p ; .r ip j iii jp jjhj ?i XILHi iife jli JJL 11 it JE JL IL ill A f Vol. IX.vNo. 1370. HONOLULU, H. I., SATUEDAY EVENING, JULY 3, 1880. - to a$X?i85KHmn fV TTTP. TIATT.V "RnT.T.P.TT"M Professionals. THE FISHER CIDER COMPANY Jr - uiiijj4j.i flBEiE i B ffH I v L "," ' if- - ak.j-.j-. - Is printed nnil published at the ofllec, Queen Street, llonolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - 50 conts por Month. Addro nil Communlcatlens Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc cn3ine insoitlon, should bo handed In before one o'clock P.M. Daniel Logan Managing Editor Norman Logan Associate Editor and Ac- countant. W. A. 8. Beats Collector und Shipping Reporter Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Nowspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most fuvorablo terms. JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone . No. 256 Commission Moronants. T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen St., Honolulu. 1 Clans Spreckels. Win. G. Irwin. IRWIN & COMPANY, WQ. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 WILDER & CO., Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 S. N. CttBtlo. J. B. Atbctton. & Cooke, Castle Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. HO King St., Honolulu. 1 Gonsalves c Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. MS. GRINBAUM.& CO., Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants,'' Honolulu, and L24 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. J Lyons, Auctioneer and General Commission Merchant, Masonic Block, Queen st., - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Heal Estate and General Merchandise promptly at. tended to. Sole Agent for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 0. BREWER (Limiwit) & COMPANY, General Mercantile and Commibsioh Agents. list of ofv1cekb: P. O. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Caiiteu. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary dikectoks: Hon. C. R. Bisnor. Hon. H. A. P. Carter 33a ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. H. R. Macfarlane. G. W. MAOFAELANE & Co, IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Fire-Pro- Building, - 02 Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. AGENTS lor The Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Hecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Uuelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, I. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and 1 rt- - able Tramway Works, Leeds,' Mirrlees, Watson & Co's Sugar Mai-bi- ery, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Pac .:'l 185 r o. berqer, 24 Merchant Street. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insuiauco Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(liralt'd South British and National Firo & Ma. rine Iiiburancu Co.- - Macneale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. The Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Tho Commercial Fire & Marino Insur- ance Co. 238 Bearer The Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours The inestBiand oi Cigars & 1 obacco always on hand. II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor, -5ss-- i--jssss- m ntfiv anii airaw uuuus ASHF0RD & ASHFORD, Jimv, Clinnrery, Conveynnrlnjj, Admlrnlty, Ilnnkriiptcy, l'rohntc, TAc, VAc. i:tc. Office: Old Capitol Building, ndjoln. ing General Post-OIUc- e. 03 O. SMITH, Attorney at Law and Aeent to take Acknowledgments. No. 9 Kaahu-ninu- u street. 102 (im J Alfred magoon, AT 1 OHNKY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HABSINQER, Agont to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Oulco, Honolulu. DIOHARD F. BIOKERTON, XAj Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Office, Police Court Building, Mci chant st. 1 BROWN, Attorfler and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgments of Instruments for tho Island ol Oahu. Merchant btreet, Hono- lulu. 1 M THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, uml Solicitor In Chancery. Office Campbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms 8 and 9. Entrance on Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I. 984 tf WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at tho office of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu anu street. I8s .i JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgoti ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 AKANA, Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 7 King street, near the Bridge. Translations of cither of tho abovt languages made with accuracy and dis patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 PP. GRAY. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Otllce, first door west of Library Build- ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a in., and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m. EST Residence, No. 40 Alakea, near Hotel Street. DR. A. MOWAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Olllce and residence 34 Alakea street. OlDce hours, 9 to 11 a.m, 0 to 8 p.m. 04 ly D R. EMERSON, PHYS1C1A.N S SURGEON. Residence and Office, 196 Fort St. ( 8 to 10 A.M., Office Hours J 1 to 3 p.m., (7 to 8 Evening. Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149. 177 tf JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. and residence, 100 King St., opposite Kawaiahuo Church. Mu- tual Telephone, 354. Office hours from 7 to 9 a. m., and 1 to 2 i . m. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables will be prompt- ly attended to. 1. O. Box 80. 843 tf Mercantile. CHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.lC" Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. 11. Lowers, F. J. Lonioy, CM. Cooko. L EWERS He COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers und Dealers in Lumber and all kinda ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo t Street, William's Block, Hono. 'J 10 lulu, II. 1. J. ML OAT Jr. & Co. Deulcrs in all kinds of SrX,A.rX1IONli3K,Y, The Latest Foreign Papers always on hand at the Gazette JJock, Merchant StrLCt EST Tho English Admiralty Charts nlw ays on hand. 1 by W3I. BIcOANI,KSS, No. 0 Queen Btreet, Fish Market, Dealer in choicest lleer, Veal, aiuttou, Fish, Ac, Ac. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notico, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, npilE undersigned has moved into tho X olllco of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where ho will bo prepared to furnish house- hold servants, collect hills, do Anglo. Chinese Interpreting, and a general business. (59 Ora) SOYONG, AT THE Popular Millinery House, 104 FORT STREET, :::::: HONOLULU T. . Saehs, Proprietor. Hats for Ladies, Hats for Children, Hats for Babies, The largest variety of Trimmed and Untritnincd Hats in the Kingdom, in white, cream, ecru, black and all colors, rough and ready, plain and f 01103' L,aCG Straw. Latest Novelty in Hat Trimmings, Immense assortment of Flowers, Plumes, Tips, Ornaments, etc. BSS We give the Milline' Department our special attention, and feel confident wo can turn out better work and at lower figures than .1113' other House. Special Bargains in Bo3's' and Girlb' School Hats. Native Straw sewed in all shapes. The Popular Millinery House, 104 IT'ox't Street. Mrs. Mollis' Dressmaking Establishment on tho Premises. UNION FEED COMPANY. o Hay, Grain and Chicken Feed. Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Telephone 1 75. iMlnnil orders wollclfr.il. und goodM delivered promptly. II. M. BENSON, BENSON, SMITH & CO.. toiiiiiciiiiil k Dispensing Pbncists, 113 & 116 FORT STREET, HONOLULU, Depot for Boericke & Schreck's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, The Common Sense Nursing Bottles, And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Foed Store, 07 and CO Hotel btreet, Fresh Groceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P. O. Box 130, Bell Telephone No. 319, Mutual Telephone No. 194. fiUl Urn roplitau Marke ij KING b'L'UEET, G. a. AVVL.Xj32,Ii'Oirlotor. Choioest Meats from Finest Herds. Families and Shipping SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE and at the LowohI JXnJcst X'l'iceH. All meats delivered from tills Market are thoroughly chllltd immediately after killing by means of a n Pa- tent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all Its juicy piopertles, and Is UuAiiANTKi.Dio Kisicr Lo.miku AFTKIt DeMVKUY THAN FlIKSIILY-KIMr-E- I) MKAT. 74 lv & rfffifw DRAYMJIK. A LL orders for Cartago piomptlyat-xi- . tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in (piantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllce, adjoining E, P. Adams & Co.'s auction room, 983 ly Mutual T lephono No. 10, G. W. BMITII, S. M. CARTER, Wood ami Coal Jlercliant, No. 82 King Street. Telephono Number, in both Companies, 167. Wood nnd Coal Orders are hereby solicited, and vIll bu delhercd at auy locality within tho city limits. Departure Bay Coal, Newcastle Coal and Charcoal. Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split, always on hand, and sold in 131 quantities to suit. tf LAINE & CO. Have a Largo Stock of the VERY BEST HAY. O-rai- n, lEJte., Which im ollcredat Lowest Market Prices AND Dolivorbd Free to any part of tho City AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. Commis8ionerofDeed8forCalifornia Telephone No, 147. 700 LIME ! LIME ! Patronize Home Itlunuinctnrc The" Hawaiian Stone Comp'y Aro now prepared to furnish fresh Limo in quantities to suit purchasers, and satisfaction win runted us to both the kind and the price. ALLEN & ROBINSON, B ly ' AienU. Fnctoiy, 13 LUiha strret. A HE now prepared to furnish this celebrated Champagne Cider at short notice, and In quantities to suit. All orders will meet prompt attention by addressing The Fisher Cider Co. M T. DONNELL, Manager. Mutnnl Ti'lcphnnp H3H. 18') ly Mechanical. BROWN & PHILLIPS, Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Coppcr-smlth- No. 71 King street, Honolulu, jay- - Houe and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 102 Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y !!28 and 2!X Fort Street, Honolulu, . - - Hawaiian Is. W. It- - PAOi:. I'toprletO' HONOLULU IRON WORKS, fiSteam endues, sucar mills, boll- - ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of ecry description made to order. Pniticulur attention paid to ship's black hinitlung. Job work exe-cute- d at slum notice. 1 BuiiSfcTCKi C& UUi, Ship's Blaclvsmitli & General Machinist. E2?" All woik Promptly and neatly Per. formal. 205 3 111 J A. MCKENZIE, PRACTICAL PLUMBER and Gas Filtei. All ordcis for House or Ship work promptly executed. B2T Shop ne.t to Post Ofllec, Bethel Stieet. I. O. Box 100. Bell Tele-phon- e 421. 154 ly GEO. J. S'ntATJGMEYEIS, ARTISTIC SIGNS A SPECIALTY. 84 King Street, Honolulu. 175 P. O. Box 310. ly LUCAS, Contractor and Builder," Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds ol Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Ordcis from the other Is-au- ds solicited N. 3?. BURGESS, 84 King street, : : Honolulu. Carpenter nml Kuildrr. ItagKnge and, ;i,ik'iuI i:pr-CMN- . Dray ing and steamer Freight carefully handled. Carriage painting done by a first-clas- s workman at 7S King street. Jobbing in above lines attended to with piomptncKS, and charges according to the amount nnd quality of work. Office Telephone, 202. Residence, 102. 143 ly Telephone 55. E PRISC PLANING MILL. Vlnkca, nenr (ncen St, C. J. HutiiEi:, Pioprictor. Contracting & Building Mouldings and Finish always on hand. t3ST Orders promptly attended to. -- t lot; nam; Jfarrt tuitl Soft Stove Wood, 1)34 Out and Split ly Tlios. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELEB. 1C8 No. CO Nuuanu fctrect. ly rMOiViflisrt STEM CANDY FACTORY .Arvi i JwVioait v. F. HORN, Prautuiil Confectioner, 1'ustiy Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- Gsttsr Telephono 74 AJjVIN II. KASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- nnd BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll,Mcr. 722 chant street. ly ALEX. FLOHR, Practical Gun JTsP and Lock Smith, Bethel St., next to Potd-OUlc- e. Sewing Machines of alllkinds repaired. All kinds of Light Machinery repaired on Short Notice- - N.ll Good WoikmVnshij) and Charges Strictly Moderate. P. O. Box 100. 124 Bell Telephone 184. ly OEJ. JB. THOMAS, Builder. Office, corner Alakea and Queen streets, mutuaIj TEi.r.rnosn, 355. 814 P. O. Box 117. 0m I. MeKEIVZIDE, Contractor nnd Itnihlcr. S'ores nnd olllce fitted up, Estimates given on all kinds of brick and wooden Buildings, Plans and Specifications fur- nished. E3F" Office, no Beretanla St.; Mutual Telephone, 352; Postottlcc Box, 11)0. 322 ly Rhoads & Greene, House Builders and Architects. Plans, Specifications and detailed Draw. ing,. furnished for all kinds ot wood or brick buildings, and Estimates given for the same. All jobbing promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Any of tho above work entrusted to our enre, will receive our personal attention. Orders from thn oilier islands solicited. Office ana Shop, 88 Queen St. TELEPHONE 848. Honolulu, May 7, 188G. 323 ly WOllVG EOCJME, Contractor, Carpenter & Builder, Houses and Furniture Repaired, the Best of Workmanship. .Labor, SS2 per Xn.y. Work Shop, : : 70 Maunakea 8t. 293 0m WILLIAM WTr.T.TITt Cab inctmaker nrBwdjjt And Upholsterer, No. 03 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Ganeu and talking Sticks, Made ol every kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets. Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.' maue oi me latest ocsigns. WEMER & CO. Btanufnctiirine Jowollcrn, NO. OS FOBT 8TKEET. Constantly on hand a large assortment of every description of Jewcliy, Watches, Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 058 ly Miscellaneous. TO THE PUBLIC. Tie Pacilc Transfer Go. Ofilco with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant Street, Bell Tel., 377, Mutual Tel., 391. I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage, hauling or moving work, all of which I will guarantee to execute faith- fully. 62 ly S. F. GRAHAM, Prop'r. Yosemite Mm Bint Will bo open every afternoon and even-in- g as follows: JIondny.TueHdny.WeilneHdny.Thurs day and Huturday r.venlnic. To.thepublic in general. XKIIJA-- EVENINGS, For ladies and gentlemen. Tuesday ArtcruoonM, For ladies, gentlemen and children. MTJttlC. Friday and Saturday Evenings. WILLIAM WALL, Manager. VOLCANO ROUTE. Wiltters Stmsliij Co. Commencing on Mondny, October 12th, nnd thenco on tho first Monday following the arrival of the Alameda and Mariposa on the 8th and 22nd of each month. Tho steamer Kiiiuu will make the Volcano Trip, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morning, giving Tourists two days and two nights at the Volcano House. When the 8th and 22nd of tho month fall on Monday, the Kluuu will leave that day. C2r Tickets lor tho Round Trip, $50, which pays all Charges. Tho KInnn will arrlvo in llonolulu Sunduv mornings on Volcano Trips, On Hllo Trips, will leave llonolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morn- ings. WILDER'B BTMBHIP CO. Honolulu, ticpt. 14, 1835. 124 tf i a Aj WHY THE Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States is the Best com-pau- y with which to Assure. I. Bocauso or its Safety. ' Its surplus Is larger than that of any other assurance company. II. Bocauso of ils Promplnoss. Of 1,013 death claims paid In 1835, nearly one-hal- f wuiu paid the teiylnv proofs weie lceclxed; while of thoie-maiude- r, the maioilty we.-- e paid within the following thiee days. No other company cm fhow such a recoid. III. Because of its Liberality and Reforms. All policies are iNcoNTnyrAuu: after three years. All incontestable policies are payable Immediately upon leeelpt of proofs of death. The Societ)'s policy contract is clear and simple, and llbci al In its conditions. Its g Tontine (orSeini-Tonllnc- ) policy affoidsall the ultimate benefits of the full Tontine, nnd hap during its earlier j ears the surrender alue and other matciial nih.iutagcs of oidluarr life policies. IV. Profit No other company is paying on its policies, as huge piollts as "are shown under the Tontine policies with llfteen-- j eat periods. Per- sons dc-hin- g assurance may obtain estimates of the probable result-- , of similar pollcic-- , and of policies, with twenty-yea- r teims, which aio expected toBhowecn huger protlt. V. Prospective Advantafjes. The unexampled progiess of the Equitable in the past Is t)io best guaran- tee of the iuei easing fiitmu i.ilue of absurance with the .Equitable. Asset .3U0,553,:iS7.0O Liabilities, 52,001,1 1S.37 Surplus, S13,MJ2,230.i: Surplus on the New York Standaid, 17,105,32'.) 40 New Assurance in SS5,...S0i;,011,o78.00 a larger business than that of any other company. Outstanding 1 -- .. Assuiance, ,.I3&,J4C.OO Total Paid Policj-- J holders In 1SS5, 5 ,i.,CaJ.0j Paid Policyholder since Organization 5 Income in 1885, l(i,r.rJ0,05:U3 Improvement During the Year. Incicase in Premium In- come, Si, 130,0 10.00 Jncicahc in Surplus :i,!t7S,2J.0J Increase in Assuts, 8,301 ,40I.Ut For full paitlculaisnpplv to ALEX. .1. CAIt'i'WlUGIIT, No. 3. K.iahum.tuu fat., General Agent forthclIawaiianLIauds. !!. CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire &. Marino Insur'co Agents. AOEN1S FOll TJ10 Sen- - i:iiulniid MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Bcstou. The iEtna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tliu Union Firo und Marine Insurance Co. of Han Francisco, Cain. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v KSTAI1LISIIED 18ir, Capital 9,000,000 Rolchsmark. '1'in3 undersigned, having been up --L polnttd agent of tho above Company for tho Hawaiian islands, lb prepaud to accept ribks, nguiiibt Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Pioduce, bugiir Mills etc., 011 the moa Favorable Terms Loses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in llonolulu. H, IUEMENSCIINEIDER, 070 ly at Wilder &, Co's. Tho qnitable Life ANimmc Society of the United StafuN. KNT.lI.lHIli:i IX IN30. ISSUES Policies on tho most approved cd Payments, Endowments; Tontine Savings Fund, Tontines, Scmi.Tontiucs; A. B. C. Tontines; Lifo and Sun Ivor, ship Annuities; Children's Endowments, Joint Life Risks, Partnership Insurance, etc., etc., etc. Policies both Incontestable nnd Non forfeitable. Contested claims, none. Before Insuring elbowherc, call nnd gel an estimate. It is calculated that every reasonable wish of tho insured is embodied iu one or moro of the plans. For full particulars nnd pamnhleU. apply lo IAI.KX. J. CAIlTYVlUmiT, General Agent for Hawullan Islands. 00 ly A A S. 'i 1 1 .i

