r «~-*SSRW«* I* ' < ' " f OUR MOTTO I S " A L L THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT" Pinckney Centennial July 4,5,6 Vol. 52 PiirtmcyPispntri) Pinckney, Livingston County, Michigan Wednesday, April 3, 1935 1 OUR SUBSCRIPTION RATF IS $1.25 TZR YEAR Pinckney Centennial July 4.5,6 No. 14 State and Township I History of Pinckney ri0/*flAt1 KACnlfcl Which Relates To The Organization lilCLUUll llCdllll5i Of The TownAip, The Church and | Other Bodies. Also The Organiza- Democrats Win In Putnam, But Lose! tion of a National Guard Regiment April Showers In State. Board of Supervisors To Be Republican. MUs Sharp* Re* elected School Commissioner In Putnam township 420 votes were oast. Last year there -.v-jre 50» cast. There were 1<U straight Democratic t^Wpts and 103 Republican. The state ticket was Democratic from majori- ties! from 20 to 85. Voelker for Sup- erintendent of Public Instruction got 41 majority and Ed„ Shields for Reg- tnt of the University, 85. Judge Col- lins got 182 votes. He was unopposed. For county school commissioner, the vote was as.follows: .N Alma Sharpe, R 175. >/Vera Peese, D •- 1U0 H. D. Douglas, sticker .... 2 Amendment: Yes, 171; No, 140. The township results was as fol low*: Supervisor, M. J. Hoisel, D., 214 W. Mowers, R., 200; Clerk, Lulu Dar- • c\.», 1)., 247; Blanche Martin, R., U>2 As the village of Pinckney was not incorporated «£ a village until 1884, we shall deal in this article with Put- nam township which was the govern- ing unit of nearly 50 years. In the first place, the original name of the township was Putman and no Putnam. It at first took in all of the present Putna.ni and Marion town- ships. In- 1837, the Jegislatutfi*4ivid- ed the township and called the notti^ part of it Marion and the south part Putnam, changing the spelling in hon- or of Gen. Israel Putnam, revolution- ary war hero. Just why the origina, name- was Putman was not clear.home [ • years ago, the late A. Riley. Critten- f . den became curious over this and looked it up. Surmising that the oiig-i inal Putman might have filed on tr] soldier's grant, he wrote to the waTlj department at Washington, D. C. lie ! was-told that HSram Putman, a sold- ier of the revolution had taken up a section in JS;]2, made some T u ^ T-i' « j " I q u a r t e r ' omm., John Conner, ^248-^,.,,.,...^.,,,..^ ,..,, ; . •<(.,< ,. . rr u -,-, .~>rr~ . improvements o:i it. ./..( 1:..(1 | [j Large Attendance at Masonic Anniversary Over 30 Different Lodges Represent- ed At 80th Anniversary Banquet. 4 Crand Lodge Officers Present i Cirrent Commen Once more the Michigan h/gi.-la- tun* has piissed an old age pension bill without &n appropriation to fin- ance it. After considerable argument, *.!..: $2 head tax financing plan, adopted I by the last legislature was eiiminau d if o r m a n K e % , D , 257, unop-; r[ ; d j ,':-'; Jnsiie-s X. O. Frye, D., 230 "' ria C. Vcdder, R.,. 171; Board of R< ••*-. \ anBlaricum, D., 232; W. Eu- R, 172; Constables: George Webb i l l I,- t-. r e q u i r e d h.-i"ig;:. u i . : - . -.-1 '.•...- qutry brougnt to'i.gl.;. ; ,;.; .. Tiad died afU-r having j.-es <.:.-.> the land for several years, which ..a<l i' ? ; n C oi? e r!l nj v- 21 'i ; j0 5?ithen passed to other hands. Ik- is R 81 } 5'P J P i r £ ^ f 1 ^' D '^»id to be buried in the cemetery near £ 14 :^ re ! Reat $-F' 1 8 7 ^ £ ^ y l ^'thc Unadilla-Lynden town-line. • Mr. as H n Si vV ' ' '' T *i Crittenden sought to interest the D., ncmy, »f M*' I [ n t hi s matter, but nothing more w S u p e r v ^ W ^ H l ^ D, 13» -er learned about this man D. Noeeker. R, 147. Clerk. Jas. Feath- u lhe J^ ^ l *! as ^¾. a - lle erly, R, 107, unopposed. Treas., Cn; home oi Jacob Sigler m 1830. Solo- Davies, 194, unopposed. Highway l ^ 1011 Pete ,V son w , as , de ;, ted supervisor; Comui., D. DeWolfe, R, 170; Henry 1 Wurman Rose, clerk; George Pennett, Frechetteis Convicted of hi Degree Murder Jury, After Being Out Six Hours ihursday, Finds Frechette Guilty ot First Degree Murder. Is Sen- tenced to Life Imprisonment by judge Collins The Weekly Church Program Catholic Church Service Rev. Lewis M. Dion Masses 6X0 A. M., 10:30 A. M. lA-votion to Our Mother of Perpet- ual Help Saturday at 7:00 P. M. Confessions 7:o"0 P. M. Saturday. Unadilla Supervisor Idhas. Runciman, D 281 Clvde_Jjicobs L % 140. Clerk, Lyle Powdish, R, 223; LDlie Hartley, D 92." Trcns-.t Roy Shelhart, D 22G; C. A. Mapes, R, 102; Highway Com., Glenn Caskey, D 2«0; Harry Cooper R, 176. Justice, P./Ru£pcke, H \ 2 2 7 ; G. A of murder in the first d'.greo. Jut^C' j Morn:i:g- worship Covins at -o-nce sentenced Fivch After being out six hours la.'t Thursday, the jury in the case of the- j People vs. Clarence Frechette, chaig- ^ - c-d with -the murder of Robert Brown,} on Ja.tuary 2'J, brought in a vndi isi to life imprisonment in Jackson pris- on. Asked if he had anything to say, Kreehct'.e replied, "I am innocent." ; Judge Collins answered that he had no fault to find with the verdict. -Ttre proT*t*tnition—rested th< ir c u i e i at 10:00 A. M. on Monday. The d- i ft-nse .put on a number of witne.-.-.^s • Frechette himself was the most im- L'tn? o n e . He expn ssed r.o h- Baptist Church Y. (.JV R o s e , J a m e s N a s h , H i r a m Vvel- ler and 1'ierpont Smith, justices, .and Alvin McDowell, James Nash and Levi l^illen, highway cornnussioners. _ 1 n 1K37, Aaron Pajmer was^^ejected sup- ervisor, and in 1S3S, George Reeve. The Masonic Lodge No." 7f> F & A M was founded in l?s55 with Dr. Chas |)0I . ( , lfr Pyper, R, l'85.!Roard of, kev., H. Rowj W. Haze its first master. Pinckney ; l 0 ^ t " ovt , r R^wn's death, saving n< en, D, 202; Claude Rose, R,\208. I Chapter R. A. M. was organized >» j ^ / ^ fit to live However he MUCJ; Iosco \ ,1872, with 12 jnembet>. They were! t c ' hi , „ t01T that H rown dr.-w the gun Supervisor, Lester Huff, D, waj. S'J (Dr. C. W. Haze, William Ball, Willi 11111 on him an'd was killed when it v...' Clerk, Lyle Redinger, D, 27. Treas.,' Martin, G. W. Hoff, F. G, Ri-se, Wil- fr w}lj)f , ]l( . wus t n .j n g t o take ». Arthur.Mitchell, R, 56. Highway Coin. I liam Sprout, M. H. Mitch: 11, Thomp-j lY irovx hiin> . * Justice, Rex House, R, 53^-Board of i Son Grimes, R. K. Finch. Iva Reeve, j ^.^ 0 ¢^,^ played on the i>:«tw*-v Rev., Mirton Bradley, R, 8. \ J Gershom Swarthout, (i. W. Tecpie. I ,^ ^j^ n t | v NV i u . n i) t , M o y d D ; . a - </• Dexter Township \| The Eastern Star Lodge wa.=r-fornv ! Howe'l'was'crdled hy them as a wit- *d March J, 18()8. Mrs. Delia ii\nch-| .^ : n , (i u . -stiT - lct i that FteuieUe ey was worthy matron. During .it j un ao U b'udlv insane. He wa r.m rao^t flourishing period it had a imm-; (]Uf . st i 0ll( . d " at length, and no fuilh i bers-hip of. over L>00. \ ( ff ( nt was made to folio .v :hi- ane!/. ^^^^ A-Hourishing grange of Patro.i.N ol'j ' 'J'hc thtve Pinckney r< sident.-, JVii; ° i HusbaiHlry also existed herw for luaiiy j Hoyr.shnw, Pert Reason and Mi- WILL CELEBRATE 40 i'H ANNIV.I years. (Louise Glenn were retained on t:ie Pinckney Chapter Q. K. S. No. P4.5.I. The Congregational ciuirch was , !•-' jury throughout, and helped bring i > will celebrate the 40th anniversary- of tganized hoi^-i+uiS4.s_and the chinch! the verdict. ^ Of the fourteen jui. • their chartering on Friday niyht, April I was built about 18:,0. Tin, Tiu^Tnig:}mcn; Wb\ M i k e "t) u i m of Osi 'nl«-H4«4-f f). A banquet will be served at H:30i was wrecked a\iew years ago by Me..-! Daniel Klston-of Tyron-ie w«'re « P. M. An O. K. S. lodge was chart-'sr« P. H. Swarthout and W. J. Ken-J mated by drawing lots. I he ered in Pinckney-first in 1868 withhiedy. \ | took but four .ballots. I h e <iue. Mrs. Delia Hinchcy as worthy matron. J The Methodist.. ii\id meetings at the! was whether a verdict tor a tir>i Rev. P. F. Esic, Pastor Services each Sunday 10:30 .__JiP-edaLiLijd sc_perat<^j»rvic_es _ for the little folks. Sunday School Classes for all P. Y; P. U - .... Hv rrrmg W o r s h i n^—=-... -.--.-.-^ Thwrs. evening prayer sei-vice 11.45 7:00 S:0Q 8:00 Sonie 250 members of the Mas-onic fraternity from the state of Michigan attended Lhe SOth anniversary and an- nual past masters night of Livingston Lodge No. 7(J F. & A. M. of Pinckney latst Friday evening. The following lodges were repre- sented: Howell, Fowlerville, Prighton South Lyo i, Dexter, Stockbiidge, \ Chelst^a, Ann Arbor Mason Lansing Kast Lansing, Pyron, Flint, Linden, Pontiac, Jackson, Saginaw, Midland, Williatnston, Hudson, Red ford, Ionia, Detroit aim four outstati lodges. These were White, Pear, Minn; Ash-' ville, N. (.'.; Auburn, N. Y.; and Man- chester, Iowa. Howell had the larg- est attendance of the visiting lodges, with 27 brothers present. The march to the dining room be- 1 gan about 7:00 P. M. with the Howell Masonic orchestra consi>ti!ig of Par- ry VanGord.r, piano; Dr. ("ollieott, violin and Roy hardy, cell n> furnishing the music. The Ym<' 'of ir.arcii was as follows: Master of I.iving.-lon Lodge, toa.-t- nvister; (>r;md Lodge olncers, sji.-ak- ers, life inembeis and pn?t masters of Livingston Lodg •. They weir followed by the visiting Masons and the mem- bers of the local lodge. Chaplain Martin gave the invoca- tion, and the banquet prepared by Peicy Fllis, with th.- assistance of A. | Carpenter, Karl Paughn and Perl Pal- J ler was thoroughly enjoyed. Glenn • Sr.yton, master-of the Pinckney lodge ;dtlivt led the a(U>Kes< of welcome, and ,'i. was res|jondeel w~hy Piwt Master, | Paul Clark. Lucius WiPon, as toa>t- 4__niaster, then took cliyj-ge of the meet- j ing and aft >r getting in a lVw tligs at some of those pie^-nt crlled L. G. i Morse, suiierintendeiit of Stockbridgi Higli School for a song. He rendei .v one and responereTTTo an (^COTT'. - t Midland, ! the pension age set at 70 years. 'l'i pension would be denied to those ,wl; have personal property valued at over $3,500. The pension could not I, • garnisheed. It is estimated that it will cost the state ¢4,000,000 annual- ly to pay $30 per month to tic -i,- 000 indigents of 70 years or n-;,>e. No mention of an appropriation wa.; included in the bill. It was cia.ia.d that this vould be included in the budget bill. In the meantime, M".. igan has again a pension plan wiihuj; any means to finance it. Merrily ".he battle ovi r t!i • s c i : v ! financial situation rages. The edu- cators claim .^25,^00,00 is enough i.: enable the schools to finish their term. Go\ "inor Fitzg« iai.1 say.- >:'i\- 000,000 is enough. The hou.v a d i } - ed the .$25,000,000 bill, and the' gov- ernor is "expected to veto it. S'Uii. • ont' must be wrpng. Of course figuie- don't lie, but, on 'he other hand, hai.- figure. Little by little the great light for betterment and social improveilu r.t .is won. We see that the L". of M. n;. ternities have vote*! to aboli.-'n , ' n . ii W(ek." This is the time wlien t!i • Sophmon s rush the Fivshnien, ; n i vice versa. It used to be the e\. .:: of the year, and people Hocked from far and near to set this giv:a !> 11'.- of the classes. The Freshman v, - ; 'd rally around their Hag and their o.;- jwr.ent would try to Uike it. We ;••- member on;' year, the Sophmoivs v "i by picking up some of th.eii- UV.-M n , n bodily and throwing them ovr tae heads of the FreshnHOj^jit t a • (he.-. We wonder if the tug of^vaT~tTr*v^~ir j the two classes in which the are dragged through the river, ' "taboo " lo e is al. Supervisor, Gilbert Madden, H» 80. Clerk, Wm. Clark, D, 90. Treas., Jt>hn Shultz, D, 87. Justice. Clarence Sta- piyh, D, 00. Board of Rev., Ed. Dolan D, SO. Congregational Church Mi -^-Dr^F'rani is Pambie of .Midland, a, grand lodge officer, then" dHivr+vu ' former President Hoover'.- the address, taking as his Mibject \\'hat! in his opinion wa- the corner>toiie of j Ma^onery. \h\ Panibie is an able [ speaker and ha> the facility of driving' His message wasi • was heartily ap- j Rev hi.-, points honn well received, |)latide< The next of Pontiac, pas' C. K. Paughn, Organist ('. H. Zuse, Minister Thur.flav evening u devotional half; ton . ^Ti^hir trainiivg class from 8 :00 tojied Tfugh McPhereson froi* Pontiac. :00 P. M. was 11 oiii' r New- grand master of He had accompan- Sunday Services ' Muniim a However, although it flourished for a time, and at one time had a member- ship of 200, the charter was surrend- ered, and it was not until 18:)5 thutj another O. E S. lodge was chartered. Mrs Ellen Richards was worthy ma- t tron of this lodge. The following is 'ho program for Friday night: Birthday Song Py All Welcome W. M. Kitsy Dinkle History- of Our Chapter Nettie Vaughn Quartette various homes for \i time, built a church about \1<S5^. Rev. Fr. Kelly of Noilo probably the first Catholic hold sen - ices here. • •. hi pi U - \\ < 0 ) ^ree or a second degre* murde. j bo rendered. The' first bailo; :is i to 5 for a firr-t deerte .murder v - .1..1 . i... . • ti I.I ...ild PiMe f< r all . worship with Lenten mos- 10:30 A. M. 'heme: "The 2 Alternatives" ir.iomi'V for the children prcced-J of | th« school s ssion, with classes, He talked.,*>n the coining ^rnn<l lodge s"ssion to S't held in Grand Rapids in May. The two most important meas- ures to come li i'oie it lie stated, were resolution to liniit the i)i> mix r.-nip a lod.ee to '.•>{)(), a.ad one io, ch:"ig< annual election of lod^e olfic i.-, roin l)t(em'oe) t" Jun •. .Mr. N'ewtoa - one of : he itiosl j iiiiw 'lit ial mem- ox Spo.v • Mu M1;I v : :•{ earfi i chaiir.g '.••lurch er- 1 1 :'M) A. M.I i ,,. I-* •., r . n n i li, i'. of "land h-dee, and i- a line •ting in auditoiium ( :0() "• ' '_" .-.'-•"' ^ N:00 ! T : M.'^»<--:'keT. • - ; diaries Shninan of Pan. nig. vrram mattshall of the ' '.Michigan Grand ' Lemg< '.va. next He ih;iirk_i<' I.i v - ; ijigston Lodue \'<>v iheir aid in hi- clot- he airch senaCi •vd by Philath-a Ladiev e\cning services will Sundn.v evening up to m.' I'ia.-ter Sunday; each eve ice (jut on by a differ* n 'o U ji or rngani/ation. ihe second, i< to .'>, ani{ the: taird, i I to 1. The jury wa.s composed ol U.' thioe Putnam residents, Adam W I«M, James Ciibney, ' L'nadil.a. Mr-, Lillian -odue tion last V'ar, and (lor-ciiii-iit by this lit to ' Piighton; greeted Vt of Ul ^(ieorge Wines, Handy; - ,uil Porge-s, Hartland; Fwncis Fi.-k\ Mm Robert Reed, Unadilla; .VP Conway; John Taylor, r : ion Song Remarks ISong - Reading Remarks Reading Xylophone Solo Song Memorial It i? claimed iha'. ho church in the cvu he ..-t village. Howevo*, th<^ ^it'e- is i agreed on. The present church v.a. erected in lKf>7. Pt.iore this, f'^iich-: ^i oJV ] ot .^ Con ney was served hy circttit riders fyom '-^jj,,. Hr , m . y gwann, Piighton,*a>id Dexter, Chelsea and other place*. ( W nH Han(J ,j ri v w .,, of these was Rev. \>v VanGennu^ h J fcn fol . e( ^ n . ot Dexter^ He came here on hoi>e-| Ju(|gt , Co ])j nSt j n his charge t. '.-'• jury about noon on Thursday, -.lut-'' i;,i n i'!i:!.ir the (iood Friday Service i as e.juiva /...m 12:::0 to 11:00 V. M., sponsor'd ! touched on tin h\ i.lv "Whatsoever Class"; op. n to :.i. ,-,;!. c. no r:iri'> to come in. Li ad*ied thiit an en- I odge wa- i-e^sai d r •met ion. T1XM\ In live life ni« mho dup;- Continued on last page r n in he. e pre-Ea,ster s< i*\-ici s h your mind and soul life WILL PRESENT HISTORICAL ( PAGEANT AT CENTENNIAL Vnu are welcome- to all. ~ o- W. G. P. Glen Tupper "' l i t t i * C o o k I . b * ck and : waid mass in the oUl ' Monksi '"".'.'.""HeUie Teeple homestead now owned by A H^gi-1 ^ : lhn>( . ^rdicts were possibi . h . jF-^ng'trRst 'Mrs. Hiram Smitn, l™> a, ? d ! " th / 1 ,^ lor ^? or Donohu< ; d- c W murder, second degree muid-r Jimmic Lnn.b . Florence Baughn ,.,*-»Song Py All GARDNER MEETING ^Livingston County home gardnor* J c *; w .Haze in 1844 trial inx-.- home in tnadilJu. Many present, § \ ^ anslauK htcr, a^i that tln-y members of St. Mary s diurc.t w ; re hou]( f xbo fiui<1 od by the evid-nc Jmplneel by him. Ministers of.tlv.' Thia \ s the most ' expen>ive gospel were scarcu in those days, and held •„ this countyin i ome most of them had five or six-charges.. . Ul , n ^ l{ Thc C0 , L ; . , , - j . The present Pmckney cemetery was $ t eX j $ - f00llf opened for burial on the farm of l>i.| —\. 0 Hnrri«-t F'tilien, I T W Q F A R MER'S UNION XMEETINGS HELP Two Farmer's Onion meetings w r Fentecostal Gospel Mission :!'t0 N. Fourth St., Ann Arbor. lector- ••-.: C. Kapp , D. Martin Services (Sunday at 3 :00 P. M j Wednesday at 8:00 P. M. ^ F.veryhody Wfclromc At a meeting ol tin I'.oanl of Commerce he right, it wa> decided to pj-epasit io!l of the John Company of Fo.-toria. Ohio Pinckin Monday the :.. 'ioger, to put "11 a historical pug* itnt-de|>ictiiig the ear- ly history of Pinckney. The total cost is to be $7'»0 with a guarantee o'' S2'"»0. There will be one 'performance The church at the Coluser farm is eii. continued. each of tlw thi'ee nights of the cen- and STOirr: M. Itennial, each performance to la>t o.ie and one-half hour. The ca-t wil nuin- ..... .. . , , 1,,.,.300 people and th,- Rog rs-fomp. j «lv Hall, on Saturday evemm,, .,, any wile-furni-h (> iUrvcihv lo. train ca>ts are interpreted difTereia w.i-y ,'.;• various nun. Mo-^t of t h e m , how-.'•'•, <•:• seem to think that it iiican- that h" i all set to throw his hat in tlm presi- dential ring in ]!KJ0. H" may v. r>. the nomination for the reason \\\:\[ many of the other seeker^ of tlm pri - i<l< n t i a l nomination .are inclined lo concede Franklin Roosevelt another term, and are willing to s'.; t >> ,ai o'" the game until 1040. The Ann Arho. News thinks. Mr. Hoov< r would !"•' be a bad choice in lM.'PJ, and tlm .Senator V.-mdenbo-g would be a\..i - able for 1P40 as he has indicated tlm, he does not. choose to run in P.cjo. ( y . . . RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT In meit'or,' of Liio. hi. -J. Pei'oa. ', d' ceased. Whereas; P. has pleased the pil > i of tin universe to remove from ooe j tTiTirkt,...uur.Jlriiiud aniLJhixdiiej^_. u _ i Ri s<d\«-d ; T'.at in the death oi' L. >. Pf r()Uist the .Masonic Lodue N'-n, ','"i has lo.-i. a faithful and honored ,,|, , J.er; one with a Christian pri<i,->l , childi-ei\ a loving father, and tlm sympathize with those who have 1e • called to part with ti: ir chh f ta/'hl ronsellor, the joy and life of a ho.,,.". and he it Rcsnlve~d~r~TKat Living.-ton Lo'd;r • rlvape its chaj'ter for sixty da\. , as-i that we- tender to the bereaved em' d ren of our decea.sed brother our ; ore •ympaHiy in their sorrow, am! that a ropy be sent to the child Committee : John Mart.in, Russell Liverme: •-. Percy .Swarthoui. KF.NO PARTY AT GREGORY St. Mary's Altar Society wiU mmi a keno party at Ilie-Cregory ( > - s. ill are invited to attend the'one week| w i/ ( . 0 f Selden Pullm, being buried ornamental horticultural Short Course | there at the age of 22 year.*. The- St. ( , w to be offered at Mich. State College,(Mary's cemetery was not opened un-j h , lji^h, thiV"pcl1on^t Thursday. P,e- April 15 to 10. Thc first meeting *•*•'••> ,... r, . n. id m tms .• euuo ^ v . ov\-n f a r m s . Ma;iy of these <-, be seen, although tlu / .,,-. closed to burial for rnuay \'- ;.".". In 1835-3« a leg .chmd va in the Harris-Sigler disti ict ne M U l: c til of the John Sigler farm. This win prob- ably the first school. , In 1887, the population of the township was 367. In 1K74 it wa.s 12- In 1840, a regiment of National IT RAINED RED HERE FRIDAY Pinckney, in commonNvith the o h er localities of Michigan, experience a red rain last Friday. This w;. caused oy the rain drops uniting will Guard, called the 11th infantry was| ^l/"* ^&lt**}?Y-X™. hy Jr? organized. It was commanded bv sa " d . st T om wh, ? h ^ e A ^ 7°™% y } i:i e -*---. . .,'" .* . "• I sown, Iowa and other western states A (.onrTete program may be secured c ;, m:" f. ..mi the County Agent's Office' or the Short Course Office at Michi- gan State College, East Lansing. —J o " BULLIS- M1TTEER / Helen BulUs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Bullis, and Robert Mit- teer, son of Mr. and Mrs James Mit- teer of Stockbridge, were married at a very quiet wedding at the home of the bride's parents, Tuesday, April 2, at 10:30 A M. The ceremony wa« performed by Rev. L M. Ostrander of Unionville, Michigan, a great uncle of the bride, in the presence of the immediate fam- ilies. Following the wedding they left for a motor trip through the south. o H ' P ' i! APPRECUTION KfHJniHy t *niHllllimC^nill| *^ 0 a ^ m V fnends I extnd a hear'y •^^O 1 **^ vwiimiMiiiwiivii thanks for the favor* shown me at The - regular meeting~~©f^ Pinckney "th"6 polls Monday, and assure them ' " ^--^- of my ainccre gratitudo. Airs. Lulu Dari'ow V' l,,1_ 5ncTTaTl V-e' 11 Koche was also on \ih«, Mr, Downing talked on H$- NOTICED Th-.--Junior Kings Diiugjiters held <•!)• in e'.ing at tlie h0m*j''vf the-ir ider, Mrs. Clair Palmer. H. being . -.<• annual flection of officers the to, owitni ofTic<-rs were elected: Vice*- ' (I. Admission, ) oc lead .-iin< dy. A not-luck lunch was sei-vetl. them, lurni^h costumes, scrnen-, jnTfv licity material < tc. Of course 1'inck- in-y cannot supply such a ca.st an«l it is plannt-d to get one from each of the neighboring communities, stage will he M't up in the ft by Lee Lavey, just north of the ('on-' gregntinnal church, J M«- IV.;„ pany will send sonroiu -**- P V: •XJ ;i U? CARD OF THANKS 1 wi-h to express my .- .:ci \>* thanks to my friends in Putnam i.ovi The I >hip for their >upport at the poli^ on. d owned Monday. This token'of th*-:i- sl'-ei\ will alwa - lx- re memhere<l by *• <-. M. J. 1!( j.-e'l. Roger.- Corn- here to writ* up the pageant ami also to.diiort ami train the ea-4. This will take about Pre.-ident, Meredes ^Merrill; . > .-., 'Jeraldine Vedi-r; Sec, Loislthree weeks. '!>•>•• pag.-ant- have be- MRS. ZOA MONKS 1 centennial Mn. Zoa Monks, 7X, <lied at ix-r home in Lansing, Tuesday mo:• '!.:;•;. She was th" widow of the late Joi n 1:¾¾¾^¾. «^«y <\, ,,¾¾ 0 thc recLiit trip toyWashington. IcXme an integral )>art of " y ^ ' a t Fallon liisl MM. iJitwj Mon^.of Plnckj^-.andlivedln ^ . . . Tln(i commit-! l| l the- death of her husband a the apptanteu to enier into the con-i be-r of. years ago She was ti-act wa.- Lucius A'i.-on, Fred Slayton, N -—ghapterlNo.J45 will be held Friday, v April 5, at 7:30. ~ —-^-- - .. _ School of instruction, conducted by Georgina. Rower, "Worthy Grand Ma- A iron will be held Saturday evening, April 6. ^ . -' txn-vlU DiUiPtham, Soc. once a year, and liquid refreshments dcser t Government aid which include were said to be abundant, at weh! thf , p | ant ing of trees, will be nee times, so tnat their maneuvers were , mf ^ ^ ^ st ore the land, more grotesque than military. | Tho re<1 rain h(>rc j, moa . n . ( i up tKe outos, windows and everything el-/- it settled on. The mess was so syicky that the windshield wipers failed to remove it. : . NOTIH NfiTirp The JCings Daughter will liohl their NOTICE , rC (fular monthly meeting at church There will be h meeting at the !>!*-.• parlors, Thursdav at 2:00 o'clock. Datch Office, Friday night to organ-\ Mrs. John Martm and Mrs. Charles kze a four-team soft ball league. I Reason will act as hostesses. Cowm, i ' J - Mrs. B. C. Duller, Ssc. CARD ofr THANKS ' S.oOO^iid aduii-ions ' to /hank all those who\ the appointed to enter into the con- good to us during I tr... 'Win, DillowHy, M r s . M o c a Putter.. Mr-. Viola Re\d and Mrs. L. it. lK-v- ereaux. They\rnet right after the Poard of CommKjTo meeting and i signed the cohtrart.\ *• Uai-old Prow of the\American Rook ing Company of Detroit was also pres- * nt and offerr^l a numbet^ of attrac- tions. Fred Read, chairman^ of the finance committc, was authored to handle thi.i angl*» and v also ail conces- sions. v \ ,Xr'tr receni sorrow and sadness. The ! :!\ral pieces W( re too lovely for words ( And, we wi/h to espe-cially thank our w< igh|»oi\s /for their sympathy and n. . , ^id. Mrs. M'rwin Campbell .flarland Arnold Berquist aneKMrs. Wm. Maycroft mmu i RS VHlON MEETING AT PLAPNFIELD, MARCH t will be a Farmer's Union at Phiinfield' oil Monday, March X, at H.00 P. M. Place, the Maccabee hall; the speaker will be Chester Graham, state secretary of the Farmer's Cnion. There will also be juvenile < ntertainment. Pefreshments will be served. All farmed in this section arc cordially i.ivited to attend. • - - — — ' " n W " NOTICE "Th« "nir mbers of the Class, of Will- ing WojkTrs are inviu?d to attend a pot-luck supper at Douglas FMummer's Thursday evening at 5:30. Gerald, Veckter, Sec. AUCTION SALE, APRIL 6 iiti.-i- fornr ,- y Zoa Murphy,,: For a r.umb r ol years pa-st she has lived in Lansing. Sur- viving are a daughter, Lelia, and two sons, John K. of Lansing, and ( l a d • publisher of the Katon Coun'.y i)ir<<- tory. Al.so three grandchildren, Paul, Mary Janice, and Bruce. The fn al was held from the Church of the Resurrection in Lansing, Tues in ; morning with Rev. Lewis Dion of &•.. Maiy's phurch of Pinckney officiat- ing. Purial was in St. Mary's ceme- tery in Pinckney. vo FARMERS UNION TO Having decided to quit farming. U \ MEET AT^LAINFi^O' will'sell at public auction on the ^*I \ The Livingston County Unior. will T. Graves or Silas Barton <'urm, 4 , meet with Iosco I^ocal Union No. 21" miles southwest of Pinckney, my per- on Monday evening, April 18, ct tlv sonal property, on SATURDAY, APRIL r, Commencmg at 12:00 P. \J. Noon. Spjd property consists of 8 horns, It head of cattle, 4f» sheep, 60 Rhode Maccabee Hall in Plainfteld. Chester Graham of Grant, Michi-* gan, scci-ctary of the Stato Union will be thc speaker of the evening. He I will aso bring a group of you»i£- poo- Island Red hens, 5 Turkey hens, 1. pic from his Ashland Folk School to, gobbler, 2.ducks r quantity of Alfalfa j present a musical-entertainment. sec d; a full line of farming-tool* «md j ifreTybody^U invited and e»:>ocinl- houschold furniture k • ly arc the young people and lh u* TERMS:CASH WALTER GRAyVES, Prop. Percy Ellis Auctioneer, ^ iohn Dinkcl, Clvrk mothers jirgod to attend this mccl< ing. /i 'V • />*. /:i.

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lt bull bull



Pinckney Centennial July 456

Vol 52

PiirtmcyPispntri) Pinckney Livingston County Michigan Wednesday April 3 1935

1 O U R S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T F

I S $ 1 2 5 T Z R Y E A R

Pinckney Centennial July 456

No 14

State and Township I History of Pinckney r i 0 f l A t 1 K A C n l f c l Which Re l a t e s To T h e O r g a n i z a t i o n l i l C L U U l l l l C d l l l l 5 i Of The T o w n A i p T h e C h u r c h a n d

| O t h e r Bodies Also T h e O r g a n i z a -Democra t s W i n In P u t n a m B u t L o s e t i o n of a N a t i o n a l G u a r d R e g i m e n t

April Showers

In S t a t e B o a r d of Supe rv i s o r s T o Be Repub l i can MUs S h a r p Re

e lec ted School Commiss ione r

In P u t n a m t o w n s h i p 420 vo tes w e r e oast L a s t y e a r t h e r e -v-jre 50raquo cas t T h e r e w e r e 1ltU s t r a i g h t D e m o c r a t i c t^Wpts a n d 103 Repub l i can T h e s ta te t i cke t was D e m o c r a t i c f rom ma jo r i shyties f rom 20 to 8 5 V o e l k e r f o r Supshye r i n t e n d e n t of Pub l i c I n s t r u c t i o n go t 41 ma jo r i ty a n d Edbdquo Shie lds for R e g -t n t of the Un ive r s i t y 85 J u d g e Colshylins got 182 v o t e s He w a s unopposed F o r c o u n t y school commiss ioner t he vote was a s f o l l o w s

N Alma S h a r p e R 175 gt V e r a Peese D bull- 1U0

H D Doug las s t i cker 2 A m e n d m e n t Yes 1 7 1 No 140 The t o w n s h i p resu l t s w a s as fol

low Superv i sor M J Hoisel D 214

W Mowers R 2 0 0 Clerk L u l u Dar -bull craquo 1) 2 4 7 B lanche M a r t i n R Ugt2

As t h e vi l lage of P i n c k n e y w a s no t i nco rpo ra t ed laquopound a v i l lage unt i l 1884 we shall dea l in th is a r t i c l e wi th P u t shyn a m t o w n s h i p which w a s t h e gove rn shyi n g u n i t of n e a r l y 50 y e a r s

I n the first p lace t h e or ig ina l n a m e of the t o w n s h i p w a s P u t m a n and no P u t n a m I t a t first t ook in all of the p r e s e n t Putnani and Mar ion t o w n shyships In- 1 8 3 7 t h e Jegislatutf i4ivid-ed the t o w n s h i p a n d cal led t h e n o t t i ^ pa r t of it M a r i o n a n d the sou th p a r t P u t n a m c h a n g i n g t h e spel l ing in honshyo r of Gen I s rae l P u t n a m r evo lu t ionshya r y w a r he ro J u s t w h y t h e o r i g i n a name- was P u t m a n w a s not c l e a r h o m e [ bull y e a r s ago t h e la te A Riley C r i t t e n - f d e n became cu r ious over this and looked it up S u r m i s i n g t h a t the o i i g - i inal P u t m a n m i g h t have filed on t r ] so ld ier s g r a n t he w r o t e to t h e w a T l j d e p a r t m e n t a t W a s h i n g t o n D C l i e

was- to ld t h a t HSram P u t m a n a soldshyier of the r evo lu t ion had t a k e n up a

sect ion in JS]2 m a d e some T u ^ T-i laquo j I q u a r t e r omm J o h n Conne r ^ 2 4 8 - ^ ^ ^ bull lt ( lt rr u -- ~gtrr~ i m p r o v e m e n t s oi it ( 1(1

| [j Large Attendance at Masonic Anniversary

Over 30 Different Lodges Represen t shyed At 80th A n n i v e r s a r y B a n q u e t 4

C r a n d L o d g e Officers P r e s e n t

i Cirrent Commen

Once more t h e Mich igan hgi-la-tun has piissed a n old age pens ion bill w i t h o u t ampn a p p r o p r i a t i o n to finshya n c e it

A f t e r cons ide rab le a r g u m e n t $2 head t a x f inancing plan a d o p t e d

I by the last l eg i s l a tu re was e i i m i n a u d


o r m a n K e D 257 u n o p - r[ d j - Jns i i e - s X O F r y e D 230 r i a

C Vcdder R 1 7 1 B o a r d of Rlt bullbull- a n B l a r i c u m D 2 3 2 W Eu-

R 1 7 2 C o n s t a b l e s George W e b b

i l l I- t- r e q u i r e d h-iig ui - --1 bull-qu t ry b r o u g n t to i g l

Tiad died afU-r h a v i n g j-es lt-gt the land for severa l y e a r s which altl

i n C o i e r l n j v - 2 1 i j 0 5 i t h e n passed t o o t h e r hands Ik- is R 8 1 5 P J P i r pound ^ f 1 ^ D ^ raquo i d to be b u r i e d in t h e c e m e t e r y nea r

pound 1 4 ^ r e R e a t $ - F 1 8 7 ^ pound ^ y l ^ t h c Unad i l l a -Lynden town-l ine bull Mr

as H n S i v V T i C r i t t e n d e n s o u g h t to in te res t the D n c m y raquof M I [n t h i s m a t t e r but n o t h i n g m o r e w

S u p e r v ^ W ^ H l ^ D 13raquo - e r l e a rned a b o u t t h i s m a n D Noeeke r R 147 Clerk J a s F e a t h - u

l h e J ^ ^ l trade a s ^ frac34 a - l l e

er ly R 107 unopposed T r e a s Cn home oi J a c o b S ig le r m 1830 Solo-Davies 194 unopposed H i g h w a y l ^1 0 1 1 P e t e V s o n w a s d e t e d s u p e r v i s o r Comui D D e W o l f e R 1 7 0 H e n r y 1 W u r m a n Rose c l e r k George P e n n e t t

Frechetteis Convicted of h i Degree Murder

J u r y A f t e r Being Out Six H o u r s i h u r s d a y F inds F r e c h e t t e Gui l ty ot F i r s t D e g r e e M u r d e r Is Senshytenced to Life I m p r i s o n m e n t by

j u d g e Coll ins

The Weekly Church Program Catholic Church Service

Rev Lewis M Dion Masses 6X0 A M 10 30 A M lA-votion to O u r M o t h e r of P e r p e t shy

ual He lp S a t u r d a y a t 7 00 P M Confess ions 7o0 P M S a t u r d a y

Unad i l l a S u p e r v i s o r I d h a s R u n c i m a n D 281

C lvde_J j i cobs L 140 Clerk Lyle Powdish R 2 2 3 LDlie H a r t l e y D 92 Trcns-t Roy She lha r t D 22G C A Mapes R 1 0 2 H i g h w a y Com Glenn Caskey D 2 laquo 0 H a r r y Coope r R 176 J u s t i c e P R u pound p c k e H 2 2 7 G A

of m u r d e r in t h e first d greo Jut^C j Mornig- worship Covins a t -o-nce sen tenced F i v c h

A f t e r b e i n g o u t six hour s lat T h u r s d a y t h e j u r y in the case of the- j People vs C l a r e n c e F r e c h e t t e cha ig - ^ -c-d with -the m u r d e r of Robe r t Brown on J a t u a r y 2J b r o u g h t in a v n d i

isi t o life i m p r i s o n m e n t in J a c k s o n prisshyon Asked if he had a n y t h i n g to say Kreehct e repl ied I am innocen t

J u d g e Coll ins answered t h a t he had no faul t to find wi th the verd ic t

-Ttre proTttnitionmdashrested thlt ir c u ie i a t 1000 A M on Monday The d -i ft-nse put on a n u m b e r of witne--^s bull F r e c h e t t e himself w a s the most im-

Ltn one He e x p n ssed ro h -

Baptist Church

Y (JV Rose J a m e s N a s h H i r a m Vvel-ler a n d 1 ierpont S m i t h j u s t i ce s and Alvin McDowell J a m e s Nash a n d Levi l^ i l len h ighway cornnuss ioners _ 1 n 1K37 A a r o n P a j m e r was^^ejected sup-erv isor and in 1S3S George Reeve

The Mason ic L o d g e No 7fgt F amp A M was founded in ls55 with Dr C h a s | ) 0 I ( l f r

P y p e r R l 85 Roard of k e v H Rowj W Haze its first m a s t e r P inckney l 0 ^ t o v t r R ^ w n s dea th saving nlt

e n D 2 0 2 C l a u d e Rose R 2 0 8 I C h a p t e r R A M w a s o rgan ized gtraquo j ^ ^ fit to live However he MUCJ

Iosco 1 8 7 2 w i th 12 jnembetgt They w e r e t c h i bdquo t 0 1 T t h a t H r o w n dr-w the gun

Supe rv i so r L e s t e r Huff D w a j SJ (Dr C W Haze Wi l l i am Ball Willi 11111 on him and was killed when it v

Clerk Lyle Red inge r D 2 7 T r e a s Mar t i n G W Hoff F G Ri-se Wil- fr w l j ) f ] l ( w u s t n j n g t o take raquo A r t h u r M i t c h e l l R 56 H i g h w a y Coin I l iam S p r o u t M H Mitch 11 T h o m p - j l Y irovx h i i n gt J u s t i c e R e x House R 5 3 ^ - B o a r d of i Son Gr imes R K F inch Iva Reeve j ^ ^0 cent ^ ^ p layed on t h e igtlaquotw-v Rev Mir ton Brad l ey R 8 J Ger shom S w a r t h o u t (i W Tecp ie I ^ ^ j ^ n t | v N V i u n i)t Moyd D a - ltbull

D e x t e r T o w n s h i p | The E a s t e r n S t a r Lodge wa=r-fornv H o w e l w a s c r d l e d hy them as a wit-d March J 18()8 Mrs Del ia i i n c h - | ^ n ( i u - s t iT- l c ti t h a t F t e u i e U e ey was w o r t h y m a t r o n D u r i n g it j u n a o U b u d l v insane He wa rm rao^t flourishing per iod it had a i m m - ( ] U f s t i 0 l l ( d a t l ength and no fu i lh i bers-hip of ove r Lgt00 (ff(nt was made to folio v h i - a n e

^ ^ ^ ^ A-Hour i sh ing g r a n g e of PatroiN olj Jhc th tve P inckney rlt sident- JVii deg i HusbaiHlry also exis ted herw for luaiiy j Hoyrshnw P e r t Reason and Mi-

W I L L C E L E B R A T E 40 iH A N N I V I yea r s ( L o u i s e Glenn were r e t a ined on tie P i n c k n e y C h a p t e r Q K S N o P45I T h e C o n g r e g a t i o n a l ciuirch was bull- j u ry t h r o u g h o u t and helped br ing i gt

will c e l e b r a t e the 40 th anniversary- of t gan i zed ho i^ - i+u iS4 s_and the c h i n c h the verd ic t ^ Of the four teen j u i bull the i r c h a r t e r i n g on F r i d a y n iyh t April I was bui l t a b o u t 18 0 T i n Tiu^Tnigmcn Wb M i k e t) u i m of Osi bull nllaquo-H4laquo4-f f) A b a n q u e t will be served a t H30i was wrecked a i e w yea r s ago by Me- Daniel Kls ton-of Tyron- ie wlaquore laquo P M A n O K S lodge w a s c h a r t - s r laquo P H S w a r t h o u t and W J Ken-J m a t e d by d r a w i n g lots I he ered in P i n c k n e y - f i r s t in 1868 w i t h h i e d y | took b u t four ballots I h e ltiue Mrs Delia Hinchcy as w o r t h y m a t r o n J The Methodis t i i id mee t ings at t h e w a s w h e t h e r a verdic t tor a tirgti

Rev P F Esic P a s t o r Serv ices each S u n d a y

1030 __JiP-edaLiLijd sc_peratlt^jraquorvic_es _ for the l i t t le folks S u n d a y School

Classes fo r all P Y P U - Hv r r rmg W orsh i n mdash=- -----^ Thwrs even ing p r a y e r sei-vice


7 00 S0Q 800

Sonie 250 m e m b e r s of t h e Mas-onic f ra te rn i ty f rom the s t a t e of Michigan a t t ended Lhe SOth a n n i v e r s a r y a n d anshynual past m a s t e r s n ight of L iv ings ton Lodge No 7(J F amp A M of P i n c k n e y latst F r iday even ing

The fol lowing lodges w e r e r e p r e shys e n t e d Howell Fowlervi l le P r i g h t o n South Lyo i Dexter S tockb i idge

Chelst^a Ann A r b o r Mason L a n s i n g Kast Lans ing P y r o n Fl int L inden Pont iac J ackson Sag inaw Midland Will iatnston Hudson Red ford Ion ia Det ro i t aim four ou ts ta t i lodges These were White P e a r M i n n Ash- ville N ( A u b u r n N Y and Manshychester Iowa Howell had the largshyest a t t e n d a n c e of the visi t ing lodges with 27 b ro the r s p resen t

The march to t h e d in ing room be-1 gan about 7 00 P M wi th the Howell

Masonic o r c h e s t r a consigttiig of P a r shyry V a n G o r d r p i a n o Dr (ollieott violin and Roy h a r d y cellngt furn ish ing the music The Ymlt of irarcii was as fo l lows

Mas te r of Iiving-lon Lodge toa-t-nv i s te r (gtrmd Lodge o lncers sji-ak-ers life inembe i s and pnt mas t e r s of Livingston Lodg bull They w e i r followed by the vis i t ing Masons and the memshybers of the local lodge

Chaplain Mart in gave the invocashyt ion and t h e banque t p repa red by Pe icy Fllis with th- ass is tance of A

| Ca rpen te r Karl P a u g h n and P e r l Pal -J ler was t ho rough ly enjoyed Glenn bull Sryton mas te r -o f the P inckney lodge dt l ivt led the a(UgtKeslt of welcome and i was res|jondeel w ~ h y Piwt Master | Pau l Clark Lucius WiPon as toagtt-4__niaster then took cliyj-ge of the meet-j ing and aft gtr ge t t i ng in a lVw tligs

at some of those p ie^-n t cr l led L G i Morse sui ier in tendei i t of Stockbridgi Higli School for a song He rende i v one and responereTTTo an (^COTT - t


the pension a g e set a t 70 yea r s li pens ion would be denied to those wl have pe r sona l p r o p e r t y va lued a t over $3 500 T h e p e n s i o n could no t I bull ga rn i sheed I t is e s t ima ted t h a t it will cost the s t a t e cent 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a n n u a l shyly to pay $ 3 0 p e r m o n t h to t i c - i -000 ind igen t s of 70 y e a r s or n-gte No ment ion of an app rop r i a t i on wa inc luded in t h e bill It was c i a i a d t h a t this v o u l d be inc luded in the b u d g e t bill In the m e a n t i m e M igan has again a pension plan w i i h u j a n y means to f inance it

Merr i ly he ba t t l e ovi r ti bull s c i v financial s i t ua t ion r ages The edushyca tors claim ^25^0000 is e n o u g h i enab le the schools to finish the i r t e rm Go i n o r Fitzglaquo iai1 say- gti-000000 is enough The hou v a d i -ed the $25000000 bill and the govshye r n o r is expected to veto it SUii bull ont must be wrpng Of course f igu ie-d o n t lie but on h e o the r hand hai-figure

Li t t le by litt le the g r e a t light for be t t e rmen t and social improveilu rt is won We see t h a t t h e L of M n t e rn i t ies have vote to aboli-n n ii W ( e k This is the t ime wlien ti bull Sophmon s rush the F ivshn ien n i vice versa It used to be the e of the yea r and people Hocked from fa r and nea r to set this g iv a gt bull 11-of the classes The F r e s h m a n v - d ral ly a r o u n d the i r Hag and t h e i r o-jwrent would t r y to Uike it W e bullbull-m e m b e r on yea r the Sophmoivs v i by picking up some of theii- UV-M n n bodily and t h r o w i n g t h e m o v r t ae heads of the FreshnHOj^jit t a bull (he- We wonder if the t u g of^vaT~tTrv^~ir

j the two classes in which t h e a re d ragged t h r o u g h the r iver

t a b o o

lo e is al

Supe rv i so r G i lbe r t M a d d e n Hraquo 80 Clerk W m Cla rk D 90 T r e a s Jtgthn Shul tz D 8 7 J u s t i c e C l a r e n c e Sta-piyh D 00 B o a r d of Rev Ed Dolan D SO

Congregational Church Mi

-^-Dr^Frani is Pambie of Midland a g r and lodge officer then dHivr+vu f o r m e r P re s iden t Hoover-the address t a k i n g as his Mibject hat in his opinion wa- the cornergttoiie of j Ma^onery h Panibie is an able [ speaker and hagt the facility of d r i v i n g

His message was i bull was hear t i ly ap- j


hi- points honn well received |)latidelt

The next of Pont iac pas

C K P a u g h n O r g a n i s t ( H Zuse Minis te r

Thur f l av even ing u devot iona l h a l f t o n

^ T i ^ h i r trainiivg class from 8 00 t o j i e d Tfugh McPhereson froi Pon t i ac

00 P M

was 11 oiii r New-grand m a s t e r of

He had accompan-

S u n d a y Services Muni im


However a l t hough it f lourished for a t ime and a t one t ime had a m e m b e r shyship of 2 0 0 the c h a r t e r was s u r r e n d shyered and it was n o t unt i l 18)5 t h u t j a n o t h e r O E S lodge was c h a r t e r e d Mrs Ellen R icha rds was w o r t h y m a - t

t ron of th i s lodge The fo l lowing is h o p r o g r a m for F r i d a y n i g h t B i r t h d a y S o n g P y All Welcome W M K i t sy Dinkle

History- of O u r C h a p t e r N e t t i e V a u g h n

Q u a r t e t t e

va r ious homes for i t ime bui l t a church a b o u t 1ltS5^

Rev F r Kelly of N o i l o p robab ly t h e first Cathol ic hold s en - i c e s h e r e

bull bull hi pi U -

lt0) ^ ree or a second degre murde j bo r e n d e r e d T h e first bailo

i s i to 5 for a firr-t d e e r t e m u r d e r v bull - 1 1 i bull bull

t i II

i l d

PiMe flt r all

worship with L e n t e n mos-1030 A M

h e m e T h e 2 A l t e r n a t i v e s i r iomi V for the chi ldren prcced-J of

| thlaquo school s ssion with c lasses

He talkedgtn the coining ^rnnltl lodge sssion to St held in Grand Rapids in May The two most impor tan t measshyures to come li ioie it lie s ta ted were

resolut ion to liniit the i)igt mix r-nip a lodee to bullgt)() aad one io chiglt

annua l election of lod^e olfic i- roin l)t(emoe) t Jun bull Mr Newtoa - one of he itiosl j iiiiw lit ial mem-


S p o v bull Mu M1I v

bull e a r f i

i chaiir g


er - 1 1 M) A MI i bull I- bull r n n i li i of l a n d h-dee and i- a line

bullting in a u d i t o i i u m ( 0() bull _ - -bull ^ N00 T M^raquolt--keT bull -

d i a r i e s S h n i n a n of Pan nig vrram mattshall of the Michigan Grand

Lemglt va next He ihiirk_ilt Iiv- ijigston Lodue ltgtv ihei r aid in hi- clotshy


airch senaCi bullvd by Ph i l a th -a Ladiev e c n i n g services will Sundnv evening up to m Iia-ter S u n d a y each eve

ice (jut on by a differ n oU j i or r n g a n i a t i o n

ihe second ilt to gt ani the ta i rd i I to 1 The j u r y was composed ol U th ioe P u t n a m res idents Adam W IlaquoM

J a m e s Ciibney L nadil a M r - Lillian

-odue tion last V ar and (lor-ciiii-iit by this

lit to

P i i g h t o n greeted

bullVt o f U l ^ ( i e o r g e Wines H a n d y -uil P o r g e - s H a r t l a n d F w n c i s Fi-k Mm

R o b e r t Reed Unad i l l a VP C o n w a y J o h n Taylor r ion

Song R e m a r k s

ISong -

Read ing R e m a r k s R e a d i n g Xy lophone Solo Song M e m o r i a l

I t i c la imed iha ho c h u r c h in the cvu he -t vi l lage Howevo thlt^ ^ite- is i ag reed on T h e p r e s e n t church va e rec ted in lKfgt7 Pt iore th is f^iich- ^ i o J V ] o t ^ Con ney w a s served hy circttit r i de r s fyom - ^ j j H r m y g w a n n Piightonagtid D e x t e r Chelsea a n d o the r place ( W n H H a n ( J j r i v w of t he se w a s Rev gtv V a n G e n n u ^ h J f c n f o l e ( ^ n ot D e x t e r ^ He c a m e here on h o i gt e - | J u ( | g t C o ] ) j n S t j n his charge t -bull

j u r y a b o u t noon on T h u r s d a y -lut-

i in i i i r the (iood F r iday Service i as ejuiva m 120 to 1100 V M s p o n s o r d touched on tin h ilv W h a t s o e v e r C l a s s op n to i - c no ririgt to come in


adied thiit an en- I odge wa- i-e^sai d r bullmet ion T 1 X M In

live life nilaquo m h o dup-Con t inued on last page

r n i n

he e pre-Eas ter slt i-ici s h your mind and soul life

W I L L P R E S E N T H I S T O R I C A L ( P A G E A N T AT C E N T E N N I A L

Vnu are welcome- to all ~ o-

W G P Glen T u p p e r

l i t t i Cook I b c k a n d w a i d m a s s i n t h e o U l M o n k s i

HeUie Teep le h o m e s t e a d now o w n e d by A H ^ g i - 1 ^ l h n gt ( ^ r d i c t s were possibi h jF-^ngtrRst M r s H i r a m S m i t n ltradegt a d t h 1 ^ l o r ^ o r D o n o h u lt bull d- c W m u r d e r second degree m u i d - r

J i m m i c Lnnb F l o r e n c e Baughn

-raquoSong Py All

G A R D N E R M E E T I N G ^Livingston C o u n t y home gardnor J c w H a z e in 1844

t r ia l inx--

home in t n a d i l J u M a n y p r e s e n t sect ^ a n s l a u K h t c r a ^ i t ha t tln-y m e m b e r s of St M a r y s d i u r c t w r e hou](fxbo fiuilt1od by the evid-nc Jmplneel b y h im Minis ters of t lv T h i a s the mos t expengtive gospel w e r e scarcu in t hose days and h e l d bullbdquo th is c o u n t y i n i ome mos t of t h e m had five o r s i x - c h a r g e s U l n ^ l T h c C 0 L - j

T h e p r e s e n t P m c k n e y c e m e t e r y was $ t e X j $ - f 0 0 l l f

o p e n e d f o r bur ia l on t h e f a rm of lgt i | mdash 0 mdash bull Hnrrilaquo-t Ftilien I T W Q F A R M E R S U N I O N

X M E E T I N G S H E L P Two F a r m e r s Onion meet ings w r

Fentecostal Gospel Mission t0 N F o u r t h St A n n A r b o r

lector- bullbull- C K a p p D M a r t i n

Serv ices ( S u n d a y a t 3 00 P M j Wednesday a t 800 P M ^ Fveryhody Wfclromc

At a m e e t i n g ol tin Ioanl of Commerce he r igh t it wagt decided to pj-epasit iol of the J o h n Company of Fo-toria Ohio

Pinckin Monday

the ioger to put 11

a historical pug itnt-de|gtictiiig the earshyly history of P inckney T h e tota l cost is to be $7raquo0 with a g u a r a n t e e o S2raquo0 T h e r e will be one per formance

T h e c h u r c h a t t h e Coluser f a r m is

eii con t inued

each of tlw thi ee n ights of the cen-and S T O i r r M I t enn ia l each pe r fo rmance to lagtt oie

and one-half hour The ca- t wil nuin- 1300 people and th- R o g r s - f o m p j laquolv Hall on S a t u r d a y e v e m m any wi le - furn i -h (gt iUrvcihv lo t r a in

cagtts a re i n t e rp r e t ed difTereia wi-y bull var ious n u n Mo-^t of them how-bullbull ltbullbull seem to think that it i i ican- tha t h i all set to th row his hat in tlm presishydent ia l r ing in ]KJ0 H may v rgt the nomina t ion for the r ea son [ many of the o the r seeker^ of tlm pri -iltllt ntial nomina t ion are inclined lo concede F rank l in Roosevelt a n o t h e r t e rm and a re wil l ing to stgtgt ai o the game u n t i l 1040 The Ann Arho News thinks Mr Hoovlt r would bull be a bad choice in lMPJ and tlm Senator V-mdenbo-g would be ai -able for 1P40 as he has indica ted t lm he does not choose to run in Pcjo

mdash ( y bdquo

R E S O L U T I O N S OF R E S P E C T In meit or of Liio hi -J Pei oa

d c ea sed W h e r e a s P has pleased the pil gt

i of tin universe to remove from ooe j tTiTirktuurJlriiiud aniLJhixdiiej^_ u _ i

Ri sltdlaquo-d T a t in the dea th oi L gt Pf r()Uist the Masonic L o d u e N-n i has lo-i a fai thful and honored |

Jer one with a Chr is t ian prilti-gtl childi-ei a loving fa ther and tlm sympath ize with those who have 1e bull called to pa r t with ti ir chh f t a h l ronsel lor the joy and life of a ho and he it

Rcsnlve~d~r~TKat Living-ton Lodr bull rlvape its chaj ter for sixty d a as-i that we- t e n d e r to the be reaved em d ren of o u r deceased b r o t h e r o u r o r e bullympaHiy in thei r so r row am tha t a ropy be sent to the child

C o m m i t t e e John Martin

Russell L ive rme bull- Percy Swar thoui

KFNO P A R T Y AT G R E G O R Y St Mary s A l t a r Society wiU mmi

a keno par ty at I l ie-Cregory ( gt - s i l l

a re inv i ted to a t t e n d t h e o n e w e e k | w i ( 0 f Se lden P u l l m be ing bur ied o r n a m e n t a l ho r t i cu l t u r a l S h o r t Cour se | t h e r e a t t h e age of 22 year The- St ( w

to be offered a t Mich S t a t e C o l l e g e ( M a r y s c e m e t e r y w a s no t opened u n - j h lji^h t h i V p c l 1 o n ^ t T h u r s d a y Pe-Apri l 15 t o 10 T h c first m e e t i n g bullbullbullbullgt r n id m t m s bull e u u o ^ v

ov-n f a r m s Maiy of these lt- be seen a l t h o u g h tlu - closed to bur ia l for rnuay -

In 1835-3laquo a leg chmd v a in t h e Ha r r i s -S ig l e r disti ict ne

M U l c

til of t he J o h n Sigler f a r m This w in p robshya b l y the first school In 1887 the popula t ion of the t o w n s h i p was 3 6 7 In 1K74 it was 12-1deg

In 1840 a r e g i m e n t of Na t iona l

IT R A I N E D R E D H E R E FRIDAY P i n c k n e y in commonNvi th the o h

e r local i t ies of Michigan e x p e r i e n c e a red r a i n las t F r i d a y This w caused oy the rain d rops un i t i ng will

G u a r d called t h e 11th i n f a n t r y w a s | ^ l ^ampltY-XtradehyJr organ ized I t w a s c o m m a n d e d bv s a d s t

To m w h h ^ e A ^ 7degtrade yii

e - - - - bull I sown I o w a and o the r wes te rn s ta tes

A ( onrTete p r o g r a m m a y be secured c m f mi t h e C o u n t y A g e n t s Office o r the S h o r t C o u r s e Office a t Michishyg a n S t a t e Col lege E a s t L a n s i n g

mdash J o mdash

B U L L I S - M 1 T T E E R

He len BulUs d a u g h t e r of Mr and Mrs A r t h u r Bul l is a n d R o b e r t Mit-teer son of Mr a n d M r s J a m e s Mit-t e e r of S t o c k b r i d g e w e r e m a r r i e d a t a v e r y q u i e t w e d d i n g a t t h e h o m e of t h e b r i d e s p a r e n t s T u e s d a y Apr i l 2 a t 1 0 3 0 A M

The c e r e m o n y walaquo p e r f o r m e d by Rev L M O s t r a n d e r of Unionvi l le Mich igan a g r e a t unc le of t h e b r ide in t h e p r e s e n c e of t h e i m m e d i a t e f a m shyilies

F o l l o w i n g t h e w e d d i n g t h e y lef t for a m o t o r t r i p t h r o u g h the sou th


H lplusmn P bull i A P P R E C U T I O N K f H J n i H y t n i H l l l l i m C ^ n i l l | ^0 a^ m V f n e n d s I e x t n d a h e a r y bull ^ ^ O 1 ^ v w i i m i M i i i w i i v i i t h a n k s f o r t h e f avo r shown me a t

T h e - r e g u l a r meeting~~copyf^ P i n c k n e y th6 pol ls M o n d a y and a s su re them ^ - - ^ - of m y ainccre g r a t i t u d o

bull mdash Airs Lulu Dari ow

V l 1 _5ncTTaTl V-e 11

Koche was also on ihlaquo Mr Downing ta lked on H$-


Th---Junior K ings Diiugji ters held ltbull)bull in eing a t tlie h0mjvf the-ir ider Mrs Cla i r Pa lmer H be ing

-ltbull a n n u a l f lect ion of officers the to owitni ofTiclt-rs were e l e c t e d


(I Admission ) oc


-iinlt d y A not-luck lunch was sei-vetl

them lurni^h cos tumes s c r n e n - jnTfv licity mate r ia l lt tc Of course 1inck-in-y c a n n o t supply such a cast anlaquol it is plannt-d to ge t one from each of t h e ne ighbor ing communi t i e s s tage will he Mt up in the ft by Lee Lavey jus t north of the ( on - g regnt inna l church J Mlaquo- IVbdquo pany will send s o n r o i u




bull X J



C A R D O F T H A N K S 1 wi-h to express my - ci gt

thanks to my friends in P u t n a m i ov i The I gthip for the i r gtupport a t the poli^ on

d owned M o n d a y This t o k e n o f th-i- s l - e i will alwa - lx- re memhereltl by bull lt-

M J 1( j-el Roger- Corn-here to writ

up the p a g e a n t ami also t o d i i o r t ami t ra in the ea-4 This will t ake about Pre-ident Meredes ^Merrill

gt - J e ra ld ine Vedi-r S e c L o i s l t h r e e weeks gtbullgtbullbull pag-ant- have be-

MRS ZOA M O N K S 1 centennia l

M n Zoa Monks 7X ltlied at ix-r home in Lans ing T u e s d a y mobull bull She was t h widow of t h e la te Joi n

1 frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 laquo laquoy lt frac34frac34 0 frac34 t h c recLiit t r i p t o y W a s h i n g t o n

IcXme an in tegra l )gtart of

y ^ a t F a l l o n liisl MM i J i tw j M o n ^ o f P l n c k j ^ - a n d l i v e d l n ^ T l n ( i commit - l | l the- dea th of h e r h u s b a n d a

the app t an t eu to e n i e r in to the con- i be-r of y e a r s a g o She w a s ti-act wa- Luc ius Ai-on F r e d Slayton


-mdashghapterlNoJ45 will be held Friday v April 5 at 730 ~ mdash-^-- - _ School of instruction conducted by

Georgina Rower Worthy Grand Ma-A iron will be held Saturday evening

April 6 ^ - txn-vlU DiUiPtham Soc

once a y e a r a n d l iquid r e f r e s h m e n t s d c s e r t G o v e r n m e n t aid which include w e r e sa id to be a b u n d a n t a t w e h t h f p | a n t i n g of t r e e s will be nee t imes so t n a t t h e i r m a n e u v e r s were mf^ ^ ^ s t o r e the land m o r e g r o t e s q u e than mi l i t a ry | T h o r e lt 1 r a i n h ( gt r c j m o a n ( i up tKe

outos windows and e v e r y t h i n g el-- it set t led on The mess was so syicky t h a t t h e windshield wipers failed to r e m o v e it

NOTIH NfiTirp The JCings Daughter will liohl their NOTICE rC(fular monthly meeting at church

There will be h meeting at the gt-bull parlors Thursdav at 200 oclock Datch Office Friday night to organ- Mrs John Martm and Mrs Charles kze a four-team soft ball league I Reason will act as hostesses

Cowm i J - Mrs B C Duller Ssc

C A R D ofr T H A N K S S o O O ^ i i d a d u i i - i o n s to hank all those who the appo in ted to e n t e r in to the con-

good to us d u r i n g I t r mdash W i n DillowHy Mrs M o c a P u t t e r

Mr- Vio la R e d and Mrs L it lK-v-e reaux T h e y r n e t r ight a f t e r the P o a r d of CommKjTo m e e t i n g a n d i signed t h e c o h t r a r t bull bull

Uai-old P r o w of t he Amer i can Rook ing Company of Detro i t w a s also p res - nt and offerr^l a numbet^ of a t t r a c shytions F r e d Read chairman^ of the finance commi t t c w a s a u t h o r e d to handle thii anglraquo andv also ail concesshysions v

Xrtr r e cen i so r row and sadness The ra l pieces W( re too lovely for words ( And we wih to espe-cially t h a n k our

wlt igh|raquoois for t he i r s y m p a t h y and n

^id Mrs M r w i n Campbel l f l a r l a n d Arnold B e r q u i s t

aneKMrs W m M a y c r o f t

mmu i


will be a F a r m e r s Union at Phiinfield oil Monday

March X a t H00 P M P lace t he Maccabee h a l l t he s p e a k e r will be Ches t e r G r a h a m s t a t e s e c r e t a r y of the F a r m e r s Cnion T h e r e will a lso be juveni le lt n t e r t a i n m e n t

P e f r e s h m e n t s will be served All f a r m e d in th is section a r c cordia l ly iivited to a t t end

bull - - mdash mdash nW

N O T I C E Thlaquo nir mber s of the Class of Wil lshy

ing WojkTrs a re inviud t o a t t end a pot-luck s u p p e r a t Douglas FMummers T h u r s d a y evening a t 5 30

Gerald Veckter Sec

A U C T I O N S A L E A P R I L 6

i i t i - i -

fornr - y Zoa M u r p h y F o r a r umb r ol yea r s pa-st she has lived in L a n s i n g Sur shyviving a r e a d a u g h t e r Lel ia and t w o sons J o h n K of Lans ing a n d ( l a d bull pub l i she r of the Katon Coun y i)irltlt-tory Also t h r e e g r a n d c h i l d r e n Pau l Mary J a n i c e a n d B r u c e T h e fn al was held f rom t h e C h u r c h of the Resu r r ec t i on in L a n s i n g T u e s in m o r n i n g with Rev Lewi s Dion of ampbull M a i y s p h u r c h of P i n c k n e y officiatshying P u r i a l w a s in S t M a r y s cemeshyt e r y in P i n c k n e y

vo F A R M E R S U N I O N T O

H a v i n g decided t o qui t f a r m i n g U M E E T A T ^ L A I N F i ^ O wi l l se l l a t publ ic auc t ion on the ^I T h e L iv ings ton C o u n t y Unior will T Graves o r Silas Ba r ton lturm 4 m e e t w i t h Iosco I^ocal U n i o n No 2 1 miles s o u t h w e s t of P inckney m y per - on Monday e v e n i n g Apr i l 18 c t tlv sonal p rope r ty on

S A T U R D A Y A P R I L r C o m m e n c m g a t 12 00 P J Noon Spjd p r o p e r t y consists of 8 h o r n s I t head of ca t t l e 4fraquo sheep 60 Rhode

M a c c a b e e Hall in Plainf te ld C h e s t e r G r a h a m of G r a n t Michi-

gan scci-ctary of t h e S t a t o Un ion will be t h c s p e a k e r of t h e e v e n i n g He

I will a s o b r i n g a g r o u p of youraquoipound- poo-Is land Red hens 5 T u r k e y hens 1 pic f rom his Ash land F o l k School t o gobbler 2 ducks r q u a n t i t y of Al fa l fa j p r e s e n t a m u s i c a l - e n t e r t a i n m e n t sec d a full l ine of f a rming- too l laquomd j i f r eTybody^U inv i t ed a n d eraquogtocinl-houschold f u r n i t u r e k bull ly a r c t h e y o u n g p e o p l e and lh u

T E R M S C A S H W A L T E R GRAyVES P r o p

Percy Ellis Auctioneer ^ iohn Dinkcl Clvrk

mothers jirgod to attend this mccllt ing

i V bull



T wprgttrade^ n-w-- bull bull - bull bull mdash lt raquo laquo ^ g ^ bull W trade

V -^

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935



Matlonal Press Building

Washington mdash The President has placed Donald R RIchberg his closest

adviser In the job Riehberge a s head of the Na-

J0ff tlonal R e c o v e r y administration Mr

RIchberg will be chairman of the Nashytional Industrial Recovery board which has now been enlarged to the number of seven and it is proposed that this group divided between labor and capshyital representation will guide the polishyc ies and programs a s well as the enshyforcement of NRA

It may be that Mr Richbergs apshypointment should be given only passshying notice Political appointments in Washington are many and the addition of one more normally would not atshytract attention It appears however that In this particular Instance considshyerable significance should be attached to the appointment It will have repercussions in more ways than one

This brings us to the question of the future NRA As we all know NRA legislation In the house and senate is encountering rough sailing There are BO many different ideas being put forshyward about the principle of NRA that thus far it has been exceedingly diffishycult to reconcile them Since the presshyent national industrial recovery act expires by limitation of law on June 16 congress faces the necessity of enshyactment of new legislation or allowing the present law to die and the codes under it to fall a p a r t

Youll have no moment of dark Selection of Mr RIchberg on the basis despair If an old friend comeslh to of these facts then would seem to ln-bullee you unexpectedly and youre dlcate that Mr Roosevelt had picked dressed in this nicely tailored house h is best soldier to fight the batt le that frock 1 For Its especially designed to Mr RIchberg being eyes and ears for

flatter larger figures aiffd-fashloned- Mr-Rooseveltr woul4-be4fce liHHv4dtttrt-along lines a s chic as a street or to guide the President in choice of sports frock The sleeves cut in one policy and that his most trusted ad-with that pretty double-pointed riser would be the man to put for-yoke have a little inverted pleat io ward detailsT o f the -proposed NRA ex-make them Jauntyand o h so com- tension legislation _The undercurrent fortable to work i n And the neat of gossip around Washington however panel at the front sweeps all the Indicates something else way from heu to yoke to give you a In the first Jnstance Mr RIchberg long slim line If youd be practical Is in bad with organized labor and a well as attractive choose a gaily he has shown no disposition lately to printed cotton fabric gingham per- make peace despite the fact that he cale lawn or seersucker as they was for years the representative of launder so beautifully and wear so railway labor unions Mr RIchberg well It was who clashed with General John-

Pattern D-2C may be ordered only son and who Is regarded therefore in s izes 14 1laquo IS 20 32 34 30 38 as Indirectly responsible for General 40 42 and 44 Size 30 requires 3 frac34 Johnsons resignation as national re-yards 3C inch fabric covery administrator The new chair-

Complete diagrammed sew chart man thus poundltgtes into his Job with threat-Included ening clouds on several sides

Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or It will nof be forgotten either that stamps (coins preferred) for pattern ueh valiant campaigners as Senator Be sure to write plainly your NAME Carter Glass and Senator Borah not ADDRESS the STYLE NUMBER to mention the alleged progressive and SIZE of each pattern Senator Nye are waiting for the NRA

Send your order to Sewing Circle legislation In the senate _Mr_ Rich-Pattern Department 23- West E l g h F b e r g s hide will look to them the s a m r


Millinery Stages Varied Program bull to^f^trade^artlclM^

talnlng PupilmdashA shirt and two col lar


National Topics Interpreted by William Bruckart

eenth Street New York

-AND GET YOUR FEE Doctor I want you to look after

my office while Im on my vacation But Ive just graduated doctor

Ive had no lt xperionce Thats all right my boy My pracshy

tice is strictly fashionable Tell the men to play golf and shjp the lady patients bdquooff to EuropemdashLorain (Ohio) Journal

Literary Discrimination Do you tike poetry Yes answered Senator Sorghum

-A-piece of VPTSP holps to ronnrt nut

as any other hide It Is just possible therefore as some observers have sugshygested that Mr RIchberg may have been put out as the lamb on the sacshyrificial altar

Indeed color Is lent to this supposhysition hy the fact that Mr Roosevelt has taken little direct Interest in proshymoting legislation extending the life of NRA Thus far he has said that he desired to have the extension grantshyed but he has not turned on the steam as he is equipped to do and as he has done for bills that were personal hob-bies with him It is made to appear therefore that perhaps there will be a disintegration of NRA as such and that the functions desired by the adshyministration to be retained will be parceled out some to the federal trade commission some to the Labor departshyment and others of lesser consequence scattered elsewhere

bull bullmdash -

ing power of the Home Owners Loan corporation has progressed however I have taken occasion to inquire into operations of the corporation which is wholly government owned From all I can learn it stands out as the finest Illustration of what politicians can do in the way of building polit

i-ipoundal_machlnes that I have seen in a score of years in the National Capital

It will be remembered that upon creshyation of the board former Representashytive Seaboard Bill Stephenson of South Carolina was named chairman Mr Stephenson being more honest about politics than many others anshynounced unequivocally that appointshyments were going to be made on a poshylitical basis He created quite a furore and finally found himself sidetracked

For a time we here in Washington have heard little about politics in the home loan system It has developed however that politics was not dead but sleeping

The loan corporation In carrying out the idea or policy of decentralization

did some very pe-Peculiar culiar things accord-Doingt tag to well authenshy

ticated reports Acshytually I am told some young men with-

out previous practical experience or training were supplied with copies of the home loan act given a ticket and ordered to the hinterland to open desshyignated regional offices1 Shortly thereshyafter out of the thousands of emshyployees in the home office of the loan corporation individuals were called Into the office of the directing heads and were ordered to go to one or the

l-ether-of- the newly opened establish^ ments They were told at the same time that their salaries would be reshyduced In addition I am reliably inshyformedhundreds-of them hare suf-~ fered further salary seductions since they-havebeen-on their new jobs mdash

While all of this has been going on the corporation set up a board of four members1 in the headquarters before which remaining employees in the Washington office have been called for examination This board was anshynounced as for the purpose of detershymining which of the employees should be retained They wanted to be fair about It and wanted to keep on the payroll such of the empldyees as were unable to get along without the Jobs they were holding It seems however that that board has become an in-qulsritorial body absolutely without precedent In the character of examinashytion to which it subjects the employees The result is that few if any of the employees of the loan corporation enshytertain any belief that they can stay orrtheir Jobs wtth any~feettffjfoT safety

For example one mans experience Is quoted He was asked whether he had money in the bank and he had none He was asked whether any of his people were on the relief rolls and they were not Numerous other questions such as the rate he paid for his board and room and the cost of his laundry were put to him He then was aSked if he carried life inshysurance and his answer that he did apparently was wrong Although he was not told directly the inference of questions put to him was that he could live two months if he cashed^ in his life Insurance policy At any rate he was dismissed

But this Is not all Included In the bill which Increases the amount of funds that may be loaned by the corshyporation is a line of legislation that raquovlll have the effect of expanding poll tics In the organization Written into

a speech But some of those old While we are discussing legislation rhymsters had such positive opinions u may be well td consider what is be-rhat you have to be exceedingly care- ing done about the fnl about which poet you quote Credit for program of extend-

mdash Home Owner tag credit to home Among the Immortal owners In cities and

Young ComposermdashSo you think towns through the machinery of the my composition will be played after home loan board The house has Beethoven Mozart Tchaikowsky and passed a bill which will increase hy Rachmaninoff are forgotten two billion eight hundred million dol-

CriticmdashYes but not until thenmdash lars the amount of funds available for Pathfinder^ Magazine loans of this type by the Home Own-

i -i mdashmdashmdashMImdashers Loan corporation This sum was approximately a billion dollars more than the home loan hoawl thought was necessary but the sight or thought of so much money started the members of the house on something like a riot so they made ample funds available

From reports filtering through to Washington I think there can be no question but what the home loan sysshytem has been of help in thousands of cases Undoubtedly availability of govshyernment money in this matter ha saved unnumbered home owners frqm loss of their property where shortshysighted mortgage holders have Insistshyed upon undue curtailment or absolute repayment of the borrowed money Extension of the system probably 1gtlaquoS

resulted also in reduction of general interest rates by private lendersof capshyital If they wanted their money to work at all they had to meet the government competition Whether the principle of government loans -is sound In normal times is anpther horse Time alone can tell The activity of congress

jeclally in the house indicates that there~Ts~a demand Of B0Tne klffd of-other for theseJoans in preference to private capital and that necessarily must be considered as an influential factor

As the legislation increasing the lend

OUCH a bewildering variety of head-^ gear as fashion offers thisTreasonl There is positively no excuse for not being becomingly hatted this spring and summer for it would seem that

-every known type with a few extras thrown in is answering present to

the jroiL call la current millinery show-taps

Bonnets The mUllnery shops are full of em Every sort of bonnet Is represented in the new hat collections ranging from ingenue types to the soshyphisticated eye-impelling bonnets of Regency period Inspiration

A fine thing about a bonnet is that it show up the new bangs to pershyfection The taffeta trimmed bonnet to the upper right In the picture demshyonstrates this point to a nicety The big bow at the throat Is of self-same taffeta as the bow on the bonnet Milshyliners are all enthusiasm over the tafshyfeta (plain or plaided) neck-bow and hat sets which are selling at first sight The bonnet to the left is quaint and youthful with flowers and ribbon which make It utterly feminine^

It may be that The vogulsh pill-box turban goes best with your features This pert little style of headgear sure g^yes an up-and-golng look to any spring outfit Atop the curly-curly coiffures hairdressers are now advocatshying a pill-box hat declares convincing chic The model centered below in the group is the perfect complement to a black crepe dress It is of the modshyish black basket weave shiny straw has two little black bows and flaunts an eyeline veil as most of these diminshyutive hats

A fashion which is breathtaking in

novelty and daring is the forward-TmoTe~brftBgt--~KarrQW at the sides_jl

this type with a startling forward streamline sweep of the brim To inshyterpret the very quintessence of chic it must be tilted at a rakish angle down over the eyes The smartness

