Page 1 Page Job Satisfaction without Raise 6 Employee Retention Strategy 7 The Importance of Healthy Lifestyle 8 About ISO 8 Facts and Fun Zone 9 ( For internal circulation only ) Issue No. 20: 31 March 2015 Jots From The Management Warm greengs to our Readers !! Time flies and 1st quarter of the year has passed. We are pleased to announce that Com- puMed has progressed and moved so much in 1st quarter to be in line with our goals and ob- jecves set for year 2015. We will connue with the same enthusiasm for the coming quarter to ensure that we meet our ulmate goal for the year. During this me, we may get ourselves busy and occupied with work commitments, projects and other things to be accomplished. Therefore, it is important for us to put extra efforts to ensure we are on the right track to achieve our goals for this year and to stay healthy. Finally, to dear readers, happy reading and hopefully through your reading of this news- leer it will bring benefits to you as much possi- ble. Fiona R. Limus Managing Director HAND FOOT MOUTH DIS- EASE PAGE 4 BUSINESS RESUMPTION & CONTINGENCY PLAN PAGE 5 InsideRHEUMATIC FEVER PAGE 2 DENGUE FEVER PAGE 3

Inside… - TPA | BPO | SSO · Page 4 ompiled by : Dr. Kamalesh Prabakaran What is Hand Foot Mouth Disease? Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a mild illness caused by …

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Page 1: Inside… - TPA | BPO | SSO · Page 4 ompiled by : Dr. Kamalesh Prabakaran What is Hand Foot Mouth Disease? Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a mild illness caused by …

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Job Satisfaction without Raise 6

Employee Retention Strategy 7

The Importance of Healthy Lifestyle 8

About ISO 8 Facts and Fun Zone 9

( For internal circulation only ) Issue No. 20: 31 March 2015

Jots From

The Management

Warm greetings to our Readers !!

Time flies and 1st quarter of the year has

passed. We are pleased to announce that Com-

puMed has progressed and moved so much in

1st quarter to be in line with our goals and ob-

jectives set for year 2015. We will continue with

the same enthusiasm for the coming quarter to

ensure that we meet our ultimate goal for the


During this time, we may get ourselves

busy and occupied with work commitments,

projects and other things to be accomplished.

Therefore, it is important for us to put extra

efforts to ensure we are on the right track to

achieve our goals for this year and to stay


Finally, to dear readers, happy reading and

hopefully through your reading of this news-

letter it will bring benefits to you as much possi-


Fiona R. Limus Managing Director











Page 2: Inside… - TPA | BPO | SSO · Page 4 ompiled by : Dr. Kamalesh Prabakaran What is Hand Foot Mouth Disease? Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a mild illness caused by …

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Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that may develop after an infection with group A Streptococcus bacteria (such as strep throat or scarlet fever). The disease can affect the heart, joints, skin, and brain.

Compiled by : Dr. Kamalesh Prabakaran & Wong Leh Ha

Rheumatic fever is common worldwide and is responsible for many cases of dam-aged heart valves. It is not common in the United States, and usually occurs in isolated outbreaks. The latest outbreak was in the 1980s. Rheumatic fever mainly affects children ages 5 -15, and occurs approximately 14-28 days after strep throat or scarlet fever.

9 Symptoms of Rheumatic Fever

Causes of Rheumatic Fever


If you are diagnosed with acute rheumatic fever you will be treated with antibiotics. Anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or corticosteroids reduce inflammation to help manage acute rheumatic fever. You may have to take low doses of antibiotics (such as penicillin, sulfadiazine, or erythromycin) over the long term to prevent strep throat from returning.

Abdominal pain


Heart (cardiac) problems, which may not have symptoms, or may result in shortness of breath and chest pain.

Joint pain, arthritis (mainly in the knees, elbows, ankles, and wrists)

Joint swelling; redness or warmth

Nosebleeds (epistaxis)

Skin nodules

Skin rash (erythema marginatum)

Sydenham chorea (emotional instability, muscle weakness and quick, uncoordinated jerky movements that mainly affect the face, feet, and hands)

(Source : www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003940.htm

Possible Complications


Damage to heart valves (in particular, mitral stenosis and aortic stenosis)


Heart failure


Sydenham chorea

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Compiled by : Dr. Kamalesh Prabakaran & Wong Leh Ha

What is Dengue Fever?

What Are The Symptoms?

How Many Cases in Malaysia this Year?

Why is the Rate so High in Selangor?

Why is the Rate Increasing So Fast?

