Info dan za Obzor 2020. Energija i Transport Sveučilište u Rijeci 24. Veljače 2014. Alan Kečkeš

Info dan za Obzor 2020. · Obzor 2020. •Obzor 2020. će doprinijeti ostvarivanju ciljeva ključnih strateških dokumenata Europske unije vezanih za istraživanje, tehnološki razvoj

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Page 1: Info dan za Obzor 2020. · Obzor 2020. •Obzor 2020. će doprinijeti ostvarivanju ciljeva ključnih strateških dokumenata Europske unije vezanih za istraživanje, tehnološki razvoj

Info dan za Obzor 2020.

Energija i Transport

Sveučilište u Rijeci

24. Veljače 2014.

Alan Kečkeš

Page 2: Info dan za Obzor 2020. · Obzor 2020. •Obzor 2020. će doprinijeti ostvarivanju ciljeva ključnih strateških dokumenata Europske unije vezanih za istraživanje, tehnološki razvoj

FP7 u brojevima





















0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Fusion Energy

Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection

Support for the coherent development of research policies

General Activities

JTI-FCH (European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform)

European Research Council

Regions of Knowledge


Science in Society

Activities of International Cooperation


Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production…

Socio-economic sciences and Humanities


Research Potential

Research Infrastructures


Environment (including Climate Change)

Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology

Transport (including Aeronautics)

Marie-Curie Actions

Information and Communication Technologies

Research for the benefit of SMEs

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Obzor 2020.

• Obzor 2020. će doprinijeti ostvarivanju ciljeva ključnih strateških dokumenata Europske unije vezanih za istraživanje, tehnološki razvoj i inovacije, “Europa 2020.“ i „Unija inovacija“ (Innovation Union) te izgradnji Europskog istraživačkog prostora (European Research Area).

• Svako područje definira i drugi niz strateških inicijativa i dokumenata.

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Sudjelovanje RH u FP7 području „Energija“ 13 projekta / 15 partnera (nema koordinatora) EK doprinos HR partnerima: 2,2 mil. EUR Ukupni doprinos EK: 43,4 mil. EUR 17% uspješnost u području Energije

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3.298 €

12.689 €

34.673 €

36.750 €

43.600 €

45.264 €

46.170 €

48.952 €

53.608 €

63.610 €

65.912 €

86.674 €

354.300 €

499.936 €

766.620 €

0 € 100.000 € 200.000 € 300.000 € 400.000 € 500.000 € 600.000 € 700.000 € 800.000 € 900.000 €

Ministartsvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta

Ministartsvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta

Ministartsvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta

Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet

INA industija nafte d.d.

Elektron d.o.o.

Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet

Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva

Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar

HEP-Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o.

Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet

Međunarodni centar za održivi razvoj energetike, voda i okoliša

Sveučiliste u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje

HEP-Obnovljivi izvori energije d.o.o.

Splitsko-dalmatinska županija

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….in motion

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SET Plan Integrated Roadmap

• U prvi plan postaviti razvoj inovativnih holističkih rješenja koji će odgovoriti na potrebe Europskog energetskog sustava do 2020, 2030 i dalje.

• Promatrati cijeli energetski sustav kao cjelinu, uključujući trenutne inovacije i istraživanja te politike na europskoj razini.

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The Energy Roadmap 2050

• smanjiti emisiju stakleničkih plinova za 20% od razine u 1990. godini do 2020. godine s daljnjim smanjenjem za 80-95% do 2050. godine

• osigurati sigurnost opskrbe energijom i konkurentnost

• the Energy Roadmap 2050 temelj je razvoja dugoročnog europskog okvira u suradnji sa svim dionicima

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Tematsko određenje izazova Energije

• Smanjenje potrošnje energije i emisije ugljičnog dioksida pametnim i održivim korištenjem

- aktivnosti će se fokusirati na istraživanje i cjelovita testiranja novih koncepata , ne-tehnoloških rješenja, učinkovitije, društveno prihvatljive i pristupačne tehnološke komponente i sustave s ugrađenom inteligencijom kako bi u stvarnom vremenu upravljanje energijom bilo na gotovo nultoj razini emisija.

