IED, IN , !E8, % IMS ok, local department . Ot foe Daily T i n s ig now oyerfrdOOi sad is constantly increasing. Oot t fav&tyers uufi ofoer friends will please make •-•--• • Local Items are desired from every town in this coanty W llp p e everything of interest rffit be c o f o n n i^ nnd shall be thankful ' to all oor friends for favors ot thia kind. <O0K PATJUON8 will greatly oblige ns by leaving tlieir orders for A dvkbtjhino, Jo* and Binbbto at our Counting- ' Boomi In the Arcade. * City .subscribers will please notify us promptly of sa y failure of carriers to leave > Ccrresjpondents must understand that we /ty t y nor notice of anonymous communioa- • 1 No charge i s made ior the simple onnonnce- , ment of a death. Five cents per line wilfrbe charged tor each additional line. Trmvelei«> Directory — 'TrainaoftheRome, Watertown and Og- detlaburg Railroad, LKAVX WATEBTOWN— UPFXB DEPOT, For Bo»e$8taftA. S .; 12:03 P. u. ; 4:20 p. s . For Ogdohabnrg, 7iBS a. i l ; 4:20 p. k. ; 8:35 Saturday p. s. IdU TS WATEBTOWN JUNCTION, For Cape Vincent, 7:40 a. h. ; 3:54 p. u .; 8:25 p. u. ABBITE AT WATEBTOWN, From Rome, 7:38 a. II. ; 3:57 p. K .; 8:25 p. S. From Ogdenabnrgh, 11:43 a . h . ; 4:00 pmr ..................... AW V E AT WATEBTOWN JUM0TI0W, From Cape Vincent, 7:25 a . il ; 4:24 p. n. BTAOna LEAVE WATBATOWW, For Clayton, 4:00 a . u. For Guthag* and Xjowviil*, 7:50 A . s . ; 8:57 p. i l For Copen hagen, 7:50 A- IL TM Hail* Arrive and clow at the Watertown Foat Offlce ** follows; . . CIom. Arrive All points Boat*, Cut aad West (exceptlit war) All wotnii 8, end Utlc* W. except T-aoa m AJI point* 8., X. A W.except tJtici D. P. On Ne* fork, dlbaay aad Rite*, Adtau. thioich, 11 80 am LOO pm 145 am tel jus toice i’EES, WES, Cape Vlmceatamd Canada, All pomu Borta, uxieubon, through, Cuytoa. Cartkeg*, via. Charasou, tltwd. Qmt CoptahOML ••caste Hatter, Offloe opera from 7-SO a m t o B p m. daya from 12 to 1. HOpa 8-40p m 1-80am 4*0pm I T-oo • ■ 7 45 a m I LIS pm 4 40pm 7-10 ■ m 4-U) p m 0*80p m 14-00m 7 90am 300pm 7-30*m 4 90pm M0 p m 11*30* ■ 7-30 am 4*30p n 3*0 pm 11*30am Sun JOo» T d Bn- ’oondt bt , 8 :d A. lakm; « oentd raloA; )RIPB > I iEirxt L . t Wet* 1.00 1.25 90 1.00 1.50 “ 85 1.00 1.40 i to .10. ari£ • o m r z.p iit, Cltv mo# County. 7^—' ---- —Vary aildjlrt a wjntar day. —Amu»4ta*nt* * t BroemTiU* to-night. —League o f Friendship me*ting this eve ning* —Connell, ^wyal aad Sal*# Master* *1 MiStaicHtH to-night. —ntrion*and«nytB*Q*viQ*, olOlii ty-mor- raw. —RecitolLejCtat Form**1 Qtaad Open Oo. ftetusity aate-raondayratiuiinpn —Adamapraopleware sew*wh*9 dlrappoint* •d U*t-wvaciwg *>not herring *min*»r*i p*r- fortune*, am th*y expected. ” 7rhn K2Ctoe#t te now Uettrringformigh the 0*aftra(part ta tke State. Hejrill b* iu Syfomaatoa Msenky•▼eateljinaxti —Th* Boewdof Smparrieon have adjonra* ed till Thnredty ointy AR th* bnten*** it «sdd tn be dome, ekoeptfoe disposing of the railroad injunction cane. —Tha Brownvill* dramatic company ar* to | anothacT^nietfoinxrtnt on* wvek Iron ht, op Which vacation they at* io play ker *f Moscow, and Tha Buz- —Thia lorenooo tha front of th* naw bank iM diadnnri.' It pwre* to be th* flneri froat inNpcfoern Kew York $sdh yindow ia oa* qatid pea* of gtyra. IUfe in every re«- pact vfey attractive. BairauT Ceuub JhtyxTM-tha regular monthly aodfer'and/jtek-nyatfD g _.rf the chapol toprfpC 'frto"frisp0» of .foe Paator aad chfoott are f&rdteUy invited from 7 to bait pAat 9 o'clock. A Bio OwrBR.—Mr. O. G. Staples bu offered Mile Nilsson $2,000 to come to Ws. tartovrn sadWstliHhJfhe “Swedish Night engale" will piobab$ reply that she goes nowhere at. half price. Her regular terms 'being $4,000 or $5,000. •Chahoe.—Mr. J. W. Cundall formerly frrijTht agent of foe R.'W. A O. R. R., in this .city iraabont embaiking in foe Boot and Shoe rimiafticlomig bnsincet a t' Put nam, CcnnocWt. $r. Cundall and fam ily depart thiwveniug tor their new home. The best aviihes of thoir many friends go with them. A F shalb T hief .—Yeaterday after noon, wTxilr everyone in Mrs. Hnghes' store was busy waiting on customers, a woman who was examining some hats, about that\im e suddenl/ disappeared, when it was otyetyed th i\i $10 hat had alio dissppeareS^Jeaving weryono to sup pose that they had passed out together. Search wras immediately made, but the hat was not fonnd. Tho woman, is known however, and tho stolen property will in all probability be recovered - T hb P***^—T he Am that was observed on Bfondray evening, ip foe direction of Brownville, and supposed to have boen In foo vicinity of Ives hill, prom to have distance north of Limerick. To find onttif a man 1 karmktir, aukhjmt pleasantly. Go to Washington Hall and hear Josh Ba lings, Tuesday evening next. —rr «•♦»-------- IjAlion’m MmsTBiw.—There was more truth than poetry in the ‘joke’ got off list night by th e mlnstrclB thnt Washington Hall didn t need any gas— the house was ‘light’ enough without it. Fhe amallect audience that has assembled in Watortown for a long timo appeared a t the Hall laat evening, which is something to be wondored at, considering the great popularity of minstrels .generally |i n W atertown, and especially afwo#e$poqhperformance. Despite a sitall hoiuiah however, the com pany was full jof fun j|m<i jnst aHready to oraok a joke or rang a song as though evory seat had been fold Ricirdo, Molntyre, Hamall and Reeve are great favorites and always do tbeir best. The only came of a small house is the over flowing portion o f amusements allotted to Watertown for th e past six weeks. VVe hsve had too muoh of a good thing. **-w- -------- ThiNatbaiHobset.—Josh Billings atya: The hornet iz t red hot child ov natnr, ov sudden hxxpreshtxxis, and a sharp konklnsion. The hometa alwos fltea at short range, and never argy a cute, t^ey tyttle all of thair dis putes hi lotting pieirdatylin fly, and are az eertaii, axxA az jtyxioifo fb hit, az a mole iz. Hornets bniltktltyir nestywherever they tike a noshsn to, ty*. seldom jp*e asked to morn, for whit wonldlB profit a man to mnrdar 99 hornets, rand ha**tthe one hundred one hit hinx with his jivehn? I han't tell you jiat taw a day how long ra hornet kss live, but I kno from eiprarienoa, that every bng, be he hor net or nuobody else, who is mad all the tuna and stings evory good chance he kan git,gen* erally outlives ill ovjhiz nabors. , JM BiDjng* teill qparak his piqeo at-.\fi*b- ing*6n ^ a l l qn iStyatyy' <*v«iiipg; Dae. ti. T h iY . M. 0. A. LEcrrnaz Oodbbe.