“How Shall We Grow?”: a Critical Assessment of Community Visioning in Central Florida

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  • 8/14/2019 How Shall We Grow?: a Critical Assessment of Community Visioning in Central Florida


    How Shall We Grow?:

    A Critical Assessment of

    Community Visioning

    in Central Florida

    Paper #3 for:

    CD505X "Community Development II"

    Dr. Timothy Borich

    Spring 2007

    Iowa State University

  • 8/14/2019 How Shall We Grow?: a Critical Assessment of Community Visioning in Central Florida



    If you had been watching TV in Central Florida the night of January 26, 2007, while channel-

    surfing during a commercial break in theLaw & Orderrepeat, or the WWE Smackdown1, you might have

    come across a live television program where a panel of local leaders, men and women dressed in suits,

    were seated behind a table debating issues of great importance and listening to and answering well-crafted

    questions from audience members. The panelists talked about a regional vision for the future of Central

    Florida and how the Chip Game was used to gather input from community members, regular citizens like

    yourself. They talked about an organization called myregion.organd its role in bringing together the

    regions leaders and citizens through a series of meetings held over the past year. The program moderator

    urged viewers to go online and cast their vote for the future of Central Florida. Your reaction to seeing this

    might have been, What vote? Its this week? Nobody asked me to play the Chip Game, after which you

    turned the channel back to Smackdown to watch Batista plant Helms in a painful spine-buster.

    Whether you personally were in this scenario or not, many residents of Central Florida were. The

    purpose of the above illustration is to allude to a problem with a local community visioning project and

    its efforts to foster citizen participation in the visioning process. In the first section of this paper, the most

    salient points of the community development strategy of community visioning will be outlined, followed

    by a brief explanation of the social and policy environment of Central Florida in which a community

    visioning project is currently been conducted. The ways in which the project was conceived, implemented

    and conducted will then be examined in light of the generalized outline. While recognizing that any

    community development strategy must be tailored, or even developed anew, to fit the particular community

    in which it is applied2, the degree to which Central Floridas particular project followed the generally

    agreed upon strategies for community visioning will be looked at critically. The paper will conclude with a

    few suggestions for how the project could have implemented and conducted the visioning process in a more

    inclusive and collaborative manner, one more consistent with the projects avowed commitment to citizen


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    Figure 1. (Table 2 from Green, Haines & Halebsky, 2000, p. 2-2.)


    Green and Haines characterize the ideal community vision as one that occurs through a group

    process that tries to arrive at a consensus about the future of place (2002, p. 43). The theoretical crux of

    community visioning is that it begins with the values of residents and the visions they have for their

    community(p. 46). As such, community visioning is a radical departure from planning strategies

    conceived in the atmosphere of scientific rationalism that pervaded the planning field for most of the 20th

    century (Brooks, 2002). In particular, strategic planning, a frequently used paradigm in planning

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    endeavors today, assumes that the planning process is under the control of specialists from beginning to end

    (p. 90), thereby dismissing the need for any meaningful form of citizen participation.

    The community visioning process has been described in detail by many authors (e.g. Walzer, 1996

    and Green & Haines, 2002). A guide written by Green, Haines and Halebsky and published by the

    University of Wisconsin Extension office will serve as the primary source about community visioning in

    this paper (2000). Green et al. lay out twelve steps in the process of developing and implementing a

    community vision in what they call the long-term version (see Figure 1). The process begins in Step 1

    with the initiators of the process forming a committee, signaling the beginning of a community visioning

    process. The committee frames the process by making key decisions on the nature of the process itself,

    including what to call it, how to secure political and financial support, and how to define the community for

    which a vision will be made. Generating publicity for the process also begins in this first step, as does the

    search for community stakeholders from whom input into the visioning process will be sought. The

    importance of seeking to include a broad cross-section of the community, consisting of members of all

    conceivable interest groups within the community, cannot be stressed enough. Of course, seeking the

    participation of all community members is ideal, but this may not be practicable in larger communities, or

    in a metropolitan conglomerate of communities like Central Florida.