iife · 2015-05-30 · EST Tho English Admiralty Charts nlw ays on hand. 1 by W3I. BIcOANI,KSS, No. 0 Queen Btreet, Fish Market, ... plain and f01103' L,aCG Straw. Latest Novelty

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Page 1: iife · 2015-05-30 · EST Tho English Admiralty Charts nlw ays on hand. 1 by W3I. BIcOANI,KSS, No. 0 Queen Btreet, Fish Market, ... plain and f01103' L,aCG Straw. Latest Novelty

p; .r ip j iii jp jjhj?i XILHi iife jli JJL 11 it JE JL IL ill A f

Vol. IX.vNo. 1370. HONOLULU, H. I., SATUEDAY EVENING, JULY 3, 1880. - to a$X?i85KHmn

fV TTTP. TIATT.V "RnT.T.P.TT"M Professionals. THE FISHER CIDER COMPANYJr - uiiijj4j.i flBEiE i B ffH I








Is printed nnil published at the ofllec,Queen Street, llonolulu, II. I., everyafternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - 50 conts por Month.

Addro nil Communlcatlens DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc cn3ine insoitlon,should bo handed In before one o'clockP.M.Daniel Logan Managing EditorNorman Logan Associate Editor and Ac-

countant.W. A. 8. Beats Collector und Shipping


Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Nowspaper, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most fuvorabloterms.

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone . No. 256

Commission Moronants.

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen St., Honolulu. 1

Clans Spreckels. Win. G. Irwin.

IRWIN & COMPANY,WQ.Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

WILDER & CO.,Dealers In Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

S. N. CttBtlo. J. B. Atbctton.& Cooke,Castle Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. HO King St.,Honolulu. 1

Gonsalves c Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

MS. GRINBAUM.& CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise and Commission Merchants,''Honolulu, and

L24 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

J Lyons,Auctioneer and General

Commission Merchant,Masonic Block, Queen st., - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Heal Estateand General Merchandise promptly at.tended to.

Sole Agent for American and Euro-pean merchandise. 318

0. BREWER(Limiwit)


General Mercantile andCommibsioh Agents.

list of ofv1cekb:P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Caiiteu. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

dikectoks:Hon. C. R. Bisnor. Hon. H. A. P. Carter

33a ly

Geo. W. Macfarlane. H. R. Macfarlane.




Sugar Factors,Fire-Pro- Building, - 02 Queen street,

Honolulu. H. I.AGENTS lor

The Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Hecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Uuelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,I. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and 1 rt--

able Tramway Works, Leeds,'Mirrlees, Watson & Co's Sugar Mai-bi-

ery, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Pac .:'l


r o. berqer,24 Merchant Street.

General Agent forThe N. Y. Life Insuiauco Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(liralt'd

South British and National Firo & Ma.rine Iiiburancu Co.- -

Macneale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

The Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Tho Commercial Fire & Marino Insur-ance Co.



The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours

The inestBiand oi

Cigars & 1 obaccoalways on hand.

II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor,

-5ss-- i--jssss- m ntfiv anii airaw uuuusASHF0RD & ASHFORD,

Jimv, Clinnrery, Conveynnrlnjj,Admlrnlty, Ilnnkriiptcy, l'rohntc,

TAc, VAc. i:tc.Office: Old Capitol Building, ndjoln.

ing General Post-OIUc- e. 03

O. SMITH,Attorney at Law and Aeent to

take Acknowledgments. No. 9 Kaahu-ninu- u

street. 102 (im

J Alfred magoon,AT 1 OHNKY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HABSINQER,Agont to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Oulco,Honolulu.

DIOHARD F. BIOKERTON,XAj Attorney and Counsellor at Law.Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Office, Police Court Building,Mci chant st. 1

BROWN,Attorfler and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgments of Instruments for thoIsland ol Oahu. Merchant btreet, Hono-lulu. 1


uml Solicitor In Chancery. OfficeCampbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms8 and 9. Entrance on Merchant Street,Honolulu, II. I. 984 tf

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at tho office ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuanu street. I8s .i


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotited, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190

AKANA,Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 7 King street, near the Bridge.

Translations of cither of tho abovtlanguages made with accuracy and dispatch, and on reasonable terms. 209


Otllce, first door west of Library Build-ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a in., and 2 to 4and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m.

EST Residence, No. 40 Alakea, nearHotel Street.

DR. A. MOWAYNE,Physician and Surgeon,

Olllce and residence 34 Alakea street.OlDce hours, 9 to 11 a.m, 0 to 8 p.m.

04 ly


Residence and Office, 196 Fort St.( 8 to 10 A.M.,

Office Hours J 1 to 3 p.m.,( 7 to 8 Evening.

Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149.177 tf

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.

and residence, 100 King St.,opposite Kawaiahuo Church. Mu-

tual Telephone, 354. Office hours from7 to 9 a. m., and 1 to 2 i . m. Orders leftat the Pantheon Stables will be prompt-ly attended to.

1. O. Box 80. 843 tf


CHR. GERTZ,No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.lC"

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.

11. Lowers, F. J. Lonioy, CM. Cooko.

LEWERS He COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers und Dealers in Lumber and allkinda ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo t Street, William's Block, Hono.'J 10 lulu, II. 1.

J. ML OAT Jr. & Co.Deulcrs in all kinds of

SrX,A.rX1IONli3K,Y,The Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at the Gazette JJock, MerchantStrLCt

EST Tho English Admiralty Chartsnlw ays on hand. 1 by

W3I. BIcOANI,KSS,No. 0 Queen Btreet, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestlleer, Veal, aiuttou, Fish, Ac, Ac.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notico, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly

EMPLOYMENT OFFICE,npilE undersigned has moved into thoX olllco of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where

ho will bo prepared to furnish house-hold servants, collect hills, do Anglo.Chinese Interpreting, and a generalbusiness. (59 Ora) SOYONG,


Popular Millinery House,104 FORT STREET, :::::: HONOLULU

T. . Saehs, Proprietor.

Hats for Ladies, Hats for Children,

Hats for Babies,The largest variety of Trimmed and Untritnincd Hats in the Kingdom, in

white, cream, ecru, black and all colors, rough and ready,plain and f01103' L,aCG Straw.

Latest Novelty in Hat Trimmings,Immense assortment of Flowers, Plumes,

Tips, Ornaments, etc.

BSS We give the Milline' Department our special attention, and feelconfident wo can turn out better work and at lower figures than .1113' otherHouse.

Special Bargains in Bo3's' and Girlb' School Hats.Native Straw sewed in all shapes.

The Popular Millinery House,104 IT'ox't Street.

Mrs. Mollis' Dressmaking Establishment on tho Premises.


Hay, Grain and Chicken Feed.

Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsTelephone 1 75.

iMlnnil orders wollclfr.il. und goodM delivered promptly.


BENSON, SMITH & CO..toiiiiiciiiiil k Dispensing Pbncists,


Depot for Boericke & Schreck's

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, The Common Sense Nursing Bottles,

And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Foed Store,

07 and CO Hotel btreet,Fresh Groceries and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. O. Box 130, Bell Telephone No.

319, Mutual Telephone No. 194.fiUl Urn

roplitau Markeij


G. a. AVVL.Xj32,Ii'Oirlotor.

Choioest Meats from Finest Herds.

Families and Shipping


and at the

LowohI JXnJcst X'l'iceH.

All meats delivered from tills Marketare thoroughly chllltd immediately afterkilling by means of a n Pa-tent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat sotreated retains all Its juicy piopertles,and Is UuAiiANTKi.Dio Kisicr Lo.mikuAFTKIt DeMVKUY THAN FlIKSIILY-KIMr-E- I)

MKAT. 74 lv



A LL orders for Cartago piomptlyat-xi- .tended to. Particular attention

paid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in (piantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllce, adjoining E, P. Adams & Co.'sauction room,983 ly Mutual T lephono No. 10,


S. M. CARTER,Wood ami Coal Jlercliant,

No. 82 King Street. TelephonoNumber, in both Companies, 167.

Wood nnd Coal Orders are herebysolicited, and vIll bu delhercd at auylocality within tho city limits.

Departure Bay Coal, NewcastleCoal and Charcoal.

Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split,always on hand, and sold in

131 quantities to suit. tf

LAINE & CO.Have a Largo Stock of the

VERY BEST HAY.O-rai-n, lEJte.,

Which im ollcredat Lowest Market PricesAND

Dolivorbd Free to any part of tho City

AGENTS FOR THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

Commis8ionerofDeed8forCaliforniaTelephone No, 147. 700


Patronize Home Itlunuinctnrc

The" Hawaiian Stone Comp'yAro now prepared to furnish fresh Limoin quantities to suit purchasers, andsatisfaction win runted us to both thekind and the price.


Fnctoiy, 13 LUiha strret.

AHE now prepared to furnish thiscelebrated Champagne Cider at

short notice, and In quantities to suit.All orders will meet prompt attentionby addressing The Fisher Cider Co.

M T. DONNELL, Manager.Mutnnl Ti'lcphnnp H3H. 18') ly


BROWN & PHILLIPS,Plumbers, Gas Fitters

and Coppcr-smlth- No. 71 King street,Honolulu, jay-- Houe and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 102

Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y!!28 and 2!X Fort Street,

Honolulu, . - - Hawaiian Is.W. It- - PAOi:. I'toprletO'

HONOLULU IRON WORKS,fiSteam endues, sucar mills, boll- -

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of ecry descriptionmade to order. Pniticulur attention paidto ship's black hinitlung. Job work exe-cute- d

at slum notice. 1

BuiiSfcTCKi C& UUi,Ship's Blaclvsmitli & General Machinist.

E2?" All woik Promptly and neatly Per.formal. 205 3 111


and Gas Filtei.All ordcis for House or Ship work

promptly executed.

B2T Shop ne.t to Post Ofllec, BethelStieet. I. O. Box 100. Bell Tele-phon- e

421. 154 ly



84 King Street, Honolulu.

175 P. O. Box 310. ly


and Builder,"

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds ol Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Ordcis from the other Is-au- ds


N. 3?. BURGESS,84 King street, : : Honolulu.

Carpenter nml Kuildrr. ItagKnge and,;i,ik'iuI i:pr-CMN- .

Dray ing and steamer Freight carefullyhandled.

Carriage painting done by a first-clas- s

workman at 7S King street.Jobbing in above lines attended to withpiomptncKS, and charges according to

the amount nnd quality of work.Office Telephone, 202. Residence, 102.

143 ly

Telephone 55.


Vlnkca, nenr (ncen St,

C. J. HutiiEi:, Pioprictor.

Contracting & BuildingMouldings and Finish always on hand.

t3ST Orders promptly attended to. -- tlot; nam;

Jfarrt tuitl Soft Stove Wood,1)34 Out and Split ly


1C8 No. CO Nuuanu fctrect. ly


.Arvi i JwVioait v.F. HORN, Prautuiil Confectioner,

1'ustiy Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. --Gsttsr Telephono 74



Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll,Mcr.722 chant street. ly

ALEX. FLOHR,Practical Gun JTsP and Lock Smith,

Bethel St., next to Potd-OUlc- e.

Sewing Machines of alllkinds repaired.All kinds of Light Machinery repaired

on Short Notice- -

N.ll Good WoikmVnshij) and ChargesStrictly Moderate. P. O. Box 100.

124 Bell Telephone 184. ly

OEJ. JB. THOMAS,Builder.

Office, corner Alakea and Queen streets,mutuaIj TEi.r.rnosn, 355.

814 P. O. Box 117. 0m

I. MeKEIVZIDE,Contractor nnd Itnihlcr.

S'ores nnd olllce fitted up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick and woodenBuildings, Plans and Specifications fur-nished. E3F" Office, no Beretanla St.;Mutual Telephone, 352; Postottlcc Box,11)0. 322 ly

Rhoads & Greene,House Builders and Architects.

