How to Setup a Project

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  • 8/7/2019 How to Setup a Project


    How to Setup a Project?

    Guidelines for Prospective Entrepreneur

    General Information

    Financial Assistance

    Project Report




    Promotional Schemes

    General Information

    What can be done for self-employment?

    A small-scale industry or a tiny unit can easily be set up for self-

    employment. You can choose an activity depending upon your interest andsuitability not only to become self-employed but also to generate

    employment for others.

    What is a Small-Scale industry?

    An industrial unit in which the investment in fixed assets in plant and

    machinery does not exceed rupees one crore is said to be small scale

    industry. Such plant and machinery may be owned or obtained on lease

    while calculating the investment in plant and machinery items like land,building and some equipments required for quality control, pollution control

    etc. are excluded.

    Is it necessary to engage only in manufacturing for self-employment?

    It is not necessary to engage in manufacturing activity for self-employment.

    One can set up industry-related service and business enterprises. These are

    known as Small Scale Service & Business Enterprises (SSSBEs).

    What is a Small-Scale Service business enterprise?

    Industry related service and business enterprises with an investment in fixed

    assets, excluding land and building, upto Rs. 10 lakhs, irrespective of

    location are defined as SSSBEs.

    What is a tiny unit?

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    Tiny unit is an enterprise with an investment in plant and machinery upto

    Rs. 25 lakhs, irrespective of location.

    How do I select an activity for self-employment?

    For selecting an activity or industry, you will have to consider the following

    significant issues:

    Where do you want to promote the enterprise?

    What resources are available near the location of the enterprise?

    What kind of market or consumer pattern exists near the site of enterprise?

    What kind of contacts you have to exploit to your advantage for marketing

    of the product?

    What infrastructure is available at the location of your enterprise?How much capital is available?

    There are many other considerations including availability of skilled

    manpower, raw material, technology etc. before you narrow down your

    choice for selection of industry or activity.

    Who will assist in identifying the activity?

    Small Industries Service Institutes can assist you in identifying the activity

    based on the Industrial Potential Survey and product specific market studies.

    District Industries Centers/State Directorate of Industries also facilitate in

    identification of a suitable activity.

    What steps are required for identifying the activity?

    A preliminary market study of product(s) or service(s) needs to be

    undertaken to analyse consumption and availability pattern. If there is a gap

    in demand and supply, the activity considered ideal for selection.

    Where is market information available?

    Market information is available with SISIs and DICs of respective

    states/areas. Market Survey reports on various items and Industrial potential

    surveys of particular areas provide the information about the market

    potential of items. Industry and Trade associations, specialised institutions

    like PPDC can also provide such information.

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    How can market potential be ascertained?

    Market potential can be ascertained by conducting preliminary study by

    prospective entrepreneur to get an in sight of the product/ services to be

    setup. An entrepreneur can estimate local demand, demand within the state

    or country, export market and future prospects of product(s)/service(s). Visit

    to wholesale and retail markets, bulk consumers etc. provides accurate

    information on market potential.

    Is there any agency providing guidance on marketing potential?

    SISIs and State Governments agencies viz.DICs and SIDCs provide

    guidance on market potential. The gap in demand & supply can be

    established through potential surveys and market assessments with the helpof these agencies.

    Where can the enterprise be set up?

    The enterprise can be set up in a designated industrial area, where

    infrastructure facilities are available and is near to the market identified. It

    can also be set up in any other area depending upon nature of activity and

    local municipal rules.

    What are the inputs required for setting up an enterprise?

    The following major inputs are required for setting up an enterprise:

    Land, building or shed

    Machinery and equipments

    Raw Materials

    Power and Water

    Skilled manpower

    CapitalAre there any projects suitable for non-technical and inexperienced


    There are many projects, which are suitable for non-technical and

    inexperienced entrepreneurs. Skilled manpower and technical personnel can

    be hired according to needs. Entrepreneurs can also join special short term

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    training programmes. SISIs, DICs, NSIC etc. provide intensive

    consultancy to such first generation entrepreneurs.

    How can a new entrepreneur compete with the existing manufacturers?

    A prospective entrepreneur can take the advantage of opting for the latest

    technology and production process and operate at higher volume of

    operation. This leads to reduced production cost and production of quality

    goods and services. A new entrepreneur can thus provide improved quality

    goods and services at lower cost and further tap the market with innovative

    marketing approach.

    Financial Assistance

    Which are the agencies providing financial assistance?

    Financial assistance is available from institutions such as Nationalised

    Banks, Small Industries Development Bank of India, Regional Rural Banks,

    National Small Industries Corporation, State Financial Corporations etc.

    depending upon the project requirement and promoters background.

    Financial assistance has two components. Loan for fixed capital is used to

    acquire Plant and Machinery, land and building. Working capital loan is

    used to meet day to day operational cost of the production. State Financial

    Corporation and National Small Industries Corporation generally provide

    working capital. However under a package assistance, State Financial

    Corporations also provide a composite loan covering plant and machinery

    and working capital.

    How to choose the most suitable source of funding?

    Any of the financial institutions can be approached to get funds keeping in

    view their specific schemes. Evaluate and compare the terms and conditions,

    including rate of interest and repayment period of loan offered by the

    different financial institutions. Select the financial institution, which offersfunds at minimum interest rate as per your repayment plan to suit your

    project. Choose the Institution which is in close proximity to the project site

    if other terms and conditions are similar.

    What are the eligibility criteria for getting a loan?

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    The major eligibility criteria is return on the investment and profitability of

    the project proposed to be set up. Any financial institution will support the

    project if repayment is assured.

    How much money the entrepreneur is required to invest out of his own


    Some portion of total investment has to be contributed by the Entrepreneur

    out of own sources. This is called margin money. Financial Institutions insist

    on 10 to 25 per cent margin money depending upon the category of the

    entrepreneur, risk factor and existing scheme under which the project will be


    What is the cost of borrowing money?

    The cost of borrowing money depends upon the size of loan required. Lesser

    the amount of loan, lesser is the cost of borrowing. Normally, loans

    involving an amount of Rs. 25,000/- are available at a rate of interest of

    about 12.5 %. For loans of higher amount upto Rs. 2 lakhs, the rate may be

    13-14% and for amount higher than that, it may be 3-4 % more.

    What to do if an entrepreneur does not have any money of his own?

    It is simple. One can arrange for loan for margin money under the scheme

    being operated by the State Commissioner/Directorate of Industries or State

    Bank of India. But this scheme is generally offered to professionally

    qualified entrepreneurs. Alternately you may have to prune down the size of

    your project in tune with available margin money. The financial institutions

    will prefer to support an entrepreneur, who is willing to put his/her own

    stake to some extent.

    What is the procedure for getting a loan?

    An entrepreneur should approach the concerned finanical institution viz.State Financial Corporation, NSIC, Bank branches etc. Application in

    prescribed proformae has to be submitted along with project report including

    proof of ownership/availability of land/building, proof of residence,

    collateral securities (wherever applicable) etc. The loan is given by the

    institution if the application meets the norms.

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    Can the loan be used to cover all types of investment in the project?

    The amount of loan can be used to cover all types of investment required in

    the project, such as machinery & equipment, and working capital, land and

    building. The lending agency for each component of loan may be same or


    Is there any agency for funding the land and building costs?

    The Banks and State Financial Corporations offer assistance for

    land/building/shed to certain extent. However, some qualifying parameters

    have been laid down by these institutions. In addition, Housing

    Development Corporation also provides funds for land /building.

    What are the general conditions for availing financial assistance?

    The general conditions for getting financial assistance are:

    Eligibility criteria

    Technical /Economic viability

    Promoters contribution

    Capacity to repay loan

    Collateral securities/guarantee

    Is loan available from any other source for small projects?

    Loan is also offered under some special schemes like P.M.R.Y. which are

    directed towards creation of self-employment.

    What is PMRY?

    Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana is a centrally sponsored self-employment for

    educated unemployed youth desirous of setting up an enterprise of his own.

