HP Priorities XXI

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  • 7/30/2019 HP Priorities XXI


    Chapter 339Seems like old times

    Light. For the moment, all he could see was an omnipresent bright white light. He shut

    his eyes, but the light bore through his lids and straight into his head, very much like a

    dagger into the skull. The pain was unbearable and yet, not completely debilitating. He

    felt his mouth move, as if to moan, yet no noise came from his vocal chords. All he wasaware of was the blinding light and the pain in his head. He took a deep breath and

    fought back the panic bubbling up from his chest. He couldnt feel his body. He sent a

    mental command to his hands to clench its fists, yet nothing happened. He didnt feel

    paralyzed. His limbs werent ignoring his orders, he could not feel his extremities at all.

    The last thing he remembered was falling on the lawn at Hogwarts. The beasts were

    almost on him and Richard. He knew they were doomed. He knew that hed lost and

    that he was about to die.

    In his mind, the shock of that thought momentarily overcame the pain. Am I dead?

    He thought, or did he speak? He could not be sure.

    Most assuredly, you are not dead, James Potter. The voice in the background echoed

    in this skull with a ruthless glee. It reverberated amid the echoing pain in his cranium

    and sent a fresh stab of agony down his spine. At least he had a spine, that was

    something, he thought in an offhanded way. Then the voice spoke once more.

    Youre not dead, but soon, youll wish you were. Once more, the light flared and then,

    mercifully, he passed out.


    The first feeling he had was in his finger tips. It was like a bolt of lightning hammered

    through his fingernails and into his arm. Harry winced and clasped his hands together,

    rubbing them to get the blood flowing. He was in a cell. The walls were dark gray stone

    glistening with moisture, putting him somewhere underground and near a river. He

    shivered as a cool breeze wafted through the barred door and touched his slowly

    recovering senses. The last thing hed remembered was the paralysis and Poirots

    apology. He took a tentative step from the wall and stumbled, his legs having not quite

    gotten all of their feeling back. He steadied himself and then walked slowly to the door.

    He leaned his head against the rails and peered in both directions. He was in a prison or

    dungeon of some sort. There was no sign of Ginny or Ron or Hermione. The adjacentcell doors he could see were all dark. He called out.

    Hello? His voice echoed through the passage, and reverberated back without a reply.

    Ginny? His tone was even, controlled, no sign of the increasing anxiety he felt. After a

    few moments, he realized he was alone. Hed been on the ship and now he wasnt. He

    had no idea what was happening, or why. He ran a finger along the seam of one the

    stone walls.

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    He was still in his clothes from that morning. From the rumble in his stomach, it must

    be at least be a day later or longer since that grisly discovery of Linnet Doyles body. To

    a wizard, a day meant that he could be thousands of miles from the little steamer on the

    Nile. He tapped his pockets and sighed. His wand had been taken. No matter. He

    extended his right hand towards the door. It was time to get out. It was time to getanswers.

    Redacto! Instead of the door blasting outward, he felt a ripple of pain shoot up from

    his palm and into his chest. It was as if the charm had been bounced back into his body.

    He was propelled back into the far wall, the air forced from his lungs from the impact.

    He fell bodily to the floor in a heap and shook his head, cursing himself. Poirot or

    whoever hed been working for certainly knew magic and wizards. Theyd know hed

    have tried wandless magic. Obviously this cell had counter magic spells, powerful ones,

    not unlike the ones Harry himself had installed at Azkaban prison. He was stuck right

    where he was, until his adversary made the next move. He stood up from the floor and

    walked to the rickety cot along one of the walls. He pressed down on the moldy

    mattress, testing its strength and then sat down with his back against the wall, facing

    the door. There was nothing he could do, but wait.


    The next time James opened his eyes, the painful, glaring white light was gone. He

    could feel his body, and knew right away he was bound in some manner. His head was

    rigid, facing straight ahead, but his eyes could finally move in their sockets. He peered

    around. He was in a tiled, white room that reminded him of a patients ward at St.

    Mungos. It had an antiseptic smell, and he sighed inwardly, finally realizing that he hadregained control of another of his senses, that of smell. He heard a steady, low hum

    that didnt seem to be coming from the bright fluorescent lights overhead. He peered

    down. He was upright, against a wall with bands of red light wrapped around his body.

    They seemed to be keeping him held up against the wall. A familiar voice spoke up, just

    out of eyesight.

    Is anyone there? It was Richard.

    Relief bounded through James head. Richard? Its me, James. I cant move.

    Neither can I. James could hear the relief in the older boys voice. Richard grunted.

    Im bound by something. You?

    Same here. The last thing I remember was stumbling on the lawn with those things

    chasing us and then poof, nothing. Jamestested his bonds, but his arm wouldnt move.

    Whoever has us seems pretty put out. I think hes been here recently. James

    shuddered remembering the pain of the meeting with the mysterious voice.

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    I dont remember. Richard admitted. Theres nothing we can do, it seems, but wait

    and see who our jailor is and what he wants.

    James would have nodded if his head could move, but he agreed with Richard. At least,

    he felt finally, he wasnt alone and that made all the difference in the world. He hoped.


    Blast him! Samuel Fox threw a chair across the room where it smashed against the


    Gardner smiled and chuckled. Now, now brother, its not a total loss. Weve got the

    son and the wife as well as the best friend and the brother-in-law. We are making


    But Potter got away. I had him and he got away. Samuel settled in to large chair and

    adjusted his tie. A fleeting darkness passed over his brothers face and disappeared

    before Samuel could notice.

    Tell me again, what happened? Gardner asked quietly.

    Samuel rolled his eyes in exasperation, and then nodded. I gave Linnet the cameo.

    When she opened it, the curse struck her and I pocketed the chain and cameo. He

    paused and then continued. She truly looked like shed been struck by the killing curse,

    brother. It fooled Potter, thats for sure.

    Gardner nodded. That much had been planned. Samuel had taken on the guise of a

    man named Simon Doyle. Hed gotten close to Linnet Ridgeway and theyd married.

    That, in effect, merged Clark Industries and Ridgeway Industries into one company,

    effectively hiding their takeover of Potters old muggle nemesis. After a bit of bribery

    and a lot of planning, theyd discovered that Poirot and Colonel Race, while not wizards

    themselves, were agents of the International Confederation of Wizards Muggle

    Separation Unit. That unit gave muggles and wizards special tools to enforce the

    Muggle Magic Ban. Ostensibly, it allowed the Confederation to enforce the proscription

    of the use of magic in the presence of magic. The plan had been to frame Harry Potter

    with the murder of Linnet Doyle. If anyone had doubted the motive, then the next stepwould have been to release the Clark Industries connection to Linnet Doyle, which

    would have raised even more doubt in the Confederation. It should have worked.

