MH B ta u THE SUN MONDAY DECEMBER 16 1902 I TilE LINCOLN PLOT The Tale of Alleged Cru- elty at Dry Tortugas PRISONERS STORY OF TORTURE Bad Food and Bad Treatment Part of the Complaint Recruits Kald to llati llrra by the nmcen Placid utrr Tliom- Aufrtlon TSat One or Them nun lilllpd by Kfrgrunt Drnnkrnnrwi Among the fomniUslnnril Ifflcrrn Ales Knrriniil In fide Mans Itiaricr IM by Ttif Sun Irinlit g rod Iublistiing Company CHAPTKH IX tmlng the Itt ynnr and n Imlf till Dry Tortugaa was anything hilL a paindlnv- Tlioic did not pass a day but moo Iould liNt up by tlielr tliiitnln liciwen tin sky mud the rnrtli until tin joinit of lliclr thumb Mere n nrly pulled from sockets sonic curried to tin Gulf Stream hound In cordw and nearly drowiid and oilier uji In tin nud lvhed upon tldr nuktii harks Many of thtM nniiltle woix Infllclrd- Lfoauco the victim had followed tile iifnpln by homo of thin i flicM in chnpi- of them and hind riarod to nomiuo Intoxi- cated There vnn anntlior inodt of punf i tent applied In ninny Iii min Men wero what they termed nailed to tin or fnhion mid others ven tied with their hand behind them InfHmhflhP tipsof dirlrto bntvly touch- ing the earth If UIPK Fume rrurlt 4 wore In othei1 portion oJ tho arty to the extent a wan done lit Dry Tortuifas tlio calls of o ninny iltncH ion from this MTV could easily bo disc inwi Had the Poldler tit that pot lion fiuIUtiiri of c rtiiiKiliTe would have been but few of the ton matid- If ftto do Kfirrlson duty Many left In moll boito to mnko their way from tlm scent of torture nnrow 100 mile of wo preferring to rMc their IIVIM to remnln dolly to death by niioh brutal nienixinw enforeH th ro Thtw particular wines I will hero utter refer to it being my desire an far as- pouitble to reluto each thing in order as- Mr as memory ron recall tits after Col OrenfuHV removal to other quarters it case of Hiimllpox broke out upoAthp IMaivl The patient of being placed in n remote corner of tlio fort there bilng tnnny unoccupied et o- inaten avallahla at tlio tune whero tlio dl easo would not endanger others was brought and placed midway hoitvern our quartnrB and those of Col Oronfcll Vp came In contact with It dally an wo pacoed to and from our labor Col Ircnfrll irociv Ing the full benefit therefrom upon each puff of wind that paPd Wn failed tn In Insulated with the loithwm ills however Finding the patient Mill remaining in close proximity to each of our Col Gronfell obtained a large blackbonnl and upon It In large letter hiRcrilxid Small- pox Hospital nil persons on tho Inland to hun It Thin draw the attention of the officer together with tmirmur- Ingu heart nil over tho blood and tho- intt nt wax rntnnvml to nnother portion ot tho fort The action of the authoritlpH In this affair was i o polntisl that not only but each man upon tlm Island firmly believed that it done for the express pqrpono of inoculating a thin fearful and loathsome mnlndy COl niiEXKriiH nKcori i Orcnfell wn woverely rcitrimnmliil for his action and sternly rominandc- do take In the bonrd and to ho very irroful In actioai in tho futuro He WRH not least intimidate but strictly gar netixi tho actions of the officer nl the tort recording thorn In a diary which bo kept during his imprisonment nod which I ltttrne is now in the pofosjiion Cnpt JiicElrath Company I Fifth tnltrd Klntvs Artillery At this period RtiMrnanct liorrlble and of tl most ll KU tlnt nature We- iuktalncd oui eelves from our own rrvourceo a godinnd that wo poM inrl it otherwise ntarvatlon would have Mured- us in tho face Cot Orenfella n rters wore paperc- dov i woodwork front inwardly with hls dally rations of breaii nnd meat n nnll having been placet through It tofrMenlt to the wall Holdiein win loudly com- plaining about their ratlotm and the quality liwu d Often when guarding UK they requested pomcthlng to rnt Mallnc that they were nearly starved that they were rotbed of ration Ac Many a cads hunger wa rollovexl by UK Cop riflA t tn wing i all I t q upon tlnp than nor e I quarter dlle lint u bbs III tho of It was its hn r i Per i etitrd b tech flip tied gun rdhuuPe vx rs a cross sprcac eagle pro ctfs ct fto A Instead coon ears bit was 1 vat wax a f o ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + from our own want nupply through which wo gained their friendliness In oomo In tano but a n general thing they WITR Kind and tympnthUnl with us In our ml ortnnis and would hate permitted u to ecn d if In doing hey would uu hove l vn compromised in the matter They l bitterly of tho distribu- tion of the company fund stating that limn Ixtiettt therefrom was not nwived by them but IIMHbythooompanyomiintthrnixplvfM- nil during the Hot twoye trnof ourlncarcir- ntlim I makii no assertion mynclf r accu- sation In this aM 1 am entirely Igno rant upon time subject nnd I Ice Imt till statements of other In I hi npeolal inxtanen- ItlCItms IAlVWATU- rXover were n lot of recruit mal Th y were beaten briilxml soil claim d by the hin h treatment and pun islmient awarded Inhumanity neemcd to IK tin ruling element an I barbarity nnd njii tleo this only thouglU of those In powor our rulers Sunday morning would nlwnvK flood twenty or thirty packing balls at the guardhouse In limn Ixilllng sun until snore of them exhausted and overcome by heat woul tall In an almost lifeless condi- tion and li thewno notlen being token of them until agar tho fuel Iindb eii reported- to tlio officer f th dorm when they would lei picked up and conveyed to tim hospital fur treatment A FrenchCanadian about n month nfler hi arrival superinduced torn ten oriiiltlrs practised upon him by tlie first erpcant of hi eonnxtiy receiving knock on the head body andlimbs from tlm butt end of tlm musket ued until nature ptavo way and lie wns consigned to premnturo- Rmve on the adjaieiii Wand of Kast Key man vlio ni ilrMted this ptc of rrutllv vns nftenvnrd through PMitntnx- tlon nmdea Iteiiienant lit thr States Army ThU WIIH not I IIP only Instance of