INTRODUCTION Petrie, C.A., Singh, R.N., Bates, J., Dixit, Y., French, C.A.I, Hodell, D., Jones, P.J., Lancelo, C., Lynam, F., Neogi, S., Pandey, A.K., Parikh, D., Pawar, V., Redhouse, D.I., Singh, D.P. 2017. Adaptaon to variable environments, resilience to climate change: invesgang Land, Water and Selement in northwest India, Current Anthropology 58.1: 1-30, hp:// www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/690112 Orengo, H.A. and Petrie, C.A. 2017. Large-scale, mul-temporal remote sensing of palaeo-river networks: a case study from northwest India and its implicaons for the Indus Civilisaon, Remote Sensing 9.735, doi: hps://doi.org/10.3390/rs9070735 Green, A.S. and Petrie, C.A. 2018. Landscapes of urbanisaon and de- urbanizaon: integrang site locaon datasets from northwest India to invesgate changes in the Indus Civilizaons selement distribuon, Journal of Field Archaeology, hps:// doi.org/10.1080/00934690.2018.1464332 Orengo, H.A. and Petrie, C.A. 2018. Mul-Scale Relief Model (MSRM): a new algorithm for the analysis of subtle topographic change in digital elevaon models, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, hps:// doi.org/10.1002/esp.4317 Descripon and objecves of the project: This contribuon presents the first results of the MSCA-IF funded project Water Management Strategies and Climate Changes in the Indus civilizaon (WaMstrIn). This project parcipates in a coordinated program carried out by researchers from the McDonald Instute for Archaeological Research (hps://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/two-rains) with the aim to develop consistent methodologies for the use of big sets of mul-temporal satellite images in the study of prehistoric and historical landscapes (Petrie et al. 2017). The parcular object of study is the relaonship within sele- ment dynamics of the Indus Civilisaon, first urban culture in South Asia (3000-1900BC), and the changing hydrographic network of the Indus basin. The methodological approach is based on: (1) the analyse of large repositories of mul-temporal mul-spectral satellite images and DEMs, using specifically created algorithms and parallel cloud compung applicaons for the detecon of (a) paleo-channels and (b) signatures of disappeared human selements (2) the creaon of a geodatabase of historical sources to complement and contrast the results obtained and support the implementaon of machine -learning processes. WaMStrIn project is applying this methodological approach in the Indus middle basin (historical region of Punjab, Eastern Pakistan and North-western In- dia). It represents one of the worlds most producve agricultural areas, capable of sustain large populaons both in in the present and in the past, in- cluding the Bronze Age Indus cies. Three preliminary case studies are collected here to illustrate the potenality to idenfy features of interest and the problemacs for the interpretaon of the results obtained. They represent illustrave example to discuss the opportunies and difficules in using new mul-temporal data and cloud com- pung in highly anthropized landscapes affected by important transformaons in recent periods. Paleochannels EXPLORATORY STUDY CASES MATERIALS & METHODS REFERENCES Mound Features Historical floods Acve and inacve river-courses can be idenfied through their marks on the to- pography and on the surface reflectance. The example shows a secon of the actual main course of the river Ravi (1), including its mulples changes. A Southern channel of the river (2), nowadays intermiently acve, can be idenfied next to the An- cient City of Harappa (3). Other less evi- dent remains of older channels can be spoed as well (4). Historical and Geographical context: The historical Region of Punjab occupies the middle Indus basin and its major tributaries (Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sultej). The fluvial re- gime is characterized by the irregular seasonality related to summer (monsoon) and winter rains. The Indus Valley or Harappan civilizaon is the name of a Bronze Age Urban culture, which extended through the Indus basin alluvial plains and the nowadays arid surrounding areas (Gujarat, Cholistan, Baluchi- stan) during the 3rd MM B.C., and contemporary to other Ancient river civilizaons”. Egypt Mesopotamia Indus Valley China BA urban rivercultures A characterisc type of archaeological sites documented in the Indus basin have the form of round mounds, consequence of the building and later abandonment of hu- man-made structures (Greene & Petrie 2018). Some, like the example here (1), were rec- orded as small hills in the old maps before they were flaened by modern agricultural developments. They might also have leſt traces in the topography and surface re- flectance. The 1908 flood of the city of Dera Ghazi Khan (Pakistan) (1) provides a modern well-documented approach to the fluvial-selement dynamics and to the problemacs of the landscape of the Punjab for its historical interpretaon. One of the connuous movements of the river Indus channels flooded the enre old town. The process was recorded in successive edions of the Survey of India maps. In the Remote Sense images, the channels re- lated to this event are integrated in the complex network of the river movements and the destroyed selement is not visible. This project has received funding from the European Union s Horizon 2020 research and innovaon programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 746446.” "Mul-Scale Relief Model (MSRM)" algorithm (Orengo & Petrie 2018). Google Earth Engine Plaorm Relief analysis DSM "ALOS World 3D- 30m" (hp://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/ ALOS/en/aw3d30/ aw3d30v11_format_e.pdf ) "Seasonal Mul-Temporal Vegetaon Index (SMTVI)al- gorithm (Orengo & Petrie 2017). Google Earth Engine Plaorm Mul-temporal mul-spectral satellite image Landsat 5 images (1984-2013) (hps://landsat.usgs.gov/ landsat-collecons) Early 20th C (1905-1947) Survey of India (SOI) maps of the study areas have been georeferenced in a GIS environment. Regressive analysis is complemented by other cartographic material (19th—20th C) Historical Cartography 1 4 2 3 1 4 3 2 1 4 2 3 1 1 1 SoI 1907 SoI 1912 SoI 1944 Present 1 1 1 1 1 1

