IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING, VOL. 25, NO. 1, JANUARY 2017 37 Real-Time “Eye-Writing” Recog- nition Using Electrooculogram Kwang-Ryeol Lee, Won-Du Chang, Sungkean Kim, and Chang-Hwan Im, Member, IEEE Abstract—Eye movements can be used as alternative inputs for human-computer interface (HCI) systems such as virtual or aug- mented reality systems as well as new communication ways for patients with locked-in syndrome. In this study, we developed a real-time electrooculogram (EOG)-based eye-writing recognition system, with which users can write predefined symbolic patterns with their volitional eye movements. For the “eye-writing” recog- nition, the proposed system first reconstructs the eye-written traces from EOG waveforms in real-time; then, the system recognizes the intended symbolic inputs with a reliable recognition rate by matching the input traces with the trained eye-written traces of di- verse input patterns. Experiments with 20 participants showed an average recognition rate of 87.38% (F1 score) for 29 different sym- bolic patterns (26 lower case alphabet characters and three func- tional input patterns representing Space, Backspace, and Enter keys), demonstrating the promise of our EOG-based eye-writing recognition system in practical scenarios. Index Terms—Assistive devices, biomedical signal processing, electrooculography (EOG), human-computer interaction (HCI), pattern analysis, rehabilitation. I. INTRODUCTION H UMANS use voluntary eye movements to fixate and track visual stimuli [1], [2], and healthy individuals can control their eye movements of their own volition [2]. The modern eye tracking technologies have allowed human eye movements to be used as an input modality for human-com- puter interaction (HCI) applications [3]. For example, Kaufman et al. designed a command input system in which the horizontal and vertical movements of the users' eyes were used to select a menu item from a 3 2 boxed menu on a computer screen [4]. Tomita et al. proposed a system where a mouse cursor on a computer monitor could be controlled by users' voluntary Manuscript received November 04, 2015; revised January 19, 2016; accepted March 10, 2016. Date of publication March 15, 2016; date of current version January 06, 2017. This work was supported by the National Research Foun- dation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Korea government under Grant NRF-2014R1A1A2A16052334, Grant NRF-2015M3C7A1031969, and Grant 2014R1A2A1A11051796. K.-R. Lee and W.-D. Chang contributed equally to this work. Corresponding author: Chang-Hwan Im (e-mail: [email protected]. kr). K.-R. Lee is with the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, Korea Ad- vanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-701, Korea. W.-D. Chang, S. Kim, and C.-H. Im are with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763 Korea (e-mail: ich@hanyang. ac.kr). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2542524 eye movements, and a desired item at which the cursor was pointed could be selected by rapidly blinking their eyes [5]. Wijesoma et al. developed an assistive mobile robot controller using saccadic eye movements and eye blinks [6]. Deng et al. implemented several eye movement-based HCI applications such as a TV remote controller, a game, and an eyesight test application [7]. One of the possible applications of these eye move- ment-based HCI systems is a communication platform for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), generally known as Lou Gehrig's disease. ALS is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the progressive loss of motor neurons in the brain [8]. Patients with ALS suffer from progressive paralysis of the muscles of the limbs and trunk, as well as those used for speech. Thus, patients with severe ALS cannot use their hands or voices to communicate with other people. Nevertheless, the muscles associated with eye movements are less affected by ALS than are other muscles, as the oculomotor nuclei are believed to be resistant to the neurodegenerative effects of ALS due to the increased GABAergic transmission [9]. Therefore, eye movements can be utilized as an alternative communication way for patients with ALS. Indeed, an optical eye tracker-based “eyeball mouse” is the most popular device for patients with ALS to communicate with their caregivers and computers. To implement an eye movement-based HCI system, the video-based measurement of eye locations has been most widely used. Video-based eye tracking methods use reflected light from the eyes, which can be detected by an optical sensor or a camera [10], [11]. These methods provide very sensitive and accurate estimations of gaze directions compared with other eye tracking methods. However, this type of sensing requires ample image processing; thus, its computational cost is higher than those of other methods. In addition, some devices based on this sensing method not only occlude a part of the user's view, but also are influenced by surrounding illumination [12], [13]. Electrooculogram (EOG)-based eye tracking is an alternative to video-based eye tracking. EOG refers to the electric potentials recorded around the eyes and reflects changes in eye positions. In contrast to the video-based eye trackers, EOG-based eye trackers require relatively lower computational power, and they are not influenced by ambient lighting conditions [14]. Consequently, EOG can be used to develop relatively low-cost and low-power embedded eye-tracking systems for various purposes such as wheelchair controllers [15], [16], communi- cation (typing) systems [17], and human activity monitoring 1534-4320 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


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Real-Time “Eye-Writing” Recog-nition Using Electrooculogram

Kwang-Ryeol Lee, Won-Du Chang, Sungkean Kim, and Chang-Hwan Im, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Eye movements can be used as alternative inputs forhuman-computer interface (HCI) systems such as virtual or aug-mented reality systems as well as new communication ways forpatients with locked-in syndrome. In this study, we developed areal-time electrooculogram (EOG)-based eye-writing recognitionsystem, with which users can write predefined symbolic patternswith their volitional eye movements. For the “eye-writing” recog-nition, the proposed system first reconstructs the eye-written tracesfrom EOG waveforms in real-time; then, the system recognizesthe intended symbolic inputs with a reliable recognition rate bymatching the input traces with the trained eye-written traces of di-verse input patterns. Experiments with 20 participants showed anaverage recognition rate of 87.38% (F1 score) for 29 different sym-bolic patterns (26 lower case alphabet characters and three func-tional input patterns representing Space, Backspace, and Enterkeys), demonstrating the promise of our EOG-based eye-writingrecognition system in practical scenarios.