Plans, Specifications and detailed Draw.ing,. furnished for all kinds ot wood orbrick buildings, and Estimates givenfor the same. All jobbing promptly at-tended to and charges moderate. Anyof tho above work entrusted to our enre,will receive our personal attention.Orders from thn oilier islands solicited.

Office ana Shop, 88 Queen St.TELEPHONE 848.

Honolulu, May 7, 188G. 323 ly

WOllVG EOCJME,Contractor, Carpenter & Builder,

Houses and Furniture Repaired,the Best of Workmanship.

.Labor, SS2 per Xn.y.Work Shop, : : 70 Maunakea 8t.

293 0m


Cab inctmakernrBwdjjt

And Upholsterer,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Ganeu and talking Sticks,Made ol every kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets. Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.'

maue oi me latest ocsigns.

WEMER & CO.Btanufnctiirine Jowollcrn,

NO. OS FOBT 8TKEET.Constantly on hand a large assortment

of every description of Jewcliy, Watches,Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

058 ly



Tie Pacilc Transfer Go.

Ofilco with C. K. Miller,42 Merchant Street,

Bell Tel., 377, Mutual Tel., 391.

I am fully prepared to do all kinds ofdrayage, hauling or moving work, all ofwhich I will guarantee to execute faith-fully.

62 ly S. F. GRAHAM, Prop'r.

Yosemite Mm Bint

Will bo open every afternoon and even-in- g

as follows:JIondny.TueHdny.WeilneHdny.Thurs

day and Huturday r.venlnic.To.thepublic in general.

XKIIJA-- EVENINGS,For ladies and gentlemen.

Tuesday ArtcruoonM,For ladies, gentlemen and children.

MTJttlC.Friday and Saturday Evenings.



Wiltters Stmsliij Co.

Commencing on Mondny, October12th, nnd thenco on tho first Mondayfollowing the arrival of the Alamedaand Mariposa on the 8th and 22nd ofeach month.

Tho steamer Kiiiuu will make theVolcano Trip, reaching Keauhou onWednesday morning, giving Touriststwo days and two nights at the VolcanoHouse.

When the 8th and 22nd of tho monthfall on Monday, the Kluuu will leavethat day.

C2r Tickets lor tho Round Trip, $50, whichpays all Charges.

Tho KInnn will arrlvo in llonoluluSunduv mornings on Volcano Trips, OnHllo Trips, will leave llonolulu onTuesdays, and return Saturday morn-ings. WILDER'B BTMBHIP CO.

Honolulu, ticpt. 14, 1835. 124 tf

i a



Equitable LifeAssurance Society

of the United States is the Best com-pau- y

with which to Assure.

I. Bocauso or its Safety. 'Its surplus Is larger than that of any

other assurance company.

II. Bocauso of ils Promplnoss.

Of 1,013 death claims paid In 1835,nearly one-hal- f wuiu paid the teiylnvproofs weie lceclxed; while of thoie-maiude- r,

the maioilty we.-- e paid withinthe following thiee days. No othercompany cm fhow such a recoid.

III. Because of its Liberality andReforms.

All policies are iNcoNTnyrAuu: afterthree years. All incontestable policiesare payable Immediately upon leeelptof proofs of death. The Societ)'spolicy contract is clear and simple, andllbci al In its conditions. Its g

Tontine (orSeini-Tonllnc- ) policyaffoidsall the ultimate benefits of thefull Tontine, nnd hap during its earlierj ears the surrender alue and othermatciial nih.iutagcs of oidluarr lifepolicies.

IV. ProfitNo other company is paying on its

policies, as huge piollts as "are shownunder the Tontinepolicies with llfteen-- j eat periods. Per-sons dc-hin- g assurance may obtainestimates of the probable result-- , ofsimilar pollcic-- , and of policies, withtwenty-yea- r teims, which aio expectedtoBhowecn huger protlt.V. Prospective Advantafjes.

The unexampled progiess of theEquitable in the past Is t)io best guaran-tee of the iuei easing fiitmu i.ilue ofabsurance with the .Equitable.Asset .3U0,553,:iS7.0OLiabilities, 52,001,1 1S.37

Surplus, S13,MJ2,230.i:

Surplus on the New YorkStandaid, 17,105,32'.) 40

New Assurance in SS5,...S0i;,011,o78.00a larger business than that of any othercompany.Outstanding 1 -- ..

Assuiance, ,.I3&,J4C.OO

Total Paid Policj-- Jholders In 1SS5, 5 ,i.,CaJ.0j

Paid Policyholdersince Organization 5

Income in 1885, l(i,r.rJ0,05:U3

Improvement Duringthe Year.

Incicase in Premium In-come, Si, 130,0 10.00

Jncicahc in Surplus :i,!t7S,2J.0JIncrease in Assuts, 8,301 ,40I.Ut

For full paitlculaisnpplv toALEX. .1. CAIt'i'WlUGIIT,

No. 3. K.iahum.tuu fat.,General Agent forthclIawaiianLIauds.


CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire &. Marino Insur'co Agents.


TJ10 Sen-- i:iiulniidMUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y,

of Bcstou.

The iEtna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tliu Union Firo und

Marine Insurance Co.of Han Francisco, Cain.

101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v

KSTAI1LISIIED 18ir,Capital 9,000,000 Rolchsmark.'1'in3 undersigned, having been up

--L polnttd agent of tho above Companyfor tho Hawaiian islands, lb prepaud toaccept ribks, nguiiibt Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Pioduce, bugiirMills etc., 011 the moa Favorable Terms

Loses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo inllonolulu.

H, IUEMENSCIINEIDER,070 ly at Wilder &, Co's.

Tho qnitable Life ANimmcSociety of the United


KNT.lI.lHIli:i IX IN30.

ISSUES Policies on tho most approved

cd Payments, Endowments; TontineSavings Fund, Tontines, Scmi.Tontiucs;A. B. C. Tontines; Lifo and Sun Ivor,ship Annuities; Children's Endowments,Joint Life Risks, Partnership Insurance,etc., etc., etc.

Policies both Incontestable nnd Nonforfeitable.

Contested claims, none.Before Insuring elbowherc, call nnd

gel an estimate.It is calculated that every reasonable

wish of tho insured is embodied iu oneor moro of the plans.

For full particulars nnd pamnhleU.apply lo

IAI.KX. J. CAIlTYVlUmiT,General Agent for Hawullan Islands.

00 ly


AS. 'i




Page 2: iife · 2015-05-30 · EST Tho English Admiralty Charts nlw ays on hand. 1 by W3I. BIcOANI,KSS, No. 0 Queen Btreet, Fish Market, ... plain and f01103' L,aCG Straw. Latest Novelty

1011!, $pS$&'$aR''f?W(PPP WPWIvWiMr Twipifflrapg'5

p BISHOP & Co., BANKEKS mnu t nnTOT A mTTTll?IK Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. T, T H M H




P-- '





, ,




Draw Exchange on iho

Bunltr ofCalll'oviilR, 16. JT.And their agents in


Messrs. N. M. ItollisdiHcl & Son, LondonTho Comtncrcinl Unnk Co., of Sydney,

London,Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney,Tho Hank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Chrlslchurch, and A ellitieton,The Bank of British Columbia, Vic- -

torla, B. C, and Portland, Or.and

Transact a General Banking Business.0C9 lv

t ' m

Pledged to aoither Beet nor Party.

Bat established for tho lionofit of all.


FOURTH OF JULY.w is thu Fourth of July,

but as is Sunday thofourth has been practically post-

poned a day, so that Monday willbe observed as the fourth this yearby the people of Honolulu. To allAmericans fifty millions of freepeople the Fourth of July is thegreat day of all the year, because itis the day that marks their com-

mencement as a free and indepen-dent nation. This is America's andAmericans' special interest in thoday. But every country and peoplewhere the influence of liberty is felthas a real, if indirect, interest inthe same day, because it marks thebeginning of a new and butter erafor the world. Here in these islandsarc people of many nations, all ofwhom have more or less cause to bethankful for the declaration of 177(5,

and should therefore join heartilywith Americans in commemoratingthe day. May the great Americannation continue to grow and prosperand extend her influence far andwide, is the sincere wish of everyman and woman who loves freedomand believes in the equality of humanrights. Long live the Republic!


at the sittings ofthe Legislature of members, parti-

cularly of the appointed portion,the Nobles, has been commented onin the house during the week. Ab-

sentees were justly censured bysome speakers for their neglect ofpublic duties. "We would be thelast to excuse any man for inatten-tion to the responsibilities of a na-

tional trust, and have no intentionto take upon ourselves the task ofapologizing for the delinquency ofthe country's permanent legislators.At the same time we make it ourduty to say that insinuations weredropped in the house calculated tomislead the uninformed. In thefirst place, there are several vacantseats of Nobles who arc absent fromthe country, one of whom is onpublic business. In the secondplace, there arc others who are irre-

gular in their attendance for privntereasons, sufficient and satisfactoryto gentlemen. And, in tho thirdplace, the occasional or frequentabsence of some who might be rogu-luarl- y

present if so inclined, is not"because they arc sore-heade- d fromthe loss of office." Some of thesegentlemen never had ollicc, andtherefore could not have lost it, andcannot now be distressed about hav-

ing lost what they have never lost.Perhaps they never had a chance :

we are not posted. But others ofhem have certainly had opportuni-

ties and offers of olllce, which theyhave most respectfully and most

declined. Surely these gentlemen cannot be bore-liend- be-

cause of being out of ollicc, seeing

that they have refused olllce whentendered, and would most assuuedlydecline again and again. Wo won-

der if those who talk in this strain,who say that Nobles absent them-

selves from legislative duties be-

cause they do not receive tho honorsand emoluments of ollicc, really be-

lieve what they assert, or do theyBay it simply because they can findnothing else to say, or because theyfeel it a duty to say somethingvulgar and offensive? The firstalternative is the credulity of ignor-ance, the second paucity of intellect,and the third a mistaken notion ofthe privileges of a legislator.

It cost nearly G,000 to bringMaxwell within tho shadow of thogallows at St. Louis.

New York has a now committeeof one hundred citizens, appointedfor the purposo of securing munici-

pal reform.What is said to bo tho largest

Bchoonor in tho world will soon bolaunched at Bath, Mo. She willhave a coal-carrvi- capacity of8,600 tons.

Quinine soils at a lower price thanwas ever known in tho United States,tho German product having fallento flfty-thre- o conts per ounce.

rirTV-sixos- n -- COXTINCUtt.

Fuji-ay- , July 2nd.I?cp. Dole said ho would accept

the denial. The statement in theresolution was not as full as the ru-

mors, which were that Mr. Sprcckelswas negotiating for the lease of theirharbor for !)9 years, lie might bechatged with want of intelligencefor listening to these things, but oneof the most intelligent men 111 .thecity spoke to him this very dayabout that lease of the harbor for 09years. It seemed to him an almostincredible thing that Air. Sprcckelswould press for any such thing, butthe old saying was whore therewas a grcatdcal of smoke there mustbe a little fire. Therefore he couldsee no objection to their passing thisresolution. Certainly, after the re-

marks of His Excellency, he couldsee no reason why a reply shouldnot be made instantly.

Hep. Kaulukou thoughtthe motivesof the hon. member for Lahainamight be very good, but he agreedwith the member for Lilmc that theresolution was incomplete. It ap-

peared the name of Sprcckels was agreat bugbear, the mention of whichwas a the mention of some evilspirit. Everybody seemed to lieafraid of Mx. Sprcckels, and to re-

gard him as having a large mouththat gobbled up everything.

Hep. Dickey lie has a longhead.

Hep. Kaulukou thought the twoprincipal planks of the d in-

dependent party at the last electionwas the bad qualities of Mr. Sprock-ets and the bad qualities of Mr.Gibson. A good deal of this, hethought, was due to jealousy. Thosewho talked that way only wanted toget the financial business into thehands of the Noble on the otherside (Mr. Bishop) and his friends.Once the Government of which thehon. Noble was a member loanedBishop's Bank S2oO,000 at six per-

cent, to get that concern and itsdependents out of difficulties, butwhen the Government was in diff-iculties that bank only helped it byloaning it money for which nine per-cent was charged.

Hep. Kalua raised the point oforder that the hon. member was notspeaking on the resolution.

The President ruled that bothsides having departed from theresolution, the hon. member was notout of order.

Hep. Thurston said that was adifferent ruling from that madeagainst him the other day.

Noble Bishop said the hon. mem-

ber was making untrue statementsabout a matter not before the house.

The President stated that the hon.member had no right to make un-

true statements. The member forLihue had spoken of rumors that hehad heard, therefore the chair re-

garded as really out of order agreat deal of the remarks.

Hep. Brown wished, whenever thePresident saw a member out of order, he would call him to order.

Hep. Aholo said the President hadso many instructors, he thoughtthey had better take recess, andmoved to adjourn till 1 :30, whichcarried, at 12:10.


Hep. Kaulukou, on the house re-

suming, said that in his remarks pre-

vious to recess he had made a state-ment regarding Bishop & Co.'sbank, which the hon. Noble Bishopsaid was not true. If he (thespeaker) had been misinformed, hewould withdraw the statement. Heought to have stated the amount ofinterest paid by Bishop & Co. at 7percent instead of C percent. liethought .sufficient time had beentaken up in discussing the resolution, and therefore moved the orderof the day, which carried.

oitimi- - or Tin; WAV.

Consideration of the tax bill incommittee of the whole.

Minister Dare said that the lateMinister of Finance appointed theTax Assessors, and they had takentho field and were practically atwork. If any law relating to taxeswere enacted, it could not go intoeffect until the beginning of thefiscal year of 1887. He thought thetax bill was second to none otherin importance, yet for the reasonsslated it might give way to otherbills of importance, lie thereforemoved that the consideration of thetax bill be deferred to Tuesday.

Hep. Kalua said the house wouldhave to go into committee before itcould carry the motion. Accord-ingly the house went into committeeof the wnoic, iep. Kaunamano intho chair. On motion of Hep.Castle tho committee rose and askedleave to sit again on Thursday next,which was adopted.

On motion of Hep. Keau thehouse went into committee of thewhole on the Appropriation Bill,Hep. Kaunamano in tho chair.

Hep. Kaulukou moved to insertBcnairs to Cotirlhouso and Jail,

Kohula .8Passed.Hop, Anmra moved to insert

Safe, Cupboaid, etc., Courthouse,Wuialua 8

1'asscd.Hep. Aholo moved to insert

Jails unVnlploand JIonokau....$ i,000

Ho said tho item was intended tocover a safe, furniture and meatsafo for jailor.

