V Children Shoes and v ° Low Shoes Of It T < Just nt this time w son most tock of Shoes nre badly broken andmany sizes scarce we have replenished our stock nud have n nice variety to show in Oxfords IC rt Ties mill Sjrnj Slippers No mnttor how chubby or slender the childs foot we cin fit it We linvo wIDe new Inns for children that nrc fine fitters White Canvas l Oxfords 3k in ChildVfclzo 8 to mitten size 2 Just tho thing for the children to romp in w r a j SEVERANCE SON STANFORD KENTUCKY I BrANroiiD KY JrsB 1C 1901 JUSTICE to yourself and to materials and 1most careful service in preparing his prescriptions That b the way pre + I scriptions are filled at Penny Drug Store PERSONALS MItt M NEWMNU is in Louisville i J It BUSH of Lexington wa here Wednesday MIss BBTTIE PAXTON Is visiting rcla UvfS in Louisville Mua MARY OWENS of Someraet Is With Mr and Mw John W tout MRS W II BACIIV and son of Cov InKton arc with Mrs S G Hocker- Mus JOSEPH COFFEY and Miss Mar Burch went to Louisville Wednesday A MISSES BUNCH BAIINETT arid Pat tie Moores went to Ix > uisville Tuesday Miss KATIIERIND OBANNON of Dal las Texas Is with the Misses OBan non MRS S M MBCLONE of Lexington + attended the SaufleyBauRhman wed dingMR APo Sum Is at Buffalo Larui r bees county putting In a Tent of Maoca Mn AND MftB C U OWBV8of Som- erset attcrjdcd the Shank Cooke mar tinge JUDGE JAMBS P BAILEY and Mr CPQ P Bright went to Louisville yotl I terdaypin SIMON WBSLBY Ca oysef fecient and deer county clerk wai this week here JENNIE IIAYS HUFFMAN or Honey Grove Texas In with her uncle Mr J C Hays JUDGE AND MRS J W ALCORN went ° to Louisville yesterday morning to at- tend the reunion hiMRe J E JOHNSTON of Birming ham Is with her parents Mr and Mrs George P Bright ELI Josnrn SrIIItANCf1 or George town was with his brother Mr Will I Severance this week MR S H ALIWIWJE went to louIs Iville Wednesday Ills wife nnd baby visiting in Garrard N W M DOORBS and Mr G W of the Fast End were on lDR train bound for the reunion CHARLES TRUII and daughter Magdalena Trub of Ottenheim this ofllce n call yesterday after t 1 ° noon MR J H VANlIooK of Burnslde nnd daughter Miss Ollle Crow Van r Hook are visiting friends at Brotl head 1 rMISSES ANNA NEWUND and Mabel of Crab Orchard attended tho commencement exercises of Loretto College MRS BELLE GBNTRV of Newburn Tcnn is visiting relatives here includ ¬ ing Mcsdamcs It 11 Gentry and Mattie McClary f MRS J D EADS nnd Miss Knte Ends nro In Wayne county to attend thu mar ¬ riage of Mr Carmio Dodson to lIssl Ella Eads n niece of Mr Ends MR AND MRS J E FARRIS of vllle and Mr and George C Kelleranil Miss Josepheno Keller of Lpuisylllo J attended ding the SaullcyBaughman wed DR J B BECK has moved Into his r new home on Columbia street Miss Mary Hijfgina is visiting her cousin Miss Georgia King at Crab Orchard Somerset Journal MR W K DEDMON wife and child- ren ¬ I of Somerset were here Wednes day with friends They drove up from J Olympian Springs where they are spending a few weeks MR ALFRED A HIGGINS leaves Sat It I unlay for Muhlenburg county where he will do missionary work during his va ¬ cation He has three churches or rath ¬ er missions in that county MRS H C THOMPSON and daugh ¬ ters Misses Bculah and Bertie nnd sot Clay will visit Washington D Ci 1 Old Point Comfort and Virginia Beach and Will be absent about two weeks London Local Miss SUSIE THOMPSON of Mt Ver t non got the ring that was placed In the I bridal cako at Mr John S Baughmans- t Wednesdayevonlns Miss Susan Van Arsdale got the thimble nnd Miss Lucille Cooper tho needle MISSES SUSIE AND ANNIE THOMPSON of Mt Vernon who have been guests of the plisses McClary returned to their home yesterday As a conse- quence a number of our young gentle men are downcast two of very much BO t t t- f I LISTeN V COKFEY and daughters Misses Edith and Ruth of Cleveland 10 T are the gycsts of his niece Miss Delia Coffey and Mr B P Shewmak cr nnd family at Moreland Mr Coffey was one of Morclandu first merchant after the Q C was built but