t x t- y I sta- hr Q V e u > < OCALA BANNER- t I < i p paper Uf the Pole lor the People and t > v the People 5- OCAXA h I > V 4 L 4O XO 25 FLORIDA FRIDAY DECEMBER 1 19O5 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR 10 7- e I- It Home Made I I Have your cake muffins and tea bis- cuit ¬ I homemade They will be fresher > cleaner more tasty and wholesome Royal Baking Powder helps the house- wife I to produce at home quickly and eco- nomically ¬ i fine and tasty cake the raised hotbiscuit puddings the frosted layer cake crisp cookies crullers crusts and I k muffins with which the readymade food I if r r found at the bakeshop or grocery does j I not compare I T Royal is the greatest of bakeday helpsRO- YAL BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK I SAIA ELIZABETH SABBIS Local Editor HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN ft ti Twenty pounds of sugar for 100 q at the Fair x Mr Benjamin Condon has returned I home from a several days visit to Mr Clifford Ayre at McIntosh 31 r Robert S Adams of Jackson- ville ¬ is in the city for a few days the guest of his mother I Mrs Kennedy nee Miss Emma I Smith of Sarasota is in Ocala the I guest of TS G ai Hubbard and Mrs Neil Allred The Montezuma hotel is still open with Col V J Shipman in control Breakfast early by order at 6 a m Regular breakfast after 630 a m y Dinner at 12 m Supper 6 p m Al ¬ ways on time for all trains porter meets all train x I Miss Lucile Asley one of Thomas villes most charming young ladies who has often been the popular guest- of ° Miss Violet Harrs arrived in the I city yesterday and will be the guest- of Mrs W H Powers at the Savoy y for a week I < Messrs Lang Swartz Co are the authorized agents of the Sanders I 1 Fertilizer Co of Jacksonville If you are needing fertilizers or any- thing ¬ I r in the ferilizer line you will do well to figure with them before buy mg Z 1 1 Mr and Mrs James H Badger re turned from the Fair Saturday and speak very highly in praise of it I Mr Badger says that prices are ex- ceedingly ¬ i reasonable and that the I t I people of Tampa have not taken ad ¬ l r vantage of the big crowds to put up I prices He says the proprietor of the i i Palmetto hotel put himself out of his t way to show him favors i 1 IE The enterprising firm of Lang I Swartz Co have placed on our 4 I desk a half doyen of the famous Dixon cabinet pencils with their ad- vertisement J t printed on same which reads as follows Lang Swartz I i Cot Wholesale Grocers Ocala Fla1 This firm is using printers ink in ev- ery I 4 form to bring its business intono ¬ tice and as a result is doing a fine I trade- r I Z We had a very pleasant visit yes- terday ¬ j from Mr Archie Heyburn of I the Jacksonville Diamond Lumber I Co He was here on business connec ¬ > F ted with his company Mr He burn E r f > sa very fluent and graceful writer andIs the author of the articles un ¬ der the pen name of the Corconian ll s appearing in the Jacksonville I Sun i rt Phosphate Land For Sale 1k i I Offer at a decided bargain 15 acres V ° prospected phosphate land having f a sUght overlay Same is located in j f t20 20 and if operated us adjoining j ax aew rked will yield a bi revenue tli o ° OS MRS H tit Gii > toun r 118 llth St Oakland Cal e < tfWS > Y wf i J3- r < jif < 7 b Lucinda Richardson an aired col bred woman was run over by the Dunnellon short at the crossing- and killed Tuesday afternoon- Mr C M Turner who formerly resided in this city died of consump ¬ tion at Viola Tenn Nov IS age 45 He was an estimiable upright citizen and an exemplary Christian FOR SALE My house and lot knowr- as the Reardon place situated on Ocklawaha avenue For particulars I address Mrs K Orr 1100 2nd street Louisville Ky 11 17 3t Mr and Mrs H C Jones and daughter Helen Misses Mattie and Carrie Williams Mrs B W Blount Judge Joseph Bell and Mr Robert Mathews have returned from Tampa where they have been taking in the I fair Sarasota Time W E Holmes met his family at Ocala on their re ¬ turn from the north where they spent the summer Mrs Holmes states that the Wabash river froze over on the night of the 3rd inst They were glad to return to the Sunny South Miss Lilla L Brumby has opened- new stenographic and typewriting of ¬ fices in the Union Block Rooms 7 and S over the store of HelvenstonPas- teur Co Miss Brumby is well equip ¬ ped for all classes of stenographic and I typewriting work and solicits the patronage of the public generally- Mrs Julia Palmer who formerly kept a boarding house in this city is now at St Petersburg and has leased the Wayne hotel it is nicely situated being only a block from the bay and- is on the street car line the rooms are large and nicely furnished If you should go to St Petersburg reg ¬ ister at the Wayne It is a pretty and