infrastucture act.pptx

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  • 8/16/2019 infrastucture act.pptx


    The Infrastructure Act2014

    and access to land Thursday 24th March 2016

    Helen Carr

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    Why are we interested in the Infrastructure Act?

     The themes of the course

    on!nati"e in"asi"e s#ecies $rac%in&

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    Access to land

    'ey theme of course

    (n what )asis does someone ha"e the authority to )e somewhere

    *illa&e &reens

    +u)lic hi&hway



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    Birks and Gray and Gray

    -es#onsi)le land use

    $acilitatin&.inhi)itin& use of land

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    Non native invasive species

     The #ro)lem/

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    Hialayan !alsa

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    The rose rin"ed parakeet

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    $% strate"y pu!lished 201& setout ipact


    isru#tin& ha)itats and ecosystems3 #reyin& on or out!com#etin& nati"e s#ecies3 s#disease3 and interferin& with the &enetic inte&rity of nati"e s#ecies The ecolo&ical i


    Cost estimated at 1 )illion #er year a#anese %notweed cost 166 million alone


    -is%s to human health and nuisance to landowners

    the Asian hornet which %illed at least se"en #eo#le in $rance since its introducra&weed has su)stantially increased hay fe"er suerin& across many ,uro#e

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    The Asian hornet

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    Infrastructure Act 201&

    Introduces s#ecies control orders in ,n&land and Wales

    esi&ned )y the 7aw Commission

     They com#el landowners or occu#iers to carry out control or eradication o

    allow them to )e carried out )y the authority  The #ro"isions of the order must )e 8#ro#ortionate9 to the o):ecti"e sou&

    an order will )e a criminal oence3 with the ri&ht of a##eal to a tri)unal

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    %ey de'nitions

    ned as any %ind of animal or #lant

    A s#ecies is in"asi"e if3 uncontrolled3 it would )e li%ely to ha"e a si&ni>caim#act on3 )iodi"ersity3 other en"ironmental interests3 or social or econom

    A s#ecies is de>ned as non!nati"e if it is listed in +art 1 of 5chedule @ 1@the case of a s#ecies of animal3 it is not ordinarily resident in3 or a re&ularBreat ;ritain in a wild state

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    (ode of )ractice for *nvironeA"ency to control INN+

    nless it=s an emer&ency3 you should try the D ways in the followin& order

    Informally a&ree a #lan to control the s#ecies with the owner

    raw u# a "oluntary #lan for how to control the s#ecies and as% the owneits terms ! a

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     Eou can oer s#ecies control a&reements or issue s#ecies control orders tofollowin& ty#es of owner

    a freeholder

    a leaseholder

    someone who has le&al ri&hts to mana&e a #remises or #iece of land and isn=t tor leaseholder3 e& where land is held in trust

    (nly the 5ecretary of 5tate can ma%e a&reements or issue control orders control the s#ecies will in"ol"e accessin& the owner=s home

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     The #ro)lem

    +rior to the Act3 landowners retained a >nal le"el of control o"er whether their sland could )e used )y third #arties3 reFuirin& consent in the same way as if sucreFuired across their surface land In some cases3 this essentially amounted to aunder&round nancial settlements from de"elo#ers loo%in& to claims

    WA7',- A M(--I5 $-AC'IB I $(C5

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    A frackin" site in the $+A

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    The Infrastructure Act

    Allows hydraulic fracturin& under #eo#le=s land without their #ermission

    5ections 4D 4J of the Act

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    These sections provide

    A statutory ri&ht to use dee#!le"el land for the #ur#oses of e#loitin& #etrdee# &eothermal ener&y in ,n&land and Wales +ro"ided such use occurs at least D00 metres )elow the surface within a landward area3 ener&y com)e free to etend their acti"ities across lands outside the )oundary of thei

    su):ect still to recei#t of the reFuisite #lannin& and en"ironmental #ermitsfrom the reFuirement for landowner consent Kunless surface access is alsowhich case the usual #osition will a##lyL $rac%in& in $ocus

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    -ando.ner protections

     The landowner is #rotected from lia)ility in res#ect of any loss or dama&esurface land and )uildin&s contained u#on it caused )y the eercise of theof the dee#!le"el land3 althou&h this will not a##ly where the #articular dais caused )y a deli)erate omission on the #art of the landowner

     the Act also confers #owers u#on the 5ecretary of 5tate to issue re&ulatiocom#anies to ma%e #ayments in return for the ri&ht of use

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    The state and access to land