HP Priorities XVII

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  • 7/30/2019 HP Priorities XVII


    Chapter 300 The Balance of Light and Darkness (or Two Years is 14 Years in Fanfic Years)

    DING! The archaic bell shook the auror from the stupor the ride down from the Office had induced.

    The doors of the lift slid open and the auror walked out into the atrium, amid the normal hustle and

    bustle of the mid-morning crowds. In her hand, the auror clutched the owl pose shed just received and

    shook her head, the time of reckoning finally come. For too long, shed found herself disaffected by the

    constant arrogance she saw in Harry Potter and those in his orbit. She hadnt always felt that way, in fact,shed been one of Harrys strongest allies, but events had served to show her that perhaps the problems

    in the world were centered on Harry and those in his orbit.

    She shouldered her way through the crowds and walked towards the floo entryway. Eric Munch sat idly

    at his desk and nodded to her as she approached. She looked past the ubiquitous watchman to a non-

    descript door along the wall. The room beyond housed the Ministrys spell coordination network, the

    single repository of all the defensive spells that made the Ministry of Magic the most protected spot

    outside of Hogwarts in the wizarding world. It would be a simple enough matter for her to walk in and

    disable certain spells to allow Lydia to conduct her assault that would result in the death of Richard


    She shuddered, and then kept moving. Shed been approached by Lydia Simms almost a year and a half

    ago. She had no idea how Lydia knew that shed be receptive to her entreaties and her arguments were

    spot on. She didnt see opening Pandoras box as the introduction of evil into the world. In many

    respects, Harry Potter had done that with his arrogance and his actions. How many deaths had he

    caused? How much pain had he brought to his people? If anything, all she was facilitating was balance

    and if that brought Harry down a peg, so much the better. If that meant that people had to die, so what?

    Harry Potter was the real evil.

    She neared the door slowly. Her pulse raced and she could feel beads of perspiration forming on her

    brow. Dementors would be a start, for sure, but they wouldnt be enough to get through the aurors.

    Lydia said she had a plan for that, and she hoped Lydia was right, because with the addition of the reserve

    team, the aurors would be more than capable of handling a simple group of Dementors. That was Lydias

    problem. Hers was to make it possible for the Dementors and Lydias assistants could get in.

    She turned the knob and walked into the room. The room was round and dark. Lanterns emanating red

    light hung along the perimeter of the wall. There was a round railing surrounding a magically projected

    three dimensional image of the Ministry. Embedded in the railing were various vials, containing potions

    or spells that were in use to protect the Ministry. Her eyes grew accustomed to the dim light and she

    noticed the form of a small, rail thin man in a dark lab coat.

    He saw her enter and smiled. Hello, Mrs. Sigismund, is there anything I can do for you?

    Leonora Sigismund smiled faintly. No, Carl, Ive got to tweak some of the disillusionment charms. Why

    dont you go ahead and go on break. The caretaker wizard smiled and placed the clipboard hed been

    carrying on a desk across the room. He nodded to her and left her alone in the room.


    Michael stared at the three Romans reclining on their couches. He shook his head and shared a glance at

    his Captain. One of the things that Michael brought to his role in the wizarding world was the fact that

    hed lived and worked among muggles for so long, albeit as a renegade priest working for the Catholic

    Church. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and cast his gray eyes at the woman in the center of the


    I think you should tell us who you really are. He said quietly.

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    Isnt it obvious? The woman whod called herself Cleopatra smiled coyly while Marc Antony chuckled.

    Michael would not be swayed by her teasing. Elizabeth Taylor was one of my favorite actresses. I saw

    her in Cleopatra. He pointed a finger at the woman with the violet eyes. You are not Elizabeth

    Taylor. His finger continued to the two men. You are not Rex Harrison and you are not Richard Burton.

    Id appreciate it if you would stop playing us for fools.

    Adelina Baretto arched her eyebrows and looked closer at the three people in various stages of repose in

    front of them. While not the film aficionado that Michael, she was familiar with popular culture. The

    woman was a younger, prettier version of the actress shed seen in the tabloids in her travels. For their

    parts, the three pseudo-Romans drew expressions of petulance and annoyance at having been called on

    their images. As one, they stood. The woman reached into the folds of her sarong and drew a wand. She

    waved the wand in front her and her companions. In a flash of light and smoke, they transformed their

    appearances into something entirely different. Instead of being the romantic, beautiful screen images,

    they were rather plain, ramshackle people, dressed in shabby burlap. They were older, with dark

    complexions. The woman had long, thinning white hair and black eyes. She was missing some teeth and

    her shoulders were stooped over.

    You take the fun out of everything. I wonder if youve ever smiled, Mr. Michael. Her voice was raspy

    and ancient.

    Who are you? Michael asked.

    The woman straightened her shoulders as much as she could. My name is Maria Perez. She turned to

    her two equally shabby partners. These are my companions, Hector Ramirez y Santos, and Julian

    Coronado. We are the last survivors of an expedition sent to find the lost city of gold. We followed

    Francisco Vazquez de Coronado to find El Dorado and we found it.

    Coronado? This is El Dorado? Michaels braintried to wrap itself around the timeframe. That would

    mean you three are almost four hundred years old!

    Yes, thats about it and believe me, whatever you hear about living forever, it sucks, really. The

    womans voice was filled with barely contained scorn.

    Adelina stared at Perez and grunted. I dont mean to be insulting, but you look four hundred years old,

    but they, She pointed to the guards intermixed around the courtyard who looked barely into their

    twenties. They look like children.

    Maria Perez nodded. We tried to leave this place, to shirk our duty to the city. Once we stepped out the

    gates, we started aging to catch up to where we were. We three barely made it back in time.

    What duty? What do you owe the city? Michael asked candidly, a deepening sense of dread

    overcoming his senses.

    We maintain the balance. We keep the covenant of power. Its easier to show you, I suppose. She

    turned and beckoned Adelina and Michael to follow. She led them out of the courtyard and into the

    streets of the city proper. Their footsteps rang on the golden cobblestones, but Michael soon took notice

    of what was missing amid the splendor of wealth all around them.

    The city is dead. He said morosely. Perez glanced back and nodded sadly. Michael extended his arm to

    the air. There are no people, no children, no inhabitants. I hear no birds or animals. There are no

    sounds in this city, no people, no life.

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    That is the curse, one wouldsay. It wasnt always so. When we first got here, this was a city full of life

    like any other, but now, it is a ghost town, and its mostly your fault. You and people like you. Perez said

    with a certain amount of contempt.

    What do you mean our fault? Adelina asked curiously, but Maria Perez simply turned and led them

    down to the center of the city.

    The central square was completely different from the rest of the golden city. It was barren and worn,

    with decayed wood and tattered stalls. In the middle of the square was a large, stone well, with a musty

    bucket held by frayed rope atop of the stand. The woman raised her hand and smiled at them balefully.

    Life is a balance. El Dorado is the fulcrum of that balance. When the balance is tilted one way or the

    other, the entire pattern is thrown off. You and your friends have upended the balance, too far. The

    womans voice was equal parts sad and angry. She pointed to the well.

    That well is the center of the balance. Its the well of evil that exists in the world. There is a similar one

    for the good that exists in the world, located way on the other side of the city. It is overflowing, but this

    well is dead.

    Michael studied the decayed remains of the well. So what? Evil is bad, isnt it?

    The woman gave him a condescending expression. Its never that cut and dry, Michael. You know that

    as much as anyone else. Evil, to many, is about point of view. There are those in the world, even among

    your own people, who view Mr. Potter as a force for evil.

    Adelina reddened at the implication and took a pace in Perezs direction. Signor Harry has fought to save

    our world.

    Your world, but what about others? Perez shook her head. Im not saying that things should not have

    happened. You cannot totally eliminate evil in the world and leave a vacuum. This place was supposed to

    be a fulcrum for balance. Think of it, when things get the absolute worse, there is a savior, a hero to bringthings into balance. When there are periods of sustained peace, you see the rise of absolute evil. That is

    the way of the universe.

    Michael spoke quietly. Its the way magic works.

    Perez nodded. Of course.

    So why are we here? Why did you take us from our world? We werent impacting good or evil in any

    way. Michael asked.

    You were on the path to disrupt the balance. You had the coin, which would have led you to the gifts of

    the magi. It took our agents centuries to find them and we could not allow you to interfere with the

    plan. Perez said.

    Plan? What plan? What gifts are your talking about? Baretto looked puzzled and Michael matched her

    expression. Perez pointed them to a nearby bench, and sat down.

    We have set in motion a plan that will allow us to open Pandoras box, to reinsert balance into the world.

    The only thing that could stop that plan are the gifts of the magi. At the time you were taken, you were

    on a path to recovering them before we could. That has been dealt with.

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    Michaels eyes narrowed. So, thatmeans you dont need us anymore, doesnt it? You can let us go,


    Perez smiled apologetically. I must confess, there is no reasonable reason for you to remain, except for

    one that is completely selfish for us. It is time for new caretakers for this place and we need to populate

    this city. She pointed a withered hand at the pair. You and your crew will form the nucleus of a

    revitalized El Dorado. My friends and I have found our replacements.