—Tha YotMg Men's Ohristian Association of thia oity, hive about completed arrangements for a coune of sir lectures and one ooncert dur ing tho ooming Winter. The series will oom- menconezt Wednesday evening, Dec. 7th, by a ooncert by th e famous Mendelshon Quin tette olub of Boston. I t is concealed by the best musical critics, that this . club la com posed of the host mmdcaLMlm of onr conn- try. ^ lecfrirere will ooon ho an te (Marly completed, otfurse duty be hod at tha home « tbe memban of prices of which are aa ■=*— I ‘Sf'fE L lllR A M r Tho names noonctd, as Tiotefaa fdr book itorea snd th e AMomatlon, followi: Baaervad aatfi: Admitttrag gantlaonsn and Udy during $6 OO 8 OO HOMINfi REPORT. A QUESTIONABLE SENATOR WILL GOV. VANCE BE ADMITTED. THE WAR IN EUROPE. ROUT OF THE FRENOH. PARIS NOT SURRENDERED. WASHINGTON RUMORS AND FACTS. THE DARIEN EXPEDITION. Admitting ono panon during course, Ordimry aeati: Admitting gentlemen and lady during oouxaa, 8 00 Admitting ono penon during course, 2 00 Tho \ aanoiition have lammed tha antira raraponiflbility o f providing (or those lectwaa, oonfidoirtly oipracting a liberal support by tha ptzbllo. Tho profit* arra for th e exolnatvs waa of tho AraaocUtlon. —Joah biillnM U ff Vo make good gjaraar inapt, taka oar pehnd of gingdr, itir iE hqif a dona ov Urel^ maps,'do thafn to ft tkojfn, and them took them qg>, or the young ana* will hook tte n . Jo#1 -wfll fie at Waahinyhton Hall orv-Tuoodwy availing next. I ------------------------ j onrmoo. —Wa-tygrit aaripas iilnate of Mr. ft Brigham, tbs Senior propftator of thf^dfttttepr, trafn an fotEokaf typhoid foveU ■■ . —/dah Biltygs iltya : To cur* herring— um Godfrey! KordlaL HABBI8D. MEABNS-MOKBOE—At tho State at H . E. paraomga, by Bar. M D. Kinney, Nov. 80, Hr. Bailey IL Meazns snd Hiss Helen E. IConroa, both o f Rutland. • IBB. RKSIGINE—Nov. 80, Floronco Adell Raagina, ip d 8 month*. MoKINSTR’Y—In Three MUo Bay, Nov. 29, cf scarlet fever, Annie S., daughter of Ghirlsa Nf. tn d Clara B. McKinstry, igad 8 ywtn a n d 8 months an d 22 days. Noox> iv r a n O ae Load , Frink's Goal Yard. Try Aha Oraat Arabian Spices, in lifting Beta. ___________ alOdw&n Tboaa clotr, bright, ‘Sugar Houae Dripa from TSe to ll.25 per gallon, juat tha thing Ear Bnekwhrat Otbsa, at the Watartown Tm ' aad Coffee Item. _______ B29 Splemdid im itn iu n t of Saxony PlaidDreaa Goods jnst received a t Homtiir A Vftnmao'u. Alixandri'* two button Biaok Kida, al ■izM, mi CAMPBELL A FARWELLU into hil 1 exploded, thing, around. It and mahagi W W r l csttlo somotlmc e lamp, which fire to every i eacaped i*fe- get ouha horse or two. 6 Hid dityoaed of his before. AU foe hay, vtp*ta and ne*rly everything else hi tho born wate lost, on vfhich, we upderetand ■fohw irifirf 8m*il inuirepoo. - A'yc.mxg knsbend’a dUesnma, after U r trite had- dtextfoadon tbe bridklnil^t, is foni da- •b* ptnngsd nsdar MOALBOTIOIS, for sale at D. O kkat B deb at Baco Bros., and still great er Inducement* offered this week than ever. Five hundred Overcoat* to be sold ai about two third* of their real worth, snd everything in the line of men’s and boys’ Winter Clo thing t o be etoead o u t at a small advance on actual ooet. Don’t fail to see tho Baoe BToiR this week, it D o. 14 Oourt-et. [nSOdwW Lateat itylea u d fresh goods in Millinary an daily at No. 10 Arcade, L L. HUNTINGTON. Uixa Woam—Ham J xwelbt, A c.—Partio- ular attention paid to Hair Dressing, st No. S Stone at i27d6m' Lnsxni M cMxalae , Koroaeno Oil, the bast in tho market, at thi Wateriown Taaand Ooffee Store. n29 Iffatiee o f lleetlon. O r V I C l O F THB PORTABLE 8T1AH Bl* OfWI AND NIG- ( » .- Watertown, Roy. SO im,—Nofid ta-hwahF ilTOU ttat *n aloctwa af oSmts orali oorporauon wilt ba hold at tha ateco i£S2gS2\Sl^$& ‘% S 2 i& S i TaitRSfeh pOIHH AH® IBB THE LAHGB8T AHD BIST ASSORTMENT OFPOOKET KNIVES and lUoovw, jot aver i**» a t m lM W '. - m am , i J, r.HOPIHW. A (lueallonaMe United States Nenator. Washington 1.—Considerable surprise is expressed here at tbe election of ex-Gov. Vance to the United States Senate by the Legislature of North Carolina, to succeed Senator Abbott. A careful examination of the acts df the 39th and 40th Congress, and o f the first session of the 42d, show that his political disabilities for partici pating in the rebellion, have never been removed, and it is tho general opinion <®»t Congress will certainly refuse to re lieve him now and his admission to the Senate is therefore regarded here by the Republican Senators at very doubtful. It ii supposed that the friends of ex-Gover- nor Vance will urge that he opposed se cession, until the State of North Oarolina went oqt of the Union, and that daring the war ho was elected Governor by the people of that State on s platform oppos ed to the confederation administration. Eis opponents claim, however, that these facts will have little influence on Congress when they also remember, tbat as Govern or of North Carolina, he was a bettor rebel than any man in the South. Boat af tho Freach. Versailles, Nov. 29.—After s recent bat tle, the army of foe Loire retreated in a disorderly manner towards the North, leaving four gnns in their abandoned en trenchment*. The retreat continues. The greater part of foe French army sre routed and they hsve left. Prisoner* increase hourly. The German low is leaa than reported, and will not reach a thousand. Brussels 1.—The French army in the North hss abandoned the project of join ing the army of Loire and U retiring on Lille without even holding Am*. Paris mat SirroalortA. New York, Dae. 1.—The French cable itin worka tairiy westward, bnt up to 9 a . w. today nothing ha* been received confirming tha reported capitulation of Pari*. It ia undoubtedly without foun dation. _________________ Tha BarfamBxpadtUara. Tbis morning the Darien Isthmus sur veying ihip, foe Guard, will leave Brook lyn navy yard, whan sha h u been fitting ont, and proceed to Elite Island, there to take on board har powder. Sha will then proceed on her trip to the Isthmus. On the Pacific aide of tha Isthmn*, the Sagi naw has been detailed for duty. The Hip- lic will communicate between the Guard and Panama, as may be necessary. Tbe ilock of provisions taken on board te a twelve month*’ supply, for a crew of 100 men. Only 18 mariners will ba taken, tho remainder of the ship's company being flrat-clus seamen. The ship will proceed to foe mouth of the river Atrato, to pat ashore the vari ous parties detailed for the survey of a mate for a Ship Canal acroaa the tethmas of Darien- Commander Selfridge, Commanding the expedition, will eail in foe Guard for Atrato, and gat things wall under way be fore be proceeds to the Pacific side to m sugunte foe main work of the expedition. On Tuesday a telegram waa sent to Commander E. P. Lull, at Us borne in Wisconsin, to join foe expedition t t once. The following is s list of officers, seven of whom were with her on ber previous expedition: CouStnitndsr Thoa. A. Self- ridge, commander of the expedition: Com mander E. B. Loll, ewmtnadsy of foe Guard; G. C. Schols, Lieatanaat-commut; der and Executive officer; J. P. Merreil, Master and Navigator; A. Condon, J. T. Sullivan, Alfred Elliott, J. M. Hawlay, Masters; Frank BiscalL, Assistant Pay master; Fussell, acting Assistant Burgeon; R. G. Peck, C. P. Kunbardt, J. L Hunker, T. G. C, Balter, J... g . Bull* Midshipmen; Thoa. Berry, P«y clerk; J. W. Simons. Boatswain. The emhiM comprise foe foHowing names: A. D. Beach, Assistant Burgeon; Dr. G. A. Maack, of Cambridge tlnifsrritj: James Barnes, Civil Engineer; T. Blake, Jr., Astronomer; A. Fohlers, Draughtsman; A»*l<eslte Duval, Assistant Engineer; John Monn, Photographer. The Guard also takes a steam launch, snd three flat-boats fifteen feet long, for ascending shsllow rivers; they are fitted withwheeli nnd can be used on fsreu Acsj* * - WaskUCtaS Waata^ lkEEisra aaS Ovlataraa, Washington, Dae. 1.