Hubbard, T. L., & Stoeckig, K. (1988). Musical Imagery. Generation of Tones and Chords. Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning, Memory, And Cognition, 14(4), 656-667

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  • 7/27/2019 Hubbard, T. L., & Stoeckig, K. (1988). Musical Imagery. Generation of Tones and Chords. Journal of Experimental


    Journal of Experimental Psychology:Learning, Memory, and Cognition1988, Vol. 14, No. 4, 656-667Copyright 1988 by the Am erican Psychological Association, Inc.0278-739 3/88/S00.7 5

    Musical Imagery: Generation of Tones and ChordsTim othy L. Hu bbard and Keiko Stoeckig

    Dartmouth CollegeFour experiments are reported that examine subjects' ability to form and use images of tonesand chords. In E xperiments 1 and 3, subjects heard a cue tone or chord and formed an image ofa tone or chord one whole step in pitch above the cue. This image was then compared to a probetone or chord that was either the same as the image in pitch, different from the image in pitchand harmonically closely related, or different and harmonically distantly related. Image formationtimes and response times were measured. In Experiment 3 a random-tone mask was used tocontrol for possible contributions of the cue in echoic memory. In b oth experiments tone imageswere formed faster than chord images, a result consistent with the idea of structural complexityas a determinant of image formation time. Response times and accuracy rates were found toparallel results found in music perception studies, results consistent with the idea of sharedmechanisms in the processing of musical images and percepts. Experiments 2 and 4 were controlexperiments examining the possible influence of demand characteristics and subjects' knowledge.In Experiment 2 subjects predicted the results of "an average person" using imagery, and inExperiment 4 subjects completed the task without receiving imagery instructions. The findingsruled out the possibility that demand characteristics and subjects* knowledge were solely respon-sible for the results of Experiments 1 and 3 and support the argument for the role of imagery.

    In the past decade there has been a virtual explosion ofresearch in me ntal imagery (Block, 19 81; Kosslyn, 1980;Shepard & Cooper, 1982), but researchers have focused al-mos t exclusively o n visual forms of imagery. Few studies haveexamined the functional or structural nature of auditory orother types of nonvisual imagery. Studies that have includedmeasures of auditory imagery have usually addressed thefunctional aspects of auditory images, but the results havebeen mixed, sometimes showing facilitative (Farah & Smith,1983) or inhibitive (Segal & Fusella, 1970) effects of auditoryimagery o n auditory perception.

    One of the earlier studies involving the functional aspectsof auditory imagery was conducted by Segal and Fusella(1970). Subjects were instructed to generate either visual orauditory images while simultaneously attempting to perceiveeither a visual or auditory stimulus. Cross-modal imagery didnot affect perception, but same-modal imaging decreasedperceptual sensitivitymore specifically, generation of anauditory image decreased ability to perceive an a uditory stim-ulus. Conversely, Farah and Smith (1983) found that imaginga tone of a specific frequency increased ability to detect asubsequently presented tone of the same frequency by lower-ing the threshold (increasing d' ) for detection. Although thefocus of these experiments was an examination of the func-tional aspects of auditory imagery in the facilitation or inhi-

    The authors tha nk Jamshed Bharucha for use of the Music Percep-tion Laboratory at Dartmouth College and Jack Baird, JamshedBharucha, Robert Crowder, Margaret J. Intons-Peterson, GeorgeWolford, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments onearlier versions of this manuscript.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed eitherto Tim othy L. H ubbard, who is now at W hitely Psychology Labora-tory, Franklin & Marshall College, P. O. Box 3003, Lancaster, Penn-sylvania 17604, or Keiko Sloeckig, Department of Psychology, Glass-boro State College, Glassboro, New Jersey 08028.

    bition of perception, the results also suggest that frequencymay be represented as a structural property in auditory im-ages.It is difficult, however, to gain broad insight into either thefunctional or structural nature of auditory imagery from thesestudies, given the limited nature of the stim uli that were used.Because ordinary auditory stimuli are usually complex andembedded in a meaningful context, it is possible that theseresults are not an accurate reflection of the total effects ofauditory imagery. Specifically, the relationship between per-ceived and imaged frequencies may bear upon the processingor judging of auditory stimuli. For example, Farah and Smith(1983) found that accuracy rates were better for detection ofsame-frequency targets relative to different-frequency targe ts.The results from melody recognition studies in music percep-tion, however, suggest that accuracy in identifying a targetdepends on the harmonic relatedness of the target to theimaged tone, rather than on the absolute difference in fre-quency per se. Accuracy for tone targets different from, andyet harmonically distantly related to, a comparison tone in arecognition task is better than for different targets that areharmonically closely related, and in some cases may even bebetter than accuracy for same targets (e.g., Cuddy, Cohen, &Miller, 1979; Dewar, Cuddy, & Mewhort, 1977; Dowling,1978); this pattern of accuracy rates also occurs when se-quences of chords are used (e.g., Bharucha, 1984; Bharucha&KrumhansL 1983).

    If an image is capable of serving as a comparison stimulusin a music recognition task, then similarity judgments shouldbe affected by the harmonic relation between an imagedstimulus and a comparison probe. It has been suggested thatvisual percepts and images share a common representation atsome levels of processing (Finke, 1985; Shepard & Podgorny,1978); perhaps musical percepts and images also share acommon level of representation. If there are such similaritiesin the processing of musical images and percepts, then the


  • 7/27/2019 Hubbard, T. L., & Stoeckig, K. (1988). Musical Imagery. Generation of Tones and Chords. Journal of Experimental


    GENERATION OF TONE AND CHORD IMAGES 657responses to an imaged stimulus should mirror those to aperceived stimulus. Weber and Brown (1986) suggested thatcommon representations underlie both musical productionand imaged musical production, so it is reasonable to predictthat processing of imaged musical stimuli should result inpatterns of responses similar to those of perceived musicalstimuli.Auditory imagery consists not only of musical imagery butalso includes imagery of naturally occurring sounds in theenvironment. Intons-Peterson (1980) presented subjects withlists of phrases that named common environmental sounds.One group of subjects rated each name for typical loudnessand another group formed images of each sound. N o relation-ship between the loudness rating and the image formationtime was found. H owever, the "env ironmental" sounds usedby Intons-Peterson differed along many dimensions, not justloudness. It is quite possible that the uncontrolled values onother dimensions obscured any relationship of loudness andimage formation time. Some other dimension, such as pitchor complexity, may be related to image formation time.However, it is often difficult to manipulate dimensions inde-pendently in naturally occurring sounds without distortingthose sounds. The four dimensions by which musical eventscan be specifiedloudness, duration, pitch, and timbre(Dowling & Harwood, 1986)can generally be varied with-out losing the meaningfulness of the music, which makemusical events (e.g., tones, chord s, and melodies) ideal for thestudy of auditory imagery.

