Robotics and Autonomous Systems 33 (2000) 179–190 Genetic algorithms using multi-objectives in a multi-agent system q Alain Cardon a , Thierry Galinho b , Jean-Philippe Vacher c,* a LIP6 Paris VI, UPMC, Case 69, 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris VI, France b LIH, Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Logistiques, Quai Frissard, BP 1137, 76063 Le Havre Cedex, France c LIH, Institut Universitaire de Technologie, Place Robert Schuman, BP 4006, 76610 Le Havre, France Received 1 January 1999; received in revised form 1 May 1999; accepted 1 December 1999 Abstract We are interested in a job-shop scheduling problem corresponding to an industrial problem. Gantt diagram’s optimization can be considered as an NP-difficult problem. Determining an optimal solution is almost impossible, but trying to improve the current solution is a way of leading to a better allocation. The goal is to reduce the delay in an existing solution and to obtain better scheduling at the end of the planning. We propose an original solution based on genetic algorithms which allows to determine a set of good heuristics for a given benchmark. From these results, we propose a dynamic model based on the contract-net protocol. This model describes a way to obtain new schedulings with agent negotiations. We implement the agent paradigm on parallel machines. After a description of the problem and the genetic method we used, we present the benchmark calculations that have been performed on an SGI Origin 2000. The interpretation of these is a way to refine heuristics given by our evolution process and a way to constrain our agents based on the contract-net protocol. This dynamic model using agents is a way to simulate the behavior of entities that are going to collaborate to improve the Gantt diagram. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Job-shop scheduling problem; Multi-objective genetic algorithm; Multi-agent system; Contract-net protocol 1. Introduction In the job-shop scheduling problem (JSSP), Gantt diagram’s optimization can be considered as an NP-difficult problem [10]. Determining an optimal solution is almost impossible, but trying to improve the current solution is a way of leading to a better allocation. Multi-agent systems [15] are often used q Expanded version of a talk presented at the Second Interna- tional Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, IMS’98, Sakarya University, Turkey, 6–7 August 1998. * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Cardon), [email protected] (T. Galinho), [email protected] (J.-P. Vacher). for such problems, where a solution exists but is not easily calculable [52–55]. We expect some solution to emerge from such situations, that is the reason why we use them. We use them to simulate the behavior of entities that are going to collaborate to accom- plish actions on the Gantt diagram so as to solve a given economic function. The ideal solution to such a problem is a point where each objective function corresponds to the best (minimum) possible value. We present our JSSP, which is a simplified version of FISIAS [41]. We present some results based on ge- netic algorithms [50], then we present an agent model based on the contract-net protocol to improve a solu- tion corresponding to a Gantt diagram. 0921-8890/00/$ – see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0921-8890(00)00088-9

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Robotics and Autonomous Systems 33 (2000) 179–190

Genetic algorithms using multi-objectivesin a multi-agent systemq

Alain Cardona, Thierry Galinhob, Jean-Philippe Vacherc,∗a LIP6 Paris VI, UPMC, Case 69, 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris VI, France

b LIH, Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Logistiques, Quai Frissard, BP 1137, 76063 Le Havre Cedex, Francec LIH, Institut Universitaire de Technologie, Place Robert Schuman, BP 4006, 76610 Le Havre, France

Received 1 January 1999; received in revised form 1 May 1999; accepted 1 December 1999


We are interested in a job-shop scheduling problem corresponding to an industrial problem. Gantt diagram’s optimizationcan be considered as an NP-difficult problem. Determining an optimal solution is almost impossible, but trying to improvethe current solution is a way of leading to a better allocation. The goal is to reduce the delay in an existing solution and toobtain better scheduling at the end of the planning.

We propose an original solution based on genetic algorithms which allows to determine a set of good heuristics for a givenbenchmark. From these results, we propose a dynamic model based on the contract-net protocol. This model describes a wayto obtain new schedulings with agent negotiations. We implement the agent paradigm on parallel machines.

After a description of the problem and the genetic method we used, we present the benchmark calculations that have beenperformed on an SGI Origin 2000. The interpretation of these is a way to refine heuristics given by our evolution processand a way to constrain our agents based on the contract-net protocol. This dynamic model using agents is a way to simulatethe behavior of entities that are going to collaborate to improve the Gantt diagram. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rightsreserved.

