Generalization of the Gell-Mann decontraction formula for sl(n,R) and its applications in affine gravity Igor Salom and Đorđe Šijački

Igor Salom and Đorđe Šijački

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Generalization of the  Gell-Mann decontraction formula for sl(n,R) and its applications in affine gravity. Igor Salom and Đorđe Šijački. Generalization of the Gell-Mann formula for sl(n,R) and applications in affine gravity - Talk outline -. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Igor Salom and  Đorđe Šijački

Generalization of the Gell-Mann decontraction formula

for sl(n,R) and its applications in affine gravity

Igor Salom and Đorđe Šijački

Page 2: Igor Salom and  Đorđe Šijački

Generalization of the Gell-Mann formula for sl(n,R) and applications in affine gravity

- Talk outline -

• sl(n,R) algebra in theory of gravity – what is specific?

• What is the Gell-Mann decontraction formula an why is it important in this context?

• Validity domain and need for generalization• Generalization of the Gell-Mann formula• Illustration: application of the formula in affine

theory of gravity

Page 3: Igor Salom and  Đorđe Šijački

sl(n,R) algebra in gravity and HEP

• Affine models of gravity in n space-time dimensions (gauging Rn Λ GL(n,R) symmetry)

• “World spinors” in n space-time dimensions

• Algebra of M-theory is often extended to r528 Λ gl(32,R)

• Systems with conserved n-dimensional volume (strings, pD-branes...)

• Effective QCD in terms of Regge trajectories

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In these context we need to know how to represent SL(n,R) generators…

…in some simple, “easy to use” form if possible,

…in SO(n) (or SO(1,n-1)) subgroup basis,

…for infinite-dimensional unitary representations,

…and, in particular, for infinite-dimensional spinorial representations: SL(n,R) is double cover of SL(n,R)!

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How to find SL(n,R) generators?

• Induction from parabolic subgroups• Construct generators as differential operators in

the space of group parameters• Analytical continuation of complexified SU(n)

representations• ...• Using the Gell-Mann decontraction formula

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Now, what is the Gell-Mann decontraction formula?

Loosely speaking: it is formula inverse to the Inönü-Wigner contraction.

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The Gell-Mann decontraction formula

Gell-Mann formula

(as named by R. Hermann)

Gell-Mann formula?

Inönü-Wigner contraction

Page 8: Igor Salom and  Đorđe Šijački

Example: Poincare to de Sitter

• Define function of Poincare generators:

• Check:

• …unfortunately, this works so nicely only for so(m,n) cases. Not for sl(n,R).

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SL(n,R) group

• Definition: group of unimodular n x n real matrices (with matrix multiplication)

• Algebra relations:so(n)

irrep. of traceless symmetric matrices

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Rn(n+1)/2-1 Λ Spin(n)SL(n,R)

Representations of this group are easy to find

Inönü-Wigner contraction of SL(n,R) Find representations of the contracted semidirect

product and apply Gell-Mann formula to get sl(n,R) representations.

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Space of square integrable functions over Spin(n) manifold

• Space of square integrable functions is rich enough to contain representatives from all equivalence classes of irreps. of both SL(n,R) and Tn(n+1)/2-1 Λ Spin(n) groups (Haris Chandra).

• As a basis we choose Wigner D functions:

k indices label SL(n,R) SО(n)


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Contracted algebra representations

• Contracted abelian operators U represent as multiplicative Wigner D functions:

• Action of spin(n) subalgebra is “natural” one:

Matrix elements are simply products of Spin(n) CG


Page 13: Igor Salom and  Đorđe Šijački

Try to use Gell-Mann formula

• Take and plug it in the Gell-Mann formula, i.e.:

and then check commutation relations.• works only in spaces over SO(n)/(SO(p)×SO(q)), q+p=n • no spinorial representations here• no representations with multiplicity w.r.t. Spin(n) → Insufficient for most of physical applications!(“Conditions for Validity of the Gell-Mann Formula in the

Case of sl(n,R) and/or su(n) Algebras”, Igor Salom and Djordje Šijački, in Lie theory and its applications in physics, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 1243 (2010) 191-198.)

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• All irreducible representations of SL(3,R) and SL(4,R) are known – Dj. Šijački found using different approach

• Matrix elements of SL(3,R) representations with multiplicity indicate an expression of the form:

• This is a correct, “generalized” formula!• Similarly in SL(4,R) case.

Learning from the solved cases

!Additional label,

overall 2, matching the group rank!

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Spin(n) left action generators

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Generalized formula in SL(5,R) case

new terms

Not easy even to check that this is correct (i.e. closes algebra relations).

4 labels, matching the group rank.

Generalization of the Gell-Mann formula for sl(5,R) and su(5) algebras, Igor Salom and Djordje Šijački, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 7 (2010) 455-470.

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Can we find the generalized formula for arbitrary n?

• Idea: rewrite all generalized formulas (n=3,4,5) in Cartesian coordinates.

• All formulas fit into a general expression, now valid for arbitratry n:

• Using a D-functions identity:

direct calculation shows that the expression satisfies algebra relations.

Overall n-1 parameters, matching the group rank! They

determine Casimir values.

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• Matrix elements:

• All required properties met: simple expression in Spin(n) basis valid for arbitrary representation (including infinite

dimensional ones, and spinorial ones, and with nontrivial multiplicity)!

Matrix elements for arbitrary SL(n,R) irreducible representation

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Collateral result for su(n)

• Multiplying shear generators T → iT turns algebra into su(n)

• All results applicable to su(n): su(n) matrices in so(n) basis – a nontrivial result.

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• A generic affine theory Lagrangian in n space-time dimensions :

• A symmetry breaking mechanism is required.

Application – affine theory of gravity

What kind of fields are these?

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sl(n,R) matrix elements appear in vertices

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Example: n=5, multiplicity free

• Vector component of infinite-component bosonic multifield, transforming as a multiplicity free SL(5,R) representation labelled by

• Similarly for the term:

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Example: n=5, nontrivial multiplicity

• Due to multiplicity, there are , a priori, 5 different 5-dimensional vector components, i.e. Lorentz subfields, of the infinite-component bosonic multifield – one vector field for each valid combination of left indices k.

From the form of the generalized Gell-Mann formula we deduce

that all component can not belong to the same irreducible


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Example: n=5, nontrivial multiplicity

• Sheer connection transforms these fields one into another. Interaction terms are:

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• Not much use in gravity for the original Gell-Mann formula (for sl(n,R) case), but we generalized it, in the case of arbitrary n. New formula is of a simple form and applicable to all irreducible representations.

• If you ever need expressions for SL(n,R) or SU(n) generators in SO(n) basis, you can find them in Generalization of the Gell-Mann decontraction formula for sl(n,R) and su(n) algebras, Igor Salom and Djordje Šijački, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 8 (2011), 395-410.

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Relation to the max weight labels

• Labels are weights of max weight vector :


one obtains: