J i 11 d- i f n T- r f II- r J 11 t- 11t1H1TM80UERA1 Q Jlr 011 L 4 sadtkln wauu wniv4N r I i II- n I 1 FRr ova < + PUBLISHED FRIDAYS THE TIMESHERALD 100 Publishers rtmCTOi In Dunai BeU4tai Trout n t to Port Office FLA NOV 8 1805- aoUcnptfoni due In 4v ae TilE ATLANTA EXPOSITION The Jury of Awards of the Exposition a body composed of somi of the most distlngulscd men In country among whom are Daniel 0 Oilman president of Johns Hopkins University VicePresident Stevenson non J M L Curry secretory of the Peabody educational fund G Brown Goode of the Smithsonian Institution President McBrydc of the Vltginla Agricultural and Mechanical College and others equally eminent science and education has just Issued a very strong endorsement which has teen olven to the press of the country The address speaks in words of high- est praise of the national government exhibit showing the development of agriculture forestry mines one mineral wealth fisheries and fish culture the protection and promotion of commerce the education and civilization of the lu Jkn and tbe encouragement of Inven lion They call attention to the civic prUe displayed by the citizens of knta and to tbe varied and Inexhaust- ible rosouices of the Cotton States as Is shown in their comprehensive exhibits The Interested cooperation and social Intercourse that is promoted Is spoken of as an admirable sign Illustrating the good will and fraternity now prevalent among the citizens of our unIted re public and Hie establishment of sym prl jiu x those who have been widely separated Is mentioned BS be lag a direct result of the exposition The Important contributions made Heexposition by the women and the innumerable illustrations of skilled receive their duo portion of praise Attention is called to the exhibits that illustrate the progress of education science and the advancement of the colored population lu Intelligence industry and enterprise In speaking of tho exhibits made by the different systems of railroads the fury says We believe that the permanent good of an exhibition or be manifested in the Improvement of pop l r Intelligence diffu- sion correct of taste and skill and in more accurate knowledge the natural resources chAracterlstlcs of tbe diffurcnt of our own country For example the collective exhibits made era railroads and also by the Seaboard Air Line and the Plant system of Florida out in vivid outlines the advantages of the legions through which these railroads are constructed Too Improvements lit the con Chicago New York New Orleans and are permanent contributions to the pros- perity country The people of this State are to be congratulated on the beautiful and com- prehensive exhibit of West Florida that hews up very advantageously the mijiiy and varied Interests of the Land ol Flowers This exhloll Is beautifully ftrtanged and is a special object of ad riflration to all who visit the exposition T5 tho flea W D Chipley of Pensa is due much of the credit of IhU enterprise which will no doubt be the sans of bringing to this State thous anils of Northern visitors who other wife would return home from Atlanta without visiting Florida Miss Consuclo Vanderbilt will pay millions for a duke This is a high price for royalty when it is considered tmU two kings hays been to be captured by of bits of card- board wUlioJHist ne small each Tile Spanish system of editlug pi ufcs dispatches from Cuba iay cause llm Madrid government to believe it suppressing the rebellion but in the meantime the Insurgents are gumiug victory and are recogniz- ing their own belligerency county is excited over what to claimed to be a gold mine Panama There is sold In abundance in Florida soil but it Is not in is primeval state in duet or nuggets uetthcr is Itin tot shape of booty bid- den by sixteenth Bentury pirate but in- UK tobacco the jihotphnUs the grain v cattle awl hogs the vegtiahlts- rftrl fruit and the hjexheiMlMe supply of Now lMi 8 Uh governors anil Put le W l w taken piiioiw JVf llt t Corbatl ami CaroHUa cOMlltu bereft et where the sprinting by modern AKiptet of tie ply art of stifle w W lad a iwrk t wI i THl TUtES HER D Suet un cnloi RATE One Year ghoa SIx TI1ftO rODII1 ae Ceou Atlanta the mart II and with solo ten k own spot ou it at lumber have the yI and field al and yell i II M F i PAL 1TKA r S At- op to- n la- bor y r L uplo 1 the- o i r j l after 4lctory ante- d r his an oocu from n ri ILeae dtumpeta jaw breast cwt oaneenial emfil0- yerut p e ghee bks theme rv eggs rag 4y ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ = TOE TDtwFIiRAtt tieitlevM in honesty of his sincerity in the opmlaas he proclaims and his devotion to the people of Florida Bitter attacks upon the Senate and his oflloial acts by certain with monopolistic tendon cios have boon numerous and aggra- vating and that Mr Call retallat should not bo a surprise but the made by him in his speech ii this city last Monday night that one hundred and forty of tho one hundred and fifty newspapers in Florida were bribed and surborned by the railroads to work for the destruction of the in- terests of the people was altogether unwarranted and unworthy of a mat of Senator Calls sound judgment knowledge and fairness The great body of editors and publishers In this Stale as else where ale honest and honorable they are hightoned gentlemen who for small compensation are doing more for the advancement of civilization and education In art science and Chris- tianity than all the national legisla- tures that ever convened There are exceptions to all rules but editors scorn a bribe and a briber As for the socalled freu pass that of the editor- Is paid for in advertising at very low rates and Is an entirely different thing from the legislators pass for which the railroad receives no remu- neration other than class legislation CUBA IIUHE AND CASH CONTRI- BUTIONS The Cuban Union League Club will give a picnic at on the proceeds of which will be devoted to the wounded Cuban soldiers An Interesting has been races a ball In tbe pavilion