    Michael felt a cold chill cover his spine. What do you mean replacements? What if we do not wish to

    stay here?

    You do not have a choice, Im afraid. The Powers that Be have agreed to our bargain. You have been

    selected to remain. That is your fate.

    Like hell it is! Baretto stood. Her wand had been taken, but she was an accomplished witch and had

    dabbled in wandless magic. A bolt of red light sprang from her fingers and arced towards Perez. The

    woman held up her hand and the spell dissipated into the air.

    Im sorry, Captain. There is no other option. I would suggest you take some time so that you can

    prepare your crew. The Discooperire and her crew are now permanent residents of El Dorado. These

    legionnaires around you? They dont answer to me, they answer to the Powers. You will do well not to

    oppose them. It will be more painful than the effort will gain you.

    Perez stood and bowed her head. Now, I must leave you. Events are going apace and we must set in

    motion all that weve been working towards.


    Jacob Mize had been a member of the Ministry Hit Team for less than a year. He sat idly at the

    information desk and watched the steady flow of pedestrians meander by under the watchful eye of Eric

    Munch. He peered back towards the Atrium, where it was near lunchtime. The ceiling rose several

    stories and the galleries and patios of the offices and cafs were starting to fill with the lunch crowd. Hiseyes narrowed as he noticed a group of people taking seats at one of the first floor restaurants. It was a

    man and a young girl accompanied by Ron and Hermione Weasley, Dennis Creevey and Carter Sigismund.

    Standing nearby were more members of the Hit Team and several Aurors. Jacob shrugged his shoulders.

    The little girl was the special protectee theyd been briefed about and he knew that shed been receiving

    very tight security, yet the people around her indicated that she was someone special.

    Still, they were in the Ministry of Magic, quite possibly the most secure place in England. Motion caught

    his eye and he saw Leonora Sigismund exit the main security spell room. He nodded at her, but she didnt

    seem to notice. In fact, she seemed preoccupied as she hustled into the Atrium proper. He wondered at

    her haste and then looked back towards the main floo area. Typically, the floo reception area was a hive

    of activity. The main entry area had dark, granite look, with a hovering cloud of purplish vapor, which was

    a residual trace of the anti-apparition charms that protected the Ministry. Jacob noticed that the vapor

    was weaker than usual and tended to favor a pinkish hue. He was reaching for a small piece of parchment

    to send an owl to maintenance when the world exploded.

    The domed ceiling of the main Atrium area crashed in a fury of fire and glass, raining down onto the

    collectively surprised visitors to the Ministry of Magic. The seemingly warm and comfortable arena of the

    Ministry suddenly was overwhelmed by a sense of dread and darkness. Ron Weasley looked upward and

    felt a heavy sense of foreboding in his chest. There were black clouds billowing across the entire upper

    third of the atrium, masking the patios of the upper floors. It wasnt the obscure clouds that caused Ron

    to panic. It was the wispy figures that were swirling within the clouds.

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    Dementors! Carter hissed.

    There was the crack of loud explosions from the entrance as panic spread throughout the bystanders.

    Ron peeled his gaze from the horror descending on them from the ceiling and saw flashes of violence at

    the entrance as the Hit Teams stationed at the entrance seemed to be engaged in a battle with people

    and things unknown near the floo entry.

    Rons eyes flicked to the father and daughter cowering beneath a table together under the din. No

    matter what, weve got to protect them. Ron waved Carter towards one of the doors that led out of the

    Atrium. You lead, Ill bring up the rear. Dennis?

    The years, if anything, had made the Hit Squad leader even more intimidating. He was still tall and broad

    shouldered, but hed slimmed down, his look less about bulk and more about being toned and lithe. He

    had a look of competence and lethality about him that exuded confidence. He nodded grimly to Ron. I

    know, you need me to cover you. I need to be out here with my men, anyway. You go on, well cover you


    Ron smiled thanks, and then tapped Hermione on the shoulder. Its time to go.

    He grabbed up Michelle Pravus in his arms and pointed Richard after the retreating figure of Carter

    Sigismund. Follow Carter, were getting you outof here.

    Behind them, a wild shriek echoed in the Atrium. All manner of dark creatures were pouring out of the

    floo network, the safety devices having been disabled. Dennis reached over his shoulder and drew a

    wicked looking halberd from its scabbard and snapped his wand into place. Several aurors and hit squad

    members had joined him from the lift bank. He pointed his hand towards the raging battle in the center

    of the Atrium. Thats where were going, boys. He saw a winded Lachlan McCrory run up. Lachlan, Id

    appreciate if you could keep those Dementors preoccupied.

    Lachlan nodded and then Dennis vaulted over an overturned table. Lets go!

    He ran into the crowd and the battle was renewed.


    Carter kicked open the door to the main stairwell and held it open as Pravus, Ron and Hermione barreled

    into the confined space after him. He looked questioningly at Ron. We heading to the Office?

    Ron thought for a moment. No, head of for the Ministers office, its easier to defend.

    Carter ran down the stairs, taking two at a time, heading for the lowest level in the Ministry. Ron

    followed close behind carrying a frightened Michelle Pravus in his arms while he willed Hermione to

    follow. The ground shook from the battle down on the main floor and the walls were coated in ice and

    darkness as the full brunt of the Dementors wafted its way into their confined space. Ron kept his eye

    focused on Carters back, all the while wondering who this Lydia Simms was and how she and Romilda

    Vane were even remotely capable of mounting an assault of this magnitude.


    Lachlan waved his wand towards the ceiling and conjured his Patronus. The ethereal spell launched

    upward in the form of the Loch Ness Monster and slammed into the Dementors closest to the ground. His

    face contorted into a vision of concentration, the lines on his face deepening. In the past, as they handled

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    the worlds crises, the power of the Dementors gradually got weaker and weaker. Not so with these

    particular Dementors. Their power was akin to the time when the Dark Lord had been on the rise.

    Lachlans Patronus barely managed to turn aside one or two of the creatures. He screamed out towards

    Eric Williamson.

    I need help Eric! These beasties are stronger than I can remember. Eric nodded to his team and then

    joined his colleague in the fight. Nearby, Dennis saw the tableau unfolding and grimaced and lookedtowards the entrance. There were Inferi and barghests leaping towards them. Already, a dozen of his

    people were lying helpless on the floor. Now with the added strength of the new Dementors, he knew he

    wouldnt be getting any help from the Aurors.

    Dennis took a deep breath and watched helplessly as Jacob Mize fell beneath a wave of Inferi that finally

    broke past the reception desk. Dennis snapped out a curse and his blade glowed a bright red and blazed

    with heat. He sent a tongue of flame outward and burned the first rank of Inferi into cinders. Before he

    could get out another blast, the Inferi were on him and he was fighting for his life.

    Eric and Lachlan were barely holding back the Dementors. Despite their best efforts, one of the new

    Aurors found himself in the grasp of one of the creatures, its kiss locked onto him, draining all happiness

    out of his lifeless corpse. The Ministry defense was cracking and Lachlan had to make a fateful call.

    Weve got to fall back. We cant hold here. His reedy voice was weak from exertion. He shouted over

    to Dennis. Fall back to the Office, Dennis! Weve got to regroup!

    Dennis swore beneath his breath. Lachlan was right, but there were clumps of his people and civilians

    spread out through the Atrium. Retreating out of the area would leave those isolated pockets at the

    mercy of the foul creatures that were leading the assault, but there was no other option. Dennis nodded

    and gave the word. Eric stood forward and tossed a large bag of Peruvian Darkness Powder into the air

    and set it off. The room was doused in an inky blackness and the Ministrys defenders ran.


    Lydia trailed behind Romilda and Leonora. Recruiting the senior Auror had not been easy, but it hadprovided them with the opportunity that they needed to open the box. The voices were still there, yet

    she didnt hear them as some outside influence, telling her what to do. More than anything, this was

    about her own intuition, at least she thought. They were in a long hallway with rich mahogany wood

    paneling, padding quietly through the area.

    How do you know Weasley wont take them to the Office of Aurors? Lydia asked quietly, shifting the

    backpack on her back.

    Because Ron isnt stupid, he knows he can hold out better at the Ministers office, plus Dawlish is a

    capable wizard, hell get help from the Minister himself. Leonora responded tersely. She shouldered her

    way forward, brushing rudely past Romilda. Hell try to hole up in the Ministers office until he can get

    away with the girl.

    The echo of the voices whispered in Lydias ear. Her face grew grim. We need to hurry, our distraction

    wont last long.

    Id like to know how you resurrected the Dementors and Inferi. Thats some kind of trick. Leonoras

    eyes narrowed suspiciously. Something I dont think youre capable of on your own.

    Dont worry about that. Keep the mission in mind. I learned what I needed to get the job done. Leave it

    at that. Lydia adjusted the strap of her bag once more and then continued on.

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    Carter led the group forward and finally stopped at the entrance to the Ministers office. Inside the

    Minister, Cavendish and a couple of other wizards were busily trying to get word out by owl for help.

    Floo Kingsley. We could use some help from Hogwarts and try to get through to Malfoy, maybe he hassome crews to assist. John Dawlish smiled whenRon walked in. Looks like things are pretty lively, eh


    Ron pursed his lips. I think its all about her. He gently placed Michelle down on her feet and watched

    as the girl sprang into her fathers waiting arms.

