Hashmaster: Blowback RA: Froggy Master of Music: The Penguin Scribe: Froggy/Jetstream Piss Pourer: Can’t be Arsed Hash Flash: Paparazzi Hares: El Rave/Paparazzi InterHashional Representative: The Penguin Correspondence: Doug Whittle, 23 Fairway, Girton, Cambridge CB3 0QF. Phone 01223 564201 Website: www.inh3.co.uk IndoNostalgia Run 57 October 2019 Legless in Llanbedr, Wales; (another bloody great weekend). Travel Sometimes it is better to travel than to arrive. Motivated by the thought of gorging himself on Welsh lamb all weekend, The Penguin left Aberdeen on Thursday, a day early. But his mid-day train was delayed due to the discovery of a leg on the railway line north of Dundee. The discovery of a second leg south of Dundee resulted in the closure of all rail services north of Edinburgh. Passengers were eventually bussed to the capital for connections to England. Two buses and three trains later he arrived at his hotel in Llanbedr. It was Friday evening; 18 hours and three Welsh-lamb meals late. Consoled by the thought of finally eating his favourite dish he raced downstairs for dinner. Meanwhile the weekend chef, Only Me, accompanied by Ivy Jane were driving at dusk through a torrential rainstorm on the narrow, twisting roads of Snowdonia National Park. A shadowy figure suddenly flashed in front of them. Emergency brakes, a screeching of tyres and thump. The car slewed to a stop. The intermittent wipers slowly revealed a head with big frightened eyes peering over the car’s bonnet. It was a white-tailed reindeer. Dead. Somehow, they wedged it into the car .......which was already full of pots and pans, carving utensils, glasses etc. for the weekend. They drove off; with the deer’s head protruding from the half-shut boot, and Only Me desperately holding onto its rear leg. ‘I think it’s a buck,’ she announced happily, feeling her way in the dark, (Ed; she has a circumcision fixation). Twenty minutes later they spluttered into the Victoria Inn, Llanbedr with steam spewing from the ruptured radiator. In the pissing rain Ivy Jane carried all their baggage into the Inn, leaving Only Me to off-load the deer. Then a curtesy call to the local police station. Ivy Jane explained the bad weather and that the deer was standing in the middle of the road and didn’t run off. The officer consoled that that such accidents were common and they would come and collect the beasty from the car park. By the time the police arrived the deer was lying in a watery pool of blood. ‘No wonder it didn’t run off,’ announced the officer hauling the carcass into his van. ‘It hasn’t any legs.’ Only Me ran back to her car and returned seconds later with a plastic carrier bag for the officer. One large hoof protruding from its top. Beware, legless deer in Wales

IndoNostalgia Run 57 October 2019 Legless in Llanbedr

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Hashmaster: Blowback

RA: Froggy

Master of Music: The Penguin

Scribe: Froggy/Jetstream

Piss Pourer: Can’t be Arsed

Hash Flash: Paparazzi

Hares: El Rave/Paparazzi


Representative: The Penguin

Correspondence: Doug Whittle, 23 Fairway, Girton,

Cambridge CB3 0QF. Phone 01223 564201

Website: www.inh3.co.uk

IndoNostalgia Run 57 – October 2019 Legless in Llanbedr, Wales; (another bloody great weekend).


Sometimes it is better to travel than to arrive.

Motivated by the thought of gorging himself on Welsh

lamb all weekend, The Penguin left Aberdeen on

Thursday, a day early. But his mid-day train was

delayed due to the discovery of a leg on the railway line

north of Dundee. The discovery of a second leg south of

Dundee resulted in the closure of all rail services north

of Edinburgh. Passengers were eventually bussed to

the capital for connections to England. Two buses and

three trains later he arrived at his hotel in Llanbedr. It

was Friday evening; 18 hours and three Welsh-lamb

meals late. Consoled by the thought of finally eating his

favourite dish he raced downstairs for dinner.