—I t is rumored that tha Preaidant has aatiladoD J. W. Doughra* to r Gotmnteslotttt of Internal Havanas. His Is st peasant sating in font ospneity. n t % a , roxhusn, whoss Inesrasntion in ths Gavanunant In* sane Azylnm inthis dty a ooupla of months ainos osuaed soma commont, is again at liber ty and threaten* to bring Kit apdastfora partiM wbo were inatrnmantal intteprfring bar of her freedom. It tariported riso* her rsiaas* that her inssnlty Wte ths nsalt of drug* nlnilnistewif by tb s ownsr of tta hotel of which shs wialaaraa,' with tbs' datign «f gottinghw outoffoawtyaadasonriag ooo* tool of the propwty. Hsrhtttep^tts wslfr ktywa-Usteittea ofits^tyiil t gssiir'Edward A. Pollsid, teatt whtei t&i hsl tod fortwoorfoon* tori. Bha has wribiBx l f e K wiftvn few to ’tydweiiteiioaf l id te n lfe iih irp te thn a oomnrittmnowrherei work and prepare legislatiou for the coming seselrion. Gen Sohettek; with a majority of the committee whojxave been hpard from on the subject is opposed to .any jnwtyse of tax on whisky. Schenok has no doubt,, how ever, that a strong offort wiR.be made by the Western whisky ring to have tho tax’inoreas- ed, but he does not think they will have any effeot upon the Honse. With reference to tho rumors which havo been afloat for some time about bolienck be ing offered the mission to England, while he is very reticent about il, he neither denioa nar confirms tlie report. The belief is gen eral among Western members and Senators that Schenok i s the man iixed iipon by the President. SOXJTHZBN TBOUBUSS. The troubles between the btate officials at Montgomery, Ate,, has led to the belief that the President would instruct Belknap to givo orders to the General commanding that de partment to interfere. Inquiry at the War Department fails to obtain any thing justify ing such report. ' The troops now at Montgomery have been there for some time, and it was not intended that any more troop* ahonld be ordered there for the present. The guard recently furnished Governor Smith w u by a local 'commander and with out the sanction ohthe Department comman der, Gecn. Terry, who is temporarily on duty at Washington. A* soon as Gon. Terry heard of the requis ition for troops, he telegraphed different in structions, but the guard had beon furnished before tha imimotions not to furnish it reached thair destination. ■A*1 ing ofPflrliaxnonf., Some ciirrerejpondexit telegraphs the ru mor o f nn early surrender o f Paris. Great excitement is prevailing at the stock, exchairgo, (md men who are discus sing th e effect of th e surrender aro men who ai'c not likely to bo led away by a ca nard. THE MARKETS. N o w York, Doe. 1 .-1 2 no.—Gold opened at ll<>g, and ia now abont 1LOj. Governments Bteady and dull. U .S.O’e . 81 reg. IWjfi (to coup. 113^ U .b. fr-sJU’uart'K-. ilWJ* do coup. 107>£ l/.flS’© &4jcoup. ’Wlifcjg. (J.a.tt's 6-*) 'W old lO tt do IMcwIbbuc^. ..lift1# u.S.i>> A '/I ’61 fcOWUd!*. tiB.tt’e fi.'iicoap. '68109 >4 HMD Etuxmterea.... 10*40 COG jlO IlB . . OQtrczjc; BI icb Kafipona do pre! Caution Cumberland • lOftJtf 6 10 ao AFTERNOON DE8PATGHE8. Western Union *101. Qiucfc-eiJter 4 Factflc Mu! __ 41 Si Boston Weet Power Ost Aduns Kxprcora 64M Wells *& Fargo Kl S* Aa. U n. Bxores*.. 48 U . S. Kxpiou Mid N . Y. Ca ta. H.R N . Y. Ccatrsl, ocrtp 8*^ Eno ................ .... li); Kno, pref.............. 48 Utrlenu 18S (io par. 188 tiuad-ilOK’ Iteadlng ............... 01j; M ich ‘central I Ojtf h S. At M . Bontnem 93 ‘i llltnmi- Ceutmi — 1 5 Clove, ra rittobnre F 5 OUcaKoand N . W . 80 ti loazidV. W. prei 90*4 Clove. tJol.ctncln So NewJ«ny Central 108 Rock Island 111k III. <fc St. Paul fOH do prof 81 ^ tol. Wa. Wooten) 51 do pref. ra Fort Wav&e 04); Alton r a Terre Hante 16 da prof SO Obt»eo* Alton 11S do pref 118 Ohio* Elis. -81- Bootoo Outfit Erll 3V Ool. Ctai, A led. Ul:. 18 CbiauzoBAQnlncj I5( Oes. FEdtebandi SO;; Union Pacific bosdi So Tenn. e'aex eonp... 60)4 da now ......... 58 vtretnlao oa. conp . * Bk Oo S'bmw .................. 6 SlNoailUZM tan A “TIGHT OF TlffwORLD. OoiiUlnuig Fleetwood** -LUO o f Chilet," and"Uv«* ofthe Anostioo. EvanoaUiati an d -Htrtrn" Dodd ridge* 4*|{Tldencea of Chrtollanlty"Hietorv of th* Jaws,*'by Jooephns; “History of all relklona Do- aomlnailono,” wllhtresuoo and table* rolatlne to event* connected wilh Bible Mluory, conlatolne many flno engravlnga. The whole lornmg a com- plete Treaenry of OEnatlan Knowledge; — W. FLINT. 86 B. Biventb Bt, Thli). dl-4w. ^AnuNoTvrwi'iii/ positively tyromoars only , SATURDAY AND MONDAY Drac 3 k 5 I CARL FOB MBS* 3RAND OPERi COMPANY. <1 M O < PQ I mt ■ « to 3 X I I s TS HmllrosM Accident. Hudson, N. Y., Doc. 1.—The First At lantic Express on the Hudson River Rail road that passed thii city at 2 o'clock this morning ran off the track at Livingston, six miles below here in consequence of a misplaced switch. No lives lost, nor any persons seriously injured. The engine and several cars were thrown from the track and badly damaged. The second Atlantic and Chicago ox - press trains are now laid up at the scene of the accident, tnd will have to transfer their passengers. Poughkeepsie,—In the accident et Liv ingston s locomotive and four express can,were wrecked, and the bunkers and platform* o f the passenger can broken.— No one hart. The accident was caused by the switch man being italsep and leaving the switch placed wrong. The train wu running slow at the time. All trains are running regularly again. New York 1.—Arrived, Weier, from Hamburg. Capture or cli* Clara FrleaS. Sharleftorere, P. E. I., Nov. 80.—The case of John Howe, Edward Meeer, John Wetah and Michael McCarthy, were dis posed oi in Court to-dty. They, with five others, who etcspad when the vessel was recaptured, r**cu*d the Clan Friend from the Marshals of ths Admirallty Court st midnight of the 24th. AH parties wen committed until th* January term of th* Supreme Court; bnt were discharged cn bail, which wu at once given hy the owner in $2,000 for him* self, and two suretjea in $1,000 each, and tho men in $200 each ind sureties of $100, A Frew eta Victory. Advices h»re b**o rtemred hero of a battle between the French snd Prussians, et Etrepgny. in which the Prussians were beaten, with severe loss. The French captured tbree officers and * number of cannon end horses, u well u a quantity of smell armi. Tbo Times h u a special from Versailles announcing that negotiations for a con ference aro progrowing. All foe passengers of the Bremen steam ship Union, which recently went uhore off the coast of Scotland, have boen safely landed. Jiew York (Uarkiu. NEW TORK, Deo. L COTTON— Dull, Iti} middling j upland*. FLrOUll—Shade funner. , Receipts, 13,000 brarrok. Sale* 12,000,4 90 $5 IO forSuperfine State axxdWestern; oom mon to ohoioe Extra Slate a 70(S>6 20 oom mon to choioe extra Western 6 70®t) 20; oommon to choioe round hoop Ohio 5 7Q0 6 2 0 . R YE FLOUR—Steady, Sale* 400 barrel* at 4 O0@5 525. WHEAT— Shade Better; qniet. Roceipta 269,000; Hale* 45,000, a t 1 83(g) 1 84 for New Spring, 1 4DFI 42 for Winter, Red and Amber Weatern,’ 1 61 White State. CORN—Ekull. Receipt! 79,000; 8ale* 39,000, a t 78930 (or Mew Mixed Western; 87090 for old do. OATS—Dull, Receipts 75,000; Hale* 5,000, a t I9#61 Western; GO062 for- Ohio. PORK—Qniet Sales 100 bbla, a i 22 OO0S2 50 for new Meara.; 28 2S old do_ LARD—P u ll Bale* 100 tteroM a t for Steam Refined, BTJTTER—.14042. cheese :—i80i® ECKJ8-S2 C O A L -5 0006 OO. WOOL—Qniet. Domeatio flaeoa* 41a52}; unwashed 2£a85; Bulled 38*42. New Advertisements. FOB SALE KVIKYWHSBF, and for Sale Whole.ile only h i tbe Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. P.O. BOX5506 8 Church St, N. TC . uxd rjn Tlsa-ncTAa oiaounai. ni 6w ’B l WEILS’ Carbolic Tablets, In onfBlllcr remedy for ill Bronchial Dtfflcaltles, Bore Throat, Colde, Hoencua. Aithma, Diptheila, Drym«1 ofthe throat, and Catranbal dtautee. The wonderral modem discoveryo f Cubollc Add 1* da* tlnrd to become one ofthe enrateetblawiinto man kind In ita application to dlieaaesof ttae tbroet tnd Jte gyea.tecorattve qoalttlei Ira all affections o t the Caasr add Luass. Dr.WelIs* Carbolic Tablets, beaidee the (treat nmedlal igrant Carbolic Arid con. lngn........................ imlaunr ___________________ modlcinal and bettar adapted for dlKere* of tain other ingredients univerfily _________ which chemically combine, prodneinx a Tablet more receameo.ded, the throat lhan any prepeaatVan bctorecI.redtoUn pnblic. C aution.