    Although no studies have explicitly examined generationtimes for musical images, a few studies have examined thegeneration times of visual images. Kosslyn, Reiser, Farah,and Fliegel (1983, Experiment 2) presented subjects with linedrawings of 12 different animals. Three versions of eachanimal were used. In one version, all of an animal was drawnon a single page. In the second version, the drawing was splitup so that the first page included the body and the secondpage showed the appendages. The third version divided thebody parts over five pages. Kosslyn et al. found a linearrelationship between the number of pages presented and thetime required to form the image. Weber and Harnish (1974)found that images of longer words required more time toform than images of shorter words. Both of these studiessuggest that it takes less time to image simp ler stimuli than itdoes to image more complex stimuli. On this basis we predictthat physically more complex musical stimuli, such as chords(which consist of a group of tones sounded simultaneously),will require more time to image than physically less complexstimuli, such as single tones. To borrow from Kosslyn et al.,the number of pages in which the animal stimuli were pre-sented might be regarded as analogous to the number of tonesthat comprise a musical chord. Just as subjects constructedmeaningful imag es of animals by "gluing" the disparate pagestogether, so might they "glue" individual tones together toproduce a meaningful chord. Generation time of images ofchords would then b e an additive function of the number ofconstituent tones.

    In the following set of experiments, we asked subjects toform images of musically meaningful eventscomplex tonesand chordsand co mpare their images with external auditorystimuli that were meaningfully (i.e., harmonically) related to

    the images. To the extent that images function like actuallyperceived musical stimu li, the pattern of accuracy rates shouldparallel that found in previous m usic perception studies (suchas Bharucha, 1984; Bharucha & K rumhansl, 1983; Cuddy etal., 1979; Dewar et al., 1 977; Dowling, 1978). Reaction timeshave generally not been measured in melody recognitionstudies in music perception, but there is some evidence tosuggest that increased accuracy should coincide with fastercorrect decisions (Bharucha & Stoeckig, 1986, 1987b).

    Experiment 1In this experiment, we collected measures of image forma-tion time, judgment time, and judgment accuracy. Subjectsheard either a cue tone or a chord on each trial and thenformed an image of a tone or chord one whole step higher inpitch. For example, if the cue was the tone Bb, then subjectsimaged the tone C; if the cue was the chord Bb major,consisting of the tone s Bb, D, and F, then the subjects imagedthe chord C major, consisting of the tones C, E, and G. Ifsubjects generate chords by imaging a piecemeal sequence ofthe constituent tones (as suggested by the results of Kosslynet al., 1983), then generation times for chords should begreater than those for single tones. If subjects generate chordsby imaging the constituent tones concurrently, then genera-tion times for chords should not differ from those for singletones.After the subjects formed their images, they were presentedwith a probe tone or chord which they judged as being thesame as or different from their imaged tones or chords. Halfof the probes matched the imaged pitches, half did not. Ofthe probe trials not matching the image, half were of tones orchords that were harmonically closely related (henceforthreferred to as related) and half were harmonically distantlyrelated (henceforth referred to as unrelated) to the image.Because prior context can influence how tones and chordsare perceived (e.g., Bharucha, 1984; Bharucha & Stoeckig,1986, 1987b; Cuddy etal ., 1979; Dewar eta l., 1977; Dowling,1978) and the prior context consisted of both the cue and theimage, it was necessary to ensu re that differences between thedifferent-related and different-unrelated conditions were dueto the h armonic properties of the image and not to those ofthe probe. Therefore, we chose different-related probes anddifferent-unrelated probes tha t were equidistant (on th e circleof fifths) from the cue.1 If, as suggested by Neisser (1976),

    1 It is possible that perceived relatedness may depend not only onthe distance along the circle of fifths, but also on the directiontraversed (i.e., a given distance along the circle in one direction maynot yield the same degree of perceptual relatedness as an equaldistance in the opposite direction). However, there is evidence tosuggest that, aside from those points immediately adjacent to a givenstarting point, traveling equal distances along either side of the circledoes yield approximately equal degrees of perceived relatedness. In aharmonic priming paradigm, Bharucha and Stoeckig (1987a) hadsubjects make speeded judgments about chord pairs that were closelyrelated (I paired with V or IV, both immediately adjacent t o I alongthe circle of fifths; e.g., C with G or F), neutrally related (I pairedwith chord based on the submediant or the minor third above, threesteps on either side of the circle; e.g., C with A or Eb), or distantly

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    658 TIMOTHY L. HUBBARD AND KEIKO STOECKIGimages function through the existing perceptual schematain this case, the existing schemata of harmony (e.g., seeBharucha, 1987; Bharucha & Stoeckig, 1986; Deutsch &Feroe, 1981; Krum hansl, 1979; Shepard, 1982)then judg-ments to same targets should be the fastest and most accurate,followed by judg me nts to different-unrelated targets, withjudgments to different-related targets the slowest and leastaccurate.Method

    Subjects. The subjects in all experiments were introductory psy-chology students at Dartm outh College who participated as subjectsfor partial course credit. No subject participated in more than oneexperiment, an d all subjects were naive to th e hypotheses until afterall data had been collected. Twenty-eight undergraduates participatedin the c urrent experiment. D ata from 7 subjects were discarded dueto subjects' failure to follow instructions, resulting in a total of 21subjects. Musical training, as measured by number of years of formalinstrument or voice lessons, ranged from no training to 21 years oftraining, with a mean of 6.4 years and a median of 6.0 years. Allsubjects reported normal hearing; no subjects reported having abso-lute pitch.Apparatus. Stimuli were synthesized by an Apple Macintoshmicrocomputer and presented to subjects through a Sansui A-707amplifier and Sennheisser HD-410 headphones.Stimuli. Cues and probes consisted of the 12 pitches of thechromatic scale and the 12 major chords based on those pitches.Frequencies were based on an equal tempered tuning fixed at an Aof 440 Hz. Tones were synthesized by imposing an envelope over afive octave range (starting at 65.41 Hz) and tapering off to the loudnessthreshold at each end (see Shepard, 1964). The three componenttones of each chord were sampled from each of these fiveoctaves andadded in proportion to their envelope amplitudes (see Krumhansl,Bharucha, & Kessler, 1982). Tones and chords constructed in thisway are as close as possible to true tone or chord chroma, withoutthe influence of pitch height. The waveform of each of the 15component tones contained the first four harmonics with equalamplitudes, creating an organ-like timbre .Each of the 12 tones and 12 chords occurred equally often as a cuein cue-probe pairs. Cue-probe pairs consisted only of either tone-tone or ch ord-ch ord pairs. For both tone and chord trials, cues werepaired with probes such that the probe and the tone or chord onewhole step (two semitones) above the cue were the same in pitch,different in pitch and harmonically related, or different in pitch andharmonically unrelated. The cue w as harmonically equidistant to thedifferent-related and different-unrelated probes. Same trials werepresented twice so that the probability of a same or different responseon any given trial was .5. Same-1 and same-2 trials were identicaland were randomly dispersed among the other trial types and eachother. This resulted in four types of trials: same-1, same-2, different-