Meanwhile the weekend chef, Only Me, accompanied

by Ivy Jane were driving at dusk through a torrential

rainstorm on the narrow, twisting roads of Snowdonia

National Park. A shadowy figure suddenly flashed in

front of them. Emergency brakes, a screeching of tyres

and thump. The car slewed to a stop. The intermittent

wipers slowly revealed a head with big frightened eyes

peering over the car’s bonnet. It was a white-tailed

reindeer. Dead. Somehow, they wedged it into the car

.......which was already full of pots and pans, carving

utensils, glasses etc. for the weekend. They drove off;

with the deer’s head protruding from the half-shut

boot, and Only Me desperately holding onto its rear leg.

‘I think it’s a buck,’ she announced happily, feeling her

way in the dark, (Ed; she has a circumcision fixation).

Twenty minutes later they spluttered into the Victoria

Inn, Llanbedr with steam spewing from the ruptured

radiator. In the pissing rain Ivy Jane carried all their

baggage into the Inn, leaving Only Me to off-load the

deer. Then a curtesy call to the local police station. Ivy

Jane explained the bad weather and that the deer was

standing in the middle of the road and didn’t run off.

The officer consoled that that such accidents were

common and they would come and collect the beasty

from the car park. By the time the police arrived the

deer was lying in a watery pool of blood.

‘No wonder it didn’t run off,’ announced the officer

hauling the carcass into his van. ‘It hasn’t any legs.’

Only Me ran back to her car and returned seconds later

with a plastic carrier bag for the officer. One large hoof

protruding from its top.

Beware, legless deer in Wales

Meanwhile, Jetstream and Unmentionable drove from

Cornwall, quite a schlep in the weather conditions.

They stopped short for one refreshing drink. Had

several too many, and had to stay the night in


B@stard didn’t drive. He made an emergency call to

Froggy on Friday morning because his car was kaput.

After a 30-mile detour to collect him Froggy finally

asked .......... ‘What exactly is wrong with your car?’

‘Ran out of diesel and I only have a petrol can.’ Bah!

Friday Some sixteen bodies assembled in the Victoria Inn for

dinner; including Kermit, Googly, Klinger, Klingon

Feeble Minder, Mine Sweeper, Sperm Whale, El Rave

and Paparazzi. A young hasher with an even younger

beard, Mittal, ordered the lamb just head of The

Penguin. ‘Same again,’ salivated Ron. But only to be

told there was none left. He roared his disapproval but

to no avail, and had to settle for a plate of chips.

Only Me threatening to circumcise a turnip

Then Only Me and Ivy Jane were arraigned by the

landlord and asked to explain the blood-stained carpets

leading to their room. Only Me ran off and reappeared

a few moments later with another plastic carrier bag

which she gave to the patron. A few words in his ear

and he happily danced off with the bag ...... a large hoof

protruding from its top. Moments later the landlord

returned with a tray of complementary drinks to fill up

our senses (Ed; surely to dumb them down?). The party

had begun. And it continued into the wee small hours

without further incident...... except perhaps for Klingon

who somehow managed to mangle her glasses when

giving Klinger a midnight shower.


The day began slowly and late. But not for The Penguin.

He was up at the crack of dawn. He replaced his bed’s

lovely Egyptian-linen bedsheets with his old cotton ones

from Aberdeen. Froggy, who was room-sharing, was

asked to help with the curtains and carpet. But Ron’s

overloaded case burst its hinges and his plan had to be


Meanwhile, at Ty Mawr (Llanbedr’s other hostelry)

Sperm Whale was demanding of the waitress his

customary breakfast; a bowl of fresh plankton. But to

no avail. Mashed Potato come to the rescue; she

entered the kitchen and returned with the said

breakfast. She later confided to the RA that it was

gunge scooped from the bottom of the dishwasher.

Just like at home.

At 13.00 hrs we all assembled in Llanbedr village hall.

Only Me (and a few kindly hands) had laid on a grand

selection of finger food. And thanks to Klinger’s overall

mis-management of the weekend there were plenty of

beers and wines of the best. He is a star.

Blowback and Little Blow made their first appearance

having just arrived that morning.......... they spent the

previous evening with their real children rather than

our adult sort. Good decision.

