THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY OCTOBER 5 1907 I 12 The Mans Store Official weather and colder an M S M full of snap and style and made of the best fabrics and in the best way You may need one today TOPCOATS TOO A cnskerjack valde at 1375 Fall Hats gL9 worth 2000 n 50 Waistcoats M S M Suits at S1090 to 10 tf i o Worth 3 to 5 more f Moneys Worth or Money Back 10057 9 Pa Ave reportFair The Best Craven ette Rain Coat America at 1500It- s garmentthat- means I I 250 169 3750 Adler Gloves D KAUFMAN iIt t- in S worth Je ° < WEDDING GIFTS OCTOBER BRIDE have a most com- plete stock of silver- ware cut glass clocks and has just arrived Your inspec tion is invited Prices to suit all purses Look for the Big Clock No other store like it in the city 1227 and 1229 G St NEW FURNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY FINE NEW Direct from Manufacturers AT AUCTION TODAY Commencing 1030 oclock Seats provided Your money finds its greatest purchasing power here Capital and Profits Tono Deposits Than 6l XtOOO company may be appointed executor and trustee obtaining for you a of office and se- curity at an expense no greater than when individual executors or trustees are appointed E7Depnit accounts solicited Same rate of Intenxt paid on both large and small accounts National Savings Trust CompanyC- or i sth and New York Ave FORTYFIRST YEAR a fuel of supremo merit It is clean It Is economical It is satisfactory Well supply you 25 Bwbels Lftrge Coke delifertd 151- Jtashfls Large Coke tfeUrered S37B 81 Bwbek Large Coke dtlhwrMl 53- 1S Bwfeea Crushed Coke delivered JSW 4 Bushels Crushed Coke delifered J15 68 Bushels Crushed Coke delivered SS50 WASHINGTON GASLIGHT CO 413 Tenth St N W THE Bolt OF IT RE WHISKY a highgrade whisky f exceptional medicinal value cv mmrnd it Bottle 1 SfD ft EBBED 7357thStMW Phono M 2738 GHAS TOP largest plant and expert watfcaen enable TO to give prompt smlre superior Work Hate us submit II find our prices lowest H A FARNHAM COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER 936 F ST N W The tradedrawing power of ELECTRIC LIGHT has made store Do you consider your store progressive Mr Merchant POTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER CO 213 14th St N W We quote WHOLESALE Prices at Retail PICTURE FRAMES TO ORDER KEOILDINU OF OLD FRAMES A SPECIALTY Glad tfl Submit at Any Time We r rticuJ Tlr Solicit Particular Work J W NiEPOLD SON 910 E Street N w 8 1907 Remember the Date p F St a Wilson Mayers FURNITURE I h Over Executor and Trustee THIS 1 I F I rn Bromide Enlarging t8t sandy e e- i it indispensable to the t t i 6 0 It Estimates FOR THE E Se1ingers Car9th More ta atittttwL COKE I 1 a wl atit abv s ntro tvawavw tan INEZA itars progress- ive October- s ¬ ¬ ¬ + + < BROKERS PLEAD NOT GUILTY Four Men Arraigned Charged with Conducting Bucket Shop Allison C Jenkins and Percy Wade local stock brokers were arraigned in Criminal Court No 1 before Justice Stafford and pleaded not guilty The mon with Jesse H Hedges and Frank Kane were arrested last August on the charge of conducting bucket shops under the gutsa of stock brokers oldies Kane and Hedges were not arraigned Kanes counsel announced to the court that his client is bi Baltimore and could not be notified in time to be present yesterday but would be on hand next Tuesday A bench warrant was ordered for Hedges who according to Assistant United States Attorney Givens informa tion was on his vacation at the time of the arrest of his partner Wade and has not since returned One of the eases will be called for trial October 15 FRANCISCANS HONOR FOUNDER Solemn Services Held In Commemo ration of St Francis of Assisi In commemoration pf St Francis of Assist the founder of the Franciscan Order of Fathers and the special patron of Mount St Sepulchre In Brookland solemn services were held at the monas tery yesterday It was the feast day of St Francis and all over the world wherever there is a monk of the order- a special ceremony was held Solemn high mass was celebrated at 9 oclock by Very Rev Father Kennedy prior of the Dominican House of Studies assisted by two members of his order It has become customary for the Dominican Fathers to officiate at the feasts and great services of the Franciscan which courtesy is always returned when the life of St Dominie is commemorated Yesterday afternoon special prayers and services were held in the great nave