Hop. Thurston was in favor of ajail for every district that sent aRepresentative. lie understoodthere was ono at Honokaa, A good


jail could bo built for S 1,500. Theyshould not violate the programme oftho new Ministry for retrenchment.He moved tho item bo inserted atSI, COO.

Hep. Richardson moved it pass atSGOO.

Tho item pnsscd at SI ,000.Hep. Dickey moved to inscit

Moving Courthouse from Maka- -wao toPuia $ 1,000

Passed.Hep. Kokoa moved to insert

Bepalrs to fence round Court-house at Puna $ 10

Rep. Richardson moved So.Minister Gibson would call the at-

tention of Mr. Kckoa to the item,"SI 0,000 repairs Government build-ings, contingent," which the househad passed. He thought this



itemwould cover repairs to all Govern-ment buildings. If reference weremade to him as Minister of the In-

terior he would look into the matterand see if he could not squeeze $Qout of the S10,000. He would notlike to see an item of &10 in the Ap-

propriation Bill..Tho motion to insert the item in

the Appropriation Bill was put andlost.

Rep. Hichardson moved to insertCourthouse and Jail at AVnlluku

ami Repairs $ 5,000

He reminded the house that Wai-luk- u

was the second District in thekingdom in the revenue it returnedto thu Government.

Hep. Castle was afraid the amountwas not enough, but it might serve


the purpose of making the much-neede- d

accommodation for prisoners.There was a large floating popula-tion in the District, and the jail wasoften over-crowde- Ihc letter inthe Gnzettc, describing the condi-tion of the jail, was absolutely cor-

rect, and if the slate of mattersthere mentioned continued it wouldbe a disgrace to the Government.

The item passed.Hep. Castle, with regard to the

petition for improvements to watersupply of 'Wailuku, said there was adilliculty in the absence of plansand information A proper supplyof water for Wailuku and Kahuluiwould yield a large revenue. Anobstacle was that the sources ofsupply were in the hands of privateparties. At a wild guess it wouldprobably icquiie S75,000. Suchwoiks in this little kingdom shouldbe in the hands of the Government.No one had given notice of any bill,the only refeiencc to the subjectbeing a mention of a supply forIlilo in Hep. Kaulukou's loan bill.He moved to insert an item of S 1,000for preliminary surveys for a watersupply for Wailuku. Carried.

Hep. Richardson, with regard to apetition for a market at Wailuku,said there seemed to be no hopes ofgetting it this period ; thereforemoved tho matter be laid on thetable. Carried.Wharves Contingent $ 10,700

Minister Gibson, in reply to Rep.Thurston, said the late Minister ofInterior's report called for S 12 ,000,and on careful consideration theGovernment found that S10,700would be necessary.

Passed.New Landing and Repairs of

lauding ouUldc of Hono-lulu Harbor 8 r.,000

Hep. Kauhane moved to insert$.r,000 for wharf at Ilonuapo. Astorm had swept away the formerone, and Messrs. W. G. Irwin & Co.had rebuilt it at a cost of $11,000-I- f

the Government gave $5,000, thepublic would have an equal right inthe wharf with that firm.

Hep. Dickey opposed the motion,mentioning wharves at variousplaces owned by private parties.They had built them for their ownbenefit, but he did not think any ofthem charged the public for theiruse.

Hep. Brown was not in favor ofpassing this item. There was nopetition for it. nor demand fromMessrs. Irwin. He was not in favorof the Government giving one centto a sugar plantation for any wharf.If the Government had built a wharfand it was swept away, and a privatefirm had rebuilt the wharf, thepeople were not divested of theirright to it.

Noble Walker haul sonic threeyears ago a wharf was built there ata cost of 813,500 by the PacificSteam Navigation Co. and the plan-tation of Naalehu and Ililea. Thoseparties petitioned the Governmentfor a grant of $5,000, so that thepublic should have an interest in itand tho Government take care of it.It was not rebuilt after being sweptaway by Messrs. Irwin, but by thoPacifies Navigation Co. and thoseplantations. Those who had seen itdescribed it as very substantial andlikely to endure. Apart from thestorehouse it cost $12,000. Whenho was there six months ago thopcoplo earnestly requested him totry and get tho Government to givea grant to the work on account of itsgreat convenience to tho public. Hehad advised them to petition thoLegislature for a grant.

Rep. Nahinu was in favor of theitem, because it was a great conven-ience, and people were now taxedwith wharfago and storage for goodsleft there. Those charges amountedto as much as the freight. If theproposed grant relieved tho publicof tlieso charges, tho item should bopassed. It was all right to chargefor storago, but tho landing chargesought to be discontinued.

Rep. Thurston thought this'so im-portant a matter that some principleshould be laid down and not havethem go on haphazard. He believedtho principle should be that where

tho publio required wharves theyshould bo provided by the Govern-ment. If they voted this item as aprecedent, them were a dozen ortwenty other places situated preciselysimilar, and if all were to bo providedfor they would soon sec a formid-able Appropriation Bill piled up. Hothought the people who got thebenefit of the wharf ought to payfor it.

Hep. Castle said the old landingfor that District was Kauloloa, whichwas about eight miles from any-

where. If the landing at Ilonuapowas for the benefit of the public,the public should pay for it. Ilonu-apo was a poit of landing made indefiance of the elements". A tremen-dous sea broke thcte. The landingwas placed there as the most convenient place for three plantations,and it seemed worth while to con-

sider whether thu Government shouldmaintain a landing there. If it wasonly to relieve a few people fromlanding charges, then the itemshould not be passed.

Minister Dare asked if any mem-

ber was authorized to say thatMessrs. Irwin were willing to selltheir rights in that wharf at fourbits in the dollar. If not, the limeof the house was being wasted.

Rep. Kauhane said, in response loa request from the people, he hadgone to see Messrs. Irwin, and theysaid they were willing to make thepublic on lecciving a grant ofS.I.OOO. A great deal of the foodand other supplies of the Districtwere landed there, and the wharfwas a public convenience to two-thiu- ls

of the people.Rep. Keau moved to insert S8, 000,

us the firm had probably got backpart of its expenditure in chargescollected from the people.

Hep. Kalua moved the matter borcfened lo a special committee, astho Inter-Islan- d Steamship Co. hadan interest in it, and should be in-

terviewed by the committee.Hep. Brown to insert

Government aid lo buildingwharf at llnmi .(, novidedthu owners thereof make nocharge for whin fane onfreight or wsongei s .111

in writhi- -' lo thateffect to lie given the (ov-eriimu- nt


Hep Kauhane said there was amistaken impression about charges,which were only made when thegoods had to be taken care of by thestorehouse keeper.

Noble Parker asked if the amend-ment said no charge for storage,and was informed that only wharfagewas mentioned.

Noble Martin said he had justseen Mr, Irwin, who had informedhim that $5,000 was the lowestfigure he would entertain, and if itwas given the wharf would be atonce thrown open to the public,charges only to be made for the useof the storehouse.

The amendment of Rep. Browncarried.

Hep. Nahinu moved to insert"Wharf at Ilookena, District of

Kona ;i,0C0

He had been informed bv the builderof the Ilonuapo wharf that hewould build one at Ilookena for$3,000. This was one of the placeswhere there were no plantations, andbeing a dangerous landing the Government should provide for it.

The item passed.Hop. Kalua moved to insert

Knl.uging and Improving Wharfat Lahaina

This was Government pioperty andtbeiefore appropriately called for agrant, as the wharf was in a danger-ous condition. An appiopriation of$4,000 was made last session, butnothing had been done. If repairswere not made all the work donethere would be lost.

Passed.Rep. Richardson said there was a

petition for aid to a wharf at Ma-ken- a

landing, and moved to insertImproving tho Landing at Mn- -

kena $5,000Passed.Rep. Kaai said there was a peti

jty, fin .jj. iivvwwaatrtigfeig!-- ; .tyMugaiaaaoMjiaaa; ikiiu

tion for aid to lauding at Ilamoa,Maui.

Minister Dare asked if any esti-mates or data accompanied thesepetitions for the guidance of theAssembly.

Rep. Kaai said it was a wharfalready in existence, built by privateparties, and the grant was requiredfor repairs. He moved to insertRepairs of Landing at Ilamoa.... $,100

Hep. Richardson thought the housewas in too generous a mood thisafternoon. There was no necessityfor the grant asked.

Rep. Kaai said there was as muchnecessity for aiding this wharf asthe one at Ilookena.

Hep. Castle said tho proceedingsreminded him of tho American Con-gre- ss

on the periodical Rivers andHarbors bill, except that where thisAssembly dealt with dollars andCongress with millions. Ho opposedthe item.

Rep. Kaai said the people werenow taxed with charges for wharfageat that place, whero tho steameralways stopped.

The item passnd.Rep. Nahale moved to insert,

according to an estimate made by acompetent person,Building a Wharf at Keauhou,

Kona $2,500Rep. Richardson moved it be post-

poned till the lion member intioducedhis loan act.

Rep. Nalmlo said that would boall very well if the house- had notalready voted an item for a wharf atIlookena.

Passed.Rep, Dickey moved to insert

Wharf at Knau., $7,000

The Pacific Navigation Co. had agood wharf there and did not chargethe people ono cent.

Rep. Hlchnidson said thoS5,000 for the stingy people up atKau was to euro them of theirstinginess, but the company owningthe Kuan wharf did not need such aremedy, as they had lately declareda dividend of $3 a share.

Rep. Kalua said the companythe dividend was not the

steamer but a plantation company,lie moved to make Iho item SL',000.

Rep. Thurston said he knew itwas coming, and now he saw memor-anda to his right and left, coveringpages of foolscap, for appropriationsfor wharves nil over the islands.The other day the house was struckwith an economical streak, but agenerous streak seemed to havestruck it now. lie hoped there wouldbe a revolution in the other directionbefore long, and moved the com-

mittee lise, report progress, and askleave to sit again.

The committee rose and reported,and the repot t was adopted.

On motion of Rep. Keau, at 1:25,the house adjourned till. 10 o'clock

GAltD of TirAKKS.the undersicuo', ca tain, rrewWli, and owiteis of tlto steamer Jas. I.

Dowse.H, ile-ii- o to e.iiess our thanks tothe WMLDEB S. R. CO., and to OapninAlexander MeOteaor mid ctcw f the

Mokolii, lor their prompt ,ti.is-liin- ee

and kindness shown us ia Hie lateocoidi'M'. .VIo, fm the fymjinitiv "four (ilemln for onr losses ocralotiedthe Making of the Meuner Jas. J. Dow-set- t

on Hi" night of Tucsdiiv. .liiin-".)- ,

lt'Sli. O. DUBOIT,For the olltcors ami crew of the J. I. D.


I'nsidrnt Pai itlc Nav Co.Honolulu, .My l.VttO. 70

ITTO "sa ear CB0SIII 0b --saisr SPOOb

Fourth of July. Order of Exercises

For celebrating the HOth Anniversatyof American Independence in


On MoiiflaY, July 5, 1886.


Literary Exerciseswill take place in the

Central Park Skating Rink,

on the corner of Punchbowl and Heretania streets, from 10 to 12 o'eloek,

a.m.. and will consist of

Miiic lloval Hawaiian BandPrayer . ..Hew (J. M. IlydoPatriotic Song "America."Introductory Address

.' His Kx. Geo. W. MerrillMusic Itoyal Hawaiian IlniiilItcading Declaration of Independence..

It. .lay Greene, Lsq,Patriotic Song

"Glory, Glory. Hallelujah."Oration '... ..Jtew .1. A. Ciu.anMusic Itoyal Hawaiian HandPatriotic Song.. "Sta'rRpaugled Banner"

Programmes will he handed to cactiperson at the door, and the public ofHonolulu, without distinction of sect ornationality, are cordial! invited to boprccut.

.A National Saluteof thirty-nin- e guns, one for every Statein the American Union, will he Hied at12 o'clock noon from thu Shot e Battery.

will take p'aco at the Makiki BaseballGround from 2 to " o'clock, l'.M., andwill consist of the following programme :

FOOT HACK,Free for all 1."0 yards. First prize,

5; second prize, 02..10.FOOT BACK,

For boys from JO to 20 years 100yards. Flr.si prize, sj5j second prize,4?2.r.O.

FOOT BACK,For boy-- , from 12 to 1(! years of ag100 yatds. Flit prl.o, $";prize. S2.B0.

FOOT 1CAOE,For boys under 12 years 100 yards.First prize, fi; Recoiid prize, !j2."0.

SACK BACK,50 yards. Fh-b- t prizp. 8."; secondprize, 8'2..r.O.





First pile, 8.ri; second prize, $2.u0,GUKASICD PIG,

Prize, captor to take Iho Pig,GItKASKD BOLE,


Prize, the trophies.

All arrangements ami entries to hemade on the grounds with tho commit-tee. All young penplo of Honolulu meparticularly invited to attend,


A grand di-pl- ay of Flrowoiks willtake place at 8 o'clock jm. from u

(barge anchored off the wharves at thefoot of Fort street. It is Intended tolinvn a creditable display of Fireworks,and it Is hoped that the place will givea good view to tho juvenile communityof Honolulu. All tiro Invited to bo pre-sent.

A Grand Ballwill bo given at tho Hawaiian OperaHouse. lion. Geo. AV. Morrill and ladywill receive, assisted by U. S ConsulPutnam and daughter, and Vice-Cons- ul

F. P. Hastings and lady. A largo listof invitations tuo out, and n generalgood time Is anticipated.CO 2t THE COMMITTEE,

Pink, Blue, Red nml White, just tccclvcd, ZcriUmlln, tho



CKAS. J. FfiSHEL, Cor. Fort and Kotel Ste.The IndliM Honolulu are sprcinlly Invltrd crti'c nnd tiol my now

Stock aee-- , Mixed Chambr pink, liliie.eienm,blown ni.d gray, with Kmlnoidi'tles match Printed l.awt dlesw

vaiiely. Tho finest lino of Pura'olo eer shown thi ome.thing new STMI'EI) BUNTINGS, tho latest.

White & Blue All-Ov- er Embroideries,with ELGIM5S nnti'h Tho l1nct lino Trimmed and Untrimmcil Hats,

1'lowen-- , lMftlhet!, Ribbons, Oinnmcnts. always hand.

OJfclARS. J. ariSSEIJEX-,- ,

The Leading Millinery House,Corner TTorl; !ta IToiel &$lrcelK.

JvM(atu a

'a 1 n r a

In tx at

of toof 1 s hi

to in ctin el y.


to ofon


Grand Opening, For Week Only !