Pre-Hash Group photo, sheltering in the Village Hall

Suddenly, through a narrow door pops Sperm Whale,

like a cork from a bottle. He was un-wedged by Can’t be

Arsed, Horny and Sox all pushing him from behind.

They are followed by Mashed Potato and her 4 dogs, all

leashed together. But she is struggling to control them.

The others try to scamper out of the way. But Sox is

pulled off her feet. She knocks a barrel of real-ale off its

tiny pedestal and sends it rolling across the floor.

Barman Pugwash arrests its travel and hopes no one

will notice the now-cloudy beer and blame it on him.

The overnight Gale Force 7 has moderated to a Beaufort

Force 5. Horny suggests we still punish the RA. But due

to the arrival of a Jetstream a new weather front moves

in. The rain eases and brings hope for a dry-ish run.

A Glimmer of hope

Hash Master Blowback seizes the moment and calls on

everyone to listen-up. The hares, El Rave and

Paparazzi, inform that the run will start from the nearby

Nantcol Waterfalls Car Park. It is only 3km. away and

easily accessible by car via a narrow single-track road.

‘Just follow Klinger in a car convoy,’ we are instructed.

Two hundred metres from the run site Klinger’s car

turns off the road; sharp right, down to the carpark. In

the second car B@stard is studying his Satnav; instructs

his driver to continue straight on. Five other cars follow

him, onwards and upwards. Soon, lots of flashing car

lights and arm waving. The consensus is we are lost. We

suddenly see Klinger’s car in the valley below. But no

place for us to turn around. Then, out of the mist,

several tourist and farm vehicles confront the convoy.

Chaos. Klinger sees the mayhem in the hills above.

Jumps in his car and drives after us to put us right. We

see him follow us and assume we are on the correct

track. On-on into the clouds. Twenty minutes later the

cars finally arrive at the run site. Suddenly, Hold it for

Me comes running out of the hills from the direction of

Gunung Snowdon. He has already done a 10km run.

The rain eases, stops, and immediately we are off.

Horny & Sox take a quick lead to nowhere and are soon

doubling back. They pass Kermit who’s helping

Pugwash tie his shoelaces. ‘Left over right, emm .....’

Like headless chickens Hashers are checking in every

direction until our supreme leader, Blowback, finds the

trail and invites us to follow him into a marsh. But the

thought of wet shoes is far too daunting for some.

‘I think I’ve had enough,’ wimps Feeble Minder.

‘I’ll help you back,’ offers her sister Mine Sweeper who

is carrying a huge picnic hamper full of vegan goodies.

‘Mind if I join you,’ pleaded the risk aversion Googly.

‘Bugger off. You’re not even a vegetarian,’ scorned

Mittal, the man with a beard.

Unmentionable leads the way and Horny finds a check

Unmentionable led the survivors out of the swamp into

an ancient forest full of giant spiders, tree snakes and

flying monkeys. Can’t be Arsed, an arachnophobe,

makes a fast retreat and is never seen again. But

Unmentionable is on a mission (to be first to the beer

stop). She reaches a small river which is now in full

spate. Without hesitation, she scrambles over rocks

and fallen trees, sometimes on all fours. And somehow

manages to cross it.

Galant El Rave assists Unmentionable in negotiating

the rocky bridge

‘You’re bloody crazy,’ chided Jetstream, ‘You could

have been soaked. Look, it’s much easier up there.’ He

moves 30 metres upstream, carefully enters the river

and falls into a very deep pool.

Jetstream meets Spate Stream …

…. but survives the ordeal

Next hurdle is an electrified fence to keep the wild boars

inside the National Park. Googly is struggling uphill at

this point and makes a diversionary b-line towards the

fence. He pretends to charge his i-phone, then feigns

electrocution. Says his heart’s pacemaker has blown.

Paparazzi and Sox carry him the last 200 metres uphill

to the beer stop. Whereupon he opens his bum-bag,

produces a miniature bottle of gin, and makes a biblical


High level refreshment stop – oranges? WTF!

