•<№2 \ " " , Mr a, us* iftn i iitiit i ination among peach it responsible for a eampagn urage Mich, housewives to put off tannin* until Michigan peach ea are ready Local peach growers wore angry because National Peach week is always about a month be fore Michigan peaches are ripe and southern peacnes which are ripe /a SOrTBAtttffiWS Pirickny like the Detroit Tigera (has trouble tUying in the win e#i twin. They beat the Cfettson prioott Camp Wednesday 20 to 4 with Paul Singer pitching but Friday night at the lighted field both Pinckney teams lost. Dick Kennedys Teen Aff era after leading all the way in their game with St. Joseph's of HoweB lost out 7 to 5 when Howell scored £ runs the last inning. Jim Wilson are July 19-25 while Michigan peach es will be ready about Labor Day.So the legislature gave the peach grow •rs $2500 to advertise the advantages of Michigan peaches if they would y mq$ch it. The crop is worth waiting Yor as it will be excellent in quality and low in price. - ' The «ta» spent $160,000 to battle the gyqty moth. This is the first time it has been found west of Pennsylvania. It denudes the trees of foliage. No mothes have been seen in Mich, since the infected area was sprayed. The area was 1,600,000 acres with a 25 mile radius .near Lansing. Traps were also used. The first dry run of the state pol- ice emergency trailer was success- ful. It is equipped with 4 radio trans mifters, a telephone switchboard and 6 trunk and extension lines. It is us- ed in disaster areas such as the one in Flint last year. A Wayne county jail break is sponslble for the order that all the guards . must wear clip-On bow ties. Four in hands were too handy for the prisoners to grab, twist and choke the guards with. FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT Another needless accident took place Thursday about 5:00 p. m. at the bridge over the Huron River on the North Territorial Road at the GaUfcftor farm. Two youth were headed west on the road in a souped LmlSeeSal traits JJy m**, Pia *ng it Betam high Shrffk* b E gh became tE SE u, Her. Albert month earlier get the benefit of the j pitching for Pinckney allowed 3 hittPf advertising. This year the dates set up to the Bth.This was Howell's Wg - - * ' inning as they got S runs on 2 hits and.2 infield errors. St. Josephs 1s leading, their league' and are unde- feated ths y&ar. The Teeners got a run the first on hits by Huhman and Packer and a hit batsman, another the Sid on a triplet by Packer and hit by Barrett, one the 4th on Clark's double and 2 infield oute, 2 the 6th on hits by Lavey and Rowell and sacrifice fly by Packer. Here Howell took Gher- kin out and put in McMacken who blanked the kids the last 2 innings. wore go*n,*f white ta*fHa wWi a lace £ & } epp* net rti il ith a e £ & } epp net skirt and fingertip veil with he**? iaee flown. and ft tare, -of; peed carried \a jtJMte* prayer book with a whiU orchid, pillowed Novensa Devotions, to J;00 p. a: **0 Misv her y Jonea td £*sapc, Ont was maid of how*. Her ll **wn was" yellow, net .oyw ttrapleas with a kce jack* and a headpiece of net and flowers. She MesMiife yy ttfimniu Church Bev. *Sara Beaehy, Pastor S. 8. Supt Walter Each Morning Worship .10:00 Sunday School 11:00 ssrir* i sa& day School Young Peoples Meeting bridVs aunt, <wa£ wor bl t of Dexter, the . hrideemaid. She wore a blue net over taffeta strap less gown with low jacket and a net *«d lact headpiece. Her beuqaet was pink roses and white split carnat- 7:30 iesm The bride's sister, Paula, was the flower girl. Her gown of. yellow satin and she carried a bas- ket of rose petals. Milton Charbqto ett tile groom's brother, was best menand the h A Pinckney ABRH Huhman, ss 4 0 1 Dyer, If 4 1 0 Lavey, lb . .. S 1 1 Wakefield, cf 2 0 0 Rowell, cf .... :.., 2 1 1 Packer, c 3 1 2 Barrett, 3b 3 0 1 Amburgey, 2b ........ 4 0 0 Burg, rt 2 0 0 Clark, rf 2 Wlson, p 2 w «, .*.„ St Joseph's AB R H.over 75 relatives .at 8:60 p. m. Wednesday " ..... ". 8:00 Otiorch g, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 AJ1. Morning Worship ...... 10:45 A. M. Thur..tfisj*> Prayer Meeting at the Church at Wed 12ft<rtr LOCAL NEWS j ^URREIfT COMMMf Mrs. Dorothy Dinkel and children visited at the James Brogan home in Lansing Sunday. Johnny rvinuin- ed for a visit Jeffrey Header spent Friday wih Johnny and Christine Dinkei. The Murray and Ambrose Kenn- edy fam ills were in Dexter Sunday Mrs. Eleanor Lidwidjre is spend- The Waihtenaw county hgejj ej aupervisora turned down the it ion to purchase the Leland it arum on Geddes Road jre spend ing a week at Gaylord with the Hu- Ldi his the 8:00 7:30 P. M. A Hearty Welcome To All , w and the ushers were Chatbotmeau. The wedding breakfast \ Whalen, rf 2 0 Robin, 2b 3 1 E Gherkin, p, c 4 1 1 McMacken, lb, p 4 1 3 L. Seim, If 4 1 0 B. Seim, 3b :. . , 4 1 1 Battle, c,lb 3 0 0 Monroe, ss 3 1 1 A A"i.- * ^^~- "-———- •-*•/* at.thei 0 0 home of thl groom's parents atU:30 \ 0 1 a. m. A turkey dinner was served to; 85 M-36 and 0 I Z JD '8»U0f In the second ganie the Pinckney led up to the 6th being ahead 4 to 3 when Howell scored 3 runs on home Bp model A hot rod car. It was driv- ; ^^ single and 2 errors. They added en by Donald Ross of 9810 Auburn 2 mO re the 7th on a home run and 2 dale, Livonia, with him was Donald I Wta inal score H owell, 8, Pinckney Brown, 18, of MUBlackburn, Livonia. I $ t They were said to be going 90 miles miles hour. Their car hit the bridge breaking the front axle, and throwng them in the path of a car headed east driven by Mrs. Patricia Balko, 24 of 8740 fFeSota, Detroit with her her four children, Denise, 2; 3, Eml ,4, William, 5, also 4Sarol Silverwood, 17, Detroit, Brown •nd Ross were killed instantly^Miss BlrVerwOod had a broken pelvic bone and Mrs. Balko head and internal in- Joriees. The children escaped serious fejory. The Balkos were returnng to Detrot from a picnic. Waehtenaw county officers and Ooreser Ganshorn investigated. It took 8 ambulance to remove injur ed. Brown's body was taken to the Swarthout Funeral Home, Pinckney. Seine difficulty was found in locat- ing relatives. An uncle showed up after midnight and the body was re- teased to him and taken to a Plym- outh Funeral Home. The body of Roea was taken to Staffan Funeral Httxn$, Chelsea. Pinckney got 4 runs the 3rd jshen Mel Nixon lost control and walked 7 men in a row. He got back in the groove and was unhittable until the scored twice Genttfe of them were from Canada. A pbrt- Sunday Worship aWe dance floor, furnished by tfce Youth Group ^WjHmic order w d f d Ei Jt Undenominational Weil between Main Unadiila gtverts Rev. Keith Ruegsegger, Pastor Sunday School .'. 9:45 A.M. " ' :00A.M. :00 P.M. _.00 p.m. Thur. Prayer Meeting 8:00 P. M. Jr. Choir Practise Wed 4:00 P. M. Sr. Cbdintieetfce Wed., 7:30 P. M. wedding trip We Extend * Christian Welcome to Mich. On their return - - B^^yo^ wfll resume his schooling, where he is taking an au-' BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH , hed by tfce Youth Group i order was used for da^ftc- Evening Servic e 8*: and the Swarthout orchestra furnish ed music with Clare Swarthout call ing. About 200 attended. bert Ledwidge family. Edward Parker has rented house on Main St. to Jones druggist. Wayne AtLee ana wife called at the Ed Parker home ai Portage Lake Sunday. The Robert Read l'amly were in Detroit Thursday at the Northland. The L. J. Henry and Tom Ware families attended the Schoenhals re union, Sunday at the home oi" Mrs. Lida Lorenz, Howell, Myron Schoen hajs and wife of Akron, Ohiu were also there. George Meuboii and svil'e were m Stockbridge Sunday. Don Huff and i'amily who h;i\, been living' in the Murphy apt. have moved on Oscar lieuk's. farm. John Lundeen and wife of' l>etiot, the Gene Shehan of Ann Aibm- an; Mrs. Edna Spears un<t Jack Sheldon were Sunday quests at the Francis Shehan home. The Charles Whin-heads and Uea- trice Lamborn of (Jrcu'oi-y called at the Jesse Henry huine Sunday.Tiu 1 Keith Bradburys <>i (heuea also called. Dale Meabon ana wife inuv.u their new home on Durwn Rd. day. Mrs. Lena Lotiidye and the Ed Lajoyce i'amily of Dearborn calU'd ai the John Buyer home SuNday. Lloyd llendee family >peni Sun- day at L>t.- Or. Jim Nash home- at CoJdwaUi Arbor last week by a. 23 to 8 although a 3 man coftnmittea they pointed to investigate it reported favor of it. The price asked $••100,000. The legislature reeea passed a law setting aside so moeh year out of the ta d l l f t g so m year out of the tax dollar for ti tfct tft* counties to establish homes for aged *and senile with. The fact H the counties are sending- this class the mental institutions they .... is why the.se places are overcrowded They want the county to take OfM of their own senile. The idea is SJMF and supervisors who are econOMJT minded have not yet come around to legislature's way of chinking. AJao Washtenaw county has a county home and hospital could be enlarged for less Ann Arbor News stated a Mstonit jMOiijt was considering the purchase ! <i the sanitarium. We talked with J several leading Ann Arbor Masons i and they- knew nothing of it They j said ll nnxht be the U«E. S. At the last- (»ranjl Chapter a committee appointed, tu Ai quire into the ability of a .O.E.S. home foi ed. They do not, report until Fri- 3 Miles N. ft 8 Mile* W. of Pinckney _ the ' 4060 Swarthout Rd., N. Hamburg in. »._«J , ' Servfce.Wackney.' Sunday Morning,. Service 10:00 The bride is the daughter of Mr. i Sunday School followed by Message *'li* !?', H .? rmai1 Sh **Q*y <>' North I Sunday Evening Service 7:45 Territorial Road. The groom tie son ' Thurs. Night Praye* Service 7:45 of Mr. and MriGeorge Shefiley.On! Frank Shultz, Paster* M70 Marshall Rd. Gen - JJl L! eturn ^y wi ^ *in «t t** uharbonmau farm on Farley Road. 7tV whexu PiAckney on* watfr to Me>lr 4 and Joe Jeffreys. The Pinckaey team seems unable to hit. The boys wh6 hit them over! the fence a couple of years ago can't get their eye on the ball. They miss Joe Lavey who is out with an injur- ed hand. Pinckney . iMoriarity, 3b Meyer, ss Gentile, cf . Jeffreys, lb P. Singer, If R. Darrow, rf B. Darrow, 2b Reader, c . Houghton, p A R H 5 3 S 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 1 1 i a l o 1 0 1 0 o o Low Jea« McBeewiell, daughter uf M»: »nd Mre. John McDonnell, cf. „,„„,, ftnekney^nd Billy Edmund Linton,' Morning Mon of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Linton I £ 3 ? South Lyon, Mich. .MISSION 9200 McGregor. Rd., Portage Lake Larry Mattis, Pastor Sunday School Howard Linton of Detroit were married at a candle light double ring ceremony at the Scovil Memorial Presbyterian church in Detroit Friday evening. Julv Ata Aian Evening Service Wed.., Prayer Meetiag 10:00 A.M. 10:45 A. M 7:40 P. M. 7:30 p. m. l oll RAINBOW BAKE SALE JULY 24 The Pinckney Rainbow Grls will a college room H " le the food locker OLD TIMER'S GAME DONKEY SOFT BALL GAME Preceding the donkey ball game on the night of Thursday, July 29, the j ill ff d h timers will square Off and show fans if they have any athletic ability leftThe teams will be headed by Stanley Dinkel And Don Swar- tfcout at one time Class "A" softball who eenld do all sorts of tftfc the ball. The feHowfag are tot tentative lineups which are subject to change and there will pro bale be all sorts of substitutions. Swarthout team—Swarthout, p Burg, c; Roy Reason, Jack Reason, lb; Cliff Miller, Francis Shehan, 2b; Gerry Swarthout, ss,Ridge Shirey,3b; outfield, Doc Hendee, Murray Kenn- r, Norm Miller, Clare team Dinkel, p; Grant Rookie Battle, lb, "Marsh Merlin Lavey, 2b;LJoyd sg;Bill Darrow,3b;Bill Fritz Wylie, John Wylie, l%f| 6erc%, Max Reynolds* Joe Basy " |f{ke Hades, outfield. wing this will be a donkey y u the married men and men. This is an open affair aj) ?eu have to do is show to 1 will NOTICE Prices at the Darrow Barber Shop * S » heretofor: •abcuts, all types 1& Saturdays. -M. I. Darrow ven Product. UP 8 Bam *•*• TWT DBW DBOP BOf WlMse-^aJsagbetv Pref Atteewey Oen. MiUerd h*> h f J d Oafl *W* City Service AB R H Gillette, If 4 0 0 Bailer, lb 4 1 1 M. Nixon, p 4 2 £ Brigham, ss 4 2 2 White, If 4 1 2 WeUman, c 4 2 1 B. Nixon, 8b 8 0 0 Bennett , 3b 8 0 1 Haller, cf 2 0 0 Umpires—G., Darrow and J.Packer CONSERVATION DBPT. Conservation Commissioner Don- ald McLouth died in a Pontiac hoapit al last week, He had been on the com misson since 1945. After 2 years in the making the dept. announces the release of thr "Michigan Deer Story", a 26 minute filnv Michigan sportsmen spent <J |25 ii million dollars in deer hunting -last j The film traces the growth of deer. Few deer were available before the white man came as- the dense forest prevented the undergrowth on which the-deer feeds. The white men ch.qpp ed holes in the forests, the, under growth came, up and the deer flour- ished rapidly. Then came wide open market hunting and forest fires and the deer herds sank to an all time low in 19Q0 Game laws brought deer back.Thfn the herds get too for the food available and spreads*?