of the monastery at which many persons from Washington and Brookland assisted Opeunlr Snored Concert Tomorrow The Naval Gun Factory Band will give- a sacred concert tomorrow Sunday and every Sunday until October IS at Randle Highlands from I to p m Take Capi tal Traction Pa ave cars going east marked F and G and get free transfers- to Handle Highlands Only a few min- utes ride east of the Capitol A view of the city and surrounding country from Randle Commissioner to Save Church To avoid tearing down a portion of St Peters Church at Second and C streets southeast the Commissioners will deed to Cardinal Gibbons a part of a public alley in square TO in return for which the cardinal win deed to the strict a portion of another lot in square to used for alley Pure Freshly Churned Butter Received direct from Americas leading creameries is the kind youll get at James F Oysters 9th and Pa ave boxes FourLeaf Clover Creamery a specialty Wcrttlerunrn Case Continued Counsel in the case of Wedderburn jr of Virginia who seeks by habeas corpus to secure from his wife the custody of their twoyearold girl advised Justice Gould yesterday that they were not prepared to argue the case The court directed a continuance until next Friday The Mncdonnnll School of Phrenology and Psychology is now 613 8d nw Friends and patrons invited LOCAL MENTION EXCURSIONS TODAY- To Pert Monroe Norfolk News aad all points SwtthXorfoHc aJgfat ers every ensuing in time year at 639 aad day steams daffy at 8 a m To Mount VerwwSUaiEer Macatester deny a m and 238 p IB from Serentb street whirL Chesapeake time table To Rode Creek Bridge Zeofegfeal Park Chevy Chase and KenstegtoB Cars from Fifteenth street and New York avenue every fiftoea laiaetea Alexandria F ry steamer Ladawaas erery hoar and a half from 6 a m to 6 p a Today Geo B Slice tz F 10th Gives Away n Halfpound Box Candy To every one purchasing a pound or more of Old Homemade Can dles at 40c lb This offer will win scores of friends for these pure delicious confec tions Only 40c lb On your way home this evening stop at Sheetzs F and 10th For the Sake of Your Children Have your table supplied with Schneiders Malt Bread use Insures rosy cheeks health and vigor Absolutely In food value grocer Table dHote Dinner 7Jic Lunches n la carte Park Hotel Winter N Y ave and 11th Hungarian Orchestra during lunch and supper Dnlto Clothing House 3410 31 Special Sale boys clothing Pants to order 3 up 13c J T D Pyles Stores Have UK Do Your Carpet Cleaning Reasonable prices E P Hinkel Co successors to Thorp Carpet Cleaning Co 4SS Maine ave sw Phone Harveys Dining Rooms Will be open on Sundays from 1 to 12 p rat beginning 6 Pariftsimn a Superior Rye Ripe with age and of the mellowest de velopment A whisky of medicinal value Wm Cannon 1225 7th st Phone N ES- FepnnK Grnnvllle Rye Is the purest and best medicinal whisky- on the market Physicians recommend it Phone Main MB Joseph P m Sth st nw for a full 1 delivered Music at Harveys Evenings from S to midnight 1 n Gallon for RelMlngrcrM Ice Cream And it is under the Purefood Law 236 G st nw I I be ilb Alexander Newport and steam See To purehigh- est r st te Coffee 21e 30c 5c Coffee tie zoo qt i yes- terday magnifi- cent the- e pur- poses Was a I1 Beod e Coffee Coffee d guarantee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Georgetown Company Pleads to Increase Stock ARRAY OF COUNSEL R R Perry Attorney for Petitioner Criticised Representative Hcplmrn for Opposing Dill Ucclnrlnsr Such Opposition Was Due to Ignorance Districts Side to lie Heard Monday Arguments were begun yesterday in the case of the Georgetown Gaslight Com- pany on its petition to increase capi- tal stock from J1MCOO to 30a CO before Auditor Payne of Equity Court referee in case Yesterday the entire time of the hearing was taken up by the presen- tation of the argument for the gas com pany by R Row Perry an attorney and at 3 oclock adjournment was taken until Monday when E H Thomas the District will argue the case against the petition Besides Mr Perry the company was represented by George T Dunlop and Richard Goldsborough BS H Thomas corporation counsel was present repre- senting the interests of the District of Columbia and Stuart McNamara for the United States government Law In Reviewed Mr Perry in presenting the case for the company reviewed the action of Con- gress In passing the law enabling the company to petition for an