Dengue fever is an infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus and transmitted by Aedes mosquitos. Contrary to common misconception, dengue fever is an urban disease – people living in urban and suburban areas are at greatest risk for infection. In some, dengue fever can progress to more deadly forms of the disease known as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that anywhere from 50-100 million people are infected every year. Approximately three out of every 100 dengue infections are fatal.

(Source : poskod.my/cheat-sheets/cheat-sheet-a-new-strain-of-dengue-fever

From January to 4 December 2014, there have been 98,128 cases compared with 37,698 cases in 2013. From January to 13 September 2014, there were 136 deaths – more than triple the same period last year.

Apparently, dengue cases in Selangor have doubled this year with 48,691 cases in 2014 compared to over 20,209 last year. This accounts for nearly half of all cases nationwide. This is likely to be because the mosquitoes have adapted to the conditions of dense urban areas.

The current theory among dengue researchers is that a human population is more vulnerable to attack when immunity to the virus falls below a certain threshold. We are less vulnerable just after a large epi-demic.

This rise and fall in the number of dengue cases produces a seasonal cycle that peaks every four to five years. Unfortunately, 2014 appears to be following that seasonal trend as a peak year – the last peak oc-curred in 2010 when there were 134 deaths in Malaysia.

Symptoms can range from mild to life threatening. Headaches, fever, pain behind the eyes, skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, joint and muscle pain are most common, but in some patients, the virus interferes with blood to clotting causing internal bleeding that can be seen under the skin and from the nose and gums. According to the WHO, if fever plus any other two of the above occur, seek medical attention im-mediately.

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Compiled by : Dr. Kamalesh Prabakaran

What is Hand Foot Mouth Disease?

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a mild illness caused by one of a group of coxsackie viruses. HFMD gets its name from the little sores that develop on the hands and feet, and in the mouth. It’s common in children under 10, although adults can get a milder form of the virus.

(Source : www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/...mouth.../con-20032747 )


There's no specific treatment for hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Signs and symptoms of hand-foot-and-mouth disease usually clear up in seven to 10 days.

A topical oral anesthetic may help relieve the pain of mouth sores. Over-the-counter pain medications other than aspirin, such as aceta-minophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) may help relieve general dis-comfort.


Wash Hands Carefully

Disinfect Common Areas

Teach Good Hygiene

Isolate Contagious People

Lifestyle & Home Remedies

Certain foods and beverages may irritate blisters on the tongue or in the mouth or throat. Try these tips to help make blister sore-ness less bothersome and eating and drinking more tolerable:

Suck on ice pops or ice chips.

Eat ice cream or sherbet.

Drink cold beverages, such as milk or ice water.

Avoid acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, fruit drinks and soda.

Avoid salty or spicy foods.

Eat soft foods that don't require much chewing.

Rinse your mouth with warm water after meals.

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Compiled by : W. Asma Awatif Bt. W. Daud

Business Resumption and contingency planning is the process of identifying critical information systems and busi-

ness functions and developing plans to enable those systems and functions to be resumed in the event of a disruption. The

process includes testing the recovery plans to ensure they are effective. During the testing process management should also

verify that business unit plans complement the information system plans.

This also includes contemporary financial delivery systems and services such as PC-banking, corporate cash manage-

ment, and Internet promotion. These services represent key transactional, strategic, and reputational issues for the finan-

cial institutions. Often these services depend on a combination of internal and external information processing services.

Outsourcing arrangements and other technology alliances involve unique considerations which also expand the boundaries

of contingency planning.

Importance of BRCP

Many financial institutions and servicer bureaus have not suffi-ciently addressed the risks associated with the loss or extended disruption of business operations. More specifically: Many contingency plans do not address all of the critical func-

tions throughout the institution. Many serviced institutions have not established or coordinated

contingency planning efforts with their service bureaus. Many service bureaus have not established contingency plans. Many contingency plans have not been adequately tested.

(Source : http://www.bankersonline.com/security/sec_ffiecsp5.html)

Contingency Planning Process

Goals of BRCP

The goal of an effective contingency plan and recovery process is to facilitate and expe-dite the resumption of business after a dis-ruption of vital information systems and op-erations. The principle objectives are to:

Minimize disruptions of service to the institution and its customers

Ensure timely resumption of operations Limit losses to earnings and capital.