} alj over'the state. Any deer seasons had to be inaugerated to keep the herds down to sise t Four lampreys were found fasten- ed to a trout in Cole Creak, near Manton last week* The deer drive has been completed and shows .the deer herds to be the-same as in 1952. lo found in a half section of , llege room mate. The best man was Henry Can non of WWow Village, who attend- ed, high school and college with the groom. Carol Bay, a 4 year old eou sin of the bride was flower girL The bride wore a bluish pink. silk. tfeta trmmed . with heirlo** Lhandily lwe which had been gitta herbr great,-great aunt. A tiras#* [Baturday. July 24, starting at 10:00 a. m. CARD OF THANK* We wish to thank ouv many euJlt'< friend* for making our wedding and HSception a success, especially Rev. ft. Schmitt, Nellie Gardner, Mrs. Shehan, the children's .-v i;nni: .lumber from Chubbs (^ (J r ncrs atii ruled the funeral of frank iMaa> ;,i liowell last week. He was a brothri >>J Ed Maas. Ernest Kew and wife of Detroit and W. F. Clo.se and wife ol Linden were Sunday guests at the Albert Dinkel home. The Homer Abneys were called back from Virgnia last week by the sudden death of her mother, Mrs. Coon of Farming-ton. The funeral was at Farminjfton Friday. The Har old Porters, George Tan.sJey.s Lawrence Camburn,-* Thayer Kunei.aJ ill Thursday night. The East Marion Kami Bureau had a picnic at Hnnm River Park Sunday. Mr. and Mi.- Herb firyan left MOM day for a <i\) lo the west, coast to viait Mrs. iiry.^n's sister at Vancov er, Bi'iti.sh Columbia. They will be gone 5 or i) ueeks. They will also vis it Mr.Bryan'- brother at Tacomn. Wash. Mi.,. W. Hildebrandt of Chi- cago. II., will be at their home lure during their absence. Mesdames Florence and and I ;it the a I ' m i n j| The path to get bingo legalised in Michigan is becoming a rocky j->ad to travel. The Michigan Assfe (I Xon-Pjofit Organizaions, mostly l'lremen^ .groups submitted before ue July J deadline pettions wit* .;~M,U00 signatures of which Jtobtrt AIuntwoiiM-'ry election! commissioner i-uled 41.0UU names were faulty* making the petitions about 1000 -hori oi the required 286,000. The».#" uu.ions the petitions were throwtt out were the circulators did not file complete affidavits and many of the i<eiition.s <i( scribed as circulated In cities were in reality villages. The Jaw reuds petitions biust be circulat ed in cities or townships as the •№ : do not have complete registration ii U. A more recent check cuts the ; s hortage to :j(K) names. Of COUMe i tin list will i)v checked and recheck | and will probably end in court action j The Democrat and Repubkan par legurd the bingo issue as a hot and refuse to become involv ed in it. The Council of Churches if a^im i it ami wanks all petitions >< i.t back to the cities and townships to be checked with the registration lists. We think the matter should be allowed to come to a voU* and let tlii^ endless arguement be settled IIIIC<> and for all. A: matron e# honor was dressed in ? IOfl ve ?' The choir, Ruth, Harold and Clare Swar in a thout & the broe nftle ^dresa and Abo Mrs. Thresse Coyle. l war in yellow taffeta * Masonic lodge. g fle dresa and the flower girl war in yellow taffeta. In* bride** mother wore a charcoal orgejua siBc dress vrith pink m l Th g g dess vrith pink and gmy^aecwgoilea. The grooms grooms' nether trore tuiquoise with . Ml . . . silk orgaa»a* > «nd wfeite accessories. The artwa'trete Jmes Carl, broth inlaw ef *he"gr*crm and Victor Been* eiius of Detrtrft The reception was held in the par lors of thecliurch foUoiHng the cer etnoiry. Mrs; Robert Barnes of Ann Arbor, e*u«hr of the trtde h*i the guest bex>k~ in charge. * Mrs. Walter Oeeterle^e^ PtectaMy and Ma* xiexroft" poured i were near s««e day ,*ye*r» ago, by the father of the present minister, Rev, George,'J4f ^tt*1p h northern Michigan the newly weds will live at the McDonnell home at Pinckney for the present.. VARIETY PARTT women. rWPr Everythia* for the household. Re Mr. and Mis. James Charbonneau. NOTICE I am going north after sweet and sour cherries this week. The crop is *j«ail. Get your orders in now. W. H. Meyer. 2 SOFT BALL GAMES FRIDAY There will be 2 Softball games at the lighted field here Friday nite, July 23. At 7:30 p. m. Dick Kenn edy's Teeners will play Dexter. At __ 8:80 p. m. the Pinckney team will ffhe M&-Wi«""wt£n»rrif^ Gonre on out and - help the boys by your attendance. The All Sun- Game at Cleveland •,{ week which was won by the icncun league when Alvin Dark, National league short stop waa out of position and failed te a jiop fly reminded mi of I Pinckney won under simUar circumstances.I'inckney was P^Qt^Sft, the state soft ball tournament ef Ann Arbor and Stanley Dinkel waa hool.cd njj if, a pitching duel with Kddie Kolander pitching for Chelsea}- 'Chelsea went into the last of the 7th Heading 1 to 0. Jack Reid leo! off for i state 'F'mckney and got a wa]k,Two infieid outs moved him to _ third. Dick his rab- Voung hit a blooper over 3b. The 8rd Mary tin- Baughn were in Ann Arbor Wednesday. LJoyd Hendee will be one of sheep supt.,. a t . the fair again this year. Donald Singer is getting i«™,"X*"h h «s cy Ul -n <> :;< li "™' n - * hort8top and leftfidd » I h e Gerry Eichman family spent Sumay at the Russell Glover home at Webberville. Kathy Glover came back with them for a vsit. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ben WMle last week were Dan Driver and wife of Dexter, Mrs. Beth Dev- Msreavc of Detroit arid Mrs. Alma I ATma Harris and Zita. Tike Henry Johnson family are on prizes last year. These rabbits were raised by R. YV. Wylie who by an error of judgement sold them to Singer,enablinM him to ^et all prizes We were in error last week. Leo Lavey was not taken ill at St.Mary's church but at his home.He is now in a wheel chair. R. K. Ellott and wile attenu^d a funei'al at Sylvaiua.UhiO, last week. W. H. Euler was home from the Mich. State San. over the week end. Mrs. Roy West and children of Detroit and Mrs.Jack Holt of Miami, Florida called at the George Young- germnn home last week. M Mxs.Adelaide Rose, Marilyn Joan Rose took Allen VanSlambrook, and .tii converged on it and then stood still and let it drop between them* Reid streaked f"r home. The short- stop got the ball and threw it over tht rai'hers head. Young continued on i" second and scored when the :atchu threw the ball into center field. Pinckney lost the next night to the Moose mainly because Roy Reason and Zeke Ledwidge were j ruied yielgible for playing several ' games with King-Seeley. It was war time and Pinckney had no replace- ments. The lineup was Dinkel*p; Tomion,c;Reason,lb; Reid, 2b;Younf .short; Brigham, 3b; Ledwidge broth- ! ers and Bill Baughn, outfield. ftburagh Indiana and Ohio. TRe South" Marion Farm Bureau heM an ice cream social on the pub- week at Harsens Sievet to the Silver Harvest camp at South Haven last week. A largely attendeo bingo game,the first in 2 years was held at the fire hall Saturday night. The E. L. McKinley family moved from the Orey apt. to their new home on South Howell St. t Saturday. Don Swarthout spent 4 days last Island. St. Clair Pinckney, Mich. July IS, 1964 not the Ladies Auxiliary as stated Jiere Saturday night and Flats at the casket makers outine Regular »•** called to - order Rkliard> Wilson, 81, of Hamilton, ng*frf!fe+-O*ia»*o, > visiting, hs son, Jack Wil- ers present Kennedy, Tiplady aon *nd family at Hi-u»nd Lake. Mrs. Alma Meabon of Mason is some time at her home In a drivfe in umthUr heH have iasuff- land 24 88 conservation workers been laid off on account ot icent foade, Thr leglalat«re-eet aside ftgfcOOQ to pay fox bounties during the 1M«V year. This was insufficient sjqsj more money had to»be *• oe Respite the bounty the fox population has Atteewey Oen. M e r d h ed that the decision of Judge Garland inci .the affadavitt of identity law Michigan may have a record low W not be appealed Wzr in forest flics,ftoim only 8081 ««rea have beem boraed vrm, , Clinton, Read atf Shklay. JJmmt, Mrs j Swarthout-- •• VT weadtor y K«tmedy 4o domate the liarary tod. Carried. ^pv by 11# amraafif Motion by TteUdy, aupported by MOferd,. Conn. Kennedy to allow the following bills: J«k Tetr DonaW Wi«fe?, care of Cag IM Robert |Q«akf, manhaUi 4 laL W.00 > Lavey lUsdwni> sufpUee. . HIM i Paul Curiett, prfaiOng MM M ' Glf R. McRorie and wife are attend ing the Botaford family reunion at Teeters of Detroit sVent Sun «t the George Roush home. O. B. 8. BAZAAB Ptnekaey Chapter 146 O.E.S. will Murray's Gulf, gas 7.16 hold their annual bazaar at the Barrett Bros, crane, fire siren 40.00 Pinckney Masonic temple on Satur- W. fi. Barton, booater heee .. 68J0 day, August 7 from 10:00 a. m. to Fred B.Wytk, work on siren M*M 8:00 p. MoOon te Adjourn earrteC | nm Mildred Assdey # ~ m. Luncheon served m. to 2:00 p from .".C the According to the Ann Arbor News Joan Manor, 14, of East Ann Arbor who was hurt in an auto cident the July 4th week end at ... Davis farm here is still in a coma. ,, „ ...„ * ?u W :, Wylie has been hel P in « his White afa roof garden dub and shet father dig post holes at their Ander , him dead. The triai lasted mond» M I Whr.e had powerful friends. Evelyn Nesbit went on the stand and bared Xo murder trial has attract so much national iinterest in our mem- ory, save that of Harry JL Thaw .".e ..ears ago, as the one last week of Dr. Edward Small .Detroit dentist for the killing of his wifes sQuimate. The theme and setting of the. cases and the verdict were similar ,but the ervirement was different Thaw Wai a wealthy wild New York playboy •..•lit; married a minor actress, Evelyn Xeshitt of not unimpeachable repu- ation. Before her marriage to* she had an affair White, a famous New Yoik c-ct. This .she related to Thaw. Accofll Thaw found son farm. Week end callers of Mr. and Mrs. Willam Shehan were Francis Krupa and family, Detroit, Mrs. Eunice Schuckhart of Howell and Mrs.Alma Harris and Zita. Sunday callers of Mrs. Mary Hoff, Harry Pigeon and wife, Flint,Fred Borz and wife; daughter, Elaine^uid Maadne Meyer of Ypsilanti. A. swarm of bees settled on the home of Mrs.Msry Hoff Saturday. Some got in the house.Mr. Allbright rf Gregory Wved them . the details of her affair with White. William TJerome.one of the natieaj great lawyers was prosecutor ml the lhaw family had Dehnae,^ fam- ous California lawyer.. The ffatt trial resulted in a hung jury. In the Thaw was found insane and after a short time in tution. Thaw and his arated. scrapes, taBC# ' He was in none of any i'£jiM ?-•** > At . >v,-;:*s ••, .^ s ** •••!"£. » ;;fV . ' ••