IU- HcruMty a every wildler whf wns In ocituMiiy can He miiiKcd with but fiw exe pit every titan In the- ciiiiany A private Mildier of hi by tho- tiiiine of Htfivt riHiit Into the ono tnoniltiK whi I was thTo with il hloinl- HfianiinR down rn k from n wound In Ml ed at the hauls of sergeant during drill I Kiw roan myself anti recelviK- lijy tnformrtl1 dlniily frorn him I ran pot rciutinlior lii ni i f nosy co II- Ireatcil bll y v In ore slants h KtriKU oil of the noldler of rnmpnny over the fingers with fabroI- HIII veiing ih iu from tho hand Inn was 1 huwn alo by my nuiimmteit deep and brulMM on their KHIW A MIOCKIMI CASK Another lnM rtc i ol liHaitloss inliiiiminity prpctrited upon a Mildler in otiimny D lilih Artillery by name of ivmrnd Jerman Conrad had hot Hllliined wish fits and HiilTeriiig HO mmh therefrom that he was unable to prrform- hie duties In hU company Ho was II the hospital Vilo Ms con- dition givv rapidly worse the lower portion of hotly nearly UM IH to him II being with she dilllculty- tbnt he could dug our fret ufier the other Tim doctor In charge Mated that thU wits tort pretence and that he would bring him around to duly Ho wn dl iharfied front the hospital placed in the guaidhou mind onlettd lo carry a four pound log which was done under the most excruciating man an nil over from the exertion required to thin iniHHOil task HiitlM being drugged along almost ilovoid of lilt or notion During thou performance nf lido a cruelty uiiHiiiii Hd his frnmo violently contorted with re- pealed Ihe criminaid slxru that no soldier Uould Interfere t r offer any asMPtnnra In thO pretended sigh he was left writhing In without any helpltis hand permitted to reach forth to rtliovc his eiifleringt a week he reinalne In limo hoiiM attacked repeatedly with ibex fits Bucket of water wore t bo thrown over him when under their Inlluentv nod condition grew worst aunt wore H wits again removed to the hospital where he until FOIIC 18Vi when In1 wa clmrgiHl from tilt wrvleuof the United HtfttrM UIHJII a ctretcher to n Htramer lying at tlio wharf a KH man unable to stand up limbs presHwl Ihe n the Iho ti kill him and the clan made hid In hilt ward his entire frame shout with fright mid horror harm DHIKRRn- HHarnhneM began lo Increaw In moaner both to the and Drunk IlineHB ran riot on tlm Island Thero wan not H but that otlkvs could h olio reeling under UK Influence j they the walk leading their barracks to the of fort laze where would lima would coon In contact with smite of them Inebriated a dlftrac and dishonor to thn service of tho country which they wn from every boat thin entered thin harlwr and If ho canio exhiu teil Ijefom the arrival of a again Inroads WITO mado upon boa slcknes th supply shniiittfl I state this nut lotto hearsay I have wit neshe nil these order sent to the for the have f Hii tho as he returned boar log the IxitlleR have unwrn pi r the cov- ering and the lritus Fru menil and have wen the peculiar bottle the fluid UK II t h tablit limit with I boys naught to do If 1f alt 1 dint a lnlttI thin COlli Ill II him I his N a bocllll1ll1l pnln t n rnhllll Cult lit hl or t November horll or zoo low er tI px 1ItIIIRIII klcor tin n1 1 ca Iof anlerl road uu h I ave 11dN w Insthagrrornltruplalntamungthsm snot r worst limn ity hospital this n s hvtr gnu fur blade was lu Li aim lade 1 coo hit mot nuwt t vent as the like axis n Ills lark was ii bolo non his agony guars his fit wa eIi I doctor lea p11 a boa flu n one label this I g 1 s t n r < ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < > ¬ > < ¬ > < < + + It oftxfM to live under limn Influence of liquor and ndvanlVB for uch we peoplo hunt right to complain but moat It From treatment daily ooived from the offlwrs under th tlustiof wiMliTH began to desertion Mmiy Hueeoodod In their efforts until It cainii nrciTAary to rftrlct thorn from going lo t upon MH PasseR of terry Inscription con quunlly wero n1 as much coti fin l on the stood os Ono of limo moft heartless acts in s fclvlatlonhappcnodon the occasion 1nvmaster ur rlvwl nt the fort to on the It was a counterpart of ten Middle Agar in Tlio wcro- enijaifed in a vessel moored at tbo contHliiinn and fluarter- nmstor stores for time During the work this pfUonern whoso was to unload voM on Indulged forty in spirituous liquors In company sol who hind elmrpo of prUoner cf thin iimie of Dunn Ixvamo loxlcitvl In company with two of the soldlon who trot a provost guards TORTURE IttEaED- Hie occurrence vciv reported to offUiT of the day when he goer to sergeant of tho guard to him on rln to a ball hint finding ho too dnink to comply with order he orderiMl him to l up he wan tlHl up to tin Ml post iccttd in front of Iii by wrists it being about Jl- ocliKk in morning On roturning to my quarters for dinner Dunn was still tied up to the ot there until my return to the otllce stout 2 oclock In afternoon 1 returned lo my manors alK ut 430 1 M nnd fouml Dunn timiMoried the Nll nxt and IW up his thumbs to the iron Imrs or railing Immediately beneath our quartern H insensibility swinging to and fro iMitind around a his ctntchrtl outwardly tlio wholn weight of ids body renting hi thumlw Tin rods of the were fearfully OMI mid having tbo e r tumor of a mortilled of flesh His head was drooping backward the burning of Mm sti iking Idm full In tin trot nnd th rod blur nail in tomo- itts noarlv black till veins in th swollen curds there ImlnK practically no einulntlon of blood I hanging In this condition until after i o clock There in no how he would hHve remains this po hod not Mi Hill to pin that wav ntul this piece of liHibiiious cruelly Itflicfed an In- sensible directed the lo take him down nnd him in puardhotiM Ho commanded that no ingot while In a iinken con- dition 1 In like manner Instwid of undoing tho ixinls from bits thumbs they wore nwuy and Dunn fell upon Ki not n awakening from the dwp sniior a hU comu rail tall with the hard ground H was then dragged Iho guaidhoUM- whtio