    The next step, the community visioning workshop, is the first of several opportunities for

    stakeholders to provide their input into the process. Green et al. identify to primary goals for this first round

    of community workshops: discussing, deciding on and drafting a vision statement, and then breaking the

    vision down into key areas that can be handled by separate task forces. The drafting of a vision statement is

    perhaps the most defining moment of a community visioning process, as it is where the community

    stakeholders come together and collectively decide on a vision for the future of the community. There are

    three general questions that should be answered in a vision statement:

    - What do people want to preserve in a community?

    - What do people want to create in a community?

    - What do people want to change in the community? (p. 2-8)

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    Other important items or language to include in the statement are an emphasis on inclusiveness, mentioning

    specific groups of stakeholders, using positive, forward-looking language and setting a concrete time-frame

    for achieving the community vision.

    After the vision statement has been drafted, the task of forming key area committees must be done

    (step 3). Breaking up the highly generalized community vision into key area vision statements is important

    in order to facilitate the creation of action plans for each key area. The key area action plans are

    developed through a second round of community visioning workshops (step 4). The same issues addressed

    in organizing the initial community workshop, namely identifying and reaching out to stakeholders through

    appropriate publicity strategies, should be addressed again in the key area workshops. These workshops are

    conducted in much the same manner as the initial workshop, with the end result being a refined community

    vision regarding the key area that is articulated with the goals of the overall community vision.

    Steps 5 and 6 of the community visioning process outlined by Green et al. are about research and

    data collection. Existing planning documents must be located and assessed for their relevance to the new

    community vision. Previous attempts at creating a community consensus on particular issues or at

    achieving a community vision are also important to consider at this stage. Another important task is the

    collection of new data that will help in the formation of action plans for the key areas as well as the overall

    vision. Examples of data that might be relevant to study include population figures, employment rates,

    demographic trends and land use patterns.

    The purpose of gathering this data is to help develop specific action plans, however it is important

    not to jump straight into this part of the process yet. Step 7 involves the formation of general goals and

    strategies, based on the analysis of this data, which will open up the opportunity to consider all possible

    actions that may be taken to achieve a communitys vision. This way, preconceived ideas about what needs

    to be done are not hastily put into action when alternative and more appropriate strategies might come to

    light from the process.

    After the key area vision statements have been refined and general goals and strategies have been

    determined, a third and final community workshop should be held wherein the results of the visioning

    process up to that point are presented to the public and opened up to comments and criticism from

    attendees. This workshop represents the final formal forum within which citizen participation occurs in a

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    collaborative manner. For this reason, Green et al. stress the need to reach out even more to community

    stakeholders and to encourage those who cannot attend the workshop to send in their comments about the a

    published results by mail (p. 2-12). In the 21st century, the opportunity for a Internet-based community

    participation is particularly salient here, as online technologies like email, webforms and blogs provide a

    broader array of avenues for collecting community input into the visioning process.

    After the conclusion of the final workshop, the time for developing specific action plans (step 9)

    and implementing them (step 10) arrives. These steps are primarily the function of the initiators of the

    community visioning process, or else of elected community leaders, government planning departments or

    other specialist stakeholders who are trained to deal in the legal, technical and political intricacies of the

    specific action plans. In other words, this is the point at which the traditional scientific rationalism mode

    of planning takes over. Community input does come back into the picture after implementation has

    occurred (step 11) in the form of input into the monitoring and evaluation of the process and is results. For

    example, evaluation might conclude that greater community participation is needed in order to formulate a

    more comprehensive community vision (or a key area of that vision), thereby garnering broader community

    support for the process and effecting better results.

    Central Florida is currently involved in a community visioning process similar in structure to the

    generalization outlined above. At the time of writing this, the regions final community visioning workshop

    is anticipated within a couple of months, after which action plans will be developed, implemented and

    evaluated. The next section of this paper will examine this process as it has played out in Central Florida up

    until this stage.


