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Introductory Metabolic Switch Plan By Darren Bain...age - All factors are the same including having them both on a 2000 calorie a day diet. However what is different is the 2000 calories

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Introductory Metabolic Switch Plan

By Darren Bain

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Legal Disclaimer The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of HFL Fitness Pty Ltd there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against HFL Fitness Pty Ltd or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you don’t use this program, please follow your doctor’s orders.

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Nutrition Introduction

There is so much confusion out there when it comes to dieting for fat loss, increasing muscle mass and improving health. We are constantly misled, misinformed, and downright manipulated by the media, medical organizations, and "health authorities" alike.

My mission with the Ultimate Physique Enhancement program is to dramatically improve your body composition by totally transforming the way you eat and live your life. In doing so you will be correcting the following health issues that are affecting your body’s ability to burn fat optimally through;

Hormones Immunity and Digestive Health Excess Fat Poor Muscle Composition Toxicity

This plan will teach you the way we are designed to eat the way nature intended us to eat through millions of years of evolution. When we look at the big picture it really is simple and makes a lot of sense to eat a ‘Paleo’ style diet, with a few little modifications. Honestly you can’t tell me eating more protein from organic meats, eating healthy fats, minimal processed foods and lots of vegetables is going to be a bad thing?.

A great DVD to get is Food Inc. It states “the way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than it has in the last 10000 years; the modern supermarket has on average 47000 products. The Industrial revolution has made food companies more powerful than ever before”. As a consequence our health, energy and vitality have paid the price. What you will learn with this plan is to control certain processes in the body that impact hunger, cravings, where you carry body fat and your over all body composition. What this means to you is you will lose fat rapidly not to mention effortlessly, have energy you haven’t felt in years, get sick less often if at all and achieve your Ultimate Physique!

A lot of diet/weight loss plans, particularly the quick fix programs promote artificial sweeteners (chemicals), are too low in carbohydrates, overall quality calories and natural foods. This is where the Ultimate Physique Enhancement Plan is different it is not focused on quick fix weight loss; it is focused on FAT loss. There is a big difference between the two. I’m sure you know someone or have experienced yourself the classic yo- yo weight loss – you lose weight but then you put it back on and some. Often these types of plans have too much restriction which leads your body with no option but to break down muscle for energy (catabolic state) which is the worst thing that can happen for fat loss and overall health. This type of plan creates a major hormonal disturbance which ultimately leads to excess fat gain post diet. I’m sure you can relate or know someone who is or has been on this weight loss roller coaster?

On the other end of the scale there are the plans that promote too much whole grains that tend to be too high in carbohydrate which equals more insulin production which equals more fat accumulation.

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The nutrition plan in the Ultimate Physique Enhancement promotes nutrients that promote lean muscle, fat oxidation and hormonal balance.

Remember this plan is not a plan where we’re aiming to just eat ‘healthy’ it is about literally achieving your Ultimate physique, to do so we need to address all the pieces of the puzzle optimally….this means; Nutrition, training methods, hormones, supplementation and lifestyle.

Before getting into the Ultimate Physique Nutrition Plan I want to clear up 2 major misconceptions when it comes to ‘dieting’.

Misconception 1 – Counting Calories.

Calories in Vs Calories out Model?

How often do you hear “if you want to lose weight it’s very simple, eat less move more”. Unfortunately the world we live in today it is not that simple in a lot of cases, often addressing our hormones through nutrition and lifestyle practices is often overlooked for the calories in vs calories out model, or some radical fat loss method.

We now live in an era of unavoidable daily toxin exposure, our bodies have natural mechanisms to cleanse & detoxify but our rapidly changing world has outpaced these mechanisms. As a result we have varying degrees of toxic burden leading to a variety of inflammatory symptoms, common diseases, fat gain and the struggle to oxidize excess fat. Yes even if you eat healthy and exercise toxins are unavoidable, of course a healthy diet and exercise will help to decrease the amount of toxins coming in and increase the amount of toxins leaving the body.... But the point is every day, every hour, even every minute you can encourage your body to store fat, or utilize it for energy by the way you train, eat, live and the supplements you use to manipulate your hormones.

Fat loss and health improvement in today’s world particularly for females can be a chemistry project to get the body back in balance and restore health. For the majority of people it is more complicated and challenging than eat less, move more! (A great book to read for you ladies on this topic is the Ultimate You – By Joe Dowdell)

Let’s look at the calories in vs. calories out model. With this model, to approach the full picture we must bring training methods into the equation…as you’ll learn in the Optimal Training Methods for Physique Enhancement Manual when looking at improving body composition the goal with training needs to be to select methods that are going to produce the greatest RMR (resting metabolic rate) & EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption) response. No workout will burn more calories than your RMR.