growing city Fishing is one of its attractions Mr Carter H Dame is back from the Tampa fair He was there on Woodmens day and says there were more than a thousand in parade It was an immense success The Tam ¬ pa papers and the TimesUnion speak- of it as being a most remarkable dem- onstration ¬ It was largely through Mr Dames influence that so many lodges attended He is an enthusi ¬ astic Woodmen- Mrs M A E Robertson of one Ma ¬ rions distinguished business wo ¬ men was in Ocala Friday She has recently returned from middle and east Georgia where she has spent a most delightful summer and it will be interesting to her friends to know that her health greatly improved Mrs Robertson watched the moving- of Georgias big peach crop with in ¬ terest and tells some charming stories- of her observations She is now with herson Mr Reed Russell Anthony r < > f MARION COUNTY STOCK GETS FAIR AWARDS Palmetto Park Stock Farms Short ¬ horns Win Prizes Over St I Lcuis Fair Winners Special to the Ocala Banner Fair Grounds Tampa Nov 24The Palmetto Park Shorthorn yearling Angeline two years old won the grand female championship over all ages and breeds of Florida raised cat- tle ¬ and was showed against StLouis Worlds Fair Winners Messrs Gaitskill Edwards Broth- ers ¬ Guerrant and Whitworth also won prizes on their exhibits of Here ¬ ford cattle hogs and other live stock Marion will finish the killing on Monday when her her horses are shown Z C C Whitworth at the Fair As Marion county is one of the foremoSt in all branches of live stock- it is not surprising to find her with a fine exhibit of hogs H H Whit ¬ worth of Ocala being represented- by several pens of DurocJerseys five of which took part in the parade of live stock weighing in the aggregate- over two tons A boar which Mr Whitworth shows in the yearling- class was a winner at St Louis last year in the six months old class while a number of his stock are direct descendants from Odom Paul who competed in twentythree sweep ¬ stakes and was never beaten As a fine specimen of a boar it would be hard to beat TipTop Notcher jr whose sire at the age of twentythree months weighed 1123 pounds and was a grand champion at the St Louis exposition An interesting exhibit made by Mr Whitworth is the difference between the pasture- fed hogs and the finished animals- two pens of six months old pigs from each class being shown the pigs which have passed through the finish ¬ ing process of feeding averaging 300 pounds apiece When it comes to a question of size Mr Whitworth can certainly claim to be well represented by his twoyearod hog Big Dick this enor ¬ mous animal which attracts the at ¬ tention of every visitor to the hog pens weighing 1000 pounds Alto ¬ gether Mr Whitworth has at the fair about fifty head of hogs several pens- of pigs having been disposed of to people who have visited the exhibit Chambliss at the Fair- Z C Chambliss the Ocala banker who has devoted much time and mon- ey to the upbuilding of the cattle in- dustry ¬ in the state and who has loyally supported every effort that has been made to prove that the in ¬ dustry could be conducted on a prof ¬ itable basis here as well as elsewhere is represented by an excellent show- of shorthorns the breed which John Bull depends on to produce the fam ¬ ous Roast Beef of Old England- The bulls from this farm are Direc ¬ tor by King Adree now nineteen months old and weighing 1310 pounds- and the yearling Lads Marsh all by rue Lad for Me who can claim the distinction of being descended from the best shorthorn strain in the country These animals are perfect specimens of their type and prove conclusively what can be done in the way of making beef cattle in Florida where inteligence is used in feeding and caring for them Furthermore- for the benefit of those who are un- able ¬ to purchase a herd of fine cattle at the outset Mr Chambliss has pro ¬ vided an object lesson by including among the specimens on show from his farm two native cows with calves by a short horn bull showing the im ¬ mense improvement which can be made in the stock by merely one cross Tampa Times I Y m CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Bsst Cccsh Syrup Tastes Good Use ia time Sold by druggists J 0- if r r <S < < THE HORSE SHOE FARM SOLD I Monroe McDonald ft Company Pur ¬ chasers at 710000 The Horse Shoe Farm and timber- lands at Pine in the northeastern portion of the county t including 600 acres was sold yesterday to Monroe McDonald Company naval stores operators the price paid being 7100 This is the property of the Charles Thomas estate and is one of the best farms in the flat woods section of the county as well as one of the finest bodies of timber The stock consisting of large herds- of cattle sheep hogs and some horses were not included