pllrn THE FADUCAH EVENING SUNTIIURSDAY ocronnn 13 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN AFTKllWOON AND WEEKLY Hjm runLisniNO CmIPANYII V M FISHER Pretldent B J PAXTON General Manager Kntered at the poitofflce at Paducah Ky as second clan matter UBSCniTOOIf RATES I Tim DAILY SUN By Carrier per week U By Mall per month In advance 25 By Mall per year In advance JJOO THE WEEKLY SUN For year by mall postage paldltOO Addrtii TIlE SUN Paducah Ky One Ill South Third Phone K 6 Editorial Iloomai I Old Phone 1ST New Phone U8 NewPayns York representative N LAB A r THURSDAY OCTOIIEIl 17 CIRCULATION STATEMENT September 1910 6528 166521- x6524 1 176527 36526 19Gb2b 66508 20G524 76515 21651 8653 226525- t 9 6524 236523I- 0 6528 246513 126529 266516 13 6527 2765264- 4Ic513 a 1 28n C02- CifcYVG621 l 29 6513 t b 306514To- ta1 163068 Average 6522 Personally appeared before me the 3rd day of October 1910 R D WacMlllen Business Manager of The Sun who affirms that the fore going is a true and correct state went of Its circulation for the month of September 1910 to the best of Vbls knowledge and belle PETER PURYEARNotary My commission expires January 10 1912 Daily Thought Nothing resembles pride so much as discouragement Armlel Every day will be a holiday bye I and bye I o Col tRoosovelt deplores the fact that In the enormous growth of modern bualness we have lost the personal touch The Pullman car company has supplied the deficiency by means of the porter a Next Tuesday Is the supplemental registration day and every voter who did not register the first Tues- day In October must register at his precinct next Tuesday If he desires Unvote at the election November 8 0 Tho creak p olnj In the Smlthland Banners defense of the action of the chairman of the Third district sena torlal committee In calling a conven otherfcommIUeemen i difference whether Henry Lawrence seen guilty of the same thing or iBpO This at we take Jt Is not a question between Henry Lawrence and somebody else this Is a question of right and wrong If the chairman did wrong it makes no difference what Henry Lawrence or any other man may have done o The Louisville Boosters need not have been In such a hurry going through Paducah Although the i Pride of the Purchase knows her own and knows how to hold Jt and ihe Louisville wholesalers saw where lltPaucah stood In relation to the- M glancethey than welcome had they taken the time for a trip down town and a Ht tJeTefreehnjent while in our raids AVo Save some buildings In process of construction down Broadway we wpuldbe delighted to have shown them and some other evidences of progress and faith In our own future 0 A TRAVESTY ON FREEDOM Mr Dlx must be accorded credit far courage In making his opening attack of the campaign on Mr Roosevelt but If the Issues are to be decided on the merits of the spon ¬ sors for the two candidates it will have to be admitted that Mr Roose ¬ volt has a better record for picking hood ones than Mr Murphy The people of New York cannot expect Tammany 10 make another blunder Jlke the one that landed Oaynor In the mayors chair He was named for mayor In order to strengthen the ticket with decent people but Tam mane bad Its own gangsters for the t flscal offices However they were beaten and Gaynor was elected Tammanys ¬ That Theodore ifloosovelt named the Republican candidate for gov ¬ ernor and that Doss Murphy of Tam ¬ many named the Democratic candi ¬ date Cannot be disputed To the humiliation of both parties their re ¬ spectlve conventions begged the big leaders to select the men The sltua tion reflects scrlouslji on our Insti ¬ tutlons Have we come tp such a pass that parties composed of the voters of a state must ask their leaders to name their champions It Js true that If Roosevelt had not t I named the Republican candidate the I Did OWsrd would and It is equally j r CAUSE OF HIGH PRICES l I wwwwwwmwrnDear nearly every day of this or that city which has Increased Its population I anywhere from 25 to 75 per cent In a recent paper I notice n news I Item referring to the census of Mis ¬ sour showing only an increase 0 r 6 per cent The article referred to eliI cities mado the gain tho population I of Missouri would have shown a de ¬ crease H seems to me that It Mis true that tho Democratic candidate was named by an organization of whose infamy the Old Guard I Is cnpabto of but n feeble imitation Yet it Is all the more grave when the free people must depend upon the existence of a champion of morality strong enough In theI emergency to rescue them from ring rule Had there not been a Rooto welt In Csew York we must admit the people would have their choice I between two candidates each rev lected for their approval the most vicious olement of every community In the state for political bosses ore I elevated tp their positions of power by the vicious element and In turn tho strongest of their number become e their lead erR- Somcthlng Is wrong with free dom If we must depend upon having a Roosevelt ever ready to save us That something la the lack of instru- ments ¬ through which the people may record their will for we must be liege a majority of tho people want what is right else we must give up In despair The problem of all problems then for us to solve I Is how to make poetical parties and the government of city state and nation immediately and directly re sponsive to tho expressed will of the majority of the people and how to afford the majority an opportunity to express its will In clearest terms The most efficient means EUg ¬ gested are the popular primary t in which both parties participate under the state election board selecting committeemen as well as candidates the Initiative and referendum and recall Armed with these the people of New York would need neither a Roosevelt nor eo ibis Murphy to