A lot of calorie in vs. calorie out models don’t take into consideration the type of training that is conducted, often promoting aerobic type activity that has a minimal effect on RMR & EPOC, rather than recommending weight training which has the greatest effect on EPOC & RMR and overall fat loss... not to mention a better looking physique.

Let’s say you went for a 30min jog and burnt 400 calories, then after your run you had 2 cups of pasta which is about 420 calories. Automatically you haven’t created a calorie deficit?. Does this mean the run was a waste of time, of course

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not, but what needs to be taken into consideration are optimal training methods that focuses on EPOC & RMR and understanding that not all calories are created equal, we must understand where these calories come from, how they affect us hormonally and how the body metabolizes them.

From a training perspective I’m not a fan of the calories in vs. calories out model but also from a nutrition intake stand point it makes no sense to have a nutrition plan solely focused on calories.

Let’s look at another calorie example; a chocolate muffin that is 230 calories compared to 2 large handfuls of almonds which is about 230 calories - the almonds contains protein, healthy monounsaturated fat, calcium, magnesium minerals and fibre. The muffin contains empty calories in terms of nutritional value, is high in sugar which generates a big insulin response and ultimately fat storage. Same amount of calories totally different response.

I could have 2 people both training the same, weigh the same, are both the same age - All factors are the same including having them both on a 2000 calorie a day diet. However what is different is the 2000 calories that those foods are derived from. Meaning one is on a high protein, low carb diet while the other is on a high carb, low protein diet...What I'll get at the end of the experiment is 2 totally different body composition results, even though they both consumed 2000 calories per day.

And besides who has the time to count every calorie they consume? It is by no means time efficient and for the majority will not produce the best result. If you are going to count calories you must use an equation that takes into consideration your RMR and have a solid understanding of nutrition to know that the calories you are getting in are from the right sources, not thinking you can eat whatever you like as long as it doesn't go over your 'x' amount of calories total per day.

Yes calories are important but they are no means the whole picture.

Finally another key factor to take into consideration is the thermic effect of food TEF, . For example by adding greens to your diet, the leaner you will get due to the thermogenic effect of these foods. Whole proteins such as meat and fish are also very thermogenic and will result in rapid fat loss when eaten consistently even though they potentially are high in calories.

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Misconception 2 – Eating FAT is BAD?

We're often told "Don't eat saturated fat it will clog up your arteries", "Saturated fat will give you heart disease", or" If you don't eat fat free you'll get fat". Over the last decade or so we've gone through the whole fat free revolution and as a result society has gotten fatter and increasingly unhealthy. Finally the nutrition industry and the like are starting to acknowledge that sugar and excess refined carbohydrates that make up the majority of most people’s diets need also to be looked at as a major cause for the obesity, inflammation and degenerative diseases that are a major problem in our society! Now of course bad fats, like trans-fats or otherwise known as hydrogenated fats, are effectively poisonous in the body and should be avoided at all times. All I'm saying is a little bit of the ’right’ fats in your diet can be beneficial .

There has never been a more misunderstood facet of nutrition than saturated fat and cholesterol.

Of course, when talking about fats in our diet, the rule of 'everything in moderation' should be applied, as it should with any facet of nutrition.

The Low Down on Fats!

Saturated fat, unlike unsaturated fats, is highly stable, and not likely to turn into free radicals or go rancid when exposed to heat, oxygen, or light. So, it makes sense that these are the fats we should be cooking with - e.g organic grass-fed butter and virgin coconut oil.

Of course it is important where you get your saturated fat sources from, unfortunately the majority of people get their saturated fat from poor sources like deep fried foods, processed deli meats and hormone grain fed beef. Instead of saturated fat from healthy animals that are fed what they're meant to eat, or the saturated fat in organic butter and egg yolks is a whole different story.

Dr. Jonny Bowden states "I've never seen one convincing piece of evidence that saturated fat from whole food sources like the ones I just mentioned has a single negative impact on heart disease, health, or mortality, especially when it's part of a diet high in plant foods, antioxidants, fiber and the rest of the good stuff you can eat on a controlled carbohydrate eating plan"!

Benefits of Saturated Fats!

• Saturated fats positively affect hormonal function, in particular free testosterone which means more muscle and less fat.