    Gardner turned his eyes back to his brother. Samuel rubbed his temples and continued.

    Everything was going according to plan. Poirot had some sort of relic which

    incapacitated Potter and his people. It should have been easy for Poirot to summon

    Enforcers from the Confederation.

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    But? Gardner prodded.

    Samuel nodded. But no Enforcers came. Poirot seemed convinced that something else

    was going on. Samuel shook his head. He was convinced that Potter was innocent

    and insisted on conducting his own investigation, to root out the culprit. Gardnersimply raised and eyebrow and motioned for his brother to continue. I raised a stink

    with the man. I insisted as far as I could without admitting that I knew about magic, but

    he didnt budge.

    Thats when you summoned the Dark Militia? Gardner asked.

    Samuel nodded. I figured without the Confederation stepping in, than wed have to go

    to our backup plan. Gardner seemed to agree. I brought them in. When they

    attacked, it was ruthless and unexpected. Most of the witnesses were killed in the first

    pass. They got Race right away. Somehow, Poirot and Potter disappeared.

    But you got Potters wife and the Weasleys, correct? Gardner asked.

    Yes. Jacqueline and I secured them and the Militia brought them to the fortress.

    Samuel mumbled. But Potter got away.

    Gardner smiled. Its no matter.

    But the idea was to get back at Potter, to make him suffer. Samuel moaned.

    Gardner shook his head. That is the idea. In fact, with the people that he loves most inour hands, maybe we can make him suffer even more than if wed captured him.

    Gardner felt a flush of excitement. In fact Im sure of it. Harry Potter will suffer and

    then when it hurts the most, we will take away everything he holds dear and make him

    hurt even more. There was no maniacal laughter, just a thin, small, knowing smile.


    He must have dozed off. Hed felt no passage of time, but from the small trickle of light

    flowing from the passage, Harry could tell hed been sitting for quite a while. The only

    sound was the slow drip of water running down the walls of his prison. He started, hiseyes flying open. There had been the rattle of a door at the far end of the hall and the

    staccato beat of footsteps approaching. Harry closed his eyes and concentrated on the

    sounds. The footsteps were close together with a slight scraping on one beat. He

    tensed up as he heard the grating sound of the cell door open. Without opening his

    eyes, Harry tensed.

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    Hello Monsieur Poirot. Harry opened his eyes and studied his visitor. Hercule Poirot

    seemed completely out of sorts. His normally perfect clothing was in disarray, with bits

    of seams torn and soiled. His hair was disheveled and his waxed mustache was splayed

    and singed across his cheek. His beady black eyes were bloodshot and his collar was

    unbuttoned at the top. He looked positively out of character. His appearance took

    Harry by surprise. The small Belgian shrugged his shoulders.

    Please, come with me, Monsieur Potter. Poirot extended his arm and pointed to the

    hall. Please.

    Harry sighed and heaved himself up. He proceeded Poirot into the passage and stared

    at the diminutive detective. Who are you, really?

    Poirot smiled. In public, I am an Enforcer for the International Confederation of


    In public? I know about the Enforcers. Id have had my day in court by now, not be

    locked up in some dank dungeon. Who are you in private? Harry asked, his voice

    getting more and more edgy.

    Poirot tried to prod Harry along. Please, Monsieur Potter, we must go.

    Harry stopped and crossed his arms. Im not going anywhere until I know where Ginny

    and my friends are and until you tell me who you really are.

    Poirot nodded heavily. I am a muggle, Monsieur Potter and I am an Enforcer, but I also

    am a Watcher.

    A Watcher? Whats that? Potter asked.

    Do you really think that you wizards could have such power and not be monitored by

    the muggles? Think about it, Monsieur Potter. We are so much weaker than you. You

    live so much longer than us. The temptation for one of you to try to rule the world or

    rule our world is far too strong for some. Poirot smiled. Surely you dont think

    Voldemort was the first to think this up, do you?

    Harry nodded and stared at Poirot. The squat man continued. After Genghis Khan, avery bloody member of your race, the muggle kingdoms formed a Watchers Council. At

    first, it was just to keep an eye on wizards, but as the years passed, we amassed

    knowledge and tools that allowed us to derail most of the egregious plots.

    Such as? Harry asked, curious despite the nagging questions in his head.

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    We designed the coalitions that defeated Napoleon and Hitler. Do you really think that

    the Americans and the Russians would have worked together on their own? Poirot

    laughed. Through the years, our ranks grew or decreased based on the need. For a

    while, after the defeat of Voldemort, there was a general belief that we would not be

    needed. They called it the Pax Potter, the Potter Peace.

    What changed? Harry asked.

    You did, or at least the perception of you did. Poirot raised his hands apologetically.

    Its not that youre evil, but evil never seemed to go away. The Wizard War made it

    clear that the danger to muggles was still there, still relevant.

    Harry shook his head. This all sounds very convenient. Watchers, indeed. It sounds

    like a bad episode of Highlander or Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

    Where do you think those ideas came from? Joss Whedon is a very accomplished

    member of our ranks. Poirot smiled.

    So what does this have to do with me? Where is my wife? Harry asked.

    Frankly, I dont know. We were blindsided by all of this. Weve had indications of a

    new dark wizard on the horizon, but hes managed to stay out of the usual limelight.

    Poirot continued up the stairs. All I can do is tell you what we know. Well help you in

    any way we can.

    So the Watchers have a big enough organization to be of assistance? Harry asked,

    following Poirot up a flight of stairs.

    You might say that. We believe in hiding in plain sight. Poirot reached up for the

    handle to the door at the top of the stairs.

    Harry looked puzzled. What do you mean by that?

    Poirot pushed open the door and Harry walked through, into a large open, well lit

    building lined with shelves. It was a store, a very large store. Everywhere, there were

    large signs proclaiming sales with large smiley faces affixed to them. Overhead, a

    loudspeaker gave an announcement.

    Attention Walmart shoppers, there is a special on golf balls in sporting goods

    Harry turned back to face Poirot and noticed for the first time that the small man had on

    a blue vest over his clothes. Poirot reached into his pocket and pulled out a name tag

    and affixed it on his breast. It read Herky.

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    Poirot smiled. Like I said, we hide in plain sight, but this allows us to be everywhere.

    Not bad, yeah?

    As Harry shook his head, a small, spindly old lady tugged on Poirots vest. Excuse me

    sir, can you help me find the denture cream?