name their candidates and com mltteemen o UREY WOODSOX TAKES A LAND I If we can put faith In the atti ¬ tude of the Tennessee Democratic press as at least indicating tho sentiment of tho people of their r01 spectlve communities on the groun that a party organ could til affor to desert the party namo without the sanction of the members of J Its party Bob Taylor stands little show outside Memphis and even there the News Sclmltar gave direction to the sentiment against Patterson and Pattersonlsm so clearly before Its conversion that It can not hope to undo it all before the eighth of NovemberIn not a Democratic paper is supporting Taylor while both the Banner and the Tennes Iwhich absorbed the American supporting Hooper At Columbia Jackson and Clarksv411e the Democratic papers are support- Ing Hooper and In Chattanooga the News Democratic is supporting Hooper while the refusal of the JUdljclal I attitude of Senator Frazier are militating against Taylors success Quotations from their editorials published by the Evening Sun two days after Taylors nomination show that a majority of the Influen ¬ tial press of the state outside tem ¬ phis whose influence like that of Louisville operates with the reverse English favors Hoopers candidacy Urey Woodson of Owensboro secretary of the National Democratic committee has added that touch to the delicate situation which we pre ¬ dicted would be added by some one to make the disruption in the party permanent Woodson advised Pat ¬ tersons state committee which called the convention that nomi ¬ nated Taylor to name a new na- tional ¬ commItteeman in the stead of the national committee who pre- sided over the Democratic conven ¬ tion which endorsed Hooper and nominated Enloe Tho situation offered a dilemma and the choice of sides is dictated by the view one takes of politics The Patterson committee was chosen under rules which practically dis- franchised ¬ a majority of the mem ¬ bers of the Democratic party In Tennessee so far as a voice In party affairs was concerned The voters revolted and less than 13000 of them participated in tho primary which nominated Patterson and his judiciary ticket Independent can ¬ didates were nominated and defeat ¬ cd the Patterson ticket by upward of 40000 majority Then this samo Independent organization which had proven at the August election that it could command the support of the majority of tho Democratic party proceeded In convention of delegates selected by a majority of the Democrats of Tennessee to en ¬ dorse Hooper for governor and to name a new state committee to suc- ceed ¬ that which had just been re- pudiated by a majority of the party In the only way they had of ex ¬ pressing their disapprobation This I thelD l I from Tennessee Clearly the num ¬ thoIlndependent i thisiconvention e I IJI IA sourl is not an exception and such a condition exists generally the problem of the high cost of farmers products will be pretty well answered In the final census returns of the entire country For It would sea- t logical to presume that increasing the per capita ot city dweller and decrgaelnK tbp per capita of rural I 5ip V9Mld result In n great Increase of consumption with a still greats decrease of production Yours truly AN INTERESTED CITIZEN the conventions action uy the press of the party indicate that a ma ¬ Jorlty of the party favors the ne committee Now what constitute- the T Democratic party In Tennessee j Is the Important question Trey Woodson has undertaken t answer It by advising the Patterson committee to select a new nations I committeemen promising it th ratification of the national Demo ¬ crafts committee of which ho 1 is secretary Who Is Urey Woodson r A politician who regards as dearer to his own heart the control of the j Tennessee delegation In the national I Democratic convention and Its sup ¬ port on the national committee that he does the harmony of the party In that state and the well being of the commonwealth Of makeIhis lot Tom Taggart proprietor of the French Lick Springs resort and the coadjutor of Fingy Conners late of the Buffalo docks who gave voice to that classic expression that he likes peas but dont ate em cRuse WOOt1son that matches well with I IattersonlsntI In Tennessee and ho harllbl be expected to sympathize with the majority of the voters In their efforts to unload their burden corruptionBut ofl a81he a81 1 one as seems J likely and the Democratic party as I 1 recognized by Urey Woodson and l Fingy Conners remains Patterson and Pattersons committee when I will harmony be restored in Ten- nessee The very next contest fo nominations will be conducted by the Patterson committee under cir cumstances that must arouse th I 1 suspicions of the voters for un 1 doubtedly the committee will at ¬ tempt to rehabilitate itself as it repudiated It is too much to expect that the com ¬ mlttee will bo reformed and sobered by its experience this year It was selected in a manner that boro the brand of fraud it was responsible I for the Patterson nomination and when the voters of the party re- pudiated 1 everything It did had the committee been composed of men who had any regard for their party or any selfrespect they would have resigned There Is no financial re- muneration connected with the office of state commItteemenat least no legitimate remunerationand there can be no honor attached to it 1 It I the committees action Is repudiated by the voters at an election and aI I majority of the party expresses Its disapproval by naming a new com ¬ mlttee Then why do the committeemen hold on There must be some strong reason It Is not in the hope I of saving the party because one comIlaltteemen of saving the party Why does Urey FlngyConners ¬ ing a new committeeman for Ten ¬ nessee Where Is all this to end anyway Who compose a party a majority of