Cloakst You can take onefifth oil the price of may of 160of this seasons very best selling Coats These include Kcreoys Broadcloths Plush Velvet Caracul late Childrens CloaKs Its a groat paving to buy these Cloaks nt onefourth oil the price South BTANFOIID KY Dnc 31907 TUB Contract 5e cigar sold at Pen ny8 Drug Store Is sure to please you- r Trytt WHEN you want to make your selec ttlon from largest and most upto date fine of post cards go to Pennys Drugstore PERSONALS Jr + BORN to the wife of Mr J E Buck a daughter MR D 0 GOOCII Is visiting his daughter at Knoxville BORN to tho wife of Olllo Huffman of Danville a daughter THE aged Mrs M L Harris is very ill at her homo at Crab Orchard MIss InENB ROMANS of Lancaster WM tho guest of Miss Ethel Dunn MRS THOMAS IIIELPS of Richmond was tho guest of Mrs W M Bright Mit DANIEL WEST of Nicholasvillc was the guest of Miss Lena Reynolds MBS LINDA TUCKER of Somerset Is with her sister Mrs Kathryn Deaz IcyMRS fl J HORTON returned from a visit to her daughter In Adair IIJI89 OARRIK HATCliERof Lancaster ur spent Thanksgiving with Mrs Leo Stone MR MORRIS M IBRKINS and pretty wife of Crab Orchard wore in town EMILY of New w York City Is with hur aunt Mla Sue e Woncr MRS SUSAN YBAOBR will entertain the Afternoon Club next TbursdayI REV 14C KBUY of Louisville joined Ms wife at Mr T D Ncwlands last week PROF WALTER 0 HormR of Mt Sterling spent several days with the homofolki here UPIplngton Miss Minnie Wools Nit G C KENNEDY of Lincoln eaunty was hero Saturday on business Journal MB W H SMITH who lives at Whites Mill In tho East End Is very low with typhoid fever MRS S M SAOFIFY and son Shel t ton Marshall Saulloy of Frankfort arc with her here MR AND MRS J N SAuNDERS will entertain tho Married Peoples Club at 8 oclock Friday evening Miss GEORGIA LEWIS came down X V frorn Crab Orchard to seo her father yjr T M Lewis who continues quite Sick Miss FETTRO who has been teach ¬ ing music at Crab Orchard has accept- ed ¬ n flattering call at Minneapolis Minn MR E B DENIIAM and family will ccupy the brick residence on Lancas ¬ ter street recently vacated by Mr and Mrs 14D Nunnelley MRS S II HICKLE who has been with her son Dr W P Hlckle at Hubble left yesterday for her home at Powder Springs Tenn MRS C A Cox who has been spend ¬ ing a month in Columbia left for Jones boro Tenn yesterday morning Dr Cox having taken up his resldenco in that city Adatr News > MR AND MRS HORACE BROWN left i i esterday for Washington where they will bo present when Mr Harvey Helm i tho Congressman from the Eighth Dis- trict ¬ of Kentucky takes tho oath of ofllce Mr Helm Is the brother of S NMra Brown Mr and Mrs Brown will t visit New York before home Courier Journal LOCALS SEE W II Muellers ad iyATCtf for Farris Xmas opening XflAS Dec 5th at Far ¬ re H EATING stoves at cost to make room 3 for Xmas goods Farris flowers roses and carnations for SCUT Mrs Ed Hubbard Stanford LOT of nice meat hogs for sale J T Livingston Stanford R R No1 Miss LUCY AND J L MASSEY enter ¬ tained quite a number of their young friends on Thanksgiving evening at their pretty country home They had music and light refreshments were served at 10 oclock The crowd I J broke up rather reluctantly X < LOT of fine big meat hogs for sale G A Hudgcvillo CArt of genuine Kanawha salt just arrived J II Baughmnn Co BROWN Leghorn sale at 1 each S II Aldridge Stanford DROWN paper good for putting under carpets or on tho walls cheap at this office DONT miss Farris opening of boll ¬ day goods Dec Cth from 2 to 91 M MRS W S Jonas and W S E B Denham have our thanks for handsome calendars AN old fiddlers contest will bo pulled oft in Waltons Opera House about the middle of this month A hoe Fred umann Jr as carrier on R F D No3 from Stanford FOR RENTThe on Lan caster street now occupied by Mr W 0 Speed Possession Jan 1 P P Nunnelley A MAN with a few hundred dollars to spare can get a good thing in the shape of an investment by culling on Mr L R Hughes at once Tim town supervisors Messrs J N Monefec J C McClary and C E Tate begun their job of going over the assessors work yesterday DONT forget tlftt the storeroom oc ¬ cupied by the will be sold at auction next Monday court day Terms half cash balance to suit purchaser y Tile Central Real Estate Title Co has farms of 100 