i SOrTBAtttffiWS LmlSeeSal traits LOCAL NEWS j ^URREIfT …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1954-07-21.pdf · 2011. 3. 4. · house on Main St. to Jones druggist. Wayne AtLee ana

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Page 1: i SOrTBAtttffiWS LmlSeeSal traits LOCAL NEWS j ^URREIfT …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1954-07-21.pdf · 2011. 3. 4. · house on Main St. to Jones druggist. Wayne AtLee ana

•<№2\ " " •

, Mr a, us*

• i ft n i• iitiit •


ination among peachit responsible for a eampagnurage Mich, housewives to

put off tannin* until Michigan peachea are ready Local peach growerswore angry because National Peachweek is always about a month be-fore Michigan peaches are ripe andsouthern peacnes which are ripe /a

SOrTBAtttffiWSPirickny like the Detroit Tigera

(has trouble tUying in the win e#i-twin. They beat the Cfettson prioottCamp Wednesday 20 to 4 with PaulSinger pitching but Friday night atthe lighted field both Pinckneyteams lost. Dick Kennedys Teen Affera after leading all the way in theirgame with St. Joseph's of HoweBlost out 7 to 5 when Howell scored £runs the last inning. Jim Wilson

are July 19-25 while Michigan peaches will be ready about Labor Day.Sothe legislature gave the peach grow•rs $2500 to advertise the advantagesof Michigan peaches if they would

y mq$ch it. The crop is worth waitingYor as it will be excellent in qualityand low in price. „ - '

The «ta» spent $160,000 to battlethe gyqty moth. This is the firsttime it has been found west ofPennsylvania. It denudes the treesof foliage. No mothes have been seenin Mich, since the infected area wassprayed. The area was 1,600,000acres with a 25 mile radius .nearLansing. Traps were also used.

The first dry run of the state pol-ice emergency trailer was success-ful. It is equipped with 4 radio transmifters, a telephone switchboard and6 trunk and extension lines. It is us-ed in disaster areas such as the onein Flint last year.

A Wayne county jail break issponslble for the order that all theguards . must wear clip-On bow ties.Four in hands were too handy forthe prisoners to grab, twist andchoke the guards with.

FATAL AUTO ACCIDENTAnother needless accident took

place Thursday about 5:00 p. m. atthe bridge over the Huron River onthe North Territorial Road at theGaUfcftor farm. Two youth wereheaded west on the road in a souped

LmlSeeSal traits

J J y m**, Pia*ng it Betam highShrffk* b Egh

became tE S Eu, Her. Albert

month earlier get the benefit of the j pitching for Pinckney allowed 3 hittPfadvertising. This year the dates set • up to the Bth.This was Howell's Wg

- - * ' inning as they got S runs on 2 hitsand.2 infield errors. St. Josephs 1sleading, their league' and are unde-feated ths y&ar.

The Teeners got a run the firston hits by Huhman and Packer anda hit batsman, another the Sid on atriplet by Packer and hit by Barrett,one the 4th on Clark's double and 2infield oute, 2 the 6th on hits byLavey and Rowell and sacrifice flyby Packer. Here Howell took Gher-kin out and put in McMacken whoblanked the kids the last 2 innings.

wore • go*n,*f whiteta*fHa wWi a lace £ & } epp* net

rti il itha e £ & } epp net

skirt and fingertip veil with he**?iaeeflown.

and ft tare, -of; peedcarried \a jtJMte* prayer

book with a whiU orchid, pillowed

Novensa Devotions,to J;00 p. a :**0


y Jonea td £*sapc, Ontwas maid of how*. Her

ll**wn was" yellow, net .oywttrapleas with a kce jack* and aheadpiece of net and flowers. She

MesMiifey y ttfimniu Church

Bev. *Sara Beaehy, PastorS. 8. Supt Walter EachMorning Worship .10:00Sunday School 11:00

ssrir* i sa&day School

Young Peoples Meeting

bridVs aunt, <wa£wor bl t

of Dexter, the. hrideemaid. She

wore a blue net over taffeta strapless gown with low jacket and a net*«d lact headpiece. Her beuqaet waspink roses and white split carnat-


iesmThe bride's sister, Paula, was

the flower girl. Her gown of.yellow satin and she carried a bas-ket of rose petals. Milton Charbqtoett tile groom's brother, was bestmenand the h A

Pinckney A B R HHuhman, ss 4 • 0 1Dyer, If 4 1 0Lavey, lb . .. S 1 1Wakefield, cf 2 0 0Rowell, cf . . . . : . . , 2 1 1Packer, c 3 1 2Barrett, 3b 3 0 1Amburgey, 2b . . . . . . . . 4 0 0Burg, rt 2 0 0Clark, rf 2Wlson, p 2 „ „ w «, . * . „St Joseph's AB R H.over 75 relatives .at 8:60 p. m.

Wednesday ".....". 8:00

Otiorchg , Pastor

Sunday School 9:30 AJ1.Morning Worship ...... 10:45 A. M.Thur.. tf isj*> Prayer Meeting at theChurch a tWed 12ft<rtr

LOCAL NEWS j ^URREIfT COMMMfMrs. Dorothy Dinkel and children

visited at the James Brogan homein Lansing Sunday. Johnny rvinuin-ed for a visit

Jeffrey Header spent Friday wihJohnny and Christine Dinkei.

The Murray and Ambrose Kenn-edy fam ills were in Dexter Sunday

Mrs. Eleanor Lidwidjre is spend-

The Waihtenaw county hgejj e jaupervisora turned down theit ion to purchase the Lelandit arum on Geddes Road

jre spending a week at Gaylord with the Hu-

L d ihisthe

8:007:30 P. M.

A Hearty Welcome To All, w

and the ushers were

Chatbotmeau.The wedding breakfast


Whalen, rf 2 0Robin, 2b 3 1 EGherkin, p, c 4 1 1McMacken, lb, p 4 1 3L. Seim, If 4 1 0B. Seim, 3b :. . , 4 1 1Battle, c,lb 3 0 0Monroe, ss 3 1 1

A A"i.- * ^ ^ ~ - " - — — — - •-*•/* a t . t h e i0 0 home of thl groom's parents atU:30 \0 1 a. m. A turkey dinner was served to;


M-36 and

0 I Z JD '8»U0fIn the second ganie the Pinckney

led up to the 6th being ahead 4 to 3when Howell scored 3 runs on home

Bp model A hot rod car. It was driv- ; ^ single a n d 2 errors. They addeden by Donald Ross of 9810 Auburn 2 mOre the 7th on a home run and 2dale, Livonia, with him was Donald I W t a i n a l s c o r e Howell, 8, PinckneyBrown, 18, of MUBlackburn, Livonia. I $t

They were said to be going 90 milesmiles hour. Their car hit the bridgebreaking the front axle, and throwngthem in the path of a car headedeast driven by Mrs. Patricia Balko,24 of 8740 fFeSota, Detroit with her

her four children, Denise, 2;3, Eml ,4, William, 5, also

4Sarol Silverwood, 17, Detroit, Brown•nd Ross were killed instantly^MissBlrVerwOod had a broken pelvic boneand Mrs. Balko head and internal in-Joriees. The children escaped seriousfejory. The Balkos were returnng toDetrot from a picnic.

Waehtenaw county officers andOoreser Ganshorn investigated. Ittook 8 ambulance to remove injured. Brown's body was taken to theSwarthout Funeral Home, Pinckney.Seine difficulty was found in locat-ing relatives. An uncle showed upafter midnight and the body was re-teased to him and taken to a Plym-outh Funeral Home. The body ofRoea was taken to Staffan FuneralHttxn$, Chelsea.

Pinckney got 4 runs the 3rd jshenMel Nixon lost control and walked7 men in a row. He got back in thegroove and was unhittable until the

scored twiceGenttfe

of them were from Canada. A pbrt- Sunday WorshipaWe dance floor, furnished by tfce Youth Group^WjHmic order w d f d E i


UndenominationalWeil between Main

Unadiila gtvertsRev. Keith Ruegsegger, Pastor

Sunday School .'. 9:45 A.M." ' :00A.M.

:00 P.M._.00 p.m.

Thur. Prayer Meeting 8:00 P. M.Jr. Choir Practise Wed 4:00 P. M.Sr. Cbdintieetfce Wed., 7:30 P. M.

wedding trip We Extend * Christian Welcome toMich. On their return - - • B ^ ^ y o ^

wfll resume his schooling, —where he is taking an au-' BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH

, hed by tfce Youth Group iorder was used for da ftc- Evening Servic e 8*:

and the Swarthout orchestra furnished music with Clare Swarthout calling. About 200 attended.

bert Ledwidge family.Edward Parker has rented

house on Main St. to Jonesdruggist.

Wayne AtLee ana wife called atthe Ed Parker home ai PortageLake Sunday.

The Robert Read l'amly were inDetroit Thursday at the Northland.

The L. J. Henry and Tom Warefamilies attended the Schoenhals reunion, Sunday at the home oi" Mrs.Lida Lorenz, Howell, Myron Schoenhajs and wife of Akron, Ohiu werealso there.

George Meuboii and svil'e were mStockbridge Sunday.

Don Huff and i'amily who h;i\,been living' in the Murphy apt. havemoved on Oscar lieuk's. farm.

John Lundeen and wife of' l>etiot,the Gene Shehan of Ann Aibm- an;Mrs. Edna Spears un<t Jack Sheldonwere Sunday quests at the FrancisShehan home.

The Charles Whin-heads and Uea-trice Lamborn of (Jrcu'oi-y called atthe Jesse Henry huine Sunday.Tiu1

Keith Bradburys <>i (heuea alsocalled.

Dale Meabon ana wife inuv.utheir new home on Durwn Rd.day.

Mrs. Lena Lotiidye and the EdLajoyce i'amily of Dearborn calU'd aithe John Buyer home SuNday.

Lloyd llendee family >peni Sun-day at L>t.- Or. Jim Nash home- atCoJdwaUi

Arbor last week by a. 23 to 8although a 3 man coftnmittea theypointed to investigate it reportedfavor of it. The price asked$••100,000. The legislature reeeapassed a law setting aside so moehyear out of the ta d l l f t

g so myear out of the tax dollar for

ti tfcttft*

counties to establish homes foraged *and senile with. The fact Hthe counties are sending- this classthe mental institutions they ....is why the.se places are overcrowdedThey want the county to take OfMof their own senile. The idea is SJMFand supervisors who are econOMJTminded have not yet come around tolegislature's way of chinking. AJaoWashtenaw county has acounty home and hospitalcould be enlarged for lessAnn Arbor News stated a Mstonit

• jMOiijt was considering the purchase! <i the sanitarium. We talked withJ several leading Ann Arbor Masonsi and they- knew nothing of it Theyj said ll nnxht be the U«E. S. At thelast- (»ranjl Chapter a committeeappointed, tu Ai quire into theability of a .O.E.S. home foied. They do not, report until


3 Miles N. ft 8 Mile* W. of Pinckney_ the ' 4060 Swarthout Rd., N. Hamburg

in. »._«J , ' Servfce.Wackney.' Sunday Morning,. Service 10:00The bride is the daughter of Mr. i Sunday School followed by Message

* ' l i * !? ' , H . ? r m a i 1 Sh**Q*y <>' North I Sunday Evening Service 7:45Territorial Road. The groom t ie son ' Thurs. Night Praye* Service 7:45of Mr. and MriGeorge Shefiley.On! Frank Shultz, Paster*

M70 Marshall Rd. Gen -JJl L ! e t u r n ^ y wi^ *in «t t**uharbonmau farm on Farley Road.

