Improving results together MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition Integration Agent Installation Guide 1 Integration Agent MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition Installation Guide

Integration Agent MS Dynamics 2011 Web Editionsupport.pure360.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/MS... · 2017. 9. 6. · Improving results together MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition Integration

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Improving results together

MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


Integration Agent MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition Installation Guide

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Improving results together

MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


Revision Control

Version Date Author Modifications

0.9 3/4/2013 Marcus Webb Draft Version

1.0 17/4/2013 Marcus Webb Publication Version

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Improving results together

MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


1 Introduction

This is a technical document that shows you how to install and configure the Pure360 Integration Agent - a Java based middleware integration solution. The primary function of the Agent is to provide integration between a local CRM and the online Email Marketing Platform. The Agent software has been designed in a modular fashion, allowing for additional integration support by installing additional Integration modules. While the core Agent software has been written using the Java programming language, Integration modules may utilize non-Java code depending upon the functionality required. When this is the case, documentation of any pre-requisites are supplied alongside the module. A dedicated Java 7 Virtual Machine is bundled alongside the agent software to provide a sandboxed environment with minimal impact to the host operating system. Additionally, the Microsoft Dynamics 2011 Web Edition Integration requires that a custom solution be installed into your Dynamics installation. An introduction to custom solutions within Dynamics 2011 Web Edition can be found at the following link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg334576

Once familiar with the concept of custom solutions within the Dynamics CRM, the following installation steps can be followed to prepare your CRM for the Response Integration:

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MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


2 Microsoft Dynamics Customizations

1. Within Microsoft Dynamics, navigate to Settings->Customization->Solution.

2. Click on the Import button within the Solution Panel.

3. When prompted, browse to the Response.Integration.Online.<<version_number>>.managed.zip file that has been

supplied to you.

4. Click the OK button to proceed with the installation.

5. Once the solution has been installed, ensure that the ResponseIntegration Customization has been published to the


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MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


3 Microsoft Dynamics Security

The custom solution comes bundled with a pre-defined security role defining the minimum permissions required for the integration to operate correctly. The CRM Administrator can either assign this specific role to a user or copy the relevant permissions to an existing role (e.g. Marketing Manager, Marketing Professional, Sales Manager, Salesperson). These are listed below, showing where in the Security settings within MS Dynamics these permissions are to be found, and a brief description of what the process is that is affected by amending this permission. Here is a key showing the meaning of these icons you will see in the screen shots presented below

3.1 Core Records:

Here are the permissions required at a minimum for the Agent to operate:

Privilege Area Description prvReadContact Core Records Retrieve Contact information prvAppendToContact Core Records Associate Campaign Event Responses prvReadLead Core Records Retrieve Lead information prvAppendToLead Core Records Associate Campaign Event Responses prvAppendToImport Core Records Append to Data Import prvCreateImport Core Records Create Data Import prvDeleteImport Core Records Delete Data Import prvReadImport Core Records Read Data Import prvAppendToImportMap Core Records Append to Data Map prvCreateImportMap Core Records Create Data Map prvReadImportMap Core Records Read Data Map prvAppendImportFile Core Records Append Import Source File prvAppendToImportFile Core Records Append To Import Source File prvCreateImportFile Core Records Create Import Source File prvDeleteImportFile Core Records Delete Import Source File prvReadImportFile Core Records Read Import Source File

You need to ensure that for the role selected, the permissions match those shown below for our Integration to be able to communicate with PureResponse. The panel on the following page shows the settings for the Core Records within Dynamics

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MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


3.2 Marketing:

The permissions required for Marketing are as follows:

Permissions Area Description

prvReadCampaign Marketing Fetch Campaign Data

prvAppendToCampaign Marketing Associate Campaign Events

prvReadList Marketing Fetch List Data

Here we see the requisite security permissions for the Marketing tab in the Security Role selected. As a minimum the permissions should be set like this.

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MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


3.3 Business Management:

In the Business Management module the Security minimums need to be set as follows:

Permissions Area Description

prvReadBusinessUnit Business Management Fetch available Business Units for Service Mode

prvReadOrganization Business Management Fetch available Organizations for Service Mode

prvReadTeam Business Management Fetch available Teams for Service Mode

prvReadUser Business Management Fetch available Users for Service Mode

Here is how this looks in MS Dynamics

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MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


3.4 Customization:

The Security Permissions for the Customization tab in the Security role need to be set as follows as a minimum.

Permissions Area Description

prvReadEntity Customization Check Entities exist

prvReadAttribute Customization Retrieve Entity fields

prvReadRelationship Customization Check relationships

prvReadAsyncOperation Customization Read System Job

Below you can see how this appears in MS Dynamics.

3.5 Custom Entities:

Finally these entities need to be set with the following permissions shown on the next page.

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MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


Permissions Area Description

prvAppendccrm_campaignevent Custom Entities Append Campaign Event

prvAppendToccrm_campaignevent Custom Entities Associate with Campaigns

prvCreateccrm_campaignevent Custom Entities Create Campaign Events

prvDeleteccrm_campaignevent Custom Entities Delete Campaign Events

prvReadccrm_campaignevent Custom Entities Read Campaign Events

prvWriteccrm_campaignevent Custom Entities Write Campaign Events

prvAppendccrm_campaigneventresponse Custom Entities Append Campaign Event Responses

prvAppendToccrm_campaigneventresponse Custom Entities Associate with Campaign Events

prvCreateccrm_campaigneventresponse Custom Entities Create Campaign Event Responses

prvDeleteccrm_campaigneventresponse Custom Entities Delete Campaign Event Responses

prvReadccrm_campaigneventresponse Custom Entities Read Campaign Event Responses

prvWriteccrm_campaigneventresponse Custom Entities Write Campaign Event Responses

Set the Security permissions for the Custom Entities within Dynamics as per the image on the following page:

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MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


4 Creating an Integration connection:

Log into PureResponse. On the Menu Bar click on my account and in the drop down menu shown select integrations. You should see the new section for MS Dynamics 2011 Online within the section labelled CRM.

Click the edit button and the following screen is now shown.

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MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


Fill out the credentials and the host URL. This is the URL on which your online CRM is running.

By clicking Test Connection you can check that the information provided is correct. You can see the Testing Connection notification on our system. If you have not installed our Customizations, the following screen is shown.

When the connection is successfully made, you can start using the system in full. Your screen should now appear like this:

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MS Dynamics 2011 Web Edition

Integration Agent Installation Guide


A job will run every 10 mins to fetch all existing campaign list and metadata, however you can also click the button labelled refresh lists in your Integration page to do so manually should you wish to.