Its voters Or a little gang of corrupt politicians If the voters do why doesnt the expressed will of a majority Of the voters con trolOne answer Is plain If the voters of the Democratic party of Tennes see had been given a chance to sel- ect their committeemen by secret ballot In a popular primary under control of the state election board the services of Urey Woodson would not have been required in Ten ¬ nessee 0- Kentric1j Kernels Locusts at Danville Louisville dedicates tuberculosis sanitorlum Col Bennet Young moderator of Kentucky synod Odd Follows choose Louisville for 1911 meetin- gHeard in the Lobby KarperClnelhhatl Scott D Apperley Jr Norfolk Va V1 Usher Maynqld Mr and Mrs E W Ovorstreet Memphis A D Adams Lovolacevllle W C Beau ¬ mont Anna III J H Leslie Cin ¬ clnnatlBELVEDEREIra Lutes Chicago A T Farnsley Loulsvlle C L Moore St Louis E L Morgan Ben It CentraliaIH Hughesl SpottsvIHe Charles F lenkliw Gllbertsvlllo NEW RICHMONDD L Nowlln Carmack D B Roos Cairo A Rob ertff Metropolis HInlcy Halley Wa- bash Jui Chambers HamloUburg t > t J II Anderson Clinton Mr and Mrs J H Harvey Smith land lien P WlUinnu Champaign 111 t E Copeland known as the chant nidi blind cyclllst Is vtelllng rela ¬ totallyn blind Mr Copeland can ride a wheel letter than many normal trick riders 1In fact many times ill audience does not know that he cannot foe He nom contly was in Paducah Judge E Barry who sold the TribuneDemocrat at llonton and purchased a paver at Columbus Texas tins bought another paper call ed the Fort Stockton Pioneer in Po cos county Texas and Iris daughter Mrs Blanche B Barnes hat taken Charge of It as the buslnms manager ofr ofT Columbus whore her father and- o mother are located She is n fine businoes woman aPnducah has a cold Nearly every body is sneezing and coughing and physicians say thorn Is an epidemic of colds although they are in no way serious The Colds are nttrlb utud to tho sudden change In tho weatherI will cure that 10 cent Guaranteed 1by nit druKKlfts UNIQUE PIECE OF WORKMANSHIP iiuiDri > rii KXTIUKLY or iioitsi IIAIK ov l AT nmu I STOUi xillmIISI r Something unique l la tho dtaplay which is on exhibition at J If Oobtechlaesera s drug store Sixth and Broadway today and Friday It Is a horse bridle the propertgn of Dr EL W Hall of St souls The bridle was made toy a convict In the Montana penitentiary It Is made enUrefcr of horse htr except the bits and It certainly to an unumiAl example of ftMR In work Includingr 1 I made of roar round cords of white black and red Inters noro bnmis are Mat and nro formed of white hair decorated with artUtrc strandsd tho throat latch but made of white red aifd blade strange ot halt The lrelna2nd in tho whip effect and tho ends wf the throat latch and oUier dlfforonticolored I took the man who made the 1It a long Ume to complete hie but he turned out all article la both unique and attractive The bridle is valued at 100 bet ta not for talc as Dr URn prises It very highly Ouiioctioit flit > nio Iiils to On Sunday rvetct October 1 Oth a thetmaseea church Paduoah fociPope Puls X Tho totter ordering this collection Is published In this week Issue of the Record Bishop ODomighuoM official paper It reads By order of the night Reverend wtrIle and at all tho Masses on Sunday October the Ifith 1910 This oelta Won Is the offering of tho Dlooeeo to Our Holr Father and It Jo 4o Ire hoped that It will 4> o a generous one Pastors will please announce tbs collection at nil the Manroe on Sun- day 1 i October 9th and make returns of tame to the undersigned as soon I hntJtbo I be sent at once to the Holy Father By order of the lilt Rev Bishop V P CKONIV V Q Not ire to ConlmrtorN Bd will be received by the Board of Public Works at thou office in the city hall on Monday October ITh 1910 at 4 ooIock 11 m for grad as and graveling of Fourteenth srH from Burhott street to the H se farm and for Trading and gray ing of Flouroaai sUoet ham Twt h street to Fourteenth street all n der ordinances authorising Mm ns per plane and specifications on HI tn the office of the city onnn er- a HOARD OF PUBLIC WORIKS By L F K0ITJ Secretary L A WASHINGTON City Engineer YOU HOJVT IIAVU TO WAIT Every iloio makes you feel better Lax Vog keeps your whole Inilde right Sold on the MoneyItuck plan every whets Price SOd AOUKI ox COTTON BIIJH Forms Adopted at Liverpool Will IJO Mailed to America Atlanta Go Oct 13A private cablegram was received from Liver ¬ pool by A P Coles cashier of time Central Trust Corporation and one of tho committee of five southern bankers named to conduct negotia- tions ¬ with English bankers stating that a form of cotton bills of lading guarantee finally had been agreed upon to bo effective when tho old form expires October 31 Conies of these forms It was said have been mailed to tho United States and the now phrasing rind conditions u so have been given to the press 1 i 1 4 I rrznI Tho lloncHt 1ro iirlcory Medicine fills n notional need In the land and will take more than the cry of lit fraud lint fako from the avar icious overreacting physician to over throw au honest reliable and rtand I nrd preparation like Lydia E Pink hams Vbgeijabte Compound which Is made from the roots and herbs of tho WIld and line cured iiioro I women of female Ills than any other remedy we know of SHOP EMPLOYES Continued From Page One not remain In Chicago long and re- turned ¬ to Paducah and IMW been n cartoon employed at tile local tttopa r Leonard Phelps to tho regular gang foreman but was off duly- yosterday Tbo officials itaocd lho19an man ho pkioed as temporary Rang foreman and that a enrman reptace the nwtUr foreman The officiate dorllnwl this styling that It would place two green men In < ho places whereas Iqe tkalr nrrarMpnumt only one green matt would to n tore man After the sermon > mietI out tt U std that a