' " * I' •',« I A l> " BROAD CHANNEL mm *" ... | „ u _ A formal reception Into the ————— m Mr *nd Roasary Society of St 'liu R. C. Church will take on June 27. A social will ' In the parish hall. Miss Helen Hetinlnger, president, le In cMrge of arrangements. Mr. and. Mrs. John F. Tubridy, and Mrs. William J. Wlese, Mr. and Mrs. William Kimmlns and tf*lr families and Mr. and Mrs, George Gross and their R^tSt spent the weekend nt Edge mere House In the Catskllls. the Rtv. Thomas V. Pord, pas- tor of St. Vlrgillus R. C. Church, Is reported pleased at the atten- dance of the new 5 p.m. mass that will be held every Sunday until further notice. The Friendship Club of Christ ytertan Church by-the Sea a buffet lunch at a closing Monday night. Meetings resume in September, but (ttes have been set for several itlngs during the summer, ac- cording to Harold Myers, presi- Members of the Christ Presby- terian Church-by-the^Sea parti- cipated In the Anniversary Day parade Thursday with the Rich- /nond Hill Church School Asso- ciation. A/8c Edward Curren, son of Iff. and Mrs. Charles W. Curren of 210 East Eighth road, a ground radio operator stationci at Bik»xl, Miss., is expected home on leave August 1. The nominating commltee o Of the Broad Channel Unit 1404 American Legion Auxiliary, wil meet In July to select a slate of officers. Election will take placd In August St Vlrgillus Parochial Schoo will hold graduation exercises Saturday following 9 a.m. mass Sister Edward Catherine, eightl grade teacher, has reported that, there will be 44 graduates this term. The seventh grade class of St Vlrgillus Parochial School will b host to the graduating class a a communion breakfast follow Ing 8 am. mass Tuesday morn ing. Mother Terrence Marie l principal of the school. A 3c Charles Phillips, jr., SOJ of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips of 208 East Eighth road, is home on .leave from Sheppard Al Force Base in Texas. He will cele brate his 20th birthday on July 2 'and leave July 4 for a three year tour of duty In France. I l l Edward P. Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mills of 802 Cross Bay boulevard, will cele- brate his 17th birthday June 25, Edward will enter his senior year at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School In September. Nancy White of 36 West 16th load celebrated her 14th birth- day Friday. She is a member of the graduating class at St. Vlr- gillus Parochial School. Marine Private First Class Thomas Mundy returned to his base June 1 after a 20-day fur- lough at home and left June 6 for a year's tour of duty In Ice- land. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mundy of 13-05 Cross Bay boulevard. A family gather- ing helped Thomas celebrate his 18th birthday (June 5) before he left The Women's Regular Demo- cratic Club of Broad Channel will meet tonight at the club- house on Shad Creek load, ac- cording to an announcement by Mrs. Margaret Gronachan, presi- dent. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clarity have returned from a two-week cruise upstate on their boat, "The Dream Girl." There will be a Joint meeting of the Men and Women's Groups of the Regular Democratic Club Friday evening at the clubhouse to discuss the coming primary Henry Walchaltis Is president of the club. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gronachan of 2511th road celebrated their 55 th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. Ray Conley of 11th road Is in serious condition in the Phelps Hospital in Tarrytown, N. Y., af- ter an accident in which a Rhein- gold truck on which he was a helper overturned on hm. Bresler On Carrier Off Coast Of Vietnam Fireman Apprentice George B. Bresler, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erich C. Bresler of 430 Beach 136th street, Rockaway Beach, is serving aboard the air- craft carrier USS Intrepid, which launched her first air strikes against Viet Cong targets in South Vietnam last month. The Intrepid departed her Nor- folk, Va., home port in April to Join the naval forces off the shor- es of Vietnam to provide attack support for ground forces in South Vietnam. ————————— Children To See Capital Of Nation Ten mentally handicapped ohil* dren, students at Maimonides Institute in Far Rockaway will see our government In action and visit our national shrines on a trip to Washington, D. C, next Sunday through Wednesday. According to Rabbi Isaac Maiz- es, MI president, a highlight of the trip will be a luncheon in the Hayhurn House office building on Monday, when the children will be guests of Congressman Ema- nuel Celler and Herbert Tenser, both active supporters of Mai- monides Institute Congress- man Celler is chairman of Its National Sponsors Committee and Congressman Tenzer is chair- man of Its New Development pro- grams. A visit will be made to the grave of our