Keywords:Job-shop scheduling problem; Multi-objective genetic algorithm; Multi-agent system; Contract-net protocol

1. Introduction

In the job-shop scheduling problem (JSSP), Ganttdiagram’s optimization can be considered as anNP-difficult problem [10]. Determining an optimalsolution is almost impossible, but trying to improvethe current solution is a way of leading to a betterallocation. Multi-agent systems [15] are often used

q Expanded version of a talk presented at the Second Interna-tional Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, IMS’98,Sakarya University, Turkey, 6–7 August 1998.

∗ Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:[email protected] (A. Cardon),[email protected] (T. Galinho),[email protected] (J.-P. Vacher).

for such problems, where a solution exists but is noteasily calculable [52–55]. We expect some solutionto emerge from such situations, that is the reason whywe use them. We use them to simulate the behaviorof entities that are going to collaborate to accom-plish actions on the Gantt diagram so as to solve agiven economic function. The ideal solution to sucha problem is a point where each objective functioncorresponds to the best (minimum) possible value.

We present our JSSP, which is a simplified versionof FISIAS [41]. We present some results based on ge-netic algorithms [50], then we present an agent modelbased on the contract-net protocol to improve a solu-tion corresponding to a Gantt diagram.

0921-8890/00/$ – see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S0921-8890(00)00088-9

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1.1. Job-shop scheduling problem

Scheduling is an essential function in productionmanagement. It is a difficult problem depending on thenumber of calculations required to obtain a schedul-ing that optimizes the chosen criterion [37]. In addi-tion, there are many scheduling problems and variousapproach methods have been proposed to solve someparts of them. We are going to define our schedulingproblem and describe some existing problems as wellas the constraints that we considered.

Among various definitions of the scheduling prob-lem, we can highlight a common denominator: it is thetask allocation with a minimum cost and in a reason-able time. We are in the field of discontinuous produc-tion with the processing of small and average series.

A scheduling problem exists:• when a set of tasks (jobs) is to be processed;• when this problem can be broken up into tasks

(operations);• when the problem consists in the definition of the

temporal task location and/or the manner to allocatethem to the necessary resources.

Lamy [34] defines the scheduling problem of discon-tinuous production: “The scheduling problem of theproduction consists in manufacturing at the same time,with the same resources, a set of different products.”

Scheduling determines what is going to be made,when, where and with what resources; given a set of

Fig. 1. Graphical interface used for our JSSP.

tasks to accomplish, the scheduling problem consistsin determining what operations have to be executedand in giving dates and resources for these operations.

1.2. Our job-shop scheduling problem

Scheduling and planning are difficult problems[34,37] with a long and varied history in the areasof operational research and artificial intelligence,and they continue to be active research areas. Thescheduling problem, which is subject to precedenceand resource constraints, is an NP-difficult problem[13]. It is thus impossible to obtain an optimal solu-tion satisfying the real time constraint.

So, heuristic algorithms are usually implemented toobtain a “good” solution instead of an optimal one[34,50]. Due to the number of varieties of productionprocesses and the increasing rate of change in oper-ational parameters characterizing the data to be pro-cessed (capacities of the resources, demands, etc.), itis becoming more and more difficult for managementboards to make decisions.

The reason that we have chosen the JSSP withM

machines andN jobs is because it is the most com-plex and the most often considered [10]. To determinethe quality of the solution, a graphical interface hasbeen developed (Fig. 1). For our problem, the goal isthe minimization of delays and advances for all jobsaccording to the “due dates” given by the manager

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according to their objectives. This objective has beenchosen to obtain solutions very rapidly because cal-culations are very numerous with genetic algorithms.Also because it is sufficient to compare these algo-rithms with other methods such as the gradient, thesimulated annealing, etc. Genetic algorithms enable usto obtain a good quality solution quickly and easilycompared to other research techniques [20,26].

