Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example User Guide Last updated for Quartus Prime Design Suite: 16.0 Subscribe Send Feedback UG-20027 2016.05.02 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 www.altera.com

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  • Hybrid Memory Cube Controller DesignExample User Guide

    Last updated for Quartus Prime Design Suite: 16.0


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    101 Innovation DriveSan Jose, CA 95134www.altera.com

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  • Contents

    Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example Quick Start Guide.............1-1Design Example Directory Structure........................................................................................................ 1-2Design Example Components....................................................................................................................1-2Generating the Design Example................................................................................................................ 1-4Understanding the Testbench.................................................................................................................... 1-6Simulating the Design Example Testbench..............................................................................................1-6Setting Up the Board................................................................................................................................... 1-7Compiling and Testing the Design Example in Hardware.................................................................... 1-9

    Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example Description....................... 2-1Design Example Description......................................................................................................................2-1Features......................................................................................................................................................... 2-1Hardware and Software Requirements..................................................................................................... 2-1Functional Description............................................................................................................................... 2-1Interface Signals........................................................................................................................................... 2-2Design Example Register Map................................................................................................................... 2-3

    Additional Information......................................................................................A-1HMC Controller Design Example User Guide Revision History........................................................ A-1How to Contact Altera............................................................................................................................... A-1Typographic Conventions......................................................................................................................... A-2


    Altera Corporation

  • Hybrid Memory Cube Controller DesignExample Quick Start Guide 1


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    To help you understand how to use the Hybrid Memory Cube Controller IP core, the core features asimulatable testbench and a hardware design example that supports compilation and hardware testing.When you generate the design example, the parameter editor automatically creates the files necessary tosimulate, compile, and test the design in hardware. You can download the compiled design to theArria® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit.

    Figure 1-1: Development Steps for the Design Example





    Compilation(Quartus Prime)


    Related InformationHybrid Memory Cube Controller IP Core User Guide

    © 2016 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos aretrademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified astrademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at www.altera.com/common/legal.html. Altera warrants performanceof its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to anyproducts and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information,product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of devicespecifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.


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  • Design Example Directory StructureFigure 1-2: Directory Structure for the Generated Design Example

    hmcc_mtaps_0_example_design (default name of )


    src sim

    Supporting IP.qsys and other files

    Supporting IPand testbench files












    Hardware design files

    The hardware configuration and test files (the hardware design example) are located in /example_design/par. The simulation files (testbench for simulation only) are locatedin /example_design/sim.

    Design Example ComponentsThe HMC Controller hardware design example includes the following components:

    • HMC Controller IP core with CDR reference clock set to 125 MHz and with default RX mapping andTX mapping settings.

    Note: The design example requires these settings to operate properly on the Arria 10 GX FPGADevelopment Kit with the HMC daughter card.

    • Client logic that coordinates the programming of the IP core, and packet generation and checking.• JTAG controller that communicates with the Altera System Console. You communicate with the client

    logic through the System Console.

    1-2 Design Example Directory StructureUG-20027


    Altera Corporation Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example Quick Start Guide

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  • Figure 1-3: HMC Controller Design Example Block Diagram

    HMC Controller IP Core


    TX MAC


    Control andStatus Interface

    InitializationInitializationState Machine State Machine

    Arria 10Transceiver



    TX Lane Swapper

    RX Lane Swapper


    I C Master


    Data PathRequest




    TX PLLs

    HMC Device


    Arria 10 Device



    Clocks & Reset

    Table 1-1: HMC Controller IP Core Design Example Testbench File Descriptions

    Lists the key files that implement the example testbench.

    File Names Description

    Testbench and Simulation Files

    /src/hmcc_example.sv Top-level hardware design example file.

    /sim/hmcc_tb.sv Top-level file for simulation.

    Testbench Scripts

    Note: Use the provided Makefile to generate these scripts.

    /sim/run_vsim.do The ModelSim script to run the testbench.

    /sim/run_vcs.sh The Synopsys VCS script to run the testbench.

    /sim/run_ncsim.sh The Cadence NCSim script to run the testbench.