committee composed of representatives from well unto asked for ap interview with Jlaflor MocJmiLfca Joe P Walker but there WM a bitch In neffottatloti The failure of thle flOKeral ronmUttoe Ik held at QDe of the reasons why the nwrbinMsi bollornmtor nod other employe wnttl out this marntag Tire walkout wa to a manv owl only Ute colored laborer were work- ing this morning altar S o lcd while the official held short coufw epees or were talking to the fore- men Not a wheel wai WnMaK In the entire show and about 1OCH- IlIMn were out The tiniefcvcporit bflngteg up the check while I 1111I r non violated Uwlr coMraet wtHi tile railroad an Milking out It la l smM the coHtfkot roads that any grtev ante or trouble tiat nap arteo ta to be settled iHitjveou the oMeora of the Ioeol Hnten and t the local 1 railroad officiate In x149 they fall to agree the dvIMor sapeefntewloat la to be called in When that > falls the Jta Mtttfactto le to InK planed hotwwea the Mgher offtceni ot boWl the rail ¬ road and tin Ion and before a eirlke ii eafltr tho pwiuou must take a I I I6btldd vote Ito tikn rim 4nnw r from I I 00I felt In IudHcatv t>y the bus aes IB chopIda I l Over lMO moo Bra waNtOyed and tho mouthy payroll of then dupe I l 50neOI One Man Takes AI 1 iw0 < Icr Wrrk Prom Claim Seattle Wash Oct nWrltlng to a friend hero M I Sulllran who wont from Fairbanks to the Idlta road district last spring tells of tilt finds In tho now gold field which have eclipsed even the TanAna strikes One Fairbanks operator at tho time the letter was written had washed out 72000 within a period of two weeks and another was tak- ing out 16000 a week The camp will produce 600000 this season the letter continued and many look to reap 6000000 next spring According to othor advices re- solved here most of tho good ground In the Idltaroad is I now taken The food mipply l In said to be scarce and prices soaring Ikcy Cohen Ilrvnk llcconl- Iley Cohen the test little runner trnrki jnt Ilpndprgon yesterday by circling TanGuayI NVlddle 1 > by Clarence jDIckerson finished second In tho onehalf mile rare Every little bit Added to What Youve Got Makes Just A little Bit More That I u good song to keep hum ¬ ruing Suppose you had saved one dollar out of every five you have made In the last live years It would bo quite a sum wouldnt It Well dont let another live years go by without saving something from your atlonr omy goal of sue cess which will amply repay one for all wise sacrifices In early life THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Will ho 1lcoMMl to nave your Account CAPITAL 150000 SURPLUS 215000 Y mllJoIIOIt mTri liGHlili Are Also Honored Uy IAincrlritn Berlin Unitvivify Merlin Oct 13Tho University of Merlin which Is celebrating Its ono hundredth anniversary con ¬ erred tho degree of doctor of laws on Emperor William Ills majesty was not present at tho ceremony Time university also conferred the I following degrees upon Amarlean Doctor of laws Associate Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes United States s u pro me court and Prof William MyirgMB doan of tho tao ulty ol political Bcltuco at Columbia universityDoctor of philosophy Prosldeut A Hartley of YaloI Doctor of medicine Prof Theo ¬ dore Vlllliim Itlehards profoHor of eXOIII1I181IJrofo eulogised Justteo Holmee sorties In solving legal problems nail tho deep fuiidamuntnl vnlub of his writ- Ings Owls Nntlrot Order of Owls Nest Sit All mom bars are requested to be present at hall tonight nt 8 oclock to maku arrnnRemonts for funeral of Ilrothur Hal Sullivan H C CHAMPION President J 0 nH< VlS fiwjrotnry HHPOItT HOVS lIrTUKTii t y 4 Sli i king Tides of School Told In the Juvciitl Court Chicago Oct i3Tares of shock lag lit treatment were told lathe ju- venal court today when trine boys appeared before Judeo Plrknoy to testify regtrdlMK tkecliuel I ronUurl ea by John J Campbell shish WM nikletl by HMHMDO wotaty agate al ttuknnnkoi HI a few daye ago limy handset II years of age te tlf n sl All ttte bos were forced to sleep OB DM floor In oat room iVe heel no quills or blaaksla Mr Campbell rieiK on a eoMd Im mother They thought lUeli n life would make pod scowl of us My brother lime wa ehicf rook He cooked l piece of bar BfM about fourteen inches long W < bad to take off all our cthcn and be o I N D The Weather Inrlly cloudy tvllli Imr laiblyshort are In west inwtlon thought or lrliliiy Toniperntiir liNlnyi lllghesl l HS lowest 11 100II t I PLAITED SHIRTS Asplcn Id selection of tasteful light and dark pat terns in Plaited Shirts now ready for you They are coat style with cuffs at ¬ tached You would that k tiiemS150 shirts unless we showed you the ptlcc msrk ofonly a It k TtOAAWAY QtCfJilplStKJAnDDGY3- whlpted J t LI I la the pc I t + nr I ciht Mr Campbell alws ul J liFt a bath tub eO our akin would 11 stretched tlsjM Thru he Ih d t1 rte bedSetrral t r other hoa rcpt b rat I- y IIIIK li r3nT story SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY And For Every Occasion Tho Fall Line Is now pompletAnd its A nasty Tt M i an appropriate shoo for each member of the family and fr r ca u occasion Fine strong ahocr rainy days for man woman and child and drew slioe whleh are models of style anti god Iat COHRAN snOB COMPANY 325 S BROADWAY 7 BUY YOUR COAL NOW H THE usual advance in price will come very soon now Buy while you can at urn4 mer prices t = RENDER CO4LBest and Cleanest = o = = CENTRAL COAL 4 IRON CO Phones 370 L Co II EXCURSION 1 = Steamer G ROBERTSON r Will run nn nxcuwlon IltlDAV XICIIT tits week also on Siinilny nftornoon Tlio night uxtimr ion + will leave promptly nt H orlmk rcturnliiK nf iJ lc > rlock Tluiv liiVlifH on lima river We reserve tho right to rtjjft mijuiic eve see lit A M o S 0 R foliar < VVI A T I o H E S si r Crau atlu lsu raving veparrments Arc FirstClass Lets Show You