and pyrotechnic display at Tampa The Cuban day celebrations the great muss meetings that are being held in almost eygry city In the Union- In the interest of Cuban liberty and the Innumerable resolutions of sympathy for the patriot insurgents are very gratifying to all friends of liberty In the American republic nearly all of whom earnestly desire the freedom of tbe Queen of the Anlllles from the yoke of Spanish tyranny yet it la clear to any close observer that one Cuban entertainment of the kind It is proposed to hold at Tampa on the 10th inst is the sort of sympathy the struggling Cubans ore In need of A rehash of the Declaration of Inde- pendence is good enough in its way but the homely adage that money talks is a truism that is as applicable- to great revolutions as to a horse trade- or a political convention Modern warfare is very expensive and cash contributions are the best means to bring about B realization of Cuba llbre Eugene Debs threatens to make a tour of the country when his term of imprisonment expires beginning with Texas It may be necessary for Gov- ernor Culberson to call another cxtia session of the legislature- Not long before his death the poet Longfellow told Hczekiah Dutterworlh one evening in his library how he came to write The Psalm of Life The Bridge Excelsior Hiawatha Clock on the Stairs and some of his other great Mr Butterworth has now embodied the evenings talk in an article on How Longfellow Wrote Its Bestknown The Ladiesj Home A GENTLE CORRECTIVE is what you need when liver becomes inactive Its what when take Pierces Pellets theyre free from and the griping that come All authorities that in the bowels mild methods are preferable For every of stomach and bowels these coated are most effective They go about their an and natural and their lasts they strengthen and tone of the stom- ach and bowels thereby digestion Sick Constipa- tion Sour Stomach tiqn Bilious Attacks Dizziness- are and permanently cured Theyre for gwraitttd to satisfaction or your money returned Senator Cull in pro- gram sports bicycle foot and horlo Old Journal will publish In Its next number get i or- dinary re- lating j I r ua lJI t ere NthAOi Urlj IFA the news- papers state- ment news- paper pro- moting ei dive > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ KBSUIE OF TUB IMIOTIOS The Waterloo that met the Demo crate last Tuesday nwrlv eVery in the Union in which elections were held does not tend to show that people have forsaken those timehon ored principles of Democracy which have been the strength end maintain mice of this government for more than a hundred years nor is it an Indication that the masses of American cItizens are ready to advocate tho promotion trusts monopolies and a corrupt of spoils that has characterized the Republican party In Its thirtyfou years ot existence In nearly oven instance tho result of the late elections hinged on local affairs and In was there a strict party light not com plicated with coalitions and factional dissatisfactions In Maryland the Republican victory was nothing more thou a vigorous up rising of voters Irrespectiveof party to free themselves from the dictatorship- of Gorman who has so long ruled that State with the iron sceptre of a despot- In Kentucky the Democrats nude the fatal error of placing a free silver can- didate on a pronounced gold stand ard platform and with Blackburn waging war on Carlisle and Carlisle at- tacking Blackburn the result wos no surprise Despite the strenuous efforts of Re- publicans Reformers and Independent Democrats the Tammany or regular Democratic ticket carried New York City but with a majority too small to save the State which is always Repub Bean without strong aid from the city A union of Republicans and Popu- lists brought about Democratic defeat- In other States Now that business is reviving and a new era of prosperity is dawning this lastnamed party always a calamity party will have no longer an excuse for further existence Tn surveying the Held the conclusion naturally presents itself that the Dem- ocratic leaders learning wisdom from the mistakes of this yoar will so con duct the national of 1800 as to insure a triumphant victory The ilvalry that has existed so long between St Paul and Minneapolis duplicated in the fight for supremacy between Crescent City and San Mateo as will be seen from tho following from the San Mateo Item The taker paid San Mateo a visit this week and checked us up 421 as against 602 were and if Crescent City dont look out well be A liberal Proposition THE TIMESHKIIALD has perfected arrangements with the Word and Works Publishing Company of St Louis by whlchil Is enabled to fur- nish the Word and Works a well known and deservedly popular paper edited Rev Irl R Hicks the re nowned weather whose won accurate prognostications- have been a source of surprise to scientific worse for a number years together with TUE only 8170 in advance In addition to this each subscriber Is given a copy of Hicks new Almanac The manac for next year is better than ever has a worldwide reputation and has for several years hap an sale at 25 cents The sub- scription price of Word and Work per year TUB TIMES HEUALD is per year and the Almanac at 25 cents making a total of 8225 which can through The Times Herald office sum of 170 Readers of this paper whose hone have not can obtain the required sum nnd having their subscriptions one year For Charity Stiffereth Long Slate the of sys- tem tow cases census p TI3JESnR ALD fo 1 the benefit this offer by reo I lit s Cres- cent of liberal ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Phtente nilwtukMW- USatran ef a Benevolent Home nd knowing good Dr Mlles Nerirlne baa dono me or to belp others my dUke tor tko publicity tbu may give ma la Nov and Dee IBM The inmate had and I the tnt Returning duty too iimn with tho care of no many tick I did not regain mjr end In a month JT be i M debilitated and nfitou from tleeplMtneu the draft made oa mj rlt Iltj that It a question It I could go on A dear Mend advised me to err Dr Restorative KfrttneI- UJOk36olU n l say la betUf health than ever I contlan- eIt otaattanal ue A name food M toy work U very Whig A Milwaukee Wto will mofa a JIM MM Mao Worn 0 Paowuc Dr MtJaiM rt sold s MUtta ateo w flntbnttt baeett Dr Miles Nervine Restores HwUtH r Laura tile wish letter GrIppe one of health was Jam till lessee All tIWa torlz 1r r l Mrs over- comes the Z was w and Mite am happy to I ad- dressed e a sir t rassrtnast < < > FOR YEARS MR HAD SUFFERED Paines Celery Compound Soon Made Him Weil Publisher of llflr- qGormariPaper Can Now Work Fourteen Hours Everv Dav Sleeps Soundly and Peacefully Every Night He Lives Sleep Is one of the things that cannot bo put off from night to night The punishment for sleeplessness worse than pain Tt means shattered mind It often happens that a sudden stress of work or anxiety robs of the nights rest Tho effect is soon apparent in the languor headaches and llttlossnoas that ensue If rapid nnd abundant means are to repair the exhausted parts the nerves regain their elasticity But if an unnatural privation of the brain the whole nervous system becomes undone and prostration results Thousands of men struggling under great responsibilities or tedious work anxious overworked mothers and wives shop girls who are forced to stand on their feet all day tong have BURGH ElM g 1 1 e 1 Great one em- ployed ¬ ° rut MAX DDBQIIEJM little difficulty In convincing their friends of the remarkable power Paincs celery compound to restore enegry renew their vigor and make them strong and well Hero Is a letter from Mr Max fiuns beim well known and ma nager of the Cincinnati Freie Press Company Mr Burgbelrn writes The following statement may be of interest I have been suffering from sleeplessness lnsomniafor many years and although I have tried almost every thing to get cured consulting the best pbyslclansand even going several times to Europe everything was in vain- I did not have a nights rest for al most six years that is to say I could not sleep for two hours in succession- in a single night you can easily imag- ine what the effect on me had been After spending a fortune in trying for relief I had given up almost hope and when I first road about Pttlnes celery compound I did not have much faith In anything But after having used so many remedies and consulted so many physician In this country and abroad I felt llko giving the compound a trial The result was truly The very first night nbout six months ago that I tried Palnos celery compound you can imagine joy that I hud slept hours In succession a thing had not bc a blessed so many I continued tho use for over three months with the same happy re- sult and although I was lest the malady would come me I can now say that I have not taken the compound for months I do i Interruption- You can easily Imagine what this means for a man fourteen hours everyday In llio year and has charge of two large newspapers I con my ease a one and I sbouldbe glad If this statement means of who have suffered like 1 In the same untold agonies and for tills reason I give you to make UM of In way you choose Tbfc elrgvm of Jacksonville the footsteps of Rev Dr and hay gone into re fittm Uitfl M Discourses on f e Jacksonville and gambling jplonrl be n numerous la that oily f late oas on moMl that do Hot baite tot tfctiir ttitc1 i the Mo 61 MT right wueto like MtiV Of with UM Prince of ItaMMrk lm of the president II all bBoK on and be the a Are IQ Park the Tri e a r the haml- et ukkI- c their i with- out should otbene thls tetement folio unit re- form drift ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ mSL Crojfc should contain hIgh of Pptafth to Insure UK lwrget and a permanent enrichment Qf the soil v Write for OUT Guide f i iH w t 4 lawk full of useful Inferraatlon for It will be M free a d will snake and save you momsy Ii I I 1 t 1 i t- FertD zer for f p t f F era i t t I brim I GERMAN UtI WORKS y rcr I z a Address raaaattw iHs Yi NINA JOHN CorrMpoudenc Tlineillcniia John has just Jaldtiown a published in the interest of rellgiou no perhaps he had better lu interest certain church Itwaf- lllcd with so many queer odd notions that it really proved curiosity yet he was told that it con seined similar ideas every week One of the articles written by ti editor who appears very much like smallsized saint was an attack upon secret societies The burden of wrong was that they usurped tho place of the church that mon instead o attending patronizing anti encoarag lag the church were uslug their time money and influence In these societies and the wanted to prove that men were wicked sinners who had no rights that should not belong to nor encourage these societies us they were wrong principle opposed to the church against Uod and the Bible It must appear to tb e casual reader that the editor is surrounded with dense fog of Ignorance for every one of the prominent secret societies is built upon tho principles of civilisation and Christianity and in every one Kin John bus visited had the Bible for Its rulo and guide If the church or a church Is on dine tha cause Is within its own doors- If it hasnoL the which go to make a true Christian then it must and should go down King John was told by a newspaper man while in the norlh that the male attendance at the churches of his town was not more than 20 per cent It is patent said he that the churches have grown less masculine during the last decade II this be soit is losingits power to in- terest to educate to elevate tie hu- man race and it seeks sojaco else- where The foundation of the church- is the promise of eternal life What docs it cost to secure this promise not in filthy lucre alone what are air the elements necessary to secure a life be- yond the river as now opposed by the church 1 It is a bundle of Impossi- bilities unattainable by mortals If the church be on the decline it Is because- It hM turned out of the theological camp men who profess a more liberal and a more reasonable construction of the