increase of stock characterizing it as obedience to the call of public opinion which demand- ed a capitalisation of the company com- mensurate with the worth of the plant Mr Perry justified the passage of the act and entered into a criticism of Hepburn in opposing the of the statute as HladTteed and in spired by ignorance of its true import He defined what was meant by the word plant used in the law sad said that it included both the manufacturing facilities of the company and Its real estate holdings Mr Perry referred to the rise in real estate and the consequent enhancement of the value of the com panys plant and drew the conclusion that the referee should take this into ac count in passing upon the worth of the holdings of the company in coming to a just conclusion as to the right of the corporation to Increase its capital stock Mr Perry explained in his argument the difference between an issue of stock and an issue of bonds and showed how each would affect the securities of the at this time of Owner Rights In summing up the various propositions of his argument Mr Perry quoted trees the brief presented to the referee by the company as follows The owner of property devoted to a public use is entitled to the benefit of any appreciation in value abve the original cost and the cost of improvements due to what may be termed natural causes such as improvements made in the vicinity the growth of the city or town la which it may be located the building of rail roads the development of the surround- ing country and like causes Fires in September According to the report of the opera tions of the tire department for the month of September submitted to the Commis- sioners yesterday by Chief Belt the total estimated loss for that period was 11440 covered by an insurance of 475600 Dur ing the month 52 alarms of fire were re- ceived of which 2 were false Of the ac tual fires 23 were in brick 16 were in frame and 2 were In stone buildings HEAR GAS ARGUMENTS LINEUP its the Tells represent- ing Rep- resentative pas- sage com- pany ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ OCT 8 the Date I Mens 350 Shoes This They I Is r Are I How Built r Americas Americas Best Shoe Best Last Malting Designing Upper Leathers Solid Leather Best Money Handwelted Heels Box Can Buy Soles Toes Counters While other 350 Mens Shoes have ad vanced to 400 and 500 because of increased cost uTRI WEAR Shoes are all STILL THREEFIFTY- In all other respects except price they re actual i 500 shoes WMo HAHN J COs I 191416 Pa Ave N w Three Reliable Shoe Houses Z33 Pn Ave Southeest i Weathered Oak Library Suite I Xaulvelooktng pure Mission style Library Suite of three Spring ewbiona In leatherette Special Price 52065 Mission Furniture No longer a every home taste and reAnement of quiet and Found liFr range of and tyJR absolutely twafpriilrc d I 1907Remember I S re 9 ems P ROCK OAK Cor Seventh and K Sb ri 6- i r pieces fad Isd1n of Sge- stlve rest dignity at a prices se- lection nt whfrr- w5 Y llou5eRerrnannQ- o Weve a number of mens suits that have been selling at 10 well made and excellent materials only one and two of a kind A Saturday bargain r Mens suits of cheviots tweeds and worsteds the df kind you pay 15 for everywhere stylishly made and a j dandy value Today only at J Mens suits in the new shades checks and fed strips suits that compare favorably with 20 tailor j made suits Today only at r Mens suits made of fine imported unfinished 4 worsteds and clay diagonals handsomely made and stylishly cut Real values today only at V Mens suits of the finest pure worsted materials hand tailored made with the broadshouldered and j formfitting coats A swell suit at 30 Today only W I I ANOTHER SATURDAY OFt TERRIFIC UNDERSELllN G i THE FRIELADER OFFERINGS For Are Absolutely I Without Equal MENS SUITS 75 a 7 25 ofbrown 0 00 ii 50 4 p 50 51 Today C wv i ri ts 47 at- M r t l0 1 l t r t r r t 1 t = < μ Two Priestley Oravenette Rain Coat Bargains Mens 1500 Priestiey Cravenette Rain Coats today I 7 50 I ° A few odds and ends of j Childrens Suits on sale to day at 65 Boys Long Pants School Suits two and three of a kind They usually sell for 10 512 and 15 Today only at C 6a25 Mens 2500 Priestley Cravenette Rain Coats today 1250 ChUdrens Suits I 250 Childrens Suits that are just the thing for school Today only at Very and Double Breast ed Childrens School Suits ftfl Sf regular 500 values To day at 