• Jeftina i nisko-ugljična opskrba električnom energijom

- aktivnosti će se fokusirati na istraživanje, razvoj i cjelovitu demonstraciju inovativnih obnovljivih izvora energije te prikupljanja i skladištenja ugljika i tehnologije koje nude niže cijene, ekološki sigurnije s višom razinom učinkovitosti pretvorbe i veće dostupnosti za različita tržišta i radnih okruženja.

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Tematsko određenje izazova Energije

• Alternativna goriva i mobilni energetski izvori

- aktivnosti će se fokusirati na istraživanje, razvoj i cjelovitu demonstraciju tehnologije kako bi bioenergija bila tržišno konkurentnija i održiva, a alternativni izvori energije tržišno dostupniji pokazujući određenu dugoročnost upotrebe.

• Jedinstvena europska pametna električna mreža

- aktivnosti će se fokusirati na istraživanje, razvoj i cjelovitu demonstraciju novih tehnologija, uključujući i pohranu podataka, sustava sigurnog upravljanja interoperabilne mreže u otvorenom, dekarboniziranom i konkurentnom na tržištu, u normalnim i izvanrednim uvjetima.

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Tematsko određenje izazova Energije

• Nova znanja i tehnologije

- aktivnosti će se usredotočiti na multidisciplinarnom istraživanju energetske tehnologije (uključujući vizionarske akcije) i zajedničku provedbu paneuropskih istraživačkih programa i infrastrukture svjetske klase.

• Opširan način odlučivanja i javno djelovanje

- aktivnosti će se fokusirati na razvoj alata, metoda i modela za opširan i transparentan proces donošenja odluka, uključujući i aktivnosti za javno prihvaćanje i angažman korisnika.

• Tržišno prihvaćanje inovacija u području energije

- aktivnosti će se fokusirati na primijenjene inovacije kako bi tržište prihvatilo nove tehnologije i usluge te ubrzalo učinkovitu provedbu energetske politike Unije.

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Natječaji - Energija

1. Energy efficiency

2. Smart cities & communities

3. Competitive low-carbon energy

4. SME's and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy

+ horizontalni natječaji...

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Call EE: Energy Efficiency

Buildings and consumers

• Challenge is to increase the rate, quality and effectiveness of building

renovation, with special attention to historic buildings

• Complementary to the call of the EeB PPP

Heating and Cooling

• Technology development and market uptake

Industry and products

• Mostly non-technology related topics

• Complementary to the calls of the SPIRE and FoF PPPs

Finance for sustainable energy

• Investment mobilisation support; support for EU companies to capture

emerging markets

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Call EE: areas to be addressed


Buildings and consumers

EE 1 Manufacturing of prefabricated modules for renovation of buildings 5-7 IA

EE 2 Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings 5-7 IA

EE 3 Energy strategies and solutions for deep renovation of historic buildings 4-6 RIA

EE 4 Construction skills CSA

EE 5 Increasing energy performance of existing buildings through process and organisation innovations and creating a market for deep renovation


EE 6 Demand response in blocks of buildings 6-7 IA

EE 7 Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures


EE 8 Public procurement of innovative sustainable energy solutions CSA

EE 9 Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities in the definition and implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures


EE 10 Consumer engagement for sustainable energy CSA

EE 11 New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency RIA

EE 12 Socioeconomic research on energy efficiency RIA

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Call EE: areas to be addressed


Heating and cooling

EE 13 Technology for district heating and cooling 4-6 RIA

EE 14 Removing market barriers to the uptake of efficient heating and cooling solutions CSA

Industry and products

EE 15 Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation CSA

EE 16 Organisational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry CSA

EE 17 Driving energy innovation through large buyer groups CSA

EE 18 New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in large industrial systems, considering the whole energy cycle from heat production to transformation, delivery and end use

4-7 RIA

Finance for sustainable energy

EE 19 Improving the finance ability and attractiveness of sustainable energy investments CSA

EE 20 Project development assistance for innovative bankable and aggregated sustainable energy investment schemes and projects


EE 21 Development and market roll-out of innovative energy services and financial schemes for sustainable energy CSA

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Example of portfolio composition


Technology development EE 18 New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in industry