until telKM Till oRlcT of tin Jay dorm to In slam the gutiti nnd looking around ui tutu of s rKiinl when It Tn ho was told be was in tho gitirdi nw ofllcer ordered that 10 taken out ftinl nmdo to carry a boll nnd lift the wraMJi to execute Dunn WIH briintnt out ad from the r tints iilronily Imctlsed upm him WIIM uti tncLisp ill slipping from Ills risp He e Miyed to M slioiiii rH lo comply with th orders la his i uoxicatcil eoiiditldii In his endeavor I do o he fell twlfxorcithu und cannon Dull falllni dlrectlv his as foil and again no lie plunged forward the of the bMI imxiis o hl fall be horribly mutilated tho entire left side of his face it rliughed ihn ugh coral sands IliP to Mivuto the order ceixcd tho l all upon his botch in a- Uniiponk but Diuti here and then eaii d the nuerlal to which aniiiri whin relieved from the weight upon hU back cnued him in frill forward lots race M this point the officer arrived nnd sieinsc elm mnns Incerftted tare onlered him hark to iunrdhou e then lo lemalu until 8 oclock then In Iw taken out ami emir o earn be hall This sofie was witnessed by ninny arsons on- thelslandnM1 of th r whkh was tytiiK at the MO UK cniJKlrv Alt of the excitement atHMdlng th nffnlr had died away and quiet prevailed through- out the furl except from the In tinnilf taknble lean or the revelry wblrh exlsled- lher TIll poor victim with his knurls and foe was tem forgotten but the time was ngaln approaching when they would again plain their on tho Right oclock tae by the hands of till anti Dunn to wax I M from the to renew his task and take his punishment Thorn wore oth n confined in nil of whom were brought forth nnd ordered to pick a cum It Armed guards were stationed user to en order they booing authorized to bayonet them rasp order given worn compiled Tie w ilieied Nunn It n physical Im- p i for him to conform to tho sren Ills iands were iiimblp to perform t heir office Itrpentedly lie grnsH d t poly for tip to relax hold letting the l nll fall to the earth repented efforts ho found it Impossible to commands tho with tho point of tho If ho In not com- plying with the orders In piteous grits ho from on to Iho to could he ho would willingly parry tho hall us ordered ho said I am willing to carry the bull Clod knows tho truth of I soy hut I cannot do It If do not m come oh come look at my blwdlng hands was an Iron import to whom be appealed Thero vas one anmvor You muM carry thin ball Sentinel If ho refuses to carry the Government lI no of at the 111 cruIIt n rlonolll I lIlIIlnlRI dllt the Clllr A IllnJI tram 0 leg nut rI1I k RIll I xlt ndllIk CQMMASDRR IST l hlo Ill I aII till I a TIlt h h under lib ball It t 17 cheat h 1t111 1 a n h 11111 11 IrA In 1 nut- s riel Iv WIth 01 1I1 I Iv n tilt f1r Il1nl II It rnlts the wit Iii l al Jams hot cc was i itlxinhl bt upon e nn at1FF nrn toll tig fun t tnt0i e hut oily Iii ti tin Iii cub I uxt hack ward lie io rgetl itt d Ing ivo wn ten h art hier nffh ors Ion Inw lit abroad I i IIt1M mollt xlwIUllall ihn nIt still alxl sergeant u mot s s ¬ < < > < ¬ < > < ¬ ¬ < > > > + rrnurvnnxN iriiiirATinvi Two Really Notable New Novels MARK LEE LUTHERS The Henchman ONE THE GREAT POLITICAL NOVELS Boston Transcript A CHARMING LOVE STORY Orleans Picayune A POWERFUL STORY WONDERFULLY REALIS- TIC N Y Times Sat Reu A SPLENDID STORY OF MODERN POLITICS Jllbany Law Journal A E W MASONS The Four Feathers ONE OF THE BIG BOOKS OF THE SEASON Cleveland Leader SUPERBLY TOLD STRONG DIRECT MANLY ARTISTIC AND VIVID Boston Herald A ROMANCE WHICH HAS MANY ASPECTS AND ALL OF THEM BEGUILING FROM BEGINNING TO END WE ARE ABSORBED New York Tribune Each Is 2mot In Decorative Cloth Binding with Gilt Tops j Price THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Publishers New York u h A I J II I OF II I 150 I1IIhICATinS- r ii t New r r t- t p ¬ + orders ralml and run him through with your To prevent he again tried to carry to no The from bU anti an it dropped to the earth cannot the ball Perform your duty bayonet anti kill me endeavored varloiw ways to cotta compliance and falling to move with the bayonet Finding move the sentinel called upon the of this Cords torn again into requisition and in thr roughest manner around bleeding hands wrist and tliurnlH In thin of his of agony which reached each portion of an the form to which ho appealed Mvl a heart a hard and in stone which had Income mora hardened through fre- inont Imbibing by him during day There a gentleman residing with hits thn In charge of the lighthouse whose family was dUturbol by the piercing crim of the tortured man TH- he screamed out in his forced to call the officer of the to ask that other ni AKuren be adopted In the manner of sent forthwith for the cergeant ro In a few moments Dunn was romovi the close proximity of Capt Henry Ben nieiH to a of his ImndA and wrists UU piercing shriek during the operation every space illS commas BMOTHRRKD To smother thtwe crion ho was taken down gaKged with n l olid hurriedly uji again ills tones could row alone l n hoard an ho hung sus heaven and For thin most putt of the night he hung in thin manner In almost Noxt morning at guard mount while seated on the at the guardhouse requested that ho would mo to Fen Ida found them swollen and lacrratcd In many places having a gangrene appearance and not to move them In any particular From guardhouse ho was taken to tho hospital untie medical treatment he remained during the period of IIH confinement somo or months It wa decided at one time that It would become neoe to resort to amputation of ono of his hands but careful attention paid hint ho recovered sustaining thin loss of nearly the entire uu hand Tn bt cnnlinvrH tnmorrav STOLE HOltSK irlffJV lVH CO I- Itluhnn the foal and ffai raiislit llorne and flagon Henry Ixibihan of SM Went Thirtieth stunt was arraigned yesterday In the West Side police iwurt n wagon n quantity of coal The coal retail coal loaders Jacob Iiimmon wan out ihs POO I on Saturday aftonioon and