7tV whexu PiAckneyon* watfr to Me>lr 4and Joe Jeffreys.

The Pinckaey team seems unableto hit. The boys wh6 hit them over!the fence a couple of years ago can'tget their eye on the ball. They missJoe Lavey who is out with an injur-ed hand.Pinckney .iMoriarity, 3bMeyer, ssGentile, cf .Jeffreys, lbP. Singer, IfR. Darrow, rfB. Darrow, 2bReader, c .Houghton, p

A R H5


1011i al o1 01 0o o

Low Jea« McBeewiell, daughter ufM»: »nd Mre. John McDonnell, cf. „ , „ „ , ,ftnekney^nd Billy Edmund Linton,' MorningMon of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Linton I £ 3 ?

South Lyon, Mich.

.MISSION9200 McGregor. Rd., Portage Lake

Larry Mattis, PastorSunday School

Howard Lintonof Detroit were married at a candlelight double ring ceremony at theScovil Memorial Presbyterianchurch in Detroit Friday evening.JulvAtaAian

Evening ServiceWed.., Prayer Meetiag

10:00 A.M.10:45 A. M7:40 P. M.7:30 p. m.

l oll

RAINBOW BAKE SALE JULY 24The Pinckney Rainbow Grls will

a college roomH

" l e the food locker


Preceding the donkey ball game onthe night of Thursday, July 29, thej ill ff d htimers will square Off and show

fans if they have any athleticability leftThe teams will be headedby Stanley Dinkel And Don Swar-tfcout at one time Class "A" softball

who eenld do all sorts oftftfc the ball. The feHowfag

are tot tentative lineups which aresubject to change and there will probale be all sorts of substitutions.

Swarthout team—Swarthout, pBurg, c; Roy Reason, Jack Reason,lb; Cliff Miller, Francis Shehan, 2b;Gerry Swarthout, ss,Ridge Shirey,3b;outfield, Doc Hendee, Murray Kenn-

r, Norm Miller, Clare

team Dinkel, p; GrantRookie Battle, lb, "Marsh

Merlin Lavey, 2b;LJoydsg;Bill Darrow,3b;Bill

Fritz Wylie, John Wylie,l%f| 6erc%, Max Reynolds* Joe Basy" |f{ke Hades, outfield.

wing this will be a donkeyyu the married men and

men. This is an open affairaj) ?eu have to do is show

to 1will

NOTICEPrices at the Darrow Barber Shop

* S » heretofor:•abcuts, all types

1&Saturdays. -M. I . Darrow

ven Product.UP 8

Bam *•*•TWT DBW DBOP BOfWlMse-^aJsagbetv Pref

Atteewey Oen. MiUerd h*>h f J d


* W *

City Service AB R HGillette, If 4 0 0Bailer, lb 4 1 1M. Nixon, p 4 2 £Brigham, ss 4 2 2White, If 4 1 2WeUman, c 4 2 1B. Nixon, 8b 8 0 0Bennett , 3b 8 0 1Haller, cf 2 0 0

Umpires—G., Darrow and J.Packer

CONSERVATION DBPT.Conservation Commissioner Don-

ald McLouth died in a Pontiac hoapital last week, He had been on the commisson since 1945.

After 2 years in the making thedept. announces the release of thr"Michigan Deer Story", a 26 minutefilnv Michigan sportsmen spent <J|25ii

million dollars in deer hunting -last jThe film traces the growth of deer.Few deer were available before thewhite man came as- the dense forestprevented the undergrowth on whichthe-deer feeds. The white men ch.qpped holes in the forests, the, undergrowth came, up and the deer flour-ished rapidly. Then came wide openmarket hunting and forest fires andthe deer herds sank to an all timelow in 19Q0 Game laws broughtdeer back.Thf n the herds get toofor the food available and spreads*?}alj over'the state. Any deer seasonshad to be inaugerated to keep theherds down to sise t

Four lampreys were found fasten-ed to a trout in Cole Creak, nearManton last week*

The deer drive has been completedand shows .the deer herds to bethe-same as in 1952. l ofound in a half section of

, llege roommate. The best man was Henry Cannon of WWow Village, who attend-ed, high school and college with thegroom. Carol Bay, a 4 year old eousin of the bride was flower girL

The bride wore a bluish pink. silk.tfeta trmmed . with heirlo**

Lhandily lwe which had been git tah e r b r great,-great aunt. A tiras#*

[Baturday. July 24, starting at 10:00a. m.


We wish to thank ouv many

e u J l t ' <

friend* for making our wedding andHSception a success, especially Rev.f t . Schmitt, Nellie Gardner, Mrs.

Shehan, the children's

.-v i;nni: .lumber from Chubbs (^(Jrncrs atii ruled the funeral of frankiMaa> ;,i liowell last week. He was abrothri >>J Ed Maas.

Ernest Kew and wife of Detroitand W. F. Clo.se and wife ol Lindenwere Sunday guests at the AlbertDinkel home.

The Homer Abneys were calledback from Virgnia last week by thesudden death of her mother, Mrs.Coon of Farming-ton. The funeralwas at Farminjfton Friday. The Harold Porters, George Tan.sJey.sLawrence Camburn,-*Thayer Kunei.aJ illThursday night.

The East Marion Kami Bureauhad a picnic at Hnnm River ParkSunday.

Mr. and Mi.- Herb firyan left MOMday for a • <i\) lo the west, coast toviait Mrs. iiry.^n's sister at Vancover, Bi'iti.sh Columbia. They will begone 5 or i) ueeks. They will also visit Mr.Bryan'- brother at Tacomn.Wash. Mi.,. W. Hildebrandt of Chi-cago. II., will be at their home lureduring their absence.

Mesdames Florence and

andI ; i t t h ea I ' m i n j |

The path to get bingo legalisedin Michigan is becoming a rockyj->ad to travel. The Michigan Assfe

(I Xon-Pjofit Organizaions, mostlyl'lremen^ .groups submitted before

ue July J deadline pettions wit*.;~M,U00 signatures of which JtobtrtAIuntwoiiM-'ry election! commissioneri-uled 41.0UU names were faulty*making the petitions about 1000

-hori oi the required 286,000. The».#"uu.ions the petitions were throwttout were the circulators did not filecomplete affidavits and many of the

i<eiition.s <i( scribed as circulated Incities were in reality villages. TheJaw reuds petitions biust be circulated in cities or townships as the •№

: do not have complete registrationii-U. A more recent check cuts the

; s-hortage to :j(K) names. Of COUMei tin list will i)v checked and recheck-| and will probably end in court actionj The Democrat and Repubkan par-

legurd the bingo issue as a hotand refuse to become involv-

ed in it. The Council of Churches ifa^im-i it ami wanks all petitions>< i.t back to the cities and townshipsto be checked with the registrationlists. We think the matter shouldbe allowed to come to a voU* and lettlii^ endless arguement be settledIIIIC<> and for all.


matron e# honor was dressedi n ? I O f l v e ? ' T h e choir, Ruth, Harold and Clare Swar

in a thout & thebroe nftle ^dresa and Abo Mrs. Thresse Coyle.l war in yellow taffeta *

Masonic lodge.g f le dresa and

the flower girl war in yellow taffeta.I n * bride** mother wore a charcoal

orgejua siBc dress vrith pinkm l Th

g g d e s s vrith pinkand gmy^aecwgoilea. The groomsgrooms' nether trore tuiquoise with

. Ml . . .silk orgaa»a*>«nd wfeite accessories.The artwa'trete Jmes Carl, broth

inlaw ef *he"gr*crm and Victor Been*eiius of Detrtrft

The reception- -was - held in the par-lors of thecliurch-foUoiHng the ceretnoiry. Mrs; Robert Barnes of AnnArbor, e*u«hr - of - the trtde h*i theguest bex>k~ in-charge. * Mrs. WalterOeeterle^e^ PtectaMy and Ma*

xiexroft" poured i


s««e day ,*ye*r» ago, by thefather of the present minister, Rev,George,'J4f

^ t t * 1 p h northernMichigan the newly weds will liveat the McDonnell home at Pinckneyfor the present..


women.rWPrEverythia* for the household. Re-

Mr. and Mis. James Charbonneau.


I am going north after sweet andsour cherries this week. The crop is*j«ail. Get your orders in now.

W. H. Meyer.


There will be 2 Softball gamesat the lighted field here Friday nite,July 23. At 7:30 p. m. Dick Kenn-edy's Teeners will play Dexter. -At

__ 8:80 p. m. the Pinckney team will

ffhe M & - W i « " " w t £ n » r r i f ^ Gonre o n o u t a n d

- help the boys by your attendance.

The All Sun- Game at Cleveland•,{ week which was won by theicncun league when Alvin Dark,

National league short stop waaout of position and failed te

a jiop fly reminded mi of IPinckney won under simUar

circumstances.I'inckney was P Qt Sft,the state soft ball tournament e fAnn Arbor and Stanley Dinkel waahool.cd njj if, a pitching duel withKddie Kolander pitching for Chelsea}-

'Chelsea went into the last of the 7thHeading 1 to 0. Jack Reid leo! off for

i state 'F'mckney and got a wa]k,Two infieidouts moved him to _ third. Dick

his rab- Voung hit a blooper over 3b. The 8rd



Baughn were in Ann ArborWednesday.

LJoyd Hendee will be one ofsheep supt.,. a t . thefair again this year.

Donald Singer is getting

i«™,"X*"hh«sc yU l-n< >:;< l i"™'n- *hort8top and l e f t f i d d »

I h e Gerry Eichman family spentSumay at the Russell Glover homeat Webberville. Kathy Glover cameback with them for a vsit.

Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. BenWMle last week were Dan Driverand wife of Dexter, Mrs. Beth Dev-

Msreavc of Detroit arid Mrs. AlmaI ATma Harris and Zita.

Tike Henry Johnson family are on

prizes last year. These rabbits wereraised by R. YV. Wylie who by anerror of judgement sold them toSinger,enablinM him to ^et all prizes

We were in error last week. LeoLavey was not taken ill at St.Mary'schurch but at his home.He is now ina wheel chair.

R. K. Ellott and wile attenu^d afunei'al at Sylvaiua.UhiO, last week.

W. H. Euler was home from theMich. State San. over the week end.

Mrs. Roy West and children ofDetroit and Mrs.Jack Holt of Miami,Florida called at the George Young-germnn home last week.

MMxs.AdelaideRose, MarilynJoan

Rose took AllenVanSlambrook, and

.tii converged on it and then stoodstill and let it drop between them*Reid streaked f"r home. The short-stop got the ball and threw it overtht rai'hers head. Young continuedon i" second and scored when the:atchu threw the ball into centerfield. Pinckney lost the next nightto the Moose mainly because RoyReason and Zeke Ledwidge were

j ruied yielgible for playing several' games with King-Seeley. It was war

time and Pinckney had no replace-ments. The lineup was Dinkel*p;Tomion,c;Reason,lb; Reid, 2b;Younf.short; Brigham, 3b; Ledwidge broth-

! ers and Bill Baughn, outfield.

ftburagh Indiana and Ohio.TRe South" Marion Farm Bureau

heM an ice cream social on the pub- week at Harsens

Sievet to the Silver Harvestcamp at South Haven last week.

A largely attendeo bingo game,thefirst in 2 years was held at thefire hall Saturday night.

The E. L. McKinley family movedfrom the Orey apt. to their newhome on South Howell St.tSaturday.