late President John F. Kennedy in Arlington National Cemetery, where the children will pay tribute to his memory. This field trip is part of the institute's social studies program, designed to help make the children better citizens and self-sustaining, self- respecting members of the com- munity, said Hershel M. Stiskin, director of professional services, who, with Rabbi Maizes and two teachers, will accompany and su- pervise the group. The children, ranging i n age from .11 to 15 years, have achiev- ed enoug to enable them to profit Institute in Far Rockaway, will from the experience, it is felt. "This is the first time we have embarked upon a program as ambitious as the Washington vi- sit," said Stiskin, "but we are confident that it will be memor- able for the children as well as for Maimonides Institute. If it meets our expectations, we shall schedule similar trips next sem- ester." TUESDAY IS SUMMER, ROCKAWAY ALL TIMED Our clickety clack is on the summer track. Summer, the calendar shows will arrive next Tuesday, but last Sunday without any posted notice nor new printed time- tables, the Rockaway subway trains were shifted to their sum- mer schedule. The summer schedule provides more direct — non round robin — trains Saturday and Sunday, but leaves weekly timing alone A spokesman for the Transit Authority said the timetables are late, but at main stations at least will be available today. IAUL <AAW. KUCKAWAV Li&ACU.^Y,. Yl^..;_.., J w .... ; *J, XUbb* I——— wm i i il ii ' *• . •'» »~ •> —.«. $75,000 Goal Wins Award Congregation Shaaray TefUa of For Rockaway recently held a breakfast which raised total of $75-000 among mor« than .100 guest for United Jewish Appeal Irving II. Ross (center) holds his award, Irwin Selvnti, chairman and Kniunuol I^azer, congregation president. Kinzie (Continued from Page 1) Blum, and was active in the group originated by the late, Father Grogan. He also particip- ated In the "Moms and Pops" shows at St. Francis put on by parents of men In the service during the war. He is survived by his widow, the former Helen Mulligan, to whom be was wed April 23, 1932, at St. Brendan's R. C. Church In Brooklyn; three sons, Charles E„ jr., John of Brooklyn and Wil- liam of the home address, and a daughter, Mary Jane. Also three grandchildren, Charles E., 3rd, Jeanne Louise and Tracey Kin- zie. A solemn requiem mass Was celebrated this morning at St. Francis de Sales R. C. Church in Belle Harbor. The Right Rev Msgr. J. Jerome Reddy, pastor was the celebrant. Interment fol lowed at St. Mary's Cemetery li Lawrence under the direction o the Denis S. O'Connor Funera Home, 91-05 Beach Channel drive Rockaway Beach. Advertise In The Wave '^jk. ,e.I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I THEME: EVOLUTION "Is the Universe, including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?' -r this Is the question explored in the Bible lesson to be present ed at all Christian Science churches this Sunday. The Golden Text is from C Samuel: "The pillars of the earth arc the Lord's, and he hath set the world upon them." Opening the lesson-sermon will be Paul's statement in Hebrews: "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." The theme is explained furth- er in references from the Chris- tian Science textbook, including these: "The true theory of the universe, including man, is not in material history but in spiri- tual development . . . Through many generations human beliefs will be attaining diviner concep- tions, and the immortal and per- fect model of God's creation will finally be seen as the only true conception of being" ("Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Ed- dy). Education Board Of '28 Is Example The Board of Education, the Borough President, and other of- ficials of 1923-1929, when John Adams High School In Ozone Park was built, have been held up by Leonard E. Scarbrough, president of the Arveme and Hammcl Democratic Association as as examples of long-range thinkers. He thinks they are worthy of emulation by today's olllclais considering the site for the proposed South Queens High School. The former officials, said Scar- brough, chose a site with enough space to allow for any expansion the future could dictate, In ad- dition to sufficient space for athletic facilities and a building and landscaping that even today are hcartwarmlngly beautiful. "They were men of great vis- ion," was the way Scarbrough put it. Education Board Named "On the Board of Education at that time, "Scarsbrough con- tinued, "wero George J. Ryan, president; M. Samuel Stern, vice-president; Margaret McAl- lenan, Christopher C. Mallen- hauer, Ralph R. McKee, Arthur S. Summers, and William J. Weber. The superintendent of schools was William J. CShea; the associate superintendent in charge of building sites, William A. Baylar; and the associate superintendent in