stopped in root of n nt street and troth avenue Vhlie ho was Inside some ono dtovo away with thorn load Po liceman caught Laliahan two bourn later limp Thin coal lawn sold complainant said that was worth the coal 7 Some of the Hork wanted to buy some of the not nt that prix but said ho couldnt furnish It MaRUtraie Mayo h ld tho- prlMinxr In ii l ail for oiamlnat Ion llpth lloxplial halr The annual fair and festival In alit of Beth Irsael hospital will Ix gln at the Madi son Square n on Saturday evening Jon 1 It U hoped by of ct if i of sickness end Hiiffcrin the wonwii and children of the gels a fund of Koooo onebalf of stile II UllJHI uii of tlol fi and haze nrllt of I5W l fn received for sale at tho several booths I PfiiM Tii iv i n arlU hto tell with t o t I him in nutter him did not his 1t ntJPal for mercy Ute ldx his po 1110111 lie was U ollI odes orderll end returned to guard bet Holt ch hor I all Mal hid 0 hJ Enl Yids 10 nil 11 In lO lId ot t this u- A Rantlnol burn twisted orbs his hoard let cries was Iota sue s tl vet n to boles time R tore this chant v shut noon amount Is nireatlr and advance shies sum gifts vales parr g > ¬ > ¬ ° SOCIM JJKS t JIK Tlifiniflicn In the East Stile Opfltlcmrut Aiinptatlon Final arrangements were main ysi r time aftnmoon n a mentlng of the Fist Ride OititlemonH As ixlailon for lt annual party which will plan Wcdties tiny night On account of thin meeting the Sunday afternoon conference of the Martin Kimnl Koclety for the Study of Fconomlcal- 1olltlen wax fits Ka t Hide Gentlemen Araoclatlon will turn out Ih fort thin year Mosey thin Liwyer who presided bla opening address Mid Gentlemen sine District Attorney Jerome came down to live with us wn have got a certificate effect that wo arc all gent lemon Yell Low Jimmy Reynolds nnd other blokes horn epn In our midst but they never shook the hand of many of UH Jerome woa not only willing to play pong with u but your humblo oerrant beat him at a bowling game in Stitch T- Ill hot Felt theatre Ink rw ping PUBUCATION PUBLICATION The Entire Million Completely Sold Out of Ladies Hbiffel Joufnah No more subscriptions beginning with the Christmas number can be received The only left are on 10 Centsif the Has One A Dollar for 1W3T- HEfCtJRTIS POBLTSHllSiGltfOMPANY PHILADELPHIA ft 1 I u i Dell r I Mu1aGItU r a- rt r- r r 1t r l R- v 4 S 1 t K l r 1 i r- c h n- tt s F- J the Christma t 2 thetltws stands r itr l F h i > + + More HALF A MILLION of SCRIBNER BOOKS 70th 1000 U RICHARD HARDING DAVIS His New Novel CAPTAIN MACliLIN Mr Davis has given us some thing big mature some thlpg solid It must stand As its authors masterpiece Boston TmnJkvipt With Illuitntloni by Wilier IppltloU Curt IISO 30th 1000 BARRIER V0 LITTLE WHITE BIRD 150 70th 1000 OLIVER HORN THE NEW NOVEL B- YP HOPKINSON SMITH The best product of I very versatile man of unuiufcl ftiti and grace and a piece of fiction of a very high kind indeed World Work Wild llluttfllloRt br It10 70th 1000 HENRY VAN DYKES NEW BOOK VA BLUE FLOWER Elaborately illustrated in full color 30th lOOO By THOMAS NELSON PACK The Etqcliite Children Story A Captured Santa Claus Illustrated in could be no lovelier holiday gift 79 cents 235th 1OOO THOMPSON SETON c l br t 4 OF THE HUNTED 9175 IS ccntt WILD ANIMALS I HAVE KNOWN 1200 Each illustrated with 200 dttwinfl by the Author 30th 1000 JAMES WHITCOMD New and Beautiful ff Book of Joyous Children MORE THAN 100 PICTURES 120 net Postage 8 tens CHARLES SONS NEW these i h It hi ERNEST I RILEY net color RIB N E S Y than r r i KwA NOVEL aorlxlrts of 1 y t f Hate best walls Applab Clark 1160 t bosh Poems t Poole I t There s r C ORh i ¬ + MeCVirthyn Who was It who Introduced pink leas down hors Who was It who introduced ping pong among us Rtuss Thin tlcairn will num her MX JON Iiike of KHHOX street will lead parade those Invited lo H Ids ald H an tlm Hulllvnti lUg Tint Snlllvnn Congietaman OoldfoKln IV niRti n I Ilolrnont ChUf Tummy Coiittrpwmnn- flixit thin Hon Engsl llu llu1 til I Kramer Irof Hilly Htern the expert and Edward thiH mimes were off Holey Mid these guys pro the bunch am nime other guys with ua who will have to go aeoimcl division Thn secretary will now read the minnow of the coni inloH In thn Hpoond hunch lien they are A Inmnnd Chorus Kolomon Com inn y H Cornpiinf Pigeon Miller H Compnnr E FIUill lAY the moll I IkOor nil 11 Iw rr tad first lom matt ferry it Fat ein McManus Mart to lion Max Pool t os Hen > Comivinjr F finlk tioMhnteoffl- IomiMny 1 JIM C h pi Weht of tho th I All thime will t on Wed two and firework a parade around de Uu will BO to the lliMtre ft con division men will occupy IMam In gallery FOR MRS IlNlrirnti of Dnandtv Halrta to Defend tier nr m barge HTRACUBI Doe 14 Be ld nt of South Onondaga are raising a fund for the dp fence of Mrs WIIMam A Klhl who It la expected will have to anw r to the charge- of poisoning her husband It took of her property to d md her dent M her that fcund te the rR S Ohio In n U D uln night In of Phi cigar 8t DIilCE mOlt leo the t n Company It 81t Jack tarry tanher front store There kill bands Dewey The the ItIfHLc Mont Prison charge her ml aw mehi nor are oonf body of hr huitlinnd front the embalming fluid tiHPd Mn poison WII1U alto wl l H wns not hi dlwl nnd It v n inl be a happy girl IK Xlll Fir In ntiltrlniiI- MNA N Y tVo M fro this morning In Jlrnry Mint hurl r t lllRnt In Whllflmll flirt J S WK dunwco to that and H Ilrownn timid Mciclmii BtnffordH liquor Ftoivniid IOOIHHH rOHtnu- ratll IVwllN Of f PXtrjf fId tho firemen al dNjidvnniiR clue foil uncoiiHCUiiH nl his an otlicr fUcrutniMd on of tag and had to lx down with n ocoupnntH of tho In hunts hail nar Mistook rarliollr rlcl for Mrdlcliic- Mr Mary Milton of xi Flftvfoiirl1- strcot mistook rarUilIn arid for nvIlclVm and drank H of It covca d her She died a half hour later u fortune I lodnl I II pl poise ECI t was I t It was living should t FALLS early Mrs c were great a lld lei t row tr Fat t morning mistake N- J > < ¬