2. The selection function

We cannot use the classic selection function like amethod of the roulette wheel, for it is proportional.Indeed, we would take an agent as a specific entitybut without taking into account some exterior pres-sures on the agent: its environment and the system’semergence phenomena. Therefore, the selection func-tion should not only consider the actions of the agent,whether these actions are good or bad, but also thecommunications between agents. We talk about senses(semantic or link). By senses, we mean:• the sense of communication with the other agents

(network links);• the semantics of the communication between two

individuals.Therefore, our crossover process has to take into

account the semantics of communication. But anagent, seen as a structure is a compound entity madeof the following elements: functions of communica-tion, functions of action, functions of behavior alongwith a local genetic patrimony. Just as evolutionaryalgorithms simulate a Darwinian process, MAS cansimulate the evolution of a nucleus or a group and byextension of an organization. A social organizationmay not diversify and evolve by cloning: in all socialorganizations (human or animal), we have a crossoverprocess that tends to preserve the natural inheritancebut also to make it more powerful. Therefore, ourmulti-agent system, by integrating this new conceptof reproduction with crossing, will have to take intoaccount these parameters. To achieve this, we canuse a genetic algorithm switchboard, as defined byHolland [26] or an evolutionary strategy as definedby Bäck [2]. By doing that, each agent (individual)will be characterized by a chain of bits whose lengthwill correspond to a multiple of the number of param-eters. This chain will correspond to a chromosome

[54] that will represent the structure of the agent.Each character (action, behavior and communication)composing the agent will correspond to numericaldata referring to rules database.Ai , Bj and Ck willrefer to an address database. Since knowledge is an“infinite dimension”, due to the fact that an agentonly has limited knowledge of its environment, theformer only has, a priori, finite knowledge. By finiteknowledge, we suppose that it has a finished numberof actions or knowledge available. Especially, at thelevel of rules of action, if one takes the set of place-ment rules described by Pécuchet et al. [41], we haveat mostn rules, therefore by using assignment tech-niques commonly used in electronic and especiallyin the assignment memory, we can reserve a certainnumber of addresses corresponding to rules. There-fore, for a binary rule coding, we can use a coding on10 bits; in this way, it is always possible to increasethe knowledge to the level of our database. Neverthe-less, the size of our chromosome is important in orderto reduce the memory space. We use the coding ofGray. Thus, we can use genetic algorithms on MAS.

3. The mutation function

The mutation will correspond to the change of abit, thus, we can use switchboard operators [17,22].Our constraint at the mutation level, consists in hav-ing a correspondence between the bits string and thedatabase. Thus, by changing the value of one bit,we can introduce a new character. This will have arepercussion on the environment, but especially onits membership to a group. The communications ithas been able to have with other elements of thegroup will, incontestably, be changed. For example,consider that the mutation introduces a certain ag-gressiveness at the agent level, then communicationswith the group are going to change and the groupconsequently, will probably lose some of its socialcohesion. Therefore in order to avoid the too abruptupset of the social balance that can exist between in-dividuals composing a group and the organization it-self, the mutation interventions by genetic algorithmswill need to be weak. Nevertheless, we can considerthat at the beginning of the simulation of the organi-zation, as at the beginning of a civilization, progresswas rapid enough. Therefore, at the beginning, wecan introduce an important number of mutations. We

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will use as distribution for the number of mutation bygeneration, a curve of parameters(α, β)

f : x → β

xαwith β ∈ R+ and α ∈ R+∗. (1)

Thus, by using this type of distribution, we introduce alot of mutations at the beginning of the simulation andfew at the end in order to avoid disrupting the processof evolution by deeply modifying characteristics ofchromosomes, and therefore of individuals. Too manymutations in the systems would inexorably sow theseeds of chaos. We have previously seen a possibledistribution. Nevertheless, by using a Gaussian distri-bution to determine the probability of mutation, wekeep the switchboard of the genetic algorithm [39].

4. The crossover operator

From an historical point of view, genetic algorithms[27] correspond to a random phenomenon, but themain difference compared to a classic random methodis that here, we converge, step by step to an optimum(local or global) in the space of solutions [3]. Thus, weare not subject to chance as we are in the former, totallyrandom method. A first crossing approach would beto consider an agent as a “pie chart” where each slicecorresponds to a character. By randomly choosing twocut points in our agent compared to a referential, wewould exchange two parts to form new individuals.However, a problem arises, as to how do we set ourreferential? We cannot set a permanent referential, be-cause in this case, it supposes to consider an adjustableindividual. So, an agent is an entity that has no facets.An agent is comparable to an individual part of an or-ganization. Nevertheless, it is not possible to describeit as a physical individual (a man). Therefore this firstapproach is interesting but does not give satisfaction.Knowing that not all agents have the same geneticpatrimony, that is to say that they have no equal chro-mosome lengths, and knowing that an agent has nofacets, we can represent it as a toroïdal chain of bits:• This representation does not suppose the interven-

tion of the notion of facets of an agent.• We can cross individuals of different lengths [20].