charge of high schools, Harold G. Campbell. "It is unfortunate that in this modern time 36 years later Scar- brough went on, that we don't have such leaders, and therefore the South QJuees high school Is becoming a laughing matter. "The Borough of Brooklyn and Manhattan are growing rapidly because of men like Abe Stark; and the only way for us to ad- vance the same way is to stop listening to double talk, start telling our leaders what to do, and stand up and be counted at the polls. Legion Women 272 Name Convention Delegates Mrs. Charles Herndon, presi- dent of the American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 272, was elected at a meeting Monday evening to be a delegate to the state con- vention to be held in Albany July 23-25. Other delegates elected are: Mrs. Michael D'Anna, Mrs. Peter DIResto and Mrs. George Shea. Alternates will be Mrs. Brian Donnelly, Mrs. Edward Mack, [Miss Miriam Mullin and Mrs. Walter Lehmann. Single Fare Battle (Continued from Page 1) many moderate Income families whose breadwinners work in the city. Currently, their cost for subway transportation is at least $3 per week. This is more than 2 per cent of the average weekly salary. If the fare raised to 25 cents, It would cost the Rockaway com- muter an extra dollar a week to travel to and from work. Queens Chamber For Hike At the same time, the Queens Chamber of Commerce, reaffirm- ing its endorsement of a city subway fare hike from 15 to*^5 cents, this month called on State Senate Majority Leader Earl W. Brydges, reportedly championing a fare Increase tied to approval by the Legislature of Mayor Lindsay's tax package, to "guar- antee a subway fare hike only... leaving bus fares at 15 cents." Chamber President Louis D. Laurlno pointed out that a lu- cent subway fare rise would bring to the city "at least an additional $100 million and help to balance the unbalanced bud* get." For legislators who cannot fathom why the city subway fare is still 16 cents and upstate bus transportation costs 25 cents or more, Laurlno pointed out: "We have a 30-cent subway fare right now on the INI) line to the Rock- aways. And we have a combina- tion subway-bus fare of 30 cents and even 45 cents for transpor- tation to many sections of the borough . . . because of Inade- quate subway facilities In Queens . . . To Queens people . . . unless the 10-cent hike Is restricted to subways . . . it could mean an additional financial burden of $2 or even $3 a week . . . POLITICAL POLITICAL POLITICAL EBEN ROGERS SAYS: 'Let The Voters Decide! 9 "There were three candidates from the Rockaways running for the party post of State committeeman. By the court action taken hy Milton Jacobowitz, Henry Waich- aitia' name will not appear on the ballot. Al- though Henry was one of my opponents I deplore the exclusion of his name from the ballot, because I feel that the voters, and not courtroom maneuvers should be the factor which selects our representatives. Actions such as this is an affront to the democratic process." Paid for by the Citizens Committee for Posner, Sheldon, Casey & Rogers COMMUNITY DRIVE FOR BLOOD SPONSOR: Daniel M. O'Connell Post, No. 272, American Legion DATE: Monday, June 20, 1966 TIME: 2 P. M. To 7:30 P. M. PLACE: Daniel M. O'Connell Post Headquarters 301 Beach 92nd Street Rockaway Beach, N. Y. Entire Donation Of Blood to Be Turned Over To Department Of Defense To Be UsedFor Our Service Men In Vietnam i SHELDON ROSENBLATT Past Commander Chairman * CARLO G. DiRESTA Commander JOHN MILZA Commander-Elect ^ ffC GR 1-5205, GR 1*852 till ,K •XUU ; - <: DANIEL M. O'CONNELL POST, No. 272 The cost of this advertisement is donated as a public service fty:« * .• . .*• '. •' AMERICAN LEGKXN FSE OF FROTHEE, INC. 12-29 Broadway, Hewlett » ' ' Jerry Klein, Manager V jig?; ^ SOMERVILLE ARVERNE CIVIC ASSOC. ,,... .. GiiPreth, Pre*. KSift-3? CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE ROCKAWAYS, INC v Ml SHELDON ROSENBLATT, P. C. Daniel M. O'Connell Post DOTTIER GROCERY 302 Beach 87th Street (D & IRV'S LUNCHEONETTE 92-01 Rockaway Beach Boulevard . ROCKAWAY PARK - BELLE HARBOR n E. Jacobowitz, Pres. PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC. May Fetscher, Pres. AMMEL - HOLLAND SEASIDE CIVIC ASSOC. (in Fetscher, Pres. RVERNE CIVIC COUNCIL Inrio Russo, Pres. - FRANK ARCARIO -LIFE ft GEN. INS. NE 4-1185 REGULAR REPUBLICAN ORGANIZATION OF THE ROCKAWAYS _ OBlIS Roslyn Smith, Pres. U. B. of CARPENTERS ft J. of A. LOCAL UNION, No, 853 . ' Carl M. Trotter, Business Agent Roger Porcella, Pros. tiiimimmmmm I j i i • ! .II i «" •«. - ^fStf^XSiS : • • ' . . ••'•*-~---- •• irtiiA iii»i*i ^Ltm ***** ..,..,„. KMM^te tteidMlMM m m mmm Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memories › Newspapers 21 › Rockaway Beach N… · the Denis S. O'Connor Funera Home, 91-05 Beach Channel drive Rockaway Beach. Advertise In The