i Entire Million - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-12-15/ed-1/seq-9.pdfoilier uji In tin nud lvhed upon tldr nuktii harks Many of thtM nniiltle

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MH B ta



The Tale of Alleged Cru-

elty at Dry Tortugas


Bad Food and Bad TreatmentPart of the Complaint

Recruits Kald to llati llrraby the nmcen Placid utrr Tliom-

Aufrtlon TSat One or Them nunlilllpd by Kfrgrunt DrnnkrnnrwiAmong the fomniUslnnril IfflcrrnAles Knrriniil In fide Mans Itiaricr

IM by Ttif Sun Irinlit g rodIublistiing Company

CHAPTKH IXtmlng the Itt ynnr and n Imlf till Dry

Tortugaa was anything hilL a paindlnv-Tlioic did not pass a day but moo Iould

liNt up by tlielr tliiitnln liciwen tinsky mud the rnrtli until tin joinit of lliclrthumb Mere n nrly pulled fromsockets sonic curried to tin Gulf Streamhound In cordw and nearly drowiid andoilier uji In tin nud lvhedupon tldr nuktii harks

Many of thtM nniiltle woix Infllclrd-Lfoauco the victim had followed tileiifnpln by homo of thin i flicM in chnpi-of them and hind riarod to nomiuo Intoxi-cated There vnn anntlior inodt of punf i

tent applied In ninny Iii min Men werowhat they termed nailed to tin or

fnhion mid others ventied with their hand behind themInfHmhflhP tipsof dirlrto bntvly touch-ing the earth

If UIPK Fume rrurlt 4 wore Inothei1 portion oJ tho arty to theextent a wan done lit Dry Tortuifas tliocalls of o ninny iltncH ion from this MTVcould easily bo disc inwi Had the Poldlertit that pot lion fiuIUtiiri of c rtiiiKiliTewould have been but few of the ton matid-If ftto do Kfirrlson duty

Many left In moll boito to mnko theirway from tlm scent of torture nnrow 100mile of wo preferring to rMc their IIVIM

to remnln dollyto death by niioh brutal nienixinw enforeHth ro Thtw particular wines I will heroutter refer to it being my desire an far as-pouitble to reluto each thing in order as-Mr as memory ron recall

tits after Col OrenfuHV removalto other quarters it case of Hiimllpox brokeout upoAthp IMaivl The patientof being placed in n remote corner of tliofort there bilng tnnny unoccupied e t o-

inaten avallahla at tlio tune whero tliodl easo would not endanger others wasbrought and placed midway hoitvern ourquartnrB and those of Col Oronfcll Vpcame In contact with It dally an wo pacoedto and from our labor Col Ircnfrll irocivIng the full benefit therefrom upon eachpuff of wind that paPd Wn failed tn In

Insulated with the loithwm illshowever

Finding the patient Mill remaining inclose proximity to each of ourCol Gronfell obtained a large blackbonnland upon It In large letter hiRcrilxid Small-pox Hospital nil persons on thoInland to hun It Thin draw the attentionof the officer together with tmirmur-Ingu heart nil over tho blood and tho-intt nt wax rntnnvml to nnother portionot tho fort The action of the authoritlpHIn this affair was i o polntisl that not only

but each man upon tlm Islandfirmly believed that it done for theexpress pqrpono of inoculating athin fearful and loathsome mnlndy

COl niiEXKriiH nKcorii Orcnfell wn woverely rcitrimnmliil

for his action and sternly rominandc-do take In the bonrd and to ho very irrofulIn actioai in tho futuro He WRH not

least intimidate but strictly garnetixi tho actions of the officer nl the tortrecording thorn In a diary which bo keptduring his imprisonment nod which Iltttrne is now in the pofosjiion CnptJiicElrath Company I Fifth tnltrd KlntvsArtillery

At this period RtiMrnanct liorrlbleand of tl most ll KU tlnt nature We-iuktalncd oui eelves from our own rrvourceo

a godinnd that wo poM inrl itotherwise ntarvatlon would have Mured-us in tho face

Cot Orenfella n rters wore paperc-dov i woodwork front inwardly with hlsdally rations of breaii nnd meat n nnllhaving been placet through It tofrMenltto the wall Holdiein win loudly com-plaining about their ratlotm and the qualityliwu d Often when guarding UK theyrequested pomcthlng to rnt Mallnc thatthey were nearly starved that they wererotbed of ration Ac

Many a cads hunger wa rollovexl by UK

Cop riflA


tn wing





qupon tlnp than nor e



dlle lint


bbsIII tho


It was





Per i etitrd



tied gun rdhuuPe



crosssprcac eagle

pro ctfs ct









a f









from our own want nupply through whichwo gained their friendliness In oomo Intano but a n general thing they WITR

Kind and tympnthUnl with us In our mlortnnis and would hate permitted u to

ecn d if In doing hey would uuhove l vn compromised in the matter

They l bitterly of tho distribu-tion of the company fund stating that limn

Ixtiettt therefrom was not nwived by thembut IIMHbythooompanyomiintthrnixplvfM-

nil during the Hot twoye trnof ourlncarcir-ntlim I makii no assertion mynclf r accu-sation In this aM 1 am entirely Ignorant upon time subject nnd I Ice Imt tillstatements of other In I hi npeolal inxtanen-

