How to Create a Crime Series: Take Eye of Newt

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  • 7/28/2019 How to Create a Crime Series: Take Eye of Newt.



    Evans/Take Eye of Newt

    Take Eye of Newt

    Creating a Crime Series


    Geraldine Evans

    The creation of a crime series is a bit of a puzzle - in more ways than one - isn't it? Do you try to

    create a clone of Wexford, Morse, Dalgliesh? Or maybe the publishing world would prefer a bit

    of all three? Is that a chorus of 'Yes! Please!' I hear in the background?

    Before I tried my hand at a crime novel, I'd been writing for six years, mainly articles and

    romantic novels. The articles were (mostly) published, but the romantic novels were all - bar the

    last of the six - rejected. So, once I'd figured out that romance writing wasn't really my bag, I

    decided I'd take the plunge in to crime.

    That decision brought my first dilemma. Because as I've already said, most of the really

    well known crime characters, although very different in temperament, etc, were of a certain type,

    middle class and well educated.

    I assumed I would have to follow suit. Coming from a working class, Council house-

    raised and secondary modern educated (sic) background this was a conclusion that put a damper

    on my aspirations. How could I possibly hope to write about such characters? Even trying a

    second-rate clone of them was, surely beyond my ability (or desire).

    I couldn't write about such people. Not only couldn't, but wouldn't. I didn't wantto write

    about such people. Why the hell would I? Back then, I found the mere idea so

    completely intimidating that I revolted against it, not least because after thinking about those

    crime writers regularly praised for their devilish ingenuity, God-like intellect and masterly

    characterisation, I felt as if I should crawl back from whence I had come and not bother the

    critics or anyone else ever again.

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    But I didn't follow that first, wimpish, inclination. My natural bolshieness rose to the fore

    and I said 'to hell with that!' (Or words to that effect!) And decided to do it 'my way'. So I

    took my life by the scruff of the neck, threw out the ridiculous idea of writing about middle-class

    characters from my Council estate mind-set, and created my main crime character from the

    police majority; the ordinary Joes who have more to do with the reality of the average copper;

    those who came in at the rough end of policing and worked their way up.

    Okay, I pretty much suspected that the cop character I came up with wouldn't be the style

    of copper that seems to most impress the critics, my main man would be pretty well the opposite

    of the critics' darlings. My copper would be working class and indifferently educated. Much like

    me, in fact (that I've worked my socks off since leaving school to try to educate myself, is beside

    the point).

    This seemed like a far better idea. Especially as I felt it was essential that my main

    character, at least, should be someone to whom I could relate. If, by some miracle, my first effort

    in the genre was published, I might be writing about this character through four, five, six or more

    novels. No way I'd be able to do that if I wrote about a lead character whose background was

    totally at odds with my own.

    Thus was formed Detective Inspector Joseph Aloysius Rafferty. Like me, Rafferty is

    Council-house raised and secondary modern educated. Again, like me, he's Catholic and

    London-born of Irish parents and is one of quite a crowd of siblings (he's the eldest of six, I'm

    the youngest of four, but the similarities are there: very important, those similarities.).

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    Evans/Take Eye of Newt

    Like many of the working classes who have risen above their roots to get somewhere in

    life, Rafferty is cursed by coming from a family whose aspirations have not risen with his own.

    In short, the Rafferty family has more than their share of 'Del Boy' Trotter types whose

    leisure-time preferences are far from Adam Dalgliesh and his poetry writing or Morse's Wagner.

    The Rafferty family pursuits are nothing so refined. They're in to back-of-a-lorry bargains of

    dubious provenance and other diversions of equally questionable

    legality. And Rafferty's ma, Kitty Rafferty, often leads the field in these pursuits, using emotional

    blackmail to make Rafferty feel guilty when he upbraids her. Having far more than her fair share

    of Blarney Stone baloney, she always wins these little arguments.

    To give Rafferty even more problems, I provided him with a sidekick preordained from

    birth to look with a jaundiced eye at Rafferty's outlook on life, his theories and conduct of cases

    and his less than law-abiding family. DS Dafyd Llewellyn, the university-educated only son of a

    Welsh Methodist minister, lives on the moral high ground and thinks the law should apply to

    everyone even the mothers of detective inspectors.

    Once I had the basics of Rafferty, his family and his side-kick sorted out, I had to place

    my main man in his environment. And after all I've said about his background, I felt there was

    only one place I could use as a setting for such a character. Essex. You'll understand why it

    seemed his natural habitat.

    We've all heard of the 'Essex Man' euphemism as a term for people who are stupid and

    common, with criminal tendencies. Politically incorrect it may be, yet it's stuck. But, unlike the

    stereotyped depiction of the working classes in 'Essex' jokes and many of the older

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    British crime novels, as chip-eating, adenoidal and terminally stupid, I wanted to show that there

    is intelligent life, not only in Essex, but also among the working classes themselves.

    As far removed from the intellectual, Sherlock Holmes type of sleuth as it's possible to

    be, Rafferty is the typical, down-to-earth British copper. Okay, he's not exactly deeply

    intellectual; or highbrow, but intelligence, like most things, comes in different guises. His

    background has given him a street-wisdom of a kind that's often far more valuable in police work

    than the more academic intelligence.