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories › Newspapers 21 › Rockaway Beach N… · the Denis S. O'Connor Funera Home, 91-05 Beach Channel drive Rockaway Beach. Advertise In The

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* I ' • • —

• • • ' , « I A l >

" •

BROAD CHANNEL mm *" . . . | „u_

A formal reception Into the ————— —

• m


*nd Roasary Society of St 'liu R. C. Church will take

on June 27. A social will ' In the parish hall. Miss

Helen Hetinlnger, president, le In cMrge of arrangements.

Mr. and. Mrs. John F. Tubridy, and Mrs. William J. Wlese,

Mr. and Mrs. William Kimmlns and tf*lr families and Mr. and Mrs, George Gross and their R tSt spent the weekend nt Edge mere House In the Catskllls.

the Rtv. Thomas V. Pord, pas-tor of St. Vlrgillus R. C. Church, Is reported pleased at the atten-dance of the new 5 p.m. mass that will be held every Sunday until further notice.

The Friendship Club of Christ ytertan Church • by-the • Sea

a buffet lunch at a closing Monday night. Meetings

resume in September, but (ttes have been set for several itlngs during the summer, ac­

cording to Harold Myers, presi-

Members of the Christ Presby­terian Church-by-the^Sea parti­cipated In the Anniversary Day parade Thursday with the Rich-/nond Hill Church School Asso­ciation.

A/8c Edward Curren, son of Iff. and Mrs. Charles W. Curren of 210 East Eighth road, a ground radio operator stationci at Bik»xl, Miss., is expected home on leave August 1.