    UG-200272016.05.02 Design Example Components 1-3

    Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example Quick Start Guide Altera Corporation

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  • Table 1-2: HMCC Controller IP Core Hardware Design Example File Descriptions

    File Names Description

    hmcc_example.qpf Quartus® Prime project file

    hmcc_example.qsf Quartus Prime project settings file

    hmcc_example.sdc Quartus Prime project Synopsys Design Constraintsfile

    ../src/hmcc_example.sv Top-level Verilog HDL design example file


    sysconsole_testbench.tcl Main file for accessing System Console

    Generating the Design ExampleFigure 1-4: Procedure

    Start ParameterEditor

    Specify IP Variationand Select Device

    SelectDesign Parameters

    InitiateDesign Generation

    Specify Example Design

    1-4 Generating the Design ExampleUG-20027


    Altera Corporation Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example Quick Start Guide

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  • Figure 1-5: Example Design Tab in Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Parameter Editor

    Follow these steps to generate the Arria 10 hardware design example and testbench:

    1. In the IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog), select the Arria 10 target device family.2. In the IP Catalog, locate and select Hybrid Memory Cube Controller. The New IP Variation window

    appears.3. Specify a top-level name for your custom IP variation. The parameter editor saves the IP variation

    settings in a file named .qsys.4. You must select a specific Arria 10 device in the Device field, or keep the default device the Quartus

    Prime software selects.5. Click OK. The IP parameter editor appears.6. On the IP tab, specify the parameters for your IP core variation.7. On the Example Design tab, choose the following settings for the design example:

    a. For Select Design, select the HMCC Daughter Board option.b. For Example Design Files, select the Simulation option to generate the testbench, and select the

    Synthesis option to generate the hardware design example.c. For Generated HDL Format, only Verilog is available.d. For Target Development Kit select the Arria 10 GX FPGA Development Kit (Production


    UG-200272016.05.02 Generating the Design Example 1-5

    Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example Quick Start Guide Altera Corporation

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  • Note: When you choose this kit, the hardware design example overwrites your previous deviceselection with the device on the target board.

    When you generate the design example, the Quartus Prime software creates Quartus Primeproject, setting, and pin assignments for the board you selected. If you do not want thesoftware to target a specific board, select None.

    8. Click the Generate Example Design button.

    Understanding the Testbench

    Altera provides an design example with the HMC Controller IP core. The design example is available bothfor simulation of your IP core and for compilation. The design example in simulation functions as theHMC Controller IP core testbench.

    If you click Generate Example Design in the HMC Controller parameter editor, the Quartus Primesoftware generates a demonstration testbench. The parameter editor prompts you for the desired locationof the testbench.

    To simulate the testbench, you must provide your own HMC bus functional model (BFM). Altera teststhe design example testbench with the Micron Hybrid Memory Cube BFM. The testbench does notinclude an I2C master module, because the Micron HMC BFM does not support and does not requireconfiguration by an I2C module.

    In simulation, the testbench controls a TX PLL and the data path interfaces to perform the followingsequence of actions:

    1. Configures the HMC BFM with the HMC Controller IP core data rate and channel width, in ResponseOpen Loop Mode.

    2. Establishes the link between the BFM and the IP core.3. Directs each of the IP core's four ports to write four packets of data to the BFM.4. Directs the IP core to read back the data from the BFM.5. Checks that the read data matches the write data.6. If the data matches, displays TEST_PASSED.

    Simulating the Design Example TestbenchFigure 1-6: Procedure

    Change to Testbench Directory.



    1-6 Understanding the TestbenchUG-20027


    Altera Corporation Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example Quick Start Guide

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  • Follow these steps to simulate the testbench:

    1. At the command line, change to the /sim directory.2. Type make scripts.3. Type one of the following commands, depending on your simulator:

    Simulator License Command Line

    Mentor GraphicsQuestaSim

    make vsim HMC_MODEL=

    Synopsys VCS make vcs HMC_MODEL=

    Cadence NCSIM make ncsim HMC_MODEL=

    4. To view simulation results:

    • When you run the testbench in any of the three supported simulators, the script executes thetestbench sequence and logs the simulator activity in /example_design/sim/.log. is "vsim", "ncsim", or "vcs".

    • When you run the testbench in any of the three supported simulators, the script generates awaveform file. You can run the command make _gui to load the waveform in thesimulator-specific waveform viewer.

    To view the waveform file in your simulator, type one of the following commands:

    Simulator License Command Line Waveform File

    Mentor GraphicsModelSim

    make vsim_gui /example_design/sim/mentor/hmcc_wf.wlf

    Synopsys DiscoveryVisual Environment

    make vcs_gui /example_design/sim/hmcc_wf.vpd

    Cadence SimVisionWaveform

    make ncsim_gui /example_design/sim/cadence/hmcc_wf.shm

    5. Analyze the results. The successful testbench sends and receives ten packets per port, and displaysTest_PASSED"

    Setting Up the BoardSet up the board to run the hardware design example.