ItlCItms IAlVWATU-rXover were n lot of recruit mal

Th y were beaten briilxml soilclaim d by the hin h treatment and punislmient awarded Inhumanity neemcd toIK tin ruling element an I barbarity nndnjii tleo this only thouglU of those Inpowor our rulers Sunday morning wouldnlwnvK flood twenty or thirty packing ballsat the guardhouse In limn Ixilllng sun untilsnore of them exhausted and overcome byheat woul tall In an almost lifeless condi-tion and li thewno notlen being token ofthem until agar tho fuel Iindb eii reported-to tlio officer f th dorm when they wouldlei picked up and conveyed to tim hospitalfur treatment

A FrenchCanadian about n monthnfler hi arrival superinduced torn tenoriiiltlrs practised upon him by tlie firsterpcant of hi eonnxtiy receiving knockon the head body andlimbs from tlm buttend of tlm musket ued until nature ptavoway and lie wns consigned to premnturo-Rmve on the adjaieiii Wand of Kast Key

man vlio ni ilrMted this ptc ofrrutllv vns nftenvnrd through PMitntnx-tlon nmdea Iteiiienant lit thr StatesArmy ThU WIIH not I IIP only Instance of IU-HcruMty a every wildler whf wns In

ocituMiiy can He miiiKcd withbut fiw exe pit every titan In the-

ciiiianyA private Mildier of hi by tho-

tiiiine of Htfivt riHiit Into the onotnoniltiK whi I was thTo with il hloinl-HfianiinR down rn k from n wound InMl ed at the hauls of sergeant duringdrill I Kiw roan myself anti recelviK-lijy tnformrtl1 dlniily frorn him I ranpot rciutinlior lii ni i f nosy co II-Ireatcil bll y v In oreslants h KtriKU oil of the noldler of

rnmpnny over the fingers with fabroI-HIII veiing ih iu from tho hand Innwas 1 huwn alo by my nuiimmteit deepand brulMM on their KHIW

A MIOCKIMI CASKAnother lnM rtc i ol liHaitloss inliiiiminity

prpctrited upon a Mildler in otiimnyD lilih Artillery by name ofivmrnd Jerman Conrad had hotHllliined wish fits and HiilTeriiig HO mmhtherefrom that he was unable to prrform-hie duties In hU company Ho was

II the hospital Vilo Ms con-dition givv rapidly worse the lower portionof hotly nearly UM IH tohim II being with she dilllculty-tbnt he could dug our fret ufier theother

Tim doctor In charge Mated that thUwits tort pretence and that he wouldbring him around to duly Ho wn dliharfied front the hospital placed in theguaidhou mind onlettd lo carry afour pound log which was done under themost excruciating man

an nil over from the exertionrequired to thin iniHHOil task

HiitlM being drugged along almost ilovoidof lilt or notion During thou performancenf lido a cruelty uiiHiiiii Hd hisfrnmo violently contorted with re-

pealed Ihe criminaid slxruthat no soldier Uould Interfere t r offerany asMPtnnra In thO pretended sighhe was left writhing In withoutany helpltis hand permitted to reachforth to rtliovc his eiifleringt

a week he reinalne In limohoiiM attacked repeatedly with ibex fitsBucket of water wore t bo thrownover him when under their Inlluentv nod

condition grew worst aunt wore Hwits again removed to the hospital wherehe until FOIIC18Vi when In1 wa clmrgiHl from tiltwrvleuof the United HtfttrMUIHJII a ctretcher to n Htramer lying at tliowharf a KH man unable to stand up

limbspresHwl Ihe n the Iho

ti kill him and theclan made hid In hilt ward hisentire frame shout with fright mid horror

harm DHIKRRn-HHarnhneM began lo Increaw In moaner

both to the and DrunkIlineHB ran riot on tlm Island Thero wannot H but that otlkvs could holio reeling under UK Influence j they

the walk leading theirbarracks to the of fort lazewhere would lima would coon Incontact with smite of them Inebriated adlftrac and dishonor to thn service of thocountry which they

wn from every boat thinentered thin harlwr and If hocanio exhiu teil Ijefom the arrival of aagain Inroads WITO mado upon boa

slcknes th supply shniiittfl I statethis nut lotto hearsay I have witneshe nil theseorder sent to the for thehave f Hii tho as he returned boarlog the IxitlleR have unwrn pi r the cov-ering and the lritus Frumenil and have wen the peculiar bottle

the fluid UK II t h tablitlimit with I boys naught to do If

1f alt 1




COlli Ill II






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11dN w Insthagrrornltruplalntamungthsm

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ii bolo

nonhis agony



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doctor leap11



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It oftxfM to liveunder limn Influence of liquor and ndvanlVB

for uch we peoplohunt right to complain but moatIt From treatment dailyooived from the offlwrs under thtlustiofwiMliTH began to desertionMmiy Hueeoodod In their efforts until It

cainii nrciTAary to rftrlct thorn fromgoing lo t upon MH PasseR ofterry Inscription con quunlly wero n1

as much cotifin l on the stood os

Ono of limo moft heartless actsin s fclvlatlonhappcnodonthe occasion 1nvmaster urrlvwl nt the fort to on the Itwas a counterpart of ten Middle Agar in

Tlio wcro-enijaifed in a vessel moored at tbo

contHliiinn and fluarter-nmstor stores for time During thework this pfUonern whoso was tounload voM on Indulged fortyin spirituous liquors In company sol

who hind elmrpo of prUonercf thin iimie of Dunn Ixvamoloxlcitvl In company with two of thesoldlon who trot a provost guards


Hie occurrence vciv reported to offUiTof the day when he goer tosergeant of tho guard to him onrln to a ball hint finding ho toodnink to comply with order he orderiMlhim to l up he wan tlHlup to tin Ml post iccttd in front of Iii

by wrists it being about Jl-ocliKk in morning

On roturning to my quarters for dinnerDunn was still tied up to the otthere until my return to the otllce stout 2oclock In afternoon 1 returned lo mymanors alK ut 430 1 M nnd fouml DunntimiMoried the Nll nxt and IW up

his thumbs to the iron Imrs or railingImmediately beneath our quartern H

insensibility swinging to andfro iMitind around a hisctntchrtl outwardly tlio wholn weight ofids body renting hi thumlw

