Club No. 858173 Division C, District 82 To begin with, Happy New Year to all of you. I hope that the new year will bring in lots of happiness for you. The last month of the year 2009 is over, marking an end of the amazing 6 months term. In this edition we have the story telling workshop covered. If the words were not enough, we have a few images as well. More over we have an interview with a computer engineer who is working for an Economic Development firm. And, we also have the Winners for the month. Comments, suggestions and contributions are all welcome… Well, you can send them to Aniket. He is the next VP - Public Relations. Ciao! News Digest President Speaks Its been six months since we were elected to be the executive committee of JPKU Toastmasters Club and beforePage2 Some action from the Workshop Watch all the fun delegates had in the Story Tell- ing workshop conducted by Delhi Advanced Toastmasters club... Page4 Don’t tell them, show them - Story Telling Workshop New Delhi: 5 th December 2009. It was the day when many of the toastmasters from Delhi and NCR re- gion went roaming… Page3 Newsletter of the JPKU Toastmasters Club, New Delhi Vol. 2, Issue 6; December 2009 Know Thy Toastmaster Read about this computer science engineer who wants to be asked by the Prime minister to run this country on his/her behalf… Page6 Best of the Month After a fun filled month of December, see who all got the members entertained and were voted better than others… Page8 Malkiat S. Bindra Chief Editor From The Editors’ Desk Aniket Bose Assistant Newsletter Editor Hyde Park Read about the ideas which will make the club meetings even more interesting… Page7 Relativity Simplified—Article Read about the fascinations of a geek who lives and also studies across the road on the IIT campus… Page5

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Club No. 858173

Division C, District 82

To begin with, Happy New Year to all of you. I hope that the new year will bring in

lots of happiness for you. The last month of the year 2009 is over, marking an end of

the amazing 6 months term.

In this edition we have the story telling workshop covered. If the words were not

enough, we have a few images as well.

More over we have an interview with a computer engineer who is working for an

Economic Development firm.

And, we also have the Winners for the month.

Comments, suggestions and contributions are all welcome… Well, you can send

them to Aniket. He is the next VP - Public Relations.


News Digest

President Speaks Its been six months since we were elected to be

the executive committee of JPKU Toastmasters

Club and before… Page2

Some action from the Workshop Watch all the fun delegates had in the Story Tell-

ing workshop conducted by Delhi

Advanced Toastmasters club... Page4

Don’t tell them, show them - Story Telling

Workshop New Delhi: 5th December 2009. It was the day when

many of the toastmasters from Delhi and NCR re-

gion went roaming… Page3

Newsletter of the JPKU Toastmasters Club, New Delhi

Vol. 2, Issue 6; December 2009

Know Thy Toastmaster

Read about this computer science engineer

who wants to be asked by the Prime minister

to run this country on his/her behalf… Page6

Best of the Month

After a fun filled month of December, see

who all got the members entertained and were

voted better than others… Page8

Malkiat S. Bindra

Chief Editor

From The Editors’ Desk

Aniket Bose

Assistant Newsletter Editor

Hyde Park

Read about the ideas which will make the

club meetings even more interesting… Page7

Relativity Simplified—Article

Read about the fascinations of a geek who

lives and also studies across the road on the

IIT campus… Page5

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"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower " - Steve Jobs.

President Speaks

Dear Toastmasters,

Its been six months since we were elected to be the executive committee of JPKU

Toastmasters Club and before we realized, it is now the time for us to step down and let

the charming and ever so enthusiastic team of leaders to take us forward in the coming

six months. Manoj Kumar as President and his team, Malkiat S. Bindra as VP- Educa-

tion, VP- Membership Nikhil Sheth, VP- Public Relations Aniket Bose, Chandani Ka-

pur - Secretary, Neha Kapoor - treasurer and last but not the least Ritu Arora as Ser-

geant at arms, will all take us forward, with their determination, which we have seen a

glimpse of in the past.

It has been fantastic 6 month term! From Area contest to Division Contest to becoming

one of the first few clubs to grab the Golden Gavel. JPKU truly made its presence felt!

I would like to use this medium as an opportunity to thank my team for having been so

efficient. It was indeed an honor to work with all of them! And a special round of

thanks to our members who elected us and believed in us and were always there with


I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome the newest members - Wilkim

Lee and Ankit Aggarwal to the club.