Don Swarthout spent 4 days lastIsland. St. Clair

Pinckney, Mich. July IS, 1964 not the Ladies Auxiliary as statedJiere Saturday night and Flats at the casket makers outine

Regular »•** called to - order Rkliard> Wilson, 81, of Hamilton,ng*frf!fe+-O*ia»*o, > visiting, hs son, Jack Wil-

ers present Kennedy, Tiplady aon *nd family at Hi-u»nd Lake.Mrs. Alma Meabon of Mason is

some time at her home

In a drivfe in umthUr heH


land 2488 conservation workers

been laid off on account oticent foade,

Thr leglalat«re-eet aside ftgfcOOQto pay fox bounties during the 1M«Vyear. This was insufficient sjqsj moremoney had to»be

* • oeRespite

the bounty the fox population hasAtteewey Oen. M e r d hed that the decision of Judge Garland inci

.the affadavitt of identity law Michigan may have a record lowW not be appealed Wzr in forest flics, fto im only 8081

««rea have beem boraed vrm, ,

Clinton, Read atf Shklay. JJmmt, Mrs jSwarthout-- •• VT weadtor

yK«tmedy 4o domatethe liarary tod. Carried.

^ p v by11# amraafif

Motion by TteUdy, aupported by MOferd,. Conn.Kennedy to allow the following bills: J«k T e t rDonaW Wi«fe?, care of Cag I MRobert |Q«akf, manhaUi4 laL W.00 >Lavey lUsdwni> sufpUee. . HIM iPaul Curiett, prfaiOng MMM ' G l f

R. McRorie and wife are attending the Botaford family reunion at

Teeters of Detroit sVent Sun«t the George Roush home.

O. B. 8. BAZAABPtnekaey Chapter 146 O.E.S. will

Murray's Gulf, gas 7.16 hold • their annual bazaar at theBarrett Bros, crane, fire siren 40.00 Pinckney Masonic temple on Satur-W. fi. Barton, booater heee .. 68J0 day, August 7 from 10:00 a. m. toFred B.Wytk, work on siren M*M 8:00 p.

MoOon te Adjourn earrteC | nmMildred Assdey# ~

m. Luncheon servedm. to 2:00 p



t h e

According to the Ann ArborNews Joan Manor, 14, of East AnnArbor who was hurt in an autocident the July 4th week end at ...Davis farm here is still in a coma. ,, „ ...„* ?u W : , W y l i e h a s b e e n h e l P i n « his White a f a roof garden dub and shetfather dig post holes at their Ander , him dead. The triai lasted mond» M

I Whr.e had powerful friends. EvelynNesbit went on the stand and bared

Xo murder trial has attract somuch national iinterest in our mem-ory, save that of Harry JL Thaw.".e ..ears ago, as the one last weekof Dr. Edward Small .Detroit dentistfor the killing of his wifes sQuimate.The theme and setting of the. cases

and the verdict were similar ,but theervirement was different Thaw Waia wealthy wild New York playboy•..•lit; married a minor actress, EvelynXeshitt of not unimpeachable repu-ation. Before her marriage to*she had an affairWhite, a famous New Yoikc-ct. This .she related to Thaw. Accofll

Thaw found

son farm.Week end callers of Mr. and Mrs.

Willam Shehan were Francis Krupaand family, Detroit, Mrs. EuniceSchuckhart of Howell and Mrs.AlmaHarris and Zita.

Sunday callers of Mrs. Mary Hoff,Harry Pigeon and wife, Flint,Fred

Borz and wife; daughter, Elaine^uidMaadne Meyer of Ypsilanti.

A. swarm of bees settled on thehome of Mrs.Msry Hoff Saturday.Some got in the house.Mr. Allbrightrf Gregory Wved them .

the details of her affair with White.William TJerome.one of the natieajgreat lawyers was prosecutor m lthe lhaw family had Dehnae,^ fam-ous California lawyer.. The ffatt trialresulted in a hung jury. In theThaw was found insane andafter a short time intution. Thaw and hisarated.scrapes,t a B C # '

He was innone of any


? - • * *> •

At . >v,-;:*s

• • , . ^ s* * •••!"£.» ;;fV • . '

• • •

Page 2: i SOrTBAtttffiWS LmlSeeSal traits LOCAL NEWS j ^URREIfT …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1954-07-21.pdf · 2011. 3. 4. · house on Main St. to Jones druggist. Wayne AtLee ana



* '-» ' '• . ' ' ' ' ^ ' . ,_ '— - . . ' . " _' \<r- 1 ' ' • _ t j ^ • - , * Si" * ' ' v _ . . ' V " * ' * '

^ • ;

« & ;

^ ' • J

••^Flvw W M M PChalaoo, Mk&igan

* Jaly 11, ttti

aid Cads, Xaaaatl and Harold Hart-anff spent paat of last weak at Cry*stal Uke, Boulah, Mich.

Born to Harold Crockett and wife

Marion Brando


with th« he/p of ffefs Sdisom fmtp

Always ffli*> to atlp

ttont 00Ufhag forbaUdia* s ameat. Tbeiecpargaof


Barn, Barnyard, Poultry Houto, Milk Hov§o, HmyMow, Workihop and Homo * AH form woik1$ oa$lor whon you con *oo what you're

Bttttr lighting in the barnftu mort work done faster.

Bttttr. lighting in the barn-pud lengthens the workday.

Batter lighting in the hometpttdf kitchen tasks and mealpreparation... adds to beautyand comfort

Better lighting in tht _house increases egg pfo£uo»tion.

Better lighting in tfat milkhouse means cleaner uttfijUtand greater com

Better lightingsafety wherever

PlW Aadrew «**4nkkL editor* J V t ^ wfe» ittiiaod oft •*-

edto re]of thecount of ill haaHa.

lne Darter teaec-l sold tha Wabnitar school fadktitf to tha Coaa/Lctaca tare for 1200.

T7 ytars ago a copy o? tha OtxtarMdar was placed in tha corner

sta»a of tha court hoaaa dadcated atAaa Arbor. Last weak a copy of thateat baao of tha Laadar was- put In


Friday. Saturday, July 2S, 24u THE WILD ONE*1,A Drassa'Starrinf

Marlon Brando, Mary Ifornhy andMarlon Brando, Mary Murphy and

' Robert Keith. Cartoon News . Sport

Robert Keithaajd Novelty Sunday, Monday, July 25, 26


. " ; w«PVictar Matuia, Piper Laurie

"THE IRON GLOVE"Robert Stack, Ursula


"HELL BELOW ZERO "Alan Ladd. Joan Tetzel Basil SidneyCartoon and SportSunday Shows S, 6. 7, •

For advice on farm Hf hting,aaM any Ul ion offUe.

lastTae Wattara Union Telegraph Co.

aaa smada apppHcatioa to close theiratatiaa al Oa tar.

Watataaalr county R * * * * * *held a Fat deary - far GovernorBafiy Suaday under tha, oaks on taeaid naming farm on tha Pincknsy-Daxstr Road.

Mr. aad Mrs. R. P. VaatraUa ofPortage I*ke ware over night guestsof Governor and Mrs. Williams at

'Marlrinac Island recently.Governor Williams waa scheduled

to apeak Suaday at Democratic pic-nic Suaday at Huron River ParkDexter.

Hamburg township has purchasedI voting machines. They will not baavailable until the November alaet-ioa.

The MSftord Band willt give con-cert* a Kent Lake this summer.

Coach Paul Bennett has 401 enrolled In his swimming class at Howall.la estimated at ft millon bushelLaat

The Michigan peach crop this yearyaar it was ttt million.

Howall approved a $900,000 schoolbond issue last week by a 8 to 1 vote.

James HiWsbrand of Holland hasbeen admittad to practise of lawin thia county on motion of StanleyBerriaan.

Walt Disney's"PINNOCHIO"

in Tecfenlcolai

Tuea., Wed., Thur, July 27, 28, 29PHANTOM OF THE RVE MO«GUE

la Warner Colorwith

Karl Maiden, Patricia Medina, ClaudeDauphn and Steve Forrest

Cartoon and NoveltyShows 7:15, 9:00

Wad. Thar* July W, 29- Judy HoWday


Poter Lawford, Jack Lemon .

LEE THEATREFridk>t Saturday, July 23, 24

1—Btg Features 2"PRISONER OF. "WAR"

withRonald Regan, Stave Forest and

Dewey Martin


John Wayne

Coming—The Bad Magician. Flameand the Flesh, Prisoner of War

Scio Drive-in Theatre6588 Jackson Road, Ann Xtbot

Phone Normandy—8—7088Children Irndex 12 admitted Free

Friday, Saturday, July 23, 24"STRANDED"

In Technicolor 'with

Alan Ladd, Mona Freemanalso <


Jean Simons, Robert MitchumCartoon

Sunday, Monday, July 25, 2€"HBLL BELOW ZERO "

DETROIT EDISONGood wiring is always important.So always ask your Farm ServiceAdvisor for his recommendations.

Alan Ladd, Joan Teteel Basil SidneyntoalorSnorts

Sunday, Monday, July 25, 2<|"T H E*MM

Notes of 25 Years AgoShehan-McQulIUn reunion was

held at Baugbn's Bluffs Sunday with I Manrey150 in attandanaa, Frank SbJalds was , No?»ltUelected president and Elaine Me

James Whilmore, Joan Weldonttlso

"WITNESS TO. MURDER'*Barbara Stanwyck, George Sanders


Tusa,, Wed* Tknr, Inly 27, 28, 29"8BCRBT OP THE INCAS"

A flnsaa ftarriagCnariton Heatoa,Robart Young, Nicole •

aad Thomas MitcheU I— Newa Cartoon)

Tues., Wed.. Thur., July 27, 28, 29"BEACHHEAD" ,

in TechnicolorCartoon

Tony Curtis, Mary MMurphyand

"GOLDEN MASK"in Teehakolor



Io The QualiiUd Electors:

N 0 ? i £ 8 IS HERB»T GIVBN, That a General Primarywill bs held in the





Quiilan, secretary. I Otis Mattaaon aad wife have movCatherine Hammell Dunn, 72fdied ' ed mto the Martin Markos house on

at Port Huron last week. Her bus- M ^ M Waitband, Joe Dunn, was a brother gf A marrUge license has been issu-ths late Jerry Dunn of Pinckney. ,«d to William Untaar, 28, Deroit

The Stripling - Ketcham suit is 'and Lois McDonnell, 26, Pinckney.at Howell this week. Their cottage I The engagement of Leola Porter,at Patterson Lake was sold by court formerly of Gregory to Donald En-order for $1920 recently.lt is said to dan af Pinckney is aanouaeed.be worth $8,000. K. J. Drawry bought Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rltter jr.it. ^tripling and Kstcham claim called on hi* mother Sunday who is* ef were not notified of tha sale. 'a patient at MaUue hospital, Brigh

Van Heflin, Wanda HendrixCartoon

At tin Putnam Itownshp HalU, Pinskaey, Msbigan

Charles B. GatesmanftSPUBUCAM

Boaka PWat Term as

Prosecuting AttorntjrEXPERIENCED, QUAUFIHD.



konr s tat ion WttJ fit

S«x t^s DUfpose of plaei&g in nomination by all politioal parties per-tkifiating therein, candidates for the following offices, viz.:8TATaV~Gorernor, Liautanant GovernorrONGRESSIONAL-United States Ssnator,Reprsssnt«tivs hi CongrsssUB0MLATIVX State Senator, Rsprsssntativs0PDNTT—Prosecutlag Attorney, Sheriff, County Clark, Countylyrtimrar, Ragittar U Daadt, Drain Commisslonsr, Coronar, Hrvtyortod such other off JZ* IS may be nominated at that time.


kfter being out SI hours the Jury ton. Walter Clark aad wifeIn the Dr. Akx Pearson arson trial , en her Friday aigatat Howell again disagreed. A thirdtrial has been set for Sept 21.

A fare will party was gives forRev. Fr. Dorsey Friday night. Ha re-ceived a purse- of $250.

The Whitcmort Lake ica house,unused for several years burneddown Saturday. It was 150x400 f t

Barney Lyneh has his blacksmithshop and house advertised for sale.He may go to Ireland

The Ed Faraam family aad HelenTiplady attended the funeral of Ger-trude Walsh at Daxtar Monday.