1 4 0 line ¬ ° ° Furnishing Department Bargains I Six 25c Childrens Percale today at Mens Pajamas Mens flee derby me diumweight Underwear 15c 89c ribbed 4ge Shirt- Waists ¬ Mens Shirts cuffs attached and detached Fine Hose 2 pair w- 39c values Childrens Percale Vii5 to lOw 48c s Shirt Men Compulsory Shoe Sale Ve must sell a certain number of shoes a week to keep our con tract with a man ufacturer this opportunity to buy a 300 shoe that is the best wear ing shoe in the countryat 195 JJ hence gun- metal shots I y c n g DRGS Ninth and J E Sts Nm I LFREDLANDE I It Pays to Deal Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed Reliable Furniture Mens Womens and Chil drens Clothing on terms to suit your convenienceT- he seasons latest styles are always to be found in this store And the prices right They are as low as like reliable grades of merchandise can be sold any where and nothing extra to asked for the conveniences of easy credit Mens 1650 Fall Suits Handsomely tailored Single and Double Breasted Suits fancy stripes and mix- tures as well as blacks These suits are designed on die latest fall styles and In- clude our regular 1650 Worsteds Cass mere Cheviots and Thibf ts Special for today only 1250 1250 Covert Top Coats These cool evenings suggest comfort of one of these jaunty Tan Topcoats They are shown in a variety of shades of Tan English Coven and are all well lined with Venetian cloth Saturday only at 950 Mens 250 Fall Hats Only J18I for the regular 5250 quality Hats All the popular patterns and shades of Soft Hats including grays browns and blacks as well as the latest style Boys 3 Suits Very nicely tailored Doublebreasted Suits canal meres and thibets with straightcut pants Regular value Is M Special for today only ji98 Sizes S to 17 years Childrens Top Coats Fancy Gray Mixture Topcoats for Children from three to st years age They are wen made and lined throughout with Italian cloth Price reduced- to 15 for today only Panama Fall Suits Popular Darkstripe Panana Suits sin cutaway coats rolarless in laid with velvet semifitting back trimmed with stitched straps full sleeves reversed cuffs trimmed in panne velvet lined with satin and gored skirts pleated from the knee 2700 Fall Suits 1 Allwool English Cheviots in brown blue and black singlebreasted Prince Chap coats cutaway effect trimmed with plain silk braid notch collars hip pockets and breast pockets plan sleeve lined with fine satin and fullgored skirts pleated at the bottom 800 Skirts Fine Fall Skirts In Cheviots Brillian tines and Panamas blues blacks and gray checks full gored side pleated and trimmed at the bottom with buttons LHI STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 P M SATURDAYS bit of plumbing work we do is done by experts and every job is carefully in- spected by one of our superin tendents before being pro- nounced complete We can assure you the most modern most sanitary plumbing at the least possible expense Consult us about repairing Stoves Latrobes Ranges and making the necessary plumbing and tinning repairs A permanent force of experts on a Specialty Heating Tinning Gas and Electric Fixtures 432 Ninth Street fJlqfyer fJ4- 0J17 jt THE LATEST DESIGNSI- n ra- re A J i- Mens Wear fi12 50 flf9 50 I 1 89 gJ Derble Clothing 1rrM if 1 98 B a 3 fJl2 25 e fit Ladies Apparel 17 41t13 As 22 89 flI t I I Have Shedds Specialists Remodel the PlumbingEv- ery and I SHEDD 1 BRO CO PlumbingRemodeling c r s lA i r I t the f J 3 a 1 k 9 Boys i lit 11 i4 lf- i 4 d T t hle breasted o I x 589 I s of 3I fiT 1 a it dec 1f Sc Se ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Were the Largest Sellers of School Supplies in the City And why Xo need to ask Ann Well tell you Our prices are guaranteed the Make and be convinced No matter what you need its hero We sell at retail quoting wholesale prices R P ANDREWS PAPER CO Inc The House With tile Yellow Front Lonishinn Avenue Cor- ner of Seventh St and Pennsylvania Ave Largest Wholesalers and Retailers of Highgrade Stationery in the South I i I the I I tal 7L2o r T Ill low- est Near ¬ Purity CleanlinessExcellence handling and proper aging account for the matchless delicious ness and health value of HcHrich Beers On draught and bottled 2 ilnereen or Senate ITI 2 do JnRer 10 bottle rebate 50c- C7D liTer djBUBl ttered wigons if desired CLEAN BREWINGcar- eful doe CUR HEURICH BREWING CO a f Wa7 OCTOBER 8 1907 REMEMBER THE DATE