    Persons between the age group of 18 to 35 years with annual family incomeof less than Rs.40000/- are eligible. The age limit is relaxed upto 45 years in

    case of SC/ST, Women, Physically handicapped and Ex-servicemen. One

    can set up any industry/business or service activity and can avail of financial

    assistance upto Rupees Two Lakhs for promoting an enterprise as an

    individual under PMRY.

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    Who Operates PMRY?

    PMRY Scheme is primarily operated by Small Industry Development

    Organisation, Ministry of SSI & ARI through State Director/ Commissioner

    of Industries. The implementation of the scheme is done through DICs in all

    the states in the country.

    How does an Entrepreneur get assistance under the PMRY?

    A simplified procedure is in operation. An application in prescribed

    Performa has to be submitted to the concerned DICs along with proof of

    residency, Affidavit of family income and birth certificate etc. A committee

    scrutinizes the applications before forwarding all eligible application to the

    designated bank(s). The banks in turn provide funds after formal

    examination and acceptance.

    What is the interest rate at which PMRY loan is available?

    The PMRY is an attractive scheme offering loan @ normal bank rate. The

    repayment of the loan is required in 3 to 7 years depending upon the

    capacity and viability of the project.

    Project Report

    What is a project report?

    The project report is a document, which gives an account of the project

    proposal to ascertain the prospects of the proposed plan/activity. The project

    report contains detailed information about:

    Land & building required

    Manufacturing Capacity per annum

    Manufacturing Process

    Machinery & equipment along with their prices and specificationsRequirements of raw materials

    Power & Water required.

    Manpower needs


    Cost of the project and production.

    Financial analyses & economic viability of the project.

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    How is a Project Report Prepared?

    A project report is prepared with the help of prescribed guidelines available

    with SISIs, DICs & financial institutions. Information about prices of

    machinery & equipment, raw material and other various inputs required for

    setting up an enterprise need to be collected from the market.

    Is there any standard model for preparing the project report?

    A model proforma for preparing the project report is available with SISIs,

    DICs & financial institutions. Every institution has its own model proforma.

    However contents of all the proforma are almost similar.

    Is a model project report available?

    Yes, Model project profiles are available with the Small Industries Service

    Institutes & DICs for the guidance of entrepreneurs.. However, these

    project profiles have to be recast in accordance with specific needs of the

    entrepreneurs and the current prices of inputs.

    Which agency assists in preparation of Project Report?

    SISIs, NSIC and State Govt. agencies viz. DICs, SFCs can help you in

    preparing the Project Report. You can also prepare the Project Report

    yourself by collecting detailed information on various points.

    What details are required for preparation of Project Report?

    In formation in detail is required about the technical process, requirements

    of plant and machinery, raw materials, manpower requirement, market

    information and statutory representations (like pollution control and public

    safety) etc. The details of power and water tariff, land/shed/building and

    selling prices etc. needs to be collected as prevalent in the market.

    Which agencies can be approached for obtaining information for preparation

    of the Project Report?

    Entrepreneur can approach SISIs and state Govt. agencies viz. Directorate

    of Industries, SFCs, DICs and market channels for getting information.

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    Who can help in selecting production process, equipment etc?

    Small Industries Service Institutes, Design and Development Centres like

    PPDCs/Tool Rooms, Research and Developmental agencies such as

    NRDCs and Regional Research Laboratories can help you in selecting the

    right production process, suitable equipments etc.


    What basic training is required for setting up an enterprise?

    Basic training differs from product to product but will necessary involve

    sharpening of entrepreneurial skills. Need based technical training is

    provided by the Govt. & State Govt. technical Institutions.

    What are the other types of training relevant for a new entrepreneur?

    One can acquire entrepreneurial skills by under going Entrepreneurial

    Development Programme and Management Development programme.

    What is the duration of such courses?

    These are short-term courses of 2 weeks to 4 weeks duration.

    Which are the agencies providing such training?

    There are a number of Government organisations as well as NGOs who

    conduct EDPs and MDPs. These EDPs and MDPs and are conducted by

    SISIs, NIESBUD, NSIC, IIE, NISIET, Entrepreneurship Development

    Institutes and other state government developmental agencies.

    Is different type of training available for different categories of


    Need based training courses are available for different categories of

    entrepreneurs. For example, Central Footwear Training Institutes provide

    training for footwear. Tool Room and Tool Design Institutes provide

    training in Engineering Industry. Likewise other technical training is

    provided by various institutions of centre and state govt.

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    Are there any preferential criteria for imparting training?

    An entrepreneur desirous of setting up of enterprises or his representative is

    preferred for attending these training programmes which are offered on a

    nominal fee. However, there is no fee charged for imparting training for the

    entrepreneurs of NE region. Moreover, preference is accorded to weaker

    sections such as SC/ST, Women, Ex-servicemen. and Physically

    handicapped persons.

    Are there any short terms courses available?

    Short term technical training courses are conducted by SISIs and other

    technical institutions, which vary from 3 to 6 months of duration depending

    on nature of training. In addition, short-term training programmes for

    managers & supervisors are also conducted by SISIs to upgrade theirknowledge and skills.

    Does any agency give on the spot training for installation and

    commissioning of equipment?

    Normally the suppliers of machinery & equipment provide on the spot

    training as well as facilities on the spot for installation and commissioning of

    equipment. However, SISIs also assist the entrepreneurs for installation and

    commissioning of machinery equipment at their premises.

    Is there any agency providing training for skill upgradation?

    Skill development/upgradation courses are offered by SISIs, NSIC, PPDCs

    etc. in different disciplines to skilled workers engaged in the small scale

    industries with a view to equip them with better and improved technologies

    of production.

    Which are the organisations providing training to improve management of

    an enterprise?

    SISIs, Management Development Institutes, NPC, NSIC etc. offer

    Management Development Programmes for acquiring knowledge about the

    different aspects of the management required for an operation of industry.

    Short-term courses of two to four weeks are available on Production

    Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Export

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    Management, Export Procedure & Documentation, Packaging for Exports,

    Cost Reduction, Material Management etc.

    Are there institutions providing consultancy for development or setting up of


    SISIs, DICs and State industrial development corporations can provide

    consultancy for development or setting up of project. Suitable technologies

    are also offered by CSIR Laboratories, PPDCs, NRDCs, R&D institutions

    also offer consultancy at nominal charges.

    What kind of consultancy is offered by these agencies?

    The consultancy provided by these institutions includes identification of

    suitable product, market, technologies, Raw Materials, production method,regulatory requirement etc. In fact any problem can be addressed by these

    institutions for setting up or running of the enterprise.

    Which agencies provide information on plant and machinery, raw materials

    and other equipments?

    SISIs, DIC, CSIR Laboratories, PPDCs, NRDC, R&D institutions etc.

    provide information on plant and machinery, raw materials and other


    How does one tackle pollution control needs of the project?

    In case your product is covered under the list of the polluting industries as

    defined by the state government, it will be necessary to get specific

    clearance from the state Pollution Control Board/Committees. Pollution

    control equipments/measures will have to be installed by the enterprise as

    per need. Such polluting enterprises can only be set up in the designated

    industrial areas or locations and may have to link up with the common

    affluent treatment facility, if available in the area.

    Which institutions provide details of pollution control requirements?

    Pollution control board/ Committees and State Directorate of industries

    provide details of pollution control requirements. SISIs, and DICs also help

    in understanding of pollution needs.

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    Does any agency provide training in pollution control?

    SISIs provide training in pollution control for different type of industries as

    per their local needs. Pollution Control Boards & Ministry of Environment

    also support training efforts.


    What is registration of SSI?

    Registration of SSI means that you register your proposed/existing

    enterprise with the State Directorate or Commissioner of Industries or

    DICs. This will make you eligible for availing of Government assistance. A

    unit is normally registered provisionally first and accorded permanentregistration later. Registration is not compulsory.

    What are the advantages of SSI registration?