I to GOO acres for sale at a bargain Write or apply for particulars and prices Bio SALNDr H Jones of Cln ¬ cinnati but formerly of this place sold 100000 cakes of his advertising soap to the American Tobacco Co tho largest I advertising firm in tho world SOME careless killed a valua ¬ ble mule for Sheriff T J Hill a few days ago Such carlesnncs borders close on to tho criminal and somebody will suffer if a stop in not put to It SHERIFF T J andClrcuitClerk James F Hcldam of Lincoln county brought James Harlan to the peniten ¬ tiary to servo four years lie was con ¬ victed at the recent term of tho circuit court at Stanford Frankfort Journal MR JOHN RODINS of Brodhcad has bought out tho Shugars Drug Co at that placoand taken possession Mr J F Watson an experienced pharma ¬ dst is In charge Mr Shugars is un ¬ decided as to where ho will locate but ho will leave Brodhead we are told B B KING late republican candi ¬ date for tho Legislature in Lincoln county has filed notice of contest for tho scat of elect W H Shanks Another caso of the republi ¬ cans asking for the world hoping that they may get just a little Advocate Tim Ladies Aid Society of tho Bap- tist ¬ church at Crab Orchard will meet with Mrs Frank Estes at 230 Wednes- day ¬ afternoon when a full attendance ii desired A call meeting will be held at the Baptist church after tho prayer meeting Wednesday evening for tho purpose of deciding on a pastor AT tho tacky skating rink Friday night Miss Nancy Yeagcr won the prize aseason ticket The judges were Mesdames C E Tate of this place and Samuel Fulkerson of MIddlesboro and Miss Martha Mcnefco of Stratford Miss Yeagcr was dressed as an old wo- man and made a very tacky one The next rink will be given Friday night Gth CArt DAVID IL GOYEN the veteran paintcr orator has our thanks for time- ly assistance in folding our papers Whenever ho has time ho comes up and helps us out This versatile old gen- tleman ¬ is a walking encyclopedia and a remarkable man He can make a splen- did ¬ political speech preach a fine ser ¬ mon talk Masonry by tho week quote scripture like a Methodist bishop an ¬ swer any question ypu may propound and paint and paper a house better than anybody In short ho can do almost anything and unlike the usual jackof all trades ho does them all well lie is a clover interesting gentleman and wo enjoy his frequent visits to this office No Weather ProphetEv- ery one of the signs Clthnt men hail pointed to a very cold winter so wo taught In Winter goods The very cold weather has not yet ma ¬ terialized missed it Wo find ourselves yet with largo quanti ¬ ties of Winter goods and these conditions call for an antidote Therefore our Greatest SemiAnnual CleanUp Sale hegiiiB MONDAY DEC 2ND The prices are cut deep in order to move them quick Como to this great ale Come early See circular for ¬ Depot Corner 1 FridayMisa opening rooststers residence Representativo Somebody IFon SALE200 seedbearing ginseng at IGe A I1 Brackett Stan ¬ ford Go to Farris Xmas opening Dec 5th from 2 to 9 Music by Stanford or ¬ chestra Fon rent for mos y house on West Main now occupied by Dr Fowler Miss Dora Straub Fon SALE Ono dozen Barred Ply ¬ mouth Rock hens and a fine rooster Ed Hubbard Stanford TIIERE is none better than the Bent wood patent churn Call and see It George D Hopper FALL went out like a lion consider able snow and rain falling during the day Winter camo In ditto THOSE notpaytheir town taxes by Dec 10 will not bo surprised to find their property advertised for sale H G Jones city marshal FOR SALE Several cone pulleys small imposing atone lot of second handed type typo cases stands and other printers supplies Write or phone this office DR HUGH REID Is In receipt of a fine bird dog from his friend Dr F W Samuel of Louisville It Is a highly bred dog and splendidly trained The doctor Is very proud of the present WITH every stove r 5 we will give free ls worth of Kar a van Coffee With every stovo under 5 wo give 60c worth of Kar a van coffee The stoves are cheapthe coffee is excellent It is a bargain Geo D Hopper SQUIRE JAMES A DUDDERAR has re ¬ signed as magistrate which place he has filled with much credit and Gov Beckham on appointed Mr James A of the Hubble section one of tho very best men In the county THE Lincoln County