I a ri 89 - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-10-05/ed-1/seq-12.pdfTHE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY OCTOBER 5 1907 I 12 The Mans Store Official weather

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Page 1: I a ri 89 - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-10-05/ed-1/seq-12.pdfTHE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY OCTOBER 5 1907 I 12 The Mans Store Official weather




The Mans Store Official weather and colder

an M S Mfull of snap and style and made

of the best fabrics and in the bestway You may need one today

TOPCOATS TOOA cnskerjack valde at 1375 Fall Hats gL9

worth 2000 n 50 WaistcoatsM S M Suits at S1090

to 10tf i oWorth 3 to 5 more

f Moneys Worth or Money Back

100579 Pa Ave


The Best Cravenette Rain Coat

America at1500It-

s garmentthat-means I

I 250


3750 Adler Gloves










have a most com-

plete stock ofsilver-ware cut glass clocksand hasjust arrived Your inspection is invitedPrices to suit all purses

Look for the Big Clock

No other store like it in the city



Direct from Manufacturers


Commencing 1030 oclockSeats provided

Your money finds its greatestpurchasing power here

Capital and Profits TonoDeposits Than 6l XtOOO

company may be appointedexecutor and trustee

obtaining for you aof office and se-

curity at an expense no greater thanwhen individual executors or trusteesare appointed

E7Depnit accounts solicited Samerate of Intenxt paid on both largeand small accounts

National SavingsTrust CompanyC-

or i sth and New York AveFORTYFIRST YEAR

a fuel of supremo meritIt is clean

It Is economicalIt is satisfactory

Well supply you25 Bwbels Lftrge Coke delifertd 151-

Jtashfls Large Coke tfeUrered S37B81 Bwbek Large Coke dtlhwrMl 53-1S Bwfeea Crushed Coke delivered JSW4 Bushels Crushed Coke delifered J1568 Bushels Crushed Coke delivered SS50


413 Tenth St N W


a highgrade whiskyf exceptional medicinal

valuecv mmrnd it Bottle 1

SfD ft EBBED 7357thStMWPhono M 2738GHAS

TOP largest plant and expert watfcaen enableTO to give prompt smlre superior WorkHate us submit II find ourprices lowest