Changing behaviour EE 10 Consumer engagement for sustainable energy

Capacity building EE 7 Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures

Market surveillance EE 15 Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation

Market uptake EE 8 Public procurement of innovative sustainable energy solutions

Market transformation EE 17 Driving energy innovation through large buyer groups

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– Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects

• Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors (IA)

– Enhancing the roll-out of Smart Cities and Communities solutions by stimulating the market demand

• Developing a framework for common, transparent data collection and performance measurement (CSA)

• Development of system standards (CSA)

• Establishing networks of public procurers in local administrations (CSA)

• Smart solutions for creating better cities and communities – assistance for a prize competition (CSA)

Call SCC: Smart Cities and Communities

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Call LCE: Competitive Low-carbon Energy

– New knowledge and technologies

– Renewable electricity an New knowledge and technologies

– Heating / cooling

– Modernising the single European electricity grid

– Providing the energy system with flexibility through enhanced energy storage technologies

– Sustainable biofuels and alternative fuels for the European transport fuel mix

– Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels during the transition to a low-carbon economy

– Supporting the development of a European Research Area in the field of Energy

– Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system

– Cross-cutting issues

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Call LCE: areas to be addressed


LCE 1 New knowledge and technologies 2 > 3-4 RIA

Renewable electricity and heating/cooling

LCE 2 Developing the next generation technologies of renewable electricity and heating/cooling

3-4 > 4-5 RIA

LCE 3 Demonstration of renewable electricity and heating/cooling 5-6 > 6-7 IA

LCE 4 Market uptake of existing and emerging renewable electricity, heating and cooling technologies

7-9 CSA

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Call LCE: areas to be addressed


Modernising the European electricity grid

LCE 5 Innovation and technologies for the deployment of meshed offshore grids 6-7 > 8 IA

LCE 6 Transmission grid and wholesale market IA, RIA

LCE 7 Distribution grid and retail market IA, CSA

Energy storage technologies

LCE 8 Local/small scale storage 5 > 6 IA

LCE 9 Large scale storage 5 > 6-7 IA

LCE 10 Next generation technologies for energy storage 2 > 5 RIA

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Call LCE: areas to be addressed


Sustainable biofuels and alternative fuels for transport

LCE 11 Developing next generation technologies for biofuels and sustainable alternative fuels

3-4 > 4-5 RIA

LCE 12 Demonstrating advanced biofuel technologies 5-7 > 6-7 IA

LCE 13 Partnering with Brazil on advanced biofuels 5-7 > 6-7


LCE 14 Market uptake of existing and emerging sustainable bioenergy 7-9 CSA

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Call LCE: areas to be addressed


Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels

LCE 15 Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS

4-5 > 6 RIA

LCE 16 Understanding, preventing and mitigating the potential environmental impacts and risks of shale gas exploration and extraction


LCE 17 Highly flexible and efficient fossil fuel power plants 3 > 4-6 RIA

Supporting the development of a European Research Area in the field of Energy

LCE 18 Supporting Joint Actions on demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions

5-6 > 6-7 ERA-NET

LCE 19 Supporting coordination of national R&D activities 2 > 5 CSA

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Call LCE: areas to be addressed


Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system

LCE 20 The human factor in the energy system RIA, CSA

LCE 21 Modelling and analysing the energy system, its transformation and impacts RIA

Cross-cutting issues

LCE 22 Fostering the network of National Contact Points CSA

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Sudjelovanje RH u FP7 području „Transport“ 24 projekta / 40 partnera (nema koordinatora) EK doprinos HR partnerima: 6,5 mil. EUR Ukupni doprinos EK: 92,4 mil. EUR 29% uspješnost u području Transporta

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Tematsko određenje izazova Transporta

• Efikasan promet koji poštuje okoliš

- Cilj je smanjiti utjecaj štetnih posljedica prometa na klimu i okoliš poboljšanjem učinkovitosti u korištenju prirodnih resursa i smanjenjem ovisnosti o fosilnim gorivima. Fokus aktivnosti će biti smanjenje potrošnje resursa i emisija stakleničkih plinova te poboljšanje učinkovitosti vozila, ubrzanje razvoja i implementacije nove generacije električnih vozila i pogonskih sustava na alternativna goriva.