—Be sure you get 'Wkllb C ab bolic Tablets, dost let other goods . be palmed off on yen in their place. Abba S ureC cke. ’UrfTsoJB. J. Q. KELLOGG. 84Platt St, V. V., Bole irent. BOLD BY DRUGGISTS, dl-tor A WATCH Free fpr ever)body u d thirty dollan per day, tore. Builnnia light and honore&le, No **’'• rnterprlae. Ad’l S. Afmrot Xeniudr, FlRa> bo.». Pa. nl* 4w 8 O ’C L O C K I 14 4* H. ORAP •fastafiag Pir**tor» . The Hanazet hte th* nonor u uiiMmu the* he ! will die. oe Saturday and Hcmdav Kvcunra, Dk :Uand5tb, 1BTU . . TWO amTXD Operatic Perfonnanoes r rf ! Coneiatlns of Belectlon* from tb* laid we ooHizern*’ mwvebbeke, beuuul vi dC., wills tha foil Grand 8tcond Act SreraFT Chumlss Optra, ! BiyyE|^K H -4L*! CARL WIU Iwear as PLUNEItT. a p tn-eNUrabyttolraraatULcci BeroMntvtyiakftatoTa^dsHD MI88 AMELIA BIGNOBA^EOPATBA BAMOATIiSib&a# laBcala, $ * * _______ SIGFOB BOY, fit* F * V ( r fta l.-^ .1r..;r,- ivvv.,*,.?r-* MB. G. V iS GHEL, from the ImpeliaIOp«r* Prlcae of *dnuiiw-W,!d? aad*»v maybe **c*redatCkari*aT Thii Company Perform Tu*acbtyfi<t Furniture. pim innub SETTING UP OLTEBS. Qrtai davin? to t’ossomfin, Parties .nqolre bow to gat apelike. Ovraa*w*r la •end f <r price list u d * club fore wUXaceorap*** It with tell dlrrctloiii,—makloc a lari* utiles to co*. ■nmrni tnd m aw railra tocdabOVEaalievf. The Great American Tea Oe 81 te 88 VESEY-STREET, P. 0. Box SMS. Hew York. •14.4 Y n o. a. * TwxMTT-aaooxo amteioar. V'ocaL & Instnm ental OOlir 0 E R T OF Clauic snd ^Siieellaaieoiu Mulo. Wednesday Eve., Deo. 7th, 31 TH* BOOK AQENFT8 MAKE wu not :en prisoner yester* TaDk af Paaee. The Telegraph says the feeling is be coming universal throughout Englsnd that foe French wsr ii rapiply drawing to » clo*e. The apparent impMfibility cf combining u d conoentesting tha Frendi timxes, will, it ia said, soon compel tho surrender o f Gen. Troohn. Prominent members of the rmnretry ere urging the immidi$te calUagqlf a con vention to eet&tttyltareiAii queetion *md that tt tyttll tiraJ arrange end adapt a peace pohej for HWfcVKi|FriBce. It u reported thi$ipalsdlnes wi only wonndsd, bat 3*r- ------------ « C» lra a $ajla*s.” London, 1.7 a. m ^^batloon. probably from Peria, wu lefapfiidteiast evenxng. over foe English Chtyup^jieiningty try* ing to make a landing on on* of Sitally Islands. A violent' ***t wind prevailed sttho time. and. it w u earned out to a*, and w u uanuastionably lost m ths Atlantic. Farb-11al*ivtll*>A niv *f Ut* Lotri TTmes Vtrsaille* de*p*t«he* of this morning aay*: The acceptance of the Pramiu terms of peace, by the Parii brsnoh of the French Government, will required before tha cs^tutetfon of Chit city vrill be received. ▲boujt one-third of the town of Thxon- ville was destroyed by fire dnnng the bombardment by the Prusdan*. The Amy of the Loin te retreating, Its present position, sad strength u un known. ’■ ■HUS® CaUact ijksat HssUs ln , New York, 1.—A 1st* Ltmfion specul rays: TheOsbmetcomplicationsthlncken upon us, and tha diaolntion tiff foe Min- istry becomee inevitable, ^ to wrignstion of MTersti prouinK t m<aib*rs will he ptobshly, vnnMUced before ths day is over. Granville renririslmmdvibte'ixk hit opinion as to the of t Congress,. « 4 Gortschekoff i don’t admit of this com#: riora N ot for many ytors foe Govwn»i«it b4wnlH»ocritiosl » ritu*»Joo, and s m t Uuristyia*T*iywhewi>«r«ptlble to ibo fpoeifif thsimwtyrcltoiufxsji. & p j A fkA f Otm Mkuviic AriM*: W u. Schultz, "Violin. O ascl Meisel, Violin. Tiiob. S ta n , Viola & Olarflnette, EJ dward Hhntdel, Viols & Fluto, Wtrr.F Fkees, Violiaoffillo. Aiu*£*S by thm dutucwnM veeelut: M jbs Axiuir S. B y A3. Frloes o f AfiUnleelon. nekiti « 71 TX«k«l» tartth W in w t, bats 01.00 Seaim t rasati for ul* at th* Maaie u* Bosk StorM. 08St* MOOrernaratetyMUai: g r e a t , f o r t u n e s Axs Bow n n wxaa xtora; by J . S . M«0*h*,|r. New, Fnah aal ortaJatl. Pxofnrty UlaHraMawi beautifully bound. I t Dow* howra.umr *taKf> muttrnade $40,001,000, bovr a poor trailWnff mllK ewcaaw i f n A tukw , a brate*ra*rawH*U*f .to wreltoterarasb’ ia ramflca.**jteka«i» *mllliooalre tastvaa yvtrtftwW i;ra**y ~ te ^ towasewr eerataaam’hawtivradr^tteet Loc*l A |w t« W ti^d. ’ flfer-tetn •■O, W, ■ratal w riw WfijHif M . « .C 0ii|T «l KM etot-tita stiisaa Ulltetyiemiel ‘ri ■»-; ’ ’ ^ T tiffhnld *- * “■ /* K'1* T 'h tU H V *ftft. 4 * 1*5^525 *! AM®w n n re am ■ nipAw} SUQffiffitteMr: AM®-.’884 v xaaux.aMuaa, 4 Watat ’fef*to",-'$i. BlOHAJronOIMFABXDKI nxniTD ■: . .jDxxxteetaxO’M’ ■ Wiwra BOABM;taVMH®BBt . . j:.r w a a y y »«jtm inR -eejtoty mm. o - teMXITSWAEmBt-VMk \"i “LADIES QF THS w h it s h o u se : t Btandartl*Bd«dM*t'hiMrireU*l*r ......... •r th* .pmldwinT araiiiSFiarak Gnat. KpehtymastMM. Ml *ad tena* tdfcra* taste. B. ItawTrafc, Xhoonepara1)17)4. CoKwtat spnHaaty, New AdYortisementi. t -wiser® Iraainpt* dl4<-l IU. ■B» «r Oiavnw ra taruom ty ntcj -*t4 will w*4 UwnMIsC Fra*. I8.B. a. LBoosrr, n o t ) oity. nj. graLiumii B rum®. BaaiiiM honorable. B* oeapttWa*. Dbarel pay fi-ra. i. WV. KINKY, 8». 4tera^ FM1 41V $10 rAOB r i n «• ekmnr rlbiitrartHtlTrawlsd luradni. orra*nplN*ra*t r*a*iituUano(tUL.K N. Y, P ’iKHXUU IMP] hte of cgaswte, __ PuMtehwr.« OHletoto**: Braoe heir tedrahiralteMratalcf tto IAUK, aril how iHsxe* to ttoffi w i eras rata reshs IIO O p n 3 C O V T K Ira wiBUc. 10.003 Cottas Win bratoW fsj* ta Fannre. «•*} iw ss to wtoiKi to IMWJB B KeCURDr, Fklletajghls, Tat. <l-4w A GIlfW* W M M B J * ' HraUri* W«w. rreh Xota, SeCIBU HXBOBI raBIKTTBS wiiuraie eh* AstBsw • tastowt state, ss* Mtysra sin* hu f t m w m W Jta * Jdlty U* 100.000. WFithottairaUBtetoiwa m ti taara <*• alarm b> orat artlrt, who kora IM*« Uuw ywsn la, ribiiioie nioitytotaiisM ram tw ttrapnlM. A(tsi» * » si M sk s raw s Hf c B B . Tai)rAOo..p«ta'»IB4n,*W»y.lCT) *14 . enm w iitnkw i Sexual Scienc IaelKUx huioora, WoMUkwri satitalrjMitul tkazrtaitlorae, Lov*. Xli )*Wk fSWW .B Sdf P jAo, 8 - JofUr“ «4 w,ypi$c®Uto0.j ratonw. zwatioaax. fuumbss ( xltiTw- fREE t o y s _ ITBTOrABlUS —byDr JotaBJBtik U*#v*to .l«ij| iraj* Pro Les(*(hto torajfKf^ wbois*«t(i«etl*Mbs<w --- ity to ra to dryuyt,Mdtow*.yte T Hta^ir -byDr. ratsiSaj ei^railtoitasW * tr ASUTT 1 ntt.ttagy J^lVB AOB1RV WABfrax) KtlK W om $& ofM $iiT or^ (OrtoulUfhla Ita M su aUr. WM4NMjttretereMta7ta*t*#’-tiMi'i*taiteMsr —-seia*4w iilR I "WuMto _________________ TitinTim^miitinfiiUi BM urM pram r muxmk , vhe r aw W .. ..... ^ 0 rp: Jl et WiM tSTteSSS?^* s * M jtorta of lootatoss. s«nto 04 tomtara* ritotrmBiiitofearaBtynBl': WOOD' ^ ra**r4MA#W «KfsS3*rtf^' ^ DB.»nWCm M t m u « m m M iem D m iir. I tV oWI uVtwWsv:■■$$W W 1PW ~ liwwhirww® $MW ATIBW ft vqft Jttif EtfGtJflHSteT \ r •’RwVt.V.^iii i n r e .i lkZrToaam, jjZ a & id B 3 L J tan* af ‘ : A 7 < k t o t o l t o . 8 b M K :( pwtoW-ctyi, < m iej 17113715