plan of salvation because it re- peat the same old story of punish- ments both unnatural and unmerciful because it teaches a power greater than God a power that undermines His works because it teaches a hell thai never existed because it teaches that it is the only saving power it teaches uncharitable acts In sending millions to other lands when deserving poor are suffering at its doors If the on the decline It M because it no longer feeds the prep fpod hope love life To at tack toclelles that have these qualities- is U confess its own weakness and proves that it Is barrow contracted and bigoted King John has known societies to fens families through trials mlnfor tune reverses sickness and death to and the widow to V boy to rescue the to redeem his manhood to place in honorable positions support him In his trials to encourage every laudable undertaking In oil probability they would kayo lio great societies of tho do not war against the church They- are doing to stay the hand of make and men and wo men more selfreliant self new avenues industry reforming the depraved and and it U now an band that strikes them What is the church doing It is be coming more more bigoted more and narrower The chtwth that sustains the paper above mentioned is fio narrow it denies that all other churches have saving power that only by its one other creeds are as mist ba teM fabrlw dls visions W have only one bible but ten thousand boliefd creeds Only one bible but thousand of salva- tion toe waul hilt uu bible and it uaefime made so plain that undiusUind it alike a relig- ion that la a religion to all the world a universal built upon faith love and eternal life want n re- llgtan that fires the heart with consider- ation for all of our race that will curb lh tongue before it cororalta slanderf will slug the Same tune to Ibo that it hums behind the back wal a that will snot and give them A will insieM of resole a r ilgio that will It i pAper the of a 114 a e the up argument they In a a do church be t shIeld the daughter to teed the drunkard the societies had not re- m much to build up a find plane of to Il be all ten nt lon 1 f w teed the poor n TALKS IC be- cause a better the crc all san fo to and w- atui want g ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > << from the gutter hd eiupport bon MtiV be we want n wli that will with auo- uhlne tha attendants with hope U and that they way that and in v4 7 Then peace will reIgn in every heart and jot our the tf v Keukn NaV 0 I cannot Uk Cod tlv r Tills is n jKlstafee Try ArtiuiitlaOod LIver Oil mads by KH Bond Co B IU more Md It has no taste of oil Delightful to take Preeorilad by physicians Ballds up broken down systems caret Consumption and Bronchitis For sale by Aokerman Stewart Pfllaikn Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder Wttldl Pair Hlffhest Medal and Dlplo- mDBAI10K ISLAND DOINGS Corre i ouilene9 Tlraeslleralil- DlUTTOH leLAND NoV S RAIn rain r lnt It rains and the wind i never weary But NlmbW knows wlthnut finishing those bwatl ful llneo that the sun ls shining most brightly behind Ute dripping clouds November would bare no lingering In the lap of sunshine In hers thank you and promptly reminded w that we were enjoying those warm dellghtfu1 days only by favor However in spite of the rain for ear oral days which was Indeed Very weloime Nimble has succeeded ti- gailterlng a few items which may prove acceptable to your render Sunday morning last Captain Strange very Madly took R party ot Islanders down to Norwalk on the Star to attend memorial servloes of Mrs Strange No stops were made except at Fraltland whore Mrs Wil us Team met the steamer at the landing and we had a pleasant drive out to the Methodist Church where tbo services wore bald JThe decorations were tasteful and tl iigJn the extreme alto- gether of wlld1Iow tSrth6 3BflMJT white ageratum and palecolored as tens Their dainty beauty teemed a j fit emblem the fair young life whose transplanting to that other golden shore we had gathered to eommemo rateReV Mr Louder gave his hearers a beautiful and toaohlng Ulk which wu appreciated by all Mrs Beasley pre- sided very acceptably at the organ We were all pleased that had been allowed the privilege of paying tils tribute to the memory of our friend who has gone before The ladies of Norwalk bad most kindly prepared luncheon for the party from the Island but the weath or so threatening that it seemed best to hasten back to the steamer Their kindness and toongbtfnlneeS was very cordially appreciated how everMr Wright la beck ns after a later to tire northward than usually if JI Wrights friends are to him back as ho generally brings so many fresh Ideas MoKlroy too la once more oa the Island after about two months at the Northwhiah occasioned a sharp attack of illnete Ills frIends restored the healing breath of balmy breezes Mrs bad tht pleasure of a short visit from her mother Wood worth of Wfelaka Also Joshua Mr and Mrs of San Mateo M and Mrs Learned Mr Baokejo If extra going on nu buru you whistled J F seems to be very tully downed Tnit because some runtnre says the coi responded a- tta df Y lia a lltt Do not know Mr J F that a trilling little puppy dog very often ills barks moon does M the editor tired of ns and us to quit ho can tell aato At that in the of EXPECTANT W Offer You Whksii- IW5UBB5 S l Uf U MOTHERS rI 1 with sl1 vefvolC V the Iweett s 10d lUent h XiNo JoaN Oil 1 i the 4 1 Ji tits eo we Ita he ed however that he will soon be Flor- Ida rl trout her friend Mrs WhUmab or came Saturday u A little visIt to le be w bu It ever cause moon d olnf tn When least r MOTIIERS M- I n4 Wltl fRIEND t- RtbdoelJllMtItltf11dt JltfferNiRIel- Jrff wN need uiiM lit birth ot lItr II1II 8 If 1 II JIG HoI- Iftrf x 1l- iOor It 8 r loIiV rem UtollII- I ft ss members with love twill sour Ir r she arm was bun quite teoentl for I- Olr yce there any- thing nice very an the wishes Huyzaasw a per Ib n I I51555 4 P s- uIfes u s ten mit QUt m Jbo s w ss eds r- bine ittwM- Au a > > < ¬ > ¬ ¬ °