IIs eXOIII1I181IJrofo 100IInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7m0c4skk9m/data/0708.pdf · pllrn THE FADUCAH EVENING SUNTIIURSDAY ocronnn 13 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN AFTKllWOON AND WEEKLY Hjm runLisniNO

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Page 1: IIs eXOIII1I181IJrofo 100IInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7m0c4skk9m/data/0708.pdf · pllrn THE FADUCAH EVENING SUNTIIURSDAY ocronnn 13 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN AFTKllWOON AND WEEKLY Hjm runLisniNO



Hjm runLisniNO CmIPANYII

V M FISHER PretldentB J PAXTON General Manager

Kntered at the poitofflce at PaducahKy as second clan matter



By Carrier per week UBy Mall per month In advance 25

By Mall per year In advance JJOO


For year by mall postage paldltOO

Addrtii TIlE SUN Paducah KyOne Ill South Third Phone K 6

Editorial Iloomai I

Old Phone 1ST New Phone U8NewPaynsYork representative





September 1910

6528 166521-x65241 17652736526 19Gb2b66508 20G52476515 216518653 226525-

tt 9 6524 236523I-0 6528 246513126529 26651613 6527 2765264-4Ic513a 1 28n C02-

CifcYVG621l 29 6513tb 306514To-

ta1 163068Average 6522

Personally appeared before me

the 3rd day of October 1910 R DWacMlllen Business Manager ofThe Sun who affirms that the foregoing is a true and correct statewent of Its circulation for the monthof September 1910 to the best of

Vbls knowledge and bellePETER PURYEARNotary

My commission expires January10 1912

Daily ThoughtNothing resembles pride so much

as discouragement Armlel

Every day will be a holiday bye I

and bye I

oCol tRoosovelt deplores the fact

that In the enormous growth ofmodern bualness we have lost thepersonal touch The Pullman carcompany has supplied the deficiencyby means of the porter

aNext Tuesday Is the supplemental

registration day and every voterwho did not register the first Tues-day In October must register at hisprecinct next Tuesday If he desiresUnvote at the election November 8

0Tho creak polnj In the Smlthland

Banners defense of the action of thechairman of the Third district senatorlal committee In calling a conven

otherfcommIUeemen i

difference whether Henry Lawrenceseen guilty of the same thing or

iBpO This at we take Jt Is not aquestion between Henry Lawrenceand somebody else this Is a questionof right and wrong If the chairmandid wrong it makes no differencewhat Henry Lawrence or any otherman may have done


The Louisville Boosters need nothave been In such a hurry goingthrough Paducah Although the

i Pride of the Purchase knows herown and knows how to hold Jt andihe Louisville wholesalers saw where

lltPaucah stood In relation to the-

M glancetheythan welcome had they taken thetime for a trip down town and a HttJeTefreehnjent while in our raidsAVo Save some buildings In processof construction down Broadway wewpuldbe delighted to have shownthem and some other evidences ofprogress and faith In our own future

0A TRAVESTY ON FREEDOMMr Dlx must be accorded credit

far courage In making his openingattack of the campaign on MrRoosevelt but If the Issues are to bedecided on the merits of the spon¬

sors for the two candidates it willhave to be admitted that Mr Roose¬

volt has a better record for pickinghood ones than Mr Murphy Thepeople of New York cannot expectTammany 10 make another blunderJlke the one that landed Oaynor Inthe mayors chair He was namedfor mayor In order to strengthen theticket with decent people but Tammane bad Its own gangsters for the

t flscal offices However they werebeaten and Gaynor was electedTammanys ¬

That Theodore ifloosovelt namedthe Republican candidate for gov ¬

ernor and that Doss Murphy of Tam¬

many named the Democratic candi ¬

date Cannot be disputed To thehumiliation of both parties their re¬

spectlve conventions begged the bigleaders to select the men The sltuation reflects scrlouslji on our Insti¬

tutlons Have we come tp such apass that parties composed of thevoters of a state must ask theirleaders to name their championsIt Js true that If Roosevelt had not tI

named the Republican candidate theI

Did OWsrd would and It is equallyj


wwwwwwmwrnDearnearly every day of this or that citywhich has Increased Its population I

anywhere from 25 to 75 per centIn a recent paper I notice n newsI

Item referring to the census of Mis ¬

sour showing only an increase 0 r

6 per cent The article referred toeliIcities mado the gain tho population I

of Missouri would have shown a de¬

crease H seems to me that It Mis

true that tho Democratic candidatewas named by an organization ofwhose infamy the Old Guard IIscnpabto of but n feeble imitation

Yet it Is all the more grave whenthe free people must depend uponthe existence of a champion ofmorality strong enough In theI

emergency to rescue them from ringrule Had there not been a Rootowelt In Csew York we must admitthe people would have their choiceI

between two candidates each revlected for their approval the mostvicious olement of every communityIn the state for political bosses oreI

elevated tp their positions of powerby the vicious element and In turntho strongest of their number become etheir lead erR-

Somcthlng Is wrong with freedom If we must depend upon havinga Roosevelt ever ready to save usThat something la the lack of instru-ments


through which the people mayrecord their will for we must beliege a majority of tho people wantwhat is right else we must give upIn despair The problem of allproblems then for us to solve IIshow to make poetical parties andthe government of city state andnation immediately and directly responsive to tho expressed will of themajority of the people and how toafford the majority an opportunityto express its will In clearest terms

The most efficient means EUg ¬

gested are the popular primary tinwhich both parties participate underthe state election board selectingcommitteemen as well as candidatesthe Initiative and referendum andrecall Armed with these the peopleof New York would need neither aRoosevelt nor eo ibis Murphy toname their candidates and commltteemen