Tin rods of the were fearfullyOMI mid having tbo e r

tumor of a mortilled of flesh Hishead was drooping backward the burning

of Mm sti iking Idm full In tintrot nnd th rod blur nail in tomo-

itts noarlv black till veins in thswollen curds there ImlnKpractically no einulntlon of blood I

hanging In this condition untilafter i o clock

There in no how he wouldhHve remains this po hod notMi Hillto pin that wav ntul this piece ofliHibiiious cruelly Itflicfed an In-

sensible directed thelo take him down nnd him

in puardhotiM Ho commanded thatno ingot while In a iinken con-

dition 1 In like manner Instwidof undoing tho ixinls from bits thumbsthey wore nwuy and Dunn fellupon Ki not n awakening fromthe dwp sniior a hU comu railtall with the hard ground H was thendragged Iho guaidhoUM-whtio until telKM

Till oRlcT of tin Jay dorm to Inslam the gutiti nnd looking around

ui tutu ofsrKiinl when It Tn ho was told be wasin tho gitirdi nw ofllcer ordered that

10 taken out ftinl nmdo to carry a bollnnd lift the wraMJi to executeDunn WIH briintnt out a d from the rtints iilronily Imctlsed upm him WIIM uti

tncLisp ill slippingfrom Ills risp He e Miyed to

M slioiiii rH lo comply with thorders la his i uoxicatcil eoiiditldii Inhis endeavor I do o he fell twlfxorcithu

und cannon Dull falllni dlrectlvhis as foil and againno lie plunged forward the of thebMI imxiis o hl fall be horriblymutilated tho entire left side of his faceit rliughed ihn ugh coral sands

IliP to Mivuto the orderceixcd tho l all upon his botch in a-

Uniiponk but Diuti here andthen eaii d the nuerlal towhich aniiiri whin relieved from the weightupon hU back cnued him in frill forward

lots race M this point the officerarrived nnd sieinsc elm mnns Incerfttedtare onlered him hark to iunrdhou ethen lo lemalu until 8 oclock then In Iwtaken out ami emir o earn be hall Thissofie was witnessed by ninny arsons on-thelslandnM1 of th rwhkh was tytiiK at the

MO UK cniJKlrvAlt of the excitement atHMdlng th nffnlr

had died away and quiet prevailed through-out the furl exceptfrom the In tinnilftaknble lean or the revelry wblrh exlsled-lher TIll poor victimwith his knurls and foe was tem

forgotten but the time was ngalnapproaching when they would again plaintheir on tho

Right oclock tae by the handsof till anti Dunn to waxI M from the to renew his taskand take his punishment Thorn woreoth n confined in nil ofwhom were brought forth nnd ordered topick a cum It Armed guardswere stationed user to enorder they booing authorized to bayonetthem rasp order given worn

compiledTie w

ilieied Nunn It n physical Im-p i for him to conform to thosren Ills iands were iiimblp to performt heir office Itrpentedly lie grnsH d tpoly for tip to relax

hold letting the l nll fall to the earthrepented efforts ho found it

Impossible to commands thowith tho point of

tho If ho In not com-plying with the orders In piteous grits ho

from on to Iho tocould he ho would willingly

parry tho hall us orderedho said I am willing to

carry the bull Clod knows tho truth ofI soy hut I cannot do It If do

not m come oh come look at myblwdlng hands

was an Iron import to whom be appealedThero vas one anmvor You muM carrythin ball Sentinel If ho refuses to carry

the Government



of at the


cruIIt n rlonolllI





A IllnJI


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RIll I xlt ndllIk




I aIItill




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lib ball Itt


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hiernffh ors





IIt1M mollt xlwIUllall

ihn nIt still






















rrnurvnnxN iriiiirATinvi

Two Really Notable New NovelsMARK LEE LUTHERS



Boston Transcript




Jllbany Law Journal



OF THE SEASONCleveland Leader



New York Tribune

Each Is 2mot In Decorative Cloth Binding with Gilt Tops j PriceTHE MACMILLAN COMPANY Publishers New York

u h









r ii









orders ralml and run himthrough with your

To prevent he again tried to carryto no The

from bU anti an it dropped to the earth

cannot the ball Perform your dutybayonet anti kill me

endeavored varloiw waysto cotta compliance and falling to move

with the bayonet Findingmove the sentinel calledupon the of this Cordstorn again into requisition andin thr roughest manneraround bleeding hands wrist andtliurnlH In thin of his of agonywhich reached each portion of

an the form to which ho appealed Mvla heart a hard and in stone whichhad Income mora hardened through fre-inont Imbibing by him during day

There a gentleman residing with hitsthn In charge of the

lighthouse whose family was dUturbol bythe piercing crim of the tortured man TH-

he screamed out in hisforced to call the officer of theto ask that other ni AKuren be adopted Inthe manner ofsent forthwith for the cergeant ro

In a few moments Dunn was romovithe close proximity of Capt Henry BennieiH to a of

his ImndA and wrists UU piercingshriek during the operation everyspace

illS commas BMOTHRRKDTo smother thtwe crion ho was taken

down gaKged with n l olid hurriedlyuji again ills tones

could row alone l n hoard an ho hung susheaven and For

thin most putt of the night he hung in thinmanner In almost Noxtmorning at guard mount while seated onthe at the guardhouse requestedthat ho would mo to Fen Idafound them swollen and lacrratcd In manyplaces having a gangrene appearance and

not to movethem In any particular

From guardhouse ho was taken to thohospital untie medical treatment

he remained during the period of IIHconfinement somo or monthsIt wa decided at one time that It wouldbecome neoe to resort to amputationof ono of his hands but carefulattention paid hint ho recoveredsustaining thin loss of nearly the entire u u

handTn bt cnnlinvrH tnmorrav


Itluhnn the foal and ffai raiislitllorne and flagon

Henry Ixibihan of SM Went Thirtiethstunt was arraigned yesterday In the WestSide police iwurt n

wagon n quantity of coalThe coal retailcoal loaders

Jacob Iiimmon wan outihs POO I on Saturday aftonioon and stoppedin root of n nt streetand troth avenue Vhlie ho was Insidesome ono dtovo away with thorn load Policeman caught Laliahan twobourn later limp Thin coal

lawn soldcomplainant said that wasworth the coal 7 Some of theHork wanted to buy some of the not ntthat prix but said ho couldntfurnish It MaRUtraie Mayo h ld tho-prlMinxr In ii l ail for oiamlnat Ion

llpth lloxplial halrThe annual fair and festival In alit ofBeth Irsael hospital will Ix gln at the Madison Square n on Saturday eveningJon 1 It U hoped by of

ct ifi of sickness end Hiiffcrinthe wonwii and children of thegels a fund of Koooo onebalf of stile