Beautiful views downhill from our high-altitude

refreshment spot. Uphill there is only mist. Out of

which comes a mad hasher racing from the mountain

top. Surprise, surprise; it’s Hold It For Me, again. Whilst

he stops for a drink, Blowback, leads a small coterie of

front runners racing back downhill. Through kampongs

and shiggy, over bamboo bridges and broken styles until

they stumble upon a small miracle of nature.

A cascade of Hashers

No, not Sperm Whale, nor Klinger not even Googly. It

is a series of low waterfalls discharging into a wide

cascade of rapids; all sparking and gurgling as the first

rays of sunshine break through. This is hashing at its

very best!!!

A beer stop at last

The Circle

Back in the village hall Blowback calls the Circle to

order. He announces the run number and today’s

Committee in Welsh; quite impressive! (Ed; it was

Bahasa Indonesia). Pugwash (perhaps because of the

upturned beer barrel) immediately announces his early

retirement as Beer Master. He wishes to become our

official Cocktail Shaker. Can’t Be Arsed is invited to

becomes the official piss pourer. Ivy Jane, wearing his

new super-bra, pours them the first of many cloudy


Beermasters, Ivy Jane, Pugwash & Can’t Be Arsed

The Hash Master then launched into his bottomless pit

of one-liner jokes. Lots of laughter. Very impressive.

Until .............. Little Blow complained .......................

‘He spends all his money on Christmas crackers.’

But the exposure of Blowback’s source of humour

didn’t deter him. He immediately displayed another of

his many talents, singing. He launched into the first line

of The Engineer’s song. But, then badly faltered at the

second. A real Engineer, Jetstream, confidently took

over, but then he too faltered. It took the real Master of

Music, The Penguin, to put things right. He contributed

another verse, but from a different song. And we all

ended up singing about a charming girl from Baltimore

who wasn’t an Engineer at all. Well done MM.

The Hares

The RA was then handed the Circle. Visitors, first timers

and returners were all welcomed in traditional style.

Then thanks to the Hares, Paparazzi and El Rave for a

bloody great run.

Then came Froggy’s trademark stream of anecdotes

based on truths, half-truths and downright fabrications.

These triggered lots of défences, counter charges and

follow-on comments. These interventions provoked

many other contributions from the floor; songs from

the vocally challenged, false confessions, and many,

many humorous (if dubious) observations. The Circle

had lift off. The magic of IndoNostaligia.

A very brief summary; .

- Googly; exhausted from topping up his sperm bank.

– B@stard; spent his 1-week honeymoon in sleazy

Cardiff; and 3 weeks on his divorce.

– Klinger; Teeth fell out during warm-up; broke his toe.

– Paparazzi; loves to swim with dolphins .

– El Rave; wears rubber wetsuit in bath with Paparazzi

– The Penguin; Mean? Replaced lost address book

with free telephone directory. Then scored out the

names of all the people he didn’t know.

-- Feeble Minder; her new longevity, vegan diet will

give an extra 3 years of babbling in an Old Folks Home.

–Kermit; seen last night chatting up a local barmaid

.......so ugly that even the tide wouldn’t take her out.

– Pugwash; went on whisky-only diet; lost 3 days.

- Can’t be Arsed; Can’t get rid of his homing pigeon.

- Penguin; lost a testicle to a barbed-wire fence.

– etc...etc...etc.

The Penguin’s lost testicle returned to its’ owner

Suddenly it was seven pm; hats off, pots on the floor.

Time for the Penguin to lead us through ‘Swing Low’.

The silent verse went to Froggy....... ‘Mashed Potato

tells me she wants to change Sperm Whale’s hash name

to SPIDER ....... because he can’t get out of the bath.’

There followed a delicious and plentiful presentation of

food by Only Me and her helpers Klingon, Feeble

Minder, Mine Sweeper and Mittal. Thank you all.

The venison stew was particularly tasteful, as endorsed

by the Penguin as he ladled himself a third helping,

’Marvellous, there’s nothing to beat good Welsh lamb.’