Index Terms—Assistive devices, biomedical signal processing,electrooculography (EOG), human-computer interaction (HCI),pattern analysis, rehabilitation.


H UMANS use voluntary eye movements to fixate andtrack visual stimuli [1], [2], and healthy individuals can

control their eye movements of their own volition [2]. Themodern eye tracking technologies have allowed human eyemovements to be used as an input modality for human-com-puter interaction (HCI) applications [3]. For example, Kaufmanet al. designed a command input system in which the horizontaland vertical movements of the users' eyes were used to selecta menu item from a 3 2 boxed menu on a computer screen[4]. Tomita et al. proposed a system where a mouse cursor ona computer monitor could be controlled by users' voluntary

Manuscript received November 04, 2015; revised January 19, 2016; acceptedMarch 10, 2016. Date of publication March 15, 2016; date of current versionJanuary 06, 2017. This work was supported by the National Research Foun-dation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Korea government under GrantNRF-2014R1A1A2A16052334, Grant NRF-2015M3C7A1031969, and Grant2014R1A2A1A11051796. K.-R. Lee and W.-D. Chang contributed equally tothis work. Corresponding author: Chang-Hwan Im (e-mail: [email protected]).K.-R. Lee is with the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, Korea Ad-

vanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-701, Korea.W.-D. Chang, S. Kim, and C.-H. Im are with the Department of Biomedical

Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763 Korea (e-mail: [email protected]).Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online

at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2542524

eye movements, and a desired item at which the cursor waspointed could be selected by rapidly blinking their eyes [5].Wijesoma et al. developed an assistive mobile robot controllerusing saccadic eye movements and eye blinks [6]. Deng et al.implemented several eye movement-based HCI applicationssuch as a TV remote controller, a game, and an eyesight testapplication [7].One of the possible applications of these eye move-

ment-based HCI systems is a communication platform forpatients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), generallyknown as Lou Gehrig's disease. ALS is a neurodegenerativedisease characterized by the progressive loss of motor neuronsin the brain [8]. Patients with ALS suffer from progressiveparalysis of the muscles of the limbs and trunk, as well asthose used for speech. Thus, patients with severe ALS cannotuse their hands or voices to communicate with other people.Nevertheless, the muscles associated with eye movements areless affected by ALS than are other muscles, as the oculomotornuclei are believed to be resistant to the neurodegenerativeeffects of ALS due to the increased GABAergic transmission[9]. Therefore, eye movements can be utilized as an alternativecommunication way for patients with ALS. Indeed, an opticaleye tracker-based “eyeball mouse” is the most popular devicefor patients with ALS to communicate with their caregiversand computers.To implement an eye movement-based HCI system, the

video-based measurement of eye locations has been mostwidely used. Video-based eye tracking methods use reflectedlight from the eyes, which can be detected by an optical sensoror a camera [10], [11]. These methods provide very sensitiveand accurate estimations of gaze directions compared with othereye tracking methods. However, this type of sensing requiresample image processing; thus, its computational cost is higherthan those of other methods. In addition, some devices based onthis sensing method not only occlude a part of the user's view,but also are influenced by surrounding illumination [12], [13].Electrooculogram (EOG)-based eye tracking is an alternative tovideo-based eye tracking. EOG refers to the electric potentialsrecorded around the eyes and reflects changes in eye positions.In contrast to the video-based eye trackers, EOG-based eyetrackers require relatively lower computational power, andthey are not influenced by ambient lighting conditions [14].Consequently, EOG can be used to develop relatively low-costand low-power embedded eye-tracking systems for variouspurposes such as wheelchair controllers [15], [16], communi-cation (typing) systems [17], and human activity monitoring

1534-4320 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.



systems with wearable EOG goggles [18]. In this study, theEOG-based eye tracking method was exploited.As aforementioned, HCI systems based on EOG-based eye

tracking utilize various features such as the start and end timesof eye movements [15]–[18], eye blinks [17], [18], and coursedirectional change in gaze [17], [18]. Although these systemsmight be useful in some applications, they have limitations inproviding diverse input patterns to general HCI systems. Oneof the alternative methods to generate more numbers of inputpatterns is to recognize and classify “eye-writing” patterns fromEOG signals recorded while users are writing predefined sym-bolic trace patterns corresponding to specific commands. Thefeasibility of the eye-writing-based communication system wasstudied by Tsai et al. [19]. They used coarse directional changesin gaze (gaze turn counts) during eye-writing as inputs for ar-tificial neural networks, instead of using the exact eye-writtentraces. Their study showed that a computer system could recog-nize 14 different eye-writing patterns (ten Arabic numerals andfour arithmetic operators) with an average recognition accuracyof 72.1%.In this paper, we developed a new real-time, EOG-based

eye-writing recognition system. The differences between oursystem and the conventional EOG-based HCI systems areas follows: First, in our system, eye-written traces are re-constructed from the EOG signal in real time based on therelationship between gaze position and EOG amplitude. Thereconstructed eye-written traces are then utilized as an inputfor HCI. Although there have been previous studies on theestimation of single, momentary movement of the eyes usingEOG, methods to continuously track eye movements andestimate eye movement patterns in real time have not beenreported. Another uniqueness of our system is that the users'intended inputs are recognized by applying waveform matchingalgorithms to the eye-written traces. Such an approach has beengenerally used for hand-writing recognition problems but hasnever been applied to eye-writing recognition applications. Ouronline experiments showed that the proposed system can yieldreliable recognition rates of eye-writing even with diverse inputpatterns (29 patterns: 26 lower case alphabet characters andthree functional input patterns representing Space, Backspace,and Enter keys). Our eye-writing recognition system can notonly be used for a variety of HCI applications such as a controlsystem for virtual reality glasses, but also potentially providea novel way of communication to patients with locked-insyndrome (LIS) as the users can communicate with computersystems by simply eye-writing specific commands.


