SCDL Page of 1 7 Program Name: PGDBA Subject: Human Resource Management Assessment Name: HRM - Exam Weightage: 70 Total Marks: 70 Duration: 80 mins Online Examination: Online examination is a Computer based examination. Online examination comprises of Total 29 Questions - Out of 70 marks. Duration of online examination will be of 1 Hour 20 minutes (80 minutes). Section - I Instructions: - It is compulsory and has total 3 Subjective Questions. - Students are required to solve any 2 Subjective Type Questions. Each question is of 5 marks. - Section – I is out of 10 Marks. Please refer following instructions regarding Subjective examination: - While attempting subjective examination Text formatting facility will be disabled such as use of bullets, making the text bold, underlining the text etc. Only normal character on the key board will be available. - Special characters available on the keyboard will be allowed. - Students can not attempt more than 2 questions out of given 3. - A blank (space typed) or any entry in the space provided will be considered as question is answered. - Hand written answers are not allowed. Subjective test can be answered by using key board. - No brail support shall be provided, but writer assistance shall be allowed. The student has to intimate it to SCDL well in advance by completing applicable formalities. - Answers for both the questions should not exceed more than 110 words. The maximum word limit per answer is 55 words (for Subjective part).


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Program Name: PGDBASubject: Human Resource ManagementAssessment Name: HRM - ExamWeightage: 70Total Marks: 70Duration: 80 mins

Online Examination:

Online examination is a Computer based examination.

Online examination comprises of Total 29 Questions - Out of 70 marks.

Duration of online examination will be of 1 Hour 20 minutes (80 minutes).

Section - I Instructions:

- It is compulsory and has total 3 Subjective Questions.- Students are required to solve any 2 Subjective Type Questions. Each question is of 5 marks.- Section – I is out of 10 Marks.

 Please refer following instructions regarding Subjective examination:

-  While attempting subjective examination Text formatting facility will be disabled such as use of bullets,making the text bold, underlining the text etc. Only normal character on the key board will be available.-  Special characters available on the keyboard will be allowed.-  Students can not attempt more than 2 questions out of given 3.-  A blank (space typed) or any entry in the space provided will be considered as question is answered.-  Hand written answers are not allowed. Subjective test can be answered by using key board.-  No brail support shall be provided, but writer assistance shall be allowed. The student has   to intimate it toSCDL well in advance by completing applicable formalities. -  Answers for both the questions should not exceed more than 110 words. The maximum word limit peranswer is 55 words (for Subjective part).

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1) What is promotion?(5)

Promotion is advancement of an employee to a better job in terms of higher responsibility, more prestige,greater skill and increased rate of pay. The main conditions of promotions are : i) Reassignment of higherlevel job, ii) Delegation with greater responsibility and authority, and iii) Higher pay.

2) Define Quality Circle.(5)

A quality circle is a small group of employees from the same work area who meet regularly and voluntarilyto identify, solve and implement solutions to work related problems. It is a small group, ranging from fourto 15 members. Eight members is considered to be the norm. Quality circles usually meet once every weekto discuss and solve the problems they face.

3) Write down the benefits of Voluntary Retirement Scheme.(5)

It is also known as the Golden Handshake as it is the golden route to retrenchment. It offers the best andhumane route to retrenching excess workforce. Lucrative settlement prevents resentment. Voluntarynature precludes the need for enforcement. It allows specific divisions to be downsised. It allows forlowering the overall wage bills and enables increase in salaries.

Section 1 is complete.

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Section - II Instructions:

-  It comprises of Objective Questions Only.-  Total 60 marks are allotted for objective type questions.-  The objective questions are of following type and carries marks as given under.

Multiple Choice Multiple Response  : 4 Questions - 16 Marks (Each 4 marks)Multiple Choice Single Response     : 9 Questions - 18 Marks (Each 2 marks)True or False                                      : 5 Questions - 5 Marks (Each 1 mark)Select a Blank                                    : 5 Questions - 5 Marks (Each 1 mark)Match the Column                             : 4 Questions - 16 Marks (Each 4 marks)

Total Questions                                 : 27         : 60Total Marks                              

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1) The :BLANK also influences the organizations and trade union to act irrationally.(1)

1] Politicians2] Employer3] Government4] Education

2) In which type of organisations where a personnel department exists, manpower planning function isnaturally performed by such department as a staff function

(2)1] large organisation2] small organisation3] multinational organisation4] private organisation

3) What must be clearly described through a minute study of the duties to be performed in that job.(2)

1] Salary structure2] Evaluation3] Training4] The requirement of the particular job

4) A good manager delegates and gets things done through others .(1)

1] True2] False

5) Seniority refers to relative length of service in the same job and in the same organisation .(1)

1] True2] False

6) :BLANK questions are designed to evaluate by finding out how much a person knows.(1)

1] Leading2] Testing3] Open4] Empathetic

7) Match the Following(4)

1] Critical Question2] Open Question3] Leading Question4] EmpatheticQuestions

1] These indicate to reprimand the subordinate2] These help the subordinate consolidate new information & stimulate him tothink for himself3] These indicate the kind of answers we would like to hear.4] These indicate with the intention of expressing concern rather than findinganswers.

