TIlE WASHINGTON TBIES THURSDAY OCTOBER 31 1907 13 I I STOCKS BONDS MONEY AND GRAIN L Gains of the Morning Are Lost and From One to Four Points Addi- tional NEW YORK Oct Is evident that Wall street to Inclined to take a little more encouraging view of the situ tOn as evidenced J y some small invest- ment buying by short covering and some recoveries in prices The liberal importation ot gold ordered from Europe is having some influence on both aides of the water It Is strength- ening the flnarieial situation here and It has caused the Bank of England to follow the example of Germanys fiscal Institution In the discount rate and with evident hope of stemming the flow of to America In some cases the advances in stocks were quite market For all the better tone uUraconservaticm is advised by brokers generally and they refuee to buy more than small amounts on while they are ready to lend all stock that the bears want to sell Again the bears are the of the immediate market because their lines f short stock are extravagantly long and with every of strength they try to cover Banking Interests Would Protest The banking Interests under present circumstances would be the first to dis- approve of to welcome the small In vestment buying that takes stocks out or any movement Th simIlar with money the over the market for liable to come out at any time on strong show of strength Steel and Iron Trade Bad New York authorities continue to talk or the unfavorable condition of the steel and Iron trade of the certainty of shutdowns and the off of em ployes The position of copper IB also considered unfavorable despite recent The Steel did not share in the general today but they held own and this really splendidly in the have taken in other they were still steady and strongly held Therein lies of States Pennsylvania Puzzles Pennsylvania is one of the chief puz- zles of tile list That it is weak and iower while all around Is strength and weak when all around is weakness sur- prises the people who have all along considered Pennsylvania the beet of road in any and for share this morning and that too in the midst of strength Features of Strength Illinois Central was one of the strong futures of the market The of Union Pacifics holdings te taken by many to mean the triumph of the exit of Harriman influences Illinois Central shares were 3 higher on few sales Louisville and Nashville was 1 better Missouri Pa- cific also advanced 3 points Most of the other stocks a lit tie more than a point though all were at one time lower yesterdays final The opening was strong In sympathy with a advance m but then there was a decline and in the Jut hour of the morning a substantial rally li St Paul a point Southern Pacific 1 Union 2 Atchisor 1 point Delaware and Hudson 1 net and Great Northern 1M Copper was fractionally better and Smelter steady So far this week the banks have gained J17S81600 In their operations with the aubtreaaury- m After doing nicely until well along in the afternoon the stock mar- t t c mt weak and from l oclock on close there was a recession- of prices Stocks were thrown on the market In a number of instances and the bears sold freely Between them the market every vestige of an advance had gone b board and there were declines of from 1 to 4 points through out the list Pennsylvania broke 4fc points Union Pacific Northern Pacific Dayton and Hamilton New York Cen tral and Smelter lost 2 points net for the day Great Northern 1 Reading 1 Copper 1 and the Steels V4fti FINANCIAL GOSSIP The executive committee of the Union Pacific Railroad Company with P A Valentine Oliver Ames and Robert Goelet has been assigned the task of segregating the Union Pacific holdings- of other than Union Pacific securities The reversal of Judge Holts decision that banks could not dispose of securi ties held as collateral for loans is welcome to the fraternity It would have practically and Comptroller of the Currency is helping the by withholding the Everybody ought to help some President Roberts of the Commercial NatlonalBank of Chicago is in Wash ington making arrangements for the issuance of 1600000 new circulation He believes that Chicago is O K from a financial standpoint Thirty stocks show a loss of L2SM X 000 from the prices of this year The list includes Amalgamated American Ice Smelter Consolidated Gas General Electric Air Brake Westinghouse Va I C A C in the and Atlantic Coast Line Central Northwestern St Paul Omaha Delaware and Hudson Dela ware Lackawana and Western Great Louisville and Nashville Missouri St Paul and South- western and New York New Haven and Hartford Also three lines of f w York tractions- It is Stated that the laying oft of rail- way employes is not nearly as serious as Only extra help is being dis- pensed with What has become of the Hod carriers Delight you used to have such a run on The hodcarrlers are smoking these days said the tobacconist so Ive changed the name of the brand to The Wall Street More truth than poetry There are large inquiries in the mar ket for steel rails passenger and freight traffic booming the railroads must have rails NEW YORK STOCKS CLOSE VERY WEAK 31It mar- gins any attempt Initiate a bull movement of the and It up In safety while deprecating a volume of stock held by oankerB as collateral for loans Is In suf to give the tendency a check It developed mUM It Is months and It will hang there until buying for European account advance face of the serious recently SteelIts stock Is strongly held by con fldent Investors with 7 tel cent preferred dividends that have ever been met pmmpuy vent whatever reason It was down dollar a Fl h- and until lost 2 t IfI I se- curity Northern Nipper Reading UnIon Pac- ific per- fect B t I vaults a r distribu- tion gain he 4 4 Copper ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + New York Stocks Quotations furnished by A O Blown Co Munsey Building Member York Stock Exchange Vest Amal l fg MR Hfc IK Am F 26 9 Am Cotton Oil 25 Am Ice Sec 12 12 12 Am Loco 37 37 ST Am Loco pfd 3f 3t 8f S3 Am Smelts 7 Am Smelt pf 87 8 i Am Sugar 104 tt Ml Itt 1 Am Toi pf 62 2 t Anaconda 34 35 8fK SI 3- 4Atehlaen 7 74 7fi 78 Atchison pf 87 87 4 S4 S7 At Coast L 9 Bal Ohio 89 SI T9 7t W Big 51 51 81 il SI Rpd Iran SL 3Z 80 80 81 Can Pacific 151 153 149 149 Cent Leather 13 13 13 13 12 Cent Lr 7 7 75 75 78 Chcs Ohio 28 25 27 27 28 Chi G W 7 7 7 7 7 Chi G W B K m S ft- C M St 1W 16 Col Fuel 17 17 1 Col Southern l U 1 1 Col Son 34 34 i M Gas Nt a 81 80 Corn Prod 9 J 5 Prod pfd S i Del Hudson 12 1S5 12 188 Distillers Corp 41 41 4 40 40 Erie 18 lf IS 1 17 Erie 1st ptd W 38 38 5 Fed Smelt pfd SB K ft K r Gen Bloc M8 110 lOiS 1 W J Gt Nor pfd 118 U4 130 1U 1 III Cent 122 1 1 12Z Inter Metro 6 ft Inter Met Pr f 17 Louis Nash W 96 91 dl Mex Cent 14 14 14 14 Mo K Tex 2S 25 r r Mo K T pfd K S Missouri Pac ft i4- Natl BlB 6 IS- Natl Lead 3S 3K 37 37 37 North Am 44 44 44 4S N Y Air Brake fti 7 H H M N Y Central 17 97 t4 K M- X Y O W 28 28 28 Of Norf We t Nor Pac 11 108 107 3tt Northwest 131 132 131 131 13f Pa R R 111 111 Mfi UK 1U Peoples Gas 3 74 72 72 7S Steel Car 18 18 17 17 IS Ry St Spr X 2 26 W 23 Reading 71 77 74 741 7i Read 3d pfil K S 9C 7 Rep S I 13 13 13 1 li- R S L pfd K 5 U 5 i Rock 1 14 14 13 13 13 SloseSheff 32 r St L S V pf 28 Soo Line 72 72 71 n n Soo Line pf 110 115 110 111 110 StLS JS 28 28 3f South pc 17 ttfc 6S 07 South Pac pf K8 MM 103 Iff MB South Ry 3 1S 1S 12 I South Ry pf 3t Sf 8t 3f J