The overall experimental procedure is composed of threestages: preprocessing, gaze reconstruction, and classification(Fig. 1). In the preprocessing stage, two EOG components(horizontal and vertical) were acquired from the electrodesattached around the eyes, and noise and artifacts were removedfrom the raw signal. The next stage is gaze reconstruction.The relationship between EOG amplitude and eyeball rotationangle was estimated at this stage. This relationship was thenused to calculate rotation angles of the eyeballs based on theEOG amplitude. Finally, users were instructed to eye-write

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the whole experimental procedure. Each blockrepresents a single procedure, and the whole procedure can be classified intothree distinct stages of preprocessing (light gray), gaze reconstruction (mediumgray), and classification (dark gray).

Fig. 2. Experimental settings: (a) Electrode placements and computation oftwo EOG components. (b) Experimental setup.

29 characters, during which classifiers based on waveformmatching algorithms recognized the eye-written patterns.

A. Preprocessing1) EOG Signal Acquisition: Two EOG components (hori-

zontal and vertical) were obtained from four electrodes attachedaround the eyes; these were located at the outer edges of botheyes as well as above and below the right eye [Fig. 2(a)]. To re-duce the computational cost of the system, four-channel EOGsignals were down-sampled to a rate of 128 Hz without high-pass filtering. The horizontal EOG component was derived bysubtracting the left eye signal from the right eye signal. The ver-tical EOG component was obtained by subtracting the signal atthe lower edge of the eye from the signal at the upper edge of theeye. and are notations indicating the horizontaland vertical components of EOG, respectively [Fig. 2(a)].2) Noise Filtering: An EOG signal contains various noise

components such as thermal noise, conductance fluctuation,and power noise, as well as signal fluctuations resulting fromelectroencephalogram (EEG), electromyography (EMG), andelectrocardiography (ECG). To minimize noise, a median filterwith a fixed window size was applied to the raw EOG signal.



Fig. 3. Preprocessing of EOG signal. (a) Raw horizontal EOG signal. (b) Raw vertical EOG signal. (c) Preprocessed signal of an exemplar letter “s”. Users wereinstructed to focus on a single center point for two seconds prior to eye-writing for eight seconds for purposes of center-point calibration. The calibration regionis marked in light gray, and the eye blink artifact is marked in dark gray.

The window size of the median filter was chosen to be 20 points,which was equivalent to 160 milliseconds. Since a medianfilter removes pulses with a width smaller than about half ofits window size [18], the window size should be large enoughto preserve the microstructures in the signal, which containinformation about rapidly changing eye movements such asblinking. A visual inspection of the filtered signal confirmedthat the selected window size was effective for removing noisewhile preserving the eye movement-related microstructures.3) Baseline Drift Removal: The shifting resting potentials

(baseline drift) of EOGmake it challenging to estimate eye-rota-tion angles from EOG amplitudes. Therefore, the baseline driftshould be removed from the original EOG signal. A typical ap-proach is to model the baseline drift as a polynomial function[20]. In this study, we modeled the drift with a linear function(i.e., a polynomial function with degree one) as the resting po-tential linearly increased or decreased during a short period oftime (while a user wrote one character with eye movements).Users were instructed to focus on a single center point for twoseconds prior to every eye-writing process. During this calibra-tion period, the EOG signal was recorded and then fitted to alinear function. We refer to this process as center-point calibra-tion. The fitted function was then used for the following eightseconds for eye-writing data acquisition. The extrapolation ofthe fitted function was subtracted from the raw EOG signal to

remove baseline drift from the raw signal. In this way, the signalcould be zero-centered, i.e., the baseline drift could be removed(see Fig. 3).4) Eye Blink and Muscular Artifacts Detection and Removal:

Eye blink contaminates EOG signals in such a way that a spikesignal is formed in the vertical component of the EOG [21],and this could result in unwanted upward and downward strokesduring eye-writing. To remove this artifact, a fast eye blink de-tection algorithm, which was successfully applied to a real-timeapplication, called the maximum summation of first derivativewithin a window (MSDW) was used [22]. The method sums thefirst-order derivatives of the vertical EOG signal within a slidingwindow. The summation of first derivatives within a window(SDW) can be expressed as follows:


where is the width of the sliding window, and is a specifictime. The detailed procedures including individual spike thresh-olding, eye blink judgement, and spike range determination canbe found in the recent literature [23].In addition to eye blinks, movement of facial muscles can

also be an artifact source especially when subjects are frowning



[24]. This type of artifact could be removed using two uniquecharacteristics of the artifact: 1) a plateau-like waveform in bothhorizontal and vertical EOG signals, i.e., the amplitudes of hor-izontal and vertical EOGs increase at the same time, sustain flatwhile frowning, and then decrease again to the previous ampli-tudes as subjects stop frowning; and 2) maximum amplitudesexceed the normal range of EOG signal ( 800 V). Afterwards,the data samples within the artifact contaminated regions wereremoved from the signal and ignored in further procedures.