Medical Society will convene Tuesday Dec lothat Mrs Patsy Browns hospital on Logan Avenue Dinner will bo served there All members are requested to be pres ¬ ent as business of much Importance is to be transacted TilE Mountainrio Co gave a very excellent entertainment at Waltons Op- era House Saturday evening Those who did not see and hear the splendidly rendered program and they were great ¬ ly in the majority missed a real treat Mr Brown Is a virtuosowith the violin Miss Vivian Is a fine pianist and Miss Fowler an entertaining reader TilE arrival of lion Harvey Helm of Stanford in Washington was thought to put in danger the position of Ollie James as the biggest member of Ccn press but after a careful comparison of the two in the lobby at the RIggs it was decided that Ollio still holds the palm as his avoirdupois exceeds that of Mr Helm by two or three stone though their height is about the same Tile Stanford INTERIOR JOURNAL tells of the remarkable coincidence of the deaths of John G and James E Lynn of Lincoln county They were twins so much alike that close friends sometimes mistook one for the other They were also alike in tastes and alike in good citizenship They both suffered from the same disease and died of it tho one on Monday the other on Wednesday and they would have been 59 years of ago on Fri ¬ day The writer knew them well and was fully aware of their many fine traits Of them it could almost ho said They were closely united In life and In death they were not divided Frankfort Journal MRS CLARENCE E TOTE very del- ightfully entertained on Thanksgiving evening in honor of Misses Frances Beckett of Kansas City and Nannette Simpson of Quannah Texas Some 25 couples were present and a most en ¬ joyable evening was spent Tho host pitablo home was beautifully prepared for tho happy occasion Ten tables were arranged and on them various games such as flinch dominoes kro konole etc were played A prize was awarded to the winners who were Miss Mary Phillips and Mr George B Sauf ley During the evening a toothsome lunch was elegantly served Those who were fortunate enough to bo pres- ent ¬ speak in a most complimentary manner of tho splendid way In which they were WE take this means of thanking our many friends and who so ably assisted us In saving so much of our household goods from the fire which de ¬ stroyed our home in Junction City on Nov 21th Mr and Mrs E B Swoon eyMR GcoBnlcnr showed us yes ¬ terday a rich sample of barytes which is said to be the finest that hits been found in Kentucky lie says there i- an abundance of it on his farm nea Hubblo and we hope he will bo able to dispose of it at a big price I Till new rural route from Moreland to Stanford and back by Turnersvllle and Hustonvllle begun operations yes ¬ terday with Mr C K McClure carrier Ho arrives here about 9 A M and leaves in time to catch the Southbound mall train This route will help us get our papers to the West End tho day of publication MATRIMONIAL Jesse L Duncan and Miss Mary Pres- ton ¬ were married at the home of J H Dean in Garrard Dean Bell and Miss Dottie Crow were made one at the courthouse by Judge Owsley Friday Walter Martin a Perryville mer ¬ chant and Miss Ethel Johnson of Mer ¬ cer were married last week Henry C Burdett of Lower Garrard and Miss Stella May Shuttles of Junc ¬ tion City were made one last week News comes from Mt Vernon that a charming young lady of that place who occasionally visits here and who is greatly admired by our people general ¬ ly will be married early in the coming year to a prominent young lawyer of Prcstonsburg Chas H Kerr and Miss Lula Chand ¬ ler were quietly married at the Bap ¬ tist parsonage Richmond on the 27th by Rev George W Shepherd Tho bride is a daughter of Mr S M Chand ¬ ler of this county and is a fine young woman while the groom is a prosper ¬ ous young man Our friend Mr Karlcs Coffey now of Corbin was married in Louisville le on Thanksgiving day to Miss Myrtle Parse ley a handsome and popular young woman of London The ceremony was said by Dr Beauchamp at his homQ on Second Street The happy couple pass ¬ ed up to Corbin Mr Coffey worked for K L Tanner Sons of McKinney for several years and he has many friend in this county About Digestion- It Is not the quantity of food taken but tho amount digested mud assimi- lated ¬ that gives strength and vitality to tho system Chamberlains Stein ¬ ach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions The re- sult ¬ is a relish for your food increas ¬ ed strength and weight greater en- durance ¬ and a clear head Price 23 cents Samples free For sale by all FARMS SALE I Farm stTiicre farm In Franklin coun ¬ ty Ind11 miles from Metamora n town of t Inhabitants 7 miles from Ilrooksvllle the county scut u town of 8UX Inhabitants KM acres of tblb farm now In Rood blue IIru1 pasture aU acres of good bottom loud a acres In new meadow Imlance soil acres cut overttmlier land We removed the timber on this tarn last yenr Tile land Is rolling and good black toll This land IN conilderci as line tobacco land ai In the Btnto of Ken ¬ l told WOacres adjoining tills farm on which 80 acres of tobacco was railed this season and It cnn be seen and will ibowyou what tho land will grow This term has one good broom frame house a muall barngood goodtnfece around entice on tho aid farm If you are looking for n farm this U your chance I I Our price Is rope r acre Como to Hates vlllonnd we will be glue to iaku you to the farm and show It Form J HO acres In Franklin county 4 miles from Uettimoni54 tulles from Brooks vlllti 10 acres Is cleared land balance In timber A tworoom frame house on the farm Jrlco tit acre we reserve the timber This Is also a good tobacco farm KarmS liOacro farm J4 tnlk from > ior acres In cut over timber and 10 acres In vir ¬ gin timber A twostory brick house of 17 rooms slate roof cellar under entire house Interior finished In line wood and fresco a on arm could not be replaced today for 1 JOOiiO Our with good building In the Htato of Indiana todayOur terms are Ji cash balance 110 each year with fl cent Interest secured by mortgage The titles uro perfect and we will furnish abstract to purchaser Also have two other forums wu will sell We advertised these farms In several of the Kentucky If you are Interested write us at once or call on IK- llofereucei First National Ilank- TlIEHILLHNUKANUaO Uatesvllle dud tJ S Ul I It you waut to own a swell Suit at a very small cost look ours over One lot Spring Suits for JUcnPrice 816sale price 8675 12 Blackor Grey Suitagood etylesnew former price 815 and 81Gf0sale price 8075 12 new d0 inch Coat Suits and Prince Chap Suits at onefourth oft the price Most of thce arrived within the last week SKIRTS We will allow you to take onefifth olltbc price of any of our excellent show of Skirts f SEVERANCE SON STANFORD East setsinandt yester- day AIBXANDHR Thursday Frankfort homcfolka returning splendid Swidebroad Thursday IJ postofllco Kentucky Exchange heavily par- ticular Saturday McKcchnio entertained neighbors yesterday druggists FOR goodfree frnmeI goodflame I SEE 1 Our new stock of Holiday Comb Sets Barretts Beau ¬ ty Pins Hat Pins Belt Veilr Pins Collar Supporters Fancy Ball PinsBelts Col ¬ lars Egyptian Silks Fasci ¬ natorsEiderdown Sacques Baby Caps and Moccasins Complete stock of Soft Sole Baby Shoes TRIBBLE HUGHES Dry Goods Notions Shoes Phone 156 Opera House Block Opposite Court House STANFORD KENTUCKY 4 a g o gEn 1t 0 6 0 11 S = yp- w r = 0 Y nQ m 0- tI = 7 S > lIfa r > g m g = J < I 4 =z- en 0 fH rr 000- O = OR w9 r t h Of 0 = = tooo go tn AIr = 0 ggO 1- l11u n Q o 4 v n n4 m t L m 0A = c 0 UVi 6 0 < q- A lIfa 0 Ao The Lid I The Lid I The Lid I i It is oil on prices at the Emporium at Hustou ville We are prico fighters Your Lid I Bo sure and get it from our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We have selected tho create of the market for you Come and be convinced in this line Wo undersell everybody CLOAKSLadies Misses and Childrens We can please you Quality and price guaranteed LADIES SKIRTS I A beautiful lot to select from Prices to suit all We carrya general line t Clothing hoots and Shoes Dry Goods in endless variety Underwear Everybody If you have never worn a pair of Shoes I dont wonder fOlf you have been so disappointed Try lIE27 years selling Shoes Fall and Winter stock is now full and complete Come and inspect our stock I know I can do you good Yours for fair exchange CHAS WHEELER the Price Fighter We have everything for a good Thanksgiving Din = ner Phone us your order I Are Geol D Hoppers Stanford I Ky

Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY) …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fk972/data/1116.pdft visit New York before home Courier Journal LOCALS SEE W II Muellers ad iyATCtf

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY) …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fk972/data/1116.pdft visit New York before home Courier Journal LOCALS SEE W II Muellers ad iyATCtf

CloakstYou can take onefifth oil the price of may of 160of this seasons very

best selling Coats These include Kcreoys Broadcloths Plush Velvet

Caracul late

Childrens CloaKs

Its a groat paving to buy these Cloaks nt onefourth oil the price



TUB Contract 5e cigar sold at Penny8 Drug Store Is sure to please you-

r TryttWHEN you want to make your selec

ttlon from largest and most uptodate fine of post cards go to PennysDrugstore


Jr+BORN to the wife of Mr J E Buck

a daughterMR D 0 GOOCII Is visiting his

daughter at KnoxvilleBORN to tho wife of Olllo Huffman

of Danville a daughterTHE aged Mrs M L Harris is very

ill at her homo at Crab OrchardMIss InENB ROMANS of Lancaster

WM tho guest of Miss Ethel DunnMRS THOMAS IIIELPS of Richmond

was tho guest of Mrs W M BrightMit DANIEL WEST of Nicholasvillc

was the guest of Miss Lena ReynoldsMBS LINDA TUCKER of Somerset

Is with her sister Mrs Kathryn Deaz

IcyMRS fl J HORTON returnedfrom a visit to her daughter In

AdairIIJI89 OARRIK HATCliERof Lancaster

ur spent Thanksgiving with Mrs Leo

StoneMR MORRIS M IBRKINS and pretty

wife of Crab Orchard wore in town

EMILY of Neww

York City Is with hur aunt Mla Suee Woncr

MRS SUSAN YBAOBR will entertainthe Afternoon Club nextTbursdayIREV 14C KBUY of Louisvillejoined Ms wife at Mr T D Ncwlandslast week

PROF WALTER 0 HormR of MtSterling spent several days with thehomofolki here

UPIplngtonMiss Minnie Wools

Nit G C KENNEDY of Lincolneaunty was hero Saturday on business

JournalMB W H SMITH who lives at

Whites Mill In tho East End Is very

low with typhoid feverMRS S M SAOFIFY and son Shel

t ton Marshall Saulloy of Frankfort arcwith her here


entertain tho Married Peoples Club at8 oclock Friday evening

Miss GEORGIA LEWIS came down

X V frorn Crab Orchard to seo her fatheryjr T M Lewis who continues quite

SickMiss FETTRO who has been teach ¬

ing music at Crab Orchard has accept-



n flattering call at MinneapolisMinn

MR E B DENIIAM and family willccupy the brick residence on Lancas ¬

ter street recently vacated by Mr andMrs 14D Nunnelley

MRS S II HICKLE who has beenwith her son Dr W P Hlckle atHubble left yesterday for her home atPowder Springs Tenn

MRS C A Cox who has been spend ¬

ing a month in Columbia left for Jonesboro Tenn yesterday morning DrCox having taken up his resldenco in

that city Adatr News> MR AND MRS HORACE BROWN left

i i esterday for Washington where theywill bo present when Mr Harvey Helm

i tho Congressman from the Eighth Dis-


of Kentucky takes tho oath ofofllce Mr Helm Is the brother of

S NMra Brown Mr and Mrs Brown willt

visit New York before homeCourier Journal


SEE W II Muellers ad

iyATCtf for Farris Xmas opening

XflAS Dec 5th at Far¬reH EATING stoves at cost to make room3 for Xmas goods Farris

flowers roses and carnations forSCUT Mrs Ed Hubbard Stanford

LOT of nice meat hogs for sale JT Livingston Stanford R R No1

Miss LUCY AND J L MASSEY enter ¬

tained quite a number of their youngfriends on Thanksgiving evening attheir pretty country home They had

music and light refreshmentswere served at 10 oclock The crowd

IJ broke up rather reluctantly X


LOT of fine big meat hogs for saleG A Hudgcvillo

CArt of genuine Kanawha salt justarrived J II Baughmnn Co

BROWN Leghorn sale at1 each S II Aldridge Stanford

DROWN paper good for putting undercarpets or on tho walls cheap at thisoffice

DONT miss Farris opening of boll ¬

day goods Dec Cth from 2 to91 M

MRS W S Jonas and W S E B

Denham have our thanks for handsomecalendars

AN old fiddlers contest will bo pulledoft in Waltons Opera House about themiddle of this month