    I cant believe this. Romilda was never this smart and weve never heard of this woman Simms. Theres

    nothing to indicate that she had this type of power. Hermione tried to piece together what was going

    on. As she paced, she happened by the open front door. She saw the bright red flash of a curse, and

    managed a strangled cry as she dove to the ground. Ron!

    The front wall of the office shattered and disappeared in a blinding flash of smoke and fire. Ron was

    catapulted across the office, his battered figure crashing into a far bookcase, where dropped unconscious.

    Three figures walked into the room and began a furious fight with the wizards and witches still on their

    feet. Lydia locked into an intricate battle with the Minister and Cavendish while Romilda and Hermione

    circled each other. Leonora, whod thrown the original curse held back until Lydia turned and shouted at

    her. Get the father! Finish the job, Leonora!

    Sigismund hesitated, battling her own conscience and then nodded. She turned and aimed her wand at

    Richard Pravus, who was shielding his daughter with his body. Leonora aimed and then a quiet voice

    echoed in the room.

    Mother? What are you doing? Carter picked himself up from the floor and aimed his wand at his

    mother. You did this? You caused all this? Why, mother, why?

    She hesitated, her wand arm falling, ever so slightly. Im doing it to make things, right, darling. Harry

    almost killed you, for what? For nothing, but his ego.

    I chose to be here, Mother. This is wrong. You know it. Carter stopped moving, but his wand never left

    his mother. My duty is to protect the innocent, mother, just like you.

    The world needs balance, baby. Im doing this for you. She battled with her feelings. Shed thought

    herself ready to do what she needed to do.

    Kill him, Leonora! Do it now! Lydias voice echoed in her head, assisted by something which amplified

    the words and the thoughts in her skull. She fought, her eyes focused on Carter and then she felt a steely

    resolve to complete the task. Her wand snapped up.

    Avara Kedavra! The deadly green light propelled itself from her wand, reaching for Richard Pravus.

    Mother, NO! Carter made a split second decision and leapt into the path of the deadly green light.

    Leonora saw him move, like in slow motion. Her face went from resolve to anguish to horror. The bolt

    slammed into Carters chest, driving him to the ground. His cold, lifeless eyes stared up at his mother,

    pleadingly, accusingly.

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    Leonoras scream echoed in the room, stopping the battle. The room was quiet. A clear, open voice

    echoed in Lydias head. Perfect.

    Lydia felt a force overcome her body. Her wand flashed out and fixed the remaining people in place. She

    walked to Leonora and dropped the backpack on her back onto the floor. She opened the zipper and

    pulled out a small, brass and gold jewelry box from inside. The voice in her head seemed to be laughing.

    They didnt need Michelle Pravus after all. Why corrupt and innocent with loss, when they could use thehorror of a woman who was once good and now had killed her only son in trying to be evil?

    She handed the box to Leonora. Open it, Leonora. Open the box, finish it, dont make him die in vain.

    Her voice was quiet, even, almost not her own. It seemed older, wiser and Leonora moved as if in a daze.

    The former Auror took the box in her hands and slowly unlocked the clasp on the front. She slowly

    opened the box and the world went dark.


    It is done. Perez sighed. That worked out almost better than I hoped. I never thought about using the


    She turned and looked at the darkened well. Michael followed her eyes and watched as the well began to

    fill with a black, oil-like liquid. The balance is once again restored. The black liquid continued to fill the

    well and when it reached the upper limit of the battered stone, it continued, until it overlapped the edge

    and poured onto the pavestones outside the well.

    Did you plan on this? What kind of balance is this? Michael snapped.

    No. This isnt the plan. Perez voice had the hint of panic. Its too much. Its overwhelming


    The dark liquid began to expand past the perimeter of the well. When its leading edge touched a golden

    flagstone, the gold turned to rust and then to ash. Like a virus, the evil represented in the well began to

    expand into the surrounding city, destroying its luster.

    Michael walked up and grabbed the old woman by the shoulders. Youve got to stop this!

    I cant. No one can. She was desperate. They used me. The Powers used me.

    A tall legionnaire ran up to Perez and whispered in her ear. What?

    She turned and faced Michael and Adelina. The only way to stop this is for someone to gain access to El

    Dorado through the tests. Someone is trying that right now.

    Adelina, despite the dire circumstances, laughed out loud. Let me guess, Signor Harry?

    Perez nodded. Michael crossed himself in a silent prayer. Adelina Baretto joined his entreaty.

    Wed better hope that your Harry Potter wins the test. No one else ever has.

    What do you mean? We thought thats how you got here. Michael asked.

    No, we failed, thats why we were doomed to stay here and do the Powers bidding. Only someone who

    bests the tests can stop them. Perezshook her head. Your Harry Potter better be good, because hes

    failing the first test as we speak.

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    What will happen if he fails? Michael asked solemnly.

    Perez pointed to the black pavestones in the wake of the evil water. The whole world will look like that.

    Chapter 301 Fear

    Harry felt like he was floating. The suddenness of the trees grip had been replaced by an inky blackness

    of void that seemed to hold him suspended in the air. He made a vapid attempt at moving his arms, but

    there was no movement, no sensation of transference, he was just there. In the corner of his eye, a small

    glint of white light appeared in the distance. It began to grow larger. Harry couldnt tell if he was moving

    towards the light, or if the light was moving towards him, only that it was getting larger and larger,

    blotting out the edges of darkness that surrounded him.

    Suddenly, but with no real passage of time, he was standing, in large white area. There were no corners,

    no walls, no edges, just whiteness and his feet were planted on what would seem to be ground. It

    reminded Harry of the ethereal plane hed visited during the war and the Kings Cross station hed visited

    when Voldemort had struck him down. He smiled to himself. Both of those events were figments of his

    mind, events that were not necessarily real in the sense of what was going on in the physical world, but

    manifestations of his conscious self. Experience tamped down his panic. He cleared his mind and decided

    to experiment.

    He closed his eyes and focused then opened his eyes. In front of him was a small table with a stein of

    butterbeer on it. He reached down and picked up the mug, and took a sip. It tasted wonderful, as good

    as he remembered any butterbeer. He chuckled out loud. At least he knew what he was dealing with. In

    the blankness, he heard the sound of clapping. He turned and came face to face with

    Professor Dumbledore, why am I not surprised? Harry took another swig of butterbeer while his long

    departed mentor smiled at him. Dumbledore was in his characteristic lavender robes, his long white

    beard not hiding his toothy smile and twinkling eyes. Why am I here?

    Dumbledore waved his hand, and a long, wooden bench appeared. He gestured for Harry to sit. Harry

    shrugged his shoulders and joined Dumbledore on the bench. The old man took a deep breath and

    looked about.

    We are here, Harry, because this is your mind, of course.

    Of course, but what does my mind have to do with the challenges?

    Dumbledore laughed. Your mind is the challenge, Harry. Your subconscious is the arena where the tests

    take place. The road to El Dorado is not a physical one, but an astral one. Thats why its so hard to get


    Harry chortled. Frank seemed to forget that little tidbit.

    Frank did not know. Everyone has assumed that the tests to access the City of Gold were physical, that

    they were tests of strength or physical prowess, but that meant that no one understood what El Dorado


    What is El Dorado, if it isnt just a city of gold? Harry asked. He still had his butterbeer and after being

    so hot in the desert, its frothy coolness felt exceedingly good, even if it was just his mind.

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    Dumbledore sighed. El Dorado is a concept, its the balance between good and evil, or so Im told.

    So why are you here? Better yet, why am I here? Harry asked.

    Dumbledores eyes twinkled in merriment. Getting existential in your old age, Harry? Harry chuckled

    and Dumbledore continued. I am here to start you on thejourney. You will have three tests, each of

    exceeding increasing difficulty.

    What sort of tests?

    Dumbledores grew slightly sad. I can not say. All I can tell you is that once you start the test, you can

    not go back. You must either complete the tasks or die, Harry. Im sorry. No one has ever successfully

    passed these tests.

    Harry felt his chest tighten. Why was he doing this, anyway? He could just walk away and deal with the

    consequences in the real world. Why go through these ministrations?

    Are you quite finished, Dumbledore? Harrys head jerked up. The voice was so frighteningly familiar. It

    was tinny, high pitched with a raspy quality that hed only heard in his worst nightmares. The mug fell

    from his hand and he stood. He turned to the source of the voice and saw Voldemort standing across the

    room, in front of a large, arched oak door. Voldemorts snake-like head and leering bright red eyes

    moved from side to side as he offered Harry a stilted grin.

    The Dark Lord seemed annoyed and distracted and he turned his face towards the still seated

    Dumbledore. Are you done coddling the brat? Its time for him to go, although personally, I dont think

    the great Harry Potter has the intestinal fortitude to face the tests alone. He doesnt have anyone to bear

    the brunt of the work. Voldemorts voice dripped with contempt and he barely hazarded Harry a second


    Harry, for his part, was confused. If this was his mind, his images, why in Merlins name would Voldemort

    be here?