in the deal I Still Selling Phosphate Lands t Col Albertis Vogt late the Duke- of Dunnellon is now living at Bar tow and is still booming Florida He has recently sold two pieces of phos ¬ phate land and in a letterto the Man ¬ ufacturers Record gives the following information in regard to his sales He says- I have sold to Mr J Warrington Cottman of Tiger Bay PO Fla who is the superintendent of the Pal ¬ metto Phosphate Co and one of the largest most successful and prosper- ous pebble phosphate miners in Flor ¬ ida 426 acres of phosphate land in Polk county that by Mr Cottmans- own prospecting and analysis of the Shepard laboratory at Charleston S C is the best tract in the country- for 42600 cash The Palmetto Phos ¬ phate Company is composed of Balti ¬ more people and maintains an office- in that city- I have also sold for Mr T G Ross- of Calvert Station Baltimore 160 acres of land in Polk county for 8000 cash and I also have a deal on in fullers earth lands with Mr Edgar- G Jones of 220 South Charles Street Baltimore comprehending a cash transaction of 124000 The princi ¬ pals of all these deals are Baltimore people and every dollar of the money- is Baltimore capital- Will Probably Settle at Anthony- Dr D A Smith of Anthony was in Ocala Friday and was accompa ¬ nied by Mr Orville Watson of West Virginia Mr Watson is one of a party of fifteen or twenty who are visiting Anthony on a prospecting- tour and if they are pleased expect- to become permanent settlers In an interview with a representative of this paper yesterday Mr Watson said that up to this time every mem- ber ¬ of the party were highly delight- ed ¬ and especially so with our salubri- ous ¬ climate The people of Anthony are taking great pains to show these prospectors the fine lands tributary to that town and it is believed that all or some of the party at least will purchase homes there Marions Display of Fancy Work at the Fair Marion county has her fancy work display embracing the usual fea- tures ¬ with some unusual ones thrown- in A pyrographjr cabinet and bench formed a center of attraction artis ¬ tically done and rare in its design Miss Cora Griffin gave us courteous I attention while showing the many ar- ticles ¬ I in the booth embracing the I school exhibits which are among the I finest in the building Mrs B T Perdue is her assistantTampa cor I TimesUnion- A n Beautiful Spectacle Mr Robert Ranson who has just re ¬ turned from a trip to City Point says that the orange groves down the coast I are laden with golden fruit and pre- sent ¬ i a beautiful spectacle Being fa- miliar ¬ j with that section before the great freeze and immediately after Mr Ranson is in a position to judge- of the remarkable recuperative power displayedSt Augustine Record Gilchrist and the Young Ladies General Gilchrist nas a number of young chrysanthemum plants which- he wishes to present to ladies who will set them out in their flower Punta Gorcla Herald fffo 7f1 fr < t Wf WW WF W Witt W W WWWWWW W WWWW Iff WWW 1 2 Cold Storage Z F Of Meats i We beg to Announce to the pub- lic f EE that we are ready to cure = = MEATS We guarantee > = = S E satisfaction and solicit your pat- E ronage 1 Ocala Ice a- f r ue- G Co jUjUiU iU uj iUiU iUiUiiiUii R Cold Weather- Is x Certain to ComeS- o 13 t why should you wait until it comes to lay in your supply of Winter Wraps- We have just received and put on display- one of the prettiest most varied most stylish and uptodate assortments of t S LEI DIES KNIT SHAWLS r WOOLEN SWEATERS 8ct- hat money can buy and we invite the ladies to call and see them All sizes from little girls to the stout matron We 4 can also fit out men and boys with wool sweaters You will find our prices right Call and let us show this splenid li- neFAIR T ± THE T A L WEBB Prop OCALA FLORIDA 3 A Fr t SIgplirrJUiU I t I cnacn Tg ni3Ur3Slt >l gSlli a5i3CiSlGiiaii t I i h IZi WEEATMEAT 1 1 To grow strong Unless we get I oo meat we may as well let 151- SM 1 z fi it aioue There is no strength s in tough mealinstead of giv- ing ¬ it takes strength to digest m 15- IS I it It pjt S to he careful in Y- s > buying nifHT h sure to gel ts a t- s ihf ltender and fhoicr r Pity a littlf more if need be and j21 l J put something in your stomach z t pI 11 whir h will pUT flesh on your bones and strong blood in your h ve- insEDWARDS i L II BROS s s Stall 2 and 4 City Mark Ocala Flu J F E itliJ J G i S A STANDLEY COT- he Pin acle of Human Skill Has been reached in our carriages a buggies and harness The only way they can ever be better is to raise the- innaoleelevate the standardand even then our vehicles will be found J- i it the top They are not so high in t prices though as to be out of reach t of most vehicle users Let ns quote I you figures a I LIVERY FEED SALE STABLE y