    SSI registration gives recognition to Industrial units & helps in maintaining

    database for policy planning and other purposes. It is an essential

    requirements for getting benefits of special schemes for promotion of SSI

    viz. Credit guarantee Scheme, Capital subsidy, Reduced custom duty on

    selected items, ISO-9000 Certification reimbursement & several other

    benefits provided by the State Government.

    What is the procedure of registration as SSI?

    Application in a prescribed application form is available with State

    Directorate/Commissioner of Industries/DIC, is submitted to the concerned

    authority along with a set of documents specified separately for provisional

    and permanent registration.

    What documents are required for registration?

    For provisional registration, only a project proposal is required since it is

    expression of an intent to set up an enterprise. For permanent registration

    NOC from Municipal Corporation, Pollution Control Board and Electricity

    Board, Proof of rent/ Ownership of workplace etc. are needed.

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    Is registration given for manufacturing a product/ setting up a unit at a

    particular place?

    SSI registration is both location specific and product specific. But in certain

    state capitals and metropolitan cities, SSI registration is granted to those

    units, which are located only in the designated industrial areas/estates.

    Changes if any are required to be incorporated in the SSI registration


    How much time is required for registration as SSI?

    Normally three to four weeks time is required for registration. It also

    depends upon time taken by the SSI for completion of all formalities.

    What are the formalities to be completed before seeking provisionalregistration?

    A copy of project report is required to be submitted along with the

    application. NOC from local municipal /bodies, State Electricity Board,

    proof of ownership/rent deed are also required if Place/ location of unit is


    What is permanent registration as SSI?

    The permanent registration as SSI is granted only after the commencement

    of commercial production. It is given after physical inspection of the

    enterprise and scrutiny of certain documents.

    What is Provisional registration?

    Provisional registration is initially granted for the proposed enterprise. This

    enables in applying to various departments/agencies/SFCs etc. for availing

    assistance for setting up the enterprise including infrastructure requirements.

    It is termed Provisional since the enterprise is yet to come into existence. Itis granted for a specified period of time (3 years) during which the unit is

    expected to be setup.

    Is provisional registration compulsory for getting permanent registration as


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    Provisional registration is not compulsory for getting permanent registration.

    However, for availing of various facilities from financial institutions/Banks,

    State government, it is necessary to obtain provisional registration.

    How does permanent registration differ from provisional registration?

    Permanent registration is life time registration granted to SSI which have

    commenced commercial production and provisional SSI registration is

    granted for 3 years to proposed units which have not come into existence.

    What are the formalities required to be completed for seeking permanent


    The following formalities are required to be completed for seeking

    permanent registration:

    Ownership/tenancy rights of the premises where unit is located.

    Municipal Corporation clearance

    State Pollution Control Board/ Committee clearance

    Electricity Board sanction

    Copy of partnership deed/Memorandum of articles of association in case of

    Pvt. Ltd. Co.

    Sale bill of product manufactured

    Sale bill of each end product

    Purchase bill of each raw material

    Purchase bill of machinery installed

    BIS/QC certificate if applicable

    An affidavit giving status of the unit, machinery installed, power

    requirement etc.


    How does a new entrepreneur market the product?

    This is an era of globalization and liberalization. The manufacturers have tooffer goods and services of desired quality at optimum cost. Select the right

    market/consumers identified at the time of planning the unit. Establish

    Direct marketing channels or a network of dealers as per requirement of the

    product based upon initial survey. Highlight strengths of the product.

    How does one popularise the new product?

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    You may create awareness among the buyers or consumers about your

    products strong points in order to convince them of the utility of the

    product. Publicity in various available forms has to be arranged within the

    budgetary constraints. Sell your quality, to gain consumers confidence.

    Review consumer feed back. Resort to live demonstration. SISI /NSIC help

    in popularising the product through domestic and international trade


    Are there any specialized agencies which offer marketing assistance?

    There are Governmental and non-governmental specialised agencies which

    provide marketing assistance. NSIC & KVIC are the devoted govt. agencies

    for providing marketing assistance to SSI units.

    Is there any other assistance offered by NSIC for marketing SSI Product?

    Besides promotion of SSI products through exhibitions, NSIC directly

    market the SSI produce in the domestic and overseas market. NSIC also

    manages a single point registration scheme for manufacturers for Govt.

    purchase. Units registered under this scheme get the benefits of free tender

    documents and exemption from earnest money deposit and performance


    Does any agency help in exhibition of the product?

    SISI & NSIC help the small-scale enterprise for exhibiting products of SSI

    in the domestic and international exhibition.

    Does any agency help in promoting exports?

    ITPO, DGFT, FIEO & Chambers of commerce in different countries

    Ministry of Commerce provide assistance in promoting exports. Office of

    the Development Commissioner (SSI), Government of India providesfinancial assistance to small scale entrepreneurs to display their products in

    overseas fairs and also for sales-cum-study tours abroad.

    Are there any special benefits for exports?

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    SSI units gets special benefits such as duty draw back, advance licensing for

    import of capital goods and raw materials, pre- shipment and post shipment

    credit against firm export orders and marketing development assistance.

    Income tax benefit is available on exports earning.

    Promotional Schemes

    What is the policy of Government for promoting a small scale industry ?

    Government accords the highest preference to development of SSI by

    framing and implementing suitable policies and promotional schemes.

    Besides providing developed land and sheds to the entrepreneurs on actual

    cost basis with appropriate infrastructure, special schemes have been

    designed for specific purposes like quality upgradation, common facilities,

    entrepreneurship development and consultancy services at nominal charges.

    What is the incentive provided for quality upgradation ?

    Government of India has been executing the incentive scheme for providing

    reimbursement of charges for acquiring ISO 9000 certification to the extent

    of 75% of the cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 75,000/- in each case. ISO

    9000 is a mechanism to facilitate adoption of consistent management

    practices and production technique as decided by the entrepreneur himself.

    This facilitates achievement of desired level of quality while keeping check

    on production process and management of the enterprise.

    Is there any concession on Excise Duty payable by small units ?

    SSI units with a turnover of Rs. 1 crore or less per year have been exempted

    from payment of Excise Duty. Moreover there is a general scheme of excise

    exemption for SSI brought out by the Ministry of Finance which covers

    most of the items. Under this, units having turnover of less than Rs. 3 crores

    are eligible for concessional rate of Excise Duty. Moreover, there is an

    exemption from Excise Duty for SSI units producing branded goods in ruralareas.

    Is priority there any on providing credit to SSI ?

    Credit to small scale sector has been covered under priority sector lending

    by banks. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has been

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    established as the apex institution for financing the SSI. Specific schemes

    have been designed for implementation through SIDBI, SFCs, Scheduled

    Banks, SIDCs and NSIC etc. Loans upto Rs. 5 lakhs are made available by

    the banks without insisting on collaterals. Further Credit Guarantee Fund for

    small industries has been set up to provide guarantee for loans to SSI up to

    Rs. 25 lakhs extended by Commercial Banks and some Regional Rural


    What are the policies and schemes for promotion of SSI being implemented

    by State Governments ?

    All the State Governments provide technical and other support services to

    small units through their Directorates of Industries, and District Industries

    Centres. Although the details of the scheme vary from state to state, the

    following are the common areas of support.

    Development and management of industrial estates

    Suspension/deferment of Sales Tax

    Power subsidies

    Capital investment subsidies for new units set up in a particular district

    Seed Capital/Margin Money Assistance Scheme

    Priority in allotment of power connection, water connection.

    Consultancy and technical support

    If I perform well, will my efforts be recognized ?

    Yes, Government of India runs a scheme for giving National Awards to

    small scale entrepreneurs providing quality products in 11 selected industry

    groups of consumer interest. The winners are given trophy, certificate and a

    cash price of Rs. 25000/- each.

    Technology and Machinery | Arranging Finance | Unit Development

    Project Selection .

    "... Our best business missions are based on those ideas that often emerge

    out of our deepest personal motivations and interests."