4-of thesemdashforward-brim bats is added unto with novel crown effectsachleved via pleats and folds eccentric peaks and spiral drapes often surmounted with amusing feather fancies or perky ribbon cocardes Two models of this suggestion are Illustrated below In the picture The felt to the left is olive green with black and olive feather bullfancy The finest of ballybuntl straw in navy blue fashions the hat to the right It has the new down-in-front and up-at-back movement

The model centered above Is a varhv tion of the popular breton sailor It is very youthful made of navy tafshyfeta for you must know that millinery is yielding unreservedly to the taffeta craze which is now on The pomshypon is of navy and white ostrich

If you register in the sailor-conscious sorority It will be woTttry6uY~whtie--to tour the shops and see whats doing in the way of nifty exponents of this type In Paris the low crowned sailor of shiny black straw is a big favorite To wear the new sailors properly they must be sajaefiy tilted over the eyes with a veil to complete the picture

Loyal to the beret are you Well fashion is willing providing a very new look is achieved via a subtle drape or a topknot trim or a use of a novel fabric combination and always a little veil for the sake of chic A matching scarf also adds a voguish note

copy Western Newspaper Union


mat mil are instructions tnat the cor-porntrnh shall recal l^o Washington all of those employees who were disshypatched to ^ 7 ^ (jobs In the regional state or dIsrtrctj offices Of course no one can say yet authoritatively that when these workers are recalled they will be dismissed here That however obviously is the result

e e e Senator Gore of Oklahoma placed

In the Congressional Record recently a telegram he had

Courage received and his re-Needed Plv t0 t that illuraquo-

trates better than any recent incident how much courshyage Is required by a national legislashytor to withstand the pressure from home The occasion was consideration in the senate of the public works bill The telegram received by the senator was signed by Joe A Brown theraquomayor of Hartshome Okla and C B Lindsay mayor of Haileyville Okla It fol lows

Several thousand Pittsburgh counshyty unemployed |gteople assembled In convention demand yon support Presishydent Roosevelts four billion dollar reshylief measure If you vote against measshyure sientlment is you stay out of this county next senatorial race

The following Is the senators reply This will acknowledge your exceedshy

ingly diplomatic and hospitable teleshygram It shows how the dote spoils the soul Your telegram Intimates that your votes are for sale Much as I value votes I am not In the market T-cannnr fnnspnt rin hnv vntoc with fhft

Here is a lovely coat t o wear to parties When summer comes It will be Just the thlfojr to top your dainty lingerie frocks It Is smart and pracshytical for resort year at any time of the year Quilted crystelle velvet

-fashions It and if yon have the proper color urge you will select it in some one or other of the very new medium pastel tones A b[g rhinestone pin

people money bull I^vre a dent to the taxpayer as well as the unemployed I shall discharge both None 1gtuf the bully resorts to threats and none but the coward yields to them1

copy WMttro Newspaper Uftloa 4

adds chic worn on the scarf

Nove l ty Dress Clasp Interlocking gold rings form an inshy

teresting type of clasp to fasten a woo] tunic


To the woman who thinks of sumshymer in terms of printed fabrics the new season will providea perfect orgy The dresses shown in downtown stores

widels a r e typical of the new printed fabrics Many motifs are much less spaced than in other springs

The animal motifs especially the Scottle print are here Break it genshytly that nutty prints are also in the shops The designs are taken from photographic studies of nuts and are very effective Why not Theres a i new porcelain clay process which proshyduces the deadest white imaginable and In spite of a great furor over colshyor this clay-white print is greatly ad-mired A swing a





Coleman Interna (torn _ _ bdquo bdquo bdquo bight into day Give plenty RICO AS I M AS rflightfor every outdoor $StSeOtLfl l Job at night in every kind ^ of weather Up to 300 candlepower brilliance Pyrex glass globe make it wind-proof rain rraquof and insect-proof Cant spill fuel even

tipped over Fine for night work around barns feedfcrta garage and cellar for lignt-

^up lodge clubs and cabins Its the bullht of a Thousand Usee

See your hardware or housafuniabing flail bullr If be doesnt handle writs us THE COLEMAN LAMP 6- STOVE CO DaptWU129 Wichita Kant ( Chicago HL1 LM AnaelM Calif FUadelsbja Paj ttanato Ontario Canada 0Ua]





Those Mementoes We all lack courage in throwing

away Junk that we call souvenirs

pound| Quick Safe Relief V For Eyes Irr i tated

^ic-JNi By E xpdeg s u rdeg - nsect To Sun W i n d

M and Dust mdash

Tax Gatherer Busy There are 22000 different kinds of_

taxes in this country

or perfect B A K I N G RESULTS



1 1 n i _ i m t U I V I I I U

o w d e r


tot firms the report that more prints have been shown this year than l a s t Cershytainly there are more stripes checks and plaids and they are often printed Stripes are just am tier of the reshygency touches that seem so desirable at the moment

D PEPf Sergent of 30 Xrgt ittle Creek Mich

Irish Linen Expected to bull Be Favorite Next Summer

Irish linen has come to the foro as the leading fabric in the Paris fashion picture Cables from the French capshyital promise that nest spring and sumshymer women will be wearing suits dresses hats shoes bass and even lingerie of fine Irish linen

The fact that linen used to crush badly was responsible for its not havshying been more universally used before It was always an-Ideal summer fabric porous and cool yet strong and long-wearing Now Irish linen has been specifically processed so that the linshyens which will be Imported for next summers fashions are at nearly nn-ppiiB gMa aa an fnhrln bullbull - mdash

Chirk aafd JWhenl wlpowinifc mother gave me Dr Pierce bull Golden Medical Discovery to improve my appetite I nad become thin and felt ttnd out I had taken only one bottle when I was eating better put on weight ana

mdash mdash felt stronger In every way From my experience I know the Discovery Is a good tonic to build anyone upmdashyoung or eld New size tabs 50c Bquid S100

ITCHING anywhere on the body-also burning irritated skjn- soothed and helped by



Parasols Come Back Tiny and colorful parasols mad of

synthetic straw silk with yard-long handles appear with spring sports and street afternoon d o t h

Seed Sweet Potatoes for SalemdashNancy Hall certified seed raquo126 selected JJancy Hall raquo1 In new hampers Fo b Lawrenceburf Tenn L J BUTTS lAwreneebarf Tens

Hsrbla l^espedetsfor North Purity M6elt_ Germination 88frac34 6 lb raquo4 10 lb I7OT Tuaiuaid Bnenpsar-Brps Mlddletowa lad 4 i

WNUmdashO ISmdash85

HKKD8 TESTED and DEPENDABLE tlM wort of Packet-raquo$100 prepaid Catalog ftee Boa t Ford SmdashdCn Earenaa Otrio

TS3B n gt -

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935

1 f


involved in the unpaid taxes of _X bull bull iTiiii organizations who^c pro-bullbullbull w i iie act was recently rc-j-etd by the gttate supreme court An pp-al to the United States suprenu-rou i is expected as the tax is pay-ib bull Aeril 1

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Comshy

mission Retail Store


Paul Spadafore Prop Stockbridge Mich


bull HLFP SHEARING WANTED i~ bull lti to do sheep shearing

gtbull iiltlts iJover shears i v ID e- Swarthout

i^ Uney Mich K F D

Pick Up mdash AT


WORK RESUMED AT ( though this 200 acre t ract is cortrol-PATTERSON LAKE MESS HALL I Ifd by the University of Michigan

there is no tax levied lor its -uin or Work has again been resumed on The fundi to finance all the buihliiv

bullgtChe assembly building or mess hall at j Was raised by subscription the bunk - the U of M Fresh Air Camp a t Pat- j houses kitchen and docks all having

terson Lake A picture of the build- j been built by this method Prof Men-ing showing how it will look when fce 0f the University is a t the head completed is shown above through 0 f it the courtesy of Max Musch of How-bull Although there are quiie i i-rv

bunk houses the need of a place to as- somble was fIt and accordingly t i n i FERA project was submitted and ip-i proved The place will hrtve a full | basemen The uuditoiiu-n w U be lti0x | 50 stag^ at the cau 10x26 and the

large porch 25x50 The construction i-i ru-tc all lt

the big timbers and beams b a n g ci in the nearby woods Much of lr imperial used is salvage lue igt i roof was purchased from the bullat


t i l )

J o-l io

Lot w

ell the architect The U of M Frerh Air Camp is

located on thq west shore of Pat tershyson Lake and was formerly known as the Hartsuff farm L is heavily wooded and lias a good beach Alshy

lied was taken from tlu La-e c ment plant

Work has been going on heri nea ly a year on an average of o days p w^eli and a number from Finckm-live worked there T L Fouib^i nuis of Lakeland has had the hau


rir ALLT having been made for e th ii thirty days in the condi- ui a ritain mortgage made by pa 11 Kountree and Alida V uti-i as wife to James M Tea-

e t-e c ighh day of June _-gt arid recorded in the office



l S t e r r

of Deeds

i S j l L e

f which it is expected to be i in J ue or early J ulv


by Home Economics Specialists

Michigan State College


poundbull A bargain is something which e bull j f a s exceptional value for its pie-Vi and according to this definition SOT bull of the organs are among the b -1 r-$1 gains in meat suggest home economi 4 | institution management specialiio i ^-Mtrmgnt t - Sttrtc -College $ i he various meat organs availab bull




4 0

1 1 i 1 a mdash i bull bullgt bull bull _^W mm I m ^

Whatever maite i overs ^Tong^mth4tmdashweH fix it i right the first time No coming | backior arguments and readjust- i ments No extra-charge work bull without your permission And fc $ leave no grease on the steering bull wheel to soil your clothes

on Uu_gt market make up quit pound Ji-t including liver kfdney

L i A ton rue brains sweetbreads am W laquo a t m J-- Vgt ~z- -rrmdash 11

in 11 e

oome of th- -je are J buy- giving a lot

unusually Of mineral

for the Kingston and State of

Di the ninth day of June bull in Liber 127 of Mort- -bull gt4-38G On July 12

aid murtgage was assign-bull M Teah-n of th City

ye County Michigan lov o( the City of Kob-

ord County Lmois -ment Ijeing recorded in

ier of the Register of Ueed C-juny of Livingston and

i dieliigan on the second day - t A 1) 1128 in Liber 122

ges on page 2iraquo7 on which th- re is claimed to be due

gt id at the date uiLlJiLs_iioticlt--bullbullbull ai and interest thv sum of

Umdretl and Seven ant i ollars (^120700) and no

aHuw=-e -4n==lt-=rtiijtA--d or instituted to l e-

Thomas Read Sons Ford Ammonium Sulphate

100 lbs equals 4000 lbs of Stable Manure 100 lbs equals 1000 lbs Ordinary Fertilizer For General Farming Gardens Lawns Shrubs

and Trees

Most Economical of All Fertilizer Lets get a good crop this yearmdashincrease the yield

The profit is in the Second Mile

Let Me Supply You ATLBBMOTOR S A L E S

rsraquo UB1VBAIlaquoM

Pinckney Michigan Did I get your order for that new Ford

bull-Ming laquo

t o power of sale and the premises i therein described a s The north sixty-

in i acres of the east half of the northeast


DEFAULT having been made

(iie terms and condiiioas of a cei ta in quar ter of Section fourteen (14) the i


j viimms j Livi r stands at the head of t-- land should be included in the reet i family menu It is especially I fcr tin growing youngsters vngt t to manufacture red blood e lK I contains a large amount of bullbull bull

copper as w 11 as an antiani i ie I a growth-promoting principle

1 iver 0 f different meat-animals I be u-vd as well as just calf li whicimat Ltie present time is kept


v e (J i

debt s cured by said molt-y part thereof

ure by virtue of the bullale contained in said mbrt-pursuunt to the statute in

made and provided NO

l a i rgt

mortgage made by CHAKLro

MKVLKS a mariieltl man Mortgagor


ATKINS his wife Mortgagees their

legal ^representatives and assigns dashy

ted the 1st day of September A D

liiiio and recorded in the office of thc-

ilrt ister of Deeds for the County of

Lrrrngstrnr STaTe oT^M cTfTgaTi on the

1st day of September A L llJ3IL in

Liber 138 of Mortgage on pagS

72-uwidth luorlgage war assigned by

said William L AtKiLs and Ina K At-Khi JU- will- lo WJIL1AM L LOLL by written assignment dated the Ifttn Uay of Octobej A D lS^j-mid re-coidiii- Urn 21st day of October A D lijo in Liber lje) of Mortgages pagers L0^- said L ^ i n ^ t o n County

gt m i Ki Y OIVION t h a t 7 n i K l c o lt i o n w h i d ^o^fW there is the Third day of June A l ) J c l i i m u d t u b c duv a r ilt1 u n i ) a i t l a t t h c

Mi oclock in the fo ienoon ( U j u f n L N o t K f lhltJ s u m o f T W 0

Vi of the bargain ela-s by its high imiard Time said mort-

Charles Clark 0

JJ( eel or pork cr lamb liver gvr lt co-t much lss and are juot as aii-able for hulding r d blood ceil bull

Tite lt hie i point to re m-in be r aboit coodng liver is not to overdo it I -a niodira^e tempt ja ture and cool e i-ly enough to change the color -L ahiady tede] and top- long ceevi

- _ - - ^ will H_-tilt_in dajkj X ati~e_ry_LYmdashL mdash

^IKIIIMimilHIIIHHllllPllili^^^ ] e o f l f l u v r [)

bull i lt i l

northwest (juaiter of th- northwest quar ter of Section thirteen (gt) all in Town-hi]) three () North Range thiTG (li) east Michigan containing one hundred acres of land more or less lying within the Township of Handy County of Livingston and State of Michigan will be sold at pubshylic auction to the highest bidder for -cash by the sheriff of Livingston County at the west front door of the Court HOUP in the City of Howell in faid County and State on Friday the twtefiJ_day_-oT ApriL 1 9 _ _ - - - _ - i^n_ oelock in the forenoon of ^aid day Thre fs due and payable at the date of this notice upon the debt s cured-hy laquo_id mortgagr the sum of Forty four Hundred Fifty-two Dollars ami Eighty Cents ($445_laquo0)

William Fouler

Dated January lo lfiVgt Don W Van Winkle Attorney for mortgage^ )laquou5iigt55 Addrelaquos Howell Michigan


bull I

A I t p


I S-IRST NATIONAL BANK y bull bull k laquo

tl In Howell Michigan J _ laquo bull bullbull

Viexiber Federal Reserve System Capital-

S Surplus Over $5000000 All Accounts hi- s

1 SUred By FEDERAL INSURANCE COR- | | PORATION Up to $500000 for Each De- | s positor | jJmHMnaraquonuniutiHiiiuiiimiiminiHHmniiiuiiiiraquoiiuiiiiHiHiHiraquotraquoraquoiraquoraquoraquoungt 5

^uibull iiver siould b scrld d u -i 1 Tlie choking m thod

THOUSAND S1XTV ($ 060 00)

foreclosed by a sale at i1 gt U f J A R S f o r l n n c i P a l H n d interest to the highest bidder a t i a m l no uit or proceeding at law or in

entrance to thc Court] C (lu i lgt h a v i n raquo b f i n - - t u U lt l vgt 1V j o taid mort-


win re the Circuit Court for f o n raquo bgt V l l l u o f t powr of 5ale el of Livingston is held) 0flt0raquotained in said mortgage and which +4^^-Mt-fbttl rn-5aid moiT^Kiw~^ i 4u^-- tH^ i t t^-^y rea^t t - -rrt laquor - much thereof ns may be s a i ( J ^^I t i raquoraquo pulMiant to the

bull in the City of Howell Living- c u v lt 1 t ] llt ( h b t wl l y ^ 1 County Michigan ( tha t be ing ^^ i r^ l a r t ^itvf Now

to pay the amount due on statute of the Satf of Michigan in

o a M be adapted to te

P id i

i l i i

bull r I ( - lt I i ( 0 0

ed ltic1 of irna a i L bull(bull i i i -

gt gt bull bull bull

a 11 bullbull J gt ( VJIN i L I )

y the -vme a for 1 J bull i t i- aitothc r bargein b

ia i on and law in cost li i ie l r tlian liver or kidm v beltt way to cook it for tend

i bullipitmgc a- aforesaid with seven ltu^ ( a ^ madlt and provider notic i in-i-re-t tii i eon and a i r legal I1 laquoraquobulllt-^ laquo i v r l ^ a t o n l h - l l l l d agt ltbull migs and expenses including01 Mi lgt A - D- l r raquo t_ l_ 00 oclock f i ny fees allowed by law and n 0 0 1 1- i-astfM-ii Standard Time raid


I)_fFALLT ha ing been made feu more than thirty days in the condishytions of H certain mortgage made by Iaul Itsell a single man mortgagor to Mcrherson Staie Lank a Mic^iinn Corporation mortgagee dated May

1020 and lecorded in the office 27

mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of t|ir Kegi^trr of Deeds for Livingshyston County Michigan on May 2^

iC Li

bull i n

i i gt (


Crrrm l-U-ira l Of l tft 2 3 0 Pt M



Of^ce at Court H O U M

bull ^


-PInnTg -gtbullbull- gtbull- IS r ighto

Monuments Markers

to Lrown it in fat and then coo Wid ]bull in a covered diii in moderate oven



it ivy not appear araquo i v to point out tlmt Crville L At^ood of r - J VL igt S ( C i ( gt t j r y o f -bullbullbullbull b t i -

druds of citizens cf the state ma-y o

U t o gt bull

bull i i i e v i n I

i i w ( ( 1

bull eo m r of V i W l i (gtltltbull

( bull bull ) ( bull bull bull

bull bull bull lt

re addre- tng


- gt S

DON W VANWINKLE Attorney at L a v

Office over F i rU Stat Savings Bank Howall Mich

We carry the largest stock bull- bull -or granite markers in tne1

ncclion v-ith current business raquor -raquobull Co and at the lowest price too (Why) no overhead Plant No 1 foot Main St Office 311 E Liberty St Phone No 2 MILFORD GRANITE CO


Mttfordr- Mich NORMAN REASON



(Successor to amp R G Gordamcr 112frac14 N Michigan

Office hours 830__1200 1 00- 500

Tuesday a d Saturday evenings 700mdash8-30

PRehc 220 Howell


Plumbing and Heating Wa Do Plumbing and Haating ol Kindt Wa Stptic Tanks and WaUr

Tanks 604iVsbington How til Mick PJioaa 610 Raf4ir Wlaquof|) bull AQ K M

REAL ESTATE BROKER Farm Reraquoidential Property and

Lake Frontage a Specialty I Alraquoo Have City Property to Trade Pinckney Michigan


Phone No 1 and 6 9 F 3 Pincknev Michigan

tolurre n bulllaquo_bull poundei our prices


Depmtment of State their letter- personally to mlt have not held this office IM years _ -

Those fornvr SerretfJ ies of Stnt--i who continue to je mail on routin

state mutters at the eapitol inciud bull John S Ha^gerty and even r h a r V -J UeLtmcl who lust sived in I^f Muihfor Sr cre anes who served iJ-r Mv fiuj^eity U too common for cvu casual notice

Cordell Hull Secretary of St- i the national cabinet ires- letters JH the state capitoi pertaining to Mci-itfan automobile license tnumi) The misajjpvehension of Mehim peopleas to who serves them in Lapshysing extends to the sefidine of leubullbullbullbull for United States senators to t state legislature Oddly enotitei thi evidence as to the tdentitics of v Oie-

inent state officials is not peculiar tltgt remote parts of the s ta te some of i letcio came from Lansing

Most mysterious of all howwor are the letters which come at time for people unlisted on state payroll and unknown in the memories of rev-one in the capitoi Th letters heavshying on mat ters handled a t tlie capTto1 designate the addressee simply i emphatically as Secretary of S t a t ed

Administration rgtf thf rliiin gttngt


D- led MiT irn -lie oin

bull) Hcrft in the northea c t aid forty (40) ncrcs a in

I 1 ) North of Kange fi c containing twenty-eight

1 ti0 same more -i the township of Flam-

said mortgage or raquoo much thereof as may lie necessary to plaquoy the amount due as aforesaid on said

gt T


$fgtj 121 and no Mjit or proceeding at aw or in equity having been had or

mortgHgv instituted to rrcover the debt secured ami any sum or sums which may be | b y RJsilt| mortgage or any par t thereof pmd by the undrrvijpH at or before ( X o v v gt therefor by virtue of the

s a i d ^1 1 0 f o r l i x a n i o r i ^u rancr i p o w f r o f bdquo a l c contained in said mort-n i county Michigan | n ^ l f i P-fmis^ and -ill ^ h r - i i i ^ ^ ^ - - ^ pursuant to the statute m

WILLIAM TAYLOIL | sums paid by thc undersigned l gt u r - | w K w e made ami provided NO-A ignee of Mortgagee tradetradelgt to law and to the try m j T I C E I S HERKHY CAWX that on iivh iti Ijjo | of sailtl moitgage with intej-est there-

bull1 LAVAN Attorney for deg n a t Percent per annuni and all lei igagee


i are fixed for oil worlcof this ia double-quiclr time

legal coMs -charges and expenses in-Urighton Michigan lt l u ( i nlaquo aM at torney feraquo allowed by

lar to-wit AH that certain piece of and located in th Township of

Genoa County of Livirgston State of Michigan described as The West half of the west h If of the northeast

o -

bdquo _ mdashun ty of quarter oi-ScilioiimdashliO^-wmdashTdegwnh^-poundfvTngstltgtri i two (2) North U nge five (5) cast Michigan containi fg forty (40) ac res of land more er le=s Dated Feb -nry 6 1005

WILLIAM L LOLL Assignee of

Arthur Mitchell A t to rn y for Assignee of Mortgages 32lt5 Lafayette building Detroj^ Michigan


MORTGAGE NOTICE Default having been made in he

Saturday April 6 l)t5o at ten clock in the forenoon Kastern Stan-dard Time said mfgtrtgtrage will b foreclose by a sale at public vendue to the highest bidder a t the Westerly entrance to the Court House in the City of Howell Livingston County Michigan ( that beinp the place wherbullbull the CwampJt Court for thc Cot

conditiens of tha t certain mortjfa^e

tax law is disclosing evident exampl-s of tax evasion along strictly 1 i I lines through dividing up of or^eni- zations-to form new p a r e n t uni ts with ^mailer numbers of chain stolt- j Last yltar up to March 2fgt a totaLcf 267 companies with 042 store- r-bullbullbull paid ^mMTA^rT6r^V^r^^^r^7 29 a total of 448 firms with l ^ j s tores l iad paid but $434fiJ-ftfr Total aund approximately $700000(mor7^ is rtvenuef in 1984 wert jXUiG9Mt_^raquo^rL^ Miraquoraquoigraquon


Farm Sale a Speciali ty

Phone Pinckney 1 9 - F l l u


dated vhe seventeenth day of Decern berll)30executcd by Wesley Worden and Annie Worltlen his wife to Wilshyliam Fowler filed for_jcord in the office of the Reghr terof Deeds of Livingston County Michigan on the seventeenth day o ^ December 1030

- frac34 ^ ^ I s - 1 -y-^ngagos at pager h j a t c d J an u a ry 8 1935 102-IU3 lliertof

held) of the premium defcribed in said mortgage or so much thereof as may bc nrcesrraquoarj o jsay the amount due on said mor tgage as aforesaid- with 7 per c e r t interest thereon and all legal costs charges

expenses including the at torney fees allowed by law and any sum or sums which may be paid by thc unshydersigned mortgagee a t or before srid smle necessary to protect its interest in thc premises Which promisee ere described a s

North_haIf of Northwest quart r Section Nineteen Township Tw gt Xorth Range Four East Michigan West of the North and Sputh R called the Pingree RoaS contain-ing 54 acres of land more or less Mario Township Livingston Conn-ty Michigan

te Bank Mortgagee

Shields it Smith j Attorney for Mortgage bull Notice is hereby given that laquoaid Aitemeys ror Mortgage

mortgage wfUbe foreclosed 9mwrf cent cent ^ A d laquo ^ Hw^te^gap



ampS poundL



The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935

T H E IIOWKLX T H E A T R E The Playhouse of Livingston County

Wed Thur Apri l 3-4

sponsored By The Howell Board of Commerce Y o u r Las t Chance T o Sec

RUGGLES OF RED GAP A Paramount Picture

with bull Charles LaughtonmdashCharlie Ruggle

Roland YoungmdashLelia Hyams-Lillian Roth in

MARKS AND MEMORIES Wal t Disney Miokcy Mouse P l a y f u l P l u t o

ce Special Mat inee Wed April Z o 00

i 1

Hamburg y


V V bull it


mdashMary Boland Zazu Pitts


V-1 Sa t Apr i l 5-6 R e t u r n E n g a g e m e n t of

Jack West and His Circle Star Cowboys of WJR

X t t



Sat Cum

Open At 2 00 P M bull bull and Sec J a c k West

Cont To 11 30 P Admi- ion lgtc avd

M aoc

Sun and Men

W C Field in ITS A GIFT

JJusti-r Kraquo-aton Comedy Fable Sun Matinee 2 00 P M Cont

Apr i l 7-S

N e w

T u t s Only April 9 15c Wi th Merchant T icke t

MARIE GALANTE Dull F i imt Magic Carpet Tail-spin T o m m y No 12

1 I

I^^Li Zc i lman mar r i ed MialKu oi Nortlivii

Wed i hurs ru

bull t bull


Sat 4 -_ BIG DAYS _4


Ginger RogersmdashFred Astaire

April 10-11-12-13

Coming M u r d e r On A Honeymoon B o r d e r Town of The A i r _ O n e More S p r i n g




Quality ^ Economy] The N e w S tandard Chevrolet un i tes qual i ty w i t h e c o n o m y to a d e g r e e never b e f o r e a p p r o a c h e d in Chevro le t history Y o u will k n o w this w h e n y o u v i ew its t r im beauty e x p e r i e n c e its brisk p o w e r ^ and g e t a w a y mdash a n d find out h o w m u c h m o n e y it wi l l j save y o u in operat ing costs a s w e l l as in purchase bull

_pxififi^ S e e a n d dr ive this fine car at your earl iest bull c o n v e n i e n c e -

AND UP List price of New S tanda rd Road t t e r at Fl int Mich $465 Wi th b u m p e r s

j ) a r c tire and t ire lock the litt price i s 32000 addi t iona l Pr ice raquolaquo4jet to--efcftfe ^ t b -out i otice

A N D U P L raquo t price of M a t t e r De L u x e - C o u p e a t Fl int M k h $560 Wi th bumper spa re l i re and t i r e lock the list p r ice is $25 00 addi t ional Pr ices subshyject to change without not ice Knee-Act ion optic lal a t $ 2 0 0 0 ex t ra

$465 $560 f w raquoraquoraquobullmdash

r H r V P O I F I



T h Prraquogt raquo rnnit--far the County nf

The High School baseball t e a m will |liy i p ra r t i c g a m e here wi th Gregshyory F iu iuy Apri l fraquo

Piiiekney will have a l m o s t a n lt i-lin-ly new team tliis sp r ing The fKriicvJiojjUL to ge t a line on nev j at rial id this ^unc F r iday

J-1 ylaquo a r P inckney had a successshyful -lt^o i in baseball w i n n i n g e ight game- and losing five I t ^ impossshy

ible iis ear ly to p red ic t tnc success of this war s t e a m We Know how-ivc m a t uch players a Drown lOuiii Adsch Showeisk i a n d Battk-ai going to be bard to rep lace

Mid-gtemlaquo gtter l - s l s next week

The date of the Jun io r -Sen io r play ha- b n - l for May 3 the first F r i shyday ii May Work on the play s t a r t shyed Tuesday birWthc par ts will no t be def in i te ly ass igned u n t i l T r i d a y The j iame of the p l a y i s D i a m o n d s

T l v cas-of charac te r s anri s tory of the play will be pr inted next week

The school jani tor Mr Win Jefshyf r ies had the school bui lding in splen- did shape to b gin work Monday He-s ides g iv ing the building a t ho rough c l ean ing windows etc he gave the floor a d u s t t r e a t m e n t varnished the s ta i r s r healtf rails and all places receivshyi n g c o n s t a n t wea r bull

R e p o r t c a r d s will be given ou t this Wflflfr mdash - mdash ^ i ^ ~~~~ ^

J u l i e S t a c k a b l e is absen t because of iincsf

bullo ~

Livingston At a session of said Cour t held at

ihr P r o b a t e Office in the Ci ty of Howr l l in said County on the 2nd day of Apr i l A D lraquogt5

IM- -MIIL Hon Wiiiis L - m J u d g e of P r o b a t e

In the M a t t e r of the Es t a t e of


Kloyse Be rqu i s t Campbel l hav ing filed h e r pe t i t ion p r ay ing t h a t a cershytain insrumlaquo n t i n wr i t ing purpor t ing to be the las t wilL-and te taaaea t -laquopound-

J o h n Zei lman died a t t h e horn-- of his ftoa-in-law and daugrU-r Mr and t

Mrs Char les S DeWol fe a t J iuuib vil lage Monday m o r n i n g March 2~gt t h e insul t of a sti^oke of jjaruly-is sufshyfered last December

Mr Ze i lman w a s born in Nurem-b u g Gej-maiiy Oc tobe r ^ 5 184^ He came to Amer i ca in 187^ a f t e r ha-mg sei-ved in t h e F r a n c o - G e r m a n V in 1 8 7 0 - 1 He se t t led in Lne vicinity of Sou th Lyon and had lived the re and i u i i o u n d i n g communi t i e s t h e r^-niainde)- of hi life He wa-s un i t ed in mar r i age with Miss Ca the r ine Duin-ke of Det ro i t Apr i l 30 1877 who died January bullraquo 111 a Mr and Mrs Zei lman were the p a r e n t s of five chi ldren Mrs DeW olfe of H a m b u r g William Zeilman of Sou th Lyon Mrs M a r ha Green of G r en Oak F r a n k Zei lman who died in the Fai l of llJ14 and Miss l i s s ie Zei lman of H a t ^ b u r g village He is al-o sui vived by te gra i idchi ldr t r zsid one giva g r a u d child

Zei lman mar r i ed Mrs Minnie n 1(14 WA- l e he

liveu uitii liei dea th in liil -mcv that t ime he had lived with his daughshyter Mrs D e W o i i e a t H a m b u r g

Fune ra l services w i - e held ^ t e home of Mr and Mrs DeWoi fe at r i a i t b u t g illage W e d n e s d a y a f t e r -n o o l with Kep Kichstadt pas to r of th^r lgtuLheian church of orthville officiating Mrs X Hie E Ha igh t and Geo ige lu She i idan accompaied by Mis Edward S n e n d a n s ang S a e U tgty Grace I n t e r m e n t was in Ham-but y c eme te ry The pall bear is were five gj-andsons Waltei- DeWoifi- Koi- ^ rail iiioyd Zei lman a d Howard JJal-ko i leJutives and fri -nds wcr bull ]Jies-ent ijom feouh Lyon Hil lsdale N o r J i vilh Lans ing Di-troit iJieton (JJI n Oak ai d H a m b u r g

The honor roll of H a m b u r g vi lagi sclugtol for t h e month of Marcn those pupils n i i thej - absen t n o r a r u y durshying the m o n t h has bL-n i liouiced a follows in Miss Grace Heche s i uom

1 Gilber t Hejssler (ileri i i u m e t t Elsi D( oflt ltieorge Downing F ra c i -Edlaquoiy--Arleie bhaj non i l l Dori-Smi-h and Kuss 1 Smi th

In Mi-s l i e n VNe dlt i i i s room Jea ne FJenti -t J u n e Caldwiil SJV ma Caldwell r i o y d IcMchael Le

| -McI i ichacL H a r r y AlJili1+ Mary M O J I Rob rt Moore Jac(ult Jraquo (Juail an

t Hohb- ilob-rtgt-r _ _ Mr a d Mis Edwntd lt1 Houj-hto-

ax 1 thlt frandparlt nts lt-i a lit) -gian bullnil Cailcton Edvr-i AihMi -bullbullbullM O M and Mrs ( nee J i a e t -gt Hougn ton gt Carl Allen of J oit- iltgtgt I ltv -day March bullbull

Harold Gilb rt of bullbull bullbullgt Mondav with his | a e lt - bullbull bull William 11 Gilb

I l r a d Mi J bull bull j A r o o r were at tli-ii log ( 1- u bullbull

Hob While Peach Suml -1 --ihtry called on Mrs Henry ()^-

Milaquo-^ MaigUei - i t 1)1^1-1^ - bull gtuper isor of the Flin1 D i ry- lt Food Commission Thonu lgt ni ol Igtansing a n d Mrs Ea t ( e y)

Brighton werlt Sunnay jlaquougt gt bull lt-jgtarentgt Mi and Mis ( gtltlt D-

Mr and Mrs Edvai j gtj i son and daughtei-in-ia-A V lt -A l l oleT I7oTffReleTlT T)T) ~~ 1 lt ~~~ gt] siraquo lit he wick end at t h - i r iottaglt at Hob Whi te lU-Alth

Miss ( i race pelt-be sjgtltit bull vellt end witli liei1 par n ts Mr and l i Herber t iU ebe a t Howell

Mr- Jeiiiii- Nash who ha-- bilt i il a t tin home of her son rnd daught^-r-in-aw Mr and Mis William J Nash bull s improve d

Mr and Airs Char les Rainbulis m a tvltj chi ldren Georg ia ailtl lt ba rb s J r

of Detro i t s p n l th week eal w i th Mir P a m b u i i p a i e n t - Mr ami Mrs j Char les Wehne r I

Henry F Kice has moved from hi- 55a f Itn home in West H a m b u r g t-j his ^ n

cot tage nea r Por tage Lakbullbull Mr and | Mir John Ha-s ncahl and family have I I-oved o n t o the Kice f a rm j

Dr David Downing and d a u g h t r t Miss Mar ian of De t ro i t spent S u n d a

j a t 111 ir log co t age a t Hob Whit Peach

Mr and Mr- Smith Ma tin wer recen t gues ts of Mrs Mai t in s niece

Schmadt la

your childs


M _ 4



Young eyes neltd thebeht of carelri early years bull because at tfils Ktage a childs inquisitive mind is leading him into the realm of books More and more time is pent in reading-^and brcause of litis fact there is danger of permanent injury to eyesight if proper lighting is not provided^ Abuse of the eyes through poor lighting results in eyestrain and near-sightedness Tiiiures show that one out of every in e MIHMA children has defective vision

-pood-home lighting by following mdashYou can-easily make sure that o u Iia^ tliese live simple rules ) LVe corn t size lamp bulbsmdashWATTS In table and floor lamps v i l h three sockets ugte 10 atts in each socket with two sockets 60 watts v i th one socket 100 watts (2) Have at least one-tenth as much light in the rest of the room a- you have on your book newsshypaper sewing etc (3) LM SH 1 )KS on all lamp bulbs to prevent GLARK

ght (5) Have profwr intensity of

li) U^eshadete with light-colored linings to get the most to In-ure thlt t ) enoijgh lighting fixtures or portal 1 v

light throughout the room

TheMj 3 principles will assure r c a - ^ u i ^ good lighting and will provide proper swing conditions for every member of our family


Mr K F Kinslty w i t h M i ai-d Mr A J Holmelt motored to l i i ghhmd Pa jk S u n d a y af te inooj i and iounltl Mrs K N Draley bet- r aid looi-ihng much be t t e r

Mrs A J Holmlt-6 snet Vlt-(in--


day witii Mr Geo ige Marsha l l vampo was very ill and passed away Satui

u-t Augus Schinad tke a t Di-ightoir

d Mi- bull u k - ^ a gt i d g h t - a t Ius sonV AU- mid M- ~

Gregory Mr hijyd Hltgty

K The March tn-Tting of i h r h i i igh ei s was held a t tn- 1i Mis Inez Bowdi h

Aih j W o r d e n is dj-iving a ie ( 1 r o b t coach

Stdiool o|)ened Merclay aft-week s vacat ion

Mrs Ida Waj-flltlaquo of Dan-vHle - pe S a t u r d a y with Mr and Mrs Mel Conk

Mr Ad lia ( ia l lup i turiw-d t-j I


said de-ceascd now ort file in raid h o m e l u S a V u ( j a v to spend t l v s cour t be a d n u t x d to p roba te a n d t h a O ^ p mdash ^ w n M ) S t 0 1 e l w j l l the adnnni-strat ion ol said laquo s ta te he lt ^-^ ^igtr

g r a n t e d to F r a n k Uerquis^ and Uoe j ^ ^ 1 L r h a ( 1 ( l a u j r l l t p Kerquis t or to some otiier su i tab le ] i z a b t t h a n d h l o U 1 L u d t k ( p n t c r P P r s o n - day with Mr a n d Mrs J o h n D-cklt bull

Tr IS ORDKKKD T h a t the th J Kdwau l Urothcr ton of Ann Art bullbdquobull day of Apr i l A D raquo5j a t t u o Chx k | spent the w ek end w i t h M r and Mr in the forenoon at said p roba t e office M e l v h Conk be and is he reby appoin ted t o r h e a r - j Mrs It D Bren ise r an 1 FJwin r e t inj said p e t i t i o n T h u r s d a y in Ann A i b o r

bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo - bdquo bdquo bdquo ^ r r x t Niv Inez Kowdish attendelt] r I T 1 ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m e e t i n g in Howell T h u r s d y

f iublic no t ice thereof be given by p u b icat ion of a copy of th i s o r d e r for

t h r e e uccesgive weeks p rev ious to said day of hea r ing in the P i n c k n e y Dispa tch a n e w s p a p e r p r i n t e d a n d c i rcu la ted in said coun ty

Y Will is 1 L y o n s J u d g e of P r o b a t e

A t r u e copy bull Celest ia Parana ] RegiisUr o Probate^

A r l c r e JJreniser spen Her ^prirg vication with fr iends a t Hicko y Corshyner

Mr and Mrs C l i ades Whi tehead f Howell spen t the week end with hIY mother Sirs Sa rah L n m b o r m


WeH Digging

CAKD OF THANKS Wlaquo wWl to exprelaquolaquo our sincere a-

pre^UUon of the kiwlnw and nynVi vmikv extendedm our recent bereave-1 Sent ~ Mr E X Bralcy

Dr WrNTBralefand family i Mr and Mr F L Wright 1 stockbrldKe

amp fr mi Mraquo pound gt topping

Any Size to 10 in Write or call 96-F4

host ss Ladies

I etl ie D u i t trade

Viltur Ostra nder AJicJi

A play will be given in Plainf Id church Friday night April i T^e

| Spinisters Convention under the i auspices of the West Marion-foco

Kings I)au+htor Alultlaquo 2laquoc chid-n 10c THi Laura Hut-son will b

Tuesday for supper to the Guild

Mr C 0 Dution Mrs I Church Mr and Mrv A L J were in Howell Saturday j Clyde Jacobs deliverrd Friday

row and 2 calves all testedfrom W L Bulaquoha to Birney Roberts

Mrs F E Gauss and Mrs A L and Mrsr Walter Froat of Detroit wei Duttdn called on ifrraquo H F Dyer on Sunday viators at the Albert Fro

] (Jim gtMarshaJl I Mr Lloyd iloyc 1 lt fid with hilaquo father ajd mother

Chabbs Corners I i l a r l o w Muns t l l wife and eljjdrlaquo | oi (ji-egory wej-e S u n d a y guc-ts i Aiber Diiikel and family I Air L a t h e r s of G a r d c a Citv ^i- i t -| laquo l h i son ad familv one day Ja^l week __ |

-D and Mrs C lay ton I auna l ce o Deai-boi-n gtpent last VVlt u n e - a wi l i h i p a r en t s Mr and Mr- C KIJI - - -

R y i | Mr and Mrs F r a h k Whtv LlJilti Mj-j

Hazel Smi th of lio^wwll we^e S u n d a y j d i u n e p L U t s t s of Mr and M i CiMK--i Smith i Kiric Reason of1 ( i r ego iy Mr Lda Merce r of Pirckncy and Mr if bullbull- J Me G r e g o r and daugiU-r e I -oiv w o e Sumiay callers o Mi - W Alii- on

C h a r l e s Schafvr who is a t e i i l i n x the M S C sas h - m e ^i id-- Mlt-j lion la=t week I ^ Howard Roliston and boy fi itnd of A n n A r b o r spen t Suit lay at t h home laquo of hi unc le Roy Smol le t t | Ki rk V a n W i n k l e and wifi of Lans -j ing spent last Wednesday a t ihlaquolaquo lome

of Mr a n d Mrlaquo M W Allison Doro thy Gra inge r who ^ t a k i n g a

business cour se in Howell was home la^t week on h e r - vacation

J M Br igh ton is o u t aga in a f i e r a few d a y s i l lnws y i t h j l he j ^u

M r and Mr^ Ezrlaquo H n g n a m w e r e in A n n A r b o r one day las t wo^k on b s j -ncKs

M r a n d Mrs A lbe r t Dinkei anltl d a u g h t e r a n d Mr and Mrs Mark Alshylison w e r e Lans ing chopper Monday

o -Mr C o r a McLachlan and family

Mr a n d Mrs F r a n k A m h u r g e y Mr a n d Mir Waltei- F r o s t of De t ro i t w e r e


I Flower Garden

Ferrys Rices




I s V

| MllllllllllllllJtIIIIiniUlllltllUlllflilllltJIUtflllllUttUlHIIIHItlfltllltUUIIIiaHlf I


Try a Dispatch Want Adv V J f

Tke Piockney Dispatch Wednesday A_orf 3 1935

fTfee Pmdue Ifeidij cent ^ ^ cent ^

5 P A U L C U M

I Cash Specials Friday Saturday April 5 61 | P E A N U T BRITTLE lb raquo 1 | pfQfcOpTTFQCAME^ CHESTERFIELDS CARTON +4 M

Base Ball The Season Will Soon Be Here



l -O bull J L ltbullbullgt


^ ^ V Z U i J Base Balls r^if F r i d a y

I Toe and Heel Plates

Catcher Mitt

Fielders Gloves

4 i ^ 2

S SUGAR sect 10 Lb Cloth 5 Bag 49c

VIENNA I KELLOGS Sausage I Corn Flakes

2 Cans 15c I Lg Pkg 10c

MAXVELL i F OM sect House Coffee I Soap Flakes = Lb Can 30c | 5 Lb Box 28c sect


f j j h ^ o f a ^

bull M bull J W e H a v e Spaulding 1935 Sporting Goods Catalogue

bull i i Lgtlaquo1 3-1

v bull r


97i 25c

of MlJfoio hJTi of

ZZ t

5 APPLE SAUCE j BIG 4 SOAP RED CHERRIES GOLD MEDAL FANCY PRUNES pound I f X 2 Can 10c 10 Bars 29c No- 2 Can 12c | Hour $113 3 Lbs 25c I

= 7


I LEMONS Fancy Each I CARROTS Large Bunch I CRACKERS Exdls 2 lb

be 19c


RED amp WHITE TEA lb pkg 15c RICE FANCY 3 lbs 17c

GREEfTfc WHITE COFFEE 1 ib pkg X 21c

APPLL BUTTER at jar 17c MAC IVQN1 _ Z 2 l b bulk 15c

L ST TISSUE 5 rolls 19c


~^Tib 10c f

- J J

H E P 3 H E y S CUUOA gt 1 t I gt 1- rge can lCc E

t ltjf Lbullbullgt ^ - vr raquobullbull if fr bullbull_ v tn

i f ^jgty a r d 55 r - bullbullgted the Kjrv orrjv v-- --d M r Xoy

i V bull - bull - - r ~ - Lij

_ltiY -vlaquo-nTi^ i i l o v e - h ltJ a

and Mr Wraquor iolt-iilt-]rran of D -

- and --jr A-her bull 0 lt F r - laquo3 bulllaquo - bull -

gtultiz i f t - I -

bull AHx^r u-r- Sat- iO Mr- M h

ltbull H Zur^- arraquo4 T 7-bull Ja -t TJ---

P L O V D WBfeKS Prescription Druggist

I t

t i

1 Your Brakes 7 Arnt Working

then you are driving against the law Against yourshy

self too for faulty brakes cannot only cause mishaps

to others but to yourself as well For safetys sake

have your brakes tested today

= t bull 4 FOMATOES 2 No Cair LDEN BHNTAM CORN 2 No

Ann Arbor raquoit raquo bull - S u n

bull i i -lti-A M r -



- ] IraquoyltJiu- of I^an-Traquogt lt- of Ma-

bull ltgt Mr arii

bull bull i gti~gt- o f M

lt ] p v--r- Mi-- -lt Jaki yc(] lt-r of lt n Fiank D a n i ^ J i O V ]

I 1

W H MEYEfT i i s h t amp Heavy Hauling of All Kinds Mo-^ng

The Pinckney Disp -tcU $125 per yr

T (Ufirraquoraquo-niraquoii bullbull

- Au MVAmW r

bdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquo bullraquobullbullbullbullbull raquobull raquoraquo bullraquoraquoraquobullraquo - -in-

L w -jr^i ^ mdash

J i bull K vuvati-

laquo bull bull gt bull bull

^ J raquo - bull

ijjr ilaquoi J-

week Mi bull i

ltlin r ^ j o v

gtii -- v J inj w

bullo-i and s wrbullbull in Lans- Mr T-U Sir- in Dctrot


burinltKii FrJltilty a Mr Will M-j-t


f J) iro vgtgt uiiay aftc-i-noon if-urij visited I^i^ _i_^t

recently i n gtlttrltMt-TCt week Koy livaroji ltJ

lat Wednesday Mi^ IIlaquortty CJiroj

I n

lti J

bull j laquo- ia iveigt

i o

] bull

f j j gt i l i i i t J v a - -

sr JaKt Fiedler

m - i r V i v--as a Sunday of Mi- Uorolliy lgtar-

jrinl Candenthai of Lavs-ju vc la- wrel of her iou^

in Mi-s l^hyl-i Sprout Mift K CTiaJillt r of Kalamazoo

j-pent thc^ w e l t cv-i with her parent Mr and M-- ^- JltdTic^gt

Mr altl Mr Io ltoe Carl of Landshying were art VltiiltKday dinner gu raquot 0 f K r a n d Mrs- Ko^ Klaquoad

W Lind and Mui^-r

i e

were in )-troitt Fjji^y jjpbullbull John ritziinrroji- )- L-ei lt

to higt hH-ltl by illne- ilt-gt bull- ( Oia isrniih ltjf M-o - t lt bull bull

tive- h c i e a couple of ltjiy j^ (ieorylaquo- Clark -U-4 hi- ujiltr

the Gate Saniantir-- Aici Fridaj

The Migtgtegt Virjriil^ (I)--i Hilda Hartmen welte in Huv Satshyurday

Mrs Phillip Sprout -plt r v he- jraquoagtt raquo week with her si-teia in Lan-iji^ anri DeWitt

1 raquo r i

bull rgt

ro Ji i lt gt

i raquo o - gt APML 5 SPECIALS SAT APRIL 6

i 4 bullIr i-d Mr r ( i r i i -

Lind o f iVj o i t were Sunday ^ ^ j ^ ^ S u n d a y with L at the hojlt- of r and Mrs- 1 W putnam Teeple

nTielaquot White and fam-

Gerald and A l h n Dinkl^ of M^-io-i T [bull ^fiy ^ inueJ Marti) oi

iit - fltiu Her )i Jack^o bull j j d a y

J-AW J1 Fio-t w tiikr-n u tc- Ii k bull y -oiiiuj-Uiii Saturday for a fi

y aiJjrHt

J i i lea-on laquoid vsife of Lilt bull of Mr i-r i MJ

Hersheys Cocoa

9 1-2 lb cans l ^ c


6 Soxes 25c

Maxwell House i Coffee


Mr a -gtu-gt ily Krangt V hi were ^ 3ir and Mir Lee Lave

araquogtd wife of Howell j- caflers at the home of

Putnam Mi-- irjee lirenin^lttail of Wayj Miampi Chariotbullbullbull Kly vi-ited at th wa- a i jf--rfiay ealler at the hoiiic o

home of Mr and Mrgt M K D a r r o w p i

Philatbea Notes

l^orothy Larrow

Mi- L lti IXveraux ard dau lbullraquobullbullbull l ietty and Helen vigtited Detroit Ja-tive-i several day-gt la-t week

Mnlaquo Flora Danow Migt- Blaquo-madine Lynch of ^-x--

200 Kpent the week end with

Our )Pgtgt-lt vere led skillfully throujfh tnlt- ilaquo---ons for review by Mrs fcuae ron Sunday bringing out th-charactlt tic of Feter as a Christian

JUclpU- a hown in the variougt | ^ h e ^ M ^ M a r y L y n c h

U u u t U i Jk m p i u u i t d a j iuliijf p H Swarthout and on Don and dimple p bull In-CooperwilJe Fridav

Our Pa o ^ n n o u n c e n r n t t h a t gtA F Wegener returned his ho otir cluss Vouidh^ponjlaquoor the n e x k S u n -

Saturday Mr and Mrgt FredIJortz and LiH bull

Martin ^pent Sunday at the home of John Martin

Mr and Mr Ivu^cne Dijltk i i Kenneth Teeple of Detroit cail--i Migtraquo Carmen Leland wen- in Detroit deg n MJ- and Mrs N O Frye Fi iday laist Friday and a-ieaded the Masonic-banquet

Clyde Dairow of Walled Lake and bull M r lt a r i ( i M ^ W n gt M a v ( 1 bdquo famly_Kpent Sunday wth ht nether C o raquo cr vlle pert several day- la-

vltlaquo wiLh Mr and Mr Mert Cartraquo-

ivgt ^-11

Dr Hoiiis Sigler and wife of i iow- lt 11 WJJ2 Sunday guesta of Vr ad

Mrs C

Nation Wide Coffee mdash^ lb 25c mdash

Calumet Baking Powder ib can 23c

All-American Coffee Mi



Silver Fleece i Sauer Kraut

No212can 10c 1


day cA-enin^ rices as one LeHten event was briefly noted and raquoomc plans diltculaquoJieltL

A few boxes were brought in for the Cent-ii-Meal second opening foi which the church missionary treasurer is grateful

Ne5ct Sunday is Missionary Sunday in the church school THis also rfhouk receive- the attention - o f Philathea and others that we may quickly mak up our quota and be able to heir meet our own local church need Some who have no boxen are contribshyuting personally

One1 a^ain our sympathies g o out to Ihoho who Morrow at thiraquo t ime beshycause of the passing o Rev Berquiilaquot Anca our lat note- were Mraquont out Services were hehi here for th1raquo form- cfnJW^r^xnJut-- Friday

A blaquoraquoy7Tance over our new bull raquo-cOn quart bullbull -Mylt ws that we have-j l o s i n g w r In Pinekrvy bullt

i^or-d^-ful raquotudie ahead o f u^ neMlay We under-i rvf WtfJl jraquo--ltfc bull iVom botW old a n d lwhum_ri-ntJ thr Mmtlgt f raquo -

-- tie$amppound^-~--^4 l^Mfelhtra-s will f-gt Lincoln o f Cohoctah maQ ta be on hiiui netygtunday to begin these r e w themfK uKh the ltraquost topta ^The Heavenly Tamer John 14amp-amp4- All ladie welcome

O week from thilaquo Wednelaquoday o n AyptF l f ilaquo the time for our regular

hutdnesK and nocial mectiiuj

Mr and Mrlt Andrew Campbell bull s daughter of Dexter spent thlt w-x-k 5

Sunday af ter spending the pa- t w o - e n d with Mr and MrsTCugere Camp- 5 month with his children in Detroit1 bell 2

The MLshes Constance and K v - | M M g t a r k M KdDrr-v ltbullraquo 5 f a r r o w were g u ^ t of their cousin a n d M r fCOrge Green of How-II S

Charlotte Ely In Ann Arbor par of r i F H d p t o f M c s laquo laquo t week | j i-lt-pU a

M I M Harriet liowirnn who raquoa- bee 11 - t 3 at the University hospital Ann A s r o r Mr a n ^ r i - W e s I e y ^ a l t n i W ^ a i K i = for several weeks han returned 1- h e r ^ l V of Detroit were dinner g u e t S home of her grandparent Mr and M r a n d M r raquo - Clifford VanHorn l a s s Mnraquo Fred Bowman Wednesday pound

Merlin Lavey won fhTt nrize a Mr and Mrs Francis Shiaper ( v iv - S bicycle in the Ann Aibor Ww^ ub-raquoan Sigler) and son Jack and ^Miv s scription contest Jason Haitu - won Murta S i g k r - o f Detroit called o a the s the canoe and Joe Lavey the boxing Hotf sigttenraquo Sunday 5 g|ovelaquo and Helen Iiealaquoon the lath- Frank Kamen Detroit t t o n v t y ami bull =

Jackie Darrow -on of M- and M - laquoor of the latbullbull James Eamcn has in- a Wm Darrow fell from a Hbullbullltbull barrel formed Lucius Wilson chairman of S while playing Friday wn claquoJt a a h t h Finekrey Centennial program i s in hia head Two s t i i c r v ver re- commhtev that he will be one of the 5 quired to clove the wourl speaker Vre at that t ime unles =

Kxrk Van Winkle and wip- ngt bull something unforseen turns up 5 ^race BennetaDd Charh-s rjolni-bull- o- s

Norii i Wilson and l r S ltbull Jiitk ei were in town I l - S L_ _rd the Masonic baru-J ag i~T rrtt of Ierpy- called a t 3

Bancroft Peas 2 No 2 cans 25c

Golden Bantam Corn 2 No 2 cans 25laquo

Del Monte

Peaches CM 19c

Del Monte Grape Fruit

2 pound 2 9 c

Del Monte Grape Fruit Juice

2 to 2 CMS


fe Cans bull 19c


40 sect

C RACKERS Grahamior Sodas Ib 13c

MOLASSES No 2 1-2 Can 15c


traquo aluo our Mfaionary me t -Wirt Hendee M borteMJ rewg Highlander

P W CuHrtt acconirraquoaniraquo-i V bullbull ngt^inlch office Saturday II- 11- s members of Wartenav^odfrf XJ-) ( bullbullbull un that hi- faher J i h n 1raquo u- 5 F 6 A M o f D e x t e r tothlaquo Slavonic bull l bullgt o r t of the orlfrinal tJ r g banquet jfiven by Phoenix- I^odtre of degi Marnburj township tak ing up InA g VpxflAitti fcatuidxy ri^ht Othrr fraquoom the government around Jx10 s lodje from thj hectlon reprr-xehtf raquo11 That the prflaquoent itc of the North ] 5 were HowuJL_J^ockbridjre Chel^a Hamburjr church and cemetery was ( 2 -An Arbcr and ^-gt gt- s __ laquo bull -

Quality Rules at Our Market REASON amp S O N S

1 Mgt-Vgtn St Ar-- fsiven to t h a f organization by him Mr 2 __mdashPHONE i 8 - F 3 f Detroit conferrca 1 frac34 frac34 t o ^ n d h e PincUncy [ 1 ^

All Prices Subject to Mich 3 o|o Sales Tlaquox WE DEUVBK iiwtuuiiiHHiMiiiuiiiHiiuiiHiiiiHmnniHiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHimmiHimiiiiitHnimiiHHmHlaquolaquoiMiwiraquo^^


AUCT The Pinckney Dispatch W e c W d ril 3 1935

SALE The undersigned having decided to discontinue farming will sell at public

auction on the premises known as the M T Graves farm located 4 miles South west of Pinckney or one mile North of Patterson Lake the following described personal property on ^ ^



Bay Mare 13 years old weight 1200 Black Mare 4 years old weight 1300mdash

with foal Sorrel Gelding 2 years oid weight 1100


11 11 HEAD OF CATTLE Two Durham Calves Jersey Cow 4 yrs old bred March 5 Jersey Cow 5 yrs old bred Jan 18 Durham Cow 3 yrs old bred Dec 7 Durham Cow 4 yrs old bred Nov 17 Durham Cow 5 yrs old not bred Holstein Cow 6 yrs old fresh Durham Bull 2 yrs old Durham Heifer 2 yrs old -lue soon _ Jersey Heifer 18 mos7~old open

POUfcTRY 60-Rhode-Island Red Laying Heno 5 Turkey Hens 1 Gobbler 2 Ducks Quantity Alfalfa Seed

SHEEP 46 Cse Wool Breeding Ewes due in May One Coarse Wool Ram

FARMING TOOLS Dcering Grain Binder Grain Drill 2 Wagons Hayrack Mowing Machine Hay Rake 2 two-horse Cultivators 1 Ajax Cultivator Set Spike-tooth Drags ^Walking Flow Set Double Harness Buggy Single Harness Cauldron Kettle Wheelbarrow Set of Bobs 3 Set of Slings Roll Barb Wire Barrel Sprayer New Per Cream Sep Milk Cans Forks Shovels Chains And many other snail articles

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Kitchen Range (gcod one) Hard coal burner Heating Stove Buffet Bed (compete) Writing Desk Day Cot Dining Table and Chairs Couch^ Dishes Creeks Stands An d many other articlestoo numerous to



For the third time since J a n u a r y 1 the State Augmented Board approved the distribution of advance payments under t h e provisions of the Thatcher-Sias Act Stung distributed at the making this dfetribqtion the Augment-Tuesday meeting to ta l $1515701laquo In making this distribution the Augment-ed Board pointed out that the amount being distributed at this timewill not affect in an way t h e amounts which other districts not making application will receive a t a la ter t ime

The amounts distrioutea by coun-j ties a re as follows Allegan $6 490 | Antr im $7776 Arenac $3 003 Bar-1

aga $11100 Barry $6000 Bay $38- 3 4 5 Berrien $20441 Benzie $4ltgtampo| Calhoun $27737 Cass $10 083 Char-1 levoix $7 994 Cheybogan $ 7 0 1 Chipshypewa $16836 Clare $2 335 Clinton $3500 Crawford $606 Delta $2o-j Utgt6 Dickinson $19718 Eaton 9574i Gladwin $ 3 9 9 1 Gogebic $36018 Emmet $10 9 7 6 Genesee $225araquo Grand Traverse $11500 Gratiot $10-000 Hillsdale $9512 Houghton $13-764 Huron $3407 Ingham $8 350 Ionia $12 853 Iosco $75 I ron $28- 1 8 3 Jackson $54653 Kalamazoo I $21 591 Kalkaska $2 931 Kent laquo73-1 0 6 4 Lapeer 7 395 Lake $350 Leeshylanau $3 747 Lenawee $12329 Livshyingston $4100 Luce $1 121 Mackinshyac $3 831 Macomb $25104 Manisshytee $1249laquo Marquette $2826 Masshyon $600 Mecosta $2 111 Menominee $3568 Midland $528 Missaukee $3 -8 2 4 Monroe $1 895 Montcalm S7-7 7 8 Muskegoml $1650$ Newaygo $ J -5 4 5 Oakland $1218107 Oceana $24 1 Ogemaw $7004 Ontonagon $9900 Os celoa $7200 Oscoda $700 Otsego $4247 Ot t awa $27527 Preque Isle $5150 Roscommon $150 Saginaw $ 7 5 0 St Clair $30262 St Joseph $18700 Sanilac $11844 Schoolcraft $8 044 Shiawassee $20^000 Tuscola 55 577 Van Buren $15785 Washteshynaw $12000 Wayne $504663 Wexshyford $17381

bull bullbull raquo bull bull


O F STATE LOAN I Action by the Augmented State Ad-I ministrative Board to provide loans to

distressed school districts prevented the closing of the Houghton Public Schools scheduled for March 29 Evshyery effort had been made by the Houghton Board of Education to borshyrow locally and from the RFC Two-thirds of the district s share of Tnat-cher-Sias aid provided only sufficient funds to pay unpaid teachers salaries

the closing date

Financial Statement - Village of Pivickhey

For the Year Ending April 1 935 RECEIPYS

March 29 1934 Balance on Hand ^ $ 6863 Borrowed Money for General Expenses - 35000 Shew License ~ M Total Taxes Collected 176900 Liquor Control License 17000 Bank Dividends 27(Mgt6 Delinquent Taxes V 131A|2 Use of Fire Engine 25P0 Borrow Money for General Exoenses 40000

Cash Total bull $31911 DISBURSEMENTS

Light Bills bdquo $ 102705 Material and Labor on Fire Hall 25196 Fire Hose bdquo 57000 Labor on Street 5230

Gravel Tile Hdw Etc 29632 Minor Expenses 3785 Board of Review Expense 1365 Salaries and Election Supplies 14368 $500 Note and Interest 535(frac34 Interest on $700 Note 4900 Orders Drawn and Paid $297681 Cash Checking Account 21460

Signed P H Swarthout President Nellie E Gardner Clerk Blanche Martin Treasurer


bull t bull




to Anticipating that other districts

would be similarly situated the Aug-mened Board voted the sum of $200

000 o be loaned to School districts f tha t have exhausted available suitable i collateral A committee with powoi | to act consisting of Harry Toy At-j to rney General Theodore Fry State I Treasurer John OHara Auditor Genshye r a l and Paul F Vot-lker State Sup-| orintenrifcht of Public Instruction j were chosen by the Board to pass on proposed loans This committee auth I nHzed the Superintendent of Public Instruction to secure the necessary j papers prfctaratory to final appiova j of loans 6n delinquent taxes or o the-


PtoteroF25 Years Age Dispatc of April 7 1910

I- G JacKson has -sold his auto to S K Swarthout

In Mondays electioniTT~3TTiTountlco that voted upon local option this is-UltJ camed-m-2-0ofvhem ~

Reuben Kigtby who has been Grand Trunk agent at Clarkstoa lor some time has been transferred to Givgory

Kennetn Darrow is learning the barbers t rade at K J Carrs shop

Ebb Smith of Plairfield acciduitly shot himself in his workshop in Plain-

r-riday He lived about 2 son i urdy was ltiugtt hi e hunting duck-

Darwin Carr 82 died Fridav 1- 1

rl Kis whi

Mi lioiiK of her son John viving a)v three sobullbull


hours -1 fail

at the Suv-

W A Irving

Jus t ice John Denchcy highway t ont-missioner G E Mercer school xiisp and (J O Burgess Drain Comm in the state the Democrats and fcusion-ists won electing Allen Morse Sushypreme Court Justice and Moses Field and Charles WKitmalf Regents of the University

bullUgteaf ivfttsonsarc-notified to at end a Masonic school of instruction at iiowell April 14

Marriea on April 5 by Rev i l iVraquo-it Haistead Giegoiy to Miss Dna liird

John Flora has sold a half interest in his saloon at Plainheld to Sam W illiams

Joel lirigg aged 5S died at Una-dilla Sunday morning

The following personal property will be sold at public auction on the James

Marble farm located 3 miles west and 1-2 mile north of Pinckney on

Tri raquo


Senator Harry F Hitfe offered a i amendment to the Prison Labor Bill to manufacture agricultural impleshyments and in the fight to pass the amendment he-temporarily a t least broke with several of the so-called insurgents as well as administration leaders

During the debate which was one of the most spirited so far this - c -sion Senator Hittle said I am not interested in legislative groups and T shall not hesitate to oppose ei h r friend or foe on matters of legislation The farm implement trust has fn-years been gouging the farmers oi our stat Ihe price of agricultural

u and John and a daughtc Hai-t

Calvin VVelTer dipd at higt lioni1 in Hamburg on March 2raquo a the a^e of 7S year- Surviving ale hi wift and thfcfc daughtei^ Mrs John Vanliorn Mrs William lhrics and Mr J u

_ ijookei Tiit^uiU^iaJ_avaA-4w4d--f4^ow the homltgt Thui-day llcv Kxelby ofshyficiating

J^orn to Mi1 and Mr Fivnci- CaiT cf Detroit un Satuulay a dausdit-j

Monday G r a h a m Swarthout ti t his OS h ballot He tirst voted for James Polk on the Whig- ticket and has voted a Whiif or Republican ticket ever since

The Democrats rvon rll the office here Monday but Highway Comm and JusMee CX Campbell won the firsr ofTice and V H Ci-ofoot the second James Harris was rlt -elected supervisshyor 11 J Carr clerk A M Roche t reas Diivid i^r iet Ovr-r-ier and Joh1 Fohey Hoard of



3 Beds mattresfes and springs

Dining Room Suite consisting of

Table Side Board and Chairs

2 Dressers 2 Commodes mdash

- - - J ] o i n to Xick Jh-aley antl wilk of beyond the reach of ( pJainficlci or March 2 a vi Commenting further ^ Mr a rd Mrs Alfrd MorgaB-ltX Oi-j

t ivot have moved on tT- bull ^ hem

implements are most fa imers ui the debate he said Prisoners must j v e t have moved on thlaquo llaquoufirlaquolaquoVfti-rn be kept busy at something so let them j they purchased do something that no one else in the j j o n n Marshall 01 G r e ^ state does Every manufacturer of Thursday and Abe Harpi rS finished agricultural implements m | t ] K r e gt April 1 this state has either heen fnrrnd mit | i - ^ Notes of

Kitchen Utensils

1 Cider Barrel

Center Tablr

Quantity of Antique Furniture

or bought ou by the haiTcster trust i The adoption of this amendment i should break- the price at least in this s ta te

Rep Charles Adams bill- - J al l^v the county boards of supervisor to set the a m o u n t of dog t a x to be colshylected In their counties in proportion


1 Organ Pictures

Round Oak Stove Crocks

Quantity of Dishes

S everal R ocking Chairs

1 Swivel OfTice Chair

Barrel Churn Quantity of Bedding

Sanford Marble took up this farm in 1835

and it has been owned by the family ever




Also many other articles too numerous to



Jas Marble Est f t

ERCY EUJS Auctioneer

to the amount of sheep r claims fllod hoi-w- Mond was passed las t week by the aid of Democratic votes The Republican representatives ffoiii Irfgham and otlv fi counties turned it down Livingsshyton county should be jfrfitl to the

-X)7mocra t i cmdashi^r t fen ta t ives -mdashfrnm Wagtne county who voted almost solshyidly for it Without their suppoj^t it could not have passed

^ n o t h c r bill which Ropresjcntativr Adams is backing would rc^as subdivision property on which the t i x cs have been delinquent for a certain number of years a t the price of fa ir acrea^c These pieces of property aifecfed were originally farms sold by their owners to real estate men who subdivided them Then they werers seamped at the price of city lot- ^ h e slump eamelaquo the sale of these lota endshyed and the farmers got the land back again when the real estate men deshyfaulted on the i r payments Most of the farmers were unable to tako ^ho back on aecount of the back tax s against them k I t is generally concedshyed tha t these will never be paid Thit bill would xtduee these taxes by as-sesing the J4n4 a t the valuer of farm acreage There a re thousands of such farm lands In Wayne Oakland Mashycomb and Washtenaw counties

bull ii i bull i ^ i a n bull

DiraquopatcN of April 6 1885 ^ School begins at Chuhbs Corn IN

Monday with Mi- Crrvic Hcrninon as ^eacher

John Donokuc living on the Scotcli farm at Fortage Lake b t a sv ltbullbull

homo aged



T H E FLOWING H A X P I How the Orea t Scientific Detective B e i t m o n ~ Solvod a Series of -Strange Murders Told in The American Weekly the Magazine Distributed with NEXTraquo

V C 8 J C A G 0 H l i l f t L D AND g j Supei-visor Wm P e t e r s ^ l e r k j W Swetnty) Trtau J F Lemon

ay James Ryan died at his

Dexter township April 4 years

Daniel Roberls of Chubb has 35 half-breed Vsi-te piamppoundjJiaJLaxc dandtef

The following people have rcc VQlt1 notary commissions Samul D Mark-ha^n Bej Larue Dan Wright i l 1 Gardner Zobina Chamber

TJan Richards has rented his blackshysmith shop to Parker amp Spears of Wobberville

Albert Wilson announces- that his well-known trott ing stallion Mam-brino Rattler will make the season at his farm this year

G I) Wood has pone to Crro where he has bought an intercut in a pail and tub factory

There were 317 votes cast heiv Monday of wJiich ICO were straight democra t and 75 Reptrbhrarr Ihr Democrats won all offices here with tthe following majorities Supt Jas Marble 90 Clerk W P VnnWinkle 67 Treos C V Van Winkl- 00 Justice W A Carr 106 Highwav Comm Chas Bailoy 10 School Insp Dan iMurta 78 Constables Em-mett Murphy Patrick Kenncdy-r j-M White Jas Timmons

In Unadilla Dan Barton was electshyed Supervisor Arthur (Jroen CIbull-

- N Bi-aley Tioas j J t DicKen son Just ice D H Denton School Jnsp V Perry Highway Comm v

In Hamburg Jas Van Horn won

Neighboring Notes Dr Duncan Cameron of Detroit

will be associated with Dr Melius of Dnghton after April 1

inspector Van Ness of the State pharmacy department was in Uri-jht-on checking up last week to see Viuit

-4+^-j^te+t^-othtTmdasht+ran dFug stores handle aspirin ]iy a ruliig of the attorney general all stores oth r than drug stores selling aspirin are liable to a fino of $100

Stockbiidgo and Fowlcrvillc hav both fallen lor donkey baskeball and games of this nature in which tiir players ride burros were played in eat-n town recently

Edward UirdsalJ fi son of Mr and Mrs L E Hirdsall of FovlerviTe won first prize of $5 in a violin playshying contst at the CJmdmcr theater Lansing recently There were 15 in the contest

The Baptist Evangelical Methodi-i and Presbyterian churches of H o w i J starting April 7 will hold union len-tcn services

Mail Carrier George Nichols of Howell will reire after 30 years ser-icegt- 27 percent of the Livingston counshyty tux was turned in an delinquent Jhis is the best showing that has been nude in tills county in many years

Porn to Mr and Mrs Rex Drown of Lansing March 23 an 8 a-4 lb son

Henry Ford has purchased the powshyer and water lights known as the Pet-tibonc plant at Milford of F S Hub-bnll who liars owned it for the past 20 years It was formerly used to furnish electric power Just what Mr Ford will utilize it for has not been satcd

Two CCC camps willbeestablished m the Waterloo project s ta te park jn

-Jackson and_W^a^tfmafclaquoowgttee-wftn~ in the next two months- They will accomodate 200 men One will be at Poi-tage Lake in Jackson- county and the other on Mill Lake on the old Glazier country home 4 miles west of Chelsea

The Farmers Union is contemplatshying establishing a co-operative mik station in Washtenaw county From 4000a to 5000 lbs of milk would bo handled daily

Henry Ford hw rerewed his opshytions on the water rights on the Salshyine river at Milan

Michael KeUey that embattled Irishman from Dexter spells his name K-e-l-j-pythen crosses out the second e by way of emphasising that his is the good old Irish -spelling

Washtenaw PotTtibune John At tenbemt Webster farmer

received two brokenribs a dislocated knee and a punctured lung when a windmill he was repairing foil on him He i| a t an Ajm^AJbjir hospital^mdashgt-

WHY WOMEN CRY rgt r B A T M E N SWEAR Profoaoei Donald A LUlWtT

psychologist explains the^reasonigYvj en by science for thedeep-seated or-tampnif difTerencea which make men be have so differently from-Wpmen Rend the article in The American weekly w i ^ ^unday i ^ ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^



_ _

m m x2 m

Tffli-Yy ^^s

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935


ELECTRICITY WASTE Radio stations unavoidably waste

an incredible amount of electricity because less than two one-thoushysandths of 1 per cent of the power leaving their antennas Is ever used The average station has to send oufc-constantly more bull t han 50000 times as much energy as its listeners coujd possibly consume If all of them had their sets turned on durshying all the hours-of its broadcast lngmdashColliers Weekly

bull bull bull laquo raquo

Dr Pierces Plenant Pellets are theorig iampal little liver pills put up SO years ago They regulate-liver and bowelrmdashAdv

Be ReMttaaM Idttrriage is ^ o t a failure If too

mujftV is not e l e c t e d of i t

YDS bowe i orf les

Xhjamp U-atest ampajg^k4rcopyu^wheth$r the system needs a cathartic change

lpound you Jave constant sluggishspells of bilious attacks and laxatives seem to make things worse it would be

1 ase let |poundy this Stop all use of any laxative that


may beeht toolarge ajlosa for your indiviaual neen)T9sesteatiraquoa liquid laxative that you cah m e a s u raquo and regulate

^ as tq ltdoaegtAs neoMary to repeat lakesmMer^mlamp^inditsA often W i t h e b o ^ t S ^ ^ M j f i i t i i o u t

any help at all r J i ^ U J bullraquo Doctors- and

a properly prepared liquid laxative containing natural laxative agents

u ik3laquoma l i a t a s o a W raquo lt ^ f t ) y and ablamphing

You caa aet Df Caldwells S

a t ^ y ^ a t o r e 7 ^

- i -

bull gt y bullbullgt

bull ill [ill fP

Jnlaquot h r E m ^ g r - f ^ ^ a ^ ^ i f e n t t e a

bullonmdashlike men

-tr AV J ^ bullbull

Golden Dawn

By Peter B Kyne

Copyright by Bell Syndicate WNU Service

S Y N O P S I S -

A ltV

ERRV PUREBRfM C ^ s F ri bull

fllU^ltffW klaquoV

r raquo



Dont take a back seat wnen if cotnes to grow-i ng flfiw bull V raquoP 1 a n V

f JPe^rya^urebred Flower Seeds and your garden wil l be t h e envy of

IOM They are pire-

Theodore Gatlin adopts a baby Peshynelope in an effort ttr-solve his matrishymonial troubles But his wife has never wanted her and their affairs end in the divorce court At a baseball

-game a ball strikes ten-year-old Peshynelope on the nose Mrs Gatlin spirits the child to Europe Gatlin wills Peshynelope all his money and 1s about to bpoundgin a search for her when a motor accident ends his life Some ten years later in San Francisco Stephen Burt rising1 young psychiatrist is presented by Dan McNamara chief of police with a new patientmdashNance Belden a girl with a dual personality for which her saddle nose is in part responsible McNamara does not think she is a criminal and obtains Burts testimony in court Lanny the doctors office nurse is also won over Nances crimshyinal record outweighs Doctor Burts explanation of her case and she is sent to San Quentin penitentiary bull Nance escapes although shot and goes to Lannys apartment From one of the men In the boat on which the girl escaped McNamara learns that Nances real name is Penelope Gatlin He also discovers that she is heiress to S750-000 Fearful of McNamara in his ofshyficial capacity Narce fiees Lanny finds her in her apartment asleep Then she disappears and McNamara learns that she is living in Paris

CHAPTER VIIImdashContinued mdash 2 0 mdash

This was too much Lanny put her arms around him and kissed him on each cheek And that s a seal thatll get by too

Pan was embarrassed Lanny was too mdashgo she took a has tydepar ture

The two men stared after her adshymiration In their eyes A dmdashd fine woman that None finer said McNashymara

Why dont you marry her The suggestion popped out of Doctor Burt as suddenly as it had occurred to him

nNow theres an idea McNamara mumbled dazedly How long have you been mulling it over

Subconsciously since you entered the office I caught a gleam in Lannys eyesmdashand when she kissed you the

subconscious crystalized into the conshyscious

Ill think It over Youll not think it over Mac Youll stake up your mind new And I can

rather be a bachelor than a disapshypointed lover

Tell you what to do Mac Stephen advised Send her a nice photograph of yourself If she puts It in a silver frame you may proceed with confishydence

How WiH I ktfamptf gtfnr ltbull Mf its^ fh ifSilve^ frame -oh the

dressing- table In her bedroom itll be a cinch gt

^ HowHT get into her bedroom you

blockhead - f bull- Ill steal her latchkey and have a

duplicate iuade-JTtlen you t an investishygate V

McNamara rose ^arid held out his hand Tis a pity -Stephen my boy you arent in ipy detective bureau Good night -bdquobull

The annual parade of the peJice force was but a week-sJUtaat and during that week Dan lited^fptirety on orange juice and spent Jitsnightshia Turkish bath As a result he dropped eight potmds off Tils northern Elevation Very erect and ffiariftal he sat on a milk-while charger while a photographer took several exposures of him and his command

When the prints were delivered to him he sent them all toLanny with a note saying

bullNow that we- are both in the same croaked conspiracy^ I thought you might be interested1 In having the latshyest photograph laquoofthe biggest crook of thenf all bull - bullbull -Tljte following day Stephen Burt sent

him a -key a n Che following after-nbou McNamaralethimself rnto Lanshynys houSe and discovered one of the photoson her drelslng ta6lemdashand In a gold frame Another print in a silver frame appeared id her drawing room _

Holy Closes lie soliloquized Im In for it now I Godhelp me theres no escape


Upon nls return to his office Mc-Nairfafa fooild in his mail a photoshygraph of Lanny indorsed To dear old franmdashfrom his partner In crimemdash

Xanny IVJilie he was gazing upon it -and telling himself how little justice the portrait did the beloved subject Stephen telephoned demanding that he come- to the office __^

bullLanny was in ears T v e j u s t had another visit frpm Mrs--Merton Dan Stephen Tgtega1T- It seemsTEhat af ter i twgt years of inactivity during which

ftlnie she had elected to believe Pene-fcrpe (Satlin deadshe has developed a crazy notion to prove it She wants to get Penelopes fortune

Yoraquo questioned h e r about her daughter

Yes but she doesnt know It said Stephen I hypnotized her first and spent an hour questioning her and It appears that this morning she visited your captain of detectives and asked him to throw out a dragnet to locate Peftelope Qrttlin- bull bull Sdie bull brought him some snapshotst)f -the girlmdashtold him ) heT real name--all about her moneymdash the girls habits and peculiaritiesmdash everything When Tlt1 discovered

that Penelope Is an escaped convict They will immediately deport her an4 Flynn will meet her at Hobokeu