The evening’s reverie was prolonged into the early

hours of Sunday .......... but that’s another (McGreedy)



Pugwash, Googly & Kermit brave the elements

The overnight rain had eased to a drizzle. Bleary-eyed

and grateful to have survived the night most of the pack

assembled at 11.00 at the village hall. But for some the

day had begun much earlier. Hold it for Me was already

out running the hill and Kermit had completed an early

morning beachcomb to see what else the tide might

have left behind (mermaid?). Hares, Paparazzi and El

Rave, had checked and relaid some trail markings. Ivy

Jane had taken delivery of a replacement car to get

home. And Only Me had skinned the last deer leg.

Another Pre-hash Group photo -still sheltering

Blowback invited the Hares to say something sensible

before the run start. They promptly warned everyone

not to wander off track or to follow Jetstream

anywhere near water. And suddenly we were off,

cantering down a beautifully engineered road towards

the sea. Sighs of relief. A short, flat run along the beach.

Just what we all wanted as a recovery run. Alas! A

quick righty followed by another and we were back in

the flooded fields with the water buffalo and gorse and

the knee-deep shiggy. Front runner Klinger suddenly

raced off down a track but within 50 metres stumbled

headlong into the village’s sewage settlement pond.

Ironically, a nearby notice-board of Gwynedd County

Council announced a reception to celebrate the

opening of the new mains sewer, and invited everyone

to ‘Please Drop In’.

Yes, it was yet another unpleasant experience for

Klinger but not undeserved. Hashing is not a race.

But try telling that to the Hash Master. He had spurted

off from the settlement pond leaving Froggy and Horny

to rescue Klinger. Blowback wasn’t seen again for a

good 5 minutes. Then he suddenly re-appeared atop a

huge boulder halfway up a precipitous hill. He beat his

chest a la Tarzan and made animal noises. Horny set

off in hot pursuit and joined him several minutes later.

Froggy meanwhile, tried to short-cut off-track to get in

front of them both. But was suddenly enveloped in

brambles, nettles, thick gorse and (surprisingly) rolls of

barbed wire; (Ed; these hills are where the Welsh

Republicans used to secrete their armaments). He was

seriously entangled in razor wire and needed help.

Then, as if to add insult to injury, Hold it For Me came

careering down from the top of the hill. ‘Can’t stop,’ he

cried as he passed within 10 metres, and disappeared.

The Penguin eventually passed nearby and helped him

out; the RA’s legs and hands badly shredded and


Why were they born so beautiful?

Not to be outdone, Kermit also tried to disappear. He

climbed a wall between two fields using its inset slate

steps. But instead of following the style’s carefully

located steps down the other side he jumped. The

shallow pool of water beneath him was actually a huge

sink-hole. He disappears up to his waist. It took the trail

sweeper, Paparazzi, 15-minutes to raise a local farmer

with a tractor to extricate him.

El Rave later quipped ....... ‘She can raise me quicker

than that!’

Enthusiastic FRBs?

But at that very instant El Rave was trying to re-lay the

last of the trail which had been washed out by the rain.

So, this was effectively a Live Hare run. But

unfortunately for him, he was caught sawdust-handed

by Little Blow who was short cutting the in-trail. The

incident was duly noted for a subsequent down-down.

Which we all forgot about.

Flying downhill Negotiating the shiggy

The Circle

Blowback started us off with another string of one-

liners that had us all in tears (laughter). But the new

barman Can’t Be Arsed was struggling to keep up with

the rate of down-downs. He was filling the glasses one

at a time from the barrel. This prompted Pugwash (who

always likes to have his hands on big jugs) to demand

his job back. Compromise; Pugwash showed CBA how

to use the two pouring jugs as an intermediate filling

utensil. Everyone happy.

The Penguin then tried to cheer us up with a rendition

of Men of Harlech. Doing well until Hold It For Me

joined in. But he didn’t know any words. Klinger and

Klingon took over, in Welsh..... a sort of Celtic Sonny

and Cher. The song deteriorated and was finally

abandoned. Down-downs for effort.

Welsh Male Voice Choir

RA Froggy took over with a quote from Lewis Carroll...