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11 t-11t1H1TM80UERA1 Q Jlr 011 L 4

sadtkln wauu wniv4N





n I1 FRrova <



THE TIMESHERALD 100 Publishers

rtmCTOi In Dunai BeU4tai Troutn t to Port Office

FLA NOV 8 1805-

aoUcnptfoni due In 4v a e


The Jury of Awards of the

Exposition a body composed of somiof the most distlngulscd men In

country among whom are Daniel 0Oilman president of Johns Hopkins

University VicePresident Stevenson

non J M L Curry secretory of the

Peabody educational fund G Brown

Goode of the Smithsonian InstitutionPresident McBrydc of the VltginlaAgricultural and Mechanical College

and others equally eminentscience and education has just Issued

a very strong endorsement which has

teen olven to the press of the country

The address speaks in words of high-

est praise of the national government

exhibit showing the development of

agriculture forestry mines one mineral

wealth fisheries and fish culture theprotection and promotion of commerce

the education and civilization of the luJkn and tbe encouragement of Inven

lion They call attention to the civic

prUe displayed by the citizens of

knta and to tbe varied and Inexhaust-ible rosouices of the Cotton States as Is

shown in their comprehensive exhibitsThe Interested cooperation and social

Intercourse that is promoted Is spokenof as an admirable sign Illustrating thegood will and fraternity now prevalentamong the citizens of our unIted republic and Hie establishment of sym

prl jiu x those who have beenwidely separated Is mentioned BS be

lag a direct result of the expositionThe Important contributions made

Heexposition by the women and theinnumerable illustrations of skilled

receive their duo portion of praiseAttention is called to the exhibits thatillustrate the progress of education

science and the advancement ofthe colored population lu Intelligenceindustry and enterprise

In speaking of tho exhibits made by

the different systems of railroads thefury says

We believe that the permanent goodof an exhibition or be

manifested in the Improvement of popl r Intelligence diffu-

sion correct of taste andskill and in more accurate knowledge

the natural resourceschAracterlstlcs of tbe diffurcnt ofour own country For example thecollective exhibits madeera railroads and also by the SeaboardAir Line and the Plant system ofFlorida out in vivid outlines theadvantages of the legions throughwhich these railroads are constructedToo Improvements lit the con

Chicago NewYork New Orleans and arepermanent contributions to the pros-perity country

The people of this State are to becongratulated on the beautiful and com-

prehensive exhibit of West Florida thathews up very advantageously the

mijiiy and varied Interests of the Landol Flowers This exhloll Is beautifullyftrtanged and is a special object of adriflration to all who visit the exposition

T5 tho flea W D Chipley of Pensais due much of the credit of IhU

enterprise which will no doubt be thesans of bringing to this State thousanils of Northern visitors who otherwife would return home from Atlantawithout visiting Florida

Miss Consuclo Vanderbilt will paymillions for a duke This is a high

price for royalty when it is consideredtmU two kings hays been to becaptured by of bits of card-

board wUlioJHist ne small each

Tile Spanish system of editlug

pi ufcs dispatches from Cuba iay cause

llm Madrid government to believe itsuppressing the rebellion but in themeantime the Insurgents are gumiugvictory and are recogniz-

ing their own belligerency

county is

excited over what to claimed to be agold mine Panama There is sold In

abundance in Florida soil but it Is notin is primeval state in duet or nuggets

uetthcr is Itin tot shape of booty bid-

den by sixteenth Bentury pirate but in-

UK tobacco the jihotphnUs the grain

v cattle awl hogs the vegtiahlts-

rftrl fruit and the hjexheiMlMe supply


Now lMi 8 Uh governors anil

Put le W l w taken

piiioiw JVf llt t Corbatl ami

CaroHUa cOMlltubereft et where the sprinting

by modernAKiptet of tie ply art of stifle

w W lad a iwrkt

wI i



un cnloi RATE One Year ghoa SIxTI1ftO rODII1 ae Ceou









k own

spot ou




have the

yI andfield


and yell


















l after 4lctory





fromn ri ILeae dtumpeta jaw

breast cwt oaneenial emfil0-yerut p

e gheebks theme


eggs rag 4y







TOE TDtwFIiRAtt tieitlevM inhonesty of his sincerityin the opmlaas he proclaims andhis devotion to the people of FloridaBitter attacks upon the Senateand his oflloial acts by certain

with monopolistic tendoncios have boon numerous and aggra-

vating and that Mr Call retallatshould not bo a surprise but the

made by him in his speech ii

this city last Monday night that onehundred and forty of tho one hundredand fifty newspapers in Florida werebribed and surborned by the railroadsto work for the destruction of the in-

terests of the people was altogetherunwarranted and unworthy of a matof Senator Calls sound judgmentknowledge and fairness