But cant you do anything about It Dan Lanny pleaded

Nothing Klynn and Angellotl are on the trail officially now He stared at Lanny tragically Im out of the picture now and can do nothing but advise you Send two cablesmdashone to Nance Belden in Paris and the other to Penelope Gatlin at the same adshydress Say Come at oncemdashLanny dyingmdashcable name vessel on which leaving and sign It Steve

111 meet her at the dock Stephen decided Im due in New York next week

Youll do nothing of the sort said Dan Ill send that convict in my honsfe He shuddered ami grimaced in his distress 1 could handle the wop with money hut Flynn has sworn an oath And because Ive made a monkey out of him hell keep It Hed rather make a monkey out of me now than acquire great richesmdashand if Im broke most likely the captain of deshytectives will step into my shoes and Flynn will stand a good chance of beshycoming captain of detectives Oh mur-deration Lanny darling have you a little whisky in the house Im faint so I -am

Youre suffering from heart trouble you egg Lanny cried savagely Yes A weak heart a soft heart a human heart

Send that cahle he roared Yes get busy Lanny Stephen

urged The bird of time has but a little way to fluttermdashand the wretched fowl is on the way

After Dan McNamara had left his office Doctor Stephen Burt gazed with mild disapproval upon Lanny

^Unlike you and Dan McNamara he said I dislike having the peaceful tenor of my life disturbed

This Intrigue is myrrh and Incense to me Stevie

I know it You and Dan love a fight for Its own sweet sake but I do not I have a particular aversion to grand Jury Indictments and it is a posshysibility you and your boy friend have let me In for

FiddTesTicksr Lanny Ill be angry with you In ft

minute Now listen to me and whatshyever you do do not talk back Dan McNamara has-iuwi out on us I mean you Hes through Dans rattled If he tradnt been hed uever hav_pound or-dered the Sending of such a fool cableshygram

Dan McNamara knows his way about Lanny defended Hes more than nine years old

So do I Lanny It will be highly dangerous to send that cablegram How Is she to know it Isnt a message to decoy her hack to the penitentiary If she receives it while shes Penelope Gatlin she Is extremely liable to cable for confirmation before acting on i t That would mean a delay of not less than twenty-four hours On the other hand if she is Nance Belden when she receives it she will leave Paris openly and walk right into the hands of the New York police Im not much of a

SOURCE OF STRENGTH A strong man Is one who realizes

how weak other men are

AND THAT -GLADLY The only thing some people wlB

share with you is trouble

Now Relieve Your Cold Quick as You Caught It 55

1 Take S BAYER Aspirin Tablets bullbull Make sure you get the BAYER Tablets you ask for

i Drink a full glass of water Repeat bull treatment in 2 hours

For Amazingly Fast Result Remember Directions

In These Simple Pictures

The simple method pictured here i s the way many doctprs now t rea t colds and the aches and pains coldt bring with them

I t is recognized as a safe sure QUICK way For it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it

Ask your doctor about this And when you buy be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly And thus work almost inshystantly when you take them And for a gargle Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness leaving no irritating

particles or grittiness BAYER Aspirin prices have been

decisively reduced on all sizes so theres no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want

J If throat is sore Crush and stir 4 bull BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third

of a glass of water Gargle twice This eases throat soreness almost instantly

PRICES on Genuine fiayr AtpMm Radically Reduced on Alt Sln$

Made My Car Look New Again

Youll marvel too at how beaushytiful your car looks after you Simoniz it But Simonizing does more than just bring back the lustre and beauty your car had when new It makes the finish stay beautiful Dust and dirt wipe off of a Simonized car with a dry cloth and the finish sparshykles as bright as ever So always insist on Simoniz and Simonix Kleerier for your car



J spring of generations of perfect plants

bull ^ bull bull bull

f O J R N E I G H B O R H O O D

S T O i i E T H pound M I N


mdash M A N Y O N L Y



REDUC-So laquoielaquo1slaquo 5o-staging No flrugi Slaquonlt1 for free circular and read how I lost 123 4ba n IVntfrntlM wili my newdiscovary Or Ifften to broadeaistover WJF and

r g m w bawience MauKs rar~RgfrPttag-bullAaraquominjt l i bo 11 fe at an drug ttorlaquos or send 1100 for trial bottle Sent postpaid

Suffered From Tetter

on Hands Aefoved by Cutcunt

laquo1 tufferedfor two or three years with tetter on my hands If I did any work they wonld bleed and be-

C Sto pfrtvfMh vlmmpoundamp0poundwere toousand dollarsmdash kin all the time What You a chief of police anld

This WM TeeMuchpoundlaquonVyjqt J ^ Him and Kltaed Him on Each ChaeK



t-remedies but sent- foTj a free

F f e o f g a M after I rem great Juckasa I know that I

aging onecake of Cuticnra Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment1

Few Market Tens

1raquoctmr2flcraquoo1ltr everywhere One

cm ISUiCrampofiSMj vvpt Rj Balden Ma-A4v bull-


bull bull

get along without her although the goV enough to ftufc Unify In tears I awakshying will be pretty sklddy But of courseJenen^-Vrs^Mertofr a n i e n t her away bullhell marry you If you askbecvLanDyhap tpy bitty wJpiIJiM^command firmly never proffers her friendships or her plqnted 1frac34 her sVihConsclous mindmdashshe lovea on the half shell bull And theresV nuit not ttynk pf Xbegtame Penelope still time my boy still time Gatlin Jhen1 -awakened her 1 asked

bullNot if she goes to Paris hepylf bullbull]raquo had laquongt adoated daughter Ive heard of police chleTs-securiagf Stot rlaquo|)lte(llaquorprlt8ed4thatshe bid I

a leave of absence for six months- |3theA$slaquociAferthejraquoainlaquo of this adopt-MI couldnt take a six m o n U i s h o n ^ f edlaquoegWrflMAgtrf--tolaquoli of terror came

bveYher face Flaquoilaquoraquo he life of her she c o n l d V r t h W o f ^ V uarne and begged

Sp^no^y^r^erit^orrrt If knew it f t s a ^ I t ^ ^ d l d n ^ t h i n k of doing

Ive saved eig^it

anly worth eight thousand dollars God help me boy Im honest bull

bull Stephen roared his merriment Why

Wouldnt - let every man have Laraquo4fv J But dont yon worry about money U n Tlie f laquo ^ s l W deg r 0tradetrade MJ

py is a business woman She man- | Fl-imantl ^ngejMtl hn the caso^he ogod raquo e iawaU^waa-a--ha includes my finances Pro with g-o^d dividend paying stocks S o u l thebankmraquolV ln inl^ries Wten he know I could be a mighty ood friend j p r w n i e d hla icredetftiaIs the cashier to the man whowould be good bullo^AraquowraquodTilB|rgtV^gt-lirrng Thpyil laen-j ^ n n y - - lt $ifjr thatolirl asNanceBeklert trace

bullTil consider the proiWlaquoltinnlt tHabull rfrer t f r i f tn 4raquoraquo ^ajrHy a I did raquond iiiutioas Celt replied although Td f tarTrlaquoairaquojievlaquorraquomenwwUi he notjlled

thatltMfoJe she-u^Kl-1frac34 the detective Jburenu wtth heri in for mat Win McXa-bullmaaraquoeriasflaquontgt cajjei UR the Security Trlitt- cbtapany __ J3L-^_^ = 1 =

detective but tonight Pm a better ono than that McNamara idiot

Hes not an idiot Hes one of thraquoraquo finest men I ever knew

Keep quiet he ordered severely You ditch my train of thought

He drew a sheet of paper joward him and commenced writing while Lanny ^glowered at him Presently he sat up and read

Grave danger bull stop beat it some other country traveling by motor stop upon arrival tfable address stop If need funds will cable them stop leave Paris establishment Koing concern stop gO out for walk and disappear stopunless these Instructions followed you leave

trail -fur jtM^eltiaOFlaquo_ tdeg_ fol low r ^Slac

He looked up How do those in- struotiona strika youiT


Uiraquo the Soft Pedal wpout try t ma^e too much noise In

de world said Uncle Eben A gwod inglneer ain gwlnter use up ai l Ail steam blow in de whistle


MM toiMtraquoraquoUmdashbullgtmdashltgtbull


nwiminnwy i ^ i i i i

bullv-- I


The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1396 B amp


Change To Summer Grease Now

Drive in to Laveya Service Station and let us remove that light winter grease and put in heavier summer

Dont put it off To use winter grease in summer is injurious to your car

Full Program Ahead


A strong gain in mLnvoersmp a healthy growth in number or troops and enthusiasm in Scout advancement lor the first quarter of lgt3o is reshyported by Scout Executive Walter At ac Peek

During the three months period just ended u) new boys have become Scouts and two new troops have Deeiraquo addea in the Council igtL Scouts have advanced to Second Class ranx 3u Scouts nave become t irst Class raru and ltfb Merit badges have been earned

X Mobiloil Gas

Goodyear Tires

Look Forward to Camping A scries of work parties are beshy

ing planned to be hela at Camp New-kirk to clean up and paint up and glt t the ramp in the best possible simp lor its lull use this spring and sumshymer

hach troop is urged to work out a carefully planned camping advenshyture either at Camp Newkirk or elsewhere


Advancement Plan Boanls of Review and Coutt- of

Honor are being planned to be hela at lYujuent intervals in all district to encuura

Training Opportunities Monhy meetings of Scout leaden

are being held and two Wfok-cnd Training conferences have b -en an-nounceu for early in May

Continued from fifet page to be conferred This he eajd were pricelaes for the reaeon that they

j must be c a n e d by a nettbership of I forty years in good atandinfc Lodged

can bestow eueh honors aa election to office etc but only forty years memshybership can secure a l ife membership

Key Jerome of Dexter s chedu le bulla the next speaker was bull preveated from coming1 by illness

Dewey Hesse of Saginaw an aspirshyant for election to grand lodge this year spoke next He is called the -talshylest Mason in Michigan He amid the support of Livingston Lodge VaS reshygarded as the rabbits foot and hoped that he would be favored with it this year He also paid-hia respect to the members of grand lodge end all blue lodge brothers and made a fery agreeable impression

Hugh McPheraquoonpast graiyi Jnast-er of Michigan Masons and present grand treasurer was next Toasjwast-er WHson remarked that i t -was poundhe natural tendency of -the Scotch to handle funds that they were always as careful in handling other peoples a their own anddthat while their atshytempts to obtain the position of cusshytodian of exchecker could be delayed it was impossible to prevent i t Mr Jtc Pherson talked on grand lodge affairs and stated that the Masonic home at Alma had paid all theirtotkl tnctebt-


At an hour in the march of evcati wneraquo a service it moat needed you will find vjifj

and capable whatever the epraquoerfeac^raquo To be first in completenett and atfteaf iveness has ever been our aim Italir experienced direction our aemcotIsMeV maintained a reputation for and sympathy The charge it ftra$e very reasonable



poundOST__A Chevrolet

truck-wheel and tire (J J CaJs Pinckney


edness of $ 1 2 0 laquo $ this year through ^ ^ M Jdeg t F ^ T - r - 8 0 a c l e s - Squire bull - - - - - bull - -bull - A VanSickle Highland Lake P i n o

THE INQUIRING REPORTER Malice to All Charity to None

We spied Stanley s r ndy sipping ^oltla at the Sugar How] Friday night Who was the sugur with yut Sar

file printers devil evidently isnt j-]XQding all his vicatiun down on tv farm We also saw him at tho Sugur Jgtol Who said-this wouldnt g-t i)

Well Afyrrr has eont- back CJ his fir-love hut he still likes the theatre

Around here it seem- to be in the sprinp a young mans fancy lightshyly turns to thoughts of old loves as we also saw Lefty with his old girl

BobDMloway and- Vtrgmta swrnrrdr to beenjoying Clive of India howshy

ever we don think Ronald Colmao deserves all the credit

Bob Head made good use of his vacation to jet befter acquainted with Sockbridge and its attractions

Now as for Jim he seems to prefer the attractions the open country ha-gt to offer

In case anyone is eouple a cute ni^h

ooking for a watclimen you

I might consult Kmmett Clark and iill I Drown

Speaking of Hill he ooked like a -ulan with his proverbial haiem a I the show Sunday Hes ro piker Hin Bill Lamb i- now going for

blond troraquoes We feel it our duty to inform you Hill that red locks are

the thing this spring [ - Well anyhoo ihiiv -was rip slar 111 | the cigar sales election night Only I they should issue instructions on how J to smoke em ih Howie

Philco Radios




Phone 72 Marvin Shirey


the fact that the brothers-had paid v p - bdquolaquo ttWi ^ f t e r - m l v a ^ ^ i W ^ l i ^ ^ - d 1 1 ^ ^ ^ aTxPherson is known n e y tradeone o 8 F 2

to most every penarolaquoin this county P n p QktA deg and is always laquo favorite speaker [ t i- ^ ^ 1 ^

The f o l l o w i n g m u t e n and W t s i S ^ copy -masters of visiting lodgedwere tnt- called upon and introducedDdiald Dancer Chelsea Harold tJdrrow Howell EIHs Gsecn P raquo Pharcs Winney Ann Arbor CltH WhitnTcy Stockbridge j Robert ^fflfiips Brightshyon A Hepplnstair ^mst Lansing Clyde Yelland Fowlerrile Roy Har-

Chelsea William Tiel - Mason Chester Miller Chelsea Clarence Mar rohey ChelseaA C JDigby South Lyon Eugene McLachian Ann Arbor Ira Ott Dexter Bird Hifrht Howell^ Ross Hidebrand Hqwell Roy Hardy Howell W E_J8immer Maaan^fcd-ward Drewpy Howell John Vorwerk Saginaw David Steptoe Dekter

Supt Morse laquoang two more song the last one of which ks dedicated to the members mf the J^asorile fra trnity Then lodfe Wjaa opened and life membership oertl^oa^f and cards presented to Eugene Caffifcbell byjliis son Andrew Johp ifclajtmj by Percy Ellis Dr CL SigUr by^ohn Martin W H Clark by PaulJSlark and Chaa J Teeple by RAifisell 14vermore This ended the evenings program end anshyother past m^fters night obaerrance of Livingston Lodge Jo 16 had be-oome history


| Fxecutive Boarlt To Meet I The April Executive Hoard meeting 1 will be held at Chas^McKenny Hall in J Ypsilanti on Tuesday evening April

iraquoth at o p in Members of the Board fris i are M li Zimmerman^ John S Page

Ralph Weeks Dr E A Ross and Floyd Weeks from the northern disshytrict Dr Theron S Langford Albert

Fiegal D r W E Foi-sythe Judge J 1 0 rj-ay Hackley Butler Ira M

SmithT)T-T~TJToTmuon George E Paul DrJJ B Howell Otto W Hais-ley Eugen Power Clarence Newman Prof Robert B Hall Emmett Gib- Fielding H Yost Al K Richarus Dr gtlax Durfite and Herbert Wagner of the middle distiict C P Steimle Paul B SarnT^i ricgtltiBattelte Supt Ernshyest Chappelle William Foy W C Con rad Lt Coin A C Schradlt r George McKim ThurJWW Hodley Supt T MshyClay Fiank Locson and George l iun-dv of he southern district the three-

40 acres Inquire of

WANTEDmdashA man to work by tno month Also early and late seed poshytatoes for sale Bert Hooker

o FOR SALSL_Sturdy Barred R o d Baby Chicks bred to live and lay Our flocks are inspected and approved by M S P I A For the past ten yearV we luve improved our flocks each year Their past performance is our recomshymendation Also hatching eggs at 65c a felting for the first three settings thereafter 3c an egg

Van Horn Hillside Farm -mdash o

HEFbl l lrYOL-U-yen=Get- our prices on -June Clover Common Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Aslike Clover and W B Sweet Clover Complete lino of Oliver Walking Plows ant- Spring-tooth Harrows See the New 12 |V2-ard Walking Plow Open Evenings W Q Jury - Hardware- amp rmplementr Hamburg Michigan

mdash o

FOR SEBVICS A p t r l s 5Terty Bear Fee $100

G e e t C r e W y

F 6 1 SALK A litUe dcy ana pound i i ^ weee


Cttxgf Scaa em -e

FAJM FOB M a f F ^ S p J g r t M taifce ^ n s wi t t I M T a o w laquolaquoI werk land nraquot eqaipperf Ca^reVft

laqirire agt Dtepa^e Office

^u w

FOR ^ raquo l V 4 C B _ P e U a d ChTaa fctiA $100 Afie 2$ Umae fe jauV

M laquo Shears mdash ~ e ^ mdash

FOR S A L E ^ F i v e parr Reck regt tera for ^ raquo e ^ f c 4reraquo J a y m f ^eck

VaaHers V W d e Farm

FOR SALD OR TljfcBJp Ur osaDer fern eraquo heoxe i t t i w l 2 1 U acrts impnTed ~XmSm~ampir^FiMknlaquoy

Walter (itrees

I district commissioner are Rev Homer M Noble of Howell Rev

Edward Blakeman of A m Arboi Dean James M Brown of Vpsitan

Dr Dr a U

FOR SALEmdash-Early Seed Potatoes R E Kelly Pinckney

o -FOR SALEmdashEating and Seed potashytoes both early and late a ls 0 seed corn H Barkoviu Beebe iVgtn

o - - -

Eataeliahed 18S5 raceri ierat^10II

Over Si^tySevea T e e n f Safe








1-2 miles Northeast of Pinck-

FOR SALEmdashThree ton OJ A No 1 marsh hay two ton of mixed hay Bert Hicks

o FOR SALEmdashWoTk


bull T w ^ l r ^ SALE^Ar Incubator 200 egg e poundeop lf - 5 ^ frac34 1 frac34 H t r i S n p W m ^ ^ i laquodegdeglti condition and about 25laquo f U o w J l inctfturt coon i bQndleAf cornstalks Mr Eli Vroa 9 I OnJanuaJ7 6 fast a c a r dnvlaquon by i H nd t j H a y s and containing Wmalf Hndinev f Clyde iymLaU -collijed ^-ih one on bull i li a 1laquo driven by Edward Wepman + iuf Grand Repide Mj-a^tinpie Wep-+ nan mother of- Edlaquoardv received in-J juries which resulted in her death

I jlaquo Htill laWft ]raquo a l - l eV^owthy re- tt

ceived a spinal fracture and Clyde Kimball received a compound fracture of the leg and has been in the hospishytal at Howell ever since The prosshyecution claifil Haywaraquo intoxicated at the time and has presented eevefal

wtneawraquo Wprorcv liftytu^M several pneviguraquoans|a tW dfujikeiine and in 198S barred a jail eent^nvc In irS4 he wat placed on probation His attorneys rcopy Don Van Winkle and Jay Sweeney Prosecutor Berrlman is ropreientlngthe people

Tea-Sifling PKG

i Apple ButterQT J A R19C Mixd Vegete 1



NO 2frac12 CAN


NO 2




The Availability of Good


norse I2 yc irs old cheap Inquire at house opposite Hause school Fred L Woodwortn

FOR SALLU Bantam and Everirrccr seed corn W C Hendee

mdash 0 mdash LoST^tJstrayed from my premises degn e nog Finder please notify R Webb Pincknpy Mich

i $ laquobull



State i

bull lt raquo


FOR SALE_Plymouth Reck Eggs for hatching from accredited fowl

M M Robert Kelly


ANT Ueivldatli teyagiBg on tha t ieuiled ee t et mortal tilaquo i i teett isey k liktaed te

boatmen xeviag aiaitat the ti4e With itreampueuB sectjt4 eeeatlti i affort they work u tkoufe agaSmtt a power fFOR SALEmdash 5 which they t e U laquo i - r u if- tot ep- J ootid raquoweae theagt itt a Alreetiee the very oppetrte J that i t whiek tkey have set t k t i f count

To each ineUaiiut tkt 4ii4 ka-ven it hit kifheat eoaceraquot of good that i txuof kumat ojporloaeo vkitk he beiievet will trlag t i laquo eaUafee-tlon and ftoeffOB f r t laquo firrthex atrog-ples gome t t i i f t it gtia poajtaafea of somethiflf irhlth ikoy belitTt blaquoti

FOR SALtU-Wcstinghousu RiiijBje 3 burner 2 ovens Retngcvator 6 cu ft

Geo Reasoji

Electric Electric

-Seed rotatoea Bea Adams Hazt Farm

o mdash bullmdashbullmdash

- - - Ducks (4 hens 1 laquorake)j 3year-old lambs (2 ewes 1 bock) g ee Stmhraquon Prtrn ft

jPlickney Mich r

FOR SALE OR RENTmdashFurm with good buildings 110 acres of land 1 4cre of raspberries Easy payments if kought If for rent cash 1 Ann Samborsku

Pinckney Michigan RFD No 2


10c SaladDresngampti7c



CHOICE 29c V Youll Get Better Meats at

Phone We Deliver

at all Timet


e o ^ raquo i 2 l ^ T u r k -cover tometkug vh ie i Ulaquojy aPioar ^ ^ 0 to te^lMiuLwIipllkfeHkMr J - H S Drf Hindi opportuaity attoaoaf home e e raquo p a i

Vewelt MWm

Swrtiet tre^ttet V



The Federal ( M f c s p t A t t

cal led for payment ea April loth

1035 all United Statea Beoda ef the

Feurth Liberty L o ^ with e^akers

eadjng in 6laquo6-



tort tend Inquire of Mike Lavey

^ W p M ^ ^ t T H C d e t f ^ a t JQamp RENTmdash t o acres of hay or pas which n e t row ip^eiloi to e t i U i all tts iormt UtitUiBg lack liMUatiea poverty aa4 dJftcoraquo4 t a t tke boot ia which they tea bark i t too extit of ha muu thought wklek wbta laquoet ttead led and borae aloag by tkt ipicitual understaedlag Of God rampay be turaed completely eOt eMtlaquoturraquoe

The teachinfi ofChrti l Jeiui ner er indicate tkat met laquoulaquot ttruggle against evil as seavatkJAg t t t i to orshyder to gala good ctaee he laid Feax notr little neck fo i t i | your Fathshyers good pleatare to g4ve yon tho kingdom Wo may u k o tela kiag-(icui as doaotiag ail Uraquot U gooe aau iigtfying and Keee^ul u d tke daily life of the lrajttr mt a ttftiffloay to the truth of kit t t t tentat for tover at any time did ke explaquoriemee laoJr or HmitaUoo Who tkathas itadled tht Gospel narraUeot ota pieturo the gentle NamroftOsalsMgUpg ageiast evil as U i r ^ e r t fear er povtrful He know ^ritkeut 4 ikad^v of doubt the power frmojiH tltojat^TOiiaktUty of goodcmi evU 4 a presenet good aa

FCJt ^ B N T _ G o o d land on shares for any drop

Phillip Sprout e ^

FOSSALKmdashBaled Hay and Straw D E Hoey amp Sons

Dexter - Mich

WANTED All kinds of bulckciirg At your home or mint

John Martin Phont 1)3F-2

In ceanectieo ith Uu tail holders

of the above dflscrtbed tomes a t grv-

en tke eppertouity to excKangm Uxtir

present boiids f o r f e i t Umd$ czmwing

ntAreai at U f p v c e e e to b e dtfo

195-5-1060 r

f ^ r kuUit i c y o i e d e t M a f to

make tali exchange kftt tke privUogo

expires Hick 27th XW$

McPWm ShU la

nityaTippJy a j j to b e e v a n i b l e t o e U not llnjU tke t t l i laeBl hit owa oipfrioaoe Oa lie oaid that higfoUovi peat JOJ wTarkf t a o of mamttnd if to e facta tad tor spoke no 141raquo W -


Nlaquot food to eoatraxy

l i r o -aooomiity to tmoft riatJi

M lt -

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Com-

mittton Retail Store


r gtbull igt bull

Paul Spadafore Prop - Stockbridge Mich

3HEEP SHEARING WANTEP 1 mm prepared to do sheep shearing

at reasonable prices Power shears Clare Swarthout

QQoi U$i CmWi ifkeCkmlit amplraquo

Georxo Sigier mad raquo f a V O laquo j laquo r of Lansing vera

Cart Krimjtt to MeUui Hlt when hie car WeinjnoUtor coUMofl A G f a a o j i f i i r

yP -^Praquoraquoim bullm HlJ

bull ^ r Ul pound-

Page 2: SSRW«* PiirtmcyPispntri)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1935-04-03.pdf · r «~-*SSRW«* I*

T wprgttrade^ n-w-- bull bull - bull bull mdash lt raquo laquo ^ g ^ bull W trade

V -^

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935



Matlonal Press Building

Washington mdash The President has placed Donald R RIchberg his closest

adviser In the job Riehberge a s head of the Na-

J0ff tlonal R e c o v e r y administration Mr

RIchberg will be chairman of the Nashytional Industrial Recovery board which has now been enlarged to the number of seven and it is proposed that this group divided between labor and capshyital representation will guide the polishyc ies and programs a s well as the enshyforcement of NRA

It may be that Mr Richbergs apshypointment should be given only passshying notice Political appointments in Washington are many and the addition of one more normally would not atshytract attention It appears however that In this particular Instance considshyerable significance should be attached to the appointment It will have repercussions in more ways than one

This brings us to the question of the future NRA As we all know NRA legislation In the house and senate is encountering rough sailing There are BO many different ideas being put forshyward about the principle of NRA that thus far it has been exceedingly diffishycult to reconcile them Since the presshyent national industrial recovery act expires by limitation of law on June 16 congress faces the necessity of enshyactment of new legislation or allowing the present law to die and the codes under it to fall a p a r t

Youll have no moment of dark Selection of Mr RIchberg on the basis despair If an old friend comeslh to of these facts then would seem to ln-bullee you unexpectedly and youre dlcate that Mr Roosevelt had picked dressed in this nicely tailored house h is best soldier to fight the batt le that frock 1 For Its especially designed to Mr RIchberg being eyes and ears for

flatter larger figures aiffd-fashloned- Mr-Rooseveltr woul4-be4fce liHHv4dtttrt-along lines a s chic as a street or to guide the President in choice of sports frock The sleeves cut in one policy and that his most trusted ad-with that pretty double-pointed riser would be the man to put for-yoke have a little inverted pleat io ward detailsT o f the -proposed NRA ex-make them Jauntyand o h so com- tension legislation _The undercurrent fortable to work i n And the neat of gossip around Washington however panel at the front sweeps all the Indicates something else way from heu to yoke to give you a In the first Jnstance Mr RIchberg long slim line If youd be practical Is in bad with organized labor and a well as attractive choose a gaily he has shown no disposition lately to printed cotton fabric gingham per- make peace despite the fact that he cale lawn or seersucker as they was for years the representative of launder so beautifully and wear so railway labor unions Mr RIchberg well It was who clashed with General John-

Pattern D-2C may be ordered only son and who Is regarded therefore in s izes 14 1laquo IS 20 32 34 30 38 as Indirectly responsible for General 40 42 and 44 Size 30 requires 3 frac34 Johnsons resignation as national re-yards 3C inch fabric covery administrator The new chair-

Complete diagrammed sew chart man thus poundltgtes into his Job with threat-Included ening clouds on several sides

Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or It will nof be forgotten either that stamps (coins preferred) for pattern ueh valiant campaigners as Senator Be sure to write plainly your NAME Carter Glass and Senator Borah not ADDRESS the STYLE NUMBER to mention the alleged progressive and SIZE of each pattern Senator Nye are waiting for the NRA

Send your order to Sewing Circle legislation In the senate _Mr_ Rich-Pattern Department 23- West E l g h F b e r g s hide will look to them the s a m r


Millinery Stages Varied Program bull to^f^trade^artlclM^

talnlng PupilmdashA shirt and two col lar


National Topics Interpreted by William Bruckart

eenth Street New York

-AND GET YOUR FEE Doctor I want you to look after

my office while Im on my vacation But Ive just graduated doctor

Ive had no lt xperionce Thats all right my boy My pracshy

tice is strictly fashionable Tell the men to play golf and shjp the lady patients bdquooff to EuropemdashLorain (Ohio) Journal

Literary Discrimination Do you tike poetry Yes answered Senator Sorghum

-A-piece of VPTSP holps to ronnrt nut

as any other hide It Is just possible therefore as some observers have sugshygested that Mr RIchberg may have been put out as the lamb on the sacshyrificial altar

Indeed color Is lent to this supposhysition hy the fact that Mr Roosevelt has taken little direct Interest in proshymoting legislation extending the life of NRA Thus far he has said that he desired to have the extension grantshyed but he has not turned on the steam as he is equipped to do and as he has done for bills that were personal hob-bies with him It is made to appear therefore that perhaps there will be a disintegration of NRA as such and that the functions desired by the adshyministration to be retained will be parceled out some to the federal trade commission some to the Labor departshyment and others of lesser consequence scattered elsewhere

bull bullmdash -

ing power of the Home Owners Loan corporation has progressed however I have taken occasion to inquire into operations of the corporation which is wholly government owned From all I can learn it stands out as the finest Illustration of what politicians can do in the way of building polit

i-ipoundal_machlnes that I have seen in a score of years in the National Capital

It will be remembered that upon creshyation of the board former Representashytive Seaboard Bill Stephenson of South Carolina was named chairman Mr Stephenson being more honest about politics than many others anshynounced unequivocally that appointshyments were going to be made on a poshylitical basis He created quite a furore and finally found himself sidetracked

For a time we here in Washington have heard little about politics in the home loan system It has developed however that politics was not dead but sleeping

The loan corporation In carrying out the idea or policy of decentralization

did some very pe-Peculiar culiar things accord-Doingt tag to well authenshy

ticated reports Acshytually I am told some young men with-

out previous practical experience or training were supplied with copies of the home loan act given a ticket and ordered to the hinterland to open desshyignated regional offices1 Shortly thereshyafter out of the thousands of emshyployees in the home office of the loan corporation individuals were called Into the office of the directing heads and were ordered to go to one or the

l-ether-of- the newly opened establish^ ments They were told at the same time that their salaries would be reshyduced In addition I am reliably inshyformedhundreds-of them hare suf-~ fered further salary seductions since they-havebeen-on their new jobs mdash

While all of this has been going on the corporation set up a board of four members1 in the headquarters before which remaining employees in the Washington office have been called for examination This board was anshynounced as for the purpose of detershymining which of the employees should be retained They wanted to be fair about It and wanted to keep on the payroll such of the empldyees as were unable to get along without the Jobs they were holding It seems however that that board has become an in-qulsritorial body absolutely without precedent In the character of examinashytion to which it subjects the employees The result is that few if any of the employees of the loan corporation enshytertain any belief that they can stay orrtheir Jobs wtth any~feettffjfoT safety

For example one mans experience Is quoted He was asked whether he had money in the bank and he had none He was asked whether any of his people were on the relief rolls and they were not Numerous other questions such as the rate he paid for his board and room and the cost of his laundry were put to him He then was aSked if he carried life inshysurance and his answer that he did apparently was wrong Although he was not told directly the inference of questions put to him was that he could live two months if he cashed^ in his life Insurance policy At any rate he was dismissed

But this Is not all Included In the bill which Increases the amount of funds that may be loaned by the corshyporation is a line of legislation that raquovlll have the effect of expanding poll tics In the organization Written into

a speech But some of those old While we are discussing legislation rhymsters had such positive opinions u may be well td consider what is be-rhat you have to be exceedingly care- ing done about the fnl about which poet you quote Credit for program of extend-

mdash Home Owner tag credit to home Among the Immortal owners In cities and

Young ComposermdashSo you think towns through the machinery of the my composition will be played after home loan board The house has Beethoven Mozart Tchaikowsky and passed a bill which will increase hy Rachmaninoff are forgotten two billion eight hundred million dol-

CriticmdashYes but not until thenmdash lars the amount of funds available for Pathfinder^ Magazine loans of this type by the Home Own-

i -i mdashmdashmdashMImdashers Loan corporation This sum was approximately a billion dollars more than the home loan hoawl thought was necessary but the sight or thought of so much money started the members of the house on something like a riot so they made ample funds available

From reports filtering through to Washington I think there can be no question but what the home loan sysshytem has been of help in thousands of cases Undoubtedly availability of govshyernment money in this matter ha saved unnumbered home owners frqm loss of their property where shortshysighted mortgage holders have Insistshyed upon undue curtailment or absolute repayment of the borrowed money Extension of the system probably 1gtlaquoS

resulted also in reduction of general interest rates by private lendersof capshyital If they wanted their money to work at all they had to meet the government competition Whether the principle of government loans -is sound In normal times is anpther horse Time alone can tell The activity of congress

jeclally in the house indicates that there~Ts~a demand Of B0Tne klffd of-other for theseJoans in preference to private capital and that necessarily must be considered as an influential factor

As the legislation increasing the lend

OUCH a bewildering variety of head-^ gear as fashion offers thisTreasonl There is positively no excuse for not being becomingly hatted this spring and summer for it would seem that

-every known type with a few extras thrown in is answering present to

the jroiL call la current millinery show-taps

Bonnets The mUllnery shops are full of em Every sort of bonnet Is represented in the new hat collections ranging from ingenue types to the soshyphisticated eye-impelling bonnets of Regency period Inspiration

A fine thing about a bonnet is that it show up the new bangs to pershyfection The taffeta trimmed bonnet to the upper right In the picture demshyonstrates this point to a nicety The big bow at the throat Is of self-same taffeta as the bow on the bonnet Milshyliners are all enthusiasm over the tafshyfeta (plain or plaided) neck-bow and hat sets which are selling at first sight The bonnet to the left is quaint and youthful with flowers and ribbon which make It utterly feminine^

It may be that The vogulsh pill-box turban goes best with your features This pert little style of headgear sure g^yes an up-and-golng look to any spring outfit Atop the curly-curly coiffures hairdressers are now advocatshying a pill-box hat declares convincing chic The model centered below in the group is the perfect complement to a black crepe dress It is of the modshyish black basket weave shiny straw has two little black bows and flaunts an eyeline veil as most of these diminshyutive hats

A fashion which is breathtaking in

novelty and daring is the forward-TmoTe~brftBgt--~KarrQW at the sides_jl

this type with a startling forward streamline sweep of the brim To inshyterpret the very quintessence of chic it must be tilted at a rakish angle down over the eyes The smartness

4-of thesemdashforward-brim bats is added unto with novel crown effectsachleved via pleats and folds eccentric peaks and spiral drapes often surmounted with amusing feather fancies or perky ribbon cocardes Two models of this suggestion are Illustrated below In the picture The felt to the left is olive green with black and olive feather bullfancy The finest of ballybuntl straw in navy blue fashions the hat to the right It has the new down-in-front and up-at-back movement

The model centered above Is a varhv tion of the popular breton sailor It is very youthful made of navy tafshyfeta for you must know that millinery is yielding unreservedly to the taffeta craze which is now on The pomshypon is of navy and white ostrich

If you register in the sailor-conscious sorority It will be woTttry6uY~whtie--to tour the shops and see whats doing in the way of nifty exponents of this type In Paris the low crowned sailor of shiny black straw is a big favorite To wear the new sailors properly they must be sajaefiy tilted over the eyes with a veil to complete the picture

Loyal to the beret are you Well fashion is willing providing a very new look is achieved via a subtle drape or a topknot trim or a use of a novel fabric combination and always a little veil for the sake of chic A matching scarf also adds a voguish note

copy Western Newspaper Union


mat mil are instructions tnat the cor-porntrnh shall recal l^o Washington all of those employees who were disshypatched to ^ 7 ^ (jobs In the regional state or dIsrtrctj offices Of course no one can say yet authoritatively that when these workers are recalled they will be dismissed here That however obviously is the result

e e e Senator Gore of Oklahoma placed

In the Congressional Record recently a telegram he had

Courage received and his re-Needed Plv t0 t that illuraquo-

trates better than any recent incident how much courshyage Is required by a national legislashytor to withstand the pressure from home The occasion was consideration in the senate of the public works bill The telegram received by the senator was signed by Joe A Brown theraquomayor of Hartshome Okla and C B Lindsay mayor of Haileyville Okla It fol lows

Several thousand Pittsburgh counshyty unemployed |gteople assembled In convention demand yon support Presishydent Roosevelts four billion dollar reshylief measure If you vote against measshyure sientlment is you stay out of this county next senatorial race

The following Is the senators reply This will acknowledge your exceedshy

ingly diplomatic and hospitable teleshygram It shows how the dote spoils the soul Your telegram Intimates that your votes are for sale Much as I value votes I am not In the market T-cannnr fnnspnt rin hnv vntoc with fhft

Here is a lovely coat t o wear to parties When summer comes It will be Just the thlfojr to top your dainty lingerie frocks It Is smart and pracshytical for resort year at any time of the year Quilted crystelle velvet

-fashions It and if yon have the proper color urge you will select it in some one or other of the very new medium pastel tones A b[g rhinestone pin

people money bull I^vre a dent to the taxpayer as well as the unemployed I shall discharge both None 1gtuf the bully resorts to threats and none but the coward yields to them1

copy WMttro Newspaper Uftloa 4

adds chic worn on the scarf

Nove l ty Dress Clasp Interlocking gold rings form an inshy

teresting type of clasp to fasten a woo] tunic


To the woman who thinks of sumshymer in terms of printed fabrics the new season will providea perfect orgy The dresses shown in downtown stores

widels a r e typical of the new printed fabrics Many motifs are much less spaced than in other springs

The animal motifs especially the Scottle print are here Break it genshytly that nutty prints are also in the shops The designs are taken from photographic studies of nuts and are very effective Why not Theres a i new porcelain clay process which proshyduces the deadest white imaginable and In spite of a great furor over colshyor this clay-white print is greatly ad-mired A swing a





Coleman Interna (torn _ _ bdquo bdquo bdquo bight into day Give plenty RICO AS I M AS rflightfor every outdoor $StSeOtLfl l Job at night in every kind ^ of weather Up to 300 candlepower brilliance Pyrex glass globe make it wind-proof rain rraquof and insect-proof Cant spill fuel even

tipped over Fine for night work around barns feedfcrta garage and cellar for lignt-

^up lodge clubs and cabins Its the bullht of a Thousand Usee

See your hardware or housafuniabing flail bullr If be doesnt handle writs us THE COLEMAN LAMP 6- STOVE CO DaptWU129 Wichita Kant ( Chicago HL1 LM AnaelM Calif FUadelsbja Paj ttanato Ontario Canada 0Ua]





Those Mementoes We all lack courage in throwing

away Junk that we call souvenirs

pound| Quick Safe Relief V For Eyes Irr i tated

^ic-JNi By E xpdeg s u rdeg - nsect To Sun W i n d

M and Dust mdash

Tax Gatherer Busy There are 22000 different kinds of_

taxes in this country

or perfect B A K I N G RESULTS



1 1 n i _ i m t U I V I I I U

o w d e r


tot firms the report that more prints have been shown this year than l a s t Cershytainly there are more stripes checks and plaids and they are often printed Stripes are just am tier of the reshygency touches that seem so desirable at the moment

D PEPf Sergent of 30 Xrgt ittle Creek Mich

Irish Linen Expected to bull Be Favorite Next Summer

Irish linen has come to the foro as the leading fabric in the Paris fashion picture Cables from the French capshyital promise that nest spring and sumshymer women will be wearing suits dresses hats shoes bass and even lingerie of fine Irish linen

The fact that linen used to crush badly was responsible for its not havshying been more universally used before It was always an-Ideal summer fabric porous and cool yet strong and long-wearing Now Irish linen has been specifically processed so that the linshyens which will be Imported for next summers fashions are at nearly nn-ppiiB gMa aa an fnhrln bullbull - mdash

Chirk aafd JWhenl wlpowinifc mother gave me Dr Pierce bull Golden Medical Discovery to improve my appetite I nad become thin and felt ttnd out I had taken only one bottle when I was eating better put on weight ana

mdash mdash felt stronger In every way From my experience I know the Discovery Is a good tonic to build anyone upmdashyoung or eld New size tabs 50c Bquid S100

ITCHING anywhere on the body-also burning irritated skjn- soothed and helped by



Parasols Come Back Tiny and colorful parasols mad of

synthetic straw silk with yard-long handles appear with spring sports and street afternoon d o t h

Seed Sweet Potatoes for SalemdashNancy Hall certified seed raquo126 selected JJancy Hall raquo1 In new hampers Fo b Lawrenceburf Tenn L J BUTTS lAwreneebarf Tens

Hsrbla l^espedetsfor North Purity M6elt_ Germination 88frac34 6 lb raquo4 10 lb I7OT Tuaiuaid Bnenpsar-Brps Mlddletowa lad 4 i

WNUmdashO ISmdash85

HKKD8 TESTED and DEPENDABLE tlM wort of Packet-raquo$100 prepaid Catalog ftee Boa t Ford SmdashdCn Earenaa Otrio

TS3B n gt -

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935

1 f


involved in the unpaid taxes of _X bull bull iTiiii organizations who^c pro-bullbullbull w i iie act was recently rc-j-etd by the gttate supreme court An pp-al to the United States suprenu-rou i is expected as the tax is pay-ib bull Aeril 1

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Comshy

mission Retail Store


Paul Spadafore Prop Stockbridge Mich


bull HLFP SHEARING WANTED i~ bull lti to do sheep shearing

gtbull iiltlts iJover shears i v ID e- Swarthout

i^ Uney Mich K F D

Pick Up mdash AT


WORK RESUMED AT ( though this 200 acre t ract is cortrol-PATTERSON LAKE MESS HALL I Ifd by the University of Michigan

there is no tax levied lor its -uin or Work has again been resumed on The fundi to finance all the buihliiv

bullgtChe assembly building or mess hall at j Was raised by subscription the bunk - the U of M Fresh Air Camp a t Pat- j houses kitchen and docks all having

terson Lake A picture of the build- j been built by this method Prof Men-ing showing how it will look when fce 0f the University is a t the head completed is shown above through 0 f it the courtesy of Max Musch of How-bull Although there are quiie i i-rv

bunk houses the need of a place to as- somble was fIt and accordingly t i n i FERA project was submitted and ip-i proved The place will hrtve a full | basemen The uuditoiiu-n w U be lti0x | 50 stag^ at the cau 10x26 and the

large porch 25x50 The construction i-i ru-tc all lt

the big timbers and beams b a n g ci in the nearby woods Much of lr imperial used is salvage lue igt i roof was purchased from the bullat


t i l )

J o-l io

Lot w

ell the architect The U of M Frerh Air Camp is

located on thq west shore of Pat tershyson Lake and was formerly known as the Hartsuff farm L is heavily wooded and lias a good beach Alshy

lied was taken from tlu La-e c ment plant

Work has been going on heri nea ly a year on an average of o days p w^eli and a number from Finckm-live worked there T L Fouib^i nuis of Lakeland has had the hau


rir ALLT having been made for e th ii thirty days in the condi- ui a ritain mortgage made by pa 11 Kountree and Alida V uti-i as wife to James M Tea-

e t-e c ighh day of June _-gt arid recorded in the office



l S t e r r

of Deeds

i S j l L e

f which it is expected to be i in J ue or early J ulv


by Home Economics Specialists

Michigan State College


poundbull A bargain is something which e bull j f a s exceptional value for its pie-Vi and according to this definition SOT bull of the organs are among the b -1 r-$1 gains in meat suggest home economi 4 | institution management specialiio i ^-Mtrmgnt t - Sttrtc -College $ i he various meat organs availab bull




4 0

1 1 i 1 a mdash i bull bullgt bull bull _^W mm I m ^

Whatever maite i overs ^Tong^mth4tmdashweH fix it i right the first time No coming | backior arguments and readjust- i ments No extra-charge work bull without your permission And fc $ leave no grease on the steering bull wheel to soil your clothes

on Uu_gt market make up quit pound Ji-t including liver kfdney

L i A ton rue brains sweetbreads am W laquo a t m J-- Vgt ~z- -rrmdash 11

in 11 e

oome of th- -je are J buy- giving a lot

unusually Of mineral

for the Kingston and State of

Di the ninth day of June bull in Liber 127 of Mort- -bull gt4-38G On July 12

aid murtgage was assign-bull M Teah-n of th City

ye County Michigan lov o( the City of Kob-

ord County Lmois -ment Ijeing recorded in

ier of the Register of Ueed C-juny of Livingston and

i dieliigan on the second day - t A 1) 1128 in Liber 122

ges on page 2iraquo7 on which th- re is claimed to be due

gt id at the date uiLlJiLs_iioticlt--bullbullbull ai and interest thv sum of

Umdretl and Seven ant i ollars (^120700) and no

aHuw=-e -4n==lt-=rtiijtA--d or instituted to l e-

Thomas Read Sons Ford Ammonium Sulphate

100 lbs equals 4000 lbs of Stable Manure 100 lbs equals 1000 lbs Ordinary Fertilizer For General Farming Gardens Lawns Shrubs

and Trees

Most Economical of All Fertilizer Lets get a good crop this yearmdashincrease the yield

The profit is in the Second Mile

Let Me Supply You ATLBBMOTOR S A L E S

rsraquo UB1VBAIlaquoM

Pinckney Michigan Did I get your order for that new Ford

bull-Ming laquo

t o power of sale and the premises i therein described a s The north sixty-

in i acres of the east half of the northeast


DEFAULT having been made

(iie terms and condiiioas of a cei ta in quar ter of Section fourteen (14) the i


j viimms j Livi r stands at the head of t-- land should be included in the reet i family menu It is especially I fcr tin growing youngsters vngt t to manufacture red blood e lK I contains a large amount of bullbull bull

copper as w 11 as an antiani i ie I a growth-promoting principle

1 iver 0 f different meat-animals I be u-vd as well as just calf li whicimat Ltie present time is kept


v e (J i

debt s cured by said molt-y part thereof

ure by virtue of the bullale contained in said mbrt-pursuunt to the statute in

made and provided NO

l a i rgt

mortgage made by CHAKLro

MKVLKS a mariieltl man Mortgagor


ATKINS his wife Mortgagees their

legal ^representatives and assigns dashy

ted the 1st day of September A D

liiiio and recorded in the office of thc-

ilrt ister of Deeds for the County of

Lrrrngstrnr STaTe oT^M cTfTgaTi on the

1st day of September A L llJ3IL in

Liber 138 of Mortgage on pagS

72-uwidth luorlgage war assigned by

said William L AtKiLs and Ina K At-Khi JU- will- lo WJIL1AM L LOLL by written assignment dated the Ifttn Uay of Octobej A D lS^j-mid re-coidiii- Urn 21st day of October A D lijo in Liber lje) of Mortgages pagers L0^- said L ^ i n ^ t o n County

gt m i Ki Y OIVION t h a t 7 n i K l c o lt i o n w h i d ^o^fW there is the Third day of June A l ) J c l i i m u d t u b c duv a r ilt1 u n i ) a i t l a t t h c

Mi oclock in the fo ienoon ( U j u f n L N o t K f lhltJ s u m o f T W 0

Vi of the bargain ela-s by its high imiard Time said mort-

Charles Clark 0

JJ( eel or pork cr lamb liver gvr lt co-t much lss and are juot as aii-able for hulding r d blood ceil bull

Tite lt hie i point to re m-in be r aboit coodng liver is not to overdo it I -a niodira^e tempt ja ture and cool e i-ly enough to change the color -L ahiady tede] and top- long ceevi

- _ - - ^ will H_-tilt_in dajkj X ati~e_ry_LYmdashL mdash

^IKIIIMimilHIIIHHllllPllili^^^ ] e o f l f l u v r [)

bull i lt i l

northwest (juaiter of th- northwest quar ter of Section thirteen (gt) all in Town-hi]) three () North Range thiTG (li) east Michigan containing one hundred acres of land more or less lying within the Township of Handy County of Livingston and State of Michigan will be sold at pubshylic auction to the highest bidder for -cash by the sheriff of Livingston County at the west front door of the Court HOUP in the City of Howell in faid County and State on Friday the twtefiJ_day_-oT ApriL 1 9 _ _ - - - _ - i^n_ oelock in the forenoon of ^aid day Thre fs due and payable at the date of this notice upon the debt s cured-hy laquo_id mortgagr the sum of Forty four Hundred Fifty-two Dollars ami Eighty Cents ($445_laquo0)

William Fouler

Dated January lo lfiVgt Don W Van Winkle Attorney for mortgage^ )laquou5iigt55 Addrelaquos Howell Michigan


bull I

A I t p


I S-IRST NATIONAL BANK y bull bull k laquo

tl In Howell Michigan J _ laquo bull bullbull

Viexiber Federal Reserve System Capital-

S Surplus Over $5000000 All Accounts hi- s

1 SUred By FEDERAL INSURANCE COR- | | PORATION Up to $500000 for Each De- | s positor | jJmHMnaraquonuniutiHiiiuiiimiiminiHHmniiiuiiiiraquoiiuiiiiHiHiHiraquotraquoraquoiraquoraquoraquoungt 5

^uibull iiver siould b scrld d u -i 1 Tlie choking m thod

THOUSAND S1XTV ($ 060 00)

foreclosed by a sale at i1 gt U f J A R S f o r l n n c i P a l H n d interest to the highest bidder a t i a m l no uit or proceeding at law or in

entrance to thc Court] C (lu i lgt h a v i n raquo b f i n - - t u U lt l vgt 1V j o taid mort-


win re the Circuit Court for f o n raquo bgt V l l l u o f t powr of 5ale el of Livingston is held) 0flt0raquotained in said mortgage and which +4^^-Mt-fbttl rn-5aid moiT^Kiw~^ i 4u^-- tH^ i t t^-^y rea^t t - -rrt laquor - much thereof ns may be s a i ( J ^^I t i raquoraquo pulMiant to the

bull in the City of Howell Living- c u v lt 1 t ] llt ( h b t wl l y ^ 1 County Michigan ( tha t be ing ^^ i r^ l a r t ^itvf Now

to pay the amount due on statute of the Satf of Michigan in

o a M be adapted to te

P id i

i l i i

bull r I ( - lt I i ( 0 0

ed ltic1 of irna a i L bull(bull i i i -

gt gt bull bull bull

a 11 bullbull J gt ( VJIN i L I )

y the -vme a for 1 J bull i t i- aitothc r bargein b

ia i on and law in cost li i ie l r tlian liver or kidm v beltt way to cook it for tend

i bullipitmgc a- aforesaid with seven ltu^ ( a ^ madlt and provider notic i in-i-re-t tii i eon and a i r legal I1 laquoraquobulllt-^ laquo i v r l ^ a t o n l h - l l l l d agt ltbull migs and expenses including01 Mi lgt A - D- l r raquo t_ l_ 00 oclock f i ny fees allowed by law and n 0 0 1 1- i-astfM-ii Standard Time raid


I)_fFALLT ha ing been made feu more than thirty days in the condishytions of H certain mortgage made by Iaul Itsell a single man mortgagor to Mcrherson Staie Lank a Mic^iinn Corporation mortgagee dated May

1020 and lecorded in the office 27

mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of t|ir Kegi^trr of Deeds for Livingshyston County Michigan on May 2^

iC Li

bull i n

i i gt (


Crrrm l-U-ira l Of l tft 2 3 0 Pt M



Of^ce at Court H O U M

bull ^


-PInnTg -gtbullbull- gtbull- IS r ighto

Monuments Markers

to Lrown it in fat and then coo Wid ]bull in a covered diii in moderate oven



it ivy not appear araquo i v to point out tlmt Crville L At^ood of r - J VL igt S ( C i ( gt t j r y o f -bullbullbullbull b t i -

druds of citizens cf the state ma-y o

U t o gt bull

bull i i i e v i n I

i i w ( ( 1

bull eo m r of V i W l i (gtltltbull

( bull bull ) ( bull bull bull

bull bull bull lt

re addre- tng


- gt S

DON W VANWINKLE Attorney at L a v

Office over F i rU Stat Savings Bank Howall Mich

We carry the largest stock bull- bull -or granite markers in tne1

ncclion v-ith current business raquor -raquobull Co and at the lowest price too (Why) no overhead Plant No 1 foot Main St Office 311 E Liberty St Phone No 2 MILFORD GRANITE CO


Mttfordr- Mich NORMAN REASON



(Successor to amp R G Gordamcr 112frac14 N Michigan

Office hours 830__1200 1 00- 500

Tuesday a d Saturday evenings 700mdash8-30

PRehc 220 Howell


Plumbing and Heating Wa Do Plumbing and Haating ol Kindt Wa Stptic Tanks and WaUr

Tanks 604iVsbington How til Mick PJioaa 610 Raf4ir Wlaquof|) bull AQ K M

REAL ESTATE BROKER Farm Reraquoidential Property and

Lake Frontage a Specialty I Alraquoo Have City Property to Trade Pinckney Michigan


Phone No 1 and 6 9 F 3 Pincknev Michigan

tolurre n bulllaquo_bull poundei our prices


Depmtment of State their letter- personally to mlt have not held this office IM years _ -

Those fornvr SerretfJ ies of Stnt--i who continue to je mail on routin

state mutters at the eapitol inciud bull John S Ha^gerty and even r h a r V -J UeLtmcl who lust sived in I^f Muihfor Sr cre anes who served iJ-r Mv fiuj^eity U too common for cvu casual notice

Cordell Hull Secretary of St- i the national cabinet ires- letters JH the state capitoi pertaining to Mci-itfan automobile license tnumi) The misajjpvehension of Mehim peopleas to who serves them in Lapshysing extends to the sefidine of leubullbullbullbull for United States senators to t state legislature Oddly enotitei thi evidence as to the tdentitics of v Oie-

inent state officials is not peculiar tltgt remote parts of the s ta te some of i letcio came from Lansing

Most mysterious of all howwor are the letters which come at time for people unlisted on state payroll and unknown in the memories of rev-one in the capitoi Th letters heavshying on mat ters handled a t tlie capTto1 designate the addressee simply i emphatically as Secretary of S t a t ed

Administration rgtf thf rliiin gttngt


D- led MiT irn -lie oin

bull) Hcrft in the northea c t aid forty (40) ncrcs a in

I 1 ) North of Kange fi c containing twenty-eight

1 ti0 same more -i the township of Flam-

said mortgage or raquoo much thereof as may lie necessary to plaquoy the amount due as aforesaid on said

gt T


$fgtj 121 and no Mjit or proceeding at aw or in equity having been had or

mortgHgv instituted to rrcover the debt secured ami any sum or sums which may be | b y RJsilt| mortgage or any par t thereof pmd by the undrrvijpH at or before ( X o v v gt therefor by virtue of the

s a i d ^1 1 0 f o r l i x a n i o r i ^u rancr i p o w f r o f bdquo a l c contained in said mort-n i county Michigan | n ^ l f i P-fmis^ and -ill ^ h r - i i i ^ ^ ^ - - ^ pursuant to the statute m

WILLIAM TAYLOIL | sums paid by thc undersigned l gt u r - | w K w e made ami provided NO-A ignee of Mortgagee tradetradelgt to law and to the try m j T I C E I S HERKHY CAWX that on iivh iti Ijjo | of sailtl moitgage with intej-est there-

bull1 LAVAN Attorney for deg n a t Percent per annuni and all lei igagee


i are fixed for oil worlcof this ia double-quiclr time

legal coMs -charges and expenses in-Urighton Michigan lt l u ( i nlaquo aM at torney feraquo allowed by

lar to-wit AH that certain piece of and located in th Township of

Genoa County of Livirgston State of Michigan described as The West half of the west h If of the northeast

o -

bdquo _ mdashun ty of quarter oi-ScilioiimdashliO^-wmdashTdegwnh^-poundfvTngstltgtri i two (2) North U nge five (5) cast Michigan containi fg forty (40) ac res of land more er le=s Dated Feb -nry 6 1005

WILLIAM L LOLL Assignee of

Arthur Mitchell A t to rn y for Assignee of Mortgages 32lt5 Lafayette building Detroj^ Michigan


MORTGAGE NOTICE Default having been made in he

Saturday April 6 l)t5o at ten clock in the forenoon Kastern Stan-dard Time said mfgtrtgtrage will b foreclose by a sale at public vendue to the highest bidder a t the Westerly entrance to the Court House in the City of Howell Livingston County Michigan ( that beinp the place wherbullbull the CwampJt Court for thc Cot

conditiens of tha t certain mortjfa^e

tax law is disclosing evident exampl-s of tax evasion along strictly 1 i I lines through dividing up of or^eni- zations-to form new p a r e n t uni ts with ^mailer numbers of chain stolt- j Last yltar up to March 2fgt a totaLcf 267 companies with 042 store- r-bullbullbull paid ^mMTA^rT6r^V^r^^^r^7 29 a total of 448 firms with l ^ j s tores l iad paid but $434fiJ-ftfr Total aund approximately $700000(mor7^ is rtvenuef in 1984 wert jXUiG9Mt_^raquo^rL^ Miraquoraquoigraquon


Farm Sale a Speciali ty

Phone Pinckney 1 9 - F l l u


dated vhe seventeenth day of Decern berll)30executcd by Wesley Worden and Annie Worltlen his wife to Wilshyliam Fowler filed for_jcord in the office of the Reghr terof Deeds of Livingston County Michigan on the seventeenth day o ^ December 1030

- frac34 ^ ^ I s - 1 -y-^ngagos at pager h j a t c d J an u a ry 8 1935 102-IU3 lliertof

held) of the premium defcribed in said mortgage or so much thereof as may bc nrcesrraquoarj o jsay the amount due on said mor tgage as aforesaid- with 7 per c e r t interest thereon and all legal costs charges

expenses including the at torney fees allowed by law and any sum or sums which may be paid by thc unshydersigned mortgagee a t or before srid smle necessary to protect its interest in thc premises Which promisee ere described a s

North_haIf of Northwest quart r Section Nineteen Township Tw gt Xorth Range Four East Michigan West of the North and Sputh R called the Pingree RoaS contain-ing 54 acres of land more or less Mario Township Livingston Conn-ty Michigan

te Bank Mortgagee

Shields it Smith j Attorney for Mortgage bull Notice is hereby given that laquoaid Aitemeys ror Mortgage

mortgage wfUbe foreclosed 9mwrf cent cent ^ A d laquo ^ Hw^te^gap



ampS poundL



The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935

T H E IIOWKLX T H E A T R E The Playhouse of Livingston County

Wed Thur Apri l 3-4

sponsored By The Howell Board of Commerce Y o u r Las t Chance T o Sec

RUGGLES OF RED GAP A Paramount Picture

with bull Charles LaughtonmdashCharlie Ruggle

Roland YoungmdashLelia Hyams-Lillian Roth in

MARKS AND MEMORIES Wal t Disney Miokcy Mouse P l a y f u l P l u t o

ce Special Mat inee Wed April Z o 00

i 1

Hamburg y


V V bull it


mdashMary Boland Zazu Pitts


V-1 Sa t Apr i l 5-6 R e t u r n E n g a g e m e n t of

Jack West and His Circle Star Cowboys of WJR

X t t



Sat Cum

Open At 2 00 P M bull bull and Sec J a c k West

Cont To 11 30 P Admi- ion lgtc avd

M aoc

Sun and Men

W C Field in ITS A GIFT

JJusti-r Kraquo-aton Comedy Fable Sun Matinee 2 00 P M Cont

Apr i l 7-S

N e w

T u t s Only April 9 15c Wi th Merchant T icke t

MARIE GALANTE Dull F i imt Magic Carpet Tail-spin T o m m y No 12

1 I

I^^Li Zc i lman mar r i ed MialKu oi Nortlivii

Wed i hurs ru

bull t bull


Sat 4 -_ BIG DAYS _4


Ginger RogersmdashFred Astaire

April 10-11-12-13

Coming M u r d e r On A Honeymoon B o r d e r Town of The A i r _ O n e More S p r i n g




Quality ^ Economy] The N e w S tandard Chevrolet un i tes qual i ty w i t h e c o n o m y to a d e g r e e never b e f o r e a p p r o a c h e d in Chevro le t history Y o u will k n o w this w h e n y o u v i ew its t r im beauty e x p e r i e n c e its brisk p o w e r ^ and g e t a w a y mdash a n d find out h o w m u c h m o n e y it wi l l j save y o u in operat ing costs a s w e l l as in purchase bull

_pxififi^ S e e a n d dr ive this fine car at your earl iest bull c o n v e n i e n c e -

AND UP List price of New S tanda rd Road t t e r at Fl int Mich $465 Wi th b u m p e r s

j ) a r c tire and t ire lock the litt price i s 32000 addi t iona l Pr ice raquolaquo4jet to--efcftfe ^ t b -out i otice

A N D U P L raquo t price of M a t t e r De L u x e - C o u p e a t Fl int M k h $560 Wi th bumper spa re l i re and t i r e lock the list p r ice is $25 00 addi t ional Pr ices subshyject to change without not ice Knee-Act ion optic lal a t $ 2 0 0 0 ex t ra

$465 $560 f w raquoraquoraquobullmdash

r H r V P O I F I



T h Prraquogt raquo rnnit--far the County nf

The High School baseball t e a m will |liy i p ra r t i c g a m e here wi th Gregshyory F iu iuy Apri l fraquo

Piiiekney will have a l m o s t a n lt i-lin-ly new team tliis sp r ing The fKriicvJiojjUL to ge t a line on nev j at rial id this ^unc F r iday

J-1 ylaquo a r P inckney had a successshyful -lt^o i in baseball w i n n i n g e ight game- and losing five I t ^ impossshy

ible iis ear ly to p red ic t tnc success of this war s t e a m We Know how-ivc m a t uch players a Drown lOuiii Adsch Showeisk i a n d Battk-ai going to be bard to rep lace

Mid-gtemlaquo gtter l - s l s next week

The date of the Jun io r -Sen io r play ha- b n - l for May 3 the first F r i shyday ii May Work on the play s t a r t shyed Tuesday birWthc par ts will no t be def in i te ly ass igned u n t i l T r i d a y The j iame of the p l a y i s D i a m o n d s

T l v cas-of charac te r s anri s tory of the play will be pr inted next week

The school jani tor Mr Win Jefshyf r ies had the school bui lding in splen- did shape to b gin work Monday He-s ides g iv ing the building a t ho rough c l ean ing windows etc he gave the floor a d u s t t r e a t m e n t varnished the s ta i r s r healtf rails and all places receivshyi n g c o n s t a n t wea r bull

R e p o r t c a r d s will be given ou t this Wflflfr mdash - mdash ^ i ^ ~~~~ ^

J u l i e S t a c k a b l e is absen t because of iincsf

bullo ~

Livingston At a session of said Cour t held at

ihr P r o b a t e Office in the Ci ty of Howr l l in said County on the 2nd day of Apr i l A D lraquogt5

IM- -MIIL Hon Wiiiis L - m J u d g e of P r o b a t e

In the M a t t e r of the Es t a t e of


Kloyse Be rqu i s t Campbel l hav ing filed h e r pe t i t ion p r ay ing t h a t a cershytain insrumlaquo n t i n wr i t ing purpor t ing to be the las t wilL-and te taaaea t -laquopound-

J o h n Zei lman died a t t h e horn-- of his ftoa-in-law and daugrU-r Mr and t

Mrs Char les S DeWol fe a t J iuuib vil lage Monday m o r n i n g March 2~gt t h e insul t of a sti^oke of jjaruly-is sufshyfered last December

Mr Ze i lman w a s born in Nurem-b u g Gej-maiiy Oc tobe r ^ 5 184^ He came to Amer i ca in 187^ a f t e r ha-mg sei-ved in t h e F r a n c o - G e r m a n V in 1 8 7 0 - 1 He se t t led in Lne vicinity of Sou th Lyon and had lived the re and i u i i o u n d i n g communi t i e s t h e r^-niainde)- of hi life He wa-s un i t ed in mar r i age with Miss Ca the r ine Duin-ke of Det ro i t Apr i l 30 1877 who died January bullraquo 111 a Mr and Mrs Zei lman were the p a r e n t s of five chi ldren Mrs DeW olfe of H a m b u r g William Zeilman of Sou th Lyon Mrs M a r ha Green of G r en Oak F r a n k Zei lman who died in the Fai l of llJ14 and Miss l i s s ie Zei lman of H a t ^ b u r g village He is al-o sui vived by te gra i idchi ldr t r zsid one giva g r a u d child

Zei lman mar r i ed Mrs Minnie n 1(14 WA- l e he

liveu uitii liei dea th in liil -mcv that t ime he had lived with his daughshyter Mrs D e W o i i e a t H a m b u r g

Fune ra l services w i - e held ^ t e home of Mr and Mrs DeWoi fe at r i a i t b u t g illage W e d n e s d a y a f t e r -n o o l with Kep Kichstadt pas to r of th^r lgtuLheian church of orthville officiating Mrs X Hie E Ha igh t and Geo ige lu She i idan accompaied by Mis Edward S n e n d a n s ang S a e U tgty Grace I n t e r m e n t was in Ham-but y c eme te ry The pall bear is were five gj-andsons Waltei- DeWoifi- Koi- ^ rail iiioyd Zei lman a d Howard JJal-ko i leJutives and fri -nds wcr bull ]Jies-ent ijom feouh Lyon Hil lsdale N o r J i vilh Lans ing Di-troit iJieton (JJI n Oak ai d H a m b u r g

The honor roll of H a m b u r g vi lagi sclugtol for t h e month of Marcn those pupils n i i thej - absen t n o r a r u y durshying the m o n t h has bL-n i liouiced a follows in Miss Grace Heche s i uom

1 Gilber t Hejssler (ileri i i u m e t t Elsi D( oflt ltieorge Downing F ra c i -Edlaquoiy--Arleie bhaj non i l l Dori-Smi-h and Kuss 1 Smi th

In Mi-s l i e n VNe dlt i i i s room Jea ne FJenti -t J u n e Caldwiil SJV ma Caldwell r i o y d IcMchael Le

| -McI i ichacL H a r r y AlJili1+ Mary M O J I Rob rt Moore Jac(ult Jraquo (Juail an

t Hohb- ilob-rtgt-r _ _ Mr a d Mis Edwntd lt1 Houj-hto-

ax 1 thlt frandparlt nts lt-i a lit) -gian bullnil Cailcton Edvr-i AihMi -bullbullbullM O M and Mrs ( nee J i a e t -gt Hougn ton gt Carl Allen of J oit- iltgtgt I ltv -day March bullbull

Harold Gilb rt of bullbull bullbullgt Mondav with his | a e lt - bullbull bull William 11 Gilb

I l r a d Mi J bull bull j A r o o r were at tli-ii log ( 1- u bullbull

Hob While Peach Suml -1 --ihtry called on Mrs Henry ()^-

Milaquo-^ MaigUei - i t 1)1^1-1^ - bull gtuper isor of the Flin1 D i ry- lt Food Commission Thonu lgt ni ol Igtansing a n d Mrs Ea t ( e y)

Brighton werlt Sunnay jlaquougt gt bull lt-jgtarentgt Mi and Mis ( gtltlt D-

Mr and Mrs Edvai j gtj i son and daughtei-in-ia-A V lt -A l l oleT I7oTffReleTlT T)T) ~~ 1 lt ~~~ gt] siraquo lit he wick end at t h - i r iottaglt at Hob Whi te lU-Alth

Miss ( i race pelt-be sjgtltit bull vellt end witli liei1 par n ts Mr and l i Herber t iU ebe a t Howell

Mr- Jeiiiii- Nash who ha-- bilt i il a t tin home of her son rnd daught^-r-in-aw Mr and Mis William J Nash bull s improve d

Mr and Airs Char les Rainbulis m a tvltj chi ldren Georg ia ailtl lt ba rb s J r

of Detro i t s p n l th week eal w i th Mir P a m b u i i p a i e n t - Mr ami Mrs j Char les Wehne r I

Henry F Kice has moved from hi- 55a f Itn home in West H a m b u r g t-j his ^ n

cot tage nea r Por tage Lakbullbull Mr and | Mir John Ha-s ncahl and family have I I-oved o n t o the Kice f a rm j

Dr David Downing and d a u g h t r t Miss Mar ian of De t ro i t spent S u n d a

j a t 111 ir log co t age a t Hob Whit Peach

Mr and Mr- Smith Ma tin wer recen t gues ts of Mrs Mai t in s niece

Schmadt la

your childs


M _ 4



Young eyes neltd thebeht of carelri early years bull because at tfils Ktage a childs inquisitive mind is leading him into the realm of books More and more time is pent in reading-^and brcause of litis fact there is danger of permanent injury to eyesight if proper lighting is not provided^ Abuse of the eyes through poor lighting results in eyestrain and near-sightedness Tiiiures show that one out of every in e MIHMA children has defective vision

-pood-home lighting by following mdashYou can-easily make sure that o u Iia^ tliese live simple rules ) LVe corn t size lamp bulbsmdashWATTS In table and floor lamps v i l h three sockets ugte 10 atts in each socket with two sockets 60 watts v i th one socket 100 watts (2) Have at least one-tenth as much light in the rest of the room a- you have on your book newsshypaper sewing etc (3) LM SH 1 )KS on all lamp bulbs to prevent GLARK

ght (5) Have profwr intensity of

li) U^eshadete with light-colored linings to get the most to In-ure thlt t ) enoijgh lighting fixtures or portal 1 v

light throughout the room

TheMj 3 principles will assure r c a - ^ u i ^ good lighting and will provide proper swing conditions for every member of our family


Mr K F Kinslty w i t h M i ai-d Mr A J Holmelt motored to l i i ghhmd Pa jk S u n d a y af te inooj i and iounltl Mrs K N Draley bet- r aid looi-ihng much be t t e r

Mrs A J Holmlt-6 snet Vlt-(in--


day witii Mr Geo ige Marsha l l vampo was very ill and passed away Satui

u-t Augus Schinad tke a t Di-ightoir

d Mi- bull u k - ^ a gt i d g h t - a t Ius sonV AU- mid M- ~

Gregory Mr hijyd Hltgty

K The March tn-Tting of i h r h i i igh ei s was held a t tn- 1i Mis Inez Bowdi h

Aih j W o r d e n is dj-iving a ie ( 1 r o b t coach

Stdiool o|)ened Merclay aft-week s vacat ion

Mrs Ida Waj-flltlaquo of Dan-vHle - pe S a t u r d a y with Mr and Mrs Mel Conk

Mr Ad lia ( ia l lup i turiw-d t-j I


said de-ceascd now ort file in raid h o m e l u S a V u ( j a v to spend t l v s cour t be a d n u t x d to p roba te a n d t h a O ^ p mdash ^ w n M ) S t 0 1 e l w j l l the adnnni-strat ion ol said laquo s ta te he lt ^-^ ^igtr

g r a n t e d to F r a n k Uerquis^ and Uoe j ^ ^ 1 L r h a ( 1 ( l a u j r l l t p Kerquis t or to some otiier su i tab le ] i z a b t t h a n d h l o U 1 L u d t k ( p n t c r P P r s o n - day with Mr a n d Mrs J o h n D-cklt bull

Tr IS ORDKKKD T h a t the th J Kdwau l Urothcr ton of Ann Art bullbdquobull day of Apr i l A D raquo5j a t t u o Chx k | spent the w ek end w i t h M r and Mr in the forenoon at said p roba t e office M e l v h Conk be and is he reby appoin ted t o r h e a r - j Mrs It D Bren ise r an 1 FJwin r e t inj said p e t i t i o n T h u r s d a y in Ann A i b o r

bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo - bdquo bdquo bdquo ^ r r x t Niv Inez Kowdish attendelt] r I T 1 ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m e e t i n g in Howell T h u r s d y

f iublic no t ice thereof be given by p u b icat ion of a copy of th i s o r d e r for

t h r e e uccesgive weeks p rev ious to said day of hea r ing in the P i n c k n e y Dispa tch a n e w s p a p e r p r i n t e d a n d c i rcu la ted in said coun ty

Y Will is 1 L y o n s J u d g e of P r o b a t e

A t r u e copy bull Celest ia Parana ] RegiisUr o Probate^

A r l c r e JJreniser spen Her ^prirg vication with fr iends a t Hicko y Corshyner

Mr and Mrs C l i ades Whi tehead f Howell spen t the week end with hIY mother Sirs Sa rah L n m b o r m


WeH Digging

CAKD OF THANKS Wlaquo wWl to exprelaquolaquo our sincere a-

pre^UUon of the kiwlnw and nynVi vmikv extendedm our recent bereave-1 Sent ~ Mr E X Bralcy

Dr WrNTBralefand family i Mr and Mr F L Wright 1 stockbrldKe

amp fr mi Mraquo pound gt topping

Any Size to 10 in Write or call 96-F4

host ss Ladies

I etl ie D u i t trade

Viltur Ostra nder AJicJi

A play will be given in Plainf Id church Friday night April i T^e

| Spinisters Convention under the i auspices of the West Marion-foco

Kings I)au+htor Alultlaquo 2laquoc chid-n 10c THi Laura Hut-son will b

Tuesday for supper to the Guild

Mr C 0 Dution Mrs I Church Mr and Mrv A L J were in Howell Saturday j Clyde Jacobs deliverrd Friday

row and 2 calves all testedfrom W L Bulaquoha to Birney Roberts

Mrs F E Gauss and Mrs A L and Mrsr Walter Froat of Detroit wei Duttdn called on ifrraquo H F Dyer on Sunday viators at the Albert Fro

] (Jim gtMarshaJl I Mr Lloyd iloyc 1 lt fid with hilaquo father ajd mother

Chabbs Corners I i l a r l o w Muns t l l wife and eljjdrlaquo | oi (ji-egory wej-e S u n d a y guc-ts i Aiber Diiikel and family I Air L a t h e r s of G a r d c a Citv ^i- i t -| laquo l h i son ad familv one day Ja^l week __ |

-D and Mrs C lay ton I auna l ce o Deai-boi-n gtpent last VVlt u n e - a wi l i h i p a r en t s Mr and Mr- C KIJI - - -

R y i | Mr and Mrs F r a h k Whtv LlJilti Mj-j

Hazel Smi th of lio^wwll we^e S u n d a y j d i u n e p L U t s t s of Mr and M i CiMK--i Smith i Kiric Reason of1 ( i r ego iy Mr Lda Merce r of Pirckncy and Mr if bullbull- J Me G r e g o r and daugiU-r e I -oiv w o e Sumiay callers o Mi - W Alii- on

C h a r l e s Schafvr who is a t e i i l i n x the M S C sas h - m e ^i id-- Mlt-j lion la=t week I ^ Howard Roliston and boy fi itnd of A n n A r b o r spen t Suit lay at t h home laquo of hi unc le Roy Smol le t t | Ki rk V a n W i n k l e and wifi of Lans -j ing spent last Wednesday a t ihlaquolaquo lome

of Mr a n d Mrlaquo M W Allison Doro thy Gra inge r who ^ t a k i n g a

business cour se in Howell was home la^t week on h e r - vacation

J M Br igh ton is o u t aga in a f i e r a few d a y s i l lnws y i t h j l he j ^u

M r and Mr^ Ezrlaquo H n g n a m w e r e in A n n A r b o r one day las t wo^k on b s j -ncKs

M r a n d Mrs A lbe r t Dinkei anltl d a u g h t e r a n d Mr and Mrs Mark Alshylison w e r e Lans ing chopper Monday

o -Mr C o r a McLachlan and family

Mr a n d Mrs F r a n k A m h u r g e y Mr a n d Mir Waltei- F r o s t of De t ro i t w e r e


I Flower Garden

Ferrys Rices




I s V

| MllllllllllllllJtIIIIiniUlllltllUlllflilllltJIUtflllllUttUlHIIIHItlfltllltUUIIIiaHlf I


Try a Dispatch Want Adv V J f

Tke Piockney Dispatch Wednesday A_orf 3 1935

fTfee Pmdue Ifeidij cent ^ ^ cent ^

5 P A U L C U M

I Cash Specials Friday Saturday April 5 61 | P E A N U T BRITTLE lb raquo 1 | pfQfcOpTTFQCAME^ CHESTERFIELDS CARTON +4 M

Base Ball The Season Will Soon Be Here



l -O bull J L ltbullbullgt


^ ^ V Z U i J Base Balls r^if F r i d a y

I Toe and Heel Plates

Catcher Mitt

Fielders Gloves

4 i ^ 2

S SUGAR sect 10 Lb Cloth 5 Bag 49c

VIENNA I KELLOGS Sausage I Corn Flakes

2 Cans 15c I Lg Pkg 10c

MAXVELL i F OM sect House Coffee I Soap Flakes = Lb Can 30c | 5 Lb Box 28c sect


f j j h ^ o f a ^

bull M bull J W e H a v e Spaulding 1935 Sporting Goods Catalogue

bull i i Lgtlaquo1 3-1

v bull r


97i 25c

of MlJfoio hJTi of

ZZ t

5 APPLE SAUCE j BIG 4 SOAP RED CHERRIES GOLD MEDAL FANCY PRUNES pound I f X 2 Can 10c 10 Bars 29c No- 2 Can 12c | Hour $113 3 Lbs 25c I