    related (I paired with chord based on the tritone, maximally distant,i.e., opposite side of the circle; e.g., C with Fl|). As expected, closelyrelated chords were primed more than neutrally related chords, andneutrally related chords were primed more than distantly relatedchords. However, although there was a significant difference in prim-ing between the two closely related chord pairs, no such differencewas found between the two neutrally related chord p airs. This suggeststhat perceived relatedness may be equivalent for points equidistantfrom a given chord, given that the distance is greater than two stepsaway.

    related, and different-unrelated. There were a total of 96 trials, whicheach subject received in a different random order.The cue-probe pairs were specified by the distance between thecue and probe in the tone trials, or between the roots of the chordsin the chord trials. In both tone and chord trials, the same probe wastwo semitones above the cue, the different-related probe was foursemitones above, and the different-unrelated probe was eight semi-tones above. For example, if the cue was B1*, then the image was C,the different-related probe was D, and the different-unrelated probewasF^ (see Table 1).Procedure. Upon arrival subjects received a brief definition andexample of a tone, a chord, and a musical interval of one whole step(2 semitones). A whole step was defined as "the distance between Doand Re in the Do-Re-Mi scale." Imaging tones and chords was alsodescribed as " 'hearing' the tone or chord 'in your head' in the sameway that you would if you were to remember the sound of yourmother's voice, a siren, or the sound of a car door slamming." Subjectswere then given an opportunity to practice forming images of tonesand chords in a training session. The training session consisted ofboth tone trials and chord trials, identical in structure except that intone trials the cue and image were tones, whereas in chord trials thecue and image were chords. Subjects initiated each trial by pressing akey on the keyboard. Their keypress resulted in a 2-s presentation ofthe cue. After the cue had ended the subject was instructed to forman aud itory image that was one whole step (two semitones) above thecue for tone trials. In chord trials, subjects were to image a chord inwhich the constituent tones of the chord were raised one whole stepabove the equivalent tones in the cue. For example, in a tone trial, ifthe cue was Bb, then the image was C; in a chord trial, if the cue wasB1" major, then the image was C major (see Table 1). When the imagewas formed, the subject pressed the space bar and a comparison toneor chord played for 2 s. This comparison was one whole step abovethe cue and allowed subjects to assess the accuracy of their images.Tone trials and chord trials were intermixed in a random fashion.There were 24 training trials, with additional training given if re-quested.After the training session, subjects went immediately to the exper-imental session. Again there were two types of trials, tone trials andchord trials, both having the same structure. Subjects initiated eachtrial by pressing the "next trial" key on the keyboard. A 2-s cue wasplayed. When the cue stopped playing, the subject was instructed toform an image one whole step {2 semitones) above the cue and topress the space bar when the correct image was formed. This wasimmediately followed by a 2-s probe, which either matched thesubject's image in pitch(es) or was of different pitch(es). The subject'stask was to compare the pitch(es) of the probe with those of theimage, to determine whether they were the same or different, and torespond by pressing the appropriately marked key. Subjects wereinstructed to respond as quickly as possible while being as accurate

    Table 1Examples of Cues, Images, and TargetsCue

    Tone: Bt>Chord: Bt major

    Tone: BbChord: Bb major

    TargetImage Related

    Experiments 1 and 3C DC major D majorExperiment 4none Dnone D major


    F4Ft| major

    Ft| major

  • 7/27/2019 Hubbard, T. L., & Stoeckig, K. (1988). Musical Imagery. Generation of Tones and Chords. Journal of Experimental


    GENERATION OF TONE AN D CHORD IMAGES 659as possible. Subjects were told after each response whether it wascorrect or incorrect (i.e., whether, in fact, their image should havematched the probe). Summary feedback of mean response time andaccuracy was given after every 24 trials.Subjects were given 16 practice trials at th e beginning of the session,with more practice if requested. Practice trials were randomly drawnfrom the experimental trial set. After the experimental session, eachsubject was debriefed and asked to complete a musical backgroundquestionnaire. The entire session took about 45 min.

    ResultsTime between the offset of the cue and the subject's spacebar press was used as an app roximation of the time to generatethe auditory image (image formation tim e, or IFT). Data from5 subjects with fewer than 90% usable IFTs were omittedfrom all subsequent analyses due to failure to follow instruc-tions. Data from 2 addition al subjects whose IFTs were greaterthan 2.5 standard deviations from the mean were omittedfrom all subsequent analyses to ensure that all subjects werefollowing the same instructions. Image formation times fromthe remaining 21 subjects less than or equal to zero werediscarded (2.93% of the data). As predicted, mean IFTs forchords (517 ms) were longer than IFTs for tones (452 ras),F(\, 2 0 ) - 7 . 2 3 ,p = .014.Preliminary analysis revealed no difference in reactiontimes (RT), F([, 20) < 1, p > .34, or accuracy rates, F(\, 20)< 1, p > .90, between same-1 and same-2 conditions; there-fore, the two same conditions were combined into one overallsame condition for all subsequent analyses. Response timesgreater than 2 ,000 m s or less than zero were discarded (0.60%of the data). Mean RTs for correct responses were analyzed

    using a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for re-

    peated measures (see O'Brien & Kaiser, 1985), with twowithin-subjects factors: cue (tone vs. chord) and target (same,different-related, and different-unrelated).As shown in Figure 1, there was a significant m ain effect oftype of target, F(2, 19) = 6.18, p = .009, for the responsetimes. A univariate orthogonal contrast showed that sameresponses were significantly faster than different responses,F(\y 20) = 12.42, p = .002. The cue main effect and the CueX Target interaction were nonsignificant, both Fs < 1, bothps > .50.The accuracy rates for all conditions are also shown inFigure 1. Accuracy was greater for tones (94%) than for chords(90%), F{\, 20) = 5.94, p = .024. There was a main effect oftarget type, F{2, 1 9 ) - 15.65, p

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    660 TIMOTHY L. HUBBARD AND KEIKO STOECKJGclassify subjects as either highly trained or untrained. Al-though there were trends for highly trained subjects to haveshorter IFTs, quicker RTs, and greater accuracy rates thanuntrain ed subjects, we found no significant differences, all Fs< 1.25, allp&>.25.

    DiscussionAs predicted, image formation time for chords was longertha n image formation time for tones. Although this differencemay be attributed to the more complex physical structure ofthe chords, the magnitude of the difference is not as large aswould be expected if subjects formed their chord images byserially imaging each constituent tone. Chord images mayhave been formed by imaging each of the constituent tonesin parallel, with perhaps an additional am ount of time neededto coalesce the tones into a single, well-formed chord. Alter-natively, the chord images could have resulted from theactivation of previously formed, stored complex representa-tions of chords. It may ta ke longer to activate chord represen-tations than tone representations because of the potentiallymore com plex structure of chord representations. The cu rrentdata cannot distinguish between these two alternatives.The pattern of accuracy rates and response times shows thepredicted influence of harmonic relatedness in the decisiontask. Accuracy rates for same targets were higher than fordifferent ta rgets, and accuracy rates for different-unrelatedtargets were higher than for different-related targets. Althoughthis pattern occurred for bo th tones a nd chords, it was partic-ularly pronounced for chords, perhaps reflecting the greaterrole of chords in instantiating a key in Western music. Re-sponse time was also found to be faster for correct sameresponses than for correct different responses. The differentialtarget effects found in decision times and accuracy rates forboth tones and chords are in accord with the pattern ofaccuracies found in music recognition studies and the predic-tions of response times based on those accuracy rates. Thispattern of results suggests that subjects used their images inmaking their decisions and that these images formed a musicalcontext similar to that formed by musical percepts.It is possible, however, that these results were not due tosubjects' use of imagery. Although all subjects reported usingimagery, there may be alternative explanations. Imagery ex-periments are particularly vulnerable to demand characteris-

    tics; that is, subjects may deduce the aims of the experimentand adjust their responses accordingly (see Mitchell & Rich-man, 1980). Similarly, Pylyshyn (1981, 1984) has suggestedthat results previously attributed to properties of imagery areactually due to su bjects' beliefs, desires, and /or general knowl-edge. Pylyshyn refers to such beliefs and knowledge as tacitknowledge.2 According to this view, the findings of Experi-me nt 1 would result from subjects possessing consciousknowledge of harmonic structure, identifying the harmonicrelationship between cue and probe on every trial, predictingthe particular pattern of results that should result from suchharmonic relationships, and consciously modifying their re-sponses on every trial to produce a pattern consistent withthis pattern.

    The alternative explanations of demand characteristics andsubjects' use of tacit knowledge are consistent with the resultsof Experimen t 1, but the c laim that subjects utilized imagerymay be supported in several ways. First, a difference is ob-tained in the time required to form images. If subjects are notconstructing images, then there is no a priori reason for thelonger IFT for chords. It is not clear why propositional orother accounts would predict the longer IFTs. Second, thepattern of results for the accuracy rates parallels patterns thathave been found in music recognition tasks. Because imageryis often proposed to be equivalent to perception at some levelsof processing (Farah, 19 85;Finke, 198 5;Shepard& Podgorny ,1978), similar response patterns for both imagery and percep-tual stimuli would be expected. Third, it seems highly unlikelythat subjects could identify the harmonic relationship, deter-mine what their accuracy and response latency should be , an dadjust their response accordingly, all within an average spanof under a second.Nevertheless, in order to rule out the alternative explana-tions of deman d ch aracteristics and the use of tacit knowledge,we decided to determine if a new group of subjects would beable to predict the performance of subjects using imagery. Ifthey could make accurate predictions, this would not neces-sarily invalidate an imagery e xplanation (cf. Den is & Carfan-tan, 1985), but if they could not make accurate predictions,it would be substantial evidence that IFTs, RTs, and accuracyrates obtained in Experiment 1 were due to structural prop-erties of the image and not to demand characteristics orsubjects' use of tacit knowledge.

    Exper iment 2In the second experiment we asked naive subjects to predict,without using imagery, how long it would take an averageperson to generate images of tones and chords. They thenguessed the order, from fastest to slowest, in which the average2 In the present case, knowledge of harmonic structure may beconsidered tacit, but not in the sense in which Pylyshyn refers.Pylyshyn uses the term tacit knowledge to refer to the beliefs, goals,and desires of a subject that may influence apparent properties ofimagery. If changing a subject's beliefs, goals, and desires changes asubject's performance on a task, then tha t task is said to be cognitive!.)?penetrable. Pylyshyn claims that tasks which are cognitively penetra-ble must be explained by reference to symbolic nonimaginal processesrather than properties or mechanisms of imagery per se. A nonmu-sician's knowledge of musical structure, much like knowledge ofgrammatical structure, may be considered tacit only in that, becauseit is learned from exposure to a culture's music and not throughexplicit instruction, it is verbally inaccessible. Relatively long-termexposure to music may be necessary for developing such a knowledgeof harmonic structure, but once these representational structures aredeveloped they may constrain the properties exhibited by imagery(especially if imagery utilizes perceptual schematasec Neisser,1976). A change in a subject's immediate beliefs, goals, and desireswould not be expected to change the representational structures thathave been built up from long exposure; hence, the representation ofharmonic structure would be relatively impenetrable by Pylyshyn'sstandards. Therefore, even though knowledge of harmonic structureis often "tacitly" acquired, this is not the type of tacit knowledge

    referred to by Pylyshyn.

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    GENERATION OF TONE AND CHORD IMAGES 661person could make a same/different judgment about an im-aged tone or chord. There is no a priori reason why naivesubjects should think image generation tim e for chords shouldbe longer than that for tones, so we predicted that thesecontrol subjects should exhibit no difference in their guessedimage formation times for tones and chords. Likewise, wewould not expect their decision time rankings to preciselymatch the actual ordering of outcomes in Experiment 1. Ifcontrol subjects cannot accurately predict what subjects usingimagery actually do, it is difficult to see how alternativeexplanations like subjects' use of tacit knowledge or demandcharacteristics can account for the data in Experiment 1. Ofcourse, such an outcome would not definitively prove thatimagery subjects did, in fact, use imagery. If other strategiesare ruled out, though, it would offer convergent validitysupporting the claim that subjects were indeed using imagery.Method

    Subjects, Eighteen undergraduates from the same subject poolused in the previous experiment participated as subjects. Data from4 subjects were discarded due lo subjects' failure to follow instruc-tions, resulting in a total of 14 subjects. Musical training, as measuredby number of years of formal instrument or voice lessons, rangedfrom no training to 21 years of training, with a m ean of 7.1 years anda median of 6.5 years. All subjects reported normal hearing; nosubjects reported having absolute pitch.Apparatus. The apparatus was the same as that used in Experi-ment 1.Stimuli. Tones and chords were synthesized in the same manneras in Experiment 1.Procedure. The procedure was the same as in Experiment 1 withthe following exceptions. Subjects were informed that the experimentinvolved two groups of subjects doing two different tasks. Accordingto the instructions, in each trial subjects in both groups would bepresented with a cue, which would be either a tone or a chord. Onegroup of subjects would be asked to actually form an image onewhole step above each cue. The other group of subjects would beasked to guess how long it would take the average person to form animage one whole step above each cue.All subjects in this experiment, however, were actually told thatthey were in the "guessing group ." We emphasized that they were notto actually form the images, but only to make a "best guess" as tohow long it might take an average person to form the image. Afterthe cue finished playing, subjects waited for the amo unt of time theythought necessary to form the required image and then pressed thespace bar. After completing the guessing trials, subjects read a scenarioin which another person imaged either a tone or a chord. They thenrank-ordered the predicted speed of the other person's same/differentjudgm ents to other tone s or chords that were related to the hypothet-ical image in one of three ways: (a) same pitch(es) as image, (b)different pitch(es) but harmonically related to image, and (c) differentpitch(es) but harmonically unrelated to image. The order in whichthe choices were listed on the answer sheet was counterbalancedacross subjects. The entire session took about 30 min.

    ResultsData from 2 subjects with fewer than 90% usable IFTs wereomitted from analysis due to failure to follow instructions.Data from 2 additional subjects whose IFTs were greater tha n

    2.5 standard deviations from the mean were also omitted

    from analysis, to comply w ith the IFT criteria used in Exper-iment 1. Guessed image formation times from the remaining14 subjects less than or equal to zero were discarded (0.67%of the data). Mean tone and chord "guessed" IFTs werecomp ared. Th ere was no difference between guessed IFTs fortones (1,843 ms) and chords (1,813 m s), F{\, 13) = 0.09, p =.11. A comp arison using all 18 subjects' data also revealed nodifference between guessed tone and chord IFTs (1,995 msand 1,988 ms, respectively), F (l , 17) - 0.0, p = .96.

    All 18 subjects' rank order predictions were analyzed usingseparate Friedm an two-way analyses of variance (Siegel, 1956)for tones and chords. As can be seen in Table 2, subjectscorrectly predicted that same responses would be faster thandifferent responses for tones, x2(2> N = 18) = 8.44, p = .01,but they incorrectly ranked responses to different-unrelatedtones as the slowest. Subjects did n ot differentiate amo ng th eirrank orders of chord responses, x 2(2, N = 18) = 3.58, p .17.As in Experiment 1, we reanalyzed guessed IFTs w ith degreeof musical training as an additional factor, using a mediansplit to classify subjects as either highly trained or untrain ed.There was a trend for highly trained subjects to have shorterguessed image formation times, although once again, thisdifference was not significant (F< \,p> .84).Discussion

    The alternative explanations of demand characteristics andsubjects' use of tacit knowledge for the results obtained inExperiment 1 were not supported, suggesting that subjects inthat experiment were, in fact, using imagery. T he latencies ofthe guessed IFTs from Experiment 2 are over three timeslonger than the IFTs from Experiment 1. The reason for thisdifference is not clear, but it demonstrates a fundamentaldifference between predicting results due to imagery an dresults due lo imagery. The demand characteristics explana-tion would suggest the results of Experiment 1 were due tononimagery prediction, but the magnitude of the differencebetween guessed IFTs and real IFTs offers strong su pport forthe notion that imagery is a process distinct from nonimageryprediction. Similarly, the lack of difference between guessedIFTs for tones and chords in Experiment 2 is contrary to whatshould result if subjects were either using tacit knowledge ortapping demand characteristics. The evidence thus suggeststhat subjects who reported using images were indeed usingimages and not merely propositional or other nonimaginalknowledge to predict the outcomes.

    It is possible, however, that the echoic trace of the cueTable 2Mean Rank Orderingsfor Tones and Chords

    Predicted order of response to hypotheticalperceptHypotheticalimages Same Different-related Different-unrelatedTonesChords 1.501.59 2,192.19 2.312.22Note. Rank ordering of 1 assigned to fastest response; rank orderingof 3 assigned to slowest response.

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    662 TIMOTHY L. HUBBARD AND KEIKO STOECKJGcontributed to the pattern of results found in Experiment 1.These results seem to suggest that the prior context of theimage, and not just the physically presented cue, is responsiblefor the instantiation of harmonic tonality. Even though theharmo nic relatedness between the cue and probes should nothave been a factor, we m ust still question the degree to whichthe cue is important in this instantiation: Is it possible thatthe differential effects are arising primarily from the presenceof the cue, and only secondarily from the presence of theimage? To answer this question, we conducted a furtherexperim ent in which a m ask consisting of a random ly selectedsequence of pitches was played prior to the presentation ofthe probe in order to erase any echoic traces of the cue.

    Exper imen t 3In this experiment we attempted to rule out any effect ofechoic or short-term memory that may have contributed to

    subjects' performances. It is possible that subjects relied on amemory trace of the cue rather than constructing an image.To minimize the contributions of an echoic store to thedecision task, we replicated Experiment 1 but modified it bypresenting a pattern mask of random pitches between theimage formation and the presentation of the probe. Theinterpolation of intervening tones between target and com-parison tones has previously been shown to be quite successfulin distorting memory for tones (Deutsch, 1982).Despite the interference with the memory for the cue, itwas important that subjects be able to generate an image ofthe correct pitch. If the random pitch sequence was trulysuccessful at distorting memory for the cue, subjects mightnot image the correct pitch(es). Therefore, we presented therandom pitch mask after the image was formed, rather thanimmediately after the cue occurred. Although it was possiblethat the sequence would mask both the cue and the image,we hoped that over the extended period of time the echoictrace of the cue would decay, whereas the image could bereconstructed or would otherwise still be intact (or nearly so)during the sam e/different decision. The presence of the mask ,however, should decrease accuracy rates considerably.

    MethodSubjects. Thirty-three undergraduates from the same pool asprevious experiments participated as subjects. The data from 12subjects were discarded due to subjects' failure to follow instructions,leaving a total of 21 subjects. Musical training, as measured bynumb er of years of formal instrument or voice lessons, ranged from0 to 15 years of training, with a mean of 5.5 and a median of 4.0years. All subjects reported normal hearing; no subjects reportedhaving absolute pitch.Apparatus. The apparatus was the same as that used in Experi-ment 1.Stimuli. Cue-probe pairs were constructed in the same manneras in Experiment 1. The mask consisted of a sequence of 16 tones,synthesized in the sam e mann er as the tone stimuli in Experiment 1.Each of the 16 tones, lasting 125 ms, was randomly selected in eachsequence, and a new sequence was randomly generated for each trial.The entire mask sequence lasted 2 s, with n o pause between notes.Procedure. The procedure was identical to that used in Experi-

    ment 1, except that a 2-s mask was interposed between the formationof the image and the presentation of the probe. A 1-s pause precededand followed the m ask. The en tire session took ab out 45 min.

    ResultsData from 10 subjects with fewer than 90% usable IFTswere omitted from all subsequent analyses due to failure tofollow instructions. Data from 2 additional subjects whoseIFTs were greater than 2.5 standard deviations from the meanwere also omitted from all subsequent analyses, again toensure that all subjects were following the same instructions.Image formation times from the remaining 21 subjects thatwere less than or equal to zero were discarded (1.49% of thedata). Mean tone and chord IFTs were compared. Chord IFTs(1,305 ms) were longer than tone IFTs (1,131 ms), F( 1, 20) =17.48, p< . 001.Preliminary analysis revealed no difference in RTs, F(l,20) = 2.0, p > .17, or accuracy rates, F{\, 20) < 1, p > .54,between same-1 and same-2 conditions; therefore, the twosame conditions were combined into one overall same con-dition for all subsequent analyses. Response times greaterthan 2,000 ms or less than zero were discarded (6.70% of thedata). Mean RTs for correct responses were analyzed using a

    MANOVA for repeated measu res, with two within-subjects fac-tors: cue (tone vs. chord) and target (same, different-related,and different-unrelated). As shown in Figure 2, the effect ofcue was significant, with RTs for tones faster than RTs forchords (830 ms and 897 ms, respectively), F(\y 20) - 37.85,p < .001. Although a target effect was not found, F < \,p>.53, the Cue x Target interaction was significant, F{2 y 19) =9.09, p = .002. Separate analyses for tones an d ch ords showedan effect of target type for tones, F(2, 19) = 3.53, p = .05.Orthogonal planned contrasts showed only marginally signif-icant results, with responses to same targets slower than tho seto different targets, F(\,20) = 3.32, p = .084, and responsesto different-unrelated targets faster than those to different-related targets, F(l, 20) = 3.42, p - .079. There was also atarget effect for chords, F[2, 19) - 5.76, p = .011, withresponses to same targets faster than responses to differenttargets, F{l t 20) = 11.57, p = .003.Accuracy rates for each condition are also shown in Figure2. Overall accuracy was better for tones than for chords (87%and 78%, respectively), F(\, 20) = 11.84, p = .003. Accuracyalso depended on target type, F\2 y 19) = 13.71, p < .001.Univariate orthogonal contrasts showed that accuracy wasbetter for same targets than for different targets, F(l, 20) =15.30, p = .001, replicating the findings of Experiment 1.Accuracy was also better for different-unrelated targets thanfor different-related targets, F{1, 20) = 19.87, p < .001, alsoreplicating the results of Experiment 1. There was a significantCue x Target interaction, F{2, 19)= 10.21, p = .001. Separateanalyses on tones and chords revealed a target effect for tones,F(2, 19) - 11.42, p = .001 , in which accu racy for differenttargets was marginally better than that for same targets, F{ 1,20) = 2.97, p = .100, and accuracy for different-unrelatedtone targets was greater than that for different-related tonetargets, F{1, 20) = 17.84, p < .001 . There was also a targeteffect for chords, F(2, 19) = 18.13, p < .001. Accuracy for

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    Ei -

    950 T900 -8 5 0 -

    8 0 0 coJX 750

    700Same Dif ferent-Related Dif ferent-Unrelated

    Tones Chords

    100 T9 0

    8 0 -7 0 "

    60 "

    50Same Dif ferent-Related Dif ferent-Unrelated

    Target TargetFigure 2. Response times a nd accuracy rates for same/different judgmen ts in Experiment 3.

    same responses was greater than that for different responses,^(1 , 20) - 32.20, p < .001. Accuracy was also better fordifferent-unrelated relative to different-related chord targets,F[l,2Q)= 11.69, /> = .003.As in Experiment 1, we reanalyzed IFTs, RT s, and accuracyrates with degree of musical training as an additional factor,using a m edian split to classify subjects as either highly trainedor untrained. Replicating the results of Experiment 1, wefound trends for highly trained subjects to have shorter IFTs,quicker RTs, and greater accuracy rates, but, again, no signif-icant differences w ere found, all Fs < 1, all ps > .35.

    DiscussionIn general, the pattern of results mirrors that found inExperiment 1. Although the IFTs in E xperiment 3 are largerthan the IFTs obtained in Ex periment 1 by almost a factor ofthree, the ratio of chord to tone IFTs is constant across both

    experiments (1.14 in Experiment 1 and 1.15 in E xperiment3). That this should occur in Experiments 1 and 3, wheresubjects were asked to image, but not in Experiment 2, wheresubjects were explicitly asked no t to image, su pports the claimthat subjects were indeed imaging when so instructed. Ingeneral, both IFTs and RTs are larger than in Experiment 1.This could be d ue to the use of different subjects in Experi-me nt 3 but mo re probably reflects the more difficult natureof the current task. A comparison of Figures 1 and 2 showsthat the mask appeared to increase the response time andslightly decrease the accuracy rate. Although the echoic tracemay still have aided subjects in the construction of theirimages, the random tone mask prohibited its having anysimilar facilitation on image maintenance.

    The results of the previous experiments have shown thatthe generation of musical images can influence the subsequ entperception of tones or chords. Moreover, these differencesappear to be due to properties of the image and not to demandcharacteristics or subjects' tacit knowledge, because subjectsclaiming not to image perform in a qualitatively and quanti-tatively different way than subjects who claim to use imagery.However, it is possible that these patterns of results may notbe due to imagery per se but to properties of the mentalrepresentation of pitch apart from imagery. It is very difficultto determine whether a person has formed an image ordeployed another form of mental representation, especiallybecause it is difficult to conceive of the activation of a pitchrepresentation that does not correspond, in some manne r, toan image of that pitch. In spite of these difficulties, weattempted to address this question by seeing if we could obtainthe same pattern of results with subjects who performed thesame task but who were not explicitly instructed to formimages. If the image is eliminated and a different pattern ofresponses occurs, then the previously observed patterns mustclearly be dependent upon properties of tone and chordimages.

    Exper iment 4We conducted a fourth experiment to determine whetherthe results obtained in the previous experiments could beattributable to the activation of some form of pitch/chordrepresentation other than imagery and whether subjects couldmake accurate decisions about pitches without using imagery.Subjects were presented with cues and subsequently asked to

    distinguish between targets that were either one whole step

  • 7/27/2019 Hubbard, T. L., & Stoeckig, K. (1988). Musical Imagery. Generation of Tones and Chords. Journal of Experimental


    66 4 TIMOTHY L. HUBBARD AND KEIKO STOECKIGabove the cue or that differed by more than one whole stepfrom the cue. Judging targets to be one whole step above thecue corresponded to making a "same" response in Experi-ments 1 and 3, whereas judging targets to be other than onewhole step above the cue corresponded to making a "differ-ent" response. Subjects were not explicitly instructed to useany one strategy in performing this task, and any reference toimagery was explicitly avoided in the instructions.If the pattern of results from subjects who are not specifi-cally instructed to image, and who later claim not to havedone so, does not match the pattern of results found inExperiments 1 and 3, then the previous pattern of findingsprobably resulted from properties inherent in those subjects'images. If the observed patterns match those obtained earlier,and subjects later claim not to have used imagery in theirdecision making, then it is possible that the previous resultscould have been due to properties of pitch representationother than those associated with imagery. However, if theobserved patterns m atch those o btained previously, but sub-jects claim to have adopted an imagery strategy, even whennot explicitly asked to do so, then an explanation for ourprevious results based on subjects' use of images cannot beruled out. Indeed, such an outcome would suggest that thedistinction between a musical image and a musical represen-tation may not be a valid or useful one.

    MethodSubjects. Twenty undergraduates from the same pool used inprevious experiments participated as subjects. Musical training, asmeasured by number of years of formal instrument or voice lessons,

    ranged from no training to 10 years of training, with a mean of 4.1years and a median of 3.0 years. All subjects reported normal hearing;no subjects reported having absolute pitch.

    Apparatus. The apparatus was the same as that used in Experi-ment 3.Stimuli, Cue-probe pairs and masks were constructed in the samemanner as in Experiment 3.Procedure. The procedure was the same as that used in Experi-ment 3 except that subjects were not instructed to form an image.Instead, the subject's task was to decide as quickly and as accuratelyas possible whether the probe was one whole step above the cue orgreater than o ne whole step above the cue, and to respond by pressingthe appropriately marked key.

    ResultsResponse times greater than 2,000 ms or less than zerowere discarded (1.35% of the data). Mean RTs for correctresponses were analyzed using a MANOVA for repeated meas-ures, with two within-subjects factors: cue (tone vs. chord)and target (same-1, same-2, different-related, and different-

    unrelated).As shown in Figure 3, a significant effect of target wasfound, F(3, 17) = 3.43, p = .041, RTs for same targets werefaster than those for different targets, F{\, 19) = 7.00, p =.016, and there was a marginally significant tre nd for R Ts forsame-1 to be longer than tho se for sam e-2, F{\, 19) = 4.06, p= .058. The effects of cue and the Cue x Target interactionwere not significant, F& = 0.85 and 1.69, respectively, bothps>.2O.Accuracy rates for each condition are also displayed inFigure 3. There was a main effect of target type, F(3, 17) -8.38, p .001. As in our previous experiments, accuracy wasbetter for same targets than for different targets, F{\, 19) -5.71,p = .027; accuracy was also better for different-unrelatedtargets than for different-related targets, F\l, 19) = 24.93, p< .001 . The effects of cue and the C ue x Target interaction

    800 T750 -

    7 0 0 - 650 -

    8.COcc 600 - -

    55 0Same-1 Same-2 D if f e r en t - D i f f e r en t -

    Related Unrelated

    Tones Chords

    100 T90 "


    6 0

    50Same -1 Sam e-2 Di f fere nt - D i f fere nt -

    Related UnrelatedTarget Target

    Figure 3. Response times and accuracy rates for same/different judgme nts in Experiment 4.

  • 7/27/2019 Hubbard, T. L., & Stoeckig, K. (1988). Musical Imagery. Generation of Tones and Chords. Journal of Experimental


    GENERATION OF TONE AND CHORD IMAGES 665were no t significant, Fs = 0.03 and 1.22, respectively, bothps> . 3 3 .As in Experiment 1, we reanalyzed RTs and accuracy rateswith degree of musical training as an additional factor, usinga median split to classify subjects as either highly trained oruntrain ed. A gain, we found a trend for highly trained subjectsto have quicker RTs and greater accuracy rates, but therewere no significant differences (all Fs < 3.75, all p$ > .06).Discussion

    The pattern of results is very similar to that obtained inExpe riments 1 and 3. On the surface, these results suggestthat imagery may not be a necessary component of thisparticular task. However, postexperimental debriefing of thesubjects revealed that all of them had opted for an imagerystrategy in the ab sence of specific instru ctions to th e con trary.Some of them had "tried to hear the cue in my head," whereasothers tried to "imagine what the probe might sound like."All subjects reported that they felt their accuracy was higherduring the trials in which they used imagery. Despite ourattempt to exclude imagery from the experiment, it appearstha t subjects used imagery as a default strategy and consideredit the best method available.The use of imagery by subjects in Experiment 4 mayinitially appear to be incongruous with the lack of imageryuse by subjects in Experiment 2. In the earlier experimentsubjects merely had to predict how long it would take othersubjects to generate images of tones and chords. We stressedthat they were not to actually image, but to guess. In Experi-ment 4, however, subjects were required to actively comparethe pitches of the probe with those of the cue, and no

    instructions either for or against imagery use were given. Theearlier experiment did not make any decisional demandsrequiring use of the harm onic properties inherent in an image,so subjects had no need of an image. In the latter experiment,however, subjects were required to make decisions that sub-jects in Experiment 2 did not have to mak e, that is, to decidewhether the probe was one step in pitch higher than the cue.We suspect that it is only for this additional step, the same/different judgment, that subjects in Experiment 4 needed andformed an image.A comparison of the response times and accuracy ratesfrom Exp eriments 1, 3, and 4 showed that there w ere, in fact,differences among the three experiments [F{2, 59) = 20.10, p

    < .001, for response times; F(2, 59) = 16.22, p < .001, foraccuracy]. Further analysis suggests that the presence of aninterfering sequence (mask) in Experiment 3 resulted in aslowing of response time and a decrease in accuracy fromExperiment I (Newman-Keuls,/? < .05). Not surprisingly, themask a ppears to disrupt im age formation (as suggested by thelonger IFTs in Expe riment 3), resulting in a decrease in speedand accuracy. Experiment 4 did not differ in overall responsetime or accuracy rate from Experiments 1 or 3.General Discussion