If we can put faith In the atti¬

tude of the Tennessee Democraticpress as at least indicating thosentiment of tho people of their r01spectlve communities on the grounthat a party organ could til afforto desert the party namo withoutthe sanction of the members of JItsparty Bob Taylor stands little showoutside Memphis and even therethe News Sclmltar gave direction tothe sentiment against Patterson andPattersonlsm so clearly before Itsconversion that It can not hope toundo it all before the eighth of

NovemberInnot a Democratic

paper is supporting Taylor whileboth the Banner and the Tennes

Iwhich absorbed the Americansupporting Hooper At

Columbia Jackson and Clarksv411ethe Democratic papers are support-Ing Hooper and In Chattanooga theNews Democratic is supportingHooper while the refusal of theJUdljclalI

attitude of Senator Frazier aremilitating against Taylors successQuotations from their editorialspublished by the Evening Sun twodays after Taylors nominationshow that a majority of the Influen ¬

tial press of the state outside tem ¬

phis whose influence like that ofLouisville operates with the reverseEnglish favors Hoopers candidacy

Urey Woodson of Owensborosecretary of the National Democraticcommittee has added that touch tothe delicate situation which we pre ¬

dicted would be added by some oneto make the disruption in the partypermanent Woodson advised Pat¬

tersons state committee whichcalled the convention that nomi ¬

nated Taylor to name a new na-tional


commItteeman in the steadof the national committee who pre-sided over the Democratic conven ¬

tion which endorsed Hooper andnominated Enloe

Tho situation offered a dilemmaand the choice of sides is dictatedby the view one takes of politicsThe Patterson committee was chosenunder rules which practically dis-franchised


a majority of the mem ¬

bers of the Democratic party InTennessee so far as a voice In partyaffairs was concerned The votersrevolted and less than 13000 ofthem participated in tho primarywhich nominated Patterson and hisjudiciary ticket Independent can ¬

didates were nominated and defeat ¬

cd the Patterson ticket by upwardof 40000 majority Then this samoIndependent organization which hadproven at the August election thatit could command the support ofthe majority of tho Democraticparty proceeded In convention ofdelegates selected by a majority ofthe Democrats of Tennessee to en ¬

dorse Hooper for governor and toname a new state committee to suc-ceed


that which had just been re-pudiated by a majority of the partyIn the only way they had of ex ¬

pressing their disapprobation This IthelD lI

from Tennessee Clearly the num ¬

thoIlndependent i



sourl is not an exception and sucha condition exists generally theproblem of the high cost of farmersproducts will be pretty well answeredIn the final census returns of theentire country For It would sea-

t logical to presume that increasingthe per capita ot city dweller anddecrgaelnK tbp per capita of ruralI5ip V9Mld result In n great Increaseof consumption with a still greatsdecrease of production Yourstruly AN INTERESTED CITIZEN

the conventions action uy the pressof the party indicate that a ma ¬

Jorlty of the party favors the necommittee Now what constitute-the T

Democratic party In Tennessee j

Is the Important questionTrey Woodson has undertaken t

answer It by advising the Pattersoncommittee to select a new nationsI

committeemen promising it thratification of the national Demo¬

crafts committee of which ho 1issecretary Who Is Urey Woodson r

A politician who regards as dearerto his own heart the control of thejTennessee delegation In the national I

Democratic convention and Its sup ¬

port on the national committeethat he does the harmony of theparty In that state and the wellbeing of the commonwealth Of

makeIhislot Tom Taggart proprietor of theFrench Lick Springs resort and thecoadjutor of Fingy Conners lateof the Buffalo docks who gave voiceto that classic expression that he

likes peas but dont ate em cRuse

WOOt1sonthat matches well with IIattersonlsntIIn Tennessee and ho harllblbe expected to sympathize with themajority of the voters In theirefforts to unload their burdencorruptionBut




one as seems J

likely and the Democratic party asI1

recognized by Urey Woodson andl

Fingy Conners remains Pattersonand Pattersons committee whenI

will harmony be restored in Ten-nessee The very next contest fonominations will be conducted bythe Patterson committee under circumstances that must arouse th I


suspicions of the voters for un 1

doubtedly the committee will at¬

tempt to rehabilitate itself as itrepudiated Itis too much to expect that the com ¬

mlttee will bo reformed and soberedby its experience this year It wasselected in a manner that boro thebrand of fraud it was responsible I

for the Patterson nomination andwhen the voters of the party re-pudiated 1

everything It did had thecommittee been composed of menwho had any regard for their partyor any selfrespect they would haveresigned There Is no financial re-muneration connected with the officeof state commItteemenat least nolegitimate remunerationand therecan be no honor attached to it 1It I

the committees action Is repudiatedby the voters at an election and aII

majority of the party expresses Itsdisapproval by naming a new com ¬

mltteeThen why do the committeemen

hold on There must be somestrong reason It Is not in the hope I

of saving the party because one

comIlaltteemenof saving the party Why does Urey

FlngyConners ¬

ing a new committeeman for Ten ¬

nessee Where Is all this to endanyway Who compose a party amajority of Its voters Or a littlegang of corrupt politicians If thevoters do why doesnt the expressedwill of a majority Of the voters con

trolOneanswer Is plain If the voters

of the Democratic party of Tennessee had been given a chance to sel-ect their committeemen by secretballot In a popular primary undercontrol of the state election boardthe services of Urey Woodson wouldnot have been required in Ten ¬


