  the  Invoice  #  and  an  invoice  detail  screen  will  appear.    If  all  of  your  uploaded  invoices  have  been  accepted,  simply  review  the  uploaded  invoice  information  and  click  the  Confirm  and  Save  Invoices  button.      


Making  Corrections  If  any  of  your  uploaded  invoices  have  errors,  they  will  be  displayed  in  the  Rejected  Invoices  section  of  the  screen.    You  can  view  the  errors  associated  with  a  rejected  invoice  and  correct  them  by  clicking  on  the  Make  Corrections  button.      


Clicking  on  the  Make  Corrections  button  brings  up  the  Invoice  Creation  screen  for  that  invoice  and  displays  the  reason  for  the  errors  at  the  top.    A  red  X  will  be  displayed  next  to  any  of  the  invoice  fields  that  have  any  error,  and  by  clicking  in  those  fields,  you  can  correct  the  errors.    Once  all  of  the  errors  have  been  corrected,  click  the  Submit  button  at  the  bottom  of  the  screen.    

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After  clicking  the  Submit  button,  you  can  either  confirm  your  submission  or  cancel  your  edits.    Clicking  the  Submit  this  Invoice  button  sends  this  invoice  directly  to  your  customers’  accounting  system  for  approval.    




Please  note  that  once  an  invoice  is  submitted,  you  cannot  void,  delete,  or  change  the  invoice  unless  your  customer  has  rejected  it.    Please  carefully  review  the  information  you  entered  for  your  invoice  before  submitting  it  to  your  customer.  



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Self-­‐Mapping  Options  

Uploading  Non-­‐PO  Invoices  Using  the  Self-­‐Mapping  feature    The  self-­‐mapping  feature  for  invoice  uploads  allows  you  to  map  the  fields  that  are  included  in  the  file  exported  from  your  billing  system  to  the  invoice  fields  provided  in  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.    This  feature  provides  flexibility  on  how  your  invoice  data  is  exported  from  your  billing  system.      

Before  uploading  invoices  using  the  self-­‐mapping  feature  of  the  Vendor  Portal,  you  must  first  export  your  invoice  data  out  of  your  billing  system.    Since  the  self-­‐mapping  feature  allows  you  to  map  the  fields  in  your  export  file  to  the  invoice  fields  provided  in  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal,  you  do  not  need  to  configure  the  column  order  of  your  export  file  before  exporting  it.      However,  the  only  file  types  available  for  self-­‐mapping  are  .CSV,  XLS,  or  XLSX.    Furthermore,  you  will  need  to  ensure  that  your  export  file  contains  the  seven  required  fields.  

Required  Fields  for  Non-­‐PO  Invoices     Invoice  Header     Required   Description   Example  1.   Currency   Y   Currency   USD  2.   invoiceDate   Y   Invoice  Date   03/22/12;  03/22/2012;  22/03/2012  3.   Number   Y   Invoice  Number   INV2341245     Invoice  Line  Items        4.   itemDescription   Y   Description  of  Item   Control  Unit  Rack  5.   pricePerUnit   Y   Unit  Price   99.99  6.   quantity   Y   Line  Item  Quantity   50  7.   Unit   Y   Unit  of  Measurement   PCE  


Once  you  have  exported  your  invoice  data  into  a  .CSV,  .XLS,  or  .XLSX  file,  you  can  begin  the  self-­‐mapping  process  by  following  the  steps  below:  

   1.   From  the  Home  page  of  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal,  click  on  the  Invoices  tab  across  the  top  ribbon  

bar  and  select  Upload  Invoices  from  the  options.    2.   On  the  Upload  Invoices  screen,  click  on  the  Choose  File  button  to  browse  for  your  saved  .CSV,  

.XLS,  or  .XLSX  file.  3.   Once  you  have  selected  your  file  for  upload,  click  on  the  Select  Mapping  dropdown  list.    4.   Choose  Create  New  Mapping  from  the  drop  down  list  and  click  on  the  Upload  Invoices  button.          