    Note: Ensure that power is turned off before you change any settings.

    1. Set the DIP switches on the daughter card as follows:Set DIP switch SW1 to indicate cube ID 0:

    Switch Function Setting

    1 CUB[0] Open

    2 CUB[1] Open

    UG-200272016.05.02 Setting Up the Board 1-7

    Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example Quick Start Guide Altera Corporation

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  • Switch Function Setting

    3 CUB[2] Open

    4 — Don't Care

    Set DIP switch SW2 to specify clock settings:Switch Function Setting

    1 CLK1_FSEL0 Open (125 MHz)

    2 CLK1_FSEL1 Open (125 MHz)

    3 CLK1_SEL Open (Crystal)

    4 — Don't Care

    2. Connect the HMC daughter card to the Arria 10 FPGA Development Kit using the daughter card's J8and J10 connectors.

    3. Set the jumpers on the Arria 10 GX FPGA Development Kit:

    • Add shunts to the J8 jumper to select 1.5 V as the VCCIO setting for FMC connector B.• Add shunts to the J11 jumper to select 1.8 V as the VCCIO setting for FMC connector A.

    Figure 1-7: Arria 10 GX FPGA Development Kit and HMC Daughter Card

    DIP SwitchesSW1 and SW2

    Jumpers J8 and J11

    HMC Daughter Card

    Arria 10 GX FPGADevelopment Kit

    1-8 Setting Up the BoardUG-20027


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  • Compiling and Testing the Design Example in HardwareTo compile and run a demonstration test on the hardware design example, follow these steps:

    1. Ensure hardware design example generation is complete.2. In the Quartus Prime software, open the Quartus Prime project /

    example_design/par/hmcc_example.qpf.3. In the Compilation Dashboard, click Compile Design (Quartus Prime Pro Edition) or choose

    Processing > Start Compilation (Quartus Prime Standard Edition).4. After you generate a .sof, follow these steps to program the hardware design example on the Arria 10


    a. Choose Tools > Programmer.b. In the Programmer, click Hardware Setup.c. Select a programming device.d. Select and add the Arria 10 GX FPGA Development Kit to which your Quartus Prime session can

    connect.e. Ensure that Mode is set to JTAG.f. Click Auto Detect and choose any device.g. Double-click the Arria 10 device.h. Open the .sof in /example_design/par/output_files,

    Note: The Quartus Prime software changes the device to the one in the .sof.i. In the row with your .sof, check the box in the Program/Configure column.j. Click Start.k. After the software configures the device with the hardware design example, observe the board


    • A blinking red LED signifies the design is running.• Two green LEDs near the red blinking LED signifies that the HMC link is initialized and the test

    passed.• One red LED near the red blinking LED signifies that the test failed.

    l. Optional. Use the System Console testbench to observe additional test output.

    Note: Use the System Console to monitor status signals in the design example when the board isconnected to your computer via the JTAG interface. The System Console shows the board'sLED status for remote monitoring, the initialization status for each step, and the status ofeach port’s request generator and response checker. The System Console also provides aninterface to start or re-start the test.

    a. Choose Tools > System Debugging Tools > System Console.b. In the System Console, choose File > Execute Script.c. Open the file /example_design/par/sysconsole_testbench.tcl.d. The software loads graphical test output. Choose Re-start to run the test again.

    UG-200272016.05.02 Compiling and Testing the Design Example in Hardware 1-9

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  • Figure 1-8: System Console Testbench Output

    Related Information

    • Programming Altera Devices• Analyzing and Debugging Designs with System Console• Quartus Prime Standard Edition Handbook, Volume 3: Verification

    For information about programming an Altera device, refer to the "Programming Altera Devices"chapter.

    1-10 Compiling and Testing the Design Example in HardwareUG-20027


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  • Hybrid Memory Cube Controller DesignExample Description 2


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    Design Example DescriptionThe design example demonstrates the functionality of the Hybrid Memory Cube Controller IP core. Youcan generate the design from the Example Design tab of the Hybrid Memory Cube Controller graphicaluser interface (GUI) in the IP parameter editor.