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5] These indicate trust6] These are designed to evaluate by finding out how much a person knows.

8) The concept of quality control as a distinct discipline emerged in the United States in the early -(2)

1] 1940's2] 1950's3] 1920's4] 1930's

9) Match the Following(4)

1] "The attitude of a learner"2] Analysis of various systems or functions common across differenttypes of industry.3] A (POS) system4] Effective leadership, organisational readiness & style ofimplementation.

1] Successful Benchmarking2] Generic Benchmarking3] An organisational BenchmarkingTechnique4] Re-engineering requisites forsuccess.5] Competitive benchmarking6] Human Resource Accounting(HRA)

10) Abraham has identified seven practices of successful organisations.(1)

1] True2] False

11) What is one of the major reasons for a perceived rise in number of moon - lights in the coming future(2)

1] A change in standard of living2] A change in outlook3] Social change4] Change in values & expectations.

12) Seniority refers to relative length of service in the same job and in the same organisation(1)

1] True2] False

13) Match the Following(4)

1] To use educational standards2] Something is regarded as a good indictor of ability and work related attitude3] When the job involves tasks that required special physical conditions4] Certain jobs require a particular personality type

1] Education2] Experience3] Physical characteristics4] Personal characteristics5] Interview6] Group discussion

14) Which of the following off-the -job training technique which provides information and explicitlydemonstrate skills that are not easily presented by the others

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(2)1] lectures2] computer modelling3] cases4] Films

15) The:BLANK can be identified through career plans and performance appraisal(1)

1] development2] promotion policy3] training needs4] on the job training

16) What are the factors necessary for effective counselling.-(4)

1] Development2] Trust3] Confidence4] Openness

17) To battle the problem of executive turnover, an organisation devised a grade below the managementcadre to spot talent from within and promote them, what were the salient feature of such a structuring

(4)1] Nobody would be promoted straightway from staff to management cadre2] The selected staff for this grade would remain there only for one year3] All promotions to this grade were through the assessment centre4] On successful completion of the term, each candidate had to be cleared once again by the assessmentcentre

18) Match the Following(4)

1] IndividualInterview2] GroupInterview3] Questionnairemethod4] Observation

1] These are essential when sensitive information has to be obtained2] It serves as a good mechanism for collecting information about the effectiveness ofexisting system3] The most significant use of this method is that is helps in benchmarking4] It is meant to assess the extent to which a congenial and supportive human welfareoriented climate exists in the company5] The most significant use of method is that it helps in communication.6] These are essential when hard and fast information has to be obtained

19) Individual interviews are conducted normally for groups of four to eight individuals(1)

1] True2] False

20) What is local Benchmarking(2)

1] A comparative study of firm in the local area / vicinity2] Similar to competitive benchmarking

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3] Internal benchmarking4] Benchmarking within an industry

21) For benchmarking to be really successful it should be a continuous process with a spirit of give &takebetween the initiator and the target organisation was suggested by whom

(2)1] Camp (1996)2] Ohirata (1994)3] Roberts (1995)4] Chakraborti (1996)

22) What are the action steps for effective Benchmarking(4)

1] Identifying the human resources related areas to be benchmarked.2] To evolve into administrative experts who are able to create efficient HR process & business process3] Prepare a report that documents the processes, functions, its extent & result areas4] Understand why such a study is being conducted

23) Most of the organisations have established :BLANK centres.(1)

1] Performance2] Training3] Development4] Potential

24) In an employees organisation the flow of decisions from the President / Working President flows to -(2)

1] Working Committee2] President / Secretary of Branch Union3] General Secretary4] President / Secretary & Craft / Unit level Union

25) Retrenchment procedures are governed what method of Accounting(2)

1] FIFO2] Principle of conservancy3] LILO4] LIFO

26) When employees realise that their demands for better salaries cannot be met what do they depend upon asan additional source of income

(4)1] a part time job2] part time business3] starting up an industrial unit4] quit their job & take up a business

27) The :BLANK would represent the discounted value of the estimated further net contributions ofpersonnel to the earnings of the company


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1] Current purchase power2] Replacement value3] Opportunity cost4] Present value

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