Pac 1S 18 if ifc TolStLTVp lf 34 34 32 W Union 113 Kt 1 U0 IT S C I P 1 1 1 19 11 U S Rub 17 UK 17 17 lf U S Rub pf 83 O CZH S C3 IT S Steel S4 24 2t S4 U S Steel pf 84 39 8t 34 VaC r chem 18 13 13 13 14 Wabash 8 8 8 9K Wabash pfd IS IS 14 14 West Union Ot 7 78 Wis Cent IS 1 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS r S Steel Ss 88 88 39 88 H R I 4s 80 Tob 4S S4 S4 S4 K Tob 88 S5 17 86 Si S8- AUh is 81 88 81 In Met 4s 48 H 48 M Penn Conv MM 8nt Money to noon today Total sales yesterday 529101 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wheat Oren High Low Close clove Dec 88 n 9 87 May 184 KS U4 184 18 Corn Dec S7 H S8 May 88 88 87 ivi T Oats 48 51 May cm 52 St ssi Pork Jan 14K M70 14 1487 1487 COTTON MARKET HIGHER FOREIGNER BUYS HEAVILY NEW YORK Oct 3L The cotton mar- ket today Influenced by the strong ca- bles from Liverpool started 7 to 18 points Wgher The feature abroad HRS heavy buying credited to Buston Co This naturally led to the conclusion that Bunions estimate would low Fur ther strength developed after the call Opening prices December m7QlA 8 January 101S4H019 February 1030 bid March 102301024 April W28 bid LINES YORK Oct 3L Practically all the construction work on the Harriman lines in the West has been ordered In Nevada 350 men will be laid off tonight In Oregon and Idaho all con- struction work will cease tomorrow The Rook Island railroad has reduced its force by 2500 while the Union Pa cine has laid off 4000 men Important Work Stopped- In Oregon and Idaho by General Managers Orders PORTLAND Ore Oct of workmen in Oregon and Idaho will bo thrown out of work tomorrow as- a result of an order promulgated today from General Manager J P OBrien of the Harriman lines that all construction work shall cease November 1 The order affects several important pieces of construction work that were under way No effort will be made to complete them by stoutening the fwroa for the time being General Maiiafcr OBrien accompanied his order with statement that financial conditions necessitate the move Southern Pacific Lays Three Hundred and Fifty Along the Line in Nevada RENO Nov Oct ah Three hundred and fifty men wilt be is4d off tonight at Sparks Hazen and Inlay where they have been working on construc- tion work for the Southern Pacific The order came from the Salt Lake headquarter of the road The reason given was that fi mnclal conditions and adverSe legislation necessitated a policy of retrenchment r t- I 1 ew Low clue ear IV 1 ti 1 13 1 37 ST 11 II5s 76 61 iI Pour 14 t P 1CJs 17 1M 111- I SI i1 t 1j6 it II 1 1 5 17 tY 15 Sf it M 52 a iI IS I 4 I II 81 I 31 as I II II 21 FSd pf 30 81 Tex It > h Pac110 II it IlK 14 tI2 a 15 19 12 o 60 t1 8Iv S S I Yea Dec J be THOUSANDS IDLE HARRIMAN REDUCE FORCESN- EW stop- ped ands Off OeeIl High else t 0 Sure 2 St 4 9 lot io 1734 34 f Con a- Corn 4 G 44 3 zo IP 3 4 0 0 19 0 30 30 1934 1E T 00 30 94 90 i 30 30 94 6 Sales 30000 a > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Mitchell Mining Active Bonds thaler Sells at Again Aiding Circulation Fourteen hundred shares ot Mitchell Mining stock were sold oh Washington Stock Exchange today Meat of the wiles were at ft but one 100shara tnt sold at The bidding was uxcellent S being bid any part of 1000 shares This lowpriced stock was about the only one in which there was any ac- tivity A feature of the day was the recov- er of aiargomhalor on aril sales back to ZOO Capital Traction bonds sold to the of f X at m Rail and Electric is 78 Washington 967 A sale of a J50Q bond of Columbia Railroad 5s was made at 108 Alter consultation with Secretary Cor telyou the Comptroller of the Currency has taken up with the national banks the question of increasing the national bank circulation in every way possible in order to give relief as quickly as it can be done not only in the large cities requiring currency for payrolls and such purposes but also in the country dis- tricts where tho banks have difficulty in obtaining currency from their reserve agents There are a large number of banks who haye than the maximum amount of circulation outstanding Many of these have bonds on deposit to secure Government de Mr is urging these hanks to substitute other lxnds ac- ceptable to the Secretary of the Treas- ury for their security and us the Government released for taking out increased circulation a possibility of increasing the circulation from in this way with circuiting notes ac- tnelly printed and now on hand in the vaults of the Comptrollers Office Then1 are over 580000000 of Govern- ment bonds in the hands of the Treas- urer to secure Government deposits and it would be to Increase national bank circulation by 800000000 before the limit of stock is reached The telegraph and telephone are being used to urge the bonks to take prompt action in matter Washington Prices Capital Traction Fs Jl XK flll Columbia Itailroad Sa siooeieg Washington Railway and Electric 4s i0iicd7mi Mooasvfe Washington Railway and Electric pre tmj aoa 7 Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone 069Mermnthaler 106T199 ItftSOQ Ifjaoa Mitchell Mining lWfO lOftgS 1M OAS BONDS BMA Wash OM 48 K Wish Oas Cert 6s MBfc RAILROAD BONDS Capital Traction r ill AsaooBtta and Potomac S7- CKjr and Suburban 9 Columbia R IK- CeiumMa R R ffn 166 Metropolitan Bs It7 Wash Ry and Bloc fa MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Potomac Bloc Lt Mitt Norfolk and Wash Steamb 5n 19- Cie6 and Pot Telephone So 1M Washington Market 5s 197 16H Washington Market 1M7 115 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS Capital Traction inu Wash Ry and Eke oem M Wash Railway and Electric pf 57 Norfolk and Wash Steamboat 30 Georgetown Gas t 91- Ches and Potomac Telephone K at Falls and Old Dominion TYPE MACHINE STOCKS Lanston M MINING STOCKS Greene Canana 6 61 Mitchell v V NATIONAL BANK STOCKS American MB Capital 190 2M City 150 Columbia 235 Commercial 266 2M Farmers and Mechanics 366 Sn- LlncelR 138 149 Metropolitan 3M 3W Riggs 35 6M Second Washington 399 4M Washington Bschanga 195 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS American See and Trust 2W National Safe ISA 1SS Union Trust 118 Wash Loan and Trust ie M SAVINGS BANK STOCKS Home Savings 3M Merch M ch Savings 1SH Union Savings Me MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS- SP Rervlc Corp 105 Graphophono corn 48 H Grapbophone pf 75 81 Fidelity Storage 119W US- Merch Trans and Storage 100 Security Storage 115 Washington Market IS Union Trust Warrants Ill Ex dividend Ohio Oct 31 The and brokerage house of Sessions Co 14 East Long street tic of the oldest in the city failed to open its doors today It is estimated that the liabilities are about 200000 and the assets about 3500 or 90000 less than this sum Most or the liabilities are sums owing to customers Loans are held by Colum bus banks but it is claimed they were secured by collateral Decline in local securities is assigned the cause of the failure of the con- cern IN PHILADELPHIA ME PHILADELPHIA Oct 3L A loss of fully 100000 was caused today In fire which destroyed a large fourstory building in North Second sti et A B Cunningham Co wholesale tobacco dealers occupied the first and second floors while the upper stories were oc by IR Son The origin of the fire is unknown WASHINGTON STOCKS SHOW GOOD TONE WantedMergen 200 ex- tent ant Electric preferred 8 amI waY25 shares all I nt I 1 lU 5OOCI11h n0C 11II8e 1 rJ1I 1Itt 1 I After