It is always necessary to define a starting point forour chromosome in order to correctly exchange phe-notypes. Which one do we choose? In our system, anagent is composed of functions of action, knowledge

and behavior, that make a certain number of possi-ble referentials. Therefore, the choice of a referentialwould be a problem, except by randomly choosing it.Among possible functions, what distribution we mustuse? In theory, no distribution is ideal, nevertheless,to continue with this circle scheme, we will use a cir-cle distribution or Gaussian method according to theprobability. Thus, it is possible to set a referential forthe crossing. However, the use of a simple crossingdoes not always give good results. Consequently, theuse of multiple crossings allows us to make a biggermix. We will use the uniform crossover to always haveviable individuals for our representation. However, itis always possible to use the crossovers defined byGoldberg [20] such as the CX, OX and the PMX [38],that always give viable individuals.

5. The fitness function

In our case, it is necessary for us to optimize aGantt diagram [43]. Therefore, the last operation toundertake will have to correspond to the due date mi-nus completion time. It is necessary, therefore to min-imize the delay and the advance of the set of jobs. Theobjective with an advance and a null delay is nearlyimpossible. In a general manner, we allow a certaindelay or advance. When we calculate the fitness of anagent, we determine its impact on the Gantt [46]. Ofcourse for the set of jobs, we can have a delay or aweak advance. Consequently, we no longer have a sin-gle fitness function but many. We have as many objec-tives as we have jobs. Consequently, we have a case of“multi-objective genetic algorithms” [44,45]. For thistype of problem, we will use the basic concepts of themulti-objective optimization problem (MOP) [42].

5.1. Basic concepts and definitions

The fundamental difference between an optimiza-tion having simple or multiple objectives is in the ideaof the definition of an optimal solution. The idea ofoptimality in the multi-objective case is a natural ex-tension of what we have during an optimization for aunique objective.

An MOP can be defined as follows:

MOP: minx∈X

f (x),

where f (x) = (f1(x), . . . , fn(x)) (2)

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is a vector ofn real values coming from objectivefunctions,x is a vector ofn variables of decision and

X = {x| x ∈ Rm, gk(x) 6 0,

k = 1, . . . , m, and x ∈ S} (3)

is a set of possible solutions.gk is a real function valuerepresenting thekth constraint andS is a subset ofR

m representing all the other forms of constraints. Theideal solution to such a problem is a point where eachobjective function corresponds to the best (minimum)possible value. The ideal solution in most cases, doesnot exist in view of contradictory objective functionsand hence compromises have to be made. A differ-ent concept of optimality has to be introduced. Solv-ing an MOP generally requires the identification ofPareto optimal solutions [33], a concept introduced byV. Pareto, a prominent Italian economist at the end ofthe last century. A solution is said to be Pareto opti-mal, or nondominated, if starting from that point inthe design space, the value of any of the objectivefunctions cannot be improved without deteriorating atleast one of the others. All potential solutions to theMOP can thus be classified into dominated and non-dominated (Pareto optimal) solutions, and the set ofnondominated solutions to an MOP is called Paretofront. The first and most important step in solving anMOP is to find this set or a representative subset. Af-terwards the decision maker’s preference may be ap-plied to choose the best compromise solution fromthe generated set. The natural ordering of vector val-ued quantities is basic for Pareto optimality. To definethe notion of domination, letf = (f1, . . . , fn) andg = (g1, . . . , gm) be two real-valued vectors ofn ele-ments:f is partially smaller thang if: ∀i ∈ 1, . . . , n

and∀k ∈ 1, . . . , m, fi ≤ gk and∃i|fi ≤ gk, we notef <p g. If f <p g, we say thatf dominatesg. Con-sequently, a feasible solutionx∗ is said to be a Paretooptimal of the problem if and only if anotherx ∈ X

does not exist such thatf (x) <p f (x∗).

6. Development of Pareto optimal solutions

Two different strategies are effective in generatingPareto optimal solutions [12,16]. In the first strategy,an appropriate scalar optimization problem (SOP) [42]is set-up in parametric form, so that the solution to the

SOP with given values of the parameters, under cer-tain conditions, belongs to the Pareto front; changingthe parameters of the SOP leads the solution to moveon the front. In the second one, the MOP is solvedwith a direct approach using the dominance criteria,so that a set of Pareto optimal solutions is developedsimultaneously. The main advantage of the first strat-egy is that SOPs are generally, very well-studied prob-lems and many efficient methods are available to solvethem.