    Surprisingly, Voldemort, himself, answered him. Because this isnt just your brain, you idiot, we are part

    of El Dorado as well, or havent you been paying attention? Harry glanced at Dumbledore, whod risen.

    Hes right, Harry. We arent just astral projections of your thoughts. Were more a part of El Dorado,

    representing the two sides of the spectrum. Dumbledore offered.

    Good and evil? Harry asked.

    This brought a cackle of laughter from Voldemort. How quaint, you use labels, typical of your arrogance.

    There is no good and evil. There is no right and wrong. Theres only darkness and light and whos to say

    one is better than the other? Just because you won doesnt make you right, Potter. Voldemort shifted

    his gaze at Dumbledore. Even the great Albus Dumbledore was an egocentric fool who got his sister


    The dig tore at Dumbledore. Harry clenched his fist. Ive had enough of you, Riddle. You were a useless

    git when you were alive. Harry turned and faced Dumbledore. Ill pass the tests, if only to send this fool

    back to wherever he came from.

    Dumbledore nodded and then grew serious. Dont let him goad you, Harry. The balance has been

    thrown off kilter. Someone has already opened Pandoras box and the results have been catastrophic.

    The only advice I can give you is to stay true to yourself and to the greatest magic we know.

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    Harry nodded and shook Dumbledores hand. It was great seeing you, Professor.

    Dumbledores grip felt real. It was firm and warm. It was great seeing you, Harry. I will tell you, boy,

    that I am proud of you, very proud of you. You have proven to be the best of us all.

    Harrys chest swelled and he turned and walked to large oak door. He pulled on the brass handled andopened it. He paused. Why had Dumbledore said that? An astral projection, a figment of his imagination

    surely wouldnt say something so personal, so heartfelt. He turned and faced Dumbledore, who smiled

    and gave a jaunty salute, then disappeared. Harry laughed to himself. Perhaps in this place, some part of

    the real Dumbledore existed? Maybe that was a piece of him? Then Harrys mood darkened. If that was

    some sort of residual spirit of Dumbledore, was the projection of Voldemort real too? Harry hoped not.

    He took a deep breath and walked through the door.


    Ron? Wake up my boy, come on now. Ron felt a heavy weight on his body being lifted. He opened his

    eyes and found himself lying on his back, a heavy piece of debris being lifted from his chest. His head

    ached and he felt pain in numerous parts of his body. He tried to speak.


    Im here, Ron. Im okay. He turned his head and saw the familiar bramble of his wifes chestnut hair

    across the room. He looked up and saw Lachlan McCrory standing over him, the older mans face was

    concerned, but not overly panicked.

    Lets get you up, boy. Lachlan extended a bony hand and helped Ron to an upright position.

    What happened? Ron finally asked. His eyes were drawn to the inert form of Carter Sigismund.

    Surprisingly, Leonora was laying next to him, her body locked in a rigid state, having been rendered

    petrified by a spell. Still, tears were cascading down her cheeks, shocked at what shed done.

    Lachlan let out a sigh. Were in a mess, Ron. The box has been opened and things are breaking loose all

    over. Weve managed to lock down the Ministry, but were getting reports from all over the country.

    Theres a right donnybrook down at Diagon Alley. Goblins, Dementors, and other manners ofvile

    creatures are running loose down there. Kingsley had Hogwarts locked down, but theres a report of

    shades and werewolves loose in Hogsmeade. Its a good thing we sent Kingsley and Neville back to watch

    the school. Merlin knows what would have happened if the dark forces penetrated the castle. Whatever

    this Simms character wanted to accomplish, things seem to have gone overboard.

    Ron rubbed his head and pulled himself to his feet, his eyes never leaving his former apprentice.


    Pretty bad, Ron, in fact, we took a big hit. Theres over forty dead and any number are wounded,

    including the Minister. Lachlan nodded over to the shattered remnants of Dawlishs desk. Cavendish

    hovered over him, while Hermione directed things. Hermione hasto be the acting Minister, but weve

    got to go lock these things down.

    Where are Romilda and Simms and the box? Ron asked.

    I dont know and we havent heard from Harry either. Lachlan replied.

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    Ron nodded gingerly and then took a deep breath. We have to assume that Harry is working on the Gifts

    of the Magi. Until we confirm that something has happened to him, well work on the premise that hes

    still in the game. Our job is to try to hold the line. How many do we have left?

    Enough for two teams, mine and Erics, plus some folks that have come in to help us, that gives us about

    twenty Aurors and Dennis has about thirty Hit Squad members left. Lachlan responded. This is going

    to be ugly.

    Ron nodded and took one last look at Carters lifeless eyes. It already is.


    Harry felt like he was flying. As soon as he walked through the door, he felt his feet leave solid ground

    and then felt like he was being carried somewhere. He had no concept of time or space and then he saw

    a brilliant flash of light, then chaos.

    He was a boy, standing beneath his Cloak of Invisibility, during the Battle of Hogwarts, only this wasnt the

    battle he remembered. The Death Eaters were crushing everyone before them. Dementors were circling

    above and were diving down on a small clump of students and members of the Order that were

    remaining. Harry felt a wave of shock and surprise as he saw the Main Hall littered with the dead. In a

    corner of the room, Arthur and Molly Weasley were on the floor, their arms locked in a final embrace, a

    trail of Death Eaters surrounding them, a testimony to their last battle. George and Fred were nearby,

    another pile of bodies around them, where it seemed they had rushed to the aid of their falling parents.

    Remus and Tonks lie near the fallen figures of Lee Jordan and Minerva McGonagall. This was not the final

    battle he remembered. Near where the head table had been, Ginny and Dean led a small band of

    students and Order members, desperately fighting off the pressure being overwhelmed in one last

    desperate stand. Above the din, Bellatrix Lestranges hysterical cackle could be heard as she goaded the

    Death Eaters to wipe out the resistance and behind her, the Dark Lord stood, the Elder Wand in hand, a

    smile on his reptilian face.

    Harry felt his wand in his hand. There was a shout from the din as the clap of apparition snapped

    Voldemorts attention from the knot of defenders. A battered and burned Neville Longbottom appeared,Godric Gryffindors sword in his hands. He swung the blade in a wide arc, slicing the wand hand off of the

    Dark Lord and then plunging the tip of the blade through Voldemorts chest. At the same time, a dozen

    Dementors swooped down on the last defenders, each grabbing a person and began the kiss of death.

    Bellatrix shouted and sent a destructive curse that struck Neville in the chest, shattering his body. Harry

    tossed off his Cloak. He had one, fateful choice. Save the people he loved from certain death. Already,

    Ginny, Ron and Hermione were screaming from the dreadful power of the Dementors kiss or he could

    end this battle once and for all by taking out a weakened Voldemort.

    His whole life had revolved around stopping the Dark Lord, yet his friends and Ginny had been the root of

    his core, his foundation. Duty or love, that was the choice. The hesitation was slight. Deep down, he

    knew he should do the world a favor, and kill the Dark Lord, yet the manifestation of Dumbledore had

    been quite specific. Harry had to stay true to himself; he had to stay true to love. He wheeled about and

    sent his Patronus, his stag Patronus at the Dementors assaulting his friends. Behind him, Voldemort

    spotted Harry and reached down to his severed hand. He slammed the hand onto the stump, the Elder

    Wand still firmly affixed its fingers. Harry watched as Bellatrix Lestrange swooped down to deliver a killing

    blow to Ginny. He sent a curse her way and caught movement out of the corner of his eye. It was

    Voldemort, aiming the wand at his back. He kept his focus on Ginny, desperately trying to save her as he

    was struck by the killing curse, and the world went dark, once more.

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    Chapter 302 Choices that Matter

    Weasleys Wizard Wheezes and DADA Emporium sat in the heart of Diagon Alley. It was a rather

    unimposing building that was wedged near the far end of the alley, down the row from Gringotts Bank.

    Its placement was near the entrance to Knockturn Alley. It was also near the Diagon location of the Daily

    Prophet. All of these coincidences help to make certain that when the dark creatures started emanating

    from Knockturn Alley, Weasleys Wheezes would become ground zero for the Ministrys resistance plan.In addition, it ensured the proprietors of Weasleys that help from their families would be readily

    available. That was the case when Ron apparated into the floo of his brothers establishment.

    Ron led his team into the retail area of the shop and out the front door. By this time, most of the visitors

    to Diagon had cleared out and what remained was a large, ad hoc barricade erected by the Aurors and the

    inhabitants whod elected to remain behind. Ron approached the barricade at a crouch, sidling up beside

    his brother who was helping with the defense. George was busily handing out felt fedoras, adorned with

    the Weasley Wheezes logo. His voice echoed out across the alley.

    These are our most up to date spell deflectors. Put them on now! Dudley Dursley stood beside George,

    holding a small, wooden shield. Every so often, an errant spell would head for the taller Weasley and

    Dudley would deftly maneuver the shield to block the spell. George, for his part, seemed not to notice

    Dudleys actions, as if assuming it was a forgone conclusion that Harrys cousin would protect him.

    Ron felt a tug at his sleeve and he turned to find himself facing his sister, and Harrys wife, Ginny. She was

    clad in blue jeans and a cotton blouse with Quidditch leathers over top. Her stringy red hair hung loosely

    about her shoulders and her eyes werent worried, but were very intense.