• Veća mobilnost, manje gužve, veća sigurnost

- Cilj je pomiriti rastuće potrebe mobilnosti s poboljšanom prometnom fluidnosti, kroz inovativna rješenja za bolji, uključivi i siguran transportni sustav. Fokus aktivnosti će se usmjeriti na smanjenje gužve, povećanje dostupnosti te potrebama korisnika promicanjem integriranog pristupa prometu od vrata do vrata kako bi se poboljšala intermodalnost i raspoređivanje pametnog planiranja i upravljanja rješenjima u svrhu smanjenja prometnih nesreća i postizanju veće sigurnosti.

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Tematsko određenje izazova Transporta

• Globalno vodstvo za europske prometne industrije

- Cilj je ojačati konkurentnost i uspješnost europske prometne industrije i povezanih usluga. Fokus aktivnosti će biti razviti novu generaciju inovativnih prijevoznih sredstava i pripremiti teren za sljedeću, radeći na novim konceptima i dizajnu pametnog sustava upravljanja i proizvodnje.

• Društveno-ekonomska istraživanja i ka budućnosti okrenute aktivnosti za donošenje politika

- Cilj je podržati poboljšano stvaranje politika koje su potrebne za promicanje inovacija i odgovoru na izazove prometa i povezanih društvenih potreba. Fokus aktivnosti bit će poboljšati razumijevanje društveno-ekonomskih trendova u području prometa te pružiti donositeljima odluka podatke utemeljene na dokazima i analizama.

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Transport main policy goals: competitiveness and sustainability

• Innovate to preserve competitiveness, expand market-shares and


• Achieve the 20/20/20 energy-climate-environment targets

• Curb noxious emissions, improve air quality

• Reduce congestion through improved network capacity and modal


• Develop smart solutions for safety and security toward "zero


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Izazov je učiniti transportni sustav...

• Resource efficient

• Environmentally friendly

• Safe and seamless

• Beneficial for the citizens, the economy and society and promote globally competitive transport industries

The logic: a holistic approach which...

• Recognises modal specificities

• Responds to policy requirements

• Is focused on the societal challenges

• Reconciles competitiveness and sustainability

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Natječaji - Transport

• Smart, Green and Integrated Transport

• AVIATION • RAIL • ROAD • WATERBORNE • SME's and Fast Track to Innovation for Transport

+ horizontalni natječaji...

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WP 2014-15 Transport calls

Calls (publication 11 December 2014)

Budget (€ Mio) 2014

Budget (€ Mio) 2015

Call 'Mobility for Growth' 374,5 (+2) 184 (+10)

1. Aviation 70 (+2) 36

2. Rail 52 -

3. Road 66 23 (+5)

4. Waterborne 56 18

5. Urban 40 66,5

6. Logistics 32 18

7. ITS 31 -

8. Infrastructure 19 17,5

9. Socio-economic and behavioural research 8,5 5 (+5)

Call 'Green Vehicles' 129 30

Call Small business and Fast Track 35,87 38,69

Contribution to Smart Cities, Blue Growth 33.5 25.5


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108 M €


• Medium to long-term Research and Innovation actions with a bottom-up approach for innovative technologies, complementing those carried out under Clean Sky and SESAR

• Actions to improve the skills and knowledge base of European aviation, to support its R&I policy and to create durable links with targeted international cooperation partners

Call 'Mobility for Growth'


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• Competitiveness of European aviation through cost efficiency and innovation - MG1.1 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Enhancing resource efficiency of aviation – MG1.2 - 2015 – 2 stages

• Seamless and customer oriented air mobility – MG1.3 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Coordinated research and innovation actions targeting the highest levels of safety for European aviation - MG1.4 - 2014 – 1 stage

• Breakthrough innovation for European aviation – MG1.5 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Improving skills and knowledge base in European aviation – MG1.6 - 2014 – 1 stage

• Support to European aviation R&I policy – MG1.7 - 2014 – 1 stage

• International cooperation in aeronautics – MG1.8 - 2014 – 1 stage; 2015 – 1 stage

• Developing a public European environmental modelling suite for aviation (under 'Other Actions' in WP) Tender – OA1 – 2014

in red: topics open in 2014

Call 'Mobility for Growth'