II UllJHIuii of tlol fi and haze

nrlltof I5W l fn received forsale at tho several boothsI PfiiM Tii iv i


arlUhto tell with t o t I

him in nutter himdid not


ntJPal for mercy Uteldx his



lie wasU ollI

odes orderll end returned to guard



chhor I all




Enl Yids 10

nil 11

In lO lId ot tthis







his hoardlet cries



sue s

tl vet n

to boles



this chant vshut


amount Is nireatlrand advance shies

sum giftsvales parr








Tlifiniflicn In the East StileOpfltlcmrut Aiinptatlon

Final arrangements were main ysi rtime aftnmoon n a mentlng of the Fist RideOititlemonH As ixlailon for lt annual

party which will plan Wcdtiestiny night On account of thin meeting theSunday afternoon conference of the MartinKimnl Koclety for the Study of Fconomlcal-1olltlen wax

fits Ka t Hide Gentlemen Araoclatlonwill turn out Ih fort thin year Moseythin Liwyer who presidedbla opening address Mid Gentlemensine District Attorney Jerome came down

to live with us wn have got a certificateeffect that wo arc all gent lemon

Yell Low Jimmy Reynolds nnd otherblokes horn epn In our midst but theynever shook the hand of many of UHJerome woa not only willing to playpong with u but your humblo oerrantbeat him at a bowling game in Stitch





theatre Ink




The Entire Million

Completely Sold Out

of Ladies Hbiffel Joufnah

No more subscriptions beginning with

the Christmas number can be received

The only left are on

10 Centsif the Has One

A Dollar for 1W3T-



1 Iu


Dell r



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1 tK l r


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the Christma

t2thetltws stands











70th 1000


DAVISHis New Novel


Mr Davis has given us something big mature somethlpg solid It must stand As itsauthors masterpiece

Boston TmnJkviptWith Illuitntloni by Wilier IppltloU Curt IISO

30th 1000BARRIER



70th 1000




The best product of I veryversatile man of unuiufcl ftitiand grace and a piece of fiction

of a very high kind indeedWorld Work

Wild llluttfllloRt br It10




Elaborately illustrated in full color


The Etqcliite Children Story

A Captured Santa ClausIllustrated in

could be no lovelier holiday gift79 cents


9175 IS ccntt


Each illustrated with 200 dttwinfl by the Author


New and Beautiful

ff Book of Joyous Children


120 net Postage 8 tens




It hi






r ri

KwANOVELaorlxlrts of




fHate best walls Applab Clark 1160






rC ORhi



MeCVirthyn Who was It who Introducedpink leas down hors Whowas It who introduced ping pong amongus Rtuss

Thin tlcairn will numher MX JON Iiike of KHHOXstreet will lead parade thoseInvited lo H Ids ald H an tlmHulllvnti lUg Tint Snlllvnn CongietamanOoldfoKln IV niRti n

I Ilolrnont ChUfTummy Coiittrpwmnn-

flixit thin Hon Engslllu llu1 til I

Kramer Irof Hilly Htern the expertand Edward

thiH mimes were off HoleyMid these guys pro the

bunch am nime other guyswith ua who will have to goaeoimcl division Thn secretary will nowread the minnow of the coni inloHIn thn Hpoond hunch

lien they areA Inmnnd Chorus Kolomon

Com inn y HCornpiinf Pigeon Miller

HCompnnr E FIUill

lAY themollI

IkOornil 11Iw rr




ferry it Fat ein McManus

Mart tolion Max


t osHen


Comivinjr F finlk tioMhnteoffl-IomiMny 1 JIM C h pi Weht of tho

th I

All thime will t on Wed

two and firework aparade around de Uu willBO to the lliMtre ft condivision men will occupy IMam Ingallery


IlNlrirnti of Dnandtv Halrta toDefend tier nr m barge

HTRACUBI Doe 14 Be ld nt of SouthOnondaga are raising a fund for the dpfence of Mrs WIIMam A Klhl who It laexpected will have to anw r to the charge-of poisoning her husband It tookof her property to d md her

dent M herthat fcund te the

rR S OhioIn n U D uln

night In of Phicigar 8t





nCompany It 81t Jack

tarry tanher

frontstore There kill


Dewey Thethe



charge her ml awmehi nor are oonfbody

of hr huitlinnd front the embalmingfluid tiHPd

Mn poison WII1U alto wl l H wnsnot hi dlwl nnd It v n inl

be a happy girl

IK Xlll Fir In ntiltrlniiI-MNA N Y tVo M fro

this morning In Jlrnry Mint hurlr t lllRnt In Whllflmll flirt J S WK dunwcoto that and H Ilrownn timid MciclmiiBtnffordH liquor Ftoivniid IOOIHHH rOHtnu-ratll IVwllN Of f PXtrjf fId thofiremen al dNjidvnniiR clue

foil uncoiiHCUiiH nl his anotlicr fUcrutniMd on oftag and had to lx down with n

ocoupnntH of tho In hunts hail nar

Mistook rarliollr rlcl for Mrdlcliic-Mr Mary Milton of xi Flftvfoiirl1-

strcot mistook rarUilIn arid for nvIlclVmand drank H

of It covcad herShe died a half hour later


fortune I lodnl I


pl poise





tIt was living should

tFALLS early



were great

a lldleitrow


Fat t