I hope and pray that there is no looking back for this club and we stay "Always Ahead"


Shraddha Nakra

President’s Opening Note 2 Images - JPKU

December’09 Edition

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“We improve ourselves by victory over ourself. There must be contests and you must Win. ” - Edward Gibbon.

In Our Locality 3 Images - JPKU

December’09 Edition

Don’t Tell Them, Show Them - Story Telling Workshop

By Malkiat Bindra

New Delhi: 5th December 2009. It was the day when many of the toastmasters from Delhi and

NCR region went roaming, played cricket, went swimming at our normal venue – Vivekananda


It was a beautiful day and there was Story Telling workshop organized by the Delhi Advanced

Toastmasters Club (DATC). The Workshop was to be conducted by DTM Paul Holmes and eve-

ryone was invited. To our club’s despair, only 2 members of our club, Nikhil Sheth and myself,

and Ritu (President of DATC) attended the workshop. But that didn’t discourage them.

The workshop had 2 speakers presenting their stories and then the master story teller, Paul

Holmes, providing them suggestions on how to improve. And believe me; Paul had a bag full of

methods to improve them. Not just them, but anyone who wants to presents a story.

Vinay presented his story – a Real Life Experience. It was about his journey from the place

where he lived to the CA Examination hall and all that he had to go through. From last minute

studies to an accident. From his head banging into the rod of Auto to his friend having a feeling

of going blind. It had everything. When Vinay was done with his touching speech, Paul took


Paul had many interesting points to improve Vinay's speech. To begin with, he told how to pre-

sent the conversation when you have 2 different characters. This is the way Paul emphasized on

"Don't Tell Them, Show Them!". Paul also had other points to improve the speaker’s story tell-

ing abilities. When they were incorporated into the speech by the speaker, Vinay Jain, the story

he had to share felt like happening in front of the audience and was highly appreciated by all.

This was a great example of how Effective story telling can bring vivid imagery into the words.

Paul surely knows how to make stories work.

When Paul was over with the Suggestions for Vinay, we had a 5 minutes tea break. Paul

stressed on the fact that we only had 5 minutes of free time. But that didn’t make the toastmas-

ters present there, shorten their Social Networking time.

The tea break had Brownies, Sandwiches, coffee, etc. which made the tea break much longer than

just 5 minutes.

When the networking/tea break ended, we had the next speaker, Nitish, ready. He had his

experience to share from the Teachers day in high school.

This was the year when Nitish was in the senior most year of school and he was allowed to wear

Civilian clothes on Teachers Day. So, he had his shirt from Malaysia earmarked for this occasion.

The humorous story goes on with him wearing the shirt and how he faced problems due to it and

got beaten up by the end of the day. After this incidence, he pledged that he would never wear

that shirt again.

After Nitish was over with his Humorous speech, Paul came on stage and presented his ideas on

the shirt... No, no no… wait... on the speech.

Paul here also had many ideas to improve the speech which came on perfectly.

Paul demonstrated to all how having cross leg method to improvise on presenting 2 characters

can be easier than giving them space on stage and wasting time on walking across stage.

Paul also demonstrated that how “Showing” the audience, instead of “Saying”, can work won-

ders for the Speaker. Hence; the point "Show rather than Tell". Paul at the end told the audience

that a tag line used wisely can be used to illustrate you message to the audience.

The 2 stories we had in the workshop were of 2 different themes, one was serious and the other

humorous. Both of them were brilliantly handled by Paul.

In the end, on popular demand, Paul also told us a story.”Man had fire, wolf wanted fire, wolf

asked dog to steal fire. Dog came to steal fire, man fed dog and dog stayed.” Truly a story worth


At the end of the workshop, everyone was delighted with what DATC had offered.

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“Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's levels of aspiration and expectation. ” - Jack Nicklaus.

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December’09 Edition

Moments caught on Camera from Story Telling Workshop

Members Swimming Paul Explaining Vinay presenting his speech

Paul presenting his suggestions

to Vinay Nitish in Action Nitish gets the Feedback

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By Tejesh Kinariwala

"God does not play dice", said Einstein and it is obviously the most famous thing he ever

said. Ironically, it is one of the few things he said which are proved wrong.

Fellow toastmasters, I believe in the power of simple words and today, I am going to tell

you his other thoughts which were his best. In a more flowery physicist language they are

called "The Theory of Relativity". The thoughts are so complex that in Einstein's own

time only 14 people on earth actually understood the whole thought. But using simple

words, I hope to put them across.