I Q OCALA BANNER-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00353/00588.pdf · 2009. 6. 23. · SAIA ELIZABETH SABBIS Local Editor HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN ft ti Twenty pounds of sugar

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Page 1: I Q OCALA BANNER-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00353/00588.pdf · 2009. 6. 23. · SAIA ELIZABETH SABBIS Local Editor HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN ft ti Twenty pounds of sugar

t x t-






V e





ip paper Uf the Pole lor the People and t>v the People 5-





It Home Made I


Have your cake muffins and tea bis-



homemade They will be fresher> cleaner more tasty and wholesome

Royal Baking Powder helps the house-wife


to produce at home quickly and eco-nomically

¬ i

fine and tasty cake the raisedhotbiscuit puddings the frosted layercake crisp cookies crullers crusts and


k muffins with which the readymade foodI

ifr r found at the bakeshop or grocery does j


not compare I

T Royal is the greatest of bakeday helpsRO-




Twenty pounds of sugar for 100q at the Fair x

Mr Benjamin Condon has returned I

home from a several days visit to MrClifford Ayre at McIntosh

31 r Robert S Adams of Jackson-ville


is in the city for a few days theguest of his mother I

Mrs Kennedy nee Miss Emma I

Smith of Sarasota is in Ocala the I

guest of TS G a i Hubbard andMrs Neil Allred

The Montezuma hotel is still openwith Col V J Shipman in controlBreakfast early by order at 6 a mRegular breakfast after 630 a m

y Dinner at 12 m Supper 6 p m Al ¬

ways on time for all trains portermeets all train x I

Miss Lucile Asley one of Thomasvilles most charming young ladieswho has often been the popular guest-of