Andrew Campbell hurt in aa autoaccdant U still in the Howall hospital but out of danger

W. C. Hondas * floaa have theirIntap raady for tha fairs. Milford lathe first one,

Floyd Reason, Met Caalkar,GaorgeFisk and M. Hargtr ara buiWtng cottages at Patterson Laka.

600 Michigan filka will picnic atWhite Lodge August Xa,

Tha Laoa Lewis and John Chan-berg family ara oa a trip throughnorthern Michigan.

Pinckney team loat a wild gameto Pottemlie Class MB" ccaampioaaSuaday 15 to & Pinckney had 10its aad Pottanilla 17. Miller, Mai-aney and Moraa all had 8 hiuvMersita pi Pottarvilla had fc Don Swar-Mut got I dooNaa aad diora in 5

[mas. Bill Cooper aad Vaaaar ofHoweU played with Piaokaay.


Mrs. Uouise Cargill and daughterof Monroe spent Sunday at the Harold Porter home .

Wilbur Eisele and wife of Fowlerville and Roy Eisele and wife of De-troit called on Mrs.Emma VollmerSunday.

Ona Campbell and wife spent theweek end at th§ Carl Lents homein Lansing. •


ffiWEBSTER ST. UP 8-660 7 Pinckney

And Ujc tba purpose of placing in nomination, candidates participatingfe aJioa-Primatr ^laofeion f«.c ths following offl«es,via.:




tMtftt Saation 1. On the day of any election the polls shall ba openeda*-? attaak in ths fortnoon, and shall be continued open until 8 o'clockIsvibe af lmoon and no longer. Every qualified elector present and in

Itaa al the polb at ths hour prescribed for the dosing thereof shall b»allowed tovota,

VBalPOLLS of said election will be open at 7 o'clock a. m. and will re-asaai sfja^ «altt 8 o'clock p. m. of said day of election.

MURRAY.ONN1DY, Tawnsnlp Glark


Summer Clearanc 20 * OfFOn AD Lidie'. Dreissi. Very Special Evert

No Iron NzIons.CooI Sbssrs a a i Ga; PriatoIncluding all Ship-N-Shore Bobbie Brook Blowss

• < •

Bathing Soitt, Seamftftg Slips sad Gswas20 " Off on All Ckadrea i We*r

Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. H 4 7 0 0 MidUnd DriwLakeland. Mich. Phone AC 1-5066

• • " r •

' tan ran . :. •





125 Webster St, t. Phone 119


EAVES TROUGHWhy Lat Tour Eoof Wash Away

Bee Ua ffor Your1ATBB THOUGH NBBDfl

Wl ALtO RBTAILFW vum avrnun CALL

UlU-t-i 1 1 1 Ptoclrney




Sk§Bf Stmkg MicUne

State BanlRowall


«\ m i Wot caalOadSi*


Don't let loss of funds mar yourNia#tto^

Traveller's cheques ara:1. In convenient denomination*,

,~aaay-to carry. 2. Cashable anywhara, anytime.

Immediately replaced if lost

Travelers cheque ara avallablaat this bank. Make your vacation

All deposits up to |10,db04X> insuradby our ntnbanafp lataa Fodaral

t Insurance Ooigponrttoa,

• . , *

/ J

Page 3: i SOrTBAtttffiWS LmlSeeSal traits LOCAL NEWS j ^URREIfT …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1954-07-21.pdf · 2011. 3. 4. · house on Main St. to Jones druggist. Wayne AtLee ana

JV"*-,.l - 1 ' ' • *1» ^ * B t ^ ; '.,, A ^ ' • - * • . ! ' • . . . ' ' •*• • . * '"' ' , ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ - ' N "' ^ ^

ATTENTION Voter*!My aunt hat been removed from the ballot as a candidate for -th <

Of fie* of Drain Coromiasioner for Livingston County on the REPUB-LICAN TICKET. This was done because of a small error in the alfadavits at ifte bou^m of r v noin:iuucu petititions. My petitions wen*properly filed on time and the affadavit of identity & other requiredpapers were filed timely. For that reason I am forced to run for thisoffice as a "sticker candidate."

I request all persons who wish to fast their vote for my nominationat the AUGUST 3rd PRIMARY election to contact my representativethttiu. (i lApca JO have a representative there) who will be^near ~tht>«.rMt«-. niace and obtain from him a sticker for use in voting foj£ foe.Saeh sticker will have attacheu to it complete instructionfas-tbthow^ause IKe sticker. It merely requires that the sticker be placed on the""&SPUBUCAJ' BALLOTT under the space for "DRAIN COMMISS-

ION and that an "X" be marked on the ballot opposite my name.at shown below



It is necessary that the sticker be attached to the ballot a*d alsothat the "X" be marked on the ballot opposite my name.

The law requiis anyone representing: me at the polling place to stayat least 100 feet away from the polling place. This is a State Law. IearneRilvf - u si tl:vt y< u • • n .1 • <<v r< nresentative who will be atl*»* 106 feet away from the poll'ntr place and obtain a "sticker" foryour use in voting for my candidacy. If you do not. get a sticker,please write my name in the space provided on the ballot, and markwith an "X" (as shown above) I earnestly request my friends andsupporters to take the trouble of casting their vote for me in theAUGUST 3rd PRIMARY ELECTION in order that my name will ap-pear Oh the ballot for the General Election.

Floyd W. Munsell, Drain Commissioner

ATTENTION Voters!^ " * x ^ r e baiiot -*-»*-«• *» *.

tliiiiiilflsUcker be placed ont the Republican Ballott under the snace lot


•toVl* i f e?n«rf a n y ° n e r e P r e s e n t i n S me at the potting place tof l ^ H 6 * * 1 0° ^ a w a y f rOm t h e P° l l in^ P^ e - This is a state lawX ^ S 7 " q u e 8 t v ? a t y°u c o n t a f t my representative who will be atSlSA?»V ^ f r o m- t h e ?ol l in* P^ce and ob to from him a^ c k e r ' for your use in voting for my candidacy. If you do not get asticker please write my name in the space provided on th? ballotand mark-with an "X" (as shown above.)I urgently request myfnends and supporters to Uke the trouble of casting their vote forme in the August 3rd Primary election in order that my name willappear on the ballot for the General Election. . ^

Clay W. Gordon County Surveyor

Top Dress Alfalfafiteadows ToGet More Hay, Bigger Profits

of phosphate-potash'fertilizer:1—You get more hay per acre.

That rrteans lower feeding costsand higher profits.. 2—The hay is higher quality,

ftiore nutritious, with a biggerportein content.

8—The top dressed fertilizeraids in the development of theroots after the tops have grownout.

4—You help increase the lifespan of your alfalfa stands.

The committee reports thatMidwestern agronomists recom-mend using up to 300 pounds peracre of phosphate - potash ferti-lizer such as 0-20-20 or 0-10-30,depending on the nutrient re-quirements of the soil.

Alfalfa has a big appetite forpotash and phosphate* the com*mittee points out. For everyfour tons of hay produced dur-ing the summer season, the al-falfa crop pulls out 140 poundsof potash and 55 pounds of phos-phate.t These nutrients * must be re-plenished in the form of com-mercial fertilizer if thick grow-ing alfalfa stands and high yieldsare to be maintained, the Middle.West Soil Improvement Commit-tee reports.

Thick legume stands can beMtfertSOfteayear after year when

they are regularly fertilized.

T EGUME - GRASS meadowsLJ will make a quicker come-back this summer if you topdress them after the first cutting.

The Middle West Soil Improve-ment Committee lists these"dividends" resulting from topdressing your fields with plenty

THURBER CORNELLCandidate for Legislature

Uvingston-Shiawassee District

Republican TicketThurber Cornell, born an* raised

Livingston county andis wall q )ified to represent the District ofShiawaaiee and Livingston Cuntie*. His interests have been verydiversified, serving many" differentfarm ft municipal interests ,havinfbean a supervisor of his townshipfor several years, and a director ofThe Livingston County Mutual

, Fire Insurance Company and thej the Livingston Co-Operative A**ociation, and the Livingston CountyFarm Bureau.

Thurber Cornell was educated inthe public schools and MichiganState- College, is married and ha* afamily of two sons and five daugh-ters. He has proven himself- to-be

. a successful business man and farm-] eroperating a large farm in Living-ston County as well as several tim-ber mills. >

Thurber Cornell is exceptionally^well thought of in his own eonunun ]ity as a man of s real good Judge-!ment, reliable, honest and capiable,He made an excellent record, whUifeserving two terms in the legislature

\Jk made many friends, representingno special interestsA man of the high calibre of Thur

ber Cornell is Well worth your care-ful consideration as your State Rep-resentative.

Your support for Thurber Cor-ntll and vote at the- RepublicanPrimary on August 3rd, WILlr BESINCERELY APPRECIATED.




•IATIThe Pnfcrt* Oswt f or the

LMn#»«o». . ! • fbe Matter of the

Stewart Andersen,Deeaased.As A sexton of said Otvt

July 1, 1964.PrtisattBoBoiabte Hiram

JMfct *f Pro***. ,Notice is Hereby Given; That

persons interested In saudirected- to appear before ibate Court on July 27, 1964, at №40A. M.to show cause why a ltMlsw'should not be granted to GeraldReason, administrator of said estateto sell or mortgage the interest efsaid estate in certain real estats da-scribed in his petition, for the pw-of payta* debts and claims and ad-ministration expenses and mortgage.

It Is Ordered, that nottosbe giTtn by pnblieation of

hereof for three weeksprevious to said day of hearing in tti

Pineimey DUpateh and that At yet-.doner etnas a copy «f this aoUse tob* served upon s u n known psriy ininterest at sis list known adduss sfregistered mail, retorn rsssipt do*maitdod at tetst fonttasn (14) day*prior to tosst hearisig or bysetviot at kast five <•) <s^s ^rtw to



Hh*» 1 fttH*, Ittdgo of PnkaltA MM eoppMttta HHhMXaRegister of Probate.Helen Law,Deputy Regiator of Probate

The Andrew Campbellf family at-tended the Pearce reunion Sunday atthe Comma state park.

The Joe Griffith family spent theweek end with the Don Griffithfamily at Mt Pleasant.




for GOVC::I:OR


-QUALIFIED!Nominate D. Hale Brake, Republican, forGovernor. A proved vote getter—the oneman who can win in November. Make sureof Republicnn «."'• Tail.

• Hot o brilliant, proven record ef 9 0 years in Stateservice as an organiier, administrator aad leader• Pormec State Police Commissioner . . . State Oiredefoff CMKan Defense . . . State Fuel Administrator , . •

Commtssioitor *- ->, >,

• AlttmsnMVtiaoia

•S A

y . . . MomHo> c4 Stato lar of MktttaaM and' -oar As*oci0fion

of Wayno Unlvorairy and H» UsWVofflty of

' \

VOri -**f UBLKAH ^UO9Sf 3


D. HALE BRAKEMichigan's outstanding dtizeo^tiid Repubti*can. The only man who casi and wilt uaftethe Republican party lot


v . i-

, % • • * - • * •

Page 4: i SOrTBAtttffiWS LmlSeeSal traits LOCAL NEWS j ^URREIfT …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1954-07-21.pdf · 2011. 3. 4. · house on Main St. to Jones druggist. Wayne AtLee ana

• " ' . • ' . • ; ,

zmm 1 ',V;' '•?>

\: ifatty 2fft№t> Pirecfor, GAW6S DOC RESEAPCP ^

Ball Game\k:




ADMISSION 50c and 25c

ANNOUNCEMENTWe Are Opening a Meat Market in the

Dunlavy Locker on


All Kinds of Fre&h Beef and Pork Also Have*

Smoked. Salt and Cold Meat.

Attractive Prices. Come In


L Mm MisI i ') .;i



Bandseeding,Plu$ Plant FooGives More Hay, Extra Income

C C O P : : •••il] haVf m o r e wo lor tohelp : v..<\A W.n ." \ ieMs. if

your soil has: a regular turnoverof active or ^nic matter.

Dr. \V. P. Mr.rtin. Ohio SlateUniversity agi'unoini.-,., p<.:;;!.sout that rotting organic matteriii ;-rjvcs the soil structure andmakes it nwre p..r Waterpercolates in more easily. Rainsare soaked up and h. \"; )y thesoil, instead of running off, orponding on top.

