Employment and Industrial Relation Plan

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  • 8/13/2019 Employment and Industrial Relation Plan


    North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12



    March 2011

    Prepared y the !ire"tors and #ana$ement o% North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited&CN1'( ))0 21) %or the shareholdin$ #inisters

    #inister %or *inan"e and +he &rts, and #inister %or #ain Roads- *isheries- and #arine In%rastru"ture



    +his do"ument "ontains "on%idential matter relatin$ to the usiness a%%airs and %inan"ial interests o% North Queensland Bulk PortsCorporation Limited- Ports Corporation o% Queensland Limited and #a"kay Ports Limited and releant parts o% its "ontents "annot edis"losed y any $oernment a$en"y in response to a Ri$ht to In%ormation R+I3 re4uest pursuant to the e5emptions "ontained in the Ri$htto In%ormation &"t 2006

  • 8/13/2019 Employment and Industrial Relation Plan


    North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    Tabl !" C!#$#$%


    2& SI+NIFICANT AND EMER+IN+ ISSUES &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ,

    *& DIRECTORS/SENIOR E-ECUTI.E REMUNERATION&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ,

    ,& EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& /

    & ENTERPRISE BAR+AININ+ AND PRODUCTI.ITY INITIATI.ES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    & EMPLOYEE FLE-IBILITY &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 11

    & TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12

    & 3ORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1,

    4& EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 'EEO) AND ANTI5DISCRIMINATION&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1

    10& INTERSTATE ACQUISITION/OPERATIONS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1

    11& 6OINT .ENTURE PRO6ECTS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1

    12& MANA+EMENT OF THE RELATIONSHIP BET3EEN +OCS AND UNIONS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1

    1*& REDUNDANCY PRO.ISIONS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1

    1,& 6OB SECURITY &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1

    1& CONTRACTIN+ OUT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1

    1& SUPERANNUATION&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1

    1& CONSULTATION &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14

    1& REPORTIN+ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 20

    ATTACHMENT 1&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 21

    ATTACHMENT 2&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2

  • 8/13/2019 Employment and Industrial Relation Plan


    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    Commer"ial in Con%iden"e Pa$e ' o% '0

    Sharh!l7r I#"!r8a$9!#

    1& E8:l!;8#$ a#7 I#7

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    Commer"ial in Con%iden"e Pa$e . o% '0

    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    2& S9=#9"9ca#$ a#7 E8r=9#= I%%ccritten approal o% the shareholdin$ #inisters 8as dated 20 anuary 20106

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  • 8/13/2019 Employment and Industrial Relation Plan


    Bernard >ilson "ommen"ed 8ith NQBP *eruary 2011 there%ore 8as not eli$ile %or a Per%orman"e Payment6N!$ ,9

    +he =enior E5e"utie role titled Chie% *inan"ial :%%i"er 8as approed y shareholdin$ ministers on :"toer20106 +he position 8as %illed and the =enior E5e"utie "ommen"ed employment 8ith NQBP on *eruary


    :ther "han$es o% si$ni%i"an"e to =enior E5e"utie positions are9

    +he "han$e o% title %or #artin #"&dam %rom

  • 8/13/2019 Employment and Industrial Relation Plan


    E8:l!;8#$ a#7 I#7

  • 8/13/2019 Employment and Industrial Relation Plan


    Consistent 8ith deelopin$ arran$ements to sa%e$uard the employment "onditions and industrial relationspra"ti"es %or its employees- PCQ and #PL hae a

  • 8/13/2019 Employment and Industrial Relation Plan


    +o date the relationship et8een employee representaties and NQBP has een "ordial6 &%ter numerous

    proposal6 +he key issues proposed y NQBP are9

    26G on 1 uly 2011 and 1 uly 2012 and a %urther possile 1G in"rease on 1 uly 2011 and 1 uly 2012

    +8o "lassi%i"ation pay systems- one %or trades and %ield employees and another %or all other employees6to "ompensate %or 8orkin$ the additional 16 hours6

    R!:7s- 1 R!: eery . 8eeks the de%ault standard3- 1 R!: eery ' 8eeks or 1 R!: eery . 8eeks36

    8eeks annual leae per annum- this entitlement 8ill e M$rand%athered76

    per annum- this entitlement 8ill e M$rand%athered6

    Continuation o% the Per%orman"e Pay &rran$ement PP&3 %or e5istin$ PCQ sta%%6 #PL sta%% 8ill e o%%eredPCQ sta%%6

    primarily "on"ern9

    Employees "urrently 8ith #PL 8ant to e on the same PP& as their PCQ "ollea$ues, and

    ne$otiation meetin$s NQBP taled a Mdra%t inAprin"iple a$reement7 and re4uested a 8ritten response to the