    Poirot smiled, But of course, madam. He snapped his fingers and acne faced teen ran

    up and took the lady in hand. Poirot turned to Harry.

    Now, lets find out whats going on, shall we? Harry nodded and followed Poirot past

    the incontinence relief section towards the garden center. He shook his head. Walmart

    really did rule the world.

    Chapter 340 Madness in Their Method

    Diagon Alley had served the wizarding community of England for centuries. For the

    most part, it resembled a quaint, Dickensian setting, with Tudor facades and trim

    cobblestone paths. Since the fall of the Dark Lord, the alley had grown substantially,

    mostly to accommodate the growth in population that the euphoric post Voldemort war

    era had brought. Despite the wars and strife since the fall of the dark lord, most of the

    shopkeepers and denizens of the Alley could agree that the shopping districts worst

    time was during Voldemorts reign of terror.

    Now, the Alley was a bustling hub of economic and social activity. It was literally

    crowded with people walking shoulder to shoulder and in some places, shoppers had to

    turn sideways to pass. Weasleys Wizard Wheezes and Enterprises dominated onesection of the Alley while more independent shops and cafs dotted the other end with

    Gringotts Bank serving as a buffer between the two sections. Even Knockturn Alley had

    established itself as more of a counter culture, oddity-based sales area than anything

    nefarious. All in all, Diagon Alley had never been more active, more prosperous than in

    any other time in history.

    Lee and Sarah Jordan stepped into the Alley proper from George Plimptons caf. The

    couple was celebrating their wedding anniversary and the new tradition among their

    circle of friends was to mark the occasion by dining at the flamboyant chefs

    establishment. Plimpton was standing between the couple, his arms draped over boththeir shoulders. He wore a fluorescent lime green smock with bright metallic gold

    parachute pants. His thick, bushy mustache held crumbs of pastry and his tall, stovepipe

    chefs hat was mottled with sauce stains while tilted askew atop his mop of bushy, curly


    Its so good you came, young people. I love cooking for my friends. George beamed,

    a hint of garlic radiating from his breath. Lee winced while Sarah hid a snicker.

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    Thanks George. You know this is the only place wed think of going for our

    anniversary. Lee responded and then gently extricated his wife from the gregarious

    chefs sprawling arms. Well see you later, yeah?

    Plimpton nodded and then whirled around to head back into his caf with a flourish.Lee shook his head and muttered to himself.

    Nut job.

    Now Lee, you know he makes the best food in town. Sarah admonished without any

    real heat in her words. Lee smiled and nodded in agreement. He took her hand and led

    her down the crowded path.

    I know, but hes so sodding weird. They laughed and Lee glanced at his wife slowly.

    So, its done? Any problems?

    Sarahs free hand dipped into the pockets of her coat. She drew out a bright, silver

    shield and held it up. Yep. Of course, we need Harrys signature, but Eric gave me an

    interim approval as acting director until the paperwork can catch up. I start on


    Sarah had once been an Auror, in fact, had served as Harrys first apprentice over a

    decade earlier. When she and Lee started having children, shed taken some time off.

    Lee, a full partner with George Weasley at WWW&E, had no problems supporting the

    growing family, but for the past year or so, Sarah was starting to find that she missed

    working, missed growing the professional side of her nature. After much discussion, Leehad finally suggested that she apply for reinstatement to the Office of Aurors. Now that

    suggestion was coming to be.

    Im glad, honey. I know it will make you happy. Besides, what are two more kids to

    Molly Weaselys brood anyway? The Weasley clan matriarch had quite the daycare

    setup at her home at the Burrow. It had started with her minding her grandchildren,

    but as Harry and Rons inner circle of friends expanded, she took on more and more of

    their children as well. To her, having the Burrow echoing with the sounds of children

    laughing was music to fill her empty homes timbers. Although Arthur Weasley was

    finding more and more time to lecture on muggle studies at Hogwarts, Molly had morethan enough help in guise of Petunia Dursley and Andromeda Tonks. The three women

    had seen a natural progression of the wedding planner business to that of child care.

    They were all profoundly happy in their work.

    Sarahs smile warmed Lee and he reached his head forward and pressed his lips against

    hers. They were in front of the fountain outside of Gringotts. The setting was ideal.

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    Lee could almost imagine fireworks radiating above his head. He pulled Sarah closer,

    feeling the embrace and the passion of the kiss. Then, the world exploded.


    Since the Voldemort wars and the other conflicts that had peppered the time since

    then, Harry had gone about strengthening the protections around all of the primarywizard gathering places. Diagon Alley, among others like Hogsmeade, Hogwarts and the

    Ministry were treated with the most powerful defensive spells ever devised. There was

    no way, really, that magic could be used to harm people within the confines of those

    places. In addition, there were powerful confounding charms designed to put aside the

    most advanced and complex muggle technology. Satellites, surveillance gadgets,

    microwaves were all useless. There was one fatal flaw in the security setup.

    The fountain outside Gringotts had been donated by an old goblin, a retired employee

    of the bank. It was round and rather large with the statue of a goblin in the center,

    holding a bag of galleons to the sky. The main plume of water was coming out of the

    masonry goblins nose and cascaded into the spillway. Gardner Fox has spent quite a bit

    of time convincing the old goblin of the need for the donation. Hed even offered to

    build the fountain. The goblin agreed to the gesture, and died believing hed done some

    grand thing for his former employer.

    The flaw in the security setup is that it did not account for simple mechanical processes.

    Inside the stone bag of galleons was a small, wind up alarm clock. Its clapper wasnt

    attached to a bell, but to a standard self-striking match. Once the match was lit, it

    ignited a slow burning fuse. Over the past week, the fuse had burned down, slowly,

    surely. When it burned down, it touched the half ton of dynamite that had been packed

    into the base of the fountain. Because dynamite was chemically created and notelectronically or magically created, the final failure of the extensive security precautions

    around Diagon Alley.

    The explosion was horrific, sending a plume of flame and debris over two hundred feet

    into the air. Any one in the immediate vicinity of the fountain was either killed outright

    or seriously wounded. The white marble columns of the bank were chipped and seared

    black and almost every window in the Alley shattered from the shockwave. Lee and

    Sarah had been standing right next to one of the pillars, with the massive column

    partially blocking their view of the fountain. The column took the brunt of the

    concussive force, nevertheless, Lee and Sarah were propelled in the air, through thewrecked double entry doors of the bank. They landed among the shower of debris and

    shrapnel on the floor of the bank lobby. The explosions blast echoed through the air

    and reverberated of the wall surfaces that did not shattered. Its sound slowly receded

    until a muted hush covered the Alley. Then, the wails and desperate pleas of the

    survivors became a crescendo, no one knowing exactly what had happened, or why.

    They would find out soon enough.

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    His footsteps echoed on the tiled floor in a steady, rhythmic beat. He wore a trim, gray

    worsted wool suit, complete with muted blue tie and a bright white shirt. His eyes were

    steady, focused with a hint of excitement combined with impatience. For the

    thousandth time, it seemed, he dipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out an old

    fashioned gold pocket watch. He was looking at it as he, his brother and a ratherattractive woman entered the open door of the lift.

    Well find out soon enough, Gardner. Samuel Fox shared a secretive smile with

    Jacqueline de Bellefort as he teased his brother. The bomb went off and well get the

    word. You can stop checking the time already.

    A dark look crossed Gardners face which was replaced by one of chagrin and finally a

    shy smile. Sorry, Sam, weve been working on this for so long. He sighed. I guess Im

    just impatient.

    It doesnt help that we havent seen or heard anything on Potter. Samuel noted.

    Gardner couldnt help but agree.

    Thats true. Id still like to figure out where he is and how the heck he managed to get

    away from the Cleopatra. The lift was picking up speed as it rose towards the upper

    floors of the tower. Almost immediately, the cab passed through a section of glass

    panes, giving the occupants a breathtaking view of East London and the Docklands. The

    building was less than five years old. When Samuel Fox had taken over Clark Industries

    and then merged with Ridgeway Industries, hed decided to have this built as a new

    headquarters. Of course, the modifications made to the top five floors were the real

    reason for the buildings design, but the other architectural elements were something tobehold.

    The lift entered a more covered area and began to slow its ascent, until coming to a

    complete stop. There was a chime and the door opened. The trio stepped out into a

    modest lobby decorated with expensive granite floors and rich mahogany walls. A large

    receptionists desk was situated on the opposite end of the room from the lift bank. A

    blond, attractive woman sat behind the desk, and she smiled as they approached.

    Good afternoon, Mr. Fox. She addressed Samuel, who was, after all, the CEO of the


    Samuel stepped forward and nodded. Good afternoon, Leslie. On the floor in front of

    the desk was a circle of wood inlay on the black granite tile. Samuel stepped within the

    circle and motioned for Gardner and Jacqueline to follow suit. The three stood inside

    the circle and Samuel nodded to Leslie, who smiled pleasantly. Samuel wasnt fooled by

    her pleasant demeanor. He knew that she had her right hand firmly grasped around the

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    handle of a Mossberg shotgun mounted beneath her desk. Her free hand touched a

    button and after a moment, Leslie smiled once more.

    All clear, Mr. Fox. You may go in. Samuel led them to a pair of bronze doors behind

    the desk. Mentally, he stared at the two long horizontal mirrors on either wall next to

    the doors and remembered that both muggle security guards armed with automaticweapons and wizard guards armed with dark spells were located by the two-glass, ready

    to pounce on any intruder.

    They entered an open area office complex lined with desks and people, furiously keying

    things in and talking on the phone. There were flat screen televisions mounted

    everywhere, tuned to weather channels and news channels so that any event could be

    monitored first hand. The three ignored the bustle of activity and walked towards a

    gray, stone wall with a rather impressive, vault-like door. As they approached, the door

    swung inward, admitting them to a large darkened room. One whole wall was adorned

    with massive monitors with a map of the world on the center display. Scores of people

    sat behind consoles arrayed in graduated banks in the center of the room. It looked

    very much like a mission control setup. A man in tie and long sleeved shirt with the

    sleeve rolled up approached them. He had a miniature boom mike attached to his ear.

    The Diagon Alley operation is a success, sir. Gardner shuddered with glee. Samuel

    simply nodded.

    Its confirmed? Samuel asked.

    Yes sir. Both our assets on site and in the Ministry independently confirm it. Damage

    was substantial. The man nodded and turned back to managing the informationcenter. Samuel turned to his brother with a sigh.

    I told you it would work. Now the die is cast. Should we send the message? Samuel


    Gardner looked at his brother sharply. The explosion was the message, Sam. We just

    need to sign it. Gardner crossed his arms and scowled. Well be sending a lot of



    Harry followed Poirot through the sprawling store. Hed been unaware that Walmart

    had added a grocery store to its main store. They did sell everything. The pair made

    their way past electronics and through the double swinging doors to the garden center.

    The made their way through the topiaries and shrubs and edged through the crepe

    myrtles until they came to a large fire door adorned with an alarm warning. Poirot

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    tapped the upper left hand corner of the door three times and the pair stepped


    Harry felt a lurch in his stomach and for a moment, the world became hazy before

    coming sharply into focus. He was no longer at a neighborhood Walmart, but at the

    entrance to a large cavern. Harry paused.

    Magic? He stared at Poirot curiously.

    Poirot snorted. Watchers arent opposed to magic, Harry. Through the years weve

    actually had many wizards in our ranks. Most of our devices were provided to us by the

    Illuminati, whom I know you are acquainted with.

    Harry nodded. Another secret Nicola Tesla neglected to mention. Poirot continued.

    Our only purpose is to serve as a governor, a regulator on unchecked enthusiasms of

    over eager magic people.

    Why didnt you help with the Voldemort war? Harry asked, unable to keep a little

    annoyance out of his tone.

    Poirot stopped and sighed heavily. Believe me, we tried. We lost many a good

    watcher during that time. The best we could do was to contain Voldemort to England.

    We did our level best to limit his influence elsewhere, but we were too weak to be any


    Harry felt the regret in the older mans voice. After a moment, the two continued down

    the cavern.

    What is this place? Harry asked.

    Its our headquarters. Poirot led them into a large chamber, this one mirroring the

    layout and setup of Gardners mission control. Above, stalactites shone a bright

    white, brightening up the entire room without any apparent heat. Poirot held his arms


    This is the nerve center of our operation. From here, we collate and monitor the entire

    goings on in the wizarding world. A petite woman held up her hand to catch hisattention. Poirot glanced at Harry and the walked to the woman, leaving Harry to study

    the area.

    From what he could tell, there were both muggles and wizards in the room. Each

    monitor seemed to be a watch over certain common wizard areas. Everything seemed

    to be moving in real time. Harrys roved towards the image of Hogwarts. Maybe he

    could catch a glimpse of Teddy or James. He was interrupted.

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    Monsieur Potter. Poirots face was grim and Harry walked over to him tentatively.

    Something about Ginny? Harry felt his heart sink, but Poirot shook his head.