• Animal fats contain fat-soluble vitamins and allow for their uptake. Do you throw away your egg yolks? If you do, you're missing out on about 18IUs of vitamin D and 245IUs of Vitamin A.

• Healthy Saturated fats can help your cholesterol profile and can help you live longer. . The problem is when the body is provided with fats and carbs together. When this occurs the body is supplied with too much available energy at one time. This is why you need to look at carbohydrates, not just fat - If you eat an excess of carbs, your liver converts them to fat (triglycerides) and they end up back in the bloodstream. Carbs should be used around your workouts for fuel or

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as muscle glycogen replenishment, not as a main staple of your diet. (More on this later)

If you swap excess carbs with a little bit of the right sources of saturated fat (in moderation of course) and lots of non starchy veggies you avoid excess carbs being converted to fat.

"If carbs are low, insulin is low and saturated fat is handled more efficiently," said Jeff Volek, PhD, RD one of the major researchers in the area of diet comparisons. "When carbs are low, you're burning that saturated fat as fuel, and you're also making less of it."

•Saturated fats make up at least 50% of cell membranes — Eliminating saturated fats from your diet will have an effect on how you look and feel- it's as simple as that.

• Saturated fats strengthen your immune system. Lauric acid is a saturated fat that has the ability to strengthen the immune system, which is why babies fed breast milk often have stronger immune systems as breast milk is high in Lauric acid.

•Coconut oil and coconut milk have large quantities of Lauric acid, which is why I recommend using these products when cooking. I generally recommend organic, non-refined virgin coconut oil so you can be sure it's not a refined product that's been bleached, deodorized, or tampered with any other chemical processes.

•Saturated fats also fight the bad bacteria in our guts and protect us from viruses, in particular Butyric acid, which can be found in grass fed butter - which always tastes good on some steamed veggies.

Fat Summary

It’s crucial that you get your fats from the right sources; meaning the animals have had a diet that is natural to them; Not cattle that have been fed grains, opt for grass fed cattle instead, not fish that has been farmed and fed soy and grain pellets etc.

By no means am I endorsing excessive consumption of fat, you still want to consume lean cuts of meat etc. What I am saying is by implementing in moderation healthy fats as recommended in the Paleolithic diet overview below in conjunction with a low carb diet can be beneficial for your health, it’s time to step out of the box and get away from the ‘low fat’ mentality.. FAT is not the enemy as long as you are consuming the ‘right’ fats, in the ‘right’ amounts!.

Paleo Diet Overview

The Ultimate Physique Enhancement plan leans towards a Paleo style or a high protein, low carb plan with the consumption of healthy fats. This section is designed to give you an overview of the Paleo style of eating and why eating this way is beneficial not only to look better but for your health.

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After you’ve read the paleo overview there is the ‘Metabolic Switch 2-4 Week No Carb Mission’. This section must be read thoroughly, it is the nutrition plan each participant will follow initially!

A diet couldn't be any simpler or effective for fat loss and halting or preventing a number of degenerative diseases. This is why it should not only be a diet, but a way of life. In order to be serious about your goals you must be conscious about what you eat every single day, not just the next 56 days. By implementing this plan after a few weeks you will be more in tune with your body than ever before, all of a sudden you will start to notice how different foods really affect your body that previously you thought was normal to feel “like this”. By following this plan for the rest of your life you will benefit from increased energy levels and overall improved health.

A Paleo diet is based on the idea that the original human diet, consisting of foods that hunter-gatherers ate in the Stone Age, continues to be the most suitable diet for humans in the 21st century.

What are the differences between our diets and those of the "cavemen."?

Only food which could be eaten raw was consumed. This ruled out grains, legumes, and starchy veggies like potatoes. Milk and dairy products were not consumed and refined sugar other than occasional honey, or any processed foods, were totally out.

Their diet consisted of meat, nuts, vegetables (especially green) & fruit. It's estimated that 70% of their diet was of animal origin.


One major difference between Paleolithic Diets and today's standard diet is the difference in the types of fats we consume:

We consume far less omega-3 fat, and more omega 6 fat and trans-fats. Excess Omega 6 fats contributes to the inflammation causing many of our modern chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis, while omega 3’s are anti inflammatory. It’s recommended we have an omega 6 ratio to mega 3 ratio of 1:1-4:1, it estimated that our current diet has it at 15:1 with some estimates having it even higher.

Recommended reading: What’s really making us unhealthy: hint - it’s not the saturated fat!


Paleolithic people ate a diet that consisted of far less carbs than today's diet. Carbohydrates probably contributed to about 20 to 40 percent of the calories, and none of it consisted of processed sugars and grains.


Meats (including seafood) and eggs are perhaps the most important components of the Paleolithic Diet. Ideally, the animals from which the eggs and meat come from are fed a natural (to the animal) organic diet.

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Fruits are generally allowed. People who need to lose weight should limit consumption of high sugar fruits & juices.

The following categories of food are forbidden on Paleolithic-type diets.

Refined Sugars


Starchy Veggies

Legumes (Beans, Peas, Peanuts)

Dairy Products

Some Meats- Most processed meats (made with nitrites and additives) are not allowed, including hot dogs, bacon, sausage, and lunch meats, sometimes more healthy forms of these can be found.


Definitely avoid the following:

Corn oil

Cottonseed oil

Peanut oil

Soybean oil

Rice bran oil

Wheat germ oil

Foods to Avoid Summing Up

Any processed food, grains except for very small amounts of whole grains, legumes, dairy products, and food additives such as artificial sweeteners and minimal tubers such as potatoes

Allowed Foods:

Organic as much as possible; Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, honey in small amounts. Again ideally, animals should eat a diet natural to them -- in other words, cows should eat grass, not grain, etc.

Amount of Structure: Depending on your goals and Biosignature assessment (your tolerance to carbohydrates) and current body composition there is specific structures that I’ve put together…Refer to the ‘2-4 Week No Carb Mission’ below.

At the end of the day if you simply "eat like a caveman" you will get results.

If you’re not sure if you can eat something ask yourself this question. “Would a caveman eaten this”?

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2 – 4 Week ‘No Carb Mission’.

Before you think this is another program that over promises and under delivers I can promise you this. I have left no stone unturned in providing you with the very best information for physique enhancement and health. This information has come from my 11 years in the industry and the latest scientific information that I’ve learned from world renowned experts in this field.

Over the last 11 years I have experimented with many different diets and training methods, but nothing achieves the results that you will learn in the Ultimate Physique Enhancement manual. By understanding the nutrition plan and hormones affecting your body composition you can and will not FAIL, even if you have tried many times in the past. Stick to this plan exactly as it is designed and I promise you will achieve your Ultimate Physique!

The focus of our diet plan over the next 2-4weeks is to aggressively attack our stored fat and turn on our lipolytic genes and turn off our lipogenic genes.

How Do We Do This?

The first order of business is to make our bodies predominantly a fat burner rather than a predominant carb burner. After this initial 2-4 week no carb mission you can implement carbs into your nutrition plan relative to your Biosignature, goals and body composition explained below.

Should I Be On The No Carb Mission for Two Or Four Weeks?

The leaner you get the more carbs you can have. There's one thing that all physique enhancement specialists agree upon and that is the more body fat you have the fewer carbs you should consume. This goes both for the quantity and frequency of the carb intake. The leaner you are, the more carbs you can have on a day-to-day basis and the more frequent carb-ups you can have.

Your Biosignature Assessment dictates the length of time you are on the ‘no carb mission’. If your Biosignature priority is Subscap I highly recommend you complete the 4 week no carb mission and make paleo style eating part of your life. A High sub scap reading is an indication of long term poor dietary habits and a biomarker for serious health issues.

If your body fat is above 23% for females and 20% males I also recommend a 4 week no carb mission.

Every participant completing this challenge should have a goal to drop body fat and put on muscle, yes ladies even you. Before you throw the plan in the bin, hear me out. When you say you want to get “toned” - more muscle and less fat is exactly what “toned” is.

It doesn’t matter if you have a primary goal of muscle mass or fat loss, the initial 2 week period will be the same for everyone unless:

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- You are a male already sub 12% body fat and your goal is to put on muscle mass. If so you can follow the carb cycling plan immediately.

- You are a female sub 16% body fat. If so you can immediately implement the Refuel Meal(s) guidelines or possibly the carb cycling schedule?


Your body is use to synthesizing carbs for energy as this is our bodies preferred energy source and then fat. When we consume excess carbohydrates we never tap into our fat stores and end up creating more fat.


Firstly you need to understand insulin, insulin sensitivity, insulin resistance and the role of insulin in diabetes and in particular type II diabetes.


Insulin is a very important hormone that can dictate your energy levels, how much fat and lean muscle mass you have. It is a complicated but very important hormone that needs to be understood and managed to achieve your Ultimate Physique & health goals. By learning how to control your insulin you effectively control your body composition, that’s how important this hormone is.