Commencing Monday, Juno 14th, at the




duIGS MML Pi roridir66THaving juM. iei clved a tupnlv of New Good, romisting of some of the Leading.nd Fashionable SM les nl LAIUKand MISSES II A'l S, I most respectfully in- -

vite the Ladies to call and examine the same, also, a large lino of

Corsets, Ladees' &l Swisses' Hosiery, etc.1 havu also Ihc plrnsuioof informing the Ladies that I have been fortunate enoughto ecuie the tervice. of one of the best and most favorably known Milliners ofSan Kianci-co- , juvl arrived by the Zealandia.

MRS. SKIDMOREWill now luivi- - ehatge of the Milliner-Departmen- t, she having for many yearskept one of ihc largest Jlillinen Stores in Sun Finnufecn, and being ale"o"wellknown in II iiolulii, I hope to o'btain a share of patronage, and will guaranteesatisfaction in all cases

E" Diusmakiiig in all its branches will he attended to by myself. --X$n

MRS. Jr LYONS, Proprietor.



.ii 0RNPractical Confectioner, Fancy Pastry Cook and Ornamentor.

RESPEOTFULLY infoims the Public of Honolulu and the Islands generallyto furnish, as toon as the neuled appliances arrive, all the

Different Creams, Fruit and Water Icespiactically known to him. Having made a contiact with the Wondlawn Dairy for:i eou-l.ii- it miiply oi their celebrated Cieam, will fuppl Ills customers with morethan Ilfty (lill'eieiit kindt Fancy Crcnint., rl ootie Fiuit'y, Souffles and many moretoo numerous to mention here, nil of which he lias had practical experience withat the Imperial CourlH of "Vi'i una and the Hoyal Confectionery of Bavaria. Allstcam.powoi-mad- o articles in this line uic far tupcrior to any hand-mad-

Yours respectfully.

Ii HOKN,Proprietor Pioneer Steam Candv Factory and Ornamental Confectioner.

FACTOUY AND SsTOllK No. 71 llotel street, between Fort and Nuuanu Sti.

Both Telephones, No. 74.

P. S. Special arrangements miido regarding Prices for large orders, which Itwill be lnipos-ilil- i; for any ne else lo compete with.


The Celebrated Taro FlourMADE BY THE

Mi m i aro Co.,Are prepaied to oiler special inducements to Plantations and Shipping Agents.

Taro Flour is packed in suitable coniainerh for transhipment between theIslaad-- i and for foidim shipment, tipeclal oidets will be received and packed Inany stylo requited. This Taro Flour U FAU to that manufacturedlait year.

Grand Success.Tho new method of making Pol out of TAHO FLOUR has reduced tho time

from Ki.y, in ONLY 1 IIOUll. The old method of cooking it in a hag has been dis.caidul. Them is no need of building a lire specially tor tho purpose, for it can becooked at the same lime that the nidlnary mini In being pieparcd.

Take an agate iron or iioiccluiu lined Bauccpan, and pour into it one part ofTain Flour to' two parts of watar. Mix well and be Miro there are no lumps.Place tho Miuecpan over a good lire and Mir tho Hour and water with a woodensnoon or slick until It becomes thick, which will take from !) lo U minutes accord.mt! to heat etnployid. After it is thick, occasional thorough Stirling is necessary,adding a little warm water lrom lime to time to prevent lit. getting too thick. Letit simmer for ne.irly an hour and be almost us fcttll as paiai that 1b, quite thick.Put il into a r:dalmtih or largo bowl, and let it etuud from two to three days, whenit will become nice ami tint.

Should the Pol show a tendency lo become cloggy or lumpy, strain it througha piece of netting Into a pau or bowl and smooth It down with a potato masher orwooden spoon.

Persons pteferrlng swcitPoi will 11 ml that liy cooking the flour according totho above insli notions wlillo preparing their evening meal, and letting It standovernight, it will bo In proper condition for use mi the following morning. H53

S ullllP laniuac l CompnVimolliie

VumcUiio Willie,VuhuUiio Z'omntlc,

Vaseline, Camphor Ire,VumcIIiio Colli Vrcaiii,

Vunel!n C'oNiiictl'iue,Vawclliio Ilulr Oil,

Vaseline Hewlnc Slachiiie Oil,

Hollister & Co., 109 Fort Street.

.if'W,' ,.., d - . kme w-i- i m, W -- M'"- r



Page 3: iife · 2015-05-30 · EST Tho English Admiralty Charts nlw ays on hand. 1 by W3I. BIcOANI,KSS, No. 0 Queen Btreet, Fish Market, ... plain and f01103' L,aCG Straw. Latest Novelty




r "Vffsr'CV.

E' Sa Swlldiw.SATURDAY, JULY 3,"l88G.


St'nr Klnnu from Windward PottStmr Llkcliko from Kn'iulul


Stmr C It BIhopforHamakunat I i m.Schr Mnn.i for Hoiiointi


Stmr Klnnu for Whiilwnid PollsStmr Llkollku for KahululStmr Lchusi for Windward Poito


For Windward Poil, per WGllall,July a llev W 0 Merilti, liuv J JlAlexander, Hon S 11 Dole, E F Hopkc,WH Ciimniings, E Hutchinson, WEMow ell, Mrs Cornwcll, Mitler Tlitttmimtl 0 deck.

From Wlndwnid Poil, per Klnnu,July 3- -E L Gullok, Miss M A Cliam-boilat- n,

W W Hull, Jtcv A O Forbo, XKauhauo. W 11 Olcon, I, Akninu, J MLldgate, Capt J Mo, J K S Kvuncis-le- y.

J E Mile, J L HluWlell, Mrs E MHuokano, Miss Kapela, J W Glrvln, WY Horner, Aehlu, A Eplnda and 100deck.

From Kaliiilul and by poit-- , per Like-lik- e,

July tlCnpt T Claiko, Mr Dunn,Col Clans Spreekcl, E Hoffman, K 11

llalley, MUs Shnltuck, Miss A llanapl,A Young, W H Johnston, tl Chineseand 8G deck.

CARGOES FROM ISLAND' PORTS.Stmr K I mm 3,431 bags of sugar, 130

sheep, (1 hoisos. 23 hides and 11)0

l'kgs.Stmr Llkellkc 2,443 bags of sugar.

SHIPPINCNOTESXo vesels leaving on Monday.


Mr. S. M. Carter is sick abed.

Mnssns. J. M. Oat Cc.'s window isbeautiful with Fotu'tli of July badgesin silks and satins.

Tin: exhibition of file-wor- Mon-day evening will take place- oil" the O.S. S. Co.'s wliau.

Alt. tho company engineers of thefire department iu-- weaving iinifoimcaps of neat design.

. .

The S.S. A'ameda, from tho Colo-nies for San Fr.meihco, may be big-nail-

at any moment.

A oosri:L temperance meeting willbe held in Fowler's yard this evening,commencing at 7 :30 o'clock.

Tin; couielions registered in thePolice Court arc Kaaua andLcinuki, $6 each for drunkenness.

The giand illumination at GooKim's, corner of Fot and HotelbU'oets, begins at 7 o'clock this even-ing.

-- -.

A MKETiiro of the Honolulu Typo-graphical Union No. 37, is announcedfor 7 :30 this evening, at the Sailor'sHome.

. . .Mn. L. J. Levey holds a special

auction sa'c of dry goods, groceries,etc., on Tuesday the Gtli, at 10o'clock A. M.

Hon. Paul Neumann,has taken the office lately

occupied by Justice. Bickertou, onMerchant street.

Tun Rev. ami Mrs. Oggcl will goon a vacr.t'on next Tucbday by theFinau. Tncy will be the guests ofMrs. Corn wo' 1 at "Waikapu, Maui.

A LF.TTsn. from Mi. J. 11. Maby, oftho Volcaiio House, dated June 28,states that the crate has become onelake of boiling lava that surges fromside to bide.

The Buxmitix will celebrate thoFourth of July on Monday, accord-ing to its usual custom, by keepingholiday, and allowing all hands toenjoy the fun.

. .

"Othello" was recited in masterlybtylo, at tho Hawaiian Hotel, lastevening to a highly appreciative audi-ence ol home 80 people, by Mr. LockeRichardson.

Mu. Jas. Dotld leaves by tho steam-ship Ala neda, duo to-da- for SanFrancLco. Ho wph temUued a iccep-tio- n

at Wair.iki yclpdtiy, by thocarnage diivois.

There will bo a grandjaco at tho Yoscmito rink

Monday night. Tho contestants willbo at liberty to push thefr opponentsout of tho way "whenever a chance isoffered.

Mr. J. S. Webb of the ForeignOilico was serenaded at his residence,Queen stieet, last evening, by a partyof tho band boys, who played onstiingcd instruments and sung untilafter 10 o'clock.

OrriCEits Hopkins and Good, whilesearching for hidden treasures intheir levenuo cultor yesterday after-noon, capsized opposite tho Myrtleboat house, and had tho plcasuio ofMvimmiug ashore.

. . i

0. HuBTAor. is boiling a beautiful,licit quality of homo made cieamcandy, manufactured by a younglady of the llediol Union Congrega-tion, as a coil, i'jution to the nowChinch Build' lg Fund. Price 50cents per pou.ul.


A Pop.TunuiM: boy mimed .loo hadthe first two Mngi'ift of his leit handcrushed b) falling tinibei, wliilowoiking at tho Enu'ipiibU Mill yes-teida-

D. Mctliow diobed the in-

jured hand, and it is fcaied that oneif not both the c ibhed fingers willliavo to bo amputated.

The Hawaiian "Jtiilu Absoc' .lion'sbecoud semi-annu- target shootingcontest ocCjUrs on Monday July 5th,on King street, opposito tho Govo.n-mon- t

Nursery. A programme of six

mntohea has been arranged, some ofwhich are open to all marksmen.Tho first match for the Oovcuor'acup begins at 10 o'clock.

K. P. Adams it Co. will kU at auc-tion without reserve on Tuesday, July(il'i, at 12 noon, an oil painting byJules Viivi n'ur, depicting a moun-tain to o.it of lava (in the year 1881)Mowing (mm Mr.una Loain itscom.--o

lowaids tho (then dreaded) destitu-tion of I Iilt. At t'no biune time willbo sold a fine model ship by C. Lor-se- n.

On Tuesday next, tho 2Gth of July,Messrs. E. P. Adams it Co. will selltho Ahupuna of Lawai, Kauai, con-sisting of 11,000 acres, tho upset pi icebeing $22,000. Also tho land pie-miso- .s

formeily occupied by Mr. W.L. (Si ecu, in Niiuanu Valley, andknown as llanaikaiiinlamii. The salewill coninicncu nt 12 noon, at thosalesroom, Queen stieet.

Mn. F. II. Haybelden,for tho disliict of Honolulu, notifiestax-paye- rs that he will bo in his olllcoin the new building at the rear ofAliiolani Halo, on Monday, Tliuis-da- y,

and Saturday, of each week dur-ing the present mouth, between thehours of 8 and 12 A. M., for the pur-pose of receiving teturns of all per-sons liable to taxation in this district.

Monday, July 12, the steamerKinau will leave for tho Volcano.On Ti'csday, July 13, the steamerLikeliko will sail for Kahtilui andII nun. On Monday, July 19, theLikolike will sail fo.- - Kahului, liana,Mahukona, Kawaihae, Laupahochooand Hilo, anil iclurniug will touchat tho samu port. On tho last men-tioned date the Kinau will go on theMarino Railway.

At tho meeting of Polynesian En-campment, No. 1, I. O. O. F., lastevening, Mr. W. E. Foster, Dist.Deputy Giand Sire, installed the fol-

lowing officers: R. 11. Graham, C.P.; W. O. Atwater, S. "W.; J. C.Fishel, H. P. ; J. A. Palmer, Scribe,

J. J. Leckoo, Treasurer,The Deputy G.-an- Sire

was assibt"J by W. C. Rowe, L. C.Abies and J. Eini.ielulh, P. C. P.'s.

Mn. Chas. Moltcno's little gill,about 4 yeais old, fell into the waterabout 4 feet deep, at the Kapiolanibath-hous- e, yesie day afternoon. Noone baw lier fall, and it was notknown exactly how long she had beentheie. She was discovered by herolder sister, when at tho very door ofdeath. Mr. Molteno on heating tjiocry of his oldest child ran out, andrescued tho diowning infant just inthe nick of time.

BUSINESS ITEMS.Kapiolani Bath House, the only

resort in the city. All kinds of bath-ing appaiatus. lw

-Sauer-Kua- ut and Fkankfurteu

Sausage at the Commercial BilliardPallors on Satin day evening. G'J 2t

Picture Frames and Cornicesmade to order, old Frames repaired,regilded, etc. King Bros'. Art Store.

308 Ot.

Hurrah 1 for tho Glorious Fourthof July ! Send in your orders for IceCream, Cakes and Candies, to theElite Ice Cream Parlors. G8

Dr. Flint's Heart Remedy is aSpecific for all forms of Heart Dis-ease and also for Diseases of Kidneysand Circulation. Descriptive bookwith every bottle. Benson Smith itCo., Agents. 35 1

Patronize Home Industry by buy-ing cigais of J. W. Hingloy, CigarManufacturer, at tho Crystal SodaWorks, where ho is prepared to fill allorders at the lowest possible whole-sale prices. Island orders solicitedand piomptly filled. Tho attentionof dealers is respectfully invited to'the fact'no license is required" tosell thesb cigars. Do not forget thoname J. W. Hingloy, nor the placeCrystal Soda Works, Hotel bticot.



A meeting of the Honolulu stock-liohlc- is

of tho Gold Hill MiningCompany, Ea':er county, Oregon,was held this week. At the meetingMr. A. " G. El'is proposed to thepnriics interested that, as owing toillness he was unable to devote hiscuiiio time to their interest diningthe open season of 188."), ho wouldtransfer to Mr. Cartw right, for theirbeneiit, all his personal interest inlocations made, rc'.ainiug nothingfor himself. lie also staled that inconnection with Poillaml parlies helias purchased seven mining claimslocated on the same mountain asthoscjof the Honolulu company, onwhich about 8S,000 of work hasbeen completed, and a companyorganised on the piopcrly, which in-

cludes mill site nntl water power.Mr. Ellis Ycrbally agreed to trans-fer to Honolulu parlies an interestin tho above pioperties when thevaliie shall bo undoubtedly establish-ed. Mr. Cartwright read a letter fromMr. "W. W. Adams stating that onthe propei ly located for. the Hono-lulu peoplo there was value enoughalready in sight of gold and silverore, to more than reimburse all In-

terested for their outlay. The pro-position made by Mr. Ellis wasaccepted. No sale of the Honoluluinterest is contemplated until fur-ther development by Mr. Ellis etal, who shall demonstrate the icalvalue of tho gioup of gold and silverbearing ledges on Gold Hill ofBaker county, Or,

Tho decision of tho Paris Councilof Health to abolish all dairy stableswithin the city limits is a notice totho wliolo civilized world that, it isuseless to attempt to produce goodmilk in any other way than by country-

-fed cows.