The great body of editors andpublishers In this Stale as else

where ale honest and honorable theyare hightoned gentlemen who forsmall compensation are doing morefor the advancement of civilization andeducation In art science and Chris-

tianity than all the national legisla-

tures that ever convened There areexceptions to all rules but editorsscorn a bribe and a briber As for the

socalled freu pass that of the editor-

Is paid for in advertising at very lowrates and Is an entirely differentthing from the legislators pass forwhich the railroad receives no remu-

neration other than class legislation



The Cuban Union League Club willgive a picnic at on the

proceeds of which willbe devoted to the woundedCuban soldiers An Interesting

has been

races a ball In tbepavilion and pyrotechnic display at

TampaThe Cuban day celebrations the

great muss meetings that are beingheld in almost eygry city In the Union-

In the interest of Cuban liberty and theInnumerable resolutions of sympathyfor the patriot insurgents are verygratifying to all friends of liberty In

the American republic nearly all of

whom earnestly desire the freedom of

tbe Queen of the Anlllles from theyoke of Spanish tyranny yet it la clearto any close observer that one Cubanentertainment of the kind It is proposedto hold at Tampa on the 10th inst is

the sort of sympathy the strugglingCubans ore In need of

A rehash of the Declaration of Inde-

pendence is good enough in its waybut the homely adage that moneytalks is a truism that is as applicable-

to great revolutions as to a horse trade-

or a political convention Modernwarfare is very expensive and cashcontributions are the best means tobring about B realization of Cuba llbre

Eugene Debs threatens to make atour of the country when his term ofimprisonment expires beginning withTexas It may be necessary for Gov-

ernor Culberson to call another cxtiasession of the legislature-

Not long before his death the poetLongfellow told Hczekiah Dutterworlhone evening in his library how he cameto write The Psalm of Life TheBridge Excelsior Hiawatha

Clock on the Stairs andsome of his other great MrButterworth has now embodied theevenings talk in an article on HowLongfellow Wrote Its Bestknown

The Ladiesj Home

A GENTLE CORRECTIVEis what you needwhen liverbecomes inactiveIts whatwhen takePierces Pelletstheyre free from

andthe griping thatcome


that inthe bowels

mild methods arepreferable Forevery of

stomachand bowels thesecoated are most effectiveThey go about theiran and natural andtheir lasts theystrengthen and tone

of the stom-

ach and bowels therebydigestion Sick

Constipa-tion Sour Stomachtiqn Bilious Attacks Dizziness-

are andpermanently cured Theyre

forgwraitttd to satisfactionor your money returned

Senator Cullin


gramsports bicycle foot and horlo


Journal will publish In Its next number










ua lJI t ere

NthAOi Urlj IFA



















The Waterloo that met the Democrate last Tuesday nwrlv eVery

in the Union in which elections wereheld does not tend to show thatpeople have forsaken those timehonored principles of Democracy whichhave been the strength end maintainmice of this government for more thana hundred years nor is it an Indicationthat the masses of American cItizensare ready to advocate tho promotiontrusts monopolies and a corrupt

of spoils that has characterized theRepublican party In Its thirtyfouyears ot existence In nearly oveninstance tho result of the late electionshinged on local affairs and Inwas there a strict party light not complicated with coalitions and factionaldissatisfactions

In Maryland the Republican victory

was nothing more thou a vigorous up

rising of voters Irrespectiveof party to

free themselves from the dictatorship-of Gorman who has so long ruled thatState with the iron sceptre of a despot-

In Kentucky the Democrats nude thefatal error of placing a free silver can-

didate on a pronounced gold standard platform and with Blackburnwaging war on Carlisle and Carlisle at-

tacking Blackburn the result wos no

surpriseDespite the strenuous efforts of Re-

publicans Reformers and IndependentDemocrats the Tammany or regular

Democratic ticket carried New YorkCity but with a majority too small to

save the State which is always RepubBean without strong aid from the city

A union of Republicans and Popu-

lists brought about Democratic defeat-

In other States Now that business is

reviving and a new era of prosperity isdawning this lastnamed party alwaysa calamity party will have no longer anexcuse for further existence

Tn surveying the Held the conclusionnaturally presents itself that the Dem-

ocratic leaders learning wisdom fromthe mistakes of this yoar will so conduct the national of 1800 asto insure a triumphant victory

The ilvalry that has existed so longbetween St Paul and Minneapolisduplicated in the fight for supremacybetween Crescent City and San Mateoas will be seen from tho following fromthe San Mateo Item Thetaker paid San Mateo a visit this weekand checked us up 421 as against

602 were andif Crescent City dont look out well be

A liberal PropositionTHE TIMESHKIIALD has perfected

arrangements with the Word andWorks Publishing Company of StLouis by whlchil Is enabled to fur-

nish the Word and Works a wellknown and deservedly popular paperedited Rev Irl R Hicks the renowned weather whose won

accurate prognostications-have been a source of surprise toscientific worse for a number yearstogether with TUEonly 8170 in advance In addition tothis each subscriber Is given a copy ofHicks new Almanac Themanac for next year is better thanever has a worldwide reputation andhas for several years hap ansale at 25 cents The sub-scription price of Word and Work

per year TUB TIMES HEUALD isper year and the Almanac at 25

cents making a total of 8225 whichcan through The TimesHerald office sum of

170Readers of this paper whose

hone have not can obtain

the required sum nnd havingtheir subscriptions one year

For Charity Stiffereth Long





tow cases






the benefit this offer by reo





of liberal















Phtente nilwtukMW-USatran ef a Benevolent Home

nd knowing good Dr Mlles Nerirlnebaa dono me or to belp others

my dUke tor tko publicity tbumay give ma la Nov and Dee IBM

The inmate hadand I the tnt Returning dutytoo iimn with tho care of no many tick Idid not regain mjr end In a monthJT be i M debilitated and nfitoufrom tleeplMtneu the draft made oamj rlt Iltj that It a question It I couldgo on A dear Mend advised me to errDr Restorative KfrttneI-UJOk36olU n l sayla betUf health than ever I contlan-eIt otaattanal ue A name foodM toy work U very Whig A