    >a$e in"reases in line 8ith the 9%$9#= r%!ater =u p p ly Pip elin e #aintenan"e#a"kay employees are no8 undertakin$ the preentatie maintenan"e o% the =un>ater Pipeline "ontra"t- preiously "ontra"ted out to an e5ternal "ontra"tor6

    "3 L ouisa Creek #o8in$#a"kay employees are no8 undertakin$ mo8in$ and land "are tasks at the Louisa

    Creek site6 +his 8ork 8as preiously undertaken y e5ternal "ontra"tors6

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    d 3L o uisa C r e ek Resid e n"e #aintenan"ePreiously all maintenan"e on rental properties 8as done y e5ternal "ontra"tors6#a"kay trade and other personnel may e re4uired to attend to ;o re4uests 8here thee5pe"ted ;o alue is in e5"ess o% D10006 os under D1000 "ontinue to e a"tioned y

    real estate a$ents "ontra"tors6

    e3 Inter n al sta%% relie in$ in pro;e"t positions

    NQBP is dedi"ated to sta%% deelopment and $iin$ employees opportunities to

    e5pand their kno8led$e and skills throu$h ;o deelopment6 &n opportunity aroseto $ie sta%% e5perien"e 8ith 8orkin$ on a lar$e pro;e"t throu$h the &ot PointE5pansion6 &n o%%er 8as made to internal sta%% to 8ork in Pro;e"t Cost Controllin$6& PCQ o%%i"er 8as se"onded to undertake this role %or the li%e o% the pro;e"t 8hi"his e5pe"ted to "ontinue until mid 20116 Beyond the "ompletion o% this pro;e"t- it isenisa$ed that %urther e5pansion 8ork 8ill re4uire similar duties to e per%ormedoer the li%e o% this a$reement6 +he Pro;e"t Cost Controllers rate is ased on anadditional "asual rate o% 2'G6 :ther employees in NQBP hae taken on additionaltasks to "oer this there%ore sain$s are ased on '0G o% the total amount6

    +he employee- in addition to $ainin$ aluale kno8led$e and skills in theusiness- is ale to deelop ia the or$anisations "ommitment to "areer andpersonnel deelopment6

    E""9c9#c; %a?9#=%"r!8 H

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    Produ"tiity Pro$ram

    =our"e o%produ"tiity

    initiatie+ar$et &"hieement to date

    &"tionre4uiredi% tar$et/snot met

    :ther "omments/e5planation

    Photo$raphy A &otPoint use o% internalresour"es3


    1 anuary2010

    Implemented N/& Nil

    Ener$y #ana$ement OCaron Redu"tion Plan


    1 anuary2010

    Plan approed uly 200

    Initiaties "ontinue to eimplemented in 2011

    &ll printers set to de%aultthrou$h the I+ =erer in:"toer 200

    N/& :n$oin$ monitorin$and implementationo% initiaties

    &* Maca; P!r$% L989$7 'MPL)

    E#$ r:r 9% Bar= a9#9#=

    +he #PL usiness has t8o 23 a$reements6 +he #PL *ederal a$reement lar$ely "oers employees in the o%%i"e8hilst the #PL =tate a$reement lar$ely "oers employee 8ho are trades persons or %ield 8orkers outside8orkers3 su"h as laourers and $ardeners6 +he nominal e5piry date o% the a$reements 8as 1 uly 20106@ o 8 e e r- su"h a $ reements p ro id ed %o r a %ull a nnu a l 8 a $e in " re ase %r om 1 uly 2 010 %or the pe r io d u n til '0un e 20 11 6

    Pr! 7 9b9l9$;& reie8 8as undertaken o% all e5istin$ PCQ and #PL poli"ies 8ith the intention to hae in pla"e a"omprehensie set o% NQBP poli"ies y 1 uly 20106 It 8as re"o$nised that 8here poli"y issues are dealt 8ith ineither or oth entities PCQ or #PL3- a standard NQBP position may not e possile until the NQBP Enterprise&$reement is in pla"e6 here "han$es to poli"y "an emade they 8ill e ali$ned 8ith NQBP7s or$anisational $oals- ho8eer the poli"y 8ill not oerride proisions asoutlined in the relatie PCQ and #PL industrial a$reements6 & summary o% the 8ork pra"ti"es and poli"ies thatpromote and support employees 8ith %amily responsiilities in"lude9

