Industrial Employment Standing Order

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  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order



    Submitted by: Shivani Choudhary

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order


    Objectives of the law

    To have uniform standing orders in respectto workers, factories and workingrelationships.

    To ensure that the terms and conditions ofemployment are known to the employeesand thus reduce the exploitations ofworkers.

    To promote industrial peace and harmonyby practicing fair industrial practices.

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order


    What is standing orders?

    Rules related to working in a factory which are mentioned

    in a schedule to the ACT. Sec 2(g).

    The schedule to the act requires that the following should

    be specified in Standing Ordersa) Classification of workmen i.e temporary, badli, casual,

    permanent, skilled, etc.

    b) Manner of intimating to workmen ; working hours, shift

    working, transfers, etc.c) Holidays

    d) Attendance and late coming rules

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order



    e) Leave rules

    f) Leave eligibility and conditions

    g) Closing and reopening of sections of industrial


    h) Termination of employment, suspension, dismissal etc. for

    misconduct and acts which constitute misconduct.

    i) Retirement age

    j) Means of redressal of workmen against unfair treatment

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order


    About the Act

    The Act is applicable to all industrial establishments

    employing 100 or more work men section 1(3)

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order


    Procedures for certification ofstanding orders

    Every employer covered under the Act has to prepare

    Standing Orders, covering the matters required in the

    standing orders.

    Five copies of these should be sent to the certifying officerfor approval [Section 3(1)].

    The certifying officer will inform the workmen and union

    and hear their objections.

    After that he will certify the Standing Orders for theindustrial establishment [section 5]

    Standing Orders should be displayed in English and other

    local languages on special notice boards at or near the

    entrance [ section 9 ]

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order


    Date of operation of StandingOrders

    Standing Orders certified and their authenticated copies are

    sent to the employers and workmen and on the expiry of 30

    days, they will be applicable

    If and appeal has been made then after 7 days of the orders,the standing orders ( as modified ) will be applicable.

    Once the standing orders are certified, the supersede any

    terms and conditions of employment, contained in the

    appointment letter.

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order


    Discipline by standing Orders

    The workmen can be punished only if the act committed by

    him is a misconduct as defined under Standing Orders.

    The model Standing Orders contains such acts as

    insubordination, disobedience, fraud, taking bribe,dishonesty, damage to employers property, habitual

    absence or habitual late attendance, riotous behavior,

    habitual neglect of work, etc.

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order


    Subsistence allowance to theworker

    When a workman is suspended by the employer pending

    investigation or enquiry into complaints or charges of

    misconduct against him, the workman shall be paid

    subsistence allowance equal to 50% of wages for first 90days of suspension and 75% of wages for remaining period

    till completion of disciplinary proceedings [section 10A(1) ]

    M tt d i th h d l

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order


    Matter covered in the schedule(Standing Orders [section 2g &3(2)] )

    Classification of workers

    Shift working

    Attendance and late coming

    Termination, suspension, etc

    Redressal of employee



    Conformation, retirement, etc

  • 8/4/2019 Industrial Employment Standing Order


    THANK YOU!!!