= 7


I LEMONS Fancy Each I CARROTS Large Bunch I CRACKERS Exdls 2 lb

be 19c


RED amp WHITE TEA lb pkg 15c RICE FANCY 3 lbs 17c

GREEfTfc WHITE COFFEE 1 ib pkg X 21c

APPLL BUTTER at jar 17c MAC IVQN1 _ Z 2 l b bulk 15c

L ST TISSUE 5 rolls 19c


~^Tib 10c f

- J J

H E P 3 H E y S CUUOA gt 1 t I gt 1- rge can lCc E

t ltjf Lbullbullgt ^ - vr raquobullbull if fr bullbull_ v tn

i f ^jgty a r d 55 r - bullbullgted the Kjrv orrjv v-- --d M r Xoy

i V bull - bull - - r ~ - Lij

_ltiY -vlaquo-nTi^ i i l o v e - h ltJ a

and Mr Wraquor iolt-iilt-]rran of D -

- and --jr A-her bull 0 lt F r - laquo3 bulllaquo - bull -

gtultiz i f t - I -

bull AHx^r u-r- Sat- iO Mr- M h

ltbull H Zur^- arraquo4 T 7-bull Ja -t TJ---

P L O V D WBfeKS Prescription Druggist

I t

t i

1 Your Brakes 7 Arnt Working

then you are driving against the law Against yourshy

self too for faulty brakes cannot only cause mishaps

to others but to yourself as well For safetys sake

have your brakes tested today

= t bull 4 FOMATOES 2 No Cair LDEN BHNTAM CORN 2 No

Ann Arbor raquoit raquo bull - S u n

bull i i -lti-A M r -



- ] IraquoyltJiu- of I^an-Traquogt lt- of Ma-

bull ltgt Mr arii

bull bull i gti~gt- o f M

lt ] p v--r- Mi-- -lt Jaki yc(] lt-r of lt n Fiank D a n i ^ J i O V ]

I 1

W H MEYEfT i i s h t amp Heavy Hauling of All Kinds Mo-^ng

The Pinckney Disp -tcU $125 per yr

T (Ufirraquoraquo-niraquoii bullbull

- Au MVAmW r

bdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquo bullraquobullbullbullbullbull raquobull raquoraquo bullraquoraquoraquobullraquo - -in-

L w -jr^i ^ mdash

J i bull K vuvati-

laquo bull bull gt bull bull

^ J raquo - bull

ijjr ilaquoi J-

week Mi bull i

ltlin r ^ j o v

gtii -- v J inj w

bullo-i and s wrbullbull in Lans- Mr T-U Sir- in Dctrot


burinltKii FrJltilty a Mr Will M-j-t


f J) iro vgtgt uiiay aftc-i-noon if-urij visited I^i^ _i_^t

recently i n gtlttrltMt-TCt week Koy livaroji ltJ

lat Wednesday Mi^ IIlaquortty CJiroj

I n

lti J

bull j laquo- ia iveigt

i o

] bull

f j j gt i l i i i t J v a - -

sr JaKt Fiedler

m - i r V i v--as a Sunday of Mi- Uorolliy lgtar-

jrinl Candenthai of Lavs-ju vc la- wrel of her iou^

in Mi-s l^hyl-i Sprout Mift K CTiaJillt r of Kalamazoo

j-pent thc^ w e l t cv-i with her parent Mr and M-- ^- JltdTic^gt

Mr altl Mr Io ltoe Carl of Landshying were art VltiiltKday dinner gu raquot 0 f K r a n d Mrs- Ko^ Klaquoad

W Lind and Mui^-r

i e

were in )-troitt Fjji^y jjpbullbull John ritziinrroji- )- L-ei lt

to higt hH-ltl by illne- ilt-gt bull- ( Oia isrniih ltjf M-o - t lt bull bull

tive- h c i e a couple of ltjiy j^ (ieorylaquo- Clark -U-4 hi- ujiltr

the Gate Saniantir-- Aici Fridaj

The Migtgtegt Virjriil^ (I)--i Hilda Hartmen welte in Huv Satshyurday

Mrs Phillip Sprout -plt r v he- jraquoagtt raquo week with her si-teia in Lan-iji^ anri DeWitt

1 raquo r i

bull rgt

ro Ji i lt gt

i raquo o - gt APML 5 SPECIALS SAT APRIL 6

i 4 bullIr i-d Mr r ( i r i i -

Lind o f iVj o i t were Sunday ^ ^ j ^ ^ S u n d a y with L at the hojlt- of r and Mrs- 1 W putnam Teeple

nTielaquot White and fam-

Gerald and A l h n Dinkl^ of M^-io-i T [bull ^fiy ^ inueJ Marti) oi

iit - fltiu Her )i Jack^o bull j j d a y

J-AW J1 Fio-t w tiikr-n u tc- Ii k bull y -oiiiuj-Uiii Saturday for a fi

y aiJjrHt

J i i lea-on laquoid vsife of Lilt bull of Mr i-r i MJ

Hersheys Cocoa

9 1-2 lb cans l ^ c


6 Soxes 25c

Maxwell House i Coffee


Mr a -gtu-gt ily Krangt V hi were ^ 3ir and Mir Lee Lave

araquogtd wife of Howell j- caflers at the home of

Putnam Mi-- irjee lirenin^lttail of Wayj Miampi Chariotbullbullbull Kly vi-ited at th wa- a i jf--rfiay ealler at the hoiiic o

home of Mr and Mrgt M K D a r r o w p i

Philatbea Notes

l^orothy Larrow

Mi- L lti IXveraux ard dau lbullraquobullbullbull l ietty and Helen vigtited Detroit Ja-tive-i several day-gt la-t week

Mnlaquo Flora Danow Migt- Blaquo-madine Lynch of ^-x--

200 Kpent the week end with

Our )Pgtgt-lt vere led skillfully throujfh tnlt- ilaquo---ons for review by Mrs fcuae ron Sunday bringing out th-charactlt tic of Feter as a Christian

JUclpU- a hown in the variougt | ^ h e ^ M ^ M a r y L y n c h

U u u t U i Jk m p i u u i t d a j iuliijf p H Swarthout and on Don and dimple p bull In-CooperwilJe Fridav

Our Pa o ^ n n o u n c e n r n t t h a t gtA F Wegener returned his ho otir cluss Vouidh^ponjlaquoor the n e x k S u n -

Saturday Mr and Mrgt FredIJortz and LiH bull

Martin ^pent Sunday at the home of John Martin

Mr and Mr Ivu^cne Dijltk i i Kenneth Teeple of Detroit cail--i Migtraquo Carmen Leland wen- in Detroit deg n MJ- and Mrs N O Frye Fi iday laist Friday and a-ieaded the Masonic-banquet

Clyde Dairow of Walled Lake and bull M r lt a r i ( i M ^ W n gt M a v ( 1 bdquo famly_Kpent Sunday wth ht nether C o raquo cr vlle pert several day- la-

vltlaquo wiLh Mr and Mr Mert Cartraquo-

ivgt ^-11

Dr Hoiiis Sigler and wife of i iow- lt 11 WJJ2 Sunday guesta of Vr ad

Mrs C

Nation Wide Coffee mdash^ lb 25c mdash

Calumet Baking Powder ib can 23c

All-American Coffee Mi



Silver Fleece i Sauer Kraut

No212can 10c 1


day cA-enin^ rices as one LeHten event was briefly noted and raquoomc plans diltculaquoJieltL

A few boxes were brought in for the Cent-ii-Meal second opening foi which the church missionary treasurer is grateful

Ne5ct Sunday is Missionary Sunday in the church school THis also rfhouk receive- the attention - o f Philathea and others that we may quickly mak up our quota and be able to heir meet our own local church need Some who have no boxen are contribshyuting personally

One1 a^ain our sympathies g o out to Ihoho who Morrow at thiraquo t ime beshycause of the passing o Rev Berquiilaquot Anca our lat note- were Mraquont out Services were hehi here for th1raquo form- cfnJW^r^xnJut-- Friday

A blaquoraquoy7Tance over our new bull raquo-cOn quart bullbull -Mylt ws that we have-j l o s i n g w r In Pinekrvy bullt

i^or-d^-ful raquotudie ahead o f u^ neMlay We under-i rvf WtfJl jraquo--ltfc bull iVom botW old a n d lwhum_ri-ntJ thr Mmtlgt f raquo -

-- tie$amppound^-~--^4 l^Mfelhtra-s will f-gt Lincoln o f Cohoctah maQ ta be on hiiui netygtunday to begin these r e w themfK uKh the ltraquost topta ^The Heavenly Tamer John 14amp-amp4- All ladie welcome

O week from thilaquo Wednelaquoday o n AyptF l f ilaquo the time for our regular

hutdnesK and nocial mectiiuj

Mr and Mrlt Andrew Campbell bull s daughter of Dexter spent thlt w-x-k 5

Sunday af ter spending the pa- t w o - e n d with Mr and MrsTCugere Camp- 5 month with his children in Detroit1 bell 2

The MLshes Constance and K v - | M M g t a r k M KdDrr-v ltbullraquo 5 f a r r o w were g u ^ t of their cousin a n d M r fCOrge Green of How-II S

Charlotte Ely In Ann Arbor par of r i F H d p t o f M c s laquo laquo t week | j i-lt-pU a

M I M Harriet liowirnn who raquoa- bee 11 - t 3 at the University hospital Ann A s r o r Mr a n ^ r i - W e s I e y ^ a l t n i W ^ a i K i = for several weeks han returned 1- h e r ^ l V of Detroit were dinner g u e t S home of her grandparent Mr and M r a n d M r raquo - Clifford VanHorn l a s s Mnraquo Fred Bowman Wednesday pound

Merlin Lavey won fhTt nrize a Mr and Mrs Francis Shiaper ( v iv - S bicycle in the Ann Aibor Ww^ ub-raquoan Sigler) and son Jack and ^Miv s scription contest Jason Haitu - won Murta S i g k r - o f Detroit called o a the s the canoe and Joe Lavey the boxing Hotf sigttenraquo Sunday 5 g|ovelaquo and Helen Iiealaquoon the lath- Frank Kamen Detroit t t o n v t y ami bull =

Jackie Darrow -on of M- and M - laquoor of the latbullbull James Eamcn has in- a Wm Darrow fell from a Hbullbullltbull barrel formed Lucius Wilson chairman of S while playing Friday wn claquoJt a a h t h Finekrey Centennial program i s in hia head Two s t i i c r v ver re- commhtev that he will be one of the 5 quired to clove the wourl speaker Vre at that t ime unles =

Kxrk Van Winkle and wip- ngt bull something unforseen turns up 5 ^race BennetaDd Charh-s rjolni-bull- o- s

Norii i Wilson and l r S ltbull Jiitk ei were in town I l - S L_ _rd the Masonic baru-J ag i~T rrtt of Ierpy- called a t 3

Bancroft Peas 2 No 2 cans 25c

Golden Bantam Corn 2 No 2 cans 25laquo

Del Monte

Peaches CM 19c

Del Monte Grape Fruit

2 pound 2 9 c

Del Monte Grape Fruit Juice

2 to 2 CMS


fe Cans bull 19c


40 sect

C RACKERS Grahamior Sodas Ib 13c

MOLASSES No 2 1-2 Can 15c


traquo aluo our Mfaionary me t -Wirt Hendee M borteMJ rewg Highlander

P W CuHrtt acconirraquoaniraquo-i V bullbull ngt^inlch office Saturday II- 11- s members of Wartenav^odfrf XJ-) ( bullbullbull un that hi- faher J i h n 1raquo u- 5 F 6 A M o f D e x t e r tothlaquo Slavonic bull l bullgt o r t of the orlfrinal tJ r g banquet jfiven by Phoenix- I^odtre of degi Marnburj township tak ing up InA g VpxflAitti fcatuidxy ri^ht Othrr fraquoom the government around Jx10 s lodje from thj hectlon reprr-xehtf raquo11 That the prflaquoent itc of the North ] 5 were HowuJL_J^ockbridjre Chel^a Hamburjr church and cemetery was ( 2 -An Arbcr and ^-gt gt- s __ laquo bull -

Quality Rules at Our Market REASON amp S O N S

1 Mgt-Vgtn St Ar-- fsiven to t h a f organization by him Mr 2 __mdashPHONE i 8 - F 3 f Detroit conferrca 1 frac34 frac34 t o ^ n d h e PincUncy [ 1 ^

All Prices Subject to Mich 3 o|o Sales Tlaquox WE DEUVBK iiwtuuiiiHHiMiiiuiiiHiiuiiHiiiiHmnniHiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHimmiHimiiiiitHnimiiHHmHlaquolaquoiMiwiraquo^^


AUCT The Pinckney Dispatch W e c W d ril 3 1935

SALE The undersigned having decided to discontinue farming will sell at public

auction on the premises known as the M T Graves farm located 4 miles South west of Pinckney or one mile North of Patterson Lake the following described personal property on ^ ^



Bay Mare 13 years old weight 1200 Black Mare 4 years old weight 1300mdash

with foal Sorrel Gelding 2 years oid weight 1100


11 11 HEAD OF CATTLE Two Durham Calves Jersey Cow 4 yrs old bred March 5 Jersey Cow 5 yrs old bred Jan 18 Durham Cow 3 yrs old bred Dec 7 Durham Cow 4 yrs old bred Nov 17 Durham Cow 5 yrs old not bred Holstein Cow 6 yrs old fresh Durham Bull 2 yrs old Durham Heifer 2 yrs old -lue soon _ Jersey Heifer 18 mos7~old open

POUfcTRY 60-Rhode-Island Red Laying Heno 5 Turkey Hens 1 Gobbler 2 Ducks Quantity Alfalfa Seed

SHEEP 46 Cse Wool Breeding Ewes due in May One Coarse Wool Ram

FARMING TOOLS Dcering Grain Binder Grain Drill 2 Wagons Hayrack Mowing Machine Hay Rake 2 two-horse Cultivators 1 Ajax Cultivator Set Spike-tooth Drags ^Walking Flow Set Double Harness Buggy Single Harness Cauldron Kettle Wheelbarrow Set of Bobs 3 Set of Slings Roll Barb Wire Barrel Sprayer New Per Cream Sep Milk Cans Forks Shovels Chains And many other snail articles

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Kitchen Range (gcod one) Hard coal burner Heating Stove Buffet Bed (compete) Writing Desk Day Cot Dining Table and Chairs Couch^ Dishes Creeks Stands An d many other articlestoo numerous to



For the third time since J a n u a r y 1 the State Augmented Board approved the distribution of advance payments under t h e provisions of the Thatcher-Sias Act Stung distributed at the making this dfetribqtion the Augment-Tuesday meeting to ta l $1515701laquo In making this distribution the Augment-ed Board pointed out that the amount being distributed at this timewill not affect in an way t h e amounts which other districts not making application will receive a t a la ter t ime

The amounts distrioutea by coun-j ties a re as follows Allegan $6 490 | Antr im $7776 Arenac $3 003 Bar-1

aga $11100 Barry $6000 Bay $38- 3 4 5 Berrien $20441 Benzie $4ltgtampo| Calhoun $27737 Cass $10 083 Char-1 levoix $7 994 Cheybogan $ 7 0 1 Chipshypewa $16836 Clare $2 335 Clinton $3500 Crawford $606 Delta $2o-j Utgt6 Dickinson $19718 Eaton 9574i Gladwin $ 3 9 9 1 Gogebic $36018 Emmet $10 9 7 6 Genesee $225araquo Grand Traverse $11500 Gratiot $10-000 Hillsdale $9512 Houghton $13-764 Huron $3407 Ingham $8 350 Ionia $12 853 Iosco $75 I ron $28- 1 8 3 Jackson $54653 Kalamazoo I $21 591 Kalkaska $2 931 Kent laquo73-1 0 6 4 Lapeer 7 395 Lake $350 Leeshylanau $3 747 Lenawee $12329 Livshyingston $4100 Luce $1 121 Mackinshyac $3 831 Macomb $25104 Manisshytee $1249laquo Marquette $2826 Masshyon $600 Mecosta $2 111 Menominee $3568 Midland $528 Missaukee $3 -8 2 4 Monroe $1 895 Montcalm S7-7 7 8 Muskegoml $1650$ Newaygo $ J -5 4 5 Oakland $1218107 Oceana $24 1 Ogemaw $7004 Ontonagon $9900 Os celoa $7200 Oscoda $700 Otsego $4247 Ot t awa $27527 Preque Isle $5150 Roscommon $150 Saginaw $ 7 5 0 St Clair $30262 St Joseph $18700 Sanilac $11844 Schoolcraft $8 044 Shiawassee $20^000 Tuscola 55 577 Van Buren $15785 Washteshynaw $12000 Wayne $504663 Wexshyford $17381

bull bullbull raquo bull bull


O F STATE LOAN I Action by the Augmented State Ad-I ministrative Board to provide loans to

distressed school districts prevented the closing of the Houghton Public Schools scheduled for March 29 Evshyery effort had been made by the Houghton Board of Education to borshyrow locally and from the RFC Two-thirds of the district s share of Tnat-cher-Sias aid provided only sufficient funds to pay unpaid teachers salaries

the closing date

Financial Statement - Village of Pivickhey

For the Year Ending April 1 935 RECEIPYS

March 29 1934 Balance on Hand ^ $ 6863 Borrowed Money for General Expenses - 35000 Shew License ~ M Total Taxes Collected 176900 Liquor Control License 17000 Bank Dividends 27(Mgt6 Delinquent Taxes V 131A|2 Use of Fire Engine 25P0 Borrow Money for General Exoenses 40000

Cash Total bull $31911 DISBURSEMENTS

Light Bills bdquo $ 102705 Material and Labor on Fire Hall 25196 Fire Hose bdquo 57000 Labor on Street 5230

Gravel Tile Hdw Etc 29632 Minor Expenses 3785 Board of Review Expense 1365 Salaries and Election Supplies 14368 $500 Note and Interest 535(frac34 Interest on $700 Note 4900 Orders Drawn and Paid $297681 Cash Checking Account 21460

Signed P H Swarthout President Nellie E Gardner Clerk Blanche Martin Treasurer


bull t bull




to Anticipating that other districts

would be similarly situated the Aug-mened Board voted the sum of $200

000 o be loaned to School districts f tha t have exhausted available suitable i collateral A committee with powoi | to act consisting of Harry Toy At-j to rney General Theodore Fry State I Treasurer John OHara Auditor Genshye r a l and Paul F Vot-lker State Sup-| orintenrifcht of Public Instruction j were chosen by the Board to pass on proposed loans This committee auth I nHzed the Superintendent of Public Instruction to secure the necessary j papers prfctaratory to final appiova j of loans 6n delinquent taxes or o the-


PtoteroF25 Years Age Dispatc of April 7 1910

I- G JacKson has -sold his auto to S K Swarthout

In Mondays electioniTT~3TTiTountlco that voted upon local option this is-UltJ camed-m-2-0ofvhem ~

Reuben Kigtby who has been Grand Trunk agent at Clarkstoa lor some time has been transferred to Givgory

Kennetn Darrow is learning the barbers t rade at K J Carrs shop

Ebb Smith of Plairfield acciduitly shot himself in his workshop in Plain-

r-riday He lived about 2 son i urdy was ltiugtt hi e hunting duck-

Darwin Carr 82 died Fridav 1- 1

rl Kis whi

Mi lioiiK of her son John viving a)v three sobullbull


hours -1 fail

at the Suv-

W A Irving

Jus t ice John Denchcy highway t ont-missioner G E Mercer school xiisp and (J O Burgess Drain Comm in the state the Democrats and fcusion-ists won electing Allen Morse Sushypreme Court Justice and Moses Field and Charles WKitmalf Regents of the University

bullUgteaf ivfttsonsarc-notified to at end a Masonic school of instruction at iiowell April 14

Marriea on April 5 by Rev i l iVraquo-it Haistead Giegoiy to Miss Dna liird

John Flora has sold a half interest in his saloon at Plainheld to Sam W illiams

Joel lirigg aged 5S died at Una-dilla Sunday morning

The following personal property will be sold at public auction on the James

Marble farm located 3 miles west and 1-2 mile north of Pinckney on

Tri raquo


Senator Harry F Hitfe offered a i amendment to the Prison Labor Bill to manufacture agricultural impleshyments and in the fight to pass the amendment he-temporarily a t least broke with several of the so-called insurgents as well as administration leaders

During the debate which was one of the most spirited so far this - c -sion Senator Hittle said I am not interested in legislative groups and T shall not hesitate to oppose ei h r friend or foe on matters of legislation The farm implement trust has fn-years been gouging the farmers oi our stat Ihe price of agricultural

u and John and a daughtc Hai-t

Calvin VVelTer dipd at higt lioni1 in Hamburg on March 2raquo a the a^e of 7S year- Surviving ale hi wift and thfcfc daughtei^ Mrs John Vanliorn Mrs William lhrics and Mr J u

_ ijookei Tiit^uiU^iaJ_avaA-4w4d--f4^ow the homltgt Thui-day llcv Kxelby ofshyficiating

J^orn to Mi1 and Mr Fivnci- CaiT cf Detroit un Satuulay a dausdit-j

Monday G r a h a m Swarthout ti t his OS h ballot He tirst voted for James Polk on the Whig- ticket and has voted a Whiif or Republican ticket ever since

The Democrats rvon rll the office here Monday but Highway Comm and JusMee CX Campbell won the firsr ofTice and V H Ci-ofoot the second James Harris was rlt -elected supervisshyor 11 J Carr clerk A M Roche t reas Diivid i^r iet Ovr-r-ier and Joh1 Fohey Hoard of



3 Beds mattresfes and springs

Dining Room Suite consisting of

Table Side Board and Chairs

2 Dressers 2 Commodes mdash

- - - J ] o i n to Xick Jh-aley antl wilk of beyond the reach of ( pJainficlci or March 2 a vi Commenting further ^ Mr a rd Mrs Alfrd MorgaB-ltX Oi-j

t ivot have moved on tT- bull ^ hem

implements are most fa imers ui the debate he said Prisoners must j v e t have moved on thlaquo llaquoufirlaquolaquoVfti-rn be kept busy at something so let them j they purchased do something that no one else in the j j o n n Marshall 01 G r e ^ state does Every manufacturer of Thursday and Abe Harpi rS finished agricultural implements m | t ] K r e gt April 1 this state has either heen fnrrnd mit | i - ^ Notes of

Kitchen Utensils

1 Cider Barrel

Center Tablr

Quantity of Antique Furniture

or bought ou by the haiTcster trust i The adoption of this amendment i should break- the price at least in this s ta te

Rep Charles Adams bill- - J al l^v the county boards of supervisor to set the a m o u n t of dog t a x to be colshylected In their counties in proportion


1 Organ Pictures

Round Oak Stove Crocks

Quantity of Dishes

S everal R ocking Chairs

1 Swivel OfTice Chair

Barrel Churn Quantity of Bedding

Sanford Marble took up this farm in 1835

and it has been owned by the family ever




Also many other articles too numerous to



Jas Marble Est f t

ERCY EUJS Auctioneer

to the amount of sheep r claims fllod hoi-w- Mond was passed las t week by the aid of Democratic votes The Republican representatives ffoiii Irfgham and otlv fi counties turned it down Livingsshyton county should be jfrfitl to the

-X)7mocra t i cmdashi^r t fen ta t ives -mdashfrnm Wagtne county who voted almost solshyidly for it Without their suppoj^t it could not have passed

^ n o t h c r bill which Ropresjcntativr Adams is backing would rc^as subdivision property on which the t i x cs have been delinquent for a certain number of years a t the price of fa ir acrea^c These pieces of property aifecfed were originally farms sold by their owners to real estate men who subdivided them Then they werers seamped at the price of city lot- ^ h e slump eamelaquo the sale of these lota endshyed and the farmers got the land back again when the real estate men deshyfaulted on the i r payments Most of the farmers were unable to tako ^ho back on aecount of the back tax s against them k I t is generally concedshyed tha t these will never be paid Thit bill would xtduee these taxes by as-sesing the J4n4 a t the valuer of farm acreage There a re thousands of such farm lands In Wayne Oakland Mashycomb and Washtenaw counties

bull ii i bull i ^ i a n bull

DiraquopatcN of April 6 1885 ^ School begins at Chuhbs Corn IN

Monday with Mi- Crrvic Hcrninon as ^eacher

John Donokuc living on the Scotcli farm at Fortage Lake b t a sv ltbullbull

homo aged



T H E FLOWING H A X P I How the Orea t Scientific Detective B e i t m o n ~ Solvod a Series of -Strange Murders Told in The American Weekly the Magazine Distributed with NEXTraquo

V C 8 J C A G 0 H l i l f t L D AND g j Supei-visor Wm P e t e r s ^ l e r k j W Swetnty) Trtau J F Lemon

ay James Ryan died at his

Dexter township April 4 years

Daniel Roberls of Chubb has 35 half-breed Vsi-te piamppoundjJiaJLaxc dandtef

The following people have rcc VQlt1 notary commissions Samul D Mark-ha^n Bej Larue Dan Wright i l 1 Gardner Zobina Chamber

TJan Richards has rented his blackshysmith shop to Parker amp Spears of Wobberville

Albert Wilson announces- that his well-known trott ing stallion Mam-brino Rattler will make the season at his farm this year

G I) Wood has pone to Crro where he has bought an intercut in a pail and tub factory

There were 317 votes cast heiv Monday of wJiich ICO were straight democra t and 75 Reptrbhrarr Ihr Democrats won all offices here with tthe following majorities Supt Jas Marble 90 Clerk W P VnnWinkle 67 Treos C V Van Winkl- 00 Justice W A Carr 106 Highwav Comm Chas Bailoy 10 School Insp Dan iMurta 78 Constables Em-mett Murphy Patrick Kenncdy-r j-M White Jas Timmons

In Unadilla Dan Barton was electshyed Supervisor Arthur (Jroen CIbull-

- N Bi-aley Tioas j J t DicKen son Just ice D H Denton School Jnsp V Perry Highway Comm v

In Hamburg Jas Van Horn won

Neighboring Notes Dr Duncan Cameron of Detroit

will be associated with Dr Melius of Dnghton after April 1

inspector Van Ness of the State pharmacy department was in Uri-jht-on checking up last week to see Viuit

-4+^-j^te+t^-othtTmdasht+ran dFug stores handle aspirin ]iy a ruliig of the attorney general all stores oth r than drug stores selling aspirin are liable to a fino of $100

Stockbiidgo and Fowlcrvillc hav both fallen lor donkey baskeball and games of this nature in which tiir players ride burros were played in eat-n town recently

Edward UirdsalJ fi son of Mr and Mrs L E Hirdsall of FovlerviTe won first prize of $5 in a violin playshying contst at the CJmdmcr theater Lansing recently There were 15 in the contest

The Baptist Evangelical Methodi-i and Presbyterian churches of H o w i J starting April 7 will hold union len-tcn services

Mail Carrier George Nichols of Howell will reire after 30 years ser-icegt- 27 percent of the Livingston counshyty tux was turned in an delinquent Jhis is the best showing that has been nude in tills county in many years

Porn to Mr and Mrs Rex Drown of Lansing March 23 an 8 a-4 lb son

Henry Ford has purchased the powshyer and water lights known as the Pet-tibonc plant at Milford of F S Hub-bnll who liars owned it for the past 20 years It was formerly used to furnish electric power Just what Mr Ford will utilize it for has not been satcd

Two CCC camps willbeestablished m the Waterloo project s ta te park jn

-Jackson and_W^a^tfmafclaquoowgttee-wftn~ in the next two months- They will accomodate 200 men One will be at Poi-tage Lake in Jackson- county and the other on Mill Lake on the old Glazier country home 4 miles west of Chelsea

The Farmers Union is contemplatshying establishing a co-operative mik station in Washtenaw county From 4000a to 5000 lbs of milk would bo handled daily

Henry Ford hw rerewed his opshytions on the water rights on the Salshyine river at Milan

Michael KeUey that embattled Irishman from Dexter spells his name K-e-l-j-pythen crosses out the second e by way of emphasising that his is the good old Irish -spelling

Washtenaw PotTtibune John At tenbemt Webster farmer

received two brokenribs a dislocated knee and a punctured lung when a windmill he was repairing foil on him He i| a t an Ajm^AJbjir hospital^mdashgt-

WHY WOMEN CRY rgt r B A T M E N SWEAR Profoaoei Donald A LUlWtT

psychologist explains the^reasonigYvj en by science for thedeep-seated or-tampnif difTerencea which make men be have so differently from-Wpmen Rend the article in The American weekly w i ^ ^unday i ^ ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^



_ _

m m x2 m

Tffli-Yy ^^s

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935


ELECTRICITY WASTE Radio stations unavoidably waste

an incredible amount of electricity because less than two one-thoushysandths of 1 per cent of the power leaving their antennas Is ever used The average station has to send oufc-constantly more bull t han 50000 times as much energy as its listeners coujd possibly consume If all of them had their sets turned on durshying all the hours-of its broadcast lngmdashColliers Weekly

bull bull bull laquo raquo

Dr Pierces Plenant Pellets are theorig iampal little liver pills put up SO years ago They regulate-liver and bowelrmdashAdv

Be ReMttaaM Idttrriage is ^ o t a failure If too

mujftV is not e l e c t e d of i t

YDS bowe i orf les

Xhjamp U-atest ampajg^k4rcopyu^wheth$r the system needs a cathartic change

lpound you Jave constant sluggishspells of bilious attacks and laxatives seem to make things worse it would be

1 ase let |poundy this Stop all use of any laxative that


may beeht toolarge ajlosa for your indiviaual neen)T9sesteatiraquoa liquid laxative that you cah m e a s u raquo and regulate

^ as tq ltdoaegtAs neoMary to repeat lakesmMer^mlamp^inditsA often W i t h e b o ^ t S ^ ^ M j f i i t i i o u t

any help at all r J i ^ U J bullraquo Doctors- and

a properly prepared liquid laxative containing natural laxative agents

u ik3laquoma l i a t a s o a W raquo lt ^ f t ) y and ablamphing

You caa aet Df Caldwells S

a t ^ y ^ a t o r e 7 ^

- i -

bull gt y bullbullgt

bull ill [ill fP

Jnlaquot h r E m ^ g r - f ^ ^ a ^ ^ i f e n t t e a

bullonmdashlike men

-tr AV J ^ bullbull

Golden Dawn

By Peter B Kyne

Copyright by Bell Syndicate WNU Service

S Y N O P S I S -

A ltV

ERRV PUREBRfM C ^ s F ri bull

fllU^ltffW klaquoV

r raquo



Dont take a back seat wnen if cotnes to grow-i ng flfiw bull V raquoP 1 a n V

f JPe^rya^urebred Flower Seeds and your garden wil l be t h e envy of

IOM They are pire-

Theodore Gatlin adopts a baby Peshynelope in an effort ttr-solve his matrishymonial troubles But his wife has never wanted her and their affairs end in the divorce court At a baseball

-game a ball strikes ten-year-old Peshynelope on the nose Mrs Gatlin spirits the child to Europe Gatlin wills Peshynelope all his money and 1s about to bpoundgin a search for her when a motor accident ends his life Some ten years later in San Francisco Stephen Burt rising1 young psychiatrist is presented by Dan McNamara chief of police with a new patientmdashNance Belden a girl with a dual personality for which her saddle nose is in part responsible McNamara does not think she is a criminal and obtains Burts testimony in court Lanny the doctors office nurse is also won over Nances crimshyinal record outweighs Doctor Burts explanation of her case and she is sent to San Quentin penitentiary bull Nance escapes although shot and goes to Lannys apartment From one of the men In the boat on which the girl escaped McNamara learns that Nances real name is Penelope Gatlin He also discovers that she is heiress to S750-000 Fearful of McNamara in his ofshyficial capacity Narce fiees Lanny finds her in her apartment asleep Then she disappears and McNamara learns that she is living in Paris

CHAPTER VIIImdashContinued mdash 2 0 mdash

This was too much Lanny put her arms around him and kissed him on each cheek And that s a seal thatll get by too

Pan was embarrassed Lanny was too mdashgo she took a has tydepar ture

The two men stared after her adshymiration In their eyes A dmdashd fine woman that None finer said McNashymara

Why dont you marry her The suggestion popped out of Doctor Burt as suddenly as it had occurred to him

nNow theres an idea McNamara mumbled dazedly How long have you been mulling it over

Subconsciously since you entered the office I caught a gleam in Lannys eyesmdashand when she kissed you the

subconscious crystalized into the conshyscious

Ill think It over Youll not think it over Mac Youll stake up your mind new And I can

rather be a bachelor than a disapshypointed lover

Tell you what to do Mac Stephen advised Send her a nice photograph of yourself If she puts It in a silver frame you may proceed with confishydence

How WiH I ktfamptf gtfnr ltbull Mf its^ fh ifSilve^ frame -oh the

dressing- table In her bedroom itll be a cinch gt

^ HowHT get into her bedroom you

blockhead - f bull- Ill steal her latchkey and have a

duplicate iuade-JTtlen you t an investishygate V

McNamara rose ^arid held out his hand Tis a pity -Stephen my boy you arent in ipy detective bureau Good night -bdquobull

The annual parade of the peJice force was but a week-sJUtaat and during that week Dan lited^fptirety on orange juice and spent Jitsnightshia Turkish bath As a result he dropped eight potmds off Tils northern Elevation Very erect and ffiariftal he sat on a milk-while charger while a photographer took several exposures of him and his command

When the prints were delivered to him he sent them all toLanny with a note saying

bullNow that we- are both in the same croaked conspiracy^ I thought you might be interested1 In having the latshyest photograph laquoofthe biggest crook of thenf all bull - bullbull -Tljte following day Stephen Burt sent

him a -key a n Che following after-nbou McNamaralethimself rnto Lanshynys houSe and discovered one of the photoson her drelslng ta6lemdashand In a gold frame Another print in a silver frame appeared id her drawing room _

Holy Closes lie soliloquized Im In for it now I Godhelp me theres no escape


Upon nls return to his office Mc-Nairfafa fooild in his mail a photoshygraph of Lanny indorsed To dear old franmdashfrom his partner In crimemdash

Xanny IVJilie he was gazing upon it -and telling himself how little justice the portrait did the beloved subject Stephen telephoned demanding that he come- to the office __^

bullLanny was in ears T v e j u s t had another visit frpm Mrs--Merton Dan Stephen Tgtega1T- It seemsTEhat af ter i twgt years of inactivity during which

ftlnie she had elected to believe Pene-fcrpe (Satlin deadshe has developed a crazy notion to prove it She wants to get Penelopes fortune

Yoraquo questioned h e r about her daughter

Yes but she doesnt know It said Stephen I hypnotized her first and spent an hour questioning her and It appears that this morning she visited your captain of detectives and asked him to throw out a dragnet to locate Peftelope Qrttlin- bull bull Sdie bull brought him some snapshotst)f -the girlmdashtold him ) heT real name--all about her moneymdash the girls habits and peculiaritiesmdash everything When Tlt1 discovered

that Penelope Is an escaped convict They will immediately deport her an4 Flynn will meet her at Hobokeu

But cant you do anything about It Dan Lanny pleaded

Nothing Klynn and Angellotl are on the trail officially now He stared at Lanny tragically Im out of the picture now and can do nothing but advise you Send two cablesmdashone to Nance Belden in Paris and the other to Penelope Gatlin at the same adshydress Say Come at oncemdashLanny dyingmdashcable name vessel on which leaving and sign It Steve

111 meet her at the dock Stephen decided Im due in New York next week

Youll do nothing of the sort said Dan Ill send that convict in my honsfe He shuddered ami grimaced in his distress 1 could handle the wop with money hut Flynn has sworn an oath And because Ive made a monkey out of him hell keep It Hed rather make a monkey out of me now than acquire great richesmdashand if Im broke most likely the captain of deshytectives will step into my shoes and Flynn will stand a good chance of beshycoming captain of detectives Oh mur-deration Lanny darling have you a little whisky in the house Im faint so I -am

Youre suffering from heart trouble you egg Lanny cried savagely Yes A weak heart a soft heart a human heart

Send that cahle he roared Yes get busy Lanny Stephen

urged The bird of time has but a little way to fluttermdashand the wretched fowl is on the way

After Dan McNamara had left his office Doctor Stephen Burt gazed with mild disapproval upon Lanny

^Unlike you and Dan McNamara he said I dislike having the peaceful tenor of my life disturbed

This Intrigue is myrrh and Incense to me Stevie

I know it You and Dan love a fight for Its own sweet sake but I do not I have a particular aversion to grand Jury Indictments and it is a posshysibility you and your boy friend have let me In for

FiddTesTicksr Lanny Ill be angry with you In ft

minute Now listen to me and whatshyever you do do not talk back Dan McNamara has-iuwi out on us I mean you Hes through Dans rattled If he tradnt been hed uever hav_pound or-dered the Sending of such a fool cableshygram

Dan McNamara knows his way about Lanny defended Hes more than nine years old

So do I Lanny It will be highly dangerous to send that cablegram How Is she to know it Isnt a message to decoy her hack to the penitentiary If she receives it while shes Penelope Gatlin she Is extremely liable to cable for confirmation before acting on i t That would mean a delay of not less than twenty-four hours On the other hand if she is Nance Belden when she receives it she will leave Paris openly and walk right into the hands of the New York police Im not much of a

SOURCE OF STRENGTH A strong man Is one who realizes

how weak other men are

AND THAT -GLADLY The only thing some people wlB

share with you is trouble

Now Relieve Your Cold Quick as You Caught It 55

1 Take S BAYER Aspirin Tablets bullbull Make sure you get the BAYER Tablets you ask for

i Drink a full glass of water Repeat bull treatment in 2 hours

For Amazingly Fast Result Remember Directions

In These Simple Pictures

The simple method pictured here i s the way many doctprs now t rea t colds and the aches and pains coldt bring with them

I t is recognized as a safe sure QUICK way For it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it

Ask your doctor about this And when you buy be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly And thus work almost inshystantly when you take them And for a gargle Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness leaving no irritating

particles or grittiness BAYER Aspirin prices have been

decisively reduced on all sizes so theres no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want

J If throat is sore Crush and stir 4 bull BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third

of a glass of water Gargle twice This eases throat soreness almost instantly

PRICES on Genuine fiayr AtpMm Radically Reduced on Alt Sln$

Made My Car Look New Again

Youll marvel too at how beaushytiful your car looks after you Simoniz it But Simonizing does more than just bring back the lustre and beauty your car had when new It makes the finish stay beautiful Dust and dirt wipe off of a Simonized car with a dry cloth and the finish sparshykles as bright as ever So always insist on Simoniz and Simonix Kleerier for your car



J spring of generations of perfect plants

bull ^ bull bull bull

f O J R N E I G H B O R H O O D

S T O i i E T H pound M I N


mdash M A N Y O N L Y



REDUC-So laquoielaquo1slaquo 5o-staging No flrugi Slaquonlt1 for free circular and read how I lost 123 4ba n IVntfrntlM wili my newdiscovary Or Ifften to broadeaistover WJF and

r g m w bawience MauKs rar~RgfrPttag-bullAaraquominjt l i bo 11 fe at an drug ttorlaquos or send 1100 for trial bottle Sent postpaid

Suffered From Tetter

on Hands Aefoved by Cutcunt

laquo1 tufferedfor two or three years with tetter on my hands If I did any work they wonld bleed and be-

C Sto pfrtvfMh vlmmpoundamp0poundwere toousand dollarsmdash kin all the time What You a chief of police anld

This WM TeeMuchpoundlaquonVyjqt J ^ Him and Kltaed Him on Each ChaeK



t-remedies but sent- foTj a free

F f e o f g a M after I rem great Juckasa I know that I

aging onecake of Cuticnra Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment1

Few Market Tens

1raquoctmr2flcraquoo1ltr everywhere One

cm ISUiCrampofiSMj vvpt Rj Balden Ma-A4v bull-


bull bull

get along without her although the goV enough to ftufc Unify In tears I awakshying will be pretty sklddy But of courseJenen^-Vrs^Mertofr a n i e n t her away bullhell marry you If you askbecvLanDyhap tpy bitty wJpiIJiM^command firmly never proffers her friendships or her plqnted 1frac34 her sVihConsclous mindmdashshe lovea on the half shell bull And theresV nuit not ttynk pf Xbegtame Penelope still time my boy still time Gatlin Jhen1 -awakened her 1 asked

bullNot if she goes to Paris hepylf bullbull]raquo had laquongt adoated daughter Ive heard of police chleTs-securiagf Stot rlaquo|)lte(llaquorprlt8ed4thatshe bid I

a leave of absence for six months- |3theA$slaquociAferthejraquoainlaquo of this adopt-MI couldnt take a six m o n U i s h o n ^ f edlaquoegWrflMAgtrf--tolaquoli of terror came

bveYher face Flaquoilaquoraquo he life of her she c o n l d V r t h W o f ^ V uarne and begged

Sp^no^y^r^erit^orrrt If knew it f t s a ^ I t ^ ^ d l d n ^ t h i n k of doing

Ive saved eig^it

anly worth eight thousand dollars God help me boy Im honest bull

bull Stephen roared his merriment Why

Wouldnt - let every man have Laraquo4fv J But dont yon worry about money U n Tlie f laquo ^ s l W deg r 0tradetrade MJ

py is a business woman She man- | Fl-imantl ^ngejMtl hn the caso^he ogod raquo e iawaU^waa-a--ha includes my finances Pro with g-o^d dividend paying stocks S o u l thebankmraquolV ln inl^ries Wten he know I could be a mighty ood friend j p r w n i e d hla icredetftiaIs the cashier to the man whowould be good bullo^AraquowraquodTilB|rgtV^gt-lirrng Thpyil laen-j ^ n n y - - lt $ifjr thatolirl asNanceBeklert trace

bullTil consider the proiWlaquoltinnlt tHabull rfrer t f r i f tn 4raquoraquo ^ajrHy a I did raquond iiiutioas Celt replied although Td f tarTrlaquoairaquojievlaquorraquomenwwUi he notjlled

thatltMfoJe she-u^Kl-1frac34 the detective Jburenu wtth heri in for mat Win McXa-bullmaaraquoeriasflaquontgt cajjei UR the Security Trlitt- cbtapany __ J3L-^_^ = 1 =

detective but tonight Pm a better ono than that McNamara idiot

Hes not an idiot Hes one of thraquoraquo finest men I ever knew

Keep quiet he ordered severely You ditch my train of thought

He drew a sheet of paper joward him and commenced writing while Lanny ^glowered at him Presently he sat up and read

Grave danger bull stop beat it some other country traveling by motor stop upon arrival tfable address stop If need funds will cable them stop leave Paris establishment Koing concern stop gO out for walk and disappear stopunless these Instructions followed you leave

trail -fur jtM^eltiaOFlaquo_ tdeg_ fol low r ^Slac

He looked up How do those in- struotiona strika youiT


Uiraquo the Soft Pedal wpout try t ma^e too much noise In

de world said Uncle Eben A gwod inglneer ain gwlnter use up ai l Ail steam blow in de whistle


MM toiMtraquoraquoUmdashbullgtmdashltgtbull


nwiminnwy i ^ i i i i

bullv-- I


The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1396 B amp


Change To Summer Grease Now

Drive in to Laveya Service Station and let us remove that light winter grease and put in heavier summer

Dont put it off To use winter grease in summer is injurious to your car

Full Program Ahead


A strong gain in mLnvoersmp a healthy growth in number or troops and enthusiasm in Scout advancement lor the first quarter of lgt3o is reshyported by Scout Executive Walter At ac Peek

During the three months period just ended u) new boys have become Scouts and two new troops have Deeiraquo addea in the Council igtL Scouts have advanced to Second Class ranx 3u Scouts nave become t irst Class raru and ltfb Merit badges have been earned

X Mobiloil Gas

Goodyear Tires

Look Forward to Camping A scries of work parties are beshy

ing planned to be hela at Camp New-kirk to clean up and paint up and glt t the ramp in the best possible simp lor its lull use this spring and sumshymer

hach troop is urged to work out a carefully planned camping advenshyture either at Camp Newkirk or elsewhere


Advancement Plan Boanls of Review and Coutt- of

Honor are being planned to be hela at lYujuent intervals in all district to encuura

Training Opportunities Monhy meetings of Scout leaden

are being held and two Wfok-cnd Training conferences have b -en an-nounceu for early in May

Continued from fifet page to be conferred This he eajd were pricelaes for the reaeon that they

j must be c a n e d by a nettbership of I forty years in good atandinfc Lodged

can bestow eueh honors aa election to office etc but only forty years memshybership can secure a l ife membership

Key Jerome of Dexter s chedu le bulla the next speaker was bull preveated from coming1 by illness

Dewey Hesse of Saginaw an aspirshyant for election to grand lodge this year spoke next He is called the -talshylest Mason in Michigan He amid the support of Livingston Lodge VaS reshygarded as the rabbits foot and hoped that he would be favored with it this year He also paid-hia respect to the members of grand lodge end all blue lodge brothers and made a fery agreeable impression

Hugh McPheraquoonpast graiyi Jnast-er of Michigan Masons and present grand treasurer was next Toasjwast-er WHson remarked that i t -was poundhe natural tendency of -the Scotch to handle funds that they were always as careful in handling other peoples a their own anddthat while their atshytempts to obtain the position of cusshytodian of exchecker could be delayed it was impossible to prevent i t Mr Jtc Pherson talked on grand lodge affairs and stated that the Masonic home at Alma had paid all theirtotkl tnctebt-


At an hour in the march of evcati wneraquo a service it moat needed you will find vjifj

and capable whatever the epraquoerfeac^raquo To be first in completenett and atfteaf iveness has ever been our aim Italir experienced direction our aemcotIsMeV maintained a reputation for and sympathy The charge it ftra$e very reasonable



poundOST__A Chevrolet

truck-wheel and tire (J J CaJs Pinckney


edness of $ 1 2 0 laquo $ this year through ^ ^ M Jdeg t F ^ T - r - 8 0 a c l e s - Squire bull - - - - - bull - -bull - A VanSickle Highland Lake P i n o

THE INQUIRING REPORTER Malice to All Charity to None

We spied Stanley s r ndy sipping ^oltla at the Sugar How] Friday night Who was the sugur with yut Sar

file printers devil evidently isnt j-]XQding all his vicatiun down on tv farm We also saw him at tho Sugur Jgtol Who said-this wouldnt g-t i)

Well Afyrrr has eont- back CJ his fir-love hut he still likes the theatre

Around here it seem- to be in the sprinp a young mans fancy lightshyly turns to thoughts of old loves as we also saw Lefty with his old girl

BobDMloway and- Vtrgmta swrnrrdr to beenjoying Clive of India howshy

ever we don think Ronald Colmao deserves all the credit

Bob Head made good use of his vacation to jet befter acquainted with Sockbridge and its attractions

Now as for Jim he seems to prefer the attractions the open country ha-gt to offer

In case anyone is eouple a cute ni^h

ooking for a watclimen you

I might consult Kmmett Clark and iill I Drown

Speaking of Hill he ooked like a -ulan with his proverbial haiem a I the show Sunday Hes ro piker Hin Bill Lamb i- now going for

blond troraquoes We feel it our duty to inform you Hill that red locks are

the thing this spring [ - Well anyhoo ihiiv -was rip slar 111 | the cigar sales election night Only I they should issue instructions on how J to smoke em ih Howie

Philco Radios




Phone 72 Marvin Shirey


the fact that the brothers-had paid v p - bdquolaquo ttWi ^ f t e r - m l v a ^ ^ i W ^ l i ^ ^ - d 1 1 ^ ^ ^ aTxPherson is known n e y tradeone o 8 F 2

to most every penarolaquoin this county P n p QktA deg and is always laquo favorite speaker [ t i- ^ ^ 1 ^

The f o l l o w i n g m u t e n and W t s i S ^ copy -masters of visiting lodgedwere tnt- called upon and introducedDdiald Dancer Chelsea Harold tJdrrow Howell EIHs Gsecn P raquo Pharcs Winney Ann Arbor CltH WhitnTcy Stockbridge j Robert ^fflfiips Brightshyon A Hepplnstair ^mst Lansing Clyde Yelland Fowlerrile Roy Har-

Chelsea William Tiel - Mason Chester Miller Chelsea Clarence Mar rohey ChelseaA C JDigby South Lyon Eugene McLachian Ann Arbor Ira Ott Dexter Bird Hifrht Howell^ Ross Hidebrand Hqwell Roy Hardy Howell W E_J8immer Maaan^fcd-ward Drewpy Howell John Vorwerk Saginaw David Steptoe Dekter

Supt Morse laquoang two more song the last one of which ks dedicated to the members mf the J^asorile fra trnity Then lodfe Wjaa opened and life membership oertl^oa^f and cards presented to Eugene Caffifcbell byjliis son Andrew Johp ifclajtmj by Percy Ellis Dr CL SigUr by^ohn Martin W H Clark by PaulJSlark and Chaa J Teeple by RAifisell 14vermore This ended the evenings program end anshyother past m^fters night obaerrance of Livingston Lodge Jo 16 had be-oome history


| Fxecutive Boarlt To Meet I The April Executive Hoard meeting 1 will be held at Chas^McKenny Hall in J Ypsilanti on Tuesday evening April

iraquoth at o p in Members of the Board fris i are M li Zimmerman^ John S Page

Ralph Weeks Dr E A Ross and Floyd Weeks from the northern disshytrict Dr Theron S Langford Albert

Fiegal D r W E Foi-sythe Judge J 1 0 rj-ay Hackley Butler Ira M

SmithT)T-T~TJToTmuon George E Paul DrJJ B Howell Otto W Hais-ley Eugen Power Clarence Newman Prof Robert B Hall Emmett Gib- Fielding H Yost Al K Richarus Dr gtlax Durfite and Herbert Wagner of the middle distiict C P Steimle Paul B SarnT^i ricgtltiBattelte Supt Ernshyest Chappelle William Foy W C Con rad Lt Coin A C Schradlt r George McKim ThurJWW Hodley Supt T MshyClay Fiank Locson and George l iun-dv of he southern district the three-

40 acres Inquire of

WANTEDmdashA man to work by tno month Also early and late seed poshytatoes for sale Bert Hooker

o FOR SALSL_Sturdy Barred R o d Baby Chicks bred to live and lay Our flocks are inspected and approved by M S P I A For the past ten yearV we luve improved our flocks each year Their past performance is our recomshymendation Also hatching eggs at 65c a felting for the first three settings thereafter 3c an egg

Van Horn Hillside Farm -mdash o

HEFbl l lrYOL-U-yen=Get- our prices on -June Clover Common Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Aslike Clover and W B Sweet Clover Complete lino of Oliver Walking Plows ant- Spring-tooth Harrows See the New 12 |V2-ard Walking Plow Open Evenings W Q Jury - Hardware- amp rmplementr Hamburg Michigan

mdash o

FOR SEBVICS A p t r l s 5Terty Bear Fee $100

G e e t C r e W y

F 6 1 SALK A litUe dcy ana pound i i ^ weee


Cttxgf Scaa em -e

FAJM FOB M a f F ^ S p J g r t M taifce ^ n s wi t t I M T a o w laquolaquoI werk land nraquot eqaipperf Ca^reVft

laqirire agt Dtepa^e Office

^u w

FOR ^ raquo l V 4 C B _ P e U a d ChTaa fctiA $100 Afie 2$ Umae fe jauV

M laquo Shears mdash ~ e ^ mdash

FOR S A L E ^ F i v e parr Reck regt tera for ^ raquo e ^ f c 4reraquo J a y m f ^eck

VaaHers V W d e Farm

FOR SALD OR TljfcBJp Ur osaDer fern eraquo heoxe i t t i w l 2 1 U acrts impnTed ~XmSm~ampir^FiMknlaquoy

Walter (itrees

I district commissioner are Rev Homer M Noble of Howell Rev

Edward Blakeman of A m Arboi Dean James M Brown of Vpsitan

Dr Dr a U

FOR SALEmdash-Early Seed Potatoes R E Kelly Pinckney

o -FOR SALEmdashEating and Seed potashytoes both early and late a ls 0 seed corn H Barkoviu Beebe iVgtn

o - - -

Eataeliahed 18S5 raceri ierat^10II

Over Si^tySevea T e e n f Safe








1-2 miles Northeast of Pinck-

FOR SALEmdashThree ton OJ A No 1 marsh hay two ton of mixed hay Bert Hicks

o FOR SALEmdashWoTk


bull T w ^ l r ^ SALE^Ar Incubator 200 egg e poundeop lf - 5 ^ frac34 1 frac34 H t r i S n p W m ^ ^ i laquodegdeglti condition and about 25laquo f U o w J l inctfturt coon i bQndleAf cornstalks Mr Eli Vroa 9 I OnJanuaJ7 6 fast a c a r dnvlaquon by i H nd t j H a y s and containing Wmalf Hndinev f Clyde iymLaU -collijed ^-ih one on bull i li a 1laquo driven by Edward Wepman + iuf Grand Repide Mj-a^tinpie Wep-+ nan mother of- Edlaquoardv received in-J juries which resulted in her death

I jlaquo Htill laWft ]raquo a l - l eV^owthy re- tt

ceived a spinal fracture and Clyde Kimball received a compound fracture of the leg and has been in the hospishytal at Howell ever since The prosshyecution claifil Haywaraquo intoxicated at the time and has presented eevefal

wtneawraquo Wprorcv liftytu^M several pneviguraquoans|a tW dfujikeiine and in 198S barred a jail eent^nvc In irS4 he wat placed on probation His attorneys rcopy Don Van Winkle and Jay Sweeney Prosecutor Berrlman is ropreientlngthe people

Tea-Sifling PKG

i Apple ButterQT J A R19C Mixd Vegete 1



NO 2frac12 CAN


NO 2




The Availability of Good


norse I2 yc irs old cheap Inquire at house opposite Hause school Fred L Woodwortn

FOR SALLU Bantam and Everirrccr seed corn W C Hendee

mdash 0 mdash LoST^tJstrayed from my premises degn e nog Finder please notify R Webb Pincknpy Mich

i $ laquobull



State i

bull lt raquo


FOR SALE_Plymouth Reck Eggs for hatching from accredited fowl

M M Robert Kelly


ANT Ueivldatli teyagiBg on tha t ieuiled ee t et mortal tilaquo i i teett isey k liktaed te

boatmen xeviag aiaitat the ti4e With itreampueuB sectjt4 eeeatlti i affort they work u tkoufe agaSmtt a power fFOR SALEmdash 5 which they t e U laquo i - r u if- tot ep- J ootid raquoweae theagt itt a Alreetiee the very oppetrte J that i t whiek tkey have set t k t i f count

To each ineUaiiut tkt 4ii4 ka-ven it hit kifheat eoaceraquot of good that i txuof kumat ojporloaeo vkitk he beiievet will trlag t i laquo eaUafee-tlon and ftoeffOB f r t laquo firrthex atrog-ples gome t t i i f t it gtia poajtaafea of somethiflf irhlth ikoy belitTt blaquoti

FOR SALtU-Wcstinghousu RiiijBje 3 burner 2 ovens Retngcvator 6 cu ft

Geo Reasoji

Electric Electric

-Seed rotatoea Bea Adams Hazt Farm

o mdash bullmdashbullmdash

- - - Ducks (4 hens 1 laquorake)j 3year-old lambs (2 ewes 1 bock) g ee Stmhraquon Prtrn ft

jPlickney Mich r

FOR SALE OR RENTmdashFurm with good buildings 110 acres of land 1 4cre of raspberries Easy payments if kought If for rent cash 1 Ann Samborsku

Pinckney Michigan RFD No 2


10c SaladDresngampti7c



CHOICE 29c V Youll Get Better Meats at

Phone We Deliver

at all Timet


e o ^ raquo i 2 l ^ T u r k -cover tometkug vh ie i Ulaquojy aPioar ^ ^ 0 to te^lMiuLwIipllkfeHkMr J - H S Drf Hindi opportuaity attoaoaf home e e raquo p a i

Vewelt MWm

Swrtiet tre^ttet V



The Federal ( M f c s p t A t t

cal led for payment ea April loth

1035 all United Statea Beoda ef the

Feurth Liberty L o ^ with e^akers

eadjng in 6laquo6-



tort tend Inquire of Mike Lavey

^ W p M ^ ^ t T H C d e t f ^ a t JQamp RENTmdash t o acres of hay or pas which n e t row ip^eiloi to e t i U i all tts iormt UtitUiBg lack liMUatiea poverty aa4 dJftcoraquo4 t a t tke boot ia which they tea bark i t too extit of ha muu thought wklek wbta laquoet ttead led and borae aloag by tkt ipicitual understaedlag Of God rampay be turaed completely eOt eMtlaquoturraquoe

The teachinfi ofChrti l Jeiui ner er indicate tkat met laquoulaquot ttruggle against evil as seavatkJAg t t t i to orshyder to gala good ctaee he laid Feax notr little neck fo i t i | your Fathshyers good pleatare to g4ve yon tho kingdom Wo may u k o tela kiag-(icui as doaotiag ail Uraquot U gooe aau iigtfying and Keee^ul u d tke daily life of the lrajttr mt a ttftiffloay to the truth of kit t t t tentat for tover at any time did ke explaquoriemee laoJr or HmitaUoo Who tkathas itadled tht Gospel narraUeot ota pieturo the gentle NamroftOsalsMgUpg ageiast evil as U i r ^ e r t fear er povtrful He know ^ritkeut 4 ikad^v of doubt the power frmojiH tltojat^TOiiaktUty of goodcmi evU 4 a presenet good aa

FCJt ^ B N T _ G o o d land on shares for any drop

Phillip Sprout e ^

FOSSALKmdashBaled Hay and Straw D E Hoey amp Sons

Dexter - Mich

WANTED All kinds of bulckciirg At your home or mint

John Martin Phont 1)3F-2

In ceanectieo ith Uu tail holders

of the above dflscrtbed tomes a t grv-

en tke eppertouity to excKangm Uxtir

present boiids f o r f e i t Umd$ czmwing

ntAreai at U f p v c e e e to b e dtfo

195-5-1060 r

f ^ r kuUit i c y o i e d e t M a f to

make tali exchange kftt tke privUogo

expires Hick 27th XW$

McPWm ShU la

nityaTippJy a j j to b e e v a n i b l e t o e U not llnjU tke t t l i laeBl hit owa oipfrioaoe Oa lie oaid that higfoUovi peat JOJ wTarkf t a o of mamttnd if to e facta tad tor spoke no 141raquo W -


Nlaquot food to eoatraxy

l i r o -aooomiity to tmoft riatJi

M lt -

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Com-

mittton Retail Store


r gtbull igt bull

Paul Spadafore Prop - Stockbridge Mich

3HEEP SHEARING WANTEP 1 mm prepared to do sheep shearing

at reasonable prices Power shears Clare Swarthout

QQoi U$i CmWi ifkeCkmlit amplraquo

Georxo Sigier mad raquo f a V O laquo j laquo r of Lansing vera

Cart Krimjtt to MeUui Hlt when hie car WeinjnoUtor coUMofl A G f a a o j i f i i r

yP -^Praquoraquoim bullm HlJ

bull ^ r Ul pound-

Page 3: SSRW«* PiirtmcyPispntri)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1935-04-03.pdf · r «~-*SSRW«* I*

TS3B n gt -

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935

1 f


involved in the unpaid taxes of _X bull bull iTiiii organizations who^c pro-bullbullbull w i iie act was recently rc-j-etd by the gttate supreme court An pp-al to the United States suprenu-rou i is expected as the tax is pay-ib bull Aeril 1

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Comshy

mission Retail Store


Paul Spadafore Prop Stockbridge Mich


bull HLFP SHEARING WANTED i~ bull lti to do sheep shearing

gtbull iiltlts iJover shears i v ID e- Swarthout

i^ Uney Mich K F D

Pick Up mdash AT


WORK RESUMED AT ( though this 200 acre t ract is cortrol-PATTERSON LAKE MESS HALL I Ifd by the University of Michigan

there is no tax levied lor its -uin or Work has again been resumed on The fundi to finance all the buihliiv

bullgtChe assembly building or mess hall at j Was raised by subscription the bunk - the U of M Fresh Air Camp a t Pat- j houses kitchen and docks all having

terson Lake A picture of the build- j been built by this method Prof Men-ing showing how it will look when fce 0f the University is a t the head completed is shown above through 0 f it the courtesy of Max Musch of How-bull Although there are quiie i i-rv

bunk houses the need of a place to as- somble was fIt and accordingly t i n i FERA project was submitted and ip-i proved The place will hrtve a full | basemen The uuditoiiu-n w U be lti0x | 50 stag^ at the cau 10x26 and the

large porch 25x50 The construction i-i ru-tc all lt

the big timbers and beams b a n g ci in the nearby woods Much of lr imperial used is salvage lue igt i roof was purchased from the bullat


t i l )

J o-l io

Lot w

ell the architect The U of M Frerh Air Camp is

located on thq west shore of Pat tershyson Lake and was formerly known as the Hartsuff farm L is heavily wooded and lias a good beach Alshy

lied was taken from tlu La-e c ment plant

Work has been going on heri nea ly a year on an average of o days p w^eli and a number from Finckm-live worked there T L Fouib^i nuis of Lakeland has had the hau


rir ALLT having been made for e th ii thirty days in the condi- ui a ritain mortgage made by pa 11 Kountree and Alida V uti-i as wife to James M Tea-

e t-e c ighh day of June _-gt arid recorded in the office



l S t e r r

of Deeds

i S j l L e

f which it is expected to be i in J ue or early J ulv


by Home Economics Specialists

Michigan State College


poundbull A bargain is something which e bull j f a s exceptional value for its pie-Vi and according to this definition SOT bull of the organs are among the b -1 r-$1 gains in meat suggest home economi 4 | institution management specialiio i ^-Mtrmgnt t - Sttrtc -College $ i he various meat organs availab bull




4 0

1 1 i 1 a mdash i bull bullgt bull bull _^W mm I m ^

Whatever maite i overs ^Tong^mth4tmdashweH fix it i right the first time No coming | backior arguments and readjust- i ments No extra-charge work bull without your permission And fc $ leave no grease on the steering bull wheel to soil your clothes

on Uu_gt market make up quit pound Ji-t including liver kfdney

L i A ton rue brains sweetbreads am W laquo a t m J-- Vgt ~z- -rrmdash 11

in 11 e

oome of th- -je are J buy- giving a lot

unusually Of mineral

for the Kingston and State of

Di the ninth day of June bull in Liber 127 of Mort- -bull gt4-38G On July 12

aid murtgage was assign-bull M Teah-n of th City

ye County Michigan lov o( the City of Kob-

ord County Lmois -ment Ijeing recorded in

ier of the Register of Ueed C-juny of Livingston and

i dieliigan on the second day - t A 1) 1128 in Liber 122

ges on page 2iraquo7 on which th- re is claimed to be due

gt id at the date uiLlJiLs_iioticlt--bullbullbull ai and interest thv sum of

Umdretl and Seven ant i ollars (^120700) and no

aHuw=-e -4n==lt-=rtiijtA--d or instituted to l e-

Thomas Read Sons Ford Ammonium Sulphate

100 lbs equals 4000 lbs of Stable Manure 100 lbs equals 1000 lbs Ordinary Fertilizer For General Farming Gardens Lawns Shrubs

and Trees

Most Economical of All Fertilizer Lets get a good crop this yearmdashincrease the yield

The profit is in the Second Mile

Let Me Supply You ATLBBMOTOR S A L E S

rsraquo UB1VBAIlaquoM

Pinckney Michigan Did I get your order for that new Ford

bull-Ming laquo

t o power of sale and the premises i therein described a s The north sixty-

in i acres of the east half of the northeast


DEFAULT having been made

(iie terms and condiiioas of a cei ta in quar ter of Section fourteen (14) the i


j viimms j Livi r stands at the head of t-- land should be included in the reet i family menu It is especially I fcr tin growing youngsters vngt t to manufacture red blood e lK I contains a large amount of bullbull bull

copper as w 11 as an antiani i ie I a growth-promoting principle

1 iver 0 f different meat-animals I be u-vd as well as just calf li whicimat Ltie present time is kept


v e (J i

debt s cured by said molt-y part thereof

ure by virtue of the bullale contained in said mbrt-pursuunt to the statute in

made and provided NO

l a i rgt

mortgage made by CHAKLro

MKVLKS a mariieltl man Mortgagor


ATKINS his wife Mortgagees their

legal ^representatives and assigns dashy

ted the 1st day of September A D

liiiio and recorded in the office of thc-

ilrt ister of Deeds for the County of

Lrrrngstrnr STaTe oT^M cTfTgaTi on the

1st day of September A L llJ3IL in

Liber 138 of Mortgage on pagS

72-uwidth luorlgage war assigned by

said William L AtKiLs and Ina K At-Khi JU- will- lo WJIL1AM L LOLL by written assignment dated the Ifttn Uay of Octobej A D lS^j-mid re-coidiii- Urn 21st day of October A D lijo in Liber lje) of Mortgages pagers L0^- said L ^ i n ^ t o n County

gt m i Ki Y OIVION t h a t 7 n i K l c o lt i o n w h i d ^o^fW there is the Third day of June A l ) J c l i i m u d t u b c duv a r ilt1 u n i ) a i t l a t t h c

Mi oclock in the fo ienoon ( U j u f n L N o t K f lhltJ s u m o f T W 0

Vi of the bargain ela-s by its high imiard Time said mort-

Charles Clark 0

JJ( eel or pork cr lamb liver gvr lt co-t much lss and are juot as aii-able for hulding r d blood ceil bull

Tite lt hie i point to re m-in be r aboit coodng liver is not to overdo it I -a niodira^e tempt ja ture and cool e i-ly enough to change the color -L ahiady tede] and top- long ceevi

- _ - - ^ will H_-tilt_in dajkj X ati~e_ry_LYmdashL mdash

^IKIIIMimilHIIIHHllllPllili^^^ ] e o f l f l u v r [)

bull i lt i l

northwest (juaiter of th- northwest quar ter of Section thirteen (gt) all in Town-hi]) three () North Range thiTG (li) east Michigan containing one hundred acres of land more or less lying within the Township of Handy County of Livingston and State of Michigan will be sold at pubshylic auction to the highest bidder for -cash by the sheriff of Livingston County at the west front door of the Court HOUP in the City of Howell in faid County and State on Friday the twtefiJ_day_-oT ApriL 1 9 _ _ - - - _ - i^n_ oelock in the forenoon of ^aid day Thre fs due and payable at the date of this notice upon the debt s cured-hy laquo_id mortgagr the sum of Forty four Hundred Fifty-two Dollars ami Eighty Cents ($445_laquo0)

William Fouler

Dated January lo lfiVgt Don W Van Winkle Attorney for mortgage^ )laquou5iigt55 Addrelaquos Howell Michigan


bull I

A I t p


I S-IRST NATIONAL BANK y bull bull k laquo

tl In Howell Michigan J _ laquo bull bullbull

Viexiber Federal Reserve System Capital-

S Surplus Over $5000000 All Accounts hi- s

1 SUred By FEDERAL INSURANCE COR- | | PORATION Up to $500000 for Each De- | s positor | jJmHMnaraquonuniutiHiiiuiiimiiminiHHmniiiuiiiiraquoiiuiiiiHiHiHiraquotraquoraquoiraquoraquoraquoungt 5

^uibull iiver siould b scrld d u -i 1 Tlie choking m thod

THOUSAND S1XTV ($ 060 00)

foreclosed by a sale at i1 gt U f J A R S f o r l n n c i P a l H n d interest to the highest bidder a t i a m l no uit or proceeding at law or in

entrance to thc Court] C (lu i lgt h a v i n raquo b f i n - - t u U lt l vgt 1V j o taid mort-


win re the Circuit Court for f o n raquo bgt V l l l u o f t powr of 5ale el of Livingston is held) 0flt0raquotained in said mortgage and which +4^^-Mt-fbttl rn-5aid moiT^Kiw~^ i 4u^-- tH^ i t t^-^y rea^t t - -rrt laquor - much thereof ns may be s a i ( J ^^I t i raquoraquo pulMiant to the

bull in the City of Howell Living- c u v lt 1 t ] llt ( h b t wl l y ^ 1 County Michigan ( tha t be ing ^^ i r^ l a r t ^itvf Now

to pay the amount due on statute of the Satf of Michigan in

o a M be adapted to te

P id i

i l i i

bull r I ( - lt I i ( 0 0

ed ltic1 of irna a i L bull(bull i i i -

gt gt bull bull bull

a 11 bullbull J gt ( VJIN i L I )

y the -vme a for 1 J bull i t i- aitothc r bargein b

ia i on and law in cost li i ie l r tlian liver or kidm v beltt way to cook it for tend

i bullipitmgc a- aforesaid with seven ltu^ ( a ^ madlt and provider notic i in-i-re-t tii i eon and a i r legal I1 laquoraquobulllt-^ laquo i v r l ^ a t o n l h - l l l l d agt ltbull migs and expenses including01 Mi lgt A - D- l r raquo t_ l_ 00 oclock f i ny fees allowed by law and n 0 0 1 1- i-astfM-ii Standard Time raid


I)_fFALLT ha ing been made feu more than thirty days in the condishytions of H certain mortgage made by Iaul Itsell a single man mortgagor to Mcrherson Staie Lank a Mic^iinn Corporation mortgagee dated May

1020 and lecorded in the office 27

mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of t|ir Kegi^trr of Deeds for Livingshyston County Michigan on May 2^

iC Li

bull i n

i i gt (


Crrrm l-U-ira l Of l tft 2 3 0 Pt M



Of^ce at Court H O U M

bull ^


-PInnTg -gtbullbull- gtbull- IS r ighto

Monuments Markers

to Lrown it in fat and then coo Wid ]bull in a covered diii in moderate oven



it ivy not appear araquo i v to point out tlmt Crville L At^ood of r - J VL igt S ( C i ( gt t j r y o f -bullbullbullbull b t i -

druds of citizens cf the state ma-y o

U t o gt bull

bull i i i e v i n I

i i w ( ( 1

bull eo m r of V i W l i (gtltltbull

( bull bull ) ( bull bull bull

bull bull bull lt

re addre- tng


- gt S

DON W VANWINKLE Attorney at L a v

Office over F i rU Stat Savings Bank Howall Mich

We carry the largest stock bull- bull -or granite markers in tne1

ncclion v-ith current business raquor -raquobull Co and at the lowest price too (Why) no overhead Plant No 1 foot Main St Office 311 E Liberty St Phone No 2 MILFORD GRANITE CO


Mttfordr- Mich NORMAN REASON



(Successor to amp R G Gordamcr 112frac14 N Michigan

Office hours 830__1200 1 00- 500

Tuesday a d Saturday evenings 700mdash8-30

PRehc 220 Howell


Plumbing and Heating Wa Do Plumbing and Haating ol Kindt Wa Stptic Tanks and WaUr

Tanks 604iVsbington How til Mick PJioaa 610 Raf4ir Wlaquof|) bull AQ K M

REAL ESTATE BROKER Farm Reraquoidential Property and

Lake Frontage a Specialty I Alraquoo Have City Property to Trade Pinckney Michigan


Phone No 1 and 6 9 F 3 Pincknev Michigan

tolurre n bulllaquo_bull poundei our prices


Depmtment of State their letter- personally to mlt have not held this office IM years _ -

Those fornvr SerretfJ ies of Stnt--i who continue to je mail on routin

state mutters at the eapitol inciud bull John S Ha^gerty and even r h a r V -J UeLtmcl who lust sived in I^f Muihfor Sr cre anes who served iJ-r Mv fiuj^eity U too common for cvu casual notice

Cordell Hull Secretary of St- i the national cabinet ires- letters JH the state capitoi pertaining to Mci-itfan automobile license tnumi) The misajjpvehension of Mehim peopleas to who serves them in Lapshysing extends to the sefidine of leubullbullbullbull for United States senators to t state legislature Oddly enotitei thi evidence as to the tdentitics of v Oie-

inent state officials is not peculiar tltgt remote parts of the s ta te some of i letcio came from Lansing

Most mysterious of all howwor are the letters which come at time for people unlisted on state payroll and unknown in the memories of rev-one in the capitoi Th letters heavshying on mat ters handled a t tlie capTto1 designate the addressee simply i emphatically as Secretary of S t a t ed

Administration rgtf thf rliiin gttngt


D- led MiT irn -lie oin

bull) Hcrft in the northea c t aid forty (40) ncrcs a in

I 1 ) North of Kange fi c containing twenty-eight

1 ti0 same more -i the township of Flam-

said mortgage or raquoo much thereof as may lie necessary to plaquoy the amount due as aforesaid on said

gt T


$fgtj 121 and no Mjit or proceeding at aw or in equity having been had or

mortgHgv instituted to rrcover the debt secured ami any sum or sums which may be | b y RJsilt| mortgage or any par t thereof pmd by the undrrvijpH at or before ( X o v v gt therefor by virtue of the

s a i d ^1 1 0 f o r l i x a n i o r i ^u rancr i p o w f r o f bdquo a l c contained in said mort-n i county Michigan | n ^ l f i P-fmis^ and -ill ^ h r - i i i ^ ^ ^ - - ^ pursuant to the statute m

WILLIAM TAYLOIL | sums paid by thc undersigned l gt u r - | w K w e made ami provided NO-A ignee of Mortgagee tradetradelgt to law and to the try m j T I C E I S HERKHY CAWX that on iivh iti Ijjo | of sailtl moitgage with intej-est there-

bull1 LAVAN Attorney for deg n a t Percent per annuni and all lei igagee


i are fixed for oil worlcof this ia double-quiclr time

legal coMs -charges and expenses in-Urighton Michigan lt l u ( i nlaquo aM at torney feraquo allowed by

lar to-wit AH that certain piece of and located in th Township of

Genoa County of Livirgston State of Michigan described as The West half of the west h If of the northeast

o -

bdquo _ mdashun ty of quarter oi-ScilioiimdashliO^-wmdashTdegwnh^-poundfvTngstltgtri i two (2) North U nge five (5) cast Michigan containi fg forty (40) ac res of land more er le=s Dated Feb -nry 6 1005

WILLIAM L LOLL Assignee of

Arthur Mitchell A t to rn y for Assignee of Mortgages 32lt5 Lafayette building Detroj^ Michigan


MORTGAGE NOTICE Default having been made in he

Saturday April 6 l)t5o at ten clock in the forenoon Kastern Stan-dard Time said mfgtrtgtrage will b foreclose by a sale at public vendue to the highest bidder a t the Westerly entrance to the Court House in the City of Howell Livingston County Michigan ( that beinp the place wherbullbull the CwampJt Court for thc Cot

conditiens of tha t certain mortjfa^e

tax law is disclosing evident exampl-s of tax evasion along strictly 1 i I lines through dividing up of or^eni- zations-to form new p a r e n t uni ts with ^mailer numbers of chain stolt- j Last yltar up to March 2fgt a totaLcf 267 companies with 042 store- r-bullbullbull paid ^mMTA^rT6r^V^r^^^r^7 29 a total of 448 firms with l ^ j s tores l iad paid but $434fiJ-ftfr Total aund approximately $700000(mor7^ is rtvenuef in 1984 wert jXUiG9Mt_^raquo^rL^ Miraquoraquoigraquon


Farm Sale a Speciali ty

Phone Pinckney 1 9 - F l l u


dated vhe seventeenth day of Decern berll)30executcd by Wesley Worden and Annie Worltlen his wife to Wilshyliam Fowler filed for_jcord in the office of the Reghr terof Deeds of Livingston County Michigan on the seventeenth day o ^ December 1030

- frac34 ^ ^ I s - 1 -y-^ngagos at pager h j a t c d J an u a ry 8 1935 102-IU3 lliertof

held) of the premium defcribed in said mortgage or so much thereof as may bc nrcesrraquoarj o jsay the amount due on said mor tgage as aforesaid- with 7 per c e r t interest thereon and all legal costs charges

expenses including the at torney fees allowed by law and any sum or sums which may be paid by thc unshydersigned mortgagee a t or before srid smle necessary to protect its interest in thc premises Which promisee ere described a s

North_haIf of Northwest quart r Section Nineteen Township Tw gt Xorth Range Four East Michigan West of the North and Sputh R called the Pingree RoaS contain-ing 54 acres of land more or less Mario Township Livingston Conn-ty Michigan

te Bank Mortgagee

Shields it Smith j Attorney for Mortgage bull Notice is hereby given that laquoaid Aitemeys ror Mortgage

mortgage wfUbe foreclosed 9mwrf cent cent ^ A d laquo ^ Hw^te^gap



ampS poundL



The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935

T H E IIOWKLX T H E A T R E The Playhouse of Livingston County

Wed Thur Apri l 3-4

sponsored By The Howell Board of Commerce Y o u r Las t Chance T o Sec

RUGGLES OF RED GAP A Paramount Picture

with bull Charles LaughtonmdashCharlie Ruggle

Roland YoungmdashLelia Hyams-Lillian Roth in

MARKS AND MEMORIES Wal t Disney Miokcy Mouse P l a y f u l P l u t o

ce Special Mat inee Wed April Z o 00

i 1

Hamburg y


V V bull it


mdashMary Boland Zazu Pitts


V-1 Sa t Apr i l 5-6 R e t u r n E n g a g e m e n t of

Jack West and His Circle Star Cowboys of WJR

X t t



Sat Cum

Open At 2 00 P M bull bull and Sec J a c k West

Cont To 11 30 P Admi- ion lgtc avd

M aoc

Sun and Men

W C Field in ITS A GIFT

JJusti-r Kraquo-aton Comedy Fable Sun Matinee 2 00 P M Cont

Apr i l 7-S

N e w

T u t s Only April 9 15c Wi th Merchant T icke t

MARIE GALANTE Dull F i imt Magic Carpet Tail-spin T o m m y No 12

1 I

I^^Li Zc i lman mar r i ed MialKu oi Nortlivii

Wed i hurs ru

bull t bull


Sat 4 -_ BIG DAYS _4


Ginger RogersmdashFred Astaire

April 10-11-12-13

Coming M u r d e r On A Honeymoon B o r d e r Town of The A i r _ O n e More S p r i n g