The nominating commltee o Of the Broad Channel Unit 1404 American Legion Auxiliary, wil meet In July to select a slate of officers. Election will take placd In August

S t Vlrgillus Parochial Schoo will hold graduation exercises Saturday following 9 a.m. mass Sister Edward Catherine, eightl grade teacher, has reported that, there will be 44 graduates this term.

The seventh grade class of St Vlrgillus Parochial School will b host to the graduating class a a communion breakfast follow Ing 8 am. mass Tuesday morn ing. Mother Terrence Marie l principal of the school.

A 3c Charles Phillips, jr., SOJ of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips of 208 East Eighth road, is home on .leave from Sheppard Al Force Base in Texas. He will cele brate his 20th birthday on July 2 'and leave July 4 for a three year tour of duty In France.

I l l

Edward P. Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mills of 802 Cross Bay boulevard, will cele­brate his 17th birthday June 25, Edward will enter his senior year at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School In September.

Nancy White of 36 West 16th load celebrated her 14th birth­day Friday. She is a member of the graduating class at St. Vlr­gillus Parochial School.

Marine Private First Class Thomas Mundy returned to his base June 1 after a 20-day fur­lough at home and left June 6 for a year's tour of duty In Ice­land. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mundy of 13-05 Cross Bay boulevard. A family gather­ing helped Thomas celebrate his 18th birthday (June 5) before he left

The Women's Regular Demo­cratic Club of Broad Channel will meet tonight at the club­house on Shad Creek load, ac­cording to an announcement by Mrs. Margaret Gronachan, presi­dent.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clarity have returned from a two-week cruise upstate on their boat, "The Dream Girl."

There will be a Joint meeting of the Men and Women's Groups of the Regular Democratic Club Friday evening at the clubhouse to discuss the coming primary Henry Walchaltis Is president of the club.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gronachan of 2511th road celebrated their 55 th wedding anniversary on Tuesday.

Ray Conley of 11th road Is in serious condition in the Phelps Hospital in Tarrytown, N. Y., af­ter an accident in which a Rhein-gold truck on which he was a helper overturned on hm.

Bresler On Carrier Off Coast Of Vietnam

Fireman Apprentice George B. Bresler, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erich C. Bresler of 430 Beach 136th street, Rockaway Beach, is serving aboard the air­craft carrier USS Intrepid, which launched her first air strikes against Viet Cong targets in South Vietnam last month.

The Intrepid departed her Nor­folk, Va., home port in April to Join the naval forces off the shor­es of Vietnam to provide attack support for ground forces in South Vietnam.

— — — — — — — — —

Children To See Capital Of Nation

Ten mentally handicapped ohil* dren, students at Maimonides Institute in Far Rockaway will see our government In action and visit our national shrines on a trip to Washington, D. C, next Sunday through Wednesday.

According to Rabbi Isaac Maiz­es, MI president, a highlight of the trip will be a luncheon in the Hayhurn House office building on Monday, when the children will be guests of Congressman Ema­nuel Celler and Herbert Tenser, both active supporters of Mai­monides Institute Congress­man Celler is chairman of Its National Sponsors Committee and Congressman Tenzer is chair­man of Its New Development pro­grams.

A visit will be made to the grave of our late President John F. Kennedy in Arlington National Cemetery, where the children will pay tribute to his memory. This field trip is part of the institute's social studies program, designed to help make the children better citizens and self-sustaining, self-respecting members of the com­munity, said Hershel M. Stiskin, director of professional services, who, with Rabbi Maizes and two teachers, will accompany and su­pervise the group.

The children, ranging in age from .11 to 15 years, have achiev­ed enoug to enable them to profit Institute in Far Rockaway, will from the experience, it is felt.

"This is the first time we have embarked upon a program as ambitious as the Washington vi­sit," said Stiskin, "but we are confident that it will be memor­able for the children as well as for Maimonides Institute. If it meets our expectations, we shall schedule similar trips next sem­ester."

TUESDAY IS SUMMER, ROCKAWAY ALL TIMED Our clickety clack is on the

summer track. Summer, the calendar shows

will arrive next Tuesday, but last Sunday without any posted notice nor new printed time­tables, the Rockaway subway trains were shifted to their sum­mer schedule.