    -Warren Avis in "Take a Chance to Be First"

    It all begins with an Idea

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    The overriding reason for anyone to think of establishing a SSI unit can be

    summarised in one word - opportunity. An opportunity to provide a product

    or service, which can generate sufficient surplus. This is all the more true if

    one is a believer in the maxim, "Small is Beautiful".

    However, ideas need to be filtered through a multi-layer sieve. This model is

    shown in the following flow:

    - Does the idea fire up your motivation?

    - Is it a viable business proposition in your area?

    - Does it match the needs of your clientele?

    - Check it out with basic market research

    - Test it out at market place

    - Consult with the experts- Look out for competition in the field

    - Is it a sunrise industry?

    - Your business opportunity

    - Project conceptualisation

    Once the ideas are screened and a viable business opportunity emerges the

    project has to be conceptualised in all its dimensions. The 4 Ps of Project

    Conception is:

    - PRODUCT (Shape, Size and Nature)

    - PROCESS (Technology to produce the product)

    - PLACE (Location of Plant)

    - PARTNER (Technological of Financial Collaborator)

    Making a Product Choice

    In a project conceptualisation stage while making a product choice following

    factors are related to product need to be considered:

    - Product Line - Depth, Width

    - Packaging

    - Branding

    - Warranties

    - After Sales Service

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    Some other factors that one should consider while finalising the product

    choice are:

    - Ease of availability of raw-material

    - Process Technology

    - Accessibility to the market

    - Incentive and support from Government

    Market information is also important for product selection. Products, which

    are likely to have a number of players in the market, are best avoided. Some

    such products in the recent past have been plastic footwear, audio cassettes,

    disposable gloves and bulk drugs.

    In case the entrepreneur is looking for a product, which has export potential,

    the following additional questions need to be asked:

    - What should be the contents of export-product portfolio?

    - What are the special requirements for packaging if one has to export the


    - What product adaptations are needed to be made for exporting a product to

    a specific country?

    - Are any WTO conditionalities involved e.g. "child labour free", ISO 9000

    certified, GMP followed etc.

    The development of export-product portfolio can be done by considering 4

    parameters viz.

    - External demand conditions

    - Internal supply capability

    - Complexity of marketing tasks

    - Amount of investment required to penetrate the market

    Analysis can be conducted using this four dimensional model. The obvious

    choice is a product which scores a high rating on first two parameters andlow rating on last two parameters.

    EXIM (Export Import Bank of India) Bank has also developed an excellent

    model to conduct the export-product portfolio analysis based on three

    parameters viz.

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    - Supply Capability In Product Group

    - Domestic Environment

    - Export Market Attractiveness

    This analysis gives rise to product groups with high potential or low


    With regard to special packaging requirements one has to be careful about

    laws of the country one is exporting to. For instance, while exporting to

    Australia, wooden-packaging cannot be done.

    Product adaptations for country's specific needs look into things like whether

    voltage supply is 220V or 110V for electric appliances and for automobiles

    whether left-hand drive or right-hand drive is appropriate.

    It has now become important to understand the implications of the various

    agreements which form part of WTO.

    How to Setup a Project?

    Technology and Machinery | Arranging Finance | Unit Development

    Project Selection

    "... Our best business missions are based on those ideas that often emerge

    out of our deepest personal motivations and interests."

    -Warren Avis in "Take a Chance to Be First"

    It all begins with an Idea

    The overriding reason for anyone to think of establishing a SSI unit can be

    summarised in one word - opportunity. An opportunity to provide a product

    or service, which can generate sufficient surplus. This is all the more true if

    one is a believer in the maxim, "Small is Beautiful".

    However, ideas need to be filtered through a multi-layer sieve. This model is

    shown in the following flow:

    - Does the idea fire up your motivation?

    - Is it a viable business proposition in your area?

    - Does it match the needs of your clientele?

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    - Check it out with basic market research

    - Test it out at market place

    - Consult with the experts

    - Look out for competition in the field

    - Is it a sunrise industry?

    - Your business opportunity

    - Project conceptualisation

    Once the ideas are screened and a viable business opportunity emerges the

    project has to be conceptualised in all its dimensions. The 4 Ps of Project

    Conception is:

    - PRODUCT (Shape, Size and Nature)

    - PROCESS (Technology to produce the product)

    - PLACE (Location of Plant)- PARTNER (Technological of Financial Collaborator)

    Making a Product Choice

    In a project conceptualisation stage while making a product choice following

    factors are related to product need to be considered:

    - Product Line - Depth, Width

    - Packaging

    - Branding

    - Warranties

    - After Sales Service

    Some other factors that one should consider while finalising the product

    choice are:

    - Ease of availability of raw-material

    - Process Technology

    - Accessibility to the market- Incentive and support from Government

    Market information is also important for product selection. Products, which

    are likely to have a number of players in the market, are best avoided. Some

    such products in the recent past have been plastic footwear, audio cassettes,

    disposable gloves and bulk drugs.

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    In case the entrepreneur is looking for a product, which has export potential,

    the following additional questions need to be asked:

    - What should be the contents of export-product portfolio?

    - What are the special requirements for packaging if one has to export the


    - What product adaptations are needed to be made for exporting a product to

    a specific country?

    - Are any WTO conditionalities involved e.g. "child labour free", ISO 9000

    certified, GMP followed etc.

    The development of export-product portfolio can be done by considering 4

    parameters viz.

    - External demand conditions

    - Internal supply capability

    - Complexity of marketing tasks

    - Amount of investment required to penetrate the market

    Analysis can be conducted using this four dimensional model. The obvious

    choice is a product which scores a high rating on first two parameters and

    low rating on last two parameters.

    EXIM (Export Import Bank of India) Bank has also developed an excellent

    model to conduct the export-product portfolio analysis based on three

    parameters viz.

    - Supply Capability In Product Group

    - Domestic Environment

    - Export Market Attractiveness

    This analysis gives rise to product groups with high potential or low


    With regard to special packaging requirements one has to be careful about

    laws of the country one is exporting to. For instance, while exporting to

    Australia, wooden-packaging cannot be done.

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    Product adaptations for country's specific needs look into things like whether

    voltage supply is 220V or 110V for electric appliances and for automobiles

    whether left-hand drive or right-hand drive is appropriate.

    It has now become important to understand the implications of the various

    agreements which form part of WTO.

    Technology and Machinery

    Project Selection | Arranging Finance | Unit Development

    Process Selection

    Choices of process technology emerge once the product is finalised. For

    some complex products, process know how has to be imported. In suchcases agreements for technology transfer should be made with due care to

    safeguard interest. A lot of appropriate technology is being developed at

    CSIR and Defense Research Labs and some of this technology can now be

    bought. Indigenously developed process know-how has intrinsic benefits

    such as appropriateness and relative inexpensiveness.

    While checking out on a process technology, the following things need to be

    considered with utmost care:

    - Whether process requires very high level of skilled workers or complex


    - Whether process requires large quantities of water and/or power?

    - Whether any process or product patent needs to be honoured while utilising

    the selected process technology.

    - Any special pollution or environmental regulations.

    - Finally, the appropriateness to the indian environment and conditions.

    Machinery and equipment

    One of the major deficiencies in the small industry scenario is the prevalence

    of outdated production and management methods hindering the efficient

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    operation of small-scale units. It was also found that the most important

    reason for the reluctance of the small industrialists to install modern

    machinery and equipment was the lack of investible funds. The main

    objective of National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) is to provide

    machinery and equipment to small industrial units offering them long

    repayment period with moderate rate of interest.

    NSIC procedures for hire purchase of machinery

    - The hire purchase application is to be made on the prescribed form.

    - The Director of Industries of the State under whose jurisdiction the

    applicant falls, forwards the application to the head office of the NSIC atDelhi with his recommendation and comments.

    - All applications for indigenous or imported machines are considered by

    acceptance committees comprising of the representatives of the Chief

    Controller of Imports, Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries

    and other concerned departments.