A hoe Fredumann Jr as carrier on R F D

No3 from Stanford

FOR RENTThe on Lancaster street now occupied by Mr W0 Speed Possession Jan 1 P PNunnelley

A MAN with a few hundred dollars tospare can get a good thing in the shapeof an investment by culling on Mr LR Hughes at once

Tim town supervisors Messrs J NMonefec J C McClary and C ETate begun their job of going overthe assessors work yesterday

DONT forget tlftt the storeroom oc ¬

cupied by the will be sold atauction next Monday court day Termshalf cash balance to suit purchaser


Tile Central Real EstateTitle Co has farms of 100

I to GOO acres for sale at a bargainWrite or apply for particulars andprices

Bio SALNDr H Jones of Cln ¬

cinnati but formerly of this place sold100000 cakes of his advertising soap tothe American Tobacco Co tho largest

Iadvertising firm in tho world

SOME careless killed a valua ¬

ble mule for Sheriff T J Hill a fewdays ago Such carlesnncs bordersclose on to tho criminal and somebodywill suffer if a stop in not put to It

SHERIFF T J andClrcuitClerkJames F Hcldam of Lincoln countybrought James Harlan to the peniten ¬

tiary to servo four years lie was con ¬

victed at the recent term of tho circuitcourt at Stanford Frankfort Journal

MR JOHN RODINS of Brodhcad hasbought out tho Shugars Drug Co atthat placoand taken possession MrJ F Watson an experienced pharma ¬

dst is In charge Mr Shugars is un ¬

decided as to where ho will locate butho will leave Brodhead we are told

B B KING late republican candi ¬

date for tho Legislature in Lincolncounty has filed notice of contest fortho scat of elect W HShanks Another caso of the republi ¬

cans asking for the world hoping thatthey may get just a little Advocate

Tim Ladies Aid Society of tho Bap-


church at Crab Orchard will meetwith Mrs Frank Estes at 230 Wednes-day


afternoon when a full attendanceii desired A call meeting will be heldat the Baptist church after tho prayermeeting Wednesday evening for thopurpose of deciding on a pastor

AT tho tacky skating rink Fridaynight Miss Nancy Yeagcr won theprize aseason ticket The judges wereMesdames C E Tate of this placeand Samuel Fulkerson of MIddlesboroand Miss Martha Mcnefco of StratfordMiss Yeagcr was dressed as an old wo-man and made a very tacky one Thenext rink will be given Friday nightGth

CArt DAVID ILGOYEN the veteranpaintcr orator has our thanks for time-ly assistance in folding our papersWhenever ho has time ho comes up andhelps us out This versatile old gen-


is a walking encyclopedia and aremarkable man He can make a splen-did


political speech preach a fine ser¬

mon talk Masonry by tho week quotescripture like a Methodist bishop an ¬

swer any question ypu may propoundand paint and paper a house better thananybody In short ho can do almostanything and unlike the usual jackofall trades ho does them all well lie isa clover interesting gentleman and woenjoy his frequent visits to this office

No Weather ProphetEv-ery one of the signs Clthnt men hail pointed to a very cold winter so

wo taught In Winter goods The very cold weather has not yet ma ¬

terialized missed it Wo find ourselves yet with largo quanti ¬

ties of Winter goods and these conditions call for an antidote Thereforeour

Greatest SemiAnnual CleanUp SalehegiiiB MONDAY DEC 2ND The prices are cut deep in order to movethem quick Como to this great ale Come early See circular for ¬

DepotCorner 1







IFon SALE200 seedbearing ginsengat IGe A I1 Brackett Stan ¬

fordGo to Farris Xmas opening Dec 5th

from 2 to 9 Music by Stanford or¬


Fon rent for mos yhouse on WestMain now occupied by Dr FowlerMiss Dora Straub

Fon SALE Ono dozen Barred Ply¬

mouth Rock hens and a fine roosterEd Hubbard Stanford

TIIERE is none better than the Bentwood patent churn Call and see ItGeorge D Hopper

FALL went out like a lion considerable snow and rain falling during theday Winter camo In ditto