Quality ^ Economy] The N e w S tandard Chevrolet un i tes qual i ty w i t h e c o n o m y to a d e g r e e never b e f o r e a p p r o a c h e d in Chevro le t history Y o u will k n o w this w h e n y o u v i ew its t r im beauty e x p e r i e n c e its brisk p o w e r ^ and g e t a w a y mdash a n d find out h o w m u c h m o n e y it wi l l j save y o u in operat ing costs a s w e l l as in purchase bull

_pxififi^ S e e a n d dr ive this fine car at your earl iest bull c o n v e n i e n c e -

AND UP List price of New S tanda rd Road t t e r at Fl int Mich $465 Wi th b u m p e r s

j ) a r c tire and t ire lock the litt price i s 32000 addi t iona l Pr ice raquolaquo4jet to--efcftfe ^ t b -out i otice

A N D U P L raquo t price of M a t t e r De L u x e - C o u p e a t Fl int M k h $560 Wi th bumper spa re l i re and t i r e lock the list p r ice is $25 00 addi t ional Pr ices subshyject to change without not ice Knee-Act ion optic lal a t $ 2 0 0 0 ex t ra

$465 $560 f w raquoraquoraquobullmdash

r H r V P O I F I



T h Prraquogt raquo rnnit--far the County nf

The High School baseball t e a m will |liy i p ra r t i c g a m e here wi th Gregshyory F iu iuy Apri l fraquo

Piiiekney will have a l m o s t a n lt i-lin-ly new team tliis sp r ing The fKriicvJiojjUL to ge t a line on nev j at rial id this ^unc F r iday

J-1 ylaquo a r P inckney had a successshyful -lt^o i in baseball w i n n i n g e ight game- and losing five I t ^ impossshy

ible iis ear ly to p red ic t tnc success of this war s t e a m We Know how-ivc m a t uch players a Drown lOuiii Adsch Showeisk i a n d Battk-ai going to be bard to rep lace

Mid-gtemlaquo gtter l - s l s next week

The date of the Jun io r -Sen io r play ha- b n - l for May 3 the first F r i shyday ii May Work on the play s t a r t shyed Tuesday birWthc par ts will no t be def in i te ly ass igned u n t i l T r i d a y The j iame of the p l a y i s D i a m o n d s

T l v cas-of charac te r s anri s tory of the play will be pr inted next week

The school jani tor Mr Win Jefshyf r ies had the school bui lding in splen- did shape to b gin work Monday He-s ides g iv ing the building a t ho rough c l ean ing windows etc he gave the floor a d u s t t r e a t m e n t varnished the s ta i r s r healtf rails and all places receivshyi n g c o n s t a n t wea r bull

R e p o r t c a r d s will be given ou t this Wflflfr mdash - mdash ^ i ^ ~~~~ ^

J u l i e S t a c k a b l e is absen t because of iincsf

bullo ~

Livingston At a session of said Cour t held at

ihr P r o b a t e Office in the Ci ty of Howr l l in said County on the 2nd day of Apr i l A D lraquogt5

IM- -MIIL Hon Wiiiis L - m J u d g e of P r o b a t e

In the M a t t e r of the Es t a t e of


Kloyse Be rqu i s t Campbel l hav ing filed h e r pe t i t ion p r ay ing t h a t a cershytain insrumlaquo n t i n wr i t ing purpor t ing to be the las t wilL-and te taaaea t -laquopound-

J o h n Zei lman died a t t h e horn-- of his ftoa-in-law and daugrU-r Mr and t

Mrs Char les S DeWol fe a t J iuuib vil lage Monday m o r n i n g March 2~gt t h e insul t of a sti^oke of jjaruly-is sufshyfered last December

Mr Ze i lman w a s born in Nurem-b u g Gej-maiiy Oc tobe r ^ 5 184^ He came to Amer i ca in 187^ a f t e r ha-mg sei-ved in t h e F r a n c o - G e r m a n V in 1 8 7 0 - 1 He se t t led in Lne vicinity of Sou th Lyon and had lived the re and i u i i o u n d i n g communi t i e s t h e r^-niainde)- of hi life He wa-s un i t ed in mar r i age with Miss Ca the r ine Duin-ke of Det ro i t Apr i l 30 1877 who died January bullraquo 111 a Mr and Mrs Zei lman were the p a r e n t s of five chi ldren Mrs DeW olfe of H a m b u r g William Zeilman of Sou th Lyon Mrs M a r ha Green of G r en Oak F r a n k Zei lman who died in the Fai l of llJ14 and Miss l i s s ie Zei lman of H a t ^ b u r g village He is al-o sui vived by te gra i idchi ldr t r zsid one giva g r a u d child

Zei lman mar r i ed Mrs Minnie n 1(14 WA- l e he

liveu uitii liei dea th in liil -mcv that t ime he had lived with his daughshyter Mrs D e W o i i e a t H a m b u r g

Fune ra l services w i - e held ^ t e home of Mr and Mrs DeWoi fe at r i a i t b u t g illage W e d n e s d a y a f t e r -n o o l with Kep Kichstadt pas to r of th^r lgtuLheian church of orthville officiating Mrs X Hie E Ha igh t and Geo ige lu She i idan accompaied by Mis Edward S n e n d a n s ang S a e U tgty Grace I n t e r m e n t was in Ham-but y c eme te ry The pall bear is were five gj-andsons Waltei- DeWoifi- Koi- ^ rail iiioyd Zei lman a d Howard JJal-ko i leJutives and fri -nds wcr bull ]Jies-ent ijom feouh Lyon Hil lsdale N o r J i vilh Lans ing Di-troit iJieton (JJI n Oak ai d H a m b u r g

The honor roll of H a m b u r g vi lagi sclugtol for t h e month of Marcn those pupils n i i thej - absen t n o r a r u y durshying the m o n t h has bL-n i liouiced a follows in Miss Grace Heche s i uom

1 Gilber t Hejssler (ileri i i u m e t t Elsi D( oflt ltieorge Downing F ra c i -Edlaquoiy--Arleie bhaj non i l l Dori-Smi-h and Kuss 1 Smi th

In Mi-s l i e n VNe dlt i i i s room Jea ne FJenti -t J u n e Caldwiil SJV ma Caldwell r i o y d IcMchael Le

| -McI i ichacL H a r r y AlJili1+ Mary M O J I Rob rt Moore Jac(ult Jraquo (Juail an

t Hohb- ilob-rtgt-r _ _ Mr a d Mis Edwntd lt1 Houj-hto-

ax 1 thlt frandparlt nts lt-i a lit) -gian bullnil Cailcton Edvr-i AihMi -bullbullbullM O M and Mrs ( nee J i a e t -gt Hougn ton gt Carl Allen of J oit- iltgtgt I ltv -day March bullbull

Harold Gilb rt of bullbull bullbullgt Mondav with his | a e lt - bullbull bull William 11 Gilb

I l r a d Mi J bull bull j A r o o r were at tli-ii log ( 1- u bullbull

Hob While Peach Suml -1 --ihtry called on Mrs Henry ()^-

Milaquo-^ MaigUei - i t 1)1^1-1^ - bull gtuper isor of the Flin1 D i ry- lt Food Commission Thonu lgt ni ol Igtansing a n d Mrs Ea t ( e y)

Brighton werlt Sunnay jlaquougt gt bull lt-jgtarentgt Mi and Mis ( gtltlt D-

Mr and Mrs Edvai j gtj i son and daughtei-in-ia-A V lt -A l l oleT I7oTffReleTlT T)T) ~~ 1 lt ~~~ gt] siraquo lit he wick end at t h - i r iottaglt at Hob Whi te lU-Alth

Miss ( i race pelt-be sjgtltit bull vellt end witli liei1 par n ts Mr and l i Herber t iU ebe a t Howell

Mr- Jeiiiii- Nash who ha-- bilt i il a t tin home of her son rnd daught^-r-in-aw Mr and Mis William J Nash bull s improve d

Mr and Airs Char les Rainbulis m a tvltj chi ldren Georg ia ailtl lt ba rb s J r

of Detro i t s p n l th week eal w i th Mir P a m b u i i p a i e n t - Mr ami Mrs j Char les Wehne r I

Henry F Kice has moved from hi- 55a f Itn home in West H a m b u r g t-j his ^ n

cot tage nea r Por tage Lakbullbull Mr and | Mir John Ha-s ncahl and family have I I-oved o n t o the Kice f a rm j

Dr David Downing and d a u g h t r t Miss Mar ian of De t ro i t spent S u n d a

j a t 111 ir log co t age a t Hob Whit Peach

Mr and Mr- Smith Ma tin wer recen t gues ts of Mrs Mai t in s niece

Schmadt la

your childs


M _ 4



Young eyes neltd thebeht of carelri early years bull because at tfils Ktage a childs inquisitive mind is leading him into the realm of books More and more time is pent in reading-^and brcause of litis fact there is danger of permanent injury to eyesight if proper lighting is not provided^ Abuse of the eyes through poor lighting results in eyestrain and near-sightedness Tiiiures show that one out of every in e MIHMA children has defective vision

-pood-home lighting by following mdashYou can-easily make sure that o u Iia^ tliese live simple rules ) LVe corn t size lamp bulbsmdashWATTS In table and floor lamps v i l h three sockets ugte 10 atts in each socket with two sockets 60 watts v i th one socket 100 watts (2) Have at least one-tenth as much light in the rest of the room a- you have on your book newsshypaper sewing etc (3) LM SH 1 )KS on all lamp bulbs to prevent GLARK

ght (5) Have profwr intensity of

li) U^eshadete with light-colored linings to get the most to In-ure thlt t ) enoijgh lighting fixtures or portal 1 v

light throughout the room

TheMj 3 principles will assure r c a - ^ u i ^ good lighting and will provide proper swing conditions for every member of our family


Mr K F Kinslty w i t h M i ai-d Mr A J Holmelt motored to l i i ghhmd Pa jk S u n d a y af te inooj i and iounltl Mrs K N Draley bet- r aid looi-ihng much be t t e r

Mrs A J Holmlt-6 snet Vlt-(in--


day witii Mr Geo ige Marsha l l vampo was very ill and passed away Satui

u-t Augus Schinad tke a t Di-ightoir

d Mi- bull u k - ^ a gt i d g h t - a t Ius sonV AU- mid M- ~

Gregory Mr hijyd Hltgty

K The March tn-Tting of i h r h i i igh ei s was held a t tn- 1i Mis Inez Bowdi h

Aih j W o r d e n is dj-iving a ie ( 1 r o b t coach

Stdiool o|)ened Merclay aft-week s vacat ion

Mrs Ida Waj-flltlaquo of Dan-vHle - pe S a t u r d a y with Mr and Mrs Mel Conk

Mr Ad lia ( ia l lup i turiw-d t-j I


said de-ceascd now ort file in raid h o m e l u S a V u ( j a v to spend t l v s cour t be a d n u t x d to p roba te a n d t h a O ^ p mdash ^ w n M ) S t 0 1 e l w j l l the adnnni-strat ion ol said laquo s ta te he lt ^-^ ^igtr

g r a n t e d to F r a n k Uerquis^ and Uoe j ^ ^ 1 L r h a ( 1 ( l a u j r l l t p Kerquis t or to some otiier su i tab le ] i z a b t t h a n d h l o U 1 L u d t k ( p n t c r P P r s o n - day with Mr a n d Mrs J o h n D-cklt bull

Tr IS ORDKKKD T h a t the th J Kdwau l Urothcr ton of Ann Art bullbdquobull day of Apr i l A D raquo5j a t t u o Chx k | spent the w ek end w i t h M r and Mr in the forenoon at said p roba t e office M e l v h Conk be and is he reby appoin ted t o r h e a r - j Mrs It D Bren ise r an 1 FJwin r e t inj said p e t i t i o n T h u r s d a y in Ann A i b o r

bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo - bdquo bdquo bdquo ^ r r x t Niv Inez Kowdish attendelt] r I T 1 ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m e e t i n g in Howell T h u r s d y

f iublic no t ice thereof be given by p u b icat ion of a copy of th i s o r d e r for

t h r e e uccesgive weeks p rev ious to said day of hea r ing in the P i n c k n e y Dispa tch a n e w s p a p e r p r i n t e d a n d c i rcu la ted in said coun ty

Y Will is 1 L y o n s J u d g e of P r o b a t e

A t r u e copy bull Celest ia Parana ] RegiisUr o Probate^

A r l c r e JJreniser spen Her ^prirg vication with fr iends a t Hicko y Corshyner

Mr and Mrs C l i ades Whi tehead f Howell spen t the week end with hIY mother Sirs Sa rah L n m b o r m


WeH Digging

CAKD OF THANKS Wlaquo wWl to exprelaquolaquo our sincere a-

pre^UUon of the kiwlnw and nynVi vmikv extendedm our recent bereave-1 Sent ~ Mr E X Bralcy

Dr WrNTBralefand family i Mr and Mr F L Wright 1 stockbrldKe

amp fr mi Mraquo pound gt topping

Any Size to 10 in Write or call 96-F4

host ss Ladies

I etl ie D u i t trade

Viltur Ostra nder AJicJi

A play will be given in Plainf Id church Friday night April i T^e

| Spinisters Convention under the i auspices of the West Marion-foco

Kings I)au+htor Alultlaquo 2laquoc chid-n 10c THi Laura Hut-son will b

Tuesday for supper to the Guild

Mr C 0 Dution Mrs I Church Mr and Mrv A L J were in Howell Saturday j Clyde Jacobs deliverrd Friday

row and 2 calves all testedfrom W L Bulaquoha to Birney Roberts

Mrs F E Gauss and Mrs A L and Mrsr Walter Froat of Detroit wei Duttdn called on ifrraquo H F Dyer on Sunday viators at the Albert Fro

] (Jim gtMarshaJl I Mr Lloyd iloyc 1 lt fid with hilaquo father ajd mother

Chabbs Corners I i l a r l o w Muns t l l wife and eljjdrlaquo | oi (ji-egory wej-e S u n d a y guc-ts i Aiber Diiikel and family I Air L a t h e r s of G a r d c a Citv ^i- i t -| laquo l h i son ad familv one day Ja^l week __ |

-D and Mrs C lay ton I auna l ce o Deai-boi-n gtpent last VVlt u n e - a wi l i h i p a r en t s Mr and Mr- C KIJI - - -

R y i | Mr and Mrs F r a h k Whtv LlJilti Mj-j

Hazel Smi th of lio^wwll we^e S u n d a y j d i u n e p L U t s t s of Mr and M i CiMK--i Smith i Kiric Reason of1 ( i r ego iy Mr Lda Merce r of Pirckncy and Mr if bullbull- J Me G r e g o r and daugiU-r e I -oiv w o e Sumiay callers o Mi - W Alii- on

C h a r l e s Schafvr who is a t e i i l i n x the M S C sas h - m e ^i id-- Mlt-j lion la=t week I ^ Howard Roliston and boy fi itnd of A n n A r b o r spen t Suit lay at t h home laquo of hi unc le Roy Smol le t t | Ki rk V a n W i n k l e and wifi of Lans -j ing spent last Wednesday a t ihlaquolaquo lome

of Mr a n d Mrlaquo M W Allison Doro thy Gra inge r who ^ t a k i n g a

business cour se in Howell was home la^t week on h e r - vacation

J M Br igh ton is o u t aga in a f i e r a few d a y s i l lnws y i t h j l he j ^u

M r and Mr^ Ezrlaquo H n g n a m w e r e in A n n A r b o r one day las t wo^k on b s j -ncKs

M r a n d Mrs A lbe r t Dinkei anltl d a u g h t e r a n d Mr and Mrs Mark Alshylison w e r e Lans ing chopper Monday

o -Mr C o r a McLachlan and family

Mr a n d Mrs F r a n k A m h u r g e y Mr a n d Mir Waltei- F r o s t of De t ro i t w e r e


I Flower Garden

Ferrys Rices




I s V

| MllllllllllllllJtIIIIiniUlllltllUlllflilllltJIUtflllllUttUlHIIIHItlfltllltUUIIIiaHlf I


Try a Dispatch Want Adv V J f

Tke Piockney Dispatch Wednesday A_orf 3 1935

fTfee Pmdue Ifeidij cent ^ ^ cent ^

5 P A U L C U M

I Cash Specials Friday Saturday April 5 61 | P E A N U T BRITTLE lb raquo 1 | pfQfcOpTTFQCAME^ CHESTERFIELDS CARTON +4 M

Base Ball The Season Will Soon Be Here



l -O bull J L ltbullbullgt


^ ^ V Z U i J Base Balls r^if F r i d a y

I Toe and Heel Plates

Catcher Mitt

Fielders Gloves

4 i ^ 2

S SUGAR sect 10 Lb Cloth 5 Bag 49c

VIENNA I KELLOGS Sausage I Corn Flakes

2 Cans 15c I Lg Pkg 10c

MAXVELL i F OM sect House Coffee I Soap Flakes = Lb Can 30c | 5 Lb Box 28c sect


f j j h ^ o f a ^

bull M bull J W e H a v e Spaulding 1935 Sporting Goods Catalogue

bull i i Lgtlaquo1 3-1

v bull r


97i 25c

of MlJfoio hJTi of

ZZ t

5 APPLE SAUCE j BIG 4 SOAP RED CHERRIES GOLD MEDAL FANCY PRUNES pound I f X 2 Can 10c 10 Bars 29c No- 2 Can 12c | Hour $113 3 Lbs 25c I

= 7


I LEMONS Fancy Each I CARROTS Large Bunch I CRACKERS Exdls 2 lb

be 19c


RED amp WHITE TEA lb pkg 15c RICE FANCY 3 lbs 17c

GREEfTfc WHITE COFFEE 1 ib pkg X 21c

APPLL BUTTER at jar 17c MAC IVQN1 _ Z 2 l b bulk 15c

L ST TISSUE 5 rolls 19c


~^Tib 10c f

- J J

H E P 3 H E y S CUUOA gt 1 t I gt 1- rge can lCc E

t ltjf Lbullbullgt ^ - vr raquobullbull if fr bullbull_ v tn

i f ^jgty a r d 55 r - bullbullgted the Kjrv orrjv v-- --d M r Xoy

i V bull - bull - - r ~ - Lij

_ltiY -vlaquo-nTi^ i i l o v e - h ltJ a

and Mr Wraquor iolt-iilt-]rran of D -

- and --jr A-her bull 0 lt F r - laquo3 bulllaquo - bull -

gtultiz i f t - I -

bull AHx^r u-r- Sat- iO Mr- M h

ltbull H Zur^- arraquo4 T 7-bull Ja -t TJ---

P L O V D WBfeKS Prescription Druggist

I t

t i

1 Your Brakes 7 Arnt Working

then you are driving against the law Against yourshy

self too for faulty brakes cannot only cause mishaps

to others but to yourself as well For safetys sake

have your brakes tested today

= t bull 4 FOMATOES 2 No Cair LDEN BHNTAM CORN 2 No

Ann Arbor raquoit raquo bull - S u n

bull i i -lti-A M r -



- ] IraquoyltJiu- of I^an-Traquogt lt- of Ma-

bull ltgt Mr arii

bull bull i gti~gt- o f M

lt ] p v--r- Mi-- -lt Jaki yc(] lt-r of lt n Fiank D a n i ^ J i O V ]

I 1

W H MEYEfT i i s h t amp Heavy Hauling of All Kinds Mo-^ng

The Pinckney Disp -tcU $125 per yr

T (Ufirraquoraquo-niraquoii bullbull

- Au MVAmW r

bdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquo bullraquobullbullbullbullbull raquobull raquoraquo bullraquoraquoraquobullraquo - -in-

L w -jr^i ^ mdash

J i bull K vuvati-

laquo bull bull gt bull bull

^ J raquo - bull

ijjr ilaquoi J-

week Mi bull i

ltlin r ^ j o v

gtii -- v J inj w

bullo-i and s wrbullbull in Lans- Mr T-U Sir- in Dctrot


burinltKii FrJltilty a Mr Will M-j-t


f J) iro vgtgt uiiay aftc-i-noon if-urij visited I^i^ _i_^t

recently i n gtlttrltMt-TCt week Koy livaroji ltJ

lat Wednesday Mi^ IIlaquortty CJiroj

I n

lti J

bull j laquo- ia iveigt

i o

] bull

f j j gt i l i i i t J v a - -

sr JaKt Fiedler

m - i r V i v--as a Sunday of Mi- Uorolliy lgtar-

jrinl Candenthai of Lavs-ju vc la- wrel of her iou^

in Mi-s l^hyl-i Sprout Mift K CTiaJillt r of Kalamazoo

j-pent thc^ w e l t cv-i with her parent Mr and M-- ^- JltdTic^gt

Mr altl Mr Io ltoe Carl of Landshying were art VltiiltKday dinner gu raquot 0 f K r a n d Mrs- Ko^ Klaquoad

W Lind and Mui^-r

i e

were in )-troitt Fjji^y jjpbullbull John ritziinrroji- )- L-ei lt

to higt hH-ltl by illne- ilt-gt bull- ( Oia isrniih ltjf M-o - t lt bull bull

tive- h c i e a couple of ltjiy j^ (ieorylaquo- Clark -U-4 hi- ujiltr

the Gate Saniantir-- Aici Fridaj

The Migtgtegt Virjriil^ (I)--i Hilda Hartmen welte in Huv Satshyurday

Mrs Phillip Sprout -plt r v he- jraquoagtt raquo week with her si-teia in Lan-iji^ anri DeWitt

1 raquo r i

bull rgt

ro Ji i lt gt

i raquo o - gt APML 5 SPECIALS SAT APRIL 6

i 4 bullIr i-d Mr r ( i r i i -

Lind o f iVj o i t were Sunday ^ ^ j ^ ^ S u n d a y with L at the hojlt- of r and Mrs- 1 W putnam Teeple

nTielaquot White and fam-

Gerald and A l h n Dinkl^ of M^-io-i T [bull ^fiy ^ inueJ Marti) oi

iit - fltiu Her )i Jack^o bull j j d a y

J-AW J1 Fio-t w tiikr-n u tc- Ii k bull y -oiiiuj-Uiii Saturday for a fi

y aiJjrHt

J i i lea-on laquoid vsife of Lilt bull of Mr i-r i MJ

Hersheys Cocoa

9 1-2 lb cans l ^ c


6 Soxes 25c

Maxwell House i Coffee


Mr a -gtu-gt ily Krangt V hi were ^ 3ir and Mir Lee Lave

araquogtd wife of Howell j- caflers at the home of

Putnam Mi-- irjee lirenin^lttail of Wayj Miampi Chariotbullbullbull Kly vi-ited at th wa- a i jf--rfiay ealler at the hoiiic o

home of Mr and Mrgt M K D a r r o w p i

Philatbea Notes

l^orothy Larrow

Mi- L lti IXveraux ard dau lbullraquobullbullbull l ietty and Helen vigtited Detroit Ja-tive-i several day-gt la-t week

Mnlaquo Flora Danow Migt- Blaquo-madine Lynch of ^-x--

200 Kpent the week end with

Our )Pgtgt-lt vere led skillfully throujfh tnlt- ilaquo---ons for review by Mrs fcuae ron Sunday bringing out th-charactlt tic of Feter as a Christian

JUclpU- a hown in the variougt | ^ h e ^ M ^ M a r y L y n c h

U u u t U i Jk m p i u u i t d a j iuliijf p H Swarthout and on Don and dimple p bull In-CooperwilJe Fridav

Our Pa o ^ n n o u n c e n r n t t h a t gtA F Wegener returned his ho otir cluss Vouidh^ponjlaquoor the n e x k S u n -

Saturday Mr and Mrgt FredIJortz and LiH bull

Martin ^pent Sunday at the home of John Martin

Mr and Mr Ivu^cne Dijltk i i Kenneth Teeple of Detroit cail--i Migtraquo Carmen Leland wen- in Detroit deg n MJ- and Mrs N O Frye Fi iday laist Friday and a-ieaded the Masonic-banquet

Clyde Dairow of Walled Lake and bull M r lt a r i ( i M ^ W n gt M a v ( 1 bdquo famly_Kpent Sunday wth ht nether C o raquo cr vlle pert several day- la-

vltlaquo wiLh Mr and Mr Mert Cartraquo-

ivgt ^-11

Dr Hoiiis Sigler and wife of i iow- lt 11 WJJ2 Sunday guesta of Vr ad

Mrs C

Nation Wide Coffee mdash^ lb 25c mdash

Calumet Baking Powder ib can 23c

All-American Coffee Mi



Silver Fleece i Sauer Kraut

No212can 10c 1


day cA-enin^ rices as one LeHten event was briefly noted and raquoomc plans diltculaquoJieltL

A few boxes were brought in for the Cent-ii-Meal second opening foi which the church missionary treasurer is grateful

Ne5ct Sunday is Missionary Sunday in the church school THis also rfhouk receive- the attention - o f Philathea and others that we may quickly mak up our quota and be able to heir meet our own local church need Some who have no boxen are contribshyuting personally

One1 a^ain our sympathies g o out to Ihoho who Morrow at thiraquo t ime beshycause of the passing o Rev Berquiilaquot Anca our lat note- were Mraquont out Services were hehi here for th1raquo form- cfnJW^r^xnJut-- Friday

A blaquoraquoy7Tance over our new bull raquo-cOn quart bullbull -Mylt ws that we have-j l o s i n g w r In Pinekrvy bullt

i^or-d^-ful raquotudie ahead o f u^ neMlay We under-i rvf WtfJl jraquo--ltfc bull iVom botW old a n d lwhum_ri-ntJ thr Mmtlgt f raquo -

-- tie$amppound^-~--^4 l^Mfelhtra-s will f-gt Lincoln o f Cohoctah maQ ta be on hiiui netygtunday to begin these r e w themfK uKh the ltraquost topta ^The Heavenly Tamer John 14amp-amp4- All ladie welcome

O week from thilaquo Wednelaquoday o n AyptF l f ilaquo the time for our regular

hutdnesK and nocial mectiiuj

Mr and Mrlt Andrew Campbell bull s daughter of Dexter spent thlt w-x-k 5

Sunday af ter spending the pa- t w o - e n d with Mr and MrsTCugere Camp- 5 month with his children in Detroit1 bell 2

The MLshes Constance and K v - | M M g t a r k M KdDrr-v ltbullraquo 5 f a r r o w were g u ^ t of their cousin a n d M r fCOrge Green of How-II S

Charlotte Ely In Ann Arbor par of r i F H d p t o f M c s laquo laquo t week | j i-lt-pU a

M I M Harriet liowirnn who raquoa- bee 11 - t 3 at the University hospital Ann A s r o r Mr a n ^ r i - W e s I e y ^ a l t n i W ^ a i K i = for several weeks han returned 1- h e r ^ l V of Detroit were dinner g u e t S home of her grandparent Mr and M r a n d M r raquo - Clifford VanHorn l a s s Mnraquo Fred Bowman Wednesday pound

Merlin Lavey won fhTt nrize a Mr and Mrs Francis Shiaper ( v iv - S bicycle in the Ann Aibor Ww^ ub-raquoan Sigler) and son Jack and ^Miv s scription contest Jason Haitu - won Murta S i g k r - o f Detroit called o a the s the canoe and Joe Lavey the boxing Hotf sigttenraquo Sunday 5 g|ovelaquo and Helen Iiealaquoon the lath- Frank Kamen Detroit t t o n v t y ami bull =

Jackie Darrow -on of M- and M - laquoor of the latbullbull James Eamcn has in- a Wm Darrow fell from a Hbullbullltbull barrel formed Lucius Wilson chairman of S while playing Friday wn claquoJt a a h t h Finekrey Centennial program i s in hia head Two s t i i c r v ver re- commhtev that he will be one of the 5 quired to clove the wourl speaker Vre at that t ime unles =

Kxrk Van Winkle and wip- ngt bull something unforseen turns up 5 ^race BennetaDd Charh-s rjolni-bull- o- s

Norii i Wilson and l r S ltbull Jiitk ei were in town I l - S L_ _rd the Masonic baru-J ag i~T rrtt of Ierpy- called a t 3

Bancroft Peas 2 No 2 cans 25c

Golden Bantam Corn 2 No 2 cans 25laquo

Del Monte

Peaches CM 19c

Del Monte Grape Fruit

2 pound 2 9 c

Del Monte Grape Fruit Juice

2 to 2 CMS


fe Cans bull 19c


40 sect

C RACKERS Grahamior Sodas Ib 13c

MOLASSES No 2 1-2 Can 15c


traquo aluo our Mfaionary me t -Wirt Hendee M borteMJ rewg Highlander

P W CuHrtt acconirraquoaniraquo-i V bullbull ngt^inlch office Saturday II- 11- s members of Wartenav^odfrf XJ-) ( bullbullbull un that hi- faher J i h n 1raquo u- 5 F 6 A M o f D e x t e r tothlaquo Slavonic bull l bullgt o r t of the orlfrinal tJ r g banquet jfiven by Phoenix- I^odtre of degi Marnburj township tak ing up InA g VpxflAitti fcatuidxy ri^ht Othrr fraquoom the government around Jx10 s lodje from thj hectlon reprr-xehtf raquo11 That the prflaquoent itc of the North ] 5 were HowuJL_J^ockbridjre Chel^a Hamburjr church and cemetery was ( 2 -An Arbcr and ^-gt gt- s __ laquo bull -

Quality Rules at Our Market REASON amp S O N S

1 Mgt-Vgtn St Ar-- fsiven to t h a f organization by him Mr 2 __mdashPHONE i 8 - F 3 f Detroit conferrca 1 frac34 frac34 t o ^ n d h e PincUncy [ 1 ^

All Prices Subject to Mich 3 o|o Sales Tlaquox WE DEUVBK iiwtuuiiiHHiMiiiuiiiHiiuiiHiiiiHmnniHiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHimmiHimiiiiitHnimiiHHmHlaquolaquoiMiwiraquo^^


AUCT The Pinckney Dispatch W e c W d ril 3 1935

SALE The undersigned having decided to discontinue farming will sell at public

auction on the premises known as the M T Graves farm located 4 miles South west of Pinckney or one mile North of Patterson Lake the following described personal property on ^ ^



Bay Mare 13 years old weight 1200 Black Mare 4 years old weight 1300mdash

with foal Sorrel Gelding 2 years oid weight 1100


11 11 HEAD OF CATTLE Two Durham Calves Jersey Cow 4 yrs old bred March 5 Jersey Cow 5 yrs old bred Jan 18 Durham Cow 3 yrs old bred Dec 7 Durham Cow 4 yrs old bred Nov 17 Durham Cow 5 yrs old not bred Holstein Cow 6 yrs old fresh Durham Bull 2 yrs old Durham Heifer 2 yrs old -lue soon _ Jersey Heifer 18 mos7~old open

POUfcTRY 60-Rhode-Island Red Laying Heno 5 Turkey Hens 1 Gobbler 2 Ducks Quantity Alfalfa Seed

SHEEP 46 Cse Wool Breeding Ewes due in May One Coarse Wool Ram

FARMING TOOLS Dcering Grain Binder Grain Drill 2 Wagons Hayrack Mowing Machine Hay Rake 2 two-horse Cultivators 1 Ajax Cultivator Set Spike-tooth Drags ^Walking Flow Set Double Harness Buggy Single Harness Cauldron Kettle Wheelbarrow Set of Bobs 3 Set of Slings Roll Barb Wire Barrel Sprayer New Per Cream Sep Milk Cans Forks Shovels Chains And many other snail articles

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Kitchen Range (gcod one) Hard coal burner Heating Stove Buffet Bed (compete) Writing Desk Day Cot Dining Table and Chairs Couch^ Dishes Creeks Stands An d many other articlestoo numerous to



For the third time since J a n u a r y 1 the State Augmented Board approved the distribution of advance payments under t h e provisions of the Thatcher-Sias Act Stung distributed at the making this dfetribqtion the Augment-Tuesday meeting to ta l $1515701laquo In making this distribution the Augment-ed Board pointed out that the amount being distributed at this timewill not affect in an way t h e amounts which other districts not making application will receive a t a la ter t ime

The amounts distrioutea by coun-j ties a re as follows Allegan $6 490 | Antr im $7776 Arenac $3 003 Bar-1

aga $11100 Barry $6000 Bay $38- 3 4 5 Berrien $20441 Benzie $4ltgtampo| Calhoun $27737 Cass $10 083 Char-1 levoix $7 994 Cheybogan $ 7 0 1 Chipshypewa $16836 Clare $2 335 Clinton $3500 Crawford $606 Delta $2o-j Utgt6 Dickinson $19718 Eaton 9574i Gladwin $ 3 9 9 1 Gogebic $36018 Emmet $10 9 7 6 Genesee $225araquo Grand Traverse $11500 Gratiot $10-000 Hillsdale $9512 Houghton $13-764 Huron $3407 Ingham $8 350 Ionia $12 853 Iosco $75 I ron $28- 1 8 3 Jackson $54653 Kalamazoo I $21 591 Kalkaska $2 931 Kent laquo73-1 0 6 4 Lapeer 7 395 Lake $350 Leeshylanau $3 747 Lenawee $12329 Livshyingston $4100 Luce $1 121 Mackinshyac $3 831 Macomb $25104 Manisshytee $1249laquo Marquette $2826 Masshyon $600 Mecosta $2 111 Menominee $3568 Midland $528 Missaukee $3 -8 2 4 Monroe $1 895 Montcalm S7-7 7 8 Muskegoml $1650$ Newaygo $ J -5 4 5 Oakland $1218107 Oceana $24 1 Ogemaw $7004 Ontonagon $9900 Os celoa $7200 Oscoda $700 Otsego $4247 Ot t awa $27527 Preque Isle $5150 Roscommon $150 Saginaw $ 7 5 0 St Clair $30262 St Joseph $18700 Sanilac $11844 Schoolcraft $8 044 Shiawassee $20^000 Tuscola 55 577 Van Buren $15785 Washteshynaw $12000 Wayne $504663 Wexshyford $17381

bull bullbull raquo bull bull


O F STATE LOAN I Action by the Augmented State Ad-I ministrative Board to provide loans to

distressed school districts prevented the closing of the Houghton Public Schools scheduled for March 29 Evshyery effort had been made by the Houghton Board of Education to borshyrow locally and from the RFC Two-thirds of the district s share of Tnat-cher-Sias aid provided only sufficient funds to pay unpaid teachers salaries

the closing date

Financial Statement - Village of Pivickhey

For the Year Ending April 1 935 RECEIPYS

March 29 1934 Balance on Hand ^ $ 6863 Borrowed Money for General Expenses - 35000 Shew License ~ M Total Taxes Collected 176900 Liquor Control License 17000 Bank Dividends 27(Mgt6 Delinquent Taxes V 131A|2 Use of Fire Engine 25P0 Borrow Money for General Exoenses 40000

Cash Total bull $31911 DISBURSEMENTS

Light Bills bdquo $ 102705 Material and Labor on Fire Hall 25196 Fire Hose bdquo 57000 Labor on Street 5230

Gravel Tile Hdw Etc 29632 Minor Expenses 3785 Board of Review Expense 1365 Salaries and Election Supplies 14368 $500 Note and Interest 535(frac34 Interest on $700 Note 4900 Orders Drawn and Paid $297681 Cash Checking Account 21460

Signed P H Swarthout President Nellie E Gardner Clerk Blanche Martin Treasurer


bull t bull




to Anticipating that other districts

would be similarly situated the Aug-mened Board voted the sum of $200

000 o be loaned to School districts f tha t have exhausted available suitable i collateral A committee with powoi | to act consisting of Harry Toy At-j to rney General Theodore Fry State I Treasurer John OHara Auditor Genshye r a l and Paul F Vot-lker State Sup-| orintenrifcht of Public Instruction j were chosen by the Board to pass on proposed loans This committee auth I nHzed the Superintendent of Public Instruction to secure the necessary j papers prfctaratory to final appiova j of loans 6n delinquent taxes or o the-


PtoteroF25 Years Age Dispatc of April 7 1910

I- G JacKson has -sold his auto to S K Swarthout

In Mondays electioniTT~3TTiTountlco that voted upon local option this is-UltJ camed-m-2-0ofvhem ~

Reuben Kigtby who has been Grand Trunk agent at Clarkstoa lor some time has been transferred to Givgory

Kennetn Darrow is learning the barbers t rade at K J Carrs shop

Ebb Smith of Plairfield acciduitly shot himself in his workshop in Plain-

r-riday He lived about 2 son i urdy was ltiugtt hi e hunting duck-

Darwin Carr 82 died Fridav 1- 1

rl Kis whi

Mi lioiiK of her son John viving a)v three sobullbull


hours -1 fail

at the Suv-

W A Irving

Jus t ice John Denchcy highway t ont-missioner G E Mercer school xiisp and (J O Burgess Drain Comm in the state the Democrats and fcusion-ists won electing Allen Morse Sushypreme Court Justice and Moses Field and Charles WKitmalf Regents of the University

bullUgteaf ivfttsonsarc-notified to at end a Masonic school of instruction at iiowell April 14

Marriea on April 5 by Rev i l iVraquo-it Haistead Giegoiy to Miss Dna liird

John Flora has sold a half interest in his saloon at Plainheld to Sam W illiams

Joel lirigg aged 5S died at Una-dilla Sunday morning

The following personal property will be sold at public auction on the James

Marble farm located 3 miles west and 1-2 mile north of Pinckney on

Tri raquo


Senator Harry F Hitfe offered a i amendment to the Prison Labor Bill to manufacture agricultural impleshyments and in the fight to pass the amendment he-temporarily a t least broke with several of the so-called insurgents as well as administration leaders

During the debate which was one of the most spirited so far this - c -sion Senator Hittle said I am not interested in legislative groups and T shall not hesitate to oppose ei h r friend or foe on matters of legislation The farm implement trust has fn-years been gouging the farmers oi our stat Ihe price of agricultural

u and John and a daughtc Hai-t

Calvin VVelTer dipd at higt lioni1 in Hamburg on March 2raquo a the a^e of 7S year- Surviving ale hi wift and thfcfc daughtei^ Mrs John Vanliorn Mrs William lhrics and Mr J u

_ ijookei Tiit^uiU^iaJ_avaA-4w4d--f4^ow the homltgt Thui-day llcv Kxelby ofshyficiating

J^orn to Mi1 and Mr Fivnci- CaiT cf Detroit un Satuulay a dausdit-j

Monday G r a h a m Swarthout ti t his OS h ballot He tirst voted for James Polk on the Whig- ticket and has voted a Whiif or Republican ticket ever since

The Democrats rvon rll the office here Monday but Highway Comm and JusMee CX Campbell won the firsr ofTice and V H Ci-ofoot the second James Harris was rlt -elected supervisshyor 11 J Carr clerk A M Roche t reas Diivid i^r iet Ovr-r-ier and Joh1 Fohey Hoard of



3 Beds mattresfes and springs

Dining Room Suite consisting of

Table Side Board and Chairs

2 Dressers 2 Commodes mdash

- - - J ] o i n to Xick Jh-aley antl wilk of beyond the reach of ( pJainficlci or March 2 a vi Commenting further ^ Mr a rd Mrs Alfrd MorgaB-ltX Oi-j

t ivot have moved on tT- bull ^ hem

implements are most fa imers ui the debate he said Prisoners must j v e t have moved on thlaquo llaquoufirlaquolaquoVfti-rn be kept busy at something so let them j they purchased do something that no one else in the j j o n n Marshall 01 G r e ^ state does Every manufacturer of Thursday and Abe Harpi rS finished agricultural implements m | t ] K r e gt April 1 this state has either heen fnrrnd mit | i - ^ Notes of

Kitchen Utensils

1 Cider Barrel

Center Tablr

Quantity of Antique Furniture

or bought ou by the haiTcster trust i The adoption of this amendment i should break- the price at least in this s ta te

Rep Charles Adams bill- - J al l^v the county boards of supervisor to set the a m o u n t of dog t a x to be colshylected In their counties in proportion


1 Organ Pictures

Round Oak Stove Crocks

Quantity of Dishes

S everal R ocking Chairs

1 Swivel OfTice Chair

Barrel Churn Quantity of Bedding

Sanford Marble took up this farm in 1835

and it has been owned by the family ever




Also many other articles too numerous to



Jas Marble Est f t

ERCY EUJS Auctioneer

to the amount of sheep r claims fllod hoi-w- Mond was passed las t week by the aid of Democratic votes The Republican representatives ffoiii Irfgham and otlv fi counties turned it down Livingsshyton county should be jfrfitl to the

-X)7mocra t i cmdashi^r t fen ta t ives -mdashfrnm Wagtne county who voted almost solshyidly for it Without their suppoj^t it could not have passed

^ n o t h c r bill which Ropresjcntativr Adams is backing would rc^as subdivision property on which the t i x cs have been delinquent for a certain number of years a t the price of fa ir acrea^c These pieces of property aifecfed were originally farms sold by their owners to real estate men who subdivided them Then they werers seamped at the price of city lot- ^ h e slump eamelaquo the sale of these lota endshyed and the farmers got the land back again when the real estate men deshyfaulted on the i r payments Most of the farmers were unable to tako ^ho back on aecount of the back tax s against them k I t is generally concedshyed tha t these will never be paid Thit bill would xtduee these taxes by as-sesing the J4n4 a t the valuer of farm acreage There a re thousands of such farm lands In Wayne Oakland Mashycomb and Washtenaw counties

bull ii i bull i ^ i a n bull

DiraquopatcN of April 6 1885 ^ School begins at Chuhbs Corn IN

Monday with Mi- Crrvic Hcrninon as ^eacher

John Donokuc living on the Scotcli farm at Fortage Lake b t a sv ltbullbull

homo aged



T H E FLOWING H A X P I How the Orea t Scientific Detective B e i t m o n ~ Solvod a Series of -Strange Murders Told in The American Weekly the Magazine Distributed with NEXTraquo

V C 8 J C A G 0 H l i l f t L D AND g j Supei-visor Wm P e t e r s ^ l e r k j W Swetnty) Trtau J F Lemon

ay James Ryan died at his

Dexter township April 4 years

Daniel Roberls of Chubb has 35 half-breed Vsi-te piamppoundjJiaJLaxc dandtef

The following people have rcc VQlt1 notary commissions Samul D Mark-ha^n Bej Larue Dan Wright i l 1 Gardner Zobina Chamber

TJan Richards has rented his blackshysmith shop to Parker amp Spears of Wobberville

Albert Wilson announces- that his well-known trott ing stallion Mam-brino Rattler will make the season at his farm this year

G I) Wood has pone to Crro where he has bought an intercut in a pail and tub factory

There were 317 votes cast heiv Monday of wJiich ICO were straight democra t and 75 Reptrbhrarr Ihr Democrats won all offices here with tthe following majorities Supt Jas Marble 90 Clerk W P VnnWinkle 67 Treos C V Van Winkl- 00 Justice W A Carr 106 Highwav Comm Chas Bailoy 10 School Insp Dan iMurta 78 Constables Em-mett Murphy Patrick Kenncdy-r j-M White Jas Timmons

In Unadilla Dan Barton was electshyed Supervisor Arthur (Jroen CIbull-

- N Bi-aley Tioas j J t DicKen son Just ice D H Denton School Jnsp V Perry Highway Comm v

In Hamburg Jas Van Horn won

Neighboring Notes Dr Duncan Cameron of Detroit

will be associated with Dr Melius of Dnghton after April 1

inspector Van Ness of the State pharmacy department was in Uri-jht-on checking up last week to see Viuit

-4+^-j^te+t^-othtTmdasht+ran dFug stores handle aspirin ]iy a ruliig of the attorney general all stores oth r than drug stores selling aspirin are liable to a fino of $100

Stockbiidgo and Fowlcrvillc hav both fallen lor donkey baskeball and games of this nature in which tiir players ride burros were played in eat-n town recently

Edward UirdsalJ fi son of Mr and Mrs L E Hirdsall of FovlerviTe won first prize of $5 in a violin playshying contst at the CJmdmcr theater Lansing recently There were 15 in the contest

The Baptist Evangelical Methodi-i and Presbyterian churches of H o w i J starting April 7 will hold union len-tcn services

Mail Carrier George Nichols of Howell will reire after 30 years ser-icegt- 27 percent of the Livingston counshyty tux was turned in an delinquent Jhis is the best showing that has been nude in tills county in many years

Porn to Mr and Mrs Rex Drown of Lansing March 23 an 8 a-4 lb son

Henry Ford has purchased the powshyer and water lights known as the Pet-tibonc plant at Milford of F S Hub-bnll who liars owned it for the past 20 years It was formerly used to furnish electric power Just what Mr Ford will utilize it for has not been satcd

Two CCC camps willbeestablished m the Waterloo project s ta te park jn

-Jackson and_W^a^tfmafclaquoowgttee-wftn~ in the next two months- They will accomodate 200 men One will be at Poi-tage Lake in Jackson- county and the other on Mill Lake on the old Glazier country home 4 miles west of Chelsea

The Farmers Union is contemplatshying establishing a co-operative mik station in Washtenaw county From 4000a to 5000 lbs of milk would bo handled daily

Henry Ford hw rerewed his opshytions on the water rights on the Salshyine river at Milan

Michael KeUey that embattled Irishman from Dexter spells his name K-e-l-j-pythen crosses out the second e by way of emphasising that his is the good old Irish -spelling

Washtenaw PotTtibune John At tenbemt Webster farmer

received two brokenribs a dislocated knee and a punctured lung when a windmill he was repairing foil on him He i| a t an Ajm^AJbjir hospital^mdashgt-

WHY WOMEN CRY rgt r B A T M E N SWEAR Profoaoei Donald A LUlWtT

psychologist explains the^reasonigYvj en by science for thedeep-seated or-tampnif difTerencea which make men be have so differently from-Wpmen Rend the article in The American weekly w i ^ ^unday i ^ ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^



_ _

m m x2 m

Tffli-Yy ^^s

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935


ELECTRICITY WASTE Radio stations unavoidably waste

an incredible amount of electricity because less than two one-thoushysandths of 1 per cent of the power leaving their antennas Is ever used The average station has to send oufc-constantly more bull t han 50000 times as much energy as its listeners coujd possibly consume If all of them had their sets turned on durshying all the hours-of its broadcast lngmdashColliers Weekly

bull bull bull laquo raquo

Dr Pierces Plenant Pellets are theorig iampal little liver pills put up SO years ago They regulate-liver and bowelrmdashAdv

Be ReMttaaM Idttrriage is ^ o t a failure If too

mujftV is not e l e c t e d of i t

YDS bowe i orf les

Xhjamp U-atest ampajg^k4rcopyu^wheth$r the system needs a cathartic change

lpound you Jave constant sluggishspells of bilious attacks and laxatives seem to make things worse it would be

1 ase let |poundy this Stop all use of any laxative that


may beeht toolarge ajlosa for your indiviaual neen)T9sesteatiraquoa liquid laxative that you cah m e a s u raquo and regulate

^ as tq ltdoaegtAs neoMary to repeat lakesmMer^mlamp^inditsA often W i t h e b o ^ t S ^ ^ M j f i i t i i o u t

any help at all r J i ^ U J bullraquo Doctors- and

a properly prepared liquid laxative containing natural laxative agents

u ik3laquoma l i a t a s o a W raquo lt ^ f t ) y and ablamphing

You caa aet Df Caldwells S

a t ^ y ^ a t o r e 7 ^

- i -

bull gt y bullbullgt

bull ill [ill fP

Jnlaquot h r E m ^ g r - f ^ ^ a ^ ^ i f e n t t e a

bullonmdashlike men

-tr AV J ^ bullbull

Golden Dawn

By Peter B Kyne

Copyright by Bell Syndicate WNU Service

S Y N O P S I S -

A ltV

ERRV PUREBRfM C ^ s F ri bull

fllU^ltffW klaquoV

r raquo



Dont take a back seat wnen if cotnes to grow-i ng flfiw bull V raquoP 1 a n V

f JPe^rya^urebred Flower Seeds and your garden wil l be t h e envy of

IOM They are pire-

Theodore Gatlin adopts a baby Peshynelope in an effort ttr-solve his matrishymonial troubles But his wife has never wanted her and their affairs end in the divorce court At a baseball

-game a ball strikes ten-year-old Peshynelope on the nose Mrs Gatlin spirits the child to Europe Gatlin wills Peshynelope all his money and 1s about to bpoundgin a search for her when a motor accident ends his life Some ten years later in San Francisco Stephen Burt rising1 young psychiatrist is presented by Dan McNamara chief of police with a new patientmdashNance Belden a girl with a dual personality for which her saddle nose is in part responsible McNamara does not think she is a criminal and obtains Burts testimony in court Lanny the doctors office nurse is also won over Nances crimshyinal record outweighs Doctor Burts explanation of her case and she is sent to San Quentin penitentiary bull Nance escapes although shot and goes to Lannys apartment From one of the men In the boat on which the girl escaped McNamara learns that Nances real name is Penelope Gatlin He also discovers that she is heiress to S750-000 Fearful of McNamara in his ofshyficial capacity Narce fiees Lanny finds her in her apartment asleep Then she disappears and McNamara learns that she is living in Paris

CHAPTER VIIImdashContinued mdash 2 0 mdash

This was too much Lanny put her arms around him and kissed him on each cheek And that s a seal thatll get by too

Pan was embarrassed Lanny was too mdashgo she took a has tydepar ture

The two men stared after her adshymiration In their eyes A dmdashd fine woman that None finer said McNashymara

Why dont you marry her The suggestion popped out of Doctor Burt as suddenly as it had occurred to him

nNow theres an idea McNamara mumbled dazedly How long have you been mulling it over

Subconsciously since you entered the office I caught a gleam in Lannys eyesmdashand when she kissed you the

subconscious crystalized into the conshyscious

Ill think It over Youll not think it over Mac Youll stake up your mind new And I can

rather be a bachelor than a disapshypointed lover

Tell you what to do Mac Stephen advised Send her a nice photograph of yourself If she puts It in a silver frame you may proceed with confishydence

How WiH I ktfamptf gtfnr ltbull Mf its^ fh ifSilve^ frame -oh the

dressing- table In her bedroom itll be a cinch gt

^ HowHT get into her bedroom you

blockhead - f bull- Ill steal her latchkey and have a

duplicate iuade-JTtlen you t an investishygate V

McNamara rose ^arid held out his hand Tis a pity -Stephen my boy you arent in ipy detective bureau Good night -bdquobull

The annual parade of the peJice force was but a week-sJUtaat and during that week Dan lited^fptirety on orange juice and spent Jitsnightshia Turkish bath As a result he dropped eight potmds off Tils northern Elevation Very erect and ffiariftal he sat on a milk-while charger while a photographer took several exposures of him and his command

When the prints were delivered to him he sent them all toLanny with a note saying

bullNow that we- are both in the same croaked conspiracy^ I thought you might be interested1 In having the latshyest photograph laquoofthe biggest crook of thenf all bull - bullbull -Tljte following day Stephen Burt sent

him a -key a n Che following after-nbou McNamaralethimself rnto Lanshynys houSe and discovered one of the photoson her drelslng ta6lemdashand In a gold frame Another print in a silver frame appeared id her drawing room _

Holy Closes lie soliloquized Im In for it now I Godhelp me theres no escape


Upon nls return to his office Mc-Nairfafa fooild in his mail a photoshygraph of Lanny indorsed To dear old franmdashfrom his partner In crimemdash

Xanny IVJilie he was gazing upon it -and telling himself how little justice the portrait did the beloved subject Stephen telephoned demanding that he come- to the office __^

bullLanny was in ears T v e j u s t had another visit frpm Mrs--Merton Dan Stephen Tgtega1T- It seemsTEhat af ter i twgt years of inactivity during which

ftlnie she had elected to believe Pene-fcrpe (Satlin deadshe has developed a crazy notion to prove it She wants to get Penelopes fortune

Yoraquo questioned h e r about her daughter

Yes but she doesnt know It said Stephen I hypnotized her first and spent an hour questioning her and It appears that this morning she visited your captain of detectives and asked him to throw out a dragnet to locate Peftelope Qrttlin- bull bull Sdie bull brought him some snapshotst)f -the girlmdashtold him ) heT real name--all about her moneymdash the girls habits and peculiaritiesmdash everything When Tlt1 discovered

that Penelope Is an escaped convict They will immediately deport her an4 Flynn will meet her at Hobokeu

But cant you do anything about It Dan Lanny pleaded

Nothing Klynn and Angellotl are on the trail officially now He stared at Lanny tragically Im out of the picture now and can do nothing but advise you Send two cablesmdashone to Nance Belden in Paris and the other to Penelope Gatlin at the same adshydress Say Come at oncemdashLanny dyingmdashcable name vessel on which leaving and sign It Steve

111 meet her at the dock Stephen decided Im due in New York next week

Youll do nothing of the sort said Dan Ill send that convict in my honsfe He shuddered ami grimaced in his distress 1 could handle the wop with money hut Flynn has sworn an oath And because Ive made a monkey out of him hell keep It Hed rather make a monkey out of me now than acquire great richesmdashand if Im broke most likely the captain of deshytectives will step into my shoes and Flynn will stand a good chance of beshycoming captain of detectives Oh mur-deration Lanny darling have you a little whisky in the house Im faint so I -am

Youre suffering from heart trouble you egg Lanny cried savagely Yes A weak heart a soft heart a human heart

Send that cahle he roared Yes get busy Lanny Stephen

urged The bird of time has but a little way to fluttermdashand the wretched fowl is on the way

After Dan McNamara had left his office Doctor Stephen Burt gazed with mild disapproval upon Lanny

^Unlike you and Dan McNamara he said I dislike having the peaceful tenor of my life disturbed

This Intrigue is myrrh and Incense to me Stevie

I know it You and Dan love a fight for Its own sweet sake but I do not I have a particular aversion to grand Jury Indictments and it is a posshysibility you and your boy friend have let me In for

FiddTesTicksr Lanny Ill be angry with you In ft

minute Now listen to me and whatshyever you do do not talk back Dan McNamara has-iuwi out on us I mean you Hes through Dans rattled If he tradnt been hed uever hav_pound or-dered the Sending of such a fool cableshygram

Dan McNamara knows his way about Lanny defended Hes more than nine years old

So do I Lanny It will be highly dangerous to send that cablegram How Is she to know it Isnt a message to decoy her hack to the penitentiary If she receives it while shes Penelope Gatlin she Is extremely liable to cable for confirmation before acting on i t That would mean a delay of not less than twenty-four hours On the other hand if she is Nance Belden when she receives it she will leave Paris openly and walk right into the hands of the New York police Im not much of a

SOURCE OF STRENGTH A strong man Is one who realizes

how weak other men are

AND THAT -GLADLY The only thing some people wlB

share with you is trouble

Now Relieve Your Cold Quick as You Caught It 55

1 Take S BAYER Aspirin Tablets bullbull Make sure you get the BAYER Tablets you ask for

i Drink a full glass of water Repeat bull treatment in 2 hours

For Amazingly Fast Result Remember Directions

In These Simple Pictures

The simple method pictured here i s the way many doctprs now t rea t colds and the aches and pains coldt bring with them

I t is recognized as a safe sure QUICK way For it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it

Ask your doctor about this And when you buy be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly And thus work almost inshystantly when you take them And for a gargle Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness leaving no irritating

particles or grittiness BAYER Aspirin prices have been

decisively reduced on all sizes so theres no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want

J If throat is sore Crush and stir 4 bull BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third

of a glass of water Gargle twice This eases throat soreness almost instantly

PRICES on Genuine fiayr AtpMm Radically Reduced on Alt Sln$

Made My Car Look New Again

Youll marvel too at how beaushytiful your car looks after you Simoniz it But Simonizing does more than just bring back the lustre and beauty your car had when new It makes the finish stay beautiful Dust and dirt wipe off of a Simonized car with a dry cloth and the finish sparshykles as bright as ever So always insist on Simoniz and Simonix Kleerier for your car



J spring of generations of perfect plants

bull ^ bull bull bull

f O J R N E I G H B O R H O O D

S T O i i E T H pound M I N


mdash M A N Y O N L Y



REDUC-So laquoielaquo1slaquo 5o-staging No flrugi Slaquonlt1 for free circular and read how I lost 123 4ba n IVntfrntlM wili my newdiscovary Or Ifften to broadeaistover WJF and

r g m w bawience MauKs rar~RgfrPttag-bullAaraquominjt l i bo 11 fe at an drug ttorlaquos or send 1100 for trial bottle Sent postpaid

Suffered From Tetter

on Hands Aefoved by Cutcunt

laquo1 tufferedfor two or three years with tetter on my hands If I did any work they wonld bleed and be-

C Sto pfrtvfMh vlmmpoundamp0poundwere toousand dollarsmdash kin all the time What You a chief of police anld

This WM TeeMuchpoundlaquonVyjqt J ^ Him and Kltaed Him on Each ChaeK



t-remedies but sent- foTj a free

F f e o f g a M after I rem great Juckasa I know that I

aging onecake of Cuticnra Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment1

Few Market Tens

1raquoctmr2flcraquoo1ltr everywhere One

cm ISUiCrampofiSMj vvpt Rj Balden Ma-A4v bull-


bull bull

get along without her although the goV enough to ftufc Unify In tears I awakshying will be pretty sklddy But of courseJenen^-Vrs^Mertofr a n i e n t her away bullhell marry you If you askbecvLanDyhap tpy bitty wJpiIJiM^command firmly never proffers her friendships or her plqnted 1frac34 her sVihConsclous mindmdashshe lovea on the half shell bull And theresV nuit not ttynk pf Xbegtame Penelope still time my boy still time Gatlin Jhen1 -awakened her 1 asked

bullNot if she goes to Paris hepylf bullbull]raquo had laquongt adoated daughter Ive heard of police chleTs-securiagf Stot rlaquo|)lte(llaquorprlt8ed4thatshe bid I

a leave of absence for six months- |3theA$slaquociAferthejraquoainlaquo of this adopt-MI couldnt take a six m o n U i s h o n ^ f edlaquoegWrflMAgtrf--tolaquoli of terror came

bveYher face Flaquoilaquoraquo he life of her she c o n l d V r t h W o f ^ V uarne and begged

Sp^no^y^r^erit^orrrt If knew it f t s a ^ I t ^ ^ d l d n ^ t h i n k of doing

Ive saved eig^it

anly worth eight thousand dollars God help me boy Im honest bull

bull Stephen roared his merriment Why

Wouldnt - let every man have Laraquo4fv J But dont yon worry about money U n Tlie f laquo ^ s l W deg r 0tradetrade MJ

py is a business woman She man- | Fl-imantl ^ngejMtl hn the caso^he ogod raquo e iawaU^waa-a--ha includes my finances Pro with g-o^d dividend paying stocks S o u l thebankmraquolV ln inl^ries Wten he know I could be a mighty ood friend j p r w n i e d hla icredetftiaIs the cashier to the man whowould be good bullo^AraquowraquodTilB|rgtV^gt-lirrng Thpyil laen-j ^ n n y - - lt $ifjr thatolirl asNanceBeklert trace

bullTil consider the proiWlaquoltinnlt tHabull rfrer t f r i f tn 4raquoraquo ^ajrHy a I did raquond iiiutioas Celt replied although Td f tarTrlaquoairaquojievlaquorraquomenwwUi he notjlled

thatltMfoJe she-u^Kl-1frac34 the detective Jburenu wtth heri in for mat Win McXa-bullmaaraquoeriasflaquontgt cajjei UR the Security Trlitt- cbtapany __ J3L-^_^ = 1 =

detective but tonight Pm a better ono than that McNamara idiot

Hes not an idiot Hes one of thraquoraquo finest men I ever knew

Keep quiet he ordered severely You ditch my train of thought

He drew a sheet of paper joward him and commenced writing while Lanny ^glowered at him Presently he sat up and read

Grave danger bull stop beat it some other country traveling by motor stop upon arrival tfable address stop If need funds will cable them stop leave Paris establishment Koing concern stop gO out for walk and disappear stopunless these Instructions followed you leave

trail -fur jtM^eltiaOFlaquo_ tdeg_ fol low r ^Slac

He looked up How do those in- struotiona strika youiT


Uiraquo the Soft Pedal wpout try t ma^e too much noise In

de world said Uncle Eben A gwod inglneer ain gwlnter use up ai l Ail steam blow in de whistle


MM toiMtraquoraquoUmdashbullgtmdashltgtbull


nwiminnwy i ^ i i i i

bullv-- I


The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1396 B amp


Change To Summer Grease Now

Drive in to Laveya Service Station and let us remove that light winter grease and put in heavier summer

Dont put it off To use winter grease in summer is injurious to your car

Full Program Ahead


A strong gain in mLnvoersmp a healthy growth in number or troops and enthusiasm in Scout advancement lor the first quarter of lgt3o is reshyported by Scout Executive Walter At ac Peek

During the three months period just ended u) new boys have become Scouts and two new troops have Deeiraquo addea in the Council igtL Scouts have advanced to Second Class ranx 3u Scouts nave become t irst Class raru and ltfb Merit badges have been earned

X Mobiloil Gas

Goodyear Tires

Look Forward to Camping A scries of work parties are beshy

ing planned to be hela at Camp New-kirk to clean up and paint up and glt t the ramp in the best possible simp lor its lull use this spring and sumshymer

hach troop is urged to work out a carefully planned camping advenshyture either at Camp Newkirk or elsewhere


Advancement Plan Boanls of Review and Coutt- of

Honor are being planned to be hela at lYujuent intervals in all district to encuura

Training Opportunities Monhy meetings of Scout leaden

are being held and two Wfok-cnd Training conferences have b -en an-nounceu for early in May

Continued from fifet page to be conferred This he eajd were pricelaes for the reaeon that they

j must be c a n e d by a nettbership of I forty years in good atandinfc Lodged

can bestow eueh honors aa election to office etc but only forty years memshybership can secure a l ife membership

Key Jerome of Dexter s chedu le bulla the next speaker was bull preveated from coming1 by illness

Dewey Hesse of Saginaw an aspirshyant for election to grand lodge this year spoke next He is called the -talshylest Mason in Michigan He amid the support of Livingston Lodge VaS reshygarded as the rabbits foot and hoped that he would be favored with it this year He also paid-hia respect to the members of grand lodge end all blue lodge brothers and made a fery agreeable impression

Hugh McPheraquoonpast graiyi Jnast-er of Michigan Masons and present grand treasurer was next Toasjwast-er WHson remarked that i t -was poundhe natural tendency of -the Scotch to handle funds that they were always as careful in handling other peoples a their own anddthat while their atshytempts to obtain the position of cusshytodian of exchecker could be delayed it was impossible to prevent i t Mr Jtc Pherson talked on grand lodge affairs and stated that the Masonic home at Alma had paid all theirtotkl tnctebt-


At an hour in the march of evcati wneraquo a service it moat needed you will find vjifj

and capable whatever the epraquoerfeac^raquo To be first in completenett and atfteaf iveness has ever been our aim Italir experienced direction our aemcotIsMeV maintained a reputation for and sympathy The charge it ftra$e very reasonable



poundOST__A Chevrolet

truck-wheel and tire (J J CaJs Pinckney


edness of $ 1 2 0 laquo $ this year through ^ ^ M Jdeg t F ^ T - r - 8 0 a c l e s - Squire bull - - - - - bull - -bull - A VanSickle Highland Lake P i n o

THE INQUIRING REPORTER Malice to All Charity to None

We spied Stanley s r ndy sipping ^oltla at the Sugar How] Friday night Who was the sugur with yut Sar

file printers devil evidently isnt j-]XQding all his vicatiun down on tv farm We also saw him at tho Sugur Jgtol Who said-this wouldnt g-t i)

Well Afyrrr has eont- back CJ his fir-love hut he still likes the theatre

Around here it seem- to be in the sprinp a young mans fancy lightshyly turns to thoughts of old loves as we also saw Lefty with his old girl

BobDMloway and- Vtrgmta swrnrrdr to beenjoying Clive of India howshy

ever we don think Ronald Colmao deserves all the credit

Bob Head made good use of his vacation to jet befter acquainted with Sockbridge and its attractions

Now as for Jim he seems to prefer the attractions the open country ha-gt to offer

In case anyone is eouple a cute ni^h

ooking for a watclimen you

I might consult Kmmett Clark and iill I Drown

Speaking of Hill he ooked like a -ulan with his proverbial haiem a I the show Sunday Hes ro piker Hin Bill Lamb i- now going for

blond troraquoes We feel it our duty to inform you Hill that red locks are

the thing this spring [ - Well anyhoo ihiiv -was rip slar 111 | the cigar sales election night Only I they should issue instructions on how J to smoke em ih Howie

Philco Radios




Phone 72 Marvin Shirey


the fact that the brothers-had paid v p - bdquolaquo ttWi ^ f t e r - m l v a ^ ^ i W ^ l i ^ ^ - d 1 1 ^ ^ ^ aTxPherson is known n e y tradeone o 8 F 2

to most every penarolaquoin this county P n p QktA deg and is always laquo favorite speaker [ t i- ^ ^ 1 ^

The f o l l o w i n g m u t e n and W t s i S ^ copy -masters of visiting lodgedwere tnt- called upon and introducedDdiald Dancer Chelsea Harold tJdrrow Howell EIHs Gsecn P raquo Pharcs Winney Ann Arbor CltH WhitnTcy Stockbridge j Robert ^fflfiips Brightshyon A Hepplnstair ^mst Lansing Clyde Yelland Fowlerrile Roy Har-

Chelsea William Tiel - Mason Chester Miller Chelsea Clarence Mar rohey ChelseaA C JDigby South Lyon Eugene McLachian Ann Arbor Ira Ott Dexter Bird Hifrht Howell^ Ross Hidebrand Hqwell Roy Hardy Howell W E_J8immer Maaan^fcd-ward Drewpy Howell John Vorwerk Saginaw David Steptoe Dekter

Supt Morse laquoang two more song the last one of which ks dedicated to the members mf the J^asorile fra trnity Then lodfe Wjaa opened and life membership oertl^oa^f and cards presented to Eugene Caffifcbell byjliis son Andrew Johp ifclajtmj by Percy Ellis Dr CL SigUr by^ohn Martin W H Clark by PaulJSlark and Chaa J Teeple by RAifisell 14vermore This ended the evenings program end anshyother past m^fters night obaerrance of Livingston Lodge Jo 16 had be-oome history


| Fxecutive Boarlt To Meet I The April Executive Hoard meeting 1 will be held at Chas^McKenny Hall in J Ypsilanti on Tuesday evening April

iraquoth at o p in Members of the Board fris i are M li Zimmerman^ John S Page

Ralph Weeks Dr E A Ross and Floyd Weeks from the northern disshytrict Dr Theron S Langford Albert

Fiegal D r W E Foi-sythe Judge J 1 0 rj-ay Hackley Butler Ira M

SmithT)T-T~TJToTmuon George E Paul DrJJ B Howell Otto W Hais-ley Eugen Power Clarence Newman Prof Robert B Hall Emmett Gib- Fielding H Yost Al K Richarus Dr gtlax Durfite and Herbert Wagner of the middle distiict C P Steimle Paul B SarnT^i ricgtltiBattelte Supt Ernshyest Chappelle William Foy W C Con rad Lt Coin A C Schradlt r George McKim ThurJWW Hodley Supt T MshyClay Fiank Locson and George l iun-dv of he southern district the three-

40 acres Inquire of

WANTEDmdashA man to work by tno month Also early and late seed poshytatoes for sale Bert Hooker

o FOR SALSL_Sturdy Barred R o d Baby Chicks bred to live and lay Our flocks are inspected and approved by M S P I A For the past ten yearV we luve improved our flocks each year Their past performance is our recomshymendation Also hatching eggs at 65c a felting for the first three settings thereafter 3c an egg

Van Horn Hillside Farm -mdash o

HEFbl l lrYOL-U-yen=Get- our prices on -June Clover Common Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Aslike Clover and W B Sweet Clover Complete lino of Oliver Walking Plows ant- Spring-tooth Harrows See the New 12 |V2-ard Walking Plow Open Evenings W Q Jury - Hardware- amp rmplementr Hamburg Michigan

mdash o

FOR SEBVICS A p t r l s 5Terty Bear Fee $100

G e e t C r e W y

F 6 1 SALK A litUe dcy ana pound i i ^ weee


Cttxgf Scaa em -e

FAJM FOB M a f F ^ S p J g r t M taifce ^ n s wi t t I M T a o w laquolaquoI werk land nraquot eqaipperf Ca^reVft

laqirire agt Dtepa^e Office

^u w

FOR ^ raquo l V 4 C B _ P e U a d ChTaa fctiA $100 Afie 2$ Umae fe jauV

M laquo Shears mdash ~ e ^ mdash

FOR S A L E ^ F i v e parr Reck regt tera for ^ raquo e ^ f c 4reraquo J a y m f ^eck

VaaHers V W d e Farm

FOR SALD OR TljfcBJp Ur osaDer fern eraquo heoxe i t t i w l 2 1 U acrts impnTed ~XmSm~ampir^FiMknlaquoy

Walter (itrees

I district commissioner are Rev Homer M Noble of Howell Rev

Edward Blakeman of A m Arboi Dean James M Brown of Vpsitan

Dr Dr a U

FOR SALEmdash-Early Seed Potatoes R E Kelly Pinckney

o -FOR SALEmdashEating and Seed potashytoes both early and late a ls 0 seed corn H Barkoviu Beebe iVgtn

o - - -

Eataeliahed 18S5 raceri ierat^10II

Over Si^tySevea T e e n f Safe








1-2 miles Northeast of Pinck-

FOR SALEmdashThree ton OJ A No 1 marsh hay two ton of mixed hay Bert Hicks

o FOR SALEmdashWoTk


bull T w ^ l r ^ SALE^Ar Incubator 200 egg e poundeop lf - 5 ^ frac34 1 frac34 H t r i S n p W m ^ ^ i laquodegdeglti condition and about 25laquo f U o w J l inctfturt coon i bQndleAf cornstalks Mr Eli Vroa 9 I OnJanuaJ7 6 fast a c a r dnvlaquon by i H nd t j H a y s and containing Wmalf Hndinev f Clyde iymLaU -collijed ^-ih one on bull i li a 1laquo driven by Edward Wepman + iuf Grand Repide Mj-a^tinpie Wep-+ nan mother of- Edlaquoardv received in-J juries which resulted in her death

I jlaquo Htill laWft ]raquo a l - l eV^owthy re- tt

ceived a spinal fracture and Clyde Kimball received a compound fracture of the leg and has been in the hospishytal at Howell ever since The prosshyecution claifil Haywaraquo intoxicated at the time and has presented eevefal

wtneawraquo Wprorcv liftytu^M several pneviguraquoans|a tW dfujikeiine and in 198S barred a jail eent^nvc In irS4 he wat placed on probation His attorneys rcopy Don Van Winkle and Jay Sweeney Prosecutor Berrlman is ropreientlngthe people

Tea-Sifling PKG

i Apple ButterQT J A R19C Mixd Vegete 1



NO 2frac12 CAN


NO 2




The Availability of Good


norse I2 yc irs old cheap Inquire at house opposite Hause school Fred L Woodwortn

FOR SALLU Bantam and Everirrccr seed corn W C Hendee

mdash 0 mdash LoST^tJstrayed from my premises degn e nog Finder please notify R Webb Pincknpy Mich

i $ laquobull



State i

bull lt raquo


FOR SALE_Plymouth Reck Eggs for hatching from accredited fowl

M M Robert Kelly


ANT Ueivldatli teyagiBg on tha t ieuiled ee t et mortal tilaquo i i teett isey k liktaed te

boatmen xeviag aiaitat the ti4e With itreampueuB sectjt4 eeeatlti i affort they work u tkoufe agaSmtt a power fFOR SALEmdash 5 which they t e U laquo i - r u if- tot ep- J ootid raquoweae theagt itt a Alreetiee the very oppetrte J that i t whiek tkey have set t k t i f count

To each ineUaiiut tkt 4ii4 ka-ven it hit kifheat eoaceraquot of good that i txuof kumat ojporloaeo vkitk he beiievet will trlag t i laquo eaUafee-tlon and ftoeffOB f r t laquo firrthex atrog-ples gome t t i i f t it gtia poajtaafea of somethiflf irhlth ikoy belitTt blaquoti

FOR SALtU-Wcstinghousu RiiijBje 3 burner 2 ovens Retngcvator 6 cu ft

Geo Reasoji

Electric Electric

-Seed rotatoea Bea Adams Hazt Farm

o mdash bullmdashbullmdash

- - - Ducks (4 hens 1 laquorake)j 3year-old lambs (2 ewes 1 bock) g ee Stmhraquon Prtrn ft

jPlickney Mich r

FOR SALE OR RENTmdashFurm with good buildings 110 acres of land 1 4cre of raspberries Easy payments if kought If for rent cash 1 Ann Samborsku

Pinckney Michigan RFD No 2


10c SaladDresngampti7c



CHOICE 29c V Youll Get Better Meats at

Phone We Deliver

at all Timet


e o ^ raquo i 2 l ^ T u r k -cover tometkug vh ie i Ulaquojy aPioar ^ ^ 0 to te^lMiuLwIipllkfeHkMr J - H S Drf Hindi opportuaity attoaoaf home e e raquo p a i

Vewelt MWm

Swrtiet tre^ttet V



The Federal ( M f c s p t A t t

cal led for payment ea April loth

1035 all United Statea Beoda ef the

Feurth Liberty L o ^ with e^akers

eadjng in 6laquo6-



tort tend Inquire of Mike Lavey

^ W p M ^ ^ t T H C d e t f ^ a t JQamp RENTmdash t o acres of hay or pas which n e t row ip^eiloi to e t i U i all tts iormt UtitUiBg lack liMUatiea poverty aa4 dJftcoraquo4 t a t tke boot ia which they tea bark i t too extit of ha muu thought wklek wbta laquoet ttead led and borae aloag by tkt ipicitual understaedlag Of God rampay be turaed completely eOt eMtlaquoturraquoe

The teachinfi ofChrti l Jeiui ner er indicate tkat met laquoulaquot ttruggle against evil as seavatkJAg t t t i to orshyder to gala good ctaee he laid Feax notr little neck fo i t i | your Fathshyers good pleatare to g4ve yon tho kingdom Wo may u k o tela kiag-(icui as doaotiag ail Uraquot U gooe aau iigtfying and Keee^ul u d tke daily life of the lrajttr mt a ttftiffloay to the truth of kit t t t tentat for tover at any time did ke explaquoriemee laoJr or HmitaUoo Who tkathas itadled tht Gospel narraUeot ota pieturo the gentle NamroftOsalsMgUpg ageiast evil as U i r ^ e r t fear er povtrful He know ^ritkeut 4 ikad^v of doubt the power frmojiH tltojat^TOiiaktUty of goodcmi evU 4 a presenet good aa

FCJt ^ B N T _ G o o d land on shares for any drop

Phillip Sprout e ^

FOSSALKmdashBaled Hay and Straw D E Hoey amp Sons

Dexter - Mich

WANTED All kinds of bulckciirg At your home or mint

John Martin Phont 1)3F-2

In ceanectieo ith Uu tail holders

of the above dflscrtbed tomes a t grv-

en tke eppertouity to excKangm Uxtir

present boiids f o r f e i t Umd$ czmwing

ntAreai at U f p v c e e e to b e dtfo

195-5-1060 r

f ^ r kuUit i c y o i e d e t M a f to

make tali exchange kftt tke privUogo

expires Hick 27th XW$

McPWm ShU la

nityaTippJy a j j to b e e v a n i b l e t o e U not llnjU tke t t l i laeBl hit owa oipfrioaoe Oa lie oaid that higfoUovi peat JOJ wTarkf t a o of mamttnd if to e facta tad tor spoke no 141raquo W -