B. Gaze Reconstruction

1) Determination of Transfer Function Between EOG Am-plitude and Eye-Rotation Angle: The horizontal and verticaleye-rotation angles can be deduced from the amplitude of theirrespective EOG components once the relationship (transferfunction) between the EOG amplitude and eye-rotation angleis determined. EOG signal amplitude and eye-rotation angleare known to have a linear relationship within the boundaryof 30 degrees of eye-rotation angle [24], [25], in which therelationship can be explained as a linear function in a 3-D plane.However, the parameters of the function should be determinedthrough a calibration process, as it varies from person to personand with different electrode attachment positions. To deter-mine the parameters, we utilized the multiple-point calibration(MPC) method proposed by Yagi et al. [27] and Lee et al. [28]:Yagi et al. introduced a method to calibrate 1-D movements ofthe eyes (either horizontal or vertical), and Lee et al. introduceda method to eliminate the influence of facial angle and position.The target angle was set, and the visual stimulus (dot) wasshown on the screen at the target angle position. Participantswere instructed to focus on the dot without moving their heads.The preprocessed EOG output was recorded at the same time asthe target angle of the stimulus. The same process was repeated

(the number of calibration dots) times with differentcalibration dot locations.In our experiment, the target angles of each calibration point

were defined as and (where is the horizontal rotationalangle, and is the vertical rotational angle of the eyes), and a 33 uniformly distributed matrix of dots with an inter-dot-angle

of 14 degrees (i.e., ) was used. The recording timefor each calibration point was set to three seconds.The relationship between EOG amplitude and eye-rotation

angle was determined individually using the prerecorded EOGamplitudes at certain target angles. Differences in scaling, ro-tation, and origin between the EOG signal and the actual gazelocation can exist [28], where the possible causes of the rota-tional difference are unwanted crosstalk between the horizontaland vertical components of EOG and slightly tilted electrodeplacements due to inter-subject variability in skull structure. Aslinear transformations can compensate for scaling, rotation, andorigin differences, the relationship can be expressed as linearequations


where , , , , , and are all constants.In (2) and (3), and would be zero if there is no cor-

relation between horizontal/vertical EOG amplitudes and the

Fig. 4. Predefined eye-writing symbols used in this work. The stroke order wasdesigned to enhance the classification accuracy. Excepting these 12 symbols, theusers were instructed to write the symbols naturally with their eye movementas if they were writing original handwritten characters. The dotted lines in thefigures are also parts of the actual eye movements, while the bold lines representthe original character shapes. All traces start from the point marked with a smalldot.

perpendicular counterpart eye-rotation angle. These can reducethe effect of horizontal or vertical eye movement on the per-pendicular counterpart EOG component. In addition, andwould be zero if both the EOG signal amplitude and the eye-ro-tation angle are zero-centered. Thus, these constants are neededto compensate for the origin difference.All constants can be determined through the linear fitting of

the data points. In other words, by plotting every calibrationpoint ( , , EOG , or EOG ) on a single 3-D space and fittingthe points to a linear surface, we can determine the equations ofthe planes for EOG and EOG , respectively. More concisely,the equation can be expressed as



then (4)

where the matrix is defined as a transfer function. In thiswork, , because the EOG signal is zero-centered afterthe baseline drift removal process (i.e., the signal is calibratedto be when ). The equation then becomes


Through the MPC method described previously, the transferfunction ( ) can be determined. Please note that this calibrationis required only one time for each experiment, as the relationshipdoes not change over the elapsed time [27].2) Gaze Reconstruction and Eye-Writing Symbols: The

users' gaze positions can be reconstructed from the EOG am-plitudes using the inverse of the transfer function determinedfrom the previous step


Users can write symbols with their eye movements whiletheir gaze position is tracked according to (6). The resultant



Fig. 5. Normalization of eye-written trace. (a) Changes in horizontal and vertical gaze angles when a user eye-wrote the letter “s”. The dotted black lines in thetwo gaze position graphs indicate truncated ranges. (b) Detected movement during the eye-writing period. (c) Truncated and normalized eye-written traces. Thelower left box contains the reconstructed eye-written symbol from the normalized trace. Its colors indicate the stroke order (from red to blue).

time-series data of the gaze traces are then collected, which wewill refer to as the “eye-written trace.”The symbols used for eye-writing included 26 lower case let-

ters and three functional symbols: Space, Backspace, and Enterkeys. Users were instructed to write lower case alphabets as ifthey were writing original handwriting characters, except for 12symbols. The shapes and writing orders of the 12 symbols weredefined slightly differently because some characters had a dotthat cannot be expressed with eye-writing, some pairs of char-acters had stroke patterns too similar to discriminate, and threefunctional symbols needed to be defined. The predefined tracesof these symbols are shown in Fig. 4. The starting point of everysymbol trace was set to the center, and the participants were in-structed to pause their gaze at the last point of the symbol tracebefore the end of the designated writing time (eight seconds percharacter).

C. Classification1) Eye-Written Character Normalization: An eye-written

trace includes the center-gazing part prior to the characterwriting period, and it also contains the end-point-gazing partafter the character writing period. These nonmoving parts areirrelevant to the writing actions and thus must be removed fromthe analytical data for better classification. For eye movementdetection, the gradient of the eye movement is calculated usingthe first-order derivative of the Gaussian function with fixeddeviation ( ). Let be the gradient of the horizontal eyemovement at a specific time , and be the gradient of thevertical eye movement at a specific time . These were definedas




where (9)

