I t INTERXATIOXAL MASTER PROGRAM ufiivefsiia FACELTY OF PHARMACY AIRLAAGGA FAIVERSITY Program Starting From September 2014 Fariilty of Pharmacy Kaiiipii.^ II Fiiiv4^r/vitaw Airlaiigga •II. illiai'iiiawangwa ilaiam .^elafan .Surabaya 60200 HXilOlYE^IA Introduction !t is well known that Indonesia ranks the second largest biodiversity country in the World after Brazil. Indonesia's flora and fauna actually have greater potential than Brazil because of Indonesia's location between the conti nents Asia and Australia. The rich biodiversity can be utilized for a wide range of products and applications; therefore it needs to be more explored by involv ing local Universities. For that purpose, excellent experts in natural sciences are required. Based on Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University and Bonn University and Geneva University, Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga introduces The International Master Program to offer opportunities to complete degrees in an accelerated pathway, as well as to build an international network {SK Ditjen DIKTI No.02/D/T/2011, 3 January 2011). Vision anii Mission Vision Being an innovative, reputable and excellent postgraduate phar- ^macy program on both national and international level based on morality. Pro- |ducing graduates with excellence and competence in the field of pharmaceuti- ®cal sciences and pharmaceutical care. i Mission Mission of this program includes producing graduates with excellence and com petence in pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical care at an interna- ;;tional level; developing collaborations with government institutions and private Jsectors in the field of education, research and community services at both na- •itional and international level. Requirements Entry requirements inciude a GPA minimum of 3.00 Language requirements: '" Option A: TOEFL score minimum of 550 (PBT). 213 (CBT) or lELTS overall band score minimum of 6.0, and German (DSHl) is required for Master of Drug Research. Option B and C; TOEFL score minimum of 500 and lELTS overall band score mini mum of 5.0 Has obtained the degree of Bachelor In relevant discipline such as phar macy, chemistry, biology or other relevant disciplines.

INTERXATIOXAL Introduction MASTER PROGRAM - …ppmb.unair.ac.id/files/Leaflet S2 FARMASI ASING 2014.pdf1 Degree awarded Double degree or dual degree: MSc (provided by Bonn University)

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Page 1: INTERXATIOXAL Introduction MASTER PROGRAM - …ppmb.unair.ac.id/files/Leaflet S2 FARMASI ASING 2014.pdf1 Degree awarded Double degree or dual degree: MSc (provided by Bonn University)

I t






Program Starting From September 2014

Fariilty of Pharmacy

Kaiiipii.^ II Fiiiv4^r/vitaw Airlaiigga

•II. illiai'iiiawangwa ilaiam .^elafan

.Surabaya 60200


Introduction!t is well known that Indonesia ranks the second largest biodiversity

country in the World after Brazil. Indonesia's flora and fauna actually have

greater potential than Brazil because of Indonesia's location between the conti

nents Asia and Australia. The rich biodiversity can be utilized for a wide rangeof products and applications; therefore it needs to be more explored by involving local Universities. For that purpose, excellent experts in natural sciences

are required. Based on Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Facultyof Pharmacy Airlangga University and Bonn University and Geneva University,Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga introduces The International MasterProgram to offer opportunities to complete degrees in an accelerated pathway,as well as to build an international network {SK Ditjen DIKTI No.02/D/T/2011,

3 January 2011).

Vision anii MissionVision Being an innovative, reputable and excellent postgraduate phar-

^macy program on both national and international level based on morality. Pro-|ducing graduates with excellence and competence in the field of pharmaceuti-®cal sciences and pharmaceutical care.

iMissionMission of this program includes producing graduates with excellence and com

petence in pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical care at an interna-

;;tional level; developing collaborations with government institutions and privateJsectors in the field of education, research and community services at both na-•itional and international level.

RequirementsEntry requirements inciude a GPA minimum of 3.00

Language requirements: '"Option A: TOEFL score minimum of 550 (PBT). 213 (CBT) or lELTS overall band score

minimum of 6.0, and German (DSHl) is required for Master of Drug Research.

Option B and C; TOEFL score minimum of 500 and lELTS overall band score mini

mum of 5.0

Has obtained the degree of Bachelor In relevant discipline such as phar

macy, chemistry, biology or other relevant disciplines.

Page 2: INTERXATIOXAL Introduction MASTER PROGRAM - …ppmb.unair.ac.id/files/Leaflet S2 FARMASI ASING 2014.pdf1 Degree awarded Double degree or dual degree: MSc (provided by Bonn University)

Sludy ProgramNo Items Post Graduate Level

(A) InternationalGraduate/Master Pro


(B) Joint Research/ Joint Su


(C) Visiting Research/ Student


1 Degreeawarded

Double degree or dualdegree: MSc (providedby Bonn University) andMagister of Pharmacy(MFarm) (provided byAirlangga University)

Magister of Pharmacy (MFarm)(provided by Airlangga University)

Magister of Pharmacy (MFann)(provided by Airlangga University)

2 Field Life Sciences:

BiotechnologyDrug Research

Natural Products

and related sciences

Natural Products

and related sciences

3 Duration

of study1 year course in Airlangga University2 years project andcourse in Bonn Univer

sity and submission ofthesis to University ofBonn and oral examina

tion in Airlangga University

1 year course inAirlangga University and 1 yearcourse and project/research in Bonn

University or Geneva University(Joint Supervision)Defense of Master

Thesis in AirlanggaUniversity

1-1.5 years in Airlangga University0.5-1 years Project/research in Bonn or

Geneva UniversityDefense of Master

Thesis in AirlanggaUniversity

4 Countryof Study

Both Germany andIndonesia

Germany, Switzerland and Indonesia

Germany, Switzerland and Indonesia

5 Fundingsupport

Some scholarships maybe available for financial

supports, eg. DAAD,DIKTI, Dcpkeu (LPDP),private funding.

Some scholarshipsmay be available forfinancial supports,eg. Dikti, Depkeu(LPDP), privatefunding.

Some scholarshipsmay be availablefor financial supports, eg. Dikli,Dcpkeu (LPDP),private funding.

6 Fees Tuition fees

Application feeTuition fees

Application feeResearch Bench


Costs vary depending on research topic

fessors of both universities, .asi

Partner Vnlversltie

Bonn University

Pharmaceutical Institute

Institute for Pharmaceutical Biology

Geneva University

. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

ApplicationProces.The program starting on September 2014

Overseas program starting on February/ September2015

Selection will be conducted in Airlangga University by In

ternational Committee from both Airlangga and partner


Application starting on 2"^January 2014

Contact Person:

A, Name : Dr. rer.nat. Gunawan Indrayanto.

Position : Professor

Email/Phone: [email protected]

Ph.+62 315033710, Fax.+62 315020514

B. Name : Dew! Melani HariyadI, Ph.D.

Position : Lecturer

Email/Phone: [email protected]

Ph.+62 315033710, Fax.+62 31 5020514