936 F ST N W

The tradedrawing power ofELECTRIC LIGHT has made

store Do you consider yourstore progressive Mr Merchant


213 14th St N W



We r rticuJ Tlr Solicit Particular Work

J W NiEPOLD SON910 E Street N w

8 1907Remember the Date


F St

a WilsonMayers





Executor and








e e-

iit indispensable to the



6 0 It




Se1ingers Car9th


ta atittttwL



a wl atit abv s ntro tvawavw tan











Four Men Arraigned Charged withConducting Bucket Shop

Allison C Jenkins and Percy Wadelocal stock brokers were arraigned

in Criminal Court No 1 beforeJustice Stafford and pleaded not guiltyThe mon with Jesse H Hedges andFrank Kane were arrested last Auguston the charge of conducting bucketshops under the gutsa of stock brokersoldies

Kane and Hedges were not arraignedKanes counsel announced to the courtthat his client is bi Baltimore and couldnot be notified in time to be presentyesterday but would be on hand nextTuesday A bench warrant was orderedfor Hedges who according to AssistantUnited States Attorney Givens information was on his vacation at the timeof the arrest of his partner Wade andhas not since returned One of theeases will be called for trial October 15


Solemn Services Held In Commemoration of St Francis of Assisi

In commemoration pf St Francis ofAssist the founder of the FranciscanOrder of Fathers and the special patronof Mount St Sepulchre In Brooklandsolemn services were held at the monastery yesterday It was the feast day ofSt Francis and all over the worldwherever there is a monk of the order-a special ceremony was held

Solemn high mass was celebrated at9 oclock by Very Rev Father Kennedyprior of the Dominican House of Studiesassisted by two members of his order Ithas become customary for the DominicanFathers to officiate at the feasts andgreat services of the Franciscan whichcourtesy is always returned when thelife of St Dominie is commemoratedYesterday afternoon special prayers andservices were held in the great nave of themonastery at which many persons fromWashington and Brookland assisted

Opeunlr Snored Concert TomorrowThe Naval Gun Factory Band will give-

a sacred concert tomorrow Sunday andevery Sunday until October IS at RandleHighlands from I to p m Take Capital Traction Pa ave cars going eastmarked F and G and get free transfers-to Handle Highlands Only a few min-utes ride east of the Capitol A

view of the city and surroundingcountry from Randle

Commissioner to Save ChurchTo avoid tearing down a portion of

St Peters Church at Second and Cstreets southeast the Commissionerswill deed to Cardinal Gibbons a part ofa public alley in square TO in returnfor which the cardinal win deed to the

strict a portion of another lot insquare to used for alley

Pure Freshly Churned ButterReceived direct from Americas leadingcreameries is the kind youll get at JamesF Oysters 9th and Pa ave boxesFourLeaf Clover Creamery a specialty

Wcrttlerunrn Case ContinuedCounsel in the case of

Wedderburn jr of Virginia who seeksby habeas corpus to secure from hiswife the custody of their twoyearoldgirl advised Justice Gould yesterdaythat they were not prepared to argue thecase The court directed a continuanceuntil next Friday

The Mncdonnnll School of Phrenologyand Psychology is now 613 8d nwFriends and patrons invited


EXCURSIONS TODAY-To Pert Monroe Norfolk News aad all

points SwtthXorfoHc aJgfaters every ensuing in time year at 639 aad daysteams daffy at 8 a m

To Mount VerwwSUaiEer Macatester denya m and 238 p IB from Serentb street whirL

Chesapeake time tableTo Rode Creek Bridge Zeofegfeal Park Chevy

Chase and KenstegtoB Cars from Fifteenth streetand New York avenue every fiftoea laiaetea

Alexandria F ry steamer Ladawaas ereryhoar and a half from 6 a m to 6 p aToday Geo B Slice tz F 10th GivesAway n Halfpound Box CandyTo every one purchasing a pound or moreof Old Homemade Candles at 40c lb This offer will win scoresof friends for these pure delicious confections Only 40c lb On your way homethis evening stop at Sheetzs F and 10th