    But Rafferty has to work with the partner I've given him - Dafyd Llewellyn.

    Unsurprisingly, at first, Rafferty resents this intellectual copper. He resents his superior

    education and superior morality. Poor old Rafferty has far more chips on his shoulder than his

    plate where Llewellyn's concerned.

    Unlike Rafferty, Llewellyn likes to examine the facts of a case immediately, rather than

    go off on flights of fancy. Worse, he has a tendency to run a coach and horses through Rafferty's

    favourite theories, which are often outrageous and tend to indulge his various prejudices to the

    full.Rafferty, of course, thinks the more politically correct Llewellyn takes all the fun out of

    police work. What's the point in having the usual working class prejudices, he thinks, if you don't

    occasionally indulge them? Besides, it's amusing to tease Llewellyn, who needs taking down a

    peg or two.

    You could say the pairing epitomises the famous George Bernard Shaw saying, with

    which I shall take a bit of artistic license: You know the one: It is impossible for a Brit to open

    his mouth without making some other Brit despise him.'

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    Evans/Take Eye of Newt

    Yet they manage to rub along together, helped by both Rafferty's overactive Catholic

    conscience and Llewellyn's stern Methodist moral code.As the series and the cases progress, so

    does their relationship. They both come to agree that a man consists of rather more than his


    Anyway, all this furious thinking produced Dead Before Morning from the steamy

    cauldron; a crime novel which featured a prostitute bludgeoned beyond recognition, a suave,

    social-climbing doctor and an idle hospital porter, who had a few 'nice little earners' of his own.

    In this first novel, Rafferty has just been promoted to the rank of inspector in the CID. His beat is

    Elmhurst, a fictitious town based on Colchester, the old Roman town where that original Essex

    girl, Boadicea, used to hangout and harry the centurions.

    Alongside the main story runs a humorous sub-plot, in which poor Rafferty is ensnared in

    the first of the series' many family-induced problems. My seventh Rafferty & Llewellyn, Bad

    Blood, is due out in December 2004, and like the previous six, it has poor Rafferty embroiled in

    more trouble than a Victorian lady of the night sans the morning after pill.

    Apart from Rafferty's working class background and his family's teeny-weeny tendency

    to dishonesty, there was another reason I chose to locate him in Essex. And that was

    because of the county's historical connections. Many of the towns and villages in Essex are

    associated with the early settlers in America. And because of its port links, the entire area has

    always been close to the religious dissent stemming from Europe.

    A bit of a dissenter himself, having been force-fed Catholicism from the cradle Rafferty is

    against religion of any persuasion as a matter of principle. So it's no wonder he feels at home in

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    an area with such strong dissenting traditions.

    One of the reasons I wrote the kind of crime novel I did is that my mind has a natural

    tendency to see the humour in a situation; especially a situation that contains a large dollop of

    Sod's Law. In Rafferty's and my experience Sod's Law really does Rool OK.

    Whatever the critics made of it, I must have done something right because on only its

    second outing, thatfirst Rafferty & Llewellyn crime novel was taken from Macmillan's slush pile

    and published (after a bit more writing and cutting, naturally). It was also published in the States

    in hardback and paperback.

    After Macmillan had published four books in the series they were taken over by a firm of

    German publishers (not noted for their humour, the Germans!) and I was told to take a hike - and

    take my Rafferty novels with me.

    That was a blow. But after a second lengthy fallow period with nothing but rejections, I

    was lucky enough to get taken on by a new agent. It's thanks to my new agent, Vanessa, that

    the fifth Rafferty & Llewellyn novel (Absolute Poison) that had been rejected by Macmillan,

    found a home with Severn House. She also placed Up In Flames, the first in what I hope will be

    a new series, featuring new police characters, Will (Willow Tree) Casey, the only son of

    unreconstructed hippies for whom the 60s never died, and the politically incorrect Thomas

    (Thom) Catt, his DS, who was brought up in a number of children's homes.

    Vanessa has also secured me not one, but two lots of 2-book contracts for more Rafferty

    & Llewellyn novels; the first of which, Dying For You, came out on 24 June 2004

    and Bad Blood, which, as I mentioned, is due out in December 2004. As for the second of the

    double contracts, I'm about a third of the way through the first book, which is due at the

    publishers in February 2005. She also obtained a contract for Reluctant Queen, my first

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    Evans/Take Eye of Newt

    historica,l about Henry VIII's younger sister, which was published by Robert Hale on 31 March

    2004, under the name Geraldine Hartnett.

    Altogether, with Vanessa's expertise and empathy, my publishing history has improved

    from five published novels and rejection doldrums to ten (come December 2004) and, with luck,

    as long as I do my bit, by the end of 2005/beginning of 2006, it will have risen to 12 published


    So being dropped by your publisher needn't be the end of the world. That painful

    rejection may just signal the start of a whole new writing chapter. It certainly has for me. I took a

    chance, and 'Did it My Way', when I created that first Rafferty & Llewellyn. But it paid off. And,

    let's face it, if we weren't independently-minded cussed, types, set on doing it 'our way', I think

    the publishing and the reading world would both be a lot poorer.


    Geraldine Evans7 Station Road

    North Walsham

    NorfolkNR28 0DZ

    Tel: 01692 403953

    email: [email protected]