left Kentucky 20 years ago and is doing a fine business in the furniture and un dertnklng line at Cleveland and Paw flee LOCALS HOUSE for rent on East Main street Call on ET Pence Co WANTED Pair secondhand comput ing scales Box Cl Hustohville Ky4t- CAllD825 nicely printed visiting cards for 25c GO for 35c or 100 for 6Oc This olllcc e SPECIAL AGENT G T HELM of Dan yule arrested five Negroes at McKin ney for throwing rocks at trains PLEASE call at my ceand pay yflu bill If 1 should not be there pay Dr Pcnnington It A Jones D D S WE have just received a shipment of now mattings also a fine assortment oi rugs druggets etc Tribble Pence THOSE indebted to hnBright Jr Co are requested to settle their ac counts with me at once J B Paxton DONT forget the sale of the splendi McKinney Milling property Tuesday next Somebody is going to get a bar ¬ gain in the mill and premises KEEP In mind the Elocutionary am Vocal Contest at Waltons Opera House June 23 Write Manager E H Beaz Icy Stanford for full particulars COAL Falls Branch from J R Wooldfidge and SemlCannel from the East Tcnnesse Coal Co at 12ic per bushel delivered J II Baughman S Co I DONT fall to take advantage of John P Jones 20 per cent discount sale I The store Is crowded with choice mer ¬ chandise which is soiling rapidly this great owning John P Jones atI WE will open n mnking estab ¬ lishment in the Old Nunnelley Brick on Lancaster Street Monday June 5th and solicit a share of your patronage iln Henry Hoiderman and Miss Susie ooley A SEVERE wind storm Sunday is re- ported near Stanford and to have done onsidcrnblc damage to wires fences nd timber Somerset Journal Wrong you are Good rain a little wind tilt no damaging cyclone Tun following ladies have ens erwl the elocutionary contest at Wal- ton Opera House Friday evening Juno 23rd Misses Clark Blanton of lamxtoburg Miss Letitia Warren of anville Miss Grace Owens Somerset lisa Marie Mahony Stanford Miss ilary France Flomingsburg Tho en- tries for the vocal contest are Miss Lit ¬ ian Lcavcll of Garrard Miss Clara Hazard of Joflersonville Miss Kather- Ine Conn of Lancaster Miss Mattie Nichols Lexington Miss Ethel Bar lott of Richmond CIRCUIT COVET Thomas Evans SOT forgery was given two Sherman Brown was fined 65 for selling whisky harks Baughman colored caught a CO fine for malicious shooting Russell jooch 50 for selling whisky John Cummins s 25 tine and 10 days in jail for tarrying concealed weapons William Taylor 100 for malicious cutting J II Carter 20 for illegal sale of beer Wil- liam Sutton 200 days in jail for permit ing crap shooting John S Leo 25 for gaming George Owsley was or the charge of taking dope out n car ofII A VERY delightful occaslpn WM tho reception by Mrs T A Rice nt her pretty home on the Dcnville pike Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Anna Cooke now Mrs Jno H Shanks md Mrs II Kirby Bourne of New lastle The hours were from 4 to 6 md every minute of the time wds enjoyed Mrs Bourne Miss Cooke Miss Alice Pickott of Shelbyville and- re Rice received and entertained Misses Ophelia Lackey and Jennie War ren presided at the frappe bowls and Mrs Rico and Mrs Severance were in the elegant dining room where a tooth- some lunch was partaken of The house w as prettily decorated and the occasion was an altogether happy one I r lA i oosk > a rJ i n- I SEVERAL secondhanded buggies for sale cheap B D Carter Stanford NEW Mattings best quality prices that will make you buy Tribble i Pence MONEY TO LOAN5000 to loan on first mortgage on real estate Apply at this office WANTED to hire during the Summer a gentle horse Must be good driver ThIs office TilE home of Mr Garland Singleton on Academy Hill has been enlarge and materially improved INVESTIGATE the McKinney Mil property to be sold June 20th It payi well and can be made to pay better TilE enterprising firm of J H Baughman Co is putting in new platform scales which are the most modern made To ALL IT MAY CERN1 shall be greatly obliged to those to whom I have sent statements or those knowing