    Visioning programs have been a strategy in Central Floridas community development toolbox

    since at least the 1980s. The regionally-focused visioning project that is the subject of this paper began as

    informal conversations among concerned local leaders in 1999 (Lauten, 2007) and was officially

    inaugurated in 2001 as myregion.org(myregion.org, Sept. 2006). However, it was partly inspired by the

    failure of a previous visioning project called Goals 2000. Begun as Project 2000 in 1984, its aim was

    to set a blueprint for the future that both public agencies and private industry can work from (Kilsheimer,

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    1985). When the year 2000 passed and the majority of the projects goals had not been realized, plans for a

    new vision were already in the making.

    Initially conceived as a two-year plan to transform Central Florida's stagnant landscape by

    diversifying the tourism-dependent economy, protecting dwindling green space and strengthening poor

    schools (Maxwell, 2001), myregion.orghas turned into a six-year long endeavor focused on a much

    broader array of community issues within the seven-county region3. The first few years of the project were

    marked by an appearance of stagnance and leaders were frequently asked about the purpose of the project

    and why no action plans had been developed (Maxwell, 2002). But in the past year, with the inclusion of

    the visioning and urban service area provision into the Growth Management Act, the project has

    gained a renewed focus. The latest round of activities of the myregion.orgproject, a schedule of leadership

    meetings, community workshops and informational meetings, and online community interaction, has been

    christened How Shall We Grow?


    During the summer of 2005, the Florida legislature passed a bill4 effecting several modifications to

    the state's Growth Management Act. The Act, formally known as the Local Government Comprehensive

    Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, was passed in 1985 and required that all Florida counties

    and municipalities adopt a comprehensive plan attending to such issues as future land use and concurrency

    of infrastructure (Florida Department of Community Affairs, n.d.). The 2005 modifications to the Act

    include an optional provision in which "local governments are encouraged to develop a community vision

    that provides for sustainable growth, recognizes its fiscal constraints, and protects its natural resources"

    (Florida Statute, Sec. 163.3177(13)). A corollary goal of this visioning process is to develop an "urban

    service boundary" for municipalities within which future development is to be densely concentrated

    (Florida Statute, Sec. 163.3177(14)). The incentive for developing urban service areas through a visioning

    project is that when local governments want to amend their comprehensive plan regarding land use within

    these urban service boundaries, these amendments are exempt from state review. This exemption provides

    local governments with "an opportunity to expedite larger scale developments" (Apgar et al., 2005). In an

    emphasis on the role of citizen participation, the new provision requires that "two public meetings" and "at

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    least one public workshop with stakeholder groups" are made a part of the visioning process in order for the

    project to qualify for exemption.

    Shortly after this bill was passed, myregion.orgbegan work on the How Shall We Grow? project.

    The sequence of events in the How Shall We Grow? community visioning process is outlined in several

    organizational documents archived at myregion.orgs website, as well as in radio and television interviews

    that are also archived online (myregion.org, 2006; WMFE, 2006). The events are divided up conceptually

    into four components: Leadership Engagement, Community Engagement, Communication Strategies and

    Technical Activities (myregion.org, Sept. 2006, p. 18). The desired outcomes of the process were defined

    as a high-level, 50-year vision, a policy framework, data, maps and analytical tools that can serve as

    a guide to other regions undertaking similar projects, and consensus among elected officials, business and

    community leaders and implementing agencies regarding the community vision (p. 18). A schedule of

    events was set out from the beginning of the project and was strictly adhered to, with the exception of only

    one minor setback5. Events were laid out in seven steps:

    Step 1 Regional Kickoff Event 29 March 2006

    Step 2 Community Information Sessions April & May 2006

    Step 3 Community Input Sessions May June 2006

    Step 4 Community Input Sessions: Scenario Planning Aug. Sept. 2006

    Step 5 Regional Event: Refining Scenarios 13 October 2006

    Step 6 Outreach: Selecting a Shared Vision January March 2007

    Step 7 Community Summit June 2007

    Work on the project components and outcomes had begun well before the first meeting was held

    on 29 March 2006. Several studies of the region were coordinated by myregion.orgin the preceding two

    years, and though not specifically commissioned for the How Shall We Grow? project, they were

    subsequently used in the creation of the scenarios that were the focal point of community input for the

    project. One study in particular,PennDesign Central Florida, a study of growth trends in the region, was

    used to postulate a trend scenario of what Central Florida could look like in the year 2050 if current

    growth patterns held constant.The study was prepared by a University of Pennsylvania graduate design

    studio in Spring 2005 for the University of Central Florida-based Metropolitan Center for Regional Studies