If you’re serious about improving your health and decreasing your body fat, it’s crucial to address and understand hormones (if you haven’t read the hormones affecting your health & body composition reads it now). Often when one hormonal pathway is out of balance it’s not long until another is imbalanced. It’s important to understand that treating one hormone in isolation can be problematic that’s why to achieve the Ultimate Physique all hormones must be in sink.

The first step to achieving hormonal balance is reducing your carbohydrate intake, in doing so will have a profound effect on in particular insulin but also all hormonal pathways encouraging the body to burn fat and not store it.

When we eat carbohydrates they are converted into glucose for energy which rises in the blood stream, insulin is then secreted from the pancreas to process the blood glucose. In a healthy body the insulin binds with receptors on the cell, when a cell has insulin attached it acts like a messenger to allow glucose into the cell to be used for energy.

Our goal is to make our muscle, fat & liver cells more receptive to insulin’s messengers and not resistant to insulins messengers.....insulin resistant.

Insulin resistance occurs from a lack of physical activity and the consumption of a high carbohydrate, particularly high G.I diet causing excess insulin to be secreted frequently in high amounts. In an unhealthy body the cells become resistant to the ‘messenger’ knocking on the cells door, in an effort to be heard the pancreas will secrete more and more insulin. The production of excess insulin creates havoc on your body composition and health leading to type II diabetes amongst other serious issues.

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The more insulin sensitive your cells are the more effective your cells will be at using energy...aka fat and limit insulin sending a message to fat cells to increase fat storage and decrease fat burning,

By keeping carbs sufficiently low for the first 14-28 days on the ‘no carb mission’your body switches to a fat metabolism; this is called the 'Metabolic Switch'. Switching from a carbohydrate to a fat metabolism has some real advantages for anyone looking to transform their body due to increased insulin sensitivity, increased lipolysis (breakdown of fat), and decreased lipogenesis (accumulation of body fat).

Now I’m not going to tell you adapting to this new nutrition regime is going to be easy, as with anything new there is an adaption period. While the metabolic switch is occurring you may feel sluggish. Get through the initial 7 -14 days and you will have improved mental focus, ability to tolerate stress, sleep quality and quantity, clearer skin and more energy than ever. Don’t confuse this short period for the whole plan.

What’s important to understand is that carbs are not the enemy if we consume the correct carbs at the correct times in the correct amount. The first order of business though is to make sure your body is metabolising your carbs effectively. If you’ve been abusing carbs for a long period of time this will take a little longer, limiting their consumption is crucial. However a long term zero carb policy for the majority of people is a misguided approach (refer to cheat meal guidelines). After the 2-4 week no carb mission carbs are implemented back into your diet.

As you’ll learn post weights session is when your body is most insulin sensitive and will benefit from the consumption of carbs in this time. Doing so will spike your insulin levels which will shuttle amino acids into the muscle tissue to help recover and replenish our depleted muscle glycogen stores.

Understanding Glycogen Utilisation

Our muscles are like tanks for glycogen, they fill up and empty again when we workout. Unfortunately when we eat too many carbs these tanks become over full. Some glycogen is then stored in the liver and any excess is converted to triglycerides and stored as fat. This is where traditional high-carb diets can let us down.

So why fill them at all?

Muscle glycogen means better performance in the gym. We load up on it and fill our tanks. By the end of our low-carb period we have once again emptied the tanks and we repeat the cycle over again.

Getting this balance right can be a little tricky and some trial and error is needed, here are some key points to help.

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Metabolic Switch Key Points

Complete the 2-4 Week No Carb Mission. Carbs from your salads and vegetables do not go towards your daily carb allowance you can have as much salad and vegetables as you require, excluding starchy vegies like potato.

Ensure 30g of fibre is being consumed per day. Implement slowly.

Once body fat begins to come down consume carbohydrates post workout.

Once body fat comes down after the 2-4 week No Carb Mission refer to the Refuel Meal(s) guidelines.

Stay away from fructose syrup at all costs it is the most fattening food we know of and it ages you; it is found in the majority of sweet processed foods and pretty much anything in a bottle. Avoid it at all costs.

Best carb sources: green veggies (broccoli, spinach, celery, asparagus, cucumbers, lettuce etc.)

Can-have carb sources: other veggies (except potatoes), berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc.)