IN, C arbolic T ablets, IMS A - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035540/1870-12-01/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · A W V E AT WATEBTOWN ... Alixandri'* two button Biaok Kida,

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Page 1: IN, C arbolic T ablets, IMS A - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035540/1870-12-01/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · A W V E AT WATEBTOWN ... Alixandri'* two button Biaok Kida,



! E 8 ,%

I M Sok,T»

local department.Ot foe Daily T in s ig now

oyerfrdOOi sad is constantly increasing. Oot t fav&tyers uufi ofoer friends will please make

•-•--• • ■Local Items are desired from every town in

this coanty W llppe everything of interest rffit be co fo n n i^ nnd shall be thankful

' to all oor friends for favors ot thia kind.< O0K PATJUON8 will greatly oblige ns

by leaving tlieir orders for Advkbtjhino, Jo* and Binbbto at our Counting-

' Boomi In the Arcade.* City .subscribers will please notify us

promptly of s a y failure of carriers to leave

> Ccrresjpondents must understand that we / ty ty nor notice of anonymous communioa-

• 1 No charge i s made ior the simple onnonnce- , ment of a death. Five cents per line wilfrbecharged tor each additional line.

Trmvelei«> Directory— 'TrainaoftheRome, Watertown and Og-


For Bo»e$8taftA. S . ; 12:03 P. u. ; 4:20 p. s . For Ogdohabnrg, 7iBS a. i l ; 4:20 p. k. ; 8:35 Saturday p. s .


For Cape Vincent, 7:40 a. h. ; 3:54 p. u . ; 8:25 p. u.


From Rome, 7:38 a. II. ; 3:57 p. K .; 8:25 p. S. From Ogdenabnrgh, 11:43 a. h. ; 4:00 p m r .....................


From Cape Vincent, 7:25 a. il ; 4:24 p. n.BTAOna LE A V E WATBATO WW,

For Clayton, 4:00 a. u. For Guthag* and Xjowviil*, 7:50 A. s . ; 8:57 p. i l For Copen­hagen, 7:50 A- IL

T M Hail*Arrive and clow at the Watertown Foat Offlce ** follows;

. . CIom. ArriveAll points Boat*, Cut aad West(exceptlit war)All wotnii 8, endUtlc*

W. except T-aoa m

AJI point* 8., X. A W. except tJtici D. P. On Ne* fork, dlbaay aad Rite*,

Adtau. thioich,

11 80 amLOO pm 145 am

tel jus



Cape Vlmceat amd Canada,All pomu Borta, uxieubon, through, Cuytoa.Cart keg*, via. Charasou, tltwd.Q m tCoptahOML ••caste Hatter,

Offloe opera from 7-SO am t oBpm. daya from 12 to 1.

H O pa 8-40 p m 1-80am 4*0pm I T-oo • ■ 7 45 a m

I LIS pm 4 40pm 7-10 ■ m 4-U) p m 0*80 p m 14-00 m 7 90am 300pm 7-30*m 4 90pm M0 p m 11*30 * ■ 7-30 am 4*30p n 3*0 pm 11*30 am



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C l t v m o # C o u n t y .7 ^ — '----

—Vary aild jlrt a wjntar day.—Amu»4ta*nt* *t BroemTiU* to-night.—League o f Friendship me*ting this eve­

ning*—Connell, ^wyal aad Sal*# Master* *1

MiStaicHtH to-night.—ntrion*and«nytB*Q*viQ*, olOlii ty-mor-

raw.—RecitolLejCtat Form**1 Qtaad Open Oo.

ftetusity aate-raondayratiuiinpn —Adamapraopleware sew*wh*9 dlrappoint*

•d U*t-wvaciwg *> not herring *min*»r*i p*r- fortune*, am th*y expected.

” 7rhn K 2 C t o e # t t e now Uettrringformigh the 0*aftra(part ta tke State. Hejrill b* iu Syfomaatoa Msenky•▼eateljinaxti

—Th* Boewdof Smparrieon have adjonra* ed till Thnredty ointy AR th* bnten*** it «sdd tn be dome, ekoeptfoe disposing of the railroad injunction cane.

—Tha Brownvill* dramatic company ar* to | anothacT^nietfoinxrtnt on* wvek Iron

ht, op Which vacation they at* io play ker *f Moscow, and Tha Buz-

—Thia lorenooo tha front of th* naw bank iM diadnnri.' It pwre* to be th* flneri froat inNpcfoern Kew York $sdh yindow ia oa* qatid pea* of gtyra. IUfe in every re«- pact vfey attractive.

BairauT Ceuub Jh tyxT M -tha regular monthly aodfer'and/jtek-nyatfD g _ .rf the chapol toprfpC 'frto"frisp0» of .foe Paator aad chfoott are f&rdteUy invited from 7 to bait pAat 9 o'clock.

A Bio OwrBR.—Mr. O. G. Staples bu offered Mile Nilsson $2,000 to come to Ws. tartovrn sadWstliHhJfhe “Swedish Night­engale" will p iobab$ reply that she goes nowhere at. half price. Her regular terms 'being $4,000 or $5,000.

•Chahoe.—Mr. J. W. Cundall formerly frrijTht agent of foe R.'W. A O. R. R., in this .city iraabont embaiking in foe Boot and Shoe rimiafticlomig bnsincet a t ' Put­nam, C cnnocW t. $ r . Cundall and fam­ily depart thiw veniug tor their new home. The best aviihes of thoir many friends go with them. ♦

A Fshalb T hief.—Yeaterday after­noon, wTxilr everyone in Mrs. Hnghes' store was busy waiting on customers, a woman who was examining some hats, about th a t \ im e suddenl/ disappeared, when it w as otyetyed t h i \ i $10 hat had alio dissppeareS^Jeaving weryono to sup­pose that they had passed out together. Search wras immediately made, but the hat was n o t fonnd. Tho woman, is known however, and tho stolen property will in all probability be recovered

- T h b P***^—T h e Am that was observed on Bfondray evening, ip foe direction of Brownville, and supposed to have boen In foo vicinity of Ives hill, p ro m to have

distance north of Limerick.

To find ontt i f a man 1 karmktir, aukhjmt pleasantly.

Go to Washington Hall and hear Josh Ba­lings, Tuesday evening next.

—rr «•♦»--------IjAlion’m MmsTBiw.—There was more

truth than poetry in the ‘joke’ got off list night by th e mlnstrclB thnt Washington Hall didn t need any gas—the house was ‘light’ enough without i t .

Fhe amallect audience that has assembled in Watortown for a long timo appeared a t the Hall laat evening, which is something to be wondored at, considering the great popularity of minstrels .generally | i n W atertown, and especially afwo#e$poqhperformance.

Despite a sitall hoiuiah however, the com­pany was full jof fun j|m<i jnst aH ready to oraok a joke or rang a song as though evory seat had been fold

Ricirdo, Molntyre, Hamall and Reeve are great favorites and always do tbeir best.

The only came of a small house is the over­flowing portion o f amusements allotted to Watertown for th e past six weeks. VVe hsve had too muoh of a good thing.

**-w---------T h iN atbaiH obset.—Josh Billings atya:

The hornet iz t red hot child ov natnr, ov sudden hxxpreshtxxis, and a sharp konklnsion. The hometa alwos fltea at short range, and never argy a cute, t^ey tyttle all of thair dis­putes hi lotting pieirdatylin fly, and are az eertaii, axxA az jtyxioifo fb hit, az a mole iz. Hornets bniltktltyir nestywherever they tike a noshsn to, ty*. seldom jp*e asked to morn, for whit wonldlB profit a man to mnrdar 99 hornets, rand ha**tthe one hundred one hit hinx with his jivehn? I han't tell you jiat taw a day how long ra hornet kss live, but I kno from eiprarienoa, that every bng, be he hor­net or nuobody else, who is mad all the tuna and stings evory good chance he kan git,gen* erally outlives il l ovjhiz nabors. ,

J M BiDjng* teill qparak his piqeo at-.\fi*b- ing*6n a l l qn iStyatyy' <*v«iiipg; Dae. ti.

T hiY . M. 0. A. LEcrrnaz Oodbbe.—Tha YotMg Men's Ohristian Association of thia oity, hive about completed arrangements for a coune of sir lectures and one ooncert dur­ing tho ooming Winter. The series will oom- menconezt Wednesday evening, Dec. 7th, by a ooncert by th e famous Mendelshon Quin­tette olub of Boston. I t is concealed by the best musical critics, that this . club la com­posed of the host mmdcaLMlm of onr conn- try. ^

lecfrirere will ooon ho an­te (Marly completed,

otfurse duty be hod at tha home « tbe memban of

prices of which are aa

■=*— I ‘S f 'f E L lllR A M r

Tho names noonctd, as

Tiotefaa fdr book itorea snd the AMomatlon, followi:Baaervad aatfi:Admitttrag gantlaonsn and Udy during

$6 OO 8 OO




T H E W A R I N E U R O P E .




T H E D A R I E N E X P E D I T I O N .

Admitting ono panon during course,Ordimry aeati:Admitting gentlemen and lady during

oouxaa, 8 00Admitting ono penon during course, 2 00

Tho \ aanoiition have lammed tha antira raraponiflbility o f providing (or those lectwaa, oonfidoirtly oipracting a liberal support by tha ptzbllo. Tho profit* arra for the exolnatvs waa of tho AraaocUtlon.