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    (Barnett et al., 2005). Its conclusions were that by 2050, the population of Central Florida would be more

    than double its 2000 population (from 3.05 million to 7.2 million in 2050), and that to accommodate this

    increase in population an additional 1,163,573 acres of currently undeveloped land will need to be

    urbanized at the cost of USD$104 billion (p. 42).

    In addition to data gathering, a series of educational meetings were held in January and March of

    2006, referred to as the Regional Leadership Academy, the purpose of which was to educate local elected

    officials about the results of thePennDesign and other studies of the region6. The meetings helped identify

    key elements of the policy framework for the regional vision, and created a cadre of regional leaders who

    will be able to support the vision as it emerges (p. 20). The official kickoff event which followed was

    attended by about 325 community members and leaders who participated in electronic polling and a

    facilitated discussion (p. 21). To indicate that this was the first step in the process of obtaining community

    input, myregion.orglabeled it Starting the Conversation.

    The next opportunity for community participation was two Community Information Sessions

    held April 27th and May 23rd in Orlando. Participation was by invitation only, however the meetings were

    open to the entire community (Lauten, 2006) so that, in effect, a citizen who wanted to attend had only to

    informally send an RSVP. Each meeting consisted of three identical 90-minute sessions in which

    participants were provided an overview of the visioning process and asked to provide input on what growth

    issues they felt were most relevant (myregion.org, Sept. 2006, p. 22). Attendance was tallied at 633 people

    and meeting times were spread out into breakfast, luncheon and afternoon snack sessions on the two


    The first round of Community Input Sessions were held in various cities throughout the seven-

    county region in the months of May and June 2006. Two meetings were conducted in each county. Part I

    meetings focused on what was called the Chip Game in which citizens were given various sized plastic

    chips representing urban developments of varying population. The value of the chips added up to the

    PennDesign studys estimation of Central Floridas 2050 population. The task for participants was to figure

    out how to place all of the chips on a table-top map of the region. As one member of myregion.orgs

    leadership put it, the Chip Game was about setting aside all the technical planning knowledge and asking

    regular citizens to use their reason to decide what will work (Stuart, 2007). The Mid-Project Report

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    emphasized the need to gain the insight of each community through the eyes of local residents at these

    sessions (myregion.org, Sept. 2006, p. 22). Participants were presented with information about traditional,

    neotraditional, and alternative neighborhood design patterns and a spectrum of density development

    types were shown along with factual information detailing the amount of resources consumed for each

    type, after which participants were encouraged to express which pattern of growth they would like to see

    in their communities. In total, this round of sessions drew more than 1,100 attendees (p. 22). Meetings were

    generally held on weekdays and lasted from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (e.g. Residents can participate in

    meetings about growth, 2006).

    The second opportunity for significant community input came in August and September. These

    Scenario Planning sessions were focused on examining community maps and a composite map of the

    region that were generated from the Chip Game and input sessions conducted in April and May. The intent

    was to allow citizens to reexamine their decisions, make changes and address conflicting visions within and

    between stakeholders (p. 22). The use of technologies such as interactive mapping software was

    particularly useful as it allowed participants to visualize the results of their decisions about growth. The

    second round of sessions were held in on weekdays in the same time slots as the original meetings

    (Regional-growth chats coming up, 2006).

    The final meeeting wherein community input was sought was held 13 October 2006 in Orlando.