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    Issue NQBP Position

    PartAtime arran$ements es6 No %ormal poli"y in pla"e- ho8eer oth PCQ and #PL "urrently employ part timeemployees6 +hese arran$ements are "onsidered on a "ase y "ase asis6

    *le5ile 8ork hours es6 Employees hae a""ess to %le5ile hours and time o%% in lieu arran$ements and anR!: s"heme6

    Redu"ed 8orkin$ year No

    Paid Parental Leae Amaternity/ paternity/adoption


    PCQ employees are entitled to a ma5imum o% 2 8eeks maternity leae- paid leae o% 1.8eeks3- and a ma5imum o% 2 8eeks spousal leae paid leae o% 1 8eek3 and 2 8eeksadoption leae6

    #PL employees are entitled to a ma5imum o% 2 8eeks parental leae %or the irth o% their"hild paid leae o% 1. 8eeks3- or adoption o% their "hild- paid leae o% 1. 8eeks3- and ama5imum o% 2 8eeks spousal leae 1 8eek paid36

    >orkin$ %rom home es6 >here it is a$reed and improes produ"tiity6

    :ther poli"ies/pra"ti"es Carer7s leae is aailale to employees re4uired to proide "are or support to %amilymemers6

    :n a "ase y "ase asis- oth #PL and PCQ 8ill reie8 re4uests to assist study and/ortrainin$ arran$ements $iin$ due re$ard to the spe"i%i" "ir"umstan"es and diisionalre4uirements no presumption o% a %aourale de"ision3

    Employee &ssistan"e Pro$ram

    & T;: !" E8:l!;8#$


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    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    +rainees In @ouse3 #PL 0

    PCQ 0

    NQBP 0

    T!$al 0 0 0 0Casual Employees #PL 0

    PCQ 0

    NQBP 2

    T!$al 2 2 2 2

    T!$al D9rc$l; E8:l!;7 3!r"!rc #PL .0

    PCQ .1

    NQBP 1

    T!$al 4 101 101 101



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    Commer"ial in Con%iden"e Pa$e 1. o% '0

    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    ?ariation in the total 8ork%or"e une 2010 to une 2011 is lar$ely a result o% the %inalisation o% the &ot PointE5pansion Pro;e"t and the suse4uent dissolin$ o% its team and the redu"tion o% "ontra"tors %rom the &otPoint e5pansion pro;e"t6

    NQBP notes

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    Commer"ial in Con%iden"e Pa$e 1 o% '0

    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    NQBP has adopted the &ustralian/Ne8 Tealand .)0192001 =tandard %or NQBP health and sa%ety poli"ies andpro"edures and 8ill "ondu"t oth internal and e5ternal sa%ety audits to "on%irm "omplian"e to that standard on"ethe ne8 sa%ety mana$ement system has een implemented6 +he e5ternal sa%ety audit pro$ram e$an at the

    Port o% #a"kay in &u$ust 2006 +he key de%i"ien"y hi$hli$hted %rom the e5ternal audit resulted in the need %orthe deelopment o% a dra%t NQBP >orkpla"e @ealth and =a%ety #ana$ement Plan to repla"e the separate PCQand #PL =a%ety #ana$ement plans36 +he ne8 NQBP >orkpla"e @ealth O =a%ety #ana$ement =ystem8as implemented on the ' une 20106 +he ne5t audit is s"heduled %or the se"ond 4uarter o% the 2010/11%inan"ial year6

    Currently- there is a re 8rite o% the inte$rated sa%ety mana$ement system %or NQBP6 +rainin$ o% sta%% andNQBP7s "ontra"tors 8ill e implemented y the 1

    sthal% o% the 2011 "alendar year6

    +he Board is a8are o% the harmonisation o% 8orkpla"e health and sa%ety le$islation and 8ill e seekin$ dire"tionand trainin$ oth %or itsel% and sta%%6

    North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation 8ill "ontinue to appoint a 4uali%ied person as 8orkpla"e health andsa%ety o%%i"er in its 8orkpla"es3 8here '0 or more 8orkers are normally employed at the 8orkpla"e6

    Lost +ime In;ury *re4uen"yRate

    Lost +ime In;ury !urationRate

    1'62. '2

    *i$ures as at 1 uly 2010 to '1 !e" 2010

    4& E

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    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    11& 6!9#$ .#$

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    Commer"ial in Con%iden"e Pa$e 1 o% '0