call pltal TrnqUon 18 111 It s 1tt 1e4 131 30 Gu 1t 65 XergHUYler 11I L S lit lIe OLD BANKING FIRM IN OHIO SUSPENDSCO- LUMBUS bank- Ing welt fiR FIRE LOSS 100000 a l Railway 07 t 30000 f if34 2dtS 305 i 5 0 140 40 Ss 5s 30 34- 0Wahiagton 3 p Cl e ICC ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ WASHINGTON PRODUCE MARKET Prices on live and pressed poultry and live stock remained at the lows res reached yesterday but this movngs sales were better and more uniform than they lave been since the money troubles rOM in New York The local grain market has sllfcrttly re covered from its slump of soveral dya ago and this mornings figures were mucH better than those of yesterday New corn has begun to arrive In good quantities and forthls early Is sold at moderate figures Hay was slightly lower this morning but sales wore better than the average Although receipts of apples and other green fruits came in fairly large ship meats prices went up on the bost grades several points Prices on other goods remained unchanged Bgs Fre h Virginia 27 strictly fresh S W 25 storage 19oSOc Cheese N Y factory large 16e 17c flats 17017 small 17 17 fair to good IScUc first 2SCS9c process fancy fair to good dairy choice 90C21c store packed rS c POULTRY per pound toms IB lie hens 18 17e thin 12c Chickens Live per pound fadcy large 12914c medium 12014c tic hens ll12c roosters 7c per pound spring 13914 small ll 12c geese 103 keats DOt4c per pound undrawn ISQSQc age I7 1 c old toms lOc Chicken Drwwed large 13cj small lie hens choice ll13c roosters M ducks 9ei3c geese Stfllc GREEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Apples per Imperial packed J200es76 Wine Sap 293450 Fancy Table JSfieej600 Spy J22SC400 loose pacK d JlWf303 Grapes per baket Delaware 18c 2 c Niagaras UcOUc Concorde 13c lSo Salem Uo lie Cranberries per box J2283C03- Quirfe 8 per Potatoes bbl Sweet potatoes bbl 7e226 Yarn bbl J180CL78 Cab bage hundred Cucumbers bu JS60d450 Onions bu 70cf 0c Celery crate aqua LIVB STOCK CattleExtra cwt JS2f JC48 Butch er cwt J488 Jfv3 Common lb J- 2t Hogs Gnu ordinary 6 SheepClipped JtJoS common J2J 8c Sc 7 7c grass Cc Cows Prime fresh J409J80 common J909J88 GRAIN WhoatChotoe 8fc tl fair to good SS h ordlnao 7f 80c Rye Sc Corn SheJea white 68 89c shelled yellow 87O8M ear 49410 New corn J8W white No S fia 53c mixed S1092C Western No 1 20c Western No 2 18 18i o Weetern mixed 17 asc REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Picrfford street northeast between 1 and C streets Blanche W Taylor to James P Schick lot Itt square 913 10 Le Droit J Baxter to 3dry b and Adella L S Thonibe south heir tOt U block r 10 Hurry Farm Mary E Holte to Wit part lot 28 section 1 JW H street northeast extended J Clar- ence Price assignee to Ernst C Dahle lot 16 000 I street northeast between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets Same to David Pifferling lot 32 square lifT and lots 10 and SI square H7M Mt Pleasant and Pleasant Plains C C Billings et ux to Edward S Cal breath lot S2 block i Addition to Anaco ia John Hirsch et ux to Louis N Burch lot 11 block a Mintwood Margaret L Sands to James M in rear of lot UK 19 H street northwest between Second and Third streets May B Miller to Maurice X Miller tots 26 27 St square Mt Mt Pleasant Heights Phillip Berman et ux ta tVlton R 20 and 30 square 4 10 Ninth tre t southeast between East Capitol an A streets James H Brune mr t ux to Luther F Speer part orig- inal lot 11 square 9M 41- sL to Samuel B Fourteenth street northeast between F and O streets John R Halsllp et x to William F Reed Idt 171 square Ittl 51 Ames northeast Four- teenth and Fifteenth streets Kennedy Davis Co to Edward E Carroll lot 7 s M6 W- UW and 1 Rlggs street northwest Mary E Sourer lots 2G and 27 square 10- 1M K street northwest Rumsey F RowdybUfch et ux to Maul E Conaway lot 2 and of lot 2 square SIS First anti Q streets GoHen et ux to Eugene A Borst original lot i 352 S10 street northwest between P Horace G Harding part of lots 56 and- S square 866 10 Nt w avenue northwest be- tween N and 0 E to Fannie L Davis lots 51 and 58 square 97 Holm id B Willson to William W and Mattie I Evans lot 98 square 2S86 10 Same to Belle Mackenzie lot 61 square 2S36 10 Kevitucky avenue southeast between D and streetsJMary E Wheeler to John G Kelly lot 60 square 10S2 10 JAMESTOWN ATTRACTIONS ARE MANY AND VARIED- The night glories of the Jamestown Exposition beggar description to use a threadbare phrase The great buildings pylons towers and other decorative edifices are outlined with radiance from thousands of lights making the exhibi- tion city as mystic and beautiful as the Imagination can picture Ralelgn Court a the center of all this magnificence The illuminated Government pier stretches its gloaming twin arms far out Into Hampton as if extending a w l me to thousands come by steamers and night Passen Rprs vH the Norfolk and Washington boats can view the magnificent Illum- inations from the decks as the boats stop leave this city at 8 a m reaching Nor- folk early In evening Night boats sail at 830 in the evening completing trip early the ensuing morning convenience and comfort of travelers fullv provided for aboard these ves- sels Stateroom accommodations and tickets be obtained at the vharf foot of Seventh street or nt 705 Four- teenth street Colorado building A 0 BROWN CO CLOSE THEIR WASHINGTON OFFICE Owing to the uncertainy business conditions during the comlhfr soason A O Brown Co of the New York Stock Exchange today announced the indefinite closing of their Washington offices which are located In the Mun eey building I f Va ButterWestern sec c 19 TurkeysLive DucksLIve lIe TurkeysDressed hens aver- undra bblYork bbl Ottoo Calvesprime me- dium Oat We tem HayTimothy I ParkMary Younlr borough leSe 14- So- le- Holmd B WlUson et Rose 10 block 41- SIt bet ten Benjamin R et uX to James northwestRobert- A and Q strwtsJohn P SplnfUe to streetsSarah 10 EstateHarry e- at ever the exposition pier Day steamers the are ma t cC co C i I I I is I 4 4 lot L- and trt 10 Cum- mings at ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + > < = > Proceeds Will Be Applied- on Judgment Obtained by W W Smith- A decree was signed this morning by Chief Justice Qlabaugh presiding in- Equity Court Ne 1 ordering the sale of Belmont the home estate of Amri L the asphalt king situated at Fourteenth and Clifton streets Under the decree Justic Morell Cham- berlain John B Larner and Charles L are appointed trustees and or- dered to make the sale giving bond in the sum of 150000 The deed made July 17 1848 by Mr Barber1 and hj wife to John J Al bright conveying this property is set 28842 In of Smith a New York broker secured last month against Mr Barber In the New York State courts Should there be any further balance it Is to be applied to any other due if any to go to John J Albright The decree is issued as a result of a suit in equity holder of the New York Judgment to enforce its payments it being alleged that Mr made the transfer of this prop erty to Mr to avoid the ment of the 138842 judgment Mr Al- bright and Mr Barber are brothersin lawThe estate to be sold is estimated to be worth 900000 It is located at the head of Fourteenth street surrounded by spacious grounds running back to Florida avenue and Clifton street NEW YORK Oct Mrs Bradley was insane when she killed Senator Brows He was a wrecker of womens hearts and honor Her love for him drove