    Im afraid not. Poirot pointed to a bank of monitors displaying the destruction atDiagon Alley. It would appear this new enemy has decided to go public.

    Harry squinted at the image. He saw the blackened, blasted rubble outside Gringotts.

    In the air above what remained of the fountain was a cloudy, smoky apparition. It was

    in the shape of a viper, except this viper had long, menacing horns coming from its head.

    The speakers were emitting the sound from the scene, and the image seemed to be

    hissing out the same word, over and over.

    Unktehila. Unktehila.

    What does that mean? Harry asked.

    Poirot shrugged. We dont know, but were asking around. Weve sent a query to all

    the watcher points around the world.

    Harry nodded, his eyes never leaving the screen. He had no idea how these images

    were being produced, but the video was clear and graphic. After a moment, Harry


    Wait! The console operator jumped in her seat. Harry didnt seem to notice. Go

    back. He pointed to a section on the screen. Can you zoom in there? Right there, onthose doors.

    Poirot leaned forward as Harry watched the image grow bigger. Then Harrys head

    dropped and he put his hands on his face. In the center of the picture was Lee Jordan.

    His right arm was shattered, his face cut and bruised. His clothes were tattered. He was

    kneeling on the ground, his good arm around the broken body of his wife Sarah. Her

    eyes were open, but lifeless. Lee was holding her close his chest, his body heaving as

    the unrelenting sobs broke through his armor.

    Harry looked up. It was as if she was looking at him, accusing him of failing some how.Sarah Jordan, the former Sarah Peebles, one time apprentice to Harry Potter, one time

    Auror, full time mother and wife, was dead. Harrys fists clenched and he turned on


    I want to know whos doing this and I want to know why. Most of all, I want to know

    where the hell my wife is now. Harrys face was grim and his voice dropped an octave,

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    full of menace. Im going to find out whos doing this. If its the last thing I do, Ill find


    In the background, Lee Jordans cries echoed through the room.

    Chapter 341 Pawns

    Ginnys first instinct was that it had all been some sort of horrible dream. The events on

    the Cleopatra had to have been something shed dreamed of. She no longer felt the

    oppressive heat of the Egyptian desert. Instead, she felt cool, comfortable, if not fully

    awake. She must be at home and shed dreamt the whole thing. Reflexively, she

    reached up to smack her forehead. Only her hand didnt move. At first she was puzzled

    as she tried to get her hand to move. She tried to make move and could not. Then, she

    opened her eyes.

    She was in a large, open room with bright white walls and floors. The ceiling extended

    almost five stories upward and lights emanated from unknown sources all around. She

    had the distinct impression she was floating. Her legs were bound together and her

    arms were extended out to her sides, as if she were on a cross. Her eyebrow arched as

    she realized she was inside a translucent bubble. Her body was centered in the middle

    of the bubble and the bubble itself, was floating around the room, drifting. The bubble

    turned as it bounced off a wall and she was able to see more of the room. There were

    more bubbles in the room, all with what looked like people encased in their midst. She

    squinted and tried to make out the forms within the bubbles.

    Her clear prison cell, which was what she could only consider her current surroundings,idly drifted with the currents in the room towards the cluster of other bubbles. As she

    neared the group, she could make out the figures of Ron and Hermione. She drew

    nearer and began to make out the shapes of people in the other two bubbles. Both

    were wearing Hogwarts robes. A sense of dread began to overtake her, and she hoped

    upon hope that she wouldnt find what she thought she would. At first, she saw a tall,

    thin, pale older boy with drawn cheeks and trimmed black hair. He looked familiar and

    then she remembered him. His name was Richard or Ricardo, he was one of Teddys


    For a moment, she felt a pang of guilt because she had a fleeting hope that the personin the last bubble was Teddy, and not James. As she neared, she realized she was

    wrong. It was, indeed, her son. His eyes were closed, but his unmistakable Weasley red

    hair and unconscious smirk penetrated her chest.

    James! James! She shouted. Hervoice echoed in her bubble. She didnt know if her

    voice was carrying. There was no response from her son and his eyes remained shut.

    Her bubble touched Hermiones. Her friends eyes opened wide.

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    Ginny? Are you all right? Hermiones voice was clear, as if the touching of the

    bubbles carried the sound.

    I think so. I cant move though. Ginnys eyes darted back and forth. Where are we?

    Is James okay?

    He was awake earlier, but I havent been close enough to talk to him. Hermione

    responded and Ginny felt a sliver of relief course through her. Less on edge, Ginny gave

    thoughts to their current predicament.

    Where are we? Wheres Harry? Ginny asked.

    I dont know. I havent seen anyone and theres no sign of Harry, not since the boat.

    Hermione responded.

    Suddenly, their bubbles were pulled apart and as one, the orbs were pulled downward

    towards the floor. They came to a stop about five feet off the ground and lined up

    facing the one door in the room. The door slid open and three figures entered, two men

    and a woman.

    The taller man wore all black and had tanned, weather-beaten skin and long black hair

    tied in a pony tail. His eyes were brown moving to black and they bore into each of

    them. His lips were contorted into a smile that was betrayed by the absolute menace in

    his stare. He stood with his legs slightly apart, and his hands clasped loosely behind his


    Ah, good, youre all awake. His grin didnt fade. Ginny strained to look to either side,

    trying to catch a glimpse of James. The man continued. Im sure you all have a lot of

    questions. His voice seemed to have no problem carrying through their bubbles.

    Who are you? Why are you holding us? Rons voice also carried through the bubbles.

    Ginny imagined the look on his face, matching the anger in his voice. The man seemed

    unfazed by Rons outburst.

    See what I mean? He chuckled silently to himself. You are all a means to an end.

    Individually, I have nothing really against any of you, but together, let s just say that youprovide me a certain amount of leverage.

    Harry. The name was out of Ginnys lips before she could catch herself.

    Gardner Fox stole a glance up at her and nodded. Precisely, Mrs. Potter. I have a bone

    of contention with your husband. He swept a pointed finger up at them. You all will

    be the way I get what I want.

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    What is it you want? Ginny asked, her voice calm.

    Why the absolute humiliation and destruction of Harry Potter and all he represents, of

    course. With that, he nodded to his companions and strolled out the door. As the

    portal slid shut, the bubbles suddenly burst apart and dumped their occupantsunceremoniously on the floor. Ginny half crawled, half walked to where her son sat on

    the ground and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

    Mom! Stop it! Youre embarrassing me in front of the bad guys. James smiled at her

    reassuringly and then nodded to Richard who was standing nearby.