The nonmoving parts were detected using and . If theabsolute value of the gradient for either the horizontal or the

vertical eye movement component was higher than a specificthreshold ( ) at a specific time, saccadic eye movements wereconsidered to be included in the component. In this study, weused fixed values for the slope threshold ( ) and the Gaussianfunction deviation ( ) over all participants, and they wereempirically set to 0.05 and 8, respectively. A preliminary visualinspection of the processed signal confirmed that the selectedthreshold and deviation values were effective for detectingsaccadic eye movements while rejecting signal fluctuationsoriginating from noises. Since the nonmoving portions of thetrace do not include any saccadic movements, the data beforethe first and after the last saccadic movements were truncated[Fig. 5(a) and (b)]. Then, the truncated data contained onlycharacter writing parts. The truncated time-series were then re-sampled and interpolated to have the same number of samples.The eye-written traces of a given symbol can have variations

in shapes, sizes, and positions even for a single person. The nor-malization of characters was conducted to overcome such vari-ations in order to achieve better classification performance. Alleye-written traces were centered at (0, 0) and resized to fit 1 1squares while maintaining their aspect ratios [see Fig. 5(c)]. Anexample of reconstructed eye-written traces of all 29 symbolscan be found in the Supplementary Document File.2) Classifiers: To identify symbols from the normalized

eye-written traces, a waveform matching technique was imple-mented. The input character waveform was matched againstthe template waveforms of every character in the symbol set,and the dissimilarity between the two waveforms was used forclassification. A set of characters of a user was recorded, andhis/her eye traces were preloaded as templates. By comparingthe dissimilarities between the input waveform and the tem-plates of all characters, the system determined the most similarcharacter as the output result (see Fig. 6).We used three different similarity (or dissimilarity) measures:

Pearson's correlation, root-mean-square error (RMSE), anddynamic time warping (DTW). For the Pearson's correlationclassifier, horizontal component and vertical component of thenormalized eye-written traces were separated and Pearson'sdistances between the template and the input waveforms(1-Pearson's correlation coefficient) were calculated for bothcomponents [29]. Then, the dissimilarity ( ) of Pearson's cor-relation classifier was defined as the sum of Pearson's distances



Fig. 6. Schematic of eye-written character classification. When an input gazetrace is given, it is compared to all of the templates, and the dissimilarities arecalculated to determine the most probable symbol. The black bar in the graphindicates the symbol with the minimum dissimilarity.

of horizontal and vertical components. Thus, the dissimilarity( ) lies between [0, 4].The second classifier uses the RMSE as the dissimilarity mea-

sure. Horizontal component and vertical component of the nor-malized eye-written traces were separated and RMSE betweentwo horizontal components (the template and the input traces)and RMSE between two vertical components (the template andthe input traces) were calculated [30]. The dissimilarity ( ) ofRMSE classifier was defined as the sum of these horizontal andvertical RMSEs.The third type of classifier uses DTW for two-dimensional

time series to align the data points of two different time-seriesdatasets and evaluate the dissimilarity between them [31]. Theeye-written traces of the same symbol can differ in writing seedand gaze turn times. To derive a proper dissimilarity measurebetween two eye-written traces, DTW matches the traces pointby point by warping the signals on the time axis. Then, the abso-lute difference between two traces that have been aligned withrespect to time is calculated and used as a dissimilarity measure( ) as follows:


where indicates the number of data points in aligned wave-forms, and and are the time-aligned waveforms ofthe template trace and the input trace, respectively. In this work,we used a global path constraint when calculating DTW as itlimits the scope of the warping path and thus reduces the com-putational efforts required for path searching. The detailed ex-planation on the computational complexity can be found in thediscussion session.As explained earlier, an input trace is compared to the tem-

plate traces of all possible symbols, and the dissimilarities arecalculated using one of the three dissimilarity measures. Thesymbol with the minimum dissimilarity (the most similar one)is chosen to be the most probable input symbol, and it becomesthe system's output for character recognition.


A. ApparatusEOG signals were acquired using a commercial multichannel

bio-potential measurement system (ActiveTwo, BioSemi, Inc.,Amsterdam, Netherlands). A laptop computer (4G-RAM, IntelCore i5-6300HQ 2.30 GHz CPU) was used for all experimentsand computation time analyses. Real-time data recording andsignal processing programs were implemented in MATLAB(Release 2013a, MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA). TheMATLAB Psychophysics Toolbox [32] and its extensions wereused to accurately represent controlled visual stimuli on themonitor in time, as MPC requires synchronization betweenstimulus timing and signal recording.Flat active Ag/AgCl electrodes were attached to the skin sur-

face with disposable adhesive patches. Conductive gel was alsoused to reduce the contact impedance between the skin surfaceand the electrodes. The experiments were performed 15 minutesafter electrode placement in order to allow the impedance be-tween the skin surface and the electrodes to stabilize. Two hor-izontal component electrodes and two vertical component elec-trodes were used for the EOG recordings [see Fig. 2(a)], and theleft and right mastoid electrodes were used as a reference and aground, respectively.

B. SubjectsTwenty healthy participants (14 males and six females, aged

22 2.80 years) who signed consent agreements were enrolledin our study. All participants were fully informed of all experi-mental procedures. None of the participants had any known neu-rological or ophthalmic diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma,color blindness, squint, diplopia, or visual agnosia, which couldaffect the visual field. Eleven of them had minor refractive er-rors such as myopia and hyperopia. Those who had such visionproblems wore glasses or contact lenses during the experimentin order to correct refractive errors.

C. Session DesignThe overall experiment was composed of three sessions: a

parameter calibration session, a practice session, and a data ac-quisition session. All parameters related to preprocessing weredetermined during the parameter calibration session. An EOGsignal was recorded for the first 15 seconds while participantswere instructed to blink their eyes naturally. The parameters foreye blink detection (i.e., blink spike threshold) were determinedusing the spikes evoked by the eye blinks during this time. Inaddition, the MPC to determine the transfer function was alsoperformed during this session. Participants sat in front of a com-puter monitor at a fixed distance of 50 centimeters. The positionof the monitor screen was adjusted such that its center point wasat the eye level of each participant. Participants were told tofocus on the white dot presented on the screen and not to turntheir heads. A white dot was presented on the screen in each ofnine different predefined gaze positions in a randomized order.During this, an EOG signal was recorded and used to evaluatethe transfer function in (5). The inverse matrix of the transferfunction was then used to reconstruct the gaze positions basedon the EOG amplitudes for the subsequent sessions.