Nlaquot food to eoatraxy

l i r o -aooomiity to tmoft riatJi

M lt -

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Com-

mittton Retail Store


r gtbull igt bull

Paul Spadafore Prop - Stockbridge Mich

3HEEP SHEARING WANTEP 1 mm prepared to do sheep shearing

at reasonable prices Power shears Clare Swarthout

QQoi U$i CmWi ifkeCkmlit amplraquo

Georxo Sigier mad raquo f a V O laquo j laquo r of Lansing vera

Cart Krimjtt to MeUui Hlt when hie car WeinjnoUtor coUMofl A G f a a o j i f i i r

yP -^Praquoraquoim bullm HlJ

bull ^ r Ul pound-

Page 4: SSRW«* PiirtmcyPispntri)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1935-04-03.pdf · r «~-*SSRW«* I*



ampS poundL



The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935

T H E IIOWKLX T H E A T R E The Playhouse of Livingston County

Wed Thur Apri l 3-4

sponsored By The Howell Board of Commerce Y o u r Las t Chance T o Sec

RUGGLES OF RED GAP A Paramount Picture

with bull Charles LaughtonmdashCharlie Ruggle

Roland YoungmdashLelia Hyams-Lillian Roth in

MARKS AND MEMORIES Wal t Disney Miokcy Mouse P l a y f u l P l u t o

ce Special Mat inee Wed April Z o 00

i 1

Hamburg y


V V bull it


mdashMary Boland Zazu Pitts


V-1 Sa t Apr i l 5-6 R e t u r n E n g a g e m e n t of

Jack West and His Circle Star Cowboys of WJR

X t t



Sat Cum

Open At 2 00 P M bull bull and Sec J a c k West

Cont To 11 30 P Admi- ion lgtc avd

M aoc

Sun and Men

W C Field in ITS A GIFT

JJusti-r Kraquo-aton Comedy Fable Sun Matinee 2 00 P M Cont

Apr i l 7-S

N e w

T u t s Only April 9 15c Wi th Merchant T icke t

MARIE GALANTE Dull F i imt Magic Carpet Tail-spin T o m m y No 12

1 I

I^^Li Zc i lman mar r i ed MialKu oi Nortlivii

Wed i hurs ru

bull t bull


Sat 4 -_ BIG DAYS _4


Ginger RogersmdashFred Astaire

April 10-11-12-13

Coming M u r d e r On A Honeymoon B o r d e r Town of The A i r _ O n e More S p r i n g




Quality ^ Economy] The N e w S tandard Chevrolet un i tes qual i ty w i t h e c o n o m y to a d e g r e e never b e f o r e a p p r o a c h e d in Chevro le t history Y o u will k n o w this w h e n y o u v i ew its t r im beauty e x p e r i e n c e its brisk p o w e r ^ and g e t a w a y mdash a n d find out h o w m u c h m o n e y it wi l l j save y o u in operat ing costs a s w e l l as in purchase bull

_pxififi^ S e e a n d dr ive this fine car at your earl iest bull c o n v e n i e n c e -

AND UP List price of New S tanda rd Road t t e r at Fl int Mich $465 Wi th b u m p e r s

j ) a r c tire and t ire lock the litt price i s 32000 addi t iona l Pr ice raquolaquo4jet to--efcftfe ^ t b -out i otice

A N D U P L raquo t price of M a t t e r De L u x e - C o u p e a t Fl int M k h $560 Wi th bumper spa re l i re and t i r e lock the list p r ice is $25 00 addi t ional Pr ices subshyject to change without not ice Knee-Act ion optic lal a t $ 2 0 0 0 ex t ra

$465 $560 f w raquoraquoraquobullmdash

r H r V P O I F I



T h Prraquogt raquo rnnit--far the County nf

The High School baseball t e a m will |liy i p ra r t i c g a m e here wi th Gregshyory F iu iuy Apri l fraquo

Piiiekney will have a l m o s t a n lt i-lin-ly new team tliis sp r ing The fKriicvJiojjUL to ge t a line on nev j at rial id this ^unc F r iday

J-1 ylaquo a r P inckney had a successshyful -lt^o i in baseball w i n n i n g e ight game- and losing five I t ^ impossshy

ible iis ear ly to p red ic t tnc success of this war s t e a m We Know how-ivc m a t uch players a Drown lOuiii Adsch Showeisk i a n d Battk-ai going to be bard to rep lace

Mid-gtemlaquo gtter l - s l s next week

The date of the Jun io r -Sen io r play ha- b n - l for May 3 the first F r i shyday ii May Work on the play s t a r t shyed Tuesday birWthc par ts will no t be def in i te ly ass igned u n t i l T r i d a y The j iame of the p l a y i s D i a m o n d s

T l v cas-of charac te r s anri s tory of the play will be pr inted next week

The school jani tor Mr Win Jefshyf r ies had the school bui lding in splen- did shape to b gin work Monday He-s ides g iv ing the building a t ho rough c l ean ing windows etc he gave the floor a d u s t t r e a t m e n t varnished the s ta i r s r healtf rails and all places receivshyi n g c o n s t a n t wea r bull

R e p o r t c a r d s will be given ou t this Wflflfr mdash - mdash ^ i ^ ~~~~ ^

J u l i e S t a c k a b l e is absen t because of iincsf

bullo ~

Livingston At a session of said Cour t held at

ihr P r o b a t e Office in the Ci ty of Howr l l in said County on the 2nd day of Apr i l A D lraquogt5

IM- -MIIL Hon Wiiiis L - m J u d g e of P r o b a t e

In the M a t t e r of the Es t a t e of


Kloyse Be rqu i s t Campbel l hav ing filed h e r pe t i t ion p r ay ing t h a t a cershytain insrumlaquo n t i n wr i t ing purpor t ing to be the las t wilL-and te taaaea t -laquopound-

J o h n Zei lman died a t t h e horn-- of his ftoa-in-law and daugrU-r Mr and t

Mrs Char les S DeWol fe a t J iuuib vil lage Monday m o r n i n g March 2~gt t h e insul t of a sti^oke of jjaruly-is sufshyfered last December

Mr Ze i lman w a s born in Nurem-b u g Gej-maiiy Oc tobe r ^ 5 184^ He came to Amer i ca in 187^ a f t e r ha-mg sei-ved in t h e F r a n c o - G e r m a n V in 1 8 7 0 - 1 He se t t led in Lne vicinity of Sou th Lyon and had lived the re and i u i i o u n d i n g communi t i e s t h e r^-niainde)- of hi life He wa-s un i t ed in mar r i age with Miss Ca the r ine Duin-ke of Det ro i t Apr i l 30 1877 who died January bullraquo 111 a Mr and Mrs Zei lman were the p a r e n t s of five chi ldren Mrs DeW olfe of H a m b u r g William Zeilman of Sou th Lyon Mrs M a r ha Green of G r en Oak F r a n k Zei lman who died in the Fai l of llJ14 and Miss l i s s ie Zei lman of H a t ^ b u r g village He is al-o sui vived by te gra i idchi ldr t r zsid one giva g r a u d child

Zei lman mar r i ed Mrs Minnie n 1(14 WA- l e he

liveu uitii liei dea th in liil -mcv that t ime he had lived with his daughshyter Mrs D e W o i i e a t H a m b u r g

Fune ra l services w i - e held ^ t e home of Mr and Mrs DeWoi fe at r i a i t b u t g illage W e d n e s d a y a f t e r -n o o l with Kep Kichstadt pas to r of th^r lgtuLheian church of orthville officiating Mrs X Hie E Ha igh t and Geo ige lu She i idan accompaied by Mis Edward S n e n d a n s ang S a e U tgty Grace I n t e r m e n t was in Ham-but y c eme te ry The pall bear is were five gj-andsons Waltei- DeWoifi- Koi- ^ rail iiioyd Zei lman a d Howard JJal-ko i leJutives and fri -nds wcr bull ]Jies-ent ijom feouh Lyon Hil lsdale N o r J i vilh Lans ing Di-troit iJieton (JJI n Oak ai d H a m b u r g

The honor roll of H a m b u r g vi lagi sclugtol for t h e month of Marcn those pupils n i i thej - absen t n o r a r u y durshying the m o n t h has bL-n i liouiced a follows in Miss Grace Heche s i uom

1 Gilber t Hejssler (ileri i i u m e t t Elsi D( oflt ltieorge Downing F ra c i -Edlaquoiy--Arleie bhaj non i l l Dori-Smi-h and Kuss 1 Smi th

In Mi-s l i e n VNe dlt i i i s room Jea ne FJenti -t J u n e Caldwiil SJV ma Caldwell r i o y d IcMchael Le

| -McI i ichacL H a r r y AlJili1+ Mary M O J I Rob rt Moore Jac(ult Jraquo (Juail an

t Hohb- ilob-rtgt-r _ _ Mr a d Mis Edwntd lt1 Houj-hto-

ax 1 thlt frandparlt nts lt-i a lit) -gian bullnil Cailcton Edvr-i AihMi -bullbullbullM O M and Mrs ( nee J i a e t -gt Hougn ton gt Carl Allen of J oit- iltgtgt I ltv -day March bullbull

Harold Gilb rt of bullbull bullbullgt Mondav with his | a e lt - bullbull bull William 11 Gilb

I l r a d Mi J bull bull j A r o o r were at tli-ii log ( 1- u bullbull

Hob While Peach Suml -1 --ihtry called on Mrs Henry ()^-

Milaquo-^ MaigUei - i t 1)1^1-1^ - bull gtuper isor of the Flin1 D i ry- lt Food Commission Thonu lgt ni ol Igtansing a n d Mrs Ea t ( e y)

Brighton werlt Sunnay jlaquougt gt bull lt-jgtarentgt Mi and Mis ( gtltlt D-

Mr and Mrs Edvai j gtj i son and daughtei-in-ia-A V lt -A l l oleT I7oTffReleTlT T)T) ~~ 1 lt ~~~ gt] siraquo lit he wick end at t h - i r iottaglt at Hob Whi te lU-Alth

Miss ( i race pelt-be sjgtltit bull vellt end witli liei1 par n ts Mr and l i Herber t iU ebe a t Howell

Mr- Jeiiiii- Nash who ha-- bilt i il a t tin home of her son rnd daught^-r-in-aw Mr and Mis William J Nash bull s improve d

Mr and Airs Char les Rainbulis m a tvltj chi ldren Georg ia ailtl lt ba rb s J r

of Detro i t s p n l th week eal w i th Mir P a m b u i i p a i e n t - Mr ami Mrs j Char les Wehne r I

Henry F Kice has moved from hi- 55a f Itn home in West H a m b u r g t-j his ^ n

cot tage nea r Por tage Lakbullbull Mr and | Mir John Ha-s ncahl and family have I I-oved o n t o the Kice f a rm j

Dr David Downing and d a u g h t r t Miss Mar ian of De t ro i t spent S u n d a

j a t 111 ir log co t age a t Hob Whit Peach

Mr and Mr- Smith Ma tin wer recen t gues ts of Mrs Mai t in s niece

Schmadt la

your childs


M _ 4



Young eyes neltd thebeht of carelri early years bull because at tfils Ktage a childs inquisitive mind is leading him into the realm of books More and more time is pent in reading-^and brcause of litis fact there is danger of permanent injury to eyesight if proper lighting is not provided^ Abuse of the eyes through poor lighting results in eyestrain and near-sightedness Tiiiures show that one out of every in e MIHMA children has defective vision

-pood-home lighting by following mdashYou can-easily make sure that o u Iia^ tliese live simple rules ) LVe corn t size lamp bulbsmdashWATTS In table and floor lamps v i l h three sockets ugte 10 atts in each socket with two sockets 60 watts v i th one socket 100 watts (2) Have at least one-tenth as much light in the rest of the room a- you have on your book newsshypaper sewing etc (3) LM SH 1 )KS on all lamp bulbs to prevent GLARK

ght (5) Have profwr intensity of

li) U^eshadete with light-colored linings to get the most to In-ure thlt t ) enoijgh lighting fixtures or portal 1 v

light throughout the room

TheMj 3 principles will assure r c a - ^ u i ^ good lighting and will provide proper swing conditions for every member of our family


Mr K F Kinslty w i t h M i ai-d Mr A J Holmelt motored to l i i ghhmd Pa jk S u n d a y af te inooj i and iounltl Mrs K N Draley bet- r aid looi-ihng much be t t e r

Mrs A J Holmlt-6 snet Vlt-(in--


day witii Mr Geo ige Marsha l l vampo was very ill and passed away Satui

u-t Augus Schinad tke a t Di-ightoir

d Mi- bull u k - ^ a gt i d g h t - a t Ius sonV AU- mid M- ~

Gregory Mr hijyd Hltgty

K The March tn-Tting of i h r h i i igh ei s was held a t tn- 1i Mis Inez Bowdi h

Aih j W o r d e n is dj-iving a ie ( 1 r o b t coach

Stdiool o|)ened Merclay aft-week s vacat ion

Mrs Ida Waj-flltlaquo of Dan-vHle - pe S a t u r d a y with Mr and Mrs Mel Conk

Mr Ad lia ( ia l lup i turiw-d t-j I


said de-ceascd now ort file in raid h o m e l u S a V u ( j a v to spend t l v s cour t be a d n u t x d to p roba te a n d t h a O ^ p mdash ^ w n M ) S t 0 1 e l w j l l the adnnni-strat ion ol said laquo s ta te he lt ^-^ ^igtr

g r a n t e d to F r a n k Uerquis^ and Uoe j ^ ^ 1 L r h a ( 1 ( l a u j r l l t p Kerquis t or to some otiier su i tab le ] i z a b t t h a n d h l o U 1 L u d t k ( p n t c r P P r s o n - day with Mr a n d Mrs J o h n D-cklt bull

Tr IS ORDKKKD T h a t the th J Kdwau l Urothcr ton of Ann Art bullbdquobull day of Apr i l A D raquo5j a t t u o Chx k | spent the w ek end w i t h M r and Mr in the forenoon at said p roba t e office M e l v h Conk be and is he reby appoin ted t o r h e a r - j Mrs It D Bren ise r an 1 FJwin r e t inj said p e t i t i o n T h u r s d a y in Ann A i b o r

bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo - bdquo bdquo bdquo ^ r r x t Niv Inez Kowdish attendelt] r I T 1 ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m e e t i n g in Howell T h u r s d y

f iublic no t ice thereof be given by p u b icat ion of a copy of th i s o r d e r for

t h r e e uccesgive weeks p rev ious to said day of hea r ing in the P i n c k n e y Dispa tch a n e w s p a p e r p r i n t e d a n d c i rcu la ted in said coun ty

Y Will is 1 L y o n s J u d g e of P r o b a t e

A t r u e copy bull Celest ia Parana ] RegiisUr o Probate^

A r l c r e JJreniser spen Her ^prirg vication with fr iends a t Hicko y Corshyner

Mr and Mrs C l i ades Whi tehead f Howell spen t the week end with hIY mother Sirs Sa rah L n m b o r m


WeH Digging

CAKD OF THANKS Wlaquo wWl to exprelaquolaquo our sincere a-

pre^UUon of the kiwlnw and nynVi vmikv extendedm our recent bereave-1 Sent ~ Mr E X Bralcy

Dr WrNTBralefand family i Mr and Mr F L Wright 1 stockbrldKe

amp fr mi Mraquo pound gt topping

Any Size to 10 in Write or call 96-F4

host ss Ladies

I etl ie D u i t trade

Viltur Ostra nder AJicJi

A play will be given in Plainf Id church Friday night April i T^e

| Spinisters Convention under the i auspices of the West Marion-foco

Kings I)au+htor Alultlaquo 2laquoc chid-n 10c THi Laura Hut-son will b

Tuesday for supper to the Guild

Mr C 0 Dution Mrs I Church Mr and Mrv A L J were in Howell Saturday j Clyde Jacobs deliverrd Friday

row and 2 calves all testedfrom W L Bulaquoha to Birney Roberts

Mrs F E Gauss and Mrs A L and Mrsr Walter Froat of Detroit wei Duttdn called on ifrraquo H F Dyer on Sunday viators at the Albert Fro

] (Jim gtMarshaJl I Mr Lloyd iloyc 1 lt fid with hilaquo father ajd mother

Chabbs Corners I i l a r l o w Muns t l l wife and eljjdrlaquo | oi (ji-egory wej-e S u n d a y guc-ts i Aiber Diiikel and family I Air L a t h e r s of G a r d c a Citv ^i- i t -| laquo l h i son ad familv one day Ja^l week __ |

-D and Mrs C lay ton I auna l ce o Deai-boi-n gtpent last VVlt u n e - a wi l i h i p a r en t s Mr and Mr- C KIJI - - -

R y i | Mr and Mrs F r a h k Whtv LlJilti Mj-j

Hazel Smi th of lio^wwll we^e S u n d a y j d i u n e p L U t s t s of Mr and M i CiMK--i Smith i Kiric Reason of1 ( i r ego iy Mr Lda Merce r of Pirckncy and Mr if bullbull- J Me G r e g o r and daugiU-r e I -oiv w o e Sumiay callers o Mi - W Alii- on

C h a r l e s Schafvr who is a t e i i l i n x the M S C sas h - m e ^i id-- Mlt-j lion la=t week I ^ Howard Roliston and boy fi itnd of A n n A r b o r spen t Suit lay at t h home laquo of hi unc le Roy Smol le t t | Ki rk V a n W i n k l e and wifi of Lans -j ing spent last Wednesday a t ihlaquolaquo lome

of Mr a n d Mrlaquo M W Allison Doro thy Gra inge r who ^ t a k i n g a

business cour se in Howell was home la^t week on h e r - vacation

J M Br igh ton is o u t aga in a f i e r a few d a y s i l lnws y i t h j l he j ^u

M r and Mr^ Ezrlaquo H n g n a m w e r e in A n n A r b o r one day las t wo^k on b s j -ncKs

M r a n d Mrs A lbe r t Dinkei anltl d a u g h t e r a n d Mr and Mrs Mark Alshylison w e r e Lans ing chopper Monday

o -Mr C o r a McLachlan and family

Mr a n d Mrs F r a n k A m h u r g e y Mr a n d Mir Waltei- F r o s t of De t ro i t w e r e


I Flower Garden

Ferrys Rices




I s V

| MllllllllllllllJtIIIIiniUlllltllUlllflilllltJIUtflllllUttUlHIIIHItlfltllltUUIIIiaHlf I


Try a Dispatch Want Adv V J f

Tke Piockney Dispatch Wednesday A_orf 3 1935

fTfee Pmdue Ifeidij cent ^ ^ cent ^

5 P A U L C U M

I Cash Specials Friday Saturday April 5 61 | P E A N U T BRITTLE lb raquo 1 | pfQfcOpTTFQCAME^ CHESTERFIELDS CARTON +4 M

Base Ball The Season Will Soon Be Here



l -O bull J L ltbullbullgt


^ ^ V Z U i J Base Balls r^if F r i d a y

I Toe and Heel Plates

Catcher Mitt

Fielders Gloves

4 i ^ 2

S SUGAR sect 10 Lb Cloth 5 Bag 49c

VIENNA I KELLOGS Sausage I Corn Flakes

2 Cans 15c I Lg Pkg 10c

MAXVELL i F OM sect House Coffee I Soap Flakes = Lb Can 30c | 5 Lb Box 28c sect


f j j h ^ o f a ^

bull M bull J W e H a v e Spaulding 1935 Sporting Goods Catalogue

bull i i Lgtlaquo1 3-1

v bull r


97i 25c

of MlJfoio hJTi of

ZZ t

5 APPLE SAUCE j BIG 4 SOAP RED CHERRIES GOLD MEDAL FANCY PRUNES pound I f X 2 Can 10c 10 Bars 29c No- 2 Can 12c | Hour $113 3 Lbs 25c I

= 7


I LEMONS Fancy Each I CARROTS Large Bunch I CRACKERS Exdls 2 lb

be 19c


RED amp WHITE TEA lb pkg 15c RICE FANCY 3 lbs 17c

GREEfTfc WHITE COFFEE 1 ib pkg X 21c

APPLL BUTTER at jar 17c MAC IVQN1 _ Z 2 l b bulk 15c

L ST TISSUE 5 rolls 19c


~^Tib 10c f

- J J

H E P 3 H E y S CUUOA gt 1 t I gt 1- rge can lCc E

t ltjf Lbullbullgt ^ - vr raquobullbull if fr bullbull_ v tn

i f ^jgty a r d 55 r - bullbullgted the Kjrv orrjv v-- --d M r Xoy

i V bull - bull - - r ~ - Lij

_ltiY -vlaquo-nTi^ i i l o v e - h ltJ a

and Mr Wraquor iolt-iilt-]rran of D -

- and --jr A-her bull 0 lt F r - laquo3 bulllaquo - bull -

gtultiz i f t - I -

bull AHx^r u-r- Sat- iO Mr- M h

ltbull H Zur^- arraquo4 T 7-bull Ja -t TJ---

P L O V D WBfeKS Prescription Druggist

I t

t i

1 Your Brakes 7 Arnt Working

then you are driving against the law Against yourshy

self too for faulty brakes cannot only cause mishaps

to others but to yourself as well For safetys sake

have your brakes tested today

= t bull 4 FOMATOES 2 No Cair LDEN BHNTAM CORN 2 No

Ann Arbor raquoit raquo bull - S u n

bull i i -lti-A M r -



- ] IraquoyltJiu- of I^an-Traquogt lt- of Ma-

bull ltgt Mr arii

bull bull i gti~gt- o f M

lt ] p v--r- Mi-- -lt Jaki yc(] lt-r of lt n Fiank D a n i ^ J i O V ]

I 1

W H MEYEfT i i s h t amp Heavy Hauling of All Kinds Mo-^ng

The Pinckney Disp -tcU $125 per yr

T (Ufirraquoraquo-niraquoii bullbull

- Au MVAmW r

bdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquo bullraquobullbullbullbullbull raquobull raquoraquo bullraquoraquoraquobullraquo - -in-

L w -jr^i ^ mdash

J i bull K vuvati-

laquo bull bull gt bull bull

^ J raquo - bull

ijjr ilaquoi J-

week Mi bull i

ltlin r ^ j o v

gtii -- v J inj w

bullo-i and s wrbullbull in Lans- Mr T-U Sir- in Dctrot


burinltKii FrJltilty a Mr Will M-j-t


f J) iro vgtgt uiiay aftc-i-noon if-urij visited I^i^ _i_^t

recently i n gtlttrltMt-TCt week Koy livaroji ltJ

lat Wednesday Mi^ IIlaquortty CJiroj

I n

lti J

bull j laquo- ia iveigt

i o

] bull

f j j gt i l i i i t J v a - -

sr JaKt Fiedler

m - i r V i v--as a Sunday of Mi- Uorolliy lgtar-

jrinl Candenthai of Lavs-ju vc la- wrel of her iou^

in Mi-s l^hyl-i Sprout Mift K CTiaJillt r of Kalamazoo

j-pent thc^ w e l t cv-i with her parent Mr and M-- ^- JltdTic^gt

Mr altl Mr Io ltoe Carl of Landshying were art VltiiltKday dinner gu raquot 0 f K r a n d Mrs- Ko^ Klaquoad

W Lind and Mui^-r

i e

were in )-troitt Fjji^y jjpbullbull John ritziinrroji- )- L-ei lt

to higt hH-ltl by illne- ilt-gt bull- ( Oia isrniih ltjf M-o - t lt bull bull

tive- h c i e a couple of ltjiy j^ (ieorylaquo- Clark -U-4 hi- ujiltr

the Gate Saniantir-- Aici Fridaj

The Migtgtegt Virjriil^ (I)--i Hilda Hartmen welte in Huv Satshyurday

Mrs Phillip Sprout -plt r v he- jraquoagtt raquo week with her si-teia in Lan-iji^ anri DeWitt

1 raquo r i

bull rgt

ro Ji i lt gt

i raquo o - gt APML 5 SPECIALS SAT APRIL 6

i 4 bullIr i-d Mr r ( i r i i -

Lind o f iVj o i t were Sunday ^ ^ j ^ ^ S u n d a y with L at the hojlt- of r and Mrs- 1 W putnam Teeple

nTielaquot White and fam-

Gerald and A l h n Dinkl^ of M^-io-i T [bull ^fiy ^ inueJ Marti) oi

iit - fltiu Her )i Jack^o bull j j d a y

J-AW J1 Fio-t w tiikr-n u tc- Ii k bull y -oiiiuj-Uiii Saturday for a fi

y aiJjrHt

J i i lea-on laquoid vsife of Lilt bull of Mr i-r i MJ

Hersheys Cocoa

9 1-2 lb cans l ^ c


6 Soxes 25c

Maxwell House i Coffee


Mr a -gtu-gt ily Krangt V hi were ^ 3ir and Mir Lee Lave

araquogtd wife of Howell j- caflers at the home of

Putnam Mi-- irjee lirenin^lttail of Wayj Miampi Chariotbullbullbull Kly vi-ited at th wa- a i jf--rfiay ealler at the hoiiic o

home of Mr and Mrgt M K D a r r o w p i

Philatbea Notes

l^orothy Larrow

Mi- L lti IXveraux ard dau lbullraquobullbullbull l ietty and Helen vigtited Detroit Ja-tive-i several day-gt la-t week

Mnlaquo Flora Danow Migt- Blaquo-madine Lynch of ^-x--

200 Kpent the week end with

Our )Pgtgt-lt vere led skillfully throujfh tnlt- ilaquo---ons for review by Mrs fcuae ron Sunday bringing out th-charactlt tic of Feter as a Christian

JUclpU- a hown in the variougt | ^ h e ^ M ^ M a r y L y n c h

U u u t U i Jk m p i u u i t d a j iuliijf p H Swarthout and on Don and dimple p bull In-CooperwilJe Fridav

Our Pa o ^ n n o u n c e n r n t t h a t gtA F Wegener returned his ho otir cluss Vouidh^ponjlaquoor the n e x k S u n -

Saturday Mr and Mrgt FredIJortz and LiH bull

Martin ^pent Sunday at the home of John Martin

Mr and Mr Ivu^cne Dijltk i i Kenneth Teeple of Detroit cail--i Migtraquo Carmen Leland wen- in Detroit deg n MJ- and Mrs N O Frye Fi iday laist Friday and a-ieaded the Masonic-banquet

Clyde Dairow of Walled Lake and bull M r lt a r i ( i M ^ W n gt M a v ( 1 bdquo famly_Kpent Sunday wth ht nether C o raquo cr vlle pert several day- la-

vltlaquo wiLh Mr and Mr Mert Cartraquo-

ivgt ^-11

Dr Hoiiis Sigler and wife of i iow- lt 11 WJJ2 Sunday guesta of Vr ad

Mrs C

Nation Wide Coffee mdash^ lb 25c mdash

Calumet Baking Powder ib can 23c

All-American Coffee Mi



Silver Fleece i Sauer Kraut

No212can 10c 1


day cA-enin^ rices as one LeHten event was briefly noted and raquoomc plans diltculaquoJieltL

A few boxes were brought in for the Cent-ii-Meal second opening foi which the church missionary treasurer is grateful

Ne5ct Sunday is Missionary Sunday in the church school THis also rfhouk receive- the attention - o f Philathea and others that we may quickly mak up our quota and be able to heir meet our own local church need Some who have no boxen are contribshyuting personally

One1 a^ain our sympathies g o out to Ihoho who Morrow at thiraquo t ime beshycause of the passing o Rev Berquiilaquot Anca our lat note- were Mraquont out Services were hehi here for th1raquo form- cfnJW^r^xnJut-- Friday

A blaquoraquoy7Tance over our new bull raquo-cOn quart bullbull -Mylt ws that we have-j l o s i n g w r In Pinekrvy bullt

i^or-d^-ful raquotudie ahead o f u^ neMlay We under-i rvf WtfJl jraquo--ltfc bull iVom botW old a n d lwhum_ri-ntJ thr Mmtlgt f raquo -

-- tie$amppound^-~--^4 l^Mfelhtra-s will f-gt Lincoln o f Cohoctah maQ ta be on hiiui netygtunday to begin these r e w themfK uKh the ltraquost topta ^The Heavenly Tamer John 14amp-amp4- All ladie welcome

O week from thilaquo Wednelaquoday o n AyptF l f ilaquo the time for our regular

hutdnesK and nocial mectiiuj

Mr and Mrlt Andrew Campbell bull s daughter of Dexter spent thlt w-x-k 5

Sunday af ter spending the pa- t w o - e n d with Mr and MrsTCugere Camp- 5 month with his children in Detroit1 bell 2

The MLshes Constance and K v - | M M g t a r k M KdDrr-v ltbullraquo 5 f a r r o w were g u ^ t of their cousin a n d M r fCOrge Green of How-II S

Charlotte Ely In Ann Arbor par of r i F H d p t o f M c s laquo laquo t week | j i-lt-pU a

M I M Harriet liowirnn who raquoa- bee 11 - t 3 at the University hospital Ann A s r o r Mr a n ^ r i - W e s I e y ^ a l t n i W ^ a i K i = for several weeks han returned 1- h e r ^ l V of Detroit were dinner g u e t S home of her grandparent Mr and M r a n d M r raquo - Clifford VanHorn l a s s Mnraquo Fred Bowman Wednesday pound

Merlin Lavey won fhTt nrize a Mr and Mrs Francis Shiaper ( v iv - S bicycle in the Ann Aibor Ww^ ub-raquoan Sigler) and son Jack and ^Miv s scription contest Jason Haitu - won Murta S i g k r - o f Detroit called o a the s the canoe and Joe Lavey the boxing Hotf sigttenraquo Sunday 5 g|ovelaquo and Helen Iiealaquoon the lath- Frank Kamen Detroit t t o n v t y ami bull =

Jackie Darrow -on of M- and M - laquoor of the latbullbull James Eamcn has in- a Wm Darrow fell from a Hbullbullltbull barrel formed Lucius Wilson chairman of S while playing Friday wn claquoJt a a h t h Finekrey Centennial program i s in hia head Two s t i i c r v ver re- commhtev that he will be one of the 5 quired to clove the wourl speaker Vre at that t ime unles =

Kxrk Van Winkle and wip- ngt bull something unforseen turns up 5 ^race BennetaDd Charh-s rjolni-bull- o- s

Norii i Wilson and l r S ltbull Jiitk ei were in town I l - S L_ _rd the Masonic baru-J ag i~T rrtt of Ierpy- called a t 3

Bancroft Peas 2 No 2 cans 25c

Golden Bantam Corn 2 No 2 cans 25laquo

Del Monte

Peaches CM 19c

Del Monte Grape Fruit

2 pound 2 9 c

Del Monte Grape Fruit Juice

2 to 2 CMS


fe Cans bull 19c


40 sect

C RACKERS Grahamior Sodas Ib 13c

MOLASSES No 2 1-2 Can 15c


traquo aluo our Mfaionary me t -Wirt Hendee M borteMJ rewg Highlander

P W CuHrtt acconirraquoaniraquo-i V bullbull ngt^inlch office Saturday II- 11- s members of Wartenav^odfrf XJ-) ( bullbullbull un that hi- faher J i h n 1raquo u- 5 F 6 A M o f D e x t e r tothlaquo Slavonic bull l bullgt o r t of the orlfrinal tJ r g banquet jfiven by Phoenix- I^odtre of degi Marnburj township tak ing up InA g VpxflAitti fcatuidxy ri^ht Othrr fraquoom the government around Jx10 s lodje from thj hectlon reprr-xehtf raquo11 That the prflaquoent itc of the North ] 5 were HowuJL_J^ockbridjre Chel^a Hamburjr church and cemetery was ( 2 -An Arbcr and ^-gt gt- s __ laquo bull -

Quality Rules at Our Market REASON amp S O N S

1 Mgt-Vgtn St Ar-- fsiven to t h a f organization by him Mr 2 __mdashPHONE i 8 - F 3 f Detroit conferrca 1 frac34 frac34 t o ^ n d h e PincUncy [ 1 ^

All Prices Subject to Mich 3 o|o Sales Tlaquox WE DEUVBK iiwtuuiiiHHiMiiiuiiiHiiuiiHiiiiHmnniHiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHimmiHimiiiiitHnimiiHHmHlaquolaquoiMiwiraquo^^


AUCT The Pinckney Dispatch W e c W d ril 3 1935

SALE The undersigned having decided to discontinue farming will sell at public

auction on the premises known as the M T Graves farm located 4 miles South west of Pinckney or one mile North of Patterson Lake the following described personal property on ^ ^



Bay Mare 13 years old weight 1200 Black Mare 4 years old weight 1300mdash

with foal Sorrel Gelding 2 years oid weight 1100


11 11 HEAD OF CATTLE Two Durham Calves Jersey Cow 4 yrs old bred March 5 Jersey Cow 5 yrs old bred Jan 18 Durham Cow 3 yrs old bred Dec 7 Durham Cow 4 yrs old bred Nov 17 Durham Cow 5 yrs old not bred Holstein Cow 6 yrs old fresh Durham Bull 2 yrs old Durham Heifer 2 yrs old -lue soon _ Jersey Heifer 18 mos7~old open

POUfcTRY 60-Rhode-Island Red Laying Heno 5 Turkey Hens 1 Gobbler 2 Ducks Quantity Alfalfa Seed

SHEEP 46 Cse Wool Breeding Ewes due in May One Coarse Wool Ram

FARMING TOOLS Dcering Grain Binder Grain Drill 2 Wagons Hayrack Mowing Machine Hay Rake 2 two-horse Cultivators 1 Ajax Cultivator Set Spike-tooth Drags ^Walking Flow Set Double Harness Buggy Single Harness Cauldron Kettle Wheelbarrow Set of Bobs 3 Set of Slings Roll Barb Wire Barrel Sprayer New Per Cream Sep Milk Cans Forks Shovels Chains And many other snail articles

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Kitchen Range (gcod one) Hard coal burner Heating Stove Buffet Bed (compete) Writing Desk Day Cot Dining Table and Chairs Couch^ Dishes Creeks Stands An d many other articlestoo numerous to



For the third time since J a n u a r y 1 the State Augmented Board approved the distribution of advance payments under t h e provisions of the Thatcher-Sias Act Stung distributed at the making this dfetribqtion the Augment-Tuesday meeting to ta l $1515701laquo In making this distribution the Augment-ed Board pointed out that the amount being distributed at this timewill not affect in an way t h e amounts which other districts not making application will receive a t a la ter t ime

The amounts distrioutea by coun-j ties a re as follows Allegan $6 490 | Antr im $7776 Arenac $3 003 Bar-1

aga $11100 Barry $6000 Bay $38- 3 4 5 Berrien $20441 Benzie $4ltgtampo| Calhoun $27737 Cass $10 083 Char-1 levoix $7 994 Cheybogan $ 7 0 1 Chipshypewa $16836 Clare $2 335 Clinton $3500 Crawford $606 Delta $2o-j Utgt6 Dickinson $19718 Eaton 9574i Gladwin $ 3 9 9 1 Gogebic $36018 Emmet $10 9 7 6 Genesee $225araquo Grand Traverse $11500 Gratiot $10-000 Hillsdale $9512 Houghton $13-764 Huron $3407 Ingham $8 350 Ionia $12 853 Iosco $75 I ron $28- 1 8 3 Jackson $54653 Kalamazoo I $21 591 Kalkaska $2 931 Kent laquo73-1 0 6 4 Lapeer 7 395 Lake $350 Leeshylanau $3 747 Lenawee $12329 Livshyingston $4100 Luce $1 121 Mackinshyac $3 831 Macomb $25104 Manisshytee $1249laquo Marquette $2826 Masshyon $600 Mecosta $2 111 Menominee $3568 Midland $528 Missaukee $3 -8 2 4 Monroe $1 895 Montcalm S7-7 7 8 Muskegoml $1650$ Newaygo $ J -5 4 5 Oakland $1218107 Oceana $24 1 Ogemaw $7004 Ontonagon $9900 Os celoa $7200 Oscoda $700 Otsego $4247 Ot t awa $27527 Preque Isle $5150 Roscommon $150 Saginaw $ 7 5 0 St Clair $30262 St Joseph $18700 Sanilac $11844 Schoolcraft $8 044 Shiawassee $20^000 Tuscola 55 577 Van Buren $15785 Washteshynaw $12000 Wayne $504663 Wexshyford $17381

bull bullbull raquo bull bull


O F STATE LOAN I Action by the Augmented State Ad-I ministrative Board to provide loans to

distressed school districts prevented the closing of the Houghton Public Schools scheduled for March 29 Evshyery effort had been made by the Houghton Board of Education to borshyrow locally and from the RFC Two-thirds of the district s share of Tnat-cher-Sias aid provided only sufficient funds to pay unpaid teachers salaries

the closing date

Financial Statement - Village of Pivickhey

For the Year Ending April 1 935 RECEIPYS

March 29 1934 Balance on Hand ^ $ 6863 Borrowed Money for General Expenses - 35000 Shew License ~ M Total Taxes Collected 176900 Liquor Control License 17000 Bank Dividends 27(Mgt6 Delinquent Taxes V 131A|2 Use of Fire Engine 25P0 Borrow Money for General Exoenses 40000

Cash Total bull $31911 DISBURSEMENTS

Light Bills bdquo $ 102705 Material and Labor on Fire Hall 25196 Fire Hose bdquo 57000 Labor on Street 5230

Gravel Tile Hdw Etc 29632 Minor Expenses 3785 Board of Review Expense 1365 Salaries and Election Supplies 14368 $500 Note and Interest 535(frac34 Interest on $700 Note 4900 Orders Drawn and Paid $297681 Cash Checking Account 21460

Signed P H Swarthout President Nellie E Gardner Clerk Blanche Martin Treasurer


bull t bull




to Anticipating that other districts

would be similarly situated the Aug-mened Board voted the sum of $200

000 o be loaned to School districts f tha t have exhausted available suitable i collateral A committee with powoi | to act consisting of Harry Toy At-j to rney General Theodore Fry State I Treasurer John OHara Auditor Genshye r a l and Paul F Vot-lker State Sup-| orintenrifcht of Public Instruction j were chosen by the Board to pass on proposed loans This committee auth I nHzed the Superintendent of Public Instruction to secure the necessary j papers prfctaratory to final appiova j of loans 6n delinquent taxes or o the-


PtoteroF25 Years Age Dispatc of April 7 1910

I- G JacKson has -sold his auto to S K Swarthout

In Mondays electioniTT~3TTiTountlco that voted upon local option this is-UltJ camed-m-2-0ofvhem ~

Reuben Kigtby who has been Grand Trunk agent at Clarkstoa lor some time has been transferred to Givgory

Kennetn Darrow is learning the barbers t rade at K J Carrs shop

Ebb Smith of Plairfield acciduitly shot himself in his workshop in Plain-

r-riday He lived about 2 son i urdy was ltiugtt hi e hunting duck-

Darwin Carr 82 died Fridav 1- 1

rl Kis whi

Mi lioiiK of her son John viving a)v three sobullbull


hours -1 fail

at the Suv-

W A Irving

Jus t ice John Denchcy highway t ont-missioner G E Mercer school xiisp and (J O Burgess Drain Comm in the state the Democrats and fcusion-ists won electing Allen Morse Sushypreme Court Justice and Moses Field and Charles WKitmalf Regents of the University

bullUgteaf ivfttsonsarc-notified to at end a Masonic school of instruction at iiowell April 14

Marriea on April 5 by Rev i l iVraquo-it Haistead Giegoiy to Miss Dna liird

John Flora has sold a half interest in his saloon at Plainheld to Sam W illiams

Joel lirigg aged 5S died at Una-dilla Sunday morning

The following personal property will be sold at public auction on the James

Marble farm located 3 miles west and 1-2 mile north of Pinckney on

Tri raquo


Senator Harry F Hitfe offered a i amendment to the Prison Labor Bill to manufacture agricultural impleshyments and in the fight to pass the amendment he-temporarily a t least broke with several of the so-called insurgents as well as administration leaders

During the debate which was one of the most spirited so far this - c -sion Senator Hittle said I am not interested in legislative groups and T shall not hesitate to oppose ei h r friend or foe on matters of legislation The farm implement trust has fn-years been gouging the farmers oi our stat Ihe price of agricultural

u and John and a daughtc Hai-t

Calvin VVelTer dipd at higt lioni1 in Hamburg on March 2raquo a the a^e of 7S year- Surviving ale hi wift and thfcfc daughtei^ Mrs John Vanliorn Mrs William lhrics and Mr J u

_ ijookei Tiit^uiU^iaJ_avaA-4w4d--f4^ow the homltgt Thui-day llcv Kxelby ofshyficiating

J^orn to Mi1 and Mr Fivnci- CaiT cf Detroit un Satuulay a dausdit-j

Monday G r a h a m Swarthout ti t his OS h ballot He tirst voted for James Polk on the Whig- ticket and has voted a Whiif or Republican ticket ever since

The Democrats rvon rll the office here Monday but Highway Comm and JusMee CX Campbell won the firsr ofTice and V H Ci-ofoot the second James Harris was rlt -elected supervisshyor 11 J Carr clerk A M Roche t reas Diivid i^r iet Ovr-r-ier and Joh1 Fohey Hoard of



3 Beds mattresfes and springs

Dining Room Suite consisting of

Table Side Board and Chairs

2 Dressers 2 Commodes mdash

- - - J ] o i n to Xick Jh-aley antl wilk of beyond the reach of ( pJainficlci or March 2 a vi Commenting further ^ Mr a rd Mrs Alfrd MorgaB-ltX Oi-j

t ivot have moved on tT- bull ^ hem

implements are most fa imers ui the debate he said Prisoners must j v e t have moved on thlaquo llaquoufirlaquolaquoVfti-rn be kept busy at something so let them j they purchased do something that no one else in the j j o n n Marshall 01 G r e ^ state does Every manufacturer of Thursday and Abe Harpi rS finished agricultural implements m | t ] K r e gt April 1 this state has either heen fnrrnd mit | i - ^ Notes of

Kitchen Utensils

1 Cider Barrel

Center Tablr

Quantity of Antique Furniture

or bought ou by the haiTcster trust i The adoption of this amendment i should break- the price at least in this s ta te

Rep Charles Adams bill- - J al l^v the county boards of supervisor to set the a m o u n t of dog t a x to be colshylected In their counties in proportion


1 Organ Pictures

Round Oak Stove Crocks

Quantity of Dishes

S everal R ocking Chairs

1 Swivel OfTice Chair

Barrel Churn Quantity of Bedding

Sanford Marble took up this farm in 1835

and it has been owned by the family ever




Also many other articles too numerous to



Jas Marble Est f t

ERCY EUJS Auctioneer

to the amount of sheep r claims fllod hoi-w- Mond was passed las t week by the aid of Democratic votes The Republican representatives ffoiii Irfgham and otlv fi counties turned it down Livingsshyton county should be jfrfitl to the

-X)7mocra t i cmdashi^r t fen ta t ives -mdashfrnm Wagtne county who voted almost solshyidly for it Without their suppoj^t it could not have passed

^ n o t h c r bill which Ropresjcntativr Adams is backing would rc^as subdivision property on which the t i x cs have been delinquent for a certain number of years a t the price of fa ir acrea^c These pieces of property aifecfed were originally farms sold by their owners to real estate men who subdivided them Then they werers seamped at the price of city lot- ^ h e slump eamelaquo the sale of these lota endshyed and the farmers got the land back again when the real estate men deshyfaulted on the i r payments Most of the farmers were unable to tako ^ho back on aecount of the back tax s against them k I t is generally concedshyed tha t these will never be paid Thit bill would xtduee these taxes by as-sesing the J4n4 a t the valuer of farm acreage There a re thousands of such farm lands In Wayne Oakland Mashycomb and Washtenaw counties

bull ii i bull i ^ i a n bull

DiraquopatcN of April 6 1885 ^ School begins at Chuhbs Corn IN

Monday with Mi- Crrvic Hcrninon as ^eacher

John Donokuc living on the Scotcli farm at Fortage Lake b t a sv ltbullbull

homo aged



T H E FLOWING H A X P I How the Orea t Scientific Detective B e i t m o n ~ Solvod a Series of -Strange Murders Told in The American Weekly the Magazine Distributed with NEXTraquo

V C 8 J C A G 0 H l i l f t L D AND g j Supei-visor Wm P e t e r s ^ l e r k j W Swetnty) Trtau J F Lemon

ay James Ryan died at his

Dexter township April 4 years

Daniel Roberls of Chubb has 35 half-breed Vsi-te piamppoundjJiaJLaxc dandtef

The following people have rcc VQlt1 notary commissions Samul D Mark-ha^n Bej Larue Dan Wright i l 1 Gardner Zobina Chamber

TJan Richards has rented his blackshysmith shop to Parker amp Spears of Wobberville

Albert Wilson announces- that his well-known trott ing stallion Mam-brino Rattler will make the season at his farm this year

G I) Wood has pone to Crro where he has bought an intercut in a pail and tub factory

There were 317 votes cast heiv Monday of wJiich ICO were straight democra t and 75 Reptrbhrarr Ihr Democrats won all offices here with tthe following majorities Supt Jas Marble 90 Clerk W P VnnWinkle 67 Treos C V Van Winkl- 00 Justice W A Carr 106 Highwav Comm Chas Bailoy 10 School Insp Dan iMurta 78 Constables Em-mett Murphy Patrick Kenncdy-r j-M White Jas Timmons

In Unadilla Dan Barton was electshyed Supervisor Arthur (Jroen CIbull-

- N Bi-aley Tioas j J t DicKen son Just ice D H Denton School Jnsp V Perry Highway Comm v

In Hamburg Jas Van Horn won

Neighboring Notes Dr Duncan Cameron of Detroit

will be associated with Dr Melius of Dnghton after April 1

inspector Van Ness of the State pharmacy department was in Uri-jht-on checking up last week to see Viuit

-4+^-j^te+t^-othtTmdasht+ran dFug stores handle aspirin ]iy a ruliig of the attorney general all stores oth r than drug stores selling aspirin are liable to a fino of $100

Stockbiidgo and Fowlcrvillc hav both fallen lor donkey baskeball and games of this nature in which tiir players ride burros were played in eat-n town recently

Edward UirdsalJ fi son of Mr and Mrs L E Hirdsall of FovlerviTe won first prize of $5 in a violin playshying contst at the CJmdmcr theater Lansing recently There were 15 in the contest

The Baptist Evangelical Methodi-i and Presbyterian churches of H o w i J starting April 7 will hold union len-tcn services

Mail Carrier George Nichols of Howell will reire after 30 years ser-icegt- 27 percent of the Livingston counshyty tux was turned in an delinquent Jhis is the best showing that has been nude in tills county in many years

Porn to Mr and Mrs Rex Drown of Lansing March 23 an 8 a-4 lb son

Henry Ford has purchased the powshyer and water lights known as the Pet-tibonc plant at Milford of F S Hub-bnll who liars owned it for the past 20 years It was formerly used to furnish electric power Just what Mr Ford will utilize it for has not been satcd

Two CCC camps willbeestablished m the Waterloo project s ta te park jn

-Jackson and_W^a^tfmafclaquoowgttee-wftn~ in the next two months- They will accomodate 200 men One will be at Poi-tage Lake in Jackson- county and the other on Mill Lake on the old Glazier country home 4 miles west of Chelsea

The Farmers Union is contemplatshying establishing a co-operative mik station in Washtenaw county From 4000a to 5000 lbs of milk would bo handled daily

Henry Ford hw rerewed his opshytions on the water rights on the Salshyine river at Milan

Michael KeUey that embattled Irishman from Dexter spells his name K-e-l-j-pythen crosses out the second e by way of emphasising that his is the good old Irish -spelling

Washtenaw PotTtibune John At tenbemt Webster farmer

received two brokenribs a dislocated knee and a punctured lung when a windmill he was repairing foil on him He i| a t an Ajm^AJbjir hospital^mdashgt-

WHY WOMEN CRY rgt r B A T M E N SWEAR Profoaoei Donald A LUlWtT

psychologist explains the^reasonigYvj en by science for thedeep-seated or-tampnif difTerencea which make men be have so differently from-Wpmen Rend the article in The American weekly w i ^ ^unday i ^ ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^



_ _

m m x2 m

Tffli-Yy ^^s

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935


ELECTRICITY WASTE Radio stations unavoidably waste

an incredible amount of electricity because less than two one-thoushysandths of 1 per cent of the power leaving their antennas Is ever used The average station has to send oufc-constantly more bull t han 50000 times as much energy as its listeners coujd possibly consume If all of them had their sets turned on durshying all the hours-of its broadcast lngmdashColliers Weekly

bull bull bull laquo raquo

Dr Pierces Plenant Pellets are theorig iampal little liver pills put up SO years ago They regulate-liver and bowelrmdashAdv

Be ReMttaaM Idttrriage is ^ o t a failure If too

mujftV is not e l e c t e d of i t

YDS bowe i orf les

Xhjamp U-atest ampajg^k4rcopyu^wheth$r the system needs a cathartic change

lpound you Jave constant sluggishspells of bilious attacks and laxatives seem to make things worse it would be

1 ase let |poundy this Stop all use of any laxative that


may beeht toolarge ajlosa for your indiviaual neen)T9sesteatiraquoa liquid laxative that you cah m e a s u raquo and regulate

^ as tq ltdoaegtAs neoMary to repeat lakesmMer^mlamp^inditsA often W i t h e b o ^ t S ^ ^ M j f i i t i i o u t

any help at all r J i ^ U J bullraquo Doctors- and

a properly prepared liquid laxative containing natural laxative agents

u ik3laquoma l i a t a s o a W raquo lt ^ f t ) y and ablamphing

You caa aet Df Caldwells S

a t ^ y ^ a t o r e 7 ^

- i -

bull gt y bullbullgt

bull ill [ill fP

Jnlaquot h r E m ^ g r - f ^ ^ a ^ ^ i f e n t t e a

bullonmdashlike men

-tr AV J ^ bullbull

Golden Dawn

By Peter B Kyne

Copyright by Bell Syndicate WNU Service

S Y N O P S I S -

A ltV

ERRV PUREBRfM C ^ s F ri bull

fllU^ltffW klaquoV

r raquo



Dont take a back seat wnen if cotnes to grow-i ng flfiw bull V raquoP 1 a n V

f JPe^rya^urebred Flower Seeds and your garden wil l be t h e envy of

IOM They are pire-

Theodore Gatlin adopts a baby Peshynelope in an effort ttr-solve his matrishymonial troubles But his wife has never wanted her and their affairs end in the divorce court At a baseball

-game a ball strikes ten-year-old Peshynelope on the nose Mrs Gatlin spirits the child to Europe Gatlin wills Peshynelope all his money and 1s about to bpoundgin a search for her when a motor accident ends his life Some ten years later in San Francisco Stephen Burt rising1 young psychiatrist is presented by Dan McNamara chief of police with a new patientmdashNance Belden a girl with a dual personality for which her saddle nose is in part responsible McNamara does not think she is a criminal and obtains Burts testimony in court Lanny the doctors office nurse is also won over Nances crimshyinal record outweighs Doctor Burts explanation of her case and she is sent to San Quentin penitentiary bull Nance escapes although shot and goes to Lannys apartment From one of the men In the boat on which the girl escaped McNamara learns that Nances real name is Penelope Gatlin He also discovers that she is heiress to S750-000 Fearful of McNamara in his ofshyficial capacity Narce fiees Lanny finds her in her apartment asleep Then she disappears and McNamara learns that she is living in Paris

CHAPTER VIIImdashContinued mdash 2 0 mdash

This was too much Lanny put her arms around him and kissed him on each cheek And that s a seal thatll get by too

Pan was embarrassed Lanny was too mdashgo she took a has tydepar ture

The two men stared after her adshymiration In their eyes A dmdashd fine woman that None finer said McNashymara

Why dont you marry her The suggestion popped out of Doctor Burt as suddenly as it had occurred to him

nNow theres an idea McNamara mumbled dazedly How long have you been mulling it over

Subconsciously since you entered the office I caught a gleam in Lannys eyesmdashand when she kissed you the

subconscious crystalized into the conshyscious

Ill think It over Youll not think it over Mac Youll stake up your mind new And I can

rather be a bachelor than a disapshypointed lover

Tell you what to do Mac Stephen advised Send her a nice photograph of yourself If she puts It in a silver frame you may proceed with confishydence

How WiH I ktfamptf gtfnr ltbull Mf its^ fh ifSilve^ frame -oh the

dressing- table In her bedroom itll be a cinch gt

^ HowHT get into her bedroom you

blockhead - f bull- Ill steal her latchkey and have a

duplicate iuade-JTtlen you t an investishygate V

McNamara rose ^arid held out his hand Tis a pity -Stephen my boy you arent in ipy detective bureau Good night -bdquobull

The annual parade of the peJice force was but a week-sJUtaat and during that week Dan lited^fptirety on orange juice and spent Jitsnightshia Turkish bath As a result he dropped eight potmds off Tils northern Elevation Very erect and ffiariftal he sat on a milk-while charger while a photographer took several exposures of him and his command

When the prints were delivered to him he sent them all toLanny with a note saying

bullNow that we- are both in the same croaked conspiracy^ I thought you might be interested1 In having the latshyest photograph laquoofthe biggest crook of thenf all bull - bullbull -Tljte following day Stephen Burt sent

him a -key a n Che following after-nbou McNamaralethimself rnto Lanshynys houSe and discovered one of the photoson her drelslng ta6lemdashand In a gold frame Another print in a silver frame appeared id her drawing room _

Holy Closes lie soliloquized Im In for it now I Godhelp me theres no escape


Upon nls return to his office Mc-Nairfafa fooild in his mail a photoshygraph of Lanny indorsed To dear old franmdashfrom his partner In crimemdash

Xanny IVJilie he was gazing upon it -and telling himself how little justice the portrait did the beloved subject Stephen telephoned demanding that he come- to the office __^

bullLanny was in ears T v e j u s t had another visit frpm Mrs--Merton Dan Stephen Tgtega1T- It seemsTEhat af ter i twgt years of inactivity during which

ftlnie she had elected to believe Pene-fcrpe (Satlin deadshe has developed a crazy notion to prove it She wants to get Penelopes fortune

Yoraquo questioned h e r about her daughter

Yes but she doesnt know It said Stephen I hypnotized her first and spent an hour questioning her and It appears that this morning she visited your captain of detectives and asked him to throw out a dragnet to locate Peftelope Qrttlin- bull bull Sdie bull brought him some snapshotst)f -the girlmdashtold him ) heT real name--all about her moneymdash the girls habits and peculiaritiesmdash everything When Tlt1 discovered

that Penelope Is an escaped convict They will immediately deport her an4 Flynn will meet her at Hobokeu

But cant you do anything about It Dan Lanny pleaded

Nothing Klynn and Angellotl are on the trail officially now He stared at Lanny tragically Im out of the picture now and can do nothing but advise you Send two cablesmdashone to Nance Belden in Paris and the other to Penelope Gatlin at the same adshydress Say Come at oncemdashLanny dyingmdashcable name vessel on which leaving and sign It Steve

111 meet her at the dock Stephen decided Im due in New York next week

Youll do nothing of the sort said Dan Ill send that convict in my honsfe He shuddered ami grimaced in his distress 1 could handle the wop with money hut Flynn has sworn an oath And because Ive made a monkey out of him hell keep It Hed rather make a monkey out of me now than acquire great richesmdashand if Im broke most likely the captain of deshytectives will step into my shoes and Flynn will stand a good chance of beshycoming captain of detectives Oh mur-deration Lanny darling have you a little whisky in the house Im faint so I -am

Youre suffering from heart trouble you egg Lanny cried savagely Yes A weak heart a soft heart a human heart

Send that cahle he roared Yes get busy Lanny Stephen

urged The bird of time has but a little way to fluttermdashand the wretched fowl is on the way

After Dan McNamara had left his office Doctor Stephen Burt gazed with mild disapproval upon Lanny

^Unlike you and Dan McNamara he said I dislike having the peaceful tenor of my life disturbed

This Intrigue is myrrh and Incense to me Stevie

I know it You and Dan love a fight for Its own sweet sake but I do not I have a particular aversion to grand Jury Indictments and it is a posshysibility you and your boy friend have let me In for

FiddTesTicksr Lanny Ill be angry with you In ft

minute Now listen to me and whatshyever you do do not talk back Dan McNamara has-iuwi out on us I mean you Hes through Dans rattled If he tradnt been hed uever hav_pound or-dered the Sending of such a fool cableshygram

Dan McNamara knows his way about Lanny defended Hes more than nine years old

So do I Lanny It will be highly dangerous to send that cablegram How Is she to know it Isnt a message to decoy her hack to the penitentiary If she receives it while shes Penelope Gatlin she Is extremely liable to cable for confirmation before acting on i t That would mean a delay of not less than twenty-four hours On the other hand if she is Nance Belden when she receives it she will leave Paris openly and walk right into the hands of the New York police Im not much of a

SOURCE OF STRENGTH A strong man Is one who realizes

how weak other men are

AND THAT -GLADLY The only thing some people wlB

share with you is trouble

Now Relieve Your Cold Quick as You Caught It 55

1 Take S BAYER Aspirin Tablets bullbull Make sure you get the BAYER Tablets you ask for

i Drink a full glass of water Repeat bull treatment in 2 hours

For Amazingly Fast Result Remember Directions

In These Simple Pictures

The simple method pictured here i s the way many doctprs now t rea t colds and the aches and pains coldt bring with them

I t is recognized as a safe sure QUICK way For it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it

Ask your doctor about this And when you buy be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly And thus work almost inshystantly when you take them And for a gargle Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness leaving no irritating

particles or grittiness BAYER Aspirin prices have been

decisively reduced on all sizes so theres no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want

J If throat is sore Crush and stir 4 bull BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third

of a glass of water Gargle twice This eases throat soreness almost instantly

PRICES on Genuine fiayr AtpMm Radically Reduced on Alt Sln$

Made My Car Look New Again

Youll marvel too at how beaushytiful your car looks after you Simoniz it But Simonizing does more than just bring back the lustre and beauty your car had when new It makes the finish stay beautiful Dust and dirt wipe off of a Simonized car with a dry cloth and the finish sparshykles as bright as ever So always insist on Simoniz and Simonix Kleerier for your car



J spring of generations of perfect plants

bull ^ bull bull bull

f O J R N E I G H B O R H O O D

S T O i i E T H pound M I N


mdash M A N Y O N L Y



REDUC-So laquoielaquo1slaquo 5o-staging No flrugi Slaquonlt1 for free circular and read how I lost 123 4ba n IVntfrntlM wili my newdiscovary Or Ifften to broadeaistover WJF and

r g m w bawience MauKs rar~RgfrPttag-bullAaraquominjt l i bo 11 fe at an drug ttorlaquos or send 1100 for trial bottle Sent postpaid

Suffered From Tetter

on Hands Aefoved by Cutcunt

laquo1 tufferedfor two or three years with tetter on my hands If I did any work they wonld bleed and be-

C Sto pfrtvfMh vlmmpoundamp0poundwere toousand dollarsmdash kin all the time What You a chief of police anld

This WM TeeMuchpoundlaquonVyjqt J ^ Him and Kltaed Him on Each ChaeK



t-remedies but sent- foTj a free

F f e o f g a M after I rem great Juckasa I know that I

aging onecake of Cuticnra Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment1

Few Market Tens

1raquoctmr2flcraquoo1ltr everywhere One

cm ISUiCrampofiSMj vvpt Rj Balden Ma-A4v bull-


bull bull

get along without her although the goV enough to ftufc Unify In tears I awakshying will be pretty sklddy But of courseJenen^-Vrs^Mertofr a n i e n t her away bullhell marry you If you askbecvLanDyhap tpy bitty wJpiIJiM^command firmly never proffers her friendships or her plqnted 1frac34 her sVihConsclous mindmdashshe lovea on the half shell bull And theresV nuit not ttynk pf Xbegtame Penelope still time my boy still time Gatlin Jhen1 -awakened her 1 asked

bullNot if she goes to Paris hepylf bullbull]raquo had laquongt adoated daughter Ive heard of police chleTs-securiagf Stot rlaquo|)lte(llaquorprlt8ed4thatshe bid I

a leave of absence for six months- |3theA$slaquociAferthejraquoainlaquo of this adopt-MI couldnt take a six m o n U i s h o n ^ f edlaquoegWrflMAgtrf--tolaquoli of terror came

bveYher face Flaquoilaquoraquo he life of her she c o n l d V r t h W o f ^ V uarne and begged

Sp^no^y^r^erit^orrrt If knew it f t s a ^ I t ^ ^ d l d n ^ t h i n k of doing

Ive saved eig^it

anly worth eight thousand dollars God help me boy Im honest bull

bull Stephen roared his merriment Why

Wouldnt - let every man have Laraquo4fv J But dont yon worry about money U n Tlie f laquo ^ s l W deg r 0tradetrade MJ

py is a business woman She man- | Fl-imantl ^ngejMtl hn the caso^he ogod raquo e iawaU^waa-a--ha includes my finances Pro with g-o^d dividend paying stocks S o u l thebankmraquolV ln inl^ries Wten he know I could be a mighty ood friend j p r w n i e d hla icredetftiaIs the cashier to the man whowould be good bullo^AraquowraquodTilB|rgtV^gt-lirrng Thpyil laen-j ^ n n y - - lt $ifjr thatolirl asNanceBeklert trace

bullTil consider the proiWlaquoltinnlt tHabull rfrer t f r i f tn 4raquoraquo ^ajrHy a I did raquond iiiutioas Celt replied although Td f tarTrlaquoairaquojievlaquorraquomenwwUi he notjlled

thatltMfoJe she-u^Kl-1frac34 the detective Jburenu wtth heri in for mat Win McXa-bullmaaraquoeriasflaquontgt cajjei UR the Security Trlitt- cbtapany __ J3L-^_^ = 1 =

detective but tonight Pm a better ono than that McNamara idiot

Hes not an idiot Hes one of thraquoraquo finest men I ever knew

Keep quiet he ordered severely You ditch my train of thought

He drew a sheet of paper joward him and commenced writing while Lanny ^glowered at him Presently he sat up and read

Grave danger bull stop beat it some other country traveling by motor stop upon arrival tfable address stop If need funds will cable them stop leave Paris establishment Koing concern stop gO out for walk and disappear stopunless these Instructions followed you leave

trail -fur jtM^eltiaOFlaquo_ tdeg_ fol low r ^Slac

He looked up How do those in- struotiona strika youiT


Uiraquo the Soft Pedal wpout try t ma^e too much noise In

de world said Uncle Eben A gwod inglneer ain gwlnter use up ai l Ail steam blow in de whistle


MM toiMtraquoraquoUmdashbullgtmdashltgtbull


nwiminnwy i ^ i i i i

bullv-- I


The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1396 B amp


Change To Summer Grease Now

Drive in to Laveya Service Station and let us remove that light winter grease and put in heavier summer

Dont put it off To use winter grease in summer is injurious to your car

Full Program Ahead


A strong gain in mLnvoersmp a healthy growth in number or troops and enthusiasm in Scout advancement lor the first quarter of lgt3o is reshyported by Scout Executive Walter At ac Peek

During the three months period just ended u) new boys have become Scouts and two new troops have Deeiraquo addea in the Council igtL Scouts have advanced to Second Class ranx 3u Scouts nave become t irst Class raru and ltfb Merit badges have been earned

X Mobiloil Gas

Goodyear Tires

Look Forward to Camping A scries of work parties are beshy

ing planned to be hela at Camp New-kirk to clean up and paint up and glt t the ramp in the best possible simp lor its lull use this spring and sumshymer

hach troop is urged to work out a carefully planned camping advenshyture either at Camp Newkirk or elsewhere


Advancement Plan Boanls of Review and Coutt- of

Honor are being planned to be hela at lYujuent intervals in all district to encuura

Training Opportunities Monhy meetings of Scout leaden

are being held and two Wfok-cnd Training conferences have b -en an-nounceu for early in May

Continued from fifet page to be conferred This he eajd were pricelaes for the reaeon that they

j must be c a n e d by a nettbership of I forty years in good atandinfc Lodged

can bestow eueh honors aa election to office etc but only forty years memshybership can secure a l ife membership

Key Jerome of Dexter s chedu le bulla the next speaker was bull preveated from coming1 by illness

Dewey Hesse of Saginaw an aspirshyant for election to grand lodge this year spoke next He is called the -talshylest Mason in Michigan He amid the support of Livingston Lodge VaS reshygarded as the rabbits foot and hoped that he would be favored with it this year He also paid-hia respect to the members of grand lodge end all blue lodge brothers and made a fery agreeable impression

Hugh McPheraquoonpast graiyi Jnast-er of Michigan Masons and present grand treasurer was next Toasjwast-er WHson remarked that i t -was poundhe natural tendency of -the Scotch to handle funds that they were always as careful in handling other peoples a their own anddthat while their atshytempts to obtain the position of cusshytodian of exchecker could be delayed it was impossible to prevent i t Mr Jtc Pherson talked on grand lodge affairs and stated that the Masonic home at Alma had paid all theirtotkl tnctebt-


At an hour in the march of evcati wneraquo a service it moat needed you will find vjifj

and capable whatever the epraquoerfeac^raquo To be first in completenett and atfteaf iveness has ever been our aim Italir experienced direction our aemcotIsMeV maintained a reputation for and sympathy The charge it ftra$e very reasonable



poundOST__A Chevrolet

truck-wheel and tire (J J CaJs Pinckney


edness of $ 1 2 0 laquo $ this year through ^ ^ M Jdeg t F ^ T - r - 8 0 a c l e s - Squire bull - - - - - bull - -bull - A VanSickle Highland Lake P i n o

THE INQUIRING REPORTER Malice to All Charity to None

We spied Stanley s r ndy sipping ^oltla at the Sugar How] Friday night Who was the sugur with yut Sar

file printers devil evidently isnt j-]XQding all his vicatiun down on tv farm We also saw him at tho Sugur Jgtol Who said-this wouldnt g-t i)

Well Afyrrr has eont- back CJ his fir-love hut he still likes the theatre

Around here it seem- to be in the sprinp a young mans fancy lightshyly turns to thoughts of old loves as we also saw Lefty with his old girl

BobDMloway and- Vtrgmta swrnrrdr to beenjoying Clive of India howshy

ever we don think Ronald Colmao deserves all the credit

Bob Head made good use of his vacation to jet befter acquainted with Sockbridge and its attractions

Now as for Jim he seems to prefer the attractions the open country ha-gt to offer

In case anyone is eouple a cute ni^h

ooking for a watclimen you

I might consult Kmmett Clark and iill I Drown

Speaking of Hill he ooked like a -ulan with his proverbial haiem a I the show Sunday Hes ro piker Hin Bill Lamb i- now going for

blond troraquoes We feel it our duty to inform you Hill that red locks are

the thing this spring [ - Well anyhoo ihiiv -was rip slar 111 | the cigar sales election night Only I they should issue instructions on how J to smoke em ih Howie

Philco Radios




Phone 72 Marvin Shirey


the fact that the brothers-had paid v p - bdquolaquo ttWi ^ f t e r - m l v a ^ ^ i W ^ l i ^ ^ - d 1 1 ^ ^ ^ aTxPherson is known n e y tradeone o 8 F 2

to most every penarolaquoin this county P n p QktA deg and is always laquo favorite speaker [ t i- ^ ^ 1 ^

The f o l l o w i n g m u t e n and W t s i S ^ copy -masters of visiting lodgedwere tnt- called upon and introducedDdiald Dancer Chelsea Harold tJdrrow Howell EIHs Gsecn P raquo Pharcs Winney Ann Arbor CltH WhitnTcy Stockbridge j Robert ^fflfiips Brightshyon A Hepplnstair ^mst Lansing Clyde Yelland Fowlerrile Roy Har-

Chelsea William Tiel - Mason Chester Miller Chelsea Clarence Mar rohey ChelseaA C JDigby South Lyon Eugene McLachian Ann Arbor Ira Ott Dexter Bird Hifrht Howell^ Ross Hidebrand Hqwell Roy Hardy Howell W E_J8immer Maaan^fcd-ward Drewpy Howell John Vorwerk Saginaw David Steptoe Dekter

Supt Morse laquoang two more song the last one of which ks dedicated to the members mf the J^asorile fra trnity Then lodfe Wjaa opened and life membership oertl^oa^f and cards presented to Eugene Caffifcbell byjliis son Andrew Johp ifclajtmj by Percy Ellis Dr CL SigUr by^ohn Martin W H Clark by PaulJSlark and Chaa J Teeple by RAifisell 14vermore This ended the evenings program end anshyother past m^fters night obaerrance of Livingston Lodge Jo 16 had be-oome history


| Fxecutive Boarlt To Meet I The April Executive Hoard meeting 1 will be held at Chas^McKenny Hall in J Ypsilanti on Tuesday evening April

iraquoth at o p in Members of the Board fris i are M li Zimmerman^ John S Page

Ralph Weeks Dr E A Ross and Floyd Weeks from the northern disshytrict Dr Theron S Langford Albert

Fiegal D r W E Foi-sythe Judge J 1 0 rj-ay Hackley Butler Ira M

SmithT)T-T~TJToTmuon George E Paul DrJJ B Howell Otto W Hais-ley Eugen Power Clarence Newman Prof Robert B Hall Emmett Gib- Fielding H Yost Al K Richarus Dr gtlax Durfite and Herbert Wagner of the middle distiict C P Steimle Paul B SarnT^i ricgtltiBattelte Supt Ernshyest Chappelle William Foy W C Con rad Lt Coin A C Schradlt r George McKim ThurJWW Hodley Supt T MshyClay Fiank Locson and George l iun-dv of he southern district the three-

40 acres Inquire of

WANTEDmdashA man to work by tno month Also early and late seed poshytatoes for sale Bert Hooker

o FOR SALSL_Sturdy Barred R o d Baby Chicks bred to live and lay Our flocks are inspected and approved by M S P I A For the past ten yearV we luve improved our flocks each year Their past performance is our recomshymendation Also hatching eggs at 65c a felting for the first three settings thereafter 3c an egg

Van Horn Hillside Farm -mdash o

HEFbl l lrYOL-U-yen=Get- our prices on -June Clover Common Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Aslike Clover and W B Sweet Clover Complete lino of Oliver Walking Plows ant- Spring-tooth Harrows See the New 12 |V2-ard Walking Plow Open Evenings W Q Jury - Hardware- amp rmplementr Hamburg Michigan

mdash o

FOR SEBVICS A p t r l s 5Terty Bear Fee $100

G e e t C r e W y

F 6 1 SALK A litUe dcy ana pound i i ^ weee


Cttxgf Scaa em -e

FAJM FOB M a f F ^ S p J g r t M taifce ^ n s wi t t I M T a o w laquolaquoI werk land nraquot eqaipperf Ca^reVft

laqirire agt Dtepa^e Office

^u w

FOR ^ raquo l V 4 C B _ P e U a d ChTaa fctiA $100 Afie 2$ Umae fe jauV

M laquo Shears mdash ~ e ^ mdash

FOR S A L E ^ F i v e parr Reck regt tera for ^ raquo e ^ f c 4reraquo J a y m f ^eck

VaaHers V W d e Farm

FOR SALD OR TljfcBJp Ur osaDer fern eraquo heoxe i t t i w l 2 1 U acrts impnTed ~XmSm~ampir^FiMknlaquoy

Walter (itrees

I district commissioner are Rev Homer M Noble of Howell Rev

Edward Blakeman of A m Arboi Dean James M Brown of Vpsitan

Dr Dr a U

FOR SALEmdash-Early Seed Potatoes R E Kelly Pinckney

o -FOR SALEmdashEating and Seed potashytoes both early and late a ls 0 seed corn H Barkoviu Beebe iVgtn

o - - -

Eataeliahed 18S5 raceri ierat^10II

Over Si^tySevea T e e n f Safe








1-2 miles Northeast of Pinck-

FOR SALEmdashThree ton OJ A No 1 marsh hay two ton of mixed hay Bert Hicks

o FOR SALEmdashWoTk


bull T w ^ l r ^ SALE^Ar Incubator 200 egg e poundeop lf - 5 ^ frac34 1 frac34 H t r i S n p W m ^ ^ i laquodegdeglti condition and about 25laquo f U o w J l inctfturt coon i bQndleAf cornstalks Mr Eli Vroa 9 I OnJanuaJ7 6 fast a c a r dnvlaquon by i H nd t j H a y s and containing Wmalf Hndinev f Clyde iymLaU -collijed ^-ih one on bull i li a 1laquo driven by Edward Wepman + iuf Grand Repide Mj-a^tinpie Wep-+ nan mother of- Edlaquoardv received in-J juries which resulted in her death

I jlaquo Htill laWft ]raquo a l - l eV^owthy re- tt

ceived a spinal fracture and Clyde Kimball received a compound fracture of the leg and has been in the hospishytal at Howell ever since The prosshyecution claifil Haywaraquo intoxicated at the time and has presented eevefal

wtneawraquo Wprorcv liftytu^M several pneviguraquoans|a tW dfujikeiine and in 198S barred a jail eent^nvc In irS4 he wat placed on probation His attorneys rcopy Don Van Winkle and Jay Sweeney Prosecutor Berrlman is ropreientlngthe people

Tea-Sifling PKG

i Apple ButterQT J A R19C Mixd Vegete 1



NO 2frac12 CAN


NO 2




The Availability of Good


norse I2 yc irs old cheap Inquire at house opposite Hause school Fred L Woodwortn

FOR SALLU Bantam and Everirrccr seed corn W C Hendee

mdash 0 mdash LoST^tJstrayed from my premises degn e nog Finder please notify R Webb Pincknpy Mich

i $ laquobull



State i

bull lt raquo


FOR SALE_Plymouth Reck Eggs for hatching from accredited fowl

M M Robert Kelly


ANT Ueivldatli teyagiBg on tha t ieuiled ee t et mortal tilaquo i i teett isey k liktaed te

boatmen xeviag aiaitat the ti4e With itreampueuB sectjt4 eeeatlti i affort they work u tkoufe agaSmtt a power fFOR SALEmdash 5 which they t e U laquo i - r u if- tot ep- J ootid raquoweae theagt itt a Alreetiee the very oppetrte J that i t whiek tkey have set t k t i f count

To each ineUaiiut tkt 4ii4 ka-ven it hit kifheat eoaceraquot of good that i txuof kumat ojporloaeo vkitk he beiievet will trlag t i laquo eaUafee-tlon and ftoeffOB f r t laquo firrthex atrog-ples gome t t i i f t it gtia poajtaafea of somethiflf irhlth ikoy belitTt blaquoti

FOR SALtU-Wcstinghousu RiiijBje 3 burner 2 ovens Retngcvator 6 cu ft

Geo Reasoji

Electric Electric

-Seed rotatoea Bea Adams Hazt Farm

o mdash bullmdashbullmdash

- - - Ducks (4 hens 1 laquorake)j 3year-old lambs (2 ewes 1 bock) g ee Stmhraquon Prtrn ft

jPlickney Mich r

FOR SALE OR RENTmdashFurm with good buildings 110 acres of land 1 4cre of raspberries Easy payments if kought If for rent cash 1 Ann Samborsku

Pinckney Michigan RFD No 2


10c SaladDresngampti7c



CHOICE 29c V Youll Get Better Meats at

Phone We Deliver

at all Timet


e o ^ raquo i 2 l ^ T u r k -cover tometkug vh ie i Ulaquojy aPioar ^ ^ 0 to te^lMiuLwIipllkfeHkMr J - H S Drf Hindi opportuaity attoaoaf home e e raquo p a i

Vewelt MWm

Swrtiet tre^ttet V



The Federal ( M f c s p t A t t

cal led for payment ea April loth

1035 all United Statea Beoda ef the

Feurth Liberty L o ^ with e^akers

eadjng in 6laquo6-



tort tend Inquire of Mike Lavey

^ W p M ^ ^ t T H C d e t f ^ a t JQamp RENTmdash t o acres of hay or pas which n e t row ip^eiloi to e t i U i all tts iormt UtitUiBg lack liMUatiea poverty aa4 dJftcoraquo4 t a t tke boot ia which they tea bark i t too extit of ha muu thought wklek wbta laquoet ttead led and borae aloag by tkt ipicitual understaedlag Of God rampay be turaed completely eOt eMtlaquoturraquoe

The teachinfi ofChrti l Jeiui ner er indicate tkat met laquoulaquot ttruggle against evil as seavatkJAg t t t i to orshyder to gala good ctaee he laid Feax notr little neck fo i t i | your Fathshyers good pleatare to g4ve yon tho kingdom Wo may u k o tela kiag-(icui as doaotiag ail Uraquot U gooe aau iigtfying and Keee^ul u d tke daily life of the lrajttr mt a ttftiffloay to the truth of kit t t t tentat for tover at any time did ke explaquoriemee laoJr or HmitaUoo Who tkathas itadled tht Gospel narraUeot ota pieturo the gentle NamroftOsalsMgUpg ageiast evil as U i r ^ e r t fear er povtrful He know ^ritkeut 4 ikad^v of doubt the power frmojiH tltojat^TOiiaktUty of goodcmi evU 4 a presenet good aa

FCJt ^ B N T _ G o o d land on shares for any drop

Phillip Sprout e ^

FOSSALKmdashBaled Hay and Straw D E Hoey amp Sons

Dexter - Mich

WANTED All kinds of bulckciirg At your home or mint

John Martin Phont 1)3F-2

In ceanectieo ith Uu tail holders

of the above dflscrtbed tomes a t grv-

en tke eppertouity to excKangm Uxtir

present boiids f o r f e i t Umd$ czmwing

ntAreai at U f p v c e e e to b e dtfo

195-5-1060 r

f ^ r kuUit i c y o i e d e t M a f to

make tali exchange kftt tke privUogo

expires Hick 27th XW$

McPWm ShU la

nityaTippJy a j j to b e e v a n i b l e t o e U not llnjU tke t t l i laeBl hit owa oipfrioaoe Oa lie oaid that higfoUovi peat JOJ wTarkf t a o of mamttnd if to e facta tad tor spoke no 141raquo W -


Nlaquot food to eoatraxy

l i r o -aooomiity to tmoft riatJi

M lt -

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Com-

mittton Retail Store


r gtbull igt bull

Paul Spadafore Prop - Stockbridge Mich

3HEEP SHEARING WANTEP 1 mm prepared to do sheep shearing

at reasonable prices Power shears Clare Swarthout

QQoi U$i CmWi ifkeCkmlit amplraquo

Georxo Sigier mad raquo f a V O laquo j laquo r of Lansing vera

Cart Krimjtt to MeUui Hlt when hie car WeinjnoUtor coUMofl A G f a a o j i f i i r

yP -^Praquoraquoim bullm HlJ

bull ^ r Ul pound-

Page 5: SSRW«* PiirtmcyPispntri)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1935-04-03.pdf · r «~-*SSRW«* I*