    - Decision of these committees is conveyed to the parties concerned with

    copies to the regional offices of the NSIC and the concerned Directorate of


    - Once all these formalities are completed by the hirer, instructions are sent

    to the suppliers to dispatch the consignment (duly insured for transit risk) to

    the hirer and to send the R/R or C/R as the case may be, to the regional


    - The NSIC after ensuring that all dues have been paid by the hirer, releases

    the R/R or C/R to him for taking delivery of the machines.

    - In case of imported machines, the procedure is slightly different in as much

    as the shipping documents are sent to the clearing agents for clearing the

    consignment from the Customs and dispatching it to the hirer.

    Value of machines that can be supplied

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    Rs. 7.5 Lacs, F.O.R. or landed cost as the case may be.

    Earnest Money

    5% or 10% of the value of machinery depending on whether the equipment

    is imported or indigenous. In the case of furnaces and a few other items of

    equipment, the rate of earnest money is different. Interest 9 per cent per

    annum with a rebate of 2 per cent on prompt payment. This interest is

    calculated on the value of machines outstanding after deducting payment of

    earnest money.

    Administrative Charge

    2 per cent on the sales value of machines and its recovery by the NSIC is

    spread over the total installment period.

    Period of Repayment

    The value of the machines, after deducting the earnest money received,

    called the Balance Value, is payable alongwith interest and administrative

    charge in 7 years.

    - The first installment is payable after one year and six months from the

    delivery of machines

    - The second and subsequent installment are payable half-yearly thereafter.

    Gestation Period

    In case of certain type of machines which become operative immediately on

    installation in the service sector industries and job order establishment, a

    gestation period of only 6 months shall be allowed both to the new and

    existing units.

    A rebate of 2% per annum is allowed on the interest rates, in case an

    installment is paid on or before the due date.

    In case the payment of installment is not made within one month of thespecified due date, interest @ 2% per annum over and above the normal rate

    is charged on the defaulted amount from the date of default to the date of

    actual payment. Remission in interests is allowed in case one or more than

    one installment is paid in advance of the due date(s).

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    Now the Place and Right Partner has to be selected and Project Report has to

    be prepared.

    Arranging Finance

    Technology and Machinery | Project Selection | Unit Development

    No SSI unit can take off without monetary support. This need for finance

    can be classified into following types:

    - Long and medium term loans

    - Short term or working capital requirements

    - Risk Capital

    - Seed Capital/Marginal Money

    - Bridge loans

    Financial assistance in India for SSI units is available from a variety ofinstitutions. The important ones are

    - SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India (refinance and direct


    - SFCs: State level Financial Corporation e.g. Delhi Financial Corporation.

    - NSIC: National Small Industry Corporation.

    - Small Industry Development Corporations of various states.

    - Commercial/Co-operative Banks.

    - DIC: District Industry Centre.

    Long and medium term loans are provided by State Financial Corporations,

    SIDBI and State Industrial Development Corporations. Banks also finance

    term loans. This type of financing is needed to fund purchase of land,construction of factory building/shed and for purchase of machinery and

    equipment. Term loans are secured against mortgage of assets such as land,

    building, machines, equipment and other stocks. The short-term loans are

    required for working capital requirements, which fund the purchase of raw

    material and consumable, payment of wages and other immediate

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    manufacturing and administrative expenses. Such loans are generally

    available from commercial banks.

    There is, however, a SINGLE WINDOW SCHEME, for SSI units. Under

    the scheme, one agency, either the bank or the financial institution, funds

    both the term loan and working capital requirements. This scheme applies to

    all SSI projects with project cost upto Rs. 5 million. The working capital

    loan is generally secured against

    - Pledging of stocks, raw materials and finished goods,

    - Advances against work-in-progress (WIP),

    - Advance against bills.

    For loans from financial institutions and commercial banks a formal

    application needs to be made. The details of documentation that need to be

    provided with the loan application are shown here.

    - Documentation for Loan Application

    - Balance Sheet and Profit Loss Statement for last three consecutive years of

    firms owned by promoters

    - Income Tax Assessment Certificates of Partners/Directors

    - Proof of Possession of Land/Building

    - Architects estimate for construction cost

    - Partnership deed/Memorandum and Articles of Associations of Company.

    - Project Report

    - Budgetary Quotations of Plant and Machinery

    A sanction or rejection letter is issued by bank after its assessment of the

    application. After receiving a sanction letter applicants need to indicate in

    writing their acceptance of terms and conditions laid down by FI/ Banks.

    Subsequent loan is disbursed according to the phased implementation of the

    project. In today's environment there are other choices apart from

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    commercial banks and Government owned financial institutions. These

    options include venture capital funds and non-government finance


    Unit Development

    Technology and Machinery | Arranging Finance | Project Selection

    Construction of Building

    Getting the Utility Connections

    Getting 3M's Right



    After deciding the issues of product and process, the next important questionis where to set the unit up?

    For many tiny units and service-based units, the home is perhaps the best

    starting point.

    Setting up an establishment is much more than putting a signboard up and

    waiting for customers to walk in. It requires negotiating a favourable plot or

    shed purchase, organising for proper construction of building, design of

    interiors and finding good deals for equipment and machinery.

    Construction of Building

    Once an industrial plot for the unit is secured, then the next job is that of

    finding a suitable architect. Design of factory building has to be in

    consonance with the type of industry and have an appropriate plant layout.

    An architect's estimate of building construction is essential for loan

    applications. Further, architect's certificate for money spent on building isneeded for disbursement of loan.

    Getting the Utility Connections

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    Among the utilities of prime importance are power and water. In many cases

    getting power connection causes delay in setting up of plant. Therefore it is

    imperative to commence work on these aspects with diligent follow up.

    Power connections are generally of either LT (Low Tension) or HT (High-

    tension) type. If connected load is upto 75 HP, LT connection is provided.

    For connected loads of 130 HP or higher only HT connection is provided.

    A formal application needs to be made in a specified form to the state

    electricity board. An electrical inspector is deputed for evaluation of

    application to factory site, after which the load is sanctioned. In areas of

    power shortage, it is advisable to augment the power supply with a captive

    generating set.

    Water connection is also obtained likewise by applying in advance in formal

    forms. The water supply can be augmented by installation of tubewell.

    Getting 3M's Right


    Projections for manpower and staffing are made in the project report.

    However it is necessary to time the induction of manpower in a planned

    manner. The engineers and operatives must be available before the

    installation of the machinery.


    Choosing and ordering of right machinery is also of paramount importance.

    In many cases technology or process provides us with specifications whichis not provided, then an extensive techno-economic survey of machinery and

    equipment available must be carried out. International trade fairs and

    engineering fairs are good places to look at available options. The

    entrepreneur must also consult experts, dealers / suppliers as well as users,

    prior to making a selection of equipment and machinery. The advice of DIC,

    SISI and NSIC can also be sought.

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    Materials procurement and planning are critical to success, of a start-up with

    a SSI unit. Inventory management can lead to manageable cash flow

    situations; otherwise if too much is ordered too soon considerable amount of

    working capital gets locked up. On the other hand, non-availability may

    result in production hold-ups, and idle machine and manpower. For essential

    imported raw material whose lead-time is large proper planning is all the

    more essential


    Economic Indicators






    The small-scale industries sector plays a vital role in the growth of the

    country. It contributes almost 40% of the gross industrial value added in the

    Indian economy.

    It has been estimated that a million Rs. of investment in fixed assets in the

    small scale sector produces 4.62 million worth of goods or services with an

    approximate value addition of ten percentage points.

    The small-scale sector has grown rapidly over the years. The growth rates

    during the various plan periods have been very impressive. The number of

    small-scale units has increased from an estimated 0.87 million units in the

    year 1980-81 to over 3 million in the year 2000.

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    When the performance of this sector is viewed against the growth in the

    manufacturing and the industry sector as a whole, it instills confidence in the

    resilience of the small-scale sector.


