    Ginny smiled at her son and looked over at Ron, who was standing in front of the door.

    Hermione and Ginny rose and stood next to him.

    What do you think? Hermione finally broke the silence.

    Ron grunted. Ive tried most of the common spells. This one is locked tight. Whoever

    tall, dark and ugly is, hes a really good wizard. Hermione bent at the waist and looked

    at a series of letters etched into the bottom of the door.

    Ron, look at this. She murmured, her voice almost hushed. Ron followed her gaze

    and read the letters.

    Clark Industries. Dread overcame him as he remembered a night on a faraway Berlin

    rooftop where hed learned to kill in the performance of his duty. He shook his head.

    Hermione whispered up at him. Simon Clark is in Azkaban, isnt he?

    He was during the last audit. Ron replied. This, he pointed all around them, is

    something altogether different.

    Ginny nodded and closed her eyes, both wishing that Harry was safe. With all that

    happened so far, she couldnt be sure he was.


    Are you sure this is safe? Harry stared skeptically at the contraption that Poirot was

    pointing to. They were in a back room of yet another Walmart. The place was dank and

    musty with various sales displays and discarded shelving. Poirot had led Harry through

    the portal from the Watcher control area. Harry hadnt satisfied with the Watchers

    ignorance of who was behind the violence in Diagon Alley and the disappearance of his

    wife, and hed subsequently learned, his son as well.

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    After a few hours of pouring over a history of the previous few years, it was Poirot

    whod struck upon a course of action.

    The first point of contact was the Cleopatra. Simon Doyle and Jacqueline de Bellefort

    both disappeared after the attack. I cant believe that this is a coincidence. Poirot

    mused. Perhaps we should start with the late Madame Doyles business, this RidgewayIndustries.

    Harry nodded. How do we start? Analysts with the Watchers did a quick Internet

    search of the company and its holdings across the globe, which were expansive. Harrys

    head hurt from looking at the screens for obvious patterns, some tell that he could


    Suddenly, it hit him. There! He rose and pointed at a screen, causing the large

    woman tapping on the keyboard to jump. Scroll back to that map. His finger drifted

    over a spot on the map. Poirot glanced down.

    Very curious, indeed. The Belgian smiled with almost a paternal air. He patted Harry

    on the back. Well done.

    A young Watcher leaned in and looked at the screen. Barstow? Barstow, California?

    Why there?

    Poirot shared a conspiratorial wink with Harry and pointed to the screen. My young

    ami, what branch is said to be in Barstow?

    It looks like a factory. The young man said, still not convinced.

    Poirot rubbed his hands together. What kind of factory?

    The man edged closer to the screen and his eyes widened. A snow blower factory?

    Precisely, mon ami, a snow blower factory in the middle of the Mojave Desert? Poirot

    shook his head. It is not congruous.

    Harry nodded. Youre right. Now all I need to do is get to the Ministry, pick up a team

    and see whats what.

    I do not think that would be wise. Poirot led Harry down a long corridor. Whoever is

    behind this controls very powerful magic and has been planning things for months, if

    not years. We must keep these in the forefront of our minds. Our little gray cells must

    consider every conceivable option. Poirot pointed to his temple. The only thing we

    have on our side is that the enemy does not know where you are. I would bet anything

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    that he has spies in the Ministry, in the magic world at large. You would be giving away

    our one advantage.

    Harry hesitated. Poirot snapped his fingers and the same inquisitive young man

    approached and handed Harry a familiar, weather beaten, time worn fold over satchel.

    It was his kit bag.

    You will need transportation to Barstow. I believe I can help you with that.


    That was how Harry and Poirot ended up in the back store room of Poirots cover

    employer. Poirot had dismissed the notion of going to the Walmart in Barstow, based

    on the fact that the travel portal didnt go to every store. In fact, Harry thought, nothing

    could keep track of that many stores. Harry shook his head and listened to Poirot.

    This will do fine. It will get you to where you need to go without setting off any

    alarms. Poirot pointed to a place in the corner of the store room. There was a

    rectangular base with a metal can mounted on its side. That was plain enough, but it

    was the item mounted atop the base which gave him pause. It was a carving of a horse.

    It was small, decorated with chipped and faded pink paint. It had been a feature

    attraction at this particular store where parents would plop a quarter into the metal can

    and the horse would pitch back and forth. There was a metal saddle etched onto the

    horses back.

    Maybe I could get a flight? Harry stared at the departments store novelty ride with a


    Theres no time, my boy. Poirot responded.

    This will get me to Barstow?

    Poirot shrugged slightly. More or less.

    More or less? You cant be more precise with that? Harrys voice heightened and

    octave. Poirot put his hands in front, trying to placate Harry.

    It is fine, Harry. This will get you very close. The rest will be up to you. Harry looked

    at Poirot and couldnt help but think that the twinkle in the older mans eyes were at his


    Harry sighed and nodded his head. He stepped up to the rocking horse and kicked his

    leg over its back and straddled the saddle. His legs reached down and his feet rested on

    the ground.

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    No, you will have to put your feet in the stirrups, Im afraid, Harry. Youve got to let it

    move on its own. Harry sighed again and drew his knees up and squeezed the front of

    his toes into the stirrups.

    I dont think I could be any more embarrassed. Harry muttered.

    Remember, Harry, hold tight until it comes to a full stop, understand? Harry nodded.

    Do not get off the horse during the trip.

    I got it, Hercule. Can we get this over with? Poirot grunted.

    Wait, Monsieur Harry, I almost forgot the most important piece. Poirot squeezed his

    bulk back to some shelving and then returned with a small, child-sized cowboy hat made

    of darkened red felt with white tassel trim around the brim. It had long white string

    that went beneath the wearers neck to keep the hat on. Poirot handed the hat to

    Harry. Put this on.

    Before Harry could protest, the hat was sitting atop his head, kept in place only by its

    string on his chin. Harrys head was almost twice as big as the diameter of the brim.

    Harry groaned. Is the hat really necessary?

    Poirot stood for a moment, as pondering the question. Actually no, but I had a wager

    with Thomas in there, you know that young man that helped us? That I could get you to

    wear the hat too. Looks like I won. Unbridled amusement crossed Poirots face.

    What? Thats not funny. Harry mumbled. Before he could say anything else, Poirot

    slipped a quarter into the slot and circus music began to play as the miniature horse

    began to pitch back and forth. Harry gripped the pommel as the shaking grew more

    violent. After another moment, the horse, complete with rider, disappeared in a flash

    and a puff of smoke, leaving Poirot standing there alone, or almost alone. Thomas

    walked up and stood beside the old man.