into the insanity that was hereditary In her when we that she slew him in a lit of men- ial aberration the Jury will instantly ao Quit her This statement was made today by Orlando W Powers former Justice of the supreme court before be started for Washington where on November U ha defense of Mrs Annie M Bradley charged with killing Sena- tor Brown We will Mrs Bradley on the stand continued and when trts Brown had wooed her from the he wee lltwt m4 Untd States Senatar from Utah how he thrice named the wedding day to make her tton of the verdict Judge Powers makes no pretense of sympathy for the dead politician though the careers of the murd rvd Senator and the man who M about defend his slayer were closely allied until Brown was killed Loeb Gets Bare On Hunting Trip Good Fisherman William Loeb Jr secretary to the President clever political authority and mighty hunter returned to his desk at the White House this morning minus his mustache- I see you brought back a bear said on of the Secretarys friends as he shook his hand Yes replied Mr Loeb with a laugh- a bare face The grizzly must chewed it suggested the other Yes agreed the Secretary it was a terrible combat Between dashes at a big pile of let- ters waiting for his attention the Sec- retary was busy most of the day re ceiving the congratulations of his friends According to his account he had most wonderful luck on his hunt had a splendid rest from the cares of office and caught so many speckled trout that no one would be- lieve him for a moment if he were to name the figures ANNUAL MEETING THE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING of the MUTUAL SERIAL BUILDING will be held on MONDAY NOV 4 at 730 p m In St Dominic Hall cor 6th and F sts BW Payment ftn stock of the sixteenth will be due at this meeting SHARES ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH The sum of J209 loaned on one share payment of two dollars per month 1600 tel ten dollars per month Interest allowed Four series already matured and the of unencumbered shares for each share berag 56 on the share This Association during the 1C years of Its existence has not met any iou and has enabled many of to secure homes which they probably would not have bad without its aid Payments on stock may be made to the Treasurer ELLKRY J at his tore 406 7th at sw J SONDHBIMBR President- JJ DERMODY Secretary r BUNG Washingtons finest and most uptodate office building A few offices for rent single or en suite H H Fuller Realty Co 810 ainnscy Building ALFBED HIGBIE Manage A L BARBER HOME ORDERED SOLO BY JUSTICE CLABAUGH north- west Frane aside decree provides for the pay ment ot encumbrances from O1OO and WJOOO due the Washington Lon and Trust Company The hal nce the realized from the la to be applied to a judgment of BROWNS SLAYER DECLARES BRADLEY LAWYER her a she how Urns to him he put bee IPIS treated her lied cajoled Cheat and dishonored her there be no tucs to have oft ASSO- CIATION caries tor- e at rate of S pl cent per owner bye ben wit URTT Jf MUNSEY BarberS of ael INSANE yield tC annum have r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Financial STORY is told of a clerk who saved 510 out of his salary each month for eight employer wanting to retire and being im pressed by his frugality made him a partner and turned the management of the business over to him Are you saving as much as 5 a month WIly not try it HOME SAVINGS BANK 7th and flassachusetts Ave N W Branches 7th and H Sis N E 436 7th St S W Resources Than Two Millions THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus SI65OOpO ALL THE DETAILS Of Renting Selling Collections Repairs Insurance Assessments Taxes c in con nection with the Management of Real Es- tate receive the most careful attention of our Real Estate Department Interviews invited JOHN JOY EDSON President Fin BncI a- LA yearshis Mor v II 3 QctoiuS S 15 Ifjt Jj1pIJ ¬ ¬ > STOCKS BONDS GRAIN AND COTTON Phone Main 4314 J 0 WILSON 1329 T Street K Washington D O DIRECT PRIVATE WIHE TO R A BEIJQfAP CO CONSOLIDATED STOCK EXCHANGE OP NEW YORK Deposits Draw 3 interest and are to check In this companys banking us have your business or personal U S TRUST CO 6U I4ih St H DAVIDSON Phone aialn 3612 Allison G Jenkins 1421 F Street STOCKS BONDS Washington correspondent of S w Adler Co members New York Con- solidated Stock Exchange NATURAL Kll3i2S BANK Issues drafts direct available throughout the world Issues letters of credit Transmits money by cable Makes investments for customers Makes collections for customers Buys and sells stocks and bonds DEPT FOR LADIES Pa Ave Opp U 5 Treasury Capital and Surplus 6500000 Foreign Drafts Letters of Credit Commercial Credits rE ISSUE the above on all the us when you desire to carry or send mcoey abroad jtsTOBEiaH MONEY bought sold at current rates INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION 1415 QSt the requisites demanding con- sideration when selecting your bank Ample capital and surplus combined unsurpassed facili- ties enable our Banking Dept to meet these requirements most sat- isfactorily 2S Samo rate of Interest paid on both large and small accounts NATIONAL SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY Cor 10th St and Now York Avo Read ThisI- f you want a monthly Invest- ment and protect your family in case of death where you can DOUBLE YOUR 3 OR 4 PER- CENT INTEREST ADDRESS BOX TIMES OFFICE w ct department Let count BRADLEY President ZI CapItal nOOOOOO Surplus n400OOO i Buys and sells exchange I SPECIAL J the principal countries of and uptown 1124 Conn ave Downtown branch Center Market PROTECTION are l I 126 l Zr I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ L Means SafetyF- or your funds but profit for you as well to deposit your money in our SAVINGS DEPT Z3VTZ PAY 33TTEKEST OH and permit withdrawal of funds at any time THE TRADERS NATIONAL BANK ffiK Money to Take or Send Abroad Letters of Credit Travelers Cheats Express Checks Drafts Cable Trans AMERICAN SECURITY ANL TRUST COMPANY Northwest corner Fifteenth and Pennsylvania Avenue ORGANIZED JANZ 1Q4 A cordial invitation- is extended to you to visit our New Bank Building and Safe Deposit vaults NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK 15th Street opposite U S Treasury Capital and Surplus 150300000 The Safest Investments Are those that do not fluctuate during dis- turbed conditions of the money er stock markets First deed of trust notes mortgages well secured on real estate in the District of Columbia constitute pit edre Investments They do not depend upon the financial responsibility viduals or corporations for their stability property We ctn supply such amounts from JSW upward for Concernlac Loans and Investments Swartzell Rheem Hensey Co 916 F St N W GOOPERTiVE BUILD1HS ASSOCIATION ISSUE OF STOCK AND FIRST PAYMENT SHARES f2Se PER MONTH Subscription for the B4th issue of stock and first payment thereon will b re- ceived daily at the office of the AdO elation Four per cent interest per U allowed on shares Upon inn turtty or stock full earnings are pald John SAy Edaon S rs nt Kills Spear Vice President Jn 3d Vice President Frank Reeslde Secretary John Joy Bdsou jr Aid Sony DIRECTORS Predk B Pyle Jno A Hamilton Gee W Fisher A M Job Barnard Gee H Jab B LAmer 5 V CovllU Not Only tus r I lint I Send booklet OPEN FOR SUZSCRPTIOIC an- num p Ham say- ings S and are exempt from taxation as Invest- ments 6 EQUITABLE 54w ¬ ¬ > =