For the Sake of Your ChildrenHave your table supplied with Schneiders

Malt Bread use Insures rosy cheekshealth and vigor Absolutely

In food value grocer

Table dHote Dinner 7Jic Lunches nla carte Park Hotel Winter N Yave and 11th Hungarian Orchestraduring lunch and supper

Dnlto Clothing House 3410 31 SpecialSale boys clothing Pants to order 3 up

13c J T D Pyles Stores

Have UK Do Your Carpet CleaningReasonable prices E P Hinkel Co

successors to Thorp Carpet Cleaning Co4SS Maine ave sw Phone

Harveys Dining RoomsWill be open on Sundays from 1 to 12 prat beginning 6

Pariftsimn a Superior RyeRipe with age and of the mellowest development A whisky of medicinal value

Wm Cannon 1225 7th st Phone N ES-

FepnnK Grnnvllle RyeIs the purest and best medicinal whisky-on the market Physicians recommend itPhone Main MB Joseph P m

Sth st nw for a full 1 delivered

Music at HarveysEvenings from S to midnight

1 n Gallon for RelMlngrcrM Ice CreamAnd it is under the PurefoodLaw 236 G st nw






Newportand steam



purehigh-est r


te Coffee 21e 30c5c Coffee tie zoo






the-e pur-


Was a




















Georgetown Company Pleadsto Increase Stock


R R Perry Attorney for PetitionerCriticised Representative Hcplmrnfor Opposing Dill Ucclnrlnsr SuchOpposition Was Due to IgnoranceDistricts Side to lie Heard Monday

Arguments were begun yesterday in thecase of the Georgetown Gaslight Com-

pany on its petition to increase capi-

tal stock from J1MCOO to 30a CO beforeAuditor Payne of Equity Court refereein case Yesterday the entire time ofthe hearing was taken up by the presen-

tation of the argument for the gas company by R Row Perry an attorney andat 3 oclock adjournment was taken untilMonday when E H Thomas

the District will argue the caseagainst the petition

Besides Mr Perry the company wasrepresented by George T Dunlop andRichard Goldsborough BS H Thomascorporation counsel was present repre-

senting the interests of the District ofColumbia and Stuart McNamara for theUnited States government

Law In ReviewedMr Perry in presenting the case for

the company reviewed the action of Con-gress In passing the law enabling thecompany to petition for an increase ofstock characterizing it as obedience tothe call of public opinion which demand-ed a capitalisation of the company com-

mensurate with the worth of the plantMr Perry justified the passage of theact and entered into a criticism of

Hepburn in opposing theof the statute as HladTteed and in

spired by ignorance of its true importHe defined what was meant by the

word plant used in the law sad saidthat it included both the manufacturingfacilities of the company and Its realestate holdings Mr Perry referred to therise in real estate and the consequentenhancement of the value of the companys plant and drew the conclusionthat the referee should take this into account in passing upon the worth of theholdings of the company in coming to ajust conclusion as to the right of thecorporation to Increase its capital stock

Mr Perry explained in his argument thedifference between an issue of stock andan issue of bonds and showed how eachwould affect the securities of the

at this timeof Owner Rights

In summing up the various propositionsof his argument Mr Perry quoted treesthe brief presented to the referee by thecompany as follows

The owner of property devoted to apublic use is entitled to the benefit of anyappreciation in value abve the originalcost and the cost of improvements due towhat may be termed natural causes suchas improvements made in the vicinitythe growth of the city or town la whichit may be located the building of railroads the development of the surround-ing country and like causes

Fires in SeptemberAccording to the report of the opera

tions of the tire department for the monthof September submitted to the Commis-sioners yesterday by Chief Belt the totalestimated loss for that period was 11440

covered by an insurance of 475600 During the month 52 alarms of fire were re-

ceived of which 2 were false Of the actual fires 23 were in brick 16 were inframe and 2 were In stone buildings