The Royal Hawaiian Bnnrt willplay this afternoon at Emma Square,beginning at 4 :30. Following is theprogrammu:Ovpi turc Raymond ... TliomnsDuet Troubadour VeidlSelection Pai Nun Donlr.ettlWall Mai latum . . WaldlsufclOavpilna Tin Palms FauroOveitine Amcilea Cntlln



There's jut ono day In all the yearWhen no one says, "lie quiet."

Tho ghl and boys are let atoneTo make no end of riot.

Tho cannon bieak In thunder-gust- sFrofn forts and arsenal1), .

And llowcrs otitstieam, like flowers Inbloom,

From windows, roofs and walls.Then you should hear the crackers go 1

A pack set off In a ban elMake such a jolly nolee you know

bike girnls hi a (iiuuiel.And, oh, tho bells thai "whigaud chime,

And ling and took the split'-'- ,

And the faliy llghN at evening time,That blare In lalubow tires I

Then perl toipciloes nap and popI.Ike folks who get in a lluster,

But whom you need not mind at all,For they pi'iid their stiengtb In

bliiler.The lovely rocket1 pleao me bit.

They Mioot o grand and high,Tfien diop again their golden tar.s

In show eis from the sky.

Tlieie's just ono day In all the yearWhen no ono ay, ''Be quiet,''

Anil gills and boys aie let alone'I'd imiku no end of llot.

Tlnce chi'cis for Independence Day,AVIien ilium aie beat in elioius

And ti limpets blow and tingles peal.And our Hag Is si reaming o'er us.

Mr vrt; ct li. Sir:'":er in Atrfr'sro:i,i& Foils.



Tho jubilee year of this schoolhas come around, and the fact wascelebrated in connection with theusual annunl cxeicises of the closingschool year. The examination ofclasses took place on Thursday andFriday, the 24th and 2.1th of June.Woik in English, Arithmetic, Alge-bra, History, Map Drawing, etc.,was shown. The examining commit-tee, Rev. A. O. Forbes, of Hono-lulu, Rev. J. B. IHnaikc, of Lihue,and Mr. W. W. Hall, of Honolulu,expressed themselves as well pleasedwitli what they saw. The examina-tions were chielly noticeable for thenumber of former pupils who cametogether from homes scattered fromKau to Kauai.

Sunday, the Rev. A. Pali, of La-haiu- a,

a former pupil, preached amemorial sermon from the text, "Acity that is set on a hill cannot behidden." The sermon was well,and even enthusiastically leccivcdby the vast congiegation which tilledHaili Church. What memories werebrought up to those who had beenconnected with the school in yearslong gone by, as the preacher spokeof former pupils and their woik inthe interests of belter living in theirvarious fields of labor from HudsonHay to the islands of the south Paci-fic Ocean! How eagerly every woidsaid about the beloved teachersthe two beloved above all the icstcither on Sunday or any other dayof the jubilee exercises, was caughtup by those whose couise of action,whose character, whose very liveshad been so greatly influenced byFather and Mother Lyman!

Sunday afternoon was given to ameeting in the interests of Christianeducation ii genercl. Representa-tives spoke for Laliainaluna Semi-nary, Kawaialiao Seminary, Maka-wa- o

Seminary, and KamehaniehaSchools. Rev. Mr. Kekuewa spokewith deep feeling of the conditionof Kohala Seminary. If his appealfor teachers could be heard by someof the devoted women of Amotion,it is hardly conceivable that thedoors of the school would remainclosed much longer not becausetheie are no pupils, not becausethere are not facilities for teachingthem, but because there arc noneto teach them.

Tuesday following was set apartfor a temperance excicise at HailiChurch, followed by a street paradeand a hunt at the school grounds.This was under the joint auspices ofthe W. C. T. U. and the boa i dingschool. The assembly at the churchwas laigc. Fully five bundled peo-

ple joined in tho procession underlempeiauco banncis. Ililo Board-ing School, Hilo Foreign School,Hilo Union School, Haiti SundaySchool with all of its districtbranches, and the Chinese SundaySchool marched in bodies.

Tuesday evening the formerpupils of the boarding school held ameeting nt Haili Chinch at whichold uiemoiics were recalled and oldstories told as is usual on such osca-sion- s.

Many of the incidents men-tioned will bu a faouico of inspiration and encouragement to thosewho now enjoy such incieased ad-

vantages.This was perhaps the "great day

of the feast" to tho majority. Thesubject of temperance, of course,was not exhausted, but it seems cer-

tain that the temperance sentimentof tho community was increased.The Ivau was a vast mibject andample justice seemed to bo done toit. But at tho end it was foundthat this "subject" was by nomcanaexhausted.

Wednesday evening was tho timefor the regular annual exhibitionand graduating exercises of theboarding bchool. It is not neces-sary to buy that this was the occasion of greatest Interest to the pupils.All went off smoothly, and tno uoyawithout exception did themselvescredit. Messrs, Mo6es Kuaann,

David Knpnheo, D. H. Knnoeau, J.A. Lawclawc, C. M. Lawelawe, A.Spencer and J. Wise, having finish-ed the required com so of studywere presented with llicir diplomas.

After the exhibition another mec-in- g

of pupils of all classes was call-

ed, and it was resolved to erect amonument to Mother Lyman, aswas done for Father Lyman sonictime ago. The affection shown to-

wards these two pioneer teachers isvery touching, and ought to provean inspiration to those young in thework.

Regrets are expressed on all hand9that the school is now depiived ofthe further services of the Rev. W.B. Oleson, the efficient principal forthe past eight years. But the newprincipal, the Rev. A. W. Burt, iswarmly received on all hands. Hebrings to the woik great enthusiasmand energy, and it is conlldentlyhoped that under his direction theschool will continue to grow in use-

fulness as it has done under FatherLyman and Mr. Oleson.

One of the remarkable incidentsof these various meetings was thepresence of a member of the firstclass in the school, whose grandsonis a pupil at present.

Fifty years hence what will HiloBoarding School be? It remains forthose who have charge of it now andthose who are to have charge of itto answer not in words but indeeds. In 188G its field of useful-ness is as great as it was in 183G.


Roman Catholic Cathedral.IH'jh inii'-- s at 10 a. ji. Vespers at 4 :'.K

P. 'm.

Ivawaiauao Chuiich. Itev. 11. II.I'piLor, pastor. Sunday school at 10a. m." Preaching at 11 a. si.

Kau.makaph.i Church. Rev. J.Wiiluiiii'U, pntor. Sunday school atJ:r.O a. m. Pleaching at 10:30 A. M.and 7::;o p.m. Young people's meet-ing at 0 p. m.

Y. M. C. A. Young Men's Bibleclass in the parlor at 0:15 A. M., con-ducted by Hie Geneial Seeictary. Gos-pel piaie service at (i:30 P. M.

Fort-sthe- kt Ciiuncn. Rev. J. A.Ciuan. pastor. Meeting for Biblestudy at 0:1 5 A. M. rublie woishlp at11 a. M. and 7 :K0 P. M. Rev. Dr. Hydeto pi cacti in the forenoon. In the even-ing, the subject will be "Called to aKingdom."

Bivnir.L Union Conouehation.Itev. E. C. Ogel. pair. Services atthe Lyceum, Aiiiuiui avenue. Sundayschool at 0:45 o'clock. At the 11o'clock service, tlicio will bo a leeepllonof new membeis and the admitiisli alienof ttie Loid's St'ppcr. in the eveningat 7 '.'10 o'clock llie subject will bo "TheThem ic of llie Seventh Day Adven-tisls.- '1

A coidial invitation - extendedto all.

Si". Andrew's Catiiedual. FirstCongicgaiion. IIolv Communion, at0:30 a. at.; Moiuiug prayer, with ser-mon, at 0:li0 A. m. Lvenong with eate-I'hoi'- eal

addiess by ttie JiMiop of Hono-lulu :it; p. m. Ail scats aie lice.

Second Congiegation. Rev. GeorgeWallace, A. M.. p:iiur cleei. Morn-ing piaycr willi seimou, 11:15 a. m.;evening pinyer, with seimou, 7:!!0 p. m.S.indrtv school meets al 10 a. m. in thePuliation Pieparaiory School building.Seats fieo at all services.

Special Auction Sale.

On Tuesday, July 6th,at 10 a.m., at iry Sn'csroom, I will sell

at auction.

Dry Goods, Clothing,Crockery and Olnsswarc,Potitlou mid Sugar,-Middling- s

nntl Corn,

Manilla Clears & Tobacco,Ulils. and bids. Ilccf and Pork,Choice Bacon, ami a full line of

UVresli GroceriesM2WIS J. LEVEY,

It Auctioneer

Crystal Sofla forteManufacturers of

Ginger Ale, Cream Soda,

Lemon foln, Lcmcnn'le, Sursnpai illn,Fill 1 Syrups mid Essences uml

' CIDERmade from tint puro Apple, all of which

we guaiaiili'o to bu tho bust.

Ifir Wo nlho invite parties intendingtinning Mores for the bulo of iciilthinks and wishing fountain supplies,to cull ou us before going elsewhere.

Till Crystal Soda WorKs,

P. O. Box !I07, Honolulu.

Bell Telephone, 298Mutual 330


ADIVIDEND of 4 per cent, on thepar vuliie of the Stock will lie due

and pay alio to tho Stockholders of theHaiku Sugar Company at thu olllco ofCastle & Cooke, TUKSDAY. Junu 20th.00 1 w J, II, ATHKHTON, Sec'y.

waywjgjOTTiimgBSBgCTiHqgBC'OSJIWVof tho Ha-w- nl

Ian Iluiu)s. In tho matter oftho llnnkrupicy of AFU. Befoic Jus-tice Picstoii.

Afu, doing buslnts In Wnlluku,Island of Maul, having this day beenadjudicated bankrupt on tho petitionof I'.d llotrclila('ger & Co , It 19 oideredUnit all cu'tiitots of aid b mkriipl comein and proie liielr claims heforo me, atmy Chnmbeis, In Honolulu, on

Monday, July 12, 1886,At 10 o'clock n. in.

It 1 fiutlier ordeied that, upon saidday, (lie eridilOH proceed to holdthu KLl'OTION of au assignee or as.sljnecs of snid tmnktupt eMate, and thatno. ice hi'iuif be published lu theDuly 1)um.!i.tin, to wit: July 3rd andlOih.

Datid Honolulu, .lune'JB, 18g.KDWAHl) I'UKtsTON,

Justice Supreme Court.Attest: J. II. JtRtsT,

Unit Deputy Clerk. 870 21

Mer-Isla-i S. I. Co.,

The .ra-esst- ; 3RoiH;eto the World Kctiowncd

Volcano of Kilauea

The new and staunch

Steamer W. C. HailLeaves Honolulu at 10 o'clock a.m. on

Tuesday, July ltith.'i'lio stmtner-pnsse- s along tho entire

coast of the lee ward side of Ilnwill, af.fording louiists a pauoiamn of charm,ing scenery, and will slop at Kenlike.kiui liny, whcie sulllcient time Is allow,id to visit tho Monument of CaptainCook.

Toiuists by this ionic rc.icli Punaluunt ft o'clock on the day after leavingHonolulu, being only ono night on'theves-c- l, making the entire passage insmooth water. At Punaluu there is the

FINEST HOTEL ON HAWAII,and from there tourits will he conveyedby railroad to Palir.lii. thence hy stagecoach to Half. way House, where horsesand guides will he in attendance to con.vey tliem to ttie Volcano.

Tourists will have two nights and onewhole day at the Volcano House.

Tickets for tho round trip, $50, whichincludes all expenses.

Apply to IIAUHY AJIMITAGE,Agent, at Williams' Photogiaph Gallery,Fort street, or nt thu ofllce of the I. I. S.N. Co., Esplanade. 370 Cm

Just Received,EX LAPWING,

Guinness's Porter, Extra Stout

Ilass's India Palo Ale, bottled by

31. It. Foster & Soiin, London.

Also, on hand,

Kohler & Frohling's

California Wines,Zinfaiiilel Cl.irct, Gutcdel,K'csling, Madeira. Port Wine,Malaga, .Muscat, Durgiimly,

(in ci'-c- s and kegs),AIo, nfull assortment ot

3FVeuoli HraiidiesFor Hide by

Ed. Hoffschlaeger & Go.70 lw

NOTICE of MEETING.rpilE qimrlo'ly Meeting of C. BrewerJL it to , Limited, will bo held at the

ol'.lce of ilio (,'oiiipaiiy on Queen street,ou IMMDA.Y, the nth instant, at 10o'clock, a.m. .1. O. CARTER,

Secretary C. llicwcr & Company.Honolulu, July ii, 188'). 03 tw

1776-JOL- Y-

Grand Illumination- AT GOO KIM'S,

Cor. Fort anil Hotel Streets,


Saturday & Monday Evenings,

July 3rd and 5lh,

From 7 o 10 P. I03 JU OKO. H. PKAOOOK, Manager.

NOTICE.rpiIE undersigned, having this dayX leased lo (Ji:oKOE C.WANAGH,nt Honolulu, tin! Honolulu Strum Latin,dry, notice is heilihy given that this saidGeorge C.iMituigli alone is icsponblhlolor all duhts c- - nlnictcd hy tho saidGeorge CtwiuiiKh for the said Laundryfrom and aftet this ilule.

W. C.PAKKK.A'blgueti of J. F. McLaughlin.

Honolulu, .hum 17, 1880. , GO

NOTICE.'"PHK undersigned hcichy gives notice

--L Unit he hits purcliuseil from Mr.W. W. Wright all of thu said W. W.Wrlghl'a iuicr.'fct. in tho firm of Whit,man & Wright, and no tecelpts or obli.galionv ou hi'lialf of the said linn will,from tills dtite, he valid exeunt signedhy S. M. WHITMAN.

Honolulu, Juno 8, 188(1. uu

DIVIDEND NOTICE.A DIVIDKN'D of 4 per cent, on tho

nur viiliiii of tho Mock will tin nuv.ntilo to the Stockholders of the Koiiul.iSugar Company nt thu olllco of Ciibtlu &Cooke, TIJKsDAY, Juno SOlli.m 1 w .1. 11. ATHKHTON, 8ec'y.