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    2000-01 (P)



    P-Projected (April-December)

    * Target not fixed at constant prices


    SSI Sector in India creates largest employment opportunities for the Indian

    populace, next only to Agriculture. It has been estimated that 100,000 rupees

    of investment in fixed assets in the small-scale sector generates employment

    for four persons.

    Generation of Employment - Industry Group-wise

    Food products industry has ranked first in generating employment, providing

    employment to 0.48 million persons (13.1%). The next two industry groups

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    were Non-metallic mineral products with employment of 0.45 million

    persons (12.2%) and Metal products with 0.37 million persons (10.2%).

    In Chemicals & chemical products, Machinery parts except Electrical parts,

    Wood products, Basic Metal Industries, Paper products & printing, Hosiery

    & garments, Repair services and Rubber & plastic products, the contribution

    ranged from 9% to 5%, the total contribution by these eight industry groups

    being 49%.

    In all other industries the contribution was less than 5%.

    Per unit employment

    Per unit employment was the highest (20) in units engaged in beverages,

    tobacco & tobacco products mainly due to the high employment potential of

    this industry particularly in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Assam

    and Tamil Nadu.

    Next came Cotton textile products (17), Non-metallic mineral products

    (14.1), Basic metal industries (13.6) and Electrical machinery and parts

    (11.2.) The lowest figure of 2.4 was in Repair services line.

    Per unit employment was the highest (10) in metropolitan areas and lowest

    (5) in rural areas.

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    However, in Chemicals & chemical products, Non-metallic mineral products

    and Basic metal industries per unit employment was higher in rural areas as

    compared to metropolitan areas/urban areas.

    In urban areas highest employment per unit was in Beverages, tobacco

    products (31 persons) followed by Cotton textile products (18), Basic metal

    industries (13) and Non-metallic mineral products (12).

    Location-wise Employment Distribution - Rural

    Non-metallic products contributed 22.7% to employment generated in rural

    areas. Food Products accounted for 21.1%, Wood Products and Chemicals

    and chemical products shared between them 17.5%.


    As for urban areas, Food Products and Metal Products almost equally shared

    22.8% of employment. Machinery parts except electrical, Non-metallic

    mineral products, and Chemicals & chemical products between them

    accounted for 26.2% of employment.

    In metropolitan areas the leading industries were Metal products, Machineryand parts except electrical and Paper products & printing (total share being


    State-wise Employment Distribution

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    Tamil Nadu (14.5%) made the maximum contribution to employment.

    This was followed by Maharashtra (9.7%), Uttar Pradesh (9.5%) and West

    Bengal (8.5%) the total share being 27.7%.

    Gujarat (7.6%), Andhra Pradesh (7.5%), Karnataka (6.7%) and Punjab

    (5.6%) together accounted for another 27.4%.

    Per unit employment was high - 17, 16 and 14 respectively - in Nagaland,

    Sikkim and Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

    It was 12 in Maharashtra, Tripura and Delhi.

    Madhya Pradesh had the lowest figure of 2. In all other cases it was around

    the average of 6.


    SSI Sector plays a major role in India's present export performance. 45%-

    50% of the Indian Exports is contributed by SSI Sector. Direct exports from

    the SSI Sector account for nearly 35% of total exports. Besides directexports, it is estimated that small-scale industrial units contribute around

    15% to exports indirectly. This takes place through merchant exporters,

    trading houses and export houses. They may also be in the form of export

    orders from large units or the production of parts and components for use for

    finished exportable goods.

  • 8/7/2019 How to Setup a Project


    It would surprise many to know that non-traditional products account for

    more than 95% of the SSI exports.

    The exports from SSI sector have been clocking excellent growth rates in

    this decade. It has been mostly fuelled by the performance of garments,

    leather and gems and jewellery units from this sector.

    The product groups where the SSI sector dominates in exports, are sports

    goods, readymade garments, woollen garments and knitwear, plasticproducts, processed food and leather products.

    The SSI sector is reorienting its export strategy towards the new trade

    regime being ushered in by the WTO.



    (Rs. Crores)

    (at current prices)











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    1999-00 (P)





    The opportunities in the small-scale sector are enormous due to the

    following factors:

    Less Capital Intensive

    Extensive Promotion & Support by Government

    Reservation for Exclusive Manufacture by small scale sector

    Project Profiles

    Funding - Finance & Subsidies

    Machinery Procurement

    Raw Material Procurement

    Manpower TrainingTechnical & Managerial skills

    Tooling & Testing support

    Reservation for Exclusive Purchase by Government

    Export Promotion

    Growth in demand in the domestic market size due to overall economic


  • 8/7/2019 How to Setup a Project


    Increasing Export Potential for Indian products

    Growth in Requirements for ancillary units due to the increase in number of

    greenfield units coming up in the large scale sector. Small industry sector

    has performed exceedingly well and enabled our country to achieve a wide

    measure of industrial growth and diversification.

    By its less capital intensive and high labour absorption nature, SSI sector has

    made significant contributions to employment generation and also to rural

    industrialisation. This sector is ideally suited to build on the strengths of our

    traditional skills and knowledge, by infusion of technologies, capital and

    innovative marketing practices. This is the opportune time to set up projects

    in the small-scale sector. It may be said that the outlook is positive, indeed

    promising, given some safeguards. This expectation is based on an essential

    feature of the Indian industry and the demand structures. The diversity in

    production systems and demand structures will ensure long term co-

    existence of many layers of demand for consumer products / technologies /processes. There will be flourishing and well grounded markets for the same

    product/process, differentiated by quality, value added and sophistication.

    This characteristic of the Indian economy will allow complementary

    existence for various diverse types of units. The promotional and protective

    policies of the Govt. have ensured the presence of this sector in an

    astonishing range of products, particularly in consumer goods. However, the

    bugbear of the sector has been the inadequacies in capital, technology and

    marketing. The process of liberalisation coupled with Government support

    will therefore, attract the infusion of just these things in the sector.

    Small industry sector has performed exceedingly well and enabled our

    country to achieve a wide measure of industrial growth and diversification.

    By its less capital intensive and high labour absorbtion nature, SSI sector has

    made significant contributions to employment generation and also to rural

    industrialisation. This sector is ideally suited to build on the strengths of our

    traditional skills and knowledge, by infusion of technologies, capital and

    innovative marketing practices. So this is the opportune time to set up

    projects in the small scale sector. It may be said that the outlook is positive,indeed promising, given some safeguards. This expectation is based on an

    essential feature of the Indian industry and the demand structures. The

    diversity in production systems and demand structures will ensure long term

    co-existence of many layers of demand for consumer products / technologies

    / processes. There will be flourishing and well grounded markets for the

    same product/process, differentiated by quality, value added and

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    sophistication. This characteristic of the Indian economy will allow

    complementary existence for various diverse types of units. The promotional

    and protective policies of the Govt. have ensured the presence of this sector

    in an astonishing range of products, particularly in consumer goods.

    However, the bug bear of the sector has been the inadequacies in capital,

    technology and marketing. The process of liberalisation will therefore,

    attract the infusion of just these things in the sector.

    SSI Registration

    Small Scale and ancillary units (i.e. undertaking with investment in plant

    and machinery of less than Rs. 10 million) should seek registration with the

    Director of Industries of the concerned State Government.

    Registering your SSI Unit

    The main purpose of Registration is to maintain statistics and maintain a roll

    of such units for the purposes of providing incentives and support services.

    States have generally adopted the uniform registration procedures as per the

    guidelines. However, there may be some modifications done by States. It

    must be noted that small industries is basically a state subject. States use the

    same registration scheme for implementing their own policies. It is possible

    that some states may have a 'SIDO registration scheme' and a 'State

    registration scheme'.