    I told you I could get him to wear the hat. Poirot beamed as Thomas placed a bill in

    his hand. The young man was smiling. Then the smile disappeared.

    Why did you tell him that he couldnt reach out to the Ministry for reinforcements?

    Weve had no indication that the Ministry is penetrated. Thomas asked.

    I know. Poirot responded.

    Then why did you send him off alone? Thomas asked.

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    Because we havent decided whether were going to let Harry succeed. Poirots voice

    was regretful, but not without resolve. Harry Potter is the most powerful wizard that

    weve observed in quite some time.

    But hes a good wizard. Thomas said, almost halfheartedly.

    You know the Watchers Creed, Thomas. We dont recognize good or dark magic, only

    powerful magic. Any magic can be a threat to humans. Poirot turned to leave the

    store room. Powerful wizards, regardless of their intentions, can always be turned into

    something terrible. We must prevent that.

    Even against someone like Potter?

    Especially against someone like Potter. Poirot shook his head. I do not like it,

    Thomas, but if Potter gets too powerful, we may have to step in. We may have to put

    him down. That is the way of things. That is the way of the Watchers.

    The young man nodded grimly and followed Poirot out the door.

    Chapter 342 The Dark Militia

    When Lord Voldemort began to amass the minions that would later become known as

    the Death Eaters, it had been more of an ad hoc process. It started with members of his

    house at Hogwarts gravitating towards his ideals and his leadership. Over time, thethread of pure blood hatred became the de facto prerequisite of membership into its

    ranks. Of course, it also helped if one was twisted and evil, but the bottom line was that

    there had been no real thought put into who could become a Death Eater.

    In the post Voldemort world, deadly enemies arose for the Ministry, but the common

    thread of their foot soldiers had been that the followers of whoever came after

    Voldemort were drawn from the very dregs of the wizarding world. Part of the reason

    Knockturn Alley had become a sort of bohemian counter culture spot was that most of

    the criminal element had been taken in by the various plots that had come down the


    Gardner and Samuel Fox considered the need for a determined group of followers to

    execute their plans. From the start, they knew that unstable criminals made for poor

    foot soldiers and theyd both been so isolated from society, they had no network of

    close friends. Instead, Gardner went back to researching both Voldemorts past as well

    as the pasts of other notoriously successful dark wizards. The answer hit him one night,

    as dozed on the couch, watching a replay ofthe movie The Untouchables. Hed been

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    half asleep, but there was a line from Sean Connery that stuck in his head. If you keep

    finding bad apples, go to another barrel.

    Tom Riddle had been sequestered in an orphanage until the day Dumbledore found

    him. Gardner had to believe that any number of thrown away and different

    children were still sitting in orphanages all across Great Britain. So, thats where he andhis brother started. They combed half way houses, orphanages, and runaway shelters.

    Over time, they found a good number of wastrel cast offs. Using the vast resources of

    the Clark empire, they turned these potent wizards and witches into a fighting force.

    Gardner was less concerned about blood, than he was with making sure that these

    young men and women had something to believe in. That something was Gardner,

    himself. He became the reason for being. He was the one that had saved them. Now,

    after a decade of constant training, they were formidable and deadly. They began

    calling themselves the Dark Militia, ready to fight at a moments notice and

    completely loyal to Gardner Fox.

    Their numbers were small, and Fox was not someone for finery or affectations like dark

    marks or death masks. Samuel actually insisted on a more professional look, patterned

    after the Secret Service. Dark Militia members, when not undercover, tended to wear

    black or gray business suits, blue or black ties, white shirts and dark sunglasses. They

    were well educated and by the time the Foxs had launched their campaign on the

    Ministry, very experienced. Even in their casual settings, when on an operation, they

    tended to be neat, well kempt and stony in their demeanor. Just like the dozen or so

    men and women that were milling in the crowd in Hogsmeade.

    It was a festival day for some departed wizard from the time of the founders. The

    violent kidnapping of James Potter and Richard Leveille had made the HogwartsHeadmaster, Kingsley Shacklebolt, put a moratorium on all underage wizards, not

    allowing them to go into town. The older students were encouraged to stay within the

    confines of the castle grounds, but several decided to take part in the festival in town.

    Hogsmeade was teeming with people. It was late fall, and the first strands of winter

    were just starting to be felt, but not to any fierce degree, so people were wandering

    about in short sleeves and slacks. Teddy Lupin led Victoire by the hand, determined to

    find a place for them to finally talk, to get things clear and in the open. Trailing behind

    them in a group were Alan, Lunastus, Gabriella and Martin, the rest of the New

    Marauders, although the loss of Richard and James had placed them in a dour and sadmood. No one had any indication of who had led the assault at Hogwarts and why they

    had taken James and Richard, but the news was just hitting the papers about the

    disappearance of Harry and Ginny Potter and Ron and Hermione Weasley.

    There was an edge to the mood of the crowd and yet, the merchants of Hogsmeade, led

    by Aberforth Dumbledore were even more committed to normalcy. Theyd survived

    Death Eaters, war, and the students of Hogwarts, they would survive this new menace

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    wouldnt deter them. Teddy and Victoire made a bee line for the Three Broomsticks

    while their friends filtered about the open air bazaar that came with the festival. They

    took in stands and vendors, watched entertainers and acrobats, their minds not really

    on what was going on, but on their missing friends.

    Lunastus Rookwood had continued to grow. At seventeen, he was a hulking brute of ayoung man, whos intimidating exterior belied the intelligent, gentle nature within. It

    had been quite a while since anyone had mistaken his docile nature for ignorance or

    stupidity. He was one of the brightest and quietest students at Hogwarts and had been

    in the running for Head Boy, narrowly beaten out by Teddy. Lunastus, like his friends,

    was preoccupied with other things and not really taking in the crowd, but in the corner

    of his mind, he noticed something that triggered the analytical portion of his brain.

    Interspersed through the crowd were several well dressed men and women. They

    didnt look identical, but they werent necessarily different. All wore short sleeved, solid

    color golf shirts and khaki pants with loafers. They werent standing together, but were

    noticeable in the way they were standing by themselves. Their demeanor was rigid, like

    sentries, but trying to stay inconspicuous. They were strewn about the street at precise

    intervals, and Lunastus noted that they were hawkishly looking at the crowd, yet

    unconsciously avoiding looking at each other. The large boy reached his hand up to

    Gabriellas shoulder.

    Somethings not right. He mumbled. A man of few words, when he spoke, others

    listened. Martin and Alan turned to face him while Gabriella stared around.