Tke Piockney Dispatch Wednesday A_orf 3 1935

fTfee Pmdue Ifeidij cent ^ ^ cent ^

5 P A U L C U M

I Cash Specials Friday Saturday April 5 61 | P E A N U T BRITTLE lb raquo 1 | pfQfcOpTTFQCAME^ CHESTERFIELDS CARTON +4 M

Base Ball The Season Will Soon Be Here



l -O bull J L ltbullbullgt


^ ^ V Z U i J Base Balls r^if F r i d a y

I Toe and Heel Plates

Catcher Mitt

Fielders Gloves

4 i ^ 2

S SUGAR sect 10 Lb Cloth 5 Bag 49c

VIENNA I KELLOGS Sausage I Corn Flakes

2 Cans 15c I Lg Pkg 10c

MAXVELL i F OM sect House Coffee I Soap Flakes = Lb Can 30c | 5 Lb Box 28c sect


f j j h ^ o f a ^

bull M bull J W e H a v e Spaulding 1935 Sporting Goods Catalogue

bull i i Lgtlaquo1 3-1

v bull r


97i 25c

of MlJfoio hJTi of

ZZ t

5 APPLE SAUCE j BIG 4 SOAP RED CHERRIES GOLD MEDAL FANCY PRUNES pound I f X 2 Can 10c 10 Bars 29c No- 2 Can 12c | Hour $113 3 Lbs 25c I

= 7


I LEMONS Fancy Each I CARROTS Large Bunch I CRACKERS Exdls 2 lb

be 19c


RED amp WHITE TEA lb pkg 15c RICE FANCY 3 lbs 17c

GREEfTfc WHITE COFFEE 1 ib pkg X 21c

APPLL BUTTER at jar 17c MAC IVQN1 _ Z 2 l b bulk 15c

L ST TISSUE 5 rolls 19c


~^Tib 10c f

- J J

H E P 3 H E y S CUUOA gt 1 t I gt 1- rge can lCc E

t ltjf Lbullbullgt ^ - vr raquobullbull if fr bullbull_ v tn

i f ^jgty a r d 55 r - bullbullgted the Kjrv orrjv v-- --d M r Xoy

i V bull - bull - - r ~ - Lij

_ltiY -vlaquo-nTi^ i i l o v e - h ltJ a

and Mr Wraquor iolt-iilt-]rran of D -

- and --jr A-her bull 0 lt F r - laquo3 bulllaquo - bull -

gtultiz i f t - I -

bull AHx^r u-r- Sat- iO Mr- M h

ltbull H Zur^- arraquo4 T 7-bull Ja -t TJ---

P L O V D WBfeKS Prescription Druggist

I t

t i

1 Your Brakes 7 Arnt Working

then you are driving against the law Against yourshy

self too for faulty brakes cannot only cause mishaps

to others but to yourself as well For safetys sake

have your brakes tested today

= t bull 4 FOMATOES 2 No Cair LDEN BHNTAM CORN 2 No

Ann Arbor raquoit raquo bull - S u n

bull i i -lti-A M r -



- ] IraquoyltJiu- of I^an-Traquogt lt- of Ma-

bull ltgt Mr arii

bull bull i gti~gt- o f M

lt ] p v--r- Mi-- -lt Jaki yc(] lt-r of lt n Fiank D a n i ^ J i O V ]

I 1

W H MEYEfT i i s h t amp Heavy Hauling of All Kinds Mo-^ng

The Pinckney Disp -tcU $125 per yr

T (Ufirraquoraquo-niraquoii bullbull

- Au MVAmW r

bdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquobdquo bullraquobullbullbullbullbull raquobull raquoraquo bullraquoraquoraquobullraquo - -in-

L w -jr^i ^ mdash

J i bull K vuvati-

laquo bull bull gt bull bull

^ J raquo - bull

ijjr ilaquoi J-

week Mi bull i

ltlin r ^ j o v

gtii -- v J inj w

bullo-i and s wrbullbull in Lans- Mr T-U Sir- in Dctrot


burinltKii FrJltilty a Mr Will M-j-t


f J) iro vgtgt uiiay aftc-i-noon if-urij visited I^i^ _i_^t

recently i n gtlttrltMt-TCt week Koy livaroji ltJ

lat Wednesday Mi^ IIlaquortty CJiroj

I n

lti J

bull j laquo- ia iveigt

i o

] bull

f j j gt i l i i i t J v a - -

sr JaKt Fiedler

m - i r V i v--as a Sunday of Mi- Uorolliy lgtar-

jrinl Candenthai of Lavs-ju vc la- wrel of her iou^

in Mi-s l^hyl-i Sprout Mift K CTiaJillt r of Kalamazoo

j-pent thc^ w e l t cv-i with her parent Mr and M-- ^- JltdTic^gt

Mr altl Mr Io ltoe Carl of Landshying were art VltiiltKday dinner gu raquot 0 f K r a n d Mrs- Ko^ Klaquoad

W Lind and Mui^-r

i e

were in )-troitt Fjji^y jjpbullbull John ritziinrroji- )- L-ei lt

to higt hH-ltl by illne- ilt-gt bull- ( Oia isrniih ltjf M-o - t lt bull bull

tive- h c i e a couple of ltjiy j^ (ieorylaquo- Clark -U-4 hi- ujiltr

the Gate Saniantir-- Aici Fridaj

The Migtgtegt Virjriil^ (I)--i Hilda Hartmen welte in Huv Satshyurday

Mrs Phillip Sprout -plt r v he- jraquoagtt raquo week with her si-teia in Lan-iji^ anri DeWitt

1 raquo r i

bull rgt

ro Ji i lt gt

i raquo o - gt APML 5 SPECIALS SAT APRIL 6

i 4 bullIr i-d Mr r ( i r i i -

Lind o f iVj o i t were Sunday ^ ^ j ^ ^ S u n d a y with L at the hojlt- of r and Mrs- 1 W putnam Teeple

nTielaquot White and fam-

Gerald and A l h n Dinkl^ of M^-io-i T [bull ^fiy ^ inueJ Marti) oi

iit - fltiu Her )i Jack^o bull j j d a y

J-AW J1 Fio-t w tiikr-n u tc- Ii k bull y -oiiiuj-Uiii Saturday for a fi

y aiJjrHt

J i i lea-on laquoid vsife of Lilt bull of Mr i-r i MJ

Hersheys Cocoa

9 1-2 lb cans l ^ c


6 Soxes 25c

Maxwell House i Coffee


Mr a -gtu-gt ily Krangt V hi were ^ 3ir and Mir Lee Lave

araquogtd wife of Howell j- caflers at the home of

Putnam Mi-- irjee lirenin^lttail of Wayj Miampi Chariotbullbullbull Kly vi-ited at th wa- a i jf--rfiay ealler at the hoiiic o

home of Mr and Mrgt M K D a r r o w p i

Philatbea Notes

l^orothy Larrow

Mi- L lti IXveraux ard dau lbullraquobullbullbull l ietty and Helen vigtited Detroit Ja-tive-i several day-gt la-t week

Mnlaquo Flora Danow Migt- Blaquo-madine Lynch of ^-x--

200 Kpent the week end with

Our )Pgtgt-lt vere led skillfully throujfh tnlt- ilaquo---ons for review by Mrs fcuae ron Sunday bringing out th-charactlt tic of Feter as a Christian

JUclpU- a hown in the variougt | ^ h e ^ M ^ M a r y L y n c h

U u u t U i Jk m p i u u i t d a j iuliijf p H Swarthout and on Don and dimple p bull In-CooperwilJe Fridav

Our Pa o ^ n n o u n c e n r n t t h a t gtA F Wegener returned his ho otir cluss Vouidh^ponjlaquoor the n e x k S u n -

Saturday Mr and Mrgt FredIJortz and LiH bull

Martin ^pent Sunday at the home of John Martin

Mr and Mr Ivu^cne Dijltk i i Kenneth Teeple of Detroit cail--i Migtraquo Carmen Leland wen- in Detroit deg n MJ- and Mrs N O Frye Fi iday laist Friday and a-ieaded the Masonic-banquet

Clyde Dairow of Walled Lake and bull M r lt a r i ( i M ^ W n gt M a v ( 1 bdquo famly_Kpent Sunday wth ht nether C o raquo cr vlle pert several day- la-

vltlaquo wiLh Mr and Mr Mert Cartraquo-

ivgt ^-11

Dr Hoiiis Sigler and wife of i iow- lt 11 WJJ2 Sunday guesta of Vr ad

Mrs C

Nation Wide Coffee mdash^ lb 25c mdash

Calumet Baking Powder ib can 23c

All-American Coffee Mi



Silver Fleece i Sauer Kraut

No212can 10c 1


day cA-enin^ rices as one LeHten event was briefly noted and raquoomc plans diltculaquoJieltL

A few boxes were brought in for the Cent-ii-Meal second opening foi which the church missionary treasurer is grateful

Ne5ct Sunday is Missionary Sunday in the church school THis also rfhouk receive- the attention - o f Philathea and others that we may quickly mak up our quota and be able to heir meet our own local church need Some who have no boxen are contribshyuting personally

One1 a^ain our sympathies g o out to Ihoho who Morrow at thiraquo t ime beshycause of the passing o Rev Berquiilaquot Anca our lat note- were Mraquont out Services were hehi here for th1raquo form- cfnJW^r^xnJut-- Friday

A blaquoraquoy7Tance over our new bull raquo-cOn quart bullbull -Mylt ws that we have-j l o s i n g w r In Pinekrvy bullt

i^or-d^-ful raquotudie ahead o f u^ neMlay We under-i rvf WtfJl jraquo--ltfc bull iVom botW old a n d lwhum_ri-ntJ thr Mmtlgt f raquo -

-- tie$amppound^-~--^4 l^Mfelhtra-s will f-gt Lincoln o f Cohoctah maQ ta be on hiiui netygtunday to begin these r e w themfK uKh the ltraquost topta ^The Heavenly Tamer John 14amp-amp4- All ladie welcome

O week from thilaquo Wednelaquoday o n AyptF l f ilaquo the time for our regular

hutdnesK and nocial mectiiuj

Mr and Mrlt Andrew Campbell bull s daughter of Dexter spent thlt w-x-k 5

Sunday af ter spending the pa- t w o - e n d with Mr and MrsTCugere Camp- 5 month with his children in Detroit1 bell 2

The MLshes Constance and K v - | M M g t a r k M KdDrr-v ltbullraquo 5 f a r r o w were g u ^ t of their cousin a n d M r fCOrge Green of How-II S

Charlotte Ely In Ann Arbor par of r i F H d p t o f M c s laquo laquo t week | j i-lt-pU a

M I M Harriet liowirnn who raquoa- bee 11 - t 3 at the University hospital Ann A s r o r Mr a n ^ r i - W e s I e y ^ a l t n i W ^ a i K i = for several weeks han returned 1- h e r ^ l V of Detroit were dinner g u e t S home of her grandparent Mr and M r a n d M r raquo - Clifford VanHorn l a s s Mnraquo Fred Bowman Wednesday pound

Merlin Lavey won fhTt nrize a Mr and Mrs Francis Shiaper ( v iv - S bicycle in the Ann Aibor Ww^ ub-raquoan Sigler) and son Jack and ^Miv s scription contest Jason Haitu - won Murta S i g k r - o f Detroit called o a the s the canoe and Joe Lavey the boxing Hotf sigttenraquo Sunday 5 g|ovelaquo and Helen Iiealaquoon the lath- Frank Kamen Detroit t t o n v t y ami bull =

Jackie Darrow -on of M- and M - laquoor of the latbullbull James Eamcn has in- a Wm Darrow fell from a Hbullbullltbull barrel formed Lucius Wilson chairman of S while playing Friday wn claquoJt a a h t h Finekrey Centennial program i s in hia head Two s t i i c r v ver re- commhtev that he will be one of the 5 quired to clove the wourl speaker Vre at that t ime unles =

Kxrk Van Winkle and wip- ngt bull something unforseen turns up 5 ^race BennetaDd Charh-s rjolni-bull- o- s

Norii i Wilson and l r S ltbull Jiitk ei were in town I l - S L_ _rd the Masonic baru-J ag i~T rrtt of Ierpy- called a t 3

Bancroft Peas 2 No 2 cans 25c

Golden Bantam Corn 2 No 2 cans 25laquo

Del Monte

Peaches CM 19c

Del Monte Grape Fruit

2 pound 2 9 c

Del Monte Grape Fruit Juice

2 to 2 CMS


fe Cans bull 19c


40 sect

C RACKERS Grahamior Sodas Ib 13c

MOLASSES No 2 1-2 Can 15c


traquo aluo our Mfaionary me t -Wirt Hendee M borteMJ rewg Highlander

P W CuHrtt acconirraquoaniraquo-i V bullbull ngt^inlch office Saturday II- 11- s members of Wartenav^odfrf XJ-) ( bullbullbull un that hi- faher J i h n 1raquo u- 5 F 6 A M o f D e x t e r tothlaquo Slavonic bull l bullgt o r t of the orlfrinal tJ r g banquet jfiven by Phoenix- I^odtre of degi Marnburj township tak ing up InA g VpxflAitti fcatuidxy ri^ht Othrr fraquoom the government around Jx10 s lodje from thj hectlon reprr-xehtf raquo11 That the prflaquoent itc of the North ] 5 were HowuJL_J^ockbridjre Chel^a Hamburjr church and cemetery was ( 2 -An Arbcr and ^-gt gt- s __ laquo bull -

Quality Rules at Our Market REASON amp S O N S

1 Mgt-Vgtn St Ar-- fsiven to t h a f organization by him Mr 2 __mdashPHONE i 8 - F 3 f Detroit conferrca 1 frac34 frac34 t o ^ n d h e PincUncy [ 1 ^

All Prices Subject to Mich 3 o|o Sales Tlaquox WE DEUVBK iiwtuuiiiHHiMiiiuiiiHiiuiiHiiiiHmnniHiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHimmiHimiiiiitHnimiiHHmHlaquolaquoiMiwiraquo^^


AUCT The Pinckney Dispatch W e c W d ril 3 1935

SALE The undersigned having decided to discontinue farming will sell at public

auction on the premises known as the M T Graves farm located 4 miles South west of Pinckney or one mile North of Patterson Lake the following described personal property on ^ ^



Bay Mare 13 years old weight 1200 Black Mare 4 years old weight 1300mdash

with foal Sorrel Gelding 2 years oid weight 1100


11 11 HEAD OF CATTLE Two Durham Calves Jersey Cow 4 yrs old bred March 5 Jersey Cow 5 yrs old bred Jan 18 Durham Cow 3 yrs old bred Dec 7 Durham Cow 4 yrs old bred Nov 17 Durham Cow 5 yrs old not bred Holstein Cow 6 yrs old fresh Durham Bull 2 yrs old Durham Heifer 2 yrs old -lue soon _ Jersey Heifer 18 mos7~old open

POUfcTRY 60-Rhode-Island Red Laying Heno 5 Turkey Hens 1 Gobbler 2 Ducks Quantity Alfalfa Seed

SHEEP 46 Cse Wool Breeding Ewes due in May One Coarse Wool Ram

FARMING TOOLS Dcering Grain Binder Grain Drill 2 Wagons Hayrack Mowing Machine Hay Rake 2 two-horse Cultivators 1 Ajax Cultivator Set Spike-tooth Drags ^Walking Flow Set Double Harness Buggy Single Harness Cauldron Kettle Wheelbarrow Set of Bobs 3 Set of Slings Roll Barb Wire Barrel Sprayer New Per Cream Sep Milk Cans Forks Shovels Chains And many other snail articles

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Kitchen Range (gcod one) Hard coal burner Heating Stove Buffet Bed (compete) Writing Desk Day Cot Dining Table and Chairs Couch^ Dishes Creeks Stands An d many other articlestoo numerous to



For the third time since J a n u a r y 1 the State Augmented Board approved the distribution of advance payments under t h e provisions of the Thatcher-Sias Act Stung distributed at the making this dfetribqtion the Augment-Tuesday meeting to ta l $1515701laquo In making this distribution the Augment-ed Board pointed out that the amount being distributed at this timewill not affect in an way t h e amounts which other districts not making application will receive a t a la ter t ime

The amounts distrioutea by coun-j ties a re as follows Allegan $6 490 | Antr im $7776 Arenac $3 003 Bar-1

aga $11100 Barry $6000 Bay $38- 3 4 5 Berrien $20441 Benzie $4ltgtampo| Calhoun $27737 Cass $10 083 Char-1 levoix $7 994 Cheybogan $ 7 0 1 Chipshypewa $16836 Clare $2 335 Clinton $3500 Crawford $606 Delta $2o-j Utgt6 Dickinson $19718 Eaton 9574i Gladwin $ 3 9 9 1 Gogebic $36018 Emmet $10 9 7 6 Genesee $225araquo Grand Traverse $11500 Gratiot $10-000 Hillsdale $9512 Houghton $13-764 Huron $3407 Ingham $8 350 Ionia $12 853 Iosco $75 I ron $28- 1 8 3 Jackson $54653 Kalamazoo I $21 591 Kalkaska $2 931 Kent laquo73-1 0 6 4 Lapeer 7 395 Lake $350 Leeshylanau $3 747 Lenawee $12329 Livshyingston $4100 Luce $1 121 Mackinshyac $3 831 Macomb $25104 Manisshytee $1249laquo Marquette $2826 Masshyon $600 Mecosta $2 111 Menominee $3568 Midland $528 Missaukee $3 -8 2 4 Monroe $1 895 Montcalm S7-7 7 8 Muskegoml $1650$ Newaygo $ J -5 4 5 Oakland $1218107 Oceana $24 1 Ogemaw $7004 Ontonagon $9900 Os celoa $7200 Oscoda $700 Otsego $4247 Ot t awa $27527 Preque Isle $5150 Roscommon $150 Saginaw $ 7 5 0 St Clair $30262 St Joseph $18700 Sanilac $11844 Schoolcraft $8 044 Shiawassee $20^000 Tuscola 55 577 Van Buren $15785 Washteshynaw $12000 Wayne $504663 Wexshyford $17381

bull bullbull raquo bull bull


O F STATE LOAN I Action by the Augmented State Ad-I ministrative Board to provide loans to

distressed school districts prevented the closing of the Houghton Public Schools scheduled for March 29 Evshyery effort had been made by the Houghton Board of Education to borshyrow locally and from the RFC Two-thirds of the district s share of Tnat-cher-Sias aid provided only sufficient funds to pay unpaid teachers salaries

the closing date

Financial Statement - Village of Pivickhey

For the Year Ending April 1 935 RECEIPYS

March 29 1934 Balance on Hand ^ $ 6863 Borrowed Money for General Expenses - 35000 Shew License ~ M Total Taxes Collected 176900 Liquor Control License 17000 Bank Dividends 27(Mgt6 Delinquent Taxes V 131A|2 Use of Fire Engine 25P0 Borrow Money for General Exoenses 40000

Cash Total bull $31911 DISBURSEMENTS

Light Bills bdquo $ 102705 Material and Labor on Fire Hall 25196 Fire Hose bdquo 57000 Labor on Street 5230

Gravel Tile Hdw Etc 29632 Minor Expenses 3785 Board of Review Expense 1365 Salaries and Election Supplies 14368 $500 Note and Interest 535(frac34 Interest on $700 Note 4900 Orders Drawn and Paid $297681 Cash Checking Account 21460

Signed P H Swarthout President Nellie E Gardner Clerk Blanche Martin Treasurer


bull t bull




to Anticipating that other districts

would be similarly situated the Aug-mened Board voted the sum of $200

000 o be loaned to School districts f tha t have exhausted available suitable i collateral A committee with powoi | to act consisting of Harry Toy At-j to rney General Theodore Fry State I Treasurer John OHara Auditor Genshye r a l and Paul F Vot-lker State Sup-| orintenrifcht of Public Instruction j were chosen by the Board to pass on proposed loans This committee auth I nHzed the Superintendent of Public Instruction to secure the necessary j papers prfctaratory to final appiova j of loans 6n delinquent taxes or o the-


PtoteroF25 Years Age Dispatc of April 7 1910

I- G JacKson has -sold his auto to S K Swarthout

In Mondays electioniTT~3TTiTountlco that voted upon local option this is-UltJ camed-m-2-0ofvhem ~

Reuben Kigtby who has been Grand Trunk agent at Clarkstoa lor some time has been transferred to Givgory

Kennetn Darrow is learning the barbers t rade at K J Carrs shop

Ebb Smith of Plairfield acciduitly shot himself in his workshop in Plain-

r-riday He lived about 2 son i urdy was ltiugtt hi e hunting duck-

Darwin Carr 82 died Fridav 1- 1

rl Kis whi

Mi lioiiK of her son John viving a)v three sobullbull


hours -1 fail

at the Suv-

W A Irving

Jus t ice John Denchcy highway t ont-missioner G E Mercer school xiisp and (J O Burgess Drain Comm in the state the Democrats and fcusion-ists won electing Allen Morse Sushypreme Court Justice and Moses Field and Charles WKitmalf Regents of the University

bullUgteaf ivfttsonsarc-notified to at end a Masonic school of instruction at iiowell April 14

Marriea on April 5 by Rev i l iVraquo-it Haistead Giegoiy to Miss Dna liird

John Flora has sold a half interest in his saloon at Plainheld to Sam W illiams

Joel lirigg aged 5S died at Una-dilla Sunday morning

The following personal property will be sold at public auction on the James

Marble farm located 3 miles west and 1-2 mile north of Pinckney on

Tri raquo


Senator Harry F Hitfe offered a i amendment to the Prison Labor Bill to manufacture agricultural impleshyments and in the fight to pass the amendment he-temporarily a t least broke with several of the so-called insurgents as well as administration leaders

During the debate which was one of the most spirited so far this - c -sion Senator Hittle said I am not interested in legislative groups and T shall not hesitate to oppose ei h r friend or foe on matters of legislation The farm implement trust has fn-years been gouging the farmers oi our stat Ihe price of agricultural

u and John and a daughtc Hai-t

Calvin VVelTer dipd at higt lioni1 in Hamburg on March 2raquo a the a^e of 7S year- Surviving ale hi wift and thfcfc daughtei^ Mrs John Vanliorn Mrs William lhrics and Mr J u

_ ijookei Tiit^uiU^iaJ_avaA-4w4d--f4^ow the homltgt Thui-day llcv Kxelby ofshyficiating

J^orn to Mi1 and Mr Fivnci- CaiT cf Detroit un Satuulay a dausdit-j

Monday G r a h a m Swarthout ti t his OS h ballot He tirst voted for James Polk on the Whig- ticket and has voted a Whiif or Republican ticket ever since

The Democrats rvon rll the office here Monday but Highway Comm and JusMee CX Campbell won the firsr ofTice and V H Ci-ofoot the second James Harris was rlt -elected supervisshyor 11 J Carr clerk A M Roche t reas Diivid i^r iet Ovr-r-ier and Joh1 Fohey Hoard of



3 Beds mattresfes and springs

Dining Room Suite consisting of

Table Side Board and Chairs

2 Dressers 2 Commodes mdash

- - - J ] o i n to Xick Jh-aley antl wilk of beyond the reach of ( pJainficlci or March 2 a vi Commenting further ^ Mr a rd Mrs Alfrd MorgaB-ltX Oi-j

t ivot have moved on tT- bull ^ hem

implements are most fa imers ui the debate he said Prisoners must j v e t have moved on thlaquo llaquoufirlaquolaquoVfti-rn be kept busy at something so let them j they purchased do something that no one else in the j j o n n Marshall 01 G r e ^ state does Every manufacturer of Thursday and Abe Harpi rS finished agricultural implements m | t ] K r e gt April 1 this state has either heen fnrrnd mit | i - ^ Notes of

Kitchen Utensils

1 Cider Barrel

Center Tablr

Quantity of Antique Furniture

or bought ou by the haiTcster trust i The adoption of this amendment i should break- the price at least in this s ta te

Rep Charles Adams bill- - J al l^v the county boards of supervisor to set the a m o u n t of dog t a x to be colshylected In their counties in proportion


1 Organ Pictures

Round Oak Stove Crocks

Quantity of Dishes

S everal R ocking Chairs

1 Swivel OfTice Chair

Barrel Churn Quantity of Bedding

Sanford Marble took up this farm in 1835

and it has been owned by the family ever




Also many other articles too numerous to



Jas Marble Est f t

ERCY EUJS Auctioneer

to the amount of sheep r claims fllod hoi-w- Mond was passed las t week by the aid of Democratic votes The Republican representatives ffoiii Irfgham and otlv fi counties turned it down Livingsshyton county should be jfrfitl to the

-X)7mocra t i cmdashi^r t fen ta t ives -mdashfrnm Wagtne county who voted almost solshyidly for it Without their suppoj^t it could not have passed

^ n o t h c r bill which Ropresjcntativr Adams is backing would rc^as subdivision property on which the t i x cs have been delinquent for a certain number of years a t the price of fa ir acrea^c These pieces of property aifecfed were originally farms sold by their owners to real estate men who subdivided them Then they werers seamped at the price of city lot- ^ h e slump eamelaquo the sale of these lota endshyed and the farmers got the land back again when the real estate men deshyfaulted on the i r payments Most of the farmers were unable to tako ^ho back on aecount of the back tax s against them k I t is generally concedshyed tha t these will never be paid Thit bill would xtduee these taxes by as-sesing the J4n4 a t the valuer of farm acreage There a re thousands of such farm lands In Wayne Oakland Mashycomb and Washtenaw counties

bull ii i bull i ^ i a n bull

DiraquopatcN of April 6 1885 ^ School begins at Chuhbs Corn IN

Monday with Mi- Crrvic Hcrninon as ^eacher

John Donokuc living on the Scotcli farm at Fortage Lake b t a sv ltbullbull

homo aged



T H E FLOWING H A X P I How the Orea t Scientific Detective B e i t m o n ~ Solvod a Series of -Strange Murders Told in The American Weekly the Magazine Distributed with NEXTraquo

V C 8 J C A G 0 H l i l f t L D AND g j Supei-visor Wm P e t e r s ^ l e r k j W Swetnty) Trtau J F Lemon

ay James Ryan died at his

Dexter township April 4 years

Daniel Roberls of Chubb has 35 half-breed Vsi-te piamppoundjJiaJLaxc dandtef

The following people have rcc VQlt1 notary commissions Samul D Mark-ha^n Bej Larue Dan Wright i l 1 Gardner Zobina Chamber

TJan Richards has rented his blackshysmith shop to Parker amp Spears of Wobberville

Albert Wilson announces- that his well-known trott ing stallion Mam-brino Rattler will make the season at his farm this year

G I) Wood has pone to Crro where he has bought an intercut in a pail and tub factory

There were 317 votes cast heiv Monday of wJiich ICO were straight democra t and 75 Reptrbhrarr Ihr Democrats won all offices here with tthe following majorities Supt Jas Marble 90 Clerk W P VnnWinkle 67 Treos C V Van Winkl- 00 Justice W A Carr 106 Highwav Comm Chas Bailoy 10 School Insp Dan iMurta 78 Constables Em-mett Murphy Patrick Kenncdy-r j-M White Jas Timmons

In Unadilla Dan Barton was electshyed Supervisor Arthur (Jroen CIbull-

- N Bi-aley Tioas j J t DicKen son Just ice D H Denton School Jnsp V Perry Highway Comm v

In Hamburg Jas Van Horn won

Neighboring Notes Dr Duncan Cameron of Detroit

will be associated with Dr Melius of Dnghton after April 1

inspector Van Ness of the State pharmacy department was in Uri-jht-on checking up last week to see Viuit

-4+^-j^te+t^-othtTmdasht+ran dFug stores handle aspirin ]iy a ruliig of the attorney general all stores oth r than drug stores selling aspirin are liable to a fino of $100

Stockbiidgo and Fowlcrvillc hav both fallen lor donkey baskeball and games of this nature in which tiir players ride burros were played in eat-n town recently

Edward UirdsalJ fi son of Mr and Mrs L E Hirdsall of FovlerviTe won first prize of $5 in a violin playshying contst at the CJmdmcr theater Lansing recently There were 15 in the contest

The Baptist Evangelical Methodi-i and Presbyterian churches of H o w i J starting April 7 will hold union len-tcn services

Mail Carrier George Nichols of Howell will reire after 30 years ser-icegt- 27 percent of the Livingston counshyty tux was turned in an delinquent Jhis is the best showing that has been nude in tills county in many years

Porn to Mr and Mrs Rex Drown of Lansing March 23 an 8 a-4 lb son

Henry Ford has purchased the powshyer and water lights known as the Pet-tibonc plant at Milford of F S Hub-bnll who liars owned it for the past 20 years It was formerly used to furnish electric power Just what Mr Ford will utilize it for has not been satcd

Two CCC camps willbeestablished m the Waterloo project s ta te park jn

-Jackson and_W^a^tfmafclaquoowgttee-wftn~ in the next two months- They will accomodate 200 men One will be at Poi-tage Lake in Jackson- county and the other on Mill Lake on the old Glazier country home 4 miles west of Chelsea

The Farmers Union is contemplatshying establishing a co-operative mik station in Washtenaw county From 4000a to 5000 lbs of milk would bo handled daily

Henry Ford hw rerewed his opshytions on the water rights on the Salshyine river at Milan

Michael KeUey that embattled Irishman from Dexter spells his name K-e-l-j-pythen crosses out the second e by way of emphasising that his is the good old Irish -spelling

Washtenaw PotTtibune John At tenbemt Webster farmer

received two brokenribs a dislocated knee and a punctured lung when a windmill he was repairing foil on him He i| a t an Ajm^AJbjir hospital^mdashgt-

WHY WOMEN CRY rgt r B A T M E N SWEAR Profoaoei Donald A LUlWtT

psychologist explains the^reasonigYvj en by science for thedeep-seated or-tampnif difTerencea which make men be have so differently from-Wpmen Rend the article in The American weekly w i ^ ^unday i ^ ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^



_ _

m m x2 m

Tffli-Yy ^^s

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935


ELECTRICITY WASTE Radio stations unavoidably waste

an incredible amount of electricity because less than two one-thoushysandths of 1 per cent of the power leaving their antennas Is ever used The average station has to send oufc-constantly more bull t han 50000 times as much energy as its listeners coujd possibly consume If all of them had their sets turned on durshying all the hours-of its broadcast lngmdashColliers Weekly

bull bull bull laquo raquo

Dr Pierces Plenant Pellets are theorig iampal little liver pills put up SO years ago They regulate-liver and bowelrmdashAdv

Be ReMttaaM Idttrriage is ^ o t a failure If too

mujftV is not e l e c t e d of i t

YDS bowe i orf les

Xhjamp U-atest ampajg^k4rcopyu^wheth$r the system needs a cathartic change

lpound you Jave constant sluggishspells of bilious attacks and laxatives seem to make things worse it would be

1 ase let |poundy this Stop all use of any laxative that


may beeht toolarge ajlosa for your indiviaual neen)T9sesteatiraquoa liquid laxative that you cah m e a s u raquo and regulate

^ as tq ltdoaegtAs neoMary to repeat lakesmMer^mlamp^inditsA often W i t h e b o ^ t S ^ ^ M j f i i t i i o u t

any help at all r J i ^ U J bullraquo Doctors- and

a properly prepared liquid laxative containing natural laxative agents

u ik3laquoma l i a t a s o a W raquo lt ^ f t ) y and ablamphing

You caa aet Df Caldwells S

a t ^ y ^ a t o r e 7 ^

- i -

bull gt y bullbullgt

bull ill [ill fP

Jnlaquot h r E m ^ g r - f ^ ^ a ^ ^ i f e n t t e a

bullonmdashlike men

-tr AV J ^ bullbull

Golden Dawn

By Peter B Kyne

Copyright by Bell Syndicate WNU Service

S Y N O P S I S -

A ltV

ERRV PUREBRfM C ^ s F ri bull

fllU^ltffW klaquoV

r raquo



Dont take a back seat wnen if cotnes to grow-i ng flfiw bull V raquoP 1 a n V

f JPe^rya^urebred Flower Seeds and your garden wil l be t h e envy of

IOM They are pire-

Theodore Gatlin adopts a baby Peshynelope in an effort ttr-solve his matrishymonial troubles But his wife has never wanted her and their affairs end in the divorce court At a baseball

-game a ball strikes ten-year-old Peshynelope on the nose Mrs Gatlin spirits the child to Europe Gatlin wills Peshynelope all his money and 1s about to bpoundgin a search for her when a motor accident ends his life Some ten years later in San Francisco Stephen Burt rising1 young psychiatrist is presented by Dan McNamara chief of police with a new patientmdashNance Belden a girl with a dual personality for which her saddle nose is in part responsible McNamara does not think she is a criminal and obtains Burts testimony in court Lanny the doctors office nurse is also won over Nances crimshyinal record outweighs Doctor Burts explanation of her case and she is sent to San Quentin penitentiary bull Nance escapes although shot and goes to Lannys apartment From one of the men In the boat on which the girl escaped McNamara learns that Nances real name is Penelope Gatlin He also discovers that she is heiress to S750-000 Fearful of McNamara in his ofshyficial capacity Narce fiees Lanny finds her in her apartment asleep Then she disappears and McNamara learns that she is living in Paris

CHAPTER VIIImdashContinued mdash 2 0 mdash

This was too much Lanny put her arms around him and kissed him on each cheek And that s a seal thatll get by too

Pan was embarrassed Lanny was too mdashgo she took a has tydepar ture

The two men stared after her adshymiration In their eyes A dmdashd fine woman that None finer said McNashymara

Why dont you marry her The suggestion popped out of Doctor Burt as suddenly as it had occurred to him

nNow theres an idea McNamara mumbled dazedly How long have you been mulling it over

Subconsciously since you entered the office I caught a gleam in Lannys eyesmdashand when she kissed you the

subconscious crystalized into the conshyscious

Ill think It over Youll not think it over Mac Youll stake up your mind new And I can

rather be a bachelor than a disapshypointed lover

Tell you what to do Mac Stephen advised Send her a nice photograph of yourself If she puts It in a silver frame you may proceed with confishydence

How WiH I ktfamptf gtfnr ltbull Mf its^ fh ifSilve^ frame -oh the

dressing- table In her bedroom itll be a cinch gt

^ HowHT get into her bedroom you

blockhead - f bull- Ill steal her latchkey and have a

duplicate iuade-JTtlen you t an investishygate V

McNamara rose ^arid held out his hand Tis a pity -Stephen my boy you arent in ipy detective bureau Good night -bdquobull

The annual parade of the peJice force was but a week-sJUtaat and during that week Dan lited^fptirety on orange juice and spent Jitsnightshia Turkish bath As a result he dropped eight potmds off Tils northern Elevation Very erect and ffiariftal he sat on a milk-while charger while a photographer took several exposures of him and his command

When the prints were delivered to him he sent them all toLanny with a note saying

bullNow that we- are both in the same croaked conspiracy^ I thought you might be interested1 In having the latshyest photograph laquoofthe biggest crook of thenf all bull - bullbull -Tljte following day Stephen Burt sent

him a -key a n Che following after-nbou McNamaralethimself rnto Lanshynys houSe and discovered one of the photoson her drelslng ta6lemdashand In a gold frame Another print in a silver frame appeared id her drawing room _

Holy Closes lie soliloquized Im In for it now I Godhelp me theres no escape


Upon nls return to his office Mc-Nairfafa fooild in his mail a photoshygraph of Lanny indorsed To dear old franmdashfrom his partner In crimemdash

Xanny IVJilie he was gazing upon it -and telling himself how little justice the portrait did the beloved subject Stephen telephoned demanding that he come- to the office __^

bullLanny was in ears T v e j u s t had another visit frpm Mrs--Merton Dan Stephen Tgtega1T- It seemsTEhat af ter i twgt years of inactivity during which

ftlnie she had elected to believe Pene-fcrpe (Satlin deadshe has developed a crazy notion to prove it She wants to get Penelopes fortune

Yoraquo questioned h e r about her daughter

Yes but she doesnt know It said Stephen I hypnotized her first and spent an hour questioning her and It appears that this morning she visited your captain of detectives and asked him to throw out a dragnet to locate Peftelope Qrttlin- bull bull Sdie bull brought him some snapshotst)f -the girlmdashtold him ) heT real name--all about her moneymdash the girls habits and peculiaritiesmdash everything When Tlt1 discovered

that Penelope Is an escaped convict They will immediately deport her an4 Flynn will meet her at Hobokeu

But cant you do anything about It Dan Lanny pleaded

Nothing Klynn and Angellotl are on the trail officially now He stared at Lanny tragically Im out of the picture now and can do nothing but advise you Send two cablesmdashone to Nance Belden in Paris and the other to Penelope Gatlin at the same adshydress Say Come at oncemdashLanny dyingmdashcable name vessel on which leaving and sign It Steve

111 meet her at the dock Stephen decided Im due in New York next week

Youll do nothing of the sort said Dan Ill send that convict in my honsfe He shuddered ami grimaced in his distress 1 could handle the wop with money hut Flynn has sworn an oath And because Ive made a monkey out of him hell keep It Hed rather make a monkey out of me now than acquire great richesmdashand if Im broke most likely the captain of deshytectives will step into my shoes and Flynn will stand a good chance of beshycoming captain of detectives Oh mur-deration Lanny darling have you a little whisky in the house Im faint so I -am

Youre suffering from heart trouble you egg Lanny cried savagely Yes A weak heart a soft heart a human heart

Send that cahle he roared Yes get busy Lanny Stephen

urged The bird of time has but a little way to fluttermdashand the wretched fowl is on the way

After Dan McNamara had left his office Doctor Stephen Burt gazed with mild disapproval upon Lanny

^Unlike you and Dan McNamara he said I dislike having the peaceful tenor of my life disturbed

This Intrigue is myrrh and Incense to me Stevie

I know it You and Dan love a fight for Its own sweet sake but I do not I have a particular aversion to grand Jury Indictments and it is a posshysibility you and your boy friend have let me In for

FiddTesTicksr Lanny Ill be angry with you In ft

minute Now listen to me and whatshyever you do do not talk back Dan McNamara has-iuwi out on us I mean you Hes through Dans rattled If he tradnt been hed uever hav_pound or-dered the Sending of such a fool cableshygram

Dan McNamara knows his way about Lanny defended Hes more than nine years old

So do I Lanny It will be highly dangerous to send that cablegram How Is she to know it Isnt a message to decoy her hack to the penitentiary If she receives it while shes Penelope Gatlin she Is extremely liable to cable for confirmation before acting on i t That would mean a delay of not less than twenty-four hours On the other hand if she is Nance Belden when she receives it she will leave Paris openly and walk right into the hands of the New York police Im not much of a

SOURCE OF STRENGTH A strong man Is one who realizes

how weak other men are

AND THAT -GLADLY The only thing some people wlB

share with you is trouble

Now Relieve Your Cold Quick as You Caught It 55

1 Take S BAYER Aspirin Tablets bullbull Make sure you get the BAYER Tablets you ask for

i Drink a full glass of water Repeat bull treatment in 2 hours

For Amazingly Fast Result Remember Directions

In These Simple Pictures

The simple method pictured here i s the way many doctprs now t rea t colds and the aches and pains coldt bring with them

I t is recognized as a safe sure QUICK way For it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it

Ask your doctor about this And when you buy be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly And thus work almost inshystantly when you take them And for a gargle Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness leaving no irritating

particles or grittiness BAYER Aspirin prices have been

decisively reduced on all sizes so theres no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want

J If throat is sore Crush and stir 4 bull BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third

of a glass of water Gargle twice This eases throat soreness almost instantly

PRICES on Genuine fiayr AtpMm Radically Reduced on Alt Sln$

Made My Car Look New Again

Youll marvel too at how beaushytiful your car looks after you Simoniz it But Simonizing does more than just bring back the lustre and beauty your car had when new It makes the finish stay beautiful Dust and dirt wipe off of a Simonized car with a dry cloth and the finish sparshykles as bright as ever So always insist on Simoniz and Simonix Kleerier for your car



J spring of generations of perfect plants

bull ^ bull bull bull

f O J R N E I G H B O R H O O D

S T O i i E T H pound M I N


mdash M A N Y O N L Y



REDUC-So laquoielaquo1slaquo 5o-staging No flrugi Slaquonlt1 for free circular and read how I lost 123 4ba n IVntfrntlM wili my newdiscovary Or Ifften to broadeaistover WJF and

r g m w bawience MauKs rar~RgfrPttag-bullAaraquominjt l i bo 11 fe at an drug ttorlaquos or send 1100 for trial bottle Sent postpaid

Suffered From Tetter

on Hands Aefoved by Cutcunt

laquo1 tufferedfor two or three years with tetter on my hands If I did any work they wonld bleed and be-

C Sto pfrtvfMh vlmmpoundamp0poundwere toousand dollarsmdash kin all the time What You a chief of police anld

This WM TeeMuchpoundlaquonVyjqt J ^ Him and Kltaed Him on Each ChaeK



t-remedies but sent- foTj a free

F f e o f g a M after I rem great Juckasa I know that I

aging onecake of Cuticnra Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment1

Few Market Tens

1raquoctmr2flcraquoo1ltr everywhere One

cm ISUiCrampofiSMj vvpt Rj Balden Ma-A4v bull-


bull bull

get along without her although the goV enough to ftufc Unify In tears I awakshying will be pretty sklddy But of courseJenen^-Vrs^Mertofr a n i e n t her away bullhell marry you If you askbecvLanDyhap tpy bitty wJpiIJiM^command firmly never proffers her friendships or her plqnted 1frac34 her sVihConsclous mindmdashshe lovea on the half shell bull And theresV nuit not ttynk pf Xbegtame Penelope still time my boy still time Gatlin Jhen1 -awakened her 1 asked

bullNot if she goes to Paris hepylf bullbull]raquo had laquongt adoated daughter Ive heard of police chleTs-securiagf Stot rlaquo|)lte(llaquorprlt8ed4thatshe bid I

a leave of absence for six months- |3theA$slaquociAferthejraquoainlaquo of this adopt-MI couldnt take a six m o n U i s h o n ^ f edlaquoegWrflMAgtrf--tolaquoli of terror came

bveYher face Flaquoilaquoraquo he life of her she c o n l d V r t h W o f ^ V uarne and begged

Sp^no^y^r^erit^orrrt If knew it f t s a ^ I t ^ ^ d l d n ^ t h i n k of doing

Ive saved eig^it

anly worth eight thousand dollars God help me boy Im honest bull

bull Stephen roared his merriment Why

Wouldnt - let every man have Laraquo4fv J But dont yon worry about money U n Tlie f laquo ^ s l W deg r 0tradetrade MJ

py is a business woman She man- | Fl-imantl ^ngejMtl hn the caso^he ogod raquo e iawaU^waa-a--ha includes my finances Pro with g-o^d dividend paying stocks S o u l thebankmraquolV ln inl^ries Wten he know I could be a mighty ood friend j p r w n i e d hla icredetftiaIs the cashier to the man whowould be good bullo^AraquowraquodTilB|rgtV^gt-lirrng Thpyil laen-j ^ n n y - - lt $ifjr thatolirl asNanceBeklert trace

bullTil consider the proiWlaquoltinnlt tHabull rfrer t f r i f tn 4raquoraquo ^ajrHy a I did raquond iiiutioas Celt replied although Td f tarTrlaquoairaquojievlaquorraquomenwwUi he notjlled

thatltMfoJe she-u^Kl-1frac34 the detective Jburenu wtth heri in for mat Win McXa-bullmaaraquoeriasflaquontgt cajjei UR the Security Trlitt- cbtapany __ J3L-^_^ = 1 =

detective but tonight Pm a better ono than that McNamara idiot

Hes not an idiot Hes one of thraquoraquo finest men I ever knew

Keep quiet he ordered severely You ditch my train of thought

He drew a sheet of paper joward him and commenced writing while Lanny ^glowered at him Presently he sat up and read

Grave danger bull stop beat it some other country traveling by motor stop upon arrival tfable address stop If need funds will cable them stop leave Paris establishment Koing concern stop gO out for walk and disappear stopunless these Instructions followed you leave

trail -fur jtM^eltiaOFlaquo_ tdeg_ fol low r ^Slac

He looked up How do those in- struotiona strika youiT


Uiraquo the Soft Pedal wpout try t ma^e too much noise In

de world said Uncle Eben A gwod inglneer ain gwlnter use up ai l Ail steam blow in de whistle


MM toiMtraquoraquoUmdashbullgtmdashltgtbull


nwiminnwy i ^ i i i i

bullv-- I


The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1396 B amp


Change To Summer Grease Now

Drive in to Laveya Service Station and let us remove that light winter grease and put in heavier summer

Dont put it off To use winter grease in summer is injurious to your car

Full Program Ahead


A strong gain in mLnvoersmp a healthy growth in number or troops and enthusiasm in Scout advancement lor the first quarter of lgt3o is reshyported by Scout Executive Walter At ac Peek

During the three months period just ended u) new boys have become Scouts and two new troops have Deeiraquo addea in the Council igtL Scouts have advanced to Second Class ranx 3u Scouts nave become t irst Class raru and ltfb Merit badges have been earned

X Mobiloil Gas

Goodyear Tires

Look Forward to Camping A scries of work parties are beshy

ing planned to be hela at Camp New-kirk to clean up and paint up and glt t the ramp in the best possible simp lor its lull use this spring and sumshymer

hach troop is urged to work out a carefully planned camping advenshyture either at Camp Newkirk or elsewhere


Advancement Plan Boanls of Review and Coutt- of

Honor are being planned to be hela at lYujuent intervals in all district to encuura

Training Opportunities Monhy meetings of Scout leaden

are being held and two Wfok-cnd Training conferences have b -en an-nounceu for early in May

Continued from fifet page to be conferred This he eajd were pricelaes for the reaeon that they

j must be c a n e d by a nettbership of I forty years in good atandinfc Lodged

can bestow eueh honors aa election to office etc but only forty years memshybership can secure a l ife membership

Key Jerome of Dexter s chedu le bulla the next speaker was bull preveated from coming1 by illness

Dewey Hesse of Saginaw an aspirshyant for election to grand lodge this year spoke next He is called the -talshylest Mason in Michigan He amid the support of Livingston Lodge VaS reshygarded as the rabbits foot and hoped that he would be favored with it this year He also paid-hia respect to the members of grand lodge end all blue lodge brothers and made a fery agreeable impression

Hugh McPheraquoonpast graiyi Jnast-er of Michigan Masons and present grand treasurer was next Toasjwast-er WHson remarked that i t -was poundhe natural tendency of -the Scotch to handle funds that they were always as careful in handling other peoples a their own anddthat while their atshytempts to obtain the position of cusshytodian of exchecker could be delayed it was impossible to prevent i t Mr Jtc Pherson talked on grand lodge affairs and stated that the Masonic home at Alma had paid all theirtotkl tnctebt-


At an hour in the march of evcati wneraquo a service it moat needed you will find vjifj

and capable whatever the epraquoerfeac^raquo To be first in completenett and atfteaf iveness has ever been our aim Italir experienced direction our aemcotIsMeV maintained a reputation for and sympathy The charge it ftra$e very reasonable



poundOST__A Chevrolet

truck-wheel and tire (J J CaJs Pinckney


edness of $ 1 2 0 laquo $ this year through ^ ^ M Jdeg t F ^ T - r - 8 0 a c l e s - Squire bull - - - - - bull - -bull - A VanSickle Highland Lake P i n o

THE INQUIRING REPORTER Malice to All Charity to None

We spied Stanley s r ndy sipping ^oltla at the Sugar How] Friday night Who was the sugur with yut Sar

file printers devil evidently isnt j-]XQding all his vicatiun down on tv farm We also saw him at tho Sugur Jgtol Who said-this wouldnt g-t i)

Well Afyrrr has eont- back CJ his fir-love hut he still likes the theatre

Around here it seem- to be in the sprinp a young mans fancy lightshyly turns to thoughts of old loves as we also saw Lefty with his old girl

BobDMloway and- Vtrgmta swrnrrdr to beenjoying Clive of India howshy

ever we don think Ronald Colmao deserves all the credit

Bob Head made good use of his vacation to jet befter acquainted with Sockbridge and its attractions

Now as for Jim he seems to prefer the attractions the open country ha-gt to offer

In case anyone is eouple a cute ni^h

ooking for a watclimen you

I might consult Kmmett Clark and iill I Drown

Speaking of Hill he ooked like a -ulan with his proverbial haiem a I the show Sunday Hes ro piker Hin Bill Lamb i- now going for

blond troraquoes We feel it our duty to inform you Hill that red locks are

the thing this spring [ - Well anyhoo ihiiv -was rip slar 111 | the cigar sales election night Only I they should issue instructions on how J to smoke em ih Howie

Philco Radios




Phone 72 Marvin Shirey


the fact that the brothers-had paid v p - bdquolaquo ttWi ^ f t e r - m l v a ^ ^ i W ^ l i ^ ^ - d 1 1 ^ ^ ^ aTxPherson is known n e y tradeone o 8 F 2

to most every penarolaquoin this county P n p QktA deg and is always laquo favorite speaker [ t i- ^ ^ 1 ^

The f o l l o w i n g m u t e n and W t s i S ^ copy -masters of visiting lodgedwere tnt- called upon and introducedDdiald Dancer Chelsea Harold tJdrrow Howell EIHs Gsecn P raquo Pharcs Winney Ann Arbor CltH WhitnTcy Stockbridge j Robert ^fflfiips Brightshyon A Hepplnstair ^mst Lansing Clyde Yelland Fowlerrile Roy Har-

Chelsea William Tiel - Mason Chester Miller Chelsea Clarence Mar rohey ChelseaA C JDigby South Lyon Eugene McLachian Ann Arbor Ira Ott Dexter Bird Hifrht Howell^ Ross Hidebrand Hqwell Roy Hardy Howell W E_J8immer Maaan^fcd-ward Drewpy Howell John Vorwerk Saginaw David Steptoe Dekter

Supt Morse laquoang two more song the last one of which ks dedicated to the members mf the J^asorile fra trnity Then lodfe Wjaa opened and life membership oertl^oa^f and cards presented to Eugene Caffifcbell byjliis son Andrew Johp ifclajtmj by Percy Ellis Dr CL SigUr by^ohn Martin W H Clark by PaulJSlark and Chaa J Teeple by RAifisell 14vermore This ended the evenings program end anshyother past m^fters night obaerrance of Livingston Lodge Jo 16 had be-oome history


| Fxecutive Boarlt To Meet I The April Executive Hoard meeting 1 will be held at Chas^McKenny Hall in J Ypsilanti on Tuesday evening April

iraquoth at o p in Members of the Board fris i are M li Zimmerman^ John S Page

Ralph Weeks Dr E A Ross and Floyd Weeks from the northern disshytrict Dr Theron S Langford Albert

Fiegal D r W E Foi-sythe Judge J 1 0 rj-ay Hackley Butler Ira M

SmithT)T-T~TJToTmuon George E Paul DrJJ B Howell Otto W Hais-ley Eugen Power Clarence Newman Prof Robert B Hall Emmett Gib- Fielding H Yost Al K Richarus Dr gtlax Durfite and Herbert Wagner of the middle distiict C P Steimle Paul B SarnT^i ricgtltiBattelte Supt Ernshyest Chappelle William Foy W C Con rad Lt Coin A C Schradlt r George McKim ThurJWW Hodley Supt T MshyClay Fiank Locson and George l iun-dv of he southern district the three-

40 acres Inquire of

WANTEDmdashA man to work by tno month Also early and late seed poshytatoes for sale Bert Hooker

o FOR SALSL_Sturdy Barred R o d Baby Chicks bred to live and lay Our flocks are inspected and approved by M S P I A For the past ten yearV we luve improved our flocks each year Their past performance is our recomshymendation Also hatching eggs at 65c a felting for the first three settings thereafter 3c an egg

Van Horn Hillside Farm -mdash o

HEFbl l lrYOL-U-yen=Get- our prices on -June Clover Common Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Aslike Clover and W B Sweet Clover Complete lino of Oliver Walking Plows ant- Spring-tooth Harrows See the New 12 |V2-ard Walking Plow Open Evenings W Q Jury - Hardware- amp rmplementr Hamburg Michigan

mdash o

FOR SEBVICS A p t r l s 5Terty Bear Fee $100

G e e t C r e W y

F 6 1 SALK A litUe dcy ana pound i i ^ weee


Cttxgf Scaa em -e

FAJM FOB M a f F ^ S p J g r t M taifce ^ n s wi t t I M T a o w laquolaquoI werk land nraquot eqaipperf Ca^reVft

laqirire agt Dtepa^e Office

^u w

FOR ^ raquo l V 4 C B _ P e U a d ChTaa fctiA $100 Afie 2$ Umae fe jauV

M laquo Shears mdash ~ e ^ mdash

FOR S A L E ^ F i v e parr Reck regt tera for ^ raquo e ^ f c 4reraquo J a y m f ^eck

VaaHers V W d e Farm

FOR SALD OR TljfcBJp Ur osaDer fern eraquo heoxe i t t i w l 2 1 U acrts impnTed ~XmSm~ampir^FiMknlaquoy

Walter (itrees

I district commissioner are Rev Homer M Noble of Howell Rev

Edward Blakeman of A m Arboi Dean James M Brown of Vpsitan

Dr Dr a U

FOR SALEmdash-Early Seed Potatoes R E Kelly Pinckney

o -FOR SALEmdashEating and Seed potashytoes both early and late a ls 0 seed corn H Barkoviu Beebe iVgtn

o - - -

Eataeliahed 18S5 raceri ierat^10II

Over Si^tySevea T e e n f Safe








1-2 miles Northeast of Pinck-

FOR SALEmdashThree ton OJ A No 1 marsh hay two ton of mixed hay Bert Hicks

o FOR SALEmdashWoTk


bull T w ^ l r ^ SALE^Ar Incubator 200 egg e poundeop lf - 5 ^ frac34 1 frac34 H t r i S n p W m ^ ^ i laquodegdeglti condition and about 25laquo f U o w J l inctfturt coon i bQndleAf cornstalks Mr Eli Vroa 9 I OnJanuaJ7 6 fast a c a r dnvlaquon by i H nd t j H a y s and containing Wmalf Hndinev f Clyde iymLaU -collijed ^-ih one on bull i li a 1laquo driven by Edward Wepman + iuf Grand Repide Mj-a^tinpie Wep-+ nan mother of- Edlaquoardv received in-J juries which resulted in her death

I jlaquo Htill laWft ]raquo a l - l eV^owthy re- tt

ceived a spinal fracture and Clyde Kimball received a compound fracture of the leg and has been in the hospishytal at Howell ever since The prosshyecution claifil Haywaraquo intoxicated at the time and has presented eevefal

wtneawraquo Wprorcv liftytu^M several pneviguraquoans|a tW dfujikeiine and in 198S barred a jail eent^nvc In irS4 he wat placed on probation His attorneys rcopy Don Van Winkle and Jay Sweeney Prosecutor Berrlman is ropreientlngthe people

Tea-Sifling PKG

i Apple ButterQT J A R19C Mixd Vegete 1



NO 2frac12 CAN


NO 2




The Availability of Good


norse I2 yc irs old cheap Inquire at house opposite Hause school Fred L Woodwortn

FOR SALLU Bantam and Everirrccr seed corn W C Hendee

mdash 0 mdash LoST^tJstrayed from my premises degn e nog Finder please notify R Webb Pincknpy Mich

i $ laquobull



State i

bull lt raquo


FOR SALE_Plymouth Reck Eggs for hatching from accredited fowl

M M Robert Kelly


ANT Ueivldatli teyagiBg on tha t ieuiled ee t et mortal tilaquo i i teett isey k liktaed te

boatmen xeviag aiaitat the ti4e With itreampueuB sectjt4 eeeatlti i affort they work u tkoufe agaSmtt a power fFOR SALEmdash 5 which they t e U laquo i - r u if- tot ep- J ootid raquoweae theagt itt a Alreetiee the very oppetrte J that i t whiek tkey have set t k t i f count

To each ineUaiiut tkt 4ii4 ka-ven it hit kifheat eoaceraquot of good that i txuof kumat ojporloaeo vkitk he beiievet will trlag t i laquo eaUafee-tlon and ftoeffOB f r t laquo firrthex atrog-ples gome t t i i f t it gtia poajtaafea of somethiflf irhlth ikoy belitTt blaquoti

FOR SALtU-Wcstinghousu RiiijBje 3 burner 2 ovens Retngcvator 6 cu ft

Geo Reasoji

Electric Electric

-Seed rotatoea Bea Adams Hazt Farm

o mdash bullmdashbullmdash

- - - Ducks (4 hens 1 laquorake)j 3year-old lambs (2 ewes 1 bock) g ee Stmhraquon Prtrn ft

jPlickney Mich r

FOR SALE OR RENTmdashFurm with good buildings 110 acres of land 1 4cre of raspberries Easy payments if kought If for rent cash 1 Ann Samborsku

Pinckney Michigan RFD No 2


10c SaladDresngampti7c



CHOICE 29c V Youll Get Better Meats at

Phone We Deliver

at all Timet


e o ^ raquo i 2 l ^ T u r k -cover tometkug vh ie i Ulaquojy aPioar ^ ^ 0 to te^lMiuLwIipllkfeHkMr J - H S Drf Hindi opportuaity attoaoaf home e e raquo p a i

Vewelt MWm

Swrtiet tre^ttet V



The Federal ( M f c s p t A t t

cal led for payment ea April loth

1035 all United Statea Beoda ef the

Feurth Liberty L o ^ with e^akers

eadjng in 6laquo6-



tort tend Inquire of Mike Lavey

^ W p M ^ ^ t T H C d e t f ^ a t JQamp RENTmdash t o acres of hay or pas which n e t row ip^eiloi to e t i U i all tts iormt UtitUiBg lack liMUatiea poverty aa4 dJftcoraquo4 t a t tke boot ia which they tea bark i t too extit of ha muu thought wklek wbta laquoet ttead led and borae aloag by tkt ipicitual understaedlag Of God rampay be turaed completely eOt eMtlaquoturraquoe

The teachinfi ofChrti l Jeiui ner er indicate tkat met laquoulaquot ttruggle against evil as seavatkJAg t t t i to orshyder to gala good ctaee he laid Feax notr little neck fo i t i | your Fathshyers good pleatare to g4ve yon tho kingdom Wo may u k o tela kiag-(icui as doaotiag ail Uraquot U gooe aau iigtfying and Keee^ul u d tke daily life of the lrajttr mt a ttftiffloay to the truth of kit t t t tentat for tover at any time did ke explaquoriemee laoJr or HmitaUoo Who tkathas itadled tht Gospel narraUeot ota pieturo the gentle NamroftOsalsMgUpg ageiast evil as U i r ^ e r t fear er povtrful He know ^ritkeut 4 ikad^v of doubt the power frmojiH tltojat^TOiiaktUty of goodcmi evU 4 a presenet good aa

FCJt ^ B N T _ G o o d land on shares for any drop

Phillip Sprout e ^

FOSSALKmdashBaled Hay and Straw D E Hoey amp Sons

Dexter - Mich

WANTED All kinds of bulckciirg At your home or mint

John Martin Phont 1)3F-2

In ceanectieo ith Uu tail holders

of the above dflscrtbed tomes a t grv-

en tke eppertouity to excKangm Uxtir

present boiids f o r f e i t Umd$ czmwing

ntAreai at U f p v c e e e to b e dtfo

195-5-1060 r

f ^ r kuUit i c y o i e d e t M a f to

make tali exchange kftt tke privUogo

expires Hick 27th XW$

McPWm ShU la

nityaTippJy a j j to b e e v a n i b l e t o e U not llnjU tke t t l i laeBl hit owa oipfrioaoe Oa lie oaid that higfoUovi peat JOJ wTarkf t a o of mamttnd if to e facta tad tor spoke no 141raquo W -


Nlaquot food to eoatraxy

l i r o -aooomiity to tmoft riatJi

M lt -

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Com-

mittton Retail Store


r gtbull igt bull

Paul Spadafore Prop - Stockbridge Mich

3HEEP SHEARING WANTEP 1 mm prepared to do sheep shearing

at reasonable prices Power shears Clare Swarthout

QQoi U$i CmWi ifkeCkmlit amplraquo

Georxo Sigier mad raquo f a V O laquo j laquo r of Lansing vera

Cart Krimjtt to MeUui Hlt when hie car WeinjnoUtor coUMofl A G f a a o j i f i i r

yP -^Praquoraquoim bullm HlJ

bull ^ r Ul pound-

Page 6: SSRW«* PiirtmcyPispntri)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1935-04-03.pdf · r «~-*SSRW«* I*


AUCT The Pinckney Dispatch W e c W d ril 3 1935

SALE The undersigned having decided to discontinue farming will sell at public

auction on the premises known as the M T Graves farm located 4 miles South west of Pinckney or one mile North of Patterson Lake the following described personal property on ^ ^



Bay Mare 13 years old weight 1200 Black Mare 4 years old weight 1300mdash

with foal Sorrel Gelding 2 years oid weight 1100


11 11 HEAD OF CATTLE Two Durham Calves Jersey Cow 4 yrs old bred March 5 Jersey Cow 5 yrs old bred Jan 18 Durham Cow 3 yrs old bred Dec 7 Durham Cow 4 yrs old bred Nov 17 Durham Cow 5 yrs old not bred Holstein Cow 6 yrs old fresh Durham Bull 2 yrs old Durham Heifer 2 yrs old -lue soon _ Jersey Heifer 18 mos7~old open

POUfcTRY 60-Rhode-Island Red Laying Heno 5 Turkey Hens 1 Gobbler 2 Ducks Quantity Alfalfa Seed

SHEEP 46 Cse Wool Breeding Ewes due in May One Coarse Wool Ram

FARMING TOOLS Dcering Grain Binder Grain Drill 2 Wagons Hayrack Mowing Machine Hay Rake 2 two-horse Cultivators 1 Ajax Cultivator Set Spike-tooth Drags ^Walking Flow Set Double Harness Buggy Single Harness Cauldron Kettle Wheelbarrow Set of Bobs 3 Set of Slings Roll Barb Wire Barrel Sprayer New Per Cream Sep Milk Cans Forks Shovels Chains And many other snail articles

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Kitchen Range (gcod one) Hard coal burner Heating Stove Buffet Bed (compete) Writing Desk Day Cot Dining Table and Chairs Couch^ Dishes Creeks Stands An d many other articlestoo numerous to



For the third time since J a n u a r y 1 the State Augmented Board approved the distribution of advance payments under t h e provisions of the Thatcher-Sias Act Stung distributed at the making this dfetribqtion the Augment-Tuesday meeting to ta l $1515701laquo In making this distribution the Augment-ed Board pointed out that the amount being distributed at this timewill not affect in an way t h e amounts which other districts not making application will receive a t a la ter t ime

The amounts distrioutea by coun-j ties a re as follows Allegan $6 490 | Antr im $7776 Arenac $3 003 Bar-1

aga $11100 Barry $6000 Bay $38- 3 4 5 Berrien $20441 Benzie $4ltgtampo| Calhoun $27737 Cass $10 083 Char-1 levoix $7 994 Cheybogan $ 7 0 1 Chipshypewa $16836 Clare $2 335 Clinton $3500 Crawford $606 Delta $2o-j Utgt6 Dickinson $19718 Eaton 9574i Gladwin $ 3 9 9 1 Gogebic $36018 Emmet $10 9 7 6 Genesee $225araquo Grand Traverse $11500 Gratiot $10-000 Hillsdale $9512 Houghton $13-764 Huron $3407 Ingham $8 350 Ionia $12 853 Iosco $75 I ron $28- 1 8 3 Jackson $54653 Kalamazoo I $21 591 Kalkaska $2 931 Kent laquo73-1 0 6 4 Lapeer 7 395 Lake $350 Leeshylanau $3 747 Lenawee $12329 Livshyingston $4100 Luce $1 121 Mackinshyac $3 831 Macomb $25104 Manisshytee $1249laquo Marquette $2826 Masshyon $600 Mecosta $2 111 Menominee $3568 Midland $528 Missaukee $3 -8 2 4 Monroe $1 895 Montcalm S7-7 7 8 Muskegoml $1650$ Newaygo $ J -5 4 5 Oakland $1218107 Oceana $24 1 Ogemaw $7004 Ontonagon $9900 Os celoa $7200 Oscoda $700 Otsego $4247 Ot t awa $27527 Preque Isle $5150 Roscommon $150 Saginaw $ 7 5 0 St Clair $30262 St Joseph $18700 Sanilac $11844 Schoolcraft $8 044 Shiawassee $20^000 Tuscola 55 577 Van Buren $15785 Washteshynaw $12000 Wayne $504663 Wexshyford $17381

bull bullbull raquo bull bull


O F STATE LOAN I Action by the Augmented State Ad-I ministrative Board to provide loans to

distressed school districts prevented the closing of the Houghton Public Schools scheduled for March 29 Evshyery effort had been made by the Houghton Board of Education to borshyrow locally and from the RFC Two-thirds of the district s share of Tnat-cher-Sias aid provided only sufficient funds to pay unpaid teachers salaries

the closing date

Financial Statement - Village of Pivickhey

For the Year Ending April 1 935 RECEIPYS

March 29 1934 Balance on Hand ^ $ 6863 Borrowed Money for General Expenses - 35000 Shew License ~ M Total Taxes Collected 176900 Liquor Control License 17000 Bank Dividends 27(Mgt6 Delinquent Taxes V 131A|2 Use of Fire Engine 25P0 Borrow Money for General Exoenses 40000

Cash Total bull $31911 DISBURSEMENTS

Light Bills bdquo $ 102705 Material and Labor on Fire Hall 25196 Fire Hose bdquo 57000 Labor on Street 5230

Gravel Tile Hdw Etc 29632 Minor Expenses 3785 Board of Review Expense 1365 Salaries and Election Supplies 14368 $500 Note and Interest 535(frac34 Interest on $700 Note 4900 Orders Drawn and Paid $297681 Cash Checking Account 21460

Signed P H Swarthout President Nellie E Gardner Clerk Blanche Martin Treasurer


bull t bull




to Anticipating that other districts

would be similarly situated the Aug-mened Board voted the sum of $200

000 o be loaned to School districts f tha t have exhausted available suitable i collateral A committee with powoi | to act consisting of Harry Toy At-j to rney General Theodore Fry State I Treasurer John OHara Auditor Genshye r a l and Paul F Vot-lker State Sup-| orintenrifcht of Public Instruction j were chosen by the Board to pass on proposed loans This committee auth I nHzed the Superintendent of Public Instruction to secure the necessary j papers prfctaratory to final appiova j of loans 6n delinquent taxes or o the-


PtoteroF25 Years Age Dispatc of April 7 1910

I- G JacKson has -sold his auto to S K Swarthout

In Mondays electioniTT~3TTiTountlco that voted upon local option this is-UltJ camed-m-2-0ofvhem ~

Reuben Kigtby who has been Grand Trunk agent at Clarkstoa lor some time has been transferred to Givgory

Kennetn Darrow is learning the barbers t rade at K J Carrs shop

Ebb Smith of Plairfield acciduitly shot himself in his workshop in Plain-

r-riday He lived about 2 son i urdy was ltiugtt hi e hunting duck-

Darwin Carr 82 died Fridav 1- 1

rl Kis whi

Mi lioiiK of her son John viving a)v three sobullbull


hours -1 fail

at the Suv-

W A Irving

Jus t ice John Denchcy highway t ont-missioner G E Mercer school xiisp and (J O Burgess Drain Comm in the state the Democrats and fcusion-ists won electing Allen Morse Sushypreme Court Justice and Moses Field and Charles WKitmalf Regents of the University

bullUgteaf ivfttsonsarc-notified to at end a Masonic school of instruction at iiowell April 14

Marriea on April 5 by Rev i l iVraquo-it Haistead Giegoiy to Miss Dna liird

John Flora has sold a half interest in his saloon at Plainheld to Sam W illiams

Joel lirigg aged 5S died at Una-dilla Sunday morning

The following personal property will be sold at public auction on the James

Marble farm located 3 miles west and 1-2 mile north of Pinckney on

Tri raquo


Senator Harry F Hitfe offered a i amendment to the Prison Labor Bill to manufacture agricultural impleshyments and in the fight to pass the amendment he-temporarily a t least broke with several of the so-called insurgents as well as administration leaders

During the debate which was one of the most spirited so far this - c -sion Senator Hittle said I am not interested in legislative groups and T shall not hesitate to oppose ei h r friend or foe on matters of legislation The farm implement trust has fn-years been gouging the farmers oi our stat Ihe price of agricultural

u and John and a daughtc Hai-t

Calvin VVelTer dipd at higt lioni1 in Hamburg on March 2raquo a the a^e of 7S year- Surviving ale hi wift and thfcfc daughtei^ Mrs John Vanliorn Mrs William lhrics and Mr J u

_ ijookei Tiit^uiU^iaJ_avaA-4w4d--f4^ow the homltgt Thui-day llcv Kxelby ofshyficiating

J^orn to Mi1 and Mr Fivnci- CaiT cf Detroit un Satuulay a dausdit-j

Monday G r a h a m Swarthout ti t his OS h ballot He tirst voted for James Polk on the Whig- ticket and has voted a Whiif or Republican ticket ever since

The Democrats rvon rll the office here Monday but Highway Comm and JusMee CX Campbell won the firsr ofTice and V H Ci-ofoot the second James Harris was rlt -elected supervisshyor 11 J Carr clerk A M Roche t reas Diivid i^r iet Ovr-r-ier and Joh1 Fohey Hoard of



3 Beds mattresfes and springs

Dining Room Suite consisting of

Table Side Board and Chairs

2 Dressers 2 Commodes mdash

- - - J ] o i n to Xick Jh-aley antl wilk of beyond the reach of ( pJainficlci or March 2 a vi Commenting further ^ Mr a rd Mrs Alfrd MorgaB-ltX Oi-j

t ivot have moved on tT- bull ^ hem

implements are most fa imers ui the debate he said Prisoners must j v e t have moved on thlaquo llaquoufirlaquolaquoVfti-rn be kept busy at something so let them j they purchased do something that no one else in the j j o n n Marshall 01 G r e ^ state does Every manufacturer of Thursday and Abe Harpi rS finished agricultural implements m | t ] K r e gt April 1 this state has either heen fnrrnd mit | i - ^ Notes of

Kitchen Utensils

1 Cider Barrel

Center Tablr

Quantity of Antique Furniture

or bought ou by the haiTcster trust i The adoption of this amendment i should break- the price at least in this s ta te

Rep Charles Adams bill- - J al l^v the county boards of supervisor to set the a m o u n t of dog t a x to be colshylected In their counties in proportion


1 Organ Pictures

Round Oak Stove Crocks

Quantity of Dishes

S everal R ocking Chairs

1 Swivel OfTice Chair

Barrel Churn Quantity of Bedding

Sanford Marble took up this farm in 1835

and it has been owned by the family ever




Also many other articles too numerous to



Jas Marble Est f t

ERCY EUJS Auctioneer

to the amount of sheep r claims fllod hoi-w- Mond was passed las t week by the aid of Democratic votes The Republican representatives ffoiii Irfgham and otlv fi counties turned it down Livingsshyton county should be jfrfitl to the

-X)7mocra t i cmdashi^r t fen ta t ives -mdashfrnm Wagtne county who voted almost solshyidly for it Without their suppoj^t it could not have passed

^ n o t h c r bill which Ropresjcntativr Adams is backing would rc^as subdivision property on which the t i x cs have been delinquent for a certain number of years a t the price of fa ir acrea^c These pieces of property aifecfed were originally farms sold by their owners to real estate men who subdivided them Then they werers seamped at the price of city lot- ^ h e slump eamelaquo the sale of these lota endshyed and the farmers got the land back again when the real estate men deshyfaulted on the i r payments Most of the farmers were unable to tako ^ho back on aecount of the back tax s against them k I t is generally concedshyed tha t these will never be paid Thit bill would xtduee these taxes by as-sesing the J4n4 a t the valuer of farm acreage There a re thousands of such farm lands In Wayne Oakland Mashycomb and Washtenaw counties

bull ii i bull i ^ i a n bull

DiraquopatcN of April 6 1885 ^ School begins at Chuhbs Corn IN

Monday with Mi- Crrvic Hcrninon as ^eacher

John Donokuc living on the Scotcli farm at Fortage Lake b t a sv ltbullbull

homo aged



T H E FLOWING H A X P I How the Orea t Scientific Detective B e i t m o n ~ Solvod a Series of -Strange Murders Told in The American Weekly the Magazine Distributed with NEXTraquo

V C 8 J C A G 0 H l i l f t L D AND g j Supei-visor Wm P e t e r s ^ l e r k j W Swetnty) Trtau J F Lemon

ay James Ryan died at his

Dexter township April 4 years

Daniel Roberls of Chubb has 35 half-breed Vsi-te piamppoundjJiaJLaxc dandtef

The following people have rcc VQlt1 notary commissions Samul D Mark-ha^n Bej Larue Dan Wright i l 1 Gardner Zobina Chamber

TJan Richards has rented his blackshysmith shop to Parker amp Spears of Wobberville

Albert Wilson announces- that his well-known trott ing stallion Mam-brino Rattler will make the season at his farm this year

G I) Wood has pone to Crro where he has bought an intercut in a pail and tub factory

There were 317 votes cast heiv Monday of wJiich ICO were straight democra t and 75 Reptrbhrarr Ihr Democrats won all offices here with tthe following majorities Supt Jas Marble 90 Clerk W P VnnWinkle 67 Treos C V Van Winkl- 00 Justice W A Carr 106 Highwav Comm Chas Bailoy 10 School Insp Dan iMurta 78 Constables Em-mett Murphy Patrick Kenncdy-r j-M White Jas Timmons

In Unadilla Dan Barton was electshyed Supervisor Arthur (Jroen CIbull-

- N Bi-aley Tioas j J t DicKen son Just ice D H Denton School Jnsp V Perry Highway Comm v

In Hamburg Jas Van Horn won

Neighboring Notes Dr Duncan Cameron of Detroit

will be associated with Dr Melius of Dnghton after April 1

inspector Van Ness of the State pharmacy department was in Uri-jht-on checking up last week to see Viuit

-4+^-j^te+t^-othtTmdasht+ran dFug stores handle aspirin ]iy a ruliig of the attorney general all stores oth r than drug stores selling aspirin are liable to a fino of $100

Stockbiidgo and Fowlcrvillc hav both fallen lor donkey baskeball and games of this nature in which tiir players ride burros were played in eat-n town recently

Edward UirdsalJ fi son of Mr and Mrs L E Hirdsall of FovlerviTe won first prize of $5 in a violin playshying contst at the CJmdmcr theater Lansing recently There were 15 in the contest

The Baptist Evangelical Methodi-i and Presbyterian churches of H o w i J starting April 7 will hold union len-tcn services

Mail Carrier George Nichols of Howell will reire after 30 years ser-icegt- 27 percent of the Livingston counshyty tux was turned in an delinquent Jhis is the best showing that has been nude in tills county in many years

Porn to Mr and Mrs Rex Drown of Lansing March 23 an 8 a-4 lb son

Henry Ford has purchased the powshyer and water lights known as the Pet-tibonc plant at Milford of F S Hub-bnll who liars owned it for the past 20 years It was formerly used to furnish electric power Just what Mr Ford will utilize it for has not been satcd

Two CCC camps willbeestablished m the Waterloo project s ta te park jn

-Jackson and_W^a^tfmafclaquoowgttee-wftn~ in the next two months- They will accomodate 200 men One will be at Poi-tage Lake in Jackson- county and the other on Mill Lake on the old Glazier country home 4 miles west of Chelsea

The Farmers Union is contemplatshying establishing a co-operative mik station in Washtenaw county From 4000a to 5000 lbs of milk would bo handled daily

Henry Ford hw rerewed his opshytions on the water rights on the Salshyine river at Milan

Michael KeUey that embattled Irishman from Dexter spells his name K-e-l-j-pythen crosses out the second e by way of emphasising that his is the good old Irish -spelling

Washtenaw PotTtibune John At tenbemt Webster farmer

received two brokenribs a dislocated knee and a punctured lung when a windmill he was repairing foil on him He i| a t an Ajm^AJbjir hospital^mdashgt-

WHY WOMEN CRY rgt r B A T M E N SWEAR Profoaoei Donald A LUlWtT

psychologist explains the^reasonigYvj en by science for thedeep-seated or-tampnif difTerencea which make men be have so differently from-Wpmen Rend the article in The American weekly w i ^ ^unday i ^ ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^



_ _

m m x2 m

Tffli-Yy ^^s

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935


ELECTRICITY WASTE Radio stations unavoidably waste

an incredible amount of electricity because less than two one-thoushysandths of 1 per cent of the power leaving their antennas Is ever used The average station has to send oufc-constantly more bull t han 50000 times as much energy as its listeners coujd possibly consume If all of them had their sets turned on durshying all the hours-of its broadcast lngmdashColliers Weekly

bull bull bull laquo raquo

Dr Pierces Plenant Pellets are theorig iampal little liver pills put up SO years ago They regulate-liver and bowelrmdashAdv