    Benefits of Registering

    Objectives and Features

    Provisional Registration

    Permanent Registration



    Download Registration Forms & Related Documents (Proformas)

    Application for Provisional Registration

    Provisional Registration Certificate

    Application for Permanent Registration

    Certificate of Registration

    Additional Sheet-1 (for Additions/Deletions)

  • 8/7/2019 How to Setup a Project


    Appendix "A" (Production Details

    Appendix "B" (Details of Plant and Machinery


    Benefits of Registering

    The registration scheme has no statutory basis. Units would normally get

    registered to avail some benefits, incentives or support given either by the

    Central or State Govt. The regime of incentives offered by the Centre

    generally contains the following:

    - Credit prescription (Priority sector lending), differential rates of interest


    - Excise Exemption Scheme

    - Exemption under Direct Tax Laws.- Statutory support such as reservation and the Interest on Delayed

    Payments Act.

    (It is to be noted that the Banking Laws, Excise Law and the Direct Taxes

    Law have incorporated the word SSI in their exemption notifications.

    Though in many cases they may define it differently. However, generally the

    registration certificate issued by the registering authority is seen as proof of

    being SSI).

    States/UTs have their own package of facilities and incentives for small

    scale. They relate to development of industrial estates, tax subsidies, power

    tariff subsidies, capital investment subsidies and other support. Both the

    Center and the State, whether under law or otherwise, target their incentives

    and support packages generally to units registered with them.

    Objectives of the Registration Scheme

    They are summarised as follows:

    To enumerate and maintain a roll of small industries to which the package of

    incentives and support are targeted.

    To provide a certificate enabling the units to avail statutory benefits mainly

    in terms of protection.

    To serve the purpose of collection of statistics.

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    To create nodal centres at the Centre, State and District levels to promote


    Features of the Scheme

    Features of the scheme are as follows:

    DIC is the primary registering centre

    Registration is voluntary and not compulsory.

    Two types of registration is done in all States. First a provisional registration

    certificate is given. And after commencement of production, a permanent

    registration certificate is given.

    PRC is normally valid for 5 years and permanent registration is given in


    Provisional Registration Certificate (PRC)

    This is given for the pre-operative period and enables the units to obtain the

    term loans and working capital from financial institutions/banks under

    priority sector lending.

    Obtain facilities for accommodation, land, other approvals etc.

    Obtain various necessary NOCs and clearances from regulatory bodies such

    as Pollution Control Board, Labour Regulations etc.

    Permanent Registration Certificate

    Enables the unit to get the following incentives/concessions:

    Income-Tax exemption and Sales Tax exemption as per State Govt. Policy.

    Incentives and concessions in power tariff etc.

    Price and purchase preference for goods produced.

    Availability of raw material depending on existing policy.

    Permanent registration of tiny units should be renewed after 5 years.

    Procedure for RegistrationFeatures of the present procedures are as follows:

    A unit can apply for PRC for any item that does not require industrial license

    which means items listed in Schedule-III and items not listed in Schedule-I

    or Schedule-II of the licencing Exemption Notification. Units employing

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    less than 50/100 workers with/without power can apply for registration even

    for those items included in Schedule-II.

    Unit applies for PRC in prescribed application form. No field enquiry is

    done and PRC is issued.

    PRC is valid for five years. If the entrepreneur is unable to set up the unit in

    this period, he can apply afresh at the end of five years period.

    Once the unit commences production, it has to apply for permanent

    registration on the prescribed form.

    The following form basis of evaluation:

    The unit has obtained all necessary clearances whether statutory or

    administrative. e.g. drug license under drug control order, NOC from

    Pollution Control Board, if required etc.

    Unit does not violate any locational restrictions in force, at the time of

    evaluation.Value of plant and machinery is within prescribed limits.

    Unit is not owned, controlled or subsidiary of any other industrial

    undertaking as per notification.


    A Small Scale Unit can violate the regulations in the following ways which

    will make it liable for de-registration:

    It crosses the investment limits.

    It starts manufacturing any new item or items that require an industrial

    license or other kind of statutory license.

    It does not satisfy the condition of being owned, controlled or being a

    subsidiary of any other industrial undertaking.


    SL No. SL. (As per gazette notification) PRODUCT CODE NAME OF







  • 8/7/2019 How to Setup a Project


    Full PVC footwear chappals, sandals and shoes




    Acrylic sheets except by continuous extrusion process.




    Fibre-Glass reinforced plastic products other than the following:

    SMC & DMC and its mouldings.

    Continuous Filament Winding (Pipes above 600 mm diameter)

    Pultruded productsFRP sheets by continuous process




    Hessian, paper and cloth to polythylene laminations-Straight and

    sandwiched by extrusion coating process except paper to polythelene

    laminations for integrated packing.




    H.D. Polythylene Mono-Filament (Except for captive use for rope




    303403Polypropylene Mono-Filament (Except for captive use for rope





  • 8/7/2019 How to Setup a Project


    Polythylene Films with thickness less than 0.10 mm except co-extruded

    film cross linked polymer films and high density molecular films




    Products of polythylene films as coloured printed films & bags.




    Spectacle frames by fabrication or by injection moulding



    Polypropylene tubular films (except biaxially oriented)




    Industrial items from engg. plastics material by fabrication process only.




    Polypropylene box strapping




    Polythylene and PVC flexible hoses (except wire braided hoses)


    SL No. SL. (As per gazette notification) PRODUCT CODE NAME OF



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    140 A


    1. Handles


    140 B


    2. Soap cases


    140 C


    3. Buckets

    112.140 D


    4. Cups


    140 E


    5. Lunch Boxes


    140 F


    6. Water jugs


    140 G


    7. Saucers


    140 H


    8. Tumblers


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    140 HH


    8A. Plastic cane


    140 I


    9. Bins for various sizes


    140 J


    10. Washing bowls

    120.140 K


    11. Salad baskets


    140 L


    12. Dust pans and bins


    140 M


    13. Hair brushes


    140 N


    14. Umbrella frames


    140 O


    15. Hinged hair pins


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    140 P


    16. Babies bath tubs


    140 Q


    17. Mugs


    140 R


    18. Plates and dishes

    128.140 S


    19. Salt containers


    140 U


    21. Pencil boxes


    140 V


    22. Coffee pots


    140 W


    23. Coffee pot covers


    140 X


    24. Table calendar stands


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    140 Y


    25. Office table tray


    140 Z


    26. Waste paper baskets.




    Flexible polyurethane foam products



    Polystyrene foam products from expandable polystyrene beads (except slabs

    for expandable polystyrene beads manufacturers)




    Plastic buttons



    Fabricated plastic products as follows-


    1. Advertising novelties


    2. Desk calendar


    3. Pen stand

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    5. Decorative and industrial fixtures


    6. Street lights


    7. Corridor lights

    303904088. Passage lights


    9. Building models (Prototype)


    10. Machine model (Prototype)


    145 A


    HDPE Woven sacks (Except sacks manufactured on circular looms)




    Plastic combs




    PVC Pipes including conduits-Upto - 110 mm dia

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    Fittings for PVC pipes including conduits upto - 110 mm dia.




    Zip fasteners-Non-metallic (Except in the case of integrated plants

    manufacturing all components).




    Plastic rain coats




    Plastic bottle caps (excluding plastic bottle caps capable of retaining

    pressure of at least 100 psi for a minimum period of 12 weeks)




    Flash light torch cases-plastic




    Polyester sheets



    303928Other thermo-welded plastic product such as:


    1. Shopping bags

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    2. Diaries


    3. File cover


    4. Badges/Folders


    5. Advertising materials


    6. Wallets


    7. Passport covers


    8. Tool kit covers


    9. Industrial packings for calculators, Microphones etc.

    3039281110. Inside assembly of brief cases


    11. Key chains

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    12. Identity cards and visiting cards


    13. Albums


    14. Textile welding for garments



    303930Watch straps PVC



    SIDO operates a number of schemes for the SSI sector. At a glance these


    Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Upgradation -

    Capital subsidy @ 12% upto Rs. 4.8 lakhs on loans taken for technology

    upgradation - for individual SSIs.

    Credit Guarantee Scheme - Collateral free loans upto a limit of Rs.25 lakhs -

    for individual SSIs.