THOSE notpaytheir towntaxes by Dec 10 will not bo surprisedto find their property advertised forsale H G Jones city marshal

FOR SALE Several cone pulleyssmall imposing atone lot of secondhanded type typo cases stands andother printers supplies Write or phonethis office

DR HUGH REID Is In receipt of a finebird dog from his friend Dr F WSamuel of Louisville It Is a highlybred dog and splendidly trained Thedoctor Is very proud of the present

WITH every stove r 5 wewill give free ls worth of Kar a vanCoffee With every stovo under 5 wogive 60c worth of Kar a van coffee Thestoves are cheapthe coffee is excellentIt is a bargain Geo D Hopper


signed as magistrate which place hehas filled with much credit and GovBeckham on appointed MrJames A of the Hubblesection one of tho very best men In thecounty

THE Lincoln County Medical Societywill convene Tuesday Dec lothatMrs Patsy Browns hospital on LoganAvenue Dinner will bo served thereAll members are requested to be pres ¬

ent as business of much Importance isto be transacted

TilE Mountainrio Co gave a veryexcellent entertainment at Waltons Op-era House Saturday evening Thosewho did not see and hear the splendidlyrendered program and they were great ¬

ly in the majority missed a real treatMr Brown Is a virtuosowith the violinMiss Vivian Is a fine pianist and MissFowler an entertaining reader

TilE arrival of lion Harvey Helm ofStanford in Washington was thoughtto put in danger the position of OllieJames as the biggest member of Ccnpress but after a careful comparison ofthe two in the lobby at the RIggs itwas decided that Ollio still holds thepalm as his avoirdupois exceeds thatof Mr Helm by two or three stonethough their height is about the same

Tile Stanford INTERIOR JOURNAL tellsof the remarkable coincidence of thedeaths of John G and James ELynn of Lincoln county They weretwins so much alike that close friendssometimes mistook one for the otherThey were also alike in tastes andalike in good citizenship They bothsuffered from the same disease anddied of it tho one on Monday theother on Wednesday and they wouldhave been 59 years of ago on Fri ¬

day The writer knew them welland was fully aware of their manyfine traits Of them it could almostho said They were closely unitedIn life and In death they were notdivided Frankfort Journal


ightfully entertained on Thanksgivingevening in honor of Misses FrancesBeckett of Kansas City and NannetteSimpson of Quannah Texas Some25 couples were present and a most en ¬

joyable evening was spent Tho hostpitablo home was beautifully preparedfor tho happy occasion Ten tableswere arranged and on them variousgames such as flinch dominoes krokonole etc were played A prize wasawarded to the winners who were MissMary Phillips and Mr George B Saufley During the evening a toothsomelunch was elegantly served Thosewho were fortunate enough to bo pres-ent


speak in a most complimentarymanner of tho splendid way In whichthey were

WE take this means of thanking ourmany friends and who so ablyassisted us In saving so much of ourhousehold goods from the fire which de¬

stroyed our home in Junction City onNov 21th Mr and Mrs E B Swoon

eyMRGcoBnlcnr showed us yes ¬

terday a rich sample of barytes whichis said to be the finest that hits beenfound in Kentucky lie says there i-

an abundance of it on his farm neaHubblo and we hope he will bo able todispose of it at a big price

I Till new rural route from Morelandto Stanford and back by Turnersvllleand Hustonvllle begun operations yes ¬

terday with Mr C K McClure carrierHo arrives here about 9 A M andleaves in time to catch the Southboundmall train This route will help us getour papers to the West End tho day ofpublication


Jesse L Duncan and Miss Mary Pres-ton


were married at the home of J HDean in Garrard

Dean Bell and Miss Dottie Crowwere made one at the courthouse byJudge Owsley Friday

Walter Martin a Perryville mer ¬

chant and Miss Ethel Johnson of Mer¬

cer were married last weekHenry C Burdett of Lower Garrard

and Miss Stella May Shuttles of Junc ¬

tion City were made one last weekNews comes from Mt Vernon that a

charming young lady of that place whooccasionally visits here and who isgreatly admired by our people general ¬

ly will be married early in the comingyear to a prominent young lawyer ofPrcstonsburg