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• Radical progress in service, costs, interoperability, capacity, noise reduction and competitiveness and further developments in terms of carbon footprint

• Novel business, organizational and logistics solutions, new partnerships with service and technology providers from more advanced sectors

• New technologies in all rail segments, services infrastructure

Call 'Mobility for Growth'



52 M €

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• Intelligent Infrastructure – MG2.1

• Smart Rail Services – MG2.2

• New generation of rail vehicles – MG2.3

– All are 2 stages for 2014

– Projects will contribute to the objectives of the envisaged 'Shift2Rail' initiative

in red: topics open in 2014

Call 'Mobility for Growth'


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• R&I for road transport in complement to the ‘Green Vehicles’ call

• Activities in the field of:

– Internal combustion engines; support to air quality policy; safety of road transport; production technology; new vehicle concepts for road and urban transport

Call 'Mobility for Growth'



94 M €

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• Technologies for low emission powertrains – MG3.1 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Advanced bus concepts for increased efficiency – MG3.2 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Global competitiveness of the automotive supply chain management – MG3.3 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Traffic safety analysis and integrated approach towards the safety of Vulnerable Road Users – MG3.4 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion-free and sustainable mobility – MG3.5 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Safe and connected automation in road transport – MG3.6 - 2015 – 2 stages

• The cleanest engine (under 'Other Actions' in WP) – OA4 - 2015 - Inducement prize

in red: topics open in 2014

Call 'Mobility for Growth'


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Call ‘Green Vehicles’

– The call on Green Vehicles is an essential component of road transport R&I, it supports:

• Improvement of energy efficiency of road transport vehicles

• Use of new types of non-conventional energies in road transport, such as electricity, CNG and LNG, bio-based fuels

– Demonstration is essential to ensure timely deployment of the new technologies




159 M €

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They are all single stage

• Next generation of competitive Li-ion batteries to meet customer expectations – GV1 - 2014

• Optimised and systematic energy management in electric vehicles – GV2 - 2014

• Future natural gas powertrains and components for cars and vans – GV3 - 2014

• Hybrid light and heavy duty vehicles – GV4 - 2014

• Electric two-wheelers and new new light vehicle concepts – GV5 - 2014

• Powertrain control for heavy-duty vehicles with optimised emissions – GV6 - 2015

• Future natural gas powertrains and components for heavy duty vehicles – GV7 - 2014

• Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid – GV8 – 2015

in red: topics open in 2014

Call ‘Green Vehicles’


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• A modern, safe, secure and resource efficient waterborne transport system

• Sustainable development: optimal use of energy sources, minimization of environmental impacts

• Competitiveness: creation and deployment of R&I solutions; exploring new frontiers in terms of vessels, operational paradigms and industrial use of oceans

Call 'Mobility for Growth'



74 M €

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• Towards the energy efficient and emission free vessel – MG4.1 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Safer and more efficient waterborne operations through new technologies and smarter traffic management – MG4.2 - 2014 – 2 stages

• System modelling and life-cycle cost and performance optimisation for waterborne assets – MG4.3 - 2015 – 2 stages

• Advancing innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) sector – MG4.4 - 2014 – 2 stages

in red: topics open in 2014

Call 'Mobility for Growth'


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– Innovation in resource-efficient and competitive urban mobility and transport ('CIVITAS 2020'):

• Transformation towards a cleaner and better urban mobility and transport

• Five complementary challenge-topics

• Framework for coordinated evaluation, dissemination and information exchange

• Build on legacy (CIVITAS, STEER market take-up, …)

Call 'Mobility for Growth'



106.5 M €

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• Transforming the use of conventionally fuelled vehicles in urban areas – MG5.1 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Reducing impacts and costs of freight and service trips in urban areas – MG5.2 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Tackling urban road congestion – MG5.3 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Strengthening the knowledge and capacities of local authorities – MG5.4 - 2015 – 2 stages

• Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility – MG5.5 - 2015 – Innovation actions: 2 stages; CSA: 1 stage

in red: topics open in 2014

Call 'Mobility for Growth'


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• To increase efficiency and sustainability in the EU logistics supply chain