    Do you see them? Lunastus asked without looking around. There are a dozen or so

    men and women in golf shirts spread around the street.

    He watched Gabriellas eyes narrow as she scanned through her peripheral vision. She

    spoke through the corner of her mouth. I see them. They seem to be

    on guard or something Alan finished her sentence.

    Lunastus nodded and Martin whispered. What do we do?

    Gabriellas hand hovered near her hip pocket, itching to draw her wand. We could take


    Lunastus shook his head. No. There are too many people. He nodded up the road by

    the Three Broomsticks. There was a small storefront with a silver sign outside the door.

    Lets report them to the Aurors. As one, they wound their way through the crowd,

    trying to avoid eye contact with the mysterious strangers in town.


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    Teddy and Victoire shared a tiny booth in the back of the Three Broomsticks. At first,

    they had a hard time speaking then taking a chance, Teddy reached out and grasped her

    hands in his. He needed this talk. Victoire was underage, and had taken a large risk to

    defy the Headmaster in coming to town, so it was obvious to Teddy that shed wanted

    to talk as well.

    Vee, Im sorry. Im really, really sorry. His head bowed a little and he stared at their

    clasped hands.

    You urt me very much, Teddy. Her voice, despite the pain, was still like a song in his

    head. You urt Gabriella very much. You can not ave two women. What were you


    I wasnt, Vee. He swallowed and took a deep breath. I love you. I want to be with


    He looked up and stared into her eyes, her gaze taking his breath from his chest. She

    smiled, only for a moment, but it was enough to send his heart leaping. As soon as it

    was there, it was gone.

    I know you do, Teddy. That is why I will not shut you out completely, but I will not be

    your girlfriend, not right now. She squeezed his hands briefly and then stood. You

    will ave to show me, Teddy. You have a lot of work to do, and even then, I dont know

    if Ill ever trust you again.

    But theres a chance, right? Teddy said, a bit of his confidence and swagger returning.You said I had a chance. Thats all I need.

    She smiled and nodded slightly. Yes, Teddy, theres a chance, but not today. Im going

    to go back to the castle before someone notices Im gone. Go find your friends and

    have fun.

    He nodded and Victoire turned towards the door, just at the front of the Three

    Broomsticks exploded.


    Down! Lunastus drove Gabriella to the ground drew his wand in one motion. His arm

    snapped up. Stupefy! His charm reached out to the nearest stranger, striking the

    man in the chest and sending him flying into a wall. Martin kneeled down in front of the


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    Protego! Martins shield charm was barely up before the rest of the Dark Militia

    contingent let fly with their spells.

    Their first target was the Aurors office. With practiced precision, four of them drew

    their wands and blasted the front door, the collateral explosions ripped through the

    front of the Three Broomsticks. The others, minus the one that Lunastus had stunnedbegan using blasting charms on the store fronts. The destruction was terrible and they

    moved as a group, despite their separations, with a clock like quality. They seemed to

    working under some sort of internal clock, being thorough but quick, knowing that it

    would only be a matter of moments before reinforcements came to Hogsmeade.

    Gardner Fox wanted maximum destruction and maximum terror. The four that had

    blown up the Aurors office began firing charms into the maddening throngs of people,

    desperate to get away. It seemed that every fourth charm was a killing curse, designed

    to inflict panic and death to urge the terror to greater heights.

    Lunastus saw the familiar green light of the death curse and grimaced. His face became

    dark and he stepped from behind the protective cover of Martins shield.

    Redacto! His low voice rumbled and his blasting charm struck a low stone wall at the

    foot of one of the attackers. Razor sharp shards of stone and mortar struck the man full

    in the chest and he fell to the ground, bleeding from numerous wounds. Seeing their

    friends actions, the rest of the New Marauders stood up and engaged the nearest

    strangers with a ferocity born of desperation and frustration.


    Teddy picked himself off the floor and ran to where Victoire lay. Shed been behind a

    large support beam which bore the brunt of the blast. He reached a hand down to her

    mouth and felt a warm breath. He sighed in relief and took off his jacket, rolling it up

    and gently placing her head on it. The sounds of spells and screams caught his

    attention. He looked up in time to see four similarly dressed men standing outside on

    the street, sending blasting spells and some killing curses into the crowd. Teddy

    assessed the situation and made a choice. His long hair flashed pink and then crimson

    and his body began to change. He leaned forward on his hands and soon a large gray

    wolf was tensing up on its rear legs and then leapt through the shattered window to the

    street outside.

    The men were mentally keeping time in their heads. They had a ten count before they

    had to leave. They never saw the mass of fangs and fur that struck them in the side. In

    his wolf state, Teddy weighed almost a thousand pounds and stood a good five feet high

    on all fours. He was almost the size of a small horse, only with razor sharp claws and

    large fangs. His leap pushed the full force of his leap into the nearest attacker.

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    To say that the man was mauled would be an understatement. His torso was literally

    shredded and he died without a scream. Teddys momentum drove him into the next

    wizard who died under his massive paws. The third and fourth wizards in line had an

    inkling of the danger and reflexively ducked to avoid the charge, but were knocked

    down in the process. Teddy reached out with his paw and slashed at them. This time,

    they had enough time to feel and then to scream.


    Samantha OToole was the leading Dark Militia member on this assault. She stood on

    the second floor of a boarding house, watching the carnage below. The turn of fortune

    was immediately noticeable. Her lips pursed as things flew out of control. She

    stretched her arm out and let fly a charm to the sky. It was time to go. Despite the

    losses, theyd struck again. It was unfortunate that so many had been lost, but things

    were progressing as Gardner had instructed. After sending her spell up, she apparated



    Lunastus saw the blue bolt of light stretch into the sky. The figure of a large, horned

    snake coalesced into being, hissing down to the ground below. A disembodied voiced

    echoed through the area.


    When he looked down, the remaining attackers were gone, leaving just the dead and

    the wounded amid the ruins of Hogsmeade. The difference was that the enemy hadbeen hurt too. Six bodies lie on the ground where they fell.

    Hey, look at this. Martin was pointing his wand at a pile of rubble.

    Six Dark Militiamen had died, and one, the first one Lunastus had wounded, had been

    left behind, alive. Despite the destruction and loss, the Ministry had its first live

    prisoner and its first real clue as to who they were up against. Lunastus stared up at the

    snake in the sky. He hoped that theyd find out enough in time. He shrugged his

    shoulders and began to assist the survivors.

    Chapter 343 Snowblowers, Shamans and Outlasting Welcomes

    The desert areas around California, Nevada and Utah provide a diverse land