6.1. Equivalent SOP 1: The weighting approach

Following the weighting approach [16], theMOP [42] is made to correspond to the followingparametrized SOP:

P(w) : minx∈X

wTf (x) =n∑


wjfj (x), (4)


w ∈ W =w|w ∈ Rn, wj (x) > 0,

j = 1, . . . , n andn∑


wj = 1



the correspondence between the MOP and the SOP issubject to some rules. Ifx0 is an optimal solution ofP(w0), then it is also Pareto optimal if one of the twofollowing conditions is verified:• x0 is the unique optimal solution toP(w0);• w0 is strictly positive.

This implies that at least some Pareto optimal so-lutions can be generated by solvingP(w) for someproperly chosenw, without any hypothesis on the con-vexity of X and f (X). Instead, some convexity hy-potheses are a necessity condition. Therefore, if bothX andf (X) are convex, then for any given Pareto op-timal solution,x∗, it is possible to find a weight vectorw, not necessarily unique, such thatx∗ is a solution toP(w). Therefore, when these convexity assumptionsare verified, all Pareto optimal solutions can, in the-ory, be found by varyingw and solvingP(w), whileif they are not verified, some Pareto optimal solutionsmay never be discovered by this procedure.

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6.2. Equivalent SOP 2: The constraint approach

The constraint approach [16,19] is based on the fol-lowing parametrized minimum problem:

Pk(ε) : minx∈X

fk(x), (6)

subject tofj (x) ≤ εj , j = 1, . . . , n andj 6= k, whereε = (ε1, . . . , εn)

T ∈ Rn is the vector of parameters.The main advantage of this approach is that convex-ity assumptions are not required. Therefore all Paretooptimal solutions can always be discovered by solv-ing the constraint problemPk(ε) for anyk. The corre-spondence between the MOP and the SOP is subjectto the following rules.

If x0 is an optimal solution ofPk(ε0) with ε0 a vec-

tor for whichPk(ε0) is feasible, thenx0 is a nondomi-

nated solution of the MOP, if one of the two followingconditions occurs:• x0 is a unique solution ofPk(ε

0) for some givenkbetween 1 andn.

• x0 is not unique, but solvesPk(ε0) for each and

everyk = 1, . . . , n.On the contrary, ifx∗ is a nondominated solution ofthe MOP, anε∗ can always be found such thatx∗is the optimal solution ofPk(ε

∗) for each and everyk = 1, . . . , n. In fact, this condition is verified whenεi = fi(x

∗) for all i = 1, . . . , n with i 6= k.

6.3. Results from the genetic algorithm

From our object modelization, a genetic algorithmusing the placing method has been developed [24,47].This program uses the C++ language in order to useit on an SGI Origin 2000. Here are some benchmarks(see Table 1).

As the computational time depends on the com-puter loading, this real time does not correspond to

Table 1Benchmark results

Number of Number of Number of Calculationjobs operations machines time

10 10 4 50 s50 5 4 9 min, 53 s50 10 4 14 min, 27 s

100 10 10 40 min, 58 s500 100 50 2 h, 24 min, 7 s

Fig. 2. Data extraction software.

Fig. 3. Tardiness as a function of the number of generations.

the CPU time (Fig. 2). We can then determine heuris-tics [8,9,24], to use with our dynamic model basedon the contract-net protocol [40,48]. Another resultcoming from the simulation process is a set of graphsgiving the tardiness and the advance as a function ofthe number of generations. We can see that the delaydecreases rapidly. But it is not necessary to increasethe number of generations to obtain a better result(Fig. 3).

6.4. Problems encountered

In our problem, the first level of modelization wasa static model. It does not take into account the factthat we have interactions between machines and jobs.A job can be done only if the resource is free.

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On the other hand, the static model does not in-clude the possible interaction between the workshopand the environment such as a strike, a machine failure,etc.

In the static model, the placing obtained gives asolution corresponding to the schedule of all jobs.But, by negotiations, the schedule can be built step bystep. For example, if a job arrives too soon, the delaycorresponding to the tardiness increases. Therefore,if we can change the schedule during the calculationprocess, we can improve the tardiness. It is one of oureconomic functions.