Occasional carb sources: Other fruits

Rare carb sources: brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, wheats and grains, potatoes,

Should-avoid carb sources: white bread, white pasta, etc

Fibrous Carbs/Vegies to eat most; Your fibrous carbs are typically low carb. High fibre foods generally have a very moderate insulin response, this is ideal for fat loss.

Fruit Tips from Charles Poliquin- The darker the fruit, the better it is for you. Dark fruits tend to have very thin skin, (hence they need to produce more anti-oxidants to protect themselves from the sun). That is why darker fruits are great anti-inflammatory foods. Bananas have thick skins therefore they have lower anti-oxidants contents.

The darker the fruit, the lower the glycemic load. Again, compare berries, and cherries to bananas and pineapple. Of course, this applies to fruits in their natural state; when grapes become raisins, their glycemic index goes up because of dehydration of the fruit.

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Low Glycemic/Low Fructose Fruits

Fibrous Carbs/Vegies To Eat Most*

Apricot Asparagus

Avocado Broccoli

Blackberries Cabbage

Blueberries Cauliflower

Grapefruit Cucumber

Nectarines Green beans

Olives Lettuce

Papaya Mushrooms

Peach Onions

Plum Spinach

Raspberries Zucchini


*Your fibrous carbs are typically low carb. High fibre foods generally have a very moderate insulin response, this is ideal for fat loss.

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No Carb Mission Meal Guide Weeks 2-4.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Supplements: Vital greens, 2 fish oil caps

2-4 Poached eggs, ½ avocado, spinach

Meat & nut breakfast


Western Omelet (8) make sure ham is good quality nitrate free ham.

Basic spinach quiche (1)

Breakfast smoothie with 1-2 scoops BSC WPI protein powder(7)

Meat & Nut Breakfast

Almond flour pancakes


Snack Celery sticks 2tsp macadamia nut butter

1cup cucumber sticks ½ cup almonds

Or Zucchini Cakes


Haloumi strips x3

100g turkey breast

Celery sticks

2tsp macadamia nut butter

Protein shake or medical food

Protein shake or medial food


Supplements: 2 fish oil caps

Chicken fajita salad


Chicken, broccoli, avo salad, 1dst spoon extra virgin olive oil.

Chicken avo, capsicum, wrapped in kale leafs.

Left over grass fed beef steamed veg

Left over stir fry

Salmon with Spinach raspberry salad


1/2 cup Sweet potato, chicken, green salad



Vital greens

2 fish oil caps

Protein shake or medical food

On water

& almonds?

Protein shake or medical food on water

Protein shake or medical food

Protein shake or medical food

Protein shake or medical food

Handful of walnuts

Protein shake or medical food

Or 1cup cucumber sticks ½ cup almonds

Protein shake or medical food



2 fish oil caps, 2 x uber mag

Kale salad (11) with Grass fed beef

Salmon with

Cauliflower salad


Grass fed beef with unlimited steamed veg.

Pork stir fry with unlimited veggies

Meat & vegetables skewers

With green salad

Salmon & Kale salad and broccoli (11)

Paleo Pizza (4) with a side of green salad.

Important you do not go hungry, if you find the snacks are not getting you through feel free to add an extra snack from any of the other days to that days snack. On the flip side it’s important you don’t overeat, below are 2 things I want you to do at each main meal;

Have a glass of lemon water 10minutes before meals Chew your food slowly

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1. Basic Spinach Quiche 2. Zucchini Cakes 3. Roasted Cauliflower Salad 4. Paleo Pizza 5. Spinach Raspberry Salad 6. Almond Flour Pancakes – Read comments at bottom for cooking tips. 7. Breakfast Smoothie 8. Western Omelette 9. Meat & Nut Breakfast 10. Chicken fajita salad 11. Kale Salad. – Add broccoli

Supplements Do I Need Them?

Yes yes yes. Supplementation is crucial for the challenge but also for maintenance post challenge. Supplements simply fill in the voids of our busy lives and the way most of our food is processed these days.

Unfortunately modern farming, packaging, processing, toxins, additives, chemicals and transportation depletes and damages our foods nutritional value.

This process leads to many issues and in particular digestion issues. When our digestion system is not working optimally the vitamins and minerals from our foods do not get absorbed as effectively. This can lead to your immune system being run down , bad digestion increasing; heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation, fatigue, skin irritations, poor liver function just to name a few. More specifically to our goal over the 8 weeks fat loss and muscle development are seriously compromised.