I L STOCKS BONDS MONEY AND GRAIN L Fin I rchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1907-10-31/ed-1/seq-13.pdf · TIlE WASHINGTON TBIES THURSDAY OCTOBER 31 1907 13 I I L STOCKS BONDS

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Gains of the Morning AreLost and From One to

Four Points Addi-


NEW YORK Oct Is evidentthat Wall street to Inclined to take alittle more encouraging view of the situtOn as evidenced J y some small invest-ment buying by short covering andsome recoveries in prices Theliberal importation ot gold ordered fromEurope is having some influence onboth aides of the water It Is strength-ening the flnarieial situation here andIt has caused the Bank of England tofollow the example of Germanys fiscalInstitution In the discount rateand with evident hope of stemming theflow of to America

In some cases the advances in stockswere quite market For all the bettertone uUraconservaticm is advised bybrokers generally and they refuee tobuy more than small amounts on

while they are ready to lend allstock that the bears want to sellAgain the bears are the of theimmediate market because their linesf short stock are extravagantly longand with every of strength theytry to cover

Banking Interests Would ProtestThe banking Interests under present

circumstances would be the first to dis-approve of towelcome the small Investment buying that takes stocks out

or any movementTh

simIlar with money

the over the market forliable to come out atany time on strong show of strength

Steel and Iron Trade BadNew York authorities continue to talkor the unfavorable condition of thesteel and Iron trade of the certainty ofshutdowns and the off of employes The position of copper IB alsoconsidered unfavorable despite recent

The Steeldid not share in the generaltoday but they held ownand this really splendidly in thehave taken in otherthey were still steady and strongly heldTherein lies of States

Pennsylvania PuzzlesPennsylvania is one of the chief puz-

zles of tile list That it is weak andiower while all around Is strength andweak when all around is weakness sur-prises the people who have all alongconsidered Pennsylvania the beet ofroad in any and forshare this morning and that too in themidst of strength

Features of StrengthIllinois Central was one of the strong

futures of the market Theof Union Pacifics holdings te taken

by many to mean the triumph ofthe exit of Harriman influences

Illinois Central shares were 3higher on few sales Louisville andNashville was 1 better Missouri Pa-cific also advanced 3 points

Most of the other stocks a littie more than a point though allwere at one time lower yesterdaysfinal The opening was strongIn sympathy with a advance m

but then there was a declineand in the Jut hour of the morning asubstantial rally

li St Paul a pointSouthern Pacific 1 Union 2Atchisor 1 point Delaware and Hudson1 net and Great Northern 1M

Copper was fractionally better andSmelter steadySo far this week the banks havegained J17S81600 In their operations with

the aubtreaaury-m After doing nicely until wellalong in the afternoon the stock mar-

t t c mt weak and from l oclock onclose there was a recession-

of pricesStocks were thrown on the market Ina number of instances and the bearssold freely Between them the marketevery vestige of an advancehad gone b board and there were

declines of from 1 to 4 points throughout the listPennsylvania broke 4fc points UnionPacific Northern PacificDayton and Hamilton New York Central and Smelter lost 2 points net forthe day Great Northern 1 Reading1 Copper 1 and the Steels V4fti


The executive committee of the UnionPacific Railroad Company with P AValentine Oliver Ames and RobertGoelet has been assigned the task ofsegregating the Union Pacific holdings-of other than Union Pacific securities

The reversal of Judge Holts decisionthat banks could not dispose of securities held as collateral for loans iswelcome to the fraternity Itwould have practically


Comptroller of the Currencyis helping the by withholdingthe Everybody ought to helpsome

President Roberts of the CommercialNatlonalBank of Chicago is in Washington making arrangements for theissuance of 1600000 new circulation Hebelieves that Chicago is O K from afinancial standpoint

Thirty stocks show a loss of L2SM X

000 from the prices of this yearThe list includes AmalgamatedAmerican Ice SmelterConsolidated Gas General Electric AirBrake Westinghouse Va I C A C inthe and Atlantic Coast Line

Central Northwestern St PaulOmaha Delaware and Hudson Delaware Lackawana and Western Great

Louisville andNashville Missouri St Paul and South-western and New York New Havenand Hartford Also three lines of f wYork tractions-

It is Stated that the laying oft of rail-way employes is not nearly as serious as

Only extra help is being dis-pensed with

What has become of the Hodcarriers Delight you used to have sucha run on

The hodcarrlers are smokingthese days said the tobacconist

so Ive changed the name of the brandto The Wall Street Moretruth than poetry

There are large inquiries in the market for steel rails passenger andfreight traffic booming the railroadsmust have rails





any attempt Initiate a bullmovementof the and It up In safetywhile deprecatinga

volume of stock held by oankerBas collateral for loans Is In sufto give the tendencya check It developed mUMIt Ismonths and It will hang thereuntil

buying for European accountadvanceface of the serious recently

SteelIts stock Is strongly held by confldent Investors with 7 tel centpreferred dividends that have ever beenmet pmmpuy

ventwhatever reason It was down dollar a

Fl h-and


lost 2 tIfI



Northern Nipper Reading UnIon Pac-ific

per-fect B t


































New York Stocks

Quotations furnished by A O BlownCo Munsey Building Member YorkStock Exchange

VestAmal l fg MR Hfc IKAm F 26 9Am Cotton Oil 25Am Ice Sec 12 12 12Am Loco 37 37 STAm Loco pfd 3f 3t 8f S3Am Smelts 7Am Smelt pf 87 8 i

Am Sugar 104 tt Ml Itt 1Am Toi pf 62 2 t

Anaconda 34 35 8fK SI 3-4Atehlaen 7 74 7fi 78Atchison pf 87 87 4 S4 S7

At Coast L 9Bal Ohio 89 SI T9 7t WBig 51 51 81 il SI

Rpd Iran SL 3Z 80 80 81Can Pacific 151 153 149 149Cent Leather 13 13 13 13 12Cent Lr 7 7 75 75 78Chcs Ohio 28 25 27 27 28Chi G W 7 7 7 7 7

Chi G W B K m S ft-C M St 1W 16Col Fuel 17 17 1Col Southern l U 1 1Col Son 34 34 i M

Gas Nt a 81 80Corn Prod 9 J 5

Prod pfd S iDel Hudson 12 1S5 12 188Distillers Corp 41 41 4 40 40Erie 18 lf IS 1 17Erie 1st ptd W 38 38 5Fed Smelt pfd SB K ft K r