    One of the primary findings of Experiments 1 and 3 is thatsubjects require more time to form images of chords, the

    physically more complex stimuli, than of tones, the lesscomplex stimuli. Moreover, in both experiments the ratio ofchord to tone image formation time was approximately thesame, even though the absolute image formation times werelonger in Experiment 3. The additional time required forchords, however, is not sufficient to suggest that subjects formimages of chords by imaging each constituent tone separatelyand then serially combining the separate elements (as sug-gested by the results of Kosslyn et al., 1983). Although thegreater amount of time required for chords is possibly due totheir more complex structure, it is not clear how the imagingof chords proceeds. Chord images ma y be formed by imagingeach of the constituent tones in parallel, or they may beformed by activating previously formed representations ofentire chords. Imaging individual tones in parallel to form achord may take more time than imaging a single tone becauseof the more complex nature of a chord representation orbecause additional time is needed to fuse the individual tonerepresentations into a single complex musical entity. Hadsubjects formed images of simultaneously played tones thatare not commonly played in combination, image formationtimes might have more closely resembled the results of Kos-slyn et al. (1983), although it is difficult to u nderstan d why achord might be a more well-formed whole than a picture of,for example, a mountain lion. Future studies may attemp t todisentangle these issues by having subjects form images ofsingle tones, two tones simultaneously, three tones simulta-neously, and so forth and having tone combinations thateither do or do not form commonly heard chords.

    The con text established by a tone or chord image influencesthe perception of subsequently presented tones and chords inmuch the same way as a context established by a tone orchord percept. In musical recognition studies, in which a priorcontext is induced with perceptual stim uli, accuracy is greaterfor same targets than for different targets, and accuracy fordifferent-unrelated targets is greater than for different-relatedtargets (e.g., Bharucha, 1984; Bharucha & Krumhansl, 1983;Cuddy etal., 197 9;D ewa retal., 1977;Dowling, 1978); similarpatterns were found in Experiments 1, 3, an d 4, The sim ilarityof the response patterns obtained using image stimuli withthose obtained in musical recognition studies (perceptualstimuli) indicates that images are capable of establishing har-monic context. The ability of an image to establish such acontext is consistent with the notion that the processes in-volved in imaging musical stimuli are very similar, if notidentical, to those involved in the perception of such stimuli.In addition, after the formation of the image the presence ofa mask was found to interfere with the comparison of theimage to a subsequently presented tone or chord, a resultparalleling that of earlier studies on memory for tones(Deutsch, 1982).

    These results are also consistent with Farah and Smith's(1983) findings, in that imaging tones and chords appears tofacilitate subsequent perception of the same tones or chords,as reflected by the overall greater accuracies and faster deci-sion times for correct same responses relative to correct dif-ferent responses. The results of Segal and Fusella (1970),Brooks (1968), and others who have found that images thatoccur simultaneously w ith to-be-perceived stimu li in the same

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    666 TIMOTHY L. HUBBARD AND KEIKO STOECKIGmodality interfere with recognition of those stimuli are notproblematical because subjects were not required to maintaintheir images throughout the presentation of the probe.The results from Experiment 2 did not support the argu-ment that these results were simply due to dem and character-istics or knowledge on the part of subjects. When asked topredict outcomes of imaging tones and chords, naive controlsubjects predicted no difference in the time to image tonesand chords. Furthermore, the predicted image formationtimes were over three times larger than the actual imageformation times found in Experiment 1; this difference sup-ports the claim that the results in Experiment 1 were due tosubjects' use of imagery and not some other nonimaginalstrategy. Subjects were also not able to accurately predict therank order of decision times in the different conditions.Whereas subjects were able to accurately predict faster re-sponses for same targets, they did not accurately predict theorder of response time s for different targets, and their predic-tions for chords were less accurate than their predictions fortones and were statistically un reliable. In short, the p redictionsof nonimagery control subjects were quantitatively and qual-itatively different from the perform ances of imagery subjects,which should not have happened if our imagery subjects wereusing tacit knowledge, as Pylyshyn (1981, 1984) might argue,to predict their results.

    Additional support for the claim that subjects in Experi-ments L and 3 used imagery was garnered in Experiment 4,in which subjects used an imagery strategy even when notexplicitly instructed to do so. Indeed, subjects reported thatthey could thin k of no o ther way to perform the task. It is notsurprising, then, that their results look very much like thosefound in the preceding imagery experiments. It is difficult,however, to conceive of a memory store for pitch that is notclosely tied to imagery. Although it is possible that somepeople, perhaps highly trained musicians, are able to encodeand store musical stimuli propositionally, the majority ofmusically illiterate or subliterate people probably cannot. Forthese people, the only way to store and retrieve musicalrepresentations might be through the use of auditory imagery.It is not clear how to separate th e differences, if any, betweenthe use of imagery and the use of some other form of storedpitch memory (cf. Anderson, 1978). Similar difficulties areencountered in the attempt to separate visual imagery andmem ory (Hu bbard, K ail, & Baird, in press).In conclusion, our d ata support a functional role for musicalimagery in cognition (cf. Marschark, Richman, Yuille, &Hunt, 1987) and suggest effects of structural complexity onimage formation. Subjects are able to form and use images ofmusical tones and chords. The time required to form musicalimages is related to the complexity of the imagesthat is,complex chord images require more time than simple toneimages. Furthermore, imaged tones and chords are governedby the same internalized regularities of musicthat is, har-monic relationshipsthat constrain perception of music. Thepatterns found in the accuracy rates mirror the patterns foundin analogous music perception tasks, and the patterns ofresponse times are consistent with the accuracy rates and withpredictions made from the music perception literature. This

    similarity of response patterns is consistent with the claims

    that imagery uses processing mechanisms similar, if not iden-tical, to those used in perception (Finke, 1985; Neisser, 1976;Shepard & Podgorny, 1978); specifically, music imagery in-vokes the same processing mechanisms used in music percep-tion.

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    Received September 10, 1987Revision received December 14, 1987

    Accepted January 4, 1988

    1989 APA Convention "Call for Programs"The "Call for Programs" for the 1989 annual APA convention will be included in theOctober issue of the APA Monitor. The 1989 convention will be in New Orleans, Louisiana,from August 11 through 15. Deadline for submission of program and presentation proposalsis December 15, 1988. This earlier deadline is required because many university and collegecampuses will close for the holidays in mid-December and because the convention is in mid-August. Additional copies of the "Call" will be available from the APA Convention Office inOctober.