I don't know about you but stress is something I experience and is an epidemic in our society today. Extreme stress uses up vital nutrients, stresses organs, fattens us, eats away at muscle, ages us and ultimately leads to illness and fatigue.

Over the following pages I've got the benefits of each supplement relative to your goals, please make the time to read. When you know why and the benefits you will be more likely to take them consistently.

Remember supplements are exactly that they 'supplement' a good diet.

The 3 BIGGEST BANG for your buck supplements to take every day;

Opti EFA Fish Oils Vital Greens Uber Mag


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Recommended Reading

Supplements vs. Whole Foods

10 Very Good Reasons For You To Take Supplements

By Charles Poliquin

One of the most common questions people ask those of us who are in the nutritional supplement industry is “Why do I need to take supplements – can’t I get all the nutrients I need simply by eating well?” The short answer is, and this may surprise you, “No!” And this is not just my opinion.

Although the fields of functional medicine and traditional medicine clash in many areas, they both agree that nutritional supplements have merit. Take vitamins, for example. In a study published in the June 19, 2002, issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, the authors noted that vitamin deficiencies have been associated with many chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. They also found that “elderly people, vegans, alcohol-dependent individuals and patients with malabsorption are at high risk of inadequate intake or absorption of several vitamins.” The authors concluded that “it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements.” It follows that those who eat well would not have to take as powerful a vitamin supplement as those with a poor diet, which begs the question “How many Americans eat well?” Let’s ask the government. Since 1979 the US government has sponsored a continuing research project called Healthy People, which provides goals for the US to improve the health of its population in 10-year increments. According to the version called “Healthy People 2010,” which involved approximately 350 national organizations and 270 state agencies, only three percent of Americans eat at least three servings of vegetables daily and only 28 percent eat two servings of fruit. That being said, I don’t want to take the position that only those with a poor diet need supplements, as this downplays the importance of eating well. Dr. Robert A. Rakowski, a clinical nutritionist and the clinic director of the Natural Medicine Center in Houston,

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Texas, says, “Taking supplements in the absence of a good diet is still a poor diet with supplements.” My opinion is that the initial goals regarding nutrition should be to strive to improve our diets and to use supplements to ensure we are receiving the essential nutrients. After that, then you can start looking at all the other performance and health benefits of targeted supplementation, such as improving workout recovery, countering the effects of environmental toxins, accelerating fat loss and lowering the risk of coronary heart disease. In this regard, let me share with you 10 specific reasons you need supplements. Reason #1: Insufficient nutrients in our food. We can’t get all the essential nutrients we need from food alone. Of course, nature intended our food supply to provide us with the nutrients we need – and those nutrients would have been sufficient in our food of 100 years ago. But our food today is highly processed, genetically modified and prepared in a way that often destroys much of the nutritional content. According to Dr. Rakowski, our farm industry’s fertilizers often contain only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. “It takes 17 elements to make a healthy plant, and we only put three back in. So what happens is this malnutrition in the plants becomes malnutrition in the animals and becomes malnutrition in humans.” Reason #2: Poor digestion. If our digestive systems functioned optimally, we wouldn’t need as many high-quality nutrients in supplement form – but that is not the case. It is estimated that one half of the US population produces insufficient stomach acid, which diminishes the ability to absorb nutrients from food and can increase inflammation, stomach bacteria and numerous other health issues such as bloating, stomach pain and even depression. Incidentally, one of the reasons for low stomach acid is a deficiency in vitamin B. Reason #3: Poor food preparation. When you cook food improperly, such as by using a microwave, you risk reducing its nutritional value. Also, many foods that are used in fast-food restaurants are processed. For example, the processing that converts brown rice into white rice reduces the fiber content by about 75 percent and also reduces nutrients such as iron, niacin, thiamin, folacin, potassium and vitamins E and B6. Reason #4: Environment toxins. The US Environmental Protection Agency published a report in 2002 that said more than 7.1 billion pounds of 650 different chemicals had been released into the air or water – and 266 of these chemicals are associated with birth defects. For the past 28 years Dr. Mark Schauss, MBA, DB, has been studying medical research concerning the effects of toxins on our health. Says Schauss, “In a study by an environmental group on people not working in industry, such as teachers and journalists, the researchers found that the blood of the subjects contained nearly 100 chemicals that did not exist 40 years ago.” Fortunately, many of these pollutants can be detoxified by natural supplements such as glycine, vitamin C, selenium and N-acetylcysteine. Reason #5: Obesity. In a study published in the July 2004 International Journal of Obesity, researchers found that when rats are exposed to toxins, their body temperature drops. Schauss says that such hypothermia may be a protective response to reduce the effects of toxins. As for human body temperature, there is debate within the American