The summer schedule provides more direct — non round robin — trains Saturday and Sunday, but leaves weekly timing alone

A spokesman for the Transit Authority said the timetables are late, but at main stations at least will be available today.

IAUL < A A W . KUCKAWAV Li&ACU.^Y,. Y l ^ . . ; _ . . , J w . . . . ; *J, XUbb* I — — — w m i i il ii ' * • . •'» • » ~ •> — . « . —

$75,000 Goal Wins Award

Congregation Shaaray TefUa of For Rockaway recently held a breakfast which raised total of $75-000 among mor« than .100 guest for United Jewish Appeal Irving II. Ross (center) holds his award, Irwin Selvnti, chairman and Kniunuol I azer, congregation president.

Kinzie (Continued from Page 1)

Blum, and was active in the group originated by the late, Father Grogan. He also particip­ated In the "Moms and Pops" shows at St. Francis put on by parents of men In the service during the war.

He is survived by his widow, the former Helen Mulligan, to whom be was wed April 23, 1932, at St. Brendan's R. C. Church In Brooklyn; three sons, Charles E„ jr., John of Brooklyn and Wil­liam of the home address, and a daughter, Mary Jane. Also three grandchildren, Charles E., 3rd, Jeanne Louise and Tracey Kin­zie.

A solemn requiem mass Was celebrated this morning at St. Francis de Sales R. C. Church in Belle Harbor. The Right Rev Msgr. J. Jerome Reddy, pastor was the celebrant. Interment fol lowed at St. Mary's Cemetery li Lawrence under the direction o the Denis S. O'Connor Funera Home, 91-05 Beach Channel drive Rockaway Beach.

Advertise In The Wave '^jk.



I THEME: EVOLUTION "Is the Universe, including

Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?' -r this Is the question explored in the Bible lesson to be present ed at all Christian Science churches this Sunday.

The Golden Text is from C Samuel: "The pillars of the earth arc the Lord's, and he hath set the world upon them."

Opening the lesson-sermon will be Paul's statement in Hebrews: "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

The theme is explained furth­er in references from the Chris­tian Science textbook, including these: "The true theory of the universe, including man, is not in material history but in spiri­tual development . . . Through many generations human beliefs will be attaining diviner concep­tions, and the immortal and per­fect model of God's creation will finally be seen as the only true conception of being" ("Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Ed­dy).

Education Board Of '28 Is Example

The Board of Education, the Borough President, and other of­ficials of 1923-1929, when John Adams High School In Ozone Park was built, have been held up by Leonard E. Scarbrough, president of the Arveme and Hammcl Democratic Association as as examples of long-range thinkers. He thinks they are worthy of emulation by today's olllclais considering the site for the proposed South Queens High School.

The former officials, said Scar­brough, chose a site with enough space to allow for any expansion the future could dictate, In ad­dition to sufficient space for athletic facilities and a building and landscaping that even today are hcartwarmlngly beautiful.

"They were men of great vis­ion," was the way Scarbrough put it.

Education Board Named "On the Board of Education

at that time, "Scarsbrough con­tinued, "wero George J. Ryan, president; M. Samuel Stern, vice-president; Margaret McAl-lenan, Christopher C. Mallen-hauer, Ralph R. McKee, Arthur S. Summers, and William J. Weber. The superintendent of schools was William J. CShea; the associate superintendent in charge of building sites, William A. Baylar; and the associate superintendent in charge of high schools, Harold G. Campbell.

"It is unfortunate that in this modern time 36 years later Scar­brough went on, that we don't have such leaders, and therefore the South QJuees high school Is becoming a laughing matter.

"The Borough of Brooklyn and Manhattan are growing rapidly because of men like Abe Stark; and the only way for us to ad­vance the same way is to stop listening to double talk, start telling our leaders what to do, and stand up and be counted at the polls.