—Joah biillnM U f f Vo make good gjaraar inapt, taka oar pehnd of gingdr, itir iE hqif a dona ov Urel^ maps,'do thafn to ft tkojfn, and them took them qg>, or the young ana* will hook tte n . Jo#1 -wfll fie at Waahinyhton Hall orv-Tuoodwy availing next.

I ------------------------j onrmoo.

—Wa-tygrit aaripas iilnateof Mr. ft Brigham, tbs Senior propftator of thf^dfttttepr, trafn an fotEokaf typhoid foveU ■■ .

—/dah Biltygs iltya : To cur* herring— um Godfrey! KordlaL

H A B B I8 D .MEABNS-MOKBOE—At tho State a t

H . E. paraomga, by Bar. M D. Kinney, Nov. 80, Hr. Bailey IL Meazns snd Hiss Helen E. IConroa, both o f Rutland.

• I B B .RKSIGINE—Nov. 80, Floronco Adell

R aagina, i p d 8 month*.MoKINSTR’Y—In Three MUo Bay, Nov.

29, cf scarlet fever, Annie S., daughter of Ghirlsa Nf. tn d Clara B. McKinstry, igad 8 ywtn an d 8 months and 22 days.

Noox> iv r a n Oae Load, Frink's Goal Yard.

Try Aha Oraat Arabian Spices, in lifting Beta. ___________ alOdw&n

Tboaa clotr, bright, ‘Sugar Houae Dripa from TSe t o l l .25 per gallon, juat tha thing Ear Bnekwhrat Otbsa, at the Watartown Tm 'aad Coffee Item . _______ B29

Splemdid im itn iun t of Saxony PlaidDreaa Goods jnst received a t

Homtiir A Vftnmao'u.Alixandri'* two button Biaok Kida, al


in to hil 1 exploded, thing, around.It and mahagiW W r lcsttlo somotlmc

e lamp, which fire to every

i eacaped i*fe- get ouha horse or two.

6 Hid dityoaed of his before. AU foe hay,

vtp* ta and ne*rly everything else hi tho b o rn wate lost, on vfhich, we upderetand ■fohw irifirf 8m*il inuirepoo. -

A'yc.mxg knsbend’a dUesnma, after Ur trite had- dtextfoadon tbe bridklnil^t, is foni da-

•b* ptnngsd nsdar

M O A LBO TIO IS,for sale at D.

Okkat Bdeb at Baco Bros., and still great­e r Inducement* offered this week than ever. Five hundred Overcoat* to be sold ai about two third* of their real worth, snd everything in the line of men’s and boys’ Winter Clo­thing to be etoead ou t at a small advance on actual ooet. Don’t fail to see tho Baoe BToiR this week, it D o. 14 Oourt-et. [nSOdwW

Lat eat itylea u d fresh goods in Millinary an daily at No. 10 Arcade,

L L. HUNTINGTON.Uixa Woam—Ham Jxwelbt, Ac.—Partio-

ular attention paid to Hair Dressing, st No. S Stone a t

i27d6m' Lnsxni McMxalae,Koroaeno Oil, the bast in tho market, at

thi Wateriown Taaand Ooffee Store. n29

Iffatiee o f lle e tlo n .O r V I C l O F THB PORTABLE 8T1AH Bl*

OfWI AND NIG- (» .-Watertown, Roy. SO im,—Nofid ta-hwahF ilTOU ttat *n aloctwa af oSmts orali oorporauon wilt ba hold at tha atecoi £ S 2 g S 2 \ S l ^ $ & ‘% S 2 i & S iTaitRSfehpOIHH AH® IB B


and lUoovw, jot aver i**» at

m l M W '.- m a m , • i


A (lueallonaM e United States Nenator.Washington 1.—Considerable surprise

is expressed here at tbe election of ex-Gov. Vance to the United States Senate by the Legislature of North Carolina, to succeed Senator Abbott. A careful examination of the acts df the 39th and 40th Congress, and o f the first session of the 42d, show that his political disabilities for partici­pating in the rebellion, have never been removed, and it is tho general opinion <®»t Congress will certainly refuse to re­lieve him now and his admission to the Senate is therefore regarded here by the Republican Senators at very doubtful. It ii supposed that the friends of ex-Gover- nor Vance will urge that he opposed se­cession, until the State of North Oarolina went oqt of the Union, and that daring the war ho was elected Governor by the people of that State on s platform oppos­ed to the confederation administration. Eis opponents claim, however, that these facts will have little influence on Congress when they also remember, tbat as Govern­or o f North Carolina, he was a bettor rebel than any man in the South.

B o a t a f tho F reach .Versailles, Nov. 29.—After s recent bat­

tle, the army of foe Loire retreated in a disorderly manner towards the North, leaving four gnns in their abandoned en­trenchment*.

T h e r e t r e a t c o n t in u e s .

The greater part of foe French army sre routed and they hsve left. Prisoner* increase hourly.

The German low is leaa than reported, and will not reach a thousand.

Brussels 1.—The French army in the North hss abandoned the project of join­ing the army of Loire and U retiring on Lille without even holding Am*.

P a ris mat S ir ro a lo r tA .New York, Dae. 1.—The French cable

itin worka tairiy westward, bnt up to 9 a. w. today nothing ha* been received confirming tha reported capitulation of Pari*. It ia undoubtedly without foun­dation. _________________

Tha BarfamBxpadtUara.T bis morning the Darien Isthmus sur­

veying ihip, foe Guard, will leave Brook­lyn navy yard, w han sha h u been fitting ont, and proceed to Elite Island, there to take on board har powder. Sha will then proceed on her trip to the Isthmus. On the Pacific aide of tha Isthmn*, the Sagi­naw has been detailed for duty. The Hip- lic will communicate between the Guard and Panama, as may be necessary. Tbe ilock of provisions taken on board te a twelve month*’ supply, for a crew of 100 men. Only 18 mariners will ba taken, tho remainder of the ship's company being flrat-clus seamen.

T he ship will proceed to foe mouth of the river Atrato, to pat ashore the vari­ous parties detailed for the survey of a m ate for a Ship Canal acroaa the tethmas of Darien- - «

Commander Selfridge, Commanding the expedition, will eail in foe Guard for Atrato, and gat things wall under way be­fore be proceeds to the Pacific side to m sugunte foe main work o f the expedition.

On Tuesday a telegram waa sent to Commander E. P. Lull, at U s borne in Wisconsin, to join foe expedition t t once.

The following is s lis t of officers, seven of whom were with her on ber previous expedition: CouStnitndsr Thoa. A. Self-ridge, commander of the expedition: Com­mander E. B. Loll, ewmtnadsy o f foe Guard; G. C. Schols, Lieatanaat-commut; der and Executive officer; J . P . Merreil, Master and Navigator; A. Condon, J. T. Sullivan, Alfred Elliott, J. M. Hawlay, Masters; Frank BiscalL, Assistant Pay­master; Fussell, acting AssistantBurgeon; R. G. Peck, C. P. Kunbardt, J . L Hunker, T . G. C, Balter, J... g . Bull* Midshipmen; Thoa. Berry, P«y clerk; J. W . Simons. Boatswain. The e m h iM comprise foe foHowing names: A. D. Beach, Assistant Burgeon; Dr. G. A. Maack, o f Cambridge tln ifs r r itj: James Barnes, Civil Engineer; T. Blake, Jr., Astronomer; A. Fohlers, Draughtsman; A»*l<eslte Duval, Assistant Engineer; John M onn, Photographer. The Guard also takes a steam launch, snd three flat-boats fifteen feet long, for ascending shsllow rivers; they are fitted withwheeli nnd can b e used on fsreu Acsj* *


W askUCtaS Waata^ lkEEisra aaS Ovlataraa,

Washington, Dae. 1.—I t is rumored that tha Preaidant has aatiladoD J. W. Doughra* to r Gotmnteslotttt of Internal Havanas. His Is s t peasant sating in font ospneity.

n t % a, roxhusn, whoss Inesrasntion in ths Gavanunant In* sane Azylnm in th is dty a ooupla of months ainos osuaed soma common t, is again at liber­ty and threaten* to bring K it apdastfora partiM wbo were inatrnmantal intteprfring bar of her freedom. I t tariported riso* her rsiaas* that her inssnlty Wte ths n sa lt of drug* nlnilnistewif by tb s ownsr of t ta hotel o f which shs wialaaraa,' with tbs' datign «f gottinghw outoffoawtyaadasonriag ooo* tool of the propwty. H s r h t t te p ^ t t s wslfr ktywa-Usteittea o fits^ ty iil t gssiir'Edward A. Pollsid, teatt whtei t&i hsl tod fortw oorfoon* to r i . Bha has wribiBx l f e K w iftvn few to ’tydweiiteiioaf l i d t e n l f e i i h i r p te thn

a oomnrittmnowrherei work and prepare legislatiou for the coming seselrion. Gen Sohettek; with a majority of the committee who jxave been hpard from on the subject is opposed to .any jnwtyse of tax on whisky. Schenok has no doubt,, how­ever, that a strong offort wiR.be made by the Western whisky ring to have tho tax’inoreas- ed, but he does not think they will have any effeot upon the Honse.