DIVIDEND NOTICE.ADIV1DKND of 55 per Share will bo

to tho Stockhold-ers of thu Grove Hunch Plantation,TUKSDAY, Juno SUlli, at the olllco ofCattle ic Cooke,03 lw J. 11. ATHEttTON, Seo'y.



Wo aro pleased to announce the nrrlvnl of our linmcnao latgc Involcc'of

Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Laces, llioi,Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods,

and are now olleiiug uupieccdcutcd ntl uuilvnl'el Uargolns iu all our ikparim'U

Letting Down the Price.Just received, 100 pieces of very fine Victoria Lnwn at $3 apiece, 10 jarils; a very

largo assortment of new Spring stjles In Lawns, 4 llntistc. Sateens, plainfigured and biocaded, white Pique and a full line of Diets Good, the latest out.

Lace Bouole, Xiadies' Tricot Olxvtliin nil tho new shades; 40 doz Ladies Lisle Thread IIoso at 40 cents,

tho hest valuo over offered. '

Clothing Department.Just received, all the latet Btyksjin lloyu and Children's Suilf ; Ureal Hargtu,

BoyB Illue Plnncl Sailor Sultn nt $2.50 a Suit. .lust receied, direct fromKiistcrn niauufacltiics,

which we oiler at

293 S. COHN

MONEY TO LOAN.IN amounts of $100 and upwards.

Good security required. Apply toJ. ALFRED MAGOON.

C5tf 42 Meichant ttieet, Honolulu

AT LASTITho Grand Work Finished.

Gen. Grant's Memoirs.Both volumes are ready for delivery.

The press all over the world speak Inadmirable terms of the books. Sendin your name to the undersigned andsecure a set.

Prices of the two volumes (completeset) are as follows:In tine cloth binding, plain edges

$0.00 per setIn full sheep binding, Library

style, marbled edges. ..$11 00 per setIn flue half morocco binding, mar-

bled edges ? 13.00 per setIn full Tuikoy morrocca, beveled

boards, full gilt back andedges $20.00 per set

In three calf $27.00 per setJ. E. WISEMAN, General Business

Agent of Honolulu, is our authorizedAgent on the Hawaiian Islands. GC 1m

Executor's &

Trustee's Sale !. . .

By order of A. J. Cartwright, Sr., theduly appointed Executor and Timleo ofthe last will and testament of EmmaKalelconalaui, deceased, and underlicense of the Supreme Couit of theHawaiian Islands, silting as a Court ofProbate, we aie directed to sell at pub.lie auction, at our Salesroom, lu Hono-lulu, ou

tho Gth Day of July, 188G,at 12 m. of that day, all the right, titleand interest of the said A. J. Cart-wrigh- t,

Br., as such Executor and Trus-tee as aforesaid, and all the right, titleand interest which the said Emma

had at the time of her de-cease, of, in and to that certain piece orparcel of land, known as the

Ahupuaa of Lawaisituate in llie District of Kona, Island of

Kauai, and containing an

Area or :t,O0O Acren,more or less, as described in Hoyal Pa-te-

Ko. 4512, 31ahelc Award 4!1,

at tho Upset Price or Sum of $22,000;and also that certain piece or parcel ofland situate in Nuiiauu Valley, Hono-lulu, Island of Oaliu, and known as

Hanaiakamalama,and being the premises formerly occu-pied hy W. L. Green, Esq., as a privateresidence.

X3T For further particulars, apply toA.J. Cartwright, Sr., or

E. V. ADAMS & CO.,40 td Auctioneers.

NOTICE.AS complaints huc reached me of

late from some of my customersthat they can purchase Hawaiiuu-mad- c

Soap cheaper lluiu I have been sellingIt, I beg id state that I have alwaystransacted 'my bMsim-s- s in a fair andstraightforward way, charging thesumi!price to all alike, and belling at amoderate into; and at the samo lime 1would inform my customers and thepublic that from and after thin date myprice will hu $7 per 100 lbs.

T. V. HMVLINS.Honolulu Soup Works, Leleo, Hono-

lulu, June 21st. 60

EOlt SALE.f & UltllAN no. )2SnfeLaiiji-rjti.ui- order. Coal, 2 years ago,iow, $CO0. Sell for tflSO catli. 1 Up.Iglit "Borde" 1'iuno in good order.

Cost, when now, $yso. 'Will tell for$250 j guaranteed. Apply at once.

J. k WISEilAN,01 2w General Business Agent.

FOR SALE,rpiIE GYJINA81UM. PUEMISES onX Kert street, lot 08 feet by 103 feet,

Building E0 feet by 84 feet. This Is a.very desirable plato for a private tesi.denco or Lodging House, and will besold nt a reasonable figure. Inquire of

O. BOI1'E,Treasurer Honolulu Athletic Asboeia.

tion. 001 in


POPULAK MILLINEllY HOUSE,7 tf . N. S, Sachs, Proprietor,

FASHION,Fort Sti-co- t.

mn (IMSbed-roc- prices.

& CO., Proprietors.

AuMMSMor's Sale.

Hy order of J. P. Hackfeld, Adminis-trato- r

of thcEnalcof Conrad Mcnkc,deceased, we lm.e been directed to vllat public auction, at our Salesroom, inHonolulu.

On MONDAY, July 12th,nt 12 o'clock, noon, of that day,

If not previously disponed ol,

400 Shares in theHnmnnlaSheep Station Co

of Hiimiiula, Hawaii.The total Capital Stock of the Humuula

Sheep Station Co. amounts to 1,000Shares at the

Par Value of $ I OO each.The Company owns thu valuable vheep

ranch situate ou the slopes of .Mauiia-kc- a

and Maunnlua, known as the Ilmnu.iiln Slicep Station; the total areaof land,held nailer a lease from tlte Crown

for an unexpired term ofabout 22 years, is 1C0.0H0 acrei, more orless, a large pan of which is beautifulpasture land; theie are

About 20,000 Sheepmore orlcs, also a large number ofHordes anil wild Cattle ou llie hinds.

The Shares w ill be sold with pi h ilegeto take 50 to 400 Shares.

The above bale ii made for the pur-pose of settling the estate of suiil C.Mcnke, deceased, and will he withoutreservation.I" Tho terms of the sale are Cash.For lurlher particulars, apply to .1. V.

Hackfeld, at the olltce of Hnekfcld &Co., Honolulu, or

E. P. ADAMS & Co.,57 cod Auctioneers.

Assignee's Sale.By order of J. F. Hacktcld, Est)., the

duly appointed Assiuneo of the Bank-rupt Estate of T. K. Clarke of Kipahulu,Mnui, acting under authority of an or-der of the Supreme. Court tinted June S,1880, we aro directed to nil ai Publicauction, at our Salesroom, in Honolulu,

On MONDAY, July ii, 'SG,at 12 oVlock, noon, of that day,

All the Right, Title & Interestof, the said J. F. Hackfeld as such

Assignee, of, iu and to the

KipahuluSuga r Plantation,situutc ut Kipahulu, Maui, heretofore

belonging to the said T. K. Clarke.The baid Plantation comprise al out

1000 acres of Land lu fee simple, andabout 11)00 acres of Leased Land; therearc about 7 tC0 acres of Lund availablefor enno cultivation; about 120 ucre ofPlain Cane ami about 140 ncits of 1 nud2 Hattoons are now growing for thene.t crop to eoinii oil' lrom, say. Decern,her, 18fi0, to atom May, lfcST. Thetuare about

132 head of Working Cattle,2 Bulls, 27 Yearlings,35 Cows with 27 Calves,3 Mules, 10 HorBca and some

Coltson the Plantation all branded TKC, nho

About 11 Bullock CartB,2 Mulo Carts, Plows and

other Implements & TooIbgenerally used on a biigar plantation.

Tho larger part of the Cane, when d,

can be conveyed to thu mill bylluming.

There Is n good substantial landingbridge, in which tho Plantation holds ahalf interest. Also, a Donkey Enginenud Int'linu track connected with thulanding.

The Plantation Is in good runningorder and a new crop is being put In tpresent.

fiST Tho terms of the Sale aro CASH,and the Deeds are at tho expense of thepurchaser.

For all further particulars apply toJ. F. Hackfeld, Honolulu, or to OSCARILNNA at Kipahulu, Maui.

E. 1. ADAMS & CO.,55 td Atiottoaeeri.

ROOMS TO LET,CLEAN, cool, comfortable, furnished

to let, at moderate rates, t8 aud 100 Hotel itreet. 03 liu

tWJ .. ? i

Page 4: iife · 2015-05-30 · EST Tho English Admiralty Charts nlw ays on hand. 1 by W3I. BIcOANI,KSS, No. 0 Queen Btreet, Fish Market, ... plain and f01103' L,aCG Straw. Latest Novelty








." L


ITS' fisff

I W'


!k 0



v- -

CHAS USSTMPl!iiiyyinuy


King Street, between Fovfc mid Alnlcea Streets,HAS RECEIVED, 1'ER AUSTRALIA,

Smoked Salmon, Smoked Hnlllmt, IIom!, Bacon, Block Codfish, Kits and tins Sul.knon Bellies, kegs Uutlcr, Gala Cheese, hogs Pickle, kegs Tig Pork, Tnblc ltai.

Ins, Figs, Almonds, Walnuts, Spiced Reef, Roned Chicken, Lunch Tongues Chip-pe- d

Beef, cases Oysters, Sardine, Sen Foam Crackers, Flour, Rrnn, Wheal, Oats,White Castile Soap, Granulated Sugar, Cube Sugai, Povvdeied Sugar, Germeu,Breakfast Germ, Choice Teas, French l'cas, etc. Also,

" Good Night " nnd Falaco Brands Kerosene Oil.All at Lowest



market rates and Satisfaction Guaranteed. tsr 1. O. Box 872:Telephone

New Goods, Just Received!Shell' Hardwire, Locks, Knobs, Padlocks,

A full line of Agato "Ware, limine Furnishing Goods, Eddys & Jcwctt's Rcfrlgcra.tors, 'Water Filters nnd Coolers, Ice Chests, White Mountain Ice Cream Ficezors,now pattern, Eny I.-n- 21onrip, Door Mats, Gardcu nnd Canal Jinnows, Axe,Hoe, Pick nnd Fork Handles,

Socket and Planters' Hoes, a Superior Article,Cut-dow- Muskets, Powdei, Shot and Cap,

Fenco Wire and Staples, Manila and Sisal Rope,The latest novelties in Lamp goods, the very IScht and second giade Keroseue Oils,

Rcrry Eros. Fuiniturc Varnish. For sale at lowest market rntes by

Tlie Pacific Hardware Gout, Limited,TORT STREET,

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work J8

Painting and v

79 & 81 line Street,

JEuli'siiieoN li'om ISiMjr mill 3Hoxclmiit t?t?.Every description of woilv in the nboe lines performed in a first-clas- s manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.EST Bell Telephone, 1G7 -- a 037


General Business Agent.Campbell Bloelc,

Real Estate Agent,Employment Agent,

Wildcr's Steamship Agent,Great Rurliugton Kailioad A Ljeut

in America.


J. T. Wffllilffi at3Vo. 1 0 Store,

A Varied Ass'm't of Kid Gloves

Wash Doe Jersey Gloves,Shaded Plushes,French Merinos,Victoria Lawns,Costume Cambi ic,

Sash and other Ribbons318 latest styles.


HAVING been obliged (on shortby the above element) to

move to some other quarters, 'we wouldtherefore notify our patrons, and allthose that wish us v ell; that w e nre nowat the

67 and 69 Hotel Street,

where we shall lie prepared to fill allorders for


also, in the Feed line, as

Hay and Grain.Orders solicited, prompt attention and

lair prices guaranteed.86T Bell Telephono 340, Mutual Tele,

phone 104.

Ac CO.:i07

The White House,No. X18 Niiiuum fdlroult


Private Family Hotel,Terms Reasonable. FiibtClass


MRS. J. VIERRA, Proprietress.845 ly


Book Uiiidcr and

PAPER RULER,(Formerly In tho Gazette Block).

Informs his friends and the public gen-erally that ho bus removed to morespacious premises, directly opposite thoOld Stand, In tho

Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and 11,

where ho is now prepared to do work inhis line. Patronage respectfully toll.cited. W lra




Carriage Building,mr


1) EST Roll Telephone, 107- --- a

Telephone 172.

Honolulu, IX. T.

Custom House Erokcr,ronc' Broker,Manager Hawaiian Opeia House,

Fire and Life Insurance Agent,(1112 ly)


Wine and Spirit

imobi'jelcjjeljs'jcs23 Nuuanii St., Honolulu.

Sole importers of

S. lacliman & Co.'s California Wines,

John Exchaw's No. 1 Brandy,

J. Pellison's 7 and lOycar-ol- d Brandy,

.7. J. Melchcr's " Elephant" Gin,


"listle Dew" mm,Coates &. Co.'s 'Plymouth" Gin, etc.

A l'UT.T, I.1KK OF tiii:

Most Favorite Brands


Ales, Beers, Wines,


constantly on hand and for sale nt tho

Lom'cnI HVIaxlcetDRjvte.

Orders filled promptly and all Goodsguaranteed.

P. 0. Box 302. !BothTcl.,No. 40.209

WO CHONG & CO.Hlioo Mniuiliit'tiirrrM,

tho great llro wo havo beenlocated

Near tho Pish Market,where wo are now prepared to fill allorders entrusted to ub. Upon tho com-pletion of Mr, Aswan's now bilck build-ing, wo Jiavo arranged to weeupy a por-tion of tho banio. Wo respectfully eoll.clt a share of public patronage anilguarantee satisfaction to all who maygive us a trial. 07 lm


AGERMAN LADY, recommendedby Professor 11. Rcrgcr, desires to

give lessons In Piano and Singing tojoung Ladles and Children. Apply at840 lm No. 112 LUlha street.



s oOaliii&Iau i,

From latest Government Survey.

Prices $5.00 each.For Sale by

J. 31. OAT, Jit., & CO.C5 lw ,

Great Excitement in Walesabout a Marvellous Cure.

Living Six Years WithoutGoing to Bed.

JIr. Editou: Whllo spending a fewdays nt the pleasant seaside town ofAbcrystwith, Cardiganshire, Wales, Iheard related what seemed to mo citlicia fabulous stoiy or a marvellous cure.

The story was that a pooi sutlVrcr whohad not been ablu to He down In bed forsl long ycais, ghou up to die by all theDoctors, had been speedily cured bysome Patent, Medicine. It Mas lolatcdwith tho more implicit confidence fromthe circumstance, as Mas said, that theVicni of LlanryMvd was familiar withtho facts, and could vouch for the truthof the report.