Gen Bloc M8 110 lOiS 1 W JGt Nor pfd 118 U4 130 1U 1III Cent 122 1 1 12Z

Inter Metro 6 ft

Inter Met Pr f 17Louis Nash W 96 91 dlMex Cent 14 14 14 14Mo K Tex 2S 25 r rMo K T pfd K SMissouri Pac ft i4-

Natl BlB 6 IS-

Natl Lead 3S 3K 37 37 37North Am 44 44 44 4SN Y Air Brake fti 7 H H MN Y Central 17 97 t4 K M-X Y O W 28 28 28 OfNorf We tNor Pac 11 108 107 3ttNorthwest 131 132 131 131 13fPa R R 111 111 Mfi UK 1UPeoples Gas 3 74 72 72 7S

Steel Car 18 18 17 17 ISRy St Spr X 2 26 W 23Reading 71 77 74 741 7iRead 3d pfil K S 9C 7

Rep S I 13 13 13 1 li-R S L pfd K 5 U 5 iRock 1 14 14 13 13 13SloseSheff 32 rSt L S V pf 28Soo Line 72 72 71 n nSoo Line pf 110 115 110 111 110StLS JS 28 28 3fSouth pc 17 ttfc 6S 07South Pac pf K8 MM 103 Iff MBSouth Ry 3 1S 1S 12 ISouth Ry pf 3t Sf 8t 3f J

Pac 1S 18 if ifcTolStLTVp lf

34 34 32 WUnion 113 Kt 1 U0IT S C I P 1 1 1 19 11U S Rub 17 UK 17 17 lfU S Rub pf 83 O CZH S C3IT S Steel S4 24 2t S4U S Steel pf 84 39 8t 34VaC r chem 18 13 13 13 14Wabash 8 8 8 9KWabash pfd IS IS 14 14West Union Ot

7 78

Wis Cent IS 1

MISCELLANEOUS BONDSr S Steel Ss 88 88 39 88 HR I 4s 80Tob 4S S4 S4 S4 KTob 88 S5 17 86 Si S8-

AUh is 81 88 81In Met 4s 48 H 48 MPenn Conv MM 8ntMoney

to noon todayTotal sales yesterday 529101


Wheat Oren High Low Close cloveDec 88 n 9 87May 184 KS U4 184 18

CornDec S7 H S8May 88 88 87 ivi T

Oats48 51

May cm 52 St ssiPork

Jan 14K M70 14 1487 1487


NEW YORK Oct 3L The cotton mar-ket today Influenced by the strong ca-bles from Liverpool started 7 to 18points Wgher The feature abroad HRSheavy buying credited to Buston CoThis naturally led to the conclusion thatBunions estimate would low Further strength developed after the call

Opening prices December m7QlA 8January 101S4H019 February 1030 bidMarch 102301024 April W28 bid


YORK Oct 3L Practically allthe construction work on the Harrimanlines in the West has been ordered

In Nevada 350 men will be laid offtonight In Oregon and Idaho all con-struction work will cease tomorrowThe Rook Island railroad has reducedits force by 2500 while the Union Pacine has laid off 4000 men

Important Work Stopped-In Oregon and Idaho byGeneral Managers Orders

PORTLAND Ore Octof workmen in Oregon and Idaho willbo thrown out of work tomorrow as-a result of an order promulgated todayfrom General Manager J P OBrien ofthe Harriman lines that all constructionwork shall cease November 1

The order affects several importantpieces of construction work that wereunder way No effort will be made tocomplete them by stoutening the fwroafor the time being General MaiiafcrOBrien accompanied his order withstatement that financial conditionsnecessitate the move

Southern Pacific LaysThree Hundred and Fifty

Along the Line in NevadaRENO Nov Oct ah Three hundred

and fifty men wilt be is4d off tonightat Sparks Hazen and Inlay wherethey have been working on construc-tion work for the Southern PacificThe order came from the Salt Lakeheadquarter of the road The reasongiven was that fi mnclal conditions andadverSe legislation necessitated apolicy of retrenchment

r t-

I 1


Low clueear IV 1ti 1

13 137 ST



61 iIPour


tP 1CJs171M 111-


SI i1t 1j6

it II1



Sfit M52 a iIIS I


III 81 I


as III II 21

FSd pf 30


Tex It > hPac110


14tI2 a15 19 12

o 60


8IvS S I












OeeIl High else





9lot io




Corn 4 G

44 3

zo IP3






1934 1ET

00 3094

90i30 30 94

6Sales 30000








Mitchell Mining ActiveBondsthaler Sells at Again

Aiding Circulation

Fourteen hundred shares ot MitchellMining stock were sold oh WashingtonStock Exchange today Meat of thewiles were at ft but one 100shara tntsold at The bidding was uxcellentS being bid any part of 1000 sharesThis lowpriced stock was about theonly one in which there was any ac-tivity

A feature of the day was the recov-er of aiargomhalor on aril salesback to ZOO

Capital Traction bonds sold to theof f X at m Railand Electric is 78 Washington

967A sale of a J50Q bond of Columbia

Railroad 5s was made at 108

Alter consultation with Secretary Cortelyou the Comptroller of the Currencyhas taken up with the national banksthe question of increasing the nationalbank circulation in every way possiblein order to give relief as quickly as itcan be done not only in the large citiesrequiring currency for payrolls and suchpurposes but also in the country dis-tricts where tho banks have difficultyin obtaining currency from their reserveagents

There are a large number of bankswho haye than the maximumamount of circulation outstandingMany of these have bondson deposit to secure Government deMr is urging these

hanks to substitute other lxnds ac-ceptable to the Secretary of the Treas-ury for their security and usthe Government releasedfor taking out increased circulation

a possibility of increasing thecirculation fromin this way with circuiting notes ac-tnelly printed and now on hand in thevaults of the Comptrollers Office

Then1 are over 580000000 of Govern-ment bonds in the hands of the Treas-urer to secure Government deposits andit would be to Increase nationalbank circulation by 800000000 beforethe limit of stock is reached

The telegraph and telephone are beingused to urge the bonks to take promptaction in matter

Washington PricesCapital Traction Fs Jl XK flllColumbia Itailroad Sa siooeiegWashington Railway and Electric 4s

i0iicd7mi MooasvfeWashington Railway and Electric pretmj aoa 7Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone

069Mermnthaler 106T199 ItftSOQ IfjaoaMitchell Mining lWfO lOftgS 1M


Wash OM 48 KWish Oas Cert 6s MBfc

RAILROAD BONDSCapital Traction r illAsaooBtta and Potomac S7-

CKjr and Suburban 9Columbia R IK-CeiumMa R R ffn 166Metropolitan Bs It7Wash Ry and Bloc fa

MISCELLANEOUS BONDSPotomac Bloc Lt MittNorfolk and Wash Steamb 5n 19-Cie6 and Pot Telephone So 1MWashington Market 5s 197 16HWashington Market 1M7 115

PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKSCapital Traction inuWash Ry and Eke oem MWash Railway and Electric pf 57Norfolk and Wash Steamboat 30Georgetown Gas t 91-

Ches and Potomac Telephone Kat Falls and Old Dominion



Greene Canana 6 61Mitchell v V

NATIONAL BANK STOCKSAmerican MBCapital 190 2MCity 150Columbia 235Commercial 266 2MFarmers and Mechanics 366 Sn-LlncelR 138 149Metropolitan 3M 3WRiggs 35 6MSecondWashington 399 4MWashington Bschanga 195