With reference to tho rumors which havo been afloat for some time about bolienck be­ing offered the mission to England, while he is very reticent about il, he n e ith e r denioa nar confirms tlie report. T he belief is gen­eral among Western members and Senators that Schenok is the man iixed iipon by the President.

SOXJTHZBN TBOUBUSS.The troubles between the btate officials at

Montgomery, Ate,, has led to the belief that the President would instruct Belknap to givo orders to the General commanding that de­partment to interfere. Inquiry at the War Department fails to obtain any thing justify­ing such report. '

The troops now at Montgomery have been there for some time, and it was not intended that any more troop* ahonld be ordered there for the present.

The guard recently furnished Governor Smith w u by a local 'commander and with­out the sanction oh the Department comman­der, Gecn. Terry, who is temporarily on duty at Washington.

A* soon as Gon. Terry heard of the requis­ition for troops, he telegraphed different in­structions, but the guard had beon furnished before tha imimotions not to furnish it reached thair destination.

■A*1ing ofPflrliaxnonf.,

Some ciirrerejpondexit telegraphs the ru­mor o f nn early surrender o f Paris.

Great excitement is prevailing at the stock, exchairgo, (md men who are discus­sing th e effect of th e surrender aro men who ai'c not likely to bo led away by a ca­nard.

T H E M A R K E T S .

N o w York, Doe. 1 . - 1 2 n o .—G o ld opened at ll<>g, and i a now a b o n t 1LOj.

G o v e rn m e n ts B teady and d u ll.

U.S.O’e . 81 reg. IWjfi(to coup. 113

U.b. fr-sJU’uart'K-. ilWJ* do coup. 107>£

l/.flS’© &4jcoup. ’Wlifcjg.(J.a.tt's 6-*) 'W old lOtt do IMcwIbbuc . ..lift1# u.S.i>> A'/I ’61 fcOWUd!*. tiB.tt’e fi.'iicoap. '68109>4 HMD Etuxmterea....10*40 COG jlOIlB . . OQtrczjc; BIicb Kafipona

do pre! Caution Cumberland

• lOftJtf6



Western Union *101. Qiucfc-eiJter 4Factflc Mu! __41 SiBoston Weet Power OstAduns Kxprcora 64MWells *& Fargo Kl S*Aa. Un. Bxores*.. 48U. S. Kxpiou MidN. Y. Ca t a . H.R N. Y. Ccatrsl, ocrtp 8*^Eno................ .... l i ) ;Kno, pref.............. 48Utrlenu 18S(io par. 188tiuad-ilOK’

Iteadlng............... 01 j;Mich ‘central I Ojtfh S. At M. Bontnem 93 ‘i llltnmi- Ceutmi — 1 5 Clove, ra rittobnre F 5 OUcaKo and N . W . 80 ti loazidV. W. prei 90*4 Clove. tJol.ctncln So New J«ny Central 108 Rock Island 111kIII. <fc St. Paul fOH do prof 81 tol. Wa. Wooten) 51 do pref. raFort Wav&e 04);Alton ra Terre Hante 16

da prof SOObt»eo* Alton 11S do pref 118Ohio* Elis. - 8 1 - Bootoo Outfit Erll 3V Ool. Ctai, A led. Ul:. 18 CbiauzoBAQnlncj I5( Oes. FEdtebandi SO;; Union Pacific bosdi So Tenn. e'aex eonp... 60)4

da now......... 58vtretnlao oa. conp . * BkOo S'b m w .................. 6SlNoailUZM tan

A “TIGHT OF TlffwORLD.OoiiUlnuig Fleetwood** -LUO o f Chilet," and"Uv«* ofthe Anostioo. EvanoaUiati and-Htrtrn" Dodd­ridge* 4*|{Tldencea of Chrtollanlty"Hietorv of th* Jaws,*'by Jooephns; “History of all relklona Do- aomlnailono,” wllhtresuoo and table* rolatlne to event* connected wilh Bible Mluory, conlatolne many flno engravlnga. The whole lornmg a com- plete Treaenry of OEnatlan Knowledge; —

W. FLINT. 86 B. Biventb Bt, Thli). dl-4w.

^ A n u N o T v r w i ' i i i /

p o s i t i v e l y t y r o m o a r s o n l y ,


C A R L F O B M B S*




Imt ■ « to3X

I Is


HmllrosM Accident.Hudson, N . Y., Doc. 1.—The First At­

lantic Express on the Hudson River Rail­road tha t passed th ii city at 2 o'clock this morning ran off the track at Livingston, six miles below here in consequence of a misplaced switch. No lives lost, nor any persons seriously injured. The engine and several cars were thrown from the track and badly damaged.

The second Atlantic and Chicago ox - press trains are now laid up at the scene of the accident, tn d will have to transfer their passengers.

Poughkeepsie,—In the accident et Liv­ingston s locomotive and four express can,were wrecked, and the bunkers and platform* o f the passenger can broken.— No one hart.

The accident was caused by the switch­man being italsep and leaving the switch placed wrong. The train w u running slow a t the time. All trains are running regularly again.

New York 1.—Arrived, Weier, from Hamburg.

C ap tu re or cli* Clara FrleaS.Sharleftorere, P . E. I., Nov. 80.—The

case o f John Howe, Edward Meeer, John Wetah and Michael McCarthy, were d is­posed oi in Court to-dty. They, with five others, who etcspad when the vessel was recaptured, r**cu*d the C lan Friend from the Marshals of th s Admirallty Court st midnight o f the 24th.

AH parties w en committed until th* January term of th * Supreme Court; bnt were discharged cn bail, which w u at once given hy the owner in $2,000 for him* self, and two suretjea in $1,000 each, and tho men in $200 each ind sureties of $100,

A Frew eta V ictory.Advices h»re b**o rtemred hero of a

battle between the French snd Prussians, et Etrepgny. in which th e Prussians were beaten, with severe loss. The French captured tbree officers and * number of cannon end horses, u well u a quantity of smell armi.

Tbo Times h u a special from Versailles announcing that negotiations for a con­ference aro pro growing.

All foe passengers of the Bremen steam­ship Union, which recently went uhore off the coast of Scotland, have boen safely landed.

Jiew Y ork (Uarkiu.NEW TORK, Deo. L

COTTON— Dull, Iti} middling j upland*.FLrOUll—Shade funner.

, Receipts, 13,000 brarrok. Sale* 12,000,4 90 $5 IO for Superfine State axxd Western; oom­mon to ohoioe Extra Slate a 70(S>6 20 oom­mon to choioe extra Western 6 70® t) 20; oommon to choioe round hoop Ohio 5 7Q0 6 2 0 .

R YE FLOUR—Steady, Sale* 400 barrel* at 4 O0@5 525.

WHEAT— Shade Better; qniet.Roceipta 269,000; Hale* 45,000, a t 1 83(g)

1 84 for New Spring, 1 4DFI 42 for Winter, Red and Amber Weatern,’ 1 61 White State.

CORN—Ekull.Receipt! 79,000; 8ale* 39,000, a t 78930

(or Mew Mixed Western; 87090 for old do.OATS—Dull,Receipts 75,000; Hale* 5,000, a t I9#61

Western; GO062 for- Ohio.PORK—QnietSales 100 bbla, a i 22 OO0S2 50 for new

Meara.; 28 2S old do_LARD—P u ll Bale* 100 tteroM a t

for Steam Refined,BTJTTER—.14042.cheese:— i80i®ECKJ8-S2COAL-5 0006 OO.WOOL—Qniet. Domeatio flaeoa* 41a52};

unwashed 2£a85; Bulled 38*42.

N e w A d v e r t i s e m e n t s .

FOB SALE KVIKYWHSBF, and for Sale Whole.ile only h i tbeGreat Atlantic & Pacific Tea C o .P.O. BOX 5506 8 Church St, N. TC.uxd rjn Tlsa-ncTAa oiaounai. ni 6w

’B l W EILS’

C a r b o l i c T a b l e t s ,In onfBlllcr remedy for ill Bronchial Dtfflcaltles, Bore Throat, Colde, Hoencua. Aithma, Diptheila, Drym«1 ofthe throat, and Catranbal dtautee. The wonderral modem discovery of Cubollc Add 1* da* tlnrd to become one ofthe enrateetblawiinto man­kind In ita application to dlieaaesof ttae tbroet tnd Jte gyea.tecorattve qoalttlei Ira all affections ot the Caasr add Luass.

D r .W e l I s * C a r b o l i c T a b l e t s ,beaidee the (treat nmedlal igrant Carbolic Arid con.lngn........................

imlaunr ___________________modlcinal and bettar adapted for dlKere* of

tain other ingredients univerfily _________which chemically combine, prodneinx a Tablet more


the throat lhan any prepeaatVan bctorecI.redtoUn pnblic.Caution.—Be sure you get 'Wkllb C ab

bolic Tablets, dost let other goods . be palmed off on yen in their place.

Abba S ureC cke. ’UrfTsoJB. J. Q. KELLOGG. 84 Platt St, V. V., Bole irent.


A WATCH Free fpr ever)body ud thirty dollan per day, tore. Builnnia light and honore&le, No **’'• rnterprlae. Ad’l S. Afmrot Xeniudr, FlRa> bo.». Pa. nl* 4w

8 O ’ C L O C K I 14 4*

H . O RA P •fastafiag Pir**tor»

. The Hanazet hte th* nonor u uiiMmu the* he ! will die. oe Saturday and Hcmdav Kvcunra, Dk :Uand5tb, 1BTU.