In this soil building process,millions of tiny, invisible mi-,, robes play an impoUunt part.. ':As they feed on organic matterand break it down, they produce'a gummy, jelly-like substance,.-Thi3 sticky material glues tiny'1

soil particles together into clus--*• ors or aggregates. These ag-gregates, in turn, increase the.,-ize of the soil ^ores u/.J allow'more water to enter. As organicmatter rots, it releases crop*Leeding nutrients. M o r e softphosphate-is 'made available td•rowing plants. It helps increase

;he efficiency of the fertilizeryou add to the soil. ' *

Bwiseeded trefoil makes thickstand.

MORE tons of hay and biggerprofits per acre depend on

getting thicker stands of leg-umes, the Middle West Soil Im-provement Committee pointsout.

Two essentials for sturdy, vig-orous growth, says the commatee, are:

1—A good seedbed and carefulplanting methods.

2—-A full feed of nutrients.That includes the "appetizer"application that gets the youngseedlings off to a quick, sturdystart as well as the '.maincourse" that supplies all the nu-trients the legumes need forsustained high-yielding growth.

The- soil's o v e r a l l fertilityoiK l-.lu can be built up withi]'' ud'.'^t applications of heavy.•.::v,u:i4.s of plant food. Then at— -•>•-,- time, fertilizer can be:JI. ,'i'U within easy reach of theseedlings for their immediategrowth needs.

Bandseeding, or "positionalfertilizing" is an effective wayto give the seedling roots all thenutrients they need for earlyerowth. Success of this methoddepends on placing the fertilizerdirectly under the seed, but notin contact with* it'. Then the seed-lings can grab the plant food andgrow. ,*

Alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoilI gave 21 p~r c. .:t better stands in

Michigan s t a n d s than frombroadcasting alone, according toMilo B. Tesar. Michigan State(' )llo^c soils man. Tlra socJ wasplaced in a narrow band nearth'' top of the soil above fertilizerdrilled one inch deep in seven-inch rows.

Ohio soils men got full, quickgrowing stands of birdsfoot trc-:.! ' t1'..- f;;"s' yen1' \v!v n t washandseeded with oats as a nia-secrop. The soil had ber*n plowed,disced and cultipacked to get afirm seedbed.

J. L. Haynes, Ohio State^Jni-v.-rsity agrononvftt, reports thatat oats harvesting, the trefoilwas 8 to 12 inches high with athick stand across the field. Heestimated the flats would go 45to 50 bushels per acre.

CONQUERING DlPHTiiRIAby Science ?eajurei '

Once the most t e m h ^ of all in-factious d.-^'ses th:.' • • n:ice chil-dren, diphtheria is uoing vnrquisled by advances in medic?!science* Where cases do arise, e f-lective weapons are on hand t->lombat them.. For example, Michigan hau Z*leaths from diphtheria for *.

. ^ ~ - ^ . L 100,000 r-: ^

€L ^ 3 r W tion in 1920— r\U. < »r. Sm time when : : '

antitoxins rr 1vaccines wer«available. To-day, that aumefctate has le*3

„ than one death4 eaused by dip!i*

" theria for —-c

,100,000. ..Over 80 per

cent cf all dt-jL-ftheria case? arise i n r h ' l d w Rten years of age. Thf» fli*.-|«pread by children or n<i"i»have the disease, either with ^,...^toms or without, them. The latterperson is calk-c] a-"cart icr . "

Doctors rccomirerij tlu-.t all chil-dren be innocubtcd against cJ";'1-theria before the r r j of the J " , ' :

'year. Because wide-scale immuni-eation lias become c e m m n in re-cent years, there is ^ K-uJoiicy iorthe disease to api^av \-..,'i greaterfrequency in oK: ;• (..'i-.V a '

(have nf.?!?fl rd rc-ii.i ,/u. : ion.








'W4. Galnet^Dog Research Cent*-. N. t. C.

' Kecentwiav^c.> "*".irhen theH'it'-.cr v.i

r.udy six tt.'ieria IJ1:-;antitoxindisease1 a'

Kc!*'-rf"ifi'"1 > ' ' > T ;

^Tlt PP.? 11 If.S .° T

u\ uii antibiot• -

'''•-V : r^' •':

p ol



sh:v3tniv "ien iu-Jn one

i• . . . 1J 1 i

-f tho

LJ *-..

» « MICHIGANTh* f r o n u C«wt for the County

of livingrtonIn th^MatUr of th* Estate of

Margaret C. Stackable, Deceased.At a Bt»8ion of said Court held on

July 19, 1964.Present, Hoaorable Hiram R. Smith,

Jud«eof •Prebe^e.Notice is Hereby Given, That the

the petition of K. Leola Stackableadministratrix .of -said estate,prayingher annual account be alK>w.ed willbe heard at the Probate Court onAugust' lfttfvl£64 at ton A. M.

It is Ordered, That notice thereofbe given: fcy' publication of a copyhereof, for three vieeks consecutiv-ely previQUi ^o said day of beamingin the TinckneV I)i|pfcfcchi'aiid •№&the fidieaary. cause, a «apy of thisnoticc^to be1 served «p<m each: knownparty in interest at hi» last knownaddress by registered maailr returnreceipt demanded, at least fourteen(14) days prior to such hearing, ^rby personal service at least five (5)days prior, to such hearing.

Hiram JR. Smith, Judge of ProbateA true copy

.Kay Hardman! Clerk of Probate


_ Pinckney evened affairs at CassidyJ Lake when the*y won there Mon-'J day 10 to 4. The 6th was their big 'I inning when they scored 6 runs on j} hoxne runs by Joe Jeffreys and Joe' Lavey who got back -in the game, [

singles by Gentile and Wilson and ierror. Jim Wilson pitched for Pinck-ney, allowed 5 hits and walked 3. 'Pinckney . . . . . AB R HMoriarity, 3b 4 1 2Bailer, rf 6 '

I Jeffreys, lb : . . 5







1 'entile, If . . . .Hatnes, cf

8 1 2o o o ;v3 1 2

• A . i > !-. rt^a •• •' • i ••

B. Darrow 2bD;'4>arrow, ss

'Reader, c fiWllion, p'Ca$idy LakeWhorley, c' JSt John, ss 8Adams, p J

I Cameron, lb *|Medl«y, cf 4Mastig, 3b 3

%ano, If 8fThomas, 2b 3

2 1 14 0 0

0 03 2 13 2 0

2 00 00. 00 00 20 00 10 1

FertilizerBetter-"Buy9* TodayThan Before World War II

• - i

Soil organisms need extra nutri-ents when com stalks are

plowed under.

Give Soil Building«Green Light" ToBoost Crop* Value•SOIL building measures should

have "green light" priority inany farm improvement pro-gram aimed at increasing prof-its, reports the Middle West SoilImprovement Committee.

"That is particularly true withi: o drop kt prices and farm in-come in recent months^' saysi s( .tement issued by the com-. ;"ye. "

"TcLiy the high cost of farm-ing -mnkes it necessary to weighevery ^pend'tutfe on the basisol wh'.'thei it will bring backlarge immediate returns. Limeand fertilizer meet that spsc*

; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Read leavethis week to spend a week at Mack-inac Island.

Mrs. Brooksmlth and daughter ofDetroit spent Sunday at the FrankAberdeen home .

^Mrs. Don Baumock and daugh-ter and Mxtn. Anna Rollin of Colon {were Sunday guests at the Keith '

[Perry home . • •J The Clare MUers, George Tans- I

leys and Lawrence Camburns attend,ed a smogsboard party^ at Monk*Hotel, Brighton Friday.

\ The Bob Tasch family came home. Sunday from 2 weeks stay at Harr-

son.The Paul Bakers who have been

at the Roger Cam home went backto Syracuse, N. Y. last week. •

Mrs, Eloyse . Campbell took her jSunday school class of 13 on the jBoblo boat trip Thursday. ;^ir». G.Harden, Mrs. Beverly Sherdt andJoyce Fubrman Chaperoned.

The Roy Reason family spent theweek end in Coopersvlle.Mrs.ReasonAnn Sbiiley, Bobby and Fannie stayed for a week. , •• . »

The Ronnie Hoskint family of Da-trot ip«Qt Bandar U tha-lo, Jaok

IN 1939-41



Pork's purchasing power Mas more 'tjoan* doubled in 15 years.

FERTILIZER/is a much betterF15buy tod«^. than.it was

years ago, iffHemas of thechasing powej of major f \rv\commodities, reports the MiddleWest Soil Improvement Com*mittee. . \

Analysis o£the prices received'by farmers and prices paid byfarmers for fertilizer show thatbushel for bushel and pound forpound, farm products today wilJbuy anywhere from one and one-hall to two times more fertilizerthan they did in 1939-41.

"At today's prices," says thecommittee, "1,000 pounds of porkwould buy 4.9 tons of 3-12-12fertilizer, compared with* only1.9 tons back in 1939-41.'

"Even with recent price de-clines, milk's purchasing power

•has gone up nearly 80 per centin trr-r»s of fertilizer, comparedwith 15 years ago.

t'One hundred.bushels of wheat

would buy 3.8 tons of 3-12-12 to-day as against 2.15 tons before' orld War IIv The same quanti-ty of corn today would get you2.79 tons- of fertilizer, whereas

[it would have bought 1.8 tonsback in 1939-41. Oats would buy,.about \¥t tons of fertilizer now,compared* to less than a ton 15years ago: barley, 2.32 tans asagainst I.z2 tons. ',

"With soybeans, 100 bushelswould pay for 5.05 tons of ferti-lizer now, compared wkh 3.04tons before Pearl Harbor.l

• 'One thousand pounds of beefwould buy 3.24 tons of fertilizertoday, but only 2.18 tons back in1939-41. That's a b<jnus of aboutone ton of fertilizer. Lamb wouldbuy 3.82 tons, compared to 2.36.

"You'd set about a ton of 3-12-1? fertilizer from the rslc of 1C0d'^er eg-r today, whereas thosee?gs would have bought 0.55 tonsin 1930-41."

-5. . • \

. - ! • . ' • - _ * • • •

.*iiiii&. • • • • - , / ' • • > / (


It *t

r - ' *••

^ - -.J-Vn' •' "...'••

Page 5: i SOrTBAtttffiWS LmlSeeSal traits LOCAL NEWS j ^URREIfT …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1954-07-21.pdf · 2011. 3. 4. · house on Main St. to Jones druggist. Wayne AtLee ana

??.W !i«f ' > * * . ;. • . ^ • '

X&.X :i





L I N G E R I E 2 - . j^ .—.


$ 4,576.84



Balance July 1, 1953Current Tax $ 32,652.26Delinquent Tax , 3,856.03krtemt on Delinquent Tax v 131.28Primary Fund 12,741.45Stale Aid 88,647.71Salat Tax 15,123.66library Fund 1,152.18Rural Agricultural Aid ^ 953.43Tuition £»: •*.*. 1 3(139.50r#anap6rtation Feet 1,417.50'Short Term Loans 15,000.00Revolving Fund Receipts 12,316.81Other Non-Revenue Receipts 1,218.71




Total General Fund Receipts

General Fund Receipts and Bal-ance July 1, 1954


Administration $ 8,864.81Instruction - 71,392.32Operation of School Plant 17,085.47Maintenance of Grounds 267.60Maintenance of Buildings 2,498.54Maintenance of Furniture & Equip 629.19Insurance :. 1,598.05Interest -on Short Term Loans 886.51Transportation 16,106.76Health Service 105.26Recreational Activities ,. 722.56Furniture It Equipment ~ 1,666.50Transportation Equipment 5,500.00Revolving fund Disbursements 13,252.63Short Tttm Leans 44,500.00Transfer to Debt Retirement Fund 1,380.00

Total DisbursementsGeneral Fund Cash Balance July

1, 1954











Transfer from General Fund $ 1,380.00Total Receipts and Balance

—Diaburaamanta—Prindpal $ 1,000.00Interest „ ' M ... 380.00.

Total DisbursementsNo balance July 1,1954


$ 1,380.00


Art ef I , 1STT

HoweflBt , , « .Price H J i a Tear

Gfoa Ledwidgt hat Joined the HOOMof David hall team and Joinedthan on a tour of OMa.