Milwaukee Wto will mofa aJIM MM Mao Worn 0 PaowucDr MtJaiM rt sold s MUtta

ateo w flntbnttt baeett

Dr Miles NervineRestores HwUtH




one of





All tIWa torlz1r r




the Zwas


Miteam happy to




a sirt







Paines Celery Compound Soon

Made Him Weil

Publisher of llflr-qGormariPaper

Can Now Work Fourteen Hours

Everv Dav

Sleeps Soundly and Peacefully

Every Night He Lives

Sleep Is one of the things that cannotbo put off from night to night

The punishment for sleeplessnessworse than pain Tt means shatteredmind It often happens that a suddenstress of work or anxiety robs ofthe nights rest Tho effect is soonapparent in the languor headaches andllttlossnoas that ensue

If rapid nnd abundant means areto repair the exhausted parts the

nerves regain their elasticity But ifan unnatural privation of the brain thewhole nervous system becomes undoneand prostration results

Thousands of men struggling undergreat responsibilities or tedious work

anxious overworked mothers andwives shop girls who are forced to

stand on their feet all day tong have



1 1 e









little difficulty In convincing theirfriends of the remarkable powerPaincs celery compound to restoreenegry renew their vigor and make

them strong and wellHero Is a letter from Mr Max fiuns

beim well known and manager of the Cincinnati Freie PressCompany Mr Burgbelrn writes

The following statement may be ofinterest I have been suffering fromsleeplessness lnsomniafor many yearsand although I have tried almost everything to get cured consulting the bestpbyslclansand even going several timesto Europe everything was in vain-

I did not have a nights rest for almost six years that is to say I couldnot sleep for two hours in succession-

in a single night you can easily imag-

ine what the effect on me had beenAfter spending a fortune in trying

for relief I had given up almosthope and when I first road about

Pttlnes celery compound I did not havemuch faith In anything But afterhaving used so many remedies andconsulted so many physician In thiscountry and abroad I felt llko givingthe compound a trial The result wastruly

The very first night nbout sixmonths ago that I tried Palnos celerycompound you can imagine joy

that I hud slepthours In succession a thing hadnot bc a blessed so many

I continued tho use for overthree months with the same happy re-

sult and although I was lestthe malady would come me Ican now say that I have nottaken the compound for months I do


Interruption-You can easily Imagine what this

means for a man fourteenhours everyday In llio year and hascharge of two large newspapers I con

my ease a oneand I sbouldbe glad If this statement

means ofwho have suffered like 1 In the sameuntold agonies and for tills reason Igive you to make UM of

In way you choose

Tbfc elrgvm of Jacksonvillethe footsteps of Rev Dr

and hay gone into refittm Uitfl M Discourses on

f e Jacksonville and gamblingjplonrl be n numerous la that oily

f late oas on moMlthat do Hot baite tot tfctiir ttitc1 i

the Mo 61 MT

right wueto like MtiV Of

with UM Prince of ItaMMrk lm


the president



bBoK on


be the



Park the

Tri e

a rthe haml-






should otbene

thls tetement









mSL Crojfcshould contain hIgh of Pptafth toInsure UK lwrget and a permanent enrichmentQf the soil v

Write for OUT Guide f i iH w t 4 lawkfull of useful Inferraatlon for It will be M free a d

will snake and save you momsy

Ii I I

1 t1

i t-

FertD zer for f



F era i t t I




rcr I


Addressraaaattw iHs Yi


CorrMpoudenc TlineillcniiaJohn has just Jaldtiown a

published in the interest of rellgiouno perhaps he had better luinterest certain church Itwaf-

lllcd with so many queerodd notions that it really provedcuriosity yet he was told that it conseined similar ideas every week

One of the articles written by tieditor who appears very much likesmallsized saint was an attack uponsecret societies The burden ofwrong was that they usurped tho placeof the church that mon instead o

attending patronizing anti encoaraglag the church were uslug their timemoney and influence Inthese societies and thewanted to prove that men were wickedsinners who had no rights thatshould not belong to nor encourage

these societies us they were wrongprinciple opposed to the churchagainst Uod and the Bible

It must appear to tb e casual readerthat the editor is surrounded withdense fog of Ignorance for every one

of the prominent secret societies isbuilt upon tho principles of civilisationand Christianity and in every oneKin John bus visited had the Biblefor Its rulo and guide

If the church or a church Is on

dine tha cause Is within its own doors-

If it hasnoL the which go to

make a true Christian then it mustand should go down King John wastold by a newspaper man while in thenorlh that the male attendance at thechurches of his town was not more

than 20 per cent It is patent saidhe that the churches have grown lessmasculine during the last decade IIthis be soit is losingits power to in-

terest to educate to elevate tie hu-

man race and it seeks sojaco else-

where The foundation of the church-

is the promise of eternal life Whatdocs it cost to secure this promise notin filthy lucre alone what are air theelements necessary to secure a life be-

yond the river as now opposed by thechurch 1 It is a bundle of Impossi-

bilities unattainable by mortals If thechurch be on the decline it Is because-

It hM turned out of the theologicalcamp men who profess a more liberaland a more reasonable construction ofthe plan of salvation because it re-

peat the same old story of punish-

ments both unnatural and unmercifulbecause it teaches a power greaterthan God a power that underminesHis works because it teaches a hellthai never existed because it teachesthat it is the only saving power

it teaches uncharitable acts Insending millions to other lands whendeserving poor are suffering at itsdoors If the on the declineIt M because it no longer feeds theprep fpod hope love life To attack toclelles that have these qualities-

is U confess its own weakness andproves that it Is barrow contracted

and bigotedKing John has known societies to

fens families through trials mlnfortune reverses sickness and deathto and the widow to


boy to rescuethe to redeem his manhoodto place in honorable positionssupport him In his trials to encourage

every laudable undertaking

In oil probability they would kayo

lio great societies of thodo not war against the church They-are doing to stay the hand of

make and men and women more selfreliant self

new avenues industryreforming the depraved and andit U now an band thatstrikes them