7. Actions on the Gantt diagram

The JSSP does not admit a computable solution, sothe use of multi-agent systems for the solving of sucha problem seems reasonable [23]. Multi-agent systemresearch is concerned with the behavior of a set ofagents that cooperate in order to solve a problem [31].In a multi-agent system (MAS) [11], the agents areseen as little problem solvers that cooperatively workin order to solve a problem [58] far beyond their in-dividual abilities [13]. Here, we consider an agent asan entity with goals, actions to accomplish and areasof knowledge, which is situated in its environment[56]. Therefore, because of the knowledge of agents,rules of actions, etc., the MAS will have, for princi-pal objective, to group agents having similar behavior[49] to elaborate strategies to the jobs level, jobs ofjobs, machines, machines of machines, etc. Indeed,the problem of conflicts between agents is a majorconcern in MAS research [4,30–32]. The objectiveof the MAS is to improve the Gantt diagram [35,36],therefore it leads us to establish the notion of groupcorresponding to elementary entities having com-mon grinds and physical sameness (same capacity ofmachine, etc.) or interdependence.

We will use the notion of zone for the roundup ofentities on the Gantt diagram, while we will speakabout the notion of group for the roundup of entitiesof similar or close nature. Since agents have to in-tervene on groups and elementary entities, the MASwill then be composed of micro- and meta-agents. Itis therefore important for this evolution, to introduceagents having an evolving character: the meta-agentsof evolution. These meta-agents’ function will beto make this organization evolve by means of a

genetic algorithm establishing a sexual reproductionof agents. It is interesting to note that, traditionally,agents only clone themselves. But here, we use a ge-netic algorithm for the physical evolution of the agents[28,29]. In the course of the evolution, different agentgranularities appear. We have therefore micro andmeta-agents that are going to intervene, according totheir granularity, on an entity or a group, by passingthrough intermediate levels. Thus, agents having ameta-knowledge are going to be able to intervene onthe macro-entities (groups) as well as on some zonesof the Gantt diagram. Thus, there is a distributed agentsystem being able to mutate and hosting agents ableto achieve a crossover based reproduction betweenthem.

8. A contract net based approach

The contract net is a protocol for the resolution ofdistributed problem, defined by Smith [48]. The mainobjective of this protocol being the negotiation, it pro-ceeds by allocation of tasks to a set of problem solversand uses the concept of negotiation to grant contracts.The basic architecture contains nodes having a chiefand carrying roles [7].

8.1. The contract-net procotol

Contract-net based systems represent a conceptthat can be used to establish mechanisms of cooper-ation between agents [6]. A contract net consists ofa number of nodes that are represented by individ-ual agents. By analogy to a sale session, suspendedsub-tasks are openly proposed to auctions to whicheach node can reply according to the interest that ithas for this sub-task. The stage of task attribution rep-resents a process in which all the nodes (agents) areassociated. The idea is to use the available resourcesand the existing knowledge of agents as efficientlyas possible [51]; that is to say by allocation of onesub-task to the agent which is the most apt to operateat a given moment. The contract-net protocol formsthe skeleton of our system. It is defined by a lan-guage between the nodes that can be understood bythe set of agents. The communication between agentsis always based on the notion of an “acceptancemessage”. This specificity defines the exact role of anagent.

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8.2. The different types of agents

The local database contains the basic knowledge ofthe associated nodes and also information on the pro-gression state of the cooperative negotiation as wellas the state of the resolution process [57]. The task ofthe communication manager is to establish commu-nications with other agents. It is the unique compo-nent of a node that is in direct relationship with thesystem. Especially, it ensures the reception and sendsmessages.

The contract manager’s job is to examine the“auctioned” task, the compliance with the contractand its ending. In other words, the contract managerensures the coordination of all agents [14]. The taskadministrator is responsible for the progress made ina process and the results of a task assigned to a givenagent. It receives the problem that needs to be solvedfrom the contract manager. It uses the local databasein order to find a solution and gives it back to thecontract manager.

The job of a contract-net based system often beginswith a problem division stage [15]. After that, the prob-lem to be solved is divided into a set of sub-problems[25]. A special agent, the manager, assigns tasks to asub-problem. The manager issues a public offer, calleda contract for each sub-problem to be solved accord-ing to the scheme defined by Smith [48].