themselves indebted to Dr Bailey if theywill come and settle I need the money Mrs Steele Bailey I THOSE who have promised special premiums to the Hustonville Fair July 2 5 27 23 will greatly oblige Secretary S M Owens by writing out their spec ¬ ials and forwarding same to him at Hustonville Bpx 45 at once RUSSELL BROWN celebrated his 12th birthday by having a number of his young friends with him He proved n splendid host nnd made all of his guests feel at home lie received a large num- ber ¬ of presents from the 60 or more guests who were so fortunate as to be with him r SOME 50 or more Odd Fellows deco- rated the graves of their brothers in Buffalo cemetery Tuesday afternoon Quite a crowd was present and heard Rev 0 M Hueya appropriate talk Thirtyfive Odd fellows sleep their last sleep under the sod of our cemetery and every grave was decorated DRIPPING SPRINGS Mine Host Spears Fisher of Dripping Springs was here yesterday He told us that a large crowd attended the opening hoj at his Summer report Wednesday night nnd that everybody had a good time He says fried chickens are in abund ¬ ance at his place and that ho and his guest arc feasting n them TilE races of the Crab Ochard fair July 19 20 21 include a running race for twoyearolds n running race for threeyearolds n threeminute trot and a mule race for the first day On the second tiny a running race for threeyearolds a pace for three minute class a 225 trot a plug running race and a pony race Third day n running race for twoyear olds a running race for threeyearolds a free for nll trot or pace a mulerace and a gentlemans roadster race Write Jo Secretary W D Wallin for further particulars v CEDAR CREEKItev Carmical did not fill his appointment at Sugar Grove macconnt of sickness Rev Hutch ns of Preachcrsville will preach at Sugar Grove next Sunday at 11 oclock Mss Maud Bailey was with her mother hero last week Mrs E 0 Singleton and children of Stanford visited her nother Mm Sallie Pcnnfngton Mrs Sam Chandler was called to see her nother who was very sick Mrs Chand- ler Is assistant superintendent at Sugar Grove Instead of Mr Ford as was stat cd In our last letter There was no Sun lay school Sunday on account of rain Mr Wade makes n trip here every Tuesday to buy eggs He pays a good ash price DEADMr nth Wood IFOUND by more people possibly drummer In Kentucky was ound dead in his room at the Tribble louse Junction City Wednesday morn ng lie was 61 years old He had ar- rived > at Junction City from u trip thro tho mountains in the interest of C F Vdams Co wholesalogrocers of Lou svillc about 3 oclock the afternoon efore and having been ill for the past week went to his room and retired The family at Danville was notified and tho remains were taken to his home here The burial occurred yesterday at larrodsburg Besides a wife and two children G B Woodcock and Mrs Morrison Breckinridge of Danville he s survived by two halfbrothers and one halffllster all of Chicago k CIS rA Umbrella Bargain v Colored Silk Umbrellas are very desirable this season because they arc right from a standpoint of style and are serviceable We secured a nice assortment of Red Navy Green and Brown Changeable Silk Covered Natural wood handles Also lllnck Covers with white border They are fast color and suitable for rain or suns They are the regular 8250 kind but by taking a quantity we bought cheap and sell a at 189 each Sprained Ankle Stiff Neck Lame Shoulders These are three common ailments for which Chamberlains Vain Balm Is especially valuable if promptly ap- plied ¬ It will gave you time money and suffering when troubled with anyone of these ailments For sale by Lyne Bros Crab Orchard Ky Are You Coming 1 Horwndoori window ierrvn nnd ecmn Ink liluv Flume Wlckler OU Htorrn Lace Curtain Hhuclei Iolfn KxtenMoti Ilrnck rte Onrptti liift MnttlnRi Iortlrrm Ourtnln Hitricher 1iirH tHtrit Miiri HriiKhfB to re move witter etc front door by ectlon Onr1 end Jlulullnl Paler Moore Window 11 all 1alwr rulnu Varnish Htnlnii nnd Enamel Ilcturfs Krnmcd