Tho John Bvg feaau> taak thaboat trip to BobLo ona day laat

Tho foUowng from hartlhe 7th district MasonicDexter Wednesday night: Lawrence

i, Lawreaoe Camburn, LonnieVaaSlambrook, Harold Porter. OlinRobinson and ye tdltor. Robinson

Glaa AltTha Balsa Hall family called

the Iftiho homo hi Birmingham Sunday. Diane remained for a viait

Tha Harold Adams familyAnn Arbor were Sunday callersthe Ralph Hall home *

Mrs. |oU Hall U at a home extension meeting at East Lansing thisweak. Evelyn is at the James Hallhome.

The Mark Nash family attendedthe Farm Bureau picnic Sunday atthe Frits farm at Lake Chemung.Miss Bornice Lamont is, home from

Florida for 2 weeks. Mike and PatMcGowan of Pontiac also spent Sun-with Mrs. Thressa Coyle.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Swarthoutspent week end at Dougdas Lake.

The Jack Reason family were din-ner guests Thursday at the WinstonBaughn home.

Jackie Young, son of he JackYoungs is visiting his grandparentsfin Gregory*

Earl Kennewell and wife of Detroit called at the Olin Robinson homeSunday.

Olin Robinson injured his backlast week and has been home fromwork.* Tho Lester McAfee family attended the Ford Motor Co. picnic at De-troit (Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baughn entertained their children at dinner Sun*day, honoring the Lawrence Baughnwedding anniversary.

Frank Ross and wife of Detroitand George Carver and Mary Biliof Ann Arbor called at the GeorgeVanNorman home Sunday.

The following from here atendedthe wedding of Lois McDonnell andWilliam Lintner at Detroit Fridaynight: the v ^Clifford VanHorns,the William Burroughs, CharlesLeaches, Lester McAfees, ClareMillers, George Kenny s, RobertStrausses and Mrs. Irene Osterle.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wagoner andMrs. Ethel Sprout visited Roy Smol-let and wife at Petoskey last week.

Mr. and* Mrs. Ted Calkins andand daughter of Hillsdale spent Sun-day with Mrs. Ethel Sprout and son,John,

Mrav^aan Jieyar and children ofYpsilanti, Shirley Hosier of Milanand the Russell Clark family ofBuck Lake spent Sunday at theWalter Clark home.

Mis. G. W. Clark and the TomClark family of Ann Arbor call-ed on the Mrs. Margaret Clark family Sunday.

The Merlin Amburgeys, Mrs.MaryAmburgey and Jim, the Dick AmburgeyB and Smmett Widmeyers atteaded a family reunion at Burnett, Ind.,last week.

•.•'• V ' *




Proiecating Attorney


Balance July 1, 1953 * .-. $ 23,686.14Currant tax '. _ 12,017.07

.Dallnquent tax „ 1,722.41Intmtt on daiinqutnt tax 99.75

0 _



MT BBOO&D 18 MY PLATFORMHaving bee* a teacher for

years I do no have any moneyX can apart to advertise extensively.p yBut many votm wtrt Idad iooughto saj thai my ItfialatiTe record la*nsinf ii t w i that I do not Bead

to advtttiaa vary much. I oppeaa thethinking that we should be reprtunt*ad in Z ian i s only by those who hareretired

|who a n waB to do>aethra Ufe or by thoae

Total Racaiptt and BalanotMI

$ 37,525.37

Principal \ $ $,000.00Nwtst ~ : 2,123.13

Total WaboiiamanHBalanca July 1, 1954

Tortl OUborsamantt and Balanca







:,''t:K*i!:-fL' '' ' • • % . • " '


To Allow You To Fill Up For Next Year jOrder Now and Pay by the Month If You Care To







Rof ul«r MetAllowcnoa far you-Van p«y



Camahfaafey* Itethis r.t .. C;.J beautiful rangeotpeciclly for homes beyond the gai mains. SeeIng Coolit* . . . tha «Somatic avtn ptfat that

Hockey Appliance Store141




Spedal on Barn Paint, gal $2.25'm



Page 6: i SOrTBAtttffiWS LmlSeeSal traits LOCAL NEWS j ^URREIfT …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1954-07-21.pdf · 2011. 3. 4. · house on Main St. to Jones druggist. Wayne AtLee ana


. < -


• • ' • » - ,

11 THE

M i r cvd •


Mhtssellet )

f aaeeaTlaiy H>-•• actBojiy w«igbt leui ..i Htett hflad...-, ft th* *wdy 1

j??s« do*t pi Iv-cr'* for you A(t tfca>• "swl t l O f*aturwat vnH«ard-ef low





Vou for William « . mat*-for torn*q

four year experiefeeotant attorney general and a*ion:- to the W C

MOW 160


AttentionHOW IS YOUR

formerly veteran's adttler "to Gov;Williams and a World War H aub-marine veteran.




Time often is money to be sure. SoIn ttndng bank deposits by mail,you can really economise. Nor doyou lose anything in the way of per

tonal service, because—

The Mail Get'i Our

. Immediate Attention

Each deposit or order goes dfraetlyto the "window" or department you'dvisit In person.Stormy weather-busy times-or whensway from home-bank by mail!

First National Bank

&irtiy 11*0 A. M. to 2:08 P. Mv • Except WectoesdaWBHon., Tiles., Frt, Sat,

7:00 te 8:00 P.M.

J. Has»«t• 4 '• • i


K?V4 N. ^Michigan Ave.elephones: Office 935

Residence 814Evenings by Appointment

Howell, Michigan

Hert SneeiPhone 133 207 E. Gd. River

Howeii, MichiganReal Estate, Insurance

BrokerageCity, Lake and Farm Property

a SpecialtyList Your Property With Me

Plumbing and HeatingRepairing*

Licensed Master PlumberPhone 188F2

fhotee UP—»--U4 107S B. M~U

~~' FUNERAL HOMEDon 6. Swarthwrt

DirectorModern EquipmentAmbulance Service

Phones 39 and

Fr«ij 5. Reickhoff,OPTOMETRrST

120 West Grand River-How a 11, Mi phi

Phone 358

'&.- < • ' . •

Lee UveyGeneral Insurance

Phon*^59F3 _ Pinekney, Mich.


Harold RadyRepairs an All Makes

Phone 154F3 Pinckney

Picture Tube?II WBAK OR DEAD?

f f l HAV* rito *QUift«fiNl 10 KtfAlR




f№ Bach Depositor

AuctioaeerFaro? Sales ArSpe

Bert WylieCall FowlerriU«» 226F6

Arnold BerquistUnder Federal SupervisionOF FEDERAL RESERVE


Up to 110,000\ Watch*?, Watch' Bonds

• < ( •

Livestock Haulingkly Trips Made to Detroit

General Tr'-c^ing ^Mmcknev, Mich. • Phoise 16XFU/|r

Hoger J. GsrrComplett.- Insurance CoveragePHONE UP—8-318S _

Gesitetery MemorialtPrices Ycu Can Afford Cj i as

Mi if <r(l Mich'^an

Mii'ord ttr^'le WoHdP«erJ

Farms, Homes, LakeH i. ;;,o:> r.1>;jurtn

. . ' Your r v.erty With

Bfllfo?'4'Broker — 200 North Peart

Pinckney, r ich. — Phoiw

QOI9*tlstesy "%>

hi Wfrra to Take Cul

Pteya H M W I I 70SJ2

CLASSIFED ADVS. FOR SAL&—Feeder Pigs, 14 wetktold. Charles WiedmanPhone Dexter HA-6-3620

WILL SWAP:1K~ inch rope 78 feet : ' "",long. Will sell or trade for kitchen F 0 R SALE-8 room house inrange, burning wood or coal, 6 bum- ' *>ey- w m ftCCePt b l d s > 2 3 6 S >

ers or will buy range. E! S Jons l St., Phone JJP-8-6B62.Box 108, Pinckney. WANTED:\VorK~Dy the day. # - .FOR SALE—Evans Oil Heater "Heat- M r a - Margeret Huhman 610er complete with 2 barrels and Pinckney, Michigan ^

\Yun ^AL©-I951-Pl7moutn; new Phone UP-8--9918tires and nsfUm »^.» « iM^ i

dv o l r & S? y SX'-S! K>R SALE-Rug 9x12,isdy^owner $650,00 Phone HAg-8g20 n f e W G > E . Refrigerator-, site ^pfc1 FOR SAX,E:Jewey Calf tXOn also a s i z e» A B- Electric Stove, Kitchen tafc •;! kitchen range $10. 2 griflditon** 70e l c- Dresser, Davenport, Library Tab-I eac)i. Hardson Cooper - lo, New Single Bed with StfrlWUrJH*-*'

Unauilla, Mich. mattres, Floor Lamp.3 oair CUliatneVi« Cot, Step Ladder, Good Space ,0ft

Pi^ T T a 7 ' , > i« Cot, Step Ladder, GooRENTrSleeping room, private Burner, Dishes, Piano,

entrance, gemi-private bath. Grace Runciinan 373 West Mtth1

145 Stuart St, P n c k n e y . | Pinckney Phone UP-8-9M9


Ua M^nToVX!rrSp.8FOK SALE-80 bushel of com.

Alix Pete, Towa RoadPhone Rowell

Pki c k n e





eouwtous SERVICE


48 YEARS AGOMiss Jennie Hase is home from


SALE—Bar Gora, $2.10 per«... . 8 0 i hundred. Get order in early for com-

wmto bins, Guin-, b i n i n g w i t f t n e w John Deefe.ir^u BL *t»« ^ Frank Pearce, Phone HA--6Holt, Phone UP.8-660t wKWtm-OM jobi~of "WANTED—Baby Sitting days and hauling rubbish, tj».-wu etc, Also-

during the weak. Experienced. 'have tractor mowiag, machine,Frances Barrett, 722* UnadlUa St. CaU Billie Beck, phdlttrllff

Pinckney, Michigan. , • I » U I « H , • M i' I ii '.-'-^f m«*MJ^uK»nt _ ' LOST—Fc i Beagle pup, Any 1<i-

WANTED—Washing and Jronng in formation about such a dog H Mmy home by the piece. greatly aprtscteted.

^ ^ p Phone Ha-68089; Don BurnsWells Btehfcett fbirrter PncteaeyHt

and Arthur Garland have purchasedthe Bennedict & Rate HardwareStore at Howall.

Rural mail carrers now get a 15day vacation a year with pay.

Born to Norman Reason and wfeSaturday, a 4*ft ; ton.- t

\ John Chambers was bom in Lin-' tolnsfcire, England in 1822. Came (to Ann Arbor in 1851. Married Elean \or Brown in 1852. Lived in Wabattt*nd Ypst!sMtt.'ttof»d on the Filterfarm at the Hauae school m 1871.1n1894 bought the John Arnold farm***** he died.

Rue] Cadwell, Arthur 8warthout,%*x and Fred Read are camping atPortage Lake. The Cadwell steamer,"Water Lily", broke a prefeUor


Regular office aad portable type-writers soitable for stndasto, ofiSceand home. Terms, Setsee

New_ Hudson,at the

FOB SALE—HOUM in Pintknsy | t220 Pearl St^ large root2 car garage, somebe accepted on this property,

Mrs. Winifred Graves.

eveniagi and Saturdays.Phone Geneva T-96J2

week, alto

Frank Dolan, James arnhh andrfamea Brogan got one of fee largestsjitehM of ffch Moaday we efpr saw.

* W


adx£i ctnd QTcnrol <|tQdttci Ot'•d, edso proceasod rood-ttovai


-Aulo P020 ti milt>8 West of Howell atSbld and Mason Road. Vhoae


Stova. Bed*


. -. . . . 112M RIVKRBANK LANSphoneJ8Fl? fll-LAND LAKE. aOO|.


5!, a girl

Rath Worden of Gregory 1s visit-r AHee Barton.W» following sent in tiieir dollar

b « < b f t h ^

Fe e N


Girls Association: G. U. Cofty, jIShaftobQrg; Maggie Darrow, Wan.

Wit.; 6. M. Sprout, Btnipnii, .._ Kinaiekmey team won at Stock-1trMr* Wed. S'turdar they play ,A" winnaj of the Gregory-Stock-,,

ftift* st the Gregory gala '

Xawtedy has gonet to work.

^ eans of black bass were Ranted-*l Bate La*;* last weekend,.!tolPtilage '



Mrs. Karl Hoch has been appointed


• > • . .


••> t