TRUST COMPANY STOCKSAmerican See and Trust 2WNational Safe ISA 1SSUnion Trust 118Wash Loan and Trust ie M

SAVINGS BANK STOCKSHome Savings 3MMerch M ch Savings 1SHUnion Savings Me

MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS-S P Rervlc Corp 105Graphophono corn 48 HGrapbophone pf 75 81

Fidelity Storage 119W US-Merch Trans and Storage 100Security Storage 115Washington Market ISUnion Trust Warrants Ill

Ex dividend

Ohio Oct 31 Theand brokerage house of Sessions

Co 14 East Long street tic of theoldest in the city failed to open itsdoors today

It is estimated that the liabilities areabout 200000 and the assets about3500 or 90000 less than this sumMost or the liabilities are sums owing

to customers Loans are held by Columbus banks but it is claimed they were

secured by collateralDecline in local securities is assigned

the cause of the failure of the con-cern


fully 100000 was caused today In firewhich destroyed a large fourstorybuilding in North Second sti et A BCunningham Co wholesale tobaccodealers occupied the first and secondfloors while the upper stories were oc

by I R Son The originof the fire is unknown





ant Electric preferred8 amI waY25 shares all





lU 5OOCI11h n0C

11II8e 1 rJ1I 1Itt1

I After call pltal TrnqUon



It s




Gu 1t


XergHUYler 11IL S





LUMBUS bank-Ing



FIRE LOSS 100000





f if34




0 140





34-0Wahiagton 3


















Prices on live and pressed poultry andlive stock remained at the lows resreached yesterday but this movngssales were better and more uniform thanthey lave been since the money troublesrOM in New York

The local grain market has sllfcrttly recovered from its slump of soveral dyaago and this mornings figures weremucH better than those of yesterdayNew corn has begun to arrive In goodquantities and forthls early Is sold atmoderate figures

Hay was slightly lower this morningbut sales wore better than the averageAlthough receipts of apples and othergreen fruits came in fairly large shipmeats prices went up on the bost gradesseveral points Prices on other goodsremained unchanged

Bgs Fre h Virginia 27 strictlyfresh S W 25 storage 19oSOc

Cheese N Y factory large 16e 17cflats 17017 small 17 17 fair togood IScUc

first 2SCS9cprocess fancy

fair to good dairy choice90C21c store packed rS c

POULTRYper pound toms IB

lie hens 18 17e thin 12c ChickensLive per pound fadcy large 12914cmedium 12014c tic hens ll12croosters 7c per poundspring 13914 small ll 12c geese 103

keats DOt4cper pound undrawn ISQSQcage I7 1 c old toms lOcChicken Drwwed large 13cj small liehens choice ll13c roosters Mducks 9ei3c geese StfllcGREEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES

Apples per Imperialpacked J200es76 Wine Sap 293450Fancy Table JSfieej600 Spy J22SC400loose pacK d JlWf303 Grapes perbaket Delaware 18c 2 c NiagarasUcOUc Concorde 13c lSo Salem Uolie Cranberries per box J2283C03-Quirfe 8 per Potatoesbbl Sweet potatoes bbl

7e226 Yarn bbl J180CL78 Cabbage hundred Cucumbersbu JS60d450 Onions bu 70cf 0cCelery crate aqua

LIVB STOCKCattleExtra cwt JS2f JC48 Butch

er cwt J488 Jfv3 Common lb J-2t

Hogs Gnu ordinary 6SheepClipped JtJoS common J2J8c Sc

7 7c grass Cc Cows Primefresh J409J80 common J909J88

GRAINWhoatChotoe 8fc tl fair to good

SS h ordlnao 7f 80c Rye ScCorn SheJea white 68 89c shelledyellow 87O8M ear 49410 New cornJ8W white No S fia53c mixed S1092CWestern No 1 20c Western No2 18 18i o Weetern mixed 17 asc


Picrfford street northeast between 1and C streets Blanche W Taylor toJames P Schick lot Itt square 913 10

Le Droit J Baxter to3dry b and Adella L SThonibe south heir tOt U block r 10

Hurry Farm Mary E Holte to Witpart lot 28 section 1

JWH street northeast extended J Clar-

ence Price assignee to Ernst C Dahlelot 16 000

I street northeast between Thirteenthand Fourteenth streets Same to DavidPifferling lot 32 square lifT and lots10 and SI square H7M

Mt Pleasant and Pleasant Plains CC Billings et ux to Edward S Calbreath lot S2 block i

Addition to Anaco ia John Hirsch etux to Louis N Burch lot 11 blockaMintwood Margaret L Sands to

James M in rear of lotUK 19

H street northwest between Secondand Third streets May B Miller toMaurice X Miller tots 26 27 St squareMt

Mt Pleasant Heights Phillip Bermanet ux ta tVlton R 20 and30 square 4 10

Ninth tre t southeast between EastCapitol an A streets James H Brunemr t ux to Luther F Speer part orig-inal lot 11 square 9M 41-

sL to Samuel B

Fourteenth street northeast betweenF and O streets John R Halsllp et xto William F Reed Idt 171 square Ittl51

Ames northeast Four-teenth and Fifteenth streets Kennedy

Davis Co to Edward E Carroll lot7 s M6 W-

UW and 1 Rlggs street northwest

Mary E Sourer lots 2G and 27square 10-

1M K street northwest Rumsey FRowdybUfch et ux to Maul E Conawaylot 2 and of lot 2 square SIS

First anti Q streetsGoHen et ux to Eugene A Borst

original lot i 352 S10

street northwest between P

Horace G Harding part of lots 56 and-S square 866 10

Nt w avenue northwest be-

tween N and 0 Eto Fannie L Davis lots 51 and

58 square 97Holm id B Willson

to William W and Mattie I Evanslot 98 square 2S86 10 Same to BelleMackenzie lot 61 square 2S36 10

Kevitucky avenue southeast between Dand streetsJMary E Wheeler to JohnG Kelly lot 60 square 10S2 10


The night glories of the JamestownExposition beggar description to use athreadbare phrase The great buildingspylons towers and other decorativeedifices are outlined with radiance fromthousands of lights making the exhibi-tion city as mystic and beautiful as theImagination can picture Ralelgn Courta the center of all this magnificenceThe illuminated Government pierstretches its gloaming twin arms far outInto Hampton as if extending aw l me to thousands come bysteamers and night PassenRprs vH the Norfolk and Washingtonboats can view the magnificent Illum-inations from the decks as the boats stop

leave this city at 8 a m reaching Nor-folk early In evening Night boatssail at 830 in the evening completing

trip early the ensuing morningconvenience and comfort of travelers

fullv provided for aboard these ves-sels Stateroom accommodations andtickets be obtained at the vharffoot of Seventh street or nt 705 Four-teenth street Colorado building


Owing to the uncertainy businessconditions during the comlhfr soasonA O Brown Co of the New YorkStock Exchange today announced theindefinite closing of their Washingtonoffices which are located In the Muneey building




ButterWestern secc




lIe TurkeysDressedhens aver-





Calvesprime me-dium

Oat WetemHayTimothy



Younlr borough





Holmd B WlUson etRose 10 block 41-


bet ten

Benjamin R et uX to James


and Q strwtsJohn P SplnfUe to


EstateHarry e-



the exposition pier Day steamers




cC co C i


I is


4 4




trt 10






















<= >

Proceeds Will Be Applied-on Judgment Obtained

by W W Smith-

A decree was signed this morning byChief Justice Qlabaugh presiding in-

Equity Court Ne 1 ordering the saleof Belmont the home estate of Amri L

the asphalt king situated atFourteenth and Clifton streets

Under the decree Justic Morell Cham-berlain John B Larner and Charles L

are appointed trustees and or-dered to make the sale giving bond inthe sum of 150000