• To remove the communication bottlenecks between stakeholders

• To improve the potential for collaboration, the utilization of equipment and connectivity across the transport modes

Call 'Mobility for Growth'



50 M €

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• Fostering synergies alongside the supply chain (including e-commerce) – MG6.1 - 2014 – 2 stages

• De-stressing the supply chain – MG6.2 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Common communication and navigation platforms for pan-European logistics applications –

MG6.3 - 2015 – 2 stages

in red: topics open in 2014

Call 'Mobility for Growth'


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31 M €


• ITS and ICT technologies provide a set of strategies for addressing the challenges of:

– Assuring safety and reducing congestion; Delivering safe, efficient, sustainable and seamless transport options across Europe; Accommodating the growth in passenger and freight traffic; Safeguarding the competitiveness of the European industry

• Progress in the ITS area under H2020 shall contribute to decarbonizing the transport sector and materializing the "Zero" vision of road safety

• Topics adding value to mode-specific activities

Call 'Mobility for Growth'


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• Connectivity and information sharing for intelligent mobility – MG7.1 - 2014 – 2 stages

• Towards seamless mobility addressing fragmentation in ITS deployment in Europe – MG7.2 - 2014 – R&I: 2 stages; CSA: 1 stage

in red: topics open in 2014

Call 'Mobility for Growth'



31 M €

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• To make infrastructure more resilient

• To keep pace with the growing mobility needs and aspirations of people and businesses

• To reduce the impact of infrastructure on the environment

• To maintain and upgrade deteriorating transport infrastructures

• To facilitate the uptake of innovation

Call 'Mobility for Growth'



36.5 M €

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Kako prepoznati europske istraživačke prioritete?

U dokumentima definiranim unutar European Technology Platforms -


Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe - ACARE

European Rail Research Advisory Council - ERRAC

European Road Transport Research Advisory Council - ERTRAC

Waterborne - Waterborne (TP)

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Kako pronaći projekt i partnere?

Sudjelovati / uključiti se u JTI (Joint Technology Initiative) - najviši


Clean Sky 2

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen

Shift to Rail Initiative

European Green Vehicles Initiatives

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Detaljno pročitati Radni program i popratne


Prethodni projekti i osobni kontakti

Networking, konferencije, seminari...

Pretraživanje baza (Participant Portal, Horizon 2020)

NCP podrška

Partner Search Form

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Trenutno otvoreni natječaji

• MOBILITY FOR GROWTH • H2020-MG-2014 SingleStage A • H2020-MG-2014 SingleStage B • H2020-MG-2014 TwoStages • H2020-MG-2015 SingleStage-A • H2020-MG-2015 Singlestage-B • H2020-MG-2015 TwoStages

• GREEN VEHICLES • H2020-GV-2014-one-stage • H2020-GV-2015-one-stage

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• Specific challenge: There are two main specific challenges concerning seamless travel and logistic services.

• 1. Seamless multimodal travel: The challenge is to enhance the rail traveller experience centred on solutions that respond to customer needs to support anytime, anywhere door-to-door intermodal journeys encompassing distinct modes of transportation, including factors as travel planning, one-stop-shop ticketing and booking transactions, en-route travel companion, real-time re-accommodation.

• 2. Logistic services: The challenge is two-fold:

• – To acquire a new service-oriented profile for rail freight services based on excellence in on-time delivery at competitive prices, interweaving its operations with other transport modes, addressing the real needs of the clientele while incorporating innovative value-added services.

• – To increase productivity, by addressing current operational and system weaknesses and limitations, including interoperability issues, and finding cost-effective solutions to these problems. Fostering technology transfer from other sectors into rail freight will be crucial for these innovation strategies to be put in place.

• Scope: Proposals should address one of the two main challenges mentioned above.

• Regarding Seamless multimodal travel, research and innovation activities should aim at conceiving and prototyping an on-line, mobile, suite of integrated facilities providing a whole new traveller experience throughout the journey (namely planning and reservation of user-friendly multimodal trips and services, including information related to the specific needs of persons with reduced mobility and to the environmental impact of user choices), easily accessible entitlements, validation and control for all transport modes, en-route assistance including re-accommodation. The whole process should be further supported by the necessary business analytics providing relevant feedback of traveller data with the aim of ensuring more robust and responsive transport operations. Developments should evolve on the basis of robust business models capable of guaranteeing the economics of these e-services in the long-term.