After  clicking  on  the  Upload  Invoices  button,  a  new  page  will  appear  where  you  can  map  the  fields  in  your  upload  file  with  the  invoice  fields  provided  in  the  Vendor  Portal.      Begin  by  entering  a  name  for  your  mapping  in  the  Mapping  name  field,  i.e.  “FreshBooks  CSV  Mapping”.    Once  you  have  successfully  created  and  saved  a  mapping,  you  can  reuse  it  in  the  future,  thus  saving  you  the  time  required  to  setup  the  mapping  each  time  you  upload  invoices.    

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Next,  select  the  date  format  to  use  from  the  Date  Format  dropdown  list.    To  ensure  the  correct  date  format  is  selected,  look  at  the  format  of  the  dates  included  in  your  uploaded  file  and  select  the  corresponding  format  from  the  Date  Format  dropdown  list.    Further  verification  can  be  done  on  the  date  format  by  mapping  one  of  your  date  fields  and  then  selecting  the  Preview  invoice  dates  link  at  the  bottom  of  the  screen.    Below  is  a  screenshot  of  the  Preview  invoice  dates  screen  verifying  that  the  uploaded  dates  will  format  correctly  when  uploaded.      


Column  Labels  If  the  first  row  in  your  upload  file  contains  column  labels,  place  a  check  in  the  box  indicating  The  first  row  contains  column  headers  only.    Once  this  box  is  checked,  the  first  row  of  your  upload  file  will  turn  light  blue  per  the  screen  shot  below:  

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Invoice  Header  Information  Check  the  Invoice  header-­‐level  data  has  its  own  row  box  if  your  upload  file  does  not  have  invoice  header  data  for  each  invoice  line  item.      Checking  this  box  is  necessary  if  the  invoice  header  information  (i.e.  invoice  number,  invoice  date,  and  currency)  is  not  listed  for  each  line  item.      


If  your  upload  file  has  multiple  line  items  and  the  invoice  header  information  is  on  the  first  row,  then  all  line  item  details  for  that  invoice  must  be  on  subsequent  rows.    Upload  files  with  invoice  header  information  and  line  item  details  on  the  same  row  will  not  upload  correctly  and  will  result  in  an  error.    


Below  is  an  example  of  an  invoice  upload  file  where  the  invoice  header  information  is  only  listed  for  the  first  row  of  each  invoice  that  has  multiple  line  items.  Note  that  in  the  example  below,  invoices  with  multiple  line  items  have  the  line  item  details  on  a  different  row  than  then  the  invoice  header  information.    For  this  type  of  file,  check  the  Invoice  header-­‐level  data  has  its  own  row  box.    


Below  is  an  example  of  an  invoice  upload  file  where  the  invoice  header  information  is  listed  for  each  line  item.    For  this  type  of  file,  nothing  additional  needs  to  be  checked.    

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Now  you  are  ready  to  begin  mapping  the  fields  in  your  upload  file  to  the  invoice  fields  available  in  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.    For  each  column,  click  on  the  No  field  mapping  selected  drop  down  list  and  select  the  field  that  corresponds  with  those  listed  in  your  upload  file.    If  your  upload  file  contains  fields  that  are  not  listed  in  the  invoice  field  drop  down  list,  you  will  not  be  able  to  map  them.    Attempting  to  map  fields  in  your  upload  file  to  an  incorrect  invoice  field  will  result  in  an  error.    Slide  the  grey  bar  left  or  right  across  the  bottom  of  the  listed  invoice  fields  to  map  all  of  the  necessary  columns  in  your  upload  file.    


For  Non-­‐PO  Invoices,  there  are  seven  required  fields  that  must  be  mapped  before  your  invoices  can  imported.    Please  review  the  section  above  that  lists  the  Required  Fields  for  Non-­‐PO  Invoices.  