Fig. 7. Overall experimental design for data acquisition. (a) A symbol set iscomposed of four blocks, and 20 seconds of rest was given to participants aftereach block. (b) An instance of symbol writing is composed of center-point cal-ibration, eye-writing, and rest, which is followed by the next symbol writing.

For the practice session, participants were asked to face awhite empty panel for eye-writing training (see Fig. 2(b) forpanel placement details). The panel had a center point indicator(a pin) for center-point calibration. Participants were instructedto eye-write symbols on the panel in such a way that the imag-inary symbol trace would fill the panel. Also, auditory instruc-tions and beeping sounds were used to cue the participants whento start eye-writing and when to finish, since there was no mon-itor screen visible during the eye-writing. Before the data wererecorded, participants wrote a set of all of the symbols as a prac-tice to accustom them to eye-writing.During the data acquisition session, every participant eye-

wrote five symbol sets. Each symbol set was divided into fourblocks to allow sufficient resting time [Fig. 7(a)]. Each symbolwriting session was composed of two seconds of center-pointcalibration, eight seconds of eye-writing, and five seconds ofrest [Fig. 7(b)]. Twenty seconds of rest was provided betweeneach pair of blocks in order to reduce the effects of accumulatedfatigue on the eye-writing task. For the same reason, two min-utes of rest were provided between the sets.

D. Classification Performance EvaluationThe eye-writing recognition system was evaluated using a

leave-one-out cross validation scheme. One of five recordedeye-written symbol sets of a participant was set aside as a tem-plate set. The remaining four symbol sets were then classifiedusing the template set and waveform matching methods de-scribed in the previous section. This process was repeated fivetimes so that each of the datasets could be used as the templateset. Thus, it generated ( ) combinations of template andtest sets. The system performance was then averaged over all 20cases for each participant and was expressed in terms of preci-sion, recall, and F1 score. For each symbol, the precision, recall,and F1 score were calculated as

Precision (11)

Recall (12)



and scorePrecision RecallPrecision Recall


where , , and are the number of true positives,false positives, and false negatives, respectively.Then, the precision, recall, and F1 score were averaged over

all symbols to evaluate a person's average eye-writing perfor-mance. The performances of all participants were also averagedto evaluate the overall performance of the system.


A. Average PerformanceTable I shows the average classification performance of all

participants using three different waveform matching methodsin terms of precision, recall, and F1 score. The DTW-basedclassifier demonstrated the best classification performanceamong the three classifiers. Its averaged precision over all par-ticipants was 87.77% and the averaged recall was 86.99%. Theaverage F1 score of the DTW-based classifier was 87.38% (seeTable I). Since the DTW outperformed the other two methods,we utilized DTW for our further analyses. The performance ofthe DTW-based classifier for all participants is summarized inTable II. The participants with the best and worst classificationresults are marked in bold. The minimum accuracies (precision,recall, and F1 score) were recorded by the same participant andwere much worse than those of the second worst performance( score 79.09 ).

B. Summed Confusion MatrixTo identify frequently occurring errors of the recognition

system, a summed confusion matrix was utilized for all partici-pants (see Fig. 8). Each cell in the matrix represents the rate ofmisclassification of a given symbol (row) as another (column).The error rate of a predicted symbol with a given true symbolis defined as

Error rate symbol true symbolpredict true


where true indicates the number of eye-written traceswhose true symbol is , and predict true indicatesthe number of eye-written traces whose true symbol is butpredicted as a symbol . For instance, the matrix indicates thatthe error rate of classifying an input of “a” as “q” is between 1%and 4%. The actual value was 3.5%, and this means any input of“a” has a 3.5% possibility of being classified as “q”. Note that





Fig. 8. Summed confusion matrix over all participants. Diagonal componentswere omitted. The error rate indicates the possibility of classifying an input ofa given symbol (row) as another symbol (column). Upper case S, B, and E rep-resent space, backspace, and enter, respectively. Please note that a darker colorindicates a higher error rate, and the color bar is given in a log scale.

the sum of the values in one row represents the total error rate( recall) of a given symbol (row) and that the color bar inthe figure is in logarithmic scale. The most frequent error wasclassifying the input of “k” as “h,” with an error rate of 16.75%;

this was followed by an error of classifying “w” as “v” with anerror rate of 13.25%.1) DTW Classification Results for Each Symbol: The accu-

racies for each symbol are presented in Table III. The upper caseS, B, and E represent space, backspace, and enter, respectively.The symbols showing the maximum and the minimum accura-cies are marked in bold. Most of the symbols had both recalland precision in the range of 85% to 100%. The average preci-sion over all symbols was 87.25%, and the average recall was86.99%. A minimum precision of 68.39% was reported for theletter “h,” and a minimum recall of 73.25% was reported forthe letter “u.” In contrast, a maximum precision of 97.92% wasrecorded for the letter “o,” and a maximum recall of 96.75%was recorded for the symbol “backspace.” A demonstration ofthe online eye-writing can be found on YouTube. 1