OlHM IlucElci New and Old Furniture Uone and e1 If you can nnine Kjtiu tlilnir we do not leten Oood Llv cry Plenty of hors o and huRirlen and Fred equipmentPlenty or Tiring donePruitt Brothers MoreJnnd Ky PUBLIC SALE 1 Of McKinney Ky Flouring Mill and a Lot of Personalty Aimlinlnlfttrntrlxnntl talc h lr of the en ¬ tote ofJurnosn MuKlnneydcoeneedI on- TUKHDAY JUNK al ices Jlncolllifounl highest Milder these nrtlfUiiOf pronulty to wit One loiihk Kiit < U e1rrlllpa ill hood condition 1 tniKVy 1 burklmiiru I ket of iloulile rnrrlniti harness nnd pile 1 one hors wncoiiHiid hnrnessIset ot plowirenr S nla of tingle harness u lot of fnrnilliK has pl m nts 1 milk row I combined horse I- xllIr0Id1 young hogs a lot of household KiMHlii I ru nn in olorlt1 n lot of rnrpen terV tool Scrcwittut MIWH ft I IPB of arts straw I oil tnnknnd Hint vnlunhle r tr The McKinney Klour Mills and the res idellee and premUe ndjnrent The will U well Wlulpldandin Rood order IIIIH H rsM Iwrn liiifmclty of sour unit K0 ImxIielH of 1II 111r dug and hits n Ktornite npnclty of BIUI hnliflH ol wheat alto uapacloun corn lilnnnndcrllm Wagon kcairii oH nite <l trout olllce coal lilin and Ice IIOUM nil under root a never water In mill lot The mill Is withinIftlatd of till t H Rolls way mud In cuunrcttHl with It by private nld true MiKlnney IK tilt nearest market to it wheat and corn produplnK territory which nlxo otter u large Custom tirlndlm TIlt col nnd coal liiiolneim connected with the mill hits proved very profitable No trouble to market all products of the mill The residence IN a twostory frame buIldliiK df seven rooiim with nil onwulent out hiilldlnuicTKItMH The pt r onnlty will In ohl on n erupt of thre months on note with rood security twitting interest from dote The mill and prenilwn for onethird cimh re ¬ mainder lit Mix i = and IN month on notes with KOO I security UltrliiK Interest trout date imyabl 111 lank Title Hrfect Mule to begin at in oVUult A u- JKNMK MCKINNKY McKinney Ky DO IT TODAY And to think that ten month BRO I looked liki this I I owe U to German Syrup QThe timeworn injunction Never put ofTtil tomorrow what you can do to- day is now generally presented in tliii form Do today I terse advice we want to give OU about that backing cough or demoralizing cold with which you have been struggling for sev ¬ eral days perhaps weeks qTake some reliable remedy for it vand let that remedy Ie Dr BoscVces German Syrup which has been in use for over thirtyfive ears A few doses of it will undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold and its continued use for n few days will cure you completely < No matter how deepseated your cough even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs German will effect a cure as it has done before in thousands of ap parently hopeless cases of lung trouble IfNew asc regular aiM 75C At aU druggissi For Sale at PouyVDrtc Btove A Court Tie of Unusual Distinction t One of the swellest creations of the Twentieth Century made of soft pli- able ¬ j patent kid on the famous Gib ¬ son last Plain toe and thin flexible sole single large eytlets fastening with wide silk bow High arched in ¬ step and high court heel Custom J grade and priced at 3 per pair 1 I a CUflfllNS MCLARY I Stanford Kentucky i To The Buying Public J We have bought out the stock of Grocer ¬ ies Hardware Queensware Etc of John Bright Jr Co and now are in charge of the stock they formerly ran We ask a share of your patronage promising good goods at low prices square dealing and courteous treatment Try us on an order and we will endeavor to make you call again P G WARNER SON Terms Strictly Cash kM1EABIF rAM roam I JTClMALLJiM5 This wonderful Range is now on exhibition i r at our store and a look is all we ask to cons vince you we have the best the market af = fords < 1Stanford W Bt McRoberts 1STANFORO Sells Kinfees Ready Mixed Paints Every gallon Guaranteed There is none bettor New Spring patterns of Wall Paper White I Lead and Linseed Oil Also A Tested god Sure Bed Bug Destroyer

Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY) … › lccn › sn85052021 › 1905...Vocal Contest at Waltons Opera House June 23 Write Manager E H Beaz Icy Stanford for

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY) … › lccn › sn85052021 › 1905...Vocal Contest at Waltons Opera House June 23 Write Manager E H Beaz Icy Stanford for

V Children Shoes andv

° Low ShoesOf It


< Just nt this time w son most tock of Shoes nre badly broken andmany sizes

scarce we have replenished our stock nud have n nice variety to show in Oxfords

IC rt Ties mill Sjrnj Slippers No mnttor how chubby or slender the childs foot we

cin fit it We linvo wIDe new Inns for children that nrc fine fitters White Canvas

l Oxfords3k

in ChildVfclzo 8 to mitten size 2 Just tho thing for the children to romp in




JUSTICE to yourself and tomaterials and

1most careful service in preparing hisprescriptions That b the way pre

+ I scriptions are filled at Penny DrugStore


MItt M NEWMNU is in Louisvillei J It BUSH of Lexington wa

here WednesdayMIss BBTTIE PAXTON Is visiting rcla

UvfS in LouisvilleMua MARY OWENS of Someraet Is

With Mr and Mw John W toutMRS W II BACIIV and son of Cov

InKton arc with Mrs S G Hocker-

Mus JOSEPH COFFEY and Miss Mar

Burch went to Louisville WednesdayA MISSES BUNCH BAIINETT arid Pat

tie Moores went to Ix>uisville Tuesday


las Texas Is with the Misses OBannon

MRS S M MBCLONE of Lexington

+ attended the SaufleyBauRhman wed

dingMRAPo Sum Is at Buffalo Larui

r beescounty putting In a Tent of Maoca

Mn AND MftB C U OWBV8of Som-

erset attcrjdcd the Shank Cooke mar


CPQ P Bright went to Louisville yotlI terdaypin

SIMON WBSLBY Ca oyseffecient and deer county clerk wai

this weekhere JENNIE IIAYS HUFFMAN orHoney Grove Texas In with her uncle


° to Louisville yesterday morning to at-

tend the reunion

hiMRe J E JOHNSTON of Birming

ham Is with her parents Mr and Mrs

George P BrightELI Josnrn SrIIItANCf1 or George

town was with his brother Mr Will

I Severance this weekMR S H ALIWIWJE went to louIs

Iville Wednesday Ills wife nnd baby

visiting in Garrard N


of the Fast End were on

lDR train bound for the reunionCHARLES TRUII and daughter

Magdalena Trub of Ottenheim

this ofllce n call yesterday aftert 1


MR J H VANlIooK of Burnslde

nnd daughter Miss Ollle Crow Van

r Hook are visiting friends at Brotl

head1rMISSES ANNA NEWUND and Mabel

of Crab Orchard attended

tho commencement exercises of LorettoCollege

MRS BELLE GBNTRV of NewburnTcnn is visiting relatives here includ ¬

ing Mcsdamcs It 11 Gentry and MattieMcClary

f MRS J D EADS nnd Miss Knte Ends

nro In Wayne county to attend thu mar ¬

riage of Mr Carmio Dodson tolIssl

Ella Eads n niece of Mr EndsMR AND MRS J E FARRIS of

vllle and Mr and George C KelleranilMiss Josepheno Keller of Lpuisylllo

J attendedding

the SaullcyBaughman wed

DR J B BECK has moved Into hisr new home on Columbia street Miss

Mary Hijfgina is visiting her cousinMiss Georgia King at Crab Orchard

Somerset JournalMR W K DEDMON wife and child-



I of Somerset were here Wednes

day with friends They drove up fromJ Olympian Springs where they are

spending a few weeksMR ALFRED A HIGGINS leaves Sat

It I unlay for Muhlenburg county where he

will do missionary work during his va ¬

cation He has three churches or rath ¬

er missions in that county

MRS H C THOMPSON and daugh¬

ters Misses Bculah and Bertie nnd

sot Clay will visit Washington D Ci1 Old Point Comfort and Virginia Beach

and Will be absent about two weeks

London LocalMiss SUSIE THOMPSON of Mt Ver

t non got the ring that was placed In the

I bridal cako at Mr John S Baughmans-

t Wednesdayevonlns Miss Susan Van

Arsdale got the thimble nnd Miss


of Mt Vernon who have been guests

of the plisses McClary returned to

their home yesterday As a conse-

quence a number of our young gentlemen are downcast two of verymuch BO t


t- fI

LISTeN V COKFEY and daughtersMisses Edith and Ruth of Cleveland

10 T are the gycsts of his niece MissDelia Coffey and Mr B P Shewmakcr nnd family at Moreland Mr Coffeywas one of Morclandu first merchantafter the Q C was built but leftKentucky 20 years ago and is doing afine business in the furniture and undertnklng line at Cleveland and Pawflee


HOUSE for rent on East Main streetCall on E T Pence Co

WANTED Pair secondhand computing scales Box Cl Hustohville Ky4t-

CAllD825 nicely printed visitingcards for 25c GO for 35c or 100 for 6OcThis olllcc


yule arrested five Negroes at McKinney for throwing rocks at trains

PLEASE call at my ceand pay yflubill If 1 should not be there pay DrPcnnington It A Jones D D S

WE have just received a shipment ofnow mattings also a fine assortment oirugs druggets etc Tribble Pence

THOSE indebted to hnBright JrCo are requested to settle their ac

counts with me at once J B Paxton

DONT forget the sale of the splendiMcKinney Milling property Tuesdaynext Somebody is going to get a bar¬

gain in the mill and premises

KEEP In mind the Elocutionary amVocal Contest at Waltons Opera HouseJune 23 Write Manager E H BeazIcy Stanford for full particulars

COAL Falls Branch from J RWooldfidge and SemlCannel from theEast Tcnnesse Coal Co at 12ic perbushel delivered J II Baughman SCo I

DONT fall to take advantage of JohnP Jones 20 per cent discount sale I

The store Is crowded with choice mer ¬

chandise which is soiling rapidlythis great owning John P Jones atI

WE will open n mnking estab¬

lishment in the Old Nunnelley Brickon Lancaster Street Monday June 5thand solicit a share of your patronageiln Henry Hoiderman and Miss Susieooley

A SEVERE wind storm Sunday is re-

ported near Stanford and to have doneonsidcrnblc damage to wires fencesnd timber Somerset Journal Wrong

you are Good rain a little wind tiltno damaging cyclone

Tun following ladies have enserwl the elocutionary contest at Wal-

ton Opera House Friday eveningJuno 23rd Misses Clark Blanton of

lamxtoburg Miss Letitia Warren ofanville Miss Grace Owens Somerset

lisa Marie Mahony Stanford Missilary France Flomingsburg Tho en-

tries for the vocal contest are Miss Lit ¬

ian Lcavcll of Garrard Miss ClaraHazard of Joflersonville Miss Kather-

Ine Conn of Lancaster Miss MattieNichols Lexington Miss Ethel Bar

lott of Richmond


forgery was given two ShermanBrown was fined 65 for selling whisky

harks Baughman colored caught aCO fine for malicious shooting Russell

jooch 50 for selling whisky JohnCummins s25 tine and 10 days in jail for

tarrying concealed weapons WilliamTaylor 100 for malicious cutting J II

Carter 20 for illegal sale of beer Wil-

liam Sutton 200 days in jail for permiting crap shooting John S Leo 25 for

gaming George Owsley wasor the charge of taking dope outn car ofII

A VERY delightful occaslpnWM tho reception by Mrs T A Ricent her pretty home on the Dcnville pikeWednesday afternoon in honor of MissAnna Cooke now Mrs Jno H Shanksmd Mrs II Kirby Bourne of New

lastle The hours were from 4 to 6md every minute of the time wds

enjoyed Mrs Bourne Miss CookeMiss Alice Pickott of Shelbyville and-

re Rice received and entertainedMisses Ophelia Lackey and Jennie Warren presided at the frappe bowls andMrs Rico and Mrs Severance were inthe elegant dining room where a tooth-

some lunch was partaken of The housew as prettily decorated and the occasionwas an altogether happy one

I rlA ioosk > arJ in-

I SEVERAL secondhanded buggies forsale cheap B D Carter Stanford

NEW Mattings best quality prices

that will make you buy Tribble iPence

MONEY TO LOAN5000 to loan on

first mortgage on real estate Apply atthis office

WANTED to hire during the Summera gentle horse Must be good driverThIs office

TilE home of Mr Garland Singleton

on Academy Hill has been enlargeand materially improved

INVESTIGATE the McKinney Milproperty to be sold June 20th It payiwell and can be made to pay better