A  Vendor  Portal  invoice  field  can  only  be  mapped  once.    Once  you  have  mapped  an  invoice  field  to  one  of  the  fields  in  your  upload  file,  it  will  be  grayed  out  and  cannot  be  mapped  to  any  other  fields.      


Once  you  have  finished  mapping  the  fields  in  your  upload  file  to  an  available  invoice  field,  click  the  Save  Mapping  and  import  data  button.    A  new  screen  will  appear  displaying  which  invoices  have  been  accepted  or  rejected.    For  a  detailed  view  of  an  accepted  invoice,  click  on  the  Invoice  #  and  an  invoice  

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detail  screen  will  appear.    If  all  of  your  uploaded  invoices  have  been  accepted,  simply  review  the  uploaded  invoice  information  and  click  the  Confirm  and  Save  Invoices  button.      


Making  Corrections  If  any  of  your  uploaded  invoices  have  errors,  they  will  be  displayed  in  the  Rejected  Invoices  section  of  the  screen.    You  can  view  the  errors  associated  with  a  rejected  invoice  and  correct  them  by  clicking  on  the  Make  Corrections  button.      


Clicking  on  the  Make  Corrections  button  brings  up  the  Invoice  Creation  screen  for  that  invoice  and  displays  the  reason  for  the  errors  at  the  top.    A  red  X  will  be  displayed  next  to  any  of  the  invoice  fields  that  have  any  error,  and  by  clicking  in  those  fields,  you  can  correct  the  errors.    Once  all  of  the  errors  have  been  corrected,  click  the  Submit  button  at  the  bottom  of  the  screen.    

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After  clicking  the  Submit  button,  you  can  either  confirm  your  submission  or  cancel  your  edits.    Clicking  the  Submit  this  Invoice  button  sends  this  invoice  directly  to  your  customers’  accounting  system  for  approval.    




Please  note  that  once  an  invoice  is  submitted,  you  cannot  void,  delete,  or  change  the  invoice  unless  your  customer  has  rejected  it.    Please  carefully  review  the  information  you  entered  for  your  invoice  before  submitting  it  to  your  customer.  


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Uploading  PO  based  Invoices  Using  the  Self-­‐Mapping  feature  If  you  invoice  your  customer  against  a  purchase  order,  your  invoice  upload  file  needs  to  include  additional  information.    Using  the  self-­‐mapping  feature,  you  can  easily  map  the  PO  details  in  your  invoice  upload  file  with  the  associated  invoice  fields  in  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.      The  self-­‐mapping  process  for  PO  based  invoices  is  essentially  the  same  as  Non-­‐PO  invoices,  with  the  exemption  of  mapping  the  PO  details.      

Required  Fields  for  PO  based  Invoices     Invoice  Header     Required   Description   Example  1.   Currency   Y   Currency   USD  2.   invoiceDate   Y   Invoice  Date   03/22/12;  03/22/2012;  22/03/2012  3.   Number   Y   Invoice  Number   INV2341245  4   PoNumber   Y   PO  Number   PO12312314     Invoice  Line  Items        5.   itemDescription   Y   Description  of  Item   Control  Unit  Rack  6.   pricePerUnit   Y   Unit  Price   99.99  7.   quantity   Y   Line  Item  Quantity   50  8.   Unit   Y   Unit  of  Measurement   PCE  9.   poItemNumber   Y   Item  Number  on  PO   10    

Please  refer  to  the  Uploading  a  Non-­‐PO  invoice  Using  the  Self  Mapping  section  for  further  instructions  on  uploading  invoices  to  the  vendor  portal  using  the  self  mapping  feature.    

Using  a  Saved  Custom  Mapping  Once  you  have  successfully  created  and  saved  a  custom  invoice  upload  mapping,  you  can  easily  reuse  it  for  future  invoice  uploads.    From  the  Invoice  Upload  screen,  browse  to  your  new  invoice  upload  file,  and  select  your  saved  custom  mapping  under  the  Supplier  Mappings  section  of  the  Mapping  drop  down  list.        Once  you  have  selected  your  custom  mapping,  click  on  the  Upload  Invoices  button  and  your  invoices  will  upload  without  the  need  for  further  mapping.      