Legion Women 272 Name Convention Delegates

Mrs. Charles Herndon, presi­dent of the American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 272, was elected at a meeting Monday evening to be a delegate to the state con­vention to be held in Albany July 23-25.

Other delegates elected are: Mrs. Michael D'Anna, Mrs. Peter DIResto and Mrs. George Shea. Alternates will be Mrs. Brian

• Donnelly, Mrs. Edward Mack, [Miss Miriam Mullin and Mrs. Walter Lehmann.

Single Fare Battle (Continued from Page 1)

many moderate Income families whose breadwinners work in the city. Currently, their cost for subway transportation is at least $3 per week. This is more than 2 per cent of the average weekly salary.

If the fare raised to 25 cents, It would cost the Rockaway com­muter an extra dollar a week to travel to and from work.

Queens Chamber For Hike At the same time, the Queens

Chamber of Commerce, reaffirm­ing its endorsement of a city subway fare hike from 15 to*^5 cents, this month called on State Senate Majority Leader Earl W. Brydges, reportedly championing a fare Increase tied to approval by the Legislature of Mayor Lindsay's tax package, to "guar­antee a subway fare hike only.. . leaving bus fares at 15 cents."

Chamber President Louis D. Laurlno pointed out that a lu­cent subway fare rise would bring to the city "at least an additional $100 million and help to balance the unbalanced bud* get."

For legislators who cannot fathom why the city subway fare is still 16 cents and upstate bus transportation costs 25 cents or more, Laurlno pointed out: "We have a 30-cent subway fare right now on the INI) line to the Rock-aways. And we have a combina­tion subway-bus fare of 30 cents and even 45 cents for transpor­tation to many sections of the borough . . . because of Inade­quate s u b w a y facilities In Queens . . .

To Queens people . . . unless the 10-cent hike Is restricted to subways . . . it could mean an additional financial burden of $2 or even $3 a week . . .



'Let The Voters Decide!9

"There were three candidates from the

Rockaways running for the party post of

State committeeman. By the court action

taken hy Milton Jacobowitz, Henry Waich-

aitia' name will not appear on the ballot. Al­

though Henry was one of my opponents I

deplore the exclusion of his name from the

ballot, because I feel that the voters, and not

courtroom maneuvers should be the factor

which selects our representatives. Actions

such as this is an affront to the democratic


Paid for by the Citizens Committee for Posner, Sheldon, Casey & Rogers

COMMUNITY DRIVE FOR BLOOD SPONSOR: Daniel M. O'Connell Post, No. 272, American Legion

DATE: Monday, June 20, 1966

TIME: 2 P. M. To 7:30 P. M.

PLACE: Daniel M. O'Connell Post Headquarters 301 Beach 92nd Street Rockaway Beach, N. Y.

Entire Donation Of Blood to Be Turned Over To Department Of Defense To Be UsedFor Our

Service Men In Vietnam i


Past Commander

Chairman *





^ f f C GR 1-5205, GR 1*852 till , K •XUU ;- ™



The cost of this advertisement is donated as a public service fty:« * •

.• .

. * • ' . • '


FSE OF FROTHEE, INC. 12-29 Broadway, Hewlett

» ' ' Jerry Klein, Manager V jig?; ^


• •


v • Ml •

SHELDON ROSENBLATT, P. C. Daniel M. O'Connell Post

DOTTIER GROCERY 302 Beach 87th Street

(D & IRV'S LUNCHEONETTE 92-01 Rockaway Beach Boulevard .

• •


n E. Jacobowitz, Pres.


May Fetscher, Pres. •


• •


• -•



U. B. of CARPENTERS ft J . of A. LOCAL UNION, No, 8 5 3 • . ' •

Carl M. Trotter, Business Agent Roger Porcella, Pros.


• I

• j i i •

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•«. - ^fStf^XSiS : • • ' . .

•• ' •*-~---- •• i r t i i A i i i»i*i ^Ltm *****

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Untitled Document

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