    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    +here 8ill e no %or"ed redundan"ies o% NQBP- PCQ or #PL employees 8ithout the e5pli"it and 8ritten san"tiono% shareholdin$ #inisters6

    1*&1 N!r$h Qc

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    NQBP and its susidiaries do not "urrently hae any . isa employees and does not intend to en$a$e any

    Commer"ial in Con%iden"e Pa$e 1) o% '0

    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    Employees under the Colle"tie &$reement 8ill re"eie the %ollo8in$ seeran"e payment %or periods o%

    "ontinuous seri"e:

    =u;e"t to a "umulatie ma5imum o% 2 8eeks e4uialent to 1( years o% "ontinuousseri"e39

    %our 8eeks7 seeran"e payment, plus three 8eeks7 ordinary pay proArata %or ea"h "ompleted year6Employees 8ill also re"eie a""rued and pro rata entitlement to Lon$ =eri"e Leae and &nnual Leae6

    1,& 6!b Sc

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    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    1& R:!r$9#=

    NQBP 8ill proide an update to :

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    A$$ach8#$ 1

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    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    Commer"ial in Con%iden"e Pa$e 2' o% '0

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    !R&*+ North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    A$$ach8#$ 2

    Minimum Employment, Industrial Relations and

    Job Security Principles


    Government Owned Corporation GOC! Employees

    September "#$#

    Pa$e 2 o% '0

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    North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

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    North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

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    North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    &n employer 8ill not unreasonaly re%use- delay or ostru"t a permit holder %rom e5er"isin$ their ri$hts6@o8eer- it should e noted that y la8- entry to "ertain operations su;e"t to national/state se"urity initiaties"an only o""ur under es"ort unless the ne"essary authorities are held6 It is re"ommended that union o%%i"ialsmake "onta"t 8ith

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    North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12

    d3 In addition- "ontra"tors and/or their employees are not to e appointed to any position as permanentemployees unless normal adertisin$ and sele"tion pro"esses hae een %ollo8ed6

    10& Tr89#a$9!# !" E8:l!;8#$

    Responsile and de%ensile poli"ies and pro"edures re$ardin$ the mana$ement o% per%orman"e- "ondu"t and"apa"ity o% sta%% should e in pla"e and adhered to- e5"ept 8here situations arise 8arrantin$ summary dismissalunder "ommon la86

    a3 I% an employee7s "ondu"t- "apa"ity or per%orman"e is de%i"ient9i3 ensure the employee is $ien an opportunity to respond %ormally to any alle$ation aout their

    "ondu"t- "apa"ity or per%orman"e, andii3 ensure the employee is %ormally 8arned aout the "ondu"t- "apa"ity or per%orman"e and is $ien

    reasonale opportunity to re"ti%y any de%i"ien"y, andiii3 ensure the employee has a ri$ht to e represented throu$h all parts o% the pro"ess6

    3 I% dismissal is suse4uently determined9

    i3 proide the employee 8ith a "lear reason %or dismissal- detailin$ the pro"ess %ollo8ed to seekimproement as re%erred to aoe, andii3 ensure "larity as to 8hether the dismissal is related to the employee7s "ondu"t- "apa"ity or


    "3 I% an employee is in their proationary period the le$islatie proisions and ork &ustralia *>&3- or another person 8ho is independent o% theemployer- employees or employee or$anisations "oered y the a$reement to settle disputes6

    +he parties to the enterprise a$reement are to rea"h a$reement aout the dispute resolution proider6 I%a$reement "an not e rea"hed aout the dispute resolution proider the de%ault proider should e *>&6

    +he 4ndustrial 5elations Act 1999 IR &"t3 8as amended in 200 to proide %or parties in the %ederal industrialrelations ;urisdi"tion to hae a""ess to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission QIRC3- y mutuala$reement- to "on"iliate and/or aritrate matters in dispute6 +he QIRC is still aailale as an option %or parties toa$ree to e the dispute resolution proider under an enterprise a$reement6

    & party to a dispute "an then re%er the matter to the *>& triunal- QIRC or the releant a$reed disputeresolution proider i% dis"ussions at the 8orkpla"e leel do not a"hiee a resolution6

    +he pro"edure must proide %or dealin$ 8ith disputes aout any matters arisin$ under the a$reement or inrelation to National Employment =tandards6 +he pro"edure must also allo8 %or the representation o% employees"oered y the a$reement %or the purposes o% dispute resolution6 >here the le$islation proides a model dispute

    resolution pro"edure the

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    North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Employment and Industrial Relations Plan 2011/12