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How  Early  Payments  Work  The  ability  to  request  early  payments  on  invoices  is  a  key  benefit  of  using  the  Taulia  Vendor  Portal.    Early  payments  allow  you  to  get  paid  for  invoices  that  your  customer  has  approved  prior  to  their  actual  due  date.    For  example,  if  you  are  a  supplier  that  has  previously  negotiated  NET  30  payment  terms  with  your  customer  and  you  have  sent  them  an  invoice  it  most  likely  will  not  get  paid  until  it  is  due  on  the  30th  day.    However,  with  the  Pay  Me  Early  option  powered  by  Taulia,  if  that  same  invoice  is  approved  in  your  customers’  accounts  payable  process  on  the  15th  day  after  they  receive  it,  that  invoice  will  automatically  display  as  approved  and  available  for  early  payment  in  the  Vendor  Portal.    Once  it  is  approved  and  available  for  early  payment,  you  can  elect  to  get  paid  in  advance  of  the  due  date  in  exchange  for  a  discount.    In  most  cases,  the  earlier  you  request  to  be  paid  on  an  approved  invoice,  the  higher  the  discount  offered  will  be.    Likewise,  the  later  you  request  to  be  paid  on  an  invoice,  the  lower  the  discount  offered  will  be.    If  you  do  not  want  to  get  paid  early,  your  invoice  will  still  get  paid  on  the  original  due  date  in  accordance  to  the  previously  agreed  upon  payment  terms  without  any  additional  discounts.      







Example:  1%  discount  offered  if  an  Early  Payment  is  requested  on  the  15th  day  of  a  NET  30  invoice  

Graphical  Representation  of  How  Early  Payments  Work  

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Appendix  A:    Taulia  CSV  Template  -­‐  Invoice  Fields  Required*  

Y=  Field  is  required  for  all  invoices  

P  =  Field  is  only  required  for  PO  Based  Invoices  

  Invoice  Fields     Required*   Description   Example  1.   currency   Y   Currency   USD  2.   invoiceDate   Y   Invoice  Date   03/22/12;  22/03/2012  3.   number   Y   Invoice  Number   INV2341245  4.   itemDescription   Y   Description  of  Item   Control  Unit  Rack  5.   pricePerUnit   Y   Unit  Price   99.99  6.   quantity   Y   Line  Item  Quantity   50  7.   unit   Y   Unit  of  

Measurement  PCE  

8.   additionalDiscountAmount     Additional  discount  amount  


9.   comment     Notes  or  Comments   3  units  are  on  backorder  10.   contactPerson     Contact  Person  at  

your  Customer  Steve  Anderson  

11.   creditNoteIndicator     Indicates  a  credit  note  


12.   creditReason     Reason  for  credit   Item  out  of  stock  13.   creditedInvoiceDate     Invoice  Date  the  

credit  applies  to  3/12/12  

14.   creditedInvoiceNumber     Invoice  Number  the  credit  applies  to  


15.   deliverDate     Date  of  delivery   03/15/12  16.   freightAmount     Freight  Charges   76.11  17.   grossAmount     Gross  amount  of  

Invoice  4567.99  

18.   poNumber   P   Purchase  Order  Number  


19.   remitToAddress.addressLine1     Line  1  of  Remit  to  Address  

1234  Main  Street  

20.   remitToAddress.addressLine2     Line  2  of  Remit  to  Address  

Suite  1500  

21.   remitToAddress.city     City  of  Remit  to  Address  

San  Francisco  

22.   remitToAddress.country     Country  of  Remit  to  Address  


23.   remitToAddress.name     Name  associated  with  Remit  to  Address  

Gadget  Makers  Inc.  