Having a little curiosity to know howsuch stoiics giou in travelling, I tookthe liberty whllo at the village of Llau-r- ,

stvd to call upon the Vicar, the Rev.T. Eans, ami to enquire about thiswonderful cine. Though .i total stran.gcr to him, both he and his wife mostgraciously intcitalncd me in a halfhour's convci t.ition, principally touchingthe case of Mr. Pugh, in which theyseemed to take a deep and sympatheticinteicst, halng been familiar with hissullcrings and now rejoiced in whatbccmcd to them a most lemaikablo cure.

llic Alcar remarked that he presumedhis nr.nu had been connected with thercpoit from his having mentioned thecase to Mi. John Thomas a chemist ofL1.1U0U. lie said Mr. Pugh was foinier-l- y

a resident of their palish, but was nowltving in the p.uish of Llamldeinol.

He strongly vouched Mi. "Win. Pugh'scharacter as a lespcctalile fanner andworthy of credit. I left the venerableVicar with a liicllcr sense of the happyrelation of a pastor and people, feelingthat he was one who tiuly sympathisedw ith all who aic aillictcd in mind, body,or estate.

On my return to Abcrystwith, I wasimpressed with a desire to see Mr. Piich,whoso reputation stood so lilffh. Hisfm m is called Paucom-Mawr- , signifying"above the dingle," situated near thesummit of a smooth round hill, g

a beautiful valley in which issituated the lovely ivymantled Churchof Llanddeinol. I found Mr. Pugh,apparently about 40 years old, of mediumheight, l.ithci slight, with a pleasant andintelligent face. 1 told him I had heardof his great afllietion and of his remark-abl- e

and almost miraculous relief, andthat I had come to learn fiom his ownlips, what there was of truth in the icports.

Mr. Pugh lcmnrked that bis neigh-bors had taken u kindly aud symp-athetic interest in his case for manyyears, but of late their interest had beengreatly awakened by a happy change inhis condition. What you report as hav-in- g

heard abroad, said he, is substant.iaily true, w ith one exception. I neverunderstood that my case was ever givenup as hopeless by any Physician. Ihave been ticated by scvuul Doctoishereabouts, as good as any in Wales butunfortunately no prescription of theirsever brought the uesircu relict.

Fifteen years ago, he said, I first be-

came conscious ol a sour and derangedstomach and loss of appetite, which thoDoctors told mo was Dyspepsia. Whatfood I could hold in my stomach seem-c- d

to do me no good and was oftentin own up with painful retchings. Thiswas followed after si time with a hoarse-ness and a law soiencss of the throatwhich the Doctors called bronchitis,and I was treated for that, but withlittle success. Then came shoitness ofbreath jmd a sense of sullocation, cspe.cially nights, with clammy sweat, and Iwould have to get out of lied and some-times open a door or window in winterweather to fill my lungs with the coldair.

About six yeais ago I became so hadthat I could not sleep in bed, but had totake my unquiet rest and dreamy sleepsitting in an armchair. My atllictionseemed to bo working downward intomy bowels ns well as upwards into mylungs and throat. In the violent cough-ing spasms which grew more frequent,my abdomen would expand and collapseand at times It would seem that I shouldsuffocate. All this time 1 was reducedin streimth so that I could perform nohard labor and my spiiits weri conse-quently much depressed.

Earlv in this last snrinc I had a stillmore severe spasmodic attack, and myfamily and neighbors became alarmed,believing that certainly 1 would not sur-vive, when a ncighlmi, who had someknowledge, or had heard of the medi-cine, sent to Aberystwlth by tho driverof the Omnibus Post, some seven milesdistant, and lclchid a bottlo of MotherSclgel's Curatlvo Syrup.

This medicine tuny tdministercc' tome according to the directions, when totheir surprise and delight no less thaumy own, the spasm ccasid. I became atease, and my stomach was calmed. Mybowels weio moved as by a gentlecathartic, and 1 felt a facnsu of quietcomfoit all tin on I'll such as I had notbefore realized in many years. I couldviiuic aiounu mo iiousd anil ureatnecomfortably in a few hours after I hudtaken the medicine. I havu continuedto take tho medicine daily now forsomething over two months, and I canlio down aud sleep sweetly nt nightsand have not since had a recunenco ofthoso terrible spasms and sweallugs. Ihave been so long broken down and

in my whole system thnt I havonot tried to perform any very hard outdoor lauor, deeming u nest to ucr prudent lest uv over-exeitfo- n l may uo my.self Injury buforo my strength is fullyrestored. I feol that my stomach andbowels have been and uro being thor.oughly renovated and renewed liy themedicine. In fact I feel liko u nowman.

I have been much congratulated bymy nciehbois, especially by the goodVicar of .Llanrystyd, who with his sympathetic wife have tome threo miles toshod tears of loy on my recovery,

I bado Mr. Pugh good-by- happy thateven one at least among thousands hadfound a remedy for an aggravating dis.ease.

Relieving this remarkable case ofDyspeptic Asthma should bo known totho public, I beg to submit the abovefacts as they are related to me.209 It wly P, T, W.

Slogans gjnrttt.SATURDAY, JULY 3, 188G.



Columbus, Ohio,Mny 17. Twentythousand persons visited tlto sceneof the tornado nnd Hood disaster inMinmi City yesterday, whcic fiftyneres of dwellings were wrecked.Collections were taken for the suffer-ers in all the churches hctc yoster-dn- y,

nnd the Legislature to-tin- y

took measures for their relief. Atthe Montgomery County Fanners'Club meeting to-dn- y Edith E. Long-stiell- i,

who is in charge of the StateMeteorological Station there, re-

ported that G.12 inches of rain feltlast week, 1A incites of which fellwithin to"houi8, begining at 8o'clock "Wednesday evening, whichis just twice as much as the heaviestrainfall measured there within thepnst eight years. This 4 A inches ofrain makes 510 tons of water to theacre, the terrible power that crushedall befoi e it.


Elmirn, N". Y., May 24. The at-

tention of the police was this morn-ing called by the propiictor of thoDeiavan House to a man and womanoccupying rooms in thnt hotel whowere carrying on like a pair ofmaniacs. They had torn the bedsto pieces, nnd scattered the movablearticles about piomiscuottsly. Theofficers found rather a line lookingman and his daughter, both of whomshowed plainly that they weie underthe influence of some dtug. Physi-cians were called and it was soonestablished that the pair were Dr.A. S. Hazen and daughter of Shaips-vill- e,

Pcnn., and that they weic ad-

dicted to the habit of liypodciinicallyinjecting cocaine. They were

to the City Hospital and thedrug was taken from them.The man became almost frantic,while the woman fell asleep. Aftertiying for some time to louse her,the doctors only succeeded in doingso by giving her, as her fatherdirected, large doses of cocaine in-

jected bypodermically. She thenlallied and ate heaitily, aud fifteenminutes after Hazen had beengranted his customary dose lie wasappaiently himself again. lie is awell-educat- man and has beenpiacticing medicine at Evansville,Intl. He acquired the habit thioughexperimenting on himself and hastaken as much as forty grains a day.He is on his waj' to Sharpsvillc, hishome, where, he says, he will puthimself under treatment and bieakthe habit. The daughter is but nine-teen 3'cars old and has used the in-

jections but seven weeks, using thedrug to allay pain, but is alreadyconfirmed in the habit. S. F.Bulletin.


Pickled Chicken. Boil fourchickens until tender enough formeat to fall from bones, put meatin a stone jar and pour over it threepints of cold, good cider vinegarand a pint and a half of the waterin which the chickens wore boiled ;

add spices if picferred, and it will'be read' for use in two days. Thisis a popular Sunday evening dish ;

it is good for luncheon at any time.Smothered Beefsteak. 'When one

is tired of beefsteak cooked in theordinary way it is very nicesmothered. Prepare a seasoning ofbroad crumbs, regulating the amountby the quantity of steak that is tobe dressed mixed with a very littleminced onion, a small piece of butter, pepper, salt and summer savory ;

spread it on the steak, roll eachpiece separately, and tic with astring. Placo thorn in a saucepanwith a slice of pork and half a pintof water, and stew until tender,whicli can bo easily ascertained byplunging a fork into the meat.

Potted Veal. Pass one pound ofsolid cooked veal, free from bone,gristle and skin, with a quarter ofa pound of cooked ham equal partsoflcan and fat through a mincingmachine until it is as Hue as asausago-moa- t. Add to It pepperand salt to taste, and a quarter of apound of fresh butter. Let all bewell mixed together, ond then pressit into pots and cover with clarifiedbutter. Any of these potted meatsare excellent spread upon vcrj' thindivided toast. Cut thin slices ofbiead, toast them lightly on botlibides, and split tliein, when cold,down the middle so that there maybe one toasted and one untoastedside to eacli piece. Butter the un-

toasted side and fapread it with pot-

ted meat. Press tho toast togetherin its original form, and cut intostrips two inches wjtlo.

Strawberry Shortcake. Makeyour dough tho sumo as for pie-crust, without soda or baking-powde- r.

Roll out about an inchthick, and bake in a pie-ti- n. Whendono cut it open. Havo your ber-ries ready. If you wash them, havothem drained well. Cover one-hal- f

of the crust with beriics and do notbo afraid to put plenty on. Thenthe sugar you must bo tho judgepf the quantity, as some berries areloss sour than others. Put thoother half of tho crust on, and pressdown with the hand. Let stand intho ovou a fow minutes with thodoors unclosed. It is not good cold,as the berries make tho ciust soggy,This recipe may not have eggs andbutler enough in it to suit some,but it is good and wholesome,Cincinnati Commercial Gazette,


Ever issued in the Hawaiian


A Complete Becordor tin;

Proceedings,with verbatim Rcpoits of Speeches

of tho

Legislative AssemblyOF 1 88G,

will be issued ftom tho

BuSleliei OfficeAt the close of the Session, and will

consist of the reports published

from day to day in the Bulix-tin- ,

witli corrections, where neces-


Verbatim Reportswhich have been taken.

Bay- - The Edition will be limited,and orders should be sent to theBui.i.utin' Oillcc without delay. Allorders received in time will be filledas soon as the book is published.

Corporation StocksFOK SALE.


Hnw'n O.n nagc JInnf 'g Co., oo 100::. o. mil &. bon, 70 IPOInli'i Ulund b. K. Co., 10( 0)Hull Telephone, Gf 31 luHaw 'n Agi cultural Oo , (SIM) 100W'ihlciV Co., t 00 100O. lirow li cVJ Co., 110 100Woodl.uvn Daily, !)0 100Wniluku Sugiu Co., HI! 100Walmunalo, 135 100Star Mill, 500Rcclpioclty Sugar Co , to 100

I, A. THURSTON, Stock Brokei.3d Merchant btreul 151 )

Burnt Out, but Not Dead !

Ryan's Boit-Bnild- ii SnoB

Is now adjoining the rear of

Lucas' Mill.r.3



Fourth of July !

American and Hawaiian


All Sizes,

Both in Bunting & Cotton.B2T Fligs for Decorating loaned at

reasonable rates, at

J M. OAT, JR., & CO.0". lw

L. ADLER- fcBegs to Inform the Public In general

that he has received an


of Ladies', Gents' nnd Chlldicn's

Boots, Shoes &40 SWPPERP., lm

C. K. MILLER,General Business & Purchasing Aocnt.

42 Mercuant St., Honolulu.

My most faithful atteiriou will begiven for the

Purchase ot Merchandise

in Honolulu for Die residents of tho!W govern! ItlnndR of Oil group. rivWIJ-DISH'- W M. H. CO.


.Steamer KinauKing, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lalialna, Maa-lue- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukoim, e,

Laupahoohoo and Hllo.Returning, will touch at all the

alove ports, arriving at Honolulueaoh Saturday afternoon.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,fiAST CORNER FORT AND KING STRKETS.

Now Good i received by every Packet from tho Eastern Stales and EuropeFresh California Produce by o cry Steamer. All onor ralthfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part of tho city free of elm ; o. Island orders coll.oltcd. SillsfaRllon guaranteed. Post Office Rox 143. Toloplinno No. Vi, 108 ly

P. O. Rox !i!)7.

LEWIS & CO., GROCERS,111 ITovl Street,

Importers DeaEers in Staple Fancy Groceries.Now Goods continually on tho way. Juit received Kegs Sane.- - Kraut, kega Hoi--,

land llenlnga, kegs Tripe, kegs German Pickles, Kegs 3liS"fl lTfjI:', kltaSalmon Ikllles, UiIh Mackerel, kegs Family Pork, kegs Co ' r:oef. ForHrcukla-t- Whitu Oat, Uernieaj Uieakfasl Gem Slncdul I' ie. Also, a

lot of New Zealand Portland l'eachblow Potatoes always ou hand.The veiy best of ISLAND UUITEK, plenty for everybody.


IfllWMI nwwm

& &

andfine nnd

I'ltccN low SiitiKi'uctinn Snnranteed.

Received e. Australia, a Largo aud Llcgaut Stock of Jllsses and Children's SpringHeel Shoes ol all bizes. Also, a Splendid btock of

Gents' and

GEO. EMELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nott).

Importer unci Ieiilei-- inSTOVES, CHANDELIERS,


Agent HalPs Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - - - Fort Street.

EST formerly occupied by S. NOT 1', opposito Sprcckels & Co.'s Bank.ICO


Telephone 240.


and Harness,the

orClipped. 181,

Corner ofHas just out a and carefully stock

Gent'sCuslom-Mnd- c Clothing, and Hats and Caps

li all tie Styles aiJTST Particular attention is called to an elegant lino of Gent's Neckwear.

28 tf

ITT, 1.

xfl rAsj'SAif iall r




i x,eh ,r hi ..jiiiiitiiilli mi i TimiTho Cash valuo for any quon.

tlty of Tullow.

I.eleoBell 8P. P, O, Box 4.

L.i... Vi & JM. i r -t

OWWUCVfi.rt "I TT1 !



Boots Shoes. Om

I 1 J Ml I iJj3JlJih5XX

8 Dumm

Queen Bt , next Bulletin Office,

Horses hroken to Sad-dle

Horses hoarded hyday, week, month.

Horses CSTTelophone


Fort &opened largo selected of

Fine Furnishing


iobbi JJjPBtjihJlK',TBIBBBr lvVljMfj

Granite, and Tin WareLamps and

WATER PIPE and RUBBERHouse Keeping Goods,



w.iun'USN,Soap Manufacturer,


Honolulu &otipWoil(B,Telephono

4ttktifet -- 'u'MBI. ';;,Y; ,1JrfStiL', v



Merchant Streets,





IronChandeliers, Lanterns,



'ia Vi J


v-- r tfi