    Features• I2C master and I2C initialization state machine for HMC daughter card and HMC configuration• ATX PLL and transceiver recalibration state machine• Request generator• Request monitor• System Console interface

    Hardware and Software RequirementsAltera uses the following hardware and software to test the design example:

    • Quartus Prime software• System Console• ModelSim-AE, Modelsim-SE, NCsim (Verilog HDL only), or VCS simulator• Arria 10 GX FPGA Development Kit• HMC daughter card

    Functional DescriptionAltera provides a compilation-ready design example with the HMC Controller IP core. This designexample targets the Arria 10 GX FPGA Development Kit with an HMC daughter card connected throughthe FMC connectors.

    You can use the design as an example for correct connection of your IP core to your design, or as a starterdesign you can customize for your own design requirements. The design example includes an I2C mastermodule, a PLL/CDR recalibration module, one external transceiver PLL IP core, and logic to generate and

    © 2016 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos aretrademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified astrademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at www.altera.com/common/legal.html. Altera warrants performanceof its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to anyproducts and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information,product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of devicespecifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.


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  • check transactions. The design example assumes a Micron HMC 15G-SR HMC device, which is a four-link device, on the daughter card. The design example includes one instance of the IP core and connectsto a single link on the HMC device.

    Figure 2-1: HMC Controller Design Example Block Diagram

    HMC Controller IP Core


    TX MAC


    Control andStatus Interface

    InitializationInitializationState Machine State Machine

    Arria 10Transceiver



    TX Lane Swapper

    RX Lane Swapper


    I C Master


    Data PathRequest




    TX PLLs

    HMC Device


    Arria 10 Device



    Clocks & Reset

    After you configure the Arria 10 FPGA with the design example, the I2C controller configures the on-board clock generators and the HMC device. When calibration completes, the design example calibratesthe ATX PLL. During operation, the request generator generates read and write commands that the HMCController IP core then processes. The request monitor captures the responses from the IP core andchecks them for correctness.

    Interface SignalsTable 2-1: HMC Controller IP Core Design Example Signals

    Signal Name Direction Width (Bits) Description

    clk_50 Input 1 50 MHz input clock.hssi_refclk Input 1 CDR reference clock for HMC and

    HMCC IP core.

    2-2 Interface SignalsUG-20027


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  • Signal Name Direction Width (Bits) Description

    hmc_lxrx Input Channel Count (16or 8)

    FPGA transceiver receive pins.

    hmc_lxtx Output Channel Count (16or 8)

    FPGA transceiver transmit pins.

    hmc_ctrl_lxrxps Input 1 FPGA transceiver power savecontrol.

    hmc_ctrl_lxtxps Output 1 HMC transceiver power savecontrol.

    hmc_ctrl_ferr_n Input 1 HMC FERR_N output.hmc_ctrl_p_rst_n Output 1 HMC P_RST_N input.hmc_ctrl_scl Bi-Directional 1 HMC I2C configuration clock.hmc_ctrl_sda Bi-Directional 1 HMC I2C configuration data.fmc0_scl Output 1 Unused. Driven low to protect the

    FPGA I/O pins from the 3.3 Vpullup on the daughter card.

    fmc0_sda Output 1 Unused. Driven low to protect theFPGA I/O pins from the 3.3 Vpullup on the daughter card.

    push_button Input 1 Push button input used for reset.heart_beat_n Output 1 Heartbeat LED output.link_init_complete_n Output 1 Link initialization complete LED

    output.test_passed_n Output 1 Test passed LED output.test_failed_n Output 1 Test failed LED output.

    Design Example Register MapTable 2-2: HMC Controller IP Core Design Example Register Map

    Offset Register


    UG-200272016.05.02 Design Example Register Map 2-3

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  • Table 2-3: DESIGN_INFO AND RESET Registers

    Writing to these registers resets the design.Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description

    1:0 Port Count RO Varies Number of ports for the IP coreinstance.

    7:2 Reserved RO 0x00

    Table 2-4: BOARD_LEDs Register

    This register reflects the status of the board's LEDs.Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description

    0 Test Failed RO 0x00 Test failed.1 Test Passed RO 0x00 Test passed.2 HMCC Link

    Initialization CompleteRO 0x00 HMC link initialization

    complete and ready for traffic.3 Heartbeat RO 0x00 Toggles when the design is

    running.7:4 Reserved RO 0x00


    Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description

    0 I2C Clock GeneratorSet

    RO 0x00 On- board clock generatorsconfigured.

    1 ATX PLL andTransceiverRecalibration Complete

    RO 0x00 ATX PLL and transceivers re-calibrated to the input clock.