. TWO a m T X D

Operatic Perfonnanoes■ r rf !

Coneiatlns of Belectlon* from tb* la id weooHizern*’ mwvebbeke, beuuul vidC., wills tha foil Grand 8tcond Act SreraFT Chumlss Optra, !

B i y y E | ^ K H - 4 L * !

C A R LWIU I wear as PLUNEItT. ap tn-eNUrabyttolraraatULcciBeroMntvtyiakftatoTa^dsHD


BIGNOBA^EOPATBA BAMOATIiSib&a#laBcala, $ * * _______

SIGFOB BOY, fit* F *V (rfta l.-^ .1r..;r,- ivvv.,*,.?r-* MB. G. V iS GHEL,

from the ImpeliaIOp«r*Prlcae of *dnuiiw-W,!d? aad*»v

maybe **c*redatCkari*aTThii Company Perform Tu*acbtyfi<t

F u r n i t u r e .

p i m i n n u b

S E T T I N G U P OLTEBS. Qrtai davin? to t’ossomfin,Parties .nqolre bow to gat apelike. Ovraa*w*r la •end f <r price list u d * club fore wUXaceorap*** It with tell dlrrctloiii,—makloc a lari* utiles to co*. ■nmrni tnd mawrailra to cdab OVEaalievf.

The Great American Tea Oe81 te 88 VESEY-STREET,

P. 0. Box SMS. Hew York. •14.4Y n o. a.

* T w x M T T - a a o o x o am te io ar .

V'ocaL & Instnmental O O l i r 0 E R T


C la u ic snd ^Siieellaaieoiu Mulo.

W e d n e s d a y E v e . , D e o . 7 t h ,31 TH*

B O O K A Q E N F T 8 M A K E

w u not :en prisoner yester*

TaDk a f Paaee.The Telegraph says the feeling is be­

coming universal throughout Englsnd that foe French wsr ii rapiply drawing to » clo*e. The apparent impMfibility cf combining u d conoentesting tha Frendi timxes, will, it ia said, soon compel tho surrender o f Gen. Troohn.

Prominent members o f the rmnretry ere urging the immidi$te calUagqlf a con­vention to eet&tttyltareiAii queetion *md th a t t t tyttll tiraJ arrange end adapt a peace pohej for H W fcV K i|FriBce.

I t u reported thi$ipalsdlnes wi only wonndsd, b a t 3*r- ------------

« C» lra a $ a jla * s .”London, 1.7 a . m ^ ^ b a tlo o n . probably

from Peria, w u lefapfiidteiast evenxng. over foe English Chtyup^jieiningty try* ing to make a landing on on* of Sitally Islands. A violent' ***t wind prevailed s tth o time. and. i t w u earned out to a * , and w u uanuastionably lost m ths Atlantic.F a rb -1 1 a l* iv tl l* > A n iv *f Ut* L o tri

TTmes Vtrsaille* de*p*t«he* of this morning aay*: The acceptance of theP ram iu terms of peace, by the Parii brsnoh of the French Government, will required before tha cs^tu tetf on of Chit city vrill b e received.

▲boujt one-third of th e town of Thxon- ville was destroyed by fire dnnng the bombardment by the Prusdan*.

The A m y of the L o in te retreating, Its present position, sad strength u un­known. ’■

■HUS® C aU act ijk s a t HssU s l n , New York, 1.—A 1st* Ltmfion specul

rays: TheOsbmetcomplicationsthlncken upon us, and th a diaolntion tiff foe Min- istry becomee inevitable, ^ to wrignstion of MTersti prouinK t m<aib*rs will he ptobshly, vnnMUced before th s day is over. Granville renririslmmdvibte'ixk hit opinion a s to th e o f t Congress,. « 4 Gortschekoff i don’t admit o f this com#: riora N ot for many ytors foe Govwn»i«it b4wnlH»ocritiosl » ritu*»Joo, and s m t Uuristyia*T*iywhewi>«r«ptlble to ibofpoeifif th s im w ty rc lto iu fx s ji. & p

j A fkA f

Otm Mkuviic AriM*:

W u . S c h u ltz , "Violin.

Oascl M e is e l , V io lin .

Tiiob. S t a n , V io la & O larfln e tte ,

EJdward H h n td e l , V io ls & Fluto,

W t r r . F F k e e s , Violiaoffillo.

Aiu*£*S by thm dutucwnM veeelut:

M jbs A x iu ir S . B y A 3.

F r l o e s o f A fiU nleelon.n e k i t i • • « • ‘ 71TX«k«l» tartth W i n w t , b a t s 01.00

Seaimt rasati for ul* at th* Maaie u* Bosk StorM.

08St* MOO rernaratetyMUai:

g r e a t , f o r t u n e s

Axs Bow n n wxaa xtora; by J . S . M«0*h*,|r. New, Fnah aal ortaJatl. Pxofnrty UlaHraMawi beautifully bound. It Dow* howra.umr *taKf> muttrnade $40,001,000, bovr a poor trail Wnff mllK ewcaaw i f n A tu k w , a brate*ra*rawH*U*f .to wreltoterarasb’ ia ramflca.**jteka«i»* mllliooalre tastvaa yvtrtft wWi;ra**y ~

te ^ towasewr eerataaam’hawtivradr^tteet

Loc*l A | w t « W t i^ d .’ flfer-tetn

• ■ O , W,■ratal wriwWfijHif

M . « . C 0 i i | T « lKM etot-tita stiisa a Ulltetyiem iel

‘ri ■»-; ’ ’^ T t i f f h n l d

*- * “■ / * K'1* T 'ht U H V * f t f t . 4 ■

* 1 * 5 ^ 5 2 5 *!AM® w n n re am ■ n ip A w}

SUQffiffitteMr: AM®-.’884 v x a a u x .a M u a a ,

4 Watat ’fef*to",-'$i. BlOHAJronOIMFABXDKI

n x n i T D —■:. .jD x x x tee tax O ’M’ ■Wiwra BO ABM; taVMH®BBt . . j:.r w aayy»«j t m i n R

-ee jto ty mm.o

■ - t e M X I T S W A E m B t - V M k \"i ‘

“LADIES QF THSw h i t s h o u s e :

t Btandartl*Bd«dM*t'hiMrireU*l*r ‘ .........• r th* .pmldwinT araiiiSFiarak Gnat. KpehtymastMM. Ml *ad tena* tdfcra* taste. B.ItawTrafc,

Xhoonepara 1)17)4. CoKwtat spnHaaty,

N e w A d Y o r t i s e m e n t i .

t -w iser®Iraainpt*dl4<-l IU.

■B» «r Oiavnw ra taruom ty ntcj -*t4 will w*4 UwnMIsC Fra*. I8.B. a . LBoosrr, n o t ) oity. n j .

g r a L i u m i i B r u m ® .B a a i i iM honorable. B * oeapttWa*. Dbarel pay fi-ra . i. WV. KINKY, 8». 4tera^ FM1 41V

$ 1 0 rAOB r i n « • e k m n rrlbiit rartHtlT rawlsd

luradni. orra*nplN*ra*tr*a*iituUano(tUL.KN. Y,P ’iKHXUU IMP]

hte of cgaswte, __PuMtehwr.« OHletoto**:

Braoe heir tedrahiralteMratalcf tto IAUK, aril how iHsxe* to ttoffi w i eras rata reshs

I I O O p n 3 C O V T KIra wiBUc. 10.003 C o t ta s W in b r a t o W f s j * ta Fannre. «•*} iw ss to wtoiKi to IMWJB B KeCURDr, Fklletajghls, Tat. <l-4w

A GIlfW* W M M B J * ' HraUri* W«w. rreh Xota, SeCIBU HXBOBI raBIKTTBS

wiiuraie eh* AstBsw • tastowt state, ss* Mtysrasin* hu f t m w m W J t a * J d l t y U* 100.000. WFithottairaUBtetoiwa m ti taara <*• alarm b> orat artlrt, who kora IM*« Uuw ywsn la, r i b i i i o i e n i o i t y t o t a i i s M r a m t wttrapnlM. A(tsi» *» s iMsk s raw s Hf c BB. Tai)rAOo..p«ta'»IB4n,*W»y.lCT) *14

. e n m w i i t n k w i

Sexual SciencIaelKUx huioora, WoMUkwri satitalrjMitul tkazrtaitlorae, Lov*. Xli )*Wk fSWW. B S df P jA o , 8 - JofUr“ «4 w,ypi$c®Uto0.jratonw. zwatioaax. fuumbss ( xltiTw-

fREE to y s _

I T B T O r A B l U S—byDr JotaBJBtik U*#v*to .l«ij| iraj * ProLes(*(hto torajfK f^ wbois *«t(i«etl*Mbs<w- - -i ty t o r a to dryuyt,Mdtow*.yte T H t a ^ i r

-by Dr. ratsiSaj

e i^ ra i l to i ta s W *

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A SU T T 1n tt.ttagy

J^lVB AOB1RV WABfrax) KtlK

W o m $ & o f M $ i i T o r ^( O r t o u l U f h l a I t a M su a U r .


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r ito trm B iiito fe a ra B ty n B l':WOOD' ^

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