What is the church doing It is becoming more more bigotedmore and narrower Thechtwth that sustains the paper abovementioned is fio narrow it deniesthat all other churches have savingpower that only by its one

other creeds are as mistba teM fabrlw dls visions

W have only one bible but tenthousand boliefd creeds Only onebible but thousand of salva-tion toe waul hilt uu bible and ituaefime made so plain thatundiusUind it alike a relig-ion that la a religion to all the world auniversal built upon faithlove and eternal life want n re-llgtan that fires the heart with consider-ation for all of our race that will curblh tongue before it cororalta slanderf

will slug the Same tune to Ibothat it hums behind the backwal a that will snot

and give themA will

insieM of resolea r ilgio that will It



theof a









a do

church be


shIeld the daughter to teed the


the societies had notre-


much to build up afind plane of to


be all






teed the poor






a better


all san

fo to and w-














< <

from the gutter hd eiupport bon MtiVbe we want n wlithat will with auo-uhlne tha attendants with hope U

andthat they way

thatand in v4 7 Thenpeace will reIgn in every heart and jot

our the tf vKeukn NaV 0

I cannot Uk Cod tlv r Tillsis n jKlstafee Try ArtiuiitlaOod LIverOil mads by K H Bond Co B IU

more Md It has no taste of oilDelightful to take Preeorilad byphysicians Ballds up broken downsystems caret Consumption andBronchitis For sale by AokermanStewart Pfllaikn

Dr Prices Cream Baking PowderWttldl Pair Hlffhest Medal and Dlplo-


Corre i ouilene9 Tlraeslleralil-DlUTTOH leLAND NoV S

RAIn rain r lnt It rains and thewind i never weary But NlmbWknows wlthnut finishing those bwatlful llneo that the sun ls shining mostbrightly behind Ute dripping clouds

November would bare no lingeringIn the lap of sunshine In hers thankyou and promptly reminded wthat we were enjoying those warmdellghtfu1 days only by favor

However in spite of the rain for earoral days which was Indeed Veryweloime Nimble has succeeded ti-

gailterlng a few items which mayprove acceptable to your render

Sunday morning last CaptainStrange very Madly took R party otIslanders down to Norwalk on theStar to attend memorial servloesof Mrs Strange No stops were madeexcept at Fraltland whore Mrs Wil

us Team met thesteamer at the landing and we had apleasant drive out to the MethodistChurch where tbo services wore baldJThe decorations were tasteful andtl iigJn the extreme alto-gether of wlld1Iow tSrth6 3BflMJTwhite ageratum and palecolored astens Their dainty beauty teemed a j

fit emblem the fair young life whosetransplanting to that other goldenshore we had gathered to eommemo

rateReVMr Louder gave his hearers a

beautiful and toaohlng Ulk which wuappreciated by all Mrs Beasley pre-sided very acceptably at the organWe were all pleased that had beenallowed the privilege of paying tilstribute to the memory of our friendwho has gone before

The ladies of Norwalk bad mostkindly prepared luncheon for theparty from the Island but the weathor so threatening that it seemedbest to hasten back to the steamerTheir kindness and toongbtfnlneeSwas very cordially appreciated how

everMr Wright la beck ns aftera later to tire northward thanusually if JI Wrightsfriends are tohim back as ho generally brings somany fresh Ideas

MoKlroy too la once more oathe Island after about two months atthe Northwhiah occasioneda sharp attack of illnete Ills frIends

restored the healing breath ofbalmy breezes

Mrs bad tht pleasure of a shortvisit from her mother Woodworth of Wfelaka Also

JoshuaMr and Mrs of San Mateo

M and Mrs LearnedMr Baokejo If

extra going on nu buru youwhistled

J F seems to be very tully downedTnit because someruntnre says the coi responded a-

tta df Y lia a llttDo not know Mr J F that atrilling little puppy dog very oftenills barks moon does


the editor tired of ns andus to quit ho can tell aato At

that in the of

EXPECTANT W Offer YouWhksii-




with sl1 vefvolC Vthe Iweett s

10d lUent

hXiNo JoaN

Oil 1








Ita heed

however that he will soon beFlor-


rltrout her friend Mrs WhUmab or

came Saturday u A littlevisIt to




buIt ever cause moon d olnf tnWhen




I n4 Wltl


RtbdoelJllMtItltf11dt JltfferNiRIel-

Jrff wN need uiiM litbirth ot

lItr II1II 8 If 1II


Iftrf x



It 8 r

loIiV remUtollII-

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members with love


Ir r




bun quite



Olr yce there any-thing nice







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uIfes us ten mit QUtm

Jbo sw ss eds r-