    Glad you could make it, Ron. She said without any real bite. News of the explosive attack on the

    Ministry had already filtered down to the combatants. Is Hermione all right?

    Ron nodded, gratefully. Shes fine. Shes got her hands full until Dawlish is back. Whats going on


    Ginny pointed down towards the entrance to Knockturn Alley. I was at the Prophet when the Dementorsstarted pouring out of Knockturn. Since then, every loser dark wizard that had been holed up down there

    has been trying to push through. Hannah has got the Leaky Cauldron blocked off, so theres no going

    through there. Theyve been trying to push through us to get to Gringotts.

    Brother and sister ducked as another greenish spell passed overhead. We were doing all right until the

    Red Caps and Banshees started showing up. I have no idea where they came from.

    Red Caps were small, gnome-like creatures with an insatiable appetite for blood. They could be found on

    Muggle battlefields, feeding on the dead, and they got their names from the stains that the blood made

    on their heads. Red Caps were susceptible to most charms and spells, so they usually limited their

    appearances to Muggles, but they were here and in great numbers. Banshees were dark creatures that

    took the form of women with floor length hair and green, skeletal faces. Their screams were known to

    kill. It explained the wildly out of place ear muffs that most of the defenders were wearing. Over top all

    of them were Dementors, swirling and floating above Diagon Alley, but staying away due to well placed

    patronus charms from George and the others.

    Ron stepped up to where George stood. Holding the line isnt enough. Were going to have to push

    them back to Knockturn. George conjured a spell in the form of a ball of light, which spun out and

    tumbled down an advancing phalanx of Red Caps, like a bowling ball registering a strike. Ron glanced

    around and spotted a rusted grate which led to the sewers beneath the Alley. Ill take a team and try to

    outflank them.

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    George looked at the grate and then shuddered. You dont want to do that, Ron.

    Of course I do. Im an experienced and highly trained Auror. I do this all the time. Ron seemed non-

    plussed. It was difficult, even now, for his older brothers to stop babying him.

    Im telling you, you dont want to go down there. George said.

    Ron scowled. Thats enough, George. Wait for my signal, than hit them hard. Ron gestured to

    Williamson, Dean, and Seamus to follow him. Seamus seemed pleased to be out of earshot of the

    Banshees. One after the other, they dropped down the manhole and into the sewer. George looked over

    at Dudley and tossed him a plastic shopping bag. Dudley nodded and followed the team down.

    Ron lit the tip of his wand and led them through the ancient sewer system. Dean held his nose and then

    stopped. You notice that?

    What? Ron asked.

    Whats missing? Dean continued.

    Seamus eyes grew wide. Theres nothing down here. Therere no rats or bugs or anything. This is a

    sewer, right?

    Rons eyes drew narrow. The sewer system beneath Diagon Alley was precisely that, a sewer. There

    should be any number of rats and rodents crawling around, but Dean and Seamus were right, the cistern

    was empty, devoid of any living thing.

    Theres something down here. Seamus whispered. I feel it.

    Thats just your stomach. Dean chuckled. Come on, the sooner we get down there, the sooner we get

    out of here, and the sooner well smell a darn sight better, except for you Seamus, you probably smell like

    this all the time. Dean ducked the playful punch from his friend.

    Ron took a step. The water was running slowly and only came up to their ankles. There was a small,

    brick-wide ledge on either side of the channel. Well go down here, cross where Knockturn Alley is and

    then come up near Eeylops. That would place them behind the advancing dark forces and give them the

    element of surprise.

    They came to where the sewer split, one branch heading towards the Leaky Cauldron, the other heading

    down Knockturn Alley. The Knockturn Alley split seemed darker, more sinister. Williamson grabbed Rons

    shoulder, suddenly and pointed on the ledge. Ron, look!

    Rons eyes grew wide. There were spiders pouring out of the Knockturn Alley sewer, each wave growing

    successively larger. He felt a cold terror grip his chest. Ron was deathly afraid of spiders and the larger

    ones could only mean one thing. His hand shook as he pointed his wand down the dark tunnel. He

    whispered a charm and sent a small fireball down the passage, illuminating the walls. The fireball came to

    sudden stop as it bounced off the body of the creature standing on eight legs.

    Acromantula! Dean shouted. The creatures multiple eyes seemed to glow.

    Food! It shouted. There was a squeaky sound and the thousands of its children began to run towards

    the group. As one, the Aurors started firing charms and spells that sent some of the creatures spinning

    into the walls. The large acromantula was almost fifteen feet across and it seemed to smile as a blob of

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    webbing shot from its tail and struck Ron, plastering him to the wall. Eric, Dean and Seamus were being

    slowly over run by the smaller spiders while the acromantula crawled towards Ron, its fangs clacking

    together in glee.

    Youll make a tasty morsel. Ill leave your friends for my children. Ron closed his eyes in terror as he

    awaited the spiders poisonous bite.

    Suddenly, there was a violent hissing sound and the smaller spiders began running back down their pipe.

    The acromantula tried to turn, but was struck by a cloud of mist. Ron heard it cough and cry out in

    surprise. The giant spider was struck by a denser mist and then it screamed and ran down the alley as fast

    as its legs could take it.

    Hang on, Ron. Ill get you down. Ron saw Dudley appear out of the darkness, a pocket knife in his hand.

    He cut away the webbing holding Ron to the wall and propped his friend up as Ron regained his breath.

    Thanks, Dudley. What didyou do? Dudley shrugged his shoulders and reached into his grocery bag,

    pulling out an aerosol can.

    Ron shook his head. Dont tell me George has come up with a potion that repel acromantulas? That was


    Dudley blushed. Well, um, no, not exactly.

    What did you use? Ron asked.

    Dudley turned the can so that the label faced Ron. It read, RAID: Spider and Ant Spray.

    The large man smiled sheepishly. Sometimes thats all you need to get rid of bugs. He watched as the

    wizards stood open mouthed. Dudley shifted uncomfortably and pointed down the tunnel. Shall we?

    Dudley cleared his throat and continued on, followed slowly by the others, while Ron stood and shook his

    head in disbelief. Then he adjusted his bag and followed them.


    The dark cloud fell away as Harry hit the ground with a thud. He was back in the white room. He moaned

    as he felt the residual pain from the blast the imaginary Voldemort had struck him with. He took a deep

    breath and stood.

    He looked around and sighed. Had he passed?

    The question was immediately answered. Of course you did, well done, Mr. Potter!

    The source was a man dressed in a natty three piece worsted wool suit. He had on a glaringly bright

    yellow tie and a black bowler was firmly affixed to his head. His well-manicured hands rested lightly atop

    a black umbrella. He smiled serenely as he watched Harry take him in.

    Who are you? Harry finally asked.

    My name is Lionel Hutz, Mr. Potter. Im one of the attorneys that represent thePowers that Be,

    Incorporated. I must say, its a great pleasure to meet you, sir. The man extended his hand and Harry

    took it.

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    Hutz? Lionel Hutz? Youre serious? Harrys eyebrows arched and he stared at the man with great


    Of course, Mr. Potter, even TV lawyer have inspirations. Hutz didnt seem offended by Harrys question.

    I understand that, but Harry shook his head. Oh, never mind, so youre saying I passed the first


    Quite, Mr. Potter, an excellent performance. You see, in the past, weve had several people attempt the

    tests, and their duty has always been preeminent in their minds. Theres always duty and sacrifice, but

    love? Thats a very rare thing. You chose well. The man beamed at Harry.

    Great, now what? Harry asked.

    Well, the second test, of course. I am very interested to see how you handle this one. You are a

    remarkable man, Mr. Potter. I definitely hope to see you later. The man nodded his head and winked

    out of sight.

    Harry slowly shook his head and then felt a slight breeze blow past him. He looked to his right and

    suddenly, he was transported to a small, stone-walled room that he recognized. It was identical to the

    room at Hogwarts where hed found the Mirror of Erised. He started walking and turned the corner. He

    expected to find the mirror standing whered hed last seen it. Instead, he found two mirrors, one on

    either side of him. They were almost identical to the Mirror of Erised, except neither had the writing that

    had identified it. Standing between the mirrors was a very familiar person.

    Hello, Harry. The quite voice whispered.

    Sirius! Harry ran to his godfather and threw his arms around him. He knew that this was a figment of

    his imagination, but it felt so real. He gripped Sirius tightly, refusing to let him go. Finally, Sirius gently

    pushed Harry back and stared into his eyes.

    Its been a long time, Harry. I wish I was here under better circumstances, but the test has alreadybegun. Harry took a deep breath and glanced at both mirrors. Sirius sighed. Its a simple test, Harry.

    You must choose a path. There is no right or wrong, mind you, and I am not a person to rely on to tell you

    which on you must take. All you need do is to look into each mirror and choose.

    Harry nodded and turned to face the mirror on his right. For a moment, all he saw was his reflection and

    then the surface of the mirror began to shimmer and glow. Unlike the original mirror, this one did more

    than reflect an image, it immersed Harry in its view. It more like a pensieve vision instead of a reflection.