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1: Consistent Values

2: Long Term Focus

3: Local Leadership

4: Continuous Communications

5: Collaboration

6: Opportunities for Development


Compiled by : W. Asma Awatif Bt. W. Daud

For the past few years, when employees became dissatisfied with their organization they would quit and get another job. But today, with placement opportunities very low and unemploy-ment extremely high, very few people opt to quit and leave. As a result something much worse is happening within organizations. Employees “quit,” but they stay. In other words, the efficiency and productivity level by employees reduce.

(Source : http://www.salary.com/14-steps-to-achieving-work-life-balance/slide/2/)

6 Ways to Increase Job Satisfaction Without Raise

In some organizations, employees observe that core values appear to be abandoned when the

economy is poor. Leadership values seemed to apply in good times, but to dwindle or even disap-

pear during stress. This organization, however, held tightly to its core values as the economy

turned. Employees began to more fully appreciate those values as well when they saw what was

happening in other companies during difficult times.

This company clearly saw the recession as a temporary problem, and maintained its focus on the

long-term objectives. The recession had a significant impact on the long-term objectives, but it cre-

ated new opportunities as well. Employees don’t mind going through difficult times when they be-

lieve there is a brighter future ahead.

Company recognized that the major source of satisfaction or dissatisfaction came from what

happen in each work group. Every manager and supervisor received a clear assessment of the satis-

faction of their employees and was challenged to find opportunities to improve.

People tend to communicate less during bad times, when in actuality, they need to communicate

even more. This company increased its efforts to communicate and share important information. If

there was no good news to share, they would share the reality of their current situation.

Groups made significant improvements in their ability to share resources and work together. This

reduced costs and increased efficiency.

Because the pace of work was slower, people had the opportunity to learn new skills and develop

new capabilities. This organization took advantage of the slower time by challenging employees with

“stretch” job assignments. They also increased formal training.

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The problem with most employee retention plans is they focus too much on compensation rates, bene-fits, and short-term perks. It’s not that these factors are unimportant; they're very important. In fact, most top choice employers typically offer better pay and benefits than their competitors. However, it is often dis-covered in exit-interview results, that the majority of employees voluntarily leave their jobs for other rea-sons. Misalignment of mutual expectations, person-job mismatch, insufficient coaching and feedback, per-ception of poor career-advancement prospects, work-life imbalance, and both distrust toward and low confi-dence in senior leadership are more deeply rooted issues that can lead to consistent turnover.

Compiled by : W. Asma Awatif Bt. W. Daud

(Source : http://www.amanet.org/training/articles/Employee-Retention-Fantasy-or-Reality.aspx)

Tips for Retaining Great Employees

Communicate goals, roles and responsibilities so people know what is expected and feel like

part of the “in-crowd.” A satisfied employee knows clearly what is expected from them every

day at work.

Provide opportunities for people to share their knowledge via training sessions, presentations,

mentoring others, and team assignments.

People want to enjoy their work. Make coming to work fun and nurturing.

Simply recognize hard work and celebrate the success. It can be as simple as a handwritten

thank you note or a small token of appreciation.

Demand your employees be the very best they can be at work and at home. Support healthy eating and exercise

programs. Help your employees accomplish one of their dreams or goals.

Engage and employ the special talents of each individual.

Involve employees in decisions that affect their jobs and the overall direction of the company whenever possible.

Provide opportunities within the company for cross-training and career progression. People like to know that they

have room for career movement. It may not be a vertical move. Let employees explore other options to keep their


Create a strong foundation of leadership development and supervisory skill. The immediate supervisor has a criti-

cal role to play in retention. People leave managers and supervisors more often than they leave companies or

jobs. It is not enough that the supervisor is well-liked or a nice person, anything the supervisor does to make an

employee feel unvalued will contribute to turnover.

Establish a culture that encourages employees to speak freely in a respectful and constructive manner.

Manage Employee Turnover

Cost Effective

Maintain Performance And Productivity

Why Are Employee Retention Strategies Important

Maintain Performance And Productivity

Enhances Recruitment

Increases Morale

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THE IMPORTANCE OF HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Compiled by : W. Asma Awatif Bt. W. Daud

Why is a healthy lifestyle important? A healthy lifestyle is important for many rea-

sons. The first reason a healthy lifestyle is important is to remain as free of disease and illness

as possible and to have as long a life expectancy as you possibly can. The second reason is that it

makes life more enjoyable. When you are fit and healthy you have much more energy and a

much better outlook on life without having to worry about health problems.

(Source: http://www.askartsolutions.com)

About ...Series 20

Nonconforming product is defined as product that does not conform to customer requirements; applicable regulatory requirements or your own organization requirements. The definition may also apply to nonconforming processes and services. Nonconformities may relate to suppliers and outsourced work; your own organizational activities or product shipped to cus-tomers.