TilE enterprising firm of J H

Baughman Co is putting in newplatform scales which are the mostmodern made

To ALL IT MAY CERN1 shall begreatly obliged to those to whom I havesent statements or those knowingthemselves indebted to Dr Bailey iftheywill come and settle I need themoney Mrs Steele Bailey I

THOSE who have promised specialpremiums to the Hustonville Fair July2 5 27 23 will greatly oblige SecretaryS M Owens by writing out their spec ¬

ials and forwarding same to him atHustonville Bpx 45 at once

RUSSELL BROWN celebrated his 12th

birthday by having a number of hisyoung friends with him He proved n

splendid host nnd made all of his guestsfeel at home lie received a large num-


of presents from the 60 or moreguests who were so fortunate as to bewith him


SOME 50 or more Odd Fellows deco-rated the graves of their brothers inBuffalo cemetery Tuesday afternoonQuite a crowd was present and heardRev 0 M Hueya appropriate talkThirtyfive Odd fellows sleep their lastsleep under the sod of our cemetery andevery grave was decorated

DRIPPING SPRINGS Mine HostSpears Fisher of Dripping Springswas here yesterday He told us that alarge crowd attended the opening hojat his Summer report Wednesday nightnnd that everybody had a good timeHe says fried chickens are in abund ¬

ance at his place and that ho and hisguest arc feasting n them

TilE races of the Crab Ochard fairJuly 19 20 21 include a running racefor twoyearolds n running race forthreeyearolds n threeminute trotand a mule race for the first day On

the second tiny a running race forthreeyearolds a pace for three minuteclass a 225 trot a plug running raceand a pony race Third day n runningrace for twoyear olds a running racefor threeyearolds a free for nll trotor pace a mulerace and a gentlemansroadster race Write Jo Secretary WD Wallin for further particularsv CEDAR CREEKItev Carmical did

not fill his appointment at Sugar Grovemacconnt of sickness Rev Hutchns of Preachcrsville will preach at

Sugar Grove next Sunday at 11 oclockMss Maud Bailey was with her motherhero last week Mrs E 0 Singletonand children of Stanford visited hernother Mm Sallie Pcnnfngton MrsSam Chandler was called to see hernother who was very sick Mrs Chand-

ler Is assistant superintendent at SugarGrove Instead of Mr Ford as was statcd In our last letter There was no Sunlay school Sunday on account of rainMr Wade makes n trip here everyTuesday to buy eggs He pays a goodash price

DEADMr nth WoodIFOUND by more people possibly

drummer In Kentucky wasound dead in his room at the Tribblelouse Junction City Wednesday mornng lie was 61 years old He had ar-


at Junction City from u trip throtho mountains in the interest of C FVdams Co wholesalogrocers of Lousvillc about 3 oclock the afternoon

efore and having been ill for the pastweek went to his room and retiredThe family at Danville was notified and

tho remains were taken to his homehere The burial occurred yesterday atlarrodsburg Besides a wife and two

children G B Woodcock and MrsMorrison Breckinridge of Danville hes survived by two halfbrothers and

one halffllster all of Chicago



Umbrella Bargainv

Colored Silk Umbrellas are very desirable this season because they arc right from

a standpoint of style and are serviceable We secured a nice assortment of Red

Navy Green and Brown Changeable Silk Covered Natural wood handles Also

lllnck Covers with white border They are fast color and suitable for rain or suns

They are the regular 8250 kind but by taking a quantity we bought cheap and sell a

at 189 each

Sprained Ankle Stiff NeckLame Shoulders

These are three common ailments forwhich Chamberlains Vain Balm Is

especially valuable if promptly ap-



It will gave you time money andsuffering when troubled with anyoneof these ailments For sale by LyneBros Crab Orchard Ky

Are You Coming 1

Horwndoori window ierrvn nnd ecmnInk liluv Flume Wlckler OU Htorrn LaceCurtain Hhuclei Iolfn KxtenMoti Ilrnckrte Onrptti liift MnttlnRi IortlrrmOurtnln Hitricher 1iirH tHtrit MiiriHriiKhfB to re move witter etc front door byectlon Onr1 end Jlulullnl Paler Moore