    He fell into the image and found himself at a ceremony, being held outside Hogwarts. The ceremony was

    very familiar yet was very different. There was a somber mood, but a feeling of relief and

    accomplishment. He was at the burial ceremony for those that fell at the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry

    remembered the day, yet this one felt very different. He was carried along, above the crowd and then he

    was dropped down to a tier of seats. He saw himself, seated alone in a row of chairs.

    He looked no worse for wear, but considering what had happened, as he remembered it, he thought he

    looked quite good. Harry remembered sitting alone during the remembrance, yet this was very different.

    The ceremony had been very different. He remembered it being in the Main Hall, not outside, and he

    came late, giving everyone a chance to mourn. He looked up front. The Weasleys were there, with

    Hermione being held by Ron. They were crying, holding each other, just like theyd done before. He

    searched desperately and found her. Ginny was holding onto her mother, her shoulders moving slightly.

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    Harry turned and faced his younger self and silently wished hed gone up there and comforted Ginny.

    Instead, he was startled by two voices. Voices he hadnt thought hed ever hear in this setting.

    There you are, Harry. Sorry were late, we had to make sure your sister was doing okay. The younger

    version of Harry smiled up at the arrival of Lily and James Potter. The couple was older, but still vibrant.

    They took seats on either side of Harry and hugged him tight.

    Were proud of you, son. You fought quite well. You cant blame yourself for Petunia. Your sister can be

    quite headstrong, just like your mother. James Potter glanced around and seemed to pause at the

    ghostly image where the adult Harry was standing. He shrugged his shoulders when the young Harry


    Thats all right, Dad. I hope Neville is going to be okay.

    Lily Potter patted her sons head. Neville is a strong boy. Hes the boy who lived, after all. His parents

    would have been proud of him.

    I never quite figured out why Voldemort was so fixated on him. Harry asked.

    Who knows, but poor Alice and Frank Longbottom paid a dreadful price. Lily shuddered and looked at

    her husband. If Sirius hadnt figured out that Peter was going to betray us, I dont know what might have

    happened to us, darling, or Harry.

    I know, dear, but we survived. Our Harry fought very well as part of Dumbledores Army. He even

    ferreted out that rat Snape for what he was. There was contempt in James voice.

    Lily shook her head. Im still shocked that Severus ended up siding with Voldemort. Ive known him for

    so long. I thought hed seen the error of his ways.

    You cant make a snake change its spots, Lily. James retorted and then spoke in a whisper. Look,

    theres Neville. I wonder if hes going to speak?

    Harry turned and watched as Neville Longbottom walked up the aisle towards the podium. Half his face

    was burnt and bruised. His clothing was tattered and his face was downcast. He gripped the Elder Wand

    in his hand as he walked up to the front. There was a murmur in the crowd, but he ignored them. He

    continued walking. When he came even with the Weasleys, something astonishing occurred. Ginny

    reached out and touched her hand to his. Neville stopped and turned his face to look at her. He smiled, a

    smile that could only come from love. Then he continued his walk up the aisle to start his path to his


    Harry felt overwhelmed. His parents were here. In this world, he hadnt had to be without them. Neville

    had born the burden and won the prize. The world began to spin and Harry suddenly found himself back

    in the room, standing in front of the mirror. He turned, tears in his face and looked at Sirius who was

    crying himself.

    Sirius nodded. I would have given anything to have saved them, Harry.

    Harry turned and glanced at the mirror behind him. Sirius nodded. Yes, that one is the life as you

    remember it. This one. He pointed to the mirror that Harry had just experienced. This one is a life that

    you could have had, if one thing had been different, if I hadnt failed in my duty to my friends.

    Harry stood halfway between the mirrors. He looked at Sirius with a pleading glance. Sirius shrugged. I

    cant tell you what to do Harry. This is your choice. All I know is that I died with the regret that I could

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    have saved Lily and James. That thought haunted me all my life and haunts me to this day, but you must

    choose the path, Harry. Only you can decide. The real question is about regret. Dying with regret is a

    tragic thing, Harry. So, choose, Harry. Choose the path and find out.

    Harry nodded and then shoved his hands into his pants pockets. He felt what he carried there and then

    drew his hands out and let them fall to his side. He tossed his shoulders back, erect and took a deep

    breath. Then he turned, and walked into a mirror. He made his choice and then the room went black.

    Chapter 303 Temptation

    The sound of his footsteps echoed on the smoothed flagstones of the corridor. He adjusted his school

    robes, taking great care to straighten the Prefects badge on his lapel. His hair was shorter, neater, and he

    subconsciously worked at keeping it at a less flamboyant color. Teddy Lupin was adjusting quite well to

    his sixth year, although his first year as a Prefect had been quite difficult. What was more was the fact

    that Graciela had been named Head Girl and despite the fact that she seemed less prone to violence over

    the ending of their relationship, she was still, at best, frosty whenever they interacted.

    Teddy was tall and broad shouldered with a lean physique and strong chin. He walked with an athletes

    gait, his position as both Captain and Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team having been well earned by

    his prowess on the pitch. Hed far surpassed both his uncle and his aunt in terms of notoriety on the field,

    and there was a persistent rumor that Oliver Wood was considering him as a member of the English team

    for the next World Cup. He walked with great confidence, the lost boy from his first year well gone and

    left behind, a confident near-man replacing him.

    As he approached the gargoyle that led to the Headmasters office, Teddy felt a slight bit of apprehension.

    A mid-day summons to the Headmasters office was unusual, given Kingsley Shacklebolts dedication to

    academics. This could only mean that something was amiss that warranted the Headmasters attention

    and usually that meant it had something to do with the Marauders. Teddys friends had reconstituted the

    Marauders on a lark, but it had turned into something more. They were a group within a group, a

    membership that was composed of people from different houses dedicated to a common purpose. That

    purpose, it seemed, was to cause as much mischief as possible. They had done that, and in spades. He

    hoped that his friends hadnt done anything rash, at least without telling him first.

    He walked up to the gargoyle and cleared his throat. Then he offered the password. The man has style.

    As the gargoyle turned to reveal the hidden staircase to the Headmasters office, Teddy couldnt help but

    chuckle, as he did every time he recited the password. It was Kingsleys tribute to Dumbledore, really,

    and they were words that stuck with Teddy and his friends. No matter what they did, they tried to do it

    with style.

    He climbed the stairs and reached the waiting area in front of the open door to the Headmasters office.

    There were several people already in the office, huddled around Kingsley, who was sitting at his desk.

    There were several of the faculty, including Professor Longbottom, Professor Nott, and Professor

    McGonagall as well as one person that Teddy hadnt thought would be there, Aberforth Dumbledore, the

    proprietor of the Hogs Head. Now Teddy was really concerned and he thought back to his last

    Hogsmeade weekend. The Hogs Head had become a stomping ground forthe Marauders and he couldnt

    remember if their last foray had resulted in anything untoward.

    He swallowed the anxious lump in his throat and walked in as Kingsley was finishing a bit of business with

    his colleagues. I think we got all of the residents out of the town through the tunnel to the Room of

    Requirement. Theodore, are their needs being met.

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    The sallow skinned Potions master stood and ran his fingers through his long, jet black hair. For now, but

    Id hate to have to keep them there for too long. We may need to work them up into the dorms if this

    lasts too much longer.

    Kingsley nodded and then seemed to notice Teddy standing near the door. Ah, Mr. Lupin, come in


    Teddy stepped forward and fixed his gaze on a point on the wall just above Kingsleys head.

    I suppose you were wondering why I called you up here. Its about the Marauders. Kingsley had a

    passive expression on his face and despite his years of control, Teddys hair switched from brown to a

    bright pink. Teddy figured that the less he spoke, the less trouble hed get into. So he simply stood


    Come, Teddy, we know all about your little group and its, shall we say, extracurricular activities.

    Kingsley leaned forward and fixed Teddy in an icy glare. Teddy became flustered and did not notice

    Neville and Theodore turn to the side, hiding obvious grins.

    Well, er, Professor, its more of a social club or study group, than anything else. Study group? Teddy

    felt a pressing need to smack his forehead.

    Im sure, but thats not why youre here. I have a very important question for you. Aside from you and

    your obvious talent, how many of your friends are Animagi? Kingsley braced his hands together in front

    of his face.

    Teddy was caught off guard. Professor, that would be illegal. All Animagi have to register with the


    Thats quite true, Mr. Lupin, as you well know. Professor McGonagall spoke up, her aquiline nose

    seemed to be pointing straight down at the young Prefect. And considering your friends abysmal grades

    in my class, Id be prone to believe that none of them would be capable of doing it correctly.

    Kingsley interjected, But the original Marauders masked their ability to transmogrify by doing poorly in

    class. Teddy, this is very important, how many of your friends are Animagi?

    Teddy thought for a moment. Something wasnt right here. This was more than a simple disciplinary

    session. He breathed out and sighed. Five or six are very good at it by now, Professor. Some just cant

    get it, like Carlo, but the others are almost as good as me, and I have a certain advantage.

    Teddy was a Metamorphmagus. He had an innate talent to transmogrify into any animal shape he

    desired. Kingsley rose from his desk and walked around to where Teddy was standing. He placed a

    reassuring hand on Teddys shoulder.