Kentric1j KernelsLocusts at DanvilleLouisville dedicates tuberculosis

sanitorlumCol Bennet Young moderator of

Kentucky synodOdd Follows choose Louisville

for 1911 meetin-

gHeard in the Lobby

KarperClnelhhatlScott D Apperley Jr Norfolk VaV1 Usher Maynqld Mr and Mrs

E W Ovorstreet Memphis A DAdams Lovolacevllle W C Beau ¬

mont Anna III J H Leslie Cin ¬

clnnatlBELVEDEREIraLutes Chicago

A T Farnsley Loulsvlle C LMoore St Louis E L Morgan Ben

ItCentraliaIHHugheslSpottsvIHeCharles F lenkliw Gllbertsvlllo

NEW RICHMONDD L NowllnCarmack D B Roos Cairo A Robertff Metropolis HInlcy Halley Wa-bash Jui Chambers HamloUburg




J II Anderson Clinton Mr andMrs J H Harvey Smith land lienP WlUinnu Champaign 111

t E Copeland known as the chantnidi blind cyclllst Is vtelllng rela ¬totallynblind Mr Copeland can ride a wheelletter than many normal trick riders

1In fact many times ill audience doesnot know that he cannot foe Henomcontly was in Paducah

Judge E Barry who sold theTribuneDemocrat at llonton andpurchased a paver at ColumbusTexas tins bought another paper called the Fort Stockton Pioneer in Pocos county Texas and Iris daughterMrs Blanche B Barnes hat takenCharge of It as the buslnms managerofrofTColumbus whore her father and-

o mother are located She is n finebusinoes woman

aPnducah has a cold Nearly everybody is sneezing and coughing andphysicians say thorn Is an epidemicof colds although they are in noway serious The Colds are nttrlbutud to tho sudden change In tho

weatherIwill cure that 10 cent Guaranteed

1by nit druKKlfts



iiuiDri >rii KXTIUKLY oriioitsi IIAIK ov l

AT nmuI STOUixillmIISI

r Something unique lla tho dtaplaywhich is on exhibition at J IfOobtechlaesera s drug store Sixth andBroadway today and Friday

It Is a horse bridle the propertgnof Dr EL W Hall of St souls Thebridle was made toy a convict In theMontana penitentiary

It Is made enUrefcr of horse htrexcept the bits and It certainly to anunumiAl example of ftMR In workIncludingr1

I made of roarround cords of white black and redIntersnorobnmis are Mat and nro formed ofwhite hair decorated with artUtrcstrandsdtho throat latch but made of whitered aifd blade strange ot halt The

lrelna2nd in tho whip effect and thoends wf the throat latch and oUier

dlfforonticolored I

took the man who made the1It a long Ume to complete hie

but he turned out all articlela both unique and attractive

The bridle is valued at 100 bet tanot for talc as Dr URn prises Itvery highly

Ouiioctioit flit >nio Iiils to

On Sunday rvetct October 1 Oth a

thetmaseeachurch Paduoah fociPope Puls XTho totter ordering this collection Ispublished In this week Issue of the

Record Bishop ODomighuoMofficial paper It reads

By order of the night ReverendwtrIleand at all tho Masses on SundayOctober the Ifith 1910 This oeltaWon Is the offering of tho Dlooeeo toOur Holr Father and It Jo 4o Irehoped that It will 4>o a generous one

Pastors will please announce tbscollection at nil the Manroe on Sun-day


October 9th and make returnsof tame to the undersigned as soon I


be sent at once to the Holy FatherBy order of the lilt Rev Bishop


Not ire to ConlmrtorNBd will be received by the Board

of Public Works at thou office in thecity hall on Monday October ITh1910 at 4 ooIock 11 m for grad asand graveling of Fourteenth srHfrom Burhott street to the H sefarm and for Trading and gray ingof Flouroaai sUoet ham Twt hstreet to Fourteenth street all nder ordinances authorising Mm nsper plane and specifications on HI tnthe office of the city onnn er-a



YOU HOJVT IIAVU TO WAITEvery iloio makes you feel better LaxVog keeps your whole Inilde rightSold on the MoneyItuck plan everywhets Price SOd


Forms Adopted at Liverpool Will IJO

Mailed to America

Atlanta Go Oct 13A privatecablegram was received from Liver ¬

pool by A P Coles cashier of time

Central Trust Corporation and oneof tho committee of five southernbankers named to conduct negotia-tions


with English bankers statingthat a form of cotton bills of ladingguarantee finally had been agreedupon to bo effective when tho oldform expires October 31 Conies ofthese forms It was said have beenmailed to tho United States and thenow phrasing rind conditions u sohave been given to the press


i 1


IrrznITho lloncHt 1ro iirlcory Medicinefills n notional need In the land and

will take more than the cry oflitfraud lint fako from the avaricious overreacting physician to overthrow au honest reliable and rtand I

nrd preparation like Lydia E Pinkhams Vbgeijabte Compound whichIs made from the roots and herbsof tho WIld and line cured iiioro

Iwomen of female Ills than any otherremedy we know of


Continued From Page One

not remain In Chicago long and re-


to Paducah and IMW been ncartoon employed at tile local tttopa

r Leonard Phelps to tho regulargang foreman but was off duly-yosterday Tbo officials itaocd

lho19anman ho pkioed as temporary Rangforeman and that a enrman reptacethe nwtUr foreman The officiatedorllnwl this styling that It wouldplace two green men In < ho placeswhereas Iqe tkalr nrrarMpnumt onlyone green matt would to n toreman

After the sermon > mietI out tt Ustd that a committee composed ofrepresentatives from well untoasked for ap interview with JlaflorMocJmiLfca Joe P Walker but thereWM a bitch In neffottatloti Thefailure of thle flOKeral ronmUttoe Ikheld at QDe of the reasons why thenwrbinMsi bollornmtor nod otheremploye wnttl out this marntag

Tire walkout wa to a manv owlonly Ute colored laborer were work-ing this morning altar S o lcdwhile the official held short coufwepees or were talking to the fore-men Not a wheel wai WnMaK Inthe entire show and about 1OCH-