Because of the distributed nature of the problem,we chose an agent based modelization, a simplifiedversion of FISIAS [41]. The different elements of theenvironment (the universe) can be the machines (andgroups of machines), the jobs (and groups of jobs),the Gantt diagram (an attribute) and distributor agentof jobs (DAJ) (Fig. 4). Universe elements are the“objects” that can receive or send data to agents.

Machines can be seen as agents whose task is toperform the job operation at a given time. However,the machine can also be seen as a purely reactive agent,which, according to the job, can reply: “I can do it ornot” (Fig. 5).

Then, we can use the contract net (Fig. 6) definedby Smith [48], whose manager, the DAJ, will proposethe allocation of a job to a machine through the use ofa negotiation agent delegated for this job (NA). Ac-cording to the information given by a machine, the NAwill establish a contract between a machine Mi andthe DAJ [5]. But the DAJ can always propose a job to

Fig. 4. Representation of the universe.

several machines to create some competition betweenmachine agents. However, the DAJ can break this con-tract at any time if the agent is unable to comply withthe contract.

Fig. 5. First representation of the contract net.

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Fig. 6. Representation of the contract-net protocol in an agent.

A machine can accept many contracts correspond-ing to the same job, but negotiated by different NAswhich have different strategies. Then, the contractideology is “the strongest wins” since a contract canbe broken by both partners [21]. However, we canpropose two types of agents: a forward placing anda backward placing agent. Moreover, there are someworkshop constraints since, we have generic ma-chines, groups of machines and specialized machines.We can consider that we have “group of machines”agents which will propose the different jobs to the

Fig. 7. Contract-net structure between the different level represen-tations.

machines they represent. At this level, we can operatea parallel computation on the machines and so, on theGantt diagram (Fig. 7). Nevertheless, for the moment,we consider that the DAJ can only process one job.An intermediate agent in charge of choosing the num-ber of jobs can be proposed. Results correspondingto this approach are given in the following diagram(Fig. 8) which gives the value of the economic func-tion (minimization of the tardiness and the advance)according to the number of agents and the number ofgenetic operations used by agents.

9. Going deeply into the relationships of GA andMAS

The use of GA in MAS is the beginning of what canbe an interesting research area. There are clearly twokinds of approaches, the first is centralized, in otherwords, some of the genetic is outside the agent. Thefunction of selection is a good example of such featureout-of-the-agent [18,55].

However, we believe that if one wants to completelymerge the GA and MAS (Fig. 9), we must make theagent a completely autonomous genetic entity. By this,we mean that not only the genetic patrimony mustbe “onboard” but also the functions of selection andcrossing. An agent must choose which other agentit wants to reproduce with [55]. The location of thefunction of mutation is not clearly known since it is

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Fig. 8. Evolution of the economic function according to the number of agents and the number of genetic operations.

Fig. 9. MAS and GA in the environment.

caused by the possible exposure to external eventsoriginating in the environment and during the geneticcode replication phase.

If we also introduce the notion of motivated be-havior for agents [5], we go deeply into artificial lifeproblematics. The genetic autonomy and the notionof motivation for an agent may lead to a drasticallynew kind of emergence phenomenon [1] (different so-cial behavior, auto-referring evaluation process, etc.)in self-organizing MASs. It is certainly a difficult taskbut it may sow the seeds of a prolific approach con-cerning artificial life.

10. Conclusion

Determining an optimal solution is almost impos-sible, but trying to improve an existing solution is theway to improve task allocation. During the simulationprocess, agents granularity appears with the mutationbehavior introduced by GA [38]. At the end of thesimulation, communications between global and local

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agents, due to their actions, lead to the appearance ofagents of intermediate granularity and general opti-mization in production scheduling. This communica-tion reflects the genetic integration in an MAS. Thedistributed vision of a scheduling problem of job-shopenables us to reach a more realistic vision becauseeach agent has a vision of its environment. That isto say that each is capable of reacting to a particularproblem just like a foreman in his workshop. He isgoing to react immediately following the breakdownof a machine. Similarly, he is going to take decisions,as agents, that are going to have a repercussion onthe environment. Consequently, the representation byan MAS using a contract net is a close vision of re-ality that can be easily transferred to an industrialorganization.

Research corresponding to our original dynamic ap-proach is in progress.


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