    Teddy, we have a critical situation in Hogsmeade. Its a reflection of some very bad things happening in

    the country in general. A pack of werewolves has taken over the town. Weve evacuated most of the

    population, but the werewolves are trying to gain access to the school grounds and with tonight being a

    full moon, we cant risk that. Kingsley nodded to Minerva. Professor McGonagall and I are going to see

    if we can find the progenitor of the pack, the original werewolf. If we can defeat him, we should be able

    to take care of the rest. We need Animagi to come with us.

    Teddy nodded, he more than anyone else, understood that in Animagus form, a wizard would be immune

    from the werewolf bite. That was why the original Marauders had taken the risk of learning about

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    Animagi, to safeguard his father during his alteration. Kingsleys voice lowered. Bring your friends to the

    main gate at six. I only want sixth and seventh years, Teddy. This is dangerous, but we have no choice.

    Professor, what about the Aurors? Surely Uncle Harry or Uncle Ron can handle this. Teddy felt a small

    sense of dread.

    There are dark things at work, Mr. Lupin. The Ministry is crippled. Most of the Aurors are incapacitated.Hogwarts is on its own, Im afraid. Kingsley dropped his head and returned to his desk.

    Teddys throat dried and then he turned and left the room.


    Harry found himself standing outside his parents shattered home at Godrics Hollow. Hed made his

    choice, but was it right. He put his hands in his pockets and withdrew a small cameo he kept there at all

    times. The chain had broken long ago, but it the case remained intact. He opened the hinge and peered

    inside. On one side was a picture of Ginny, animated, smiling and blowing kisses at him. On the other

    were the images of his three kids, James, Albus and Lily. His choice had been difficult. In the past, all he

    wanted was a chance to be with his parents. Hed almost lost himself in the images in the original Mirror

    of Erised, but when he was faced with the choice and he felt the cameo in his hands, it reminded him of

    what hed be giving up.

    In the end, his life had revolved around choices that he made. He didnt have to be the Chosen One. He

    chose to be. He confronted Voldemort, offered his life, and followed a path that was of his own doing.

    Regret could be poisonous, for sure, but Harry had always felt that hed made the right choices. The

    memory of Ginny and his children cemented his conviction. Playing a game of what if was not his style.

    You have no style. He turned and Godrics Hollow disappeared. Cedric Diggory was standing next to

    him. They were in a graveyard, THE graveyard where Cedric had been slain. They were wearing the silks

    theyd worn during the Triwizard Tournament. Cedric smiled. You were always like more of a blunt

    instrument, Harry, but I dont know if Id call that style.

    Harrys head became a little light. Allof the manifestations within this dream had been of people who

    were dead. So, was he imagining this, or were they ghosts? If he were imagining this, why didnt he

    conjure up people he knew to be alive? Had he passed?

    Oh, you passed the test, Harry. Another voice spoke up. The dapper figure of Lionel Hutz appeared. He

    sauntered up and doffed his bowler to Harry. That was a near thing, wasnt it? How easy is it to try to

    make a change from the past? Tell me, Mr. Potter, what finally cinched it for you? Why did you choose to

    let things lie?

    A man could go mad trying to change the past and hope for a better tomorrow. Ive seen first hand what

    that does to everything. Harry responded bitterly.

    Hutz nodded knowingly. Ah yes, you have seen the impact of slight changes to the past, havent you?

    Harry ignored the lawyers banter. Instead he looked around where they stood.

    Why are we here? Harry asked.

    Hutz walked over to where Cedric was standing and placed a hand on his shoulder. This will be the scene

    of the next and final test, Mr. Potter. This one really intrigues me. What about you, Cedric?

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    Diggory brushed Hutz hand from his shoulder. He turned and looked at Harry, instead. You need to be

    true to yourself, Harry. You cant let things overwhelm you, remember the sacrifices that everyone has


    Harry was stunned. He turned and looked at Hutz. All these people, are they real or my imagination?

    What is this place?

    Hutz became serious. They are real and they are not. You know there are ghosts, Harry, but why dont

    we see them all the time? Why do you see Peeves or Nearly Headless Nick, but not Cedric here? Why can

    the Headmaster have interactive portraits of other Headmasters, yet you only see your parents or Sirius

    Black as parts of a dream?

    I dont know. Harry admitted.

    I understand, Mr. Potter. It is very difficult to explain. Suffice to say, there are ghosts. Your friends and

    family are around in a spirit sense, but not readily accessible.

    Except here. Harry intoned.

    Precisely, but only here, in this realm of relative neutrality, where good and evil, dark and light meet.

    That is the essence of this place. Its found in your mind and in its found on this plane. He pointed to

    Cedric. Hes the ghost of Cedric Diggory, but hes here only because your mind summoned him, and

    because this place, this graveyard plays a very important role in the next test.

    When does the next test start? Harry asked.

    Hutz pulled an old pocket watch from the waist pocket of his vest. It should start, right about, now.

    Then he winked out of sight, leaving Harry and Cedric standing alone.


    CRACK! THOOM! The central street of Hogsmeade was deserted in the reddish glow of the sunset.Seven figures appeared clustered together, their apparition echoing loudly in the empty street. They

    immediately drew their wands. Teddy stood next to Kingsley, alongside Lunastus Rookwood, Martin

    Peake, Graciela Baretto, Professor McGonagall and Richard Leveille. The four students, at least according

    to Teddy, were the best Animagi of the Marauders. Professor McGonagall had put them through a quick

    test to make sure. Alan Bass was also an Animagus, but his form was one of a small tarantula, and

    Kingsley made the call that he probably wouldnt have been much help on this mission.

    Teddy reached up and touched his fingers to his lips. Victoire had come to see them off and had kissed

    him deeply, forgetting that she was mad at him. Surprisingly, Graciela hadnt reacted like he thought.

    She let out a wolf whistle, much to his chagrin. Time wounds all heels, was a favorite saying of Gracies.

    Apparently, she was close to forgetting their past. So much the better.

    Pay attention, Teddy. Kingsley growled. The Headmaster turned to the rest of the group. We go in

    and try to find the proto-wolf. Usually, they lair up in an enclosed, but open space. It should be warm

    and easy to defend. Any ideas?

    Gracie pursed her lips. The Three Broomsticks, thats where Id go. Its open, but contained. Theres a

    nice fire and the building is built like a castle.

    Its also at the end of the street, so they can see anyone approaching. Martin added.

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    Kingsley nodded. Well try there. He pointed to Teddy, Lunastus and Martin. You three stay on this

    side of the street with Professor McGonagall. You two come with me on the other side. Gracie and

    Richard followed Kingsley.

    They walked in parallel down the darkening street. Kingsley had explained that they wanted to wait until

    the moonrise to strike because only then would the alpha wolf be identifiable. Teddy didnt like the

    thought of parading around an enclosed street with a pack of transformed werewolves, but they had nochoice.

    Professor? Shouldwe transmogrify? Lunastus whisper carried to Teddys ear in the stillness of the


    McGonagall shook her head. No, not yet. Its best to save the transformation until you need it. Youll

    know when.

    Teddy listened and then continued to follow McGonagall down the street. The silence was suddenly filled

    by a chorus of loud, chilling howls in the night. Up ahead, The Three Broomsticks loomed, its windows

    darkened and broken out, but Teddy could see movement inside. There was a loud crash of more

    windows breaking and Teddy felt the hair on the back of his neck bristle. Then, a loud noise echoed

    through the night. Richard had sneezed.

    Teddy looked across the way and his friend shrugged his shoulders just a dozen large lupine creatures

    poured out into the street from the Three Broomsticks, while another dozen or so lined the street behind

    them. They were trapped. Graciela offered Richard a quick snap on the back Richards head.

    No need for stealth, Richard responded. Ouch! I told you Im allergic to dogs.

    The snapping of jaws and the low growls emanating from the approaching werewolves told Teddy that

    Richards comments werent appreciated. Kingsleys voice echoed in the night.

    Minerva, you go forward. Well handle the ones behind us. Try to find the pack leader. McGonagall

    nodded and turned to charges.

    I think now would be a good time, gentlemen. Lunastus, if you will, please clear a path forward. The

    large, brooding teen nodded and concentrated. Rapidly, he fell on all fours and his size increased until he

    was the huffing, snorting figure of a rhinoceros. Teddy smiled as Lunastus built up a head of steam and

    plowed into the closely packed werewolves, tossing them aside with his horn. Martin began his

    transformation and became the figure of a large St. Bernard. The dog snarled and followed close behind

    the rampaging rhino, snapping at the pack. Teddy concentrated and became a burly, grizzly bear. He

    paused for a moment as McGonagall turned into her cat figure. Teddy bent his neck and McGonagall

    climbed up and held on. The ground was no place for a tabby in a battle like this.

    On the other side, Kingsley had transmogrified into a lynx, almost the mirror image of his patronus.

    Graciela had turned into a sleek, powerful black panther and Richard? Richard had the most interesting

    Animagus form of them all. As a hypochondriac, it was thought that Richard would become something

    dainty or sanitary. Not so. As he transformed, there was a snort and a belch. Richards Animagus was

    that of a snarling, deadly wild boar. He plunged into the werewolves with abandon, taking on the mass of

    furry bodies that were attempting to attack the group from the rear.