    2 I2C HMCConfigurationComplete

    RO 0x00 HMC device configuration overI2C complete.

    3 HMC LinkInitialization Complete

    RO 0x00 HMC link initializationcomplete and ready for traffic.

    7:4 Reserved RO 0x00

    Table 2-6: PORT_STATUS Register

    Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description

    0 Port 0 Requests OK RO 0x00 Port 0 request generationcomplete.

    1 Port 0 Responses OK RO 0x00 Port 0 response checking passed.2 Port 1 Requests OK RO 0x00 Port 1 request generation

    complete.3 Port 1 Responses OK RO 0x00 Port 1 response checking passed.

    2-4 Design Example Register MapUG-20027


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  • Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description

    4 Port 2 Requests OK RO 0x00 Port 2 request generationcomplete.

    5 Port 2 Responses OK RO 0x00 Port 2 response checking passed.6 Port 3 Requests OK RO 0x00 Port 3 request generation

    complete.7 Port 4 Responses OK RO 0x00 Port 3 response checking passed.

    UG-200272016.05.02 Design Example Register Map 2-5

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  • Additional Information A2016.05.02

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    HMC Controller Design Example User Guide Revision History

    Table A-1: Document Revision History

    Summarizes the new features and changes in the design example user guide for the HMC Controller IP core.Date ACDS Version Changes

    2016.05.02 16.0 Initial release.

    How to Contact AlteraTable A-2: How to Contact Altera

    To locate the most up-to-date information about Altera products, refer to this table. You can also contact yourlocal Altera sales office or sales representative.

    Contact Contact Method Address

    Technical support Website www.altera.com/support

    Technical trainingWebsite www.altera.com/training

    Email [email protected]

    Product literature Website www.altera.com/literature

    Nontechnical support: general Email [email protected]

    Nontechnical support: softwarelicensing

    Email [email protected]

    © 2016 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos aretrademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified astrademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at www.altera.com/common/legal.html. Altera warrants performanceof its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to anyproducts and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information,product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of devicespecifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.


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    Typographic ConventionsTable A-3: Typographic Conventions

    Lists the typographic conventions this document uses.Visual Cue Meaning

    Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters Indicate command names, dialog box titles, dialogbox options, and other GUI labels. For example,Save As dialog box. For GUI elements, capitaliza‐tion matches the GUI.

    bold type Indicates directory names, project names, disk drivenames, file names, file name extensions, softwareutility names, and GUI labels. For example, \qdesigns directory, D: drive, and chiptrip.gdf file.

    Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters Indicate document titles. For example, Stratix VDesign Guidelines.

    italic type Indicates variables. For example, n + 1.Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >).For example, and . poffile.

    Initial Capital Letters Indicate keyboard keys and menu names. Forexample, the Delete key and the Options menu.

    “Subheading Title” Quotation marks indicate references to sections in adocument and titles of Quartus Prime Help topics.For example, “Typographic Conventions.”

    A-2 Typographic ConventionsUG-20027


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  • Visual Cue Meaning

    Courier type Indicates signal, port, register, bit, block, andprimitive names. For example, data1, tdi, andinput. The suffix n denotes an active-low signal.For example, resetn.

    Indicates command line commands and anythingthat must be typed exactly as it appears. Forexample, c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf.

    Also indicates sections of an actual file, such as aReport File, references to parts of files (for example,the AHDL keyword SUBDESIGN), and logic functionnames (for example, TRI).

    1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., and so on Numbered steps indicate a list of items when thesequence of the items is important, such as the stepslisted in a procedure.

    • Bullets indicate a list of items when the sequence ofthe items is not important.

    The Subscribe button links to the Email Subscription Management Center page of the Altera website,where you can sign up to receive update notifications for Altera documents.

    The Feedback icon allows you to submit feedback to Altera about the document. Methods for collectingfeedback vary as appropriate for each document.

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    Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example User GuideContents1. Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example Quick Start GuideDesign Example Directory StructureDesign Example ComponentsGenerating the Design ExampleUnderstanding the TestbenchSimulating the Design Example TestbenchSetting Up the BoardCompiling and Testing the Design Example in Hardware

    2. Hybrid Memory Cube Controller Design Example DescriptionDesign Example DescriptionFeaturesHardware and Software RequirementsFunctional DescriptionInterface SignalsDesign Example Register Map

    A. Additional InformationHMC Controller Design Example User Guide Revision HistoryHow to Contact AlteraTypographic Conventions