INTRODUTION - European Space Agencyeoscience.esa.int/landtraining2018/files/posters/garcia.pdf · 2018. 9. 19. · • Three preliminary case studies are collected here to illustrate

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    • Petrie, C.A., Singh, R.N., Bates, J., Dixit, Y., French, C.A.I, Hodell, D., Jones, P.J., Lancelotti, C., Lynam, F., Neogi, S., Pandey, A.K., Parikh, D., Pawar, V., Redhouse, D.I., Singh, D.P. 2017. Adaptation to variable environments, resilience to climate change: investigating Land, Water and Settlement in northwest India, Current Anthropology 58.1: 1-30, http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/690112

    • Orengo, H.A. and Petrie, C.A. 2017. Large-scale, multi-temporal remote sensing of palaeo-river networks: a case study from northwest India and its implications for the Indus Civilisation, Remote Sensing 9.735, doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9070735

    • Green, A.S. and Petrie, C.A. 2018. Landscapes of urbanisation and de-urbanization: integrating site location datasets from northwest India to investigate changes in the Indus Civilization’s settlement distribution, Journal of Field Archaeology, https://doi.org/10.1080/00934690.2018.1464332

    • Orengo, H.A. and Petrie, C.A. 2018. Multi-Scale Relief Model (MSRM): a new algorithm for the analysis of subtle topographic change in digital elevation models, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4317

    Description and objectives of the project:

    • This contribution presents the first results of the MSCA-IF funded project Water Management Strategies and Climate Changes in the Indus civilization

    (WaMstrIn). This project participates in a coordinated program carried out by researchers from the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

    (https://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/two-rains) with the aim to develop consistent methodologies for the use of big sets of multi-temporal

    satellite images in the study of prehistoric and historical landscapes (Petrie et al. 2017). The particular object of study is the relationship within settle-

    ment dynamics of the Indus Civilisation, first urban culture in South Asia (3000-1900BC), and the changing hydrographic network of the Indus basin.

    • The methodological approach is based on:

    (1) the analyse of large repositories of multi-temporal multi-spectral satellite images and DEM’s, using specifically created algorithms and parallel

    cloud computing applications for the detection of (a) paleo-channels and (b) signatures of disappeared human settlements

    (2) the creation of a geodatabase of historical sources to complement and contrast the results obtained and support the implementation of machine

    -learning processes.

    • WaMStrIn project is applying this methodological approach in the Indus middle basin (historical region of Punjab, Eastern Pakistan and North-western In-

    dia). It represents one of the world’s most productive agricultural areas, capable of sustain large populations both in in the present and in the past, in-

    cluding the Bronze Age Indus cities.

    • Three preliminary case studies are collected here to illustrate the potentiality to identify features of interest and the problematics for the interpretation

    of the results obtained. They represent illustrative example to discuss the opportunities and difficulties in using new multi-temporal data and cloud com-

    puting in highly anthropized landscapes affected by important transformations in recent periods.




    Mound Features Historical floods

    Active and inactive river-courses can be

    identified through their marks on the to-

    pography and on the surface reflectance.

    The example shows a section of the actual

    main course of the river Ravi (1), including

    its multiples changes. A Southern channel

    of the river (2), nowadays intermittently

    active, can be identified next to the An-

    cient City of Harappa (3). Other less evi-

    dent remains of older channels can be

    spotted as well (4).

    Historical and Geographical context:

    • The historical Region of Punjab occupies the middle Indus basin and its

    major tributaries (Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sultej). The fluvial re-

    gime is characterized by the irregular seasonality related to summer

    (monsoon) and winter rains.

    • The Indus Valley or Harappan civilization is the name of a Bronze Age

    Urban culture, which extended through the Indus basin alluvial plains

    and the nowadays arid surrounding areas (Gujarat, Cholistan, Baluchi-

    stan) during the 3rd MM B.C., and contemporary to other Ancient “river




    Indus Valley


    BA urban “river” cultures

    A characteristic type of archaeological sites

    documented in the Indus basin have the

    form of round mounds, consequence of

    the building and later abandonment of hu-

    man-made structures (Greene & Petrie


    Some, like the example here (1), were rec-

    orded as small hills in the old maps before

    they were flattened by modern agricultural

    developments. They might also have left

    traces in the topography and surface re-


    The 1908 flood of the city of Dera Ghazi Khan (Pakistan) (1) provides a

    modern well-documented approach to the fluvial-settlement dynamics

    and to the problematics of the landscape of the Punjab for its historical


    One of the continuous movements of the river Indus channels flooded

    the entire old town. The process was recorded in successive editions of

    the Survey of India maps. In the Remote Sense images, the channels re-

    lated to this event are integrated in the complex network of the river

    movements and the destroyed settlement is not visible.

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 746446.”

    "Multi-Scale Relief Model

    (MSRM)" algorithm

    (Orengo & Petrie 2018).

    Google Earth Engine


    Relief analysis

    DSM "ALOS World 3D-

    30m" (http://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/



    "Seasonal Multi-Temporal

    Vegetation Index (SMTVI)” al-

    gorithm (Orengo & Petrie

    2017). Google Earth Engine


    Multi-temporal multi-spectral satellite image

    Landsat 5 images (1984-2013)



    Early 20th C (1905-1947) Survey of India (SOI) maps of the

    study areas have been georeferenced in a GIS environment.

    Regressive analysis is complemented by other cartographic

    material (19th—20th C)

    Historical Cartography
















    SoI 1907 SoI 1912

    SoI 1944 Present

    1 1

    1 1