    The event, titled Refining Scenarios, showcased the unveiling of the composite model developed by

    community participants at the previous community input sessions. Attendees were then asked to compare

    their model withPennDesigns Trend Model and detemine if they see a need to change (myregion.org,

    Sept. 2006, p. 23). Also at this meeting, a set of three alternative growth scenarios were presented to

    participants. The scenarios, named Green Areas, Centers and Corridors, were developed by the East

    Central Florida Regional Planning Council (Laurien, 2007b).

    During the Community-wide Outreach, a massive public information strategy was implemented

    to get the word out about the results of the community input sessions, particularly the three alternative

    scenarios developed by the ECFRCP. A live television program (the generalized scenario presented in the

    introduction of this paper) was broadcast jointly by two local stations, one public and one commercial7 and

    served as the centerpiece of the publicity strategy for this part of the project. The program itself was

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    actually an opportunity to collect community input, wherein viewers used their cable remotes to

    electronically cast their vote for a growth scenario. But viewers were also informed that voting may take

    place through the internet. This online survey took place from January 26 th through February 14th and was

    submitted by 7, 319 different voters. The results showed that 38% preferred the Centers scenario as

    their first choice, 31% preferred Corridors and 27% preferred Green Areas. Only 4% of respondants

    preferred the Trend Model over the alternative scenarios (myregion.org, 2007).

    The Community Summit is scheduled for June of this year. The focus of this part of the project

    is to set the stage for policy implementation of the vision (myregion.org, Sept. 2006, p. 24). At this stage,

    the opportunity for significant community input ends and officials, govermnet agencies and business

    leaders attempt to hammer out a proposal to be presented to the state government.


    A comparison of the structure of a community visioning process as outlined by Green et al. (2000)

    with the structure of theHow Shall We Grow? visioning project brings to light a series of major flaws with

    the plan, as well as inconsistencies between certain stated desires ofmyregion.orgabout the process and the

    strategies they used and the outcomes they celebrated.


    Phil Laurien, director of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, stated

    enthusiastically in an television interview about theHow Shall We Grow? project, It is not a top down

    project. It is grassroots (Laurien, 2007a). Other commentators within the leadership ofmyregion.orghave

    made similar statements. That the plan to initiate a community visioning process was not a grassroots

    idea of the Central Florida community is patently obvious from a cursory examination of the projects

    documents. Presentations made at a Regional Leadership Forum, held in conjunction with the final

    community input session in October, make very clear that the project is a top-down initiative. Jacob

    Stuart, President ofmyregion.orgas well as the Orlando Chamber of Commerce, stated that what Central

    Florida needs is a vision that connects existing and future plans (Stuart, 2006). What this comment refers

    to is the previously mentioned state-mandated requirement to amend local government comprehensive

    plans through the successful completion of a visioning project that identifies specific urban service

    areas within a municipality or county. Another commentator admitted that we have to arrive at a

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    compromise between the things our region needs and the residents want (Centers of Growth, 2007), tacitly

    recognizing that a grassroots vision for the future of the region might not be in the interests of all of the

    regions communities, but especially not in the interests of certain community and business leaders (e.g.

    companies heavily invested in suburban developments lying outside of the urban service area). Thus,

    rather than being a home-grown, grassroots effort to improve the quality of life across a seven-county

    region,How Shall We Grow? is, at least in the most immediate sense, the response of local elected officials

    and business leaders to a policy requirement imposed from the top-down.


    Green et al. place the data gathering step in the community visioning process at number 6, after

    both the initial community visioning event that begins the process as well as after the key area visioning

    events. This is because the data gathering process needs to reflect the priorities of the community, as

    reflected in the collective vision. The fact that data gathering forHow Shall We Grow? occurred well

    before the project was even conceived prompts the question of how relevant this data is to the community

    vision that was subsequently generated. The role of data gathering in this project seems to have been

    reversed: instead of informing stakeholders about how they can better achieve the vision they have set our

    for themselves, data like thePennDesign Trend Model and the ECFRPCs alternative growth scenarios

    serve the purpose of framing the visioning process with theories, values and language of trained specialists.

    The evidence becomes the source of the communitys vision, rather than the support for it.