° Miss Violet Harrs arrived in the I

city yesterday and will be the guest-

of Mrs W H Powers at the Savoyy for a week I


Messrs Lang Swartz Co are theauthorized agents of the Sanders I

1 Fertilizer Co of Jacksonville Ifyou are needing fertilizers or any-thing

¬ I

r in the ferilizer line you will dowell to figure with them before buymg Z


1 Mr and Mrs James H Badger returned from the Fair Saturday andspeak very highly in praise of it I

Mr Badger says that prices are ex-


¬ i

reasonable and that the I

t I

people of Tampa have not taken ad¬

l r vantage of the big crowds to put up I

prices He says the proprietor of theii Palmetto hotel put himself out of his

t way to show him favors i

1 IE The enterprising firm of Lang I

Swartz Co have placed on our4 I

desk a half doyen of the famousDixon cabinet pencils with their ad-



t printed on same whichreads as follows Lang Swartz I

i Cot Wholesale Grocers Ocala Fla1This firm is using printers ink in ev-


4 form to bring its business intono ¬

tice and as a result is doing a fine I

trade-r I

Z We had a very pleasant visit yes-terday


j from Mr Archie Heyburn of I

the Jacksonville Diamond LumberI

Co He was here on business connec ¬


ted with his company Mr He burnE

r f >sa very fluent and graceful writerandIs the author of the articles un ¬

der the pen name of the Corconianlls appearing in the Jacksonville I

Sun i

rt Phosphate Land For Sale1k i I Offer at a decided bargain 15 acres

V°prospected phosphate land having

fa sUght overlay Same is located in j

f t20 20 and if operated us adjoiningjax aewrked will yield a bi revenuetlio° OS MRS H tit Gii > tounr 118 llth St Oakland Cal

e <

tfWS >

Y wf iJ3-


jif < 7 b

Lucinda Richardson an aired colbred woman was run over by the

Dunnellon short at the crossing-and killed Tuesday afternoon-

Mr C M Turner who formerlyresided in this city died of consump ¬

tion at Viola Tenn Nov IS age 45

He was an estimiable upright citizenand an exemplary Christian

FOR SALE My house and lot knowr-

as the Reardon place situated onOcklawaha avenue For particulars I

address Mrs K Orr 1100 2nd streetLouisville Ky 11 17 3t

Mr and Mrs H C Jones anddaughter Helen Misses Mattie andCarrie Williams Mrs B W BlountJudge Joseph Bell and Mr RobertMathews have returned from Tampawhere they have been taking in the I


Sarasota Time W E Holmesmet his family at Ocala on their re ¬

turn from the north where they spentthe summer Mrs Holmes statesthat the Wabash river froze over onthe night of the 3rd inst They wereglad to return to the Sunny South

Miss Lilla L Brumby has opened-new stenographic and typewriting of¬

fices in the Union Block Rooms 7 andS over the store of HelvenstonPas-teur Co Miss Brumby is well equip¬

ped for all classes of stenographic and I

typewriting work and solicits thepatronage of the public generally-

Mrs Julia Palmer who formerlykept a boarding house in this city isnow at St Petersburg and has leasedthe Wayne hotel it is nicely situatedbeing only a block from the bay and-

is on the street car line the roomsare large and nicely furnished Ifyou should go to St Petersburg reg¬

ister at the Wayne It is a prettyand growing city Fishing is one of

its attractions

Mr Carter H Dame is back fromthe Tampa fair He was there on

Woodmens day and says there weremore than a thousand in parade Itwas an immense success The Tam ¬

pa papers and the TimesUnion speak-

of it as being a most remarkable dem-



It was largely throughMr Dames influence that so manylodges attended He is an enthusi ¬

astic Woodmen-

Mrs M A E Robertson of one Ma ¬

rions distinguished business wo ¬

men was in Ocala Friday She hasrecently returned from middle and

east Georgia where she has spent a

most delightful summer and it will

be interesting to her friends to know

that her health greatly improvedMrs Robertson watched the moving-

of Georgias big peach crop with in ¬

terest and tells some charming stories-

of her observations She is now with

herson Mr Reed Russell Anthony

r < > f



Palmetto Park Stock Farms Short ¬

horns Win Prizes Over StI

Lcuis Fair WinnersSpecial to the Ocala Banner

Fair Grounds Tampa Nov 24ThePalmetto Park Shorthorn yearlingAngeline two years old won thegrand female championship over allages and breeds of Florida raised cat-