The organization shall ensure that product which does not conform to product requirements is identified and con-trolled to prevent its unintended use or delivery. A documented procedure shall be established to define the controls and re-lated responsibilities and authorities for dealing with nonconforming product.

Where applicable, the organization shall deal with nonconforming product by one or more of the following ways:

by taking action to eliminate the detected nonconformity;

by authorizing its use, release or acceptance under concession by a relevant authority and, where applicable, by the customer;

by taking action to preclude its original intended use or application;

by taking action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects, of the nonconformity when nonconforming product is detected after delivery or use has started.

When nonconforming product is corrected it shall be subject to re-verification to demonstrate conformity to the re-quirements. Records of the nature of nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken, including concessions obtained, shall be maintained.

Control of Nonconforming Product

(Source : forever2u.com.my/global/aloe-vera/weight-management )

Look Before You Eat - Your health depends a lot on the food you eat. So go for healthy eating. A healthy lifestyle

means plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole wheat products, milk..

Let Go of Unhealthy Habits - A few puffs of cigarette or regular visits to the local pub seem to be ideal ways of

beating the heat of busy and stressful lifestyle. But these habits do more harm than good. If you want a healthy life-

style then free yourself of these habits.

Keep your Cool - Anger and irritability are the common side-effects of a leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Try out yoga

and meditation to keep a cool mind. Do not stress yourself with too much worry.

Early to Bed & Early to Rise - Regular late hours can do you much harm. Maintain a healthy sleeping routine.

Your body and mind need rest to work efficiently. So hit the bed early and wake up bright in the morning.

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By : W. Asma Awatif bt W. Daud

“ Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and


-Benjamin Franklin-

“Health is not valued till sickness comes”

-Albert Einstein-

“Healing is a matter of time but it is also a matter of opportuni-




Each block is divided into its own matrix of nine cells. The rules for solving Sudoku puzzles are very simple: each row, column and block must contain one of the numbers from "1" to "9". No number may appear more than once in any row, column, or block. When you've filled the entire grid, the puzzle is solved.

Answer :

Tips of Diet


Tip No. 1: Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.

Tip No. 2: Be choosy about nighttime snacks

Tip No. 3: Enjoy your favorite foods

Tip No. 4: Eat several mini-meals during the day

Tip No. 5: Eat protein at every meal

Tip No. 6: Stock your kitchen with healthy, convenient foods

Tip No. 7: Order children's portions at restaurants

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CompuMed was established in 1998 to provide business process outsourcing in healthcare administration and man-

agement to individuals and corporate organizations, and third party administration services to insurance companies.

At CompuMed, we provide a “one-stop integrated services center” to cater for our customers needs to acquire (or

access) to health care attention and services which include primary, secondary and tertiary care. We provide inpatient

services (admission & discharge), outpatient services (at GP and specialists centres), other allied services (dental, opti-

cal, maternity), claims administration, medical investigations and data management through our 24 hours call centre

and homegrown proprietary information system.

In tandem with the rapid expansion of health industry and increasing demand of health management services nation-

wide, CompuMed has stationed its branch offices in Penang and Sabah to satisfy and meet the current needs and re-

quirements of corporate clients and panel hospitals alike.

We pride ourselves with services rendered and in our endeavor to maintain delivery of standards by attaining the MSC

Status Company in 2006 and the UKAS/DMS ISO 9001:2008 Certified Managed Care Organization in Health Scheme

Benefits Manager and Third Party Administrator in 2005. CompuMed is also registered with both the Ministry of

Health and Ministry of Finance of Malaysia.

Editorial board


Ms. Fiona R. Limus

- Managing Director -

Mr. Zolkefli bin Muhamad

- Executive Director -

Committee Members

Chong Hui Ling

Dr. Kamalesh a/p Prabakaran

Wan Asma Awatif Bt. Wan Daud

Our Solutions

Unit No. 50-03-13A, Level 3, Wisma UOA Damansara, No. 50, Jalan


Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel: 603-2089 3888 Fax: 603-20931177

Head Office :

89, 2nd Floor, Persiaran Bayan Indah, Bayan Bay, Sungai Nibong,

11900 Penang, Malaysia.

Tel: 604-616 6688 Fax: 604-644 1122 / 645 2999

Branch Office :

Lot 5, 1st Floor, Block A, Hong Tong Centre, Jalan Penampang, 88500

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Tel: 6088-723 833 Fax: 6088-717 388

CompuMed Network