A. DTW Classification Results Over Different Participants

The results of eye-writing recognition using DTW indicatethat the performance of the proposed system was robust acrossparticipants. Different participants demonstrated variability inwriting style, eye moving speed, eye blinking frequency, strokeorder for symbols, aspect ratios of characters, and EOG signalamplitudes. For instance, some participants eye-wrote symbolsquickly using relatively large leaps (focus jumps) rather thangradual transitions when drawing lines. Others eye-wrote sym-bols slowly with smaller focus jumps (gradual transitions infocus when drawing lines). Examples of this difference in eye-writing speed among participants are illustrated in Fig. 9. De-spite such large inter-individual variability, the developed eye-writing recognition system achieved a high average F1 scoreof 87.38% and a maximum F1 score of 97.81%. Half of theparticipants achieved F1 scores higher than 90%, which rangedfrom 90.14% to 97.81%. In addition, all participants except oneachieved greater than 75% precision and recall.One participant (subject 16 in Table II), however, exhibited

poor performance with an F1 score lower than 70%. The mainreason for the low accuracy was inconsistency in eye-writtentraces. Since our system assumes that a person has consis-tency in stroke orders and shapes for a given symbol wheneye-writing, all participants were instructed to maintain theseconsistently while writing the five sets of symbols. This par-ticipant maintained such consistency for most of the symbols;however, several symbols were written in different ways (withregard to writing order and shape), which resulted in systemconfusion. For instance, this participant wrote the letter “p”from top to bottom three times and then wrote the same letter inthe reverse order twice. This problem might be caused by lackof concentration on the task over the long experiment durationand/or the lack of sufficient practice. We expect that thesetypes of errors would be reduced if users are given sufficientpractice and rest. In this way, users would be able to becomeaccustomed to eye-writing and adapt their eye movements tothe system.





Fig. 9. Two exemplar traces from different participants, which show large inter-individual variability in eye-writing. (a) An exemplar eye-written trace of theletter “o” that was written with gradual transitions of focus. (b) An exemplar eye-written trace of the letter “o” that was written with relatively large focus jumps.Please note that these two traces have different focus jump sizes and aspect ratios (the ratio of width to height).

B. Recognition Rate of Each Symbol

The recognition rate of each symbol (Table III) was well-bal-anced, demonstrating the high reliability of the system. The av-erage performance of 87.25% precision and 86.99% recall wasnot driven by any particular symbols with extremely high recog-nition rates. No single symbol had precision and recall valueslower than 65%, and the recognition rates ofmost of the symbolsranged from 75% to 95%. This balanced distribution of recogni-tion rates is particularly significant when evaluating multiclassclassifiers.

C. Confusion Analysis

From the summed confusion matrix in Fig. 8, we identifiedsome highly probable errors. These errors (errors with high errorrates) affected the precision and recall of the error-involvedsymbols significantly (Table III). For instance, themost frequenterror was classifying “k” as “h,” with an error rate of 16.75%.As a result, the precision of the symbol “h” was lowered, and itexhibited the minimum precision among all of the symbols. Inaddition, this error lowered the recall of the symbol “k” to 76%.Other examples include classifying “w” as “v,” “h” as “k,” “v”as “w,” “m” as “n,” “u” as “n,” “n” as “h,” and “a” as “u.” Asone might expect, the morphological similarities between thesesymbol pairs are the possible cause of confusion.

Although DTW showed the best performance in classifica-tion accuracy, it could also be a source of another error. SinceDTW skips several points of a waveform, some visually dif-ferent character pairs such as “k” and “h,” “v” and “w,” or “m”and “n” might have high similarity. The use of additional fea-tures could be a possible solution to reduce this type of error.Another type of error was caused by the shapes of charac-

ters. Seemingly distinguishable characters such as “u” and “n”or “a” and “u” can look similar when written in eye-writingform. For instance, the symbol “a” was most misrecognizedas “u,” with an error rate of 6.5%, and “u” was misrecognizedas “a” at an error rate 4.75% (see Fig. 8). The relatively higherror rates in differentiating “a” and “u” come from the mor-phological similarity of the two eye-written traces. These sym-bols might not seem similar to each other in typed form orin hand-written form; however, in the eye-writing system, theuser starts every eye-written trace from the center point, andeye-writing cannot represent discontinuity (pen-up and -downin handwriting) in symbol traces. These factors allow seem-ingly distinguishable symbols to share a significant portion oftheir traces in eye-written form (Fig. 10). Consequently, wave-form matching might fail to clearly distinguish between theeye-written traces of such symbols. Although we expected thistype of error and prepared a solution by predefining the tracesof certain symbols (see Fig. 4), variability in writing order and



Fig. 10. Example of two letters (“n” and “u”) that have similar shapes in eye-written form. (a) An exemplar “n” character trace. (b) An exemplar “u” charactertrace. The center box in each figure contains the reconstructed eye-written symbol. Its colors indicate the stroke order (from red to blue).

shape among participants still generated this type of error. Toavoid this error, the predefined traces would be required formore symbols.

D. Computational CostThe proposed system incorporates a number of preprocessing

procedures such as noise filtering, baseline drift removal, eyeblink removal, and EMG removal. For the implementation of areal-time system, time taken for signal processing should be lessthan the signal sample spacing (1/128 seconds). To reduce thecomputational cost, we downsampled EOG signals and used anefficient artifact detection algorithm. We measured time takenfor preprocessing (from data acquisition to eye-written trace re-construction) in a laptop environment (4 GB RAM, Intel Corei5-6300HQ 2.3 GHzCPU), and the results showed that themeanpreprocessing time for a data point was 0.38 ms with the stan-dard deviation of 0.12 ms, which is about 1/20 of the signalsample spacing.In addition, we reduced the computational cost required for

DTW. The original DTW algorithm had quadratic time andspace complexity [33]. To reduce this computational cost, weused a global path constraint (especially, Itakura Parallelo-gram [34]) when calculating a dissimilarity table. The globalpath constraint limits the scope of the possible warping pathand thus reduces the computational efforts required for pathsearching. The mean classification time, which was calculatedwith all participants' data, was only 68.2 ms per one eye-writtentrace identification (max: 108.1 ms, min: 65.2 ms). Thus, theeye-writing classification results could be presented immedi-ately to the user without any inconvenient delay.