IlIMnwere out The tiniefcvcporitbflngteg up the check while

I1111I rnon violated Uwlr coMraet wtHi tilerailroad an Milking out It lal smMthe coHtfkot roads that any grtevante or trouble tiat nap arteo ta tobe settled iHitjveou the oMeora of theIoeol Hnten and tthe local1 railroadofficiate In x149 they fall to agreethe dvIMor sapeefntewloat la to becalled in When that> falls the JtaMtttfactto le to InK planed hotwweathe Mgher offtceni ot boWl the rail ¬

road and tin Ion and before a eirlkeii eafltr tho pwiuou must take a


Ito tikn rim 4nnw r from I

I00Ifelt In IudHcatv t>y the bus aes IBchopIdaI


Over lMO moo Bra waNtOyed andtho mouthy payroll of then dupe

I l

50neOIOne Man Takes AI1 iw0< Icr Wrrk

Prom ClaimSeattle Wash Oct nWrltlng

to a friend hero M I Sulllran whowont from Fairbanks to the Idltaroad district last spring tells of tiltfinds In tho now gold field whichhave eclipsed even the TanAnastrikes One Fairbanks operator attho time the letter was written hadwashed out 72000 within a periodof two weeks and another was tak-ing out 16000 a week

The camp will produce 600000this season the letter continued

and many look to reap 6000000next spring

According to othor advices re-

solved here most of tho goodground In the Idltaroad isI nowtaken The food mipply lIn said tobe scarce and prices soaring

Ikcy Cohen Ilrvnk llcconl-Iley Cohen the test little runnertrnrkijnt Ilpndprgon yesterday by circling

TanGuayINVlddle 1 > by Clarence

jDIckerson finished second In thoonehalf mile rare

Every little bit Added to What

Youve Got Makes Just

A little Bit More

That Iu good song to keep hum ¬

ruing Suppose you had saved onedollar out of every five you havemade In the last live years It wouldbo quite a sum wouldnt It Welldont let another live years go bywithout saving something from your

atlonromy goal of suecess which will amply repay one forall wise sacrifices In early life


Will ho 1lcoMMl to naveyour Account

CAPITAL 150000SURPLUS 215000


mllJoIIOIt mTri liGHlili

Are Also Honored UyIAincrlritn Berlin Unitvivify

Merlin Oct 13Tho Universityof Merlin which Is celebrating Itsono hundredth anniversary con ¬

erred tho degree of doctor of lawson Emperor William Ills majestywas not present at tho ceremony

Time university also conferred the Ifollowing degrees upon Amarlean

Doctor of laws Associate JusticeOliver Wendell Holmes UnitedStates s u prome court and ProfWilliam MyirgMB doan of tho taoulty ol political Bcltuco at ColumbiauniversityDoctor

of philosophy Prosldeut AHartley of YaloI

Doctor of medicine Prof Theo ¬

dore Vlllliim Itlehards profoHor of

eXOIII1I181IJrofoeulogised Justteo Holmee sortiesIn solving legal problems nail thodeep fuiidamuntnl vnlub of his writ-Ings

Owls NntlrotOrder of Owls Nest Sit All mom

bars are requested to be present athall tonight nt 8 oclock to makuarrnnRemonts for funeral of IlrothurHal Sullivan

H C CHAMPION PresidentJ 0 nH< VlS fiwjrotnry


Sli i king Tides of School Told In theJuvciitl Court

Chicago Oct i3Tares of shocklag lit treatment were told lathe ju-

venal court today when trine boysappeared before Judeo Plrknoy totestify regtrdlMK tkecliuel I ronUurlea by John J Campbell shish WMnikletl by HMHMDO wotaty agate alttuknnnkoi HI a few daye ago

limy handset II years of age tetlfn sl

All ttte bos were forced to sleepOB DM floor In oat room iVe heelno quills or blaaksla Mr CampbellrieiK on a eoMd Im mother Theythought lUeli n life would make podscowl of us My brother lime waehicf rook He cookedl piece of barBfM about fourteen inches long W <

bad to take off all our cthcn and be



The WeatherInrlly cloudy tvllli Imr laiblyshort

are In west inwtlon thought or lrliliiyToniperntiir liNlnyi lllghesl l HS

lowest 11



Asplcn Id selection oftasteful light and dark patterns in Plaited Shirts nowready for you They arecoat style with cuffs at ¬

tached You would that ktiiemS150 shirts unlesswe showed you the ptlccmsrk ofonly a



J t LI


la the pcI t + nr I cihtMr Campbell alws ul J liFt abath tub eO our akin would 11stretched tlsjM Thru he Ih d t1rtebedSetrral


other hoa rcpt b rat I-

y IIIIK li r3nT story


Tho Fall Line Is now pompletAnd its A nasty Tt M i anappropriate shoo for each member of the family and fr r ca u

occasion Fine strong ahocr rainy days for man woman andchild and drew slioe whleh are models of style anti god IatCOHRAN snOB COMPANY 325S BROADWAY



THE usual advance in price will come verysoon now Buy while you can at urn4

mer pricest=

RENDER CO4LBest and Cleanest= o= =CENTRAL COAL 4 IRON CO

Phones 370L Co II


= Steamer


Will run nn nxcuwlon IltlDAV XICIIT

tits week also on Siinilny nftornoon Tlio night uxtimr ion+ will

leave promptly nt H orlmk rcturnliiK nf iJlc > rlock Tluiv liiVlifH

on lima river We reserve tho right to rtjjft mijuiic eve see lit


S0 R





si r Crau atlu lsu raving veparrments ArcFirstClass Lets Show You