    ISO 9000/ISO 14001 Certification Reimbursement Scheme - Incentive

    Scheme of Reimbursement of expenses for acquiring Quality Management

    System (QMS) ISO 9000 certification/environment management (EMS) ISO

    14001 certification to the extent of 75% or Rs.75,000/- whichever is lower.

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    - For individual SISIs/Ancillary/tiny/SSSBE units

    Participation in International Fairs - Full subsidy on space rent and shipment

    of exhibits of SSI units - for individual SSIs

    Purchase and Price Preference Policy - This is administered through the

    Single Point Registration Scheme of NSIC. Under this, 358 items are

    reserved for exclusive purchase from SSI by Central Government. Other

    facilities include tender documents free of cost, exemption from earnestmoney and security deposit and 15% price preference in Central

    Government purchases - for individual SSIs

    Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana-PMRY (Scheme of Ministry of ARI) -

    Project limit upto Rs. 1 lakh for business and Rs.2.00 lakhs for other

    activities, subsidy and margin money upto 20% of project with balance as

    loan. Subsidy for NE twice that of rest of India - for entrepreneurs. SSIs

    UPTECH Scheme - For promoting technology upgradation in clusters for a

    group of SSI units of one industry.

    Integrated Infrastructure Development (IID Scheme) - Assistance upto 40%

    or Rs.2.00 crores, whichever is less for setting up industrial estates for SSIunits. For NE, assistance is 80% or Rs.4.00 crores - for State

    Governments/industry associations/ NGOs.

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    Mini Tool Rooms - Assistance upto 90% or Rs.9.00 crores, whichever is less

    for setting up new Mini Tool Rooms. For upgradation of existing Tool

    Rooms, assistance is 75% or Rs.7.5 crores - for State Governments.

    Testing Centres - Assistance upto a 50% or Rs.50 lakhs, whichever is less

    for setting up Testing Centres - for industry associations.

    Sub-Contracting Exchanges - One time grant for procurement of hardware

    and thereafter matching grant on tapering basis at 50%, 30% and 10% of

    running expenses, not exceeding Rs. 1.25 lakhs, Rs. 0.75 lakhs and Rs. 0.25

    lakhs respectively during the initial three years, subject to a ceiling of Rs.1.57 lakhs per exchange - for industry associations.

    SSI MDA - The scheme offers funding upto 90% in respect of to and fro air

    fare for participation by SSI Entrepreneurs in overseas fairs/trade

    delegations. The scheme also provide for funding for producing publicity

    material (upto 25% of costs) Sector specific studies (upto Rs. 2 lakhs) and

    for contesting anti-dumping cases (50% upto Rs. 1 lakh) - for individual

    SSIs & Associations.

    Assistance to Entrepreneurship Development Institutes - For strengthening

    training infrastructure in EDIs, assistance upto 50% or Rs. 50 lakhs

    whichever is less - for State Governments.

    SSI Registration

    Small Scale and ancillary units (i.e. undertaking with investment in plant

    and machinery of less than Rs. 10 million) should seek registration with the

    Director of Industries of the concerned State Government.

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    Registering your SSI Unit

    The main purpose of Registration is to maintain statistics and maintain a roll

    of such units for the purposes of providing incentives and support services.

    States have generally adopted the uniform registration procedures as per the

    guidelines. However, there may be some modifications done by States. It

    must be noted that small industries is basically a state subject. States use the

    same registration scheme for implementing their own policies. It is possible

    that some states may have a 'SIDO registration scheme' and a 'State

    registration scheme'.

    Benefits of Registering

    Objectives and Features

    Provisional RegistrationPermanent Registration



    Download Registration Forms & Related Documents (Proformas)

    Application for Provisional Registration

    Provisional Registration Certificate

    Application for Permanent Registration

    Certificate of Registration

    Additional Sheet-1 (for Additions/Deletions)

    Appendix "A" (Production Details

    Appendix "B" (Details of Plant and Machinery


    Benefits of Registering

    The registration scheme has no statutory basis. Units would normally get

    registered to avail some benefits, incentives or support given either by the

    Central or State Govt. The regime of incentives offered by the Centregenerally contains the following:

    - Credit prescription (Priority sector lending), differential rates of interest


    - Excise Exemption Scheme

    - Exemption under Direct Tax Laws.

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    - Statutory support such as reservation and the Interest on Delayed

    Payments Act.

    (It is to be noted that the Banking Laws, Excise Law and the Direct Taxes

    Law have incorporated the word SSI in their exemption notifications.

    Though in many cases they may define it differently. However, generally the

    registration certificate issued by the registering authority is seen as proof of

    being SSI).

    States/UTs have their own package of facilities and incentives for small

    scale. They relate to development of industrial estates, tax subsidies, power

    tariff subsidies, capital investment subsidies and other support. Both the

    Centre and the State, whether under law or otherwise, target their incentives

    and support packages generally to units registered with them.

    Objectives of the Registration Scheme

    They are summarised as follows:

    To enumerate and maintain a roll of small industries to which the package of

    incentives and support are targeted.

    To provide a certificate enabling the units to avail statutory benefits mainly

    in terms of protection.

    To serve the purpose of collection of statistics.

    To create nodal centres at the Centre, State and District levels to promote


    Features of the Scheme

    Features of the scheme are as follows:

    DIC is the primary registering centre

    Registration is voluntary and not compulsory.

    Two types of registration is done in all States. First a provisional registrationcertificate is given. And after commencement of production, a permanent

    registration certificate is given.

    PRC is normally valid for 5 years and permanent registration is given in


    Provisional Registration Certificate (PRC)

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    This is given for the pre-operative period and enables the units to obtain the

    term loans and working capital from financial institutions/banks under

    priority sector lending.

    Obtain facilities for accommodation, land, other approvals etc.

    Obtain various necessary NOCs and clearances from regulatory bodies such

    as Pollution Control Board, Labour Regulations etc.

    Permanent Registration Certificate

    Enables the unit to get the following incentives/concessions:

    Income-Tax exemption and Sales Tax exemption as per State Govt. Policy.

    Incentives and concessions in power tariff etc.

    Price and purchase preference for goods produced.

    Availability of raw material depending on existing policy.Permanent registration of tiny units should be renewed after 5 years.

    Procedure for Registration

    Features of the present procedures are as follows:

    A unit can apply for PRC for any item that does not require industrial license

    which means items listed in Schedule-III and items not listed in Schedule-I

    or Schedule-II of the licencing Exemption Notification. Units employing

    less than 50/100 workers with/without power can apply for registration even

    for those items included in Schedule-II.

    Unit applies for PRC in prescribed application form. No field enquiry is

    done and PRC is issued.

    PRC is valid for five years. If the entrepreneur is unable to set up the unit in

    this period, he can apply afresh at the end of five years period.

    Once the unit commences production, it has to apply for permanent

    registration on the prescribed form.

    The following form basis of evaluation:

    The unit has obtained all necessary clearances whether statutory or

    administrative. e.g. drug license under drug control order, NOC from

    Pollution Control Board, if required etc.

    Unit does not violate any locational restrictions in force, at the time of


    Value of plant and machinery is within prescribed limits.

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    Unit is not owned, controlled or subsidiary of any other industrial

    undertaking as per notification.


    A Small Scale Unit can violate the regulations in the following ways which

    will make it liable for de-registration:

    It crosses the investment limits.

    It starts manufacturing any new item or items that require an industrial

    license or other kind of statutory license.

    It does not satisfy the condition of being owned, controlled or being a

    subsidiary of any other industrial undertaking.


    The application is accepted for Provisional Registration as a SSI/SSSBE

    Unit for the manufacture of items/activities as stated in the application form.

    Provisional Registration No :

    Date of issue :

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    Category of unit (S. No. 3) : __________________________


    Name & Designation of Registering Authority

    1. The endorsed application form is a part of the certificate of registration.

    2. The provisional registration is valid for a period of five years from the

    date of issue.

    3. The provisional registration will automatically lapse at the