E. AdvantagesThe proposed EOG-based eye-writing system has three main

advantages. First, although there have been previous studieson the estimation of single, momentary movement of the eyesusing EOG, methods to continuously track eye movements andestimate eye movement patterns in real time have not beenreported. The suggested system offers a way to reconstruct auser's eye-written trace from an EOG signal in real time. Thiscan be utilized to visualize the user's eye-writing input in real

time. For illustration, our current system can also be utilizedwithout a character recognition module. In that way, users ofour system can draw things freely with their eye movements andexpress their artistic ideas or notions without any restrictionson possible input patterns. We hope this will offer the usersa creative way to express themselves. Second, the developedsystem requires only low computational power compared tocamera-based eye trackers that require ample image processing.Consequently, the system can be implemented to develop rela-tively low-cost and low-power embedded systems for variouspurposes. For instance, the system can be applied to inexpen-sive communication applications for patients with ALS. Lastly,eye-writing offers a versatile and useful way to communicatewith a computer. As studied earlier, the eye-writing methodallows for versatile and useful eye movement-based HCI[19]. For example, the eye-writing method does not require adisplay on which to illustrate a virtual keyboard or commandwindow. Thus, the system can be more easily implementedon a mobile platform. Furthermore, although each alphabetsymbol trace represented an actual alphabet letter input in thiswork, the system can be modified so that a symbol representsany designated useful function of an HCI system. For example,when controlling an assistive robot using eye movements, thesystem can be designed so that an eye-writing symbol inputrepresents any designated function of the robot. In that way,the eye-writing system will increase the speed and usability ofHCI systems.

F. Limitations and Future WorksThis work specifically focused on eye-writing recognition in

a stationary environment. Participants sat on a chair and wereinstructed to stay “naturally motionless” while eye-writing.Also, users were required to face a monitor when eye-writingcharacters. Although the current setting is still promising foruse in patients with ALS, the system needs more improve-ments to be applied to dynamic real-world conditions. First,the use of a monitor should be avoided to allow the systemto be used in dynamic environments. In our experiment, thepurpose of the monitor was to act as a “grid guide” and to assistthe users in eye-writing. Without the monitor, novice users



reported trouble with knowing where to look in order to writewhat they intended. However, we believe that adapted userswould not require the monitor to use the system. Thus, givensufficient training and adaptation time, users would be able touse the system without the guide monitor or panel. Second,any motion of a human user can generate artifacts on the EOGsignal and affect eye movement detection [14]. Thus, for futureapplications to dynamic conditions, compensation for motionand head movements is required. Human motion detectors andmotion classifiers based on accelerometers could be a possiblesolution to this problem [30], [31], [35]. By applying such ex-isting systems, an EOG signal accompanied by excessive bodymotions could be rejected or appropriately adjusted. Lastly, inthis work, all of the electrodes were connected to a commercialdata acquisition platform through cables. However, the cablesmight cause user discomfort under dynamic real-world condi-tions. Headband [25] or goggle [14] type electrode embeddedsystems would be helpful for future applications.In addition, experiments with patients with LIS are necessary

in future studies. Although this study showed that our systemworks reliably for normal persons, eye-writing could be tediousand more challenging for the patient group who generally hasa difficulty in moving their eyes. Thus, technical improvementswould be required based on the feedback from patients.

VI. CONCLUSIONWe proposed an EOG-based eye-writing recognition system

for real-time environments. Participants were able to eye-writeletters with volitional eye movements after a brief training pe-riod. The results of this work led us to two main conclusions.First, eye-written traces can be reconstructed from EOG signalsin a real-time environment using the proposed gaze reconstruc-tion method. Second, our experiments showed that EOG-basedeye-writing has the potential to be used as an input source forHCI with diverse input patterns and reliable recognition rates.Our eye-writing recognition system is expected to be used forgeneral HCI purposes, and it can offer a creativemethod of com-munication for patients with ALS.

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Kwang-Ryeol Lee received the B.Eng. degree in bio and brain engineering fromKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, in 2015.He spent six months working as a Visiting Researcher at Brown Univer-

sity, Providence, RI, USA. He collaborated with the Computational Neuroengi-neering Lab, Hanyang University, Korea for this research. His research interestsinclude human-computer interaction and its application in the biomedical field.

Won-DuChang received theM.Sc. degree in computer science and engineeringfrom Pusan National University, Korea, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree from theDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Aizu, Japan,in 2011.Until 2013, he worked as an Assistant Professor at Mongolia International

University, Mongolia. Currently, he is a Research Assistant Professor in the De-partment of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea. His researchinterests include biomedical signal analysis and pattern detection/recognition intime-series signals.

Sungkean Kim received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in biomedical engineeringfrom Yonsei University, Korea. He is working toward the Ph.D. degree in theDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea.His research interests include the diagnosis of psychiatric diseases using brain

signals and brain signal analysis.

Chang-Hwan Im (M’09) graduated from the School of Electrical Engineering,Seoul National University, Korea, in 1999, and received the M.S. and Ph.D.degrees from the same university in 2001 and 2005, respectively.He worked as a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Biomedical

Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, from 2005to 2006. From 2006 to 2011, he worked for the Department of BiomedicalEngineering, Yonsei University, Korea, as an Assistant/Associate Professor.Since 2011, he has been working for the Department of Biomedical Engi-neering, Hanyang University, Korea, as an Associate Professor. His researchinterests cover various fields of neuroelectromagnetics and computationalneuroengineering, especially brain-computer interfaces, the diagnosis ofneuropsychiatric diseases, noninvasive brain stimulation, bioelectromagneticsource imaging, and dynamic neuroimaging. He has authored more than 120articles in peer-reviewed international journals. He is currently a Director ofthe Computational Neuroengineering Laboratory of Hanyang University.