• Regarding Logistic Services, proposals should aim at addressing the key challenges of freight through a systematic "top-down" approach that backtracks from the performance indicators to be achieved – either in a geographical reach perspective (i.e. applicability of the solutions on a European scale) or in market segmentation (e.g. trainload/intermodal/wagonload or commodity-based segments) - and define the optimal combination of business, operational and technological solutions that are required for their delivery. In view of the significant financial fragility of the sector, priority should be given to those aspects that maximise potential returns in the short-term and require only moderate investment.

• The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of around EUR 12 million for the first challenge (Seamless multimodal travel) and around EUR 6 million euro for the second challenge (Logistic services) would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

• Expected impact:

• Regarding Seamless Travel, actions will aim at increased rail attractiveness through a new service profile for rail focused on customers by providing them with an integrated end-to-end solution for their travel needs – from transaction support to en-route assistance.

• Regarding Logistic Services, actions will eventually be aimed at reaching 98% level on-time delivery, with improved loading capacity, placing rail amongst the "best-in-class" of logistic operators and guaranteeing multimodal operations. This over-arching goal will imply achieving significant gains from a diversification of the freight business, re-engineering production processes towards a leaner, more service-focused stance capable of delivering significantly higher levels of productivity (e.g. a doubling of both the revenue per employee and the annual load-runs per wagon, reduction of up to 50% in dwell times and a two-fold increase in the load factor for trains/wagons).

• Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions

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Research & innovation action

3 legal entities (different MS or AC)

Innovation action

3 legal entities (different MS or AC)

Coordination & support action

1 legal entity in MS or AC

SME instrument

1 for-profit SME (in MS or AC)

ERA-NET Cofund 3 legal entities - research funders (different MS or AC)

Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) Cofund & Public procurement of Innovative solutions (PPI) Cofund

3 legal entities in different MS or AC (min. 2 legal entities are public procurers)

Type of projects

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• National Contact Point (NCP) = nacionalna osoba za kontakt

• Programme Committee Member (PCM) = član programskog odbora

• Važan je interdisciplinaran pristup istraživanjima:

- Nanotech/Health

- Health/ICT

- ICT/Security

- Agrifood & Marine/ Climate & Environment

- Climate & Environment/Energy

- Energy/Transport ...

NCP podrška

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NCP podrška

AMPEU: 9 NCPs • Excellent Science - MSCA NCP

• Industrial Leadership NCP

(ICT, Nanotech, Materials, Biotech, Manufacturing, Space)

• Societal Challenges NCP

(Health, Agrifood & Marine & Bioeconomy, Energy, Transport,

Climate & Environment, Society, Security)

• Spreading excellence and widening participation

• Science with and for society


• Financial & Legal

• Euraxess Service Centre

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NCP podrška

MZOS: 2 NCP • National NCP koordinator

• Excellent Science NCP (ERC, FET, RI)

BICRO: 2 NCP • Industrial Leadership NCP (Access to Finance, SME)


DZRNS: 1 NCP • Euratom NCP

Kontakti Obzor 2020: http://www.obzor2020.hr/obzor2020-kontakt

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Obzor 2020. - web

• 23.12.2013. lansirana hrvatska web stranica za program Obzor 2020.

• službeni hrvatski portal Okvirnog programa EU za istraživanja i inovacije Obzor 2020. (2014.-2020.) www.obzor2020.hr

informacije o programu Obzor 2020.

informacije o pojedinim tematskim područjima

objave natječaja


najave informativnih dana i radionica

kontakti nacionalnih osoba za kontakt

prijava na e-mailing listu (ubuduće, zasad putem e-maila)

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Alan Kečkeš

Obzor 2020. nacionalna osoba za kontakt

- Društveni izazov 3: „Sigurna, čista i učinkovita energija”

- Društveni izazov 4: „Pametan, zeleni i integrirani promet”

Agencija za mobilnost i programe Europske unije

T: +385 (0)1 5005 954 F: +385 (0)1 5005699

[email protected]


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Hvala na pažnji