Rep-resentative pas-sage




















¬OCT 8 the Date


Mens 350 Shoes

This They I


Are I

How Built


Americas AmericasBest Shoe Best Last

Malting Designing

Upper Leathers Solid LeatherBest Money Handwelted Heels Box

Can Buy Soles Toes Counters

While other 350 Mens Shoes have advanced to 400 and 500 because of increasedcost uTRI WEAR Shoes are all

STILL THREEFIFTY-In all other respects except price they re actual


500 shoes


191416 Pa Ave N wThree Reliable Shoe Houses Z33 Pn Ave Southeest


Weathered Oak Library Suite I

Xaulvelooktng pure Mission style Library Suite of three Springewbiona In leatherette

Special Price 52065

Mission FurnitureNo longer a every home taste and reAnement

of quiet and Found liFr range of andtyJR absolutely twafpriilrc d




S re 9ems



Cor Seventh and K Sb

ri 6-

i rpieces

fad Isd1n of Sge-stlve rest dignity at a prices se-

lection nt whfrr-

w5 Y


Weve a number of mens suits that have been sellingat 10 well made and excellent materials only one andtwo of a kind A Saturday bargain r

Mens suits of cheviots tweeds and worsteds the df

kind you pay 15 for everywhere stylishly made and a j

dandy value Today only at J

Mens suits in the new shades checks and fedstrips suits that compare favorably with 20 tailor j

made suits Today only at rMens suits made of fine imported unfinished 4

worsteds and clay diagonals handsomely made andstylishly cut Real values today only at V

Mens suits of the finest pure worsted materialshand tailored made with the broadshouldered and j

formfitting coats A swell suit at 30 Today only W





For Are Absolutely I

Without Equal


7 25ofbrown

0 00ii







ts 47



t l0

1 l tr tr

r t





Two Priestley Oravenette Rain Coat Bargains

Mens 1500 PriestieyCravenette Rain CoatstodayI 7 50 I°

A few odds and ends of j

Childrens Suits on sale today at

65 Boys Long Pants School Suitstwo and three of a kindThey usually sell for 10

512 and 15 Today onlyat



Mens 2500 PriestleyCravenette Rain Coatstoday 1250

ChUdrens Suits I

250 Childrens Suitsthat are just the thing forschool Today only at

Very and Double Breasted Childrens School Suits ftfl Sfregular 500 values Today at

1 40line ¬



Furnishing Department BargainsI Six

25c Childrens Percaletoday at

Mens PajamasMens flee derby me

diumweight Underwear


89cribbed 4ge



Mens Shirts cuffsattached and detached

Fine Hose 2 pair w-

39c values Childrens PercaleVii5 to lOw






Shoe Sale

Ve must sell

a certain numberof shoes a weekto keep our con

tract with a manufacturerthis opportunityto buy

a300 shoe that

is the best wearing shoe in thecountryat




gun-metal shots




n g

DRGS Ninth and JE Sts Nm



It Pays to Deal Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

Reliable Furniture Mens Womens and Childrens Clothing on terms to suit your convenienceT-

he seasons latest styles are always tobe found in this store And the prices

right They are as low as like reliablegrades of merchandise can be sold anywhere and nothing extra to asked for theconveniences of easy credit

Mens 1650Fall Suits

Handsomely tailored Single and DoubleBreasted Suits fancy stripes and mix-tures as well as blacks These suits aredesigned on die latest fall styles and In-

clude our regular 1650 Worsteds Cassmere Cheviots and Thibf ts Special fortoday only 1250

1250 CovertTop Coats

These cool evenings suggest comfortof one of these jaunty Tan TopcoatsThey are shown in a variety of shades ofTan English Coven and are all welllined with Venetian cloth Saturday onlyat 950

Mens 250Fall Hats

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to 17 years

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Fancy Gray Mixture Topcoats for Children fromthree to s t years age They are wen made andlined throughout with Italian cloth Price reduced-

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Popular Darkstripe Panana Suits sincutaway coats rolarless in

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