and was showed against StLouisWorlds Fair Winners

Messrs Gaitskill Edwards Broth-ers


Guerrant and Whitworth alsowon prizes on their exhibits of Here ¬

ford cattle hogs and other live stockMarion will finish the killing on

Monday when her her horses areshown Z C C

Whitworth at the FairAs Marion county is one of the

foremoSt in all branches of live stock-

it is not surprising to find her with afine exhibit of hogs H H Whit ¬

worth of Ocala being represented-by several pens of DurocJerseys five

of which took part in the parade oflive stock weighing in the aggregate-over two tons A boar which Mr

Whitworth shows in the yearling-

class was a winner at St Louis lastyear in the six months old classwhile a number of his stock are directdescendants from Odom Paul whocompeted in twentythree sweep¬

stakes and was never beaten As afine specimen of a boar it would be

hard to beat TipTop Notcher jrwhose sire at the age of twentythreemonths weighed 1123 pounds andwas a grand champion at the StLouis exposition An interestingexhibit made by Mr Whitworth is

the difference between the pasture-

fed hogs and the finished animals-

two pens of six months old pigs fromeach class being shown the pigswhich have passed through the finish ¬

ing process of feeding averaging 300

pounds apieceWhen it comes to a question of

size Mr Whitworth can certainlyclaim to be well represented by histwoyearod hog Big Dick this enor ¬

mous animal which attracts the at¬

tention of every visitor to the hogpens weighing 1000 pounds Alto ¬

gether Mr Whitworth has at the fairabout fifty head of hogs several pens-

of pigs having been disposed of topeople who have visited the exhibit

Chambliss at the Fair-

Z C Chambliss the Ocala bankerwho has devoted much time and mon-

ey to the upbuilding of the cattle in-


in the state and who hasloyally supported every effort thathas been made to prove that the in¬

dustry could be conducted on a prof ¬

itable basis here as well as elsewhereis represented by an excellent show-

of shorthorns the breed which JohnBull depends on to produce the fam ¬

ous Roast Beef of Old England-

The bulls from this farm are Direc ¬

tor by King Adree now nineteenmonths old and weighing 1310 pounds-

and the yearling Lads Marsh all by

rue Lad for Me who can claim thedistinction of being descended fromthe best shorthorn strain in thecountry These animals are perfectspecimens of their type and proveconclusively what can be done in theway of making beef cattle in Floridawhere inteligence is used in feedingand caring for them Furthermore-for the benefit of those who are un-



to purchase a herd of fine cattleat the outset Mr Chambliss has pro ¬

vided an object lesson by includingamong the specimens on show from

his farm two native cows with calvesby a short horn bull showing the im ¬

mense improvement which can be

made in the stock by merely onecross Tampa Times




Bsst Cccsh Syrup Tastes GoodUse ia time Sold by druggists

J 0-


r< S < <


Monroe McDonald ft Company Pur ¬

chasers at 710000The Horse Shoe Farm and timber-

lands at Pine in the northeasternportion of the county t including 600

acres was sold yesterday to MonroeMcDonald Company naval storesoperators the price paid being 7100

This is the property of the CharlesThomas estate and is one of the bestfarms in the flat woods section of thecounty as well as one of the finestbodies of timber