Window 11 all 1alwr rulnu VarnishHtnlnii nnd Enamel Ilcturfs Krnmcd

OlHM IlucElci New andOld Furniture Uone and e1 If you cannnine Kjtiu tlilnir we do not leten Oood Llvcry Plenty of hors o and huRirlen and Fred

equipmentPlenty or Tiring

donePruitt BrothersMoreJnnd Ky


Of McKinney Ky Flouring Mill

and a Lot of Personalty

Aimlinlnlfttrntrlxnntl talc h lr of the en ¬

tote ofJurnosn MuKlnneydcoeneedIon-


Jlncolllifounlhighest Milder these nrtlfUiiOf pronultyto wit One loiihk Kiit < U e1rrlllpa ill hoodcondition 1 tniKVy 1 burklmiiru I ket ofiloulile rnrrlniti harness nnd pile 1 onehors wncoiiHiid hnrnessIset ot plowirenrS nla of tingle harness u lot of fnrnilliK haspl m nts 1 milk row I combined horse I-xllIr0Id1 young hogs a lot of household

KiMHlii I ru nn in olorlt1 n lot of rnrpenterV tool Scrcwittut MIWH ft I IPB of artsstraw I oil tnnknnd Hint vnlunhle rtr The McKinney Klour Mills and the residellee and premUe ndjnrent The will Uwell Wlulpldandin Rood order IIIIH H rsM

Iwrn liiifmclty of sour unit K0 ImxIielH of1II 111r dug and hits n Ktornite npnclty ofBIUI hnliflH ol wheat alto uapacloun cornlilnnnndcrllm Wagon kcairii oH nite <l troutolllce coal lilin and Ice IIOUM nil under roota never water In mill lotThe mill Is withinIftlatd of till t H Rollsway mud In cuunrcttHl with It by private nldtrue MiKlnney IK tilt nearest market to it

wheat and corn produplnK territorywhich nlxo otter u large Custom tirlndlmTIlt col nnd coal liiiolneim connected withthe mill hits proved very profitable Notrouble to market all products of the millThe residence IN a twostory frame buIldliiKdf seven rooiim with nil onwulent outhiilldlnuicTKItMH The pt r onnlty will In ohl on nerupt of thre months on note with roodsecurity twitting interest from dote Themill and prenilwn for onethird cimh re ¬

mainder lit Mix i = and IN month on noteswith KOO I security UltrliiK Interest troutdate imyabl 111 lank Title Hrfect Muleto begin at in oVUult A u-



And to think that ten month BRO I looked likithis I I owe U to German Syrup

QThe timeworn injunction Never putofTtil tomorrow what you can do to-day is now generally presented in tliiiform Do today I terseadvice we want to give OU about thatbacking cough or demoralizing cold withwhich you have been struggling for sev ¬

eral days perhaps weeks qTake somereliable remedy for it vand letthat remedy Ie Dr BoscVces GermanSyrup which has been in use for overthirtyfive ears A few doses of it willundoubtedly relieve your cough or coldand its continued use for n few days willcure you completely < No matter howdeepseated your cough even if dreadconsumption has attacked your lungsGerman will effect a cureas it has done before in thousands of apparently hopeless cases of lung troubleIfNew asc regular aiM75C At aU druggissi

For Sale at PouyVDrtc Btove

A Court Tie of Unusual



One of the swellest creations of theTwentieth Century made of soft pli-

able¬ j

patent kid on the famous Gib ¬

son last Plain toe and thin flexiblesole single large eytlets fasteningwith wide silk bow High arched in ¬

step and high court heel Custom J

grade and priced at 3 per pair 1



Stanford Kentucky

i To The Buying Public JWe have bought out the stock of Grocer¬

ies Hardware Queensware Etc of JohnBright Jr Co and now are in charge ofthe stock they formerly ran We ask a shareof your patronage promising good goods atlow prices square dealing and courteoustreatment Try us on an order and we willendeavor to make you call again

P G WARNER SONTerms Strictly Cash

kM1EABIFrAM roam


This wonderful Rangeis now on exhibition


at our store and a look

is all we ask to cons

vince you we have thebest the market af=


< 1StanfordW Bt McRoberts 1STANFORO

Sells Kinfees Ready Mixed Paints Everygallon Guaranteed There is none bettorNew Spring patterns of Wall Paper White ILead and Linseed Oil Also

A Tested god Sure Bed Bug Destroyer