Chas H Kerr and Miss Lula Chand ¬

ler were quietly married at the Bap ¬

tist parsonage Richmond on the 27thby Rev George W Shepherd Thobride is a daughter of Mr S M Chand ¬

ler of this county and is a fine youngwoman while the groom is a prosper ¬

ous young manOur friend Mr Karlcs Coffey now

of Corbin was married in Louisville le onThanksgiving day to Miss Myrtle Parseley a handsome and popular youngwoman of London The ceremony wassaid by Dr Beauchamp at his homQ onSecond Street The happy couple pass ¬

ed up to Corbin Mr Coffeyworked for K L Tanner Sons ofMcKinney for several years and hehas many friend in this county

About Digestion-It Is not the quantity of food taken

but tho amount digested mud assimi-lated


that gives strength and vitalityto tho system Chamberlains Stein¬

ach and Liver Tablets invigorate thestomach and liver and enable themto perform their functions The re-


is a relish for your food increas ¬

ed strength and weight greater en-


and a clear head Price 23

cents Samples free For sale byall


Farm stTiicre farm In Franklin coun ¬

ty Ind11 miles from Metamora n townof tInhabitants 7 miles from Ilrooksvlllethe county scut u town of 8UX InhabitantsKM acres of tblb farm now In Rood blue IIru1pasture aU acres of good bottom loud aacres In new meadow Imlance soil acres cutoverttmlier land We removed the timberon this tarn last yenr Tile land Is rollingand good black toll This land IN conildercias line tobacco land ai In the Btnto of Ken ¬

l told WOacres adjoining tills farmon which 80 acres of tobacco was railed thisseason and It cnn be seen and will ibowyouwhat tho land will grow This term has onegood broom frame house a muall barngood

goodtnfece around entice on thoaid farm If youare looking for n farm this U your chance I

I Our price Is rope r acre Como to Hatesvlllonnd we will be glue to iaku you to thefarm and show It

Form J HO acres In Franklin county 4miles from Uettimoni54 tulles from Brooksvlllti 10 acres Is cleared land balance Intimber A tworoom frame house on thefarm Jrlco tit acre we reserve thetimber This Is also a good tobacco farm

KarmS liOacro farm J4 tnlk from > ior

acres In cut over timber and 10 acres In vir ¬

gin timber A twostory brick house of 17rooms slate roof cellar under entire houseInterior finished In line wood and fresco

a on armcould not be replaced today for 1JOOiiO Our

with good building In the Htato of IndianatodayOur

terms are Ji cash balance 110 eachyear with fl cent Interest secured bymortgage The titles uro perfect and wewill furnish abstract to purchaser

Also have two other forums wu will sellWe advertised these farms In several of theKentucky

If you are Interested write us at once orcall on IK-

llofereucei First National Ilank-



It you waut to own a swell Suit at a very small cost look ours overOne lot Spring Suits for JUcnPrice 816sale price 8675 12 BlackorGrey Suitagood etylesnew former price 815 and 81Gf0sale price 807512 new d0 inch Coat Suits and Prince Chap Suits at onefourth oft theprice Most of thce arrived within the last week

SKIRTSWe will allow you to take onefifth olltbc price of any of our excellent

show of Skirts f


























Our new stock of HolidayComb Sets Barretts Beau ¬

ty Pins Hat Pins BeltVeilrPins Collar SupportersFancy Ball PinsBelts Col ¬

lars Egyptian Silks Fasci ¬

natorsEiderdown SacquesBaby Caps and MoccasinsComplete stock of Soft SoleBaby Shoes

TRIBBLE HUGHESDry Goods Notions Shoes

Phone 156Opera House Block Opposite Court House



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The Lid I The Lid I The Lid Ii

It is oil on prices at the Emporium at Hustouville We are prico fighters

Your Lid I

Bo sure and get it from our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We haveselected tho create of the market for you Come and be convinced in thisline Wo undersell everybody CLOAKSLadies Misses and ChildrensWe can please you Quality and price guaranteed LADIES SKIRTS I

A beautiful lot to select from Prices to suit all We carrya general line tClothing hoots and Shoes Dry Goods in endless variety UnderwearEverybody If you have never worn a pair of Shoes I dont wonder fOlfyou have been so disappointed Try lIE27 years selling ShoesFall and Winter stock is now full and complete Come and inspect ourstock I know I can do you good Yours for fair exchange

CHAS WHEELER the Price Fighter

We have everything for agood Thanksgiving Din =

ner Phone usyour order I

AreGeol D Hoppers Stanford I Ky