The stock consisting of large herds-

of cattle sheep hogs and some horseswere not included in the deal I

Still Selling Phosphate Lands t

Col Albertis Vogt late the Duke-

of Dunnellon is now living at Bartow and is still booming Florida Hehas recently sold two pieces of phos¬

phate land and in a letterto the Man¬

ufacturers Record gives the followinginformation in regard to his sales

He says-

I have sold to Mr J WarringtonCottman of Tiger Bay PO Flawho is the superintendent of the Pal ¬

metto Phosphate Co and one of thelargest most successful and prosper-ous pebble phosphate miners in Flor ¬

ida 426 acres of phosphate land inPolk county that by Mr Cottmans-own prospecting and analysis of theShepard laboratory at Charleston SC is the best tract in the country-

for 42600 cash The Palmetto Phos ¬

phate Company is composed of Balti ¬

more people and maintains an office-

in that city-

I have also sold for Mr T G Ross-

of Calvert Station Baltimore 160

acres of land in Polk county for 8000

cash and I also have a deal on infullers earth lands with Mr Edgar-G Jones of 220 South Charles StreetBaltimore comprehending a cashtransaction of 124000 The princi ¬

pals of all these deals are Baltimorepeople and every dollar of the money-

is Baltimore capital-

Will Probably Settle at Anthony-

Dr D A Smith of Anthony wasin Ocala Friday and was accompa ¬

nied by Mr Orville Watson of WestVirginia Mr Watson is one of aparty of fifteen or twenty who arevisiting Anthony on a prospecting-

tour and if they are pleased expect-to become permanent settlers In aninterview with a representative ofthis paper yesterday Mr Watsonsaid that up to this time every mem-



of the party were highly delight-ed


and especially so with our salubri-ous


climate The people of Anthonyare taking great pains to show theseprospectors the fine lands tributaryto that town and it is believed thatall or some of the party at least willpurchase homes there

Marions Display of Fancy Work atthe Fair

Marion county has her fancy workdisplay embracing the usual fea-


with some unusual ones thrown-in A pyrographjr cabinet and benchformed a center of attraction artis¬

tically done and rare in its designMiss Cora Griffin gave us courteous

I attention while showing the many ar-



I in the booth embracing theI school exhibits which are among theI finest in the building Mrs B TPerdue is her assistantTampa cor





Beautiful SpectacleMr Robert Ranson who has just re ¬

turned from a trip to City Point saysthat the orange groves down the coast I

are laden with golden fruit and pre-


i a beautiful spectacle Being fa-


j with that section before thegreat freeze and immediately afterMr Ranson is in a position to judge-

of the remarkable recuperative powerdisplayedSt Augustine Record

Gilchrist and the Young LadiesGeneral Gilchrist nas a number of

young chrysanthemum plants which-

he wishes to present to ladies whowill set them out in their flower

Punta Gorcla Herald

fffo 7f1 fr < t


2Cold Storage Z

F Of Meats iWe beg to Announce to the pub-


that we are ready to cure

== MEATS We guarantee >

== SE satisfaction and solicit your pat-

E ronage


Ocala Ice a-

fr ue-


CojUjUiU iU uj iUiU iUiUiiiUii R

Cold Weather-Is


Certain to ComeS-



twhy should you wait until it comes to

lay in your supply of Winter Wraps-We have just received and put on display-one of the prettiest most varied moststylish and uptodate assortments of t




hat money can buy and we invite theladies to call and see them All sizesfrom little girls to the stout matron We 4can also fit out men and boys with woolsweaters You will find our prices rightCall and let us show this splenid li-






AFr tSIgplirrJUiU I t I cnacn Tg ni3Ur3Slt >l gSlli a5i3CiSlGiiaii t I


1 To grow strong Unless we get Ioo meat we may as well let



1 z fi it aioue There is no strengths in tough mealinstead of giv-


it takes strength to digest m15-


I it It pjt S to he careful in Y-

s > buying nifHT h sure to gel tsa t-s ihf ltender and fhoicrr

Pity a littlf more if need be andj21

l J put something in your stomachz t pI 11 whir h will pUT flesh on your

bones and strong blood in your h


i L

II BROSss Stall 2 and 4 City Mark Ocala FluJ F

E itliJ J G i


he Pin acle of Human Skill

Has been reached in our carriagesa buggies and harness The only way

they can ever be better is to raise the-

innaoleelevate the standardandeven then our vehicles will be foundJ-

i it the top They are not so high int

prices though as to be out of reacht

of most vehicle users Let ns quoteI you figures aI