    Another example of how the community visioning process was guided by specialists knowledge

    comes from a discussion of density and the Centers growth scenario (which happened to be voted the

    most preferred scenario). On a television program about the project, the narrator summed-up the issue with

    the statement Changing public perceptions about density wont be easy. But density is a byproduct of

    growth, and its coming whether we want it or not (Centers of Growth, 2007). Incorporating the view that

    dense urban development is inevitable for Central Florida does not leave any room for alternative points of

    view that may not see density as desirable future for the regions communities.


    By now, it should be clear that the genuineness of effort put into making the process truly open to

    community input and reflective of a grassroots vision is not sincere. But this is not say that

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    myregion.orgs leaders and organizers did not attempt to seek a broad basis of community participation

    from as many interest groups as possible. An all volunteer Strategic Communication Committee was

    established to convey the message of the project to the general public, the media and to targeted audiences

    (myregion.org, Sept. 2006, p. 25). They utilized a plethora of diverse media to publicize the project,

    including a website with multiple linkages to other sites, and electronic newsletter, a limited-circulation

    magazine calledFirstMonday, a blog to foster discussion and debate amongst younger or tech-savvy

    community members, as well as television commercials aired on local TV stations and in the local bus

    system, and a Speakers Bureau that made spokespersons available for educational presentations (p. 25-26).

    Media contact included press releases sent to almost 110 media outlets and 200 media members, and

    coverage in local newspapers, television and radio news broadcasts, and editorial commentary were noted

    (p. 26). Notably, myregion.orgalso made attempts to involve groups who have historically been excluded

    from community decisions, including a Spanish-language Public Service Announcement, conducting a

    Chip Game in Spanish, reaching out to churches to increase participation from African-American

    communities, and conducting Chip Games in local high schools and colleges. (p. 26-27).

    The effectiveness of many of these strategies for increasing citizen participation have been noted

    elsewhere. For example, maintaining multiple web linkages between an organizations website and other

    relevant websites greatly increases the organizations visibility when search engines like Google are used

    (Riemer, 2003, p. 858). Likewise, airing a Public Service Announcement on the local bus system,

    conducting Chip Games at high schools and on college campuses, and holding community input sessions in

    the evenings after most people have gotten off from work are strategies that recognize the busy nature of

    citizens lives and attempt to go to where the people are (Francis-Brophy, 2006, p. 9). However, given

    the importance of this project and the effect that any policies implemented as a result of the momentum of

    the consensus built through the visioning process, much more could have been done to foster citizen


    To begin with, while most of the community input sessions were held in the evenings to

    accommodate the majority of attendees, the sessions wherein final votes were cast, or rather where the

    greatest opportunity to oppose an articulated vision exists, were conducted in the morning or afternoon on

    weekdays in resort hotels located in one city (Orlando). The potential is therefore large that stakeholders

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    who work nine-to-fives with little autonomy, who are intimidated by idea of entering an establishment like

    a resort hotel, or who for whatever reason cannot find transportation or the time to travel to Orlando will be

    excluded from these meetings. Conducting several sessions of a meeting at different locations and times of

    day would increase the chances that many other interested citizens would attend.

    myregion.orgattempted to address the issue of including groups who are typically excluded,

    whether because of deliberate actions on the part of organizers, being overlooked by them, or because they

    are just uninterested or believe they have nothing to contribute to such an endeavor. However, their efforts

    at increasing the diversity of participation were minimal compared to what might have been accomplished

    with more creative strategizing. For example, Francis-Brophy suggests seeking community input from

    participants in a relaxed atmosphere, mentioning street parties and outdoor film festivals as examples (p. 9).

    In Central Florida, there are numerous arts and crafts fairs in various municipalities and counties where

    information booths could have been set up and staffed by volunteers (perhaps by the Speakers Bureau).