The deed made July 17 1848 by MrBarber1 and hj wife to John J Albright conveying this property is set

28842 In ofSmith a New York broker secured lastmonth against Mr Barber In the NewYork State courts Should there be anyfurther balance it Is to be applied toany otherdue if any to go to John J Albright

The decree is issued as a result of asuit in equity holderof the New York Judgment to enforceits payments it being alleged that Mr

made the transfer of this property to Mr to avoid thement of the 138842 judgment Mr Al-bright and Mr Barber are brothersinlawThe estate to be sold is estimated tobe worth 900000 It is located at thehead of Fourteenth street surroundedby spacious grounds running back toFlorida avenue and Clifton street

NEW YORK Oct Mrs Bradleywas insane when she killed SenatorBrows He was a wrecker of womenshearts and honor Her love for himdrove into the insanity that washereditary In her when we

that she slew him in a lit of men-ial aberration the Jury will instantly aoQuit her

This statement was made today byOrlando W Powers former Justice ofthe supreme court before be startedfor Washington where on November Uha defense of Mrs AnnieM Bradley charged with killing Sena-tor Brown

We will Mrs Bradley on thestand continued and whentrts Brown had wooed her fromthe he wee lltwt m4 UntdStates Senatar from Utah how he thricenamed the wedding day to make her

tton of the verdictJudge Powers makes no pretense of

sympathy for the dead politicianthough the careers of the murd rvdSenator and the man who M aboutdefend his slayer were closely allieduntil Brown was killed

Loeb Gets Bare

On Hunting Trip

Good Fisherman

William Loeb Jr secretary to thePresident clever political authority andmighty hunter returned to his desk atthe White House this morning minushis mustache-

I see you brought back a bear saidon of the Secretarys friends as heshook his hand

Yes replied Mr Loeb with a laugh-a bare faceThe grizzly must chewed it

suggested the otherYes agreed the Secretary it was

a terrible combatBetween dashes at a big pile of let-

ters waiting for his attention the Sec-retary was busy most of the day receiving the congratulations of hisfriends According to his account hehad most wonderful luck on his hunthad a splendid rest from the cares ofoffice and caught so manyspeckled trout that no one would be-lieve him for a moment if he were toname the figures



will be held on MONDAY NOV4 at 730 p m In St Dominic Hall cor6th and F sts BW Payment ftn stock ofthe sixteenth will be due at thismeeting

SHARES ONE DOLLAR PER MONTHThe sum of J209 loaned on one sharepayment of two dollars per month 1600

tel ten dollars per month Interest allowed

Four series already matured and theof unencumbered shares

for each share berag56 on the shareThis Association during the 1C years of

Its existence has not met any iouand has enabled many of tosecure homes which they probably wouldnot have bad without its aid Paymentson stock may be made to the TreasurerELLKRY J at his tore 406 7that sw J SONDHBIMBR President-

J J DERMODY Secretary r

BUNGWashingtons finest and mostuptodate office building

A few offices for rent singleor en suite

H H Fuller Realty Co810 ainnscy Building







aside decree provides for the payment ot encumbrances fromO1OO and WJOOO due the Washington

Lon and Trust Company The halnce the realized from thela to be applied to a judgment of






to him he put bee IPIStreated her lied cajoled Cheat anddishonored her there be no tucs






at rate of S pl cent per

owner bye ben








yield tC















STORY is told of a clerk who saved 510 out ofhis salary each month for eight

employer wanting to retire and being impressed by his frugality made him a partner and

turned the management of the business over to him

Are you saving as much as 5 a month WIly not

try it

HOME SAVINGS BANK7th and flassachusetts Ave N W

Branches7th and H Sis N E 436 7th St S W

Resources Than Two Millions


TRUST COMPANYCapital and Surplus SI65OOpO

ALL THE DETAILSOf Renting Selling Collections Repairs

Insurance Assessments Taxes c in con

nection with the Management of Real Es-

tate receive the most careful attention of

our Real Estate DepartmentInterviews invited


FinBncI a-

LA yearshis




3 QctoiuS









J 0 WILSON1329 T Street KWashington D O



Deposits Draw 3interest and are to check In thiscompanys banking ushave your business or personal


Phone aialn 3612

Allison G Jenkins1421 F Street

STOCKS BONDSWashington correspondent of S w

Adler Co members New York Con-

solidated Stock Exchange

NATURALKll3i2S BANKIssues drafts direct available

throughout the worldIssues letters of credit

Transmits money by cableMakes investments for customersMakes collections for customersBuys and sells stocks and bonds

DEPT FOR LADIESPa Ave Opp U 5 Treasury

Capital and Surplus 6500000

Foreign DraftsLetters of CreditCommercial Credits

rE ISSUE the above on all

the us whenyou desire to carry or send mcoeyabroad

jtsTOBEiaH MONEY boughtsold at current rates


the requisites demanding con-sideration when selecting yourbank Ample capital and surpluscombined unsurpassed facili-ties enable our Banking Dept tomeet these requirements most sat-isfactorily

2S Samo rate of Interest paidon both large and small accounts


Cor 10th St and Now York Avo

Read ThisI-f you want a monthly Invest-

ment and protect your family incase of death where you canDOUBLE YOUR 3 OR 4 PER-CENT INTEREST ADDRESSBOX TIMES OFFICE


ctdepartment Let


BRADLEY President


CapItal nOOOOOO Surplus n400OOO

i Buys and sells exchange



the principal countries of


uptown 1124 Conn aveDowntown branch Center Market















L Means SafetyF-or your funds but profit for

you as well to deposit yourmoney in our SAVINGS DEPT

Z3VTZ PAY 33TTEKEST OHand permit withdrawal of

funds at any time


Money to Take

or Send AbroadLetters of Credit Travelers Cheats

Express Checks Drafts Cable Trans


Northwest corner Fifteenth andPennsylvania Avenue


A cordial invitation-is extended to you tovisit our New BankBuilding and SafeDeposit vaultsNATIONALMETROPOLITANBANK15th Streetopposite U STreasury

Capital and Surplus 150300000

The Safest InvestmentsAre those that do not fluctuate during dis-turbed conditions of the money er stockmarkets First deed of trust notesmortgages well secured on real estate inthe District of Columbia constitute pitedre Investments They do not dependupon the financial responsibilityviduals or corporations for their stabilityproperty We ctn supply such

amounts from JSW upwardfor Concernlac Loans and


Swartzell RheemHensey Co916 F St N W





Subscription for the B4th issue of stockand first payment thereon will b re-ceived daily at the office of the AdOelation Four per cent interest per

U allowed on shares Upon innturtty or stock full earnings arepald

John SAy Edaon S rs ntKills Spear Vice PresidentJ n 3d Vice PresidentFrank Reeslde SecretaryJohn Joy Bdsou jr Aid Sony

DIRECTORSPredk B Pyle Jno A HamiltonGee W Fisher A MJob Barnard Gee HJab B LAmer 5 V CovllU

Not Only





Send booklet







and are exempt from taxation asInvest-







> =