To start with Einstein had two firm foundations: two firm feet of belief to stand on. First

one, the left foot was simple. He proposed that if Physics is a good science then if its rules

are true for this chair, they should also be true for that chair. If they are true in this room

they should be true for the room below this. If they are true on this planet, they should be

true on any other planet.

The second, the right foot is a little tricky one. He reasoned that everything that moves has

speed. So even light should have finite speed. So, because of this limit, light from the sun

takes some time to reach earth. 8 ½ minutes. Light from some of the stars take years. That

means that the light from the stars that we see today only proves that such and such star

existed a thousand years ago. So there is no such thing as the real time. There is no need

to keep THE clock which shows the real time. He said that everyone has to buy his own

watch and keep his own time. I know that is expensive, but that is how it is.

Now the things start to get real confusing. Because now Einstein said, that if we are carry-

ing a different watch then probably even the speeds of each of our watches is different. A

second in my watch may be longer than the one in yours.

Manoj always tells me that I don't use the stage much and stand at

one place. So Suppose, that exactly at 1 o'clock, in both my and

your watch, I start running here and there on this stage , to use it

completely- and very fast for that matter! Then when I have been

running for a long time and Manoj has pity on me and exactly at 2

O 'clock in his watch he asks me to stop.

Then what will you see. Of course, apart from me being all

Sweaty, Smelly and Silly. If I show you my watch, and this being

a glorified example, it will magically show only half past 1. This

has nothing to do with "If you sit with a beautiful girl on a bus,

one hour seems like a minute and if you sit on a stove, it seems

like eternity" That is just relativity for dummies. Not for us. This experience in the flowery physics

language is called "Time Dilation".

Another interesting thing that you will see and which is also beneficial to me. I will actually grow

thin. Physicists scaringly call it "Length contraction".

All this happens for real , why don't we see it? Because we need to see beyond our normal narrow vi-

sion to see them. Scientists and saints observe them in stars. They observe them in atoms.

So, students, if you already have had enough for today, let’s disperse and meet in the next class.

“The only source of knowledge is experience” - Albert Einstein

Relativity Simplified 5 Images - JPKU

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"Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain. ” - Edward De Bono.

Lost And Found 6 Images - JPKU

December’09 Edition

Toastmasters is a forum which allows you to

speak your Heart & Mind out. Do you agree?

“For a person who doesn't care much about what the world thinks,

it is not very difficult to speak his heart and mind out at any place

and at any time. But over time when he notices that people don't

really react to whatever he has to say, he tends to get quieter. This

happens to almost everyone of us. As kids we have grand plans

and ideas we want to talk to everyone about, but over time we

tend to lose touch with those.

More than speaking out our heart and mind, I believe Toastmas-

ters gives us the opportunity to reconnect with our lost love - our

emotions, our ideas and our plans which the world very subtly

took away from us and in a really supportive group of audience. It

gives us the opportunity to ensure that we never lose them again!”

You seem to be very passionate about your bike and the con-

cept of biking in general. What is it that you love the most

about biking? “As I had mentioned during my second speech “Born to be

Wild” , the love of biking is best described by a dog sticking its

head out of the window of a moving car. Some emotions just can-

not be explained in words!”

Know Thy Toastmaster

“Aneesh Jain”“Aneesh Jain”“Aneesh Jain”“Aneesh Jain”

What is the Role and significance of Toastmasters in your


“I am a relatively new member of the Toastmasters family. We

are still trying to get to know each other. I am trying to figure

out what lies in store for me here, and how can I best contribute

to the family. But for sure I love spending the rest of the week,

desperately looking ahead for the next

Saturday, thinking over all the topics I can include in my next

speech or analyzing the feedback I received.

You had gone to Leh a while back. Would you like to

share your experience from the trip with other Toast-


The Leh trip was carved out of my work schedule with

great difficulty. I had made a list of "things to do while I

was away" and circulated them amongst my team, but I

didn't know how the team would fare.

With a lot of fear in my mind I packed my bags and got on

the flight. But as soon as I reached Leh, it was all taken

care of. The place is astoundingly beautiful! But what

really took care of my fears was the

dismally poor mobile connectivity. I had absolutely no way

of getting in touch with my team and getting updates. So,

if any of you really want to escape from the tensions of

y o u r w o r k l i f e , I w o u l d r e c o m m e n d

giving Leh a try! :-)

What is it that you look forward to learn in


I find Toastmasters to be a forum of great individuals who

have all come together with the two pronged purpose of

improving themselves and helping others improve. The

scope of learning is limitless. Besides developing the obvi-

ous communication and leadership skills, there is so much

to be learnt during each Toastmasters meeting. Where else

can you get to hear people talk about "the tricks to get rid

of irritating tele-marketers" or "the science behind the

change of seasons"? It is the diversity in the group which

m a k e s e v e r y m e e t i n g s o i n f o r m a t i v e .

Every individual has different passions

and Toastmasters is the perfect

place to experience all of those!

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The Hyde Park in London is famous for its Speakers’ Corner, which allows anyone and everyone to speak on a

topic for as long as they can unless the police finds it offensive, and the Hyde Park police has had a history of be-

ing offended very very rarely even on sensitive issues. As a salutation to the freedom of expression, we bring

Hyde Park from London to our newsletter, and invite everyone to publish their comments on a certain topic,

which for this month is: “How would you tweak the Toastmasters meeting structure to make it more interesting?

Introduce a new supplementary evaluator named "trait

watcher". S/he would be responsible for observing a par-

ticular trait throughout the meeting, as decided by her/him

and revealed to the members during the role introduction,

much like the Ah-counter keeps track of the various ahs,

fillers and pauses during the meeting. Some examples of

traits could be high points of various speeches, stage us-

ages, number of times people clapped in a meeting, etc.


1. Record a speech and play it back during the meeting, to let

the speaker himself/herself evaluate it.

2. Introduce instant evaluations for table topics - As soon as

the TT speaker finishes, get a member to evaluate him/her.

This will enable members to give feedback on the go.

3. Play TED talks and other inspiring speeches at regular club


4. Organize theme meetings where people are encouraged to

dress up according to the theme of the day.

Ritu arora

1. Introduce a new role: Fact Master to present the

news or fact of the week

2. Celebrate the birthday of members who had theirs in

the preceding week

Nikhil sheth

Include an idiom, a proverb or a motivational

quote in every meeting. Over time this will enrich

the language of all members.


“Speak when you are angry, and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.” - Dr. Laurence J. Peter

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"Experience shows that success is due less to ability that to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul. ” - Charles Buxton.

Best of the Month 8 Images - JPKU

December’09 Edition

• Deepak Menon on 5th Dec

• Deepak Diwani on 12th Dec

• Deepak Diwani on 19th Dec

• Deepak Menon on 5th Dec

• Ritu Arora on 12th Dec

• Ritu Arora on 19th Dec

• Nikhil Sheth, Deepak Menon &

Ritu Arora on 26th Dec

• Ritu Arora on 5th Dec

• Aniket Bose on 12th Dec

• Ritu Arora on 19th Dec

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Contact Us

• Shraddha Nakra: President

[email protected]

• Richa Aggarwal: Vice President, Education

[email protected]

• Nikhil Sheth: Vice President, Membership

[email protected]

• Malkiat Bindra: Vice President, Public Relations

[email protected]

• Manoj Kumar: Secretary

[email protected]

• Nihil Malik: Treasurer

[email protected]

• Ritu Arora: Sergeant-at-arms

[email protected]

"Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Vivekananda Vihar, Opposite J.P., Kapur & Uberai, Chartered

Accountants, LGF C-4/5 Safdarjung Development Area,

New Delhi—110016.


Every Saturday, 12:30 p.m.

Whom to Contact

For all membership and PR queries, please contact:

Nikhil Sheth (VP, Membership): +91-99114-79900; [email protected]

Malkiat Bindra (VP, Public Relations): +91-98110-64605 ; [email protected]

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December’09 Edition


Viveknanda Vihar

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Always Ahead…!

Club No. 858173

Copyright JPKU Toastmasters Club, 2009

Important Links: JPKU Toastmasters: http://jpkutoastmasters.bravehost.com Division C members: [email protected] District 82: http://www.t82.org/

Division C, District 82 No part of this newsletter maybe printed or reproduced without intimating the JPKU Toastmasters Club. All enquiries and requests should be directed to the club’s public relations committee at [email protected].

I would like to extend my heartiest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the newsletter, especially for the overwhelming response to “The Hyde Park”, making the new section a grand success. Special thanks to Aniket, Assistant Newsletter Editor, for his unending support. -Malkiat

Images is published on the last day of the month. All contribu-tors are requested to send in their entries to [email protected] by the 25th of the month.