24.   remitToAddress.region     State  or  Region  of   CA  

Invoice Upload Guide  

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      v 1 . 0 2  


Remit  to  Address  25.   remitToAddress.zipCode     Zip  Code  of  Remit  to  

Address  94111  

26.   salesTaxAmount     Amount  of  Sales  Tax   45.77  27.   shipFromAddress.addressLine1     Line  1  of  Ship  From  

Address  1234  Main  Street  

28.   shipFromAddress.addressLine2     Line  2  of  Ship  From  Address  

Suite  1500  

29.   shipFromAddress.city     City  of  Ship  From  Address  

San  Francisco  

30.   shipFromAddress.country     Country  of  Ship  From  Address  


31.   shipFromAddress.name     Name  associated  with  Ship  From  Address  

Gadget  Makers  Inc.  

32.   shipFromAddress.region     State  or  Region  of  Ship  From  Address  


33.   ShipFromAddress.zipCode     Zip  Code  of  Ship  From  Address  


34.   shipToAddress.addressLine1     Line  1  of  Ship  To  Address  

1234  Main  Street  

35.   shipToAddress.addressLine2     Line  2  of  Ship  To  Address  

Suite  1500  

36.   shipToAddress.city     City  of  Ship  To  Address  

San  Francisco  

37.   shipToAddress.country     Country  of  Ship  To  Address  


38.   shipToAddress.name     Name  associated  with  Ship  To  Address  

Gadget  Makers  Inc.  

39.   shipToAddress.region     State  or  Region  of  Ship  To  Address  


40.   ShipToAddress.zipCode     Zip  Code  of  Ship  To  Address  


41.   taxCanadaGST     Goods  and  Services  Tax  (GST)  Amount  


42.   taxCanadaHST     Harmonized  Sales  Tax  (HST)  Amount  


43.   taxCanadaPST     Provincial  Sales  Tax  (PST)  Amount    


44.   taxCanadaQST     Quebec  Sales  Tax  (QST)  Amount  


45.   taxIdentifier     Tax  Identifier   VAT  46.   taxQualifier     Value  of  Tax  

Identifier  .05  

47.   totalDiscountAmount     Total  amount  of  Discounts  


Invoice Upload Guide  

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48.   totalTaxAmount     Total  amount  of  Tax   76.55  49.   itemNumber     Item  number  of  line  

item  30  

50.   materialCode     Material  code  of  line  item  


51.   netAmount     Net  amount  of  line  item  


52.   poItemNumber     PO  Item  number  of  line  item  


53.   taxAmount     VAT  tax  amount  of  line  item  


54.   taxExemptReason     VAT  tax  exempt  reason  of  line  item  

Non  for  profit  organization  

55.   taxRate     VAT  tax  rate  of  line  item  















Invoice Upload Guide  

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Appendix  B:    Simplified  CSV  Template  -­‐  Invoice  Fields  Required*  

Y=  Field  is  required  for  all  invoices  

P  =  Field  is  only  required  for  PO  Based  Invoices  

  Invoice  Header     Required*   Description   Example  1.   Currency   Y   Currency   USD  2.   Date   Y   Invoice  Date   03/22/12;  22/03/2012  3.   Invoice  Number   Y   Invoice  Number   INV2341245  4.   Total  Invoice  

Tax  Amount     Total  Amount  of  Tax  on  Invoice   37.99  

5.   Total  Invoice  Freight  Amount  

  Total  Amount  of  Freight  on  Invoice  


6.   PO  Number   P   PO  Number   PO3245343  7.   Contact  Person     Contact  Person  at  your  Customer   Bob  Richards  8.   PO  Item  

Number  P   Item  Number  of  a  PO  based  

invoice  10  

9.   Unit  Price   Y   Unit  Price   99.99  10.   Quantity   Y   Line  Item  Quantity   50  11.   Unit  of  Measure   Y   Unit  of  Measurement   PCE  12.   Item  description   Y   Description  of  Item   Control  Unit  Rack  13   Material  

Number     Material  Code  Number   WIY-­‐1000