    Downtown Orlando is a busy place during most hours of the day and information booths or volunteers

    passing out brochures might be effective there. A medium that is commonly found in many buildings is the

    bulletin board. Grocery stores, government offices, bars and coffee shops, community recreation centers

    and other highly frequented facilities are an ideal place to post flyers advertising to people of all income

    levels. Additionally, Internet technology provides multiple media through which to spread the word. Blogs

    and electronic newsletters were used by myregion.org, but other, newer forums to consider might be the

    video-sharing website YouTube and networking websites like myspace. An example of how these

    technologies can be used to foster citizen participation is the Barack Obama 2008 Presidential Campaign

    profile at myspace (Barack Obama, 2007).


    Sherry Arnstein, in her classic 1969 articleA Ladder of Citizen Participation, presents a model of

    the levels of citizen participation that exist in the context of planning policy. The levels range through three

    supra-levels called Nonparticipation, Tokenism and Citizen Power. She developed the ladder

    typology in order to make it possible to cut through the hyperbole that is frequently pervades discussions

    of citizen participation in particular projects. As such, it is particularly relevant to the examination of

    citizen participation in theHow Shall We Grow? project. Her Tokenism typology, which includes the

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    rubrics of Informing and Consultation, perhaps best describes myregion.orgs efforts as fostering a

    community visioning process. Arnstein states that the most frequent methods used in the consultation

    strategy are attitude surveys, neighborhood meetings, and public hearings and participation is measured

    by how many people come to meetingsor answer a questionnaire rather than by the inclusiveness and

    openness of the process itself. The project even resembled Manipulation (the lowest rung on the ladder),

    following Arnsteins description of the strategy as one where the officialseducated, persuaded, and

    advised the citizens, not the reverse. That a 21st century community visioning project can resemble a mid-

    20th century characterization of bad governance so closely does not reflect well on the leadership of



    It should be noted that the author of this paper is an adamant believer in the planning theories and

    strategies (i.e. smart growth, density, mass transit and protection of green areas) for which the leaders of

    myregion.org, as well as the majority of participants in theHow Shall We Grow? project, are advocating.

    However, the prior existence of a majority consensus on the part of citizens, elected officials and the

    planning profession does not legitimize the appropriation of a community visioning framework for the

    purposes of manufacturing consent to effect a pre-determined policy objective. But the objection to this

    sort of activity consists of more than a moral component; there are practical considerations as well. In a

    recent article, Richards and Dalbey discuss the effect of a non-inclusive decision-making process on

    desired objectives. They state Because of this non-inclusive process, the resulting development, if

    approved, can often fail to contribute to a healthy, vibrant neighborhood fabricIf the development is not

    approved in local elections, the developer often has to begin the design and approval process again (2006,

    p. 23). The implications of this forHow Shall We Grow? would be salient not only for the leadership of

    myregion.org, but for the communities and citizens of Central Florida as well. It would be in the best

    interest of both to see to it that, whatever happens withHow Shall We Grow?, the idea of working through

    a genuine and inclusive community consensus regarding the future of Central Florida is held in esteem in

    the formation of subsequent strategies and community visioning projects.

  • 8/14/2019 How Shall We Grow?: a Critical Assessment of Community Visioning in Central Florida



    1 Historical TV listings were obtained from the Entertainment Now blog athttp://entertainmentnow.wordpress.com/, accessed 4 April 2007


    See Honadle, 1999 and Lauber & Brown, 2006 on the importance of context in the formation andimplementation of environmental policy. The arguments they put forth for environmental policy issues canbe applied to broader issues of community development, including the community visioning process.

    3 Orange, Seminole, Lake, Volusia, Brevard, Polk and Osceola Counties are included in the visioningprocess, as are 86 municipalities.

    4 Florida Senate Bill 0360, passed 1 July 2005.

    5 A community workshop set to take place in Polk County was rescheduled due to a hurricane warning(Hallett, 2006).

    6 Other studies utilized include the Central Florida Regional Indicators Report (2003), Naturally CentralFlorida (2004), the Central Florida Values Study (2005) and the Central Florida Social Capital Survey(2006). All are available for download at http://www.myregion.org.

    7 WMFE and CBS-affiliate WKMG.