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Medical Association about reducing the average healthy body temperature from 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit to 98.0 degrees. It’s not because 98.0 degrees is healthier but because fewer patients had a temperature of 98.6 during doctor’s visits. In his book Victory over a Toxic World, Schauss says that the chemical load in a toxic person may impair their ability to burn calories by about 7 percent. Using the example of someone who normally consumes 2,500 calories a day, the lower metabolic rate would create 47,815 extra calories in one year. “Typically, if you burn 3,500 calories you lose one pound,” says Schauss. “Take those 47,815 calories and divide this by 3,500 and you get 13.66 pounds worth of weight gain a year. Do that for 10 years and you have increased your weight by 136.6 pounds and you are now officially obese.” It’s estimated that 50 percent of the population in the US is overweight or obese and at current rates that percentage will increase to 75 percent by 2015. Using supplements for detoxification is one way to combat the growing obesity problem. Reason #6: Insomnia and Stress. The National Center for Sleep Disorders Research reports that the symptoms of insomnia affect between 30 and 40 percent of adults, and that between 10 to 15 percent of adults say they have chronic insomnia. Insomnia has many adverse effects on our health; for example, a survey of 1.1 million Americans by the American Cancer Society found that those who slept less than six hours per night had significantly higher mortality rates than those who slept approximately seven hours per night. There are many supplements that can help ensure a good night’s sleep. For those who have a hard time falling asleep due to anxiety, phosphatidylserine can lower cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. For those who have trouble staying asleep, magnesium sulfate and vitamin E supplements may help. Reason #7: Hormone Imbalances. Although both testosterone and estrogen are present in both males and females, estrogen is considered the female hormone and testosterone the male hormone. A decrease in testosterone makes it difficult for men to gain muscle mass, and an excess of estrogen makes it difficult for both men and women to lose fat once it is acquired. But there are many other hormone imbalances that can affect bodyfat storage.

The theory of BioSignature Modulation is that many individuals have stubborn problem areas due to imbalances in their body biochemistry, especially with hormones. During a BioSignature assessment, skinfold measurements are taken in 12 major bodyfat sites. If the triceps carry a relatively high percentage of fat, this would indicate a problem with androgens; and if the lower back skinfold is high, there may be a problem with insulin. By

identifying which hormones are causing the fat imbalance, a precise supplement protocol can be prescribed to restore the hormone balance so the individual can lose the excess bodyfat. Reason #8: Weight Loss Programs. When people cut calories to lose weight, they also reduce the amount of nutrients they consume. This can result in nutrient deficiencies. Also, as we lose weight, often the protein requirements increase, as the body will start relying on protein as an energy source. Using a protein supplement will enable the

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dieter to spare muscle loss, prevent hunger and also stabilize blood glucose. Further, a supplement can provide the extra protein without adding additional calories from carbohydrates or fat. Reason #9: Quality of Life. There are many nutrients that can improve our quality of life. One such nutrient is resveratrol, which is a compound found in plants. Resveratrol was discovered in 1939, and it ensures healthy plant development by protecting plants from fungi and bacteria. Among its properties in humans are the following: raises metabolism, increases energy, suppresses appetite, stabilizes blood sugar, accelerates the breakdown of fat stores, improves insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces inflammation, increases muscle mass, suppresses estrogen and protects the stomach lining. Among the most common sources of resveratrol are red grapes, peanuts, pistachios, blueberries, cranberries, huckleberries, raspberries, lingonberries and mulberries; it can also be found in dark chocolate. However, it is difficult to get the dosages of resveratrol you would need from food or wine – in fact, you would need to consume at last 1,000 bottles of red wine a day to duplicate the dosages given to mice in some resveratrol studies. A resveratrol supplement would be the only logical alternative. Reason #10: Athletic Performance. Supplements help athletes achieve physical superiority over their competitors. Particularly valuable are the amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are collectively known as branched chained amino acids (BCAAs). Unlike other amino acids, BCAAs are used as a form of energy by muscle cells and can be used during training to increase the quality of the workout. BCAAs have numerous other benefits for athletes, including modifying hormone profiles to increase muscle mass and strength while reducing bodyfat. BCAAs also can help reduce post-workout muscle soreness. There you have it - the answer to the question of why we need to take supplements. And not just one good reason, but 10.

Copyright ©2011 Charles Poliquin