    Teddy barreled into his group, following in the wake of Lunastus and Martin. His eyes swept the group,

    searching for a werewolf that stood out, that separated itself as the proto-wolf. Almost immediately, he

    felt a crush of claws and teeth trying to cut through the hair on his body. A grizzlys fur was thick and

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    offered him greater protection, yet here and there, he winced inwardly as some penetrated his skin. He

    fought with his massive paws and jaws, casting bodies here and there, yet not making much progress.

    For his part, Kingsley kept an eye on Teddy. The entire fight hinged on Teddys ability as a

    Metamorphmagus. Animagi were limited to one form, but Teddy had no such limitation. There was no

    way, despite their immunity from the werewolfs bite, that they could survive for much longer. There

    simply were too many of the dark creatures to handle. He prayed silently that Teddy would figure it out.

    Teddy felt McGonagall leap from his back, onto an adjacent roof. He felt better without her there, now

    he had a bit more freedom. His eyes caught sight of a larger wolf, with a long silver stripe of fur down its

    back. That had to be the proto-wolf. He concentrated and transformed into a bull moose. He lowered

    his antlers and plowed through the crowd of wolves. He spied Lunastus driving in front of him and Teddy

    leapt in the air and transformed again, this time into the figure of a silver backed gorilla. He planted his

    hands on Lunastus back and catapulted in the air and tackled the large werewolf. The pair gripped each

    other in a tight bear hug, rolling around on the round. Teddy felt the jaws of the animal tear into his

    shoulder and not let go. He felt his skin tearing and his strength weakening. Desperately, Teddy reached

    up and wrapped his hands around the creatures throat.

    Now it was a contest. Who would weaken first? Teddys shoulder and back or the creatures throat.

    Teddy felt his vision darkening, he was moments away from losing consciousness, which meant certain

    death. If he passed out, hed revert to his human form and would be susceptible to a bite. He gripped

    harder, desperate to finish the fight. After what seemed an eternity, he heard a loud snap and his

    opponents body slackened and fell back. It was dead.

    The loss of their leader sent the pack into a bewildered frenzy. They howled and then ran, leaving their

    fallen comrades behind. They disappeared into the night. The Marauders let out a collective sigh and

    reverted to their human forms. Teddy felt himself transfiguring, his breath was heavy and the pain from

    his injuries starting to take hold. His hands were now around the throat of a human man. He looked

    down and then jumped back. He recognized the person, from his nightmares.

    Kingsley ran up as he saw Teddy leap back. The Hogarts Headmaster looked down at the fallen werewolf

    and the gasped. Looking up at him were the lifeless eyes of Fenrir Greyback, a man whod been dead foryears.


    Im going to kill you, Harry Potter. Harry found himself in the graveyard, facing a phalanx of Death

    Eaters and the Dark Lord himself standing before him. Cedrics lifeless body was off to the side. Harry

    gripped his wand. Hed been here before, facing the Dark Lord and barely escaping with his life.

    Stupefy! Voldemort easily deflected Harrys initial spell and cackled in merriment, mocking him for his

    simplicity, but this wasnt a fifteen year old that faced Tom Riddle. This was an accomplished Auror.

    Harry subvocalized another spell.


    A tombstone next to Voldemort exploded violently, knocking the Dark Lord to his knees. Harry didnt let

    up. Avara Kedavra!

    The pencil thin green light struck the newly reformed Dark Lord in the chest, killing him instantly. His

    wand fell to the ground and Harry stretched out his free hand and retrieved the wand, tucking into his

    waist band. He held his own wand up and aimed it at the stunned Death Eaters.

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    Wait, Harry! Dont, we give up! Lucius Malfoy held his hands up, palms out. He took an unsteady step

    forward and glanced down at the dull, red dead eyes of his former master. He took a deep breath and

    then turned his eyes towards Harry.

    You have defeated him. You killed the master.

    Harry shook his head. Not quite, but that can be rectified soon enough. Harry knew about theHorcruxes that still existed, including himself, yet even they needed some sort of impetus. Even now,

    there was no sign of Nagini.

    Lucius glanced at Harry curiously and then held his hand out to the other Death Eaters. As one, they knelt

    to the ground. Malfoy turned towards Harry. Whatever, Harry, you are now our master. You are the

    most powerful wizard in the world, because you defeated the most powerful wizard in the world. We will

    follow you.

    Harry stopped short and felt a surge of adrenaline course through his body. He looked down at Malfoy,

    kneeling in front of him. I dont want to be the Dark Lord.

    Lucius smiled. Of course you dont. Obviously, you are better than he was. You can set things right. You

    can bring order to our society. Such is the power that you have at your fingertips.

    Look what that power did to Voldemort. Harry responded, but even now, his mind was racing at the

    possibilities. All the troubles in the world could be fixed. Thered be no blood-purity laws. He could make

    things work because hed use the power for good.

    The Dark Lord was flawed. He underestimated you, Potter. But you know better. You are better. You

    would use the power the way it should be, to make this world better. Malfoys light blue eyes were fixed

    on Harry.

    Harrys mind raced through the possibilities. He could stop Umbridge, he could stop Fudge, he could save

    Dumbledore, he could make things right, because hed have the power.

    Lucius Malfoy extended his arm, holding his hand out to Harry. Take my hand, Harry. Accept the loyalty

    of the Death Eaters to your cause. Bring order to the world and become the most powerful wizard of our

    age. Make things right.

    Harry watched the hand. Here was the choice. He could carry on and be simply the Boy Who Lived and

    killed Voldemort, or he could use the power hed just won and make the world better. He felt the magic

    coursing through his veins. All he need do was take Lucius Malfoys hand. He tucked his wand into his

    waistband, right next to its twin. His palms felt clammy and he swallowed. The power felt good, it felt

    like it was his birthright. His emerald eyes focused on Malfoys hand. All he need do was accept the

    power he already had. He glanced over at the body of Cedric Diggory. No more need die. He swallowed

    and then made his choice.

    Chapter 304 Getting the Balance Right

    The elevator chimed as it reached the uppermost floor on the pad. Angel drew a magnetic card from the

    pocket of his long, black duster coat and inserted it into the reader at the top of the panel. There was a

    barely audible ping as the cards destination was registered and the doors closed. He rode the car as it

    continued on its path.

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    Ever since the encounter with the Volturi, he and Spike had been following leads around the

    disappearance of Harrys friends. The reports of the dark creatures emanating from England had been

    disturbing and now, only one last course remained. It was time to talk to the Powers That Be about

    what their intentions were around the magical world. Harry Potter had managed to fashion a relatively

    quiet era of peace, with the dark forces kept at a relative distance, but recent events bore all the

    hallmarks of the mysterious powers that both ran Wolfram and Heart, the shadowy evil law firm that had

    been his nemesis and kept the world turning from an evil perspective.

    Visiting the powers was not something that Angel wanted to do. They had been a source of pain and

    death for him for most of his existence. He still couldnt fathom whether they were evil or ambivalent.

    What he did know is that they were the source of a lot of the problems that were going on right now and

    he had to see if he could intervene. He wasnt even entirely sure they would see him, given the

    monumental problems hed had contacting them in the past. Still, he had to try.

    The elevator doors opened and he found himself in a rather mundane and functional waiting area with a

    large, round reception desk. Behind the desk was a pretty woman who, in any other place, would have

    been typical of a receptionist at any other office, except for her red skin and the two small horns

    protruding from her forehead. She smiled as he exited.

    Mr. Angel? They will be with you shortly. They are meeting with their attorney. Would you please have

    a seat?

    Angel nodded and sat in one of the overstuffed chairs in the lobby. He picked up a Demons Quarterly

    magazine and leafed through it, while he waited for the Powers to see to him.


    Lionel Hutz exited the elevator and walked into the lobby. He hesitated as he spied Angel flipping through

    a magazine. He regained his composure relatively quickly and nodded to the demoness behind the desk.

    She pressed a button and the door buzzed. He opened the door and walked into the conference room.

    The boardroom was like any other that could be found in any lawyers office. There was a large oval oaktable with comfortable seats around the perimeter. As was expected, Lionel stood at the end of the table

    and waited as the Powers that Be finished the current item on the agenda. While he kept his gaze

    forward, he took a quick glance at his employers.

    No one sat at what would be the head of the table. The six figures were seated equidistant apart, three

    on either side of the table. Lionel knew each of them by name as he studied the engraved plaque hanging

    on the wall on the far side. The plaque was inscribed with the Powers mission statement. Maintain the

    Balance: Turn a Profit While Doing it.

    The Powers that Be were a funny organization. Largely non-partisan and usually amoral, its membership

    fluctuated through the centuries. Through the years, theyd shifted, based on its membership from being

    completely evil to extreme benevolence. More recently, the addition of three members had shifted their

    focus to maintaining the balance between light and dark. The first member was the tall, well dressed man

    with slicked back hair sitting farthest away from Lionel. Gordon Gecko was probably the most amoral

    man that Lionel had ever met. He was driven by the fact that the most favorable way to gain power was

    to avoid vacuums or environments wher