How does sleep loss affect us? Aakash Desai

How does sleep loss affect us?

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How does sleep loss affect us?. Aakash Desai. Sleep on Health. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: How does sleep loss affect us?

How does sleep loss affect us?Aakash Desai

Page 2: How does sleep loss affect us?

Sleep on Health

Sleep is very important for the brain. If you do not get enough sleep then it will make you look bad, feel bad, and perform poorly. It makes you more aggressive with family and friends plus it hurts your performance on tests and sporting activities.

Page 3: How does sleep loss affect us?

Quality of Life

The biggest thing is that you are not living a good quality of life.

You tend to stray away from activities that require sustained attention such as going to the movies or paying attention in class.

You wake up in the morning not wanting to start the day because you did not get a good night of sleep.

Page 4: How does sleep loss affect us?

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

Teens(10-17)- 8.5-9.25 hours Adults- 7-9 hours It gets harder to sleep as you get older

so daytime naps can help you throughout the day.

It is optimum to get at least 7 hours a day of rest so your body is ready for the next day.

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A Image of Sleep Time

Page 6: How does sleep loss affect us?

Affects of being Sleep-Deprived

You can be have a poor mood, irritability, low energy, and poor judgment.

You may cut back on activities. You will start eating a lot more

frequently. Increased risk of heart attack and

stroke. Increased risk of accidents and death.

Page 7: How does sleep loss affect us?

Teens and Sleep

During adolescence, sleeping and waking tend to be at later times.

It is natural to not be able to sleep before 11 pm.

Teens need about 9 hours of sleep but 8 is enough.

One study shows that only 15% sleep at least 8 ½ hours per night.

Teens suffer from narcolepsy, and insomnia.

Page 8: How does sleep loss affect us?

Lack of sleep in teens

For teens, lack of sleep could be cause by too much homework or other activities. Try and plan your schedule a little better because many teens including myself have this problem.

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Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Go to bed and wake up at consistent times.

Turn off electronics. Avoid caffeine. Limit alcohol intake Avoid smoking. Make sure that you are as comfortable

as possible without having any distractions.

Page 10: How does sleep loss affect us?

Aakash Desai ™

Thank you for viewing another Aakash Desai PowerPoint Presentation ™ and remember to get enough sleep tonight for a better tomorrow.

Page 11: How does sleep loss affect us?


"Teens and Sleep." Sleep for Teenagers. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2014.

Smith, Melinda, and Lawrence Robinson. "How Much Sleep Do You Need?" Sleep Cycles & Stages, Lack of Sleep, and How to Get the Hours You Need. N.p., Oct. 2013. Web. 03 Feb. 2014.