‘The time has come the Walrus said to talk of many

things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages

and kings.’ He then delivered a series of skits to cover

each item in the verse........ it was all fairy-tales and

nonsense, of course...... bizarre enough to bamboozle

Alice. Must be time for another song.

Blowback launched into a limerick. He was quickly

supported by Jetstream, Googly and Kermit. Some old

verses, some new, some destined for glory, some best

forgotten. But all welcome, as is hash tradition.

Everyone contributed to the entertainment, including

Little Blow and her two tiddlywinks.

All were rewarded with down-downs. Great pressure

on the beer pourers. Who did a great job. Thanks.

Time for a limerick

Froggy then reveals to the Circle that Feeble Minder

and Mine Sweeper would love their new best friend

Mittal to have a Hash name. But man-with-a-beard (is

he from Glasgow or India?) has only run once with

Indonostia. The RA agrees to give him a temporary

hash name that will last up to his 5th run. Several

suggestions are put forward from the floor. Then the RA

proposes Mustapha Shave. That clinches it. An

excellent hash name for a Hindu. Anyway, 5 runs is not

a long time!

It’s only a temporary Hashname, you can change it

after five runs, maybe in 2021?

Lots of contributions from the floor. Klingon confessed

to putting Klinger’s wig in with the hotel laundry by

mistake the previous night. The hotel let him borrow

their white cat as a substitute for today. But it

scampered off his head on seeing Sperm Whale’s four

dogs. Fortunately, B@stard had a spare wig (cut from

the same sheep’s arse as the one he always wears). But

Klinger declined....... he thought it utterly distasteful.

This childish behaviour prompted Only Me to exit the

kitchen with a replacement wig hastily cut from the

deer’s skin. It looked so good six baldies immediately

formed a queue.

Billy Connolly or sheep’s arse?

The RA then led an attack on impersonators. Culprits

included .........Sox as the Queen (a crabbit old bitch and

always pissed);.........B@stard, as Billy Connolly (or a

sheep’s arse?); Mine Sweeper, as Marilyn Monroe

(with her botox lips and superbra); Klinger, as Douglas

Bader (limping both legs); Penguin, impersonating

McGreedy (Froggy’s mythical story character based on

him); and four hashers seen walking on the trail in a

perfect line like a pantomime version of the Beatles

crossing Abbey Road.

B@stard, Googly, Kermit and Unmentionable in perfect

line, just like the Beatles crossing Abbey Road

And so it went on and on until again it was 19.00hrs and

the smell of food became irresistible. Blowback

reasserted his authority and dutifully thanked all those

responsible for making the weekend such a

success........ Klinger for the overall organisation; hares

El Rave and Paparazzi; Can’t Be Arsed for relieving

Pugwash of his bar duties; Paparazzi again, for

Flashing; and the Penguin for his many vocal

contributions. And of course to Only Me and her

kitchen helpers. Finally, it got down to RA Froggy and

Hash Master Blowback to have a mutually appreciated

down-down. Hats off, pots on the floor and the

Penguin guided us through the hash hymn.

Blowback and Froggy – mutual appreciation

The fun didn’t stop at the close of the Circle. After

another great meal most of the participants set out to

enjoy the liquid delights of Ty Mawr. At midnight

Googly went off to bed. Re-appeared 5 mins later, half-

naked and covered in blood from head to toe. Serious

head injury from a fall. A rush to call emergency

services....... fire brigade, ambulance, undertaker.

Ambulance arrived before Kermit had finished digging

a big hole in the garden. Then the Penguin tried to stop

the medics from whisking him away on a stretcher to

hospital. But alas, Googly was legless in Wales. And

sadly, was taken from us.

The Penguin protects Googly from people smugglers.

The end.

p.s. How can anyone miss the chance to run on an

Indonostagia Hash? Anaconda, BigMac, Skinhead,

WYDT, Koncorde et al, where were you?

Your next opportunity will be ........

Run 58, in Languedoc, France, (May 2020).

Googly before his fall

Googly after his full recovery, pity.