Be ReMttaaM Idttrriage is ^ o t a failure If too

mujftV is not e l e c t e d of i t

YDS bowe i orf les

Xhjamp U-atest ampajg^k4rcopyu^wheth$r the system needs a cathartic change

lpound you Jave constant sluggishspells of bilious attacks and laxatives seem to make things worse it would be

1 ase let |poundy this Stop all use of any laxative that


may beeht toolarge ajlosa for your indiviaual neen)T9sesteatiraquoa liquid laxative that you cah m e a s u raquo and regulate

^ as tq ltdoaegtAs neoMary to repeat lakesmMer^mlamp^inditsA often W i t h e b o ^ t S ^ ^ M j f i i t i i o u t

any help at all r J i ^ U J bullraquo Doctors- and

a properly prepared liquid laxative containing natural laxative agents

u ik3laquoma l i a t a s o a W raquo lt ^ f t ) y and ablamphing

You caa aet Df Caldwells S

a t ^ y ^ a t o r e 7 ^

- i -

bull gt y bullbullgt

bull ill [ill fP

Jnlaquot h r E m ^ g r - f ^ ^ a ^ ^ i f e n t t e a

bullonmdashlike men

-tr AV J ^ bullbull

Golden Dawn

By Peter B Kyne

Copyright by Bell Syndicate WNU Service

S Y N O P S I S -

A ltV

ERRV PUREBRfM C ^ s F ri bull

fllU^ltffW klaquoV

r raquo



Dont take a back seat wnen if cotnes to grow-i ng flfiw bull V raquoP 1 a n V

f JPe^rya^urebred Flower Seeds and your garden wil l be t h e envy of

IOM They are pire-

Theodore Gatlin adopts a baby Peshynelope in an effort ttr-solve his matrishymonial troubles But his wife has never wanted her and their affairs end in the divorce court At a baseball

-game a ball strikes ten-year-old Peshynelope on the nose Mrs Gatlin spirits the child to Europe Gatlin wills Peshynelope all his money and 1s about to bpoundgin a search for her when a motor accident ends his life Some ten years later in San Francisco Stephen Burt rising1 young psychiatrist is presented by Dan McNamara chief of police with a new patientmdashNance Belden a girl with a dual personality for which her saddle nose is in part responsible McNamara does not think she is a criminal and obtains Burts testimony in court Lanny the doctors office nurse is also won over Nances crimshyinal record outweighs Doctor Burts explanation of her case and she is sent to San Quentin penitentiary bull Nance escapes although shot and goes to Lannys apartment From one of the men In the boat on which the girl escaped McNamara learns that Nances real name is Penelope Gatlin He also discovers that she is heiress to S750-000 Fearful of McNamara in his ofshyficial capacity Narce fiees Lanny finds her in her apartment asleep Then she disappears and McNamara learns that she is living in Paris

CHAPTER VIIImdashContinued mdash 2 0 mdash

This was too much Lanny put her arms around him and kissed him on each cheek And that s a seal thatll get by too

Pan was embarrassed Lanny was too mdashgo she took a has tydepar ture

The two men stared after her adshymiration In their eyes A dmdashd fine woman that None finer said McNashymara

Why dont you marry her The suggestion popped out of Doctor Burt as suddenly as it had occurred to him

nNow theres an idea McNamara mumbled dazedly How long have you been mulling it over

Subconsciously since you entered the office I caught a gleam in Lannys eyesmdashand when she kissed you the

subconscious crystalized into the conshyscious

Ill think It over Youll not think it over Mac Youll stake up your mind new And I can

rather be a bachelor than a disapshypointed lover

Tell you what to do Mac Stephen advised Send her a nice photograph of yourself If she puts It in a silver frame you may proceed with confishydence

How WiH I ktfamptf gtfnr ltbull Mf its^ fh ifSilve^ frame -oh the

dressing- table In her bedroom itll be a cinch gt

^ HowHT get into her bedroom you

blockhead - f bull- Ill steal her latchkey and have a

duplicate iuade-JTtlen you t an investishygate V

McNamara rose ^arid held out his hand Tis a pity -Stephen my boy you arent in ipy detective bureau Good night -bdquobull

The annual parade of the peJice force was but a week-sJUtaat and during that week Dan lited^fptirety on orange juice and spent Jitsnightshia Turkish bath As a result he dropped eight potmds off Tils northern Elevation Very erect and ffiariftal he sat on a milk-while charger while a photographer took several exposures of him and his command

When the prints were delivered to him he sent them all toLanny with a note saying

bullNow that we- are both in the same croaked conspiracy^ I thought you might be interested1 In having the latshyest photograph laquoofthe biggest crook of thenf all bull - bullbull -Tljte following day Stephen Burt sent

him a -key a n Che following after-nbou McNamaralethimself rnto Lanshynys houSe and discovered one of the photoson her drelslng ta6lemdashand In a gold frame Another print in a silver frame appeared id her drawing room _

Holy Closes lie soliloquized Im In for it now I Godhelp me theres no escape


Upon nls return to his office Mc-Nairfafa fooild in his mail a photoshygraph of Lanny indorsed To dear old franmdashfrom his partner In crimemdash

Xanny IVJilie he was gazing upon it -and telling himself how little justice the portrait did the beloved subject Stephen telephoned demanding that he come- to the office __^

bullLanny was in ears T v e j u s t had another visit frpm Mrs--Merton Dan Stephen Tgtega1T- It seemsTEhat af ter i twgt years of inactivity during which

ftlnie she had elected to believe Pene-fcrpe (Satlin deadshe has developed a crazy notion to prove it She wants to get Penelopes fortune

Yoraquo questioned h e r about her daughter

Yes but she doesnt know It said Stephen I hypnotized her first and spent an hour questioning her and It appears that this morning she visited your captain of detectives and asked him to throw out a dragnet to locate Peftelope Qrttlin- bull bull Sdie bull brought him some snapshotst)f -the girlmdashtold him ) heT real name--all about her moneymdash the girls habits and peculiaritiesmdash everything When Tlt1 discovered

that Penelope Is an escaped convict They will immediately deport her an4 Flynn will meet her at Hobokeu

But cant you do anything about It Dan Lanny pleaded

Nothing Klynn and Angellotl are on the trail officially now He stared at Lanny tragically Im out of the picture now and can do nothing but advise you Send two cablesmdashone to Nance Belden in Paris and the other to Penelope Gatlin at the same adshydress Say Come at oncemdashLanny dyingmdashcable name vessel on which leaving and sign It Steve

111 meet her at the dock Stephen decided Im due in New York next week

Youll do nothing of the sort said Dan Ill send that convict in my honsfe He shuddered ami grimaced in his distress 1 could handle the wop with money hut Flynn has sworn an oath And because Ive made a monkey out of him hell keep It Hed rather make a monkey out of me now than acquire great richesmdashand if Im broke most likely the captain of deshytectives will step into my shoes and Flynn will stand a good chance of beshycoming captain of detectives Oh mur-deration Lanny darling have you a little whisky in the house Im faint so I -am

Youre suffering from heart trouble you egg Lanny cried savagely Yes A weak heart a soft heart a human heart

Send that cahle he roared Yes get busy Lanny Stephen

urged The bird of time has but a little way to fluttermdashand the wretched fowl is on the way

After Dan McNamara had left his office Doctor Stephen Burt gazed with mild disapproval upon Lanny

^Unlike you and Dan McNamara he said I dislike having the peaceful tenor of my life disturbed

This Intrigue is myrrh and Incense to me Stevie

I know it You and Dan love a fight for Its own sweet sake but I do not I have a particular aversion to grand Jury Indictments and it is a posshysibility you and your boy friend have let me In for

FiddTesTicksr Lanny Ill be angry with you In ft

minute Now listen to me and whatshyever you do do not talk back Dan McNamara has-iuwi out on us I mean you Hes through Dans rattled If he tradnt been hed uever hav_pound or-dered the Sending of such a fool cableshygram

Dan McNamara knows his way about Lanny defended Hes more than nine years old

So do I Lanny It will be highly dangerous to send that cablegram How Is she to know it Isnt a message to decoy her hack to the penitentiary If she receives it while shes Penelope Gatlin she Is extremely liable to cable for confirmation before acting on i t That would mean a delay of not less than twenty-four hours On the other hand if she is Nance Belden when she receives it she will leave Paris openly and walk right into the hands of the New York police Im not much of a

SOURCE OF STRENGTH A strong man Is one who realizes

how weak other men are

AND THAT -GLADLY The only thing some people wlB

share with you is trouble

Now Relieve Your Cold Quick as You Caught It 55

1 Take S BAYER Aspirin Tablets bullbull Make sure you get the BAYER Tablets you ask for

i Drink a full glass of water Repeat bull treatment in 2 hours

For Amazingly Fast Result Remember Directions

In These Simple Pictures

The simple method pictured here i s the way many doctprs now t rea t colds and the aches and pains coldt bring with them

I t is recognized as a safe sure QUICK way For it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it

Ask your doctor about this And when you buy be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly And thus work almost inshystantly when you take them And for a gargle Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness leaving no irritating

particles or grittiness BAYER Aspirin prices have been

decisively reduced on all sizes so theres no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want

J If throat is sore Crush and stir 4 bull BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third

of a glass of water Gargle twice This eases throat soreness almost instantly

PRICES on Genuine fiayr AtpMm Radically Reduced on Alt Sln$

Made My Car Look New Again

Youll marvel too at how beaushytiful your car looks after you Simoniz it But Simonizing does more than just bring back the lustre and beauty your car had when new It makes the finish stay beautiful Dust and dirt wipe off of a Simonized car with a dry cloth and the finish sparshykles as bright as ever So always insist on Simoniz and Simonix Kleerier for your car



J spring of generations of perfect plants

bull ^ bull bull bull

f O J R N E I G H B O R H O O D

S T O i i E T H pound M I N


mdash M A N Y O N L Y



REDUC-So laquoielaquo1slaquo 5o-staging No flrugi Slaquonlt1 for free circular and read how I lost 123 4ba n IVntfrntlM wili my newdiscovary Or Ifften to broadeaistover WJF and

r g m w bawience MauKs rar~RgfrPttag-bullAaraquominjt l i bo 11 fe at an drug ttorlaquos or send 1100 for trial bottle Sent postpaid

Suffered From Tetter

on Hands Aefoved by Cutcunt

laquo1 tufferedfor two or three years with tetter on my hands If I did any work they wonld bleed and be-

C Sto pfrtvfMh vlmmpoundamp0poundwere toousand dollarsmdash kin all the time What You a chief of police anld

This WM TeeMuchpoundlaquonVyjqt J ^ Him and Kltaed Him on Each ChaeK



t-remedies but sent- foTj a free

F f e o f g a M after I rem great Juckasa I know that I

aging onecake of Cuticnra Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment1

Few Market Tens

1raquoctmr2flcraquoo1ltr everywhere One

cm ISUiCrampofiSMj vvpt Rj Balden Ma-A4v bull-


bull bull

get along without her although the goV enough to ftufc Unify In tears I awakshying will be pretty sklddy But of courseJenen^-Vrs^Mertofr a n i e n t her away bullhell marry you If you askbecvLanDyhap tpy bitty wJpiIJiM^command firmly never proffers her friendships or her plqnted 1frac34 her sVihConsclous mindmdashshe lovea on the half shell bull And theresV nuit not ttynk pf Xbegtame Penelope still time my boy still time Gatlin Jhen1 -awakened her 1 asked

bullNot if she goes to Paris hepylf bullbull]raquo had laquongt adoated daughter Ive heard of police chleTs-securiagf Stot rlaquo|)lte(llaquorprlt8ed4thatshe bid I

a leave of absence for six months- |3theA$slaquociAferthejraquoainlaquo of this adopt-MI couldnt take a six m o n U i s h o n ^ f edlaquoegWrflMAgtrf--tolaquoli of terror came

bveYher face Flaquoilaquoraquo he life of her she c o n l d V r t h W o f ^ V uarne and begged

Sp^no^y^r^erit^orrrt If knew it f t s a ^ I t ^ ^ d l d n ^ t h i n k of doing

Ive saved eig^it

anly worth eight thousand dollars God help me boy Im honest bull

bull Stephen roared his merriment Why

Wouldnt - let every man have Laraquo4fv J But dont yon worry about money U n Tlie f laquo ^ s l W deg r 0tradetrade MJ

py is a business woman She man- | Fl-imantl ^ngejMtl hn the caso^he ogod raquo e iawaU^waa-a--ha includes my finances Pro with g-o^d dividend paying stocks S o u l thebankmraquolV ln inl^ries Wten he know I could be a mighty ood friend j p r w n i e d hla icredetftiaIs the cashier to the man whowould be good bullo^AraquowraquodTilB|rgtV^gt-lirrng Thpyil laen-j ^ n n y - - lt $ifjr thatolirl asNanceBeklert trace

bullTil consider the proiWlaquoltinnlt tHabull rfrer t f r i f tn 4raquoraquo ^ajrHy a I did raquond iiiutioas Celt replied although Td f tarTrlaquoairaquojievlaquorraquomenwwUi he notjlled

thatltMfoJe she-u^Kl-1frac34 the detective Jburenu wtth heri in for mat Win McXa-bullmaaraquoeriasflaquontgt cajjei UR the Security Trlitt- cbtapany __ J3L-^_^ = 1 =

detective but tonight Pm a better ono than that McNamara idiot

Hes not an idiot Hes one of thraquoraquo finest men I ever knew

Keep quiet he ordered severely You ditch my train of thought

He drew a sheet of paper joward him and commenced writing while Lanny ^glowered at him Presently he sat up and read

Grave danger bull stop beat it some other country traveling by motor stop upon arrival tfable address stop If need funds will cable them stop leave Paris establishment Koing concern stop gO out for walk and disappear stopunless these Instructions followed you leave

trail -fur jtM^eltiaOFlaquo_ tdeg_ fol low r ^Slac

He looked up How do those in- struotiona strika youiT


Uiraquo the Soft Pedal wpout try t ma^e too much noise In

de world said Uncle Eben A gwod inglneer ain gwlnter use up ai l Ail steam blow in de whistle


MM toiMtraquoraquoUmdashbullgtmdashltgtbull


nwiminnwy i ^ i i i i

bullv-- I


The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1396 B amp


Change To Summer Grease Now

Drive in to Laveya Service Station and let us remove that light winter grease and put in heavier summer

Dont put it off To use winter grease in summer is injurious to your car

Full Program Ahead


A strong gain in mLnvoersmp a healthy growth in number or troops and enthusiasm in Scout advancement lor the first quarter of lgt3o is reshyported by Scout Executive Walter At ac Peek

During the three months period just ended u) new boys have become Scouts and two new troops have Deeiraquo addea in the Council igtL Scouts have advanced to Second Class ranx 3u Scouts nave become t irst Class raru and ltfb Merit badges have been earned

X Mobiloil Gas

Goodyear Tires

Look Forward to Camping A scries of work parties are beshy

ing planned to be hela at Camp New-kirk to clean up and paint up and glt t the ramp in the best possible simp lor its lull use this spring and sumshymer

hach troop is urged to work out a carefully planned camping advenshyture either at Camp Newkirk or elsewhere


Advancement Plan Boanls of Review and Coutt- of

Honor are being planned to be hela at lYujuent intervals in all district to encuura

Training Opportunities Monhy meetings of Scout leaden

are being held and two Wfok-cnd Training conferences have b -en an-nounceu for early in May

Continued from fifet page to be conferred This he eajd were pricelaes for the reaeon that they

j must be c a n e d by a nettbership of I forty years in good atandinfc Lodged

can bestow eueh honors aa election to office etc but only forty years memshybership can secure a l ife membership

Key Jerome of Dexter s chedu le bulla the next speaker was bull preveated from coming1 by illness

Dewey Hesse of Saginaw an aspirshyant for election to grand lodge this year spoke next He is called the -talshylest Mason in Michigan He amid the support of Livingston Lodge VaS reshygarded as the rabbits foot and hoped that he would be favored with it this year He also paid-hia respect to the members of grand lodge end all blue lodge brothers and made a fery agreeable impression

Hugh McPheraquoonpast graiyi Jnast-er of Michigan Masons and present grand treasurer was next Toasjwast-er WHson remarked that i t -was poundhe natural tendency of -the Scotch to handle funds that they were always as careful in handling other peoples a their own anddthat while their atshytempts to obtain the position of cusshytodian of exchecker could be delayed it was impossible to prevent i t Mr Jtc Pherson talked on grand lodge affairs and stated that the Masonic home at Alma had paid all theirtotkl tnctebt-


At an hour in the march of evcati wneraquo a service it moat needed you will find vjifj

and capable whatever the epraquoerfeac^raquo To be first in completenett and atfteaf iveness has ever been our aim Italir experienced direction our aemcotIsMeV maintained a reputation for and sympathy The charge it ftra$e very reasonable



poundOST__A Chevrolet

truck-wheel and tire (J J CaJs Pinckney


edness of $ 1 2 0 laquo $ this year through ^ ^ M Jdeg t F ^ T - r - 8 0 a c l e s - Squire bull - - - - - bull - -bull - A VanSickle Highland Lake P i n o

THE INQUIRING REPORTER Malice to All Charity to None

We spied Stanley s r ndy sipping ^oltla at the Sugar How] Friday night Who was the sugur with yut Sar

file printers devil evidently isnt j-]XQding all his vicatiun down on tv farm We also saw him at tho Sugur Jgtol Who said-this wouldnt g-t i)

Well Afyrrr has eont- back CJ his fir-love hut he still likes the theatre

Around here it seem- to be in the sprinp a young mans fancy lightshyly turns to thoughts of old loves as we also saw Lefty with his old girl

BobDMloway and- Vtrgmta swrnrrdr to beenjoying Clive of India howshy

ever we don think Ronald Colmao deserves all the credit

Bob Head made good use of his vacation to jet befter acquainted with Sockbridge and its attractions

Now as for Jim he seems to prefer the attractions the open country ha-gt to offer

In case anyone is eouple a cute ni^h

ooking for a watclimen you

I might consult Kmmett Clark and iill I Drown

Speaking of Hill he ooked like a -ulan with his proverbial haiem a I the show Sunday Hes ro piker Hin Bill Lamb i- now going for

blond troraquoes We feel it our duty to inform you Hill that red locks are

the thing this spring [ - Well anyhoo ihiiv -was rip slar 111 | the cigar sales election night Only I they should issue instructions on how J to smoke em ih Howie

Philco Radios




Phone 72 Marvin Shirey


the fact that the brothers-had paid v p - bdquolaquo ttWi ^ f t e r - m l v a ^ ^ i W ^ l i ^ ^ - d 1 1 ^ ^ ^ aTxPherson is known n e y tradeone o 8 F 2

to most every penarolaquoin this county P n p QktA deg and is always laquo favorite speaker [ t i- ^ ^ 1 ^

The f o l l o w i n g m u t e n and W t s i S ^ copy -masters of visiting lodgedwere tnt- called upon and introducedDdiald Dancer Chelsea Harold tJdrrow Howell EIHs Gsecn P raquo Pharcs Winney Ann Arbor CltH WhitnTcy Stockbridge j Robert ^fflfiips Brightshyon A Hepplnstair ^mst Lansing Clyde Yelland Fowlerrile Roy Har-

Chelsea William Tiel - Mason Chester Miller Chelsea Clarence Mar rohey ChelseaA C JDigby South Lyon Eugene McLachian Ann Arbor Ira Ott Dexter Bird Hifrht Howell^ Ross Hidebrand Hqwell Roy Hardy Howell W E_J8immer Maaan^fcd-ward Drewpy Howell John Vorwerk Saginaw David Steptoe Dekter

Supt Morse laquoang two more song the last one of which ks dedicated to the members mf the J^asorile fra trnity Then lodfe Wjaa opened and life membership oertl^oa^f and cards presented to Eugene Caffifcbell byjliis son Andrew Johp ifclajtmj by Percy Ellis Dr CL SigUr by^ohn Martin W H Clark by PaulJSlark and Chaa J Teeple by RAifisell 14vermore This ended the evenings program end anshyother past m^fters night obaerrance of Livingston Lodge Jo 16 had be-oome history


| Fxecutive Boarlt To Meet I The April Executive Hoard meeting 1 will be held at Chas^McKenny Hall in J Ypsilanti on Tuesday evening April

iraquoth at o p in Members of the Board fris i are M li Zimmerman^ John S Page

Ralph Weeks Dr E A Ross and Floyd Weeks from the northern disshytrict Dr Theron S Langford Albert

Fiegal D r W E Foi-sythe Judge J 1 0 rj-ay Hackley Butler Ira M

SmithT)T-T~TJToTmuon George E Paul DrJJ B Howell Otto W Hais-ley Eugen Power Clarence Newman Prof Robert B Hall Emmett Gib- Fielding H Yost Al K Richarus Dr gtlax Durfite and Herbert Wagner of the middle distiict C P Steimle Paul B SarnT^i ricgtltiBattelte Supt Ernshyest Chappelle William Foy W C Con rad Lt Coin A C Schradlt r George McKim ThurJWW Hodley Supt T MshyClay Fiank Locson and George l iun-dv of he southern district the three-

40 acres Inquire of

WANTEDmdashA man to work by tno month Also early and late seed poshytatoes for sale Bert Hooker

o FOR SALSL_Sturdy Barred R o d Baby Chicks bred to live and lay Our flocks are inspected and approved by M S P I A For the past ten yearV we luve improved our flocks each year Their past performance is our recomshymendation Also hatching eggs at 65c a felting for the first three settings thereafter 3c an egg

Van Horn Hillside Farm -mdash o

HEFbl l lrYOL-U-yen=Get- our prices on -June Clover Common Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Aslike Clover and W B Sweet Clover Complete lino of Oliver Walking Plows ant- Spring-tooth Harrows See the New 12 |V2-ard Walking Plow Open Evenings W Q Jury - Hardware- amp rmplementr Hamburg Michigan

mdash o

FOR SEBVICS A p t r l s 5Terty Bear Fee $100

G e e t C r e W y

F 6 1 SALK A litUe dcy ana pound i i ^ weee


Cttxgf Scaa em -e

FAJM FOB M a f F ^ S p J g r t M taifce ^ n s wi t t I M T a o w laquolaquoI werk land nraquot eqaipperf Ca^reVft

laqirire agt Dtepa^e Office

^u w

FOR ^ raquo l V 4 C B _ P e U a d ChTaa fctiA $100 Afie 2$ Umae fe jauV

M laquo Shears mdash ~ e ^ mdash

FOR S A L E ^ F i v e parr Reck regt tera for ^ raquo e ^ f c 4reraquo J a y m f ^eck

VaaHers V W d e Farm

FOR SALD OR TljfcBJp Ur osaDer fern eraquo heoxe i t t i w l 2 1 U acrts impnTed ~XmSm~ampir^FiMknlaquoy

Walter (itrees

I district commissioner are Rev Homer M Noble of Howell Rev

Edward Blakeman of A m Arboi Dean James M Brown of Vpsitan

Dr Dr a U

FOR SALEmdash-Early Seed Potatoes R E Kelly Pinckney

o -FOR SALEmdashEating and Seed potashytoes both early and late a ls 0 seed corn H Barkoviu Beebe iVgtn

o - - -

Eataeliahed 18S5 raceri ierat^10II

Over Si^tySevea T e e n f Safe








1-2 miles Northeast of Pinck-

FOR SALEmdashThree ton OJ A No 1 marsh hay two ton of mixed hay Bert Hicks

o FOR SALEmdashWoTk


bull T w ^ l r ^ SALE^Ar Incubator 200 egg e poundeop lf - 5 ^ frac34 1 frac34 H t r i S n p W m ^ ^ i laquodegdeglti condition and about 25laquo f U o w J l inctfturt coon i bQndleAf cornstalks Mr Eli Vroa 9 I OnJanuaJ7 6 fast a c a r dnvlaquon by i H nd t j H a y s and containing Wmalf Hndinev f Clyde iymLaU -collijed ^-ih one on bull i li a 1laquo driven by Edward Wepman + iuf Grand Repide Mj-a^tinpie Wep-+ nan mother of- Edlaquoardv received in-J juries which resulted in her death

I jlaquo Htill laWft ]raquo a l - l eV^owthy re- tt

ceived a spinal fracture and Clyde Kimball received a compound fracture of the leg and has been in the hospishytal at Howell ever since The prosshyecution claifil Haywaraquo intoxicated at the time and has presented eevefal

wtneawraquo Wprorcv liftytu^M several pneviguraquoans|a tW dfujikeiine and in 198S barred a jail eent^nvc In irS4 he wat placed on probation His attorneys rcopy Don Van Winkle and Jay Sweeney Prosecutor Berrlman is ropreientlngthe people

Tea-Sifling PKG

i Apple ButterQT J A R19C Mixd Vegete 1



NO 2frac12 CAN


NO 2




The Availability of Good


norse I2 yc irs old cheap Inquire at house opposite Hause school Fred L Woodwortn

FOR SALLU Bantam and Everirrccr seed corn W C Hendee

mdash 0 mdash LoST^tJstrayed from my premises degn e nog Finder please notify R Webb Pincknpy Mich

i $ laquobull



State i

bull lt raquo


FOR SALE_Plymouth Reck Eggs for hatching from accredited fowl

M M Robert Kelly


ANT Ueivldatli teyagiBg on tha t ieuiled ee t et mortal tilaquo i i teett isey k liktaed te

boatmen xeviag aiaitat the ti4e With itreampueuB sectjt4 eeeatlti i affort they work u tkoufe agaSmtt a power fFOR SALEmdash 5 which they t e U laquo i - r u if- tot ep- J ootid raquoweae theagt itt a Alreetiee the very oppetrte J that i t whiek tkey have set t k t i f count

To each ineUaiiut tkt 4ii4 ka-ven it hit kifheat eoaceraquot of good that i txuof kumat ojporloaeo vkitk he beiievet will trlag t i laquo eaUafee-tlon and ftoeffOB f r t laquo firrthex atrog-ples gome t t i i f t it gtia poajtaafea of somethiflf irhlth ikoy belitTt blaquoti

FOR SALtU-Wcstinghousu RiiijBje 3 burner 2 ovens Retngcvator 6 cu ft

Geo Reasoji

Electric Electric

-Seed rotatoea Bea Adams Hazt Farm

o mdash bullmdashbullmdash

- - - Ducks (4 hens 1 laquorake)j 3year-old lambs (2 ewes 1 bock) g ee Stmhraquon Prtrn ft

jPlickney Mich r

FOR SALE OR RENTmdashFurm with good buildings 110 acres of land 1 4cre of raspberries Easy payments if kought If for rent cash 1 Ann Samborsku

Pinckney Michigan RFD No 2


10c SaladDresngampti7c



CHOICE 29c V Youll Get Better Meats at

Phone We Deliver

at all Timet


e o ^ raquo i 2 l ^ T u r k -cover tometkug vh ie i Ulaquojy aPioar ^ ^ 0 to te^lMiuLwIipllkfeHkMr J - H S Drf Hindi opportuaity attoaoaf home e e raquo p a i

Vewelt MWm

Swrtiet tre^ttet V



The Federal ( M f c s p t A t t

cal led for payment ea April loth

1035 all United Statea Beoda ef the

Feurth Liberty L o ^ with e^akers

eadjng in 6laquo6-



tort tend Inquire of Mike Lavey

^ W p M ^ ^ t T H C d e t f ^ a t JQamp RENTmdash t o acres of hay or pas which n e t row ip^eiloi to e t i U i all tts iormt UtitUiBg lack liMUatiea poverty aa4 dJftcoraquo4 t a t tke boot ia which they tea bark i t too extit of ha muu thought wklek wbta laquoet ttead led and borae aloag by tkt ipicitual understaedlag Of God rampay be turaed completely eOt eMtlaquoturraquoe

The teachinfi ofChrti l Jeiui ner er indicate tkat met laquoulaquot ttruggle against evil as seavatkJAg t t t i to orshyder to gala good ctaee he laid Feax notr little neck fo i t i | your Fathshyers good pleatare to g4ve yon tho kingdom Wo may u k o tela kiag-(icui as doaotiag ail Uraquot U gooe aau iigtfying and Keee^ul u d tke daily life of the lrajttr mt a ttftiffloay to the truth of kit t t t tentat for tover at any time did ke explaquoriemee laoJr or HmitaUoo Who tkathas itadled tht Gospel narraUeot ota pieturo the gentle NamroftOsalsMgUpg ageiast evil as U i r ^ e r t fear er povtrful He know ^ritkeut 4 ikad^v of doubt the power frmojiH tltojat^TOiiaktUty of goodcmi evU 4 a presenet good aa

FCJt ^ B N T _ G o o d land on shares for any drop

Phillip Sprout e ^

FOSSALKmdashBaled Hay and Straw D E Hoey amp Sons

Dexter - Mich

WANTED All kinds of bulckciirg At your home or mint

John Martin Phont 1)3F-2

In ceanectieo ith Uu tail holders

of the above dflscrtbed tomes a t grv-

en tke eppertouity to excKangm Uxtir

present boiids f o r f e i t Umd$ czmwing

ntAreai at U f p v c e e e to b e dtfo

195-5-1060 r

f ^ r kuUit i c y o i e d e t M a f to

make tali exchange kftt tke privUogo

expires Hick 27th XW$

McPWm ShU la

nityaTippJy a j j to b e e v a n i b l e t o e U not llnjU tke t t l i laeBl hit owa oipfrioaoe Oa lie oaid that higfoUovi peat JOJ wTarkf t a o of mamttnd if to e facta tad tor spoke no 141raquo W -


Nlaquot food to eoatraxy

l i r o -aooomiity to tmoft riatJi

M lt -

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Com-

mittton Retail Store


r gtbull igt bull

Paul Spadafore Prop - Stockbridge Mich

3HEEP SHEARING WANTEP 1 mm prepared to do sheep shearing

at reasonable prices Power shears Clare Swarthout

QQoi U$i CmWi ifkeCkmlit amplraquo

Georxo Sigier mad raquo f a V O laquo j laquo r of Lansing vera

Cart Krimjtt to MeUui Hlt when hie car WeinjnoUtor coUMofl A G f a a o j i f i i r

yP -^Praquoraquoim bullm HlJ

bull ^ r Ul pound-

Page 7: SSRW«* PiirtmcyPispntri)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1935-04-03.pdf · r «~-*SSRW«* I*

Tffli-Yy ^^s

The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1935


ELECTRICITY WASTE Radio stations unavoidably waste

an incredible amount of electricity because less than two one-thoushysandths of 1 per cent of the power leaving their antennas Is ever used The average station has to send oufc-constantly more bull t han 50000 times as much energy as its listeners coujd possibly consume If all of them had their sets turned on durshying all the hours-of its broadcast lngmdashColliers Weekly

bull bull bull laquo raquo

Dr Pierces Plenant Pellets are theorig iampal little liver pills put up SO years ago They regulate-liver and bowelrmdashAdv

Be ReMttaaM Idttrriage is ^ o t a failure If too

mujftV is not e l e c t e d of i t

YDS bowe i orf les

Xhjamp U-atest ampajg^k4rcopyu^wheth$r the system needs a cathartic change

lpound you Jave constant sluggishspells of bilious attacks and laxatives seem to make things worse it would be

1 ase let |poundy this Stop all use of any laxative that


may beeht toolarge ajlosa for your indiviaual neen)T9sesteatiraquoa liquid laxative that you cah m e a s u raquo and regulate

^ as tq ltdoaegtAs neoMary to repeat lakesmMer^mlamp^inditsA often W i t h e b o ^ t S ^ ^ M j f i i t i i o u t

any help at all r J i ^ U J bullraquo Doctors- and

a properly prepared liquid laxative containing natural laxative agents

u ik3laquoma l i a t a s o a W raquo lt ^ f t ) y and ablamphing

You caa aet Df Caldwells S

a t ^ y ^ a t o r e 7 ^

- i -

bull gt y bullbullgt

bull ill [ill fP

Jnlaquot h r E m ^ g r - f ^ ^ a ^ ^ i f e n t t e a

bullonmdashlike men

-tr AV J ^ bullbull

Golden Dawn

By Peter B Kyne

Copyright by Bell Syndicate WNU Service

S Y N O P S I S -

A ltV

ERRV PUREBRfM C ^ s F ri bull

fllU^ltffW klaquoV

r raquo



Dont take a back seat wnen if cotnes to grow-i ng flfiw bull V raquoP 1 a n V

f JPe^rya^urebred Flower Seeds and your garden wil l be t h e envy of

IOM They are pire-

Theodore Gatlin adopts a baby Peshynelope in an effort ttr-solve his matrishymonial troubles But his wife has never wanted her and their affairs end in the divorce court At a baseball

-game a ball strikes ten-year-old Peshynelope on the nose Mrs Gatlin spirits the child to Europe Gatlin wills Peshynelope all his money and 1s about to bpoundgin a search for her when a motor accident ends his life Some ten years later in San Francisco Stephen Burt rising1 young psychiatrist is presented by Dan McNamara chief of police with a new patientmdashNance Belden a girl with a dual personality for which her saddle nose is in part responsible McNamara does not think she is a criminal and obtains Burts testimony in court Lanny the doctors office nurse is also won over Nances crimshyinal record outweighs Doctor Burts explanation of her case and she is sent to San Quentin penitentiary bull Nance escapes although shot and goes to Lannys apartment From one of the men In the boat on which the girl escaped McNamara learns that Nances real name is Penelope Gatlin He also discovers that she is heiress to S750-000 Fearful of McNamara in his ofshyficial capacity Narce fiees Lanny finds her in her apartment asleep Then she disappears and McNamara learns that she is living in Paris

CHAPTER VIIImdashContinued mdash 2 0 mdash

This was too much Lanny put her arms around him and kissed him on each cheek And that s a seal thatll get by too

Pan was embarrassed Lanny was too mdashgo she took a has tydepar ture

The two men stared after her adshymiration In their eyes A dmdashd fine woman that None finer said McNashymara

Why dont you marry her The suggestion popped out of Doctor Burt as suddenly as it had occurred to him

nNow theres an idea McNamara mumbled dazedly How long have you been mulling it over

Subconsciously since you entered the office I caught a gleam in Lannys eyesmdashand when she kissed you the

subconscious crystalized into the conshyscious

Ill think It over Youll not think it over Mac Youll stake up your mind new And I can

rather be a bachelor than a disapshypointed lover

Tell you what to do Mac Stephen advised Send her a nice photograph of yourself If she puts It in a silver frame you may proceed with confishydence

How WiH I ktfamptf gtfnr ltbull Mf its^ fh ifSilve^ frame -oh the

dressing- table In her bedroom itll be a cinch gt

^ HowHT get into her bedroom you

blockhead - f bull- Ill steal her latchkey and have a

duplicate iuade-JTtlen you t an investishygate V

McNamara rose ^arid held out his hand Tis a pity -Stephen my boy you arent in ipy detective bureau Good night -bdquobull

The annual parade of the peJice force was but a week-sJUtaat and during that week Dan lited^fptirety on orange juice and spent Jitsnightshia Turkish bath As a result he dropped eight potmds off Tils northern Elevation Very erect and ffiariftal he sat on a milk-while charger while a photographer took several exposures of him and his command

When the prints were delivered to him he sent them all toLanny with a note saying

bullNow that we- are both in the same croaked conspiracy^ I thought you might be interested1 In having the latshyest photograph laquoofthe biggest crook of thenf all bull - bullbull -Tljte following day Stephen Burt sent

him a -key a n Che following after-nbou McNamaralethimself rnto Lanshynys houSe and discovered one of the photoson her drelslng ta6lemdashand In a gold frame Another print in a silver frame appeared id her drawing room _

Holy Closes lie soliloquized Im In for it now I Godhelp me theres no escape


Upon nls return to his office Mc-Nairfafa fooild in his mail a photoshygraph of Lanny indorsed To dear old franmdashfrom his partner In crimemdash

Xanny IVJilie he was gazing upon it -and telling himself how little justice the portrait did the beloved subject Stephen telephoned demanding that he come- to the office __^

bullLanny was in ears T v e j u s t had another visit frpm Mrs--Merton Dan Stephen Tgtega1T- It seemsTEhat af ter i twgt years of inactivity during which

ftlnie she had elected to believe Pene-fcrpe (Satlin deadshe has developed a crazy notion to prove it She wants to get Penelopes fortune

Yoraquo questioned h e r about her daughter

Yes but she doesnt know It said Stephen I hypnotized her first and spent an hour questioning her and It appears that this morning she visited your captain of detectives and asked him to throw out a dragnet to locate Peftelope Qrttlin- bull bull Sdie bull brought him some snapshotst)f -the girlmdashtold him ) heT real name--all about her moneymdash the girls habits and peculiaritiesmdash everything When Tlt1 discovered

that Penelope Is an escaped convict They will immediately deport her an4 Flynn will meet her at Hobokeu

But cant you do anything about It Dan Lanny pleaded

Nothing Klynn and Angellotl are on the trail officially now He stared at Lanny tragically Im out of the picture now and can do nothing but advise you Send two cablesmdashone to Nance Belden in Paris and the other to Penelope Gatlin at the same adshydress Say Come at oncemdashLanny dyingmdashcable name vessel on which leaving and sign It Steve

111 meet her at the dock Stephen decided Im due in New York next week

Youll do nothing of the sort said Dan Ill send that convict in my honsfe He shuddered ami grimaced in his distress 1 could handle the wop with money hut Flynn has sworn an oath And because Ive made a monkey out of him hell keep It Hed rather make a monkey out of me now than acquire great richesmdashand if Im broke most likely the captain of deshytectives will step into my shoes and Flynn will stand a good chance of beshycoming captain of detectives Oh mur-deration Lanny darling have you a little whisky in the house Im faint so I -am

Youre suffering from heart trouble you egg Lanny cried savagely Yes A weak heart a soft heart a human heart

Send that cahle he roared Yes get busy Lanny Stephen

urged The bird of time has but a little way to fluttermdashand the wretched fowl is on the way

After Dan McNamara had left his office Doctor Stephen Burt gazed with mild disapproval upon Lanny

^Unlike you and Dan McNamara he said I dislike having the peaceful tenor of my life disturbed

This Intrigue is myrrh and Incense to me Stevie

I know it You and Dan love a fight for Its own sweet sake but I do not I have a particular aversion to grand Jury Indictments and it is a posshysibility you and your boy friend have let me In for

FiddTesTicksr Lanny Ill be angry with you In ft

minute Now listen to me and whatshyever you do do not talk back Dan McNamara has-iuwi out on us I mean you Hes through Dans rattled If he tradnt been hed uever hav_pound or-dered the Sending of such a fool cableshygram

Dan McNamara knows his way about Lanny defended Hes more than nine years old

So do I Lanny It will be highly dangerous to send that cablegram How Is she to know it Isnt a message to decoy her hack to the penitentiary If she receives it while shes Penelope Gatlin she Is extremely liable to cable for confirmation before acting on i t That would mean a delay of not less than twenty-four hours On the other hand if she is Nance Belden when she receives it she will leave Paris openly and walk right into the hands of the New York police Im not much of a

SOURCE OF STRENGTH A strong man Is one who realizes

how weak other men are

AND THAT -GLADLY The only thing some people wlB

share with you is trouble

Now Relieve Your Cold Quick as You Caught It 55

1 Take S BAYER Aspirin Tablets bullbull Make sure you get the BAYER Tablets you ask for

i Drink a full glass of water Repeat bull treatment in 2 hours

For Amazingly Fast Result Remember Directions

In These Simple Pictures

The simple method pictured here i s the way many doctprs now t rea t colds and the aches and pains coldt bring with them

I t is recognized as a safe sure QUICK way For it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it

Ask your doctor about this And when you buy be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly And thus work almost inshystantly when you take them And for a gargle Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness leaving no irritating

particles or grittiness BAYER Aspirin prices have been

decisively reduced on all sizes so theres no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want

J If throat is sore Crush and stir 4 bull BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third

of a glass of water Gargle twice This eases throat soreness almost instantly

PRICES on Genuine fiayr AtpMm Radically Reduced on Alt Sln$

Made My Car Look New Again

Youll marvel too at how beaushytiful your car looks after you Simoniz it But Simonizing does more than just bring back the lustre and beauty your car had when new It makes the finish stay beautiful Dust and dirt wipe off of a Simonized car with a dry cloth and the finish sparshykles as bright as ever So always insist on Simoniz and Simonix Kleerier for your car



J spring of generations of perfect plants

bull ^ bull bull bull

f O J R N E I G H B O R H O O D

S T O i i E T H pound M I N


mdash M A N Y O N L Y



REDUC-So laquoielaquo1slaquo 5o-staging No flrugi Slaquonlt1 for free circular and read how I lost 123 4ba n IVntfrntlM wili my newdiscovary Or Ifften to broadeaistover WJF and

r g m w bawience MauKs rar~RgfrPttag-bullAaraquominjt l i bo 11 fe at an drug ttorlaquos or send 1100 for trial bottle Sent postpaid

Suffered From Tetter

on Hands Aefoved by Cutcunt

laquo1 tufferedfor two or three years with tetter on my hands If I did any work they wonld bleed and be-

C Sto pfrtvfMh vlmmpoundamp0poundwere toousand dollarsmdash kin all the time What You a chief of police anld

This WM TeeMuchpoundlaquonVyjqt J ^ Him and Kltaed Him on Each ChaeK



t-remedies but sent- foTj a free

F f e o f g a M after I rem great Juckasa I know that I

aging onecake of Cuticnra Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment1

Few Market Tens

1raquoctmr2flcraquoo1ltr everywhere One

cm ISUiCrampofiSMj vvpt Rj Balden Ma-A4v bull-


bull bull

get along without her although the goV enough to ftufc Unify In tears I awakshying will be pretty sklddy But of courseJenen^-Vrs^Mertofr a n i e n t her away bullhell marry you If you askbecvLanDyhap tpy bitty wJpiIJiM^command firmly never proffers her friendships or her plqnted 1frac34 her sVihConsclous mindmdashshe lovea on the half shell bull And theresV nuit not ttynk pf Xbegtame Penelope still time my boy still time Gatlin Jhen1 -awakened her 1 asked

bullNot if she goes to Paris hepylf bullbull]raquo had laquongt adoated daughter Ive heard of police chleTs-securiagf Stot rlaquo|)lte(llaquorprlt8ed4thatshe bid I

a leave of absence for six months- |3theA$slaquociAferthejraquoainlaquo of this adopt-MI couldnt take a six m o n U i s h o n ^ f edlaquoegWrflMAgtrf--tolaquoli of terror came

bveYher face Flaquoilaquoraquo he life of her she c o n l d V r t h W o f ^ V uarne and begged

Sp^no^y^r^erit^orrrt If knew it f t s a ^ I t ^ ^ d l d n ^ t h i n k of doing

Ive saved eig^it

anly worth eight thousand dollars God help me boy Im honest bull

bull Stephen roared his merriment Why

Wouldnt - let every man have Laraquo4fv J But dont yon worry about money U n Tlie f laquo ^ s l W deg r 0tradetrade MJ

py is a business woman She man- | Fl-imantl ^ngejMtl hn the caso^he ogod raquo e iawaU^waa-a--ha includes my finances Pro with g-o^d dividend paying stocks S o u l thebankmraquolV ln inl^ries Wten he know I could be a mighty ood friend j p r w n i e d hla icredetftiaIs the cashier to the man whowould be good bullo^AraquowraquodTilB|rgtV^gt-lirrng Thpyil laen-j ^ n n y - - lt $ifjr thatolirl asNanceBeklert trace

bullTil consider the proiWlaquoltinnlt tHabull rfrer t f r i f tn 4raquoraquo ^ajrHy a I did raquond iiiutioas Celt replied although Td f tarTrlaquoairaquojievlaquorraquomenwwUi he notjlled

thatltMfoJe she-u^Kl-1frac34 the detective Jburenu wtth heri in for mat Win McXa-bullmaaraquoeriasflaquontgt cajjei UR the Security Trlitt- cbtapany __ J3L-^_^ = 1 =

detective but tonight Pm a better ono than that McNamara idiot

Hes not an idiot Hes one of thraquoraquo finest men I ever knew

Keep quiet he ordered severely You ditch my train of thought

He drew a sheet of paper joward him and commenced writing while Lanny ^glowered at him Presently he sat up and read

Grave danger bull stop beat it some other country traveling by motor stop upon arrival tfable address stop If need funds will cable them stop leave Paris establishment Koing concern stop gO out for walk and disappear stopunless these Instructions followed you leave

trail -fur jtM^eltiaOFlaquo_ tdeg_ fol low r ^Slac

He looked up How do those in- struotiona strika youiT


Uiraquo the Soft Pedal wpout try t ma^e too much noise In

de world said Uncle Eben A gwod inglneer ain gwlnter use up ai l Ail steam blow in de whistle


MM toiMtraquoraquoUmdashbullgtmdashltgtbull


nwiminnwy i ^ i i i i

bullv-- I


The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1396 B amp


Change To Summer Grease Now

Drive in to Laveya Service Station and let us remove that light winter grease and put in heavier summer

Dont put it off To use winter grease in summer is injurious to your car

Full Program Ahead


A strong gain in mLnvoersmp a healthy growth in number or troops and enthusiasm in Scout advancement lor the first quarter of lgt3o is reshyported by Scout Executive Walter At ac Peek

During the three months period just ended u) new boys have become Scouts and two new troops have Deeiraquo addea in the Council igtL Scouts have advanced to Second Class ranx 3u Scouts nave become t irst Class raru and ltfb Merit badges have been earned

X Mobiloil Gas

Goodyear Tires

Look Forward to Camping A scries of work parties are beshy

ing planned to be hela at Camp New-kirk to clean up and paint up and glt t the ramp in the best possible simp lor its lull use this spring and sumshymer

hach troop is urged to work out a carefully planned camping advenshyture either at Camp Newkirk or elsewhere


Advancement Plan Boanls of Review and Coutt- of

Honor are being planned to be hela at lYujuent intervals in all district to encuura

Training Opportunities Monhy meetings of Scout leaden

are being held and two Wfok-cnd Training conferences have b -en an-nounceu for early in May

Continued from fifet page to be conferred This he eajd were pricelaes for the reaeon that they

j must be c a n e d by a nettbership of I forty years in good atandinfc Lodged

can bestow eueh honors aa election to office etc but only forty years memshybership can secure a l ife membership

Key Jerome of Dexter s chedu le bulla the next speaker was bull preveated from coming1 by illness

Dewey Hesse of Saginaw an aspirshyant for election to grand lodge this year spoke next He is called the -talshylest Mason in Michigan He amid the support of Livingston Lodge VaS reshygarded as the rabbits foot and hoped that he would be favored with it this year He also paid-hia respect to the members of grand lodge end all blue lodge brothers and made a fery agreeable impression

Hugh McPheraquoonpast graiyi Jnast-er of Michigan Masons and present grand treasurer was next Toasjwast-er WHson remarked that i t -was poundhe natural tendency of -the Scotch to handle funds that they were always as careful in handling other peoples a their own anddthat while their atshytempts to obtain the position of cusshytodian of exchecker could be delayed it was impossible to prevent i t Mr Jtc Pherson talked on grand lodge affairs and stated that the Masonic home at Alma had paid all theirtotkl tnctebt-


At an hour in the march of evcati wneraquo a service it moat needed you will find vjifj

and capable whatever the epraquoerfeac^raquo To be first in completenett and atfteaf iveness has ever been our aim Italir experienced direction our aemcotIsMeV maintained a reputation for and sympathy The charge it ftra$e very reasonable



poundOST__A Chevrolet

truck-wheel and tire (J J CaJs Pinckney


edness of $ 1 2 0 laquo $ this year through ^ ^ M Jdeg t F ^ T - r - 8 0 a c l e s - Squire bull - - - - - bull - -bull - A VanSickle Highland Lake P i n o

THE INQUIRING REPORTER Malice to All Charity to None

We spied Stanley s r ndy sipping ^oltla at the Sugar How] Friday night Who was the sugur with yut Sar

file printers devil evidently isnt j-]XQding all his vicatiun down on tv farm We also saw him at tho Sugur Jgtol Who said-this wouldnt g-t i)

Well Afyrrr has eont- back CJ his fir-love hut he still likes the theatre

Around here it seem- to be in the sprinp a young mans fancy lightshyly turns to thoughts of old loves as we also saw Lefty with his old girl

BobDMloway and- Vtrgmta swrnrrdr to beenjoying Clive of India howshy

ever we don think Ronald Colmao deserves all the credit

Bob Head made good use of his vacation to jet befter acquainted with Sockbridge and its attractions

Now as for Jim he seems to prefer the attractions the open country ha-gt to offer

In case anyone is eouple a cute ni^h

ooking for a watclimen you

I might consult Kmmett Clark and iill I Drown

Speaking of Hill he ooked like a -ulan with his proverbial haiem a I the show Sunday Hes ro piker Hin Bill Lamb i- now going for

blond troraquoes We feel it our duty to inform you Hill that red locks are

the thing this spring [ - Well anyhoo ihiiv -was rip slar 111 | the cigar sales election night Only I they should issue instructions on how J to smoke em ih Howie

Philco Radios




Phone 72 Marvin Shirey


the fact that the brothers-had paid v p - bdquolaquo ttWi ^ f t e r - m l v a ^ ^ i W ^ l i ^ ^ - d 1 1 ^ ^ ^ aTxPherson is known n e y tradeone o 8 F 2

to most every penarolaquoin this county P n p QktA deg and is always laquo favorite speaker [ t i- ^ ^ 1 ^

The f o l l o w i n g m u t e n and W t s i S ^ copy -masters of visiting lodgedwere tnt- called upon and introducedDdiald Dancer Chelsea Harold tJdrrow Howell EIHs Gsecn P raquo Pharcs Winney Ann Arbor CltH WhitnTcy Stockbridge j Robert ^fflfiips Brightshyon A Hepplnstair ^mst Lansing Clyde Yelland Fowlerrile Roy Har-

Chelsea William Tiel - Mason Chester Miller Chelsea Clarence Mar rohey ChelseaA C JDigby South Lyon Eugene McLachian Ann Arbor Ira Ott Dexter Bird Hifrht Howell^ Ross Hidebrand Hqwell Roy Hardy Howell W E_J8immer Maaan^fcd-ward Drewpy Howell John Vorwerk Saginaw David Steptoe Dekter

Supt Morse laquoang two more song the last one of which ks dedicated to the members mf the J^asorile fra trnity Then lodfe Wjaa opened and life membership oertl^oa^f and cards presented to Eugene Caffifcbell byjliis son Andrew Johp ifclajtmj by Percy Ellis Dr CL SigUr by^ohn Martin W H Clark by PaulJSlark and Chaa J Teeple by RAifisell 14vermore This ended the evenings program end anshyother past m^fters night obaerrance of Livingston Lodge Jo 16 had be-oome history


| Fxecutive Boarlt To Meet I The April Executive Hoard meeting 1 will be held at Chas^McKenny Hall in J Ypsilanti on Tuesday evening April

iraquoth at o p in Members of the Board fris i are M li Zimmerman^ John S Page

Ralph Weeks Dr E A Ross and Floyd Weeks from the northern disshytrict Dr Theron S Langford Albert

Fiegal D r W E Foi-sythe Judge J 1 0 rj-ay Hackley Butler Ira M

SmithT)T-T~TJToTmuon George E Paul DrJJ B Howell Otto W Hais-ley Eugen Power Clarence Newman Prof Robert B Hall Emmett Gib- Fielding H Yost Al K Richarus Dr gtlax Durfite and Herbert Wagner of the middle distiict C P Steimle Paul B SarnT^i ricgtltiBattelte Supt Ernshyest Chappelle William Foy W C Con rad Lt Coin A C Schradlt r George McKim ThurJWW Hodley Supt T MshyClay Fiank Locson and George l iun-dv of he southern district the three-

40 acres Inquire of

WANTEDmdashA man to work by tno month Also early and late seed poshytatoes for sale Bert Hooker

o FOR SALSL_Sturdy Barred R o d Baby Chicks bred to live and lay Our flocks are inspected and approved by M S P I A For the past ten yearV we luve improved our flocks each year Their past performance is our recomshymendation Also hatching eggs at 65c a felting for the first three settings thereafter 3c an egg

Van Horn Hillside Farm -mdash o

HEFbl l lrYOL-U-yen=Get- our prices on -June Clover Common Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Aslike Clover and W B Sweet Clover Complete lino of Oliver Walking Plows ant- Spring-tooth Harrows See the New 12 |V2-ard Walking Plow Open Evenings W Q Jury - Hardware- amp rmplementr Hamburg Michigan

mdash o

FOR SEBVICS A p t r l s 5Terty Bear Fee $100

G e e t C r e W y

F 6 1 SALK A litUe dcy ana pound i i ^ weee


Cttxgf Scaa em -e

FAJM FOB M a f F ^ S p J g r t M taifce ^ n s wi t t I M T a o w laquolaquoI werk land nraquot eqaipperf Ca^reVft

laqirire agt Dtepa^e Office

^u w

FOR ^ raquo l V 4 C B _ P e U a d ChTaa fctiA $100 Afie 2$ Umae fe jauV

M laquo Shears mdash ~ e ^ mdash

FOR S A L E ^ F i v e parr Reck regt tera for ^ raquo e ^ f c 4reraquo J a y m f ^eck

VaaHers V W d e Farm

FOR SALD OR TljfcBJp Ur osaDer fern eraquo heoxe i t t i w l 2 1 U acrts impnTed ~XmSm~ampir^FiMknlaquoy

Walter (itrees

I district commissioner are Rev Homer M Noble of Howell Rev

Edward Blakeman of A m Arboi Dean James M Brown of Vpsitan

Dr Dr a U

FOR SALEmdash-Early Seed Potatoes R E Kelly Pinckney

o -FOR SALEmdashEating and Seed potashytoes both early and late a ls 0 seed corn H Barkoviu Beebe iVgtn

o - - -

Eataeliahed 18S5 raceri ierat^10II

Over Si^tySevea T e e n f Safe








1-2 miles Northeast of Pinck-

FOR SALEmdashThree ton OJ A No 1 marsh hay two ton of mixed hay Bert Hicks

o FOR SALEmdashWoTk


bull T w ^ l r ^ SALE^Ar Incubator 200 egg e poundeop lf - 5 ^ frac34 1 frac34 H t r i S n p W m ^ ^ i laquodegdeglti condition and about 25laquo f U o w J l inctfturt coon i bQndleAf cornstalks Mr Eli Vroa 9 I OnJanuaJ7 6 fast a c a r dnvlaquon by i H nd t j H a y s and containing Wmalf Hndinev f Clyde iymLaU -collijed ^-ih one on bull i li a 1laquo driven by Edward Wepman + iuf Grand Repide Mj-a^tinpie Wep-+ nan mother of- Edlaquoardv received in-J juries which resulted in her death

I jlaquo Htill laWft ]raquo a l - l eV^owthy re- tt

ceived a spinal fracture and Clyde Kimball received a compound fracture of the leg and has been in the hospishytal at Howell ever since The prosshyecution claifil Haywaraquo intoxicated at the time and has presented eevefal

wtneawraquo Wprorcv liftytu^M several pneviguraquoans|a tW dfujikeiine and in 198S barred a jail eent^nvc In irS4 he wat placed on probation His attorneys rcopy Don Van Winkle and Jay Sweeney Prosecutor Berrlman is ropreientlngthe people

Tea-Sifling PKG

i Apple ButterQT J A R19C Mixd Vegete 1



NO 2frac12 CAN


NO 2




The Availability of Good


norse I2 yc irs old cheap Inquire at house opposite Hause school Fred L Woodwortn

FOR SALLU Bantam and Everirrccr seed corn W C Hendee

mdash 0 mdash LoST^tJstrayed from my premises degn e nog Finder please notify R Webb Pincknpy Mich

i $ laquobull



State i

bull lt raquo


FOR SALE_Plymouth Reck Eggs for hatching from accredited fowl

M M Robert Kelly


ANT Ueivldatli teyagiBg on tha t ieuiled ee t et mortal tilaquo i i teett isey k liktaed te

boatmen xeviag aiaitat the ti4e With itreampueuB sectjt4 eeeatlti i affort they work u tkoufe agaSmtt a power fFOR SALEmdash 5 which they t e U laquo i - r u if- tot ep- J ootid raquoweae theagt itt a Alreetiee the very oppetrte J that i t whiek tkey have set t k t i f count

To each ineUaiiut tkt 4ii4 ka-ven it hit kifheat eoaceraquot of good that i txuof kumat ojporloaeo vkitk he beiievet will trlag t i laquo eaUafee-tlon and ftoeffOB f r t laquo firrthex atrog-ples gome t t i i f t it gtia poajtaafea of somethiflf irhlth ikoy belitTt blaquoti

FOR SALtU-Wcstinghousu RiiijBje 3 burner 2 ovens Retngcvator 6 cu ft

Geo Reasoji

Electric Electric

-Seed rotatoea Bea Adams Hazt Farm

o mdash bullmdashbullmdash

- - - Ducks (4 hens 1 laquorake)j 3year-old lambs (2 ewes 1 bock) g ee Stmhraquon Prtrn ft

jPlickney Mich r

FOR SALE OR RENTmdashFurm with good buildings 110 acres of land 1 4cre of raspberries Easy payments if kought If for rent cash 1 Ann Samborsku

Pinckney Michigan RFD No 2


10c SaladDresngampti7c



CHOICE 29c V Youll Get Better Meats at

Phone We Deliver

at all Timet


e o ^ raquo i 2 l ^ T u r k -cover tometkug vh ie i Ulaquojy aPioar ^ ^ 0 to te^lMiuLwIipllkfeHkMr J - H S Drf Hindi opportuaity attoaoaf home e e raquo p a i

Vewelt MWm

Swrtiet tre^ttet V



The Federal ( M f c s p t A t t

cal led for payment ea April loth

1035 all United Statea Beoda ef the

Feurth Liberty L o ^ with e^akers

eadjng in 6laquo6-



tort tend Inquire of Mike Lavey

^ W p M ^ ^ t T H C d e t f ^ a t JQamp RENTmdash t o acres of hay or pas which n e t row ip^eiloi to e t i U i all tts iormt UtitUiBg lack liMUatiea poverty aa4 dJftcoraquo4 t a t tke boot ia which they tea bark i t too extit of ha muu thought wklek wbta laquoet ttead led and borae aloag by tkt ipicitual understaedlag Of God rampay be turaed completely eOt eMtlaquoturraquoe

The teachinfi ofChrti l Jeiui ner er indicate tkat met laquoulaquot ttruggle against evil as seavatkJAg t t t i to orshyder to gala good ctaee he laid Feax notr little neck fo i t i | your Fathshyers good pleatare to g4ve yon tho kingdom Wo may u k o tela kiag-(icui as doaotiag ail Uraquot U gooe aau iigtfying and Keee^ul u d tke daily life of the lrajttr mt a ttftiffloay to the truth of kit t t t tentat for tover at any time did ke explaquoriemee laoJr or HmitaUoo Who tkathas itadled tht Gospel narraUeot ota pieturo the gentle NamroftOsalsMgUpg ageiast evil as U i r ^ e r t fear er povtrful He know ^ritkeut 4 ikad^v of doubt the power frmojiH tltojat^TOiiaktUty of goodcmi evU 4 a presenet good aa

FCJt ^ B N T _ G o o d land on shares for any drop

Phillip Sprout e ^

FOSSALKmdashBaled Hay and Straw D E Hoey amp Sons

Dexter - Mich

WANTED All kinds of bulckciirg At your home or mint

John Martin Phont 1)3F-2

In ceanectieo ith Uu tail holders

of the above dflscrtbed tomes a t grv-

en tke eppertouity to excKangm Uxtir

present boiids f o r f e i t Umd$ czmwing

ntAreai at U f p v c e e e to b e dtfo

195-5-1060 r

f ^ r kuUit i c y o i e d e t M a f to

make tali exchange kftt tke privUogo

expires Hick 27th XW$

McPWm ShU la

nityaTippJy a j j to b e e v a n i b l e t o e U not llnjU tke t t l i laeBl hit owa oipfrioaoe Oa lie oaid that higfoUovi peat JOJ wTarkf t a o of mamttnd if to e facta tad tor spoke no 141raquo W -


Nlaquot food to eoatraxy

l i r o -aooomiity to tmoft riatJi

M lt -

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Com-

mittton Retail Store


r gtbull igt bull

Paul Spadafore Prop - Stockbridge Mich

3HEEP SHEARING WANTEP 1 mm prepared to do sheep shearing

at reasonable prices Power shears Clare Swarthout

QQoi U$i CmWi ifkeCkmlit amplraquo

Georxo Sigier mad raquo f a V O laquo j laquo r of Lansing vera

Cart Krimjtt to MeUui Hlt when hie car WeinjnoUtor coUMofl A G f a a o j i f i i r

yP -^Praquoraquoim bullm HlJ

bull ^ r Ul pound-

Page 8: SSRW«* PiirtmcyPispntri)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1935-04-03.pdf · r «~-*SSRW«* I*

MM toiMtraquoraquoUmdashbullgtmdashltgtbull


nwiminnwy i ^ i i i i

bullv-- I


The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday April 3 1396 B amp


Change To Summer Grease Now

Drive in to Laveya Service Station and let us remove that light winter grease and put in heavier summer

Dont put it off To use winter grease in summer is injurious to your car

Full Program Ahead


A strong gain in mLnvoersmp a healthy growth in number or troops and enthusiasm in Scout advancement lor the first quarter of lgt3o is reshyported by Scout Executive Walter At ac Peek

During the three months period just ended u) new boys have become Scouts and two new troops have Deeiraquo addea in the Council igtL Scouts have advanced to Second Class ranx 3u Scouts nave become t irst Class raru and ltfb Merit badges have been earned

X Mobiloil Gas

Goodyear Tires

Look Forward to Camping A scries of work parties are beshy

ing planned to be hela at Camp New-kirk to clean up and paint up and glt t the ramp in the best possible simp lor its lull use this spring and sumshymer

hach troop is urged to work out a carefully planned camping advenshyture either at Camp Newkirk or elsewhere


Advancement Plan Boanls of Review and Coutt- of

Honor are being planned to be hela at lYujuent intervals in all district to encuura

Training Opportunities Monhy meetings of Scout leaden

are being held and two Wfok-cnd Training conferences have b -en an-nounceu for early in May

Continued from fifet page to be conferred This he eajd were pricelaes for the reaeon that they

j must be c a n e d by a nettbership of I forty years in good atandinfc Lodged

can bestow eueh honors aa election to office etc but only forty years memshybership can secure a l ife membership

Key Jerome of Dexter s chedu le bulla the next speaker was bull preveated from coming1 by illness

Dewey Hesse of Saginaw an aspirshyant for election to grand lodge this year spoke next He is called the -talshylest Mason in Michigan He amid the support of Livingston Lodge VaS reshygarded as the rabbits foot and hoped that he would be favored with it this year He also paid-hia respect to the members of grand lodge end all blue lodge brothers and made a fery agreeable impression

Hugh McPheraquoonpast graiyi Jnast-er of Michigan Masons and present grand treasurer was next Toasjwast-er WHson remarked that i t -was poundhe natural tendency of -the Scotch to handle funds that they were always as careful in handling other peoples a their own anddthat while their atshytempts to obtain the position of cusshytodian of exchecker could be delayed it was impossible to prevent i t Mr Jtc Pherson talked on grand lodge affairs and stated that the Masonic home at Alma had paid all theirtotkl tnctebt-


At an hour in the march of evcati wneraquo a service it moat needed you will find vjifj

and capable whatever the epraquoerfeac^raquo To be first in completenett and atfteaf iveness has ever been our aim Italir experienced direction our aemcotIsMeV maintained a reputation for and sympathy The charge it ftra$e very reasonable



poundOST__A Chevrolet

truck-wheel and tire (J J CaJs Pinckney


edness of $ 1 2 0 laquo $ this year through ^ ^ M Jdeg t F ^ T - r - 8 0 a c l e s - Squire bull - - - - - bull - -bull - A VanSickle Highland Lake P i n o

THE INQUIRING REPORTER Malice to All Charity to None

We spied Stanley s r ndy sipping ^oltla at the Sugar How] Friday night Who was the sugur with yut Sar

file printers devil evidently isnt j-]XQding all his vicatiun down on tv farm We also saw him at tho Sugur Jgtol Who said-this wouldnt g-t i)

Well Afyrrr has eont- back CJ his fir-love hut he still likes the theatre

Around here it seem- to be in the sprinp a young mans fancy lightshyly turns to thoughts of old loves as we also saw Lefty with his old girl

BobDMloway and- Vtrgmta swrnrrdr to beenjoying Clive of India howshy

ever we don think Ronald Colmao deserves all the credit

Bob Head made good use of his vacation to jet befter acquainted with Sockbridge and its attractions

Now as for Jim he seems to prefer the attractions the open country ha-gt to offer

In case anyone is eouple a cute ni^h

ooking for a watclimen you

I might consult Kmmett Clark and iill I Drown

Speaking of Hill he ooked like a -ulan with his proverbial haiem a I the show Sunday Hes ro piker Hin Bill Lamb i- now going for

blond troraquoes We feel it our duty to inform you Hill that red locks are

the thing this spring [ - Well anyhoo ihiiv -was rip slar 111 | the cigar sales election night Only I they should issue instructions on how J to smoke em ih Howie

Philco Radios




Phone 72 Marvin Shirey


the fact that the brothers-had paid v p - bdquolaquo ttWi ^ f t e r - m l v a ^ ^ i W ^ l i ^ ^ - d 1 1 ^ ^ ^ aTxPherson is known n e y tradeone o 8 F 2

to most every penarolaquoin this county P n p QktA deg and is always laquo favorite speaker [ t i- ^ ^ 1 ^

The f o l l o w i n g m u t e n and W t s i S ^ copy -masters of visiting lodgedwere tnt- called upon and introducedDdiald Dancer Chelsea Harold tJdrrow Howell EIHs Gsecn P raquo Pharcs Winney Ann Arbor CltH WhitnTcy Stockbridge j Robert ^fflfiips Brightshyon A Hepplnstair ^mst Lansing Clyde Yelland Fowlerrile Roy Har-

Chelsea William Tiel - Mason Chester Miller Chelsea Clarence Mar rohey ChelseaA C JDigby South Lyon Eugene McLachian Ann Arbor Ira Ott Dexter Bird Hifrht Howell^ Ross Hidebrand Hqwell Roy Hardy Howell W E_J8immer Maaan^fcd-ward Drewpy Howell John Vorwerk Saginaw David Steptoe Dekter

Supt Morse laquoang two more song the last one of which ks dedicated to the members mf the J^asorile fra trnity Then lodfe Wjaa opened and life membership oertl^oa^f and cards presented to Eugene Caffifcbell byjliis son Andrew Johp ifclajtmj by Percy Ellis Dr CL SigUr by^ohn Martin W H Clark by PaulJSlark and Chaa J Teeple by RAifisell 14vermore This ended the evenings program end anshyother past m^fters night obaerrance of Livingston Lodge Jo 16 had be-oome history


| Fxecutive Boarlt To Meet I The April Executive Hoard meeting 1 will be held at Chas^McKenny Hall in J Ypsilanti on Tuesday evening April

iraquoth at o p in Members of the Board fris i are M li Zimmerman^ John S Page

Ralph Weeks Dr E A Ross and Floyd Weeks from the northern disshytrict Dr Theron S Langford Albert

Fiegal D r W E Foi-sythe Judge J 1 0 rj-ay Hackley Butler Ira M

SmithT)T-T~TJToTmuon George E Paul DrJJ B Howell Otto W Hais-ley Eugen Power Clarence Newman Prof Robert B Hall Emmett Gib- Fielding H Yost Al K Richarus Dr gtlax Durfite and Herbert Wagner of the middle distiict C P Steimle Paul B SarnT^i ricgtltiBattelte Supt Ernshyest Chappelle William Foy W C Con rad Lt Coin A C Schradlt r George McKim ThurJWW Hodley Supt T MshyClay Fiank Locson and George l iun-dv of he southern district the three-

40 acres Inquire of

WANTEDmdashA man to work by tno month Also early and late seed poshytatoes for sale Bert Hooker

o FOR SALSL_Sturdy Barred R o d Baby Chicks bred to live and lay Our flocks are inspected and approved by M S P I A For the past ten yearV we luve improved our flocks each year Their past performance is our recomshymendation Also hatching eggs at 65c a felting for the first three settings thereafter 3c an egg

Van Horn Hillside Farm -mdash o

HEFbl l lrYOL-U-yen=Get- our prices on -June Clover Common Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Aslike Clover and W B Sweet Clover Complete lino of Oliver Walking Plows ant- Spring-tooth Harrows See the New 12 |V2-ard Walking Plow Open Evenings W Q Jury - Hardware- amp rmplementr Hamburg Michigan

mdash o

FOR SEBVICS A p t r l s 5Terty Bear Fee $100

G e e t C r e W y

F 6 1 SALK A litUe dcy ana pound i i ^ weee


Cttxgf Scaa em -e

FAJM FOB M a f F ^ S p J g r t M taifce ^ n s wi t t I M T a o w laquolaquoI werk land nraquot eqaipperf Ca^reVft

laqirire agt Dtepa^e Office

^u w

FOR ^ raquo l V 4 C B _ P e U a d ChTaa fctiA $100 Afie 2$ Umae fe jauV

M laquo Shears mdash ~ e ^ mdash

FOR S A L E ^ F i v e parr Reck regt tera for ^ raquo e ^ f c 4reraquo J a y m f ^eck

VaaHers V W d e Farm

FOR SALD OR TljfcBJp Ur osaDer fern eraquo heoxe i t t i w l 2 1 U acrts impnTed ~XmSm~ampir^FiMknlaquoy

Walter (itrees

I district commissioner are Rev Homer M Noble of Howell Rev

Edward Blakeman of A m Arboi Dean James M Brown of Vpsitan

Dr Dr a U

FOR SALEmdash-Early Seed Potatoes R E Kelly Pinckney

o -FOR SALEmdashEating and Seed potashytoes both early and late a ls 0 seed corn H Barkoviu Beebe iVgtn

o - - -

Eataeliahed 18S5 raceri ierat^10II

Over Si^tySevea T e e n f Safe








1-2 miles Northeast of Pinck-

FOR SALEmdashThree ton OJ A No 1 marsh hay two ton of mixed hay Bert Hicks

o FOR SALEmdashWoTk


bull T w ^ l r ^ SALE^Ar Incubator 200 egg e poundeop lf - 5 ^ frac34 1 frac34 H t r i S n p W m ^ ^ i laquodegdeglti condition and about 25laquo f U o w J l inctfturt coon i bQndleAf cornstalks Mr Eli Vroa 9 I OnJanuaJ7 6 fast a c a r dnvlaquon by i H nd t j H a y s and containing Wmalf Hndinev f Clyde iymLaU -collijed ^-ih one on bull i li a 1laquo driven by Edward Wepman + iuf Grand Repide Mj-a^tinpie Wep-+ nan mother of- Edlaquoardv received in-J juries which resulted in her death

I jlaquo Htill laWft ]raquo a l - l eV^owthy re- tt

ceived a spinal fracture and Clyde Kimball received a compound fracture of the leg and has been in the hospishytal at Howell ever since The prosshyecution claifil Haywaraquo intoxicated at the time and has presented eevefal

wtneawraquo Wprorcv liftytu^M several pneviguraquoans|a tW dfujikeiine and in 198S barred a jail eent^nvc In irS4 he wat placed on probation His attorneys rcopy Don Van Winkle and Jay Sweeney Prosecutor Berrlman is ropreientlngthe people

Tea-Sifling PKG

i Apple ButterQT J A R19C Mixd Vegete 1



NO 2frac12 CAN


NO 2




The Availability of Good


norse I2 yc irs old cheap Inquire at house opposite Hause school Fred L Woodwortn

FOR SALLU Bantam and Everirrccr seed corn W C Hendee

mdash 0 mdash LoST^tJstrayed from my premises degn e nog Finder please notify R Webb Pincknpy Mich

i $ laquobull



State i

bull lt raquo


FOR SALE_Plymouth Reck Eggs for hatching from accredited fowl

M M Robert Kelly


ANT Ueivldatli teyagiBg on tha t ieuiled ee t et mortal tilaquo i i teett isey k liktaed te

boatmen xeviag aiaitat the ti4e With itreampueuB sectjt4 eeeatlti i affort they work u tkoufe agaSmtt a power fFOR SALEmdash 5 which they t e U laquo i - r u if- tot ep- J ootid raquoweae theagt itt a Alreetiee the very oppetrte J that i t whiek tkey have set t k t i f count

To each ineUaiiut tkt 4ii4 ka-ven it hit kifheat eoaceraquot of good that i txuof kumat ojporloaeo vkitk he beiievet will trlag t i laquo eaUafee-tlon and ftoeffOB f r t laquo firrthex atrog-ples gome t t i i f t it gtia poajtaafea of somethiflf irhlth ikoy belitTt blaquoti

FOR SALtU-Wcstinghousu RiiijBje 3 burner 2 ovens Retngcvator 6 cu ft

Geo Reasoji

Electric Electric

-Seed rotatoea Bea Adams Hazt Farm

o mdash bullmdashbullmdash

- - - Ducks (4 hens 1 laquorake)j 3year-old lambs (2 ewes 1 bock) g ee Stmhraquon Prtrn ft

jPlickney Mich r

FOR SALE OR RENTmdashFurm with good buildings 110 acres of land 1 4cre of raspberries Easy payments if kought If for rent cash 1 Ann Samborsku

Pinckney Michigan RFD No 2


10c SaladDresngampti7c



CHOICE 29c V Youll Get Better Meats at

Phone We Deliver

at all Timet


e o ^ raquo i 2 l ^ T u r k -cover tometkug vh ie i Ulaquojy aPioar ^ ^ 0 to te^lMiuLwIipllkfeHkMr J - H S Drf Hindi opportuaity attoaoaf home e e raquo p a i

Vewelt MWm

Swrtiet tre^ttet V



The Federal ( M f c s p t A t t

cal led for payment ea April loth

1035 all United Statea Beoda ef the

Feurth Liberty L o ^ with e^akers

eadjng in 6laquo6-



tort tend Inquire of Mike Lavey

^ W p M ^ ^ t T H C d e t f ^ a t JQamp RENTmdash t o acres of hay or pas which n e t row ip^eiloi to e t i U i all tts iormt UtitUiBg lack liMUatiea poverty aa4 dJftcoraquo4 t a t tke boot ia which they tea bark i t too extit of ha muu thought wklek wbta laquoet ttead led and borae aloag by tkt ipicitual understaedlag Of God rampay be turaed completely eOt eMtlaquoturraquoe

The teachinfi ofChrti l Jeiui ner er indicate tkat met laquoulaquot ttruggle against evil as seavatkJAg t t t i to orshyder to gala good ctaee he laid Feax notr little neck fo i t i | your Fathshyers good pleatare to g4ve yon tho kingdom Wo may u k o tela kiag-(icui as doaotiag ail Uraquot U gooe aau iigtfying and Keee^ul u d tke daily life of the lrajttr mt a ttftiffloay to the truth of kit t t t tentat for tover at any time did ke explaquoriemee laoJr or HmitaUoo Who tkathas itadled tht Gospel narraUeot ota pieturo the gentle NamroftOsalsMgUpg ageiast evil as U i r ^ e r t fear er povtrful He know ^ritkeut 4 ikad^v of doubt the power frmojiH tltojat^TOiiaktUty of goodcmi evU 4 a presenet good aa

FCJt ^ B N T _ G o o d land on shares for any drop

Phillip Sprout e ^

FOSSALKmdashBaled Hay and Straw D E Hoey amp Sons

Dexter - Mich

WANTED All kinds of bulckciirg At your home or mint

John Martin Phont 1)3F-2

In ceanectieo ith Uu tail holders

of the above dflscrtbed tomes a t grv-

en tke eppertouity to excKangm Uxtir

present boiids f o r f e i t Umd$ czmwing

ntAreai at U f p v c e e e to b e dtfo

195-5-1060 r

f ^ r kuUit i c y o i e d e t M a f to

make tali exchange kftt tke privUogo

expires Hick 27th XW$

McPWm ShU la

nityaTippJy a j j to b e e v a n i b l e t o e U not llnjU tke t t l i laeBl hit owa oipfrioaoe Oa lie oaid that higfoUovi peat JOJ wTarkf t a o of mamttnd if to e facta tad tor spoke no 141raquo W -


Nlaquot food to eoatraxy

l i r o -aooomiity to tmoft riatJi

M lt -

Authorized Mich Liquor Control Com-

mittton Retail Store


r gtbull igt bull

Paul Spadafore Prop - Stockbridge Mich

3HEEP SHEARING WANTEP 1 mm prepared to do sheep shearing

at reasonable prices Power shears Clare Swarthout

QQoi U$i CmWi ifkeCkmlit amplraquo

Georxo Sigier mad raquo f a V O laquo j laquo r of Lansing vera

Cart Krimjtt to MeUui Hlt when hie car WeinjnoUtor coUMofl A G f a a o j i f i i r

yP -^Praquoraquoim bullm HlJ

bull ^ r Ul pound-